Numbness of the fingers of the left hand - the cause and what to do. What does the numbness of the fingers of the left hand indicate? Periodically numb little finger on the left hand

Answer: Re: the little finger on the left hand goes numb

I wonder if those who read the English text, in my recommendations, are there any discrepancies with their opinion on ergonomics:

Added after 21 minutes
The described symptoms are usually inherent in the so-called carpal or tunnel syndrome. Nerve fibers in the wrists and hands they go through channels (tunnels) that are formed by bones, ligaments and muscles. When a person works for a long time on the keyboard and, especially with a computer mouse, he presses the hand to the table, and the nerve to the bone, thereby squeezing it. If this continues for a sufficiently long time, numbness, tingling, pain, up to total loss sensitivity in the fingers. During the examination, of course, you will find osteochondrosis cervical(everyone has it, it's like computer specialists, they always clean the dust out of it, grumble, and then look for the cause).
And although osteochondrosis contributes to the process of numbness, no matter how much you twist your neck, there will be no improvement (but you also need to twist it). Although it is generally recommended to reduce the workload, this is often a critical component of treatment.
There are two ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. The first is medicinal, when glucocorticoid preparations are injected into the canals and tissues surrounding the nerve so that they restore the “patency” of the nerves. As a rule, this path is combined with massage, physiotherapy, and exercise therapy. The second way is surgical. Well, this is a last resort.

If the finger of a healthy hand slips off the ulnar edge of the diseased hand, then the finger rests on a small tubercle-pisiform bone. Move it across your wrist 10 times in each direction (with the thumb of a healthy hand), a connection with a numb area is very often visible (numbness disappears or increases on a short time. and then decreases).
All these tips do not cancel the need for examination and consultation with a specialist.

Hello, I started having the same problems a few weeks ago. I am constantly at my laptop. Very often increased elbow and numbness left hand at night, especially the little finger, now the little finger almost does not go numb, it just hurts stupidly, and tonight it felt like it was set under fire, it was on fire, I didn’t know where to put my hand at night.
Now, on your advice, I felt this bone .. I squeezed it a little higher towards the middle of the palm and felt pain and nervous "twitches". On the right hand did the same, but did not experience such a feeling, there was only a slight discomfort in the palm area. In general, my left little finger is quite cold compared to the right one. Not so very cold, but much colder than the right one. I was previously diagnosed with osteochondrosis, I talked with you in the topic about a coma in my throat, did a tomography of the neck, I wrote its results in that topic. Here the little finger worries me, I warm it under water, I’m doing a massage of this bone now, but the little finger still worries, it has strange sensations, it doesn’t tingle, it just hurts with a slight, but aching pain. And yet .. before that I wore a watch and since they dangled from me, I tightened the strap tighter and my watch was tight enough on my wrist, I don’t know, but I have a feeling that because of this strap, it could also be started squeezing the nerve ... Apparently I need to go to the hospital .. I have been unlucky with my health lately, one rolls over the other.

Added after 9 minutes

Faced with a similar ailment, but as I understand it at an early stage ...
There is also a habit of keeping the elbow of the left hand on the table in a bent state.
I somehow accidentally felt with my hand a point or a place on the bend of the elbow, so soft, where, by gently pressing, I get a very intense impulse, I don’t know how to explain it, the little finger and the ring finger seem to be filled with something

Here I have about the same thing, my elbow hurts with aching pain, I press on a point in the elbow, I don’t get an impulse, but there are not very pleasant sensations that then “slide” to the wrist and little finger with the ring finger ..


Everyone has experienced finger numbness at least once in their life. If this happened once, you should not panic, but if it happens often, then pay attention to the problem. Short-term, accidental numbness rarely poses a serious health hazard, but permanent ones indicate the development of a pathology, a more serious disease.

