Quantum shifting is a healing technique in the New World. Quantum Shift

How to get out of the power of negative emotions? With one simple and ingenious move, we can make the influence of negative emotions disappear from our lives like air from a balloon. There is no need to turn away from them, nor to fight with them. It is necessary to take the position of an impartial observer ... but with only one important addition. Emotions should be observed from the indestructible bastion of the True Self. Wrapped in a blanket of bliss, our soul is completely protected from emotional trauma. No negativity can enter a mind that is firmly established in the Self. It is simply not possible. Doubt? Then let's check.

Sit comfortably in a chair and close your eyes. If you are suffering from some very strong emotional trauma, then it is better to choose a smaller problem to begin with. You will move on to larger injuries later - and you will work on them with pleasure.

So, bring back a negative memory of the situation or emotion in your mind. It may be a very recent incident or an experience from deep childhood - it does not matter. Pay attention to the emotions associated with this situation. Let them gain maximum strength in your mind - and then rate them on a scale from 1 to 10, where 10 is absolutely unbearable. After you get a number indicating the strength of the emotion, let go of the memory.

Now do the Quantum Shift. Watch your thoughts with simplicity and innocence... Remember that emotions are just thoughts. Watch your thoughts-emotions - watch how they calm down and lose their strength. Watch them disappear completely, making way for Eufeeling. Consciously identify yourself Eufeeling and watch it turn into thoughts or other varieties Eufeelings, or completely disappears. Do it for a minute, or two, or three... You will feel when enough is enough. Then recall the unpleasant emotional event again (the same one you started the exercise with) and rate it on a scale from 1 to 10. You will find that the negative charge of the memory has significantly decreased or even completely disappeared! Most often, the person says, "I can't relive the emotion associated with that memory at all."

Negative emotions are shadows in your mind that thicken when you fight or turn away from them. And the COP is like a lamp connected through a rheostat. As you apply more and more current to the lamp, the shadows fade and disappear. As the light of pure awareness in your mind grows brighter, harmful emotions dissipate like the harmless ghosts they really are.

Question: I have been practicing Applied Kinesiology with Dr. Klinghard for some time. No emotional problem or illness occurs without one reason or another. By healing a person with CS, we do not touch this cause - and therefore, in my opinion, the problem may return if we do not eliminate its root. This is true?

Answer: As for emotional problems... and any problems, regardless of the reasons... Their solution is in pure awareness. Traditional thinking focuses on cause and effect relationships: by finding and eliminating the cause, we can also eliminate the effect. This works at the relative level of the universe, but now we have found a more fundamental approach to the problem of problems. We allow Eufeeling carry out healing.

We don't need to change anything... Eufeeling itself will change everything that needs to be done. Yes, we can and should continue to practice relative methods of treatment. Just before starting traditional procedures, perform a CS, and Eufeeling will speed up healing. Physicians who have adopted this approach say their results have improved. With less effort, they achieve more.

From my experience with patients, I know that the results are surprisingly stable. But, of course, in order to assert this with complete certainty, research is needed. I suggest that you try CS for yourself and evaluate its effectiveness. How more people aware of pure awareness, the more harmony it radiates.

Quantum Shift

An interesting technique, most recently developed by the American Frank Kinslow. It helps in a minute to be in a state of altered consciousness and connect with your Higher essence. In addition, Frank calls this technique the "instant healing method", probably because during the process there is a connection with the soul, undistorted universal energy.

The method is very simple. Before you start, pay attention to how you feel - do you have negative emotions, pain, discomfort?

1. Touch your index fingers to your body.
2. Focus ALL of your attention on your right index finger. Feel the warmth of the skin under the finger, or the texture of the clothing, the pulse in the finger itself, etc. Sit like this for 30 seconds, a minute.
3. Now transfer ALL your attention to the left index finger, again pay attention to what you feel.
4. Then feel both fingers at the same time. When you do this, a certain feeling will arise in you, which Frank calls the E-feeling (probably from the word "euphoria"). Feeling of expansion, calmness, joy. At this moment, you connect with your Higher Being (The Highest Being is love, peace, joy, and other positive things). Sit in that feeling.
5. Now be aware of both index fingers and at the same time the e-sense. Sit as long as you like. How do you feel now? In theory, you should feel much better.

When the e-sense is familiar to you, it will no longer necessarily go through the entire procedure and it will be possible to stay in this state all day. You can also use this technique to dissolve pain, negative emotions. The secret of this technique is not to try to do something, but to relax and allow yourself to be.

So, the algorithm for applying the CS to solve problems and problems.

Let me remind you that our task with you is not to solve the problem, but to allow pure awareness (CAU) or Eufeeling to do it. And for this, first, it is necessary (again, for the mind and not for the PR) to formulate the problem as simply and concisely as possible, for example:

Glafira Gavrilovna is a rare reptile, I despise her! And rate the strength of your contempt on a scale of 1 to 10.

Next, formulate, just as simply and concisely, your goal, what you want to achieve with this "development":

I have a completely calm attitude towards Glafira Gavrilovna!

Then you turn your attention back to the problem and hold it in awareness for a couple of seconds. Next, you directly do the CS as recommended by F. Kinslow, without modifications and gag. And at the moment of being in the interthink or observing the Eufeeling, you "remember" your simple and brief intention, and continue to further observe the Eufeeling or thoughts that come to mind. Perform an extended session (10 - 40 minutes, as you need)

Now pay attention to the problem, how much it has changed, its relevance has changed and give it an assessment on the same scale. If the score is not 0, then do a new QE session starting with the problem, and also remember the intention while being aware of the PR or Eufeeling. Do as many sessions as you need to reset the problem.

The number of approaches is not limited, there is no strict sequence in working with this or that material, you work without stress, in a buzz. And completely forget about the results, you are doing the CS for the sake of the process itself, and the result will be in any case.

For those who have not yet succeeded in CS, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the "predecessor", Gate Technique:

Sit in a comfortable chair where no one will disturb you for the next 10-20 minutes. Close your eyes and let your mind wander freely for 10-20 seconds.

Then mentally go through the list of pleasant words for you. These words can be heard or seen - there is no difference. An example of such words would be: "silence", "stillness", "calmness", "serenity", "joy", "bliss" or "ecstasy". You may also see or hear other words such as "light", "love", "compassion", "cosmos", "infinity", "pure energy", "existence" or "grace".

After you go through the entire list, return to it again. Choose one word that grabs your attention the most. Now all that has to be done is to observe this word without tension. Just keep an eye on it and wait to see what it will do.

As you innocently observe without interfering with the process, changes will begin to occur to your word after a while. It can get bigger, brighter or louder. It can begin to pulsate or weaken, gradually dissolving and disappearing. It is impossible to predict how it will behave - and it does not matter. Your business is only to observe, not controlling and not interfering in any way. It's like watching TV, only in your mind. Is it difficult?

