Rules for applying a spike-shaped bandage to the shoulder joint. Use of a spica bandage for shoulder injuries

Spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint protects the wound surface from the effects of external negative factors. It immobilizes the injured limb, prevents bleeding and infection. This method of bandaging the shoulder joint securely immobilizes the arm, providing tissue regeneration, bruises, and progressive destructive and degenerative changes in the joints. Its imposition requires certain skills, therefore it is carried out only by qualified medical personnel. Excessively tight or weak bandaging can cause complications, slow regeneration of damaged tissues.

Indications for use

Spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint - a device made of dressing material that protects the wound from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, mechanical stress, and temperature changes. Also, the purpose of bandaging is to hold pharmacological preparations on damaged areas of the shoulder. In what cases is its imposition recommended:

  • the formation of inflammatory foci in the articular structures or in the armpits, including those accompanied by the release of pus;
  • wounds on the surface of the shoulder and (or) in the armpit;
  • open and closed fractures, dislocations and subluxations;
  • immobilization of the hand during exacerbations and.

Dislocation of the collarbone is a direct indication for wearing a bandage.

Spike-shaped dressing simultaneously prevents bacterial infection of the wound, provides a long stay medicines, fixes the limb and prevents the recurrence of pathology.

An ascending spica bandage is used for damage to the surface of the shoulder near the joint, and when the wound is located on the shoulder girdle, a downward bandage is used. You can close the armpit with a special modifying bandage.

How to properly bandage the shoulder joint

The psychological state of the patient is importance for the correct procedure. A person needs to be seated, reassured, told about the basic principles of the upcoming bandaging. This will help him relax, and the physician - to quickly fix the injured shoulder. Before bandaging, a hand-supporting roller is placed in the armpit, and a sterile dressing is applied to the wound. Immobilization of the shoulder joint is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • at the first turn, the bandage is applied freely, and at subsequent turns, its tension should be tighter, with a snug fit to the body;
  • the bandage will turn out to be dense and reliable if, with each turn of the bandage, it is shifted by a third of the width. The basic principle of spike-shaped bandaging is based on the uniform weave of the dressing covering the wound surface;
  • in the process of application, the surface of the bandage is constantly leveled with hands to ensure a snug fit, to avoid the formation of folds and bends. The area of ​​the shoulder joint is uneven, therefore, when it is fixed, incision of the dressing material is allowed. After the overlay is completed, the remaining part of the bandage is located under the last layers. It is secured with a safety pin or ribbons obtained by cutting the bandage.

The main requirements for a spica bandage are comfort, a snug fit of the bandage layers and the absence of excessive compression. It should not reduce the range of motion of healthy joints and cause discomfort even when worn for a long time. It is applied only by a qualified physician. Bandaging that is too tight will compress blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. This will lead to the development of necrosis. And weak fixation will significantly slow down tissue regeneration or provoke a relapse of the pathology, for example, with.

Signs of improper overlay are reduced sensitivity upper limb, swelling of the free area of ​​the arm, .

Ascending bandage

The weave of such a spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint is located on the outer surface. The bandage is fixed with two turns around the shoulder joint on its upper section from the side of the wound surface. After putting on the shoulder girdle, the dressing is carried along the shoulder blades to the other armpit, circled around the torso on the chest and displayed in front of the shoulder. Now it is superimposed by a gradual entanglement of the shoulder with the release of the bandage on its outer surface. The dressing is positioned in such a way that the next round fixes the previous one. The bandage is applied according to the following algorithm:

  • conducted along the chest;
  • winds up over the shoulder and shoulder girdle;
  • falls behind the back.

Bandaging continues until the complete closure of the shoulder joint, the entire surface of the shoulder and armpit. At the end of the fixation, the end of the bandage is attached to several layers of material on the back with a safety pin.

Descending dressing

A descending spica dressing is obtained by applying the dressing in the opposite direction. First, the bandage is placed in several turns around the body at the level of the armpits. Further, it is conducted from the armpit of a healthy arm along the anterior part of the torso to the other shoulder joint as follows:

  • winds up behind the front region of the shoulder girdle;
  • is carried out on its back side;
  • is displayed on the front of the joint through the armpit.

Now the bandage near the neck is wound behind the back and lowered into the opposite armpit. In this way, the overlay continues with the crossing of the layers of the bandage for a third or half of its width. At the end of the procedure, the dressing material is wrapped around the forearm on the injured side a couple of times for reliability. The bandage is fastened with a pin or a bandage cut into 2 parts. The result of this bandaging method is a "spike" located on the shoulder girdle.

During the procedure, it is not advisable to use a large number of dressing material to ensure reliable immobilization of the limb and shoulder joint. Excessive turns of the bandage will increase the thickness of the spica bandage, causing inconvenience when wearing it.

Bandage covering the armpit

Reliable closure of the armpit area is carried out with a modified ascending spica bandage. When applying it, additional turns of the bandage are used through a healthy shoulder girdle. Reliable fixation is provided by a wide cotton roll, which fits not only into the armpit, but also outside it in such a way that part of the chest is closed.

At the beginning of the procedure, the lower third of the shoulder is wrapped 2-3 times with a bandage to securely fix it. The dressing is carried along the back around a healthy shoulder girdle and passes along the chest towards the damaged muscle cavity. After performing a circular coil covering the back and chest area, the material fixes a layer of sterile cotton wool. Several additional circles running along the shoulder girdle and around the torso help to ensure the necessary density of the bandage and secure the roller in the armpit. At the end of the procedure, a double wrapping of the bandage around the sternum is performed. The dressing material is fixed with a pin.

Basic rules for the care of the bandage

Spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder can be used for different times depending on the degree of injury or the stage of the course of chronic articular pathology. The duration of wearing is affected by the age of the patient and the rate of recovery of damaged tissues. The presence in the anamnesis of a person is also important. cardiovascular diseases under which any excessive load is harmful. The wearing period is limited for pathologies accompanied by metabolic disorders. For example, when diabetes tight bandaging can cause damage to the skin.

The material is replaced one week after its application. Before the procedure, the doctor assesses the condition of the wound surface, treats it with antiseptics and. In some cases, bandages are removed without waiting until 7 days have passed. What could be the reason for this:

  • intolerable skin itching;
  • the appearance of a putrid odor;
  • constant or intermittent pain at rest or during movement;
  • redness and (or) swelling of the skin below or above the bandages.

