Always cold feet. Feeling cold in the legs causes treatment

According to surveys, one in three have ever faced such a problem as constantly cold feet. For some, this is only a period that passes after a while, while someone lives with this for almost their entire adult life and underestimates the danger of ignored symptoms. Both men and women are affected.

This is a lot of diseases:

1. VVD (vegetovascular dystonia). This is an imbalance in the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts. nervous system. When adrenaline is released into the blood, this leads to vasospasm. The disease is diagnosed in most young people and children.

2. One of the reasons is the consequence of frostbite. If the limb is injured in this way, then the slightest decrease in air temperature will be reflected on the legs.

3. Increased or reduced arterial pressure. Both cases negatively affect blood flow. Treatment in this case begins with the normalization of pressure.

4. Smokers are susceptible. Nicotine provokes vasospasm. Everything happens the same as with the VSD.

6. Extensive fungal infection (candidiasis). It often occurs after a course of antibiotic treatment. With cold extremities, the body gives a signal about foreign bacteria.

7. Anemia. If there is little iron in the blood, it supplies little oxygen to the vessels and, as a result, the person freezes.

8. Hypothyroidism. Reduced functionality thyroid gland occurs in people over 40 and leads to a slowdown in all body processes. There is increased fatigue, apathy, a feeling of cold.

9. Taking drugs that cause vasospasm of the peripheral nervous system: Atenolol, Anaprilin and others.

10. Diathesis in childhood. The consequences of an allergy will be felt already in adulthood, and the reaction of the body is expressed precisely by cold extremities.

11. Diabetes. Due to impaired capillary circulation.

12. Varicose veins. Due to their low tone, blood circulation in the legs is disturbed.

13. Often any diseases accompanied by elevated temperature body, affect the vessels of the peripheral nervous system and cause a feeling of cold hands and feet. In this case, before knocking down the heat, it is necessary to heat the limbs.

14. Age-related ailments. In a person after 50, the hormonal background changes, immunity and the body as a whole weaken, blood circulation worsens. This all leads to the fact that the feet are always cold.

15. Lack of magnesium. This most important element is a participant in all biochemical processes.

16. Heart disease. Shortness of breath, numbness of the extremities, cold fingers - the reason to see a doctor as soon as possible.

17. Obesity. Due to the fact that it is on the legs that the whole weight of the body falls, they suffer the most.

18. Diseases endocrine system, hyperhidrosis. His feet are constantly cold and sweaty.

19. Physical inactivity. If a person is used to spending most of the time sitting at a computer and rarely accelerates blood physical activity- this leads to a deterioration in the condition of blood vessels and slowed blood circulation.

Sometimes it's just idiosyncrasy person or the manifestation of symptoms is caused by external catalysts (overwork, stress, hypothermia). In this case, the disturbing signs should go away after a while. Anatomically, the feet are arranged in such a way that there is practically no body fat, which is responsible for maintaining the correct temperature, and the heat transfer area is large enough to quickly become cold feet.

The child's body is more susceptible, and the younger the child, the more acutely it reacts to changes. environment. The baby can get sick from a slight decrease in air temperature outside - and the heat in the body will appear after overheating.

If a child has cold hands and feet at normal temperatures outside or indoors, this still indicates a sluggish form of rickets. In this case, the doctor prescribes vitamins (the most important is D), prescribes a special diet.

What to do first?

To begin with, it is necessary to take into account the presence of chronic diseases related to the above areas. If nothing raises suspicions, and there are no other symptoms, and cold extremities are disturbing more and more often, this condition should be treated, it is advisable to consult a therapist. He will prescribe a series of examinations and blood and urine tests.

According to their result, a preliminary diagnosis will be made and sent to a specialized specialist. Most often it is a cardiologist, phlebologist or endocrinologist. They will prescribe adequate treatment for comorbidities, which will prevent the onset of chilly legs syndrome.

Features of therapy

In addition to following instructions from a specialist who will determine the methods of treatment and the cause of cold feet, it is useful to do the following at home:

1. accept cold and hot shower and foot baths with salt and mustard;

2. make sure that the legs are dressed according to the weather, try not to expose them to hypothermia (this also applies to the summer period);

3. if your feet are about to become cold, you need to rub them, massage, put on warm socks. There are many nerve endings and points on the toes and on the foot, massaging which improves not only blood flow, but also the state of the body as a whole; it is good to use essential oils or special warming, for massage;

4. in summer, walk barefoot on the ground or grass.

