Translate the carotid artery. Pressing on the carotid artery can be fatal

They sit across from each other, Lisa fiddling with the edge of her T-shirt and smiling shyly, glancing at her mother from time to time.

Hearing the question from the lips of her daughter, Irina immediately understood everything and felt the tension.

One of the plots of the “Battle of Psychics” program was devoted to the investigation of the death of a boy who first indulged in “dog buzz” with friends at school, and then decided to try it himself, being alone at home. Couldn't get the noose off in time. Suffocated. So my first thought was how bad it all could have ended...

Dear Northerner! When suffocating with clamping of the carotid arteries, a person falls asleep, strangles faster and more aesthetically than simply by blocking the transport of oxygen. There it is longer and a person comes out with foam, in general, an unpleasant sight. Choked himself and choked me. When they strangle you, you try to resist until a certain moment, then you lose consciousness imperceptibly, so the thing is insidious. In time, it usually takes a few seconds, but sometimes they do it as if with a blow and then it can happen almost instantly, I also saw an instant strangulation with brushes performed by a person whose hands are very strong.

Dear Big Brother! Hi Leha. Sorry I'll add.

External carotid artery

The external carotid artery is the anterior part of the common carotid artery. Above the larynx, it branches along the front of the head.

Under both mechanisms, the victim may experience fleeting hallucinations or dreams, and regain consciousness with short-term memory loss and involuntary movements of the arms and/or legs. The normal state is usually set within a few seconds, but these activities can cause permanent brain injury or even death, especially if played alone with the garrote.

shock, a reflex response of the body to compression of the carotid sinus receptors.

Rush of blood to the head due to disturbance of blood pressure in the carotid artery and jugular vein.

yeah, they are burning on the neck, norms advice 😀

Strangulations from the position of the side grab by the neck

Strangleholds from a side grip on the neck are similar to strangleholds from a position on horseback. Strangulation is performed with the edge of the palm, forearm, or knuckles.

To facilitate strangulation and eliminate the resistance of the enemy, it makes sense to grab the opponent’s free hand with your legs and then calmly strangle him.

Strangulation from the back of the opponent

In both positions, when grabbing the opponent’s neck with his hands from the side of his back, it is usually very easy to end the fight with one of two chokes: forearm choke with a palm-to-palm grip (top photo); and a bend-elbow choke with a knot hold (bottom photo).

In this case, the mutual position of the opponents is not important, i.e. any of these grips can be done from either of these two positions.

In both positions, you can do the sleeve choke already described above.

Attention! As usual, the sleeve choke is very harsh and should be applied carefully.

Guillotine chokehold

Extremely unpleasant and strong strangulation occurs when the enemy is captured on the guillotine. In this grip, it is necessary, as it were, to stretch the enemy’s neck towards you, pushing his body away with your legs and holding his head under your armpit.

Here, as they say, comments are superfluous, but I would like to ask: what resuscitation means should a person have if, God forbid, he decides to conduct this reception? And if there is no such EXPERIENCED NEUROLOGIST nearby? What to do in cases where there is a neurologist, but he is not competent in vascular pathology brain?

Personally, I resolutely refuse such an impact on the vessels of a sick (!) Person.

The above diagram shows this formidable danger, which doctors warn about - occlusion of the internal carotid artery at the site of bifurcation (bifurcation).

You can see what Doppler researchers see - vascular plaque formation on the internal carotid artery, reducing the lumen of the vessel.

However, the doctors kept silent not only about this, but also about some other things that they themselves should have known about, and point to them in their article. For example, the so-called hypersensitive carotid sinus syndrome. Pressing on this sinus can cause negative symptoms similar to those described in the article.

There are also a number of reasons that cause vertebrobasilar insufficiency:

The defeat of the vertebral artery from its pathological tortuosity or from deformation as a result of atherosclerotic lesions of the arterial walls.

Dissection of the walls of the vertebral artery as a result of a neck injury and even from rough medical manipulations during manual therapy.

Anomalies in the cervical spine, in the form of an additional cervical rib.

Impact 1) – death or injury incompatible with life.

I wish you new creative success.

Severyanin's question concerned, of course, the 4th structure, plexus caroticus, which is located in Hering's zone

Dear Nemir! The impact occurs due to reflex spasm and both arteries l and n with a sharp right blow. And St. cl. mfstoideys. very securely covers the carotid. When I was at the ODH, guys from the VOKU named after V.I. Kirov. Leningrad with bruises on his neck, but I don’t remember that I could turn off someone with a blow in a fight. In training, personally, yes duck, it's two minutes. aim and then try with consent. THOSE. there is a reflex spasm, but how to get there.

Asphyxia Games - Wikipedia.

Games with asphyxia (suffocation) - a deliberate blocking of oxygen access to the brain in order to cause a short-term fainting and a state of euphoria. There are two different method used to achieve hypoxia ( oxygen starvation): strangulation (suffocation) and self-induced hypocapnia (lack of carbon dioxide in the blood), often they can be combined. This dangerous game is found among children and adolescents; have been doing it since at least the beginning of the 20th century. Unlike sexual asphyxia, the goal of choking play is not to be sexually aroused.

Anatomically, the anterior cervical triangle contains the main carotid triangle. Pressure can be applied from either side. The anterior cervical triangle is a triangle bounded by the sternocleidomastoid muscle (a large protruding muscle on the anterolateral surface of the neck), lower jaw from above, and a line drawn from the center of the chin to the interclavicular fossa. There are three smaller triangles in the anterior cervical triangle:

triangle under the lower jaw (it is separated by the digastric muscle of the jaw)

main carotid triangle

subordinate carotid (muscular) triangle.

from lack of oxygen to the brain when squeezing one or both carotid arteries and air duct) All together

There is also a small artery in the spinal column. It is really difficult to pass all the arteries with the elbow.

Brachycardia and hypotension are sometimes observed, sometimes tachycardia and hypertension. It all depends on the sensitivity of the carotid sinus and the point of application of pressure.

The volume of blood flowing to the brain decreases, but after the cessation of strangulation, it is restored in an average of 5 seconds.

peripheral circulatory system also reacts: dilation of blood vessels in the muscles and contraction of blood vessels in the skin. During shock and loss of consciousness, along with vasodilation, brachycardia and hypotension are also observed.

Suffocation causes stress by affecting the fluid exchange systems, the pituitary gland, causing the release of adrenaline:

The volume of blood entering the brain decreases and the content of proteins in the plasma increases. This is due to an increase in the capacity of the blood vessels. In this, the result of strangulation is similar to the effects of electric shock.

The albumin/globulin ratio remains unchanged.

The content of eosinophils temporarily increases. After suffocation is stopped, their number decreases to normal in about 4 hours.

17-ketosteroids in the urine: within 2 hours after asphyxiation, their number increases, and then decreases to normal levels over 6-8 hours.

Electroencephalography shows that seizures that appear in an unconscious state are very similar to epilepsy. However, no destructive phenomena were found. Therefore, strangulation is considered safer than a boxing knockout.


The picture is colorful! In fact, this is what happens. It says only one thing - about the manifestation state of shock into which the brain is plunged due to hypoxia.

Please note that this happens to the vast majority of those experimented (I use the terminology of the authors of the article)!

And then the authors of the article write about the localization of seizures emanating from brain regions, without specifying from which ones specifically. If doctors pointed to these areas, it would be possible to determine in which of the pools of arteries such changes in the state of the body occur.

The question involuntarily arises: do the doctors themselves know about the localization of zones that affect the motor activity of a person, his vegetative reactions. If they knew, then it would no longer be about the external carotid artery. I got the impression that they mixed up something with something.

The blanching of the skin and the dilation of the pupils, which the authors indicate, once again confirm the presence of a collision of two processes: inhibition and excitation, which are so characteristic of stress. I didn't add anything "on my own" here. This is a classic of neurology, which is impossible not to know.

“After a minute, when the patient fully recovered, the REG study was again conducted. According to our specialists, in 49 patients, the amplitude of pulse blood filling immediately increased to 30-40% of the initial level in the area with its decrease, the interhemispheric asymmetry of blood filling of the cerebral vessels was leveled, and their tone increased.

And one more important detail. In experiments with hypoxia, there is no so-called "control" group of patients who underwent everything except hypoxia. Without this, the information presented "falls short" of scientific justification.

The fact that changes in the REG were noted immediately after the procedure only indicates the reaction of the body to the amount of exposure, and not that the cause of the pathology of the cerebral vessels was eliminated.

A similar example is the administration of strong diuretics, which most often result in the opposite effect, in the form of blocking the excretory function of the kidneys, while small doses always give the desired diuretic effect.

There is nothing surprising in the occurrence of a transient (quickly passing) reaction of the vessels and the brain itself to stress. However, the reader, probably, drew attention to the fact that each patient underwent preparatory measures in the form of "manual processing", used medications, reducing arterial pressure. The authors point to small dosages of the drugs they prescribe, forgetting that it is precisely such small doses that often have a stronger effect than the standard ones.

“Unexpected was the occurrence of procedure dependence syndrome in all of the study patients. They were looking forward to the treatment session, insisting on more frequent treatment.”

I recall the description of the "fun" performed in the cadet corps, when, with the consent of all parties, four guys, holding one, pinched his face with a pillow. Lack of air led to cerebral hypoxia (complete) and convulsions, during which all the sphincters in the body of the volunteer opened, and orgasm occurred. Seeing the ejection of sperm, the guys began to assist the subject in restoring breathing. Apparently, the acuity of sensations, the near-death rush of adrenaline and other emotions made young people want to repeat the grotesque procedure again and again.

Naturally, when it comes to such emotional manifestations as not being addicted, especially for those people who are not satisfied or deprived of life.

Dependence on hypoxia is explained by the fact that the brain, being an endocrine gland, secretes a number of hormones into the blood that can cause a whole range of sensations, including joy, pleasure, euphoria, sexual emotions, etc. Bringing the brain into a stressful state of acute hypoxia, can cause the release of large amounts of hormones.

COMMENTS. And in our case, everything goes by mutual agreement, but with somewhat reduced sensations. Or maybe experimenters like to cause dependence in patients? I know a sufficient number of examples when the induced dependence, bordering on the complete subordination of the consciousness of the patients who sought help, was a very pleasant meaning of life for a kind of experimenters.

However, everything would be fine if it concerned only this emotional affect, because not everyone has this dependence. Everything is much more serious.

I came across myself, though not to the “blackout”, but I don’t remember how I survived. Having stood up for about 30 seconds, he was in a “knockdown” t.s. well, there was little time left before the end of the fight and I was leading, it was hard to fight normally. 8-0

I did it myself once, on a dare, (I am a sambo wrestler) one juder did not believe that I would “strangle” him - he turned off in a split second.

The most unpleasant thing is that it is in the carotid artery that cholesterol plaques are mainly deposited, which, with a long accumulation process, lead to atherosclerosis. This process can be compared with the sticking of dirt to the inner walls of water pipes. What quality will the water flow in them and how narrow will its flow be? Blood is not water, but biological material, the slightest impact on which can lead to a catastrophe of the whole organism. First of all, smokers and drunkards, lovers of spending all their free time on the couch, oversized people who do not want to fight obesity, diabetics, all those who have a hereditary predisposition to atherosclerosis, as well as nervous people are at risk.

