Exercises for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine. Effective exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine Physical exercises for the spine and chest

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is an important element complex treatment. The sternum area is less mobile and more durable than other vertebral sections, and. That's why pathological changes articular cartilages are found in it much less frequently. The causes that cause unpleasant and painful sensations are injuries and diseases of the spine. It is impossible to completely eliminate their manifestations with the help of drugs alone. Specially selected sets of gymnastic exercises stimulate the nutrition and blood supply of the vertebral discs, joint mobility.

It is necessary to use exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine correctly. Unprepared muscles and ligaments will “inadequately” respond to the load, causing discomfort and pain. It is especially important to observe the “safety precautions” when preparing for classes for beginners who begin such physical activity for the first time.

Prepare for classes like this:

  • Take a shower using warm water;
  • Gently rub the sternum area with massage movements;

Exercises always begin with a warm-up: rotation of the neck and pelvis, slow turns, swings.


Any complexes of therapeutic exercises associated with physical activity are performed slowly. In case of discomfort or pain, the classes are stopped and the discomfort is reported to the doctor or instructor.

To maximize the benefits of training, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Classes are held in a well-ventilated area;
  • Sportswear is selected free, "breathing", not interfering with movements;
  • When doing exercises, follow the smoothness and "softness" of movements;
  • At each lesson, the intensity and amplitude of movements increases;
  • At the beginning of the workout and after it, blood pressure and heart rate are measured;
  • With unstable indicators of pressure and pulse, the load is immediately reduced;
  • During gymnastics, they monitor breathing: inhale and exhale;
  • Classes must be held regularly, otherwise achieve positive result it will be hard;
  • Trainings are carried out only after agreement with the doctor and determination of an individual set of exercises.

The main goals of gymnastics

Therapeutic exercise at thoracic osteochondrosis- part of a comprehensive treatment. Therefore, its use pursues specific therapeutic goals:

  • Optimize the possibilities of: breathing and ventilation of the lungs;
  • Work out the muscle mass of the shoulder girdle;
  • Prevent new attacks of the disease;
  • Form ;
  • Restore the correct curves of the spine;
  • Create strong out muscles;
  • Optimize overall blood circulation and lymph outflow;
  • Improve the "supply" of nutrition to the cartilaginous tissue of the spine.

Exercise therapy increases the overall tone and significantly improves the patient's well-being.

Gymnastics in the acute period of thoracic osteochondrosis

Most doctors strongly do not recommend performing gymnastics for the thoracic spine during an exacerbation. Severe pain syndrome is eliminated with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor. During this period, the cartilage tissue is inflamed, so sudden movements can cause injury.

However, in some situations, the doctor may consider using gentle physical activity. In this case, the training must be carried out in the presence of an instructor and under his constant supervision. A special complex is selected for the patient, in which basic exercises are performed in a "light" mode.

The only exercise on which exercise therapy is based in the acute period is as follows:

  • Starting position - lying on your back (use a firm, flat surface with an inclination);
  • The head is higher than the level of the legs;
  • The legs are slowly placed on a small roller, under the knees;
  • Begin to breathe deeply using the diaphragm.

The key to this exercise is breathing and body position: the angle of inclination affects the stretching of the spine. Due to the rapid saturation of muscle fibers with oxygen, muscle spasm is reduced, so pain is reduced.

When the patient's condition stabilizes and the pain syndrome decreases, physical activity increases. This is done only after the permission of the attending physician.

Exercise 1

  • Starting position - lying on the stomach;
  • Spread your arms to the sides;
  • At the same time, slowly raise your arms up and tilt your head back;
  • Stay in this position for 5-6 seconds.

Exercise 2

  • Starting position - lying on your back with arms extended forward;
  • At the same time, raise your arms and legs towards each other.

Exercise 3

  • Starting position - on all fours;
  • Slowly raise your head, gently bending (lowering down) your back;
  • Take a deep breath;
  • After all the muscles are tense, we slowly lower our head, and arch our back;
  • Exhale.

Exercise 4

  • Starting position - kneeling;
  • Hands hang relaxed along the body;
  • Inhale and slowly raise your arms as high as possible, tilting your body forward;
  • Fix the pose for 2-3 seconds;
  • Relax, lower your arms down and return to the starting position.

Exercise 5

  • Starting position - lying on the stomach;
  • Arms extended forward;
  • Slowly raise the right arm and left leg;
  • We return to the starting position;
  • Slowly raise the left arm and right leg;
  • We return to the starting position.

Each exercise is done 5-6 times. If the movements are accompanied by discomfort, the number of approaches is reduced.

Gymnastics during remission of thoracic osteochondrosis

The main load on the muscle and joint tissue is provided by classes that are carried out during the period of remission. This is the time when the pain syndrome was managed to stop with the help of medications and the patient feels well.

A well-chosen set of exercises allows a person to independently perform them at home. To do this, it is enough to go through 1-2 trial sessions with an instructor who will evaluate the correctness of the complex.

Like any exercise, the exercise therapy complex for osteochondrosis for the thoracic spine begins with a warm-up.

Warm up

Exercises that “warm up” muscles and ligaments can be performed in any position convenient for the patient: sitting or standing.

  • Slowly tilt your neck from side to side;
  • Rotate your body while doing circular motions;
  • Stretching your arms to the sides, begin rotational movements, first in one direction, then in the other.

All warm-up exercises are done 5-10 times.

Main part

The complex is performed with objects from different starting positions.

Exercise 1

You will need a chair with a hard and straight back.

  • Sit on a chair;
  • Clasp your hands in the castle and “throw” them behind the back of your head;
  • Slowly arch your back until it touches the top edge of the chair.

We do 4-5 approaches.

Exercise 2

You will need a roller. To make it, take a rolling pin and a large towel. Roll the towel around the rolling pin so that you have a roll about 10 cm in diameter.

  • Put the roller on the floor;
  • Lie on it with your back so that it is at the level of the sternum;
  • Throw your hands behind your head;
  • Slowly make a smooth backbend;

Exercise will strengthen the muscle tissue of the chest and back well. You need to do it at least 5 times.

Exercise 3

Get on all fours and go "travel" around the apartment. This "walking" allows you to solve problems with all parts of the spine. A week after the start of classes, the exercise can be complicated. During one step, slowly arch your back, during the second - bend.

In the course of the movements, pay attention to the position of the body: the arms should be straight, and the pelvis raised high.

Exercise 4

  • Starting position - lying on your back.
  • Bend your legs and bring them to your chest;
  • Slightly raise your lower back off the floor;
  • Keep the abdominal muscles tense;
  • Fix the position of the body for 5 seconds;
  • Take a starting position.

Exercise 5

  • Starting position - lying on your stomach.
  • Clasp your hands in the lock and throw them behind your head;
  • Spread your elbows to the side;
  • Slowly lift your upper body along with your shoulders;
  • Return to starting position;
  • Alternate lifting each elbow in turn;
  • Return to starting position.

Exercise 6

  • Starting position - standing.
  • Hands are placed on the shoulders;
  • Raise your left shoulder while lowering your right;
  • Simultaneously with the movement, turn your head to the right;
  • Return to starting position;
  • Raise your right shoulder while lowering your left;
  • Simultaneously with the movement, turn your head to the left;
  • Return to starting position.

Each exercise is performed 4 to 6 times, depending on how you feel.

Completes a set of exercises. Do it like this:

  • Spread your arms wide apart;
  • "Hug" yourself;
  • Feel how all the muscles are stretched;
  • Return to starting position.


Despite the obvious benefits of therapeutic exercises, not everyone can perform it:

  • Recovery period after;
  • Pathologies nervous system with impaired coordination;
  • Diseases of the vestibular apparatus;
  • Chronic pathologies in the acute stage;
  • Elevated blood and intraocular pressure.

