neurotic disorders. Complete nervous exhaustion - causes, first signs and symptoms of neurasthenia

October 10 is World Mental Health Day. This day is practically unknown in our country, and do we need it? What do we know about the processes taking place in our soul? Where do love and hate, happiness and sadness, sympathy and anger come from? If we are honest with ourselves, then not only can we not explain this, but we often lose control of ourselves. Each of us sometimes feels inexplicable sadness, boredom, anger, or, conversely, unreasonable euphoria. Most manage to cope with the painful manifestations of the psyche, but, alas, not all.

According to statistics, every 100th among us suffers from a severe mental illness, every 4th has had problems with mental health problems during his life. If we add 2-3 members of their families to the sick, it turns out that about half of the population is “in the subject” of mental disorders. They know about it, but they don't talk about it, because "it's not accepted" and "it's a shame." Meanwhile, the dynamics of the spread of mental illness is such that it is necessary not to talk, but to shout about the problem.

The attitude of society towards the mentally ill is characterized by the capacious scornful word "crazy". At best, they do not want to notice, at worst, they are considered dangerous and harmful to society. The image of the mentally ill is cultivated in the media - a mass murderer, despite the fact that modern research in psychiatry confirms that the percentage of socially dangerous persons among the mentally ill is no greater than among the healthy. With all the attention paid today in Russia to the issues of support for the disabled, the creation of a barrier-free environment, the employment of people with disabilities, not a word is said about the problems of people with mental disabilities. But the number of the latter is equal to the number of people with disabilities for all other reasons combined. The bulk of young and middle-aged disabled people are mentally disabled.

In professional language, the attitude of society towards the mentally ill is called "stigmatization", from the Greek word "stigma", stigma. As a result of stereotypes that have developed in society, a person with a mental illness experiences shame and guilt for his condition. He struggles to convince himself and everyone around him that he is normal. Seeking help from a doctor is regarded as a sentence: even educated people often believe that psychiatrists do not treat, but only "stab" their patients with injections, "turn them into vegetables." Many people think that disorders such as depression, for example, come from weakness, that depression can be interrupted by volitional efforts. Relatives, friends and colleagues behave similarly, and with the best of intentions: no one wants to offend a loved one with the suspicion that he is “crazy”. As a result, time is lost, and a mild disorder can develop into an acute and chronic illness.

It's hard to fight stereotypes, but you have to start somewhere. First of all, you need to understand that mental illness is not a sin, not a consequence of a “bad” character. At one time I was greatly impressed by the phrase of one experienced psychotherapist: “Psychic illnesses are usually good people: thin, open, sensitive. It’s just that they suffer too much from the imperfection of this world and therefore prefer to go into a parallel reality.”

Secondly, society must come to understand that many mentally ill people are seriously suffering and need our help. Mental pain can be sharper and more severe than physical pain, and suffering can last for months, years, sometimes for a lifetime. For example, many depressives compare their state with a “black hole”, where not a single ray of light, love, joy penetrates. And often the only way out of this hole seems to be suicide. But “the light shines even in the darkness”, just do not be ashamed to carry this light. Society can and must help the millions of mentally ill people who live among us.

Unfortunately, in Russia there are still very few public organizations that would constantly and purposefully engage in this type of charitable assistance. And the field for activity is huge: information support, social rehabilitation, employment assistance, spiritual care, providing hospitals with new generation drugs, protecting the rights of the mentally ill and just communicating with them. Some of these tasks are set by the professional communities of psychiatrists and regional public organizations patients. However, in comparison with Western countries, the volume of assistance provided is disproportionate to the needs.

Natalya Yakovleva, chairman of the NGO "Club of the Strong in Spirit" at the 13th Moscow psychiatric hospital: “If half of the patients in the department are visited by relatives, then this is a very lucky department. The rest are just left alone. Over my many years of practice, I have repeatedly observed cases when the closest people do not come to a sick person for months - they refused to different reasons: ashamed, tired, etc. As a result, people in white coats collect the world for transmission and quietly transfer it “from mom”. How important and necessary is the support of such “non-visitors”. A wide and almost open field for philanthropists. We are ready to help sick children and orphans with the whole world. But believe me, a mentally ill person is more defenseless and unhappy than a sick child and an orphan put together.

Again, you have to start somewhere. Don't be ashamed to help the mentally ill, this is a good, kind deed, in the best traditions of Russian charity! “We,” writes T., a patient in a psychiatric clinic, “want to be optimists, full citizens. We know that people around us have something to learn from us (in terms of the same resilience, mental and spiritual resources), we want to be accepted. We hope that society will move towards us.” It is no coincidence that in Russia the mentally ill have always been treated with respect and care, calling them "God's people."

