Causes of pain in the neck (in the cervical region): methods of treatment. Neck hurts after stress What are neck pains

Topographic anatomy highlights many of the most important structures and organs located in the neck. As the upper part of the spinal column, the seven cervical vertebrae form the spinal canal, in which the spinal cord lies.

Important blood vessels pass through this area, including the carotid and facial arteries and the internal jugular vein, neurovascular bundles, and the cervical branch. facial nerve. The neck includes regional The lymph nodes, thyroid and parathyroid glands, esophagus, larynx and trachea.

complex anatomical structure causes frequent neck pain pathological changes any of the structures can cause pain. As a rule, neck pain, called cervicalgia, is the result of mechanical problems in cervical region spinal column. However, pain in this area can also occur in the presence of a systemic disease or pathology internal organs located not only in the neck, but also in other parts of the human body.

Causes of neck pain

All causes of cervicalgia can be divided into several groups, each of which includes various pathologies:

  • Degenerative changes in the spine, the most common of which are osteoarthritis.
  • Traumatic lesions of the neck, including vertebrae, intervertebral joints and discs, ligaments and muscles.
  • Immune disorders, including arthritis of various etiologies, spondylitis and polymyalgia rheumatica.
  • Neoplasms of benign and malignant nature, including metastases of tumors of other organs.
  • Infectious diseases of the bones, including tuberculosis and osteomyelitis.
  • Reflected cervicalgia that occurs with diseases of the heart, esophagus, lungs and other internal organs, as well as with cerebral hemorrhages and abscesses.

Osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis - two scourges of modern man

In the vast majority of cases, neck pain is a symptom of osteochondrosis, a disease in which degenerative changes occur. intervertebral discs cervical region. The displacement of the vertebrae, caused by increased loads, compresses the nerves and blood vessels passing in the neck. As a result - protrusion, or the initial stage of a hernia intervertebral disc and its hernial protrusion. Pain in the neck with this pathology is characterized as severe, having a permanent character, accompanied by headaches, dizziness and tinnitus. With osteochondrosis, cervical pain radiates to the arm, shoulder blade and is accompanied by difficulty in moving not only the neck, but also the limbs.

Running forms cause stenosis of the spinal canal, which leads to compression spinal cord. The narrowing is caused by bulging discs or overgrowth of osteophytes that irritate the muscles and compress the arteries.

Osteoarthritis is the result degenerative changes joints of the cervical spine and cause neck pain. This disease also causes compression of the spinal cord, which can cause weakness and atrophic changes. upper limbs.

Neck pain after injury

Often, neck pain can be the result of an injury. The most serious injury to the cervical spine is whiplash, in which there is a sharp forceful extension or flexion. As a rule, a person receives such injuries in car accidents, during falls, in a fight or during sudden loads during sports. Whiplash neck pain can be caused by sprains and muscle strains, and then it disappears on its own within a few days or weeks. If the facet joints of the vertebrae or discs are damaged, pain can become a chronic problem.

Traumatic pain also includes a feeling of muscle spasm, typical for many, during long-term static physical exertion or after sleeping in an unusual or uncomfortable position. In such cases, neck pain usually disappears within a short time, and ordinary warming ointments or rubbing help relieve pain.

Neck pain due to immune disorders

Neck pain can be a symptom rheumatoid arthritis, which affects, among other things, the vertebral joints of the cervical region. In this disease, patients complain of general stiffness and limited mobility of the neck. A severe form of the disease leads to subluxation and acute pain in the region of the atlantoaxial joint of the spine. Other systemic disorders that are most commonly seen in women include ankylosing spondylitis, which affects the ligaments of the spinal column and causes neck pain.

Polymyalgia rheumatica is typical of people over fifty years of age and develops rapidly. Literally overnight, the patient can get severe neck pain and muscle stiffness in the shoulder area. The disease is not fully understood and its causes are not known. However, it is treatable with a timely visit to the doctor, and therefore the sudden onset of neck pain should be the reason for seeking help from a medical facility.