Why is my left hand numb

Not every person pays attention to tingling in the fingertips if one of them starts to twitch, go numb, itch or whine. Such a condition should cause a person to determine the cause, especially if the entire left hand goes numb. The main sources of this phenomenon include:

  1. Pathological disorders in the spine. Numbness of the fingers of the left hand can be caused by degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical region, thinning intervertebral discs, injuries, long-term dynamic or static loads on the vertebra.
  2. Long-term uncomfortable posture that causes excessive stress on the muscles of the spine (often during pregnancy). Because of this, short-term spasms occur that affect the nerve endings that are nearby.
  3. Ischemic disease of the brain and in the area of ​​the cervical spine.
  4. Emotional, stressful, psychological factors.

How does hand numbness manifest?

Pain in the left arm is different from the symptoms of numbness. The latter often occurs in the morning after sleep or at night. The main manifestations of numbness of the fingers are:

  • reduced sensitivity of individual or all fingers of the hand;
  • transient muscle weakness;
  • goosebumps, burning on the skin;
  • tingling in the fingers.

Why do fingers go numb

most common cause becomes a compression of the neurovascular plexus. This provokes numbness of the fingers, because trophism and nerve conduction are disturbed, blood flow, tissue nutrition worsens or slows down, and sensitivity is lost. This creates the feeling that the fingers have ceased to obey, taken away, weakened. As a rule, the causes of this condition are situations:

  1. If you throw your left hand over the back of a chair and sit long time in such a pose. Compression of blood vessels and nerves occurs, which leads to a failure of the blood supply to the limb (the arm becomes numb).
  2. Prolonged stay of the hands above the level of the chest, resulting in an outflow of blood.
  3. A shoulder strap from a bag or backpack can also disrupt the blood supply to the arm.
  4. Severe frost, which leads to narrowing of the arteries.

Little finger

In most cases, numbness of the left little finger indicates cardiac problems: acute coronary syndrome, chronic heart failure. With frequent manifestations of numbness of the left little finger, you should contact cardiology to check the work of the heart. This will allow timely determination possible diseases and start timely treatment.

The little finger on the left hand goes numb with prolonged tension of the muscles of the hand, the muscular system of the upper spine. As a rule, for such reasons, pinching of the nerve endings is observed due to the rotation of the cervical region and its asymmetry. Such symptoms are also characteristic of infringement in the lumbar vertebrae. Numbness of the left little finger may indicate a pathological process in which the intervertebral disc bulges into the spinal canal, but does not violate the integrity of the fibrous ring. This is one of the stages of osteochondrosis, which can develop into an intervertebral hernia.


Endocrine disorders lead to numbness of this finger, for example, diabetes or other types of metabolic diseases. The cause may be injuries (fractures, cracks), inflammation of the joints. If pathological processes occur in the brachial plexus, this can lead not only to numbness, there will be violations of the flexion-extensor function of the finger, and sometimes the hand.

Violations of the sensitivity of the index finger cause degenerative changes in the cervical vertebrae, muscles and intervertebral discs. Accompanied by such reasons painful sensations in the forearm, muscular weakness of the arm. Numbness of the index finger occurs in people who, due to professional necessity, are subjected to prolonged stress on the fingers and upper spine.


In most cases, numbness thumb indicates metabolic disorders of the intervertebral cartilage of the thoracic and cervical regions. In addition to a decrease in sensitivity, there is also weakness of the hand, soreness of the forearm, the outer side of the shoulder, and a decline in muscle strength. Possible causes of thumb numbness include cardiovascular diseases, thoracic osteochondrosis.

Reduced elasticity of the vascular wall, narrowing of the lumen, which causes atherosclerosis, disrupts blood circulation, tissue nutrition, which provokes numbness of the thumb. Often, such a symptom occurs due to a lack of vitamins, which is typical for the winter-spring period. You can stop such manifestations by drinking mineral products, vitamin complexes, adding fruits and vegetables to the diet.


Sometimes the vascular network of the finger reduces spasm, which provokes pallor skin and numbness of the middle finger of the left hand. This phenomenon is called Raynaud's disease. As a rule, it manifests itself due to injury or when exposed to low temperatures for a long time. However, more often the numbness of the middle finger is associated with osteochondrosis (7th vertebrae), the likely development intervertebral hernia, pinched nerve endings, deformity of the joints.