With a hangover, the heart rate increases and atrial fibrillation may occur

Sleeping all night on the shoulder of a loved one is dangerous for his health

In Pervouralsk, as the Investigative Committee assured us, deaths From such games on the verge has never been.

But this situation is very serious, - employees noted in a telephone conversation. - This is a very dangerous prank.

Therefore, advice to parents - if you find out that this is the case - inform the police. The department for work with minors of the city DMIA will definitely conduct preventive actions. You shouldn't joke about it.


Carotid Artery: Where Is It And What Will Happen If You Press

What happens when the carotid artery is occluded

About 70% of the blood that feeds the brain is transported by the carotid arteries. It is not for nothing that these vessels, important for life, are called sleepy - if you squeeze them for at least 10 seconds, a person will really “fall asleep”. What is the carotid artery, where is it located, what will happen if you press it?

Where is

The carotid artery is a paired vessel. Moving away from thoracic aorta, it immediately diverges into 2 separate arteries. One runs along the left side of the neck, the second on the right. In the region of the larynx, or rather the Adam's apple, each of the arteries is divided into 2 more branches - internal and external. The latter can be felt by placing the fingertips on the neck.

The internal branch runs along the temple and leads to the brain, since its main task is to supply it with blood. In the temporal region, the internal artery enters the skull. There it is divided into a network of smaller vessels, they into one more, those into another. Thus, a complex blood highway is formed that supplies blood to all brain cells.

The outer one goes forward, making a slight bend along the chin and rushing up, delivering blood to the eyes and face. Its terminal branches form a huge and extensive network of capillaries heading to the oral cavity and eyeballs. It is thanks to them that in the heat or while running, a blush appears on a person’s face.

Thus, the carotid artery passes through all the tissues in the head region, saturates them with arterial blood coming from the heart, and the blood saturates them with the oxygen necessary to perform all functions.

How to feel

To feel the external branch of the carotid artery, you can use any 2 fingers, with the exception of the thumb. Because he has his own pulse. The most sensitive are the index and middle fingers.

Pressing is carried out in the region of the cavity located between the larynx and the large muscle of the neck - anterolateral. How to find it? Initially, the fingers should be located under the lower jaw (left or right), right in the center between the ear and chin, and then lower them 2 cm. The recessed area located there allows you to feel the pulse.

The ability to feel the pulse in this way is an important skill. Since not all people have a pulsation in the wrist that is quite pronounced. Clicking on carotid artery You can also measure your pulse. But it will take time, won't it harm the person? Depends on how to do it. Here's what will happen: if you press the carotid artery too hard - the person will lose consciousness, if the pressure is soft - nothing bad will happen.

What will happen when squeezed

If you remember the name of the blood vessel, the answer to the second frequently asked question will immediately appear, starting with the words, what will happen - if you clamp the carotid artery, the person will lose consciousness. Why is this happening?

The carotid artery is the main vessel that supplies blood to the brain, which means oxygen and other important elements. If you pinch it on one side of the neck, the blood flow will be reduced. But the second artery will continue to perform its function. However, this amount will not be enough, and the brain will go into economy mode. It will turn off its main and most costly functions - the innervation of the body, as well as the perception of the senses.

The consequences of clamping the artery can be different, depending on how it is done. If you squeeze it for no more than a minute, the person will simply lose consciousness. But after 5 minutes or earlier, he will wake up, because the blood circulation will be restored.

But taking risks and clamping the artery for more than one minute is dangerous, because with a prolonged lack of oxygen, brain cells will begin to die, and irreversible dystrophic processes will begin.

How to stop bleeding

In some cases, clamping the carotid artery can save a person's life. When bleeding from it, death occurs in just 2-3 minutes. By pinching the damaged vessel, you can prolong this a short time. However, the clamping technique is not easy, and unskilled actions can aggravate the situation and lead to death.

It is recommended to pinch the artery with a bandage or gauze bandage, applying them in the hole in which the pulse is felt, and pressing it with your hand. With more qualified assistance, the technique of applying a tourniquet is used. As a splint, use the hand located on the side opposite from the injury. It is lifted up and bent so that the forearm lies on the vault of the skull, and the shoulder leans against the ear.

The tourniquet is applied around the neck and the opposite limb. The involved hand will prevent the squeezing of the whole artery, located on the side opposite from the wound. A tourniquet placed this way can reduce bleeding. But you should know that even the most experienced doctor is not always able to save a person with such an injury.

Where can be useful

The technique of pressing on a vessel that supplies blood to the brain is used in many types of martial arts. When in this way the enemy is deprived of consciousness. It takes 10 seconds and a force equal to a weight of five kilograms to put a person to sleep, but he will wake up in just a quarter of a minute.

This technique is not life-threatening, since the second artery continues to feed the brain. However, you should not joke with your health. If you accidentally pinch both vessels, the consequences of oxygen starvation of the brain will be deplorable and irreversible. And you can even take a person's life.

Now you know where the carotid artery is located and what will happen if you click on it. Do not forget that this is a very important and extremely delicate organ. In no case should you squeeze it out of interest, such a stupid act can cause death or disability!

Vertebral artery syndrome: concept, signs, treatment, risk groups

A complex of symptoms caused by impaired blood supply to the brain due to damage to one or both of the main arteries through which blood enters the brain is called vertebral artery syndrome. “People” use the word “disease” to this problem, but this is not entirely correct. Any syndrome is not formally a disease, but a certain set of symptoms that can be caused by different, but close to each other, causes.

This disease is one of those that have become widespread in recent decades. It can also be attributed to the list of "younger" problems. If before they suffered for the most part elderly and even retirement age, now vertebral artery syndrome is increasingly common in those who are a little over 30 or even 20 years old. In a global sense, the problem requires a solution at the level of prevention, therefore, if it is not related to you, but you are at risk, you should reconsider your lifestyle, as well as its conditions.

What is vertebral artery syndrome?

This problem is also sometimes referred to as "vertebrobasilar syndrome". Briefly explained, it occurs as follows:

  1. In humans, due to the influence of any negative factors, one of the arteries supplying the brain with blood is clamped, and sometimes two are affected at once;
  2. As a result, the normal supply of nutrients and oxygen becomes impossible;
  3. The most start to appear different symptoms, at first glance, not connected with the spine in any way - for example, darkening in the eyes, dizziness;
  4. In the future, if left untreated, ischemic stroke is possible, as well as the appearance of other diseases, since absolutely all organs are inextricably linked with the brain and its state.

Often, problems with the blood supply to the brain begin not for exclusively "vertebral" reasons. Risk factors can be both familiar atherosclerosis and, for example, congenital hypoplasia of the vertebral artery.

Scientific explanation of the syndrome

If we talk about it in more detail, closer to medical definitions, then you need to consider how the blood supply to the brain as a whole is arranged. It is provided with blood, and with it nutrients and oxygen, with the help of four large arteries.

Two of them are carotid arteries. From them to the head goes the main blood flow - from 70 to 85 percent. If one or both of them are damaged, it leads to very serious disorders, very often the result is an ischemic stroke.

The other two are lateral, right and left. With their help, from 15 to 30% of blood enters the brain. Since the percentage is small compared to the carotid arteries, it is believed that disturbances in their work are less dangerous for the body. But it is not so. If the left or right artery is pinched, you can not be afraid of a stroke, but there will still be problems - first with well-being, then visual, hearing and other diseases, up to disability, may appear.


It is difficult to recognize the symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome without diagnosis. And it's not that the disease does not manifest itself. It’s just that its signs are similar to other diseases, starting with widespread osteochondrosis and ending with diseases that are extremely difficult for the patient to associate with the spine, as mentioned above. Therefore, if you find one of the symptoms listed below, you should contact your clinic or for a paid examination for a diagnosis.

Most often, patients with this syndrome experience headaches, which can either occur in the form of periodic attacks or be almost constant. The epicenter of pain is the back of the head, but from there they can spread to the forehead and temples.

This symptom often gets worse over time. Gradually, tilting or turning the head becomes painful, and over time, similar sensations appear on the skin in the area of ​​​​hair growth, which intensify during touching. This may be accompanied by burning. The cervical vertebrae begin to "crunch" when turning the head.

Other less common symptoms:

  • Increase in blood pressure;
  • Ringing and noise in the ears;
  • Nausea;
  • Heartache;
  • Increased fatigue of the body;
  • Dizziness, up to fainting;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • Neck pain or a feeling of intense tension;
  • Impaired vision, sometimes just pain in the ears, can also hurt the eyes - in both cases, often on one side the sensations are stronger than on the other.

In the long term, against the background of this syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased intracranial pressure(hypertension), numbness of extremities, usually fingers. Various mental abnormalities are also manifested - irritability, anger for no reason, fear, mood swings. These symptoms do not appear immediately. But, given the passion of our fellow citizens for self-treatment without a diagnosis, and simply for delaying going to the doctor when everything hurts, they often come with these signs.

Causes that can cause vertebral artery syndrome. Risk group

The logical question that arises for everyone who has encountered this problem or the likelihood of its occurrence is what could cause it? There are several answers here, because different people may have various reasons, each of which leads to one result - a violation of blood flow to the brain, and with it an insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen.

  1. Sometimes the syndrome is caused by asymmetry of blood flow through the vertebral arteries. This pathology is congenital, when the development of two arteries occurs unevenly. This asymmetry is not treated modern medicine, but you can live with it all your life without feeling any discomfort. However, sometimes it flows into other diseases, including vertebral artery syndrome.
  2. The reason may be the so-called "instability cervical spine”, leading to a gradual weakening and destruction of the vertebral discs. It also often leads to other ailments. It develops - both gradually and after some kind of injury, for example, received in an accident. Long-term development is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, which is practically not diluted with sports or just physical activity. Simply put, if you are an office worker, and all your active movements are the way to work and home, over time, instability of the vertebrae will manifest itself.
  3. There is a relationship between extravasal compression of the vertebral artery and subsequent disturbances in the movement of blood flow to the brain. Its causes, in turn, are trauma and hernia. Among other problems, compression can also cause vertebral artery syndrome.
  4. Sometimes birth trauma is the cause of the problem - for example, when a child is “pulled out” with forceps. It, like the congenital one, may not make itself felt for decades, and then manifest itself.
  5. Sometimes to this disease causes osteochondrosis.
  6. The beginning of the development of the syndrome can be such a pathology as the tortuosity of the vertebral arteries. It is dangerous in itself, and in some cases leads to strokes, so people with this diagnosis automatically fall into the risk group, and they need to carefully monitor their health and lead a fairly active lifestyle. Among the adult population, this pathology occurs in approximately one in ten people. In this case, it can be not only congenital - sometimes it occurs as a result of hypertension. If you have been diagnosed with coiling, kinking, or lengthening of an artery, know that these are its varieties.

The risk group automatically includes those who have one of the above pathologies, a birth injury associated with the spine. This also includes victims of accidents with injuries in the vertebral region and people working in a sedentary job. If you find yourself on this list, make friends with a sport — a regular one like exercising every day — and get yourself checked every few years, and whenever you have any symptoms.

How to identify vertebral artery syndrome?

During the initial examination, the doctor prescribes how to identify the presence or absence of this syndrome. Attention is paid to such outward signs, like muscle tension in the back of the head, soreness of the scalp or cervical vertebrae when pressed.

