How to scent a room with essential oils. Aromatization of rooms with essential oils

Essential oils have been known for thousands of years. They have a lot of useful properties. Let's take a look at ideas on how to use them in your home.

1. Use as a flavoring

To stop using store fresheners, apply a couple of drops of essential oil to a cotton ball and attach it to a flower pot or the bottom of a chair.

2. Decontaminate surfaces

Because the essential oils have antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, they are good to use for creating natural cleaning products. Simply add 2-3 drops of lavender, lemon or orange cleanser to liquid soap diluted with water and pour into a spray bottle.

3. Clean the toilet

The same essential oils can be used to clean toilets mixed with baking soda.

4. Replace oils with herbs in your diet

Instead of a whole tablespoon of herbs that you add to your food, take just one drop of the right essential oil. They can also be added to desserts. Everyone knows the importance of drinking a certain amount of water daily. If you can't bring yourself to drink as much liquid as you need, add a drop of orange oil to a glass of water to make it more palatable.

5. Wash vegetables and fruits

It is difficult to imagine how many hands touched fruits and vegetables bought in a supermarket or market. Everyone understands that they contain many microbes. Experts advise adding five drops of lemon oil to the water for washing vegetables and fruits.

6. Protect lawns and gardens

Most pest control products sold are not safe for children and animals. If insects are attacking your lawn, mix 10 drops of essential oil with a glass of water and castile soap and spray onto the surface. If the pests are moles and ground squirrels, use peppermint oil.

7. Protect yourself from mosquito bites

In a small spray bottle, mix 50-100 grams of distilled water, 40 grams of vodka and 30-50 drops of any essential oil. This composition can be used instead of a commercial repellent with many chemical components.

8. Get rid of ants

If ants have invaded your home, cinnamon will help. It affects their nervous system, forcing them to leave the area. Another perfect solution- lemongrass. Dilute 10-20 drops of the product in 50-75 g of water. Spray on areas where ants are most likely to appear.

9. Improve laundry odor

Add your favorite essential oil to your laundry for a pleasant, fresh scent.

10. Neutralize pet odors

To freshen up the room, you can prepare an oil spray. They can also treat the pet's bedding, as well as hands, before you massage the animal. But before using this, be sure to consult a veterinarian. It is usually suggested to use lavender and ylang-ylang oil.

11. Use as a sun spray

If you're out in the sun for too long, mix half a cup of witch hazel with three tablespoons of aloe gel and five drops of lavender oil in a spray bottle. Spray the body as needed.

12. Soothe the pain

Mix 4 drops of almond and mint oils, 2 drops of rosemary, 1 drop of lavender, chamomile and frankincense oils. Shake well and apply to the temples and the back of the neck if you have a headache. This is a great alternative to painkillers.

13. Make a sanitizer

To 30 grams of aloe leaf gel, add 10 drops of tea tree oil and 7 drops of lavender. This mixture can be used as a hand sanitizer instead of store-bought alcohol-scented formulations.

14. Relieve allergy symptoms

Seasonal allergies can be very debilitating. On a cotton cord, drip four drops of sweet orange oil and seven drops of cedar oil. Place in a plastic case. Suitable packaging for lipstick. Use as an inhaler as needed.

15. Clean carpets

Baking soda is great for removing pet and some food odors, while essential oils will leave your carpet and entire room smelling fresh. Add to baking soda a few drops of your favorite oil, scatter the mixture over the entire area of ​​​​the carpet, brush or sponge, and then vacuum.

16. Remove dirt from the floor

People often use vinegar to clean surfaces, but few people like its smell. Add a glass of white vinegar and 5 drops of orange and lemon oil to a bucket of warm water. The latter neutralize unpleasant odors and add antibacterial and antifungal properties.

17. Relieve sore muscles

Essential oils have powerful soothing properties when applied topically to the skin. Almost all massage therapists use them in their practice.

18. Nourish and grow your hair

Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to your regular hair conditioner and use as usual or use as a scalp massage.

19. Change the smell of your lotion

Most body creams and lotions already include moisturizing ingredients, but the addition of essential oils will bring additional benefits. The most useful in this case will be oils of tea tree, lavender and lemongrass.

20. Pamper your face

One of the most simple ways include essential oils in skin care - do steam inhalations with them every week. Just one drop of oil, such as lavender, will be enough for a bowl of water. The procedure should be carried out within one to three minutes.

21. Make a beard oil

To 30 grams of jojoba oil, add 5 drops of orange, 6 drops of cedar, 2 drops of vetiver and 3 drops of lavender. Shake the bottle well. Men will love it!

22. Clean your makeup brushes

Experts recommend rinsing brushes and makeup brushes daily to prevent the spread of bacteria. For this purpose, you can also use a mixture of essential oils to avoid unnecessary spending on cleaning products, which include incomprehensible components.

23. Deodorize sports equipment

Take a little more than a liter of water and add a couple of drops of lemon and tea tree oil to it, as well as four tablespoons of table soda. Mix and use to clean everything from knitwear to sports accessories and sneakers. This will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of sweat after strenuous exercise.

24. Remove the dirt from the shower curtain

Fill a spray bottle with water (450g) and add four drops each of eucalyptus and tea tree oil. Spray onto shower curtain to kill mold.

25. Refresh the trash can

Even if you are careful, sooner or later the bucket will start to give off an unpleasant odor. Put in it a cotton ball soaked in orange, lemon and tea tree oils. The result will please you.

26. Make a natural deodorant

Mix equal parts baking soda, coconut oil, and cornstarch, and then add your choice of tea tree oil or thuja oil, which have antimicrobial properties.

27. Normalize digestion

Peppermint and ginger are helpful in soothing an upset stomach and aiding digestion, especially in relieving irritable bowel syndrome. Mix their oils and apply on the stomach.

28. Eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke

Regardless of where a person smokes - at home or on the street, an unpleasant smell will appear in the room sooner or later. Combine 4 drops each of eucalyptus, rosemary and tea tree oils, add water and pour into a spray bottle, spray the mixture around the house.

29. Replace spark plugs

If you are afraid to leave a scented candle burning, you can use essential oils. In this case, the fragrance can be chosen according to the season or mood.

30. Make toothpaste

Combine baking soda and some sea salt, along with xylitol and essential oils from coconut and peppermint. This idea will allow you to enjoy clean teeth and fresh breath.

Aromatherapy is a pleasant and uncomplicated science. Today, the magazine "" will tell you how to properly conduct an aromatherapy session at home and get a lot of positive emotions.

First, let's take a look at it together:

What is aromatherapy?

Most sources define aromatherapy as a kind of art designed to strengthen and harmonize the spiritual and physical health of a person. Aromatherapy activates the innate resources of recovery and healing of the body.

It is believed that aromatherapy is aimed at maintaining a person's immunity, managing his cognitive and emotional state. In fact, aromatherapy is a universal and “drug-free” method of influencing health.

Experts in the field of aromatherapy (let's call them professional aromatherapists) still do not guarantee a 100% recovery in treatment. serious illnesses. It is important to remember that aromatherapy is not exactly a medical science.

Say more, many doctors deny positive influence fragrances on health and call aromatherapy a pseudoscience based on the placebo effect. Although who in modern world will argue with the amazing properties of placebo? A man is what he believes in.