Exercise therapy is a method of treatment, so you should not start it on your own. The exercise therapy instructor will select exercises that will take into account individual characteristics patient. Medical control and systematic training is a guarantee of a full life without pain after osteochondrosis.

To fight the disease, the doctor prescribes medications, massage, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. Exercises for the spine in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region - the basis of therapy. Therapeutic gymnastics gives the greatest positive dynamics in the treatment of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the back.

Medicines relieve inflammation and pain. Massage relaxes muscle tissue, eliminates spasms. Physical education restores blood circulation, improves tissue nutrition, returns mobility to the spine, increases the range of motion, and strengthens the muscles.

With osteochondrosis of the spine, cartilaginous and bone structures undergo destructive changes. Intervertebral discs are destroyed as a result of the transformation of bones and cartilage. Elastic joints that connect one vertebra to another early stages diseases are deformed and then destroyed. In neglected states, an intervertebral hernia develops.

When thoracic osteochondrosis occurs, neurological signs join severe pain. A deformed intervertebral disc compresses the blood vessels and nerve roots emanating from the holes in the joints of the spinal column. severe forms diseases lead to disability.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine - best method disease prevention and treatment. The doctor should develop a set of therapeutic exercises for the patient.

The benefits of physical therapy

In this disease, bone tissue grows between the vertebrae. The vertebral bodies merge, turning into one fixed element. For this reason, a person loses ease of movement.

The main advantage of exercises for the spine in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is an increase in the mobility of the spinal column. Physical education relaxes the muscles of the back, forms a strong muscular corset that prevents the development of osteochondrosis and the occurrence of serious complications.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine increase lung ventilation. Pain that occurs in the spine does not allow you to take a deep breath. Difficulty breathing leads to insufficient ventilation of the lower segments of the lungs, which provokes the occurrence of pneumonia.

The main tasks of performing physical exercises in thoracic osteochondrosis also include:

  • increase in range of motion;
  • removal of muscle stiffness;
  • decrease in spinal myopically;
  • prevention of complications.

Rules for therapeutic exercises

  • Do not do exercises that cause pain with thoracic osteochondrosis. If they are recommended by a doctor, they are introduced gradually, as the disease subsides and mobility returns.
  • At the beginning of the lesson, they do a warm-up, at the end - stretching exercises. Warming up helps to relax muscles, eliminate stiffness, and relieve pain. Stretching allows the muscles to slowly complete their work and remain relaxed for a long time.
  • Control breathing. Continuous deep breaths saturate tissues and organs with oxygen.
  • Exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis should be performed constantly, otherwise it will not work to achieve positive dynamics.

Patients who adhere to simple rules get rid of thoracic osteochondrosis for a short time. It is better to do physical education under the guidance of a coach. After mastering the medical complex, you can do exercises for chest osteochondrosis at home.

Warm up

Before performing the main complex, it is necessary to warm up the muscles. Warming up with light exercise can help prevent injury. After it, performing complex movements does not cause pain.

Warm-up exercises for the chest:

  • Stand against the wall, press the heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head to its surface. Keeping your posture, take 2 steps forward. Retract the shoulder blades, freeze for 5 seconds. Bring your shoulders forward, take the maximum possible position, linger in it for 5 seconds.
  • Place your palms on your shoulders. Perform circular rotations alternately with shoulders and elbows.
  • Perform shoulder raises. Lift alternately up the right, left and both together.

While warming up, watch your breath. Each exercise is performed 10 times. After completing the warm-up, they begin to perform the main set of exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis

It is impossible to independently select a gymnastic complex for the treatment of osteochondrosis. It is compiled by a doctor, taking into account the patient's condition, his physical capabilities, as well as the degree of damage and the severity of the course of the disease.

With osteochondrosis, exercises are performed from various initial positions: standing, sitting, lying down.

Complex from a standing position

  • Feet - shoulder width apart, hands - on the belt. Having taken this position, do incomplete circular inclinations. Exercise gives a load on the thoracic region, trains the muscles of the lower back.
  • The hands of the arms bent at the elbows close. Turning the body, they stretch their hands behind them.
  • Take a long towel. Wrap them around the chest, taking the ends in your hands. Take a deep breath. Then exhale deeply and tighten the towel.
  • Hands are behind the head. Tilt left and right.
  • Making tilts back and forth, they tend to touch the floor with their palms.
  • After tilting in front, they stand on their toes, stretch their arms up.

Tilts are done smoothly, without jerking. Low amplitude avoids injury.

Complex from a prone position

  • Posture: lying on the floor. A roller is placed under the back. Raise the body.
  • Lying on the floor, they try to bring the shoulder blades together, while the thoracic region rises up.
  • Posture: lying on the stomach. Stretch your arms and lift your body. Hold the body to the canopy as long as there is strength.
  • Pressing hands to the body, raise it with legs.

Each exercise is repeated 10 times.

Complex from a sitting position

  • Sit on a chair, rest against its back. Bend back until you feel a stretch in your chest. Bend forward with a straight chin.
  • Holding the back of the chair on the right side with your left hand, turn the body. Change hands and repeat the exercise.


After completing the basic exercises for the treatment of the disease, relax the muscles. If you do not stretch, the muscle tissue will become numb, which will cause a feeling of stiffness.

Stretching exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine:

  • Open your arms to the sides. Take them back. Enclose yourself in a strong hug. Feel the stretch in all your muscles.
  • Pull up. Rise on your toes without throwing your head back. Get on all fours, bend down in the spine, bend it up, bending your arms, pull the body towards you.

Watching the video helps to avoid erroneous gymnastics. The videos contain medical complexes for the elimination of osteochondrosis at home. After finishing the workout, go to the shower. Warm water helps to relax the muscles.

Exercise therapy during exacerbation

Doctors do not have a consensus on whether it is possible to do exercises during exacerbation of osteochondrosis in the thoracic region. Usually the doctor advises to postpone classes until the pain syndrome passes. Pain in the acute course of the disease is relieved by drugs.

In the acute period, when performing gymnastics from osteochondrosis, it is easy to get seriously injured and aggravate the situation. Sometimes a doctor may see the advisability of performing exercise therapy despite an exacerbation.

But then physical therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis is performed in a special institution, under the supervision of a trainer. The patient is recommended to do a lightweight complex until the pain disappears. And only after leaving pain increase the intensity of training.

Self-organization and patience of the patient is a guarantee of recovery. Regular hard training completely relieves a person of osteochondrosis that has arisen in the thoracic spine.

Osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region leads to pain in the upper half of the body - arms, neck, head, back. To get rid of pain, you need to strengthen the muscles that support the vertebrae in the correct position. This will help to do special exercises for the thoracic spine. Their implementation allows you to reduce pressure on the spinal column, because the muscles play a major role in this.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with exercise

Since the muscles support the spine, by strengthening them, we can achieve a reduction in the manifestations of the disease. The pain will go away, the mobility of the joints will be restored, the blood supply to the surrounding tissues will improve.

Exercises for the cervicothoracic spine of our spine are also very useful for internal organs. They contribute to a better blood supply to the heart, stomach, relieve fatigue and stimulate the tone of the intercostal muscles, back and chest.

Why do we always talk about the cervicothoracic region? Each exercise involves not only the upper back, but also the neck, so healing effect applies to her as well.

A set of exercises

Below are exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, which will allow you to restore health and get rid of pain.

Breeding and bringing the shoulders while standing

The first exercise consists of several stages, in each of which your hands will be positioned in a certain way.