Tumors and pain in the neck

Usually metastasizes to the cervical spine malignant formations other internal organs. Especially often - lung cancer, mammary and prostate glands and kidneys. In severe stages and abundant metastases that grow into the spinal cord and affect the vertebral nerves, patients complain of severe pain in the neck area. As a rule, in these cases, the stage of cancer is such that it is no longer treatable, and therefore only potent painkillers can alleviate the patient's condition.

Cancer is directly related to tumors of the cervical organs. thyroid gland, which in most cases described proceeds without symptoms and does not cause pain.

How to get rid of neck pain?

Neck pain cannot be tolerated, it must be eliminated! Naturally, with the usual use of painkillers, you will not eliminate the problem that causes regular pain syndromes in the designated area, therefore, first of all, it is advisable to contact your doctor for high-quality diagnostics and proper therapy. The main methods and approaches to get rid of neck pain are presented below.

Medicines for neck pain

To quickly eliminate pain will help:

  1. Analgesics / anesthetics - paracetamol, analgin.
  2. Hormonal remedies- corticosteroids.
  3. Muscle relaxants - Mivacron, Ditilin, Tubarin.
  4. Vasoconstrictors and antidepressants.

Orthopedic instruments

The best remedy for pain in the above area is considered to be the "Chance Collar" - a special complex of hard or soft fixation that maintains the correct position of the head / neck.

Reflex therapy

The instrumentation of reflex therapy is quite wide. All such systems act with a given electric current or magnetic fields on the cervical regions, simultaneously restoring the mobility and tone of the neck muscles. Basic techniques - acupuncture, electrical nerve stimulation, electroacupuncture.

LLL therapy

An innovative method of treatment consists in exposing the problem area to infrared, ultraviolet and red light spectrum laser beams, as a result of which inflammation is partially removed and pain sensations are reduced. Such physiotherapy is carried out most often in private clinics.

Exposure to ultrasound

The classic method of physiotherapy is also applicable to neutralize neck pain. Most commonly used for ultrasonic injection medical preparations to the affected area and increase their impact on the body.


Manual therapy is extremely effective in this case, especially if it is carried out together with courses of chiropractic and osteopathy - respectively, neutralization of displacements and subluxations and direct impact on the active biological points of the neck. With its help, the spine is stretched, the muscles of the neck relax, etc.


In some cases, surgery may be needed to correct the problem. As a rule, it is prescribed for myelopathies, radiculitopathies, as well as in case of detection of herniated discs. The surgeon removes elements and sections that injure the spinal cord, often for this low-traumatic methods are used, for example, a laser is used.


A person on his own can significantly alleviate neck pain if he begins to regularly engage in special physical therapy aimed at relaxing and strengthening the problem area. Naturally, before using the exercises, it is necessary to consult on this matter with your doctor.

  1. Posture correction. Sit up straight, straighten your shoulders and put your neck in a straight position. Hold it for 10 seconds, then relax and repeat the event 20 more times. Do the above steps every time you feel that you are starting to slouch, but at least ten times a day.
  2. A common incorrect posture is stretching the neck forward. To eliminate this problem and help the spine to be in place a little, the following event will help: sit up straight, take your head back a little and stretch your chin to your neck. Hold the peak position for a couple of seconds, then relax. Perform 15 such cyclic actions in one approach, every three hours.
  3. From a sitting position with a straight back, look at the ceiling, stretching your neck and lingering in the peak position for three seconds, after which you can take your usual sitting posture. Do ten repetitions, warming up, thus, every three to four hours.
  4. From a standing position with a straight back, throw your hands on your lower back with your palms at your sides, then bend your back, throwing your head back. Try to swing wide, holding the peak position for two seconds and letting your back rest as you relax. Only 10 approaches, every three hours a day.
  5. Lie face down on a flat and hard surface, relax as much as possible. Start to rise from the floor without lifting your arms and legs into the "Sphinx pose" - the back is arched, the arms are bent at the elbows and rest on the forearms. Hold this peak state for one minute, then slowly return to the initial state and lie relaxed for ten seconds. Only ten repetitions, do this complex at least twice a day.