But doctors who practice aromatherapy will tell you about ninety percent effectiveness of this method in combination with therapeutic treatment. Such results can be achieved, of course, under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Aromatherapy includes several types of exposure:

"Air diffusion": distribution of aromas in the air through aroma lamps, incense in the room to eliminate unpleasant odors, harmonize the emotional background, increase libido and even disinfect the air;

"Local" application on the skin: rubbing aromatic oils into the skin during massage and other cosmetic and medical procedures(including taking baths);

Inhalation: direct inhalation of aromas with physio-emotional disorders, i.e. emotional exhaustion, depression, fatigue, including some respiratory diseases(ARI, cold, runny nose, cough)

Thus, aromatherapy can be carried out at home and in beauty salons. By the way, many Thai, Indian and Turkish SPA-salons are based on the beneficial effects of aromatherapy.

What to do if you really want to try the effect of aromatherapy on yourself, but you don’t know where to start? Then read on and you will be able to independently conduct an aroma session at home *good*

When Aromatherapy Shouldn't Be Done

First, you need to carefully consider the doctor's recommendations regarding the need for an aroma session. Aroma sessions are strictly contraindicated:

  • persons suffering from any type of allergy ( food allergy, allergy to household chemicals, cosmetics, dust, wool, pollen, fungal/mold spores; allergic rhinitis; rash, urticaria; especially bronchial asthma, etc.) and at least once in a lifetime who had Quincke's edema;
  • pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons who have undergone chemotherapy (in this case, aromatherapy is possible ONLY under the supervision of a specialist);
  • persons with high blood pressure;
  • persons suffering from epilepsy.

Choosing the type of aromatherapy

To start an aromatherapy session at home, you will need (optional):

  • oil burner
  • humidifier with aroma oil container
  • electric table lamp/sconce
  • aroma pendant
  • aroma candles
  • aroma sticks
  • aroma stones

No, of course, you do not need to run to the store and buy everything at once. It is enough what you like the most, or what you currently have in your apartment.

Perhaps you are now wondering, what is still better to use from this list? To eliminate your doubts on this or that occasion, we will make a brief overview of all the listed devices.

Oil burner

Aroma lamp is the most convenient and effective option. There are many aroma lamps on the market today. The color, shape, material can be chosen for every taste and even in the style of any interior. The aroma lamp consists of two levels: the first level is for a candle-tablet, the second is for a liquid (water, aroma oil).

The aroma lamp is convenient to use for aromatherapy at home. You need to light a candle and pour some water and a couple of drops of aromatic oil into the bowl. And you can enjoy your aromatherapy session. By the way, you can not add water, but in this case the aroma will be more saturated, and the oil will smoke more strongly.

Do not leave even a small light near children, animals, or people with cognitive disabilities. Remember: your safety must come first!


There are a lot of humidifiers, as well as aroma lamps. There is something for every taste and budget. The cost is mainly affected by the number of square meters that the humidifier is able to "irrigate", or, in other words, the volume of the humidifier.

Also pay attention to the number of hours that the humidifier can work uninterruptedly in economy mode. The humidifier is easy to use for aromatherapy and can be left unattended for a long time. Safe for children and pets.

The benefits of it are twofold: humidification of the air in the room and air diffusion of aroma oil. For the latter function, some humidifiers have a special container where you can pour the aroma oil.

However, you can do without this additional function. It is enough to drop a couple of drops of oil into the water tank itself or directly into the water, which is subsequently poured into the humidifier tank. Here are some tricks. And convenient, and economical, and safe for home use. But more expensive than aroma lamps.

Electric lamp\sconce

Perhaps the most a budget option(although not in terms of energy saving). If you don’t want to spend money on a humidifier and an aroma lamp, then you can drop a couple of drops of your favorite oil directly onto an incandescent lamp (sadly, energy-saving lamps are not suitable for air diffusion of oil).

The effect will be more intense, but not as long as in previous cases. Suitable for quick aromatization of the room.

Aroma pendant

This little thing combines two pluses: a stylish decoration and a personal inhaler. There are a great variety of aroma medallions on the market: from ceramics to precious stones.

Thanks to its elegant form (made in the form of a vase with a narrow neck), the fragrance lasts up to 3 days and has a narrow focus (despite the fact that just 1-3 drops of oil are enough to drop into it).

It can be worn around the neck, hung in the car or in the closet. Just do not forget to periodically bring it to your face - the effect will be more distinct. The pendant can also be useful in creating your own unique fragrance.

This talisman pendant can be used not only for aromatherapy at home, but also at work, on the street and wherever you see fit.

aroma candles

Aroma candles already contain essential oils in their composition, so you won’t have to spend extra money on some kind of oil.

Choose the most pleasant smell, or the one that is recommended to you by a specialist, and light it to your heart's content. Just do not forget, please, about fire safety *victory*

aroma sticks

The aroma sticks are also impregnated with oils. Choose according to the same principle as aroma candles. The smell of aroma sticks is more intense and persistent.

The stick is set on fire and extinguished, therefore it is safer to use.

aroma stones

Yes, there are also aroma stones. They are made mainly from environmentally friendly porous natural materials: clay, pumice, gypsum and even ... dough!

Therefore, such useful things can be made independently. A couple of free minutes, creativity and imagination will do their creative work

Here is a brief overview of aromatherapy devices at home. We hope that our magazine "" helped you decide on the choice of the right "aroma assistant" *yu*

Choosing an essential oil

Now let's talk about essential oils - the quintessence of the intended aroma session. There are many different oils and it is important to know the difference between them. So, read the labels carefully: some jars have the inscription "100% natural essential oil" or "100% essential oil", and some - "cosmetic essential oil" or "100% aromatic", "100% pure", "100 % essential oil”, “100% concentrated”, or even “mineral oil” (and this is no longer a vegetable, but a processed product). The difference is not only in price, but also in content.

cosmetic oil

Cosmetic oil is a product already diluted with base oil. This oil gives a fast, but unsaturated and "quickly volatile" aroma.

Of course, it costs less. This oil is intended for bathing procedures: adding to a barrel of water, to a broom in a steam room, to a bath. In general, it is intended for "local use", so to speak. The risk of burns with this oil is minimal (but still there!).

natural essential oil

100% natural essential oil is expensive. Just the same it is intended for air diffusion. The effect of this type of oil is persistent, rich and long-lasting. It is dangerous to apply on the skin in its pure form: burns and allergic reactions are possible. Therefore, immediately read the following paragraph about our recommendations for use.

Precautions for using essential oils at home:

  • Categorically it is forbidden to use essential oils internally.
  • Do not use 100% natural essential oil directly on the skin and mucous membranes shells. Oils with a higher phenol content (cinnamon, for example) can irritate the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
  • Aromas are contraindicated for hypertensive patients lavender and rosemary.
  • Read labels carefully instructions for use and purpose of oils.
  • Is always follow prescriptions and recommended doses oils to avoid headaches, nausea, vomiting, nervous breakdown.
  • remember, that any essential oil can cause an allergic reaction you, your family members, children, animals and all those who are close to you during the aroma session.
  • Do not use oil near open flames due to its high volatility.

Here are the basic rules that you should be guided by if you still decide to try an aromatherapy session at home. Do not spoil your aroma session: take care in advance to eliminate all interfering factors.

Useful properties of oils and aromatherapy recipes

The purpose of aroma oils is different. Each fragrance affects the emotional or cognitive perception. Oils that affect the emotional sphere are able to control your mood, including fatigue, stress, sadness, joy, libido. You can independently create your mood for a specific situation or a minute of life.