For immobilization of the shoulder joint after a fracture, spike-shaped bandaging is applied for a period of several weeks to 2.5-3 months. Bandaging is carried out not only for the gradual restoration of damaged tissues. This is part one medical care injured, is used to safely transport the person to a hospital facility for further therapy.

The spica bandage is just as important in the treatment of fractures or dislocations as the timely administration of pharmacological drugs. It prevents the displacement of articular structures relative to each other, which can cause. The duration and effectiveness of treatment depends on its correct application.

The following types of wound dressing are possible, which are characterized by a mild degree of damage. For small cuts, other microtraumas, an adhesive plaster is most often used. It should be with a bandage layer, which is applied directly to the wound. It is necessary to fix it with sticky edges (but not too tight). You can also use a regular bandage. For cuts, criss-cross patching is best. In this case, it is worth fixing the wound tightly, which will allow it to heal. In cases with minor burns (reddened skin, slight pain), sterile gauze is used, which is fixed with adhesive tape. In this case, it is necessary to control that the edges of the tape do not come into contact with the burn. For blisters, there is a special dressing that has a cutout in the center. After applying it, you can cover such an area with a bandage so that the burst bladder does not become a target for infection.

Shoulder joint technique

Before the procedure, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the patient. If he is against it, then it is not recommended to bandage against will.
Prepare the patient: ask him to take a comfortable position for bandaging (sitting facing the doctor), relax
Then you need to undress the victim so that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe injured shoulder is accessible.
The damaged area must be completely immobile.
When bandaging the armpit area, it is necessary to put a special roller

And if the bandage is applied to an open wound, then it must be treated with an antiseptic and a sterile gauze napkin should be applied.
It is necessary to cover the entire damaged joint.
It is important to carefully apply the bandage so that it does not press or cause pain to the patient.
It is very important to fasten the bandage well so that it does not come loose over time.

When bandaging using the spike-shaped bandage, you need to wind the bandage so that its top layer covers the previous one by 2/3. At correct execution dressing at the end, it should resemble a spikelet. The bandage should not restrict movement in other joints.

Experienced physicians use the algorithm of descending and ascending bandaging.


When performing this type of bandaging, the bandage begins to be attached from the damaged side. Further, through the axillary zone, it is carried out along the outer part of the shoulder and goes to the back. From the back, the bandage is attached in the axillary part to the healthy shoulder, applied around it and carried to the damaged side on the chest. Such movements are performed until the area on the shoulder is completely bandaged. After applying a bandage on the outside of the injured shoulder, you can see the coils in the shape of a figure eight.

In order to correctly and tightly apply the spike-shaped bandage with the ascending method, it is necessary to make 3 turns around the shoulder.

Technique of fixation of the diseased joint

Proper bandaging is a good orthopedic tool during the rehabilitation period after an injury. During the application of the bandage, the patient must remove clothing from the body and be motionless. During bandaging, the tissues should not be strongly squeezed, but the fixation of the injured shoulder must be reliable. An important condition is the preservation of the mobility of the remaining joints of the upper limb when applying a bandage to the shoulder.

An eight-shaped or cruciform bandage involves the application of bandages to damaged areas of complex surface configuration - the chest, hand, head. It is shown during the treatment of wounds and inflammation to fix the napkin with the drug in the area of ​​damage. Has a complex technique of bandaging.

To apply a spica bandage, you will need two bandages, a pin, a soft roller (preferably) and a scarf for control fixation. To immobilize a limb before a medical examination with a kerchief fixation option, you can use not only a bandage, but also any available fabric, clothing items.

Technique for applying the primary scarf bandage:

  1. Sterile gauze is placed on the injury site.
  2. The scarf is superimposed over the joint.
  3. The upper end of the bandage should be above the collarbone on the side of the affected arm.
  4. The lower end is wrapped and wound around the neck from the healthy side.
  5. The top wraps around the elbow and is attached with a pin.

The advantage of this fixation option is the ease of application. Anyone can immobilize a limb, even in the absence of special skills. Among the shortcomings, insufficiently strong fixation can be distinguished, therefore it is often a temporary measure.

Spike bandage

Spike bandage can also be used as a first aid or used for regular application. medicinal product. Descending, ascending, bilateral bandaging is used. It is fixed only on the naked torso, the bandages cover both the damaged area and part of the chest. Muscles during the procedure should be as relaxed as possible. In the event of a fracture, the arm is fixed in the position that remains after the injury.

Overlay algorithm:

  1. The first tours are done under the damaged shoulder joint.
  2. The bandage is removed through the armpit to the shoulder and then to the back.
  3. It is carried out through the axillary region of a healthy shoulder to the patient.
  4. Wrapped around the injured joint.
  5. It is sent back through the back and axillary region.

In the case of proper imposition, the person feels comfortable, the movement will be limited only in the area of ​​the damaged area.

Spica bandage on the hip joint

The use of a bandage in the area of ​​the hip joint serves to close wounds after surgical interventions, in case of injuries, in the treatment of coxarthrosis, bursitis. With its help, you can fix the dressing in the inguinal region, the upper third of the thigh.

In this area, the bandage can be applied in 3 versions, depending on the place where the bandage tours cross:

  • front;
  • lateral;
  • back.

Front option

It is superimposed with the crossing of the bandage tours in front, it is used to fix the joint, inguinal region, thigh. There are 2 options for the bandage: ascending, when the first fixing tour is applied around the thigh, and each subsequent one is shifted around the waist, and descending, when the fixation starts from the waist, and the following tours are shifted down by 1/3-½ of the width.

Side variant

It is used to close the outer surface of the joint, thigh, pelvis, for example, after operations and injuries. Also, 2 options are used - ascending and descending.

Rear variant

Applying a bandage with crosses on the back surface is convenient for fixing the dressing in the buttocks, upper third of the thigh. It can also be applied in an ascending and descending technique.

Spike bandage on hip joint it can also be unilateral and bilateral - on the right and on the left joint.

How to properly apply a spica bandage on the hip joint


Pressure bandages
can be applied to areas of the body
where compression does not threaten violation
respiration (neck) or blood supply
(axillary fossa).