While you are watching your word, your mind may wander to other thoughts, or you may begin to listen to the sounds around you. For a moment, you may forget that you are doing the Gate Technique.

You can disappear into your thoughts - sometimes even for a few minutes. Not scary. If this happens - you realize that you have lost sight of the word - just calmly look for it. And just something!

After a while, your word will return by itself. Or turn into another word. And that's okay. Just accept this new word and watch or listen to it as you did with the previous one.

So let's recap.

Sit quietly and close your eyes. After a few seconds, find your word and just watch what happens. Do nothing, just watch. When you notice that other thoughts or sounds have appeared, calmly look for your word and begin to observe it again.

If you miss it, it will return - or another word will replace it. Just keep practicing.

It doesn't matter what happens, as long as you don't get involved, you just watch what is revealed to you. Do the Gate Technique for 10-20 minutes. (Always give it at least 10 minutes, if possible.) At the end, do not immediately open your eyes and do not jump up to immediately return to your business. Sit with eyes closed. Take another minute or two to stretch and slowly return to the outside world. If you leave the practice too quickly, you may feel irritable, have a headache, or have other physical ailments.

Whether you notice it or not, your body will be very relaxed, and it takes time to return to its previous activity. Your mind will want to rush forward, but give your body a chance to adjust. After that, smoothly proceed to your usual activities.

Perform the Gate Technique at least once a day. Remember that by practicing twice a day, you increase the effect four times.

The important thing for continued success is to re-read these instructions or listen to the Gate Technique tape once every two days at first. This will eliminate all sorts of bad habits that are bound to creep into practice. The usual thing is to think that you are doing everything right, and then find that you have missed something or added something completely unnecessary. If you don't take care to maintain innocent observation, then the Gate Technique will lose its effectiveness and you will start to think that it doesn't work as well as it did at first. This is a sure sign that some impurities have crept into your practice. After you have been checking the instructions every couple of days regularly (by rereading or listening to them) for two weeks, start doing this once every two weeks. This is how you get the most out of your practice.

The Gate Technique teaches us to rely solely on observation. What is happening is like magic. Without a shadow of effort, deep healing is triggered. In fact, any effort is unproductive.

What the Gate Technique does so well is bathe the soul in the healing waters of awareness.

We are actually getting in touch with the wisdom that created the body/mind.

By practicing regularly, you will experience a surge of energy - both physical and mental, greater relaxation, resistance to disease, greater resistance to mental and physical stress, and improved relationships. All this is achieved by simple observation.

Very soon, you will notice that you have acquired the habit of observing more and more, not only during the Gate Technique, but also in daily activities. The Gate Technique is perfect on its own, although it can be used before starting other practices to increase their effectiveness. But in no case do not change anything in the Technique itself. Its strength is in its simplicity. It is perfect in the form in which I presented it. If something is added to it or omitted, then you can only weaken its effectiveness.

From there finger extension exercise:

Raise the hand with the palm facing you and find the horizontal crease at the base of the palm (at the very top of the wrist). Find the same fold on the second hand. Place your wrists together so that these folds overlap exactly. Gently join your palms and fingers. Hands will fold in a prayer gesture.

Now look at your middle fingers. They are either on the same level, or one of them is slightly longer than the other. For this exercise, choose a shorter finger. If the fingers are the same, then choose any.

Separate your palms and place them on a table or on your hips. Looking at them, realize middle finger of the chosen hand and think just once: "This finger will become longer." Don't move your finger. Just be very aware of it. Focus your awareness on it for a minute. No need to repeat the command again - once is enough. All that is needed is concentrated awareness. This one finger should occupy your entire attention for one minute. Only and everything!

After a minute, compare your fingers again, aligning with the upper folds on your wrists. Wow - your finger has become longer! Just awesome. It looks like a miracle. However, as Saint Augustine taught, "miracles are not contrary to nature, but to our knowledge of nature." So get used to it. When you “know” the secret of awareness, you will perform small miracles every day. Before you started the “Growing Finger” exercise, you formulated for yourself what you want to achieve, right? You formed the thought in your head: “I want this finger to become longer.” And then it happened without any work on your part, mental or physical.

The only thing you put into this process is awareness. We don't need anything else to achieve our goals. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true, and you'll prove it to yourself by the time you finish the book. Awareness is the sole driver of everything we know, see and feel. Once you understand this, your life will flow without tension, like a river flowing into the universal ocean of unlimited possibilities.

Frank Kinslow

The stages of mastering the CS technique are as follows:

1. Learn to observe your thoughts and catch the pauses between them (see the method of practical healing exercise 1). The perception of pauses between thoughts is, in fact, the perception of non-being - in any case, the mind stops in this place, gets lost and dies for a while - it has nothing to deal with, since the very basis of thinking - thoughts - cease to come to it for processing . The intention not to think leads to disruption of the picture of the world, it stops, and we have the opportunity to discover something else besides thoughts, to find pauses between them. Observation of these pauses leads to peace and relaxation of the body, which is very important in this case.

2. Ask the question "Who is watching the thoughts?" and understand what the mind observes. When there are no thoughts (in the pauses between them), there is no mind - in the pauses the mind dies, because there is nothing to watch. But the Observer always remains. He is - pure awareness, that is, It observes itself. In other words, the real me is pure awareness watching itself. And that is the real me.

3. Having realized this state, learn to enter it at will and reproduce it whenever you need to restore your integrity of perception. He calls entering the state of pure awareness the "gate technique" and gives a dictation that helps to feel this state well.

(here you can select the language and listen to audio files using this method: http://www.kinslowsystem.com/free_downloads.html)
Instant Healing Technique (Quantum Shift)

a) find the painful area associated with the violation and put the fingers of one hand on it; fix the feeling that arises in this case in the fingers;

b) find a similar healthy area on the body (for example, symmetrically located on the other side) and feel its "healthiness" with the fingers of the other hand;

c) keeping your fingers lightly on both areas (sick and healthy), observe them simultaneously, calmly and relaxed. At the same time, after a while, you sink into a feeling of pure awareness (pass through the gates of pure awareness, since you have already learned to plunge into pauses between thoughts). Immersion in pure awareness is accompanied by the experience of a special feeling - Eufeeling, in Frank's terminology - spontaneous and unconditioned. It can be described as peace, tranquility, serenity, joy, lightness, goodness, etc.

d) triangulation - hold simultaneously three points (three states) - pain, healthy and Eufeelings. Healing occurs due to the fact that you express the intention to heal the selected area and hold three states in consciousness at the same time. At the same time, you yourself do not need to do anything - just be aware of what is happening.

How to Feel Your True Self - (Practice "Quantum Shift")
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Let your mind wander freely wherever it wants for 15-30 seconds. Just watch the thoughts come and go. Now be more mindful of what you think. The content of thoughts does not matter. Just watch very carefully all the thoughts that float across the screen of your mind. Study them with full concentration. No need to strain or try to somehow concentrate your thoughts. Concentrate your attention in a relaxed manner, like a cat following a mousehole. So, with effortlessly concentrated attention, observe your thoughts for one or two minutes.