The magazine "" presents to your attention aromas that can affect your emotional background:

Insomnia, stress, irritability, anger

They will help you get rid of negative emotions oils of orange, geranium, lavender, cinnamon, rose, chamomile, cloves, lemon balm, frankincense, valerian, basil, cypress, sandalwood.

Aroma recipe for insomnia and stress

An aromatherapy recipe at home will help you calm down: mix 3 drops of oils such as verbena, chamomile, tangerine, grapefruit in an aroma lamp and enjoy a delicate fruity aroma.

If you want to fall asleep, then use a mixture of 3 drops of sage, lemon balm and lavender. Then sweet dreams will not keep you waiting.

Depression, drowsiness, sadness, fatigue, migraine

For all of these ailments, use cinnamon, orange, geranium, rose, bergamot, ginger, ylang-ylang, patchouli, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, lemon, lime, thyme, marjoram, myrrh, for aromatherapy at home. nutmeg, neroli, sage, grapefruit and even ... sagebrush(despite the bitter notes, this herb is considered a strong natural antidepressant)!

aroma recipe for depression

This aroma recipe will help you drive away depression, blues and drowsiness: mix 3 drops of rose, orange, cloves and neroli in an aroma lamp. You can use this recipe in the morning, at the very beginning of the day.

natural aphrodisiacs

It is important to think about who you want to help turn on: yourself or your beloved man.

Aroma aphrodisiacs for men

Increase male desire will help sandalwood, ginger, almond, cypress, juniper, cardamom and even you will be surprised lavender.

Aroma aphrodisiacs for women

Jasmine, ylang-ylang, geranium and vanilla increase female libido.

Aphrodisiacs for both

If you want to make both of you "tremble with desire" then use patchouli, nutmeg, sage, neroli, rose, rosemary.

Aroma aphrodisiac recipes

Here are a couple of aromatherapy recipes for you and your man.

For him: combine 2 drops of sage, marjoram, lavender and litsea.

For you: mix 4 drops each of ylang-ylang, jasmine, grapefruit and sandalwood oils.

Aromatherapy for diseases

As for cognitive perception, it is, first of all, your physical state. Since it is known that it is our brain that controls all vital processes in the body.

Your health depends on your thoughts. Essential oils and recipes for aromatherapy at home will also help dispel the clouds over your health.

Disinfection of the room with aromatic oils

Why did we decide to start with disinfection? Because the air you breathe is very important for your health. And if the air is polluted with bacteria (and viruses - in the presence of "influenza" at home), then it is necessary to clean it.

You will be helped citrus and coniferous oils, as well as tea tree oils, chamomile, neroli, geranium, eucalyptus, cloves, thyme. These oils are great for colds and flu.

The next aroma recipe will save you from a cold

Mix 1 drop each of lavender, thyme, peppermint and tea tree oils in an aroma lamp. Eucalyptus and sage can be substituted for lavender and thyme.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Defeat diseases respiratory tract help get rid of cough and runny nose oils of lemon, lime, tea tree, fir, cedar, lavender, verbena, Schisandra chinensis, geranium.

Aromatherapy for the respiratory tract

To normalize the work of the respiratory tract, to disinfect the room, a recipe for an aromatherapy mixture at home will help you: mix 2 drops of sage, lemon, pine and rosemary in an aroma lamp.

Temperature drop

It often happens that it is not possible to bring down the temperature of the sick person. In combination with other activities, you can use aromatherapy at home. Help oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender. Chamomile, basil, cypress, rosemary and juniper help induce sweating. Such oils can be used both for air diffusion and for topical application: a couple of drops of oil are added to a container with water, which is then rubbed on the patient.

Pain in joints and muscles

Baths with oils will help to calm the pain a little and relieve the created nervous tension. thyme, lemon, lime, rosemary, lavender, marjoram.

Massage with aromatic oils from rheumatism, recipe

There is even an aromatherapy massage recipe for rheumatism: combine 100 ml of base oil (olive, linseed, coconut, cedar, apricot, jojoba, peach, avocado or regular baby cosmetic oil) with 10 drops of pine, juniper and rosemary essential oils. Rub the problem area with the resulting mixture.

Digestive tract disorders

Cope with "gastrointestinal" problems will help peppermint oil and chamomile. Just remember that it is impossible to use essential oil inside without consulting a specialist. Better inhale for your health

Cardiovascular disorders

Relieve "heart pain", restore the work of blood vessels will help rose oil. Even the ancient Greeks noticed that this oil copes well with nervous disorders, excitability and stress.

Also help chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, frankincense. If you have an elevated blood pressure Avoid scents of rosemary, lavender and "chypre" oils - bergamot, patchouli, sandalwood, etc.

Aromatherapy and problem skin

In this paragraph, we will talk not only about acne and oily skin. Although we will also touch on them. Problematic skin can also be called dry, aging, and sensitive.

Even wounds and abrasions on the skin can be attributed here. Aromatherapy at home offers recipes for many ailments. We look:

Oily skin

Oily skin, as well as sensitive skin, needs special care. Add a couple of drops to a single portion of your favorite cream lavender oil. However, keep an eye on your skin: some of the ingredients in your cream can react with the oil and cause allergies.

aging skin

Fading and mature skin can also "bloom" from lavender. To do this, you can use the aromatherapy recipe: take 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2-3 drops of lavender oil. Mix everything and apply on prepared skin for 15 minutes. Again, beware of allergies. By the way, lavender is good for abrasions, small wounds, burns.

Pimples and purulent wounds

Tea tree oil(point application) promotes the healing of acne and purulent wounds. For combination skin, tea tree oil is also useful: take 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and cosmetic clay, add 2 drops of the above oil and mix with a spoonful of kefir or yogurt. Stir and apply on the prepared face for 15 minutes.

Vascular asterisks

Vascular asterisks on the face can be defeated with bitter orange oil or, in other words, . It must be applied pointwise to problem areas. The oil is also indicated for eczema, herpes, neurodermatitis and dermatosis.

As you can see, it is very easy to relax, find a good mood and get rid of diseases by immersing yourself in the world of aromas! Enjoy your home aromatherapy sessions with pleasure and benefit!

Essential oils are distilled pure essences extracted from fruits, peels, twigs, leaves or flowers of plants. They are used in aromatherapy and promote emotional and physical relaxation. Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways: applied to the body in the form of an oil-based or water-based liquid, inhaled with a diffuser, or diffused from a spray in combination with other substances. This article will discuss how to use essential oils.


Oil selection

    Evaluate the quality of oils before buying. Since you will be using the oil around the house and applying it to your skin, it is in your best interest to buy a quality oil. There are no specific standards for essential oils, so it is important to consider several factors when choosing.

    Consider the chemotype of the oil. Some manufacturers offer different variants the same essential oil. At different types, or chemotypes, a different smell - this is influenced by climate, soil and plant growing conditions, as well as other factors. The advantage of choosing a specific chemotype is the ability to obtain different solutions depending on personal preference.

    • For example, basil has two main chemotypes - sweet basil and reunion basil. Fragrant basil has a sweeter scent, while reunion has a woody scent.
  1. Pay attention to the packaging. Essential oils quickly lose their properties when exposed to light and heat. The oil should be packaged in a dark (usually brown) glass bottle and sealed tightly. Don't buy open oils or oils that have been exposed to light or heat.

    Decide which application is right for you. Essential oils can be diluted in oil or water for use as a spray, or mixed with other substances (such as bath salts). Decide what you will do with the oil before diluting it.