Stage 1

Starting position - standing on straight legs. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, spread our arms to the side, palms turned to the floor.

  1. Hands parallel to the floor. We begin to move them so that the thumbs of each hand touch each other in front of you. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows.
  2. When the hands touch, we continue the movement by rounding the back and spreading the shoulder blades. You are trying to bring your shoulders together.
  3. Then we return to the initial state, bringing the shoulder blades together as much as possible, straightening the shoulders and arching the chest.

We do these movements 10 times slowly and thoughtfully.

The torso and arms are relaxed, the tension in the legs is just enough to keep you upright. We breathe in such a way that when you inhale, your hands go back, and when you exhale, they touch in front of you.

Why you need to breathe this way: when you round your back, lung capacity decreases dramatically. If you do this while inhaling, then the air entering the lungs will prevent the compression of the chest. You will not be able to bend as much as possible. As well as on exhalation, when there is nothing left in the lungs, the chest will decrease in size. And at this time you straighten your shoulders. In order for breathing to help, and not hinder you, breathe in the indicated way.

Stage 2

We turn our palms up. The rest of the pose repeats the previous version.

We bring our hands together and spread them apart. We do everything smoothly, as if you are practicing wushu skills. From the outside, this really resembles the practice of ancient Chinese martial arts.

While bringing your hands together, you should lower your head slightly down, with your chin to your chest. This helps to bend the chest back. At this stage, the exercises of the brush touch each other with the little fingers.

Flattening the shoulder blades while sitting

All exercises, starting with this, are suitable for the treatment of the entire cervicothoracic region.

The starting position will be - sitting on a bench, bench, hard sofa. Soft chairs in which the body is buried will not work. Requires a firm surface. You should bring the shoulder blades together and stay in this state.

The arms are lowered down, the angle between the body and the elbows is about 15–20 degrees.

  1. Due to the movement of the elbows back, we take the shoulder blades towards each other. We make an effort to bring them together as much as possible.
  2. Additionally, turning the palms up to the side from the bottom up helps to bring the shoulder blades together.
  3. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then relax and return to the starting position. We repeat this element 3 times.

With prolonged static stress, you can feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the back - if the muscles do not reduce, do not pay attention to it.

We spread our shoulders on the inhale, relax on the exhale.

Deflection of the chest standing on all fours

You get on all fours on the couch or floor (after laying the rug), the thigh is located perpendicular to the surface. Initially, there is no deflection in the lower back.

  1. Your arms are bent at the elbows on which you stand. The knee flexion angle is straight. Arms to the elbow parallel to the hips. Palms on the same line.
  2. We bend on inspiration, lowering the head to the chest and rounding the back. The head helps to bend even more.
  3. We hold in this position for 5-10 seconds and exhale, unbending as much as possible. Here there is a deflection in the lower back, and the head rises up. We freeze again for 5-10 seconds.
  4. We repeat this healing element 3-5 times.

This exercise is interesting because you can work out the entire thoracic spine due to the different position of the elbows. If you move your elbows forward, the upper vertebrae will work. If you bring your elbows closer to your knees, then the lower vertebrae. The lowest position is when the elbows are slightly closer to the knees (by 5 cm) than in the starting position.

To treat and strengthen the entire chest, you need to do an exercise in 5 points, moving the elbows from the knees forward. The extreme forward position of the elbows is 15-20 cm from the starting position, when the elbows are perpendicular to the floor.

Deflection of the chest standing on all fours on straight arms

This exercise completely repeats the option on the elbows. The only difference is the straight arms. Another name for this movement is.

Elbow twists

Starting position - standing on your knees and elbows. We tear off one hand from the floor, bend it and put it with the palm of our hand on the shoulder of the same name. Now we take the elbow to the side from this position, we turn the shoulder girdle up as much as possible around the axis of the spine. At the end of the amplitude, we make several springy movements, as if turning even further. In this case, you stand on one elbow, turning around due to the movement of the other elbow. We do 10-15 times in each direction.

Twisting on straight arms

And this version of the exercise for thoracic osteochondrosis repeats twisting on the elbows. Here you also need to perform 10-15 repetitions. It differs in the position of the hands (they are unbent), and we put the palm of the working hand not on the shoulder, but on the lower back.

Maximum flexion

We sit on our knees, tucking our legs as much as possible. Place your hands near your feet, placing them on the back of your hands. During the movement, the palms will move backward. We bend so that the chest lies on the hips. The head should end up resting on the knees. On inhalation, bend the thoracic spine as much as possible, and on exhalation, you need to relax. In a tense state, you need to linger for a few seconds.

We repeat this exercise to strengthen the cervicothoracic region 3-5 times.

Back extensor stretch

You need to sit down, stretch your legs forward. Place your right hand on your left thigh, and place your left hand on the back of your head. Twist the body to the left and bend as much as possible, feeling the stretching of the muscles in the cervicothoracic region on the right side.

As you inhale, press the back of your head on your palm for 3-5 seconds, and as you exhale, bend and turn even more. Inhale - push, exhale - relax.

We do this movement 3-5 times in one direction and in the other. The entire cervicothoracic region works.

So, this is a complete set of exercises for the thoracic spine, also affecting the neck. You can complete it completely or choose the most suitable for yourself. In order for the treatment process to be effective, it is advisable to practice at least three to four times a week.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine - necessary condition treatment this disease Moreover, they will help for prevention. Pathology is very common, and every year the number of cases is growing steadily, because modern man has to move less and less in his ordinary life. More and more professions involve just being at a computer monitor, physical labor is becoming more and more archaic, hence the problems with the spine.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis at home can be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that with a sedentary lifestyle, soft tissues and muscles around the spine pass less blood, which means oxygen and useful minerals. Because of this chronic hypoxia and micronutrient deficiencies vertebral discs dry out and become covered with cracks, this, in turn, leads to a curvature of the entire spinal column. Gymnastics for the thoracic spine will help solve these problems.

Starting to do exercises, a person pushes back irreversible degenerative changes in intervertebral discs as long as he plays sports or exercise therapy and leads healthy lifestyle life.

How to prepare for classes

With thoracic osteochondrosis, gymnastics has a therapeutic effect. But before you begin to regularly engage in physiotherapy exercises, you must first carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  1. A trip to the doctor. The specialist not only correctly diagnoses the pathology, its severity, complexity, and form, he must exclude possible complications and side effects from physical stress.
  2. We must not forget about contraindications, because not every body can withstand regular physical activity. A person may have chronic diseases, interfering with active sports, for example, heart failure, hypertension, glaucoma and other dangerous pathologies.
  3. The load during exercise should increase gradually, without causing pain to the patient. Exercise therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis is a pleasant medicine, it cannot be turned into a punishment. If during the exercise, there is pain in the spine, nausea or sudden dizziness, you should immediately stop exercising. It must be understood that exercise therapy is not the Olympic Games, and sports heroism can only lead to a worsening of the situation. All exercises are performed in slow motion, there should be no sharp turns or movements. The spine from some physical manipulations performed incorrectly can be seriously damaged.
  4. The course of therapeutic exercises should not be interrupted, it is strongly not recommended to violate the training regimen. If this happens, for the effectiveness of treatment, training must be carried out constantly.

Exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis at home are performed for 2-3 weeks. The exact number of days is determined by the doctor. Shorter periods have no therapeutic benefit, and long courses can harm the condition of the spine.

7 useful exercises

There are 7 basic exercises for the treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis. They must be performed with an open window to bring fresh air into the room. If it is very cold outside, then you can limit yourself to a window leaf. Training is best done in the morning, preparing the spine in the daily load. In the evening, there will be enough breathing exercises that calm the nervous system.

