Dream Interpretation tried to kill but could not. Death by knife wound

Why do they want to dream of Killing in a dream from a dream book?

They want to kill you in your sleep? Probably, in reality you have committed some kind of bad, immoral act, your conscience gnaws at you, you are tormented by guilt. You may not admit it even to yourself, but you are unconsciously aware of the horror of your act, for which you reproach yourself, despise yourself.

This guilt in the vision transforms into an image of being hunted down. Your consciousness sends killers after you. In fact, it is not they who want to kill you, but you yourself want to hurt yourself for what you have done. You need to cleanse yourself, publicly repent, correct what you have done, if it is not too late, or ask for forgiveness from the victims.

What do they want to kill in a dream?

In a dream, they want to kill you with a knife

If in a dream they want to kill you with a knife, then pleasant positive events are expected. You can correct the mistakes you have made, thereby getting rid of the heaviness on your heart.

Dream Interpretation Own Death

Own death, Own funeral, Own funeral, Own death, They killed me, They want to kill me

Dreams are not always a pleasant phenomenon and set up for a good rest. Sometimes in a dream you have to experience very scary and obscure things. For example, What can one dream of His death? Or even your own funeral? Dream Interpretations, on the other hand, treat such dreams with great positiveness - Your own death and Your own funeral in a dream can be a prophecy for you for a long and happy life. Another thing, When you wake up with the thought - They want to kill me, Or they killed me! Dream Interpretations speak of one thing - each dream must be deciphered based on the full picture of what he saw.

When you dream of your own death - good sign, A symbol of the end of the old way of life and the beginning of a new, bright stage.

Most Dream Interpretations are inclined to this opinion. Physical Death in a dream is a kind of start to a new attitude and awareness of one's place in it. it good dream.

When a seriously ill person dreams of his own death - to death in reality. Otherwise - to full recovery.

Such prophetic dreams are extremely rare. And even more rare - if the prophecies seen come true in reality. Any person subject to illness, Undoubtedly, Worries about his recovery - hence the natural appearance of Death in a dream. However, this is not yet a sign that real death awaits you. Some Dream Interpretations generally consider such a dream a sign that your suffering will end, you will certainly get better.

Dream about your funeral- forever say goodbye to something very significant for you; otherwise - spiritual development, Growth; otherwise - to a serious illness.

As a continuation of the version that your death symbolizes the end of one stage of life and the beginning of a new one, more successful for you, so your own funeral must be considered in this sense. Are you ready at the moment to "bury" everything bad in yourself and start new life filled with positivity.

To dream about one's own funeral, to participate in them- in the near future your ideas will be recognized by others, you will receive the long-awaited respect; otherwise - to serious illnesses vital systems. Otherwise, a long and happy life awaits you.

To become a participant in your own funeral means to experience in a dream the separation of your soul from your body. Such a phenomenon is far from uncommon, It should not scare you much. Moreover, the funeral (like one's own death) is a symbol of purification and deliverance. Take the dream not as a prophecy, But as a positive phenomenon, Your own spiritual growth.

To dream that you were killed- real danger in reality; otherwise, beware of the intrigues of competitors (ill-wishers). In another way - a break in relations, Divorce.

If in reality you can confidently assert that no one wants your physical death, then take the dream as a warning signal and be more careful in your actions and movements. "Kill" means not only "destroy", But also expel from oneself, Forever drive away ("kill feelings"). From this position, reconsider whether everything is going well in your relationship or in your family. Take appropriate action.

To dream that they want to kill you- Danger, Fear, Excitement. Otherwise, bad news.

Such a dream should not be ignored. The subconscious often sends alarm signals, That something is going wrong around, There is a real threat and danger. Perhaps you feel the negativity that has accumulated around you - envy, Lies, Betrayal. However, the Dream only warns - they want to kill you. - this is not an action, but only a warning. Try to change what is within your power to change and fix. For those people Who are too receptive psyche. Wake up with the thought They want to kill me, May be provoked by a vivid emotion you experienced, For example, Seeing a scene from an action movie. This is not a prophecy and not an alarming sign, But only the work of your subconscious.

in a dream they wanted to kill me, what is it for?


Dolce Vita

If you manage to escape, then trouble can be avoided. In addition, a dream means that your subconscious is trying to clear itself of unnecessary information, or that you are trying not to notice existing problems. In the latter case, the dream suggests that you should not run away from them, but turn to face them and resolve all the issues that exist in reality.


If you dream that they want to kill you, then the dream says that in real life you have unresolved problems and a tense situation is developing around you. However, it has not yet reached its peak, and you are able to cope with the situation. Also, a dream can mean upcoming troubles with the authorities.
If you manage to escape, then trouble can be avoided.

They want to kill me in my sleep

They want to kill me

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams mean They want to kill me, or what it means in a dream to see Me they want to kill.

Two men want to kill me in my sleep

I am with my husband and child on the street in the yard of my late grandfather (he loved me very much). Around us a lot of people, vanity. And suddenly, from somewhere, a motorcycle appears on it, 2 men are sitting, one brunette the second blond, slender with beautiful features, a little harsh. And the motorcycle goes straight at me with the child, I hardly run back to the side. And my husband does nothing to protect me. The people around also do not pay any attention to what happened. I ask what it was, and my husband tells me - they wanted to kill you, don't you understand? I run with the child into the house, order him to hide behind the curtain, and I myself run out into the yard, I see one near the entrance to the house and attack him, I immediately see his soul that another is looking for me nearby in the neighboring extension to the house. I quickly pulled half of the strangled man into the house (like a hostage), hid under the bed, covered myself with a hostage, and he ran after me. I woke up because that other one looked under the bed and I thought now I would grab his nose to neutralize him. I don't know why the nose.

Want to kill in a dream

I dream that someone constantly wants to stab me, kill me, or just prick me with something sharp. Sometimes they cut, but the wound immediately heals, as if nothing had happened, but sometimes they hurt and blood flows.

I was killed in my sleep again

What sometimes the subconscious does not do with us!

Yes, brother, I was killed in my sleep again.

What is very strange, I was in the body of a certain brother-knight of the Order of the Temple. All of his (or mine?) cotta was tattered.

I was led to a fire, which the executioners poured abundantly with pitch.

While I was walking through the crowd, they booed me, called me either a heretic or an antichrist ...

And finally, they tied me to a post, towering over a pile of brushwood, watered with resin.

The bonfire is lit.

I feel my body ache in pain, I scream out loud as the fire greedily bites into my flesh. The excited crowd yells louder than ever. Every minute seems like an eternity.

After a while it gets quiet...

They wanted to kill me in my sleep

They tried to kill me in my sleep

I dreamed that two of my rather old acquaintances were trying to shoot me with a pistol. I was in my apartment when they started pounding on the door. I was scared. I climbed out through the balcony and hid near two aquariums with beautiful fish. But they found me.

Then I started to run away from them and met a boy of about 7 years old, he was in full combat gear. This boy saved me. But I don't remember how I saved it.

They wanted to kill me in my sleep

They try to kill me in my sleep

The person trying to catch me is killing everyone around. I see this dream more than once. I always run to the same house, but in my life I have never even seen such a house. I don’t watch horror, I can’t even imagine why I have the same dream.

They want to steal me in my sleep

The second night I have a dream - they want to steal me. And I understand that the man is clearly stronger than me and I can’t do anything. I start screaming, but those around me don't seem to hear my screams...

They want to find me in a dream

I dream that my mother is talking about her dream (here I move into her dream and look at everything as if I were there). Mom is talking to a person. He kills some certain people And mom asks why.

He replies: "I protect." Then something else and at the end he says "Can I find your daughter?" (that is, me)

The seam under the chin and they tried to kill me in my sleep


Today I saw such a strange dream that I had a huge seam on my chin and on my pope. And for some reason I think that this is after the accident. And someone takes me to the mirror and lifts my chin and says look at the seam, the seam was huge and fresh. And I myself am afraid to look at him, and they force me after this dream, I saw another one. It’s like my mother died there and they are trying to kill me, I am constantly running away from someone. And at the end of the dream, when I thought, like, I had already run away and was thinking about how to contact my relatives, I would be caught and threatened with a knife. And this man who threatens me killed about 5 more guys in soldier uniform right in front of me and when I tried to escape he caught me but some girl came and helped me but despite this he tried to grab me but some people came there and all of us Why did they try to hide? This guy hid somewhere where the corpses lay, and that girl leaned against the house, and so did I, but when I looked alone, I stood in the light.