Do not read any further until you have observed the thoughts closely for a minute or two. I'll wait…
So, you just watched your thoughts carefully for a minute or two? Okay, let's continue.
By observing your thoughts, you should have noticed that almost immediately they became calmer and slowed down, right? They began to sound less loud. Thoughts have become paler and less frequent, and thinking in general is calmer. In the meantime, remember that if your thoughts behave in any other way, this is also normal. Whether your thoughts are fussy or calm, it doesn't matter. Your task is to be a perfect observer. You're just watching to find out what they'll do next. That's all you have to do: observe with calm attention.
Have you noticed that at times thoughts stop altogether? At first they faded, and then, perhaps, you suddenly notice that they have completely disappeared and you are left alone with pure awareness. It's great, right? But this is just the beginning.
Did you also notice that after doing the first part of the exercise, your body became more relaxed and your mind calmer?
These are all very pleasant consequences of being aware of pure awareness, whether you notice them or not. Soon you will be functioning at This calmer and purer level even when you are driving through crowded streets during rush hours. However, we still have things to do - let's get back to them.

Close your eyes again Like last time, watch your thoughts innocently and with close attention. Now it will be easier - you may find that thoughts calm down very quickly or even stop altogether. Just watch closely for a couple of minutes. After two or three minutes, pay attention to how you feel.

And I'll wait again...
During these two or three minutes, did you feel serenity, silence, peace? Or perhaps you felt joy, love, compassion, inspiration, bliss, etc.? All those good feelings are Eufeeling.
At the next stage, when you will sit with your eyes closed, I want the next from you. Watch your thoughts and wait for the Eufeeling to be born in your mind. Remember that the Eufeeling should be either very simple (peace or silence) or very intense (ecstasy). It cannot be said that one Eufeeling is preferable to another. Whatever it is, just casually observe it. If thoughts come back, just watch them.
Then thoughts will be replaced by either no-thought, or pure awareness, or Eufeeling. Whatever it is - a thought, a pure awareness or a Eufeeling - simply and naively observe it and do nothing else. This is very important: do nothing, just watch your thoughts and wait for the Eufeeling. When you become aware of the presence of Eufeeling, focus on it clearly and intently. At times you may not have Eufeelings or thoughts. This is pure awareness. At that point, just wait in a state of pure awareness until your Eufeeling arises again.
See how simple it is? Whatever appears on the screen of the mind, your position always remains the same: you are the observer and nothing else. Never interfere or try to control either thoughts or Eufeelings. Believe me: everything will work out by itself. Did you have to work to relax or calm down? No, it happened spontaneously. Eufeeling needs to be recognized, and its wise presence ensures everything else. Do not complicate this process, otherwise you will come back

So, repeat the QE process with your eyes closed, following the directions above. Let this part of the lesson go on for five minutes. When you're done, slowly open your eyes and continue reading.
And how do you feel now? Are you aware of your Eufeeling? I'll try to guess: your eyes are open, but you are still aware of the presence of Eufeeling. Isn't it amazing? Before, you had to close your eyes and dive deep into your mind to find it. But look what happened now: Eufeeling has followed you into the world of daily activities. Cool?
Remember that Eufeeling is limitless, so it is always present in you. You just neglected him most of your life. And you will forget about it again ... however, if you start performing QE regularly, you will soon learn to enter this state almost instantly at any moment. And this is the basis of amazing changes in your life. In the near future, you will suddenly realize that you are constantly experiencing such bliss that you never dared to dream of before.

Meanwhile, we haven't finished our session yet. In fact, the best is yet to come. I want you to continue doing QE.

Close your eyes and watch what is happening on the screen of your mind. Watch until you are aware of the Eufeeling, and then watch it with gentle attention. Don't interfere - just look deeply into Eufeeling. If it turns into some other Eufeeling, then look into that new one. Do it within 3-5 minutes.
Then, when you feel the time has come, slowly open your eyes and continue the QE process.
sit with open eyes and as you gaze relaxed in front of you, be aware of the Eufeeling. Do QE with your eyes open. You will observe thoughts, Eufeeling and pure awareness, but your eyes will remain open. Continue this for one or two minutes, then slowly get up and look at some nearby object. Look at it and at the same time be aware of the Eufeeling. Then shift your gaze to another object, continuing to contemplate the Eufeeling.
When you're ready, walk slowly around the room. Feel the movement of your body. Feel how you transfer weight from one foot to another, feel the pressure of the floor on each foot. If the Eufeeling fades, find it again with simple awareness.
Pay attention to the noises in the room. Feel the air touch your face as you move. Run your hand over a plant or other object. Include taste and smell sensations. And all this time return to the Eufeeling - as soon as you notice that it is not there, stop and be aware only of the Eufeeling; feel it intensify or transform into another Eufeeling. In fact, it does not increase or change at all. You just become more aware of the infinite manifestations of your True Self. This is You - the way you are meant to be. You simply stay with your True Self, untouched by the manipulation of the ego, which tries to enmesh you in endless fear-fueled activities. Nothing is more important and nothing is more satisfying.

Quantum shift technique- an esoteric technique created Frank Kinslow and described in his book " Instant Healing: Quantum Shift Technique".

By applying this technique, the practitioner can achieve the following results:

  • Material well-being;
  • Getting rid of physical and mental suffering;
  • Effective interaction with other people;
  • Outstanding sports results;
  • And much more.

To better understand the principles of the quantum shift technique, let's focus on creation history this method by Frank Kinslow.

The author began his spiritual path with Shiva practitioner- the destroyer of ignorance. Kinslow studied by myself and passed on the knowledge other people. Later accumulated techniques became basis of quantum displacement. Kinslow and his associates gained the ability to healing other people, creating their state peace and serenity. But after 7 years of practice, Frank realized that during this time he had not come a step closer to enlightenment.

Then Kinslow cut everything out of my life which did not help achieving enlightenment. As a result, he plunged into severe crisis, which lasted 7 years: divorced his wife, broke off relations with friends and relatives, abandoned his own teachings. The result was serious illness, which Frank met all alone, devoid of support, full of frustration.

But just at the moment when the darkness was especially impenetrable, Kinslow comprehended the truth, which originated as flash. He himself describes his new knowledge as follows: “In a single flash of insight, I realized that nothing moves; all created things and thoughts are immovable reflections of pure awareness. I don’t know how to really explain it, but forms do not exist. Form and movement are one and the same immovable emptiness. Any attempt to explain this experience is inadequate and laughable."

Using the knowledge gained, Kinslow created the quantum shift technique which allowed him to heal. Process development of the method took several years and continues to this day.

Using the Quantum Shift Technique does not mean renunciation of feelings, including anger, joy, sadness. Just along with the excitement you need be in a state of inner peace. And if you want, you can always return to a state of rest.

