What is Tatyana Dogileva doing now. After a month of treatment in a psychiatric hospital, Tatyana Dogileva returned to normal life

Tatyana Dogileva is a famous Russian theater and film actress, whose fame came in her youth after appearing in the films “Pokrovsky Gates”, “Blonde Around the Corner” and “Forgotten Melody for Flute”.

Later, the artist found herself in directing, but continued to appear on the screen in serials and feature films.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana was born on February 27, 1957 in Moscow. According to the sign of the zodiac, the girl turned out to be Aquarius. The parents of the newborn were simple workers and earned little.

Tatyana turned out to be an impressionable child: every film she watched remained in her memory and turned her worldview upside down. So, at the age of 5, the girl fell in love with the young one from the movie The Three Musketeers. Soon she liked the image of Shurochka from the Hussar Ballad, and she herself wanted to go and fight for her homeland.

Being older, after watching Romeo and Juliet, Tanya did not understand for a month why people in love could not be together. So much idols influenced little Tanya, who was distinguished by her vulnerable character.

Since Dogileva's parents did not have a higher education, they insisted that the girl and her brother still graduate from the university. But Tatyana did not want to listen to her parents too much, because she had shown herself in amateur performances since school. The girl studied at school at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, but at the age of 14 she entered the studio of a young actor at Central Television, where she took acting classes.

When it came time to decide on the institute, Dogileva applied to all theatrical universities and eventually became a student of GITIS of the course of V.P. Ostalsky. She graduated from it in 1978.

As a student at a theater university, the actress was active in creative work, starred in episodic roles. The diploma work of the beginning actress was the role of Beatrice in the play "Much Ado About Nothing".


After graduating from GITIS, the girl went to work at the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater. There she played in performances until 1985. Dogileva naturally behaved on stage, gave herself completely to the audience. But only she wanted more - fame, popularity, recognition. And this could only be achieved through cinematography.

Tatyana Dogileva and Sergey Makovetsky on stage

After the role of Nelka in the play " cruel games» Dogileva was invited to shoot.

After leaving Lenkom, the artist managed to combine work in the theater and film studios. In the 80s, Tatyana appeared on the stage of the M. Yermolova Theater, where she played in the productions of Speak!, Sports Scenes of 1981, Shaky Balance, Our Decameron.

Then there were roles in theater performances Russian army, theatre, the Mossovet Theatre. The actress also appeared in the entreprise.


The first film roles were mostly episodic, but Dogileva played them simply brilliantly. The miniature blonde (with a height of 164 cm, the weight of the girl did not exceed 51 kg) was distinguished by a charming smile, which the audience could not help but remember.

Tatyana Dogileva in the film "Pokrovsky Gates"

The tapes "Private Life", "Bee", "One in a Million", "" gave Tatyana an invaluable experience of behavior in the frame, and each picture was getting better and better.

Most of all, the audience remembered the role of the saleswoman from the film "Blonde Around the Corner", where she was her shooting partner. The image of the scientist's mercantile bride became Tatyana's calling card, defining the main role of the actress for many years.

Tatyana Dogileva and Andrey Mironov in the comedy "Blonde around the corner"

She played Dogileva and the episodic role of the duty officer of Intourist, along with and in The Station for Two. He also starred with him in "Forgotten Melody for Flute" in 1987. In this poignant picture, the actress got the main role, with which she coped brilliantly. The film was included in the golden collection of Soviet cinema.

Leonid Filatov and Tatyana Dogileva in the film "Forgotten Melody for Flute"

The role of Dogileva in the social drama "Resentment", which was released in the same 1987, turned out to be bright. In the film, the actress played a selmag saleswoman, who distributed all the proceeds on credit to her fellow villagers, but later got into an unpleasant situation due to an impending audit. Among the works of the actress of that period is a role in the popular newsreel "Wick", where the girl appeared in the miniature "Did you call the doctor?" with the master of the Soviet screen.

In 1990, Dogileva starred in the film "Afghan Break". He played the main role in the film, who was in those days on the wave of popularity thanks to the role of Commissioner Cattani in the crime series Octopus.

Tatyana Dogileva and Michele Placido in the film "Afghan Break"

Back in the late 80s, Tatyana tried her hand as a director. Then she was able to stage the play "Moonlight, Honeymoon" based on the play by playwright Noel Coward "Private Life". A bright debut gave the young talent strength and the desire to continue working in this field. Further, the director staged “Loving does not renounce ...” and “Moscow passions”.