When squeezing nerve endings elbow joint numbness of the ring finger of the left hand. Articular nerves can be compressed, injured, which provokes a decrease in sensitivity. To remove the pulling, breaking discomfort, you need to identify the root cause of the compression of the nerve endings, the exact localization of the lesion. With numbness of the index finger in conjunction with the little finger, the heart should be checked.

At night

Often people at the doctor's office complain of numbness of the fingers at night. This symptom can appear at any age. As a rule, the problem is explained by the wrong posture of the sleeper and ignored. This opinion is partly true, the posture is really important, but other more serious processes can be the cause of numbness. For example, this effect can be caused by:

  1. Prolonged work at a computer with a keyboard, which creates constant tension in the muscles of the wrist, tendons. This provokes compression of the nerve endings.
  2. Diabetes mellitus, anemia, vitamin deficiency. Numbness passes after taking vitamin complexes, it is necessary to do physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy.
  3. Numbness of the fingers at night causes osteochondrosis, which has become a real problem of the modern generation.
  4. If, along with nighttime numbness, there is constant feeling coldness in the fingers, this indicates a violation of the blood supply.


If all the fingertips of the left hand are numb, systemic diseases should be checked. Such a symptom manifests itself in violation of the blood supply, the phalanges become white or red. Such a deviation may indicate neurotrophic changes, diabetes mellitus. Often, several pads become numb, and not all tips. This indicates the need to check the spine.

How to treat numbness in the left hand

Appointment, course of treatment should be determined by the attending physician after all the necessary tests and accurate diagnosis. Based on the possible causes of symptoms, one of the following treatment regimens may be prescribed:

  • taking painkillers;
  • replenishment of the lack of trace elements;
  • physiotherapy, physiotherapy, massage;
  • taking missing vitamins in capsules or injections;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • diet without salt, increased consumption of vegetables, fruits;
  • improvement of trophism, nerve conduction of tissues with the help of creams, ointments;
  • refusal of alcohol, smoking, adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

During therapy, it is necessary to get rid of possible physical activity on the spine upper limbs. Can be used without a doctor's prescription folk methods for the treatment of numbness of the fingers:

  1. Rub your fingers with a mixture of red, black ground pepper and hot olive oil. Mix them and let cool. Carry out this procedure several times a day.
  2. Apply a compress to the cervical spine or arms twice a day from porridge and boiled potatoes.
  3. Make contrast baths for fingers with cold, warm water. 1 minute each.

It is better not to bring the condition to the need for treatment, but to get by with timely prevention. Lead healthy lifestyle life, be more often in the fresh air, go in for active sports, but without a significant load on the spine (especially the cervical, lumbar). If you work a lot on the keyboard, knit or put a load on the upper spine, then make yourself rest more often, during which complete muscle relaxation should be carried out at least once every 1-2 hours.

Which doctor to contact

Due to the fact that there are many causes of finger numbness, several specialists should be visited who could determine the primary source of the disease: a vertebrologist, a surgeon, a neuropathologist, a cardiologist. All of them must be held full examination patient (survey, X-ray, MRI, etc.), on the basis of which the maximum effective therapy. Often it comes down to exercise therapy, taking pills and using external ointments. The course is always individual, depending on the identified provoking factors and characteristics of the human body.

Video: Why hands go numb

Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment, based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Numbness of the fingers of the left hand

The human nervous system covers all areas of the body, even the fingertips. Therefore, violations in its work can provoke many unpleasant symptoms, one of which is a complaint that the little finger on the left hand is numb. Most often from given state women suffer, especially after the age of 40 years. To draw up the correct treatment regimen, it is necessary to accurately establish and eliminate the causes of such phenomena.

Causes and treatment of the condition when the little finger on the left hand goes numb

The simplest explanation for the described symptom is mechanical damage to the finger. Often, injuries of the elbow joint are accompanied by this symptom.