They tried to shoot me in my sleep

From March 19 to March 20, I dreamed that a person very familiar to me was trying to shoot me (you can say that he sympathizes with me), whom I have not seen for half a year. I do not remember the beginning of the dream as well as the end. But here's what I remember: I was surrounded by friends and he. He fired several times, to which I replied: that he would not hit me. And he fired again, at that moment I leaned back and the bullet caught a little of my hair and it fell. Then I calmly talked to the same person and got on a motorcycle and we went somewhere.

What does this mean They tried to shoot me in my sleep?

Kill in a dream

Kill with a knife in a dream

I'm being kidnapped in my sleep


The other day I had a dream the day before yesterday: I am sitting with a friend in the back seat of a car (either my car or a very similar one - I can’t say for sure). In front are two strangers. The car is in the parking lot of the shopping center and is about to move on. I understand that we are being taken somewhere where we do not need to. That is, they are kidnapped. Strangers behave quite friendly, but I understand that this is a hoax. I quietly tell the driver that this is a kidnapping and we are being taken to an unknown place. In response, he smiles, and I tell him that we will not resist and twitch now, as we want to get there calmly and without incident. By the way, my friend did not understand that in fact we are in captivity.

A little background: the friend sitting next to me is my prospective future business partner (in real life).

The next day I already dreamed next dream: I am driving a car (dad's car), I drive into a yard and see several people. There was a feeling that they were arguing about something or they had a conflict. One young man on one side and three or four on the other. Suddenly, all of a sudden, they all turn their eyes at me at once and start throwing burning rags at the car. Rags go out when they fall on the car, and I understand that these people are aggressive and want the car to catch fire. The last thrown rag seems to have set the car on fire, but I'm not sure about it. While they were throwing me at me, I was trying to turn around in this yard and leave from there, there was a clear feeling that I would be able to do it and I would get out of there.

What can these dreams know? Are they related to each other? How can they be interpreted?

I get killed and I become a ghost in a dream

Dream dream 3rd night in a row. We stand with some people near the house, we communicate. I call some guy to walk me home, and when we are half way he stops me and kills me.

I ask her: "Why did they kill me"? And she replies that I was her target, and I had to be removed.

I would not say that she was some kind of evil ghost, but not very good-natured either. Then came some more, with whom we stood at the house and the dream is interrupted in memory.

Wanted to kill in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur Wanted to kill. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams mean They wanted to kill, or what it means to see in a dream They wanted to kill.

They wanted to kill me in my sleep

I dreamed that on September 1 I did not go to school, but to work. Only the clocks in the rooms were out of order. Some showed 10:15, the second 10.11, the third 10:09, the fourth 10:05. I was preparing for 1030. Then I finally went to new job. When I went there, I was looking for a girl who offered me this job. When I saw her with a book, I walked past her, because I thought she was different. I got into some room, with cabinets, books .. Several men were sitting there and reading books. I twirled around there, suddenly one man stood up and told me that someone ordered that they put ME to sleep with a syringe and he should take me there. Since he felt sorry for me, he told me this and told me to come to this sleeper and talk to him. We went with him... Suddenly a staircase appeared down... We started to descend. We found ourselves in a blueish little room... The man left. Out of curiosity, I looked into the room opposite. There was nothing there but a stool, but the room itself was even smaller than this one. When I closed the room, a baby boy appeared behind me on a walker. I sat on the bench and sat. A fat bald man in glasses and a white coat came out and took the baby. After that, I heard a lot of strange and ordinary sounds. A quiet whisper, a babble, a quiet cry, a light howl of the wind. I felt terrible ... But I still sat and then woke up

The detachment was all killed, me and a friend wanted to kill each other in a dream

We fought on the ruins, fought with swords and hand-to-hand, the whole detachment fell down, and the enemy approached us with a friend. Not fear was in our souls, a sense of honor. And a friend said, I agreed with him, everyone laid down their heads here, and we will not leave them. We stood opposite each other, holding out our sword. Having said how happy they were to fight next to each other, trying to cause less pain, they plunged the sword into each other. But my blade was already very frisky, and, about the misfortune, the friend’s sword suddenly froze only breaking through the muscle on the chest, did not reach the heart, froze, and my friend said to me, “I’m sorry, I didn’t have the strength to kill you.” "Forgive you, too," I said bitterly for my friend. After all, I knew that everything was just a dream, in a dream I killed a friend who had never been in my life. But the enemy king approached and replied, "That's right, you must live, such is the fate." But I was only thinking about how to point a friend's sword in order to kill myself. But I woke up with bitterness in my soul. I have never met such a friend in my life. Too bad I didn't die with him.

They wanted to kill me in my sleep

I had a dream. From somewhere I return to my parents, but I spent the night, somewhere in a hotel, where there is a house nearby. Whether it was closed there, or I didn’t want to be with my parents, I don’t know. Further, I remember that some company was walking there on the second floor, we all got to know each other, it was fun. And on the first floor there was an overnight stay. I had neighbors, nice people like a man, another man and a woman. We should have gone to bed by now, I went downstairs. The man called me to his room, suddenly, I suspected something was wrong, the man made some sort of dangerous movement. I turn around and behind me a woman with a bag wanted to put on me to strangle me. I barely escaped and ran away in fear. Then I remembered that these were some kind of hired killers who come here every year to kill people.

What does this mean? I got into a fight with my girlfriend the other day and she refuses to talk to me, can this have something in common?

Kill with a knife in a dream

In a dream, they wanted to kill me with a knife because I killed this man’s sister (I didn’t see how I killed), in turn they killed my brother (I didn’t see either), revenge for my relatives, this man and I ran around a 5-story residential building ( I lived there for a long time) with knives trying to kill each other, I constantly changed knives, then to small ones, then to large ones.

Several times I cut a person, but I did not see blood, in turn, this person never hurt me. I wanted to stop running around with a knife, I took everything seriously at first, then as a game, I wanted to inform the residents about what was happening, but there was no one ...

Kill in a dream

She dreams that a girl appears in life. And she is a representative of something paranoid-otherworldly. And he explains to me that I have to kill three people. In fear of their own lives and the lives of loved ones. These people are not someone specific, significant - ordinary people. They point me to them, organize the situation, methods and means. The first person is killed in front of my eyes by this girl herself. At the place where I have to kill the second, an accident occurs - a combination of little things, like in the movie "Final Destination", a person dies.

And now, I have to kill the third one.

They tell me where to go, what time, send me a dress, do my hair. The man seems to live two floors above my apartment. I go up the stairs, and my sister comes after me and asks where I am. I answer to go home, I'll be there soon. The state is a terrible nervous one, I go on the machine.

Then I call the right apartment. They open three guys dressed and combed a la "Stilyagi" (and I, respectively). Looks like a house party is planned. One of the guys, the owner of the apartment, takes me for a girl with whom he is in love. He says: - "Do not leave, please. Just stay with me today. I am ready to give everything for this. I will give my life." Everything, from this moment I act as if it were not me, on the machine: I go to the kitchen, he follows me.

With my head I show him to sit on a chair, I go up, I put vitamins in his mouth - I held it in my hand when they told me to go to this apartment. He twitches, and I laugh and say: - "Fool. What are you afraid of, these are vitamins!" And then I go to the kitchen cabinet, take out a large knife from there and cut his throat. I run to the exit, and one of his friends tries to stop me, and I severely cut his leg and throw a knife. Then, in hysterics, I run down the stairs to my apartment, immediately to the bathroom - without even turning on the light. I look at my hands - and they are all in the blood. And the dress, and the face in the mirror. Shakes me terribly, consciousness in the fog. And I wake up

Wanted to take away the cross Tried to kill Occultists in a dream

I had a very unpleasant and terrible dream. They wanted to take away the cross. They tried to kill. Occultists.

After that, I didn't even want to sleep anymore. Big dream!

I was invited by my friend "A" with her new friend to visit home. I went too with my new friend "Sh". A friend is fond of painting in her sleep. Realistically no. We were greeted on the 3rd floor. We go up to the 3rd floor and there are a lot of paintings hanging on the walls. About something, I even tell my girlfriend about some famous painting. Moreover, the paintings in total complexity make up a yellow-blue mass. The colors of the house are warm. The house itself is also very beautiful. I would even say gorgeous! Chandeliers, wooden floor. Everything is full of wealth. In addition to the hallway and toilets. The hallways and toilets were dark blue-green. Very cold. Before going upstairs, we took off our clothes. As I remember now, a very large dark blue dressing room occupied the entire floor, rather even the basement. We got a little lost in it and lost each other.