Adhesive plaster
bandage with hard pad can
apply when umbilical hernia in children

pressure bandage

When applied
bandage pressure can be
created either by tight bandaging
(for example, a bandage on knee-joint
with hemarthrosis), or with the help of a soft
pelota (ball of cotton, roll of bandage),
placed over cotton-gauze
bedding. The last trick is convenient
for example, if necessary, create
pressure in the region of the temporal artery.
The turns of the bandage lead over the pelota.

Zinc gelatin

Zinc gelatin
bandage provides the best
uniform elastic pressure
the entire circumference of the entire segment

Zinc gelatin
a bandage with Unna paste is applied to
limb after bath. In the presence of
edema limb is kept elevated
position to reduce swelling. foot skin
and shins are smeared with warm paste and
bandaged with a gauze bandage. When bandaging
it is impossible to overturn the bandage, it is better to incise
it so that pockets do not form.
After relubrication with paste
impose new rounds of bandage, smearing
each layer until you get a bandage
from 4-5 layers of gauze. Instead of bandages
use a thread stocking with a cut
finger end. Stocking impregnated
zinc-gelatin mass and pull
on a limb. The dressing is changed after 2-3

with film-forming agents

bandage with
film-forming substances at the same time
protects the wound and does not require additional
fixation on the surface of the body. Synthesizing
special polymer materials
enabled the use of new, harmless
for patients polymers - plastubol
(Hungarian drug), butyl methacrylate
with methacrylic acid and linetol -
bumetol (domestic drug). These
preparations are more convenient to use in aerosol
packaging (in spray cans).

Aerosol polymer
sprayed onto the wound and surrounding skin.
After evaporation of the solvent,
protective film. The spray can is held
vertically 25-30 cm from the covered
surfaces. The film is formed through
a few sec. Recommended to apply 3-4
polymer layer by repeating spraying
half a minute after drying
previous layer. Store the can
head down. Solvent easy
ignites, and its mixture with air

Such bandages
shown only in the absence
significant discharge from the wound
(microtrauma, superficial burns, etc.)
P.). Postoperative wounds sutured
tightly, can be covered with a protective
film without any other bandage. If a
wound secret exfoliates the film in the form
bubbles, the latter can be cut off,
the discharge is removed and the spraying of the polymer
produced again. Film after 7-10 days
moves away from the skin. If necessary
take it off before use tampons,
soaked in ether.

film coatings - the possibility
condition monitoring through film
edges of the wound and the absence of unpleasant
skin tightening sensations
collodion bandages. Besides,
the polymer film does not irritate the skin.

When open
microtraumas after lubrication with alcohol
iodine solution is widely used and other
protective films, in particular from glue
BF-6 or glue B-2 with the addition of formalin

Protective films
can also be obtained using
products containing antiseptics and

    Biogenic therapy is the application adhesive tape
    . Overlay technique adhesive tape
    is as follows. … application of the patch, over adhesive tape
    wet-suction is applied bandage
    which is changed daily...

    Pain, Viktor Alekseevich removed bandage
    and, assuming in the wound... effective. It is better to apply plaster bandage
    . Then the head can be tilted ... year, called "Application of tightening adhesive tape
    for the treatment of extensive wounds, ...

  1. Lesson number 1. Introduction. Teaching questions of the lesson: The concept of surgery and surgical diseases

    Hang higher than the rest of the body. Adhesive plaster
    traction is widely used in surgery ... . Treatment: 1) antibiotic therapy; 2) immobilization of the hand; 3) ointment bandages
    ; 4) X-ray therapy; 5) case novocaine blockade. Peritonitis…

Bandage technique

Before proceeding with bandaging, it is necessary to establish psychological contact with the patient, briefly explaining the need for the procedure. First of all, the victim is seated on a chair, turning his face, after which medical worker performing the dressing, asks the patient to relax the shoulder girdle and arm muscles as much as possible.

If necessary, a gauze or cotton roll is placed in the armpit, and if there is a wound, it is treated with an antiseptic and covered with a sterile napkin soaked in the drug.

In order to avoid various kinds of complications, it is necessary to comply with the rules of dressing technique, which include:

  • before bandaging, the torso should be freed from clothing, providing access to the shoulder joint;
  • the left shoulder is bandaged from right to left, and the right, vice versa;
  • the patient should not move the shoulder or the injured limb during the procedure, and the injured shoulder should be completely covered with a bandage;
  • with strong compression of the injured limb with a bandage and pain symptoms, it is necessary to bandage the shoulder joint;
  • to apply a bandage, 2 wide bandages are required, at least 14 centimeters, as well as a roller, a pin for fixing and a scarf, for maximum immobilization of the joint;
  • bandaging should be performed so that the next turn covers the previous one by at least 2/3 of the part, resembling an ear, which gave the name to the bandage itself;
  • two hands are involved in bandaging (the bandage is rolled out with one, and the other is smoothed out to remove all irregularities), while the first turn of the bandage should be applied evenly, without excessive tension, and on the 2nd turn you need to slightly increase the pressure for a tighter fit of the dressing to the body.

Bandaging the shoulder area is quite difficult, since anatomical structure the joint does not allow the bandage to be applied evenly and without folds, so the bandage can be slightly cut or bent (by 180 degrees). At the end of the manipulation, the end of the bandage can be secured with a pin.

Depending on the direction, the shoulder bandage is of 2 types:

1. Descending spicate

When performing such a bandage, the first round of bandaging is applied along the level of the armpit, with the bandage fixed along the chest to the level of the intact arm, and then through its armpit (front part) the bandage is removed to the opposite shoulder. Next, the bandage from the armpit is removed to the back in the forward direction and then the bandage is again passed through the armpit of a healthy arm.

Visually, bandaging resembles the number 8, with a cross in front of the diseased shoulder. At the end of the procedure, the bandage is fixed with a pin.

2. Ascending spicate

With this manipulation, the first round of the bandage is fixed under the area of ​​the damaged shoulder joint, and then through the armpit, the bandage is removed to outside shoulder joint and back.

Next, the bandage is removed through the back, armpit of a healthy limb towards the injured shoulder. Next, the sore shoulder is wrapped with a bandage, and then again the back through the armpit. As a rule, the eight-shaped coil is visible on the outer part of the damaged shoulder joint.