If the little finger on the left hand is constantly numb, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Carpal, tunnel, carpal syndrome. Pathology develops as a result of long-term systematic work, characterized by overloads of the limb. As a result, there is compression and inflammation of the nerve, a violation of the transmission of impulses through it. The syndrome is accompanied by rare attacks of pulling pain.
  2. Intervertebral hernia. Similar to the previous paragraph, there is a strong infringement of the nerve root, which reduces sensitivity in the hand and little finger.
  3. Neuropathy of the ulnar nerve. The little finger is innervated from the elbow joint. Therefore, any diseases of the autonomic nervous system in this area provoke numbness of the finger.
  4. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. The ulnar nerve originates at the base of the neck. Due to the violation of the depreciation functions of the discs between the vertebrae, its conductive abilities are greatly impaired, as is the sensitivity in the limbs.
  5. Atherosclerosis of peripheral arteries. The deposition of cholesterol or lipid plaques on the walls of blood vessels leads to their rapid narrowing, and, accordingly, a decrease in the intensity of blood circulation in the tissues. As a result, there is numbness of the fingers, a feeling of tingling in them, crawling "goosebumps".
  6. Scalenus syndrome. Pathology is characterized by damage, inflammation or infringement of the nerves and roots in the costoclavicular space. In addition, the disease is provoked by the destruction of blood vessels.
  7. Syndrome of the pectoralis minor. Most often, athletes (weightlifters) suffer from this disease, because the cause of its development is micro- and macrotraumatization of the pectoral muscle. Due to its overstrain, trophism in the tissues worsens, the trunks of the subclavian artery and the brachial plexus are compressed.

When diagnosing, it is important to pay attention to the localization of discomfort and subjective symptoms. For example, if only the tip of the little finger on the left hand goes numb, provoking factors may be:

  • chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • degenerative changes in the elbow, shoulder, carpal joint;
  • diabetes;
  • neurotrophic disorders;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • neuropathy and neuralgia of various origins.

What to do if the little finger goes numb only on the left hand?

It is impossible to find out what the cause of the described condition is. As can be seen, the above factors too much, only a specialist can determine what the origin of the symptoms is (endocrine, neurological, cardiovascular or inflammatory).

Nerve endings are located in all cells of our body. If the functioning of the nervous system is disturbed, a person may experience discomfort and complain that the little finger on the left hand is numb. What does this symptomatology indicate? That's the topic for today's conversation.

Causes of numbness of the fingers: find out the opinion of experts

Often a person complains of numbness in the fingers. Often this condition occurs as a result of injury. Staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time can also cause a decrease in nervous sensitivity.

As medical practice shows, most often the fingers of office employees who constantly work with writing documents go numb. According to statistics, sensations of tingling and decreased sensitivity of the fingers are mainly manifested in the morning, almost immediately after waking up. It happens that in a dream a person takes an uncomfortable position. As a result of squeezing the nerve endings, we feel numbness.

Please note that many of us cross our legs while sitting. If we spend a fairly long time in this position, then the nerve endings in the popliteal region will be transmitted, and we will begin to feel numbness in the toes. The same goes for the fingers. When crushing the nerve endings or small blood vessels, the fingers may become numb.

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The reasons why the little finger on the left hand goes numb can be divided into two categories:

  • mechanical;
  • pathological.

As you may have guessed, the first group of causes is associated with injury or squeezing of blood vessels or nerve endings. The second group of factors affecting the appearance of such symptoms is directly related to the development of pathology. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

We exclude mechanical factors of influence

As already mentioned, one of the reasons why the little finger on the left hand goes numb is the squeezing of nerve endings. If the blood vessels do not function fully, then the person may also feel numbness in the fingers. Additionally, characteristic tingling and even pain may occur.

The following postures can lead to numbness of the little finger of the left hand:

  • Leg to leg position. Do not be surprised, but blood circulates over the entire surface of the body, so when squeezed vascular walls in the popliteal region, numbness can be felt on the fingers of the left hand. If you often take this position, try to avoid it, because in the future this seemingly harmless position can lead to the development of varicose veins.
  • Crossing of hands. Psychologists call this position defensive and say that a person crossing his arms over his chest closes himself from others. If you hold your hands in this position for a long time, then the blood vessels in the elbow part will be compressed, as a result of which the right amount of blood will not flow to the fingertips and the person will feel their numbness.
  • Curvature of posture. The spinal column is not only our support. Our health as a whole depends on its condition. If you do not keep your posture even when walking, running or sitting, this will lead to the development of various pathologies of the spine. As a rule, such conditions negatively affect blood circulation, as well as the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  • Wrong posture during night rest. If you like to sleep with your arm under your head or a pillow, don't be surprised to experience tingling and numbness in your fingers after waking up. In this position, we pinch the artery, resulting in impaired blood circulation.