    If you want to apply the oil to the skin, it can be diluted in a special oil or water. Almond, apricot, grape, jojoba and avocado oils are suitable for dissolving essential oils. These oils have a low odor, so they won't overpower the scent of essential oils. You can also dilute oils in water. Before you do this, decide how you will use the oils.

    Use undiluted essential oils. Some experts believe that undiluted oil should not be applied to the skin as it can cause irritation and discomfort. However, research indicates that such use is sometimes justified. For example, one study found that applying undiluted tea tree oil twice a day was effective against fungal nail infections. Before using the oil in this way, seek the advice of an experienced aromatherapist.

The use of essential oils as natural medicines

    Get rid of headaches with essential oils. Essential oils can fight minor headaches. Dilute the oil for use on a small area of ​​the body, then apply the mixture to the forehead, temples and back of the neck. Rub the oil into the skin in smooth, circular motions while breathing deeply. The oils of the following plants best cope with headaches:

    Treat acne with tea tree oil. Essential oils can help clear up acne and are a great alternative to the harsh chemicals found in creams and acne medications. One study found that 5% tea tree oil gel was as effective in fighting acne as was benzoyl peroxide, which is often found in acne creams of varying degrees.

    • To make your own gel, add five drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Mix thoroughly and apply to acne with your fingers or cotton swab. Store the mixture in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  1. Treat insomnia with lavender, chamomile and sage oils. The oils themselves will not save you from insomnia or its causes, but these relaxing oils will help you fall asleep faster and sleep until the morning. Lavender (relaxes), chamomile (natural sedative) and sage (has hypnotic properties) fights best against insomnia.

    • If you have a vaporizer, turn it on before bed and add a few drops of lavender, chamomile, or sage oil.
    • You can also add a few drops of oil to your bath or rub the solution on your legs and feet before bed.
    • Remember that some oils (such as rosemary, cypress, grapefruit, lemon, and peppermint) can stimulate activity, so it's best not to use them in the evening.
  2. Fight stress with essential oils. Perhaps most often, oils are used for relaxation and soothing. Essential oils have a positive effect on the emotional state of a person, since odor receptors are associated with the human limbic system, that is, with the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions, memory and sexual arousal. The most effective oils are the following:

    • Lavender has a calming rich, sweet scent and is popular for its ability to relax the body on a physical and emotional level.
    • Frankincense oil has a warm and exotic scent that helps relieve stress.
    • Rose oil fights stress as well as depression and sadness.
    • Chamomile oil, especially the roman variety, helps with stress caused by anxiety, as well as paranoia and feelings of hostility.
    • Vanilla oil is known for its medicinal properties. Many people find the smell of vanilla soothing, and some aromatherapists explain this by saying that the smell of vanilla is as close as possible to the smell of mother's milk. Vanilla promotes serenity and promotes clear thinking.
  3. Beat snoring with thyme essential oil. This essential oil is effective in fighting snoring. Make a concentrated thyme oil solution (3-5 drops per teaspoon of regular oil) and rub into the soles of both feet before going to bed. Cedar and marjoram oils also have a similar effect.

    Repel insects with lemon eucalyptus essential oil. Many industrial repellents contain aggressive chemical substances, which have an unpleasant odor and cause irritation to the skin. A concentrated lemon eucalyptus oil solution is a great alternative to these products and smells much nicer. You can mix essential oil with regular oil and apply directly to the skin, or pour the oil into a vaporizer or aroma lamp and place it near an open window.

    Treat ear pain with essential oils. Local application Some oils will help get rid of an ear infection and relieve pain. Oil should not be applied to the auricle, but along the neck and behind the sore ear.

    Use peppermint essential oil as a remedy for dizziness. Essential oils can help relieve vestibular vertigo. Peppermint oil is one of the most effective essential oils for dizziness. It is often used to treat vertigo and nausea because it contains menthol, esters, and menthol, substances that give mint its cooling and invigorating properties. If you feel dizzy, put a few drops of peppermint oil on a cotton pad or handkerchief and breathe it in. The oils of the following plants also help to get rid of dizziness:

    • cypress;
    • basil;
    • sage;
    • myrtle;
    • lavender;
    • ginger;
    • rose flower;
    • rosemary;
    • mandarin.
  4. Treat sunburn with oils. Some essential oils have been used in the treatment of burns for thousands of years due to their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. The most suitable oils for these purposes are lavender, immortelle, rose and Australian blue oil (this is a mixture of several essential oils). It is best to mix the oil with aloe vera gel (1 drop of oil to one teaspoon of gel) and apply to the burn.

    • You can make a burn spray by mixing the following:
      • 1 cup + 1 tablespoon aloe vera juice
      • a quarter cup of coconut oil;
      • 1 teaspoon of vitamin E;
      • 8 drops of lavender essential oil;
      • 8 drops of tea tree essential oil;
      • 8 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil
    • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and shake well.
  5. Treat minor wounds with essential oils. Lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, peppermint, and some other oils are suitable for minor cuts, burns, and insect bites because they act as antibiotics. Clean the wound first (it shouldn't bleed). Then apply a small amount of 2-3% essential oil solution (2-3 drops per teaspoon).

    • Apply the oil 2-5 times a day until the wound heals. After applying the oil, you can also apply a cold compress to stop bleeding, relieve swelling, and allow the oils to absorb.
  6. For indigestion, use peppermint oil. You have probably already heard that peppermint oil is used to treat indigestion. This oil also fights nausea and digestive problems. Dilute the oil as for a large area of ​​the body (3-5 drops per teaspoon) and rub into the stomach - this will help relieve pain.

    Treat nasal congestion with eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil helps to get rid of the symptoms associated with a sore nose. This oil opens up stuffy sinuses and cools the nasal passages. Many people use eucalyptus oil to treat colds and nasal congestion caused by allergies.

    • Mix eucalyptus oil with regular oil (3-5 drops per teaspoon). Apply a small amount of the solution under the nose and rub some more into the chest.
    • If the nose is very stuffy, add a couple of drops to a humidifier and aroma lamp.

Using essential oils as a home fragrance

  1. Put a few drops of essential oil into an aroma lamp to make your home smell nice. Pour a few teaspoons of water into the container above the lamp, light the candle from below, and then drop a few drops of oil into the water. The room will be filled with a pleasant smell of oil.

    Put a few drops on the candle wax. Light a candle, let it flare up so that it melts a little. Blow out the candle, put a few drops on the wax, and then gently light the candle again. Be careful not to drop oil on the candle flame, as oils are highly flammable.

    Put a few drops into hot water. If you don't have a diffuser or candles, you can fill a small pot with water, bring it to a boil, and then add the oil. The steam will fill the room with a pleasant smell. Place the saucepan so that children and pets cannot reach it.

    Make a room spray with essential oils. Pour 60 ml of distilled water, 60 ml of vodka or hazelnut tincture into a small spray bottle, add 30-40 drops of your favorite essential oil (or a mixture of several oils) and shake well. Use the spray indoors, spray on furniture and linen, but try not to get on smooth and shiny surfaces.

    Spray your pillows with essential oil. Put two drops of essential oil on each pillow. You will be able to enjoy the smell of oil every time you decide to lie down. If you are afraid of ruining the fabric, put some oil on cotton pads and put them in pillowcases.

Modern reality, alas, does not add health to a person. And this circumstance again turned us to face the inexhaustible healing forces of nature. Returning to the works of Avicenna and Hippocrates, scientists are re-examining the properties of essential oils. The demand for them in the world market is growing, as the science of aromatherapy is being revived. How will ethers help in everyday life and how useful are they?