Quantum shift is a very simple thing, but it hard to explain in words. Here is what the author says about it: "'Nothing' (or pure awareness) is the only thing that works, and it works precisely because it is Nothing. All the time I've been meditating, reading, and teaching, my goal has been to be free from suffering. So far, I had a goal, I was not satisfied with what I have. Nothing of pure awareness is everywhere and always. In other words, to find serenity you do not have to go anywhere and do nothing, because serenity is already there where you are. You you can't get what you already have. You just have to realize that you have it, right?".

The result is a paradoxical conclusion: you don't have to do anything to get pure consciousness. You just need to realize that a person already has it. The search for happiness in the outer world, the pursuit of transient sense pleasures, does not bring satisfaction. Quantum shift focuses on way inward, seeks to obtain inner bliss.

The problem is that the mind is difficult to make interested in what is impossible to feel to take it beyond sensory experience. If the mind goes beyond the usual framework for enough long time, then the person can feel the harmonizing effect. The solution to this problem was Eufeeling: it allows you to keep your mind on the verge between being in the silence of pure consciousness and the restless activity to which he was so accustomed.

Let's take a look at the practical steps that will allow touch the quantum displacement technique:

  • Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, let your thoughts wander freely;
  • Calmly contemplate your thoughts;
  • After a while, the flow of thoughts will calm down or disappear altogether;
  • Continue to observe calmly;
  • Eufeeling will soon arise - one must observe it with simplicity and innocence;
  • Open your eyes without losing touch with Eufeeling;
  • Start moving around the room, interact with objects.

The resulting quantum shift method proved to be very effective both for learning and for helping other people. Thanks to this, Kinslow's books gained popularity all over the world, and the quantum shift technique is used by people from all continents.

Frank Kinslow - Instant Healing. Quantum shift technique

Instant Healing: The Quantum Shift Technique will teach you:

Improve your well-being;

Build strong relationships;

Improve sports performance;

And much more...
Through the Quantum Shift method, Frank Kinslow demonstrates the power of pure consciousness, giving powerful mind-opening techniques to initiate a healing process that is available anytime, anywhere. It's fun, it's joyful, and it's easier than you think!

Preface. four

Section I. Quantum Shift 8

Chapter 1. Miracles 9

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 Pure Awareness 29

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter b. Quantum Shift 80

Chapter 7. Practical application of COP 96

Section II. Whole life. 106

Part I: The Mind Chapter 8 Healing Negative Emotions 110

Chapter 9

Part II: The Body Chapter 10. Getting Rid of Physical Pain 133

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Part III: Relationships

Chapter 13

Chapter 14 Perfect Relationships 161

Chapter 15 Sleep and Insomnia 166

Chapter 16 malnutrition.. 171

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions and Answers 208

Appendix B. The Story of How Nothing Changes the World 259

Glossary 267

Dedicated to my mother, my best friend, my wife Martha, the center of innocence and the light of my eyes, and to Alfred Schatz and Beat Walter with gratitude for their support and guidance, but above all for their friendship,Jimmy is a great conversationalist.

In memory of the Maharishi with gratitude for his teachings.
Two years ago I developed a unique tool (self-knowledge- technique of Quantum Shift* (QS). The essence of my method is that we reduce the whole spectrum of our perception to its fundamental principle - pure awareness, which allows us to bypass many of the standard pitfalls of inner workings.

Initially, I focused on our amazing ability to heal ourselves and others with just a small shift in awareness. Although absolutely everyone has this gift, few use it. I wrote the book "The Secret of Instant Healing"""*, so that the technique Quantum Shift could learn all comers. Readers soon flooded me with tales of amazing healings.

I didn't want Instant Healing: The Quantum Shift Technique to be just an extension of what the reader already knows. I have sought to discover something new and important for you that will greatly enrich your life. At first, I was not sure that I could convey in words some of the subtle nuances of the technique. Quantum Shift. But it turned out that I was worried for nothing. The reaction of people who read this book in manuscript exceeded my wildest expectations,

And those who practice KS a long time ago, and newcomers said that the new book helped them significantly change their approach to reality. Their awareness of the world has become more holistic. There is more harmony in their lives - they are less likely to enter into conflicts, feel more self-confident, enjoy peace more often, do not feel the need to constantly control the situation and more easily accept life as it is.
* QuantumEntrmnment(QE) (eng) - a term created by the author for the name of his method of healing and spiritual self-development

Entrainment- entrainment (of particles), entrainment, capture, involvement **M. "Sofia", 2010.
In other words, there are fewer problems in the lives of these people, and most importantly, an inner gift has awakened in them, the radiance of the True Self.

In this book, you will learn how to deal with a wide variety of life problems, including even financial ones. Technique KS will help you improve your relationships and sex life, as well as optimize your eating and sleep habits. Although we will talk about healing here, if you want to master the science and art of quick healing with the help of KS, then it is better to turn to my book "The Secret of Instant Healing".

This book consists of two sections, two appendices and a glossary. Appendix A lists the most frequently asked questions from readers around the globe. It will come in especially handy when you become a regular practitioner of Quantum Bias. Appendix B is autobiographical. This is the story of how I developed CS technique. I have been asked so often how I came to create KS, that I decided to write about it.

Of particular value, from my point of view, is the glossary. Most of the terms I use are very widely used in speech and writing, but the authors rarely explain to the reader what exactly they mean by these words. I believe that by spending a little time defining some terms in the context of my presentation, I have greatly facilitated the reader's understanding of the text as a whole. And although I try to define many words and phrases right in the text, I advise you to refer to the glossary more often in order to learn the meaning of the terms I use.

In Section One, "Quantum Shifting", you will be introduced to a number of simple and effective exercises, culminating in the process Pure Quantum Shift. I recommend reading the first section from beginning to end, without skipping anything or jumping ahead. Those who have read The Secret of Instant Healing will already be familiar with some of the material in this section. But reading the first section is still useful. It is important for the new reader to familiarize themselves with this material in order to learn the process KS and learn how to put it into practice. For those who are already practicing KS, It does not hurt to refresh this information in memory. Such repetition will help. The CS practitioner develop and hone their skills and come to To pure KS- a more advanced version of my technique. Practice Pure Quantum Shift will allow you to expand your own awareness beyond the boundaries imposed from outside.

The first section proposes new ideas that explain the essence Quantum Shift. I hope these ideas will not only push your boundaries, but also simply entertain you. If this is the first time you are introduced to this simple and effective philosophy... I believe you will be in for a most exquisite pleasure. In the first section, you will get acquainted with the role Eufeelings and understand how Eufeeling associated with pure awareness. You will learn about the outer and inner path to happiness. Technique KS quickly awakens higher states of consciousness, and therefore we will talk about what to expect when your perception begins to clear, approaching the state of enlightenment.

The second section, Whole Life, deals with practical application information from the first section. You can see the practical value Pure CS. You will get acquainted with the realities of life in a state pure awareness and get a great opportunity to experience peace and bliss when Eufeeling will return to you, reflecting from the people, objects and events that make up your everyday life.