When does numbness of the little finger signal a pathology?

If a person’s fingers of the left hand go numb, namely the little finger and the ring finger, and this condition becomes systematic, you must definitely contact medical institution. As already mentioned, numbness of the fingers of the upper or lower extremities can become one of the symptoms indicating the development of pathology.

Let's look at the main reasons that can provoke the appearance of such symptoms:

  • Pathologies in functioning of cardio-vascular system. If the numbness of the little finger on the left hand is associated with disturbances in the activity of the heart muscle, then the person will additionally experience pain in chest. The pain can be given to the scapular and elbow part.
  • Violation of the functioning of the nervous system. Numbness of the little finger and ring finger of the left hand may appear with the development of osteochondrosis and infringement of the median nerve.
  • Metabolic disorders. Numbness of the fingers of the left hand can be directly related to vitamin deficiency. Most often, this condition appears in early spring. Dryness and peeling of the skin will also testify to this.
  • development of atherosclerosis. With the formation of plaques in the vessels, blood circulation is disturbed, resulting in such an unpleasant symptom as numbness.

If, along with numbness in the fingers, you notice blue skin of the lips, confusion, impaired motor coordination, then you need to immediately call the ambulance team. Such signs are considered the main precursors of a stroke.

In cases where there are no concomitant symptoms, contact your treating specialist, and he will prescribe the necessary pharmacological preparations to normalize vitamin balance. Most often, these symptoms appear due to a lack of calcium, potassium, retinol, and B vitamins.

Numbness of the little finger of the left hand may be due to other reasons:

  • pregnancy
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • pathologies respiratory organs etc.

What to do and who to contact?

We have already found out for what reasons the little finger of the left hand may go numb. However, it is impossible to independently diagnose the disease and begin its treatment in no case. To begin with, observe your condition. If numbness is provoked by mechanical factors, then adjust your habits and be sure to position yourself for sleeping.

If you notice that numbness is accompanied by additional symptoms or such discomfort appears at any time of the day, contact your lead therapist. After conducting an examination and taking an anamnesis, the doctor will refer you to a specialized specialist, in particular, to a cardiologist or neuropathologist. Only after a comprehensive examination, the doctor will be able to identify the cause of such discomfort and prescribe a full and effective treatment.

To prevent the appearance of numbness in the fingers of the left hand, adjust your diet. Eat foods that contain enough mineral and fortified micro and macro elements. Move more and do simple things whenever possible. physical exercises. This is especially true for people professional activity who are associated with the performance of monotonous work, for example, writers, office workers, programmers, etc.

If you feel numbness of the little finger or other fingers of the left hand after a night's rest, then you can get rid of the discomfort by performing massage actions.

The problem of numbness of the hands and fingers is faced by many people, and absolutely different ages. But, unfortunately, most do not attach any importance to these manifestations. Although this symptom can signal serious health problems. Worth paying Special attention when it manifests itself in the left side of the body, and in particular, the little finger of the left hand or the whole hand goes numb.

Before identifying the causes of this problem, it is necessary to clarify what should be understood by the word "numbness". Numbness is a decrease in the sensitivity of nerve endings, which manifests itself in the appearance of "goosebumps", while this condition can occur without being affected by any external factors or under the influence of mechanical factors (compression of a vessel or nerve).

Why is the little finger of the left hand numb

Main reasons:

  • Short-term pinched nerve when the hand is in an uncomfortable position during sleep for a long time, while holding the handrails while traveling in transport, carrying heavy loads. If the numbness passes quickly, then there is no reason to worry.
  • With beriberi, there is often a violation of the sensitivity of the fingers. Especially if the body lacks vitamin A and B vitamins, including B 12.
  • The little finger of the left hand goes numb in diseases of the heart and blood vessels (coronary disease, pre-stroke condition).
  • This phenomenon is observed in carpal tunnel syndromes, when a nerve is pinched in Huyn's carpal tunnel. This is due to overstrain of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus of the hand, which can occur during prolonged work on the computer, while knitting, drawing, sewing, etc.
  • When compression of the branches of the ulnar nerve occurs: ulnar nerve syndrome, neuritis, sciatica, cervical osteochondrosis, etc.