Today, the diagnosis of vertebral artery syndrome can be carried out in the clinic using Doppler ultrasonography. With its help, the arteries and vessels of the brain are examined, their condition is revealed, including all kinds of disorders. X-rays can also be used to make a diagnosis.

If exacerbations are detected during the examination, the patient is referred for an MRI of the brain. As a result, urgent hospitalization is possible.

In medicine, there are times when incorrect diagnosis leads to incorrect treatment. This is especially true for this syndrome, since there are many diseases similar to it. If you have been diagnosed with a particular diagnosis, but the prescribed drugs and procedures do not work, you should undergo a second examination in another place.

How to treat vertebral artery syndrome?

After an accurate diagnosis, the task of the doctor is to determine the cause of the pinching. Then the treatment of the vertebral artery syndrome is prescribed. It is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, even if it takes place at home. Self-medication in this case is unlikely to be a reasonable step, since herbal medicine and lotions will not help here.

Treatment is complex. It includes the methods listed below, also at the discretion of the doctor, some of this can be excluded, and something added.

  • Vascular therapy - is carried out by the course.
  • LFK - physiotherapy exercises.
  • Drugs that improve blood flow are prescribed.
  • Stabilizing drugs - help get rid of fainting, dizziness, nausea and other problems associated with disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Sometimes acupuncture is prescribed.
  • Professional medical massage.
  • Reflexology.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Autogravity Therapy.

Many other non-pharmacological methods are also practiced. However, you can’t randomly assign them - if you read the list, chose “what you liked”, and began to apply, there may be no result at all. Treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually, depending on the stage of the disease and its cause. Another thing is that if you have not been prescribed, for example, hirudotherapy or acupuncture, and you think that these are very important aspects, you can also undergo such courses of treatment separately.

If you have some kind of congenital pathology like asymmetry of the vertebral arteries, be prepared for the fact that only vertebral artery syndrome will be cured, and the original problem will remain. However, as in most cases, it is worth changing your lifestyle. This is true for every disease - no matter how strong the doctors are, if you yourself do not manage to eliminate the cause, the disease may return. And this means that after treatment everything is in your hands.


The human circulatory system is a complex mechanism consisting of a four-chamber muscle pump and many channels. Vessels that supply organs with blood are called arteries. These include the common carotid artery, which transports blood from the heart to the brain. The normal functioning of the body is impossible without effective circulation of blood flow, since it carries the most important trace elements and oxygen.

What is the carotid artery

As already mentioned, this type of artery is a vessel designed to feed the head and neck. The carotid vein has a wide shape, necessary to carry a large amount of oxygen, create an intense and continuous blood flow. Thanks to the artery, the tissues of the brain, visual apparatus, face and other peripheral organs are enriched, due to which their work occurs.

Where is

Often people have a question: how to find the carotid artery in the neck? For the answer, you need to turn to the basics of the anatomy of the human body. The common carotid artery originates in the chest, then passes along the neck to the skull, ending at the base of the brain. The longer right branch departs from the brachiocephalic trunk, the left branch from the aorta. In the cervical region, the trunks run along the anterior covering of the vertebral processes, and between them is the esophageal tube and trachea.


On the outside of the common SA is the jugular vein, and among them in the groove is the vagus nerve: this is how the neurovascular bundle is formed. The absence of branches is observed along the vertical course of the channel, but the thyroid cartilage bifurcates the carotid artery into the internal and external. The peculiarity of the vessel is the presence of an extension (carotid sinus) with an adjacent nodule (carotid glomus). The external carotid canal consists of several groups of blood vessels:

  • thyroid;
  • language;
  • pharyngeal;
  • front;
  • occipital;
  • ear back.

The location of the branch of the internal carotid artery is considered intracranial, since it enters the cranium through a separate opening in the temporal bone. The area of ​​connection of the vessel with the basal artery through the anastomosis is called the circle of Willis. Segments of the internal carotid artery transport blood to visual organ, anterior and posterior parts of the brain, cervical vertebrae. This vein consists of seven vessels:

  1. connective;
  2. cavernous;
  3. cervical;
  4. eye;
  5. wedge-shaped;
  6. rocky;
  7. torn hole sector.

How many carotid arteries does a person have

There is a misconception that a person has one carotid artery: in fact, there are two. They are located on both sides of the neck and are the most important sources of blood circulation. Next to these vessels are two additional vertebral arteries, which are significantly inferior to carotid ones in terms of the volume of fluid they move. To feel the pulse, you need to find a point in the recess under the cheekbone on one side of the Adam's apple.


In addition to moving the blood flow, the carotid arteries solve other, no less significant, tasks. The carotid sinus is supplied with nerve cells, the receptors of which perform the following functions:

  • monitor internal vascular pressure;
  • react to change chemical composition blood;
  • give signals about the presence of oxygen supplied with erythrocytes;
  • participate in the regulation of the activity of the heart muscle;
  • control the pulse;
  • maintain blood pressure.

What happens if you press on the carotid artery

It is strictly forbidden to determine from one's own experience the consequences of pressing the carotid artery. If you press this vessel for a short time, loss of consciousness occurs. This state lasts about five minutes, and when the blood circulation resumes, the person awakens. Experiments with a longer time of force exposure can provoke severe dystrophic processes, because the lack of oxygen is detrimental to brain cells.


The external carotid thread does not directly supply blood to the brain. The non-stop opening of the anastomoses, even with the insufficiency of the circle of Willis, is explained by the good blood supply of this branch. Pathologies are mainly characteristic of the internal channel, although otolaryngologists, plastic and neurosurgeons in practice face violations of the external basin. These include:

  • congenital facial, cervical hemangiomas;
  • malformation;
  • arteriovenous fistula.

Chronic ailments, such as atherosclerosis, syphilis, muscular fibrous dysplasia, cause serious changes in the internal trunk. Possible reasons diseases of the carotid bloodstream are:

  • inflammation;
  • the presence of a plaque;
  • blockage of an artery;
  • formation of cracks in the canal wall (dissection);
  • proliferation or delamination of the vessel membrane.

The result of negative processes is the narrowing of the carotid artery. The brain begins to receive less nutrients, oxygen, then clinical development cell hypoxia, ischemic stroke, thrombosis. Against this background, the following diseases of SA are distinguished:

  • pathological arterial branching;
  • trifurcation, which means division into three sprouts;
  • aneurysm;
  • thrombus in the carotid artery.


The normal appearance of the arterial wall implies smoothness and elasticity. The formation of plaques contributes to a decrease in the lumen of the trunk. The growth of deposits leads to a pronounced narrowing of the vessel. Carrying out diagnostics, doctors diagnose the patient: atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries. This condition belongs to a number of serious diseases that provoke a stroke, atrophy of brain tissue, and therefore requires immediate treatment. You can determine the presence of plaques in the carotid blood thread by the following symptoms:

  • a sharp increase in cholesterol levels;
  • frequent headaches;
  • fainting;
  • vision problems;
  • rapid pulse;
  • strong tinnitus;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • convulsions, confusion;
  • speech disorder.

carotid syndrome

A disease characterized by spasm vascular walls, medically recognized as carotid syndrome. Its occurrence is associated with the accumulation of a cholesterol layer along the edges of the channel, the division of the shell into several layers, and stenosis. Less commonly, the origin of the disease is caused by a genetic predisposition, hereditary factors, injuries.

Stratification of the inner surface of the artery becomes the root cause of ischemic stroke in people of different ages. Patients over fifty are at risk, but recent studies by scientists show that the percentage of strokes in young people is increasing. Prevention of the development of SA syndrome involves the rejection of bad habits leading an active lifestyle.


Expansion of the arterial zone with local thinning of the coating is called an aneurysm. The condition is preceded by inflammatory reactions, muscle atrophy, sometimes the disease is congenital. It is formed in the intracranial zones of the internal carotid branch and looks like a sac. The worst consequence of such an education is a rupture, leading to death.

An aneurysm should not be confused with carotid chemodectoma, which is benign tumors. According to statistics, 5% of cases turn into cancer. The path of development originates in the area of ​​bifurcation, continuing to move under the jaw. During his life, the trouble does not manifest itself in any way, therefore it is diagnosed by pathologists.

Treatment of diseases

It is possible to suggest the pathology of the artery by clinical symptoms, but the diagnosis is made only by doctors after an appropriate examination. To study the body, methods are used using modern technologies:

  • dopplerographic observation;
  • angiography;
  • computed tomography.

The treatment regimen for the disease depends on the stage, size, and general condition. For example, in the initial course of thrombosis, a small aneurysm, anticoagulants and thrombolytics are prescribed. The expansion of the arterial canal is carried out using novocaine isolation or removal of neighboring sympathetic clusters. Severe narrowing, clogging and thrombosis of the carotid artery requires surgical intervention. An operation on a carotid vessel is performed by stenting or removing the damaged area and replacing it with an artificial part.

The carotid artery is one of the largest blood vessels in the human body. It forms a whole network of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain, its membranes and facial muscles. And at the same time, it is the most vulnerable of the large human vessels, since the common carotid artery is located close to the surface of the skin.

It should immediately be noted that there are several vessels with this name in the human body. Usually they mean the common carotid artery - a paired vessel, on the left it departs directly from the aorta, and on the right - from the short brachiocephalic trunk, which gives rise not only to the carotid, but also to the subclavian artery on the right.

On both sides, the vessels pass behind the clavicle, thyroid gland and larynx on the anterolateral surface of the neck. At the level of the IV-V cervical vertebra (the thyroid cartilage of the larynx, which in men forms the Adam's apple), they are divided into two main branches.

The outer one continues its movement up the neck, goes around the joint of the lower jaw from the outside, supplies blood to the muscles of the face, lower jaw, meninges, skull bones. The internal branch enters the cranial cavity behind the lower jaw, supplies blood to the pia mater and brain tissue.

The internal carotid arteries on both sides, together with the vertebral arteries on both sides, form the circle of Willis, a structure that maintains the blood supply to the brain stem even if one of the four vessels that form it is damaged.

A characteristic feature of the carotid arteries is a developed network of communications (anastomoses) between the systems of the external and internal carotid arteries, carotid arteries on both sides.

In fact, the network of blood vessels of the head is a single structure, which allows the brain to maintain at least partial blood supply in case of vascular diseases and injuries.

Meaning, structure and functions

The carotid arteries form the basis of the blood circulation of the brain, its higher sections - the cerebral hemispheres, the diencephalon and its nuclei, and partially - the middle, medulla oblongata and cerebellum. The brain stem receives blood supply twice - it is fed by the vertebral arteries (depart from the subclavian) and the internal carotid arteries.

Also, muscles, bones and skin of the face, eyes, olfactory receptors in the nose and taste receptors in the tongue, teeth and gums are supplied from the pool of the same artery.

A large number of anastomoses allows maintaining relative blood supply in case of vascular pathologies, but also creates a number of dangers. For example, from the focus of inflammation on the skin of the face, pathogens can penetrate the meninges or the brain.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the carotid artery for the state of the human brain - both arterial systems bring about 70% of blood to the nervous tissue and its accompanying structures.