Get rid of neck pain quickly and effectively!

Pain prevention

For the prevention of cervicalgia, it is important to monitor weight, because overweight is a stimulating factor for the development of a number of diseases. Right choice clothes in the cold season will also help in preventing not only colds, but also myositis and inflammation of the nerve endings located in the neck.

Any neck pain - acute, chronic, sudden or habitual - should be a reason for a visit to the doctor, even if it seems that sooner or later it will pass by itself. Do not forget that it can be caused not only by problems with the spinal column, but also by other diseases. Those in the diagnosis and treatment of which every lost day can be the last.

Useful materials

Video "Live great!" about neck pain and its causes.

Pain in the neck refers to pain in the back of the neck, starting from the occipital region to the upper edges of the shoulder blades, as well as pain in the area from the right to the left shoulder.

Causes of neck pain

Not only already formed diseases of the spine, but also some everyday situations can lead to the occurrence of pain in the neck:

  • prolonged stay in one, especially incorrect, position: the load on the spine increases, the muscles are in constant tension, which leads to their spasm and pain;
  • hypothermia of the muscles can also cause their spasm, which leads to circulatory disorders;
  • incorrectly chosen bed, incorrect position when driving a car, at a computer, etc.;
  • excess weight puts a lot of stress on the spine and muscles;
  • strong emotional overstrain causes feelings of fatigue and soreness in the neck;
  • sudden, excessive movements that lead to muscle strain and pain.

Diseases that cause neck pain

The most common causes of pain in the neck are diseases such as:

  • intervertebral hernias of the same department,
  • damage to the intervertebral joints,
  • neck injury,
  • ligaments and muscles.

Less common causes of pain in the neck are:

  • myelopathy,
  • rheumatic polymyalgia,
  • fibromyalgia,
  • ankylosing spondylitis,
  • and foreign bodies in him.

Neck pain can occur with some life-threatening diseases: ischemic disease heart, subarachnoid hemorrhage, infectious diseases (, osteomyelitis), vertebral fractures.

Even mental changes can cause pain in the neck.

Causes of neck pain in children

Most often, neck pain in children appears with a complication of a sore throat, when the cervical lymph nodes become inflamed, lymphadenitis develops. In addition, the cause of pain in the neck can be infectious diseases, such as:

  • meningitis,
  • osteomyelitis,
  • polio,
  • with signs of meningism.

At inflammatory processes in the sternocleidomastoid muscle pain occurs when turning the head. , due to muscle spasm, is also accompanied by soreness, while the head is tilted and turned in the opposite direction to the pain. In children, as in adults, neck pain can occur with diseases such as neoplasms, abscesses, intracranial hemorrhages, rheumatoid arthritis.

Soreness in the neck in children can appear with such a contagious (infectious) disease as parotitis. It is manifested by an increase in temperature, their soreness. The process can move to the submandibular and sublingual glands. In this case, swelling of the larynx and soft palate may occur. There are difficulties in chewing, swallowing and even breathing.

Due to the fact that children often get sick infectious diseases, it is advisable to call a doctor at home.

What symptoms can accompany neck pain

With osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, sciatica of the cervical spine, pain can spread to the occipital region, one or both hands, there may be a headache. In the hands, there is a decrease in sensitivity, motor disorders, which in severe cases can turn into paralysis.

Severe pain in the neck, the presence of hematomas, muscle stiffness are characteristic of injuries of the cervical spine. When neurological disorders spinal cord injury may be suspected.

Sprain and rupture of the ligaments leads to disruption of the functioning of the upper limbs and neck muscles. Accompanied by severe pain, which intensifies at night and with movement. Often visible hematoma, right under the skin, swelling. Movements can be limited, or (if the ligament is torn) have a pathologically large amplitude.