They took the numbers. I had 36. I wanted to go to the toilet. Surprised by the number of people in the toilet. I made the wrong booth twice, they were busy. They were dark and without lighting - dumb. Moreover, the doors were all open, without a heck. The booths themselves were like rooms, but the jostlings with the visitors were hung with a white sheet. From that, you can’t see right away that it’s busy! The most interesting thing, while I was sitting there behind the curtain, people also managed to make a mistake.

I don't remember very well, flowing from one moment to another. But before the main events, I was twice on the second floor and twice in the toilet. On the second floor there was the same chic decoration, where parents celebrated something. And the second time, for some reason, I made a mistake and again marked my parents for myself.

The first time I was in the dressing room toilet after hanging up my clothes as a dressing room. And the second time after I went back to my parents by mistake. As with the gloomy locker room, so with the dark blue toilet, I got lost there. There were a lot of booths (Why so many?) And some partitions. Not a toilet, but a maze. Everything was dark and dirty. I want to say that everything in this paragraph stands apart, as it were, from other actions. Those it was, but I don’t remember at what point in the dream.

Further, what happened and excites me no less than gloomy toilets and wardrobes. We go with a friend Sh to the hall. The door closes behind us. And then the conversation begins that we will sniff coke. I am categorically against it. In general, the tension gradually increases. A friend comes up to me and asks me to take off my pectoral cross and give it to her (note: I consider myself both a believer and Orthodox. But not churched. I rarely go to church very much, but usually for no reason, when I want to. I have a cross, but now I don’t wear it, maybe it’s my baptismal one and I’m afraid to lose it) for some reason I unquestioningly take it off and almost give it back. I noticed that my chain was tangled (as it is now in life) and I’m still trying to scare it away. But then I understand that it is impossible to give such things into the hands of strangers, but I have already given them. My girlfriend is Muslim, but she doesn't do prayers. Suddenly there was some kind of coldness and something connected with the occult forces is spinning in my head.

I understand that a friend wants to change the shape of my cross with her friend! I take away the cross. But they change very quickly in their attitude towards me. They are like evil predators. And for the rest of my sleep, I have a life-and-death struggle with them. I feel something very bad, not clean the whole dream. They want to kill me and take away my cross. A sharp silver-colored pike, resembling skewers, is stuck into my head. But I survive, there is no blood, and it doesn’t even hurt. Just stress and unpleasant feeling that there is sulfuric magic and they want to take away my cross from me! Why?! What do they need! I continue to save myself (at the same time I think, I wonder what brain departments touched me in my dream, the echoes of my specialty) I run away from her and also try to kill her. In the end, I manage to insert a saber into her chest and neck. I made several blows to the neck - I wanted to hit carotid artery. And now she calms down, although I understand that she still did not die, but I really hope so. This saves us for a long time. We only have time to hide and run to the locker room to find clothes.

Girlfriend Sh will escape all this time and run around the house with me. We took advantage of the moment, we run to the locker room. For some reason, she transformed. And it was built on the principle of the first toilet, but all the walls were made of transparent military mesh. I fumbled for a very long time and hoped for the night so that they would not notice me. And the dressing room was now outside in some kind of forest, a bunch of trees, crickets. You might think that this is a completely different dressing room, not connected in any way with the house. However, movement began behind the walls. I see that they are looking for us. My girlfriend is not with me. She changes clothes elsewhere. I see that that acquaintance of a friend is looking for us with some kind of weapon in her hands. But then a girl walks by and betrays my hiding place. She is completely laid-back and cheerful for such a gloomy decoration, it is not clear what she is doing there. She just walks past the net and greets me, says: "Hello!" A friend notices me in my shelter and overtakes me. All this time I can't get dressed. I wear shoes or tights for a very long time.

The next scene we are sitting in a bright room with tables around the perimeter. It is somewhat similar to the court in terms of sensations but not in terms of decoration. Court without judges and lawyers. I say that they tried to kill me and I am waiting for some decision. At the same time, everything is somehow free, without straining, as if at tea. Nobody is surprised. These two girls no longer exude dark powers, and there is nothing demonic about them.

Basically everyone draws. And so am I. Everyone draws yellow and blue pictures, as they hung in that house! My friend sits next to me and is silent, does not say anything, draws. Her friend is sitting at a table at the other end of the room and also draws. Then she comes up to us and shows a picture of her "A", sit down to her, and they quietly talk among themselves.

Killed an animal in a dream

This dream was very frightening, therefore I am writing about it .... I will only tell you what scared me. I helped some girl clean her house (or something like that) swept away all the dust and debris with a broom, there was a lot of it ..... Here it comes to the wall .... There was even more gathered, and then I I notice that some animal has disguised itself there and hisses. And why I thought that it was necessary to kill him, I don’t know ... In my life, I probably wouldn’t kill a rat, I just drove it away ... And what’s most interesting, in my opinion, this animal was brown at first (well, it was very disguised as a wall) and then he became already light or white and even spoke like a man. So, in the end, I grab the knife and lightly hit him in the chest ... He stuttered, blood poured from his chest and mouth ... I grabbed him and cried, or I was very sorry that I killed him with this small injection. It’s the second time I’ve had such a dream like this ... I’m killing some other little animal, not a rat .. But why do I always know that it needs to be killed, but I regret and feel sorry for these little animals.

Kill a dragon in a dream

In a dream I saw a group of people (as a team) and was one among them. We watched the city and order, eliminated (identified and arrested) violators. The city was with skyscrapers and everything happened at night. We were people with unusual abilities that did not always and immediately manifest themselves. Someone ran fast, someone shot accurately, who has excellent hearing. Recently, things have not gone very well, nothing has worked out, and we realized that there is a "mole" among us. I just learned to fly when I realized who was warning the criminals and followed him. It was an old man. He took out some kind of cone-shaped dagger with which he could control the dragon and ordered him to kill me. As a result, I found a weak spot in the dragon behind the scruff of the neck and stuck a knife (the alarm clock rang). I simultaneously needed to kill the dragon in order to protect myself, and it is a pity to kill such a beautiful, powerful and majestic creature, and a pity that the dragon turned out to be a puppet in the hands of this old man who controlled it. The feeling was that I understand the dragon, I feel his thoughts, as if he asked for help to free him, and I killed him.

Kill a cat in a dream

I had to kill some cat, she did something bad ... And I remember how I caught her, held her and poured vodka from a decanter into her mouth, and when I poured it all, I began to beat her in the face and body (she seemed to be lying on her side) with a fist, but she didn’t kill, because K. I thought that she was drunk and might die like that. But the sensations, even in a dream, were unpleasant, when she beat, I felt how soft she was ... I felt sorry for her and not sorry at the same time, I beat her with anger. And she did not even resist, she just looked at me with her big eyes. Brrr very bad dream

Kill a gypsy in a dream

I am at war with fairy-tale characters in our time, on the territory former job(warehouse base with office), together with his brother. We win, and people begin to come to the base to work, but my brother and the newly-minted accountant celebrate the victory, just sitting in the shade and talking. We leave the territory with my brother, the entrance is guarded by 2 gypsies, 17-18 years old. They stop us and start demanding money. We answer harshly that there is no money, they begin to demand to remove the wedding ring from my brother (I have been going without a ring for a long time and it was also in a dream), We decide to run away, run, turn around, we see that they are running after us and one has scissors in their hands, we are on we find a run, we pick up longer scissors and break them into 2 hours for protection. The gypsy catches up with me and the fight begins, I intercept his blow with scissors, while injuring my fingers a little, with blood but without pain, and kill him with a blow to the chest. After that, we return home in a roundabout way, on the way we see a group of gypsies talking on the phone. After we decide to enroll in sailors and go to sea for a couple of years. We return with my brother to the checkpoint, we communicate with the new watchman - we learn that the murdered gypsy raped and killed two women before the attack on us, and also that the gypsy baron ordered not to touch us, but to watch us, after that we go with my brother to the nightingale where there are a lot of people and I meet many friends and colleagues there.

Kill a dog in a dream

I had a dream, I was driving as a passenger in the front seat of a car. Someone is driving. Then a dog jumps out onto the road, a small, thoroughbred, like a basset hound, well, such a big-eared, brown-and-white. And we moved it. I turned around and looked, but I remained lying on the road.