Internal and external carotid artery

The main vessel branches into two large branches, called the outer and inner. The branching point is located at the level of the IV-V cervical vertebra, behind the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. This part of the common carotid artery is called the bifurcation. Both arteries rise up the neck and supply blood to the structures of the head.

The internal carotid artery goes around the temporomandibular joint from the inside and enters the inside of the cranial cavity through a canal in the temporal bone. Up to this point, it does not give large branches. Further, the internal carotid artery gives rise to several large vessels.

The branches of both internal carotid and both vertebral arteries form the circle of Willis, the most important arterial structure of the brain. The blood flow in it is preserved even if one of the carotid or vertebral arteries is damaged. In addition to the arterial ring, the artery gives several more branches that provide blood to the hemispheres of the brain and eyes.

The external carotid artery on the neck runs parallel to the internal one, and also does not give large branches.

It goes around the temporomandibular joint from the outside and goes to the facial muscles. It gives three main groups of branches.The anterior group supplies the lower jaw with the thyroid gland, larynx, and tongue. Middle - temporal region, upper jaw, eye sockets and part of the pharynx and esophagus. Back - back of the head, auricle and middle ear, lateral surface of the neck. In each group of branches there are vessels that supply blood to the dura mater.

The areas of blood supply of each group of vessels intersect with neighboring branches, as well as with the same name on the opposite side, forming a complex network of anastomoses. This leads both to positive phenomena - a stable blood supply to the brain, even with injuries and pathologies of part of the vessels, and to negative ones - it creates pathways for the spread of infection and blood clots inside the cranial cavity.

How to measure the pulse on the carotid artery?

The common carotid artery is palpated in the neck just below the thyroid cartilage of the larynx on either side of the trachea. The thyroid cartilage in men forms an Adam's apple, and therefore is easily distinguishable visually. In women, it is palpable with a slightly thrown back head. Having felt the thyroid cartilage, you need to lower your fingers 1-2 cm lower - it is at this point that you can palpate the pulse on the carotid artery.

Normally, the pulse on the common carotid arteries is the same on both sides, it is felt somewhat more clearly than on the radial arteries (on the wrist), but coincides with it in frequency. As a rule, at healthy people The carotid pulse is not measured because it is not necessary.

This indicator becomes important in cases of suspected vascular pathology. In particular, the discrepancy between the pulse on the carotid and radial arteries indicates that there is some kind of obstruction to blood flow in the subclavian artery system (thrombus or congenital vasoconstriction).

If the pulse on the right and left carotid arteries does not match in frequency, this indicates a violation of blood flow in the system of one of the common carotid arteries.

With shock and terminal states the pulse on the radial arteries is not determined, and there is a need to look for it on the common carotid. The absence of a pulse in the carotid arteries is one of the signs of clinical death.

Risk of crushing the carotid artery

Among all large vessels, the carotid artery is located closest to the skin. This makes it easy to identify on it, but creates the risk of damaging it. Any injury to the neck, especially affecting its anterolateral surface, is dangerous by injuring the carotid artery, which leads to severe bleeding and rapid death from blood loss.

But there is another danger - squeezing the carotid artery, in which the blood flow in it sharply decreases or completely stops. Squeezing can occur with trauma - for example, in a person who has fallen under a blockage, with improper first aid (an attempt to put a splint on the neck or stop bleeding from the opposite artery or jugular vein), and can also occur intentionally.

You can learn more about how to find the carotid artery for measuring the pulse from the video:

Pressing on the carotid artery causes oxygen starvation of the brain. A person feels drowsiness and fatigue after a few seconds of exposure. If it does not stop, the victim loses consciousness, then death from oxygen starvation occurs. When clamping both common carotid arteries, death occurs in 20-30 minutes.

There is an additional danger - in some people, the circle of Willis is not completely closed due to the fact that one of the branches is missing or underdeveloped. In this case, the clamping of one of the carotid arteries is not compensated by the other three vessels, and that leads to a much faster death.

Carotid artery hurts - what does it mean?

It is difficult for a non-specialist (and a specialist too) to distinguish carotid pain from other pain in the neck. However, the pathology of this vessel can cause pain. Most often, this is a sign of an aneurysm - expansion of the walls of the vessel.

It can be either congenital or acquired as a result of various injuries or diseases. The essence of the pathology is that a protrusion forms in the wall of the vessel, which changes the speed of blood flow and creates its turbulence. All vessels are susceptible to this pathology, including the common, external and internal carotid artery.

The danger of an aneurysm is that eddies in the blood flow create conditions for damage to erythrocytes and vascular endothelium, as a result, a thrombus is formed that can block the lumen of the vessel or come off and block one of the branches of the carotid artery, which leads to strokes or damage to the facial muscles.

Once, while massaging my neck, I accidentally pressed on the carotid artery so that it darkened in my eyes and almost died. Jokes are bad.

It doesn't, for sure!

never heard of this :)

My second cousin somehow just put pressure on me and passed out for a few hours. You can hardly die.

That is how the husband of a friend of mine died tragically. He practiced some oriental tricks, it was necessary to clamp the carotid artery for a while, then increase this time, etc. At some point, apparently, he got too carried away ... It's hard to believe, but the fact is that he died right at home, left an orphan of a small child.

Well, if only UNINTENDEDLY tighten the noose around the neck.)))

This is impossible, even if you deliberately squeeze your arteries, you lose consciousness, your hands relax, blood circulation is restored and the person comes to his senses in 3-5 minutes. Only if someone kept their hands on the arteries for a long time, causing brain death.

What happens if you compress the carotid artery?

The carotid arteries provide most of the oxygen demand of the brain. The overlap (short-term) of one of them does not completely bleed the brain, since there are still vertebral arteries and another carotid artery, and the network of intracranial vessels still partially provides the brain's need for blood supply. However, if the vertebral arteries are impinged (this is often the case with diseases of the spine), and the contralateral blood flow can be blocked by atherosclerosis. In this case, clamping one carotid artery can lead to a massive stroke almost immediately.

In addition, in the place where the common carotid artery branches into external and internal, one of the most important receptors that provides homeostasis of the body, the carotid sinus, is located. Pressing on it causes a reflex decrease in blood pressure and a decline in heart activity - up to its complete stop, which leads to almost instantaneous death. At best, the person will lose consciousness.

How to act to clamp the carotid artery

The carotid artery is one of the most important blood channels that feeds the brain, organs of vision and some other intracranial structures.

It branches off from the thoracic aorta and runs to the neck, where it diverges into two separate vessels (right and left). In the region of the larynx, the artery is divided into internal and external. It is the latter that is well felt on the lateral surfaces of the neck and, with the help of its palpation, the pulse rate is determined. Also, in some cases, by pressing on the vessel, it is possible to stop blood loss for a short time in case of wounds and injuries. Therefore, each person should know how to clamp the carotid artery in order to provide first aid to the victims if necessary.

Vessel location

First, let's figure out how to grope for the carotid artery. To do this, use the index and middle fingers, which are most sensitive to the pulsation of the vessels. The area of ​​palpation is a depression located between the anterolateral muscle and the larynx. To determine the pulse, you need to place your fingers under the lower jaw, namely in the area between the earlobe and the chin, dropping down by about 2 cm. A pulsation can be felt in the hole near the windpipe.

Stop bleeding

In the event of an injury or injury where there is damage to the blood vessels in the neck and external arterial bleeding, it is important to know how to clamp the carotid artery. This must be done quickly and at the same time very carefully, as strong pressure can cause even more harm to the victim. Of course, such measures rarely save the life of the wounded, and most often death occurs in the first minutes after an injury to an artery in the neck. In addition, unskilled first aid in such situations can be fatal.

When bleeding from the carotid artery, it is recommended to pinch it using bandages or a gauze bandage folded several times. You need to apply the tissue to the area where the pulse is usually felt, pressing down with your hand from above. A more qualified first aid approach involves the application of a tourniquet. The arm of the victim, which is opposite to the side of the wound, must be raised, bent and placed with the forearm on the cranial vault. Then apply a tourniquet around the neck and involved upper limb. With the right actions, the shoulder, acting as a splint, should touch the ear. Thus, the hand will prevent strangulation and squeezing of intact vessels on the opposite side of the neck.

Important: you can not exert strong pressure on the carotid artery, as this will increase blood pressure, slow down the heartbeat and the person will lose consciousness.

Artificially induced hypoxia

In what cases the question still arises, how to clamp the carotid artery? In some types of martial arts, a strangulation technique is used when the opponent is deprived of consciousness by pressing on the vessels that feed the brain. For a person to faint, it is enough to put pressure on the carotid artery equal to a weight of 5 kg. At correct execution reception, loss of consciousness occurs after about 10 seconds. The enemy can come to his senses within a quarter of a minute. A choke hold, as such, does not pose a mortal threat. This is due to the fact that oxygen and nutrients continue to flow to the brain through the second carotid and vertebral arteries. At the same time, such a method of protection can save a life in a dangerous situation. So, knowing how to clamp the carotid artery, a relatively weak woman is able to immobilize even a large and strong man.

If you squeeze both carotid vessels on the right and left sides of the neck, this can lead to serious consequences. At the same time, the oxygen tension to the cells of the head organs falls below the critical value, metabolic and physiological processes are disturbed. Complete blockage of blood flow to the brain provokes irreversible changes that can cause death.


Carotid Artery: Where Is It And What Will Happen If You Press

What happens when the carotid artery is occluded

About 70% of the blood that feeds the brain is transported by the carotid arteries. It is not for nothing that these vessels, important for life, are called sleepy - if you squeeze them for at least 10 seconds, a person will really “fall asleep”. What is the carotid artery, where is it located, what will happen if you press it?

Where is

The carotid artery is a paired vessel. Departing from the thoracic aorta, it immediately diverges into 2 separate arteries. One runs along the left side of the neck, the second on the right. In the region of the larynx, or rather the Adam's apple, each of the arteries is divided into 2 more branches - internal and external. The latter can be felt by placing the fingertips on the neck.

The internal branch runs along the temple and leads to the brain, since its main task is to supply it with blood. In the temporal region, the internal artery enters the skull. There it is divided into a network of smaller vessels, they into one more, those into another. Thus, a complex blood highway is formed that supplies blood to all brain cells.

The outer one goes forward, making a slight bend along the chin and rushing up, delivering blood to the eyes and face. Its terminal branches form a huge and extensive network of capillaries heading to the oral cavity and eyeballs. It is thanks to them that in the heat or while running, a blush appears on a person’s face.

Thus, the carotid artery passes through all the tissues in the head region, saturates them with arterial blood coming from the heart, and the blood saturates them with the oxygen necessary to perform all functions.

How to feel

To feel the external branch of the carotid artery, you can use any 2 fingers, with the exception of the thumb. Because he has his own pulse. The most sensitive are the index and middle fingers.

Pressing is carried out in the region of the cavity located between the larynx and the large muscle of the neck - anterolateral. How to find it? Initially, the fingers should be located under the lower jaw (left or right), right in the center between the ear and chin, and then lower them 2 cm. The recessed area located there allows you to feel the pulse.

The ability to feel the pulse in this way is an important skill. Since not all people have a pulsation in the wrist that is quite pronounced. By pressing on the carotid artery, you can measure the pulse. But it will take time, won't it harm the person? Depends on how to do it. Here's what will happen: if you press the carotid artery too hard - the person will lose consciousness, if the pressure is soft - nothing bad will happen.