Properly performed bandaging looks neat and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Serious damage handling

Pressure bandages are used to stop bleeding. A soft piece of gauze is placed in the center of the wound, around which a thin strip of material is wrapped. All this is fastened with the help or bandages. There are injuries in which a foreign object (splinter, metal, etc.) remains in the wound. Taking it out on your own is dangerous. In such cases, a ring bandage is used. It is located around a third-party object and is fixed with a tape. Thus, the pressure in the wound is partially relieved. For injuries such as dislocation or fracture, triangular dressings are recommended. With their help, a sling is formed into which the tire is placed. For burns of the second degree (diameter more than 8 cm, soreness, swelling), a sterile one is used that prevents the penetration of infection.

Shoulder bandaging technique

In most cases, the spica bandage is used in the area of ​​​​the shoulder joint, where injuries and diseases are most frequent. There are 2 overlay methods: ascending and descending.

Ascending spike bandage

The algorithm for applying an ascending bandage is as follows:

  1. The patient is seated facing the bandager, hands down. Around the shoulder, 2 fixing initial rounds are made clockwise.
  2. They go to the back, and through the opposite armpit they go to the front surface of the chest.
  3. The bandage is led to the front surface of the shoulder, crosses the initial rounds, circles around the shoulder and again leads to the back, overlapping the previous round by ½-2/3 of the width.
  4. The bandage is again led through the armpit to the chest, but this round is placed ½-2/3 higher.
  5. Again they bend around the shoulder at a level higher, go back, and everything repeats, with each move of the bandage being higher than the previous one. The shoulder is wrapped with the last turn and the bandage is fixed with a pin.

As a result, a fairly reliable fixation is obtained, and on the outer side of the shoulder, the laying of crossed rounds resembles an inverted ear.

Descending spike bandage

It is applied according to the same principle as the ascending bandage. The difference is that the first 2 rounds are fixed not on the shoulder, but around the chest, then they go high to the shoulder, go around it, lead the bandage to the back, to the armpit and to the chest. Everything repeats, only each subsequent round is not shifted, but down. An “ear” is also formed on the outer surface of the shoulder, only turned into reverse side– . The technology is presented in the video:

Types of dressing material

The most common material that surgery uses (dressings, other types of damage treatment methods) is gauze. It is a natural material, lightweight, hygroscopic. Among its advantages are the availability of material, easy sterilization. Bandages, napkins, balls of different diameters are made on the basis of gauze. Cloth dressings are also used, with layers of plaster). Treatment of ulcers is not complete without zinc-gelatin materials. In this case, each layer is impregnated with a special one. It should be noted that fabric dressings are used only if there are no gauze bandages. The dressing material is also fixed in a certain way. Often this is an adhesive plaster fastening, adhesive, bandage. A kerchief, T-like, sling-shaped is also possible. There are also different types dressings. The types of dressings that are used in most cases are circular, spiral bandaging, cruciform, tortoiseshell, and also a crisscross type.

Shoulder bandage technique

Before bandaging, it is necessary to establish contact with the victim, briefly describe the procedure and obtain consent for it. It is necessary to turn the injured person towards you, put him on a chair, he must relax the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

If there is a need, then a roller is placed in the axillary cavity. Before bandaging the wound, cotton soaked in the drug is first placed on its surface.

To avoid complications, the following rules must be observed during the procedure:

  • Before bandaging, it is necessary to remove clothes from the torso so that access to the shoulder joint is free;
  • It is strictly forbidden to move the injured limb or shoulder during the procedure;
  • It is necessary to completely close the damaged shoulder joint;
  • If the applied bandage compresses the shoulder girdle or the injured limb and pain occurs, then it must be removed and bandaged;
  • The dressing material must be securely fixed.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to stock up on 2 wide bandages (width not less than 14 cm), a roller, a pin for fixing and a scarf for immobilizing the shoulder.

During the procedure, the arm and shoulder girdle are bandaged so that the upper strip of the bandage covers the lower one by 2/3. A properly applied bandage resembles the coils of an ear, which do not allow the bandage to move.

Depending on the direction, the application of a spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint can be of 2 types:

Descending spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint, for the imposition of which you need to perform the following steps:

  1. The first course of bandaging is carried out at the level of the axillary region. The bandage is fixed around the chest (behind) to a healthy arm, and then from under her armpit in front is carried out to the opposite shoulder;
  2. Then the bandage is removed from the armpit to the back, directing it forward;
  3. The bandage is again carried out through the axillary cavity of a healthy shoulder joint;
  4. Continue bandaging, alternating shoulder joints. The result should be a downward bandage, the coils of which tend from top to bottom. Outwardly, the bandage resembles a figure eight with a cross on the front of the injured shoulder. The end of the bandage must be fixed with a pin.

Ascending spike-shaped shoulder bandage, which is performed as follows:

  1. Secure the first turn of the bandage under the injured shoulder. Through the armpit, bring the bandage to the outer part of the shoulder, and then to the back;
  2. Pass the bandage through the back, go through the axillary region of a healthy shoulder joint and direct the coil to the injured shoulder along the chest;
  3. Wrap the bandage around the injured shoulder and again head to the back through the axillary region. Figure-of-eight turns will be visible on the front of the injured shoulder.

To apply an ascending bandage, you need to perform 3 locking moves around the shoulder, and to create a descending bandage, 2 moves around the body.

A properly applied bandage should look neat and not cause discomfort to the victim.

Overlay technique

When performing this procedure, the arm and shoulder girdle are bandaged in such a way that the top layer of the bandage covers the underlying layer by two-thirds.

This form of coils does not allow the dressing to shift. It can be applied both from top to bottom and in an upward direction.

Ascending variant

When applying an ascending bandage to the shoulder joint, the first round of the bandage is fixed on the damaged side.

From there, it is led through the axillary region to the outer part of the shoulder and further to the back. Through the back, it is brought to the axillary region of a healthy shoulder, bends around it and goes to the damaged joint along the chest. Wraps around him and again goes to the back through the armpit.

Downward option

In this case, the first round of bandaging is carried out at the level of the armpits. The bandage is fixed around the chest to a healthy shoulder joint, then from its axillary region through the chest in front it reaches the opposite joint.