Why would it dream of Killing a dog in a dream?

Kill and be killed in a dream

Today I had a rather strange dream.

At first, the beautiful clear sea, the bright sun, and everything seems to be wonderful, suddenly I find myself in some kind of tribe of savages. Some kind of turmoil around, noise, din. Then, all of a sudden, I start strangling one of this tribe, he dies. Then again, turmoil, noise, din and one of them felts with a knife or something else, in short, it just kills me.

No fear, no anxiety either.

Over the past month, this is the 3rd dream in which they want to kill me, in the previous two, it seemed to be possible to avoid this. I also remember somewhere a week ago I dreamed of someone's corpse .....

In general, quite often I see dreams with a touch of death ....

Killed by a shot in a dream

I want to get out of some dark and damp room, it looks like a basement. I go into the opening, there seems to be a light and I see a couple of young people lying on the bed. They are not familiar to me, and suddenly the guy pulls out a gun and shoots at me. I don’t understand at all why, the distance is close, to hit me just spit. I don’t feel a blow, I look at my chest and see a wound and blood, I understand that I was killed, complete bewilderment, I’m waiting for death ... And I woke up.

Kill a child in a dream

Hello Mi-lena. I had a terrible nightmare in which I killed my friend's son. I don’t remember what we did with her in a dream, but her child mishaled her and her too. And, secretly from her, I went to the stroller in which the baby boy was sleeping and began to pour milk into his mouth and he choked. I returned to her and began to realize what I had done, I had a desire to immediately return and give him artificial respiration, anything, but bring him back to life. Horror .. I sobbed, I could not believe that I did it .. And woke up

Kill and repent in a dream

The husband saw in a dream that he had committed murder because of money. Moreover, he did not see the commission of the murder, but he knew that he had done it. He killed collectors for money, he killed more than one - with one person who was also slaughtered in real life, he has been like a dead man for 5 years. Then, in a dream, repentance came to him and he told everything to the district police officer. It became easy and good for him. What would such a dream mean?

Dream want to kill

I dream that someone constantly wants to stab me, kill me, or just prick me with something sharp. Sometimes they cut, but the wound immediately heals, as if nothing had happened, but sometimes they hurt and blood flows.

Murder killer want to kill

Dream Interpretation Murder killer want to kill dreamed of why in a dream the murderer wants to kill the murderer? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a murder in a dream, the killer wants to kill by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Killer, murder

To see the killer, to run away from him - a long life.

To negotiate with him - beware of rash adventures.

Killing to see - reproaches, conscience due to evil thoughts / unexpected wealth / long life.

Immuring a person is a vain desire to hide something.

To poison someone - out of stubbornness, to grab onto a feeling that has subsided, cooled down.

Dream Interpretation - Murder, kill

The murder that happened before your eyes is a sign of future unpleasant surprises.

To see the killer at the crime scene is to suffer from failures, slander and deceit.

The killer lying in wait for you is a dream that promises difficult experiences.

In any situation, the figure of a killer seen in a dream means losses and intrigues of secret ill-wishers.

To commit murder yourself is to shame.

To kill an enemy - to success, an animal - to an accident.

If you are killed in a dream, in reality the opponents will try to destroy your life.

However, many dream books interpret such dreams as joy and deliverance from dangers, and a dream about suicide as great happiness.

In ancient times, it was believed that if you dream that you were killed, and you are a rich person in reality, this is a dream that your children will be well brought up, will respect and always remember their parents.

For a scientist or writer, such a dream is a sign of wonderful discoveries and works that will remain for centuries.

For the poor and destitute - to liberation from evil and misfortune.

For those who buy or sell land or other property - good luck, success.

If your boss kills you in a dream, get a promotion in reality.

Wild beast - to ridicule or illness.

Dream Interpretation - Kill (murder)

Dream Interpretation - Killer

Be a killer.

Or to see a killer means to get rid of the shortcomings of others or yourself, that is, to kill some manifestations of character that you do not like.

The appearance of a killer in your dream is a warning against haste in decisions.

To be a killer yourself - grief, frustration.

Dream Interpretation - Killer

If you see in a dream that a killer's blow awaits you, then a difficult experience awaits you, requiring you to mobilize your spirit.

Seeing a bloodied killer standing over someone portends that failure awaits you.

Seeing the killer in any case, in any situation is a warning that you are waiting for the loss or intrigues of secret enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Killer

To see a persecuted killer is to treat someone with respect.

Run from the killer - to a long life.

Conspiring with a killer is a warning: beware of rash adventures.

To see the executioner is a sign of a crime that you can witness, to be punished through the executioner - a harbinger of shame and disgrace.

To see a killer in a dream is a warning that losses or machinations of enemies may await you.

Cooperating with a killer is a warning, beware of rash acts and adventures.

The killer dreams that he is hunting for you - a warning that due to rash acts you can put yourself in an awkward position.

Managed to escape from the killer - you have a long life ahead.

The killer who killed your relative or close friend - health problems or overwork.

Dream Interpretation - Killer

If a killer attempted on you in a dream, then in reality you will face a serious collapse of plans and disappointment. If you yourself act as a killer, then soon you will learn something that will quarrel with your best friends or relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Killer

Communicating with the killer is an act of mercy.

You see the killer - to ruin.

For divorce.

To the breakup of the family.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

A dream in which a murder is committed before your eyes and you are powerless to prevent it - in reality this portends concern about your own health. If in a dream they are trying to kill you, be extremely careful on the street and be vigilant while driving. If in a dream you yourself committed a bloody murder and are hiding from justice, your secret will be revealed, which will cause you big problems.

Killing animals in a dream while hunting - good luck in business, in a slaughterhouse - you will be involved in a dirty business. If in a dream animals are killed simply out of cruelty, in reality you will encounter evil, insidious people who will try to annoy you. Killing a bird in a dream is a sign of an unstable financial position and transient love. Crush an insect - getting rid of the hassle.

Suicide in a dream portends an accident due to one's own indiscretion and rudeness. Strangulation is a harbinger of severe mental trauma. Murder with bladed weapons - settling scores with enemies, firearms - a lot of ado about nothing or empty gossip and gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Murder

A murder seen in a dream may portend trouble caused by someone's atrocities.

I dreamed that a killer's blow awaits you, which can still be prevented - an experience is coming that requires the mobilization of the spirit.

In general, a dream about a killer in any situation is a warning. Know that the machinations of secret enemies await you.

If you committed the murder in a dream, then in real life you will be involved in some events that will dishonor your good name.

The dream in which you were killed means that your enemies are going to take decisive action to ruin your life.

If in a dream you kill an armed bandit or a wild beast who attacked you, then in real life you will have good luck in business and a quick rise through the ranks.

If in a dream you killed someone, then in real life you need to get rid of the annoying relationship. In vain are you trying to convince yourself that there is still something to fight for. In fact, you and your partner have long cooled off towards each other and the relationship can no longer be saved.

If in a dream you feel that a killer's blow awaits you, then you will have a difficult experience. In general, a dream about a killer in any case is a warning that some kind of loss or machinations of secret enemies await you.

And here is what D. Loff wrote about such dreams: “Depending on who dies, why and how, someone's death as a result of a murder can be classified in different ways. It also depends on what is the most likely interpretation to explain death.

If you have killed a stranger, then this may mean that you are trying to storm the side of your own personality that gives you the most problems, destroys you, or which you are ashamed of. By killing a stranger, you are fulfilling your desire to banish this unwanted aspect from your life. This might be helpful.

Perhaps in a dream you killed yourself; of course, you may not be trying to kill your whole self, but only a part of your personality.

Suicide in a dream is an object of serious reflection. The act of suicide says a lot about your self-perception, about your assessment of yourself as a person.

If such a dream is repeated, and at the same time thoughts of suicide do not stop visiting your consciousness in real life, then this image of suicide can become something more than just a symbol.

If this happens, be sure to talk about your life with someone close to whom you can completely confide.”

The dead man wanted to kill

Dream Interpretation The dead man wanted to kill dreamed of why the dead man wanted to kill in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream A dead man wanted to kill by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

See also Corpse.

The dream is auspicious. Seeing a dead man - expect a change in fate. For an unmarried girl to see a male dead man - for an imminent wedding. If the deceased was old, then the groom will be much older than her. If he is young, he will find a peer. The deceased was dressed poorly - the groom will not be rich. If you saw a dead man in a good expensive suit or a rich shroud, your future husband will be wealthy. If a dead man dreamed of a married lady, she will have an admirer, who, however, will keep her distance. Over time, a romantic interest can develop into a good friendship. Whether this admirer will be rich or poor depends on how the deceased was dressed.

