Lung cancer first signs. Classification of lung cancer by stage of development

Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world. More than 1 million people die from this disease every year. Oncology of the lung is characterized by a latent course and the rapid spread of metastases. In men, this pathology is diagnosed much more often than in women, about seven to eight times. People of different age groups get sick.

The first signs of lung cancer

Consider how lung cancer manifests itself. At the beginning of tumor formation, symptoms are subtle, or may be completely absent, which is why most lose a large number of time, and the cancer moves to another stage.

What people are at risk?

  • Age. People over 40 should be checked annually.
  • Male gender. Lung cancer is most common in men. Moreover, the difference is very noticeable - 5-8 times, depending on the age category of those compared.
  • Nationality. African Americans get sick much more often than other nations.
  • genetic predisposition. The presence of cancer in blood relatives.
  • Smoking. The decisive factors in this matter are not only the overall duration of the smoker, but also the intensity in the number of cigarettes smoked per day. The reason for this may be the deposition of nicotine in the lungs.
  • Second hand smoke. Frequent exposure to people who smoke or in smoky rooms exceeds the risk factor for the disease by 20%.
  • Chronic lung diseases. Diseases such as tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchiectasis, lung destruction, polycystic lung disease.
  • HIV infection. Cancer is diagnosed twice as often in HIV-infected people.
  • Radiation therapy. People who have undergone radiation exposure are at risk, since the rays affect the cell, changing the functions of organelles, as a result of which they cannot work fully.


  • small cell cancer- the most terrible and aggressively developing tumor and giving metastases even on a small size of the tumor itself. It is rare, usually in smokers.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma- the most common type of tumor, develops from squamous epithelial cells.
  • Adenocarcinoma- rare, formed from the mucous membrane.
  • large cell- It affects women more often than men. Feature is the beginning of development cancer in the subsegmental bronchi and the early formation of metastases in the lymph nodes of the mediastinum, additionally there is a peripheral lesion of the adrenal glands, pleura, bones, and also the brain.

Stages of cancer

There are only four stages of cancer, each of these stages is characterized by certain symptoms and manifestations. For each stage, an individual treatment is selected by an oncologist. It is possible to completely get rid of this pathology only in the early stages.

  • First stage 1A. The neoplasm should not exceed 3 cm in diameter. This stage proceeds without coughing. It is very difficult to detect.
  • First stage 1B. The size of the tumor can reach up to 5 centimeters in diameter, but malignant neoplasm does not release tumor markers into the blood, which means that it can still be completely removed.

If this disease is detected at this stage, then the prognosis of the disease in 70 cases out of 100 will be favorable. Unfortunately, as mentioned above, it is very difficult and almost impossible to recognize at the initial stage, since the tumor is very small and there are no obvious symptoms.

It is always worth paying attention to alarming symptoms in both adults and children: the degree of cough and the consistency and smell of sputum, it can be putrid and greenish in color.

A huge danger can be small cell cancer, spreading metastases throughout the body almost instantly. If you suspect such a cancerous lesion, you should immediately resort to treatment: chemotherapy or surgery.

The SECOND stage of cancer begins when the tumor is more than five centimeters in diameter. Among the main symptoms, one can single out an increased cough with sputum discharge interspersed with blood, fever, rapid breathing, as well as a possible "lack of air". Rapid weight loss often occurs during this stage.

  • Stage 2A. Malignant education expanded to 5 cm in diameter. Almost reached The lymph nodes but not yet amazed.
  • Stage 2B. malignant tumor reaches 7 cm, but the neoplasm, as in stage 2A, has not yet spread to the lymph nodes. There may be indigestion. Possible metastases to the chest cavity.

The percentage of survival in the second stage: 30 patients out of 100. Correctly chosen treatment allows you to increase life expectancy: up to about 4-6 years. In small cell cancer, the prognosis at this stage is even worse: 18 patients out of 100.

THIRD stage of cancer. At this stage, treatment practically does not help.

  • Stage 3A. The tumor is more than 7 centimeters. It has already reached closely adjacent tissues and the lymph nodes near the lung are affected. Metastases appear, their area of ​​appearance noticeably expands and covers the chest, trachea, blood vessels, even near the heart and can penetrate into the thoracic fascia.
  • Stage 3B. A malignant tumor is more than 7 cm in diameter, it can already affect even the walls of the lung. Rarely, metastases can reach the heart, tracheal vessels, which cause the development of pericarditis.

