This method of treatment is effective and painless. Photodynamic therapy: painless and effective

One of the most common causes The appearance of pain in the foot is a heel spur, and this disease can threaten with long-term disability and even disability. Knowing the causes and conditions for the occurrence of heel spurs allows you to determine the most effective method of treatment. After all it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease, and not just treat its symptoms. Only in this case it can be expected that the disease will not return after the next course of treatment.

Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov, St. Petersburg;

biophysicist, full member of the Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences Fedorov V.A.

What is a heel spur?

A heel spur is an inflammation of the fascia on the plantar side of the foot. In medicine, this disease is called plantar (plantar) fasciitis.

Plantar fascia is a powerful connective tissue plate, which from the top of the calcaneus (tubercle) stretches over the entire sole over the muscles and is attached with four rays to metatarsal bones toes. The fascia is in a taut state, like a bowstring, and supports the longitudinal arch of the foot, regulating the load on the leg when walking. It protects the moving bones and joints of the foot from injury and damage. Half of the human body weight falls on the heel zone and creates a load on the plantar fascia.

Due to the excessive load on this area, microtrauma of the fascia can occur, mainly at the site of its attachment to the calcaneus. In a healthy body (especially in young people), these microdamages heal imperceptibly. If the body does not have time to restore the tissue of the plantar fascia in time, it starts an inflammatory aseptic (microbial-free) process. There is swelling and pain.

When there is pain in the heel, the “spur” itself (bone growth) may still not be there. Pain is initially due to an inflammatory response in the surrounding soft tissues and the process of destruction of the plantar fascia.

The cells of the plantar fascia are rich in calcium, and in the case of their extensive death (mainly in the area of ​​​​the calcaneal tubercle, where the greatest load) this calcium is deposited. Ossification of the inflamed area occurs and a bone formation is formed, resembling a spur in shape. It was this phenomenon that began to be called "heel spur".

However, this name of the disease can be misleading. In his study, the American doctor DuVries noted that an extensive heel spur (bone growth) is often observed, which does not cause any pain and is discovered by chance when diagnosing other diseases. Often, ossification itself is not a disease, but rather normal for the body. age change fabrics. A spur may be present, but not a pathology, and vice versa, there may not yet be a spur, but the process of painful inflammation is evident.

Symptoms and signs of a heel spur

Plantar fasciitis of the foot appears heel pain. Pain sensations occur more often on the plantar surface, less often - along the back surface of the bone, can be given to the toes, the muscles of the legs. These symptoms may intensify in the evening or with prolonged walking, standing.

Despite the pain and tension experienced in the foot, the start of treatment is often delayed, as the sensations are attributed to leg fatigue. However, over time, the pain in the sole increases precisely after rest. There are so-called "starting pains" at the beginning of the movement after rest, or in the morning on rising, after sleep.

Heel pain can come on suddenly or come on gradually. Often felt sharp pain immediately with a load on the foot, it seems that something sharp has hit the heel. If the disease becomes chronic form with the formation of a heel spur, a person tries to walk on tiptoe or lean only on the outside of the foot, but not on the heel.

If you experience foot pain, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner ( orthopedist-traumatologist or surgeon). There are a number of diseases that manifest similar symptoms. Self-medication can lead to serious complications, including dysfunction of the foot, the formation of contractures (immobility of the joints) and lead to disability.

The doctor will also be able to identify additional factors that contributed to the development of heel spurs and heel pain. In this case, first of all, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. You can read more about these factors.

"Heel spur" occurs when the process of damage to the plantar fascia begins to prevail over the process of its restoration.

Pain with plantar fasciitis (heel spur) is a defensive reaction of the body. Thus, the body "calls" a person to protect damaged tissues from further injuries to the fascia, to give time for the reproduction of new cells in the focus of necrosis.

The introduction of painkillers (with the help of an injection (blockade), phonophoresis, electrophoresis), application radiotherapy(X-ray therapy), when the nerve endings that signal pain are blocked, leads to rapid relief. As a result, the patient has the illusion of "curing from the disease." However, the price of this illusion is further damage to the fascia and progression of the disease. Once the drugs or radiation therapy wears off, the symptoms will return.

Like any other part of the body, the plantar fascia is made up of cells. Damage to the plantar fascia is the death of the corresponding cells. Dead cells are absorbed (utilized) in a natural way due to immune reactions. However, this process may not keep up with the appearance of new dead cells as a result of constant microtrauma due to constant damaging loads (it is impossible to immediately stop walking).

Pain appears when too many dead cells accumulate, and the body starts an active regenerative (inflammatory) process. Around the heel spur in the soft tissues, interstitial pressure increases. This is necessary in order to increase the influx of immune cells and ensure their faster passage through tissues. The more cells that die, the stronger the reaction and pain will be.

In practice, in the treatment of heel spurs, anti-inflammatory (in particular, hormonal) drugs are used, the essence of which is to "freeze" immune responses. That is, the medicine acts in such a way that the body slows down its actions to clean the tissues in the heel area. As a result, the inflammatory process subsides, and the person feels relieved. However the accumulation of dead cells, due to which the "heel spur" grows, remains. In this regard, a relapse is likely, since sooner or later the effect of the drug will end, the body will “wake up” and start the inflammatory process again. This method is also dangerous because the introduction hormonal drugs often leads to necrosis (death) of the calcaneus.

Thus, proper treatment should be to help the body cleanse the tissues of the heel in order to prevent the formation of a spur. It is better to give preference to methods that enhance microcirculation in tissues, increase blood flow and lymph flow (for example, shock wave therapy in the clinic). The inflammatory process will eventually end if measures are taken in parallel to reduce the load on the plantar fascia.

The root cause of heel spurs

The plantar fascia is constantly under shock load when walking, running and jumping. The degree of this load depends on the correctness of the gait, the coherence of the entire musculoskeletal system, as well as on the chosen shoes. It is no coincidence that, according to statistics, heel spurs occur more often in women, as they often prefer beautiful, but “unhealthy” shoes (tight, high heels). The greater the load, the more often and more severely the fascia is damaged, respectively.

on the foot occurs, for example, in cases where one leg was injured, and the person began to limp on the other leg. However, this is not a typical case of heel spur formation. More often the load on the foot increases with age due to the gradual deterioration of the entire, which is responsible for the correct, gentle gait.

The system of neuromuscular depreciation is understood as a system for controlling the work of skeletal muscles (primarily, legs and back). Many mechanoreceptors that control the position of the joints allow the nervous system to control the muscles in such a way as to ensure smooth movements and reduce shock loads when walking and running dozens of times. Without such depreciation, the joints and spine would degrade in a few months. It is the neuromuscular defense that "knocks the legs" when trying to jump on straight legs, makes us limp, trying to protect the sore joint from overload.

Causes of impaired neuromuscular depreciation:

  1. Muscle wasting due to malnutrition of the cells. Most favorable conditions for the functioning of the muscles - this is a uniform physical load. Therefore, both a sedentary lifestyle and, on the contrary, excessive sports loads adversely affect the functioning of muscle cells.
  2. Poor performance of the kidneys. In this case, we are not talking about kidney diseases, such as pyelonephritis and others. The kidneys can be healthy, but not able to filter (purify) the blood due to its strong "pollution". As a result, the electrolyte and water-salt balance of the blood is disturbed, which directly affects the performance of all muscles.
  3. Diseases of the spine- , herniated discs lead to tissue edema, impaired blood supply and pinching spinal cord and nerve roots. As a result, the passage of the nerve impulse along the conductive nerve pathways is slowed down or disrupted, which leads to a mismatch in the work of the muscles, a decrease in neuromuscular depreciation.

Weakened muscles do not provide proper cushioning of everyday shock loads when walking, running and jumping, as a result, damage to the plantar fascia, as well as the spine, occurs. The work of the spinal cord, hidden in the spinal column, from which signals are given to the muscles, is disrupted. Muscles due to poor conduction of nerve impulses begin to work inconsistently, they do not group properly for maximum shock absorption, the plantar fascia and spine are damaged.

Due to pain in the heel, a person's gait changes, he begins to limp or walk on tiptoe. The load on the muscles is distributed unevenly, the destructive load on the spine increases.

This is how a vicious circle is formed, when muscle weakness leads to injury to the spine, plantar fascia, and problems in the spine worsen muscle function even more. It is very difficult for the body to break this vicious circle on its own, which is why it is so important to change the lifestyle and provide competent assistance to the muscles, kidneys, and spine.

Principles of effective treatment of heel spurs

Based on the above, effective treatment heel spur includes the following key activities:

  • reduced stress on the heel by choosing the right and comfortable shoes, using orthopedic insoles and/or heel pads, and by performing therapeutic exercises by stretching the calf muscle and plantar fascia. Gymnastics is very important, but, unfortunately, in most cases it is not sufficient for recovery;
  • cleaning tissues from the resulting excess of dead cells in the heel area by increasing blood and lymph flow;
  • restoration of the neuromuscular depreciation system, first of all, improvement of muscle function.