All these performances were warmly received by the audience, but the critics did not like the work of the actress. After reading their comments, Dogileva once and for all decided not to read criticism anymore, but simply to do what she loved. That is why Tatyana boldly took up the shooting of a feature film. She always dreamed of shouting the word: "Motor!". But it was not possible to bring the matter to the end the first time - the picture was closed due to financial difficulties.

Such failures only fueled strong woman, and she nevertheless realized herself as a film director, having shot her film "Lera" in 2007 in just 12 shooting days.

A huge place in the creative biography of Dogileva-actress is occupied by the sitcom "Lyuba, Children and Plant". Every day for 12 hours Tatyana was in the frame. It was just a crazy rhythm that drove the artist crazy. The constant change of partners on the set, large texts and many recommendations from the film crew. Every morning, the exhausted star tried to disconnect from everything and just walk under the spotlight to demonstrate acting talent and high professionalism there.

Tatyana Dogileva and Nonna Grishaeva in the series "Lyuba, children and the factory ..."

There were moments when a woman could not keep everything in herself. Nervous breakdowns, tantrums and tears - this is the negative side of popularity, which only real sought-after stars know.

In 2007, Dogileva played a prominent role in the film "Homeless". Her heroine, a 40-year-old teacher, borrows a certain amount of money for the operation of a sick mother, but the mother dies, and unscrupulous people recommend that she rent equipment to sell pies on the street. This idea does not lead to anything good, and the woman literally remains on the street.

Tatyana Dogileva in the movie "Homeless"

In 2012, one of the most high-profile scandals involving Tatyana Dogileva happened. The actress retired from the theater. Yermolova, where he took over as artistic director. A former friend of Dogileva, with whom they starred together in Pokrovsky Gates and came to this theater together in 1985, the godfather of her only daughter approved this decision, saying that getting paid and not going on stage for 20 years is wrong. After Dogileva left, she gave a series of devastating interviews, where she accused Menshikov of snobbery, star disease and the desire to surround herself only with those people who are afraid to criticize him.

In 2013, Dogileva starred in the New Year's comedy "Yolki-3". Also in her track record are many other films and series.

Tatyana Dogileva also showed herself on television. She became a participant in one season of the television project "The Last Hero". At the moment when she received the invitation, the artist had long wanted to escape from everyday problems, so she gladly agreed to go to a desert island.

Tatyana Dogileva in the New Year's comedy "Yolki-3"

According to the actress, the impressions she received there will remain with her for a long time. A world of adventure, excitement and new challenging survival conditions. For some time, as Dogileva herself admitted, she dreamed of this uninhabited island at night.

Later, Tatyana participated in the show "Dancing with the Stars". The star almost immediately left the project, her parquet partner was Pavel Orel.

Tatyana Dogileva and Pavel Orel at the project "Tyntsy with the Stars"

In 2016, Dogileva starred in the youth sitcom Moms, as well as in the Good Boy and Baby Boom films. In February 2017, the actress celebrated her 60th birthday. In an interview, she admitted that she considers the date to be the usual age limit.

Personal life

In the first year of high school, Tatyana Dogileva broke out in an affair with a classmate. Both recall the romance with warmth, noting that it was more of a fleeting passion than love.

The actress had two official marriages. The first time she went down the aisle at a young age, immediately after graduation. But at that time, the work completely absorbed Tatyana, she did not have time to take care of her family. Therefore, the husband after 3 months of married life decided to file for divorce.

The second time Tatyana became the wife of a St. Petersburg satirist writer in 1990. And in 1994, the couple had a lovely daughter, Katya. Dogileva herself admitted that she loves her child very much, sometimes even excessively.

Unfortunately, no matter how happy the union of Dogileva and Mishin seemed, they could not be together. 18 years of marriage ended in divorce. After the breakup of the family, Ekaterina's daughter began anorexia, which she managed to overcome only 2 years later. Later, the girl moved to the United States, where she graduated from the American Academy of Theater Arts and became an actress. Over time, friendly relations were restored between the ex-spouses.

The personal life of the actress and her relationship with her husband was devoted to the release of the program “Wife. Love story". 2 years before that, Tatyana had already appeared on television in the talk show "Alone with Everyone".