With myelopathy (damage to the spinal cord), pain appears in the cervical spine, restriction of movements in the neck, spastic paresis lower extremities with violation of deep sensitivity, flaccid paresis of the hands. When the neck is extended or flexed, there is a sensation of running electric current along the back, along the spine, the sensation can spread to the arms and legs.

Polymyalgia rheumatica can cause the appearance of cutting, jerking or pulling pains in the muscles of the neck, which increase sharply with movement. In addition to this symptom, the disease is manifested by stiffness in the shoulder girdle, especially in the morning and after a period of immobility. It is difficult for a sick person to get out of bed, put his hands behind his back, and sometimes even raise them, it is difficult to perform even ordinary manipulations. The pain may radiate to other muscles in the body, most often to the muscles of the pelvic girdle. Sometimes the soreness increases at night, which disturbs sleep. Despite the fact that patients complain of significant weakness, muscle strength is maintained.

With lymphadenitis cervical lymph nodes body temperature rises, general malaise appears, enlarged lymph nodes are visible or palpable on the back of the neck, painful when touched, there may be redness.

What to do if your neck hurts

To begin with, you need to at least a little decide what reason caused the pain in the neck. If the situation is similar to the symptoms of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to change position more often, move more, apply special physical exercises, use spinal stretching techniques, massage, physiotherapy. The complex should include the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

For pain caused by a long stay in one position or hypothermia, it is necessary to rub the neck area with an anesthetic or warming cream, take an anti-inflammatory drug tablet inside. You can wrap your neck with a warm scarf. The use of warm compresses is recommended.

If the pain is a consequence of the disease, you should not self-medicate, consult a doctor as soon as possible, especially if the child has neck pain.

For neck pain, you can consult with the following doctors:

First, it is more advisable to contact a therapist who will conduct a full examination and decide whether it is necessary to involve qualified specialists, such as

  • surgeon;
  • traumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • rheumatologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • physiotherapist;
  • masseur.

Pain in the neck - this is what the said posture, "sofa" lifestyle, excessive physical activity leads to. There are many factors that affect the cervical spine in a not the best way. Let's see why the neck hurts and what to do to relieve discomfort.

Pain in the neck is divided into two types:

  1. Circumcalgia is a continuous spasm in one place. Appears gradually, its intensity varies. The neck constantly hurts, and in the same place - you need to go to the hospital, it may develop serious illness.
  2. Cervicago is an unexpected pain that starts and stops quickly. The cause may be too sudden movements of the head or a long stay in the same position.

During the attack, coordination is disturbed, and painful urges respond in other parts of the body.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a violation of the articular joints. The disease is formed mainly in those leading a sedentary life, malnourished. Not the last role is played by hereditary predisposition. People suffering from osteochondrosis experience dizziness, din in the eardrums, and stiffness in the limbs. The back of the head aches, it burns between the shoulder blades. Often complain that the spine hurts in the neck. It becomes difficult to turn the neck, movements are accompanied by a crunchy sound. Possible numbness.

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Aching pain in the neck indicates the development of this disease. The neck hurts on the left side or on the right - most likely, osteochondrosis.

Pain in the cervical spine is accompanied by this disease. If you turn to a specialist in a timely manner, it can be easily cured.

Osteoarthritis of the cervical spine

The disease occurs even in young people. Pain on the left side of the neck, shoulder, arm, rib cage, possibly impaired vision and hearing, impaired concentration. For people with this disease, doctors recommend peace and rest, prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.

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Herniated discs

Not only a full-fledged hernia, but also a minimal bulging of the disc is strongly felt: the canal in the cervical region is narrow, the nerve endings are at close range. Pain on the left side of the neck, lower back, lower back. The disease develops from unhealthy nutrition, inactivity, lack of physical development. Technique used for treatment acupressure and vacuum therapy.

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The neck can hurt from excessive physical activity: after training, for example. The main symptom of a sprain is severe pain in the neck. The damaged area swells, it becomes impossible to turn the head, it can take an unnatural position, and the patient runs the risk of fainting. To make it easier, you can take an anesthetic, apply a cold or hot compress, massage the sprained area. It is not recommended to lie on the stomach - in this case, the head will be turned to the right or left, and tense ligaments may not withstand. For a few weeks, it is better to give up physical activity. When the pain subsides, you can begin to knead the neck, tilting it to the sides.