Symptoms in the third stage are pronounced. Violent cough with blood severe pain in the thoracic region, chest pain. At this stage, doctors prescribe drugs that suppress coughing. The main treatment is to suppress the growth of cancer cells with chemotherapy, but unfortunately, the treatment is ineffective, the tumor grows and destroys the body. Cancer of the left or right, with these lesions of a part of the lung, resection of the entire or part of the lung is performed.

Lungs' cancer - serious illness, which develops for the most part from the tissues of the bronchi, as well as bronchial glands and affects the lungs of a person.

Mainly smoking men are susceptible to it (according to various statistical studies - 80-90%), while the lion's share of the diseased is from 45 to 80 years old, but there is lung cancer in young people.

Table of contents:

Note: cancer cells that affect the lungs divide very quickly, spreading the tumor throughout the body and destroying other organs. That's why important point is the early diagnosis of the disease. The earlier lung cancer is detected and treated, the higher the chance of prolonging the life of the patient.

In sixty percent of cases, pathology develops in the upper lung. Most likely, this is due to the fact that it is in this department that tobacco smoke and air containing carcinogens linger the longest.

Cancer originating from the bronchus is called central, from the lung tissue - peripheral. In 80% of cases, the disease is formed in the central zone and the hilum of the lung.

Central (radical) cancer is divided into:

  • endobronchial;
  • peribronchial.

On the early stage the tumor looks like a polyp or plaque. Further, it can grow in different ways. A mediastanal view is also distinguished, which is characterized by a small tumor and rapid growth.

Depending on histological changes, a classification has been adopted in our country that distinguishes:

  • non-small cell lung cancer;
  • small cell forms.

Non-small cell lung cancer

This is one of the most common forms of a malignant lung tumor, it is characterized by the following subspecies:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma- degenerated cells of the epithelial tissue lining the bronchi. It spreads slowly, is easy to diagnose, and has a good treatment prognosis.
  • Adenocarcinoma- a type of cancer whose cells are formed from the glandular tissue of the small bronchi. The tumor metastasizes into the tissue of the contralateral lung, forming new foci in the immediate vicinity of the primary node. It is more often characteristic of women, practically does not depend on smoking, grows to a huge size. It looks like a nodule of a grayish-white color, in the center there is sclerotic tissue, lobules are visible in the tumor. Sometimes the neoplasm is covered with mucus, foci of wet necrosis, bleeding from the vessels are noticeable. Adenocarcinoma is manifested by bronchial symptoms - atelectasis and bronchopneumonia.
  • Large cell carcinoma- abnormally large anaplastic cells, the growth of which is usually noticeable in the central part of the bronchial tree. The tumor is aggressive, has no typical clinical picture. At a later stage, there is a cough with sputum streaked with blood. The patients are emaciated. Histological sections showed necrosis and hemorrhage.
  • mixed forms Tumors that contain cells from several types of cancer. The symptoms of the disease and the prognosis depend on the combination of types of neoplasms and the degree of predominance of certain cells.

This is one of the most aggressive types of cancer. Outwardly, it resembles a soft light yellow infiltrate interspersed with foci of necrosis, the cells look like oat grains. Characterized rapid growth and the formation of regional and distant metastases. 99% of patients with this form are smokers.

As you know, the histological picture of one area of ​​the tumor may differ from another. Accurate diagnosis of the tumor allows you to make a prognosis for the development of the disease and choose the most effective treatment regimen.

Stages of lung cancer

Modern medicine distinguishes several stages of the disease

Stage of lung cancer

Tumor size

Pathological process in the lymph nodes


Stage 0

The neoplasm is localized, does not spread to the surrounding tissues



Stage І A

Tumor-like neoplasm up to 3 cm, does not affect the main bronchus



Stage I B

Neoplasm from 3 to 5 cm, localized, does not move to other areas, is located below the trachea by 2 cm or more



Stage II A

The size of the tumor is up to 3 cm, it does not affect the main bronchus

Affects single peribronchial regional lymph nodes.


Stage II B

Neoplasm 3 to 5 cm in size, not spread to other parts of the lungs, localized below the trachea by 2 cm or more

The defeat of single regional peribronchial nodes of the lymphatic system is noticeable.