Everything in nature is rational. Essential oils serve as protection for plants - they protect them from pests, viruses and bacteria, protect them from overheating and cold, activating enzymatic processes. Their fragrance attracts insects for pollination. Plants from dry and warm regions contain more esters than those from moist and cool regions.

The main raw materials for obtaining aromatic oils are flowers, leaves, stems, bark and roots. Less often they are extracted from seeds and fruits.

In terms of composition, esters are not fats, unlike vegetable oils. The latter is a connection fatty acids and glycerin. Ethers are a mixture of volatile substances and organic compounds of various classes. They lack glycerin, and they got their name due to their oily consistency.

Unlike vegetable oils, essential oils do not leave greasy stains, evaporate at room temperature, are lighter than water and do not dissolve in it. But they are well emulsified in fats, which ensures their use in cosmetology, as part of massage oils and in pharmaceuticals.

Types of esters

Treatment with smells was practiced by Hippocrates. The name "aromatherapy" it received only in the twentieth century thanks to the French chemist Gatefosse, who revived this type of alternative medicine. In the 19th century, with the development of chemistry, natural substances began to receive synthetic counterparts. This fate and ethers did not pass. Today on the market there are:

  • natural oils that give the maximum therapeutic effect;
  • restored, quality close to natural;
  • synthetic esters;
  • counterfeit oils "enriched" with various aromatic additives.

The value of natural oils is not only in their aroma. They contain many biological active ingredients, which are not found in synthetic analogues.

Like music, aromatic oils have tonalities:

  • the top notes are called initial - this is the first idea of ​​​​the aroma, ether with rapidly evaporating fractions (citrus fruits, bergamot, anise, lemongrass, mint), they affect the senses;
  • Substances with less pronounced volatility have a medium or heart tone - these are the main notes that have a greater effect on internal organs(jasmine, geranium, ylang-ylang, rose, cinnamon);
  • low key or base notes - the most persistent and least volatile aromas that have a relaxing effect (pine, vanilla, incense).

The effect of essential oils on the body is multifaceted. These are natural antibiotics with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They affect the psycho-emotional sphere and trigger self-regulation processes in the body.

In ancient times, the inhabitants of cities where aromatic oils were produced had excellent health, and epidemics of deadly diseases occurred much less frequently in these places.

Our ancestors did not delve into the study of the mechanism of action of aromas. But empirically, they found out that some of them facilitate labor activity, others make the body healthier, others heal the soul, and the fourth preserve youth and beauty.

physical harmony

Smells, acting on certain parts of the brain, affect all organs and systems of a person.

Table: classification of aromas by therapeutic effect

The action of ethersOils
Anesthetizelavender, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus, basil, tea tree
influence the pressurelowering blood pressure - geranium, cloves, juniper, fennel, lavender;
Increases blood pressure - sage and thyme
Relieve convulsionsclove, juniper, nutmeg
Relieve spasmslemon, mint, basil, cypress, rosemary
Stimulate physical and mental activitybergamot, lavender, lemon, orange, fir, clove
Are adaptogensmelissa, mint, lavender
Soothesandalwood, oregano, anise
Disinfect the roomconifers, cloves, sage, thyme, tea tree
Relieve depressionMelissa, Patchouli, Orange, Rose, Jasmine, Bergamot, Sage
Restore immunityanise, fir, lemon, pine, basil, ylang-ylang
Beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, autonomic and central nervous systemgeranium, lavender, rosemary, neroli, mint
Harmonize the sexual spheresandalwood, nutmeg, patchouli, ylang-ylang, petite grain, pine
affect emotionsoregano, mandarin, mimosa, jasmine, rose, marjoram

Essential oils are good for skin and hair. They must be used carefully so as not to get burns on the skin and allergic reactions from improperly selected odors.

Table: cosmetic effect of esters

ActionEssential oil
  • Align the epidermis;
  • heal minor injuries;
  • relieve inflammation
chamomile, sandalwood, geranium, rosewood, vetiver
  • Saturate the skin with oxygen;
  • act as an antioxidant
juniper, wormwood, jasmine, rosewood, neroli
  • Remove irritation;
  • tone the skin
mint, tea tree, bergamot, lavender, lemon
  • Purify;
  • treat acne and comedones
grapefruit, tea tree, juniper, lavender
  • Remove peeling;
  • nourish dry skin
rose, sandalwood, jasmine, rosewood, geranium, chamomile
  • Smooth out wrinkles under the eyes;
  • nourish and tone the delicate skin of the eyelids
frankincense, pine, myrrh, sandalwood, rose
Caring for dry hairneroli, jasmine, lavender, geranium, juniper
Suitable for oily hairgrapefruit, cedar, patchouli, ylang-ylang
Strengthen hair and protect against hair lossTea tree, pine, myrrh, nutmeg, thyme, frankincense, sandalwood, bergamot
Accelerate growthconifers and citrus
Get rid of dandruffCitrus fruits, eucalyptus, frankincense, lavender in collaboration with base oils - cedar, castor or burdock

Oil compatibility

In cosmetology and medicine, the use of several flavors is acceptable. But they need to be selected taking into account the compatibility of the esters. It is of three types:

  • synergy - mutual complement and harmony when affecting the body;
  • complementarity - the compatibility of aromas (used in perfumery and aromatherapy), when one aroma is able to harmonize another;
  • inhibition - incompatibility of essential oils, when one ether neutralizes or reduces beneficial features another.

The combination of incompatible oils can cause allergies, skin irritation and even poisoning. Individual intolerance to the composition is expressed in suffocation, dizziness, impaired heart rate and skin allergic reactions.

Lavender ether is compatible with all aromatic oils except rosemary, and eucalyptus enhances the bactericidal effect of basil and Monarda by 20 times.

In aromatic mixtures, it is customary to combine esters of different volatility (top, middle and low notes of aromas).

Table: Essential Oil Compatibility

Fragrance typeEssential oilNoteWhat is combined with
fresh herbalEucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoramUpperMarjoram, Chamomile, Sage, Hyssop, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Lemon Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Citronella, Palmarosa
Fragrant herbalMarjoram, chamomile, sage, hyssopMediumEucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, rose, geranium
earthy herbalCarrot seeds, ginger, vetiver, patchouliLowerMarjoram, Chamomile, Sage, Hyssop, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Rose, Geranium
Lemon herbalLemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosaUpperLemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lavender, coriander
fruity citrusLemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamotUpperLemon Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Citronella, Palmarosa, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Lavender, Coriander
LavenderLavender, corianderUpperLemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosa, anise, fennel, peru balsam
Pinkrose, geraniumMediumLavender, Coriander, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Anise, Fennel, Balsam of Peru
FloralNeroli, Jasmine, Ylang YlangMediumAnise, Fennel, Balsam of Peru, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin Orange, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Carrot Seed, Ginger, Vetiver, Patchouli
spicy fruityanise, fennel, balsam of peruMediumBay, Cinnamon, Clove, Cassia, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Lavender, Coriander
SpicyBay, cinnamon, clove, cassiaUpperAnise, Fennel, Balsam of Peru, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot, Cardamom, Nutmeg, Myrtle, Tea Tree
Spicy woodyCardamom, nutmeg, myrtle, tea treeUpperBay, cinnamon, clove, cassia, lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram
woody forestCypress, pine, juniperUpperSandalwood, cedar, lemon, orange, mandarin, grapefruit, lime, bergamot, frankincense, myrrh
BalsamSandalwood, cedarLowerCypress, Pine, Juniper, Frankincense, Myrrh, Lemon, Orange, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot
Balsamic resinousFrankincense, myrrhLowerSandalwood, cedar, eucalyptus, rosemary, lavender, thyme, camphor, marjoram, lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lime, bergamot

You can not mix soothing oils with tonic, antierogenic - with aphrodisiacs. The combination of anti-erogenic esters with stimulating esters does not have a refreshing effect, and with soothing ones it relaxes. Enhancing sensuality oils in commonwealth with stimulants excite, and in combination with sedatives become aphrodisiacs.