Marina RIS,

private benefactor

Life drew a map of Russia's insanity. In this rating, Moscow was in fifth place from the bottom - among the most mentally healthy regions. The capital was bypassed only by the Caucasian republics.

The Ministry of Health and the main psychiatric institute of the country - the Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology. V.P. Serbian - provided Life with statistics on the mental health of Russians. The latest available data is the results of 2015, the results of 2016 will be summed up this spring, but the leading regions hardly change from year to year. We are talking about Russians who applied for psychiatric help and, according to the results of the study, are under dispensary observation with different diagnoses.

Previously, this was called "psychiatric registration", but in the medical environment it has a clearly negative Soviet connotation - then registration was for life and the psychiatric status of any citizen was, in fact, public. According to the law "On Psychiatric Care..." a similar concept is now called "dispensary observation" and it can be prescribed compulsorily (as well as inpatient treatment in hospitals).

Mental health is worse in remote regions: Altai, Chukotka, YNAO, as well as in the Perm and Krasnoyarsk Territories. In the European part of Russia, Tver and Ivanovo regions stand out with a minus sign, "harsh" Chelyabinsk residents are in seventh place.

The Caucasian regions turned out to be the leaders in mental health, and Moscow (the leader in the absolute number of the mentally ill, 212 thousand) took an honorable fifth place from the bottom, next to another city of federal significance - Sevastopol. Petersburg was in the middle of the list with a score of 2,618 mentally ill per 100,000 people. Rating with the position of each region - at the end of the note.

Russia Madness Map

The head of the Department of Epidemiological and Organizational Problems of Psychiatry at the Serbsky Center Boris Kazakovtsev, in a conversation with Life, noted that "in the south, in the Caucasus, mental illness is 3-4 times lower than in middle lane Russia and the North. Because in the south it is not customary to go to a psychiatrist: shame on the whole village? No, Kazakovtsev answers: "A similar trend can be traced not only in psychiatry, but also in many indicators of the health of southerners."

The total number of lunatics reached peak values 10 years ago. Then mental illness was recorded in just over 4.25 million people. Since then, the number of mentally ill people in Russia has been falling, and at the end of 2015 it was 4.04 million people.

In previous years, starting from 2006, the overall incidence rates decreased annually in the range from 0.2 to 1.6%. This is due to a decrease since 2005 in the primary incidence of mental disorders. The reason for this dynamic is currently being studied.

Boris Kazakovtsev. For 16 years he was the chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health

Among mental disorders - a quarter, 1.1 million people suffer from psychosis and dementia (of which over 500 thousand people have schizophrenia), another quarter of patients (900 thousand) have a diagnosis of " mental retardation", and 2 million people have non-psychotic disorders," non-violent ".

4 million people are those who applied. But in fact, according to some data, including foreign ones, we have about 14 million mentally ill people, including both mild mental disorders and drug addiction. When the disorder is severe, you have to deal with it one way or another.

Boris Kazakovtsev

Inquiries about mental health by outside organizations (except for courts, investigators and medical institutions) are prohibited - otherwise a violation of medical confidentiality, says Tatiana Klimenko, director of the Narcology Research Institute, ex-assistant to the Minister of Health. She pointed out that mental health certificates are issued by mental health clinics to citizens themselves, and employers can only require such certificates from representatives of professions from order 302-N of the Ministry of Health (teachers, educators, doctors, elevator operators, crane operators, submariners, miners, catering, transport, security guards rescuers, etc.).

The number of Russians on dispensary registration, as follows from the collection of Rosstat "Health in Russia - 2015" (published once every two years), is now about 1.5 million people.

What affects mental health the most? In part, the rating of the most mentally healthy regions coincides with the sobriety rating:

A lot of mentally ill people have problems with alcohol and drugs, and many who use alcohol and drugs, of course, often have mental problems. In general, many researchers believe that problems with alcohol and drugs are mostly secondary and are the result of some kind of mental disorder. This is not necessarily schizophrenia, it can be psychopathy or other forms. After all, everyone drinks, but not everyone develops alcoholism. Of course, a social background is superimposed on the psychological and biological characteristics of the organism. Stressful situations exacerbate the pathology, so the more social problems, the more previously hidden mental disorders are manifested - including due to the use of alcohol and drugs. And so the circle closes

Tatiana Klimenko

Asthenic neurosis, which is better known under the term neurasthenia, is a pathological condition of the central nervous system that arose against the background of a prolonged load, of a mental nature. Often this disease occurs in the context of long-term chronic diseases or exposure to poisonous substances. Depending on the form of manifestation of asthenic neurosis, the methods of treatment and the duration of therapy differ. In this article, we will analyze how to treat neurasthenia and the causes of asthenic neurosis.