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine should begin with a light exercise. The most effective exercises:

  1. The first exercise is performed while standing. Starting position - hands on the waist. It is necessary to alternately move the shoulders and elbows to the right and left, twisting the spine in the region of the lower ribs. The movement is repeated 10-15 times in each direction.
  2. The starting position for this exercise is the same - hands on hips, elbows to the sides. The shoulders simultaneously with the elbows move forward, trying to touch, then they are pulled back with the same tension and the goal is to get each other behind their backs. Repeat 10-15 times forward and backward.
  3. A set of exercises can not be carried out without a chair with a high back. Having taken a sitting position, you need to put your hands behind the back of your head and straighten your back, trying to press the entire upper section of the spine to the back of the chair.
  4. Starting position - sitting on a chair. Hands are wound behind the back just above the waist, the shoulders are retracted as far back as possible, and in this position you need to stay for 10-15 seconds. Then tilt the torso forward, lower your head and wrap your arms around your shoulders, you must remain in this position for another 10-15 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times per workout
  5. Starting position - hands on shoulders, right hand on the right shoulder, left hand on the left. Shoulders in turn fall to the right, then to the left, while the head leans in the same direction as the shoulder. Such slopes should be done 10-15 in each direction.
  6. Starting position - sitting on a chair with a straight back, the lower back does not move during this exercise. The right hand should be extended to the right and slowly raised up until it touches the head and deviates to the left as much as possible. The arm must be straight at all times. Right hand to the starting position along the body, left hand is understood by the same circular parabola. Such swings should be done 10-15 in each direction.
  7. Starting position - palms in front of the chest in the manner of a praying Buddhist. The exercise begins with the maximum tension of the muscles aimed at squeezing the palms, you need to be in such tension for 10-15 seconds, then you can relax. This process should be repeated 4-5 times.

No set of exercises is complete without breathing exercises. It can be done not only in the evening or in the morning, but also several times during the day. It is carried out as follows: one palm lies on the lower part of the sternum, and the other on the upper abdomen, the task is to ensure that during breathing the palm on the chest, when inhaling, is in front of the lower palm, and when exhaling, on the contrary, behind, in a vertical plane. It turns out that breathing is also done with the help of the abdominal muscles.

Respiratory gymnastics of this kind is carried out for 5-10 minutes in one session and leads to the fact that all parts of the lungs are involved: upper, middle and lower, while increasing the oxygen content in the blood, in all internal organs and soft tissues spine.

Gymnastics for the thoracic spine of osteochondrosis at home can be completed with another breathing exercise. To do this, you need to get on all fours, while inhaling, you should raise your chin up, and lower your lower back as much as possible down. When exhaling, the chin falls down and the back arches in reverse side. For each breath and then exhalation, it should take 5-7 seconds, that is, everything is done very slowly.


Whatever prerequisites for exercise therapy the doctor finds, one must understand that therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine are the most accessible and effective remedy from a rather serious illness. To neglect this, treating the problem lightly, unwisely and dangerously.

Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis is characterized by degenerative disorders in the articular cartilage of the spine. Therapy of the disease should be comprehensive, and exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine are an important part of it. Proper Treatment will determine the success of the recovery.

Exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis: benefits

In most cases, the cause of osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine is a lack of human activity. Exercises for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, combined with preventive measures, help not only eliminate the manifestations of the disease, but also improve the condition of the person as a whole. Proper regular gymnastics will achieve the following results:

  • Increase in the level of physical activity of the patient;
  • Elimination of hypodynamia;
  • Muscle relaxation;
  • Strengthening the muscular frame.

Physical activity helps to eliminate stagnation in the vessels, helps to release inflamed nerve roots. Regular implementation of the complex reduces the load on the spine, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of patients. Gymnastics also helps to improve metabolic processes, both in problem areas and throughout the human body.

To ensure a high level of efficiency medical procedure you must follow a number of rules:

  • During the exercise, sudden movements are prohibited, as they can increase the symptoms.
  • With an exacerbation of the pathological process, exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine should be the simplest.
  • If in the process of performing the exercise pain sensations appear, then in further sessions it must be excluded from the complex.
  • The load must be increased gradually.
  • Exercises that cause pain are not permanently eliminated from the program. They can be performed after a certain period.

If gymnastics for thoracic osteochondrosis is performed correctly, it allows you to achieve significant results in the treatment of the disease. After a few sessions, you will feel that the discomfort has decreased, and regular exercise will help achieve the desired results.

Exercises for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis: indications and contraindications

Through exercise, you can significantly improve the course of osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine and prevent exacerbation of the disease. Experts recommend performing physical education for those people who have an increased risk of fusion of the vertebrae, which can be explained by the destruction intervertebral discs. The indication for performing exercises is the presence of osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine.

Although gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine is very effective, keep in mind that she has there are a number of contraindications:

  • It is forbidden to perform exercises with a severe degree of myopia.
  • With an increase in intraocular pressure, you will also have to abandon gymnastics.
  • Experts identify among the contraindications to exercise increased arterial pressure and cardiac arrhythmias.
  • It is necessary to suspend the exercise in case of exacerbation of any disease.
  • Contraindications are acute diseases accompanied by disturbances in general well-being.
  • This also includes diseases of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Physical therapy is not carried out in case of disorders in the work of the nervous system, accompanied by impaired coordination of movements.
  • If the patient has recently had surgical intervention in the spine, then for the period of early recovery you will have to abandon physical activity.
  • Gymnastics is prohibited during exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region.

Between the meal and the implementation of the medical complex should take at least an hour. If you are physically tired, then it is better to rest a little before doing the exercises. Loads are tolerated by patients in different ways, because the complex physiotherapy exercises should be selected individually by a specialist.

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine: exercises

A set of exercises developed by Dr. Bubnovsky will help reduce the level of manifestation of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis. Let's analyze the simplest exercises for the thoracic spine with osteochondrosis, which can be performed regardless of the form of the disease. For physical education, you need to take a standing position:

  • First you need to alternately raise each shoulder up. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each shoulder.
  • Turn your head alternately to the right and left. After making one turn, fix the head for 10 seconds and return the head to its original position.
  • For the next exercise, you need to use your hands. Its essence is in tilting the head to the right and left shoulder. In this case, you need to use your palm to resist tilting your head. This will help you get the most out of your exercise. In the process of doing gymnastics, control your well-being. If you feel sharp pain or dizziness, stop exercising.
  • Therapeutic exercise also includes tilting the head forward and backward. In the tilt position, fix your head for a few seconds.
  • Circular movements of the shoulders in each direction will also be useful. For each, repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • To perform this exercise, you need to place your palms on your back below your shoulder blades. Then bend forward and hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • For this exercise, you need to take a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Doing it, lean to the side and try to reach the knee with your shoulder.

These exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis at home can be performed at any stage of osteochondrosis. They are very simple, therefore they are available for execution at any age.

Gymnastics for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis: special exercises

Treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is a rather laborious process. To speed it up and increase efficiency, you can do special exercises with a gymnastic stick. This simple device will help make the exercises more varied. It will also have a beneficial effect on the redistribution of the load. The versatility and accessibility of this item allows you to do exercises both in the gym and at home.

The gymnastic stick in the treatment of osteochondrosis performs a number of specific tasks. It allows you to ensure relaxation of the back muscles in problem areas, to prepare the body for treatment with medications. Also, stick exercises can be performed as a preventive measure.