There, rounding the armpit, it is displayed on the back, in the direction and forward. The next step, the bandage is again pulled through the armpit of a healthy shoulder.

Alternating joints, continue bandaging. As a result, the turns are descending, similar to a figure eight. Their cross occurs on the anterior surface of the damaged joint. The end of the bandage is fixed with a coil on the upper third of the shoulder.

When and why you need a shoulder strap

There are several bandaging algorithms, the choice of which depends on the specific situation. Each method requires knowledge of a certain technique and compliance with the necessary rules. A kerchief bandage can be used to immobilize the upper limb and be supplemented with a cruciform or spike-shaped bandage if necessary, applying a drug to the wound.

Spike-shaped and cruciform bandaging of the damaged joint has a compression effect. This helps to normalize blood circulation in the damaged area, improve lymphatic and venous outflow. Properly applied bandages eliminate spasm of muscles and blood vessels, allowing the articular structures to receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen.

The main indications for applying a spica bandage to the shoulder joint are as follows:

  • rehabilitation after injury or surgery;
  • bruise, dislocation and fracture;
  • stretching of muscle ligaments;
  • structural disorders against the background of articular diseases;
  • treatment inflammatory process and festering wounds.

A drug dressing is indicated in case of inflammatory and purulent process in the armpit and on the shoulder. It is also used in the acute period of arthritis and arthrosis to reduce pain and relieve swelling.

After surgery, such fixation is necessary to prevent rupture of blood vessels and the formation of hematomas. It is also recommended medicinal bandaging in the area postoperative scar. Athletes often resort to this fixation option after a heavy load to prevent muscle strain.

Indication: wound surface in the area of ​​the shoulder joint.

Equipment: bandage 20 cm wide.


    Take the beginning of the bandage in left hand, the head of the bandage-to the right.

    Lower the limb along the body.

    Attach the bandage to the upper third of the shoulder ( right hand bandaged from left to right, left - from right to left).

    Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the upper third of the shoulder.

    Move the bandage from shoulder to back, to a healthy armpit, to the chest and again to the shoulder.

7. Circle the bandage around the shoulder, closing each previous round by 2/3 of the width of the bandage.

    Repeat the moves of the bandage, rising from the shoulder to the shoulder joint, until the entire wound surface is closed.

    Fix the bandage.

"Turtle" bandage (converging) on ​​the elbow joint.

injuries above or below the elbow joint.

Equipment: bandage 20 cm wide.


    Seat the patient facing you, reassure, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

    Bend the limbs at the elbow joint at an angle of 20 °.

    Take the beginning of the bandage in the left hand, the head of the bandage in the right. Bandage from left to right.

    Attach the bandage to the upper third of the forearm.

    Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the forearm.

    Cross the flexion surface of the elbow and go to lower third shoulder.

    Apply bandage moves on the shoulder and forearm on top of each other, gradually approaching after the eight-shaped intersections above the flexion surface of the elbow joint.

    Close the elbow joint, descending into the forearm, at the place where the bandage began.

    Fix the bandage, cut the end of the bandage and tie the ends into a knot.

"Returning" bandage on one finger

Indication: finger injury.

Equipment: bandage 3 - 5 cm wide.


    Seat the patient facing you, reassure, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

2. Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the wrist joint.

3. Lead a bandage from the wrist joint along the back of the hand along the injured finger.

4. Round the fingertip, bandage from the palmar surface to the base of the finger, then from the palmar surface through the fingertip to the base on the back of the hand (i.e., return to its original position). With a hand free from the bandage, hold the bandage on the palmar surface of the patient's hand.

5. Bandage with a creeping type from the base to the fingertip, then in spiral moves - from the fingertip to the base.

6. Transfer the bandage through the back of the hand to the wrist joint (at the base of the finger - the transition to the hand in a cruciform way).

7. Fix the bandage on the wrist joint with two fixing tours.

7. Cut the end of the bandage and tie it into a knot.

Spike bandage on one finger

Indications: wound, finger burn.

Equipment: bandage 3-5 cm wide.


The whole truth about: spica on the shoulder joint and other interesting information about the treatment.

The shoulder joint is the most mobile part of the body, which is most often subjected to various injuries. How to treat bruises, dislocations and fractures in this area?

First of all, it is necessary to immobilize the injured limb. Restrict physical activity on the shoulder is also necessary for inflammatory diseases of the joint.

You can fix the joint in the desired position with the help of a spica bandage.. Outwardly, it resembles a spikelet, because of the characteristic turns.

It is applied to multiaxial joints: hip, joint thumb, but most often such a bandage is used for the shoulder joint.

The main task of the spica bandage is to protect the wound surface from external influences, as well as to hold or secure the dressing.

With the help of it, the limb is immobilized in case of a fracture or dislocation. It is also used to apply pressure to an injured surface and stop bleeding.

Thus, the bandage is applied in the following cases:

  • Purulent and inflammatory diseases in the armpit and on the shoulder joint;
  • Wounds in the axillary (armpit) cavity and on the shoulder;
  • Open and closed fractures;
  • Immobilization of the limb in arthrosis and arthritis.

The bandage has a fairly wide range of action, and therefore it is important to master the skills of applying it to the shoulder.

Shoulder bandage technique

Before bandaging, it is necessary to establish contact with the victim, briefly describe the procedure and obtain consent for it. It is necessary to turn the injured person towards you, put him on a chair, he must relax the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

If there is a need, then a roller is placed in the axillary cavity. Before bandaging the wound, cotton soaked in the drug is first placed on its surface.

To avoid complications, the following rules must be observed during the procedure:

  • Before bandaging, it is necessary to remove clothes from the torso so that access to the shoulder joint is free;
  • It is strictly forbidden to move the injured limb or shoulder during the procedure;
  • It is necessary to completely close the damaged shoulder joint;
  • If the applied bandage compresses the shoulder girdle or the injured limb and pain occurs, then it must be removed and bandaged;
  • The dressing material must be securely fixed.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to stock up on 2 wide bandages (width not less than 14 cm), a roller, a pin for fixing and a scarf for immobilizing the shoulder.

During the procedure, the arm and shoulder girdle are bandaged so that the upper strip of the bandage covers the lower one by 2/3. A properly applied bandage resembles the coils of an ear, which do not allow the bandage to move.