Stage III A

The size of the neoplasm is up to 5 cm, other parts of the lungs are not affected

Affected bifurcation or other types of lymph nodes located in the mediastinum on the side of the lesion


Tumor of any size that invades other organs chest. Does not affect the heart, large vessels and trachea.

There is a lesion of the bifurcation / peribronchial / regional and other lymph nodes of the mediastinum on the side of the lesion


Stage III B

Tumor-like neoplasm of any size, passing to the mediastinum, large vessels, trachea, heart and other organs

Any nodes of the lymphatic system affected


Lung cancer can be any size and spread to different organs.

AT inflammatory process mediastinal lymph nodes are involved not only on the side of the lesion, but also on the opposite side and lymph nodes located in the upper shoulder girdle


Stage IV

Tumor size doesn't matter

Any lymph nodes affected

There are single or multiple metastases in any organs and systems

Causes and factors of lung cancer

The main cause of oncology of any organ is damage to DNA cells, which occurs due to the influence of various factors on them.

If speak about lung cancer, then the reasons for its occurrence may be:

  • work in hazardous production;
  • inhalation of harmful substances.

Most often, this disease is observed in workers of the following professions:

  • steelworkers;
  • miners;
  • woodworkers;
  • metallurgists;
  • in the production of ceramics, phosphates and asbestos cement.

The main causes of the formation of lung cancer:

  • Inhalation of carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. The likelihood of developing the disease increases significantly with smoking more than 40 cigarettes per day.
  • Bad environmental situation. This is especially true for areas where processing and mining enterprises are located.
  • Exposure to radiation.
  • Contact with substances that provoke the onset of the disease.
  • , frequent .

Signs and symptoms of lung cancer

Most often, at the initial stage, the disease practically does not manifest itself outwardly, and a person turns to specialists when it is no longer possible to help him with something.

The main symptoms of lung cancer:

  • chest pain;
  • shortness of breath;
  • cough that does not go away for a long time;
  • weight loss;
  • blood in sputum.

However, these manifestations do not always indicate the presence of oncology. They can mean a lot of other diseases. Therefore, the diagnosis of cancer in most cases is belated.

In addition to the above symptoms, lung cancer is clearly manifested:

  • lack of interest in life;
  • lethargy;
  • very low activity;
  • fever long period of time.

It is important to understand that this disease is easily disguised as bronchitis, pneumonia, so it is important to differentiate it from other diseases.

Early diagnosis gives hope for a cure. The most reliable way in this case is an x-ray of the lungs. The diagnosis is confirmed by endoscopic bronchography. With its help, you can determine the size and location of the tumor. In addition, it is imperative cytological examination- biopsy.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment should be started immediately, strictly following the doctor's instructions. Do not rely on alternative medicine and folk remedies.

Given the fact that the onset of the disease occurs without symptoms, it makes sense to do x-rays annually. This is especially recommended for people at risk. If there is suspicion, the diagnosis is considered confirmed until proven otherwise.

Diagnosis is confirmed with:

  • transthoracic puncture;
  • biopsies;
  • blood test for the level of tumor markers.
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Trofimova Yaroslava, medical commentator

Lung cancer has a high mortality rate. Therefore, it is very important to identify the symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage.

Diagnosing lung cancer in the early stages is difficult, since the risk group is all smoking men and women. Many of them have a history of respiratory diseases - pneumonia, pleurisy, not to mention the more serious ones - tuberculosis.

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Statistics help out: men are more prone to lung cancer than women, but according to new data, since 2014 the number of cases in women has increased by 10%. Plays a role and age. Most often, the disease develops in individuals after 50 years.


In addition to smoking, there is several predisposing factors:

  • tuberculosis infection in the past and existing scars on the lung tissue;
  • chronic diseases of the bronchi;
  • occupational diseases, when, on duty, a person is forced to deal with hazardous substances that accumulate in the lung tissue and are carcinogens;
  • genetic predisposition.

Note! In addition to the above factors, there are cases of the onset of the disease, the causes of which cannot be determined.

Any oncology is a combination of several causes, and it's not just about smoking. Otherwise, how can one explain the occurrence of lung cancer in children?