Neurasthenia - pathological condition nervous system, resulting from its exhaustion during prolonged mental or physical overload

To start a conversation about who a neurasthenic is, follows from a description of the pathology itself. The asthenic form of neurosis manifests itself as a combination of irritable weakness with increased excitation of the nervous system. The presence of this disease leads to rapid decline performance and disruption vegetative system nerves. The main cause of the onset of the disease is associated with prolonged exposure physical activity arising under the pressure of stress factors. Often, personal tragedies and protracted conflicts contribute to the development of neurasthenia.

Experts note that there are certain favorable conditions for the development of the disease. These include chronic poisoning of the body with toxins and diseases of a somatic nature. Most often, this disease is observed in people who spend most of their time in hard "mental" work.

Types of neurasthenia

Neurasthenics are people suffering from asthenic neurosis, which is divided into two types:

  1. The first type of neurasthenia manifests itself against the background of increased stress associated with the performance of professional duties. This form of the disease manifests itself between the ages of twenty and forty-five. AT medical language, the term "wasting neurosis" is used to refer to this type of disease.
  2. The second form of the disease is reactive. In most cases, bright emotional upheavals act as the reasons that trigger the mechanism for the development of the disease. Such reasons include: the death of loved ones, parting with loved ones or divorce of relatives. Most often, this form of the disease manifests itself in childhood and adolescence.

Reasons for the development of the disease

The causes of the development of a neurasthenic disruption of the nervous system can be of various kinds.. In addition to vivid emotional upheavals and stressful loads, the symptoms characteristic of the disease in question can manifest themselves under the influence of toxic toxins on the body, with a decrease in the quality of work. immune system and vitamin deficiency. Often asthenic neurosis develops against the background of metabolic disorders. But it is important to note that the main reason for the development of this form of neurosis is the overestimation of the capabilities of one's own psyche and the incorrect setting of life priorities.

Often, signs of the development of the disease are observed in women seeking to build their own career. Often mild form asthenic neurosis manifests itself in young people who begin to independently equip their lives. The risk group subject to various neuroses includes people who do not tolerate both physical and psychological stress.

Most common symptom neurasthenia is a headache

Stages of development of asthenic neurosis

Specialists distinguish three main phases of the development of this pathology, which have their own characteristic differences. The initial stage of the disease has a hypersthenic form, in which the symptoms of neurosis are perceived as ordinary fatigue. It is at this stage in the development of the disease that problems such as increased irritability and sleep problems appear. Attacks of aggression can provoke various trifles, including a loud sound, speech, or an attempt by others to start a conversation on a sensitive topic for the patient.

The second stage of the development of the disease is characterized as irritable weakness. This form of the disease is more susceptible to owners of choleric temperament. Being at this stage of neurosis, patients have to make a lot of efforts to fulfill their professional tasks. The situation is complicated by increased fatigue and problems with concentration. Often, prolonged brain activity leads to migraines and feeling unwell which forces a person to give up work for some time.

The third phase of the development of the disease is a hypersthenic form of the disorder, which manifests itself in the form of an increase in sensitivity to irritating factors. This form of the disease is characterized by changes in the behavioral pattern, such as intemperance and lack of patience. With the reverse form of hypersthenic disorder, mental asthenia is more pronounced. Against the background of the development of neurasthenia, the level of interest in the events taking place in life decreases, chronic fatigue is observed, constant sleepiness and lack of desire to work.

Clinical picture

Cerebral neurasthenia manifests itself as neurotic disorders in the form of migraine attacks and sleep problems. In addition, the disease is characterized by various vegetative-visceral signs.

The neurasthenic helmet is one of the main symptoms of the disease, which manifests itself in the form of a feeling high blood pressure in the head area. In addition, many patients suffer from attacks of dizziness, which manifests itself in the form of a feeling of rotation in the head. This symptom occurs during prolonged physical exertion, when the weather changes, as well as during strong excitement. For anesthetic neurosis, cardiovascular problems are also characteristic, which manifest themselves in the form of an acute pain syndrome, arterial hypertension and tachycardia. Patients show discoloration skin in the face area towards crimson or pale shades.