Tatyana had a brother, Vladimir, who was born disabled. AT last years He became deeply attached to alcohol throughout his life. The actress helped Vladimir with both money and work. She tried to hide her relative's addiction and ran to him in her free time. Dogileva was with her brother to the end.

Ultimately, the artist did not have any of her relatives, except for her daughter. All left in one period. First, a father who could not overcome cancer, a brother and a mother who died after a stroke. This time was the most difficult in the life of the actress, and she experienced it painfully.

Due to constant stress and a black streak in life, Tatyana Anatolyevna was repeatedly caught in a state of intoxication, and journalists trumpeted Dogileva's alcohol addiction. The actress did not hide the fact that she had binges, once she herself went to the Moscow Narcological Hospital No. 17, where she underwent a course of treatment.

Tatyana Dogileva did plastic surgery

You have to be a strong person to admit to yourself that the problem exists and overcome it.

Dogileva did not hide that she was undergoing plastic surgery. In one interview, she admitted that for the first time she had an operation out of stupidity. She was inspired by this idea by a young actress who once "cut her eyes". Upon learning that after the operation, a colleague fell out of the schedule for five days, Tatyana ran to her colleague's surgeon. However, the doctor said that before "cutting the eyes", a circular facelift is necessary. As a result, Dogileva agreed to a number of operations, after which not everyone began to recognize her.

Tatyana Dogileva now

In April 2018, after the appearance of Tatyana Dogileva at the master classes of the Amedia film studio, fans paid attention to appearance actresses. In the photo, which was published on the film company's Instagram, the screen star appeared plump, which scared the fans. There were comments suggesting that the artist has serious health problems. She was attributed to various diseases - diabetes, cancer, and even mental illness.

However, Tatyana herself assures that she just gained weight and at the same time feels great. Dogileva admitted that she had to overcome the difficulties associated with her daughter's illness, parting with her husband, irregular working hours during the filming of the series "Lyuba, children and the plant ...", which led to nervous exhaustion, but the treatment received helped to restore strength in due time.

Vladimir Ilyin and Tatyana Dogileva in the movie "Burn!" in 2018

Now the actress has a rational approach to work on the set. Tatyana tries not to overload the body, which has a beneficial effect on her well-being. Nevertheless, the artist does not stop replenishing her filmography with bright projects. In the movie "Burn!" Director, she played a cameo role checking. In 2018, the shooting of the comedy “What Men Talk About. Continuation ”, where Dogileva appeared in the form of a conductor.


  • 1978 - "Ticketless Passenger"
  • 1982 - "Station for two"
  • 1982 - "Pokrovsky Gate"
  • 1984 - "Blonde around the corner"
  • 1985 - "Don't go, girls, get married"
  • 1990 - "Afghan Break"
  • 1994 - Miami Bridegroom
  • 1997 - "Children of Monday"
  • 2005 - "Death of the Empire"
  • 2005-2006 - "Lyuba, children and the plant ..."
  • 2007 - "Homeless"
  • 2010 - "Doctor Tyrsa"
  • 2013 - "Yolki 3"
  • 2016 - Baby Boom
  • 2017 - "Burn!"
  • 2018 - “What men talk about. Continuation"

Dogileva was born into a family of workers in Moscow. Together with her, her parents raised her brother, Volodya, who was disabled since childhood. A congenital leg injury prevented Vladimir from living a full life.

But all the neighbors speak of Brother Dogileva as a handsome young man of the kindest soul. Tatyana helped him all her life - both with work and with money, until his death she rushed to Volodya, was there.

And the future actress herself was a dreamy child. Every now and then I fell in love with the heroes of my favorite films.

At first she sighed for D'Artagnan and was going to become his lover. Then I looked at the "Hussar Ballad" and imagined myself as a fearless Shurochka. After watching "Romeo and Juliet" Dogileva was upset for a month and said that there should not have been such an ending!

At school, the impressionable Tanechka studied perfectly, and at the age of 14 she also got into the studio of a young film actor at Central Television. It was there that she made the final decision - she would enter the theater.

Parents, who saw their daughter's excellent marks and the ease with which they were given to her, hoped that Tanya would choose a serious profession and were very surprised when she said that she would be an artist. However, after analyzing the situation, mom and dad did not go against the dream.