What will happen when squeezed

If you remember the name of the blood vessel, the answer to the second frequently asked question will immediately appear, starting with the words, what will happen - if you clamp the carotid artery, the person will lose consciousness. Why is this happening?

The carotid artery is the main vessel that supplies blood to the brain, which means oxygen and other important elements. If you pinch it on one side of the neck, the blood flow will be reduced. But the second artery will continue to perform its function. However, this amount will not be enough, and the brain will go into economy mode. It will turn off its main and most costly functions - the innervation of the body, as well as the perception of the senses.

The consequences of clamping the artery can be different, depending on how it is done. If you squeeze it for no more than a minute, the person will simply lose consciousness. But after 5 minutes or earlier, he will wake up, because the blood circulation will be restored.

But taking risks and clamping the artery for more than one minute is dangerous, because with a prolonged lack of oxygen, brain cells will begin to die, and irreversible dystrophic processes will begin.

How to stop bleeding

In some cases, clamping the carotid artery can save a person's life. When bleeding from it, death occurs in just 2-3 minutes. By pinching the damaged vessel, you can extend this short time. However, the clamping technique is not easy, and unskilled actions can aggravate the situation and lead to death.

It is recommended to pinch the artery with a bandage or gauze bandage, applying them in the hole in which the pulse is felt, and pressing it with your hand. With more qualified assistance, the technique of applying a tourniquet is used. As a splint, use the hand located on the side opposite from the injury. It is lifted up and bent so that the forearm lies on the vault of the skull, and the shoulder leans against the ear.

The tourniquet is applied around the neck and the opposite limb. The involved hand will prevent the squeezing of the whole artery, located on the side opposite from the wound. A tourniquet placed this way can reduce bleeding. But you should know that even the most experienced doctor is not always able to save a person with such an injury.

Where can be useful

The technique of pressing on a vessel that supplies blood to the brain is used in many types of martial arts. When in this way the enemy is deprived of consciousness. It takes 10 seconds and a force equal to a weight of five kilograms to put a person to sleep, but he will wake up in just a quarter of a minute.

This technique is not life-threatening, since the second artery continues to feed the brain. However, you should not joke with your health. If you accidentally pinch both vessels, the consequences of oxygen starvation of the brain will be deplorable and irreversible. And you can even take a person's life.

Now you know where the carotid artery is located and what will happen if you click on it. Do not forget that this is a very important and extremely delicate organ. In no case should you squeeze it out of interest, such a stupid act can cause death or disability!

What happens if the carotid artery is occluded?

If you press for a while, then nothing will happen. Perhaps only dizziness, mist in the eyes, rise in blood pressure. As already mentioned, there are two carotid arteries. In addition to them, there are vertebrates. And together they form the circle of Willis. If one of the sources is blocked, then the load will be distributed to the others.

But if you squeeze both at once, then the pressure, on the contrary, will drop, and you can feel a slight euphoria. But just don't try too hard, it's deadly.

Asphyxia Games - Wikipedia.

Games with asphyxia (suffocation) - a deliberate blocking of oxygen access to the brain in order to cause a short-term fainting and a state of euphoria. There are two different methods used to achieve hypoxia (oxygen starvation): strangulation (suffocation) and self-induced hypocapnia (lack of carbon dioxide in the blood), often they can be combined. This dangerous game is found among children and adolescents; have been doing it since at least the beginning of the 20th century. Unlike sexual asphyxia, the goal of choking play is not to be sexually aroused.

Anatomically, the anterior cervical triangle contains the main carotid triangle. Pressure can be applied from either side. The anterior cervical triangle is a triangle bounded by the sternocleidomastoid muscle (a large protruding muscle on the anterolateral surface of the neck), the lower jaw from above, and a line drawn from the center of the chin to the interclavicular fossa. There are three smaller triangles in the anterior cervical triangle:

triangle under the lower jaw (it is separated by the digastric muscle of the jaw)

main carotid triangle

subordinate carotid (muscular) triangle.

from lack of oxygen to the brain when squeezing one or both carotid arteries and air duct) All together

There is also a small artery in the spinal column. It is really difficult to pass all the arteries with the elbow.

Brachycardia and hypotension are sometimes observed, sometimes tachycardia and hypertension. It all depends on the sensitivity of the carotid sinus and the point of application of pressure.

The volume of blood flowing to the brain decreases, but after the cessation of strangulation, it is restored in an average of 5 seconds.

The peripheral circulatory system also reacts: the expansion of blood vessels in the muscles and the contraction of blood vessels in the skin. During shock and loss of consciousness, along with vasodilation, brachycardia and hypotension are also observed.

Suffocation causes stress by affecting the fluid exchange systems, the pituitary gland, causing the release of adrenaline:

The volume of blood entering the brain decreases and the content of proteins in the plasma increases. This is due to an increase in the capacity of the blood vessels. In this, the result of strangulation is similar to the effects of electric shock.

The albumin/globulin ratio remains unchanged.

The content of eosinophils temporarily increases. After suffocation is stopped, their number decreases to normal in about 4 hours.

17-ketosteroids in the urine: within 2 hours after asphyxiation, their number increases, and then decreases to normal levels over 6-8 hours.

Electroencephalography shows that seizures that appear in an unconscious state are very similar to epilepsy. However, no destructive phenomena were found. Therefore, strangulation is considered safer than a boxing knockout.


The picture is colorful! In fact, this is what happens. This speaks of only one thing - the manifestation of a state of shock into which the brain plunges due to hypoxia.

Please note that this happens to the vast majority of those experimented (I use the terminology of the authors of the article)!

And then the authors of the article write about the localization of seizures emanating from brain regions, without specifying from which ones specifically. If doctors pointed to these areas, it would be possible to determine in which of the pools of arteries such changes in the state of the body occur.

The question involuntarily arises: do the doctors themselves know about the localization of zones that affect the motor activity of a person, his vegetative reactions. If they knew, then it would no longer be about the external carotid artery. I got the impression that they mixed up something with something.

The blanching of the skin and the dilation of the pupils, which the authors indicate, once again confirm the presence of a collision of two processes: inhibition and excitation, which are so characteristic of stress. I didn't add anything "on my own" here. This is a classic of neurology, which is impossible not to know.

“After a minute, when the patient fully recovered, the REG study was again conducted. According to our specialists, in 49 patients, the amplitude of pulse blood filling immediately increased to 30-40% of the initial level in the area with its decrease, the interhemispheric asymmetry of blood filling of the cerebral vessels was leveled, and their tone increased.

And one more important detail. In experiments with hypoxia, there is no so-called "control" group of patients who underwent everything except hypoxia. Without this, the information presented "falls short" of scientific justification.

The fact that changes in the REG were noted immediately after the procedure only indicates the reaction of the body to the amount of exposure, and not that the cause of the pathology of the cerebral vessels was eliminated.

A similar example is the administration of strong diuretics, which most often result in the opposite effect, in the form of blocking the excretory function of the kidneys, while small doses always give the desired diuretic effect.

There is nothing surprising in the occurrence of a transient (quickly passing) reaction of the vessels and the brain itself to stress. However, the reader, probably, drew attention to the fact that each patient underwent preparatory measures in the form of "manual processing", and medications were used to reduce blood pressure. The authors point to small dosages of the drugs they prescribe, forgetting that it is precisely such small doses that often have a stronger effect than the standard ones.

“Unexpected was the occurrence of procedure dependence syndrome in all of the study patients. They were looking forward to the treatment session, insisting on more frequent treatment.”

I recall the description of the "fun" performed in the cadet corps, when, with the consent of all parties, four guys, holding one, pinched his face with a pillow. Lack of air led to cerebral hypoxia (complete) and convulsions, during which all the sphincters in the body of the volunteer opened, and orgasm occurred. Seeing the ejection of sperm, the guys began to assist the subject in restoring breathing. Apparently, the acuity of sensations, the near-death rush of adrenaline and other emotions made young people want to repeat the grotesque procedure again and again.

Naturally, when it comes to such emotional manifestations as not being addicted, especially for those people who are not satisfied or deprived of life.

Dependence on hypoxia is explained by the fact that the brain, being an endocrine gland, secretes a number of hormones into the blood that can cause a whole range of sensations, including joy, pleasure, euphoria, sexual emotions, etc. Bringing the brain into a stressful state of acute hypoxia, can cause the release of large amounts of hormones.

COMMENTS. And in our case, everything goes by mutual agreement, but with somewhat reduced sensations. Or maybe experimenters like to cause dependence in patients? I know a sufficient number of examples when the induced dependence, bordering on the complete subordination of the consciousness of the patients who sought help, was a very pleasant meaning of life for a kind of experimenters.

However, everything would be fine if it concerned only this emotional affect, because not everyone has this dependence. Everything is much more serious.

I came across myself, though not to the “blackout”, but I don’t remember how I survived. Having stood up for about 30 seconds, he was in a “knockdown” t.s. well, there was little time left before the end of the fight and I was leading, it was hard to fight normally. 8-0

I did it myself once, on a dare, (I am a sambo wrestler) one juder did not believe that I would “strangle” him - he turned off in a split second.

The most unpleasant thing is that it is in the carotid artery that cholesterol plaques are mainly deposited, which, with a long accumulation process, lead to atherosclerosis. This process can be compared with the sticking of dirt to the inner walls of water pipes. What quality will the water flow in them and how narrow will its flow be? Blood is not water, but biological material, the slightest impact on which can lead to a catastrophe of the whole organism. First of all, smokers and drunkards, lovers of spending all their free time on the couch, oversized people who do not want to fight obesity, diabetics, all those who have a hereditary predisposition to atherosclerosis, as well as nervous people are at risk.

With a hangover, the heart rate increases and atrial fibrillation may occur

Sleeping all night on the shoulder of a loved one is dangerous for his health

In Pervouralsk, as the investigative committee assured us, there have never been deaths from such games on the verge.

But this situation is very serious, - employees noted in a telephone conversation. - This is a very dangerous prank.

Therefore, advice to parents - if you find out that this is the case - inform the police. The department for work with minors of the city DMIA will definitely take preventive measures. You shouldn't joke about it.

Teenagers are looking for bright emotions in the “dog buzz”

How did we know? A happy child comes and happily asks: “Mom, do you know what a “dog buzz” is? - Irina Stepanova, together with her daughter Lisa, decided to talk about this dangerous hobby of teenagers on the condition of anonymity, so their names have been changed. They sit across from each other, Lisa fiddling with the edge of her T-shirt and smiling shyly, glancing at her mother from time to time.

Hearing the question from the lips of her daughter, Irina immediately understood everything and felt the tension.

One of the plots of the “Battle of Psychics” program was devoted to the investigation of the death of a boy who first indulged in “dog buzz” with friends at school, and then decided to try it himself, being alone at home. Couldn't get the noose off in time. Suffocated. So my first thought was how bad it all could have ended...

Dear Northerner! When suffocating with clamping of the carotid arteries, a person falls asleep, strangles faster and more aesthetically than simply by blocking the transport of oxygen. There it is longer and a person comes out with foam, in general, an unpleasant sight. Choked himself and choked me. When they strangle you, you try to resist until a certain moment, then you lose consciousness imperceptibly, so the thing is insidious. In time, it usually takes a few seconds, but sometimes they do it as if with a blow and then it can happen almost instantly, I also saw an instant strangulation with brushes performed by a person whose hands are very strong.

