Football player Fernando Torres: biography, personal life. Cristiano Ronaldo, Gerard Pique, Fernando Torres: the sexiest football players on the planet The personal life of Fernando Torres

Today, football players, at least the best of them, are also role models, trendsetters and heroes of glossy publications, whose fees can easily compete with the fees of the first Hollywood stars. David Beckham was the first to pave the way from the stadium to the fashion catwalks. Thanks to his talent as a football player, as well as his striking appearance and sense of style, the Englishman managed to achieve incredible popularity and turn his name into a brand. Today, the career of Beckham as a football player is coming to an end, and Beckham as a model and businessman is only gaining momentum. Trying to keep up with the popular Briton and other successful football masters, about the most popular, beautiful and rich of them Viva! and decided to write.

Most experts and ordinary football fans agree that the Argentinean Lionel Messi is the most talented and outstanding player of his generation. In confirmation of this - four "Golden Balls", which the athlete collected in his collection of trophies for last years. Despite high-profile titles, he, as before, is completely devoted to the game and, speaking in football terminology, “dies” on the field for the sake of the result.

Thanks to the great efforts of image makers, Messi has turned from a shy Argentine guy into a man who knows how to wear a stylish suit, confidently holds himself in front of photographers' lenses ... And advertises chips well.
In addition, the 27-year-old Messi boasts contracts with such giants as Adidas, Samsung, McDonald's, Danone, MasterCard, Pepsi and Gillette. In addition, along with NBA star Kobe Bryant, the football player is the face of Turkish Airlines. The Argentine's fortune is estimated at 146 million euros, which makes him one of the richest footballers of our time.

To the athlete’s credit, it’s worth saying that he is involved in charity work: in 2013, he donated 152,000 euros for the reconstruction of a sports center in his hometown of Rosario, and also fully paid for the treatment of a six-year-old Moroccan who suffers from growth hormone deficiency and dreams of becoming a football player. The common-law wife of the Argentinean Antonella and two-year-old son Thiago can be proud of him.

Lionel Messi. Argentina. 27 years.

For many years, ill-wishers reproached Ronaldo that he earns fame not on the football field, but during advertising filming and social events. However, the talented Portuguese put his critics to shame by leading Real Madrid to victory in the European Champions League and winning the prestigious Ballon d'Or. As a result, true connoisseurs of football have finally forgiven Cristiano for the fact that he is really damn handsome and sexy and is wildly popular with women.

It is his popularity with the opposite sex that global brands exploit for their commercial interests: the 29-year-old striker has million-dollar contracts with Armani, Castrol Edge, Jacob & Co, Herbalife, Banco Espirito Santo and KFC.
However, this was not enough for the football player, and last year. Now huge advertising posters of a half-naked football player hang on the streets of Spanish cities everywhere.

A bank account of 150 million euros allows the athlete to exist comfortably and. Ronaldo owns real estate in Madrid, Lisbon and on his native island of Madeira, as well as an impressive fleet of expensive and rare cars.

Cristiano Ronaldo. Portugal. 29 years.

Iker Casillas

Like behind a stone wall. Surely the players of Real Madrid believe that this saying was invented about their famous goalkeeper, 33-year-old Iker Casillas. For many years, Iker was at the last line of defense of Real Madrid and the Spanish national team, and with all his appearance he inspired confidence and calmness in his teammates.

Exactly the same Iker outside the football field - calm and charismatic. They say that Casillas was once hunted by the best girls in Madrid, but only one received the “main prize” - the Spanish sports journalist Sarah Carabonero, who became his companion and in January of this year gave birth to the football player’s heir, the son of Martin. The beginning of their romance for sports fans was a passionate kiss, filmed live by television cameras during a post-match interview at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. At that moment, Spain learned that the famous goalkeeper and sports journalist led everyone by the nose - for a year now they had been secretly dating.

For the Spaniards, Casillas is a real idol and role model. Even in the hometown of Mostoles, the avenue of Sports was given a new name - the avenue named after Iker Casillas.

The heyday of the career of the Spanish striker, 30-year-old Fernando Torres, fell on the period of his play at Chelsea. According to unconfirmed reports, the pretty Torres was very much wanted to see the daughter of the owner of the English Chelsea, Roman Abramovich, in the club. True or not, only the inner circle of the Russian billionaire knows, but in the end, Abramovich acquired the Spaniard for an impressive amount - 50 million pounds.

He honestly worked out the millions invested in him and became one of the best strikers in both Chelsea and the Spanish national team. It is possible that a sharp change in image helped Torres grow up and reach a new level of play, when he got rid of long curls in favor of a stylish male hairstyle, thereby further increasing the army of his devoted fans around the world. After all, for many years, because of his youthful appearance and touching freckles, the athlete was called none other than El Niño, which means “child” in Spanish.