The use of aromatic oils

Esters are not used in their pure form, they are mixed with emulsifiers - vegetable fats, cream, milk, honey, yogurt, sea salt. It is better to use a product obtained by cold pressing as a base oil.

All essential oils have an antimicrobial effect and restore the skin. Therefore, any cosmetic procedures with them eliminate acne and minor inflammation of the epidermis.

Esters for skin

There are many ways to use aroma oils for skin care - steam baths, enrichment of ready-made cosmetics, masks, washing, anti-cellulite rubbing, bath procedures. In any case, the oil is selected according to the type of skin.

Cleansing emulsion

For cleansing the face with any type of skin, a mixture of 100 ml of base oil and esters of lavender, bergamot and geranium, 3 drops of each, is suitable. Dip a cotton pad moistened with water into the resulting emulsion and with light movements (without pressure and rubbing) wipe the face and neck. This must be done quickly, otherwise the oil mixture will penetrate into the pores of the skin and “pull” decorative cosmetics and daytime skin impurities with it. For oily skin, you can add a few drops of lemon juice or food vinegar to the emulsion.

Wrinkle mask

Combine a tablespoon of warmed honey with egg white, 2 tablespoons of classic yogurt and 3 drops of lavender oil. Preheat your face with a warm compress. Apply the mask along the massage lines. Exposure time - 15 minutes.

Moisturizing soufflé

The mixture is diluted in a glass bottle with a cap. For the cream, you will need 5 ml of warm coconut oil, 10 ml of almond oil, 2 drops of patchouli and chamomile, 4 drops of leuzea ether. After combining all the ingredients, close the bottle and shake it until a light foam is obtained, then let stand for 2 hours in a cool place. Souffle is applied to the most delicate places - around the eyes and lips. It nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.

In winter, the air in the apartment is dried by running radiators. Oil creams help the author of these lines to save the skin from drying out. For myself, I prepare a mixture of grape oil and tea tree esters, bergamot and lemon (suitable for oily skin). The cream is applied twice a day - in the morning and in the evening on a cleansed face. The result - the feeling of tightness disappears, and the skin is always fresh. I prepare the mixture for future use and store in the refrigerator, but no more than 2 weeks.

Hair care with esters

For hair care, base oil, egg yolk or honey is most often used as an emulsifier. The section of the tips can be stopped with a mixture olive oil, fat-soluble vitamin E, and a few drops of lavender, rosemary, and chamomile.

A mixture of sandalwood and bergamot esters based on jojoba oil will relieve oily dandruff. From dry - lavender and tea tree on any base oil. A therapeutic mixture of olive oil (15 ml) and esters of cedar and sage and rosemary (1-2 drops each) will stop hair loss. It is useful to add essential oils to any hair masks, choosing them depending on the problem or simply using your favorite fragrances. Aroma combing gives hair shine, makes them healthy and strong.

How to lose weight with essential oils

Essential oils are used for weight loss in several ways:

  • in aroma lamp;
  • for massage, including anti-cellulite;
  • for baths;
  • in the wrapping mix.

In aromatherapy, grapefruit ether is considered the most suitable oil for weight loss - it reduces appetite. During a special diet, sessions are practiced with oils that soothe and improve mood - oregano, citrus, valerian.

Essential oils, unlike vegetable oils, are able to penetrate deep through the skin and have a systemic effect on the body. For massage, the best esters are:

  • dill, cypress, ginger burn fat cells;
  • black pepper ether normalizes metabolism;
  • lemongrass, myrrh and mandarin tighten the skin after losing weight;
  • rose, bergamot, geranium and jasmine increase vitality.

For wraps, you can use any ether in combination with jojoba base oil.

Aroma oils for sensuality

Aromatic oils since ancient times served as aphrodisiacs not only for men, but also for women. Esters are able to enhance mutual attraction, make feelings fuller and brighter:

  • bergamot awakens fantasy and relaxes;
  • geranium sets in a romantic mood;
  • vanilla awakens attraction;
  • jasmine liberates;
  • cloves and neroli make orgasms last longer;
  • cinnamon enhances sensitivity to caresses.

There are oils that excite women and men equally - ylang-ylang, ginger, clary sage. Men's aphrodisiacs - sandalwood, patchouli, orange, bergamot, petit grain. Women will be helped to relax and enjoy a mixture of oils:

  • 3 drops of sandalwood + 3 drops of cloves;
  • orange (5 drops) + patchouli and cinnamon (2 drops each);
  • neroli (3 drops), rose (4 drops), ylang-ylang (2 drops).

You can not use an aroma lamp, but simply light a candle and drop essential oil into the melted wax with a pipette.

Relief from insomnia and depression

The inability to fall asleep after a hard day's work is painful, and restless sleep does not give proper rest. Before taking medication, try aromatherapy sessions. Aroma lamp, bath or relaxing massage helps to cope with the problem. Fragrant helpers in the bedroom:

  • soothe lavender, sandalwood, pink ether, geranium, lemon balm, valerian, vetiver, petite grain to help them;
  • juniper, myrrh, cypress, cedar, tangerine will help to fall asleep;
  • make sleep calm chamomile, neroli, lavender, incense.

Relax a mixture of rose, ylang-ylang and lavender (2 drops each) or vetiver, lime, frankincense 6 drops each plus a couple of drops of jasmine. These compositions do not have to be filled into an aroma lamp. Oils can be dripped onto a cotton pad and placed near the bed or moistened with them on the corner of the pillow. They are also suitable for an aromatic bath before bedtime.

Depressive conditions destroy the immune system, making the body defenseless against serious illnesses. Non-drug methods of treatment, including aromatherapy, are well removed from the depressed state. Russian scientists proved in the last century that the inhalation of aromatic substances strengthens the nervous system and stimulates the body's natural defenses.

Table: what antidepressant esters save from

Oils (no more than three) are mixed in a bath, diffuser or aroma lamp. For one session, it is enough to use 10 drops, repeat 3 times a week. The same compositions are also suitable for a relaxing massage mixed with any carrier oil.

Treatment with essential oils

It must be remembered that esters are not a substitute for drugs, but additional remedy. There are several methods of treatment - ingestion, application to the skin, inhalations, the use of an aroma lamp, therapeutic baths and massages.

Prevention and treatment of viral respiratory diseases

Here, the antiseptic and bactericidal properties of esters come to the fore. They not only disinfect the room, but also bring the humidity to the optimum value, which is important for colds. For prevention, fumigation is used with an aroma lamp. Compositions can be made arbitrarily or use one oil:

  • lavender or lemon will need 5-7 drops;
  • tea tree or patchouli - 4-5 drops;
  • thyme or oregano - 3-4 drops.