When used for the treatment of osteochondrosis of a set of measures, the disease may eventually disappear completely. A gymnastic stick helps to increase the effectiveness of exercises. The complex with its application will be as follows:

  • Take a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now grab both ends of the stick with your hands and pull them forward. With a stick, perform rotational movements in front of you. Do 10-12 movements in each direction.
  • For the second exercise, stay in the same position. Hold the stick in your hands, trying to grab its ends. Perform movements with your hands so that the stick is either in a horizontal or vertical position. Repeat steps at least ten times.
  • The next exercise is aimed at stabilizing breathing. To perform it, you need to raise your hands with a gymnastic stick up with a deep breath, and lower them as you exhale.
  • Raise your hands, in which the gymnastic stick is located, up. On the inhale, bend the body in the lower back, on the exhale, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise about seven times.

Gymnastics with a stick should be performed only after passing certain training. Movements must be as careful as possible to prevent the risk of injury. Try to avoid sudden movements and turns, otherwise it can provoke even more damage to the spinal column.

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine really demonstrates high efficiency. Before performing it, be sure to consult with a specialist. Only he will be able to adequately assess your condition and select a complex that will bring only benefit. It is important to combine gymnastics with other therapies indicated by the doctor. Plays a role in the treatment of osteochondrosis proper balanced diet, rich in vitamins. Yoga and swimming may be helpful.

You can find the correct sets of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region in the following videos.

Exercises for cervical otseochondroch on video

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine: effective exercises

Cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis is common and is manifested by vivid symptoms. The disease is difficult to ignore, because there is a bright pain syndrome. There are also other negative manifestations that can only be eliminated with proper treatment.

Gymnastics is effective for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine. With its help, you can restore muscles, as well as improve the mobility of the problem area. It is important to take timely measures and identify the disease so that you can get rid of its manifestations as quickly as possible.


Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis is a pathology of the vertebrae, in which ossification of the soft parts occurs. As a result, the effect of depreciation disappears, due to which the bones begin to rub against each other. This compresses the blood vessels and nerve fibers which are nearby. People complain about certain negative symptoms by which the disease can be recognized.

  • Pain syndrome. It is present in all cases and leads to the fact that a person may even temporarily lose his ability to work. The pain can radiate to different areas: to the forehead, to the jaw, to the hands, and also be localized in the thoracic region.
  • Loss of coordination and dizziness. This happens due to the fact that with osteochondrosis, cerebral blood flow is disturbed. Such a phenomenon is considered dangerous, so it is extremely important to take action in time and improve the state of blood circulation.
  • Nausea and vomiting. They do not occur in all cases, while they do not bring relief.
  • Stiffness of the neck and chest. To turn, a person has to turn the entire body.
  • Weakness in the arms. This is due to the fact that there is a problem with the root, which is responsible for the muscles of the hands. It may be compressed, which will necessarily affect the condition of the person.
  • Headache. It is present during periods of exacerbation and can be of a different nature. The pain is predominantly unilateral. Unpleasant sensations are given to the temple, to the eye, and also to the back of the head.
  • Hearing and vision problems. A person may begin to see worse, observe bright flashes of light or flies. Ringing in the ears is also common and hearing quality is temporarily reduced.
  • Cracking of the neck and chest. This becomes noticeable when tilting and turning.

In some cases, there is shortness of breath, pain in the heart, numbness of the limbs. It is important for a person not to ignore such symptoms, but to immediately consult a doctor. At home, it will not be possible to make an accurate diagnosis, because there will be no necessary equipment. That is why you should visit the hospital to accurately determine the existing pathology.

The reasons

Osteochondrosis appears on various reasons, and often several negative factors affect at once. The disease is quite common in modern world, and in many ways it is associated with the wrong way of life. It usually occurs in middle age, around 35-40 years of age.. In this case, the disease can also occur in young citizens.

First of all, the problem appears in obese people. That is why it is important to fight excess weight, because it causes a lot of problems. Also, a sedentary lifestyle leads to osteochondrosis, especially if a person is often in the same position. In such a situation, it is worth doing a warm-up whenever possible in order to maintain the body in a normal state.

It is extremely important to eat right and consume healthy foods. If a person loves smoked meats, saltiness, canned food, as well as fatty and fried foods, then the condition of the spine will worsen. It is important to add more vegetables and fruits to the diet so that you do not have to suffer from osteochondrosis.

Injuries also quite often lead to complications such as problems with the neck and thoracic region. Therefore, in such situations, it is important to consult a doctor so that he unequivocally says whether there are consequences from a serious bruise. With pathologies of the spine, such as curvature, scoliosis, it is worth observing preventive measures. It is important to prevent the occurrence of osteochondrosis, because this will significantly aggravate the condition.

Even nervous tension can contribute to the fact that a person will have pain in the spine. This is due to the fact that during stressful moments the muscles are too tense, as a result, there is increased soreness. It is worthwhile, if possible, to lead a calm lifestyle, if you do not want to face osteochondrosis later. If stress cannot be avoided, then after it you should try to calm down quickly so that minimal harm to health is caused.

Another important provoking factor is heredity.. If the parents have problems with the neck and thoracic region, then the child may also face them. In such a situation, it is worth preventing the onset of the disease in advance by leading a healthy lifestyle and performing useful exercises. Then there will be a chance to improve to keep your health in proper condition.

As you can understand, there are many reasons that lead to osteochondrosis. In some situations, the person himself is to blame, because he did not monitor his health. In any case, to treat the disease, you will have to reconsider your lifestyle if you do not want to aggravate the situation.

You will also have to do therapeutic exercises, which are effective for problems with the spine. Only comprehensive measures, including physical exercises, will improve the state of health. In any case, it is necessary to start therapy only after the presence of the disease is confirmed by the doctor.

The Benefits of Exercise

Some people believe that it is possible to treat osteochondrosis only with the help of gels and medicines. In fact, it is important to do exercises so that you can significantly improve your well-being, as well as maintain the body in a normal state. At the same time, it is important to perform therapeutic exercises, which are specifically aimed at the treatment of osteochondrosis. If you do the exercises daily, then the result will not be long in coming.

What are the benefits of exercise:

  • By increasing physical activity, a person can eliminate congestion in the joints, as well as release the nerve roots.
  • With regular exercise therapy, it will be possible to reduce the load on the spine. A person will immediately notice how much his well-being has improved.
  • Gymnastics allows you to speed up metabolic processes, and affects not only problem areas, but also the entire body.

It is imperative to follow certain rules so that there is only benefit from the exercises. You also need to contact a specialist to consult about physical activity. It is important to make sure that you can perform gymnastics in a particular situation, because it is not always allowed.

When a person does exercises, he should avoid sudden movements. Otherwise, the pain syndrome will increase, which will lead to negative consequences. In the case when, during a particular exercise, discomfort, it is worth abandoning this type of load. For each person, training must be individually selected so that the best result can be achieved.

Charging must be done every day to be useful. Gradually, you will need to increase the load in order to effectively strengthen the muscles of the neck and improve the condition of the spine. If a person does everything right, then positive changes will not keep you waiting.

Exercise Options

On average, the duration of the lesson should be from 10 to 20 minutes. It is important that intense pain does not occur during exercise. Because in such a situation, the lesson will have to be stopped and consult a doctor.

For cervical region you can do the following exercises:

  • You need to start by turning your head to the right and left, while keeping your face straight. Next, you need to tilt your head, but they should be done carefully.
  • You need to move your chin forward on a horizontal plane.
  • Next, put your palm on your forehead and create tension between these parts of the body.
  • Hands should be placed behind the head and folded into the castle. At the same time, you need to press your head with your elbows, and your face must look forward. Gradually, you should raise your elbows as high as possible.
  • Sitting on a chair, you need to keep your posture. In this case, the chin should describe the numbers from 0 to 9 in the air.