The charming and photogenic Spaniard has been noticed by major advertisers for a long time. Torres agreed to participate in advertising for Pepsi, Nike, Samsung and Pringles for impressive fees.

Now Fernando is a faithful husband and caring father for five-year-old Nora and four-year-old Leo. The football player has known his wife Olalya Dominguez since the age of eight: it is unbelievable, but true - childhood friendship has grown into true love.

Fernando Torres. Spain. 30 years.

Gerard Piqué

For many years, Gerard has personified the reliability of the defense of the Catalan "Barcelona" - of course, with such a height of ninety meters! The courage and charisma of the football player was appreciated not only by his teammates, but also by the Colombian pop singer Shakira. Exactly four years ago, at the World Cup in South Africa, she gave the Spaniard her heart, and three years later, her son Milan. After the union of David Beckham and Victoria Adams from the Spice Girls, it was Piqué and Shakira, who is ten years older than her husband, who became the main football and musical couple on the planet.

AT ordinary life Piqué is a passionate fan of beautiful cars and poker. For example, in 2011, the largest poker tournament in the European series was held in Catalonia, where the athlete earned 50 thousand euros. Another passion of a football player is stylish clothes. In 2012, Gerard signed a major advertising deal with the Spanish brand Mango, which added a couple of million to his Barcelona defender's salary of four million euros a year.

Gerard Pique. Spain. 27 years.

Despite the fact that many girls around the world dream of the handsome blond Fernando Torres, the main striker of the Spanish football team, his heart has belonged to the no less hot Spanish beauty Olalla Dominguez Lista for many years. This couple has been together for over 14 years.

Love in the life of a Spanish scorer

Fernando and Olalla began dating back in school, when they were very young and inexperienced. Many years later, when Torres had already gained fame as a bright and promising athlete, he and Olalla finally decided to legitimize their relationship. Made the couple rush and the girl's pregnancy. Already 2 months after a modest little wedding, in 2009, little Nora Torres was born. Despite the fact that the lovers lived "at the place of work" of her husband, in rainy England, Olalla decided to give birth to her first baby at home, in Santiago de Compostela, where on July 8, 2009, their baby took her first breath. A year and a half later, the burning brunette gave the footballer a son, Leo.

Together through all trials

Numerous fans of the popular Spanish footballer in no way interfere with his family happiness. According to Fernando himself, Olalla taught him a lot in life. It is she who is the person with whom he is ready to share his life entirely. Olalla complements and balances the qualities for which a football player is so valued. It is she who is able to calm and bring to life the impulsive Fernando. Even when things were not going very well for Torres, while playing at the Atlético club, Ollala still remained with him, supporting and understanding him in everything. As the footballer himself admits, part of his dizzying success is the merit of his wife, who always pushed him forward and provided support where it was needed.

Success, fame and money did not make Olalla or Fernando arrogant "life burners". This couple is known for how casually they dress and how lighthearted they are about life. You won’t see Olalla in fashion from popular brands, and Torres, as a rule, walks around in jeans and t-shirts. However, they have the most important thing that every married couple should have. All the warmth and support that Torres' wife provides to her husband, the townsfolk could see at the final of the EURO 2012 championship, where Olalla came with her children. It was this kind of support that Torres needed at the moment of the most important match.

2012, . All rights reserved.

Olalla Dominguez Liste was born on January 1, 1985 in Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). The girl became famous thanks to her long-term relationship with football player Fernando Torres.

As a child, she loved figure skating, she trained at the Fortuna sports club, which did not have the opportunity to send her wards to major competitions. But in 2008, for the first time, the club received certification for the right to participate in the International Speed ​​Skating Championship in Riccione, Italy. An interesting fact from the biography of Olalla Dominguez: in gratitude, she supported the management of Fortuna by donating a soccer ball and a T-shirt signed by her husband Fernando Torres. This helped ease all travel and other expenses for both the athletes and their accompanying family members.

Acquaintance with Fernando Torres

Relations with Fernando Torres began in Österde. The footballer, then playing for Atletico (Madrid), at that moment was resting with his parents on the Costa da Morta. They met and felt they were made for each other. They started dating at a very young age, in 2004, Olalla moved from her hometown to Madrid to live with Torres and get an education at a prestigious local educational institution. Every 15 days of the month, the girl returned to her hometown of Santiago de Compostela to be able to communicate with her family.

solitary marriage

On May 27, 2009, Fernando Torres and Olalla Dominguez (being pregnant with their first child) decided to consolidate their love by marriage. The marriage took place in El Escorial, of those present there were only witnesses of the young, as required by law. Relatives and friends were not invited, the wedding was modest and passed almost unnoticed by journalists. The bride was dressed in a red dress, which was quite an original decision. After the marriage, the young went on a honeymoon trip. And after 2 months, their daughter, Nora, was born.

happy marriage

Until now, the marriage of Olalya Dominguez and Fernando Torres is considered one of the most stable. The football player has repeatedly spoken in an interview that he found true happiness in the face of his wife. One of the first tests for marriage was the situation when the footballer was offered a job in the English team Liverpool, he needed to move. The devoted wife did not hesitate for a minute and went after her husband. The total employment of the athlete, frequent training camps and numerous competitions did not destroy their relationship - the wife always supported Fernando, was nearby, and was often present in the stands as a fan.