Dear Big Brother! Hi Leha. Sorry I'll add.

External carotid artery

The external carotid artery is the anterior part of the common carotid artery. Above the larynx, it branches along the front of the head.

Under both mechanisms, the victim may experience fleeting hallucinations or dreams, and regain consciousness with short-term memory loss and involuntary movements of the arms and/or legs. The normal state is usually set within a few seconds, but these activities can cause permanent brain injury or even death, especially if played alone with the garrote.

shock, a reflex response of the body to compression of the carotid sinus receptors.

Rush of blood to the head due to disturbance of blood pressure in the carotid artery and jugular vein.

yeah, they are burning on the neck, norms advice 😀

Strangulations from the position of the side grab by the neck

Strangleholds from a side grip on the neck are similar to strangleholds from a position on horseback. Strangulation is performed with the edge of the palm, forearm, or knuckles.

To facilitate strangulation and eliminate the resistance of the enemy, it makes sense to grab the opponent’s free hand with your legs and then calmly strangle him.

Strangulation from the back of the opponent

In both positions, when grabbing the opponent’s neck with his hands from the side of his back, it is usually very easy to end the fight with one of two chokes: forearm choke with a palm-to-palm grip (top photo); and a bend-elbow choke with a knot hold (bottom photo).

In this case, the mutual position of the opponents is not important, i.e. any of these grips can be done from either of these two positions.

In both positions, you can do the sleeve choke already described above.

Attention! As usual, the sleeve choke is very harsh and should be applied carefully.

Guillotine chokehold

Extremely unpleasant and strong strangulation occurs when the enemy is captured on the guillotine. In this grip, it is necessary, as it were, to stretch the enemy’s neck towards you, pushing his body away with your legs and holding his head under your armpit.

Here, as they say, comments are superfluous, but I would like to ask: what resuscitation means should a person have if, God forbid, he decides to conduct this reception? And if there is no such EXPERIENCED NEUROLOGIST nearby? What to do in cases where there is a neurologist, but he is not competent in the vascular pathology of the brain?

Personally, I resolutely refuse such an impact on the vessels of a sick (!) Person.

The above diagram shows this formidable danger, which doctors warn about - occlusion of the internal carotid artery at the site of bifurcation (bifurcation).

You can see what Doppler researchers see - vascular plaque formation on the internal carotid artery, reducing the lumen of the vessel.

However, the doctors kept silent not only about this, but also about some other things that they themselves should have known about, and point to them in their article. For example, the so-called hypersensitive carotid sinus syndrome. Pressing on this sinus can cause negative symptoms similar to those described in the article.

There are also a number of reasons that cause vertebrobasilar insufficiency:

The defeat of the vertebral artery from its pathological tortuosity or from deformation as a result of atherosclerotic lesions of the arterial walls.

Dissection of the walls of the vertebral artery as a result of a neck injury and even from rough medical manipulations during manual therapy.

Anomalies in the cervical spine, in the form of an additional cervical rib.

Impact 1) – death or injury incompatible with life.

I wish you new creative success.

Severyanin's question concerned, of course, the 4th structure, plexus caroticus, which is located in Hering's zone

Dear Nemir! The impact occurs due to reflex spasm and both arteries l and n with a sharp right blow. And St. cl. mfstoideys. very securely covers the carotid. When I was at the ODH, guys from the VOKU named after V.I. Kirov. Leningrad with bruises on his neck, but I don’t remember that I could turn off someone with a blow in a fight. In training, personally, yes duck, it's two minutes. aim and then try with consent. THOSE. there is a reflex spasm, but how to get there.

Functions and location of the carotid artery in humans

The carotid artery is quite "gentle". Clamping it can lead to a sudden loss of consciousness. Those who have ever worn a tightly tightened tie or sweater with a high and narrow collar noticed a peculiar feeling of discomfort. Such discomfort is caused by compression of the carotid artery.

Before answering the question about the location of the carotid artery, you need to make a reservation that there are two of them. One is on the right side of the neck, and the other is on the left. The artery that runs along the left side is somewhat longer than the artery that runs along the right, since the first originates at the brachiocephalic trunk, and the second - in the aortic arch.

To feel the pulse of the carotid artery in the neck, you need to find a point under the cheekbone in the hole, on the right or left side of the Adam's apple. In heavily muscled people, detecting the pulse in this way may take a little longer than in the average person, since muscles can close the artery.

Determining the presence of a pulse in the neck is considered optimal in a critical situation. The fact is that not all people feel a pulsation on the wrist.

The carotid artery in humans consists of several parts and is therefore considered a paired organ. The normal blood flow for the brain is 55 ml/100 g of tissue, and the oxygen demand is 3.7 ml/min/100 g. This volume of blood supply is provided by normal arteries with normal intima and undisturbed vessel lumen. The external artery is located above the larynx towards the front of the head and is its anterior component.

In the place where the Adam's apple, or "Adam's apple", is located, the carotid artery is divided into 2 branches. One goes to the back of the head, and the other to the front. The one at the back supplies blood to the brain. The second part that goes to the front is the blood supplier of the eyes and face. Both parts branch and pass through all the tissues in the head area, saturating them with blood, and the blood with oxygen.

The external carotid artery itself is divided into 4 components. It consists of the following departments:

The terminal branches, as they decrease towards the edges, form a large network of capillaries that extend into oral cavity and in eyeballs. Everyone can verify the presence of capillaries. At the moment of embarrassment, stressful situations, laughter or in hot weather, the face is covered with a blush. This reddening of the face is the result of the work of blood vessels. In some people, this process is less pronounced than in others. The reason for this may be the color of the skin, the thickness of the fatty layer and other features of the epidermis.

The internal carotid artery is the posterior part of the main artery. Directly, its main task is to deliver blood to the brain, which will enrich the cells with oxygen, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the latter. Rising along the neck, the artery enters the skull at the temple.

Under the influence of external stimuli, such as those listed earlier (stress, hot weather, etc.), blood flow increases in the internal carotid artery. With a short preservation of this state, a person experiences a surge of strength and emotional upsurge. In the case when the intensity of blood circulation is kept above the norm for a long time, the reverse process begins to occur. This condition is due to an excess of oxygen in the brain. It should be understood that insufficient oxygen supply, as well as its oversupply, are equally harmful to humans.

The internal carotid artery is subdivided into the following parts:

Laterally from it is the internal jugular vein, v. jugularis interna. On its way to the base of the skull, the internal carotid artery passes along the lateral side of the pharynx (cervical part, pars cervicalis) medially from the parotid gland, separated from it by the stylohyoid and stylo-pharyngeal muscles.

The internal carotid artery divides into several smaller arteries, which also divide into even smaller ones, and so on. Thus, a large and complex blood highway arises, which provides the brain cells with oxygen.

In the cranial cavity, small branches depart from the cerebral part of the internal carotid artery to the pituitary gland: the superior pituitary artery (a. hypophysialis superior) and the clivus branch (r. clivi), which supplies the dura mater of the brain in this area.

Due to the fact that the carotid artery performs one of the most important functions in the body, its damage is dangerous to health. Bleeding from it can lead to death in 2.5-3 minutes, if it is not stopped in time and the victim is not taken to the appropriate medical facility, where he will be provided with professional medical care. It should be understood that with such serious injuries, even doctors can not always help.

Since oxygen is delivered to the brain through the artery, it is easy to guess what will happen if you press on the carotid artery. The person will feel sleepy, which is a symptom of oxygen starvation.

Longer pressure on the carotid artery can put a person to sleep.

The duration of the loss of consciousness will depend on the time of squeezing. You can not press hard and hold your fingers on your neck for a long time. Due to the fact that the supply of oxygen to the brain stops, a person may remain disabled or not survive at all. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to check the pulse on the neck, light pressure is applied with the index and middle fingers. To find and determine the presence of a pulse, you can use any finger except the thumb, since it has its own pulse.

If it is necessary not only to check the presence of a pulse, but also to count the number of beats, then the measurement technique must be carried out correctly, depending on the side of the neck on which the data measurement process will take place. Measurement on the right side should be carried out right hand. If you measure the pulse of the left, then you can immediately clamp the 2nd artery, which will affect the results.

The carotid arteries in the neck are one of those that can be fatal if damaged. For this reason, it is categorically not recommended to conduct tests, whether a person will lose consciousness if an artery in the neck is compressed, or not.

And some secrets.

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Translate the carotid artery

Vulnerabilities of the human body. Neck. Continuation.

The lateral surfaces of the neck are relatively weakly covered by muscles and therefore vulnerable to pressure and shock.

Strong compression of the lateral parts of the neck, especially in certain places, leads to pinching of the carotid arteries, resulting in a cessation of blood supply to the brain and oxygen starvation of the brain, which causes loss of consciousness within a few seconds. If the compression is not removed, then death can occur very soon (for more information about strangulation, see the appropriate section).

Strong blows to these zones have a multifactorial effect on the body. Firstly, they lead to disruption of the rhythm of blood flow in the carotid arteries, which leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the brain and loss of consciousness. Secondly, if the object has even minor sclerotic damage to the jugular veins and/or carotid arteries, as well as their branches (such changes are often found in young people), these vessels may tear. Such a tear even of not the most important vessels in this area leads to internal bleeding of insignificant volume, the danger of which is that as a result a hematoma is formed, which can compress the carotid artery and block blood access to the brain and oxygen starvation of the brain, which leads to loss of consciousness and can end fatally (such an effect on the body is called shock suffocation, see below for more on this). Thirdly, if the blow affects the diaphragmatic and / or vagus nerves, then this immediately disrupts the work of the heart muscle, pericardium (heart bag), diaphragm, lungs, bronchi and trachea, which immediately leads to loss of consciousness and can be fatal. If the impact causes at least two of the listed effects, the risk of death is very high.

Violent impact on the front side of the neck can lead to damage to the cartilage of the larynx, incl. thyroid cartilage, which limits the access of air to the lungs during breathing and can be fatal. Even a not very strong blow to the thyroid cartilage causes sharp pain and respiratory failure, which sharply limits the ability to fight, and in some cases completely deprives the object of combat capability. A sufficiently strong blow to the front of the neck can cause retraction or fracture of the thyroid and other cartilages, which, almost always, leads to a serious breathing disorder, or even to its complete impossibility, and also causes a shock-like state; the combination of these effects without qualified assistance, usually ends in death. Strong squeezing of the front side of the neck leads to the overlap of the larynx and the impossibility of breathing - suffocation. Strangulation is usually accompanied by damage to the cartilage of the larynx, which can cause a shock-like state, even in cases where the strangulation itself is not brought to a lethal end.

Pressing with great force or hitting with a working link of a small area, for example, with a fingertip, on the area between the inner extremities of the clavicles, shown in Fig. 2e and 3b, theoretically makes it possible to damage the upper part of the trachea. In a number of manuals, this area is noted as a priority lesion area on the front of the neck. However, as far as I know, the data forensic medical examination do not note cases of damage to the trachea by exposure to this area in unarmed combat. And the tactical expediency of such actions, when very vulnerable targets of a larger area are located nearby, is very doubtful.