Neurasthenia is a neurosis characterized by a combination of increased excitability with irritable weakness.

One of important features development of neurasthenia - a gradual decrease in performance. Chronic fatigue, drowsiness and problems with concentration lead to a decrease in labor productivity. Insomnia contributes to such disorders. Even in the case when the patient manages to fall asleep, in the morning he feels overwhelmed and not getting enough sleep. In a situation with more severe forms of the disease, the patient develops increased anxiety and various phobias. Personal and career failures lead to a decrease in self-esteem.

The duration of the disease depends on the presence of certain factors and the characteristics of the course of asthenic disorder. In addition, one should take into account the characteristic personality traits, the presence of chronic diseases and the living conditions of the patient.

How does asthenic neurosis manifest itself in women

Women, unlike men, are more susceptible to this nervous breakdown. In the beautiful half of humanity, the sexual form of the disorder most often manifests itself, which manifests itself in the form of a decrease in the level of working capacity, increased irritability and problems in intimate life. Often, the appearance of neurasthenia leads to a decrease in libido, the appearance of a categorical perception of one's own appearance and other changes in the functioning of the nervous system.

Signs of neurasthenia in women are manifested under the influence of various factors, which greatly complicates the classification of symptoms. To diagnose the disorder, it is necessary to give increased attention the mental health status of the patient. Among the symptoms characteristic of "female" neurasthenia, one should single out frequent changes in mood, indifference, lack of desires and aspirations. The presence of the disease can be determined by the lack of joy and increased pickiness.

How does neurasthenia manifest itself in men

Let's take a look at what neurasthenia is in men and how it manifests itself. According to experts, in this case, neurasthenia is closely related to functional activity. The disease manifests itself in the form of unreasonable irritability, as well as weakness in the muscles, which can lead to the appearance of pain at a certain stage in the development of the pathology.

Based on the statistics published annually by WHO, we can say that the stronger sex is more likely to have a chronic form of asthenic psychosis. Most often, the symptoms characteristic of the disease appear in men who are actively involved in sports and people with a choleric temperament. The following symptoms are characteristic of this form of pathology:

  • problems with concentration;
  • nervous weakness;
  • frequent migraine attacks that have a long duration;
  • rapid decline in physical and psychological performance.

Chronic neurasthenia at a certain stage of development leads to the fact that the patient shows an inability to cope with the simplest logical tasks.

Neurasthenia is the most common form of neurosis

Diagnostic methods

In order to make the correct diagnosis, it is enough for an experienced specialist to identify the presence of the main symptoms characteristic of asthenic neurosis. However, before prescribing treatment, the possibility of organic damage to the central nervous system should be excluded.

Most neuroses tend to transform into chronic form, however, according to experts, this condition can be corrected.

Treatment Methods

The choice of treatment method is carried out by the doctor based on the severity of the disease and individual features the patient's personality. Today, specialists use both traditional medical methods and physiotherapy. Apart from conservative treatment, the patient is advised to devote as much time as possible to relaxation, do yoga, attend massage and acupuncture sessions. But it should be mentioned that such methods do not always allow to achieve a stable result.

The main task of therapy is to identify the cause that caused the development of neurasthenia and its neutralization.. Many experts recommend that their patients radically change their lifestyle in order to eliminate factors that negatively affect the state of the nervous system. Among these factors, chronic insomnia, frequent alcohol consumption and stressful situations associated with the performance of work duties should be highlighted. Unwillingness to change one's own life greatly complicates the treatment of the disease. To achieve a stable result is possible only by following all the recommendations of a specialist.

Considering drug treatment asthenic neurosis, it should be noted the effectiveness of the use of Sonapaks. The use of this drug in a small dosage allows you to stimulate the nervous system. An increased dosage of this remedy has a sedative effect on the body, which allows you to get rid of insomnia. Many experts recommend that their patients completely abandon addictions and adhere to the correct daily routine. Exactly chronic lack of sleep and exposure to the body of ethyl alcohol lead to violations of the functionality of the nervous system.

Experts say that many patients cope remarkably well with neurasthenia on their own. It is possible to avoid mental and physical exhaustion only through a sober analysis of one's own abilities. The disease in question is quite common in modern world However, few people know how to deal with stressful situations. In order to avoid neurasthenia, you need to learn to abstract and respond correctly to the acceleration of the rhythm of life.

