Practical work on how to care for a hamster. Hamster care at home: expert advice

If you want to get a hamster, then you need to remember that this is not a soft and funny toy, but a living creature that needs appropriate conditions and careful care. It is necessary to follow certain rules when caring for a hamster.

The article will be divided into two blocks:


To keep your little pet happy, we recommend that you read the following tips on how to take care of your hamsters.

The content of hamsters- this is a rather troublesome matter, despite the seeming ease. First of all, remember that the order that the hamster puts in his cage must not be violated. You have the right to maintain basic hygiene only: wash the feeder, clean the toilet, renew the bedding if necessary, etc. Never make any permutations in the cage, because. this can cause serious stress for the animal.

With special trepidation, the hamster treats his house. It is inviolable for the hands of others, but care must be taken that spoiled food does not fall into the bins of the hamster. As for changing the bedding, remember - everything is good in moderation - so if you completely remove all the sawdust, the hamster will not smell the native smell of the home and this can be a serious cause for frustration and worries. You will bring the hamster to nervous breakdown, caring for him in such an unacceptable way for him. Once a week is enough to clean up the cage.

And here, as regards toilet, then it must be kept clean and cleaned daily if you do not want your hamster's favorite smell to spread throughout the apartment. Cleaning your toilet should be a daily routine.

It also does not make sense to let the hamster out of the cage often. Regular jogging around the house will not lead to positive results, because the hamster can run away or hide, gnaw on doors and other furniture. To realize their energy, hamsters have enough space in their own home and running wheel. Caring for a hamster within a cage is much safer and easier.

You should not often move the hamster cage from place to place according to your mood - such moving not in the best way affect the mental state of the hamster. It is necessary to keep a hamster in comfortable and stable conditions, so taking a rodent out of the apartment is not a good idea.


Now let's move on to the issues of proper feeding of hamsters, since nutrition in the most direct way affects the physical health of the hamster.

The main part of the hamster's diet should be dry food, which is easy to find in specialized stores for animals. Dry grain mixtures are very useful for hamsters, as they contain many essential vitamins and minerals, in addition, hamsters grind their teeth by eating grains.
Nuts and seeds- one of the favorite treats of hamsters, however, they can be harmful in large quantities, so you do not need to follow the whims of the animal.
Features of the nutrition of hamsters determines the genetic fitness to receive the right amount fluids from succulent food, so if you think that your animal has enough water with food, you can remove the drinker from the cage. If you feed your pet exclusively dry food, then the presence of a drinker in the cage is a must.
Vegetables and fruits are also important foods. The animal can be fed with foods such as raspberries, pears, carrots, apples. But citrus fruits do not fit this role at all.

Those who are not indifferent to the physical health of the hamster need to know about the feeding regimen. You need to feed your pet a maximum of two times a day. It is also necessary to take into account that the main time of wakefulness of hamsters is night, which means that they need to receive the bulk of the nutrients in the late afternoon. The same rule applies to perishable products - they must be given to hamsters at night, and in the morning remove the remains from the cage. Hamsters are very sensitive, so they are easily susceptible to various poisonings. Pay Special attention for the freshness of the food.

Care should be taken when feeding hamsters the following foods − berries and fruits, which contain a large number of water - they very easily absorb toxins into themselves and can cause pet poisoning.

Greens(dill, parsley, lettuce) should be given in small amounts. At the same time, you need to pay attention that it is thoroughly washed and grown without chemicals.

What can't be given?

It is better to avoid feeding dairy products. Only cottage cheese and kefir are allowed once a week. Protein food (chicken meat, boiled egg) can be given no more than twice a week.

Foods that are very difficult for hamsters to digest are garlic, onions and potatoes. Under the ban salty, spicy and fatty food, as well as mushrooms, honey, chocolate, sausages, cheese, canned food and smoked meats.

Be careful and attentive to your pet, and he will be healthy and cheerful.

Many of us have fond memories of pet hamsters, which is why these increasingly popular pets are often the first choice for children. They are relatively easy to keep and with regular care and training can become very tame. But hamsters are quite fragile and small creatures that do not lend themselves to rough handling, and therefore are not suitable for very young children.

There are several types of hamsters that are commonly kept as pets, these are popular breeds such as syrian hamster, dwarf hamster, Russian hamster, Chinese hamster and Roborovsky's hamster. Depending on the breed, hamsters live an average of two to three years.

