Time factor new instructions for use. Time Factor: instructions for use, analogues and reviews, prices in Russian pharmacies

Dietary supplement of general strengthening action for women.

Composition Time factor

Blister №1 - iron, folic acid, glutamic acid, rutin, ginger extract.

Blister №2 - nicotinamide, folic acid, glutamic acid, broccoli extract.

Blister №3 - vitamins C, E, angelica root extract.

Blister №4 - magnesium, zinc, sacred vitex extract, ginkgo biloba extract.


V-Min+ (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

The components that make up the dietary supplement normalize various phases menstrual cycle.

Side effect Time factor

No data.

Indications for use

As biologically active additive to food - an additional source of vitamins C, E, niacin, folic acid, iron, zinc, magnesium, a source of flavonoids, women of reproductive age to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Contraindications Time factor

Individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy, lactation.

Method of application and dosage

The drug should be started on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, which corresponds to the 1st day of menstrual bleeding.

The course of admission is 28 days.

Blister №1 - 2 capsules per day, starting from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle for 5 days.

The total duration of admission is 28 days.

If necessary, the reception can be repeated.

If the duration of the menstrual cycle is more than 28 days, you should take a break in taking the capsules until the start of the next menstrual cycle and start taking the second pack from blister No. 1.

If the duration of the menstrual cycle is less than 28 days, from the 1st day of the new menstrual cycle, blister No. 1 capsules should be taken, regardless of the number of remaining capsules in blister No. 4.


No data.


No data.

special instructions

Is not a medicine.

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Time Factor- it's natural herbal preparation, which helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.


One package of Time Factor contains 4 blisters with different composition:

  1. First blister. folic acid. iron, rutin, glutamic acid, ginger extract;
  2. Second blister. folic acid, glutamic acid, nicotinamide, broccoli extract;
  3. Third blister. vitamin E. vitamin C, angelica extract;
  4. Fourth blister. magnesium, zinc, ginkgo extract, sacred vitex extract.

information The components of the drug help to gently establish hormonal balance, regulate the menstrual cycle, thereby normalizing the condition reproductive system ladies, which is fundamentally important during pregnancy planning.

The main impact of the Time Factor components:

  1. Components of the first blister. compensate for the loss of iron during menstruation, eliminate pain, strengthen the vessel and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  2. Components of the second blister. regulate the production of estrogen, improve mood and increase efficiency;
  3. Components of the third blister. regulate the production of progesterone, prevent its destruction, enhance the effect of progesterone on the inner layer of the uterus and support the full growth of the endometrium;
  4. Components of the fourth blister. eliminate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (emotional stress, mood swings, pain), have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Dosage and duration of administration

When planning pregnancy, the drug should be taken for at least 3 months; when conception occurs, Time Factor should be discontinued.

The composition of one package of the drug includes 28 capsules, which must be taken every day for 28 days, following the sequence of blisters and capsules.

Admission rules

  1. Capsules of the first blister. reception is started from the very beginning of the menstrual cycle for 5 days, taking 2 capsules every day;
  2. Capsules of the second blister. take from 6 to 14 days of the menstrual cycle (1 capsule every day);
  3. Capsules of the third blister. take from 15 to 23 days of the menstrual cycle (1 capsule every day);
  4. Capsules of the fourth blister. take from 25 to 28 days of the menstrual cycle (2 capsules every day).

With a 28-day menstrual cycle, after taking the last capsule, you do not need to pause, you need to start taking the drug from a new package.

With a menstrual cycle of more than 28 days, after the end of the fourth blister, it is necessary to pause and start taking a new package from the very beginning of menstruation.

With a menstrual cycle of less than 28 days from the very beginning of menstruation, you need to start taking the capsules of the first blister of a new package, regardless of whether the capsules remain in the fourth blister.


Side effects

Of the probable side effects Time Factors were noted only allergic reactions at hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.


information Time Factor today has no analogues in terms of the composition of the components.