Compliance with these principles helps to avoid relapse (recurrence of the disease).

Currently, there are many medical treatments for heel spurs, varying in effectiveness, cost, and availability. Unfortunately, most of them do not meet all three principles of effective treatment of heel spurs. Most methods affect only the heel area and are aimed only at reducing / eliminating heel pain, relieving swelling and destroying bone growth. In this regard, after some time after the treatment, there is often a relapse (recurrence of the disease).

The exception is phonation method. (vibroacoustic therapy) is the transmission of sound (frequency range (30-20,000 Hz) into the human body using.

At the moment, this is one of the effective methods of treating heel spurs for the following reasons:

1. Phonation improves blood flow and lymph flow, promotes cleaning of tissues in the heel area and natural resorption of bone growth. Thanks to sound microvibrations, immune cells pass through tissues faster and more actively. As a result, the inflammatory process proceeds easier, with less intensity and pain, and the heel spur resolves in a shorter period without surgical intervention.

At the same time, cell damage is excluded during phonation: the microvibration amplitude is comparable to the cell size (0.0001-0.05 mm), and the frequency is within the speech range, that is, it is similar to those microvibrations that occur when the vocal cords are excited during singing or speaking.

2. The method has a proven effectiveness in reducing pain. The pain usually goes away in 2-3 weeks. According to vibroacoustic therapy (phonation) reduces pain more effectively than ultrasound and laser therapy.

Graph of changes in pain intensity on a scaleMcGill

It can be seen from this graph that the effectiveness of phonation in reducing pain intensity is 30% higher than that of laser and ultrasound therapy.

The effectiveness of phonation is comparable to shock wave therapy (SWT), while a similar result is achieved faster - in 2-3 weeks. As many studies on SWT show, a pronounced effect (reduction of pain intensity) is observed only after 3 or more months, and before that a person is forced to walk with severe pain. In practice, phonation shows better results with more frequent use (2-3 times a day).

3. Restores the elasticity of the plantar fascia by improving nutrition in this area and accelerating regenerative processes. Strengthens the effect of therapeutic exercises aimed at stretching the calf muscle and plantar fascia.

4. Phonation can be used from birth. The therapeutic effect is based on the natural sound microvibration of the audible (speech) range, unlike ultrasound and infrasound. Has a limited list.

5. Aimed at restoring neuromuscular shock absorption. Unlike other types of therapy, the phonation technique includes the impact not only on the area of ​​the heel spur, but also on the muscles of the lower leg, on the kidneys.

  • Phonation of the kidney area improves the state of all muscle resources by accelerating the excretion of uric acid and improving the electrolyte composition of the blood (PH). Due to this, the muscular corset copes better with the function of protecting the musculoskeletal system from shock loads.
  • Vibrosound treatment of the lower leg area directly improves the tone of these muscles.
  • Long-term and daily phonation of the problem area of ​​the spine ( , ) relieves swelling, and, accordingly, improves the conduction of nerve impulses.

6. It is the prevention of diseases of the joints and spine.

Additional advantages of this method:

7. Accessibility. Phonation devices can be purchased, as well as with delivery throughout Russia and abroad.

There is a possibility that your attending physician may not be aware of this new modern method of treatment (phonation) and related devices, therefore, before going to an appointment, we suggest printing it out with information about contraindications and methods for treating heel spurs.

Comparison table of the main methods of treating heel spurs

Name of the treatment method


The essence of the method, its effectiveness, complications


Scientists have long paid attention to the fact that the sun's rays have a beneficial effect on the course of some diseases, helping to prolong remissions and even reverse the development of existing symptoms. Conducting research in this direction, they invented an effective method of treatment - photodynamic therapy.

What it is?

Photodynamic therapy is a technique based on the unique properties of light rays: under certain conditions, they, penetrating inside the cells, provoke the development of reactions that cause their death.

The main condition under which light rays acquire destructive power is the increased susceptibility of tissues. Doctors make tissues more receptive using special preparations. The drug is applied to pathologically altered areas of the skin or taken by the patient inside (this takes into account in which organs it accumulates in maximum concentrations). After a certain period of time, a stream of light rays is directed to the patient's body (or part of the body). After a few weeks and even days, there is a significant improvement in the condition or a complete recovery.

In what areas of medicine is this method used?

Today, photodynamic therapy is successfully used:

  • dermatologists - in the treatment of psoriasis, acne, vulgar warts and papillomas, furunculosis and fungal infections;
  • dentists - in the fight against periodontitis, peri-implantitis, gingivitis, alveolitis and other inflammatory diseases;
  • oncologists - in the fight against cancer of the esophagus, lungs, stomach, breast, skin, superficial soft tissue tumors and neoplasms of internal organs - in combination with other methods of treatment;
  • otorhinolaryngologists - in the treatment of oncological pathologies;
  • gynecologists - to eliminate papillomas and genital warts, vulvar leukoplakia, defects in the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • urologists - to deal with tumors of the bladder, prostate adenoma.

Thus, in almost every field of medicine, this technique has found its application, thereby significantly expanding the capabilities of doctors and increasing the chances of patients to successfully get rid of many serious diseases.

What needs to be remembered?

The use of drugs that increase the susceptibility of tissues to light rays is accompanied by a number of side effects, including a general increase in the body's sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, after treatment, it is necessary to limit the time spent on the street, be sure to use sunscreen. Avoid not only light, but also high temperatures: do not visit the sauna, if possible, do not use a hot hair dryer. Detailed recommendations are given by the attending physician.

Laser Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a sparing, non-contact and painless method of treating cervical pathology, which is performed without anesthesia. PDT does not cause complications, after it there are no scars and stitches. One session is enough for a complete cure. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis.

Avoid surgery

Photodynamic therapy is used to treat underlying diseases and precancerous conditions of the cervix.:

  • endometriosis (growth of the epithelium of the inner wall of the uterus);
  • cervicitis (inflammation);
  • ectopia (erosion);
  • ectropion ( protrusion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal into the lumen of the vagina);
  • leukoplakia (coarseness of the mucosa);
  • dysplasia;
  • various kinds cervical tumors.

This effective innovative method allows you to get rid of the pathology at an early stage, without surgical intervention, thus preventing the development of malignant processes.

Light treatment

The PDT method is based on the use of a low-energy laser beam certain wavelength. pain threshold is not achieved, so the patient does not experience discomfort.

Gel photosensitizer, applied to the affected area, absorbs laser light and "starts" a chain of chemical reactions. Having received an “impulse” from the laser, the photosensitizer gel “transfers” it to the oxygen contained in the cells. Oxygen goes into an active state and destroys pathological cells.

Healthy cells are not affected, since the photosensitizer "marks" only diseased cells. Affected tissues of the cervix are replaced with healthy tissues over time.

The main advantages of the PDT method

  • minimal local effect on tissues;
  • lack of systemic effects on the body (the procedure is performed without anesthesia);
  • no postoperative sutures;
  • preservation of the anatomy of the cervix and its functions;
  • the possibility of outpatient treatment in one session;
  • painless, efficient, fast.

Photodynamic therapy in ON CLINIC

The procedure is carried out using the Biospec laser photodynamic therapy unit, which produces a laser beam of a certain wavelength. Photoditazin gel, produced from blue-green algae spirulina (Spirulina platensis), can be used as a photosensitizer. It is quickly excreted from the body (by 98-99% in two days) and practically does not give side effects.

Acupressure therapy is carried out by specially trained medical personnel using a manual method using acupuncture ebonite rollers of various configurations. Acupress therapy is carried out within 10-15 minutes by influencing the muscular frame of the spine along massage lines back, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's skin.

Acupress therapy activates the flow of biocurrents, which leads to stimulation of the trophic (nutritional) functions of the cells of the muscular frame of the spine. In this type of therapy, the physical properties of ebonite are used, which, when rubbed, are electrified by positive charges. When sliding over the patient's body, natural negative charges of static electricity are created in the surface tissues, which contribute to the improvement of the trophism (nutrition) of the muscles of the spine and the strengthening of the muscular frame of the spine, the formation of adequate (normal) reflex reactions.

The ongoing treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and not only at relieving the pain syndrome, therefore, acupressure therapy is not used as an independent method, but is included in various medical complexes as one of the stages in the treatment of patients. Acupress therapy is used in conjunction with cupping massage or myofascial (manual) massage.

Doctors will draw up for you the necessary and most effective program of therapeutic measures and procedures, taking into account the nature of your disease, your physical state and your age.