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Cervical spondylosis is a serious disease that can lead to disability and requires immediate consultation with your doctor. Spondylosis can be a neglected form of osteochondrosis. The disease occurs mainly in the elderly, as well as in athletes as a result of injuries. Unpleasant sensations in the occipital part of the head and the collar zone become permanent.

Another signal is a throbbing pain in the neck on the left. There is a feeling of stiffness, discomfort when turning the head.

There are many opinions about how to treat cervical spondylosis. The main thing is to eliminate inflammation and pain. Drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures in combination with therapeutic exercises will help restore performance and improve general state organism.

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cervical myelopathy

Occurs after narrowing of the spinal canal. Pain in the cervical spine signals the development of myelopathy. Those suffering from myelopathy feel unwell and weak, they often have a feeling that the limbs are shocked, speech slows down, it becomes difficult to take steps, coordination is disturbed. The disease occurs after falls from great heights and accidents. The patient wears a cervical soft collar, undergoes a course of physiotherapy and strengthening exercises.


The term whiplash is used to describe the pain resulting from an injury. soft tissue. Damage occurs due to sharp extension with further flexion and vice versa. Sharp pain in the neck (any area of ​​it) after a fall, fight or accident can signal a whiplash injury.

The ligaments are damaged - the head takes a protruding position, the cervical lordosis is lost. After an injury, an X-ray examination is mandatory. Attenuation of the disease occurs after 1-6 months.

Cervical injury

Pain in the cervical spine appears after injuries, unsuccessful jumps into the water, accidents. An unnatural bend, aching pain in the back of the head indicate an injury to the cervical region. Edema and hematomas appear, the motor functions of the body are disturbed. For those who have pain in the cervical spine, doctors will first prescribe wearing a special collar for several months.

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Infectious skin diseases lead to inflammation, which can be accompanied by acute pain. With infections, such as angina or rubella, the lymph nodes expand and lead to unpleasant aching sensations in the neck muscles.

Pathology of internal organs

Severe neck pain often portends a pathology. When giving to the neck on the right side, the development of cholecystitis is suspected. If the cervical temples hurt in the morning, it looks like hypertension. Pain in such cases is reflected and it comes from the head, heart, esophagus. Myocardial infarction and angina are often accompanied by pain in the chest, shoulders, and arms.

Patients who survived similar illnesses complained that their neck hurt on the left. Pain in the neck on the right, cramps in the thigh on the same side suggest the development of cholecystitis. Pain in the front of the neck gives the right to suspect a disorder of the thyroid gland, esophagus, larynx or pharynx. Perhaps local neuritis develops - nerve damage. This usually happens after poisoning. chemicals, for example, alcohol.

Restless pain in the cervical spine are harbingers developing pathology. In this case, the pressure jumps a lot. Pain in the neck on the right, with limited ability to move the head, torments during meningitis.

Painful sensations on the side are the result of the expansion of the tumor in the brain. Help should be sought immediately. Pain in the front of the neck on the right or left may indicate the presence of pharyngitis, laryngitis, lymphangitis, or any other disease associated with inflammation of the viscera.

It hurts in the cervical spine - perhaps there is a process of development of meningitis, tuberculosis,. A non-dangerous disease that can be easily treated - vegetative-vascular dystonia can also be accompanied by ailments. Pain in the cervical region is given to the limbs, back, there are pressure surges, shortness of breath, lethargy.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by stabbing pain in the neck. It intensifies at night.

Other reasons

Often, pain in the neck on the right is the result of a banal lumbago. Lumbago or lumbago - contraction of the muscles of the neck. It is harmless and goes away on its own after a couple of weeks. Most often manifested due to a draft, the pain spreads to the head, chest. The neck hurts a lot on the left or on the right - perhaps the person simply “lay down” this side. Bodily passivity harms physical condition and impairs the functioning of the vessels of the cervical spine. During this kind of ailment, it is enough to change the position of the body.