Left hand goes numb: causes

The reason for the manifestation of this symptom may be:

  • Tight or uncomfortable clothing that is too tight on the arm.
  • Carrying heavy weights, long-term engagement in work that requires the performance of the same movements, such as needlework.
  • Incorrect position in a dream, as a result of which the blood circulation of the limbs is disturbed.
  • Prolonged position of the hand above the region of the heart.
  • Wrong pillow.
  • If the fingers of the left hand go numb: the little finger, the ring finger, as well as part of the hand or the entire hand - most often this indicates cervical osteochondrosis, while numbness appears when turning the head or a sharp movement of the body.

  • Thrombosis.
  • Syndrome of the vertebral artery - a violation of the blood supply to the brain.
  • Herniated discs.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Pre-infarction condition - special attention should be paid this symptom if the little finger on the left hand goes numb and pain in the heart appears. In this case, you urgently need to call an ambulance.
  • Stress and nervous strain.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Violation of metabolic processes caused by a lack of vitamins A and B.

What to do when your hand is numb

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to recognize the reasons why the left hand goes numb. To do this, first of all, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination to clarify the diagnosis. Treatment, in turn, will depend on the diagnosis. For example, in cases where numbness is caused by displacement of the vertebrae, the formation of osteophytes or compression of the nerve of a tense muscle, physiotherapy, massage, manual therapy, acupuncture, bandaging or splinting on the spine, drugs that normalize metabolic processes in bone and cartilage tissue are prescribed.

It is worth emphasizing that these methods of therapy should be performed only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

To get rid of this condition, you can perform a number of exercises:

  1. Every morning after sleep, stretch your arms up, while squeezing and unclenching your fingers.
  2. Then lower your arms along the body, without stopping squeezing and unclenching your fingers.
  3. After that, stand on your toes, raise your hands up. Fix this body position for 1 minute.
  4. After the time has elapsed, get down on your feet, bring your outstretched arms back into the lock. It is enough to stand in this position for 1 minute.

If the cause of numbness is sciatica, neuralgia, then finely ground fresh horseradish roots can be applied to the affected area of ​​the body, it is also recommended to take therapeutic baths from the bark of young aspen. Include ginger powder in your diet - it strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation.

Necessary examinations

In cases where the little finger of the left hand or the entire hand becomes numb, this condition acquires chronic form and soreness, before prescribing treatment, the doctor conducts a diagnosis. It will help to identify the causes that lead to numbness of the limbs. Among the methods of examination of the patient may be the following:

  • X-ray of the spinal column - reveals osteophytes or mobile vertebrae.
  • Electroneuromyography - provides an opportunity to diagnose the neuromuscular system.
  • Computed tomography and ultrasound examination of blood vessels - reveal possible violations blood circulation and the development of hemorrhage in the brain.
  • Magnetic nuclear resonance - determines the movement of blood through the brain tissue.
  • A blood test for biochemistry - shows the level of cholesterol.

Which doctor should I contact?

If the little finger of the left hand becomes numb, part of the hand, the entire hand, this may indicate hidden diseases internal organs. In this regard, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. First of all, it is recommended to contact a cardiologist for examination for the presence of coronary disease heart and prevent stroke or heart attack. Also be sure to visit a neurologist. The doctor will determine whether the numbness of the fingers and hands is the result of problems with the spine.

Measures to prevent numbness of the extremities

Prevention of numbness of the limbs is to maintain their own health.

  1. It is enough to systematically perform simple gymnastic exercises.
  2. Long work without interruption in one position should be avoided. It is recommended to arrange small breaks in which you need to do a warm-up for the limbs and the whole body.
  3. It will also be useful to periodically attend manual therapy courses.

But it should be noted that if the numbness of the limbs and fingers becomes chronic or is accompanied by pain, then in such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.