Hamsters are sociable little animals, and tend to stay in pairs or small groups, although female Chinese hamsters can be aggressive towards other females, so they are best kept alone. If you plan on keeping more than one hamster, you should get a pair or group of pets together, as they rarely accept new mates once they're already in a cage. Although they generally get along well with each other, occasional skirmishes can occasionally occur, so it is advisable to make sure that the cage is suitable for the whole group, that there are various zones in it, and that, if necessary, an individual can run away.


Although specific types of hamsters have slightly different housing and maintenance requirements, the Rotastak system, with multi-colored plastic boxes connected to each other with pipes, will be a good choice for all breeds. Hamsters are nocturnal animals and are somewhat sleepy and quiet during the day, but at night they are very active and love to play, climb, run and explore their surroundings. You can purchase a Rotastak system with the ability to install additional sections, and, in the future, it is easy to change the structure of housing, or install additional parts and zones in it, which will best suit the needs of your pets.

Sleeping sections should accommodate bedding and preferably be small so that hamsters can snuggle up to each other, other sections, for example, for entertainment and games, should have toys and have as much space as possible. Floors and ceilings of various areas should be lined with wood shavings, and it is best to place pieces of shredded paper in the sleeping compartment. Do not use hay or straw as a substrate, as their sharp edges and edges can damage the delicate cheeks and eyes of hamsters.

You need to be able to maintain a constant temperature in the sections, so make sure the dwelling is located away from direct sunlight, as well as away from radiators and other heat sources.


Hamsters thrive on quality hamster food made from grains and seeds. Hamsters also love fresh vegetables and fruits, such as chopped carrots and apples, but it's best to feed them sparingly to avoid indigestion. Another pleasure for them is to chew on spikelets of various grains, such as wheat, to get to the seeds inside. You also need to provide your hamsters with mineral stone to make sure your pet is getting all the nutrients it needs.

Their bowl should be large enough not to tip over during their frantic playtime, and food should be replaced on a daily basis, and the bowl should be cleaned well. You also need to provide your hamsters with a water bottle, periodically refilling it with fresh, clean water.

Games and education

Hamsters, as nocturnal animals, should be allowed to sleep during the day. When you first bring your hamsters home, give them a few days to get used to their new surroundings and get comfortable before playing with or handling them. Periodically talk to your pet so that he recognizes your voice, and then put your hand in his dwelling for him to smell it, and, if possible, offer him a treat. Stroke the hamsters very gently and try to encourage them to climb onto your hand. Hamsters are small animals, so you must be very careful not to startle them or touch their ears and head. Hamsters are also quite agile and tend to be constantly on the move, so be careful when holding them high off the ground. Hamsters love to climb and explore, so they may think you are a piece of furniture and will climb up and down you.

Children should always know how to properly approach, stroke and handle hamsters, be sure to observe them to make sure they don't do it too rough. Remember that hamsters can bite when scared or hurt, so always supervise children when they are around their pet.

Hamsters love playing in pipes, climbing ladders, and of course they love their "running" wheel, which is always fun to watch. You can also purchase a special hamster ball that can be placed on any flat surface, and the hamster inside the ball will spin and run safely and without fear of running away.

Cleaning and care

At home, it is advisable to clean the home of hamsters every one to two weeks, using disinfectants that are safe for pets, while replacing all pieces of paper and sawdust located on the floor. Remove droppings and leftover food daily, at certain times, hamsters can be quite dirty animals, but as a rule, this should not take more than a few minutes. Hamsters usually use one spot in the cage as a litter box, which makes cleanup a little easier, and once you've identified that spot, you can place a small litter box there.

List of required equipment

Once you've decided that keeping a hamster is a good choice for you and your family, try using this list of essential equipment to make sure you have everything you need.

  • Rotastak system or similar sections for housing of suitable dimensions
  • Wood shavings for the floor
  • Pieces of shredded paper
  • Suitable food for hamsters
  • Feed bowl
  • Water bottle and brush to clean it
  • mineral stone
  • Vitamins and Probiotic Supplements
  • Special wheel or ball for hamsters
  • Ladders, pipes and toys
  • Suitable disinfectant for pets

The desire to have a pet in your home arises in most people. Many buy dogs or cats, some buy small and fluffy hamsters. Rodents are quite suitable for keeping at home any area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving space. They are attractive for another reason - the easiest care. How to care for a hamster at home? What are the features in the care of these cute rodents? We will talk about this further.

Hamsters in the house

There are many types of domesticated rodents, but hamsters are very popular. Before you start them in your home, you should think carefully about many questions:

  • placement of rodents;
  • purchase of a cage and other maintenance and care items;
  • no allergy to rodents;
  • permanent care.