The method of treating diseases is based on the mobilization and use of the reserve forces of the organism itself, which allows achieving the maximum effect using internal resources. Special soft methods of treating patients are used.

Vibration traction of the spine

Since ancient times, Japanese healers have recommended the Goldfish exercise to improve well-being and treat many ailments. In one of the provinces of Japan, an amazing method of reviving fish is used, which children use in their games: fish - silver carp or another freshwater fish- they hold it by the tail and swinging it from side to side, then raising it, then lowering it into the water, they sing: “Come to life! Come alive! If you come to life, we will let you go to the stream!” For a long time, no one could understand the meaning of this game until the day when the game became one of the rules of the Nisha Health System as the most useful method of restoring vitality. human body.

Technologically, the principles of the "Goldfish" exercise were implemented by modern engineers in the "Swing Machine" apparatus, which is used for vibratory longitudinal traction of the spine. The device allows longitudinal stretching of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the patient's spine due to wave-like vibrations of the entire spinal column and brings it into a state of complete muscle relaxation.

Vibratory longitudinal traction of the spine helps those who suffer from:

bad posture
dysfunction of the digestive system
improper metabolism
vegetovascular dystonia
physical inactivity

Application of the procedure of vibratory longitudinal traction allows:

Eliminate the load on the restrained nerve roots with elements intervertebral disc, "fallen" into the spinal canal.
Eliminate edema zones of strangulated nerve roots.
Release the spinal cord and nerve roots of the spinal cord from compression.

Vibrational traction is aimed at increasing the intervertebral distances, stopping (removing, suppressing) the pain syndrome and restoring the structure of the intervertebral discs of the entire affected segment (section) of the spine by increasing the lymph and blood supply.

The principle of the effect of this procedure on the patient's body is based on the well-known postulate of oriental medicine: the power of blood circulation lies primarily in the effective operation of the capillaries. The use of the simulator just ensures the performance of effective capillary exercises that stimulate blood circulation throughout the body. This relieves blood vessels and nerve endings from excessive pressure, muscle atrophy and congestion. This ensures better blood circulation for body cells and peripheral nerves.

The procedure of vibration longitudinal traction of the spine consists of the following steps:

The patient lies on his back, putting his heels on a comfortable stand of this device.

The apparatus begins to swing the patient's legs, and the patient's spine begins to bend in the same way as a swimming "goldfish". The rocking time is regulated by specialists in accordance with the indications of the attending physician. The speed mode (oscillation frequency) is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the neurological and orthopedic picture of the patient's disease.

The average time for the procedure of vibratory longitudinal traction of the spine is 15 minutes, which, in terms of its healing effect on the body, corresponds to 10,000 steps.

As a result of the regular use of this treatment procedure:

postural disorders are corrected
diseases of the back and spine are cured
eliminates irritation of the roots of the spinal cord
blood circulation improves
improves breathing and heart function
the work of the intestines, skin, endocrine glands is normalized
losing excess weight
tension and stress are reduced.

Relaxation-vibration longitudinal traction of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the spine is used as one of the stages of the course of treatment and allows you to consolidate the results of the main element of patient treatment (myorelaxation traction traction of the spine).

Vacuum therapy, back treatment, application and description, vacuum therapy procedures

At present, the ancient type of massage, which has been very popular in eastern countries for many centuries. This type massage is called vacuum massage or vacuum therapy. Vacuum therapy came to us from the East (Japan, China, Mongolia, Korea, Thailand). In the East, banks have long been used to improve the body, often combining vacuum therapy and acupuncture. In eastern countries, jars of various sizes and shapes were used, not only glass jars were used, but also ceramic and bamboo jars.

Vacuum therapy is applicable both for back pain and muscle pain, and for general prevention organism, because vacuum therapy helps to remove toxic substances from the body, which ensures the release of soft tissues from metabolic products accumulated in them for years.

Vacuum Therapy Treatment

Pvacuum therapy procedures are carried out manually using medical cups by influencing the patient's muscular frame along the massage lines of the back. Vacuum can massage is carried out within 10-15 minutes, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's skin. The duration of the procedure is individual, until a uniform persistent hyperemia (redness) appears. The more the patient is weakened and the easier subcutaneous hemorrhages (bruises) are formed, the shorter and softer the massage.

ATvacuum cupping massage usually done every other day. This is due to the fact that the course of vacuum therapy, included in the complex of therapeutic measures, alternates with myofascial (manual) massage. If there is a goal of getting rid of any specific diseases, then the course scheme is compiled by the attending physician individually.

Specialists begin and end any cupping massage procedure with stroking, taking into account the direction of the venous and lymphatic pathways.

Vacuum therapy is:

One of the most effective and affordable physiological methods of healing the body without the help of medicines. This method acts through the mobilization of the human body's own resources, helping it to get rid of the disease, using its own forces.
Effective and one of the most effective prevention methods various diseases.
A method that contributes to the rapid and safe relief (removal) of pain syndromes in various diseases.
A method that activates the microcirculation of all fluids in the body, which contributes to the rapid renewal and rejuvenation of tissues.
A method that contributes to the rapid and high-quality cleansing of the body from toxins accumulated in it.

Vacuum massage has a wonderful healing effect on muscle pain in the back and causes significant relaxation. But vacuum massage can be performed on the whole body. In addition, vacuum massage tones the muscles, carrying out a slight lifting (lifting), restores skin elasticity, promotes the resorption of scar tissue.

Based on the principles of reflexology, according to which the surface of the body is divided into zones closely related to the function of internal organs, the vacuum created during massage affects not only skin receptors, but also active points. This leads not only to local, but also to the general healing effect on the body, the removal of nervous fatigue and stress.

The appearance of redness on the skin in the areas of massage is not a complication, but a normal skin reaction to vacuum massage, they will pass on their own, in a fairly short time.

The role of spots that appear after exposure to vacuum is very important. The substances contained in the stain are nothing but the substrates of one's own blood. We can say that the substances contained in the spots have an exclusively therapeutic effect on the body. This means that vacuum therapy is an autohemotherapy that helps to increase immunity in weakened and long-term ill people.

With the help of spots, it is possible to accurately assess the processes occurring in deep soft tissues. Everyone who has ever experienced the canning procedure knows that spots form on the body after it. The process of stain formation occurs during the first four sessions. In subsequent sessions, their development reverses, that is, the spots completely dissolve and no longer form.

What Happens During Vacuum Therapy?

Vacuum massage is performed using special medical cans, under the influence of which quite strong pressure drops are created on certain areas of the skin and muscle integument of the patient's body. Skin and soft tissues they are drawn into the jar, where a very deep study of soft tissues takes place over a large area at the same time.

Cupping massage is based on a reflex method based on the occurrence of hyperemia (redness) of the skin by the vacuum created in the cup, which causes a local rush of blood and lymph to the skin from deep-lying tissues, which has a reflex effect on the vessels of internal organs. In addition, in the area of ​​influence are formed biologically active substances stimulating metabolic and recovery processes.

When carrying out cupping massage, the following results are achieved:

Improves peripheral circulation of blood, lymph and interstitial fluid
The phenomena of stagnation are eliminated, metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of ​​the body are enhanced
Toxins, incompletely oxidized and harmful substances are removed from the patient's body
The process of regeneration (renewal) and tissue rejuvenation is accelerated
Increased supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the body
The skin becomes elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors increases.
The contractile function of the muscles improves, their tone and elasticity increase
Increased ligament mobility
The general immunity of the body increases.

In the process of vacuum massage, due to horizontal-vertical pressure drops inside the jar, a kind of vascular gymnastics occurs, that is, alternate expansion and contraction of blood and lymphatic vessels.

At the same time, the so-called “sleeping”, that is, non-functioning capillaries, are included in the work. Due to the dynamic transverse compression and stretching of the deep structures of soft tissues, the processes of circulation of the interstitial fluid are activated.

Benefits of vacuum massage

What is the difference between vacuum massage and other types of massage? The impact on the patient's body with all methods of classical massage does not penetrate beyond the surface of the tissues. It is absolutely impossible to get to the deep structures, in which stagnation accumulates and intensifies over the course of life, with the help of hands, even very skillful ones. The impact exerted during the vacuum massage is energetically stronger and more effective, since the depth of the “working out” of soft tissues directly depends on the strength of the impact.

The advantages of vacuum massage over the classic:

Depth of tissue study: in terms of the depth of impact on soft tissues, the method has no analogues
prolonged (long-term) effect: one session of vacuum massage has an effect within 3-5 days
visual control: by the presence of spots and (or) edema, one can judge with a high degree of certainty the presence of congestion in a particular area of ​​the body, and in the absence of spots, the effectiveness of treatment
The vacuum massage method is at the same time a simple, accurate and affordable diagnostic method.