If a man dreamed of a dead man, this means that a friend will help him make a fateful decision. Seeing a dead woman in a dream is a long and happy life. Kissing the deceased on the forehead - to recovery from a protracted illness.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person, decorated with flowers, a mournful crowd around - for entertainment in the company of friends. If you dreamed that the coffin with the dead was being carried to the cemetery, such a dream promises a long and exciting journey in which you will make many new friends. If you see yourself sitting over a dead person, the dream also promises you a pleasant trip to distant lands. Washing the dead is a well-deserved pleasure. Dressing a dead man for burial - good luck will come to you thanks to the efforts of an old friend. If the deceased is your friend or relative, the meaning of the dream refers to the person you saw dead. Such a dream promises him long life full of joy and pleasure. If you saw several dead people lying nearby, with the help of friends you will do dizzying career or sue a large inheritance. Close the coffin with the dead - you will be able to relatively a short time make a decent fortune.

Imagine that you are placing flowers in a coffin for a dead person. The deceased is dressed in a luxurious expensive haute couture suit or wrapped in a richly decorated shroud. No less luxurious is the coffin, trimmed with gold and precious stones.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

The dream in which you see your relatives dead, portends them many years of prosperous health, if they are actually alive; if they are already dead, such a dream portends a change in your mood, which will depend either on the weather outside the window, or on which foot you got up on.

Seeing your lover as dead portends a sad parting with him. Seeing yourself dead - to anxiety and disappointment, if you are buried modestly and hastily in a dream, and if solemnly and with many people - such a dream suggests that soon your circle of friends will expand significantly and you will become widely known.

A dream in which a dreaming dead man committed suicide portends betrayal by your husband or lover.

A dead man executed as a criminal is a harbinger of insults and insults that will be inflicted by loved ones in a state of extreme excitement according to the saying: “What a sober man has on his mind, then a drunk on his tongue.”

Seeing a drowned person or a victim of an accident means that you have a desperate struggle to maintain your property rights.

A dream in which you are surrounded by the revived dead, who have turned into ghouls, thirsty to drink your blood - such a nightmare portends many annoying troubles in your personal life and a worsening situation in society.

Seeing a coffin with a dead person in your apartment portends strife in the family due to alcohol abuse. A talking dead man who asks you to help him rise from the coffin - to malicious slander and slander.

The deceased who fell out of the coffin - to injury or malaise, fall on him - will soon receive news of the death of someone close to him. Finding a dead person in your bed means success in an initially unpromising business. Washing and dressing the deceased - to illness, burying - they will return to you what you did not hope to get back.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

Seeing your son dead will be a joyful event with an addition.

Opening the coffin and talking with the dead is unfortunately.

The dead man eats - a disease.

The dead man rises from the coffin - a guest will arrive from outside.

The dead man comes to life - portends news, a letter.

The dead man is crying - portends a squabble, a quarrel.

The dead man collapses with tears - portends well-being.

A dead man in a coffin - portends material gain.

The dead man who is standing - portends a big trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

To see a dead man means that he asks for the repose of his soul.

I saw the deceased - you need to put a candle in the church and give it for the rest.

The dead are dreaming - to bad weather.

The dead dream in the summer - to the rain.

The dead in winter - to the snow.

If the deceased calls to himself, behind him, or says: "I'll pick you up" - a very bad omen.

Dead parents - to death, parents came for you.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead

The following interpretation options are usually associated with the appearance of the dead in a dream: the usual presence, the resolution of questions and condemnation.

Remembering a dream in which a deceased person visited you can be a little creepy, but in itself its appearance does not carry a great semantic load for the whole dream. This is an ordinary dream in which the sleeper sees the deceased alive and unharmed, just a participant in the situation. In such cases, as a rule, the deceased is not a significant actor in your dreams. Perhaps his image is caused by memories of some event, the participants of which were once both the sleeping person and the deceased. It is likely that in a dream, hidden sadness and regret are manifested in this way that there is no longer a person nearby who was dear to you.

The category of resolving dreams includes dreams in which specific events and actions are associated with the dead. In this case, the appearance of the dead becomes the central event of the unfolding plot. Perhaps you do not have what they need, or their behavior causes you certain emotions (positive or negative); in any case, the action or inability to perform it is somehow connected with the resolution of the relationship. Depending on whether the relationship is resolved or not, there is an element of condemnation or joy in such dreams.

"Condemning" dreams show us the dead, either just dead or zombies. Such dreams cause painful feelings, because we are unable to do anything to change the situation.

What traits of character during life were endowed with the dead? (For example, Uncle John was a saint; Aunt Agnes was mean as a snake, etc.)

Did their behavior in the dream match the real one, or did it go against the grain? Maybe you should try to better understand the personality of the deceased, to understand how others saw him.

Dream Interpretation - The Dead (Deceased Fathers)

To death, conversations, failure, change of weather, they must be remembered; deceased mother - a severe illness, grief; dead man - you will get sick, you will overcome ducks, to bad weather (rain, snow), a quarrel, to a change of housing, bad news, to death (sick); to meet the deceased - for good, luck // illness, death; man - success; a woman - obstacles the dead came to life - obstacles in business, loss; to be with the dead - to have enemies; to see the dead alive - long summers // big trouble, illness; to see the patient dead - he will recover; hugging a dead person is a disease; kiss - longevity; give him something - loss, loss; move the deceased, transfer - bad, sadness; congratulations - good; talk - curious news // disease; calls with him - death.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

The dead man - tragic expectations in life, hidden subconscious fears. Seeing a living dead person, either to fear of loss, or to a hidden desire for death to this person. Seeing a dead person alive speaks of your guilt towards this person.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

Washing the dead is a tragic event.

Seeing a dead person is good luck, achieving a goal.

If you are a dead man - to a long life.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

This symbol has different meanings. Usually, if the deceased does not ask for anything and does not show discontent, does not make claims, then the dream is about a change in the weather.

To dream that people condemn the one who lies in the coffin is in trouble; prepare for a conflict with superiors; to quarrel with neighbors or strangers.

Seeing in a dream a person who has died a long time ago, as if he is still alive, is a change in the weather.

To see a person who, with his pale appearance, is very reminiscent of a dead person, is a disease; to a conversation with a friend who has serious problems; to date with the elderly.

Dream Interpretation - Dead Man

If you dream that you are a dead man - be sure - you are waiting for good health and a long, happy life.

If the deceased is someone else, you will have a long and interesting life, however, not necessarily happy and in good health.

Friend wants to kill

Dream Interpretation Friend wants to kill dreamed of why in a dream a friend wants to kill? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream A friend wants to kill by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kill (murder)

"Well, you just killed me!" startling news.

"killing time" doing something during painful waiting. See add. funeral, death.

Dream Interpretation - Kill

Enemy - success;

Dream Interpretation - Kill

Enemy - success;
soiled blood - unexpected big money;
the animal is an accident;
you were killed - a great joy.
See also Blood, Death, Dying.

Dream Interpretation - Kill

Be patient; someone - a dispute with an influential person

Dream Interpretation - Friend

Having a close friend in a dream means that you can count on the help of friends in a difficult situation. A dream in which you unexpectedly meet a friend predicts that you will soon hear about him. Eating or drinking with a friend in a dream is a harbinger of great trouble. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will have to share his hardships with a friend. To see a girlfriend in a dream - to gossip, strife and family squabbles, sometimes to receive news about this person. To dream of a friend who has not been seen for a very long time means that he remembers you. To find out in a dream that your friend has died is to receive news of his marriage. Seeing your friend joyful in a dream - to receive good news and a good day. Seeing him sad is a bad day and bad news. Being in a dream in the company of friends and enemies together is a sign that soon either one of your friends will become your enemy, or vice versa. Seeing your friend in a dream in a different guise - expect deception from your loved ones, the disclosure of which will lead to a break. Pay attention to how your friends are dressed in a dream. If their clothes attract your attention in a dream, then See interpretation: clothes. Looking at a friend from the bottom up - to the realization of the bold hopes that you will strive to achieve, as well as the same position that your friend has reached; looking down is a harbinger of the fact that due to your arrogant behavior or selfish motives, you can lose friends. Leaving a friend in a dream (or seeing a friend leaving you) is a sign of separation from a friend.