Last update of the description by the manufacturer 17.10.2016

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Nosological classification (ICD-10)


Capsule set 1 set
capsule №1 (beige color) 530 mg±10%
capsule №2 (pink color) 500 mg±10%
standardized plant extracts of ginger root, angelica roots, sacred vitex fruit, as well as glutamic acid, tocopherol acetate, rutin, electrolytic iron, folic acid, ascorbic acid, magnesium oxide, indole-3-carbinol, zinc citrate
capsule number 1 (beige): gelatin; dyes E171, E104, E122; anti-caking agents - amorphous silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate
capsule number 2 (pink): dextrose; gelatin; dyes E171, E122; anti-caking agents - amorphous silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate
content active substances see table
Component name Content per daily dose (2 caps.) % of consumption level (2 caps.)

Capsule #1

Vitamin E 30 mg 300 1
Rutin 30 mg 100 2
Iron 14 mg 100 1
Folic acid 600 mcg 300 1
Glutamic acid 680 mg 5 2
Gingerols at least 3 mg -

Capsule #2

Vitamin C 120 mg 200 1
Magnesium 60 mg 15 1
Zinc 15 mg 100 1
Indole-3-carbinol 50 mg 100 2
Aucubin at least 240 mcg -

2% of adequate intake.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- normalizing menstrual function.

Dosage and administration

inside, swallowed whole with water. Women, in the first half of the cycle - 2 caps. No. 1 (beige) per day with meals, in the second half of the cycle - 2 caps. #2 (pink) per day with food. The duration of the kit is 3 months, if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Reception should begin on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, which corresponds to the 1st day of menstrual bleeding.

General principles applications

For a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days:

Capsules No. 1 (beige) - in the first phase of the menstrual cycle from the first to the fourteenth day from the onset of menstruation; daily dose - 2 caps.;

Capsules No. 2 (pink) - in the second phase of the menstrual cycle from the fifteenth to the twenty-eighth day from the onset of menstruation; daily dose - 2 caps.

For a regular menstrual cycle lasting less than 28 days:

Capsules No. 1 (beige) - from the first day to the middle of the cycle (14 days); daily dose - 2 caps.;

Capsules number 2 (pink) - from the middle of the cycle to the beginning of a new menstrual cycle; daily dose - 2 caps. From the 1st day of the new menstrual cycle, you should start taking capsules No. 1 (beige) regardless of the number of remaining capsules No. 2 (pink).

For a regular menstrual cycle lasting more than 28 days:

Capsules No. 1 (beige) - from the 1st day to the middle of the cycle (15 days); daily dose - 2 caps.;

"TIME FACTOR"- a biologically active food supplement for women, which contains standardized plant extracts of ginger root, angelica roots, sacred vitex fruit, as well as glutamic acid, tocopherol acetate, rutin, electrolytic iron, folic acid, ascorbic acid, magnesium oxide, indole- 3-carbinol, zinc citrate.
"TIME FACTOR" is a source of vitamins C and E, folic acid, minerals (iron, magnesium and zinc), rutin, indole-3-carbinol, contains gingerols and aucubin.
The action of "TIME FACTOR" is aimed at normalizing the menstrual cycle, regulating its duration, maintaining hormonal balance in premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
"TIME FACTOR" is a two-phase complex of biologically active substances, its unique formula was created taking into account cyclical changes in a woman's body. Biologically active ingredients divided into two capsules in such a way as to meet the needs as much as possible female body in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and substances plant origin at every stage throughout the menstrual cycle. The rich composition of natural extracts and biologically active substances is safe, unlike hormone replacement therapy. It is important to consistently take capsules from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle without skipping for 28 days.

Release form: a complex of 2 capsules: capsules No. 1 beige, 530 mg ± 10%, capsules No. 2 pink, 500 mg ± 10%, in blisters and a pack of cardboard N9 60. The package contains six blisters No. 10, each The blister is arranged in 2 rows of 5 capsules N° 1 and N° 2, separated by perforation.