Aroma fumigation is carried out during the flu epidemic every day for 20 minutes. In the children's room, it is enough to do wet cleaning using any liquid soap (300 ml) with the addition of 10 ml of one of the oils - tea tree, oregano or lemon. To clean the floor, add 1 tablespoon of this mixture to 5 liters of water.

Relieve symptoms and help to cope with all manifestations of a cold inhalation. The same oils are used as for fumigation. Hot inhalations are allowed to be done only at the end of the acute period. The steam temperature should be between 45–50°C. The procedure is carried out 1–1.5 after a meal, expectorant drugs should not be taken before it.

You can not refill essential oils in a nebulizer - their smallest drops can penetrate the lungs and cause pneumonia.

With laryngitis, tracheitis and tonsillitis, the hot mixture is poured into a bowl with a narrow neck and the steam is inhaled only through the mouth. For bronchitis use wide dishes. During inhalation, cover your head with a towel, add oil (3-4 drops) to the water and breathe through your mouth and nose at the same time.

Essential oils help with dry and wet cough, sore throat and runny nose. high temperature and chills will be removed by compresses. Add 2 drops of eucalyptus, lavender and peppermint to a tablespoon of base oil. As a base, use almond, apricot or rice oil. Compresses are done on the forehead and feet.

Help with asthma and COPD

Aromatherapy is also used to treat asthma. The compositions use oils with antihistamine properties - ginger, mint, fragrant elecampane, chemist's chamomile. They can be inhaled directly from the vial. Lavender, rose and geranium relieve bronchospasm, and rubbing the chest with fragrant equalsara facilitates breathing. Relieve an attack bronchial asthma washing with the addition of esters will help - 5 drops of Atlas cedar, 7 drops of narrow-leaved lavender and 2 drops of marjoram.

In obstructive pulmonary disease, essential oils are allowed to be used only during remission. Steam inhalations with chamomile, pine or eucalyptus oil expand and disinfect the airways - no more than 2-3 drops per session.

Oils for migraines and headaches

Migraine is a serious condition when the headache is very difficult to remove. It is impossible to do without potent drugs, so aromatherapy is given only an auxiliary role. Esters are used through a sprayer, in an aroma lamp, for facial massage, in compresses and inhalation. Preparation of the mixture for massage:

  • 2/3 fill the bottle with almond oil;
  • drip into it 6 drops of lavender and the same amount of clary sage and chamomile;
  • add 12 drops of peppermint to the composition;
  • top up the bottle with base oil;
  • cork and shake well.

Apply the mixture with a roller or rub into the temples with your fingers. Lubricate the back of your hands and earlobes. At the first sign of an impending migraine, aromatic compresses of cool water and a few drops of oil will help. They need to be changed every 10 minutes. The compress is applied to the forehead and temples.

Multiple sclerosis and aroma oils

Little is known about the effect of essential oils on the course of the disease, scientific studies have not been conducted. Aromatherapy gives a slight calming effect only in patients with unimpaired odor perception. American doctors tried to use Roman chamomile and citrus oils to treat patients in a hospital. Experience has shown a slight sedative effect. Anxiety in patients with multiple sclerosis help to remove antidepressant oils in combination with citrus aromas. When used for massage, the effect is enhanced and back pain is reduced.

Help with cancer

Doctors do not get tired of looking for additional opportunities in the fight against cancer. One of these areas was the study of the properties and capabilities of ethers. And scientists approached this issue from an unusual point of view. It is believed that the vibration frequency of a healthy body is in the range of 62–78 MHz. The disease develops when this indicator drops to 58 MHz. After conducting research, scientists have found that some essential oils have the ability to normalize the frequency and thereby fight cancer cells. Along the way, other properties of esters in relation to malignant cells were also investigated. As a result, it was found that anticancer activity has:

  • lavender, thyme, tarragon, sage, savory and rosemary for powerful antioxidant properties;
  • cinnamon, thyme, chamomile and jasmine help with breast cancer (thyme was the leader in research);
  • frankincense is effective in the fight against ovarian cancer, liver, lung, melanoma.

Essential oils are by no means a substitute for medicinal products. surgery oncological diseases.

To activate the body's defenses

Many essential oils have immunomodulatory properties. The phytoncides contained in them several times increase the production of T-cells, which are the central regulators of the immune response. The most effective are lavender, orange, bergamot, verbena and lemon. Strengthen the immune system by pouring cool water on the feet. Immediately after this, massage your feet with a mixture of base oil (10 ml) and mint, lavender, orange and lemon esters (2 drops each). Perform the procedure before bed.

Charge the aromamedallion with fragrant mixtures:

  • lavender (1 drop), verbena (2 drops), bergamot and eucalyptus (3 drops each);
  • orange, rosemary (2 drops each) and ginger (3 drops).

They will help to withstand the period of winter cold and epidemics.

Treatment of fungal infections

All esters have antifungal properties to a greater or lesser extent. The most effective are:

  • tea tree, which not only destroys the fungus, but also restores tissues damaged by the disease;
  • oregano containing carvacrol - a powerful bactericidal and antifungal agent;
  • lavender enhances the effect of tea tree;
  • cloves contain eugenol, which destroys the fungus and capsacin, which relieves inflammation and pain;
  • cinnamon gets rid of yeast fungus.

Any of these essential essences is applied to the affected areas. Soaked cotton pads are applied to the nails and fixed with a plaster. Such a compress can be kept all night. The use of esters is only an addition to the drug treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Esters for men's and women's health

Marjoram, myrrh, geranium and lavender help a woman cope with premenstrual syndrome and normalize the cycle. Jasmine oil eliminates fine wrinkles, increases sensuality and relieves depression. From the fourth month of pregnancy, it is allowed to use chamomile to reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, from edema and headache. At the end of the term, eucalyptus and lavender will relieve stress and relieve insomnia.

During pregnancy, esters are used with caution in doses three times smaller than indicated in the instructions. From toxicosis, oils are dripped into the aroma medallion, from pain a bath with the addition of emulsified ether helps, in other cases it is preferable to use an aroma lamp.

With a weak erection, black pepper oils and patchouli will help men. Ginger improves fertility, neroli treats impotence. Aroma lamp is used for treatment. Natural aromas act on the subconscious of men and control physiological processes.

To reduce pressure

Taking antihypertensive drugs with the permission of a cardiologist can be combined with aromatherapy. Chamomile, bergamot, sage, marjoram, ylang-ylang, fir, oregano, together and separately, are used to apply to pulse points - the wrist, the upper part of the sternum (aorta), behind auricles, behind the earlobe ( carotid artery). Esters must be diluted with base oil.

Sedative oils normalize the emotional background, which also lowers blood pressure.

Esters are used in the form of massage (the course gives a lasting effect), in aroma lamps, inhalations, aroma medallions.

Benefits of essential oils for the elderly

With age, the adaptive abilities of the body, the production of enzymes, and energy capabilities decrease. Free radicals destroy cells, and the body actively ages. Aromatic oils mobilize its own antioxidant reserves, have a beneficial effect on blood circulation, and eliminate the symptoms of the disorder. cerebral circulation- irritability, bad mood, fatigue.

Eucalyptus, cajeput, lavender, spruce, peppermint - oils that improve cognitive function, preventing a decrease in the functionality of brain cells. Lavender improves hemodynamics in the cerebral vessels. To aromatize a room, use 3-4 drops of ether in an aroma lamp. For cold inhalation, 1-2 lemons per handkerchief or cotton pad are enough, for a bath - 8 drops of lavender.