Unlike drug therapy and classical massage, vacuum massage actively promotes the removal of toxic substances - metabolic products (metabolites). Vacuum therapy does not block metabolic toxins inside the body, but, on the contrary, promotes their removal to the outside, freeing soft tissues from metabolic products that have accumulated in them for years.

The therapeutic effect of vacuum therapy is also associated with:

with active lymphatic drainage and vascular "gymnastics", which occur as a result of a horizontal-vertical pressure difference
with the prevention of many serious illness- development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, coronary disease heart, neoplasms (tumors)
with a clear anti-stress effect
with activation immune system organism, a multiple increase in resistance to infections
with structural and functional renewal of tissues and the body as a whole, that is, rejuvenation of the body
with the activation of metabolic and regulatory processes, as a result of which they intensively “burn out”, fat deposits decrease, body weight decreases
with moderate physical exertion on the body, which are quite easily tolerated.

And at the same time, the vacuum therapy method is absolutely physiological, harmless to humans and is a universal means of rejuvenation, prevention and treatment. And what is especially important - this method does not violate the human biofield.

Indications for the use of vacuum therapy

Pathology of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, back pain, arthrosis, scoliosis
neurological disorders and pathology vascular system: neuritis and neuralgia, headaches and insomnia, neurosis, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, psycho-emotional stress, endarteritis, insufficiency cerebral circulation
internal diseases: chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, bronchial asthma, vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum
urology, gynecology: impotence, enuresis, ischuria, stagnant-inflammatory processes of the urogenital area
dermatology: neurodermatitis, urticaria, chronic furunculosis, dermatoses
cosmetology: premature skin aging, cellulite, premature aging.

Contraindications for use

Malignant and benign formations
Skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, purulent and fungal skin lesions)
Large pigment and birthmarks at the site of impact
tendency to bleed
convulsive states (epilepsy)
Decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system
Blood diseases
Acute infections
varicose veins II-III degree
acute myocardial infarction
GB (hypertension) III degree
second half of pregnancy.

Banks are not placed on the area of ​​​​the heart, eyes, ears, nipples of the mammary glands and pregnant women on the stomach. Vacuum massage procedures are prescribed and carried out only by medical personnel.

Hirudotherapy - treatment and application of the procedure

Hirudotherapy - treatment with medicinal leeches - is a method of medicine recognized since ancient times.

Hirudotherapy - back treatment

Of course, no one catches medicinal leeches with a net in a pond, like Duremar in the fairy tale about Pinocchio. If only because in the wild they swim dirty, lazy and well-fed. Medicinal (medical) leeches are bred in special medical laboratories or in special factories where they undergo the strictest quarantine, and then they are sold in a pharmacy.

Medical leech in hirudotherapy is a "disposable instrument" (used only once), which completely eliminates the patient's infection. Hirudotherapy has no analogues among modern methods treatment and is an excellent remedy for the treatment of a number of diseases, as it does not introduce substances into the bloodstream that have side effects.

During hirudotherapy session leeches are placed on the area of ​​​​the organ that needs to be cured: on myofascial formations (spastic muscles). The setting of leeches should take place under the supervision of a doctor, since only he can correctly determine the point of impact and the number of leeches.

The leech performs a whole range of activities with the patient's body:

Activates blood microcirculation
improves the saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients
dissolves blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones
improves immunity
restores the biofield
removes congestion.

Hirudotherapy gives good effect And How additional method treatment. In addition, the leech is energetic. It releases bioenergy and distributes it, the leech restores the human energy-producing apparatus (cells and organs), which has suffered as a result of the disease, that is, it normalizes the human energy exchange.

Treatment with hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy is used to restore normal physiological processes in the deep tissues that surround the spine. Complexity, consistency and systemic application hirudotherapy for treatment diseases of the spine allows you to safely and painlessly achieve the following positive results:

Eliminate inflammation in the affected areas of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the spine
eliminate the load on the restrained nerve roots by the elements of the intervertebral disc that has fallen into the spinal canal
reduce swelling of pinched nerve roots
eliminate compression of the vertebrae of the intervertebral discs
increase diastasis (distance) between the articular surfaces of the intervertebral joints
normalize lymphatic and venous drainage
release from compression the nerve formations of the spine (spinal cord and nerve roots of the spinal cord)
optimize nerve conduction
restore balance muscle tone and functions of the motor segment
form adequate reflex reactions
restore normal physiological curves of the spine
to stop pain syndromes and restore the structure of the intervertebral discs of the entire affected segment of the spine by increasing the lymph and blood supply, improving the trophism of the muscles of the spine, strengthening the muscular frame of the spine, eliminating the phenomena of lymphostasis (stagnation), increasing metabolism and skin respiration, increasing muscle tone and elasticity.

Hirudotherapy - the history of origin

Hirudotherapy (from Latin "Hirudina" - leech) - treatment with leeches. Many consider hirudotherapy to be an old-fashioned method. Yes, hirudotherapy can be called old, even ancient method, because even on the frescoes of the tombs of the pharaohs, treatment with leeches was depicted. The leech is as old as the world itself, but it has been used for medicinal purposes about 3,000 years ago.

Medicinal properties of leeches have long been unrecognized by official science. Only in the last hundred years have scientists begun to study the leech, resulting in the emergence of a separate area called hirudotherapy. To date, synthesis ancient techniques and vast knowledge of modern medicine contributed to the achievement of unique results through hirudotherapy.

Hirudotherapy used in medicinal purposes a thousand years before the birth of Christ. Medicinal leeches were used by the Egyptian pharaohs; there are references to leeches in the Bible and the Koran.

Later, judging by the medical treatises, hirudotherapy helped alleviate the suffering of the patients of the great doctors - Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus, Avicenna, Indian and Chinese physicians. Medieval Europe regarded leeches as a proven and officially recognized remedy for most diseases.

Hirudotherapy was especially widespread at the end of the 18th and in the first half of the 19th century. In the pre-revolutionary years, leeches were used as aspirin in our time. But such luxury was available only to noble ladies who completely transformed by putting a leech behind their ears. The complexion became glossy, ruddy, there was a sparkle in the eyes, but the high chest heaved excitedly, radiating energy. In a word, hirudotherapy made women irresistible.

Hirudotherapy in Russia - the way from the method of traditional medicine to the official method "Hirudotherapy"

In Russia, hirudotherapy has always been a traditional method of treatment, which has been used by our grandparents for centuries. Leeches were used by both folk healers and luminaries of medicine. Moreover, Russia has always been rich in powerful pond farms, and until the beginning of the 20th century, the leech was an item of state income of the Russian Empire - it was bought by France, England, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, the USA and Canada.

However, the doctors overdid it with the use of leeches - they prescribed them for all diseases and put 200 pieces per session. The uncontrolled use of leeches was followed by the discrediting of the very idea of ​​hirudotherapy and the refusal of many doctors from this method.

They also abandoned hirudotherapy in connection with the so-called pharmacological boom of the 50s. At that time, the invention of antibiotics, heart drugs, and means to reduce pressure had to be invented, which led to the fact that pills were credited with the power to get rid of any diseases, and hirudotherapy, as a branch of medicine, faded into the background. However, by the 90s, the World Health Organization had accumulated a very impressive statistics of deaths caused by side effects of drugs. Therefore, the last decades traditional medicine, in particular, hirudotherapy, has again become the object of attention of doctors and research centers around the world. Hirudotherapy is currently gaining exponentially growing popularity, because the healing effect of this technique has been proven by its centuries-old use.

Hirudotherapy allows you to get the following results - improving the processes of blood circulation, lymph and energy, eliminating congestion, removing edema, inflammation and getting rid of pain. Hirudotherapy is today an official medical method registered by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Who is a leech?

On the head of medicinal leech five pairs of eyes, and in the mouth - three jaws with chitinous teeth. The leech perfectly hears and understands smells. In addition, the leech itself finds a place to bite through the skin - these are biologically active points, as with acupuncture.

With the help of sharp jaws, the leech bites through the skin to a depth of 1.5 mm and sucks blood in a volume of 5-15 ml. After a session of hirudotherapy, wounds can bleed for up to a day (3-24 hours). But it is absolutely not dangerous. In one treatment session, the patient is usually given from 5 to 7 leeches.

Despite the fact that the leech affects skin, its enzymes penetrate deep into tissues, tk. the leech produces a special enzyme hyaluronidase, which increases the sensitivity of tissues and, as a conductor, carries along all other enzymes, delivering them to the desired organ.

Substances salivary glands leeches have a pronounced absorbing effect. They eliminate adhesions, scars. Under the influence of leeches decrease benign tumors, nodes, cysts.

Another magical property of the leech secret is the ability to break down fats and cholesterol. This allows the use of leeches in the treatment of atherosclerosis and obesity.