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Many people who are obese often have pain in the neck. The spine and cervical vertebrae cannot cope with excess weight, they have a huge load, and they begin to actively resist.

Stress and psychological tension become the causes of painful sensations. Emotional outbursts and tension often cause pain in the back of the neck. On it, like on any other part of the body, there are many nerve endings. If the shoulders also hurt, tingling and numbness are felt, the nerve is pinched. The pain will subside after an injection or taking an anesthetic drug.

Pulls muscles - perhaps you should diversify your day with walks in the fresh air. Pain on the right side in a healthy neck - the person was simply overcooled.


Those who are constantly worried about the cervical region should consult a specialist. This is very important, especially if the temperature rises with severe pain. When the neck hurts for three days, you need to sound the alarm. Treatment of a neck that hurts can only be prescribed by a specialist.

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Doctors usually prescribe medications. The disturbing parts of the neck are recommended to be lubricated with preparations with a warming effect. Permanent pain can make a person irritable: the doctor prescribes sedatives, antidepressants. Pain in the neck on the right, left, front, side and back can be relieved by applying a heating pad to the affected area or wrapping it in a warm scarf.

Massage is a mandatory wellness procedure. You can do it yourself. The neck hurts in front, for example - gently stroke and rub its surface, trying not to touch the Adam's apple. Blood circulation will improve, and pain in the cervical region will cease to bother.

Pulling severe pain in the neck is recommended to be treated with warm compresses. In such cases, a person needs complete rest, and pain in the neck on the right or left will subside in a matter of minutes. If the situation is serious, a professional who knows how to treat neck pain, such as a trained physical therapist, should take over.

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Bruises and sprains are relieved by cold compresses. In medical practice, acupuncture and health-improving physical education are often used, especially with constant pain in the neck.

In especially severe cases, patients are operated on, but this is the exception rather than the rule. If the treatment of the cervical region is successful, you can get rid of discomfort in a few months.

How to treat neck pain yourself

What people stricken with illness did not come up with! For sprains or minor injuries, you can resort to informal methods of pain management. There is a proven way to get rid of neck pain in an hour.

Fold the gauze in three layers. Boil the potatoes in their uniforms, then push and attach to the neck through a cloth, then warm with a scarf or towel. As the potatoes cool, remove the layers of gauze. Upon completion of the procedure, rub the neck with any alcohol.

When stress first manifests itself through neck pain one day, a distinct physical effect can be quickly felt. The muscles are tense, and as a result, there is pain in the back of the head or headache. Stress and neck tension are often linked. We will explain to you the reason and show you the exercises that really help.

A typical side effect for prolonged stress is muscle tension. This is especially true for the shoulders and neck area. If we add to this a draft or a violation of posture, the test of pain in the shoulders and the back of the head will come even faster.

Stressed neck due to stress: find out the reasons

If you are often tormented by tension in the muscles of the neck, it is imperative for you to be examined by a doctor. In addition to stress, the cause of your pain can be a herniated disc.
With the exception of such physiological reasons and identifying that the pain in the neck was the result of your experiences, the doctor will prescribe medicines for these acute pain. As a rule, this remedy is Diclofenac. Then psychotherapy is usually prescribed, such as massage or therapeutic exercises.
In addition to professional treatment prescribed by a specialist, you can do a lot yourself to relieve neck tension.

Tight neck muscles due to stress: long-term care through VUR

The most effective is the continuous elimination of the starting stimulus of tension. If stress is the cause of your neck pain, you should pay particular attention to progressive muscle relaxation. This technique actively relaxes the muscles and reduces your overall stress levels.

Tight neck muscles due to stress: topical help

If your muscles are tense, the first thing to do is to warm them up. Try to do it with

  • hot bath
  • warm water bottles
  • a pillow of grain that should be heated in the microwave or oven
  • a wet handkerchief, which should also be heated in the microwave and placed on top of a dry handkerchief on the back of the head
  • warming ointment (please talk to your pharmacist). Heat promotes blood supply to the muscles. This increases the energy supply and the ability to regenerate.