Contraindications and possible harm of esters

Each person, depending on the state of health, has contraindications to the use of certain oils. Independently, within reasonable limits, they can only be used by a completely healthy man. An unequivocal contraindication is an allergy. People with endocrine and cardiovascular diseases need the approval of the attending physician. Some contraindications for the most common diseases:

  • after a heart attack and with ischemia of the heart, fir and pine esters cannot be used;
  • severe hypertension is incompatible with juniper, mint and basil;
  • ylang-ylang, lemon balm and tea tree are contraindicated for hypotensive patients;
  • kidney diseases exclude thyme, pine and juniper;
  • with epilepsy and a tendency to convulsions, thyme, rosemary, sage and basil are contraindicated.

You can not combine the intake of iodine-containing drugs with the use of lavender. Parents should not use jasmine, ylang-ylang, hyssop, cypress, cinnamon, lemon balm, juniper and some other oils on their own for children who have not reached puberty.

Oils of orange, bergamot, grapefruit, St. John's wort, lavender, lime, lemon, mandarin are phototoxic, they should not be applied to the skin before sun exposure. Exceeding the allowable doses causes unpleasant adverse reactions in the form of a violation of the liver and a negative effect on the nervous system.

Table: safe amount of esters (in drops) for different ages

Before use in any form, all esters are tested for allergies.

Our ability to perceive odors, differentiate and classify them is a valuable gift of nature, thanks to which we experience many pleasant sensations. For example, odorless food may well be tasty, but if it has a pleasant aroma, the meal becomes many times more appetizing and tastier. Aromas can influence not only appetite, but also the level of activity, temperament and mood, emotional and mental state.

Fragrances give not only positive sensations - correctly selected smells help to create the desired atmosphere. Therefore, such great importance given to the smells prevailing in the house. How your house smells is how it is perceived by you and your guests.

Since ancient times, people have sought to aromatize domestic premises. Previously, dried plants were used for this. Our mothers began to use chemical air fresheners. Today, essential oils for the home are the most popular. After all, they give not only a pleasant aroma, but also huge benefits for health and mental state. Volatile substances enter the body by inhalation and have a beneficial effect. Therefore, when choosing essential oils for the home, it is not enough to be guided by the principle of “like it or not”. It is necessary to take into account the effect of essential oils on the body.

Using essential oils for the home, we create the desired atmosphere in the interior, recharge with the energy we need and heal ourselves. Which essential oils for home to choose and how to use them correctly?

Essential oils for the home: make the interior more comfortable

Any person will be pleased to hear from a guest: "It is very comfortable in your house." The aroma of the house plays a special role. The smell affects the first impression of the person entering the house. And the first impression, as you know, is the strongest and most memorable. What essential oils should be used to make the house even more comfortable and pleasant for guests and family members?

Very "hospitable" and cozy aroma gives blend of orange and cinnamon oils (for 2 drops of orange 1 drop of cinnamon). This mixture can be used to flavor the hallway, lobby, living room. It is worth trying to add to the mixture and pine or cedar essential oil . As a result, you can get a stunning New Year's scent.

For many people, the aroma of lavender evokes the coziness of a grandmother's or mother's house. After all, before dry lavender flowers were used to flavor cabinets and chests of drawers. If you prefer a floral scent to the smell of spices and fruits, you should try it. lavender oil . Its aroma is light and unobtrusive, unlike many other floral oils.

Ideal for kitchen and bathroom lemon essential oil . The smell of lemon gives a feeling of pure freshness. For the bathroom, you can choose mint essential oil - it also creates an atmosphere of healthy cleanliness. To create a refreshing mixture, lemon and mint can be combined: for 3 drops of lemon oil, take 1 drop of peppermint oil.

Essential oils for relaxation: home as an island of peace and well-being

Returning home, you want to relax and unwind. But modern man lives at a fast pace and is in constant tension. The stronger the tension and the higher the anxiety, the more difficult it is to relax. Sometimes it takes a long time for the so-called braking to occur. nervous system, in which a person finally begins to enter a state of calm relaxation.

They come to help various means with a relaxing effect, helping to quickly get rid of stress. Someone drinks relaxing teas. Someone is taking a bath. Someone prefers mulled wine, and someone finds it easier to take valerian infusion. But there's one more effective remedy - .

Popular essential oils for relaxation: lavender, ylang-ylang, bergamot, lemon balm, jasmine.

To get the maximum effect, essential oils for calming should be used not only as an interior air fragrance, but also for massages, baths, etc. But in any case, if the house is scented with relaxing oil, native walls will calm, relieve tension and promote quality rest.

In the bedroom, pillows and pillows can be scented with soothing essential oil. To do this, you can take cotton pads or handkerchiefs, drop a little essential oil on them and put them in a pillowcase and duvet cover. Such bed fragrances should be renewed 1-2 times a week.

Essential oil for home cleaning

Almost all essential oils have some degree of antiseptic properties. Information has been preserved that during periods of epidemics, the disease did not come to the houses of perfumers. There was an opinion that the essential oils used by perfumers protect them from infection.

Essential oils with the most pronounced antiseptic effect: tea tree, lemon, lavender, oregano, geranium.

If you want to minimize the use of household chemicals with a disinfectant effect, use natural antiseptics - essential oils. For application, you need to prepare a spray.

It is advisable to use a dark glass bottle to store the product. But if there is none, plastic is also suitable, but in this case you should not prepare the product in large volumes (with long storage, essential oils can corrode plastic).

This tool can be used to treat washed surfaces, sinks, toilets, showers, floors in the hallway, etc.

On a note. Mice are afraid of the scent of mint. If you are afraid of meeting mice at home or in the country, dilute 2 teaspoons of peppermint essential oil in 1 glass of water and spray the resulting remedy in places where you think mice may appear.

Essential oils for a healthy indoor climate

If there are people with respiratory diseases in the house, aroma oils that have a beneficial effect on these organs should be preferred for aromatization. These are oils of eucalyptus, lavender, mint, frankincense.

These essential oils should be used by everyone during the period of frequent colds. They will protect against coughing, help cure bronchitis faster, get rid of a sore throat. Other essential oils for coughs and sore throats: rosemary, pine, cedar, tea tree .

All of these oils, which are good for the respiratory tract and immunity, can be used to prepare a spray according to the same recipe as above. Spray the product should be in all areas of the house or only in the bedrooms. It is also worth buying a diffuser with chopsticks and an aroma lamp.

It is advisable to put a diffuser with a mixture of oils in the bathroom. While taking a shower or bath, the room will heat up and humidify - volatile substances will become more active.

Essential oils to bring money into your home

Finally, let's focus on the unknown. Esotericists claim that some fragrances can attract money.

For example, since ancient times it was believed that patchouli essential oil has the aroma of wealth. Indian merchants scented their wares using patchouli oil. They believed that this would help bring good luck and increase sales.

Other essential oils for money: cinnamon, ylang-ylang, pine, cedar.

How to use essential oils to attract money into your home? First of all, flavor those drawers or lockers where cash is stored. If there is no such place in the house, you need to start it.

It is also worth flavoringso that money rushes into the house.

A simple candle should be rubbed with essential oil to attract money and lit in the evenings.

If you work from home, flavor yours. Place a money-attracting oil diffuser or a scented candle on your desk.

Important. Pregnant women should not use most essential oils. If there are serious problems with the immune system, you should consult a doctor before actively using aromatic oils. If there is a child under 2-3 years old in the house, essential oils should be used very carefully, in limited quantities.

Most essential oils can cause headaches when used in excess.