For clinical picture neurasthenia is very characteristic of general neurotic disorders

Possible Complications

In conclusion, topics about what neurasthenia is, symptoms and treatment nervous breakdown, should be considered possible complications asthenic psychosis. Timely lack of therapy can lead to loss of ability to social adaptation. In this state, the patient begins to experience discomfort during communication with other people and tries to avoid others.

In addition, problems with identifying an irritating factor can lead to the appearance of a depressive syndrome. In this case, patients have a gradual development of a decrease in emotional mood.

Internet marketer, editor of the site "In an accessible language"
Publication date: 06/18/2017

Neurasthenia(F48.0 according to ICD-10) is a common mental disorder from the group of neuroses, which can also be referred to as "asthenic neurosis", "astheno-neurotic syndrome" or "chronic fatigue syndrome". There are plenty of official terms, definitions, articles and books on the Internet devoted to this disease, often on websites and forums on the Internet there are articles about neurasthenia, written, as they say - from the bulldozer, just for the sake of making money, information from such articles introduces ordinary users to delusion.

To write this article, we studied the materials of practicing psychotherapists who have confirmed their competence in this issue. Today we will try to tell you in an accessible language about what neurasthenia is, what are its possible causes.

1. In plain language

In simple terms, neurasthenia is chronic fatigue, emotional burnout or nervous exhaustion. Unlike simple fatigue that disappears after rest, fatigue with neurasthenia is more severe and it is often quite difficult to get rid of it without contacting a psychotherapist, performing special exercises, changing the regime, and possibly changing life orientations, beliefs, work and value systems.

2. Symptoms of neurasthenia

To begin with, I would like to clarify that neurasthenia is not crazy!

Neurasthenia, this is neurosis - a healthy defensive reaction of the body, which, like a fire extinguisher, extinguishes the brain boiling from tension, but in return provides a number of unpleasant symptoms. It is especially important to understand this if, against the background of the disorder, you have a fear that you are going crazy. Do not be afraid, a person does not go crazy from neurasthenia, he is aware of his actions.

Emotional lability (unstable mood) and other symptoms that occur with neurasthenia are not a sign of insanity and not at all a sign of psychosis. Information that this disorder can develop into schizophrenia is extremely far from the truth.

Symptoms of astheno-neurotic syndrome are different, the most common are:

  • irritability;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, decreased performance;
  • tearfulness and excessive sensitivity;
  • "neurasthenic helmet" - headaches, usually squeezing the head in a circle;
  • insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain);
  • decrease or vice versa increase in appetite;
  • tremor, trembling in different parts of the body, muscle tension or twitching;
  • changes blood pressure, increased heart rate;
  • decreased libido;
  • violations menstrual cycle among women;
  • fears and, hypochondria, intrusive thoughts and obsessive actions associated with it. Basically, fears consist in fixing on unpleasant sensations in the body and exaggerating their significance. For example, with neurasthenia, there are frequent cases of the development of cardiophobia - the fear of dying from a heart attack, even in the absence of pathologies from the heart vascular system but available discomfort in the chest. With cardiophobia, often the thought of death from a heart attack becomes obsessive, and the obsessive action in this case is a very frequent measurement of blood pressure, pulse rate and hypochondriacal "runs to the doctors."

It should be clarified that the listed symptoms are not present at the same time, but some of them are often combined, for example, irritability is usually accompanied by insomnia and headaches.

Symptoms may be fixed and not change over time, or they may change over time, for example - this month the patient was irritable, he had a constant headache and could not sleep properly at night, and next month he becomes whiny, his appetite is reduced and his stomach constantly twists.

It is also important to note that the symptoms of neurasthenia do not pose a serious threat to health, so do not be afraid to die from a heart attack or stroke if the pressure has risen 15-20 divisions above normal, most likely the rise in pressure is due to increased anxiety and fears.

In the book of the psychotherapist Andrey Kurpatov "The Remedy for Fatigue" in an accessible language, three phases of neurasthenia, as well as their symptoms, are described.

Thus, Andrey Kurpatov distinguishes the following phases:

2.1. Equalizing (Hypersthenic neurasthenia)

On this very mild stage neurasthenia, a person in some way loses priorities, ceases to distinguish the main from the secondary, the same reaction occurs to stimuli of different significance. A loud sound or a bright light can infuriate a neurotic just as much as an opponent in a serious conflict.

Often, in the equalizing phase of neurasthenia, a person may think that something is wrong in his life, he doesn’t like his work, it’s not clear what is in the family, he wants to change something, but you don’t know how, before everything seemed to suit, something interested, and now everything is boring and not interesting. Moreover, dissatisfaction with life is most likely not substantiated by anything in fact, but is dictated precisely by the exhaustion of nerves, and not by the fact that life is bad.