The properties of leeches - to improve metabolic processes, purify the blood and rejuvenate the body - are widely used in cosmetology. With the help of leeches, you can improve skin condition and complexion, treat cellulite and carry out weight correction.

Description of the treatment procedure

The leech is, as it were, a living pharmaceutical factory, it injects a whole range of biologically active substances through its saliva into the patient's blood, and the patient's body effectively uses them for self-regulation of internal processes. Therapeutic effect hirudotherapy consists of several factors: reflex, mechanical and biological.

The reflex factor - a leech as a "living needle" has a powerful reflexogenic effect, successfully replacing acupuncture. Therefore, leeches are usually placed in such a way that they bite through the patient's skin only at reflex points (ie, acupuncture points). This process is painless, since the leech immediately injects an analgesic into the patient's blood. In addition, leech saliva also has an antibacterial effect.

Mechanical factor - leeches carry out a purely mechanical effect on the blood flow. This refers to the suction of blood and its prolonged outflow from the wound after a bite.

Biological factor - leeches throw their saliva into the bloodstream, containing more than 100 various biologically active substances (natural medicinal substances), the mild healing effect of which leads to the normalization of the human body. The main element is hirudin, an enzyme that the leech injects into the patient's blood.

The saliva of leeches contains biologically active substances, which, getting into the human blood, produce anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, reduce blood clotting, normalize arterial pressure, lower cholesterol levels by regulating lipid metabolism, increase tissue trophism (nutrition), have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, activate and strengthen the immune system.

In addition to curing a specific disease, a leech has beneficial effect on the whole organism as a whole (sleep improves, appetite improves, mood improves, metabolism and immunity normalize). To some extent, this is a consequence of the normalization of blood flow in the tissues and an increase in blood oxygen saturation.

All biologically active substances of saliva inhibit the growth of microbes, restore blood flow in the focus of inflammation, provide nutrition and regeneration in tissues.


Unlike any medicine, hirudotherapy has a very long, prolonged effect on the patient's body and can do a lot. Its main advantage is that it does not negative consequences does not cause allergies. Hirudotherapy- a real find, both for patients and for doctors. Hirudotherapy is a very effective adjunct in the treatment of a number of diseases from various areas medicine (neurology, gynecology, urology, etc.). Hirudotherapy is used to restore normal physiological processes. As a result of the use of hirudotherapy, the following occurs:

Unloading and restoration of vascular blood flow
introduction of biologically active substances
reflexogenic effect on acupuncture points
pronounced analgesic effect
elimination of edema
cleansing of internal organs
lowering blood pressure
restoration of immunity
anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action
analgesic effect
lowering cholesterol
repair of damaged tissues
normalization of endocrine metabolism
energy recovery.

Hirudotherapy restores the energy of the body, improves mood, well-being, reduces anxiety, irritability, increases efficiency, sexual and creative abilities, awakens the best spiritual qualities (joy of life, energy, love for yourself and others, tolerance, etc.).


Treatment with hirudotherapy is undesirable with the following contraindications:

Blood clotting disorders (hemophilia)
malignant tumors
anemia of a different nature (a significant decrease in red blood cells in the blood)
acute myocardial infarction
acute period of stroke
poor tolerability of hirudotherapy in history (case history).

Back massage, therapeutic back massage, back massage in the prevention of diseases of the spine, treatment of the spine

Back massage(from the Greek "masso" - knead, squeeze with hands) is medical procedure, known to various peoples of the world for more than 3,000 years. Even Hippocrates believed that massage "heals both the body and the soul." The origin of the word “massage” is of great interest. For example, some authors believe that it comes from the Arabic "mass" or "masch" - "gently press, touch", others tend to the Greek "masso" - "squeeze with hands", others - to the Latin "massa" - "sticking to the fingers."

Back massage treatment

The ongoing treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and not only at relieving the pain syndrome, therefore back massage included in various medical complexes as an auxiliary method of treatment.

The effectiveness of treatment is increased due to the physiological (under the weight of your own body) traction of the spine (traction) and a set of effects on the disturbed part of the spine specially selected for you, which, as a result, speeds up the process of your recovery and prevents further progression of the disease.

You will no longer be disturbed by pain in the legs, back, tired muscles, joints, headaches. The effect of the treatment is achieved as quickly as possible. Already after the first procedure you will receive positive result and feel much better.

Massage of the back and other areas - a remedy for almost all diseases

Back massage is the most ancient and truly miraculous procedure that gives effective treatment, back massage is the most beloved and common method of relieving tension and getting rid of many diseases among patients. Back massage and other parts of the body are used in almost all cases, because it allows you to get rid of all diseases, with the exception of precancerous conditions and oncology.

Back massage helps restore youth, health and beauty, as well as get rid of tension and pain in the back, neck and other parts of the body

Massage of the back and other areas is useful for everyone - adults, children, and the elderly confirm healing properties massage, and doctors observe significant improvements after this procedure. Back massage is a powerful preventive and therapeutic tool. Treatment with the help of hands can save a person from such unpleasant factors that even the most expensive and complex medicines cannot cope with - back massage helps to achieve peace of mind, helps to restore the physical functions of the body, restores health, youth and beauty.

The essence of the massage is as follows: a mechanical effect is performed on the surface of the back or other part of the body by means of special tricks. Back and organs massage a person is mainly done by hand, there is also a hardware massage, for which special tools are used. Massage allows you to relieve fatigue, get rid of pain in the back, arms and legs, and massage is also used as a preparation for great physical exertion, so massage is often used by athletes and those people whose work involves great physical and mental stress. Massage is used not only to treat diseases and relieve tension in the back and other parts of the body, but massage is also actively used to achieve massage for hygienic and cosmetic purposes.

Thanks to such the benefits of massage, as the absolute naturalness of the impact, the absence of side effects and availability, therefore massage is not only a treatment for back pain, but also a very popular health, cosmetic and medical procedure all over the world.

How will massage work?

First of all massage has an effect on the human nervous system by irritating the nerve endings embedded in the skin, muscles, tendons, articular bags, ligaments and vessel walls. Then, along sensitive pathways, the impulses caused by this irritation are transmitted to the central nervous system and reach the corresponding areas of the cerebral cortex. There, a general reaction occurs that causes physiological changes in the body.

During the massage along with the nervous factor, the humoral factor is also taken into account (from the Greek word “humor” - “liquid”). The fact is that under the influence of massage, biologically active substances (tissue hormones) are formed in the skin and enter the bloodstream, with the help of which vascular reactions, transmission of nerve impulses and other processes occur.

Another important factor in the impact of massage on the human body (mechanical) is manifested in the form of stretching, displacement, pressure, leading to increased movement of lymph, blood, interstitial fluid, removal of dead skin cells, etc. Mechanical impact during massage eliminates congestion in the body, enhances metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of ​​the body.

Massage helps to keep the skin healthy and elastic, prevents premature formation of wrinkles and sagging. Under the influence of massage, the skin is released from dead cells of the stratum corneum, blood vessels expand, sweating increases, activity normalizes. sebaceous glands, tissues become elastic and resilient. Massage improves blood circulation, which stimulates the metabolism and, as a result, fat is released from the cells, followed by its removal from the patient's body.

Types, forms and goals of massage

Depending on the purpose for which massage is used, it can be divided into the following types: therapeutic, segmental-reflex, hygienic, self-massage and others.

Depending on the area of ​​influence of massage techniques, there are various forms massage: general massage and local (local) massage.

Depending on who conducts the massage, it is divided into: massage performed by a massage therapist, self-massage and mutual massage.

Depending on the goals of massage, there are: preventive, sports, therapeutic, cosmetic, gynecological and urological.

The methods of conducting massage also differ (what is the effect on the massaged area): foot, manual, hardware, combined.

A wide range of diseases can be treated with acupressure. This ancient art is one of the types of reflexology - a technique based on the impact on certain areas and points of the patient's nervous system.


The most effective massage for disorders, diseases and damage to the nervous system:

Headache and sleep disturbances
increased irritability
general fatigue syndrome
vertebrobasilar insufficiency
vegetative dystonia
neurocirculatory dystonia
increase or decrease in muscle tone
consequences of injuries of the central nervous system
consequences of cerebrovascular accident
children's cerebral paralysis(cerebral palsy)
neuralgia of various nature
radiculitis of various localization
diencephalic syndrome

Massage is included in the treatment complex for many diseases of the internal organs, for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It can be used as an independent and auxiliary method of treatment, including in various medical complexes.


In no case should massage procedures be performed in the following cases:

with acute fever
acute inflammatory processes
hemorrhage and bleeding
pustules, wherever they are
skin diseases(eczema, boils, lichen, phlegmonous processes, inflammation of the superficial lymphatic vessels, skin rashes)
damage or severe irritation of the skin;
excessive excitement or overwork after a big physical activity
inflammation of the veins, vein thrombosis and large varicose veins.