Practicing The Quantum Shift Technique, you will see how everyday life is filled with delight and a calm foretaste of miracles.

KS represents a unique and extraordinary effective method awareness of one's own True me. Having opened ourselves to such awareness, we return to the childish purity of perception - our eyes are overwhelmed with delight before the beauty of life.

Our world, unfortunately, is still under a kind of veil of spiritual darkness. And we stare into this darkness in search of a way out... and the answer is in the opposite direction - where the light shines True me.

Hope is the air for miracles.

Edwin Louis Coel
Subject and object are one. And it is not true that the latest achievements of physics have destroyed the barrier separating them, because it never existed.

Erwin SchrödingeR
Lightly touch your index finger to the middle of your forehead. Listen to the sensations. What does the finger feel? What does the forehead feel? Is your forehead warm or cold? Is the skin dry or wet? Do you feel a pulse in your finger? And in the forehead? Calmly, but very clearly feel what is happening at the point of contact between the finger and the forehead.

Do it within thirty seconds.

How do you feel now? Has the body relaxed?

Has the mind calmed down? I think your mind has become more focused, not as scattered as before, is it?

Before you started reading the previous paragraph, your mind was more restless. Perhaps you were thinking about an upcoming dinner, or a recent conversation with a friend, or the hassle of an upcoming trip ... but during this simple exercise, your mind became for a while pure presence in the present moment. Your awareness has become simple and one-pointed. As a result, the body relaxed, the mind calmed down. Why did it happen? How can a small shift in awareness so quickly lead to positive changes in body and mind?

Read this little book carefully and you will learn how to use the power of awareness to radically change your life. Yes, that's right: health, finances, love, work and spiritual search - all aspects of your life will gain new fullness. For this you only need learn mindfulness. And believe me, gaining awareness is surprisingly simple.

By learning mindfulness, you can get rid of physical ailments - sprained knee tendons, headaches, indigestion, joint pain. You will be able to cope with emotional problems - jealousy, pain of loss, anxiety, fear. You will gain new confidence in financial matters, relationships, and even sexual life. Even relationships with pets will change. The method I will teach you is simple, scientifically based, easy to learn and very effective. You don't have to sit in meditation for hours, bend your body into bizarre postures, or adjust your breathing in a certain way. No need to join any community and make donations.

You don't even need to believe that this technique will work. Faith has nothing to do with it. Quantum Shift opens the heart and mind of any person to harmonizing energy pure awareness.

Have I got your attention? Made you put down your turkey sandwich and wipe the sauce off your lips? Good. Attention is the only thing you need to perform KS. Everything is very simple. I'll show you how to move from a churning, multidirectional mind to a serene sea. pure awareness, to experience true freedom from mental turmoil and emotional chaos. As stated in Bhagavad Gita,"Even a small fraction of awareness saves the soul from great fear." The wisdom of the ancients is in your hands - here on the pages of this book.

Here I allowed myself a few strong statements, and I would not do this if I could not support them with equally strong deeds. So pretty common words. I want you to experience the effect that concentrated energy can have on your body. pure awareness. Follow my instructions and you will be surprised at what you are already capable of...

But this is only the beginning.
Exercise "Growing finger"

Raise the hand with the palm facing you and find the horizontal crease at the base of the palm (at the very top of the wrist). Find the same fold on the second hand. Place your wrists together so that these folds overlap exactly. Gently join your palms and fingers. Hands will fold in a prayer gesture.

Now look at your middle fingers. They are either on the same level, or one of them is slightly longer than the other. For this exercise, choose a shorter finger. If the fingers are the same, then choose any.

Separate your palms and place them on a table or on your hips. As you look at them, be aware of the middle finger of your chosen hand and think just once: "This finger will get longer." Don't move your finger. Just be very aware of it. Focus your awareness on it for a minute. No need to repeat the command again - once is enough. The only thing you need is focused awareness. This one finger should occupy your full attention for one minute. Only and everything!

After a minute, compare your fingers again, aligning with the upper folds on your wrists. Wow - your finger has become longer! Just awesome. It looks like a miracle. However, as Saint Augustine taught, “miracles are not contrary to nature, but to our knowledge about nature". So get used to it. When you “know” the secret of awareness, you will perform small miracles every day. Before you started the “Growing Finger” exercise, you formulated for yourself what you want to achieve, right? You formed the thought in your head: “I want this finger to become longer.” And then it happened without any work on your part, mental or physical. The only thing you put into this process is awareness. We don't need anything else to achieve our goals. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true, and you'll prove it to yourself by the time you finish the book. Awareness is the sole driver of everything we know, see and feel. Once you understand this, your life will flow without tension, like a river flowing into the universal ocean of unlimited possibilities.

Now go back to the moment you realized your finger was lengthening. What did you feel at that moment?

Astonishment? Awe and excitement? That's how miracles work for us, right? It brings us out of the somnambulistic state. For a moment, we are seized by delight and inspiration. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could live in a state of constant wonder, like an innocent child exploring the world with wide eyes? But we can. This secret was known to Albert Einstein. He said, “There are only two ways to live your life. Or so, as if miracles do not happen. Or so, as if everything around are miracles.

For now, let me dwell on this sense of wonder for a moment, as it is a very important piece of the puzzle of love and life. This amazement or awe is what I call Eufeeling. When you have Eufeeling is proof that you have dived into the depths of the absolute pure awareness and emerged, washed by its waters, bringing harmony and renewal. Eufeeling absolutely necessary in order to become the master of your own life, without making any effort to do so. Eufeeling it is always pleasant, so get used to the idea that your life will be more and more filled with serenity, love and joy.

A little later, we will study in more detail Eufeelings and learn how to call it. Following simple instructions offered on the pages of this little book, you will find the tools and ideas to transform the lives of family, friends, and even complete strangers. In a matter of seconds, you can change them deeply and forever. And every time you do this, you will transform yourself. Otherwise it can not be.
This is my promise to you. Master the technique KS, apply it in the form as it is presented here, and soon amazing changes will begin to occur in all areas of your life. Some of these changes will be expected, but most will come as a surprise to you. You will be amazed that joy can be permanent. You will be intoxicated and soothed by a sense of inner serenity. Everything in your life will remain the same, but the world will become friendlier and kinder. Friends will notice that you have changed - you are more present in the current moment and give more to others. All problems - the ups and downs that have made you feverish in the past - will meet with inner acceptance, freely entering your life and leaving it just as freely. Peace of mind will become the rule, not the rare and welcome exception. Your inner life will change radically, even if on the outside it seems that you have remained the same - except that the tension in your shoulders has disappeared, confidence and calmness in your posture have appeared, and a perky sparkle has lit up in your eyes. And very soon, looking at your life, you will think: "I myself am a miracle."
Lack of time is the biggest shortage of our time.