Injuries to the cervical spine are quite common. They constitute, according to various estimates, from 2 to 4.6% of all closed injuries and 20 to 80% of all spinal injuries. Lighter are injuries leading to infringement of the nerve roots. Severe trauma includes severe displacement of the vertebrae of the cervical spine (about 90%) and their fractures (about 10%). Injury of the cervical spine in more than 44% of cases is accompanied by damage spinal cord. The most severe injuries occur as a result of "whiplash fractures" and "diver's fractures".

With infringement of the nerve roots over time pain weaken, the mobility of the head is partially restored, but the person still needs treatment. In the event that there has been a slight clamping of the spinal cord, recovery is also possible. If the spinal cord has been damaged, then paralysis of the body occurs below the site of injury. According to different authors, the mortality rate for injuries of the cervical spine as a whole is 15-50% (such a large scatter of data occurs because some authors include in this number patients who die within 4 weeks after surgery). If there was a serious injury to the spinal cord at the level of 1-2 vertebrae, then independent breathing becomes impossible; up to 90% of such injuries end in death, and for some types of this injury, experts estimate the chance of survival in the range of 0.65-1%. According to various sources, 45-60% of survivors of a cervical fracture remain disabled.

In martial arts, injuries of the cervical spine, according to various estimates, range from 3.5% to 11%. In shock martial arts, neck bruises predominate. In wrestlers, especially beginners, there are infringements of the nerve roots and damage to the intervertebral discs. On the cervical spine various types wrestling accounts for up to 20% of such injuries. More severe displacements are represented by isolated cases.

From 20% to 30% of injuries of the cervical spine are criminal injuries. But injuries of this kind in criminal statistics are not the most severe. Among the murders committed without the use of weapons and objects that replace them, blows to the neck and spinal injuries account for only 2.2%, while strangulations account for 47%.

What happens to a person if you press on the carotid artery?

If you press on the carotid artery, pers. will die?

if you “press” with a tourniquet, yes on your neck, yes. If you press it, you won’t die, you will lose consciousness. But if you damage it, so that the blood flows, then the end, and very quickly. The matter is in the professionalism of the person who presses and the time of pressing ... \ Dog buzz \ Your friend will load you with the most pain:))))))))))))))) depending on what and how He loses consciousness. To die, you need to hold for 5-10 minutes. If you want it to die for sure - it's better to cut it! press yourself and then say what happened if you don’t die))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I got a traumatic brain injury because of this! I have a child of 15 years old, all this terrible happened right in front of my eyes. I tied a small piece of rope and began to stretch it. I say take it away. I turn away to lay out the products from the package; it happened in the kitchen. I hear a knock. I turn the child lies on the table. I scream in fright what happened. And then, as he begins to convulse with his legs and arms and his head on the table. Then he gets up and does nothing.

The human circulatory system is a complex mechanism consisting of a four-chamber muscle pump and many channels. Vessels that supply organs with blood are called arteries. These include the common carotid artery, which transports blood from the heart to the brain. The normal functioning of the body is impossible without effective circulation of blood flow, since it carries the most important trace elements and oxygen.

What is the carotid artery

As already mentioned, this type of artery is a vessel designed to feed the head and neck. The carotid vein has a wide shape, necessary to carry a large amount of oxygen, create an intense and continuous blood flow. Thanks to the artery, the tissues of the brain, visual apparatus, face and other peripheral organs are enriched, due to which their work occurs.

Where is

Knowing where the carotid artery is located can help in a critical situation and even save a person's life. The fact is that a pulse is well felt on the carotid artery, and if it is absent, artificial respiration will be required.

The Role of the Vessel

Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the organs. Their difference from veins is in the reverse process, that is, veins supply blood to the heart.

The common carotid artery transports blood from the heart muscle to the brain and other peripheral organs of the human head. The artery is quite wide. This is due to the need to transport sufficient levels of oxygen to enrich the brain tissues and the presence of a stable but intense blood flow.

The carotid artery is quite "gentle". Clamping it can lead to a sudden loss of consciousness. Those who.

What happens if you press on the carotid artery

Many names of parts of the human body are given in connection with certain signs and properties. For example, the temporal bone of the skull is called ostistemporalis, that is, translated from Latin as the bone of time.

Where did such a name come from? It is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis bone, where the temples are located, that a person has the first gray hair, which indicates time and temporality in general. Thus, this name appeared.

It is not difficult to draw a definite connection between the name of the carotid artery and the property that this part has. human body. If you think about what will happen if you press on the carotid artery, then the following thought appears: the person will fall asleep and the thought is quite correct. Indeed, if you pinch the large arteries that are located on the sides of the neck, then drowsiness will appear, and then consciousness will turn off.

What is the reason for this phenomenon? Main blood supply to the brain.

The carotid artery (arteria carotis communis) is a large paired vessel whose main function is to supply blood to most of the head, brain, and eyes.

There are several definitions:

Common carotid artery; Right and left; Internal and external.

From this publication, you will learn how many carotid arteries a person actually has and what functions each of them performs. But first, let's find out where this unusual name came from - the carotid artery.

Carotid artery: why is it called that?

Pressure on the carotid artery is perceived by its receptors (terminal formations of afferent nerve fibers) as an increase in pressure and begin to actively work to lower it. A person's heartbeat slows down, due to squeezing of blood vessels, oxygen starvation begins, which causes drowsiness. It is because of this property that the carotid artery got its name.

Attention! With a strong and prolonged mechanical effect on the carotid.

Do you know where the carotid artery is? This is worth knowing - after all, it is on it that the pulse is best felt, which can be useful to you in many situations.

The carotid artery, or as it is more correct to call it - the common carotid artery (arteria carotis communis), carries blood from the heart to the brain and peripheral organs of the human head. It is quite wide in diameter, since for normal provision nerve cells brain tissue with oxygen, the blood flow must be intense and stable. You may have noticed how uncomfortable it becomes if the tie is pulled too tight, or if the neck of the sweater is tightly wrapped around the neck - the discomfort is caused precisely by the fact that the carotid arteries are slightly compressed. If you pass them more strongly, as happens with suffocation, the person loses consciousness. From the outside, it looks like you suddenly fell asleep - hence the colloquial name arteria carotis communis.

Speaking of where the carotid artery is located.



Recently, I have often been asked about artificially induced hypoxia, its effects and possibilities of application.

The general topic of hypoxia, that is, the temporary restriction of oxygen supply to tissues, is not new. People have been using the effects of artificially induced hypoxia for a long time. For example, yogis use it during meditation to reduce the activity of tissue respiration and slow down biochemical reactions. They achieve hypoxia by willpower, reducing the depth and frequency of respiratory excursions to the sensations they need, as well as slowing down the frequency and strength of heart contractions, while the brain of yogis begins to work in a state of altered consciousness, where various kinds of hallucinations are possible. Being in captivity of these illusions, yogis, as a rule, live outside of society: outside of work, outside of family, outside of society.

Manual for personal trainers: science and practice.

by the most in a simple way pulse measurement is its palpation immediately after the cessation physical activity(during some exercises, for example, when running or walking, the pulse is difficult to determine, although this is possible).

The technique here is as follows: You touch the artery with your hand and count the number of pulsations. The easiest way to feel the pulse is on the carotid artery, located on the front of the neck on both sides, and the radial artery on the hand (you must attach the index finger to the hand). In addition, the pulse is easily determined by placing the base of the palm on the left side of the chest at the top of the heart. Note that there are cases when a person’s pulse is not felt anywhere. In this case, you should resort to the help of a pulse sensor.

Most often, the pulse is determined on the hand, since this place is most accessible. When you put your finger on the radial artery, the pulse does not drop, as it does when you touch it.

Look for the carotid artery primarily for determining the pulse. The pulse is central and peripheral. What people usually feel on the wrist is the peripheral pulse. If a person has low blood pressure, he may not be felt. That is why the information on some tonometers that are worn on the forearm is so distorted. And on sleepy and femoral arteries central pulse. Using it, you will always determine the heartbeat more accurately.

It is difficult for a non-specialist to correctly find the carotid artery and pulse, because it is worse palpable than on the wrist, and even unskilled.

There is an artery in our body that supplies blood from the heart to our brain. It is called sleepy, because if you press hard on it, then the person loses consciousness, as if suddenly falling asleep abruptly. The carotid artery divides into left and right and is fairly easy to find on the sides of the neck.

If there is a rupture of the carotid artery, then there is little that can be done to help a person - this is practically a fatal phenomenon. Heavy bleeding begins, which is very difficult to stop. A rupture can occur in traffic accidents, when the neck is hit with an object, during medical procedures, and even as a result of careless rapid movement of the neck. Therefore, to carry out any manipulations with this part of our body is extremely risky and dangerous.


In addition to the obvious rupture accompanied by bleeding, a gradual excision of the artery is possible - the walls stretch, become weak and thin, and blood flow is disturbed. As a result, maybe.

Arteries are vessels that a person needs to transport blood from the heart to all organs and various human tissues. Don't confuse them with veins, because veins carry blood in the opposite direction towards the heart. There is the concept of "common carotid artery", and in addition, they also talk about the left and right common carotid arteries, external and internal.

Therefore, in order to understand where the carotid artery is located, it is necessary to understand these concepts.

Where is the carotid artery located?

The common carotid artery is a paired artery and originates in the ventral aorta in the region of the chest cavity. That is, it passes from the heart to the neck. The function of the carotid artery is to supply blood to the brain, as well as to the eyes of most of the head. It is in it that plaques, which are called atherosclerosis, can appear. It turns out that the narrowing or blockage of its vessels can lead to circulatory disorders and even stroke. The carotid artery divides into two branches. The right carotid artery comes from the brachiocephalic trunk.


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Even in childhood, from detective books and action movies, we learned that there is such a carotid artery on a person’s neck, chopping it with his palm or squeezing it with a chokehold, the hero or villain “cuts out” his victim. At a more mature age, we learn to find and measure the pulse on this very artery. And closer to old age, we find that the carotid arteries are prone to serious illnesses leading to stroke. As you can see, there are more than enough reasons to get to know this important organ better.

Arteries are the vessels through which the heart pumps blood to all internal organs and tissues of the human body. This is their difference from the veins, which are channels for transporting blood in the opposite direction - to the heart. Since our brain constantly needs large amounts of oxygen, a lot of blood is supplied to it, which enters through two carotid and two vertebral arteries, and the main volume falls on the carotid arteries. Hence the effect, due to which and.

The carotid aorta is a large vessel that has a muscular-elastic type. With its help, nutrition is provided to such important parts of the body as the head and neck. The performance of the brain, as well as organs such as the eyes, thyroid gland, tongue, parathyroid gland, depends on the blood flow of the carotid artery.

Arteries and veins play an important role in the human body. With their help, blood is transported, which includes a large amount of oxygen. Carotid arteries ensure the full performance of all organs that are on the head.

Arteries are vessels that, when squeezed, experience oxygen starvation. The anatomy of an artery is quite complex. Distinguish between internal and external aorta. They are also characterized by the presence of the vagus and hypoglossal nerve. About how many carotid arteries a person has, experts say. There is a common aorta that performs all major functions. From this aorta departs the internal and external. There are three common carotid arteries in the human neck.