It is also impossible to massage birthmarks, malignant and benign tumors. It is not recommended to massage the abdomen during hernia, pregnancy and menstruation, with stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, as well as after eating. In order to conduct massage sessions, in any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor both about the possibilities of your body in relation to massage, and about the choice of a particular type of massage.

Looking for a quick and painless way(2nd version of the title of the article)

"No weapon... kills instantly."

Don Rumata Estorsky.

Usually, ideas about suicide methods are taken from clichés, stereotypes imposed from the outside, everyday ideas, opinions of those who themselves do not know anything about it, and attempts to commit suicide are described based only on information obtained from the media, feature films and literature. without knowing the complex structure of the human body.

On the other hand, even if you perfectly study physiology, pathological physiology, anatomy, physics and biochemistry, there will still be no guarantees of obtaining the result desired by the suicide. After all, the reaction of the individual is difficult organized organism any effect is unpredictable.

However, this also applies to attempts only to "scare" others, the so-called "manipulative" suicide. In actions where the main goal is imitation of suicide, and not deprivation of life, it is also almost impossible to foresee everything. For example, the manipulator's hopes for the effect produced, as well as timely detection and rescue, may not be justified, and he may be detected too late, or they will react to what is happening in a completely different way than he expected. And extra seconds and delay in providing assistance can lead to serious consequences and even possible death, which the manipulator did not count on at all.

However, there are other consequences as well. For example, for those who have attempted suicide (including for the purpose of manipulating others), being in the intensive care unit is not a picture from a television series, where sympathetic relatives sit around the patient and medical staff fuss. The picture is rather the opposite. To prevent inappropriate behavior and motor arousal of suicides, which can occur under the influence of many factors, as well as to prevent subsequent suicide attempts and possible aggressive actions against staff or other patients, an involuntary examination by a psychiatrist is often used, on the recommendation of which such patients are undressed, fixed (tied ) to the bed by the arms and legs. To prevent aspiration (so that the patient does not choke on vomit, since he lies on his back and cannot turn), a tube is placed in the trachea through which he breathes.

At the same time, of course, the patient is not able to ask for anything or complain about pain. Of course, if a person is attached, then he cannot eat and go to the toilet on his own, in order to solve this problem, catheters are installed in him. bladder, a probe into the stomach and rectum or put a diaper on it. Thus, after a suicide attempt in almost all natural openings human body pipes stand, giving a person a very unsightly appearance, and also depriving him of many of the joys of life. Relatives are generally not allowed into intensive care, so you can not count on sympathy and help from relatives.

After the patient's condition stabilizes, he can be involuntarily transferred from intensive care to a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment. And there are already waiting for special chambers with enhanced surveillance, which also do not look like a five-star hotel on the seashore. In general, it is better not to go there.


The first thing that awaits those who decide to die by drinking "200-300 any pills" are extremely unpleasant detoxification therapy procedures. The bodies of such people, when they are discovered, appear for everyone to see in a puddle of their own feces and vomit (the body is trying in this way to remove dangerous contents from the stomach and intestines). To begin with, an ambulance team that arrived at the scene, in front of relatives, neighbors and onlookers, performs a gastric lavage of a suicide lying on its left side, thrusting a rubber tube (probe) through the mouth into the stomach, gradually pouring tens of liters of water into it, and a laxative is administered through the probe. In a hospital, this extremely unpleasant procedure for introducing sorbents can be repeated several times. Gastric lavage and the introduction of sorbents are carried out in all cases. If the patient is in a coma, then the probe is left in the stomach. Often, the toxic effect of drugs leads to the fact that people resemble insane people who cannot tell anything about themselves, do not remember anything.

In case of poisoning with respiratory disorders, tracheal intubation is performed (a tube is installed through the mouth into the trachea for adequate breathing), if the larynx swells and it is impossible to intubate, a tracheotomy is performed (an incision is made on the neck through which the tube is inserted into the trachea), and then artificial ventilation is carried out.

Treatment process

The conventional wisdom is that if you exceed a certain dose pharmacological preparations(tablets, solutions, etc.), then this will lead to death. We will not dwell on the specifics of the effects of various groups of drugs for a long time, but we will explain that, in order to commit suicide, take into account weight, somatic and psychological condition, individual characteristics organism, resistance to the drug used, the effectiveness of the drug (s) (the effectiveness of the same drug in different patients can vary dozens of times), their interaction (drugs may not enhance the pharmacological effect of each other, but, on the contrary, reduce), method introductions (none of which guarantees anything), their impact on the individual unique organism suicide due to physiological resistance to poisoning of the body itself, concomitant diseases, as well as a huge number of other factors - is impossible. The interweaving of these extremely complex factors makes it completely impossible to accurately predict the outcome in each specific case. It is impossible to deceive and predict the reaction of the body in any case.

Even pharmacologists, chemotherapists, toxicologists, resuscitators and other highly qualified specialists with knowledge and extensive experience cannot always choose the right dosage medical preparations to cure patients of various diseases or remove any symptom, due to the fact that each person's body is unique.

Therefore, poisoning with any drugs cannot be a reliable method of suicide.

By the way, poisoning may not develop immediately, but several hours after taking the pills. Even for poisoning mild degree this process is very unpleasant, for him the appearance of apathy and lethargy, muscle relaxation, gait disturbance, a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, nausea and vomiting are typical. After a while, anxiety sets in. There is irritation to loud sounds, light, pain during urination, as well as prolonged pain in the abdomen and diarrhea (diarrhea).

For poisoning moderate characterized by depression of the nervous system, respiratory and cardiac disorders. There is a spasm of the muscles of the face with forced grimaces, cramps in the limbs. Shortness of breath may occur. With prolonged respiratory failure and hypotension (low pressure in the vessels), the appearance of cyanosis, that is, cyanosis of the skin, is noted.

Poisoning severe characterized by various complications, among which, in addition to severe damage to the nervous, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, severe toxic damage to the liver and kidneys is detected, symptoms of hepatic and kidney failure, which can lead to further life on hemodialysis (a method of extrarenal blood purification in acute and chronic renal failure). Moreover, these consequences may not appear immediately, but 3-6 days after the poisoning. In addition, it is not always possible to save a person from death with delayed consequences, at a time when he himself passionately desires this salvation.

Also, the use of certain drugs can make serious adjustments to the work of the cardiovascular system, create serious interruptions in the work of the heart, and in some cases, stop it (which, by the way, does not mean death). But the treatment of lesions of the cardiovascular system is a difficult task, and it is not a fact that after what happened, it is successful. And then such an attempt can end in disability.

Of course, in some cases, this can lead to a painful death. As we said above, all people have different functional features of the body, the reaction of the body is different, and, accordingly, the rate of death is also different. How does a person die? This is often a long, multi-phase process. Usually the suicidal person understands everything, changed his mind a long time ago, wants to be saved, but the countdown has already started, death is approaching inexorably, bringing mental and physical suffering.

Strong respiratory depression begins (suffocation, which is quite unpleasant), breathing becomes superficial, groaning and wheezing, and later becomes periodic. The skin turns pale, covered with sticky, cold sweat. cyanosis appears. In this case, cardiac activity weakens, and blood pressure drops. At this stage, mild but prolonged painful convulsions often occur. As a result, death, which in the vast majority of cases is not instantaneous, can occur on 2-3 days in excruciating agony or coma (in a state of profound depression of consciousness, accompanied by a violation of the body's reaction to the environment, including stimuli, as well as a violation of the most important functions body, including pelvic functions - urination and defecation). According to scientists, a person in a coma feels severe pain while continuing to be in an altered state of consciousness. Something even under this understands. Time is stretching. To a person who has spent five minutes in a coma, it may seem like years have passed. All this is accompanied by painful symptoms of dying.

If a person still does not die, but does not regain consciousness for a long time, then due to prolonged lying on his back, pressure sores form in him. Depending on the duration of unconsciousness, such bedsores can reach 10-20 cm in diameter and reach the bones.

If in the end the suicide survives, then relative recovery, on average, can be observed only after a very long time. However, even after the disappearance of acute phenomena as possible consequences there are prolonged headaches, mental disorders (often with hallucinations), memory and speech disorders, as well as severe hormonal, autonomic disorders and the acquisition of other severe chronic diseases.