If cats and dogs have been kept in their homes since ancient times, then hamsters have been kept as pets recently. These There are many types of rodents, but few are suitable for home content, only two:

  • Syrian;
  • Dzungarian.

It is recommended to buy hamsters at the age of 2 to 2.5 months. Before choosing a pet, it should check it carefully to make sure it's healthy, since this criterion is the most important. The rodent's coat should have a smooth and even surface, free of bites, dirt and other defects.

The eyes of the animal should be with a healthy luster, not have purulent discharge. The anus area of ​​the hamster should be free of redness or signs of indigestion. The animal should not be lethargic or too active. Excessive mobility indicates a stressful state of the hamster. Stress always negatively affects the further health of rodents.

animal cage

For a comfortable keeping of hamsters, you should definitely buy a cage so that the pet is protected in its space and does not create unnecessary problems for the household. Usually for this they buy a lattice cage with a high tray, dimensions 50x30x30 cm. Plastic or glass aquariums of the same dimensions are also suitable for this purpose.

The bars in the cage should be located with a small distance from each other, so so that the hamster can't get out. The cage must have all the necessary accessories for the animal to live:

It is best to place the cage with the pet in a quiet and permanent place without drafts, since this type of animal does not like to change its habitat. It is undesirable to place cages near the children's play area, near the children's bed.


Hamsters need a complete diet with vitamins and minerals. All food can be purchased at pet stores, which are ideal for daily diet:

  • grains, seeds, peas, cereals, nuts and oats are the main food in the diet of hamsters;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, these include - zucchini, cucumbers, apples, pears, carrots;
  • greens (parsley, dandelion leaves, celery, dill).

Also there are forbidden foods, among them - white cabbage, spices, cheese, sweets and bread.

Only boiled water at room temperature or slightly warm should be poured into the drinker. The water must be changed daily and be sure to wash the drinker before changing the water and without the use of detergents. No matter how much the hamster drinks liquid per day, in any case, it is better to replace it with a fresh one.

The animal should be fed several times a day. It is desirable that the second meal in the evening should have more calories. Animals are active even late in the day. Watermelons or other watery foods should not be given to them as they can cause poisoning.

In addition, it is desirable to feed hamsters with vitamins A, E and D, as well as fish fat, low-fat boiled meat.

Features in the care of rodents

Any pet requires attention and care. Hamsters are no exception, they may be subject to frequent stress that take place on different reasons:

  • lack of access to water;
  • change in the usual daily routine, diet;
  • external control over his offspring;
  • illumination in the cage in the sleep zone;
  • when a new pet is settled with an animal, even a hamster.

Hamsters react negatively to screams, swearing, and various loud sounds. They do not like it when people near their cage make sudden movements, they there is fear and anxiety. Animals love peace and quiet and feel great in calm conditions.

Be sure to take care of your hamster's teeth. They need to be given solid food for normal growth and development of teeth. If the food is not solid enough, teeth will grow faster and this will interfere with normal eating.

The cage should be washed regularly with detergent few times a week. Also be sure to change the toilet litter as it gets dirty. Hamster for the period of cleaning should be placed in a jar.

The animal needs walks, in play areas specially equipped for this. In places like this there should be no sharp objects, and all other accessories and pieces of furniture to be as stable and non-hazardous as possible.

Hamster nails require special care. They must be trimmed with special scissors as the animal grows. If suddenly an injury occurs during the cutting of nails, then the wound should be treated and bandage the paw. Remove traces of blood and treat the place where the injury occurred.

Hamsters do not like water procedures, so they should be bathed only in case of severe pollution. During this procedure need to be closely monitored so that moisture does not get into the animal's ear or eyes. It must be confidently held in your hands so that it does not bite, and after the bathing procedure, wrap it in a towel and keep it until it warms up.

Any interference in their measured life creates stress for them. For example, it is better not to show them to other animals or strangers. Cleaning is best done in the cage when he does not see it.. No need to take it outside and let it out on the grass, especially in direct sunlight. When an animal is preparing to give birth to offspring, it needs to create comfortable conditions.

Caring for hamsters at home is not difficult at all. With careful and caring care, they will be able to live long time , in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. If there are children in the family, they will play with him and become real friends for the whole family.

Thinking about getting a little fluffy animal? Before you go to the bird market, learn about keeping and caring for hamsters at home.