Scientific cause research cancers were carried out in many areas:

Each science is right in its own way and has arguments. But it is impossible to think in separate categories in the presence of oncology. Definitely there was a malfunction in the body, the immune system did not manage, vital forces decreased even more. The infection was just waiting for its time to come, it began to multiply and poison the body even more.

Causes lung cancer:

  • decrease in immunity with age;
  • additional intoxication with tobacco smoke;
  • concomitant diseases that reduce human activity;
  • lung diseases;
  • contact with dangerous chemicals- arsenic, cadmium, lead, asbestos, radon, radioactive metals.

Tobacco smoke contains carcinogens that can cause mutations in genes. The main thing is the fact that these substances must act on the body for a long time in order for changes to occur.

Concomitant diseases can be any pathology that reduces the body's resistance.

In women, these are hormonal disorders of the female genital area, diseases thyroid gland. In men - and diseases of the adrenal glands.

Both of them can have digestive disorders, which affects the absorption of nutrients. Failure to comply with the regimen and quality of nutrition reduces the chances of excellent health.

Transferred pathologies of the lungs, as a result of which there was altered tissue structure, are also one of the factors that aggravate the situation of a person.

Living in areas where there are enterprises of the chemical industry poses a threat to the health of not individuals, but the entire population. It has been established that constant contact with contaminated air, water, vegetation contributes to the excessive accumulation of harmful substances in the tissues of the body, which leads to various diseases.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of lung cancer in the early stages may manifest unusually:

  • girdle pain, uncharacteristic for this disease;
  • shoulder pain;
  • increase in body temperature up to 37 degrees, which is typical for many diseases;
  • cough with lung cancer - is also a symptom of other, less serious diseases;
  • shortness of breath - characteristic symptom cardiac disorders.

The first signs of lung cancer are similar to the symptoms colds. The difference is that a cold is treated faster, and with oncology, symptoms is gradually increasing there is fatigue, apathy, pain in the limbs.

In women, the disease manifests itself in a change in the timbre of the voice - hoarseness appears. Symptoms in the early stages can only be accurately determined by using modern species diagnostics:

  • taking tests for oncomarkers, which with a certain degree of probability will confirm the diagnosis, but not one hundred percent;
  • use of magnetic resonance imaging;
  • do ordinary;
  • on general analyzes blood and urine, we can conclude that there are pathologies in the body.

Pneumonia and lung cancer are very similar diseases. Without the use of laboratory and technical tools, even a doctor will not exactly tell how to distinguish one disease from another, especially if pneumonia is severe, or lung cancer develops slowly.


How does cancer manifest itself, depending on its location? Exists several kinds, located in various parts of the lung tissue:
  • peripheral cancer - located on the sides where there are few pain receptors, therefore this type does not manifest pain for a long time, has a more positive prognosis when detected in the early stages;
  • central cancer is a more dangerously located tumor, since there are large vessels, nerve nodes, bronchi nearby - the first symptoms are a long-lasting debilitating cough, then the tumor blocks the lumen of the bronchi;
  • the apical subspecies is characterized by multiple symptoms, completely diverse - headaches, asymmetric shapes of the face or eyes, which at first glance is typical for neurological diseases;
  • atypical locations of tumors - manifested in the occurrence of a focus between the right and left lobes.

Cough in lung cancer is the first symptom, but it is most often ignored, apart from important feature. For various kinds pulmonary oncology is characterized by its specific cough.

Cough appears from the first days of illness. At first it is dry and paroxysmal. You should pay attention if there is purulent sputum with streaks of blood. Sputum in lung cancer appears in later stages - 3 - 4. The blood is most often bright red. Cough is different:

  • continuous, with shortness of breath;
  • a strong cough at night, when the patient's lying position complicates the withdrawal of sputum;
  • a hoarse, silent cough speaks of the development of the pathological process and a change in the structure of the tissue of the organ.

When visiting a doctor, try to describe your cough. Perhaps this will help to decide on a plan of action and begin the survey.


If oncology develops, then the prognosis will depend on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, what measures the person takes to recover.

Some types of oncology are characterized by increased aggressiveness, rapid growth, and frequent relapses.

The prognosis depends on the quality of the treatment, the level of oncologists.

It is also important what kind of rehabilitation is carried out after the course of treatment, how weakened the body is.

Important! Listen to your doctor's advice about quitting smoking proper nutrition, adjustments to the mode of rest and work.