From a single candle, you can light thousands of other candles, and at the same time, the life of this first candle will not become shorter. When we share happiness, it does not decrease.

If you ask ten people what it means to live in Now", you will get ten different answers. This phenomenon is somewhat akin to the weather - everyone talks about it, but no one tries to somehow influence it. Perhaps the fact is that many of us do not fully understand what, in fact, it means to "live in Now" and what a person can benefit from this condition.

At first glance, it may seem that defining the word "now" is a simple matter, but in practice everything is completely different. You can say, "Now is now," period. And this will be one of the best answers. It is worth digging a little deeper in search of an answer to the question "What is now?" - and you will find a terrible tangle of completely rational, but hopelessly confused logical snakes that can terrify any scientist or philosopher. In fact, the desire to comprehend the current moment and find that elusive inner peace that this comprehension is supposed to bestow has occupied the minds of people ever since the first spark of self-consciousness lit up in the eyes of our distant ancestors.

Our body-minds have evolved under the influence of rare and short-term stressful situations, whether it be an unexpected change in the weather, a skirmish with a neighboring tribe, walking up the trunk of a tall tree to avoid the claws of a saber-toothed tiger ... Prehistoric hunter-gatherers worked only three or four hours a week to get everything you need to survive. Stressful moments were separated from each other by many, many days of idle communication with fellow tribesmen, leisurely walks along the shores of lakes and many hours of enchanted contemplation of the clouds.

If you are looking for one word that most accurately characterizes the life of a modern person, I would suggest "feverish". When else in history have we been involved in such a frenzied race? We are truly driving ourselves insane. Sixty to seventy years was not long enough for our nerves, bones and brains to adapt to the ever-increasing stress and speeding activity that the modern life. Now, in the 21st century, our body-mind has reached the limit of its capabilities, developed over many, many generations of unhurried evolution. Man is designed for a more calm and contemplative existence.

And this nature of contemplation inherent in our ancient ancestors still abides in us - it is genetically embedded in every cell and patiently waits for us to rediscover it. It is a voice that never stops, albeit a weak one, trying to break through the monstrous roar of modern madness. If you listen carefully, you will hear his silent plea: “Slow down! Enjoy. Let the world just flow past you for just a few minutes.” This voice is not an echo of the past, nor an echo of hopes and fears directed towards an imaginary future. He sounds now. And it brings us back to Now.

We think: doing nothing is wasting time. But turning inward, we rejuvenate the mind and body, as a result of which they find harmony with the outside world. The time "thrown out" on daydreams or meditation will pay off handsomely with vital energy and creative inspiration.

There is no escape from the daily routine, and although it is very useful to periodically take a break from the world for meditation, we are missing something very important. We mistakenly believe that we cannot be active and calm at the same time. But in fact, it is quite possible to combine outer activity with inner peace. Yes, yes: both the wolves are full and the sheep are safe. We humans are able to renew ourselves on the move - you can maintain a comfortable state of inner peace and simultaneously do daily activities.

Imagine a person who lies on his back and looks at the stars. He has been lying like this for a long time, and his mind is like the silent void of space. His mind is not like that of a businessman or a factory worker. This person doesn't know how to open a door, eat soup with a spoon, or greet someone politely. But he is full of awareness, moderation and peace, which we recognize only for the superseded or great spiritual teachers. This man died in ancient times, he was buried, wrapped in skins, and mourned by several people like him - his fellow tribesmen. His contemplative life was radically different from the life of our contemporary, whose thoughts reflect not the movement of the stars, but rather the coiling of snakes. The synaptic connections of a modern person do not know peace from the very first second after waking up until late at night, when the long-awaited silence of sleep frees him from the hustle and bustle and gives him rest before the frantic carousel of the coming day.

Our ancient ancestor was essentially the same as us. In fact, he was no different from us. If he was born today and raised in a middle-class family, I don't think you would be able to tell him apart in the schoolyard from the other kids. However, therein lies the problem. The forces that created his large brain and upright body are nothing like those that act on a person now - not even close. Our bodies and minds, which were formed before time was invented, are now exposed to completely unnatural forces, unknown to us. ancient man. Environmental pollution, nervous work, the need for multifunctionality, a high percentage of divorces, many hours of sitting at the computer, daily portions of negative news from around the globe - all these stress factors were not known to our ancient ancestors. Yes, what is there for a long time - they were unknown to people even some hundred years ago.

It is quite obvious that in the world we have created, painful bustle reigns. We are driven by an insatiable desire to immediately fill any void. Knowledge is the new god. It seems to us that, having gained knowledge about something, we thereby gain control over it. And if we control something, then we can either further diversify our knowledge and expand control over the world, or protect ourselves from dangers - both real and imagined. Thus, our collective thinking goes roughly in this direction: if we learn more about a subject, we will gain more control over it. If we increase our control over the subject, we can use it as a source of further knowledge or eliminate it as a threat to our security and an obstacle to further knowledge. Don't you think that the threads of madness are woven into the fabric of our thinking?

The need for control comes from the feeling that control is needed. In other words, we feel that we cannot control everything. This feeling may or may not be conscious. More often than not, it is unconscious. However, this subtle subconscious need for control feeds most of our desires, which go beyond what is necessary for survival and basic comfort. (I understand that this is a gross oversimplification of the most complex psychological processes that take place between our ears, but still follow my thought and see where it leads.)

The ego manifests itself in one of two ways. possible ways. It can rest at rest, feeling its expansion and fullness. This is what happens when you fix your eyes on the starry sky or wake up and feel in harmony with the world - that is, when things are exactly as they should be. However, 99% of the time our ego manifests itself in a different way. It feels empty and seeks to fill this void with events and people that can give a temporary sense of fullness.

The key word here is "temporary". We can't pacify the ego for long, can we? When we buy a new car, our ego is only fully satisfied until the first dent in the door or the first loan payment has to be made. By the time of the last payment, we can't wait to get rid of the old car and buy a new one. New car, new job, new food, more money, more free time, more love... Our egos are restlessly looking for more, craving new experiences in a vain attempt to drown out that tiny, thin voice somewhere inside: "I'm not full yet."

You may think that this feeling of emptiness is a bad thing, but it really isn't. In the same way, physical pain is a blessing, because if we did not feel pain, we would not notice the moments when we were harmed. So imagine that you have a genetic neurological defect called anhidrosis, accompanied by insensitivity to pain. (Actually, the word anhidrosis is an inability to sweat, a disorder paired with insensitivity to pain.)

It would not even be safe for you to eat and drink, as you would risk chewing your tongue along with the fork and chop. Walking slowly in the park, you could get frostbite and not notice it. Or bleed out, hitting his forehead on the corner of a hanging cabinet. Pain is a natural alarm signal: something is wrong. The same goes for the inner feeling of emptiness. This is a warning signal: our actions do not solve the problem.