Choosing a house

The first issue that needs to be resolved before buying an animal is its future home. The house depends on the size of the animal. small breeds(jungarik, campbella) can do with one floor. Larger individuals, such as Syrian hamsters, need several levels.

This is the simplest and most affordable option. The animal will be able to climb the crossbars, and it will be easy for you to clean up. If you opt for a cage, pay attention to the distance between the crossbars. If it is less than 1 cm, the hamster may run away.

The spacious Zolux "Rody Duo" hamster cage serves as both a home and a place for extreme entertainment.

In addition to the cage, the kit includes: a wheel, a 170 ml bottle, a feeder, 5 pcs. bent labyrinth pipes, open socket, 2 flat plugs, 7 connectors.

Do not confuse with a fish tank! Rodent aquariums are made of plastic and are ideal for small breeds.

Maze houses are very popular with both rodents and children. It is very fun to watch how the pet moves through the pipes and equips its “mink”. The labyrinth is not recommended for jungars, as it will be difficult for them to climb up the pipes.

Furnishing a new home

What does a hamster need?

The bowl should be heavy so that it is difficult to turn over. It is better that the drinker was suspended. So the animal will not spill water and will not wet the filler.

Do not buy too small a house, it may be uncomfortable in it. It should be spacious enough and have 1 entrance and a small window. Inside the house, put torn thin paper or special soft paper filler. You can also use hay. The hamster will drag him into his house and build a nest.

It will help the animal to keep himself in great shape. It must be whole. Slots are dangerous for paws and fingers.

In rodents, teeth grow throughout their lives, so they need special tools for their point. It can be wooden bars, mineral stones, or dried branches of fruit trees.

We keep clean

So that you are not tormented by an unpleasant smell, and the house has always been neat, regularly take care of the cage:

  • wash bowls daily;
  • every week (and if necessary more often - every 3-4 days) change the litter;
  • once a month, clean the pallet, house, wheel and other plastic surfaces with a mild soapy solution.

Never use general cleaning chemicals. Also, do not use air fresheners. If you think that the smell has eaten into the plastic, use a decoction of chamomile. This natural remedy will eliminate all unpleasant odors.

So that the pet is not nervous, put a twig stored at the beginning of cleaning in a clean cage. A familiar smell will help him adapt faster.

We organize meals

It is known that proper nutrition is the basis of the health of any animal. This is also true for hamsters. If you want your pet to be active, feed according to this chart.

Add a fresh batch of boiled or filtered water and you have the perfect diet for your little rodent.

Also pay attention to the list of food that should not be given to the hamster:

  • citrus;
  • fish and meat products;
  • fatty and sweet dairy products;
  • onion and garlic;
  • any salty snacks (chips, nuts, crackers);
  • chocolate and confectionery.

In addition, sweet fruits (peaches, bananas, sweet berries) are not recommended for Dzhungars. They have a genetic predisposition to diabetes and quickly gain weight, so it is better to refuse such sweets.

Hibernation or torpor

Hamsters can hibernate for a variety of reasons. This usually happens due to a sharp drop in temperature and lack of water. The body of the rodent becomes hard and cold, and its breathing becomes rare and uneven.

If the "wintering" began at an unexpected time or the rodent clearly did not prepare for it (did not make supplies and did not build a nest), be sure to wake it up. Otherwise, he may die of starvation and dehydration. In this case, we are not dealing with natural hibernation, but with torpor.
To do this, place the animal in a warm place. For example, you can wrap him in a towel and take him in your arms. Do not block the access of air, that is, do not wrap up the muzzle! Do not place it near heating appliances and fire. When he wakes up, he will begin to tremble and stretch. Keep warming it until the body temperature rises and the breathing rate returns to normal. Usually the whole process of awakening takes from 30 minutes to an hour.

Analyze what caused the numbness. Could it be a draft in the cage or have you given the animal insufficient food and water? In the future, do not make these mistakes, as frequent numbness can pose a serious threat to health.

Inventing Entertainment

Of course, a hamster always has a lot to do in his cage, but sometimes he needs extra entertainment. You can buy toys for him or make a real amusement park that you can use while walking.

  • a few tubes of toilet paper and paper towels;
  • empty plastic bottles;
  • empty cardboard boxes of different sizes;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors for cutting cardboard or a linoleum knife.
How to assemble an amusement park?

First, think about how it will look like. Lay out all the materials on the floor or sketch. Now start assembling.

Make a cut in the center of one of the pipes. Connect some of the pipes together, and insert some into boxes. Cut round holes in the top of some of the tubes. They are needed so that the hamster can protrude from the holes. Close the system of pipes and boxes together.