Depending on the direction, the application of a spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint can be of 2 types:

  1. descending spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint, for the imposition of which you need to perform the following steps:
    • The first course of bandaging is carried out at the level of the axillary region. The bandage is fixed around the chest (behind) to a healthy arm, and then from under her armpit in front is carried out to the opposite shoulder;
    • Then the bandage is removed from the armpit to the back, directing it up and forward;
    • The bandage is again carried out through the axillary cavity of a healthy shoulder joint;
    • Continue bandaging, alternating shoulder joints. The result should be a downward bandage, the coils of which tend from top to bottom. Outwardly, the bandage resembles a figure eight with a cross on the front of the injured shoulder. The end of the bandage must be fixed with a pin.
  2. Rising spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder, which is performed as follows:
    • Secure the first turn of the bandage under the injured shoulder. Through the armpit, bring the bandage to the outer part of the shoulder, and then to the back;
    • Pass the bandage through the back, go through the axillary region of a healthy shoulder joint and direct the coil to the injured shoulder along the chest;
    • Wrap the bandage around the injured shoulder and again head to the back through the axillary region. Figure-of-eight turns will be visible on the front of the injured shoulder.

To apply an ascending bandage, you need to perform 3 locking moves around the shoulder, and to create a descending bandage, 2 moves around the body.

A properly applied bandage should look neat and not cause discomfort to the victim.

Bandage Care

From time to time, the bandage must be changed, especially if it closes the wound. The procedure must be performed very carefully. If a purulent or bloody fluid stood out from the wound, then the bandage most likely stuck. It is strictly forbidden to tear off or sharply tear off the bandage! Soak the bandage with hydrogen peroxide (3%) and carefully remove.

The bandage can be removed in layers. However, this is not the most best way out. In most cases, doctors carefully cut the bandages with surgical scissors so that the layers do not twist.

Then the medical worker cleans the skin around the wound, treats the damaged area with antiseptic agents and applies a new bandage.

The victim must carefully handle the bandage, make sure that it does not slip, if necessary, then bandage it without removing it.

Make sure that the bandage is not contaminated, otherwise there is a risk of infection entering the damaged area.

Hygienic treatment should be carried out once a week.

Terms of Use

The period of wearing a spica bandage on the area of ​​the shoulder joint is determined by the doctor individually for each patient. Terms of use depend on the nature of the damage, the age of the victim, the presence or absence of serious illnesses(diseases of the heart and blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, etc.).

In case of wound damage, the first examination is carried out 7 days after application. The doctor evaluates the tightness of the bandage, examines the damaged area. If pain, itching, redness, and an unpleasant odor occur, the dressing is replaced earlier than after 7 days.

Immobilizing dressings are applied for a long time until the bone fragments grow together. The wearing period is from 2 weeks to several months. If, after applying the bandage, blood circulation is disturbed, then it is removed earlier and the injured limb is bandaged again.

Read more about nutrition while recovering from an injury here.

Possible errors when using

In case of violation of the overlay technique the following complications may occur:

  • Pain in the area of ​​the shoulder joint;
  • Puffiness under the bandage;
  • Loss of sensation in the injured limb.

Similar symptoms may occur due to the fact that the hand is bandaged too tightly. As a result, the tissues are compressed, the vessels are pinched, and the local blood flow is disturbed. To avoid irreversible consequences, a bandage that is too tight must be removed.

With loose bandaging, the shoulder is not fixed in the desired position, and the bandage is shifted. In this case, the bandage must be removed and bandaged more tightly.

Incorrect bandaging can cause contractures - serious complication, in which hand movements are limited after removing the bandage.

To avoid dangerous consequences When applying a bandage, the following rules must be observed:

  • Apply the first move of the bandage not very tight, pull it evenly;
  • On the 2nd stroke, slightly increase the pressure so that the dressing is firmly pressed against the surface of the body;
  • Roll the bandage with one hand and smooth it out with the other

If you doubt your skills, entrust this procedure to medical professionals.

Alternative dressings

In addition to the spica bandage, there are other fixing bandages for the shoulder joint:

  • Orthopedic dressing– Made from breathable elastic material. This is a bandage with a removable belt and a clutch. Properties: average degree fixation, compression effect, relaxation and unloading of the shoulder joint;
  • Bandage Deso made of dense airtight knitted material with a muff, 2 straps and an adjustable belt. This is a universal method of fixation of the shoulder joint;
  • kerchief bandage- This is a triangular piece of tissue that is used to immobilize a limb. Prevents the risk of complications (rupture of blood vessels, bruising, swelling), securely fixes the shoulder joint.

Regardless of the type of fixation bandage, follow the doctor's recommendations for wearing it. Otherwise, this means of immobilization will not only not speed up recovery, but will also worsen your condition.

Indication: wound surface in the area of ​​the shoulder joint.

Equipment: bandage 20 cm wide.


    Take the beginning of the bandage in the left hand, the head of the bandage in the right.

    Lower the limb along the body.

    Attach a bandage to the upper third of the shoulder (the right hand is bandaged from left to right, the left - from right to left).

    Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the upper third of the shoulder.

    Move the bandage from shoulder to back, to a healthy armpit, to the chest and again to the shoulder.

7. Circle the bandage around the shoulder, closing each previous round by 2/3 of the width of the bandage.

    Repeat the moves of the bandage, rising from the shoulder to the shoulder joint, until the entire wound surface is closed.

    Fix the bandage.

"Turtle" bandage (converging) on elbow joint.

P rendering: injuries above or below the elbow joint.

Equipment: bandage 20 cm wide.


    Seat the patient facing you, reassure, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

    Bend the limbs at the elbow joint at an angle of 20 °.

    Take the beginning of the bandage in the left hand, the head of the bandage in the right. Bandage from left to right.

    Attach the bandage to the upper third of the forearm.

    Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the forearm.

    Cross the flexion surface of the elbow and go to the lower third of the shoulder.

    Apply bandage moves on the shoulder and forearm on top of each other, gradually approaching after the eight-shaped intersections above the flexion surface of the elbow joint.

    Close the elbow joint, descending into the forearm, at the place where the bandage began.

    Fix the bandage, cut the end of the bandage and tie the ends into a knot.

"Returning" bandage on one finger

Indication: finger injury.

Equipment: bandage 3 - 5 cm wide.