Description: hard gelatin capsules, capsule No. 1 - beige, contains greenish-yellow powder (from light yellow to light green) color, crumbly or pressed into a cylinder, inclusions and conglomerates (lumps) are allowed; capsule No. 2 - pink, contains loose or pressed into a cylinder powder from beige to
brown, inclusions and conglomerates (lumps) are allowed. The smell of the contents of the capsules is sharp, specific, characteristic of the raw materials used. Content of active substances:
Component name Content in daily dose (2 capsules) % of requirement level (2 capsules)

Capsule No. 1
Vitamin E 30 mg 300%*
Rutin 30 mg 100%"
Iron 14 mg 100%*
Folic acid 600 mcg 300%*
Glutamic acid 680 mg 5%**
Gingerols at least 3 mg -

Capsule number 2
Vitamin C 120 mg 200%*
Magnesium 60 mg 15%*
Zinc 15 mg 100%*
Indole-3-carbinol 50 mg 100%**
Aucubin not less than 240 mcg -

The content of vitamin E, vitamin C, folic acid does not exceed the upper permissible intake level.
Capsule No. 1 gelatinous, beige: gelatin; dyes E171; E104; E122; anti-caking agents: amorphous silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate.
Capsule No. 2 gelatinous, pink: dextrose; gelatin; dyes E171; E122; anti-caking agents: amorphous silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate.

Properties of the components of dietary supplements for food "TIME FACTOR"

Capsule No. 1 (beige)
  • Glutamic acid is a traditional component of "cyclic vitamin therapy", saturates cells with oxygen, activates
  • blood circulation and redox processes, contributes to the neutralization and removal of ammonia from the body, increases the body's resistance to hypoxia. Normalizes the functional state of the nervous and endocrine systems, has a positive effect on the normalization of the menstrual cycle as a whole.
  • Vitamin E prevents the destruction of progesterone. The use of vitamin E helps to eliminate the symptoms of vaginal dryness, improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair.
  • Ginger root extract (standardized for gingerols) has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antispasmodic activity. It suppresses painful contractions of the muscles of the uterus, being an excellent remedy for nausea during painful periods.
  • Rutin contributes to the normalization of vascular permeability and strengthens vascular wall. Together with vitamin C, it prevents the process of destruction of hyaluronic acid.
  • Iron is an essential trace element that plays an important role in the functioning of cells; its main role is participation in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which is necessary in the process of tissue respiration. In women of childbearing age, the need for iron is increased. Additional intake of iron compensates for its deficiency during menstruation.
  • Folic acid has become a traditional component of "cyclic vitamin therapy", used to normalize the menstrual cycle, improves the absorption of iron. Participates in metabolic processes and activates the hormone-producing function of the ovaries, is responsible for the formation of blood cells. Taking folic acid in preparation for conception and during pregnancy reduces the risk of premature termination of pregnancy, bleeding, and the development of neural tube defects in newborns.
Capsule number 2 (pink)
  • Angelica root extract (standardized for organic acids) normalizes the secretion of progesterone, reduces muscle spasms and sensation of pain, which alleviates painful menstruation.
  • Vitamin C takes part in the synthesis of steroid hormones, improves the sensitivity of endometrial tissues to progesterone. Magnesium is an "anti-stress" microelement that has a normalizing effect on the condition nervous system. Helps increase concentration and memory. Magnesium has an antispasmodic effect, including on the muscles of the uterus, intestines and even skeletal muscles, so it is especially necessary for women suffering from PMS, aching pain during menstruation, increased irritability or even depression.
  • Indole-3-carbinol is found in high concentrations in cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and white cabbage). Indole-3-carbinol contributes to the normalization of estrogen metabolism, blocks the pathological stimulation of proliferation (hyperplastic processes in the endometrium, uterine fibroids, endometriosis). The use of indole-3-carbinol helps to normalize hormonal balance and reduce the risk of tumors.
  • Zinc is involved in maintaining normal hormonal levels. Reduces sweating and premenstrual inflammatory rashes on the skin, reduces psychosomatic disorders, improves tissue sensitivity to endogenous progesterone, tk. is an integral part of progesterone receptors.
  • Sacred vitex fruit extract (standardized for aucubin) causes a decrease in prolactin production, relieves pain in PMS. Normalization of the level of prolactin restores the rhythm of production and the ratio of gonadotropic hormones, which compensates for the deviation of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.