We try in many ways to drown out this faint voice, which constantly reminds us that something is wrong in our life. Modern man approaches the suppression of this voice simply with exceptional ingenuity. Technology is the ultimate tool for creating surrogates to deceive our spiritual hunger. A great example here is the computer I'm currently working on. Yes, this is a very useful item, but (especially when combined with the Internet) it is also one of the most intoxicating toys developed by mankind.

Another example is shopping. How often do many of us keep buying things we don't really need! Do you still remember "living stones"*? Maybe you bought one for yourself? Let's confess. After you pay hard-earned money for the most ordinary cobblestone, it is not so easy to take it and throw it over the fence. I bet you have a pebble like this lying around in your basement somewhere.

We are quite creative in ways to divert our attention from this feeling of emptiness, loneliness and confusion. Shopping, food, extreme sports, sex, TV... the list is endless. We do not even have time to enjoy the fruits of our efforts, because almost immediately the worm of desire for something more and better penetrates the brain. We are unable to fill this void with things, thoughts and emotions. It's like putting black marker on your car's oil indicator so it doesn't remind you that your engine needs maintenance.

Emptiness, boredom, restlessness and anxiety are just red warning signs, as is physical pain. They are trying to draw your attention: something is wrong. They show that external activity does not provide peace within. We go outward, seeking more and more, while the solution lies in the other direction.
In 1975, an American, after listening to complaints from friends about how much trouble pets cause, began to sell "live stones" - the most ordinary cobblestones in cardboard boxes lined with straw and equipped with holes for breathing. Humorous care instructions were included with the stone. - Note. translation So what's the problem? Why do we feel a relentless urge to achieve more and acquire more? The problem is that we don't need big ones. We need less. In fact, we need below less than small. We don't need anything. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. That's the way things are.

Quantum physics tells us that reality has two sides: 1) a field of forms and energy, and 2) Nothing from where these forms and energy come from. In fact, the primacy in this matter is not with quantum physics.

The fact that emptiness precedes the creation of the universe is stated in many spiritual texts: Vedas, Upanishads, Taoist and Buddhist scriptures, the Bible... Well, why is it important? It turns out that Nothing is empty. Follow my thought, now the fun begins. All things in creation - stardust and antimatter, ladybugs and sweet dreams - exist in the relative world of form and energy. This field of forms is surrounded and penetrated by Nothing. Nothing contains all the building material necessary to fill our cosmic universe with an infinite number of things. That's right: initially all these things are Nothing - and only then they take shape.

How do we know that Nothing exists? Well, of course: both saints and scientists talk about it. David Bohm (a theoretical physicist, an authority on quantum mechanics, whom Einstein called his spiritual father) called Nothing "the hidden order". The first two verses of the biblical Book of Genesis read: "In the beginning... The earth was formless and empty." The echo of Nothing is also present in the lines Taittiriya Upanishads, written over 3,000 years ago: "In the beginning there was no world."
However, Nothing could sit idle, so it got busy creating. His first activity was thinking. And the first thought was the thought of Myself. What else could it be thinking? This first thought gave rise to the sensation true me- that boundless essence that we call "I". Then Nothing began to think of all the marvelous things it could do. That's when Nothing became something. AT Genesis further written. “The Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said: let there be light. And there was light. And Taitti-riya Upanishad also says: “Out of non-existence came Existence. From itself, existence has created True me. That's why it's called Self-Created." So you see, the idea that Nothing is the source of Everything is by no means new. And there are certain reasons for that.

If we accept Nothing as an idea and as an experience, it will have a profound effect on us. We will be free from suffering. Yes, it is so Nothing eradicates pain, despair and torment. It eliminates any disharmony and fills the body and mind with vitality. Truly, Nothing is the true cure for all the ills and folly of mankind. Moreover, it eradicates them without any effort, eliminating the very need for suffering and tension. One remedy for everything. Therefore, when the ego seeks to find inner fulfillment through a new romantic adventure or new car, he should have accepted the Nothing at the same time ... otherwise, in the end, it will receive something completely different from what it expected: suffering.

Madness, right? We think that in order to feel complete, you need to gather as many good things as possible around yourself - money, beautiful things, friends ... But everyone knows that what can be gained can also be lost. We have all heard of people who have lost fortunes and friends - things that they previously considered an integral part of their lives. But the cause of suffering is not the loss itself. The cause of suffering is the fear of loss and the desire to return everything. The problem is not in things and not in people. Suffering is generated by the attachment of the mind to the whole eyum. The mind becomes attached to things, because it does not know how valuable Nothing is. If you have Nothing, you have nothing to lose.

I think this last statement needs some clarification.

Let's look at all of this in terms of inner peace. In moments of serenity, we do not suffer, do we? Inner peace is not compatible with fear. A calm mind cannot imagine suffering. These states are diametrically opposed to each other. Peace does not replace fear and suffering - it simply creates an atmosphere where they cannot exist. Serenity is a barren ground for fear. If we want to deal with suffering, we need to better understand what inner peace is.

So what is serenity? If you define it in terms of the intensity of mental activity, then serenity means reduced mental activity, right? Mentally compare situations when you look at the sunset, sitting on the edge of a forest, and when you argue with your boss.

Inner peace can be maintained even when your body is active. Many stayers report that they are in a state of complete peace when their body is working very hard. I say this because true serenity means stillness of the mind and does not depend on what the body is doing.

Thus, we can say that as the activity of the mind decreases, serenity increases. If so, we can also say that complete absence mental activity means absolute peace. Activity is energy; no activity - no energy. Lack of energy is Nothing. Thus, Nothing is absolute rest. Is it logical?

The ego is always looking to add something to strengthen its position. It thinks that it will find peace and liberation from fears if it provides itself with a better education, more good health, more money. The problem is that when we add things, we add energy, and energy, as we already know, is the opposite of serenity. This is a very important point.

If we liken finding serenity to a mathematical process, then it is like subtraction, not addition. Imagine that some things are subtracted from your life. Do you feel less anxious when you think that you no longer have to go to work or even go on vacation? Even good things like vacations can be a source of stress. Haven't you ever come back from vacation with the thought that you can finally relax? Well, I can make you happy. I have found that we can be active and at the same time keep our minds at rest, just like a runner whose body is active and the mind serene. This will take a little work, but the results are impressive and inspiring. Master simple technique Quantum Shift (QS), and you can effortlessly heal yourself and your loved ones from the apparent disharmony of everyday life.

From a mathematical point of view, technique KS works through subtraction. This technique offers your mind less and less until there is nothing left. Then - and this is the most remarkable - KS fixes the mind on the most subtle level of the universe, where your true me, at the same time allowing you to gently return to everyday bustle. You truly stand with both feet in different worlds drawing strength from both at the same time. This is your key to serenity and the end of suffering. See how simple it is? Once you master the simple two-step technique, you will be able to create peace and harmony wherever you go and whatever you do. You will improve your relationships with people, as well as your mental and physical health, financial position, athletic success and spiritual growth. And you can help others achieve the same.