    Seat the patient facing you, reassure, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

2. Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the wrist joint.

3. Lead a bandage from the wrist joint along the back of the hand along the injured finger.

4. Round the fingertip, bandage from the palmar surface to the base of the finger, then from the palmar surface through the fingertip to the base on the back of the hand (i.e., return to its original position). With a hand free from the bandage, hold the bandage on the palmar surface of the patient's hand.

5. Bandage with a creeping type from the base to the fingertip, then in spiral moves - from the fingertip to the base.

6. Transfer the bandage through the back of the hand to the wrist joint (at the base of the finger - the transition to the hand in a cruciform way).

7. Fix the bandage on the wrist joint with two fixing tours.

7. Cut the end of the bandage and tie it into a knot.

Spike bandage on one finger

Indications: wound, finger burn.

Equipment: bandage 3 - 5 cm wide.


Spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint protects the wound surface from the effects of external negative factors. It immobilizes the injured limb, prevents bleeding and infection. This method of bandaging the shoulder joint reliably immobilizes the arm, providing tissue regeneration in case of dislocations, bruises, progressive destructive and degenerative changes in the joints. Its imposition requires certain skills, therefore it is carried out only by qualified medical personnel. Excessively tight or weak bandaging can cause complications, slow regeneration of damaged tissues.

Indications for use

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Spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint - a device made of dressing material that protects the wound from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, mechanical stress, and temperature changes. Also, the purpose of bandaging becomes the retention of pharmacological preparations on the damaged areas of the shoulder. In what cases is its imposition recommended:

  • the formation of inflammatory foci in the articular structures or in the armpits, including those accompanied by the release of pus;
  • wounds on the surface of the shoulder and (or) in the armpit;
  • open and closed fractures, dislocations and subluxations;
  • hand immobilization during exacerbations of arthritis and arthrosis.

Dislocation of the collarbone is a direct indication for wearing a bandage.

Spike-shaped dressing simultaneously prevents bacterial infection of the wound, provides a long-term presence of drugs, fixes the limb and prevents recurrence of the pathology.

An ascending spica bandage is used for damage to the surface of the shoulder near the joint, and when the wound is located on the shoulder girdle, a downward bandage is used. You can close the armpit with a special modifying bandage.

How to properly bandage the shoulder joint

The psychological state of the patient is important for the correct procedure. A person needs to be seated, reassured, told about the basic principles of the upcoming bandaging. This will help him relax, and the medic - to quickly fix the injured shoulder. Before bandaging, a hand-supporting roller is placed in the armpit, and a sterile dressing is applied to the wound. Immobilization of the shoulder joint is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • at the first turn, the bandage is applied freely, and at subsequent turns, its tension should be tighter, with a snug fit to the body;
  • the bandage will turn out to be dense and reliable if, with each turn of the bandage, it is shifted by a third of the width. The basic principle of spike-shaped bandaging is based on the uniform weave of the dressing covering the wound surface;
  • in the process of application, the surface of the bandage is constantly leveled with hands to ensure a snug fit, to avoid the formation of folds and bends. The area of ​​the shoulder joint is uneven, therefore, when it is fixed, incision of the dressing material is allowed. After the overlay is completed, the remaining part of the bandage is located under the last layers. It is secured with a safety pin or ribbon obtained by cutting the bandage.

The main requirements for a spica bandage are comfort, a snug fit of the bandage layers and the absence of excessive compression. It should not reduce the range of motion of healthy joints and cause discomfort even when worn for a long time. It is applied only by a qualified physician. Bandaging that is too tight will compress blood vessels, nerves, and muscles. This will lead to the development of necrosis. And weak fixation will significantly slow down tissue regeneration or provoke a recurrence of the pathology, for example, with a dislocation of the abdominal end of the clavicle.

Signs of improper imposition are reduced sensitivity of the upper limb, swelling of the free area of ​​the arm, pain in the shoulder joint.

Ascending bandage

The weave of such a spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder joint is located on the outer surface. The bandage is fixed with two turns around the shoulder joint on its upper section from the side of the wound surface. After putting on the shoulder girdle, the dressing is carried along the shoulder blades to the other armpit, circled around the torso on the chest and displayed in front of the shoulder. Now it is superimposed by a gradual entanglement of the shoulder with the release of the bandage on its outer surface. The dressing is positioned in such a way that the next round fixes the previous one. The bandage is applied according to the following algorithm:

  • conducted along the chest;
  • winds up over the shoulder and shoulder girdle;
  • falls behind the back.

Bandaging continues until the complete closure of the shoulder joint, the entire surface of the shoulder and armpit. At the end of the fixation, the end of the bandage is attached to several layers of material on the back with a safety pin.

Descending dressing

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A descending spica dressing is obtained by applying the dressing in the opposite direction. First, the bandage is placed in several turns around the body at the level of the armpits. Further, it is conducted from the armpit of a healthy arm along the anterior part of the torso to the other shoulder joint as follows:

  • winds up behind the front region of the shoulder girdle;
  • is carried out on its back side;
  • is displayed on the front of the joint through the armpit.

Now the bandage near the neck is wound behind the back and lowered into the opposite armpit. In this way, the overlay continues with the crossing of the layers of the bandage for a third or half of its width. At the end of the procedure, the dressing is wrapped a couple of times around the forearm on the injured side for reliability. The bandage is fastened with a pin or a bandage cut into 2 parts. The result of this bandaging method is a "spike" located on the shoulder girdle.

During the procedure, it is not advisable to use a large amount of dressing material to ensure reliable immobilization of the limb and shoulder joint. Excessive turns of the bandage will increase the thickness of the spica bandage, causing inconvenience when wearing it.

Bandage covering the armpit

Reliable closure of the armpit area is carried out with a modified ascending spica bandage. When applying it, additional turns of the bandage are used through a healthy shoulder girdle. Reliable fixation is provided by a wide cotton roll, which fits not only into the armpit, but also outside it in such a way that part of the chest is closed.

At the beginning of the procedure, the lower third of the shoulder is wrapped 2-3 times with a bandage to securely fix it. The dressing is carried along the back around a healthy shoulder girdle and passes along the chest towards the damaged muscle cavity. After performing a circular coil covering the back and chest area, the material fixes a layer of sterile cotton wool. Several additional circles running along the shoulder girdle and around the torso help to ensure the necessary density of the bandage and secure the roller in the armpit. At the end of the procedure, a double wrapping of the bandage around the sternum is performed. The dressing material is fixed with a pin.