Pay attention to the fact that, in addition to stress, you do not aggravate the situation with the neck and even a violation of posture.

  • If your work involves a sedentary lifestyle, you should get up more often and take a couple of steps. When you hold the body position correctly, the neck muscles also straighten.
  • Always watch your back when you are sitting. Loads on the spine also lead to tension in the neck muscles.
  • Sit "lounging in a chair" when you have the opportunity. This not only stretches the muscles, but also prevents stress.
  • Work on relaxing your muscles by doing stretching exercises.
  • Sit straight, stretch your neck and in this position lower your chin to your chest.
  • Lower your shoulders down and tilt your head (do not rotate it) towards one shoulder, then the other so that you feel the neck stretch.

You will find more exercises against neck and neck tension in the second part of the series "

No wonder they say that all diseases are from the nerves. Well, if not all, then certainly many of them. For example, pain in the neck and shoulder girdle, which are very often the result of chronic stress, emotional overstrain, anxiety and disorders.

Our neck and shoulders serve as a kind of indicator of the level of tension in the body. And this is not surprising! It is in the cervical region that there is a plexus of important nerves, including the accessory nerve, which actively works during stress. With hard work, overexertion, fear and anxiety, we unconsciously pull our heads in and raise our shoulders, grouping ourselves and protecting ourselves from danger. With chronic problems and experiences, there is a constant overstrain of the muscles, which eventually lose their elasticity and even at rest remain rigid. They compress the nerves and blood vessels, preventing normal blood circulation and tissue nutrition. So there is discomfort, and then pain.

If unpleasant symptoms appear, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible, he will diagnose, exclude such pathologies as, for example, a hernia of the spine or protrusion of the vertebrae, and select a treatment.
Unfortunately, many of us practice self-medication and begin to actively use ointments, pills, and even folk medicine. As a result, they get to the doctor already with serious problems (headaches, migraines, visual impairment, pinching spinal nerves etc.) That is why it is very important not to experiment with your health and seek help from a competent specialist in a timely manner.

The first thing the doctor prescribes in such a situation is, of course, anti-inflammatory painkillers. Most often, he opts for NSAIDs, that is, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Yes, such drugs are quite effective, but at the same time they have a number of contraindications and side effects especially with long-term treatment.

That is why, with pain in the neck and shoulders, you can go the other way and pay attention to no less effective, but at the same time safe combined preparations, for example, Kapsikam® ointment. The drug contains 5 active components, which improve nutrition and blood supply to the muscles, has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The ointment is applied to the skin with an applicator, which is included in the kit, and has an analgesic effect for 8 hours. It is recommended to remove the drug with a cotton swab moistened with vegetable oil. It is impossible to wash off with water, this will only increase the warming effect and burning sensation.

In addition to the use of medications, great importance in the treatment and prevention of cervical discomfort is given to gymnastics. Just a couple of minutes of simple exercises 2-3 times a day and you can forget about muscle tension. It is recommended to start from the shoulders: while inhaling slowly, stretch your shoulders up, freeze at the maximum point and exhale. Then, with an effort, lower your shoulders down and freeze in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat several times. After that, repeat shoulder lifts, but only diagonally: the right shoulder stretches up, and the left one down and vice versa. To relax the neck, sitting on a chair, close your hands behind your head and begin to press the back of your head on your palms while inhaling and with your chin towards your chest as you exhale.

In addition to gymnastics, massage courses are very important, which relieve tension, relax muscles and improve their elasticity. An important point is the fight against stress: group or individual sessions with a psychologist, sedatives, relaxing baths with lavender or sage aroma oils, walks in the fresh air or meetings with friends.

Thus, neck pain is an invisible companion of a modern person suffering from stress and the rapid course of life. However, using simple ways prevention and effective drugs for treatment, you can get rid of discomfort and freely straighten your shoulders.