Isn't it amazing? By simply practicing Nothing, you spread healing waves of change around you that pass not only through your life, but through the entire universe. Do you understand what strength and what potential lies in this easy and childishly simple technique?
Author's note. The spirit and scope of this book does not imply a deep study of the delightful mechanics of being. But if you are interested in this kind of research, you may like my book The Secret of True Happiness.

I think I have already said enough about the ego, inner peace and Nothingness. It's time to help you feel

Nothing in practice - only in this way everything written above can make sense to you. But in reality you will never experience Nothing. The mind cannot directly perceive Nothing, because it is only able to cognize such forms as “thought” or “emotion”, interpreting everything that the sense organs convey to us from the external world. The mind needs a structure to which it can attach. Nothing is formless, and as you will soon see (or rather, do not see), Nothing is known through the absence of sensations- lack of experience. Well, shall we begin?

Traditional systems of healing—medicine, acupuncture, body-centered therapy, and subtle energy work—work primarily to restore vibrational order. The more healing vibration will match the vibration healthy condition the higher the healing effect.

Sometimes the imbalance can be created by the treatment itself. If the treatment only partly corresponds to the cure, as happens with pharmacological preparations, there are side effects. In general, the closer a healing system is to working only with waves or vibrations, the less likely it is that side effects will occur. And that brings us back to pure awareness.
Pure awareness is not a vibration, but a source of vibration. It is a potential order and energy beyond all forms. Theoretically, if we could somehow manage to place pure awareness in a disordered system, then perfect order would be established in it without side effects. And by the way, it's possible! We call such a system Quantum Shift.
Any method of healing, system, or influence must point and support the healer, leading him through all sorts of obstacles that may prevent him from successfully completing the task. We mistakenly believe that the procedure itself is responsible for success. But it's not!

Pure awareness is not a vibration, but a source of vibration.
It is a potential order and energy beyond all forms.

I want to reveal one more secret to you; let it be a gift from the institution. Healing occurs not through a healing procedure, but through awareness. Yes, it is awareness that is the magical component that leads to success in any undertaking. Whether you're washing your car, solving a trigonometric problem, or cutting your toenails, awareness is always the key. Try cutting your nails without it. It will be a lovely sight.

It is your awareness that brings life to everything you do. Methods by themselves are lifeless. Awareness is like a train, procedure is like a rail. No awareness, no movement. Nothing is done without awareness. That's why you can choose any of the thousands of possible forms of healing - and still get better.

Healing occurs not through a healing procedure, but through awareness.

In the CS technique, the main role is given to awareness, and not to the procedure itself. As you will soon see, the technique itself is practically powerless. In fact, the CS really starts to work when the technique ends. That's right - healing occurs when the entire structure of the QE technique gives way to pure awareness. You see, the QE technique is not a healing procedure. This is the process of becoming aware of pure awareness. Healing actually becomes side effect awareness. It also means that you are not the healer, but pure awareness. This is an important distinction that will become more apparent as you begin to practice Quantum Shifting.

Healing actually becomes a side effect of awareness.

In addition, there is another noteworthy point. If you are not a healer, then you cannot be responsible for the healing that happened. You are free from any responsibility, deprived of this burden.
Let's say you've been asked to help relieve unbearable knee pain. You don't need to know if arthritis, a dislocation, or something else is causing the pain. You don't have to diagnose the problem. The infinite orderliness of awareness will do it for you. You don't need to know anything about the knee at all. You only need to know what its owner wants: in this case, to eliminate pain.
All that is required of you is to begin the process of Quantum Shifting, the rest will be done by itself. And not for you, but for the sufferer with the knee. Nothing but the initial step is done by you or for you.
Before starting a CS session, which can last from 15 seconds to several minutes, you will learn how to perform a simple test to determine the objective intensity of pain, swelling, and other symptoms. After the session, you will do the same test and see how these symptoms have changed. Because you were not involved in the knee healing process, you should not be interested in the extent or outcome of the healing that took place. It keeps you from remorse and also reins in your ego. You also get the opportunity to fully express compassion and enjoy the joy of being human. Not bad dividends for a few minutes of work, right?

All that is required of you is to begin the process of Quantum Shifting, the rest will be done by itself.

Quantum Shifting is simply the process of allowing awareness to expand into pure awareness for healing needs. As soon as the initiator of the QE process becomes aware of pure awareness, then there is a real healing. And although the discordant elements of any disease or ailment are restored instantly, the results may not be fully manifest immediately.
Quantum Shift will continue to work long after the session ends. This is another reason why you should not rely too much on the initial results. Let's say the pain in the knee was eliminated by 80% after the first CS session. Already two minutes later, the result can be 90%, and after a couple of days the pain can go away completely.

As soon as the initiator of the QE process becomes aware of pure awareness, then there is a real healing.

So whatever happens, happens for the best. It is impossible to harm here. The main law of all healers, which came from antiquity and says “Do no harm”, does not apply to QE for two reasons: you do not heal anything, and pure awareness cannot harm.
But you, nevertheless, do not remain completely on the sidelines. The beauty of Quantum Shift is that it heals both the partner and the initiator.
Through the action of the QE process, the initiator enters with ease into a subtle state of pure awareness and then allows the perfect harmony of this subtle ground state to recreate or reorganize matter free of disorder. When this happens regularly, this state of inner awareness begins to be felt outward as well, organizing and healing our every thought, word, or action. This experience is soothing, uplifting and filled with joy.
In the following paragraphs, I will make a general comparison and contrast of Quantum Shift with other healing systems. I am doing this for your understanding. Please don't misunderstand me. I do not underestimate the importance of these methods. Every method of healing is precious and necessary. Ask the millions of people whose lives have improved every day because of them. I look at an expanded picture of health that goes beyond the body and mind and encompasses all areas of human interaction. We are truly limited by the conceptual chains that bind our minds and weaken our bodies.

With the help of Quantum Shift, both the partner and the initiator are healed.

You may want to apply Quantum Shift solely to heal physical or emotional pain, and that's fine. Meanwhile, being more than just a method of healing the body and mind, Quantum Shifting easily moves beyond the inner, healing any undertakings of a person and even beyond. And all this happens by itself.
With regular use of CS, sharp corners and bumps in life are smoothed out. As a result, life opens up before us as a caring universal mother, protecting, teaching and always giving us everything we need. These changes come quickly as we awaken from our sleep to greet new day a sense of playfulness and awe.
The Quantum Shift is the first toy in our playbox, and the last one we need to put away.

More than just a method of healing the body and mind, Quantum Shifting moves beyond the inner with ease, healing any human undertaking.

When we start playing with CS on a daily basis, our personal dramas begin to heal on their own. Healing is accelerating. We begin to rely less and less on external modalities and turn inward more easily, becoming loving witnesses of the life that manifests through us. Like a snowball rolling down a mountain, we collect the fullness of life from the slope, give a powerful impetus to health and cheerfulness.

based on materials Frank Kinslow's The Secret of Instant Healing