Basic rules for the care of the bandage

Spike-shaped bandage on the shoulder can be used for different times depending on the degree of injury or the stage of the course of chronic articular pathology. The duration of wearing is affected by the age of the patient and the rate of recovery of damaged tissues. The presence of a person's history of cardiovascular diseases is also important, in which any excessive exercise is harmful. The wearing period is limited for pathologies accompanied by metabolic disorders. For example, with diabetes, tight bandaging can cause damage to the skin.

The material is replaced one week after its application. Before the procedure, the doctor assesses the condition of the wound surface, treats it with antiseptics and anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, bandages are removed without waiting until 7 days have passed. What could be the reason for this:

For the treatment and prevention of DISEASES OF THE JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use the method of fast and non-surgical treatment recommended by the leading rheumatologists of Russia, who decided to oppose pharmaceutical lawlessness and presented a medicine that REALLY TREATS! We got acquainted with this technique and decided to bring it to your attention. Read more…

  • intolerable skin itching;
  • the appearance of a putrid odor;
  • constant or intermittent pain at rest or during movement;
  • redness and (or) swelling of the skin below or above the bandages.

For immobilization of the shoulder joint after a fracture, spike-shaped bandaging is applied for a period of several weeks to 2.5-3 months. Bandaging is carried out not only for the gradual restoration of damaged tissues. This is part of the first aid to the injured, used to safely transport a person to a hospital facility for further therapy.

Spike dressing is just as important in the treatment of fractures or dislocations as well as the timely administration of pharmacological drugs. It prevents the displacement of articular structures relative to each other, which can cause the development of inflammation. The duration and effectiveness of treatment depends on its correct application.

How to forget about pain in the joints?

  • Joint pain limits your movement and life...
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain ...
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments ...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much ...

But orthopedist Valentin Dikul claims that indeed effective remedy for joint pain exists!

To immobilize the site in case of mechanical damage, a spike-shaped bandage is applied to the shoulder joint. Also, arthrosis and arthritis of various etiologies heal faster when the functional load on the shoulder is limited. Immobilization of the upper limb is carried out using bandages and plaster casts. Spike bandage got its name from the technique of bandaging.

What represents and indications for use

The bandage looks like a spikelet, from where it got its name. Thanks to the characteristic coils, the immobilization of the hip joint, the joint of the thumb is ensured. However, most often the bandage is used for the shoulder joint. This is a rather complex design that requires skill to apply the coils correctly.

Orthopedic spica bandage - effective method joint fixation. Immobilization makes it possible to ensure complete functional rest of the area, excluding even minimal random movements. A fixing bandage is applied to the shoulder in case of dislocation, bruising, or any damage to the area. Lack of movement speeds up recovery in degenerative pathologies. In case of fractures, spike-shaped ligation prevents damage to blood vessels, nerves and soft tissues by bone fragments.

When big wounds or sores, the soft dressing keeps out contamination and pathogens.

Equipment: bandage 20 cm wide.


2. Take the beginning of the bandage in the left hand, the head of the bandage in the right.

3. Lower the limb along the body.

4. Apply a bandage to the upper third of the shoulder (the right hand is bandaged from left to right, the left - from right to left).

5. Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the upper third of the shoulder.

6. Bandage from shoulder to back, to a healthy armpit, to the chest and again to the shoulder.

7. Circle the bandage around the shoulder, closing each previous round by 2/3 of the width of the bandage.

8. Repeat the moves of the bandage, rising from the shoulder to the shoulder joint, until the entire wound surface is closed.

9. Fix the bandage.

"Turtle" bandage (converging) on elbow joint .

Indication: injuries above or below the elbow joint.

Equipment: bandage 20 cm wide.


1. Seat the patient facing you, reassure, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

2. Bend the limbs at the elbow joint at an angle of 20°.

3. Take the beginning of the bandage in the left hand, the head of the bandage in the right. Bandage from left to right.

4. Apply a bandage to the upper third of the forearm.

5. Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the forearm.

6. Cross the flexion surface of the elbow and go to the lower third of the shoulder.

7. Put the bandage on the shoulder and forearm on top of each other, gradually approaching after the eight-shaped intersections above the flexion surface of the elbow joint.

8. Close the elbow joint, descending into the forearm, at the place where the bandage began.

9. Fix the bandage, cut the end of the bandage and tie the ends into a knot.

"Returning" bandage on one finger

Indication: finger injury.

Equipment: bandage 3-5 cm wide.


1. Seat the patient facing you, reassure, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

2. Make two fixing tours of the bandage around the wrist joint.

3. Lead a bandage from the wrist joint along the back of the hand along the injured finger.

4. Round the fingertip, bandage from the palmar surface to the base of the finger, then from the palmar surface through the fingertip to the base on the back of the hand (i.e., return to its original position). With a hand free from the bandage, hold the bandage on the palmar surface of the patient's hand.

5. Bandage with a creeping type from the base to the fingertip, then in spiral moves - from the fingertip to the base.

6. Transfer the bandage through the rear of the hand to the wrist joint (at the base of the finger - the transition to the hand in a cruciform way).

7. Fix the bandage on the wrist joint with two fixing tours.

7. Cut the end of the bandage and tie it into a knot.

Spike bandage on one finger

Indications: wound, finger burn.

Equipment: bandage 3-5 cm wide.


1. Seat the patient facing you, reassure, explain the course of the upcoming manipulation.

2. Make two fixing tours of the bandage on the wrist joint.

3. Lead the bandage through the back surface of the hand and thumb to the nail phalanx,

4. Go around the finger along the palmar and dorsal surfaces and again lead the bandage to the wrist joint (when moving from the palmar to the dorsal surface, bandage with a cruciform move).

5. Make a fixing tour of the bandage around the wrist joint.

6. Repeat the tours of the bandage with the transition to the back surface of the hand and with fixation on the wrist joint.

7. Cover the previous round by 1/2 the width of the bandage until the entire finger is bandaged.

8. Fix the bandage on the wrist joint.

9. Cut the end of the bandage and tie in a knot.