Medical consequences

As an illustration, we will give only one, far from the most severe, example of poisoning (according to Professor A.V. Dobronravov):

"Observation of poisoning medicine. Vladimir S., complained of a sharp pain in the neck, stiffness of the neck and neck muscles, the inability to bend the head. The day before, I took ... pills of the drug. After that, he fell into a sleepy state. In the morning I felt a significant malaise, lethargy, a sharp headache. During the doctor's examination, the patient developed a pronounced convulsive tonic syndrome with symptoms of opisthotonus (the patient convulsively arches back from head to toe). The severity of the syndrome reached such an extent that the patient himself had to bend his head by the hair to his chest. All this was accompanied by a significant pain syndrome with groans and painful screams. There was a strong feeling of fear. On examination: consciousness is confused, inadequate motor and emotional reactions. After 5 minutes, the seizure stopped, the patient was hospitalized in a state of drug-induced sleep with a diagnosis of drug poisoning. In the hospital, the condition did not worsen, convulsions did not recur. Subsequently, during the medical examination after 2 months, a number of severe chronic diseases were identified, which were the consequences of a suicide attempt, which led to the patient's disability.

High jump

A fall, even from a very great height, does not always end in death, and even more so does not guarantee a quick death. In the event of a fall, it is absolutely impossible to foresee a huge number of factors, such as the trajectory of the fall, the direction and strength of the wind, obstacles on the way, and, of course, a host of other defining aspects. It is widely known that even in air crashes involving helicopters and planes, when falling due to an unopened parachute, violations of the rules of climbing in mountaineering, as well as technology in industrial mountaineering, many survive. But, of course, in most of these cases, these people remain profoundly disabled.

In addition, in case of severe injuries of the limbs due to a fall from a height, it is necessary to carry out their amputation, and in case of damage to internal organs, perform complex operations for their removal, which, of course, cannot but affect a person’s later life, his quality of life, and professional opportunities. Scars from such injuries and operations are significant cosmetic defects that disfigure the skin and remain for life.

The treatment of bone fractures takes a long time, often up to several months, while the person lies motionless, and skeletal traction weights are suspended from his arms and legs.

Spinal fractures are also very common in falls from great heights and are accompanied by spinal cord injuries. In this case, the sensitivity and motor functions of the arms and legs are disturbed, up to their complete loss. Also, if the spinal cord is damaged, a person is not able to independently control his physiological functions (urination, i.e. does not hold urine, and defecation, i.e. does not hold feces). There are currently no medical options to repair a severely damaged spinal cord, so these disorders remain for life, turning a person into a bedridden invalid, defecating under himself.

After landing, multiple fractures of the bones of the limbs, pelvis, spine and head make further independent movements impossible and make it impossible to call for help. Such victims can lie motionless for several days before they die, experiencing the full range of pain and comprehending their erroneous act. All this is aggravated by the fact that a person who is fully conscious can see, for example, the road and people passing by, but cannot call for help or crawl due to the severe nature of the injury.


A hit in the head does not yet mean fatal brain damage and death. In some individuals who do not think very well about their own actions, the brain can hide in the spaces of the skull so much that even a machine gun cannot hit. Resuscitation departments of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. N.V. Sklifosovsky, Research Institute of Neurosurgery. N.N. Burdenko, as, indeed, other departments accept a large number of such victims. It is also necessary to recall that in our time, veterans of the Great Patriotic War live with bullets and shrapnel in their heads, many of whom went through their bright life as disabled people. And right after the war there were thousands of them. But they are honored and respected - they lost their health for the sake of the Victory, for the sake of the Motherland, for the sake of us. Why do you want to become disabled? After all, if you avoid the worst thing - death, then severe brain damage, as well as the consequences of a shot to the head, will remain for life. This ill-considered step with a high degree of probability can lead to disability or even to a vegetative (vegetative) state.

In addition, if death does not come immediately (and this, as mentioned above, is impossible to predict), then even weeks of terrible suffering and torment, as you understand, will not be able to return the damaged brain to its place. Nerve cells are not restored, these damages are forever! So, it's better not to joke with weapons and things like that.

Bullet and knife wounds hearts

Even if a bullet hits the heart of a lethal outcome, no one guarantees. The vast experience of military field surgery during the Great Patriotic War shows that such injuries did not always end in death even in an extremely difficult wartime situation, given the level of development of medicine. And now such injuries with timely hospitalization are quite often cured. But of course, problems with cardiovascular system remain with the suicidal person for the rest of his life. And not only with her. Such actions can most likely damage the lung, spine, and other internal organs. Therefore, if you do not like the prospect of being unable to get out of bed with paralyzed limbs, or if there is no desire to spend your whole life in an oxygen mask, then leave the weapon in place! Getting directly into the heart with a scalpel is not easy even for a professional who does not have the appropriate volume practical experience. Why is that? Firstly, all people are different, it is not always possible to determine exactly where the heart of a particular person is located “by eye”. Secondly, the heart is a very mobile muscle due to its systolic contractions, during which it not only changes its shape and volume, but also its spatial configuration.

In order to damage the heart, considerable physical effort is required, which must be applied even during autopsy (when the heart muscle is relaxed). A suicidal person can't even do that.

We do not say that all heart injuries are curable, but the fact that there is no 100% guarantee of mortality is a fact.

I also advise you to think about the fact that even if you accidentally manage to fatally damage the heart, death in most cases does not occur immediately. Consciousness persists from several hours to several days. But you can no longer help yourself, although you will passionately desire to live.

cutting veins

This is more a way of attracting attention than a way of depriving oneself of life, but in any case, entailing very serious consequences.

Sometimes suicidal under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or in a state of passion, in which euphoria is enhanced by the release of adrenaline, begin to indiscriminately cut. An excited state makes it impossible to control one's actions and assess the degree of self-inflicted damage.

Trauma to the veins rarely ends in death, but when trying to cut the veins in the hands, tendons and muscles are almost always damaged, which leads to movement disorders in the hand and fingers, followed by disability (hand paralysis).

In addition, due to cuts in the veins and contamination of wounds, inflammation can develop, which leads to the most severe disease states of the body, including blood poisoning or gangrene and, as a result, amputation.

It is important to note the social consequences of such actions. It is clear that the scars on the hands remain with the suicide forever. And it is their presence that can be decisive in life, for example, in employment. In this case, you have only yourself to blame - well, personnel officers do not like people from whom it is not known what to expect! These defects may also cause problems when entering educational institutions: these cuts will be visible at any medical board. These scars can also interfere in personal life, receiving a negative assessment, for example, of future mothers-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law, as well as other numerous relatives of the second half. After all, we like to condemn, even for that weakness that was a long time ago. This can bring additional problems when creating a family or continuing family life, as well as during romantic acquaintances. After all, it is clear that a potential bride or groom, seeing such "beauty", may begin to distance himself and try not to get involved with the owners of such scars. And it happens that during a divorce, one of the spouses, when determining with whom the children will live, pointing to old cuts on the hands, tries, sometimes successfully, to win over the court, arguing that the spouse (wife) cannot take over responsibility for children, as they are not able to answer even for themselves. So don't take this path, where you will find a lot of problems, not a way to solve them!

cutting carotid artery

Getting to the carotid artery requires skilled knowledge of the topographic anatomy of the vessels of the neck, as well as professional use of a scalpel. But even if you manage to completely cut your carotid artery, the ambulance will most likely have time to take you to the hospital for help.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the amazing structure of the human body, which, in order to survive, protects more important organs, even to the detriment of less important ones.

In the event of cutting an artery, this precise rescue mechanism is activated. The remaining second carotid artery along with the vertebral arteries is enough for the brain to maintain vital functions (its stem sections). But for the cerebral cortex, which found itself in conditions of hypoxia (with insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain), this may be irreparable, since the dead nerve cells brain, alas, will not recover. The result, most likely, will turn out to be completely different from what a person who longs for his death wants. The defeat of half of the cerebral cortex will lead the suicide to mental disability, and in more severe cases - to a "vegetative" existence. But even if recovery occurs after the most complex treatment, then a cosmetic defect on the throat will remind you of this all your life.


A very famous, but also far from always reliable way of suicide. Quite often, hanging attempts remain without a fatal ending, but with very serious and grave consequences, since in this case again it is impossible to take into account all the variety of concomitant factors.

Recall that during hanging there is a certain sequence of violations of the functions of the vital systems of the body. During the first 2-3 minutes after hanging, there is a holding of breath, erratic movements, anxiety, attempts to escape. The corpses very often show pinching of the fingers with a noose, which indicates a failed attempt at self-rescue. In an instant, realizing all the horror of what is happening, the man with his last strength is trying to get out of the loop. Moreover, he does this also at the level of reflexes, which, of course, are outside the sphere of conscious control. And I must say that he often manages to free himself, or with the help of others.

It is also impossible to calculate the reliability of this method, as well as to control your rescue actions. We do not set ourselves the task of considering aspects that affect the likelihood of a death by hanging attempt, but we dare to assure you that several tens of percent of suicides remain alive, but with the severe consequences described above. However, it happens that manipulative attempts (that is, not aimed at death) end fatally. And there are many such cases.