And now Dogileva has already taken the documents to all theatrical universities in Moscow. It failed everywhere, except for GITIS, and remained there.

The scene heals

k / f "Give mooring lines!" (1971)

The teachers especially noted her dramatic talent, they saw the excellent work of the actress on stage. Tatyana Anatolyevna will say more than once in an interview that she loves the stage more than the set. And she is given much better work on the stage. The camera seems to tire, the scene heals.

While still a student, they began to call her in the cinema. But the roles at first were small, episodic. On the set of Stowaway, Dogileva met her first husband Alexander, who worked there as a lighting engineer. But the man did not live long with a talented and sought-after actress.

After high school, she was admitted to the Lenin Komsomol Theater, where she immediately received several roles, and also began to be increasingly invited to the cinema. The role of the saleswoman in "The Blonde Around the Corner" glorified Tatyana throughout the country, after which she became even more necessary for the profession.

There was very little time left for the family, and Dogileva did not seem to worry about this. She was swallowed up by a real acting life, full of new experiences, talented people and amazing work. When her husband offered to leave, she easily agreed.


k / f "Vacancy" (1981)

In the mid-80s, Mikhail Mishin, a famous St. Petersburg writer and translator who adapts foreign plays for the Russian stage, was looking for an actress for the operetta film Free Wind. It should be light and musical. It should inspire thoughts about the light.

The actress was not present. One, other samples, endless views. A huge amount of time was spent on the selection of the cast. In thought, the man is looking for an actress in the most random way and one day he stumbles upon a TV show in which Tatyana Dogileva plays - young, light and musical.

It was easy to find an actress, to offer her an interesting role - even more so. The Muscovite was discharged from the capital to St. Petersburg, where she successfully passed the test. And on the set of a married Mishin, an affair began with a beautiful woman.

Both cherished the idea that the relationship would last even after filming, and wishes, as you know, come true. The secret beautiful romance of the writer and actress lasted for a long five years, until Mishin's little son grew up from his first marriage. Then the man found the strength to get a divorce.

On the eve of 1995, right on New Year's Eve, the lovers had a daughter, Katya.


k / f "Loop" (1983)

The next five years of marriage will be unspeakably happy. They love each other, help each other, raise little Katya, who, when she grows up, will take a great interest in painting and even study for some time at an art school.

But by the 2000s, Tatyana was no longer filmed. Directors are less and less likely to call a characteristic actress, who approached the image of the heroine of the time in the 90s, in the cinema. In addition, Dogileva's relatives die one by one.

First, dad - from cancer, after him, after a stroke, mom leaves. Tatyana is very homesick and increasingly begins to apply to the bottle. The last straw was the death of a beloved brother. Later, Dogileva admits that at that time the truth did not understand what she was doing. She could go into a real binge, sparing neither her beloved husband nor her child.

This was their first disagreement, which then did not end in divorce. But the relationship became cooler: Mishin no longer knew how to help his wife, he dropped his hands. For some time, the couple even parted, and Mikhail took his daughter.

Life is getting better

It was at that moment, according to the artist, that she realized that absolute hell was happening to her life. She herself went to the clinic to be treated for alcohol addiction and, apparently, she succeeded.

Family life improved for some time, the daughter returned to her mother and stayed with her, but Tatyana divorced her husband as a result.

After the official divorce, their relationship only improved - after all, they remained true friends. Tatiana's cruel drinking bouts were more repeated. The actress began to be invited to movies and TV shows.

Dogileva admits that she understood: it is much more comfortable for her to live without a man. Indeed, if you look back at her fate, it is not difficult to understand that the most important thing for her has always been a daughter and work.

Tatyana Dogileva took part in the program "My Truth" on Channel Five. The famous actress admitted that her first love was Yuri Stoyanov, who later became famous thanks to the humorous program "Gorodok". Their relationship was bright, but short-lived. The fact is that because of the novel, Dogileva's studies began to limp, so her mother even ended up in the hospital with a heart attack. Then Tatyana made a strong-willed decision to part with Stoyanov.


However, the feelings turned out to be so strong that Tatyana compared all subsequent chosen ones with Yuri. The actress has been married twice. From her second husband, screenwriter Mikhail Mishin, she gave birth to a daughter, Catherine. The girl was very painful, required a lot of attention. Dogileva was literally torn between work and family. At some point, Tatyana could not stand it and, without consulting her husband, she recovered to a desert island, taking part in a reality show.