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In the first 2 stages, during the appearance and development of a neoplasm on the lung sacs, the patient does not yet feel a sharp deterioration in health. Therefore, men during this period practically do not seek help in medical institutions which makes early detection of the tumor difficult.

Symptoms at the onset of the disease

The development of a cancerous neoplasm on the lung can occur in different forms, which differ from each other in the spread of metastases, the possibility of recurrence of the disease at an early stage of development, a variety of clinical types.
The first signs of lung cancer usually do not cause anxiety in the patient, as they are similar to the symptoms of other diseases.
Lung cancer at the initial stages of its development gives the following manifestations:

  1. A man develops a cough that has an unsystematic character.
  2. The patient complains of severe fatigue.
  3. The patient has a sharp decrease in appetite. The body weight is rapidly decreasing.
  4. In subsequent stages, shortness of breath begins to appear, a cough with blood develops.
  5. Pain syndrome in humans occurs when metastases penetrate the organs and tissue structures surrounding the affected lung.

Symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage practically do not make it possible to accurately diagnose the disease, since it is difficult to differentiate a cancerous tumor from other lesions of the lung structures by them. This happens because there are practically no nerve endings in the lung, and this organ can provide the patient's body with oxygen even when only 27% of healthy tissues remain. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that the growth of a cancerous neoplasm in most cases lasts several years.

Second and third stages of lung cancer

At these stages of neoplasm growth, certain indicators appear that mask other ailments. Usually, initially, a sick man has a sharp decrease in activity. He often complains of fatigue from simple household activities, loses interest in them, is depressed. He has weakness in the whole body, his working capacity is sharply reduced.
Cancer is often disguised as bronchitis, various inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, pneumonia, viral infection etc. Often the patient's body temperature rises, which then subsides. But after a while, the person is again in a fever. If a man during this period uses medications, then the symptoms of the disease disappear, but then everything repeats. Some men at this time seek help from a doctor, but most often it is impossible to detect manifestations of cancer at this stage.
At the 2nd and 3rd stages of the development of the disease, insufficiency already occurs in the lung structures, serious problems begin with the heart and its rhythm. A man complains of chest pain. This is due to the loss of entire zones of the lung from the breathing process, which negatively affects the state of human health.

If, at the initial stage of cancer, a man’s cough is rare and dry with little or no sputum (with), then it develops into a hysterical cough. There is sputum with blood. A man should immediately consult a doctor. It is during this period that a person begins to hurt that part of the chest, where doctors then discover a cancerous tumor.

Another sign of cancer development is difficulty in passing food through the esophagus. Symptoms may indicate a masked inflammatory process in the esophagus, but this is due to the introduction of metastases into the lymph nodes of the organ, which prevents the normal passage of food. If metastases have reached the nerve endings between the ribs, then the man's pain intensifies. The intensity of the pain syndrome depends entirely on the involvement of the subcostal, thoracic membrane in the process.

Fourth stage of the disease

At this stage of the pathology, a man begins to experience severe pain due to damage to nerve endings by metastases.. Almost all patients develop paralysis of the ligaments. The process of abscess in the lung begins. There is a strong pain syndrome in those organs where metastases have managed to penetrate. A man has enlarged supraclavicular lymph nodes.
Together with these symptoms, the patient shows signs such as rapid weight loss, constant weakness that cannot be explained, and high fatigue. Patients have a sharp change in mood, depression develops. They often complain of pain in the heart and seek help from a cardiologist, therapist. Only during the examination they reveal the symptoms of cancer.

The dependence of the signs of the disease on its form

If a person has developed, then the course of the disease is asymptomatic for a long time. The neoplasm grows into organs adjacent to the affected lung, and then quickly increases in size. The first sign of this disease is shortness of breath and the presence of periodic pain in the chest. By the intensity of shortness of breath, one can judge the size of the neoplasm: the more significant the shortness of breath in the patient, the larger the size of the tumor. Soreness in the chest may be permanent or transient. It occurs in 50% of men with this form of cancer. Localization of the pain syndrome occurs on the side of the chest where the tumor itself is located.

The small cell form of cancer is almost always malignant. In the lungs it develops infrequently. Signs of such a disease are considered to be shortness of breath and intoxication. Metastases in small cell carcinoma occur in the early stages of pathology development. They affect almost the entire body of the patient.