Sometimes a feeling of discontent and "exhaustion" can develop into scandals out of the blue and emotional breakdowns. The feeling of joy becomes a very rare guest, and constant irritation follows him like a shadow on a sunny day. From the outside, it may seem that a person “suffers from nonsense” - either because of some trifle he decides that he urgently needs to quit this “viper hole”, then he bursts into tears when he sees a homeless person, etc.

2.2. Paradoxical (irritable weakness).

At the paradoxical stage of neurasthenia, a person becomes even more irritable and depressed. The paradox here is that a person has no energy to solve serious problems, they seem to him not uplifting, and minor failures are perceived as something terrible. The reaction to minor negative events can be very violent. A person can simply “score” on important matters, but get upset all day because of the remark of the boss or the deuce of the child.

A swarm of thoughts can swirl in the head, usually disturbing and stupid, thinking about these thoughts does not lead to any results and only provokes a waste of energy, which is already “at the bottom”. If, therefore, a significantly exhausted person begins to force himself to do some things, arguing that he is lazy, then he can take on a whole mountain of cases, frantically going through one thing after another, often without completing most of the planned action plan.

2.3. Ultraparadoxical (Hyposthenic neurasthenia)

The ultraparadoxical or hyposthenic phase of neurasthenia is the most severe form of the disorder, the most difficult to treat. In this phase, people are more like a burned out light bulb.

He just exists like a vegetable, he has no energy for anything, he just moves from home to work, shows no interest in anything. A vacuum reigns in his head, it is not possible for him to unravel the tangle of accumulated cases, and he may not see the need for this. It seems to him that the world around him is running at some completely different speed, unknown to him.

It is damn difficult for those suffering from hyposthenic neurasthenia to concentrate on anything;

It is worth noting that a long stay in a state of hyposthenic neurasthenia can lead to the fact that the disorder becomes chronic, it is also possible to develop depression, a disorder that is more difficult to treat.

It is important to note that the probability of transition from the most light form to a more severe one depends on many factors, including temperament, the strength of irritating factors, the neurasthenic's subconscious attitudes, and the level of anxiety. In some cases, recovery can occur by itself even in the leveling phase due to a decrease in the influence of stimuli; there are also cases when anxious people with a weak type of nervous system fell ill with hyposthenic neurasthenia, bypassing irritable weakness and hypersthenic neurasthenia.

3. Causes of neurasthenia

The causes of neurasthenia can be very different, but psychologists sometimes emphasize certain situations that contribute to the development of the disorder. So, the causes of neurasthenia include:

  • High workload with a large number of different cases;
  • Obtaining a large amount of information of various content. In simple words- clogging the brain with constant reading of the news and "hang" in social networks;
  • The emergence of a situation of difficult choice, with significant risks for the individual;
  • Low self-esteem, exaggeration of their shortcomings and obsession with them;
  • Abrupt change life situation sometimes even with positive changes in habitual way of life. A lot can be attributed to this item, for example, it can be the death of relatives, treason in the family, the birth of a child, moving from their usual place of residence, or even a coup d'état in the country;

The factors listed above, according to many psychotherapists, are only a trigger that triggers such a protective mechanism as neurasthenia. The true cause is the attitudes you learned as a child and accepted as true.

Most often, workaholics who work day and night tirelessly fall into neurasthenia, because they believe that their life will be happy or they will be loved only if they reach great heights in their careers, earn a lot of money, buy a cool car, a huge manor, pump up huge muscles, get a model girlfriend, etc. Briefly, this belief, fixed in the subconscious of a neurotic, can be formulated as follows - "I will be loved and respected only if I prove that I am good." many at first manage to achieve a lot with this attitude, but if suddenly you fail, you have problems with work or relationships - in general, something that does not fit into your “strategy”, then your brain triggers a defense mechanism in the form of a neurosis.

Where do such strategies come from? And straight from childhood - from those situations when parents put children in a corner for a deuce, and for a five they treat them with candy, or call the child stupid or incapable of anything. The child begins to believe that he needs to prove his “goodness” and that the love of parents is not unconditional, that they must be good and constantly “get five” in order to be loved and happy. It is worth noting that in this case we are not talking about reasonable educational processes, but about cases when parents “go too far”, perhaps without realizing it.

It is these attitudes, recorded as a program in our brain, that are the causes of intrapersonal conflicts leading to neurotic reactions of the psyche.