Yoga recommends the following exercise: sit down, straighten your legs, connect your feet. Inhale, and as you exhale, slowly bend down to the legs, reach for the feet, sliding your hands over the entire surface of the thighs and calves. Try to keep your back straight. It is advisable to stay in this position for about 30-40 seconds.

Traditional medicine has found its own ways to deal with cold hands and feet:

  • chop three small hot peppers, add one tablespoon of salt and mustard powder. Pour all the ingredients with a liter of vodka. Steep until the liquid turns red. It is necessary to rub the feet before going to bed, then put on socks;
  • the same mixture can be used by pouring 50 g of it into a basin of hot water and steaming the feet in this before going to bed for about 20 minutes.

Chinese traditional medicine advises:

  • refuse cold food and take only warm, warming;
  • drink ginseng tea. 7 pieces of it and up to two dozen walnuts are put in water and boiled over low heat for about 20 minutes. Drink before bed, warm.


If you lead the right lifestyle and take into account the following recommendations, then the problem of cold feet may never arise.

1. Giving up bad habits, especially smoking (more often for men).

2. Normalization of weight.

3. Daily exercise, moderate exercise.

4. Well-chosen shoes, according to the season. One that retains the heat of the feet, but at the same time is ventilated, not squeezing. Feet should not sweat in it.

5. Taking venotonic agents for prophylactic purposes (tablets, creams, ointments). This is especially true for women, who are more likely than men to experience varicose veins.

6. Independent foot massage. It is enough just to warm up all the fingers, joints, foot.

7. Use warming foot balms.

8. If there are no contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract - add hot spices to food - varieties of peppers, mustard and others. They will help expand blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

9. Normalize the consumption of coffee and strong tea.

10. In winter, dress warmer, and start hardening in the summer with water procedures.

It is important not to ignore the symptoms and save the body from the constant struggle to save heat. Most often, cold extremities are a secondary sign of diseases, and only by curing them will it be possible to count on the positive dynamics of thermoregulation of the legs.

When the human body experiences cold in the autumn-winter period, this is perceived as common occurrence. But if a person from time to time feels that the lower limbs are getting colder in the warm season, then such symptoms should not be ignored. A feeling of chills and a frequent desire to rub frozen knees should be a signal for referral for medical advice.

Causes of feeling cold in the legs

The human body is a complex "mechanism" in which everything is interconnected. There can be several reasons for the appearance of one unpleasant symptom.

The reasons can be both external and internal.

To external reasons include:

  • ambient temperature;
  • a sharp change in weather conditions;
  • tight shoes;
  • not enough warm clothes at low temperatures;
  • getting wet feet;
  • smoking;
  • shoes not suitable for the weather.

The internal reasons may indicate a specific condition or disease:

Feeling cold and numb in the legs can be for many reasons. It often happens that other symptoms of diseases join the feeling of cold. For example, if a person suffers from vegetovascular dystonia, then in addition he will be disturbed by shortness of breath, fatigue and a decrease in vitality. And with varicose diseases, uneven thickening of the veins, swelling of the feet, pain when walking are noted.

Vascular diseases

Vascular diseases most common cause cold knees. In order to get rid of the cold in the limbs, it is recommended to make efforts to strengthen the vessels. In addition to recommendations for healthy lifestyle life and nutrition, it is necessary to begin the procedure of hardening and undergoing massage.

But no matter how useful hardening is for the body, you should not resort to it in a drastic way. The decrease in the water temperature should be gradual. It is also recommended to start hardening and cooling the body in the warm season. For those who, for certain reasons, cannot start hardening, it is recommended to use another method - a contrast shower.

Physical exercises in the morning will allow you to properly stretch the body, improve blood circulation and vascular function.

Physical exercises

Morning work-out- the most useful procedure for patients and healthy people. If you feel cold in the lower extremities, you should perform the following exercises:

  • squats;
  • rotation "bicycle" lying on the floor;
  • rolling from toe to heel;
  • circular rotations of the feet;
  • exercise "scissors".

For those people who have physical training, it is useful to go down and up the flight of stairs. And for the elderly or those weakened by the disease, walking with a gradually increasing distance is recommended.

It is known that cholesterol is very important for the normal functioning of blood vessels. That's why should be eliminated from your diet fatty foods . Also, do not abuse fried foods.

Flour confectionery is better to replace nuts, candied fruits and honey.