For cervicothoracic The following exercises are helpful:

  • The palm must be placed on the temporal region of the face, while tension should be created. The head must be turned, creating resistance to the hand.
  • In a standing position, you need to relax, while your arms should hang down. It is important to move only the shoulders, raising and lowering them.
  • You need to lie on your back, then bend your knees. You will need to raise your chest without using your hands.

For chest area the following options are useful:

  • You need to stand straight and at the same time move the torso first to the right and then to the left.
  • Standing on all fours, you need to bend down to the lower position, then to the top.
  • Sitting on a chair, you need to firmly hold on to the seat, and then begin to swing in different directions.
  • Lying on your stomach, you need to depict a bird in flight.

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Lumbosacral osteochondrosis, symptoms and treatment

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine is the only effective treatment. There is simply no other in the non-acute period of the disease.

Numerous proposed methods for the treatment of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis - pharmaceuticals, acupuncture (acupuncture), physiotherapy, massage, folk remedies help relieve pain and inflammatory process in the place of pinched nerves during exacerbation.

Such treatment will cost you a considerable amount of money, but it will not completely cure osteochondrosis, since it is impossible to fully restore worn-out cartilage of the intervertebral discs.

Therefore, in order to prevent exacerbations, do not spend a lot of money on medical services, and feel satisfactory with a diagnosis of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, confirmed by x-rays, ultrasound or computer examination, you need to regularly do special exercises.

The concept of osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine

Because the cervical osteochondrosis , its causes and treatment are described in detail in this article, here we will focus on the concept and symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis.

Thoracic osteochondrosis - it's the same degenerative change intervertebral discs only in the thoracic spine. But it is much less common than cervical osteochondrosis. This can be explained by the fact that 12 thoracic vertebrae are not as mobile as the cervical ones, in addition, they are well protected by a muscular corset.

However, there are now more cases of combination cervical osteochondrosis With dystrophic changes intervertebral discs of the thoracic spine. This can be explained by the development of a sedentary lifestyle of a modern person, overweight, habits of incorrect posture and prolonged exposure to a forced position at a table, while driving a car.

These factors lead to deformation of the intervertebral discs, displacement of the vertebrae and infringement of the nerve fibers and blood vessels coming from the spine to the head and organs of the chest cavity. Violation of innervation, blood circulation of the brain and other tissues cause pain, changes in sensitivity and limitation of movements in the spine.

signs cervicothoracic osteochondrosis:
- headache;
- dizziness;
- tinnitus and hearing impairment;
- decreased visual acuity;
- pain in the area of ​​the changed discs;
- restriction of movement in the cervicothoracic spine;
- impaired coordination of movements and gait;
- pain in the chest, in the region of the heart;
- numbness of the fingers;
- back pain, shoulder joints, in the upper abdomen;
- Difficulty breathing.

Manifestations of thoracic osteochondrosis are easily mistaken for signs of other diseases, for example, diseases of the heart, stomach, kidneys, gallbladder.

Therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine

There are many methods for performing therapeutic exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. The manifestations and the severity of this disease in different people are varied, so the main principle of therapeutic exercises should be the principle: “Do no harm!”.

Here I will give gentle, but effective exercises that are safe for all patients, even those with a herniated disc. The proposed exercises are simple and easy to do, based on muscle relaxation and non-violent stretching of the vertebrae.

First, I suggest watching a video with exercises to form the correct posture.

After watching, when you understand what position your spine should be in and what posture you should have so that the vertebrae do not squeeze the nerve endings and blood vessels, you can start the exercises. But remember - each exercise is performed smoothly, without much effort and jerks!

1st exercise "Turtle" is performed to relax and stretch the neck. Learn his methodology in this article.

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2nd exercise . Let's start with muscle relaxation. Get on your knees, placing them hip-width apart. Lower your buttocks onto your heels.

Stretch your torso forward, tilt your head, forehead touch the floor. Stretch your arms forward as well, palms to the floor. The buttocks are pressed to the heels.

Relax completely in this pose for 1-2 minutes, head and neck relaxed on the support (floor).

Such an exercise will not only relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders, chest, but also achieve relaxation at the mental level.

3rd exercise execute from the position of the previous one. Raise the body, focusing on the knees and palms of the hands. We do not bend our arms at the elbows. Inhaling slowly, arch your back and stretch your neck, the chin rises to the ceiling.

Then also slowly, exhaling, lower yourself on your elbows, tilt your head down. At the same time, the neck is relaxed, the head seems to hang on the shoulders. The arms are bent at the elbows.

Hold your breath in this position. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position, arms extended forward, palms to the floor, buttocks pressed to the heels. Relax and rest for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.

With this exercise, under the weight of the head, the vertebrae of the neck are non-violently stretched.

4th exercise should be done while lying on your back. Try to relax before doing the exercise. Imagine that your body is as light as a feather. Now bend your knees, do not lift your heels off the floor.

While inhaling, slowly, slowly pull your heels to your buttocks, at the same time raise your head and try to reach your knees with the palms of your hands. In this case, try not to tear your spine off the floor.

Exhaling slowly, return to the starting position. After relaxing, rest, and again do such movements 5-10 times.

Such an exercise allows not only to correct posture, but also to put the vertebrae in place, release pinched nerves, restore blood circulation in the vessels, and stimulate the nutrition of the brain.

5th exercise also performed lying on the back. Raise your hands up behind your head and pull them up with your fingers. At the same time, pull your heels down. In this case, your body will stretch in opposite directions. Try to stay in this stretched position for 5-7 seconds. Then relax and repeat the stretch 5-10 times again.

6th exercise helps to increase the mobility of the vertebrae by slightly twisting them. Lie on the floor, on your back, arms along the body. Inhale and turn your head to the right and your feet to the left. As you exhale, turn your head to the left and your feet to the right. Do these movements 5-10 times.

The therapeutic exercises of the chiropractor Gitt Vitaliy Demyanovich have a very gentle effect on the cervical vertebrae (watch the video). Small muscle movements relax the intervertebral discs, and increase hydration (the accumulation of water, which is so necessary for the cartilage tissue of the discs).

Regular performance of such gentle exercises for 2 months, according to the specialist, gently restores the discs of the vertebrae of the neck and thoracic region that have been changed during the course of the disease.

Effect from doing exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine:
pain in the spine disappears due to stretching of the displaced vertebrae;
formed correct posture;
normal physiological curves of the spine are restored;
respiratory muscles are strengthened;
the displacement of the vertebrae in the future is prevented.

What is prohibited at runtime exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine:
- sudden movements, as they can harm the patient;
– do those exercises that increase the pain;
- interrupt the treatment of osteochondrosis with gymnastics.

So, the article proposes exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, the regular implementation of which will eliminate and prevent the symptoms of the disease. The questions of the concept, causes and signs of manifestation of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis are considered.

Dear readers, remember that the proposed exercises can only be performed during periods of remission , that is, without exacerbations of the disease. In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis due to hypothermia, mechanical or infectious effects, you should immediately seek help from qualified specialists.

Health to you and successful treatment with exercises!

Complexes of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine give a very good result with regular and high-quality performance.

Such exercises are a necessary part of the gymnastics complex, which contributes to the speedy recovery of the patient. Exercise therapy for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is designed in such a way that it allows you to unload this particular area, creating the best conditions for recovery processes.

Appointment of therapeutic exercises

Usually the complex is structured in such a way as to load all the necessary problem areas. Its purpose is to relax, strengthen, stretch the muscles. It is very important to properly build breathing during classes in order to saturate the lungs, brain and tissues with oxygen.

When cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is diagnosed, exercises in combination with the main treatment make it possible to quickly:

  • relieve pain symptom;
  • improve the patient's condition;
  • eliminate migraines;
  • stop dizziness;
  • restore the sensitivity of the limbs;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • stabilize the work of the vestibular apparatus;
  • enhance the functioning of the organs of hearing and vision.

Each exercise for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine is designed in such a way as to alleviate the condition of the internal organs. In addition, classes contribute to the regeneration of intervertebral discs, restore proper blood supply to tissues, and reduce the risk of recurrence of the disease.

Training must be carried out subject to certain rules. All movements should be performed slowly, you need to start with the easiest, and increase their intensity gradually.

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine are prescribed by a doctor and approved by an exercise therapy instructor. They make it possible to increase motor activity in the joints, release strangulated nerve roots, relieve congestion, activate metabolic processes in cells, and eliminate the risk of complications.

Any exercise for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis aims to strengthen the spinal column and help relax spasmodic muscles. You can use a video, when viewing which it becomes clear how exactly you need to perform the movements.

Approximate exercise therapy complexes

Exercises for thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis are divided into those that are performed during the period of attenuation of symptoms or during their exacerbation.

  1. Take a standing position. Gently turn your head from one shoulder to the other. If pain occurs, movements can not be stopped, but they must be slowed down as much as possible.
  2. Get up. Gently tilt your head down, trying to touch your chest with your chin. The neck is completely relaxed.
  3. Get up. Bend your neck back, trying not to move your head. Then, on the contrary, stretch the head, trying not to move the neck.

With the attenuation of the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region, another set of exercises is recommended. They must also be performed at least ten times.

  1. Sit down. Tilt your head forward, at the same time returning it to its original position with your hand. Fix for ten seconds.
  2. Sit down. Tilt your head to the side, counteracting it with your hand in the same way.
  3. Get up. Raise the legs as high as possible, fix them in this state for ten seconds. Then slowly lower them.
  4. Stand up, torso position at an angle of ninety degrees. Pull your head forward. Bring your hands up and try to connect the shoulder blades as much as possible. Then lower them down.

Exercises for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis can be used as an addition to treatment, as well as a preventive measure against the occurrence of relapses of the disease. To achieve a positive result, they should be performed daily.

Before performing exercise therapy for osteochondrosis, a preliminary warm-up is necessary. You can do it in the form of walking on the spot or massage.

All movements are specially designed for the cervical and thoracic spine. With the complete disappearance of the signs of the disease, they cannot be stopped. They should be part of the morning routine. The full implementation of gymnastics will lead to a significant strengthening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

In the treatment of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis with the help of such an effective tool as gymnastics, posture is restored. It becomes easier for the patient to keep his head in the right position, facilitating blood flow to the head and spine. Its implementation will not take much time, and the person's condition will immediately begin to improve.

A set of exercises for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis during an exacerbation can be performed during a morning workout. It will improve the condition of muscles numb during the night, activates blood circulation in the tissues. Physical education will help to relax, bring the body into working condition and relieve the load on the spine.

Treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis during remission can be carried out even at the workplace. It is especially important to make the necessary movements if the work involves a long stay in one position.

Of course, classes alone cannot be the only effective means treatment of this disease. A complex complex is needed from the use of external and internal medicines, physiotherapy, special methods rehabilitation, prevention of pathology.

It should be remembered that with cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, you should not try to pick up exercises on your own or try to make them more intense. Each movement is designed according to scientific research. Such a treatment complex allows you to cover each vertebra with a load. It is impossible to change anything in it without the permission of the doctor and the exercise therapy instructor.

This is due to the fact that osteochondrosis usually captures bone, muscle, connective, and nervous tissue in the pathological process. Therefore, the implementation of physical exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine in conjunction with other measures can bring tangible relief to the patient's condition.

However, one should be aware of what is serious disease will not pass the next day after the implementation of the course of physiotherapy exercises.

Therefore, you should be patient and do it day after day. Only in this case will there be a tangible effect. Similarly, they should not be stopped after the onset of a stable remission. It must be remembered that osteochondrosis is a chronic disease.

Rules for performing the best exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine

Osteochondrosis is a disease of immobility. It is formed during prolonged sedentary loads, work in a monotonous position. Treatment of the disease requires the return of active movements, the establishment of blood supply to the inflamed vertebrae. A number of exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine can restore neck mobility and remove pain syndromes in the head, neck, shoulders, and forearms.

Gymnastics - remedy number 1 for osteochondrosis

The main cause of osteochondrosis is a slowdown in blood flow in the area of ​​inactive vertebrae. synovial fluid, blood and lymph are saline solutions. From them, mineral crystals settle on the surface of the disks, forming processes and deposits. It is impossible to stop this painful process by eating unsalted food alone.

Note: Body fluids contain minerals. Blood is an electrolyte that has a certain electrical potential necessary for the processes of osmosis - the absorption of blood into tissues, the passage through the walls of the intestines and other internal organs. Salt mineral composition ensures the movement of blood. The salts of the intra-articular fluid provide the necessary pressure inside the joints.

Methodology of classes

The full complex of gymnastics for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis is divided into groups of exercises - according to the features of execution and the effect on the vertebrae:

Exercise therapy for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis at home, if possible, includes all of the listed types of exercises - stretching, turns, tilts and cardio loads.

Beginning of gymnastics: cardio exercises

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine traditionally begins with a “warm-up” with cardio exercises. Their implementation is indicated for various human diseases, for healing the heart, blood vessels, and spine. This includes walking and slow running, various options for jumping and bouncing.

  1. Walking - walks are carried out at a distance of 1 to 5 km. At the same time, the pace of walking can be slow or fast - according to the state of the human body. Additionally, to work out the shoulder girdle, you can use special sticks - the so-called Nordic walking with additional supports in the hands. The weight of the sticks determines the load on the shoulders and provides an additional effect of pumping blood through the shoulder girdle.
  2. Running - for the treatment of osteochondrosis and recovery, slow jogging over a distance of several kilometers is important. You need to start with affordable runs - 1-2 laps around the stadium. Over time, you need to increase the duration and distance of the run. The minimum daily run time should be 30 minutes, the distance should be 3-4 km. The place for jogging in the warm season is a park or stadium, in the cold season - indoor stadiums or a simulator track in the gym. Note: daily jogging at a distance of several kilometers is mandatory for representatives of sedentary professions. It allows you to maintain health and reduce the risk of joint and vascular diseases.
  3. Jumping - provide enhanced blood flow throughout the body. Various options for bouncing are used - in place, in length, on a skipping rope.

Neck warm-up: tilts and turns

After a general warm-up, they begin the initial stretching exercises - tilts and turns of the cervical region and shoulder girdle.

  • Simple tilts of the head forward-backward, left-right and turns to the sides. Available in two versions. The first - turns and tilts in different directions under the account. The second - tilt and hold in an inclined position for 10-15 seconds. The second version of the exercise gives best effect neck healing.
  • Movements of the head back and forth and to the sides, in which the chin maintains its horizontal position, and the head moves, as in an oriental dance. Note: the additional use of music will help maintain the rhythm of the exercises, as well as make the classes more interesting.
  • Tilts and turns of the head with an emphasis that is created by the hand - it holds the chin and "does not allow" the head to turn. This performance creates a load on the muscles of the neck and additionally activates blood flow.

Note: One of the most effective ways of treating cervical osteochondrosis - Shishonin's gymnastics. In the complex of exercises - various movements of the head and neck with temporary fixation of turns and inclinations. Daily performance of this exercise with osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region, for 15-30 minutes, reduces the intensity of headaches and neck pains.