Make sure that there is enough space in the pipes for the animal - otherwise it will not pass there.

Don't forget about safety!
  • Look for boxes that are missing labels and pictures. The animal will probably gnaw them, and the paint may hurt the stomach.
  • Do not use glue or tape. They can stain wool and are very dangerous if ingested.
  • If you don't want to mess around with cardboard, assemble the entire structure out of plastic. For this purpose, sections of sewer pipes are excellent. They are easy to attach to each other. Show your imagination, and the pet will definitely thank you.

For the convenience of walking a hamster on the street, you can purchase a leash for a hamster.

Diagnose problems quickly

Hamsters are different good health. On condition proper nutrition they remain active until old age. In order to notice the problem in time, regularly diagnose his health.

Unhealthy rodent:

  • becomes aggressive or, on the contrary, very passive;
  • stops eating;
  • starts shedding hair
  • not interested in toys and changes in the environment.

If you notice these symptoms, contact your veterinarian.

When it's time to start pet, many people prefer hamsters. This is due to the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to keep a large animal in the apartment. Some do not have a physical place, as they live in a communal apartment or in a small area. Often the cause is an allergy to a particular animal. And there is banal laziness, since the same dog must be constantly walked, cleaned, fed, played, in a word, paid a lot of attention. Another thing is hamsters, they do not require much attention, by and large, caring for domestic hamsters does not cause tangible inconvenience. It is enough to allocate a place for the cage in which the baby will live. Every day you will be greeted by a sleeping pet, one look at which is already uplifting. Especially when the animal begins to look for and explore something.

Domestic hamsters, care and maintenance of them also require some effort. You need to know their character, behavior, what to feed and how to care for them. But don't worry, it's not hard and it doesn't take long.

Like every animal, the rodent has certain advantages and disadvantages. Before starting it, you need to be prepared for everything described below. There are several of the most popular species: Syrian, Dzungarian, Roborovsky's hamster, Angora, albino, Campbell.

An interesting feature is their lifestyle, domestic hamsters are single and live alone in a cage. Someone will definitely want to buy a hamster not one, but several. Put everyone in one cell. But the Georgians will not get accustomed together, and it will often be possible to watch the fight of hamsters. Sooner or later, someone will hurt or kill someone. The exception is the Roborovsky hamster, this is the smallest species among all domestic ones. They can be settled side by side, provided that each individually has enough space and all are of the same sex.

Benefits of keeping hamsters at home:

  • They take up little space, because they live in the territory that you yourself allocate for them.
  • They do not eat much, on which you can save a lot.
  • They do not make noise, they sit in their cage and live their lives without disturbing anyone.
  • They are not vindictive and quickly forget insults.
  • It can be tamed to the arms, shoulder and even to the nickname.
  • Often you do not need to buy special food, if you know what you can feed a hamster, then what is already in the refrigerator is enough.
  • The kids love them and it's mutual.
  • They can always cheer you up.
  • Low price.
  • No need to walk around the house for a long time.
  • Behind them it is not necessary to collect wool throughout the apartment.

For many, these benefits will be enough. This is especially true for those who do not have much money. At one time, I myself lived in a communal apartment, where 4 people lived on 12 squares. In such a situation, nothing but a hamster will work, even a parrot (creates a lot of noise).

But each has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. What are the disadvantages of keeping hamsters:

  • It is necessary to clean the cage often, otherwise there will be an unpleasant smell.
  • If overlooked, it can escape from the cage and then you need to look for the hamster throughout the apartment. And the little creature is not easy to find.
  • Everyone tries on the tooth, at the first meeting even the owner's finger.
  • In winter, they can hibernate, at this time they cannot be disturbed. When you wake up, you need to feed well, after which they will fall asleep again.
  • Untamed rodents often show aggression, especially when trying to contact them.
  • It is necessary to look after every day, but this is a lack of all pets.

If you travel often or leave the apartment for a few days, it is better to give up the idea of ​​having any pet.

We make out the dwelling

Keeping and caring for a hamster at home primarily implies the availability of housing. It needs to be taken care of even before you get a pet. Best for these purposes is a cage or aquarium, depending on the type of hamster. For the smallest species (Roborowski hamster) you need an aquarium or terrarium. Since there is a chance that the animal will crawl out between the bars of the cage. For large rodents the best choice there will be a cage. But in no case do not use a jar, some do. In it, the pet will feel like in a prison.