It is especially useful to eat grapefruit, blackcurrant and chokeberry.


In addition, the doctor may prescribe medical preparations to improve the condition of blood vessels.

  • "Ascorutin" (due to the content of vitamins C and P, it helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries, veins and arteries);
  • "Piracetam" (strengthens the walls of blood vessels);
  • "Troxerutin" (reduces inflammation and fragility of blood vessels);
  • "Neuromultivit" (normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and strengthens capillaries and veins).

Low pressure

The second reason why knees can freeze is low pressure. It is recommended to treat hypotension with the use of dark chocolate, pomegranate, sweet black tea, birch and cranberry juice. It is also worth doing morning exercises, visiting the pool, doing your favorite sports, getting enough sleep. You may need to update your wardrobe with cotton thermal underwear and comfortable shoes.

Decreased hemoglobin

A decrease in hemoglobin is an insufficient amount of iron in a person's blood. And such a condition may well cause a feeling of chilliness of the legs in the knees, hips and feet.

Significantly increase hemoglobin You can adjust your diet by introducing healthy foods such as:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • natural honey;
  • pomegranate seeds and juice;
  • nuts: walnuts, pine nuts, peanuts;
  • chocolate;
  • decoction of rose hips;
  • cranberry;
  • apples;
  • whole grains;
  • fish;
  • dairy.

If the correction of the diet does not bring the desired result, then the doctor will prescribe a medical course of treatment aimed at stabilizing the normal composition of the blood.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

An imbalance in the work of the thyroid gland and a failure of the hormonal background are fraught with a significant deterioration in human health.

Symptoms of thyroid lesions are:

If you find these symptoms, you should consult a doctor and undergo an extensive examination.

Malnutrition and atherosclerosis

Poor and inadequate nutrition can provoke a frequent feeling of chills, where the body simply will not have enough calories for normal thermoregulation. Therefore, women who adhere to a strict diet most often freeze. Lack of vitamins E and A can also disrupt thermoregulation.

Feeling cold in the legs can provoke another serious illness- atherosclerosis. With this disease, the legs may become pale in color, and against the background of the progression of atherosclerosis, the limbs are often covered trophic ulcers. It happens that only one leg becomes numb and cold. In addition to the above symptoms, it is worth adding pain in the legs, the appearance of dryness skin and lameness.

Health care

Qualified medical assistance and advice can be obtained from a therapist, orthopedist, surgeon.

One visit to the doctor will not be enough, and to complete the picture will have to do a lot of tests and examinations. The specialist, based on the data of the examination, questioning and the presence of symptoms, will refer the patient to an ultrasound, cardiac examination, x-rays and blood tests.

In this case, the patient's lifestyle and age are taken into account. deficit exercise, the abuse of alcohol and tobacco leads to weakening vascular system and muscle atrophy. If this is the only thing, then it is worth normalizing the daily regimen, exercising regularly, doing exercises and loving water procedures, then the feeling of cold in the limbs will cease to bother.

A special approach is required for the elderly. In this case, take into account natural processes aging of the body, slowing down metabolism, reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat and muscle mass. In addition to certain exercise, diet and massage lower extremities, chondroprotectors can be additionally prescribed. These are special drugs that are designed to improve articular blood flow, metabolism and slow down the destruction of cartilage in the joints.

Perpetually cold feet that get cold even under a warm blanket can indicate serious health problems. Both poor blood supply and metabolic disorders can be to blame.

Feet can get cold with diabetes

Patients with diagnosed diabetes always have a risk of lower extremity problems.

Peripheral neuropathy (aka diabetic foot) -. You may feel cold, but the sensitivity to touch remains.

In addition to the fact that at diabetes cold feet, other unpleasant symptoms may occur:

  • tingling;

    cutting sensation in feet.

By the way, people without diabetes can also suffer from peripheral neuropathy. This could be a consequence:

  1. autoimmune disease;


    lack of vitamins;

    bone marrow diseases;


The choice of treatment will depend on the causes of the disease, however, most often doctors resort to a combination of medications, electromyostimulation of the lower extremities, and physiotherapy.

What should I do if my feet are cold with diabetes?

Peripheral neuropathy involves taking care of your feet. Be careful when heating and listen carefully to the sensations. Loss of sensation increases the risk of burns and cuts, so never try to warm your feet with hot water baths or heating pads.

If your feet start to freeze with diabetes, try to just wrap them up warmer and always wear warm socks. Also choose shoes that fit well and check your feet regularly for cuts and blisters.