Shoulder warm-up

This group of exercises uses tilts and stretches of the shoulder girdle to activate the blood supply to the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

  1. Circular movements of the shoulders - forward and backward.
  2. Breeding straight arms - up and down, to the sides, diagonally - with fixation in the divorced position for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Bringing the hands behind the back is an exercise from yoga, performed in several versions. The closing of the fingers in the area of ​​the shoulder blades with the diagonal position of the elbows. Or closing the palms behind the back with the horizontal position of the forearms. See drawing.

Note: the movement of the shoulder girdle is not possible without the movement of the cervical vertebrae. Therefore, exercises for the shoulders also activate blood flow in the neck and are included in the set of exercises for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis.

General stretches of the neck and spine

This group of exercises is most effective after the initial warm-up. Separate exercises for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis at home can be performed separately - in between sedentary activities (hangs and half-hangs). In addition, hanging on the bar before starting exercise therapy allows you to relax your muscles and reduce spasm, which always accompanies cervicothoracic osteochondrosis and is one of the causes of pain.

  • Hanging - up and down head. The best option hangs on the horizontal bar or crossbar - with fixing loops that reduce the load on the hands and allow you to relax the shoulder girdle as much as possible. Note: for those who cannot hang because of insufficiently strong muscles of the shoulders and forearms, half-hangs are recommended. To do this, the crossbar is placed at chest level, held by it with hands, legs rest on the floor. In this case, the body is in a partial hang. For stretching the cervical region and correcting the first cervical vertebra - the atlas - hanging upside down with complete relaxation of the neck is most effective.

  • Yoga exercises - "birch" and "plow". It is performed lying on the back. In the exercise "birch" - the legs and pelvis are lifted up, the arms bent at the elbows rest against the back and fix the position of the body "on the shoulder blades". With the "plow" - the legs are thrown over the head, while the body gets a curved position, and cervical region the spine is stretched. The amount of neck stretch can be adjusted by lowering the legs to the floor. The farther the toes are stretched behind the head, the more the neck and spine are stretched.
  • The bridge is an effective exercise for stretching the shoulder girdle.

It is necessary to start classes with this group of exercises gradually. The first days you can hang for 10-15 seconds. In the next - the time of the inverted posture is increased by 5 seconds after 2-3 days of classes.

Strength exercises for shoulders and neck

This group of exercises can be used at the beginning of a complex of therapeutic exercises for cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis - after a cardio load. You can also start a small warm-up with strength exercises, without performing cardio exercises.

  1. Hand movements with weights - lifting, breeding to the side. Performed with dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg. It is also suitable to use a gymnastic stick with weights, a small barbell.
  2. Push-ups from the floor and "bar" - a static version of push-ups. Performed with the support of the hands and toes on the floor, while the back is kept in a level position. These exercises load and heal all parts of the spine.
  3. Pull-ups - are performed first from a half-hanging position, in which the legs rest on the floor, and the torso is located in a diagonal position to the floor.

When compiling a complex of exercise therapy for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, active and stretching exercises alternate. The result of their implementation should be the relaxation of spasmodic muscles, stretching of the spine, the establishment of blood supply to the inflamed vertebrae, and the reduction of headaches and neck pain.

How to do gymnastics with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis?

Physical exercise is one of the main methods of treatment and prevention of diseases of the spine. Regular gymnastics for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis significantly increases the effectiveness of medical and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, and in some cases allows you to completely abandon drugs.

Effects of gymnastics in osteochondrosis

The correct selection of a set of exercises and their daily implementation has many positive effects in osteochondrosis:

  • Helps restore mobility in the intervertebral joints and restore flexibility to the spinal column.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the back and neck, preventing the formation of pathological bends and promoting correct posture.
  • Redistributes the load on the spine, reducing back and neck pain.
  • Eliminates pinching of blood vessels in the cervical spine, resuming normal blood supply to the brain and relieving headaches (caused by osteochondrosis).
  • It improves blood circulation in the muscles and periarticular tissues, thereby restoring the normal nutrition of the intervertebral discs and slowing down their thinning (dystrophy).
  • Reduces meteosensitivity: patients stop reacting with the development of exacerbations of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis to adverse weather conditions.
  • Eliminates the main root cause of osteochondrosis - a sedentary lifestyle. It tones and strengthens the body as a whole, increases the efficiency of the patient.

In order for classes to bring you only benefit, and not to harm (which is also possible with illiterate compilation of the complex or excessive loads), you must adhere to six main rules:

Before starting the exercises, you should consult a doctor, it is also advisable to take a course of exercise therapy in a clinic (hospital) and get recommendations from an instructor on doing gymnastics at home.

The gymnastics complex is compiled taking into account the phase of the disease (exacerbation or remission), the degree of dysfunction of the spine, and also depends on the level of the initial physical fitness of the patient. During the period of exacerbation of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, gentle exercises are selected without weights and loads, with minimal range of motion in the spine. As the condition improves, the complex begins to complicate, gradually developing addiction to dosed physical activity.

In the early stages, gymnastics may be accompanied by pain, but they should not be strong. sharp strong pain signals an incorrectly selected complex and requires an immediate cessation of exercise.

To obtain the desired effect, gymnastics should be carried out constantly, preferably at the same time of the day and in the same place.

The duration of one lesson should be from 15 to 45 minutes. Additionally, during the day it is good to perform short warm-up complexes - for example, during breaks between work.

Exercise examples

An individual training complex should be compiled by a physiotherapist, in this article below - a few examples of effective exercises.

To relax the cervical region and relieve pain

To reduce the intensity of pain in the neck, it is necessary to lie on your back on a flat hard surface (on the floor or couch), placing a roller about 10-15 cm high under the back of the head (it can be twisted from a terry towel). Under the bend in the cervical region there should be a roller. You should lie down for 15-30 minutes a day.

To restore spinal mobility

The mobility of the spine in the cervical region is restored by various turns and tilts of the head.

  • From sitting, standing or lying on the back, the head is slowly bent forward, reaching the chest with the chin, and keeping the head in the maximum bent position for a count of 4 to 10. Then they return to the IP. The exercise is repeated 4-6 times.
  • From a standing position, head turns to the right-left, tilts to the right-left and back and forth. They are done slowly, with the maximum possible amplitude, performing up to 10 repetitions.
  • You can complicate the exercises and increase the intensity of the load on the cervical region by adding an element of counteraction: when tilting the head forward, prevent the tilt with the palms, resting them on the forehead; when tilted to the side, counteraction is carried out with a palm pressed against the cheek.

Both the cervical and thoracic spine are well developed exercises in the shoulder joints:

Circular rotations in the shoulders alternately forward and backward with straight arms from a standing position.

IP: standing or sitting on a chair, arms hang freely along the body. The shoulders are lifted up and, as it were, pressed to the head, held to the count of up to 10, then lowered. Repeat 4-6 times.

IP: standing, arms along the body. Shoulders and arms are slowly taken back, trying to bring the elbows and hands together, then slowly return to the PI. Alternating with the next exercise, repeat 4 times.

IP: standing, arms bent at the elbow, hands lie on the shoulders. The elbows are brought together in front of the chest, returning to the PI.

Flexibility in the thoracic spine can be restored by tilting the torso forward-backward and left-right. The following exercise perfectly restores mobility and relieves pain:

IP: sitting on a chair (preferably with a back), hands on your knees. Slowly bend your head, pressing your chin to your chest and continue to bend your back, as if curling up into a ball. Just slowly straighten up, returning to the IP. Then slowly tilt your head back, while bending in the spine. Return to IP. Repeat 4 times.


When compiling a gymnastics complex for cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, first choose for yourself 5-6 simple exercises and perform them daily for a week. After you get used to the load a little, start gradually complicating the complex by adding new exercises.