Pay attention to the size of the future home. They should be sufficient for comfortable keeping of the hamster. A kind of minimum, a cell of 50x30 centimeters. The rods are vertical so that the animal does not climb them to the very top of the structure. For him, this will be a significant height, and a fall can be fraught with consequences. The distance between the bars should be such that the pet could not get out between them.

But an empty cage is not suitable for normal life. The vast majority are equipped with additional accessories, but their quality is questionable. Therefore, it is recommended to replace them with better ones as soon as possible.

Each cell should contain the following:

  • Litter (filler)- needed to absorb all the unpleasant smell. A hamster can be toilet trained, but he will still write where he decides. All this absorbs the litter, so from time to time it needs to be changed. Corn filler works well, needs to be changed less often, and does its job perfectly.
  • Running wheel - keeps your hamster active. These rodents are very active and energetic, so the extra energy needs to be put somewhere. Otherwise, it may affect health. The wheel should have a solid surface and be easy to spin. If a creak is heard during movement, the animal may ignore the accessory.
  • Toilet - there the hamster will relieve his need. It happens that he does not know why this accessory is needed, and uses it for other purposes. In this case, you need to teach him to the toilet. Inside there is also a bedding that needs to be changed every day. The pet chooses the place for the toilet itself. You have to understand what place he chose and just put a toilet there.
  • Block or mineral stone- a mandatory attribute of hamster care at home. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this and then they wonder why the hamster gnaws at the cage. He needs to grind down his teeth, which are constantly growing, so a special stone or wood is a must.
  • Feeding trough - used to store food. There should be 2 in the cage. One for food that does not spoil, the other for fruits and vegetables.
  • Drinking bowl - from it the animal will drink water. It should not be in a bowl, but portable. Sold in every pet store.
  • The house is for sleeping. He will play a special role immediately after moving to a new home. In it, the hamster will hide in order to survive new changes. There he will move away from stress and be able to go out to explore new territories. Often used as a warehouse for products.

Not everyone knows how to care for a hamster at home. An important role is played by the place where the dwelling will stand. The draft is extremely harmful to the animal, so never place it near a window or on the floor.

Hamster Diet

Hamster care starts with proper nutrition. Probably, it is in this topic that the most nuances are. Domestic hamsters are very sensitive to food. Many products are prohibited for them. Chemistry is generally not digested. You need to be ready for this.

The basis of the diet is dry food, they must be given every day at least once. They are rodents by nature and they constantly need something to gnaw. Their teeth, which grow throughout their lives, are adapted for this. Biting solid food, they simultaneously eat and grind them. Otherwise, the hamster will chew on inedible items, including cage bars.

You need to know how to choose the right food. There are domestic (cheap) and imported (more expensive). But don't look at the low price. Russian feed is extremely poor quality and requires additional purchase of vitamins. They also need to be able to give, since even a slight overdose can have serious consequences. Imported is well balanced and contains all essential vitamins for the hamster and supplements. But not everyone wants to spend more where they can save. That's why the best option for most, will buy cheap and expensive food and just mix them.

Vegetables and fruits for a hamster play an important role. It is necessary to give them so that the diet is complete. They are almost as important as water. Also, do not forget to feed your pet with cereals and herbs.

Some people are hesitant to give water. Judging by this, they do not even have a clue how to take care of hamsters at home. They absolutely need water. Moreover, it needs to be replaced with a fresh one every day.

What you need to know about caring for hamsters

The animal is highly susceptible to stressful situations. It takes a long and difficult time to get out of this state, so it is better not to bring it to it. To do this, avoid the following situations:

  • Lack of water. When a person does not have the opportunity to quench his thirst for a long time, he will not be in an adequate state. The pet is no exception, caring for a hamster includes changing the water every day.
  • Lots of lighting in the house. In it, the rodent hides its treasures and sleeps itself. Often this happens for the simple reason that there is corny less lighting and the influence of external factors.
  • Two hamsters in one cage. This is a serious stress for both. They won't rest until one of them dies or retreats. But there is nowhere to go, as they are locked within four walls.
  • Contact with a pet last days pregnancy or in the first week after childbirth. It is not advisable to leave your smell to the brood, otherwise a situation is possible when the female eats her cubs.

After the purchase, give your pet time to get used to the new environment. Try not to make loud noises near the cage. Let him feel safe. From time to time it is recommended to walk around the apartment, for this you can simply let him go and follow, or buy a walking ball. From it the animal will not go anywhere, because it will be noticeable from afar.

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