PAD is a dysfunction of the vessels of the lower extremities, due to which the blood flow to the legs slows down or is completely blocked. Under such conditions, the legs freeze almost constantly, even under the covers and in warm socks.

The cause of PAD may be diabetes mellitus. However, it also occurs in heavy smokers and in hypertensive patients with increased level cholesterol. Age and gender are also risk factors. Men suffer from PAD twice as often as women.

Other symptoms of the disease include:

  • leg ulcers that do not heal;
  • Pain in the calf muscles, especially when walking;

    The cold is felt differently on the feet (one foot may be colder than the other);

Any of these signs is already enough to see a doctor. Also consider changing your lifestyle:

    quit smoking;

    increase physical activity (walking, exercising in the morning);

    give up sweet, fatty and high-calorie;

    control blood sugar levels.

Thyroid produces two important hormones called thyroid hormones. They affect almost every bodily function, including heart rate and digestion.

With insufficient activity of the thyroid gland, thyroid-stimulating hormones are produced poorly and hypothyroidism gradually develops, one of the symptoms of which is coldness in the extremities. At the same time, due to hypothyroidism, not only the legs, but also the hands freeze.

An underactive thyroid gland affects more women than men. Symptoms can develop gradually and go unnoticed for the time being:


    weight gain;

    dry skin;

    disorders of gastrointestinal motility (frequent constipation);

    high cholesterol.

Any of these problems requires an appointment with an endocrinologist and a long course of treatment, including taking iodine and selenium preparations. Hypothyroidism may also indicate. It can occur with prolonged iodine deficiency, or uncontrolled intake iodine preparations.

Raynaud's disease and cold feet

When warmed, redness begins and a burning sensation appears. The causes of seizures can be not only the cold season, but also stress, air conditioning, poor nutrition, etc. The main manifestation of Raynaud's disease is vasospasm.

Most often it occurs in northern latitudes, while it affects women more often than men. It can be provoked by a number of reasons, starting with other autoimmune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis) and ending with carpal tunnel syndrome. Beta-blockers and some migraine medications may also be to blame.

Currently no complex treatment Raynaud's disease, with success depending on how quickly it was detected. Your doctor may also advise you to wear warm gloves and shoes, and dress warmer before going outside.

Some people very often hear from relatives the question - why are the legs cold? And they don’t really know what to answer, because such a state has long become familiar. Such a nuisance as cold in the legs does not cause much discomfort, because the problem becomes relevant only in the winter. Therefore, it can easily be attributed to the not quite high temperature in the room, put on warm socks to keep warm.

But cold feet are very often symptoms of health problems, and therefore you should not lose sight of such a “trifle”. Most often, a feeling of coldness in the legs occurs in older women who enter the pre-menopausal stage. Sometimes these problems occur during pregnancy or in adolescence. The reason is hormonal changes in the body. But this is not the only thing that can lead to the problem of cold feet.

This phenomenon in medicine has its own name - cold feet syndrome. And before prescribing treatment, the doctor must establish the exact causes of cold feet. When collecting an anamnesis, such moments as the time of day when coldness appears in the legs, the emotional state of the patient at the moment, how often this happens are clarified. Sometimes the problem is hidden in the special structure of the limbs: in the feet, the amount of muscle mass responsible for maintaining temperature is small, and the adipose tissue that performs thermoregulatory functions is completely absent. Therefore, such patients have cold feet all the time, although there are no diseases in the body.

Sometimes the cause is wearing clothes and shoes that are not appropriate for the weather. Young girls are especially affected by this, and in winter they try to wear short skirts, thin sweaters and light shoes. In this case, cold hands and feet are a sign of hypothermia, and you can fix the problem by dressing warmly.

But there are situations when icy feet become signs of serious health problems. Usually, these are malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, such as:

  • improper circulation;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hypotension;
  • lack of trace elements;
  • diseases of the heart muscle;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • obesity.

If a person notices that the legs get colder day by day, and even in the warm season, this is an occasion to contact a specialist and conduct the necessary examinations.