The duration of the menstrual cycle in women is an average of 28 days with an allowable interval of 21 to 35 days. The processes that take place during the menstrual cycle can be described as phases corresponding to changes in the ovaries and endometrium. The change in the phases of the cycle is associated with the level of activity of sex hormones (estradiol and progesterone). Signs of a menstrual cycle disorder are a change in the duration of the menstrual cycle, heavy menstrual bleeding, painful menstruation, mastalgia (pain in the mammary glands), dizziness, swelling
and mood swings before menstruation. Cause menstrual disorders there may be endocrine diseases, infectious diseases(including sexually transmitted infections), neoplasms of the female genital organs (tumors, cysts, polyps), taking certain medications (combined oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy), stress, physical overwork. The complex of biologically active substances that make up the "TIME FACTOR" helps to normalize the rhythm and duration of the menstrual cycle, alleviate the symptoms of PMS. It maintains good health throughout the cycle.

Recommendations for use: women, in the first half of the cycle, 2 capsules No. 1 (beige) per day with meals, in the second half of the cycle, 2 capsules No. 2 (pink) per day with meals. Duration of reception of a complex - 3 months. If necessary, the reception can be repeated.


individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, breastfeeding. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Reception "TIME FACTOR" should be started from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, which corresponds to the 1st day of menstrual bleeding. Capsules are recommended to be taken with food, swallowed whole with water. General principles of application:

For a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days:

Capsule No. 1 (beige) is taken in the first phase of the MC (menstrual cycle) from the first day to the fourteenth from the onset of menstruation, the daily dose is 2 capsules.
Capsule No. 2 (pink) is taken in the second phase of the MC from the fifteenth to the twenty-eighth day from the onset of menstruation, the daily dose is 2 capsules.

For a regular menstrual cycle lasting less than 28 days:

Capsule No. 1 (beige) is taken from the first day to the middle of the cycle (14 days), the daily dose is 2 capsules.
Capsule No. 2 (pink) is taken from the middle of the cycle until the start of a new MC, the daily dose is 2 capsules, from the 1st day of the new menstrual cycle, start taking capsules No. 1 (beige), regardless of the number of remaining capsules No. 2 (pink). ).

For a regular menstrual cycle lasting more than 28 days:

Capsule No. 1 (beige) is taken from the first day to the middle of the cycle (15 days), the daily dose is 2 capsules.
Capsule No. 2 (pink) is taken for the next 15 days of the cycle, the daily dose is 2 capsules. It is necessary to start taking capsule number 1 from the first day of the next cycle.

For an irregular menstrual cycle:

Capsule No. 1 (beige) is taken from the first day of the cycle for 14 days, the daily dose is 2 capsules.
Capsule number 2 (pink) is taken for the next 14 days, the daily dose is 2 capsules. After that, without taking a break, you can start taking capsule number 1.

Storage conditions: in a dry, protected from direct sunlight and out of the reach of children, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.
Shelf life: 2 years.

Dietary supplement of general strengthening action for women.


Blister №1 - iron, folic acid, glutamic acid, rutin, ginger extract.

Blister №2 - nicotinamide, folic acid, glutamic acid, broccoli extract.

Blister №3 - vitamins C, E, angelica root extract.

Blister №4 - magnesium, zinc, sacred vitex extract, ginkgo biloba extract.


V-Min+ (Russia)

pharmachologic effect

The components that make up the dietary supplement normalize the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

Side effect

No data.

Indications for use

As a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamins C, E, niacin, folic acid, iron, zinc, magnesium, a source of flavonoids, for women of reproductive age to normalize the menstrual cycle.


Individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnancy, lactation.

Method of application and dosage

The drug should be started on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, which corresponds to the 1st day of menstrual bleeding.

The course of admission is 28 days.

Blister №1 - 2 capsules per day, starting from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle for 5 days.

The total duration of admission is 28 days.

If necessary, the reception can be repeated.

If the duration of the menstrual cycle is more than 28 days, you should take a break in taking the capsules until the start of the next menstrual cycle and start taking the second pack from blister No. 1.

If the duration of the menstrual cycle is less than 28 days, from the 1st day of the new menstrual cycle, blister No. 1 capsules should be taken, regardless of the number of remaining capsules in blister No. 4.


No data.


No data.

special instructions

Is not a medicine.