In England, the girl had to face criticism from the British tabloid press - the appearance, tastes in the clothes of the wife of a famous athlete were actively discussed. But Olalya has never been like other chosen ones of football players - she is not a model in appearance, she is not endowed by nature with long legs, a subtle sense of style in clothes. She is simple woman who loves and is loved.

couple today

Fernando Torres and Olalla Dominguez are the happy parents of three children: Nora, Leo and Elsa. Fernando and Olalla often take part in charity. Their joint photographs sometimes appear in the press: either from competitions where Torres performs, or from the Spanish coasts, where the family likes to relax.

The couple is not like the others - they try not to attract everyone's attention, they live a quiet and measured life, despite the fame of the football player, they are immensely happy in marriage, their names are never full of scandalous tabloid headlines. Their marriage is considered one of the strongest among the marriages of athletes and one of the most stable.

Hundreds of thousands of girlish hearts around the world were broken in 2009 by the news of the wedding of "cutie" Torres. It was 3 years ago that the Spanish star of Liverpool (and now Chelsea), Fernando Torres, changed his marital status. According to the newspaper "El Correo Gallego", the footballer married his best friend childhood, Olalle Dominguez.

The wedding took place in Santiago de Compostela - where the girl comes from. The couple met many years ago in A Coruña, but specifically the relationship began in Estorda, where the striker was vacationing with his family. Olalla Dominguez, a 22-year-old girl, of whom not too many facts are known, other than that she is an ice skating fan and that she is the girlfriend of Yolanda Ruiz, the wife of Liverpool goalkeeper Pepe Reina. According to the Spanish publication, at the wedding, the bride was not dressed in a traditional White dress, but in red. And Fernando himself was dressed not in a tuxedo, but, according to eyewitnesses, "in something sporty in red and white colors." There were no guests at the wedding - only two witnesses. Torres, always a restrained modest man, celebrated the wedding without unnecessary fuss and pathos.

In the maternity hospital, a happy father, who was given a small bundle, excitedly told reporters: "This is the best trophy I have ever received!"

And although the football player always tried to keep his personal life a secret, this time he gave out interviews right and left, and even allowed photographers to shoot in the hospital. And also reported the weight of the firstborn - 3 kg 750 grams. And a year later, he shared his thoughts about fatherhood in an interview: “Raising a child is the most difficult and best experience in my life.” A year later, the football player got tattoos with the names of his wife and daughter on his forearms.

The young family almost fell apart when the authoritative British tabloid The Sun published on its official website photographs of Fernando having fun in a gay club in the suburbs of Newcastle. For a long time the couple were at odds, but in February 2010 they announced their truce. And apparently, they reconciled so well that on December 7, 2010, the couple had a son! The baby was named Leo. On his birthday, Fernando did not take part in the Liverpool-Aston Villa match, he was replaced in the starting lineup by Ryan Babel, just an hour before the match, because Olalla went into labor.

And at the 74th minute of the match, the live commentator of the match told the fans and the public that Fernando and Olalya Torres had a son.

Anastasia Novashchuk

And we invite you to see photos from the couple's family vacation. Looking at the happy faces of the two "kids" I want to say one thing: "Oooohhhhhhh!"

Fernando Torres is a famous Spanish footballer with a rich and flamboyant football career. His biography and personal life, fresh photos, as well as plans for the 2018 World Cup - in our article.

Childhood and youth

He was born in a small provincial town near Madrid. The boy's family was large and friendly - he became the third child in the family (he has an older brother and sister). As the parents themselves say, the boy grew up calm, unlike the very restless brother Israel and sister Marie Paz.

Like many other famous and successful football players, the boy became interested in football at a very early age. early childhood. He was already playing with the ball with great pleasure at the age of 4. Parents noticed the boy's penchant for football, and at the age of 5 he joined his first team, Park 84.

Fernando Torres in his youth

The boy took over the love for the Madrid football club from his grandfather, who was an ardent fan of him. The boy sincerely loved his job and spent all his free time with the ball. It is noteworthy that he did not work out with a career as a goalkeeper already at this age - after his older brother accidentally knocked out two of his teeth with a ball, Fernando decided that he would not be a goalkeeper.

At the age of 11, the first important turn in his career happened - he joined the younger age group of the Atlético club. As the footballer himself says, the choice of the club was influenced by his grandfather's ardent love for this Madrid club.