Thanks to the transfer of Dogileva, she became popular again. Together with her husband, she staged a play, but the performance was a failure. Tatyana was very upset by the failure. Despite the support of friends (including Yuri Stoyanov), the actress was a lot of nervous and frustrated. The husband stoically endured the artist's neuroses. “He needs a normal wife who would live in his interests. But I don’t,” Dogileva said. As a result, the couple filed for divorce, but was able to remain on friendly terms for the sake of their daughter.

At 48, Dogileva decided to start life with clean face having plastic surgery. However, the result was, according to the actress, disastrous. “My face changed so much that it was pointless to hide something ... Everything changed so much that no one recognized me. I said hello, but they didn’t recognize me. Later I began to say: “Hello, I’m Tanya Dogileva ...” - the actress said.

Nevertheless, the artist was invited to star in the sitcom "Lyuba, children and the factory." The shooting turned out to be so exhausting, plus the scandals at home, which the daughter rolled up because she didn’t see her mother, brought Tatyana to the brink nervous breakdown. “A person cannot work 12 hours a day, this is absolute slavery. My sleep mechanism broke down, I didn’t sleep at all, I didn’t take any sleeping pills, even psychotropic ones…” Dogileva admitted.

For about six months, the actress slept for an hour a day. At some point, the nerves failed. “The heart is pounding, you can’t breathe, it’s shaking, your stomach, liver hurts ... You have a complete feeling that you are dying. The body did not obey the head ... I understood that I was going crazy, but I didn’t understand who to ask for help," she complained actress. Once, in the middle of a private performance, she burst into tears - not because of her role, but just like that. As a result, the friends found a good specialist for Dogileva and put her in the hospital.

The actress spent a month in a psychiatric clinic. Dogileva admitted that it saved her. “Probably, you need to go through everything to understand that life is much more valuable than a profession,” the actress concluded. Doctors and sedatives helped with depression. Tatyana explained why she decided to be so frank: “I say all this on purpose so that people do not make mistakes. The worst thing is that a person, getting into such a situation, does not understand what is happening to him ... "

Tatyana Dogileva will turn 61 in February. Now the actress leads a measured lifestyle, is removed extremely rarely and does not hide that she does it for an impressive fee.

Childhood and family

Tanya's parents were workers, they received little, so they lived poorly. Tanya was a very impressionable child.

At the age of 5, the girl watched the film "The Three Musketeers", and fell in love with D'Artagnan for life. Then she looked at the "Hussar Ballad", she really liked the image of Shurochka. Tanya wanted to become a hussar and fight for her Motherland. At the age of 11, she watched "Romeo and Juliet", because of which she went about not herself for a whole month. Her idols greatly influenced the girl!

Tatyana's parents believed that children were required to receive a higher education, no matter what. Therefore, Tanya and her brother were encouraged from an early age to enter a university. Tatyana studied at the Moscow school at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. The future actress dreamed about the stage since school and constantly participated in amateur performances.

At school, Tatyana Dogileva was an excellent student, studied choreography, rhythmic gymnastics. At the age of 14, Tatyana was accepted into the studio of a young actor at Central Television.

Tatyana has always lacked romance. She studied in the historical and literary class and planned to enter a humanitarian university. However, when it came time to enter the institute, she applied to all theatrical educational institutions in Moscow - to Shchepkinskoye, Shchukinskoye, the Moscow Art Theater, GITIS and VGIK. In four of the five institutes, she failed in the first round, but she entered the fifth, albeit on the fifth attempt.

At the entrance exams, Tatyana read "The Dragonfly and the Ant", Yevtushenko's poem "The Rejected" and an excerpt from "Dead Souls" - a conversation between two ladies. Tatyana was accepted into GITIS.

In her student years, she starred in episodic roles. Tatyana played her first major role in the film Stowaway in 1978, playing the role of Ninka. The diploma work of Tatiana Dogileva was the role of Beatrice in the play "Much Ado About Nothing".