Dream Interpretation - Kill an animal

See Doing.

Dream Interpretation - Kill an enemy, as well as a rat or snake

To liberation or healing.

Dream Interpretation - Kill a dragon, a demon, a dog guarding a cave

Ascetic isolation: a necessary period of incubation in preparation for rebirth.

Dream Interpretation - To each other. with each other, against each other. between themselves

Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

Dragonflies-watchers fly against each other - a beautiful person will arrive.

Women fight among themselves - a disease.

Bees fly, playing love games with each other - the business will not end in success.

Evil people pull each other - a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Another

You take a mirror belonging to another person - the birth of a noble offspring.

Seeing another person in the mirror is a misfortune with a wife or lover.

Seeing a reflection of a person in a broken mirror is unfortunately.

Seeing another person or yourself dead is fortunate.

You give a man castanets - portends a squabble.

Holding a sword in your hands, injecting another person is a loss.

Holding a knife in your hands and stabbing another person is a loss.

Another person gives a brush - portends the promotion of talent.

Another person holds your mirror in his hands - portends misfortune with his wife.

Another person plays musical instruments - you will be recognized as right in litigation, litigation.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Another person shoots at you - the arrival of a traveler.

You give a longitudinal flute to another person - portends fame, glory.

Dead another person or yourself - fortunately.

Relocate to new house belonging to another person - fortunately.

You accept simple clothes made of hemp fabric from another person - unfortunately.

Description of the page: "Why dream they want to kill me in a dream" from professionals for people.

Murder in real life is associated with severe feelings and fear. In a dream, everything can be the other way around. Most dream books interpret this as the beginning of a new happy life, since the negative emotions experienced in a dream are harbingers of a promising career or a prosperous business.

The possibility of a negative reversal of life position is also not excluded. If they want to kill you in a dream, then in reality you will encounter difficulties in communicating with some people, and you can also permanently part with your other half due to an insoluble conflict.

A dream in which a wild animal attacked you

Such dreams tell you that in the near future a long-awaited second half will appear in your life: it can be either a complete stranger to you or a fan who has been hiding his feelings for you for a long time.

Married girls should be wary of such dreams, as the dream book foreshadows them meeting a man who will try to destroy their happy marriage.

Knife and gun are important attributes of negative events

If you dreamed that you were threatened with a firearm, then you need to be careful when communicating with colleagues. Any phrase you utter may be misinterpreted and, subsequently, may be reported to management. Your career can quickly collapse if you do not promptly convince your superiors that you are right.

A dream in which a person you know wants to kill you with a knife tells you that in reality this person harbored a grudge against you and plans to avenge you for your imperfect mistakes.

If they want to kill: Miller's dream book will tell the truth

Famous psychologist in his research human psyche determined that such dreams do not contain a positive connotation. In his opinion, a dream in which a person is killed is directly related to his position in life. It is worth paying attention to your behavior in the family circle and in the workplace, to identify your negative sides, which directly affect others.

If in a dream you become a direct eyewitness to the ongoing murder, then in reality you need to be more attentive to your colleagues and colleagues around you. There is a possibility that gossip is spreading behind your back, the untimely exposure of which can lead to a conflict situation.

Seeing in a dream how your personality is trying to kill a person directly signals your hatred and disappointment towards people. An attempt to stab in a dream is nothing more than a collapse of your expectations of getting the desired position.

Vanga's interpretation will help if they wanted to kill me in a dream

Trying to shoot or hurt you severe pain in a dream it can be a precursor to a series of difficult trials that will fall on your fate. The meaning of such a dream can also be interpreted that you urgently need to let go of the situation, meditate, calm down, and only then will the right thoughts come to you that will help you overcome difficulties.

A dream in which they are trying to kill another person in front of your eyes or a murder has already been committed makes it clear that an envious person has appeared in your environment, who weaves intrigues or is preparing a revenge plan.

Seeing someone stick a knife into the body of a murdered person may mean that distant relatives will soon come to visit you.

Why dream that they want to kill you will tell the interpretation of Nostradamus

Unlike other negative interpretations, when they want to kill in a dream, Nostradamus will tell you in the most positive way what such a vision really means. If you dreamed that they were trying to kill your children or kill a person close to you, then you should not really worry about their health, since such dreams are only for the better. Rejoice for them, soon one of the happiest and most prosperous stages will come in their life.

A constant dream, in which it seemed that killers were chasing you, in reality will bring you long-awaited happy news and hope for a brighter future.

If you dreamed that they were trying to kill you, then reality will answer you with an unexpected gift from a loved one.

An interesting interpretation of the dream in which they want to kill can be found in the following video:

I dreamed that they wanted to kill me: should I panic?

The dream in which your murder takes place or only an attempt is made to carry out bloodshed signals the accumulated stress and discontent towards others. You need to stop the fast pace of your life for a while, look back and look at what is happening from the outside. You need to accumulate strength in order to repulse everyone who wants to manipulate you.

Our dream book warns that the killer seen in a dream, in real life, indicates that it is time for you to change your field of activity or enroll in advanced training courses.

If you dream that they want to kill you, then you need to conscientiously analyze your actions and thoughts and leave only the most positive in your head.

Why dream that they want to kill you? In real life, this event brings a lot negative emotions, fear and anxiety. However, psychologists and esotericists say that experiencing bad things in a dream is considered a good sign. You experienced a nightmare in a dream that does not materialize in real life. In essence, this is a correction of karma.

General interpretation of sleep

Dream interpreters believe that killing in a dream symbolizes unresolved problems in life, a whole tangle of problems. The subconscious mind warns us to deal with the circumstances immediately, before they reach a climax and harm the dreamer's life. Moreover, the dreamer is able to independently unravel the tangle of problems that he himself created.

Often a person stubbornly does not notice the accumulated negativity in his life and does not want to restore order in his destiny. The subconscious, through figurative pictures, warns: it's time to take hold of your head and resolve conflicts. If in a dream it was possible to avoid death at the hands of a tyrant, then the person will cope with the circumstances. Otherwise, big trouble awaits him.

Avoid death in a dream

What does it mean if the dreamer managed to avoid the hands of the killer and hide? This portends longevity: death has receded. But this dream can also warn of the presence of hidden enemies who envy you or want to “sit out” in the workplace. In some interpreters, this dream episode is interpreted as future adverse financial problems and a serious illness.

If they try to kill with a knife- the dreamer has an internal insoluble conflict that interferes with a normal life. It is necessary to understand oneself, to bring the soul and mind into balance.

If in a dream they are taken hostage- this is a sign of the activity of hidden enemies who are waiting for an opportunity to harm the dreamer. Among them may be competitors at work / business or neighbors.

For young girls an attempt on life has a romantic meaning - a meeting with a new admirer. The attack of a wild beast has the interpretation of the appearance of a new friend and ally.

Relative as killer- an attempt to establish a relationship with you that has deteriorated. If a stranger appeared in the image of the killer, this indicates a strong business competitor.

Interpretation of various dream books

Miller's dream book defines attempted murder as the incompetence of the dreamer's actions. You need to be more attentive to others, relatives and friends. Do not chop off your shoulder, make compromises, forgive the shortcomings of other people. If they want to destroy you, then you are hurting people.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation otherwise interprets the dream. An attempt with a knife or a gun warns of impending difficulties in life. The upcoming trials will be so strong that you will literally have to fight for survival. If in a dream you witnessed a murder, then envious people appeared in your environment.

Nostradamus defines a dream with an attempt from the most positive side. The pursuit of a killer in a dream means good changes in fate and the brightest prospects. If relatives are killed, then everything will be in order with their health and well-being.

household reasons

Psychologists and doctors explain death and attempted life in a dream in their own way. They believe that everything has an explanation from a physiological (natural) point of view. Thus, death in a dream is a consequence of:

  • overeating at night;
  • unventilated room;
  • tobacco/alcohol abuse;
  • taking certain medications;
  • sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow/mattress or in an uncomfortable position;
  • information overload of the brain.

What to do if an attempt (or even death) is experienced in a dream? There is no need to panic. There is an ominous Arcana Death in the Tarot deck, but it never portends real death. The reminder of death causes a storm of negative emotions in a person and is an impetus for spiritual work on oneself. Death reminds:

  • reconsider your attitude towards loved ones;
  • change your environment;
  • get rid of unnecessary in life;
  • change jobs;
  • change yourself.