Some causes of illness

Signs such as dilated veins, capillary asterisks, and swelling may indicate abnormal blood flow. All these are signs of developing varicose veins, which over time can turn into thrombophlebitis. The second disease, hypotension or low blood pressure, is also accompanied by the symptom of cold feet. This is due to the fact that at low pressure, the blood vessels are greatly narrowed, the blood flow slows down and the legs freeze. It is impossible to consider such a situation as a trifle and not pay attention to cold limbs. This condition requires consultation with a specialist, establishing the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Cold hands and feet are often caused by a deficiency in the body of such necessary substances as magnesium and iron. Magnesium is the main participant in all biochemical processes in the human body, but to maintain it required level the body is hard enough. A lack of iron leads to anemia or, as the people say, anemia. Treatment in this case consists in revising the diet, including foods rich in these substances and taking them additionally in the form of dietary supplements.

The next reason why the limbs become cold is heart disease. They may be indicated by such manifestations as shortness of breath, swelling of the hands and feet, cold feet. All this requires a visit to a cardiologist, clinical analyzes and research. With diabetes, cold skin of the legs is considered a normal condition. Due to hormonal failure, blood circulation in the vessels is disturbed, which leads to this phenomenon. If cold feet are accompanied by symptoms such as thirst, weakness, sudden weight loss, this is a reason to visit an endocrinologist.

Improper metabolism in the body can also cause cold feet syndrome. Digestive disorders, disruption of the endocrine system, which lead to weight gain, greatly contribute to this. Extra pounds put pressure on the limbs, which leads to improper blood supply to the legs, and they become cold.

This situation also occurs during pregnancy in women, when the weight of the fetus, the kilograms gained and hormonal changes also provoke circulatory disorders. But after childbirth, this problem disappears.

Cold feet in a child

Quite often, a child also has cold feet, which causes panic and a lot of questions from parents. It is clear when the feet get cold after walking barefoot on the cold floor and after the baby has wet them for a walk. But what if there is no explanation for such a phenomenon? Most pediatricians are sure that this is the first bell of discord in work. internal organs child.

If parents note sweating of the limbs at a temperature below normal, this is a signal of problems with blood vessels, because. this phenomenon is typical for reduced pressure. Sometimes the cold skin of the extremities is explained by such serious illness like rickets. A lack of vitamin D leads to serious problems with bone tissue, which are not always severe. Cold feet in a child is a reason to inform the local doctor about this, pass the necessary tests and, if necessary, start taking vitamins.

Particularly noteworthy is the situation when the baby's legs are cool even in summer, and in winter they become simply icy. This condition clearly indicates the presence of any pathology and requires immediate examination and treatment.

If with cold extremities there is heat body, this indicates a reduced elasticity of capillaries, which can cause serious problems in the future. All this can lead to hypothermia of the body, which will cause not only colds, but also inflammatory processes in the urinary system varicose veins veins, thrombophlebitis and heart attacks.

How to get rid of the problem

If the problem is not in pathological changes internal organs, it can be easily dealt with. To do this, you must follow simple rules. In the cold season, you should always dress appropriately for the weather. Feet should be warm and comfortable. Particular attention should be paid to shoes, which should be comfortable and not crush. At night, it is advisable to wear warm socks, and before going to bed, arrange a contrast shower for your legs, which will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Sometimes, after long walks in the cold, the leg below the knee freezes - this is a sign of an incipient vein disease. In this case, warm baths, massage with anti-varicose gels and ointments will help well. To prevent this disease, you can wear special tights or stockings or bandage your legs at night. elastic bandage. It is worth remembering that even if one leg remains cold, you need to apply a tight bandage on both.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition - it is necessary to make it complete and varied. We'll have to forget about smoking and alcoholic beverages that destroy health. If due to work it is necessary long time spend on your feet, it is worth pampering them with relaxing baths and massages. Clothing should also be spacious - tightening the skin, tight trousers put pressure on blood vessels, and blood flow is disturbed.

When sedentary, you need to take small breaks every 45 minutes to be able to stretch your legs and restore blood flow to your feet. In the summer it is very useful to walk barefoot and warm your feet in the sun.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 13 minutes


As a rule, we pay little attention to the "chillness" of the legs and arms. As a last resort, we put on warm boots on the street and warm socks in the apartment. And few people think why even at night in bed the legs remain "icy" - and until they warm up, sleep does not come.

Why do limbs freeze, and what symptoms can be considered alarming?

The main causes of eternally cold hands and feet - which of us is more likely to have cold hands and feet?

When feet and hands get cold from drafts in the apartment, hypothermia or wet shoes, this is normal. The problem is solved quickly, and does not require close study.

Video: Why are hands and feet cold, and what to do?