Functions of the carotid artery

The functions of the human carotid artery are to provide reversed blood flow. If the spinal branch narrows, then the veins and arteries begin to pump blood much more intensively. Thanks to the carotid artery, the possibility of oxygen starvation is eliminated.

Artery and vein are different. The human carotid artery is characterized by a regular cylindrical shape and a round section. The veins are characterized by flattening, as well as a tortuous shape, which is explained by the pressure of other organs. Distinctive feature is not only the structure, but also the quantity. There are many more veins in the human body than arteries.

The aorta differs according to its location. They lie deep in the tissues, and the veins are under the skin. The aorta provides better blood supply to the organs than the vein. Arterial blood is characterized by the presence of a large amount of oxygen in its composition, so it has a scarlet color. Venous blood includes decay products, therefore it is characterized by a darker shade. Arteries transport blood from the heart to the organs. Veins transport blood to the heart.

The walls of arteries are characterized by a higher level of elasticity than the walls of veins. The movement of blood in the aorta is carried out under pressure, as it is pushed out by the blood. The use of veins is carried out for blood sampling for tests or the introduction of medicines. Aorta is not used for this purpose.

Why is the carotid artery called that?

A large number of people ask why the carotid artery is called carotid. When you press on the carotid artery, its receptors actively reduce pressure. This is due to the fact that pressure is perceived by receptors in the form. On the part of the heart, there are violations in the form of a slow heartbeat. When squeezing blood vessels, the development of oxygen starvation is observed, which leads to drowsiness. The specialists who determined what the aorta is and what functions it performs gave it such a name.

If the venous wall is compressed, then the person is not drawn to sleep. If the aorta is mechanically affected for a long time, then his consciousness may turn off. In some cases, death is diagnosed. That is why it is strictly forbidden to check the functions of the aorta out of curiosity. Everyone should know about the location of the aorta, since this information is necessary for the provision of first aid.

What happens if the carotid artery is occluded?

All experts tell about what will happen if the carotid artery is clamped. It is characterized by a rather delicate structure. That is why, if occlude the carotid artery the person will lose consciousness. When wearing a tie or scarf, people experience a feeling of discomfort, which is explained by squeezing.

If a critical situation occurs, then it is necessary to find the cervical artery where the pulse passes. It is necessary to press in the hole under the cheekbone. It is necessary to feel the pulse as carefully as possible. If you pass in this place, then there will be a worsening of the situation.

Where is the carotid artery located?

Every person should know where the carotid artery is located. In this case, it must be remembered that veins and arteries are completely different things. The location of the common aorta is the neck. It is characterized by the presence of two identical vessels. On the right side, the vein begins from the brachiocephalic trunk, and on the left side, from the aorta.

Both arterial veins are characterized by identical anatomical structure. They are characterized by a vertical upward direction through chest. Above the sternocleidomastoid muscle are the internal and external carotid aorta.

After branching by the internal artery, an expansion is formed, which is characterized by the presence of multiple nerve endings. This is a fairly important reflex zone. If the patient is diagnosed with hypertension, then he is recommended to massage this area. It will help lower your blood pressure.

How to find the carotid artery?

The location of the carotid arteries on the neck is carried out on the left and right sides. In order to know how to find the carotid artery, you need to know its location. Under the sternocleidomastoid muscle passes the main aorta. Above the thyroid cartilage, it divides into two branches. This place is called a bifurcation. In this place, the presence of receptor-analyzers is observed, which signal the level of pressure inside the vessel.

Right coronary artery

Veins and arteries, which are located on the right side, provide blood supply to such organs as:

  • Teeth;
  • Eyes;
  • nasal cavity;
  • Oral cavity;

Branches of the carotid artery pass through skin faces and braid the brain from above. If a person is embarrassed or his body temperature rises, this leads to reddening of the epithelial integuments on the face.

With the help of this aorta, the blood flow is directed in the reverse order in order to help the branches of the internal aorta and the vertebral, provided they are narrowed.

Left coronary artery

The left branch of the carotid artery enters the brain through temporal bone, which is characterized by the presence of a special hole. This is an intracranial location. The scheme of the vein is quite complex. The vertebral vessels and cerebral aorta form the circle of Willis by anastomosis. The arteries supply blood with oxygen, which ensures proper nutrition of the brain. From it there is a branch of the arteries into the gyrus, as well as gray and white matter. The aorta also show through cortical centers and nuclei of the medulla oblongata.

Possible diseases of the carotid artery

There are various carotid artery diseases that develop under the influence of various provoking factors. In most cases, patients are diagnosed with coronary artery syndromes.

In the common and inner trunk, the development of pathologies that occur against the background of various diseases chronic nature:

  • syphilis;
  • Tuberculosis; atherosclerosis;
  • Fibromuscular dysplasia.

Pathologies in the trunk can develop against the background of the inflammatory process. If there is a plaque in the aorta, then this can lead to the development of pathologies. They can also be observed against the background of the growth of the internal membranes or dissection. In the region of a branch of the internal aorta, the inner membrane may be torn. Against this background, the formation of an intramural hematoma is observed, against which a full-fledged blood flow is impossible.

Violation of the full-fledged work of the aorta is observed against the background of various pathological processes:

  • Arteriovenous fistulas;
  • Facial and cervical hemangiomas;
  • Angiodysplasia.

These diseases often occur against the background of facial injuries. If a person has undergone otolaryngial or rhinoplasty surgery on the face, then this can cause a pathological process. The cause of the disease is often hypertension. If a patient has had an unsuccessful medical manipulations, which include punctures, extraction of teeth, washing of the sinuses, injections into the orbit, this can lead to the development of pathologies.

Against the background of the influence of these factors, the occurrence of an arteriovenous shunt is diagnosed. Through its drainage pathways, high-pressure arterial blood flows to the head. With such anomalies, cerebral venous congestion is most often diagnosed. Quite often, patients are diagnosed with the development of angioplasia. They are manifested by throbbing pains in the head, cosmetic defects, profuse hemorrhages, which are not sufficiently amenable to standard therapeutic methods.

With narrowing of the aorta, patients are diagnosed with the development of aneurysm, trifurcation, abnormal tortuosity of the internal aorta, and thrombosis. Quite often, people are diagnosed with trifurcation, in which the main trunk is divided into three branches.

carotid aneurysm

During the course of an aneurysm in a person, the wall of the aorta locally becomes thinner. This section of the aorta in humans expands. The disease can develop against the background of a genetic predisposition. The reasons for the formation of the acquired form of the disease are the course inflammatory processes. Also, the cause of the pathology is atrophy of the muscle layer.

The place of localization of the pathological process is the intracranial segments of the internal aorta. Most often, a cerebral aneurysm is characterized by a saccular form. Diagnostics of this pathological condition performed only by pathologists. During the life of a person manifestations this disease not visible. The thinned wall ruptures if the patient's head and neck are injured. The cause of the development of pathology is high blood pressure. The wall breaks if a person experiences physical or emotional overstrain.

If blood accumulates in the subarachnoid space, this leads to swelling and compression of the brain. The consequences are directly affected by the size of the hematoma, as well as the speed of providing medical care. If an aneurysm is suspected, differential diagnosis. This is due to the fact that this disease is similar to chemodectoma. This is a neoplasm benign, which converts to cancer in 5 percent of cases. The place of localization of the tumor is the zone of bifurcations. With untimely treatment of the pathological process, the tumor spreads into the submandibular zone.

carotid thrombosis

Thrombosis is a rather serious pathological process in which a blood clot forms in the aorta. Thrombus formation in most cases is observed at the branching site of the main aorta. Thrombus formation is observed against the background of:

  • heart defects;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome.

At risk are patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle. The disease can develop with traumatic brain injury, Takayasu's arteritis. Thrombosis appears if the tortuosity of the aorta increases. If a spasm occurs against the background of smoking, then this becomes the cause of the pathology. At congenital hypoplasia vessel walls are pathological.

The disease may be asymptomatic. At acute form pathology, the blood supply to the brain is suddenly disrupted, which can lead to death. Some patients are diagnosed with a subacute course of the disease. In this case, the carotid aorta is completely blocked. In this form, thrombus recanalization is observed, which leads to the appearance and disappearance of signs.

The pathological process is accompanied by fainting and frequent loss of consciousness when a person is in a sitting position. Patients complain of paroxysmal pain in the neck and head. Patients may experience specific tinnitus. A person does not feel sufficient strength of the masticatory muscles. With thrombosis, the patient is diagnosed with visual impairment.

Carotid stenosis

The patient's body has a large number of veins and arteries that can be affected by stenosis. Veins can be removed surgically, but the treatment of the aorta is carried out using other unique techniques. With stenosis, the lumen of the carotid aorta narrows, which leads to poor nutrition of the head and neck.

In most cases, the pathological process proceeds without symptoms. In some people, the disease is accompanied by transient ischemic attacks, which leads to a decrease in the nutrition of certain areas of the brain. This leads to dizziness, weakness in the limbs, blurred vision, etc. Therapy of pathology is carried out surgically. In the first case, carry out open surgery endarterectomy performed by vascular surgeons. To date, the most commonly used second type of surgical intervention is stenting. A special stent is placed in the artery to widen the artery.


Symptoms and treatment of diseases of the carotid aorta are fully correlated. That is why, when the first signs of pathology appear, the patient needs to seek help from a doctor. The specialist will examine the patient and collect an anamnesis. But, in order to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to use instrumental methods:

  • electroencephalography;
  • Rheoencephalography;
  • Computed tomography.

Quite often, patients are recommended to undergo magnetic resonance imaging. Informative research method is angiography, for which contrast is introduced. Patients are recommended to use Doppler ultrasound examination of the neck and head.

Methods of treatment

The choice of treatment method directly depends on the severity of the pathological process. If the aneurysm is small or thrombosis is observed in the initial stages, then this requires the use of medications. After the onset of thrombosis with a high level of effectiveness, thrombolytics should be used within 4-6 hours. Patients are prescribed:

  • fibrinolysin;
  • Streptodecases;
  • Urokinases;
  • Plasmin.

Quite effective in the treatment of the initial stages of the disease are anticoagulants. Most often, treatment is carried out with Heparin, Sincumar, Neodicumarin, Phenilin, Dicumarin. While taking medication, it is necessary to regularly monitor the level of blood clotting.

In order to relieve spasm and expand the vascular bed, it is recommended to put novocaine blockade. If the site of localization of the pathology is the external carotid aorta, then the arteriovenous shunt is excised. Most experts consider this method not effective enough. Surgical intervention on the carotid aorta is carried out in specialized medical institutions. If the patient has a narrowing of the aorta, then the pathology is eliminated by stenting. In this case, a thin metal mesh is used, upon unfolding of which restoration of the patency of the vessel is observed.

If there is a tortuous or thrombosed area, then it is removed and replaced with a plastic material. Surgical intervention should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist, which is explained by the risk of bleeding. Surgery may also be used to create a bypass for blood flow. The intervention requires the use of an artificial shunt.

The carotid aorta plays an important role in the human body. That is why, in the event of pathological processes, it is necessary to carry out treatment using conservative or surgical methods. The choice of treatment regimen is carried out by the doctor accordingly individual characteristics patient and the severity of the illness.