For drastic life changes to take place, something has to “die”: a habit, an attachment, dissatisfaction with life, or yourself. Death is the beginning of a new, unknown and mysterious. If the subconscious has shown the image of death in a dream, there is a good reason to think about your life.

If the day before you didn’t watch horror films and didn’t read Stephen King at night, then the nightmare you had was not a figment of your imagination, but a sign sent to you by fate.

Not always a bad dream is a harbinger of a bad event, so you should not be scared ahead of time. In order to correctly understand the dream, it is important to find the most complete interpretation in the dream book.

Murder in a dream

Some dreams are mixed with reality, which makes them even scarier.. Sometimes you dream that you are really sleeping, and some actions are taking place around you that you know about. If you know that they are going to kill you in a dream, then you may be guessing about some kind of conspiracy behind your back in real life. This dream means that you yourself are trying not to notice how the web is woven around you. If in a dream the killer achieves his plan, then you deliberately go to the bottom, while not even a straw, but a whole log floats near you.

You're running from a killer

Oddly enough, but for men and women, the killer in a dream prophesies a different interpretation of the dream. To run away means to try to get rid of, to try to resist, and, of course, to keep hope for positive result despite the difficult situation. This is how you can briefly describe general meaning sleep. Now let's take a closer look.

If a woman runs away from a killer in a dream, then in real life she has I have a very persistent fan. They try to charm you and win your favor. There is no need to worry unless persistence goes beyond the bounds of what is permitted.

If in a dream a young girl tries to escape from a killer, then in reality she will have to think about her actions so as not to get into a situation that will spoil her authority in the eyes of others.

If a man has a dream in which you run away from a killer, then, despite the fact that all circumstances are against a successful turn of events, the dreamer continues to hope for success.

Regardless of gender, it can be said that such a dream can also have a meaning associated with just some kind of offer that is difficult to refuse. Or it is difficult to refuse the person who made the offer, because of his perseverance.

Knife assassination

If you not only know that in a dream they want to kill you, but also know that they want to kill you with a knife, then such a dream will have a complex interpretation. For a complete understanding of sleep, it also matters what kind of knife was in the killer's hand: its length, condition, and other characteristics.

The knife symbolizes separation from a loved one., serious loss, severe deprivation. But all this will happen only if the killer in a dream can kill you. And if you only saw a murder weapon in the hands of a person dangerous to you, then this dream is a warning. It is possible that in reality you will have a chance not to lose anything of value, do not miss it.

They want to kill but they don't

If for some reason your death in a dream did not happen, this does not mean that in reality all troubles will pass you by. The dream is not about that at all. Consider that such a dream means a warning. If you correctly solve the dream, then you will find out exactly what troubles threaten you and at what moments you need to behave differently in order to prevent anything bad for yourself or for your loved ones.

Pistol murder

Killing with a gun can mean anger, envy, a desire to get rid of you.. It is possible that an unpleasant event awaits you, which will be fueled by the envy of a certain person boiling towards you. Or you really crossed the road for someone.

A gun means base human impulses and feelings. If a gun is pointed at you, it means that you evoke these feelings in the soul of another person.

If the killer has your gun in his hand, you yourself are prone to low deeds, which caused harm to another person.

with an ax

An ax is a rather crude object, devoid of refinement. It is possible that you have this dream as a manifestation of conscience because of your clumsy work.

If you are injured or killed with an ax, then a test and an unpleasant situation of exposure await you.

An ax may indicate a situation with documents. It is possible that you have signed or are going to sign some papers. Be careful and always read what you sign.

The dream in which you kill the murderer

Now this is a very good dream. It means that all obstacles will be removed and all problems are solved. If you manage to kill the killer that threatens you, then you can find a solution to the existing problem, you just have to really want it.

The criminal is chasing

Dreaming of persecution to what in real life you want to run away from circumstances and problems. This dream reminds you that running away is not the best thing. best way out out of the situation, because it is accompanied by the fear of being caught, discovered and confronted with an answer.

If you dream that you were overtaken in a dream, then in the near future your problems will put you to a standstill. Be prepared for the fact that you have to become a responsible person and answer, facing the circumstances.

dream chase

Chasing means that it's time to hurry up. Everyone knows for himself what exactly he has been putting off until tomorrow for the last few weeks. The time has come when tomorrow ceases to exist and everything that needed to be done yesterday will have to be done today.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

According to Vanga, murder in a dream symbolizes hostility to a person or to his qualities. If a familiar person wants to kill you, you annoy him with something.

If a stranger hunts you, your behavior is unpleasant for others. Such a dream can also mean your own dissatisfaction with the way you behave in different situations. If you allow yourself to be killed, then you will try to change for the sake of someone.

If you are being chased, then you will meet with an evil person, which can harm you not only morally, but also physically.

To run away from the killer is to be deceived by someone from your inner circle.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

But Tsvetkov believes that become a victim of a killer in a dream means to experience happiness and strong positive emotions in reality.

If you yourself killed the one who pursued you - great luck awaits you in business and at work. If the blood of the enemy remains on your skin or clothes, then big money and prosperity await you. The more blood you see, the more money you will earn in the near future. It is possible that a large bonus for good work awaits you.

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A painful and painful sense of danger in a dream can be a hint of moral exhaustion, a pre-depressive state of a sleeping person. Dream Interpretations claim that what a dream is about, in which they want to kill you, reflects an emotional imbalance, a loss of control over the situation, or indicates an aggravation of problems with others.

Murder weapon as an indicator of morale

I dreamed that they wanted to kill you with a pistol, which means, as the Modern Combined Dream Book says, try to keep your emotions to yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid conflict with others. To shoot a pistol yourself, intending to finish off the attacking maniac - to victory in a difficult and tedious task.

Medea's dream interpreter undertakes to interpret why she dreams of aiming a pistol at loved ones. Such a plot prepares the dreamer for the upcoming abuse, a clash of characters with relatives is not excluded. Throw a knife at a man or young man, predicts Miller's dream book of shame and dishonor for a woman. According to Freud, such an image promises getting rid of obsolete relationships.

To see that some person wants to kill his mother with a knife or an ax means that the coming financial difficulties will greatly affect the mutual understanding between family members. I dreamed of a mother who attacks the dreamer with a knife - the need to be patient, to show flexibility in solving an urgent problem. To threaten your mother himself in a dream, broadcasts about family troubles.

Chasing or striving to change the situation

If you constantly dream of chasing some people who want to kill you, then you need to recall the plot of the dream in detail. So:

  • often seeing the persecution of other people from the side means that the current problem has a different resolution;
  • dreamed that a dead man was chasing - deal with old debts;
  • managed to escape in a dream from the deceased - luck will smile;
  • a husband in a dream who is chasing you reminds you of the secret that you are hiding from him;
  • haunts ex-husband or a guy in a dream - the character is offended by you;
  • a ghost wants to kill you - a difficult test lies ahead;
  • running away from a cow - promises an unexpected inheritance;
  • aliens are chasing you, intending to kidnap you - to a sad adventure.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller

What is the dream of a situation in which a character is being pursued or wants to be killed, Miller's dream book is trying to explain. The psychologist advises to be wary of dreams in which there is violence. So, to witness a violent atrocity is considered a sign of danger - the negative thoughts of enemies are directed against the dreamer. Being in a war, becoming a participant in hostilities, indicates a difficult home environment that will be filled with strife and conflict.

The identity of the attacker

Seeing an unknown man or other unidentified person who intends to hurt you and are afraid of this, according to an old French dream book, portends a reunion with old relatives, friends, former loved ones. Knowing the attacker in person and hiding from him in a crowd of people indicates secret enemies hiding under the guise of friends.

An unmarried girl, to find out in a maniac who wants to kill her, her boyfriend, tells a dream book about the cool and zealous character of the chosen one. Seeing dad as an attacker means that a relative, during a serious conversation with a dreamer, will try to impose his will.

A dream in which a person sees his own, violent death indicates that in the near future he will have a major conflict with someone close to him. It is highly likely that as a result of this conflict there will be a break in relations with this person.

What if in a dream they want to kill me in a dream?

To see that they want to kill me in a dream means that some immoral, immoral act was committed by the dreamer. A person is tormented by an unbearable feeling of guilt, he feels remorse for what he has done. He who sees such a dream will find it difficult to regain respect in his own eyes.

The dream also symbolizes lost time or wasted time. A person has lost a good chance for self-realization, or because of his irresponsibility and indifference, he destroys his hidden talents and opportunities. You should pull yourself together until luck has turned away from the dreamer.