Actor career

Dogileva appeared on stage thanks to Mark Zakharov, who saw a real temperament in the actress. In the play Cruel Intentions, Dogileva played the role of Nelka, and her partner was Alexander Abdulov. After that, she began to actively act in many films. She played roles in the films: “Vasily and Vasilisa”, “Private Life”, “Unexpectedly”, “Bee”, “Hotel Eden”, “One in a Million”, “Promise of Love”, “Fiance from Miami”, "The Pokrovsky Gate". Dogileva is well remembered by everyone for her role as a saleswoman from the movie "Blonde Around the Corner", where she played along with Andrei Mironov. Tatyana Dogileva loves theater more than cinema. Once the actress took a break from filming for four years, but continued to work in the theater.

In the cinema, Tatyana Dogileva immediately began acting with the most famous actors. In the film "Vacancy" she starred with Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Rolan Bykov, Oleg Tabakov. In "Private Life" her partners were Mikhail Ulyanov, Iya Savvina, Andrey Mironov. Then no one knew that these films would become beloved, and they will be watched in our days. When filming "Pokrovsky Gates", none of the actors liked the script. Only Kozakov knew what he was filming.

Directorial debut

In 1998, Tatyana Dogileva first tried herself as a director. She staged the play "Moonlight, Honeymoon" based on the play by the English playwright Noel Coward "Private Life". After that, she staged two more performances - “Loving does not renounce ...” and “Moscow passions”.

The audience really enjoyed these performances. But the critics were restless. After Dogileva read a killer critical article about the first performance, she stopped reading criticism altogether.

After Dogileva successfully tried herself as a theater director, she decided to make a movie. She always wanted to shout the word: "Motor!". The actress wanted to be realized, while there is still desire, strength and energy. Several times Tatyana tried to try in film directing. Once she was a film director for a whole month and a half. All contracts were already signed, music and poetry were written, but the producer closed the picture due to financial difficulties. But Tatyana did not stop there.

And now the Mostelefilm company, for little money, in a short time and for a small fee, gave the director Dogileva a chance to try herself as a director. Then Tatyana realized that cinema is production. Tatyana Dogileva shot her film "Lera" in 12 shooting days!

At one time, Tatyana Dogileva starred in the sitcom "Lyuba, Children and the Factory." The actress was forced to be in the frame all the time for 12 hours a day. Such a crazy rhythm of work on the set of the series drove the actress crazy. Dogileva constantly changed partners, and she had to talk, talk, talk all the time ...

Tatyana Dogileva in the show "Wife. Love story"

In the morning, Tatyana Dogileva tried to disconnect from everything and just go to the shooting. However, sometimes Dogileva broke down and began to cry. Although the actress worked with a great group and was on good terms with the director. She also enjoyed her role in the series. However, many hours of daily shooting was just a real hell for the actress. For the sake of the series, the actress abandoned all other projects. Dogileva even canceled theatrical tours around the country.

Tatyana Dogileva on TV

Once Dogileva was invited to take part in the Last Hero project, and Tatyana agreed. She had so many unresolved problems that she gladly wanted to go to a desert island. The actress will always remember everything that happened to her on the island. She got incredible impressions from this project. She plunged into the world of adventure. After the project, she was tormented by nostalgia for a whole year, she cried, she constantly dreamed of the island. Tatyana Dogileva also participated in the project "Dancing with the Stars".

Personal life of Tatyana Dogileva

The first time Tatyana Dogileva got married in early age immediately after graduating from college. However, the actress had absolutely no time to take care of her family, she was absorbed in the theater and a new adult life, so her first marriage lasted only three months.

In 1990, Dogileva married the famous St. Petersburg satirist writer Mikhail Mishin for the second time. Sometimes the couple got a kind of creative tandem. Mikhail was engaged in the translation of plays. For example, “Moonlight, Honeymoon” was translated by him. On December 30, 1994, Dogileva and Mishin had a daughter, Katya. Tatyana loves her daughter very much, and takes care of her, sometimes excessively. Katya is fond of drawing, she even drew illustrations for the book of her father Mikhail Mishin in the Anthology of Satire and Humor series.

After 18 years of marriage, in 2008 the marriage of Dogileva and Mishin broke up.

Today we will talk about the famous actress of Soviet and Russian cinema, director and just a beautiful woman - Tatyana Dogileva. This is a man who has achieved his appreciation through hard work and talent.

All the merits of the popular actress are, first of all, hard work and impeccable acting skills. Her life is not going as smoothly as it seems, but Dogileva courageously accepts the "gifts" of fate, overcoming difficulties.