Fernando Torres: photo

The boy's dream came true, and the whole family made great efforts to ensure that he continued to play. The road to the club was quite long, and they had to get there first by bus, and then by train. The boy was taken to training by both his parents and his brother and sister. As an adult, the football player admitted that if neither his family, nor their help and support, he would never have become a professional football player and would not have had such a successful career.

Professional career at Atlético Madrid

In 1995, at the age of 15, the young footballer joined Atlético Madrid, where he became a reserve player. He began to play in the main team only a few years later - in 1991 he signed his first professional contract. The career of the young striker began successfully. So, in the 2001 match in the European Championship under 16 years old, the young athlete owned 7 goals in 6 matches. In total, the football player scored 13 goals in his first season.

The 2003-2004 season is significant in that Fernando received the title of the team's top scorer. Moreover, in the same season, he became its captain, which can be considered a very great merit, given that the player at that time was only 19 years old. Torres became the youngest captain in the history of Atlético Madrid.

Fernando Torres played for Atlético Madrid

Perhaps it was because of such a young age that the football player was nicknamed "El Niño", which means "baby" in Spanish. However, such a nickname does not apply in any way to the completely non-childish successes that the football player showed.

The leading football clubs in Europe became interested in the promising football player, but he remained loyal to his club and continued to play in the Spanish national team. In 2006, at the World Cup, which was held in Germany, he owns three goals. The 2006-2007 season was his last season at Atlético Madrid.

Sports career at Liverpool

In 2007, there was a sharp turn in Torres' career - he was made a lucrative offer by Liverpool Football Club. And although the decision to leave his native club was not easy for the athlete, he wanted something new and some kind of change in his career, so he accepted the offer and moved to England. It is noteworthy that he received the iconic jersey with the number "9" - it was under this number that such famous successful football players as Robbie Fowler and Ian Rush played.

His debut season at the club was successful, with Torres scoring over 20 Premier League goals, breaking the record held by Ruud van Nistelrooy.

Fernando Torres during the match

In the 2008-2009 English Championship, Torress scored the first goal in the tournament, and in the match with Aston Villa he scored the decisive goal, which brought victory to his club.

Two seasons at the club were very successful for the footballer, however, in the 2009-2010 season, the footballer suffered several injuries, due to which he had to miss almost half of the matches.

The successes of the football player did not go unnoticed. In the 2010-2011 season, Chelsea offered £35 million for the striker, but Liverpool's management refused to sell. The football player wrote to his management with a request to agree to this proposal, but he was refused. However, in 2011 Liverpool agreed to a transfer and the player was sold for £58m, the club's most expensive deal yet. Torres immediately signed a contract with the new club for five and a half years.

Career at Chelsea

Torres' move was negatively received by many Liverpool fans, to which he stated that he would not say a single bad word about the fans.

The transition to Chelsea was not the most successful in his career: in 14 matches he did not score a single goal. There were very few goals in the 2011-2012 season. Moreover, for 5 months he did not score a single goal, which affected psychological state athlete. The situation improved in 2012 when he scored a hat-trick, and in the 2012-2013 season he was recognized as Chelsea's top scorer.

However, in 2014 Chelsea agreed to an offer from Milan to loan the player for 2 years. And in the same year, Torres began to play for Milan.

Return to Atlético

At the end of 2014, it became known that Torres was returning to his home club. In January 2015, the striker played the first match for Atlético in the Spanish Cup against Real Madrid. In the same year, according to the fans, he was recognized as the best player in the club. Since 2016, he has established himself in the starting lineup of the club. In the 2016-2017 season at the Spanish Championship, a player fell during a match and hit so hard that he lost consciousness. However, the injury was not serious. As part of the Spanish national team, he twice became the champion of Europe and once the world champion.

Fernando Torres and Cristiano Ronaldo

In 2018, it became known that Torres was spending his last season at Atlético Madrid - in the summer of 2018, the striker became a free agent. The football player said that he had not yet chosen where he would continue his career.

Personal life

Torres' wife is Olalya Dominguez, whom he met as a child. Young people managed to build strong relationships and a happy marriage. Fernando says that in her he found a person with whom he wants to spend his whole life. The football player has a strong family and a happy marriage.

The football player says that his wife supports him in everything, and even in the most difficult periods of his career. He says that this is the girl he will always love, and without whom he cannot imagine his life. He calls her his luck and his inspiration. When he had to move from Spain to England, she went with him without any hesitation.

Fernando Torres with his wife and children

The wedding took place in 2009, but there was no magnificent celebration - the couple chose to simply sign. Soon their firstborn was born - daughter Nora. As the footballer himself said, when he saw his daughter for the first time in the hospital, this is his best trophy. The second child was born in 2010 - the boy was named Leo. In 2015, the couple became parents for the third time - they had a daughter, who was named Elsa.