But if the limbs remain cold even in a warm room, and you are so used to it that you don’t even pay attention, you should still pay attention to the problem - and find the cause.

When to see a doctor with constantly cold hands and feet - do not miss the disease!

If cold extremities are not a one-time phenomenon (or associated with specific reasons), but a constant one, you should listen to your body. Under such a seemingly innocent symptom, one of the diseases described above may be hiding.

You should consult a doctor if, in addition to chilliness of the hands and feet, you periodically or constantly notice ...

  • Dizziness and fatigue.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Rapid heartbeat, pain in the heart.
  • Clear pallor of the skin.
  • Pressure drops and headaches.
  • Flushes of heat and cold.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Numbness and tingling in various parts of the body.
  • A sharp set (decrease) in weight.
  • Lethargy and depression.
  • Permanent puffiness of the face.
  • Decreased memory.
  • Feeling of aches and aching pains.
  • And etc.

Remember that self-medication is unacceptable! Only an examination by a specialist will help to accurately identify the cause and choose the necessary treatment.

Trying to find the cause yourself can exacerbate the problem (disease found on early stage much easier to treat).

How to warm chilly limbs if there is no disease, and legs and hands are cold - 8 best ways

If the problem of regular freezing of the limbs is familiar to you, then First of all, contact a specialist and find out the reason.

And you can warm your hands and feet at home in the following ways:

  1. Massage with essential oil. Oils with extracts of ginger, cinnamon or black pepper are recommended (these components contribute to vasodilatation). Massage should be carried out until the legs are completely warm.
  2. Bath with sea salt. Also add a couple of tablespoons of milk and 2-3 drops of rosemary oil. After the bath, massage your feet with cream and put on cotton socks.
  3. In cotton socks, after a bath, put dry mustard plasters on your feet. You can use a warming light ointment.
  4. Do the bike exercise. In the “lying on your back” position, lift your legs up and “pedal” for 5-6 minutes. Then massage your feet - 2 minutes of massage for each.
  5. contrast baths. A great way to warm your feet and harden your body. The procedure should become regular. It increases vascular tone and helps people suffering from "chillness" well. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 20-30 minutes before bedtime. In one basin, the water is 30-35 degrees, in the other - 12-15. Dip your feet for 3-5 minutes in warm water, then for 10 seconds in cold water, then again in warm water, etc. Repeat 5-6 times. Then dry your feet and put on your socks. Remember about contraindications (one of them is varicose veins).
  6. Crushed red pepper. It should be poured into socks and worn until the feet are warm. It does not cause skin burns in a dry state, and slight skin irritation is insignificant.
  7. Alcohol compress. After the bath, we put on cotton socks, moisten their lower part with vodka, and put on wool socks on top. The warming effect is quite fast.
  8. Nuts or balls. We squeeze them strongly in our chilled palms and roll them with rotational movements for 2-4 minutes. Next, lower the nuts to the floor and roll them for 4-5 minutes with your feet.
  • , your diet should contain everything essential vitamins and micronutrients.
  • Load up on kiwis, blackcurrants, and oranges: Vitamin C helps regulate blood clotting. Seeds and nuts help strengthen the walls of capillaries. Prunes, yolks and homemade apples are a source of iron.
  • Eat less and more often. After eating, your body expends energy on digesting food, so the body temperature drops slightly immediately after eating.
  • Play sports and quit bad habits : It is important to strengthen the blood vessels.
  • Replace coffee with hot tea infused with herbs and berries. It is extremely useful for blood vessels and as a warming agent from the inside, tea with ginger.
  • Choose the right footwear. Feet should not sweat, supercool. Also, they should not be cramped in shoes: tight shoes drastically impair blood circulation in the legs.
  • Swap out your tight jeans for looser clothes. Tight vestments on the lower half of the body slow down blood circulation in the legs (as well as tight turtleneck sleeves in the hands).
  • Constantly stretch your legs and arms if you have a sedentary job. Squats, walking, light gymnastics - exercises will help "disperse the blood" and speed up its passage through the vessels.
  • If possible, visit the Russian bath more often.
  1. Substitute frozen feet and hands under hot water.
  2. Warm up with alcohol (approx. - it does not warm, but only temporarily expands the blood vessels, and the heat transfer increases greatly).
  3. Cross your legs. Give up this habit categorically. Blood circulation in this position is disturbed after 10 minutes.

Video: Remedy for cold hands and feet at home

The site site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a conscientious physician. If you experience anxiety symptoms, contact a specialist!