Height, weight, age. How old is Tatyana Dogileva?

If you dig into the net, you can find a lot of films with the participation of Tatyana Dogileva, and sometimes there are broadcasts of popular films on television, where Tatyana Dogileva is in the title role. In addition, there are pictures that also indicate that the actress was very beautiful in her youth.

However, even now, at 60 years old, she looks amazing. This prompts many to wonder, what is the height, weight, age of Tatyana Dogileva, if she looks so wonderful? And what exactly is her secret? According to some data from the network, the height of the actress is 164 cm, weight is 51 kg. On February 27 this year, she had an anniversary - 60 years.

Biography of Tatyana Dogileva

The future famous actress was born in the suburbs of the capital, in a family of workers. Funds were often not enough, they lived modestly.

Acting interested Tatyana when she was still a small child. Despite her age (5 years), she was attracted by the serious, romantic films The Three Musketeers, Romeo and Juliet and others. Tatyana Dogileva from childhood was delighted with the Soviet masterpieces she watched, while her peers were more interested in cartoons.

At the insistence of her parents, the girl enters the Pedagogical Academy. During this period, Dogileva was already a regular in "home" acting productions. It was this period that became decisive for the future actress, because she realized what she really wants to do.

AT school years Tatyana went to gymnastics and choreography. At the age of 14, she began to collaborate with the young actor's studio at Central Television.

The subtle and romantic nature of the girl was eager for the stage, for acting. Then, Tatyana tried to enter many theater universities in the capital. In one of them - still entered, though not the first time. Dogileva studied at GITIS, where she played in several episodes.

Dogileva was noticed by Mark Zakharov, then the actress played in the play with Abdulov. After, the young actress began to be often invited to shoot many films.

As Tatyana Dogileva herself admitted, she likes playing in the theater more than in the cinema. There was a four-year break in Dogileva's film career, but she did not quit the theatrical stage. Although, nevertheless, she also returned to the cinema.

Filming Dogileva in several films will make her popular. By the way, interestingly, some films that the actress did not particularly like brought her unprecedented fame for years to come. Such films are shown from time to time and still are ("Private Life", "Vacancy", etc.).

In the late 90s, she decided to try herself as a director. Several of her works in the theater were a success with the audience, but critics rejected Dogileva's work completely. Then, she decided not to pay attention to them, because her goal is not the approval of critics, but a satisfied audience.

When it comes to film directing, it's not that simple. Dogileva tuned in to work on the author's film, but on the eve of filming, it turned out that there were significant problems with funding. Then, with the joint efforts of Dogileva's film, nevertheless, it was filmed, but with great difficulty. Dogileva did not shoot any more films.

The sitcom Love, Children and Divorce brought the actress not only recognition and fees, but also chronic fatigue. The actress filmed for many hours every day, which exhausted her very much.

As for participation in the TV show, Tatyana Dogileva did not pass by here either. One of the projects “The Last Hero” impressed the actress very much, breathed something new, adventurous into her life. After the end of the project, Dogileva will remember him with nostalgia for a long time.

Quite successfully, Tatyana Dogileva also participated in the TV show "Dancing with the Stars".

In May 2015, the filming of the program "Ideal Renovation at Tatyana Dogileva" was carried out in the actress's apartment. Then, the unique design of the round room was decorated in the Victorian style.

Well, the biography of Tatyana Dogileva is quite rich and interesting.

Personal life of Tatyana Dogileva

Even at the beginning of the actress's studies at GITIS, she and Yuri Stoyanov had a stormy romance, which never grew into more.

After graduating from high school, Dogileva got married, but the marriage did not last long. The constant employment of the actress became the reason for the break in relations, initiated by the husband.

For the second time, Dogileva was led down the aisle by screenwriter, satirist writer Mikhail Mishin. Fate brought the couple together on the set of the film "Free Wind". By the way, at first, the actress did not like the film, but the entire film crew kept talking about Mishin's love for Dogileva. At first, Tatyana did not intend to reciprocate, but nevertheless, she gave her heart to the screenwriter.

Dogileva lived in a marriage with Mishin for 18 years. Unfortunately, the marriage broke up, but as a result of this love, a daughter, Katya, was born.

After the second marriage, the actress did not marry again, so this is where Tatyana Dogileva's personal life ends, or rather, the story about her.