A dream in which a person sees himself fleeing an animal that wants to kill him suggests that the dreamer will soon meet a good friend. It is likely that the one who sees such a dream has a secret admirer who hides his feelings for fear of being rejected.

A friend or relative is trying to kill in a dream - to betrayal or conspiracy by loved ones.

A stranger wants to kill, which means that difficult times will come in the future. You need to gain strength and patience.

If in a dream they threaten with a gun or a knife, financial difficulties await. Perhaps you should postpone a major purchase or a trip abroad for a while.

A person is strangled in a dream - a warning about impending danger. Enemies will do everything to slander the dreamer and harm his reputation. It is recommended to avoid participation in quarrels and conflicts.

What portends?

Why dream that hired killers want to kill me in a dream - to the loss of oneself, one's individuality. You need to resist pressure from others, do not allow them to manipulate you and boldly face dangers and difficulties. This is the only way to save yourself as a person.

A killer in a dream can be a sign that a person is full of energy and ready for decisive action, such as changing a boring job or breaking up a burdensome relationship. The dream portends global changes for the better in the dreamer's life.

Seeing your death at the hands of others in a dream is a sign that a person must make incredible efforts so as not to lose control over the problem that has arisen and turn the situation in his direction. You should not count on someone's help, since the solution to this problem depends entirely on the dreamer and his actions.

Such dreams mean that a person is trying to escape from heavy thoughts and problems that have fallen on him. The reason for such dreams may be shocking news or prolonged depression caused by the betrayal of a close friend or a series of failures.

If a person dreams that they want to kill him with a knife or some other weapon, then such a dream reflects the real fears and moral state of the sleeping person. The one who sees such a plot has no confidence in the future, he is depressed and upset. If the pursuers could not catch up with the dreamer and achieve their goal, then he will be able to cope with his problems and restore peace of mind.

What does it mean if they want to kill you in a dream?

Such a dream has such an interpretation in various dream books:

  1. 1. Dream Interpretation of Felomen. If a relative or close friend tries to kill the dreamer in a dream, then the sleeper experiences a strong sense of shame in front of this person in real life for a committed act that negatively affected the killer from the dream. If the murder happened, then the feeling of remorse came too late and the current situation can no longer be corrected. To run away from a maniac who is chasing his victim with an ax means that the hour of retribution for atrocities for the dreamer is already close.
  2. 2. Interpreter Tsvetkova. If bandits with a gun are chasing you in a dream, then the inability to control your emotions will lead to serious consequences. The dream in which the dreamer was killed is to great joy in real life.
  3. 3. Modern interpreter. Seeing your lover in a dream as a merciless killer - to the emergence of conflict situations in personal relationships and a possible separation from your soulmate.
  4. 4. Dream Interpretation of Smirnov. If the sleeping person managed to knock the gun out of the hands of the criminal and interfere with his plans, then the dreamer will be lucky in all his endeavors. If a bloodthirsty maniac caught up with his victim and hacked the sleeping man with an ax, then the plan was not destined to come true, unforeseen circumstances would prevent the realization of the intended goals and plans. To run away from armed bandits means to be afraid of retribution for what you have done, to hide from various circumstances.
  5. 5. Interpreter of Medea. A dream in which one of the household is trying to kill the sleeping person is a huge family scandal. Defending yourself from an attacking man and picking up a knife portends dishonor and shame for the dreamer. A terrifying monster is chasing - to a deadly adventure.
  6. 6. Freud's predictor. Murder in a dream means getting rid of heartfelt attachment and former love feelings. If a maniac in a dream climbed into the house of a sleeping woman and tries to cut out her entire family, then a series of problems is coming in all spheres of life. If the dreamer is pursued by a person who is no longer alive, then such a dream is a reminder of unfulfilled obligations and old debts to the deceased and his family members. If in a dream a husband with a knife is chasing a woman, it means that she is hiding something from him, but sooner or later everything will be revealed and she will have to answer for her unseemly actions to loved ones.
  7. 7. French dream book. Trying to run away from a stranger who wants to shoot a dreamer means returning to previous relationships, restoring long-lost friendships. To kill the persecutors means to overcome your enemies, to expose the deceivers and hypocrites who hide their true nature.
  8. 8. Foreteller Vanga. If someone tries to cause physical pain to the dreamer in a dream, then in real life there are many difficulties and obstacles to be overcome in order to achieve well-being. A maniac killed a sleeping person - to a new life stage and positive events associated with professional activity. If a life partner tries to kill his beloved woman, such a dream is a dream for a quick break with this person. If a relative or close friend wants to kill a sleeping woman, it means that someone harbors a grudge against a woman and wants to cruelly avenge her for the suffering and mental pain caused.
  9. 9. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus. If criminals want to kill a person and chase him with pistols, such a dream promises brilliant opportunities and bright prospects. If a lover wants to shoot a woman, this portends an expensive gift from him.

A painful and painful sense of danger in a dream can be a hint of moral exhaustion, a pre-depressive state of a sleeping person. Dream Interpretations claim that what a dream is about, in which they want to kill you, reflects an emotional imbalance, a loss of control over the situation, or indicates an aggravation of problems with others.

Murder weapon as an indicator of morale

I dreamed that they wanted to kill you with a pistol, which means, as the Modern Combined Dream Book says, try to keep your emotions to yourself, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid conflict with others. To shoot a pistol yourself, intending to finish off the attacking maniac - to victory in a difficult and tedious task.

Medea's dream interpreter undertakes to interpret why she dreams of aiming a pistol at loved ones. Such a plot prepares the dreamer for the upcoming abuse, a clash of characters with relatives is not excluded. Pounce with a knife on a man or a young man, Miller's dream book predicts shame and dishonor for a woman. According to Freud, such an image promises getting rid of obsolete relationships.

To see that some person wants to kill his mother with a knife or an ax means that the coming financial difficulties will greatly affect the mutual understanding between family members. I dreamed of a mother who attacks the dreamer with a knife - the need to be patient, to show flexibility in solving an urgent problem. To threaten your mother himself in a dream, broadcasts about family troubles.

Chasing or striving to change the situation

If you constantly dream of chasing some people who want to kill you, then you need to recall the plot of the dream in detail. So:

  • often seeing the persecution of other people from the side means that the current problem has a different resolution;
  • dreamed that a dead man was chasing - deal with old debts;
  • managed to escape in a dream from the deceased - luck will smile;
  • a husband in a dream who is chasing you reminds you of the secret that you are hiding from him;
  • pursued by an ex-husband or boyfriend in a dream - the character is offended by you;
  • a ghost wants to kill you - a difficult test lies ahead;
  • running away from a cow - promises an unexpected inheritance;
  • aliens are chasing you, intending to kidnap you - to a sad adventure.

Interpretation of sleep according to Miller

What is the dream of a situation in which a character is being pursued or wants to be killed, Miller's dream book is trying to explain. The psychologist advises to be wary of dreams in which there is violence. So, to witness a violent atrocity is considered a sign of danger - the negative thoughts of enemies are directed against the dreamer. Being in a war, becoming a participant in hostilities, indicates a difficult home environment that will be filled with strife and conflict.

The identity of the attacker

Seeing an unknown man or other unidentified person who intends to hurt you and are afraid of this, according to an old French dream book, portends a reunion with old relatives, friends, former loved ones. Knowing the attacker in person and hiding from him in a crowd of people indicates secret enemies hiding under the guise of friends.

An unmarried girl, to find out in a maniac who wants to kill her, her boyfriend, tells a dream book about the cool and zealous character of the chosen one. Seeing dad as an attacker means that a relative, during a serious conversation with a dreamer, will try to impose his will.

Have the desire to kill someone

In the dream book of birthday people, you can find out an explanation of why you dream of wanting to get rid of your wife. Despite the negative plot of the vision, the dreamed image promises a long and happy married life, a harmonious relationship with the other half.

Taking someone hostage, according to the modern combined dream interpreter, speaks of the complete delusion of the dreamer in the current case. I dreamed that they had the intention to slam a rat in a dream and successfully fulfilled their plan - thanks to perseverance and determination, you will succeed.

Managed to save someone's death in a dream, portends modern universal dream book, the successful resolution of an important issue, a difficult task.

comments 11

  • My grandfather, who loved me, was very angry, I did not understand why. I told him something, he came up and, with the intention of killing, plunged the knife 2 times into the chest (heart area). I didn’t feel pain, I kissed the wound and saw a lot of scarlet blood on my hands.