After strangulation (squeezing the neck with a loop) for more than 6-7 minutes, convulsions occur in a rescued person from death. In addition, suicidal people can exhibit extremely aggressive behavior towards others.

Subsequently, the victims have increased fatigue, headache, dizziness for a long time, which leads to impaired performance for many months.

The most severe post-asphyxic consequences of hanging (i.e., the consequences of depriving the brain of oxygen as a result of squeezing the neck with a noose) include brain damage, namely decreased vision, hearing, stuttering, epileptic seizures, and persistent memory impairment: in the first months after hanging, it is sharply lowered, with time it may improve somewhat, but a complete recovery almost never occurs. With incomplete restoration of the functions of the central nervous system, the state of disorientation (impaired coordination of movements and spatial perception) and memory disorders persist almost constantly, which leads to persistent disability varying degrees. In fact, a change in character is revealed in a large part of those saved after the fact: people become quick-tempered, do not understand jokes, and cannot stand noise. And, of course, if a person spent a long time in the loop and his brain experienced hypoxia, then due to the death of part of the brain cells, dementia may develop for the rest of his life.

So you should not look for additional life problems in this way.

Gas poisoning

Propane ("domestic gas") is practically non-toxic to the human body. Its danger is that it can ignite and explode. In this case, not only the apartment, but also the whole entrance can catch fire and explode. And the inhabitants of this entrance, or even the whole house, including the elderly and children, can suffer and die. It will no longer be a suicide, but an act of terrorism, and you are not a suicide, but a suicide bomber.

Another property of "domestic gas" that is dangerous to humans is the displacement of oxygen by propane, since it is heavier than air. A person who survives the effects of gas on his body will suffer from hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Mortality with this method is low, but posthypoxic encephalopathy (impairment of the cerebral cortex due to insufficient oxygen supply) is a frequent phenomenon. The consequence of posthypoxic encephalopathy is the development of deep, irreversible personality changes. In other words, a person has every chance of becoming not just a person with handicapped, but a disabled person with severe mental disability.

Poisoning carbon monoxide(as well as car exhaust)

Another rather rare way of suicide, which, of course, also does not give absolutely no guarantees.

It is impossible to control the process of suicide in case of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. The organism itself will seek salvation, not being interested in the desire of the "personality". With CO poisoning, hypoxia of the cerebral cortex develops first of all. In that period of time in which the cortex turns off, but the subcortex does not, the body makes an attempt to escape. Successful or not - how lucky. Even with an exposure (time of exposure to human organs) of 14 hours (the case is described in the literature), there is no certainty that a lethal outcome will occur. In case of CO poisoning, as in cases of poisoning with other gases, after long-term treatment suicides retain signs of post-hypoxic and toxic encephalopathy, which can lead to severe mental disability due to the death of brain cells due to oxygen starvation.

But if this method leads to death, then most likely this death will not be easy. The onset of death from carbon monoxide poisoning on the spot does not always occur, often already in the hospital, after a long, difficult treatment.

Caustic poisons or self-immolation

Attempts to die with the help of caustic poisons (acids and alkalis) in their own pain can only compete with self-immolation attempts. As for self-immolation, I would like to dispel the myth that a person dies instantly from pain shock, or at least very quickly. In fact, it takes several hours, and sometimes several days, for the development of shock, during which a person suffers from terrible unimaginable pains that are almost impossible to drown out even narcotic analgesics. If a person survives such massive burns, then he is left with huge scars on the skin, covering several areas of the body. Such scars, due to their density and inability (unlike skin) to stretch, subsequently impede movement in the joints. Disability in such cases is almost inevitable. The cosmetic consequences of such actions are also obvious. Most likely, this will lead to complete disfigurement.

As for those who still decide to drink acid or alkali, the result will be terrible internal burns of the gastrointestinal tract, the infliction of which is accompanied by severe pain, uncontrolled vomiting. Immediate death from these actions is extremely unlikely, and after the first sip, it is almost impossible to take a second. On the contrary, the consequences of chemical burns of the esophagus are very likely: in addition to pain and other suffering, there are also widespread cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus, which do not allow a person to take food through oral cavity. In order for suicides not to die of hunger, they are operated on and a gastrostomy is placed - a “hole” in the abdomen through which food is directly poured into the stomach. Believe me, such a procedure for eating does not bring either moral or aesthetic satisfaction to both the suicide itself and those around it. Perhaps in a few months (if the body fully recovers), doctors will be able to try a very expensive esophageal plastic surgery, which uses a fragment of a person’s own intestine. But no one gives a 100% guarantee for the success of this operation, so the possibility of eating food in the above way until the end of life is not ruled out.


I must say that this method of suicide is also strange in that it is more likely to drown by accident than to end life in this way intentionally.

The fact is that when trying to drown, various consciously uncontrolled reflex mechanisms of self-rescue come into play, which we described above. Almost all drowned people have hemorrhages in the muscles of the neck, chest and back. This is the result of a strong tension in the muscles of a drowning person when trying to escape, which clearly confirms the person's awareness of the horror of everything that happens to him when making a desperate attempt to escape. It is these mechanisms that often bring all attempts to drown themselves to naught. However, all this does not negate the severe consequences of the very attempts to take their lives in this way: first of all, this is hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) in a person who drowned, with all the ensuing consequences (see CO poisoning). But even if such an attempt leads to death, it must be understood that it does not come quickly. The period of drowning lasts 5-6 minutes and proceeds very terribly in severe suffocation. So use swimming to get positive emotions, not to settle scores with your life, which you have one.


Very rarely, individuals have a desire to commit suicide with the help of explosives. At the same time, they completely do not take into account the well-known fact that even in the zone of direct influence of factors nuclear explosion people survived. The history of wars has accumulated a lot of examples of the survival of people in the immediate vicinity of shell explosions: the most powerful howitzer, mortar shells and even air bombs fall into the trenches and dugouts, the military are blown up by mines; of course, all this leads to losses, but it must be taken into account that even according to military statistics, for one killed, there are from 3 to 10 wounded. These data indicate a low probability of killing yourself with this method.

Moreover, those who want to end their lives in this way do not have the slightest chance to accurately calculate the totality of power, the direction of the explosion, the shock wave and many other related factors. There are much more opportunities to get concussion, wounds, injuries and other injuries from which you will have to lie helplessly, bleeding, and die for a long time. After all, for example, it can tear off one limb, and in this case it will take a long time to die from blood loss, experiencing pain shock. In case if health care will be provided, the chance to remain a deep disabled person is simply huge.

It should also be taken into account that in preparation for committing suicide in this way, it will be necessary to obtain, store, transport explosives or ammunition. So, the most likely alternative to suicide in this case could be a temporary detention center, lawyers, a court, examinations, checks for involvement in similar cases, interrogations and appeals, and as a result - imprisonment.

Social Consequences

It is necessary to note not only the physical consequences of suicide attempts, but also the social ones. We have already mentioned some of them earlier. And now we can talk about possible others. First, in the case of hospitalization after a suicide attempt, you will almost certainly be examined by a psychiatrist, and then registered. I would like to note that those people who come to the doctor for help themselves, without serious mental illness, in the vast majority of cases are not registered. But suicides, as people who create a danger to themselves, on the contrary, are subject to mandatory registration. Upon admission to medical institution you will never be treated as a mentally healthy person, because. the history of the disease will be a record of suicide. The attitude of medical personnel towards such patients is usually, to put it mildly, specific.

Accounting will also mean that for a very long time the suicide will be limited in rights - will not be able to get a driver's license, drive vehicles, will not be able to obtain permission to acquire and possess weapons. In addition, due to the lack of a certificate from a psychiatric dispensary, he will not be able to enter a prestigious university, receive Good work in the public service, and sometimes in commercial organizations.

Accordingly, you foolishly lose many of the benefits that our life provides. And there will be no one to blame, except for himself, who allowed momentary weakness to prevail over sanity.

100% sure way to die

It's very sad to see how healthy people succumbing to fleeting weakness under the influence of imposed stereotypes, they are looking for a “reliable”, “proven” and even “painless” way of suicide. This is reminiscent of unsuccessful attempts to find the "elixir of youth." For those who want to commit suicide “safely”, the same thing happens.

A reliable, fast, and even painless way of suicide simply does not exist in reality.

No. However, there is still one “reliable” way! It is very ancient and extremely effective. This way is to live your priceless life, and overcoming adversity with honor and dignity, eventually dying of old age with the realization that you have completed your life task, remembering the most joyful moments of life that filled you with faith in a wonderful future, endowed with the ability to overcome obstacles in your life path, which only made your immortal soul stronger. Try it - you will definitely succeed!

  • )
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