Family of Tatyana Dogileva

Today, the family of Tatyana Dogileva is her daughter Ekaterina. It so happened that both parents and brother left the actress with a slight time difference.

Dogileva's father died of cancer, both his brother and mother soon died (stroke). My brother was a disabled child, often felt the injustice of life. Then, he began to abuse alcohol.

This difficult period in the life of the actress made itself felt. Tatyana Dogileva herself admitted that she often looked into a glass, she even had to be treated for alcohol addiction. Of course, only a strong person is able to admit and correct his mistakes, change his life for the better.

Children of Tatyana Dogileva

On the net, the topic “Children of Tatyana Dogileva” is quite popular. But she has only one child - daughter Katya, born in 1994. The girl also chose the acting path. She graduated from acting classes in Cambridge and continued her studies in the States.

Now, the young actress is trying to settle down and find work in America by profession. Tatyana Dogileva most often communicates with her daughter via Skype. By the way, many are interested in why Katya bears the name of her mother, but her father. It turned out that his father had a pseudonym. To avoid confusion, we decided to give the name Dogileva.

Daughter of Tatyana Dogileva - Katerina (Katya) Dogileva

At one time, the topic concerning Ekaterina Dogileva did not leave the front pages and began to be often discussed in the press - on television, in newspapers, magazines, and on the net. The daughter of Tatyana Dogileva - Katerina Dogileva, suffered serious illness. Annorexia and bulimia caught the girl in her teenage years. Then, the young creature, who considered himself fat, and having seen enough of the covers of the magazine, decided to make significant adjustments to the contours of his body. Katya was so carried away that she did not notice how much she went too far. Soon, the girl could not eat, as she was afraid to gain weight even from water. Tatyana Dogileva tried in every possible way to fight the disease and cockroaches in her daughter's head, but all attempts were in vain.

One day, the girl stopped losing weight and vice versa, she began to eat fast carbohydrates. In order not to gain weight, Katya caused vomiting, so bulimia appeared. Soon, the girl was cured in the hospital, today she eats normally and works in the world of cinema and in the modeling business.

Former husband of Tatyana Dogileva - Alexander

The actress met her first husband Alexander on the set of the film Stowaway. The young man worked as a lighting engineer. The novel broke out quickly, as did the idea of ​​getting married. As it turned out, the couple hurried.

Ex-husband Tatyana Dogileva - Alexander photo

Three months after the marriage, Tatyana Dogileva's husband, Alexander, filed for divorce. The main reason for the divorce is the actress's lack of time for her family, frequent shooting. The husband lacked banal attention and family well-being. But the family as such was absent. Dogileva considers the first marriage a mistake.

Former husband of Tatyana Dogileva - Mikhail Mishin

The second marriage of the actress took place in 1990. The second husband of Tatyana Dogileva is Mikhail Mishin. The man was long and ardently in love with Dogileva, which the entire film crew knew about. Although the actress was not delighted with the man, his sincere feelings conquered Tatyana. After 4 years, the couple had a daughter, who was named Ekaterina.

After 18 years, Tatyana and Mikhail officially divorced. According to Dogileva, she is not a family man, not the keeper of the hearth, as both the first and second spouses wanted. She is a lone wolf who is irrevocably in love with her profession and wholly devoted to her.

She looks very good, but now Tatyana Dogileva is beyond recognition (photo below). All the data that nature has awarded the actress, she successfully uses today. Only a few times Dogileva asked for help from plastic surgeon. According to her, the idea of ​​​​plastic was given by one familiar actress.

Seeing good results a short time, the actress, under the impression, also succumbed to the temptation to fix what had lost its freshness over the years. True, it took a little more procedures than Dogileva expected. Of course, the photos of Tatyana Dogileva before and after plastic surgery are different, but the actress still looks great today, and also treats plastic without fanaticism.

Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Dogileva

You can find out information about all the famous actress on the net. Instagram and Wikipedia Tatyana Dogileva are full of a lot of different details from the life of the actress and fresh photographs. Remarkably, the actress does not expose artsy pictures from her life.

Without hiding visits to psychiatric hospitals, as well as drug dispensaries, Tatyana Dogileva not only tells, but also shows in the photo where she is being treated. This means that the actress is not shy about showing that she is struggling with problems and trying to find a way out of them.