Medicines for cystitis in women. Inflammation of the bladder: treatment, symptoms in women, men, drugs

Or inflammation Bladder, is a fairly common occurrence, especially in women.

The disease is quite easy to recognize on its own, according to a number of characteristic features. Does this mean that you can also cure it yourself by buying pills and potions?

We will try to give as complete a picture of cystitis as possible, talk about its typical symptoms, how the disease is treated, what cystitis pills for women exist and how effective they are.

The article is informational. Please consult your doctor for a specific treatment.

Inflammation of the bladder can occur for several reasons:

  • mucosal injury. Can be obtained during sexual intercourse or during hygiene procedures;
  • congestion in the pelvic organs: for example, due to sedentary work;
  • hormonal disbalance. The inflammatory process may be the result of a restructuring of the body in transitional age, after childbirth, etc.;
  • avitaminosis. Lack of vital vitamins can also provoke cystitis;
  • hypothermia. In the cold season, women easily “cold” the bladder due to anatomical features;
  • chronic diseases: , . With these pathologies, the outflow of urine is impaired. Stagnation of excretory products leads to the formation of inflammation;
  • infections. Staphylococcus aureus and coli, penetrating into the urinary tract, cause acute cystitis.

The urethra in women is much shorter than in the stronger sex. Therefore, the infection easily penetrates the bladder if the immune system weakened and unable to fully resist it.

Before starting treatment, you need at least - general analysis urine to identify the causes of the disease and prescribe adequate therapy.

Signs of inflammation

Depending on the cause, the symptoms of cystitis may vary.

However, there are a number of common signs that are characteristic of almost any type of inflammation in the bladder:

  • too frequent urination. In acute cystitis - every five minutes. At the same time, the urges are so imperative that it is absolutely impossible to restrain them;
  • at the very end of urination - a characteristic pain. It can be sharp, cutting, extending into the rectum or weak, rather in the form discomfort- during the period of remission;
  • a feeling that the bladder has not been completely emptied;
  • mixed with blood. Sometimes blood can only be found on toilet paper;
    discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen. Its intensity depends on the phase of the disease.

In the chronic form of the disease, in the period between exacerbations, there may be no symptoms. But this does not mean that the disease is cured - it is simply muffled, and will return as soon as possible.

Some of the above symptoms may be a manifestation of other, no less dangerous, diseases - gynecological, kidney diseases and others. Treatment of imaginary cystitis in this case can delay the real disease and the time for its therapy will be missed. Consult with a specialist!

Features of treatment

The treatment of any disease, including cystitis, must be approached responsibly and competently.

Even despite the obvious symptoms and past experience in the treatment of this particular ailment:

  • you can make a mistake and put yourself in the wrong diagnosis;
  • in a wide range pharmaceutical products it is easy to get lost and choose the wrong medicine at all;
  • often patients make mistakes when calculating the dosage, which can lead to serious negative consequences;
  • untreated cystitis tends to turn into a chronic form, which is much more difficult to cure and cannot be dispensed with without long-term therapy.


It must be understood that inflammation in each individual case implies an individual treatment of cystitis in women. The pills most commonly prescribed by a doctor are antibiotics, since inflammation is often caused by bacteria.

In addition to antibiotics, there are additional methods therapy:

  • taking medicinal herbs;
  • diuretic drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • thermal treatment.

With such an ailment as cystitis in women, folk remedies are a welcome addition to drug therapy. In addition, with cystitis, it is imperative to follow a diet and take measures to increase immunity.

We will consider each of the types of treatment separately. Let's start with antibacterial drugs, since the treatment of cystitis without them is ineffective.


Some of the antibiotics prescribed for cystitis are broad-spectrum and include:

  • . Active substance- fosfomycin. Effective for cystitis and a number of others inflammatory diseases urinary tract. The digestive tract quickly passes and begins an active fight against bacteria in two hours. With the help of monural, acute cystitis can be cured in a couple of days;
  • Rulid. It is used in the treatment of ureaplasma and mycoplasma infections. The duration of admission is one week. Many contraindications, it is not recommended to take without medical advice;
  • . It fights not only bacteria, but also fungus. Possesses healing effect with the addition of gynecological and renal infections. Inexpensive and high-quality drug;
  • . Refers to fluoroquinolones, the effectiveness is due to the action of norfloxacin, to which the bulk of bacteria have no immunity. Suppresses pathogenic microflora even in cases where treatment with other antibiotics has failed.

Tablets Monural

Other tablets act directed against cystitis:

  • . Interferes with reproduction of bacteria and kills them. Treatment with this quinolone antibiotic lasts one to two weeks, depending on the severity of the cystitis;
  • . Nalidixic acid, the active ingredient of the drug, is one of the main enemies of pathogenic microorganisms. Capsules are taken four times a day, two pieces;
  • . It has long been considered one of the most effective means with cystitis for women. Bacteria develop drug resistance very slowly, which is what makes pills so effective;
  • . The form of the drug - easily soluble granules - is very convenient in terms of administration. Ceforal is valuable in that it quickly relieves pain, so you do not have to take additional painkillers.
There is another group of antibiotics to which the bacteria that cause cystitis have long adapted, but some doctors, for unknown reasons, continue to prescribe them:
  • nitrofurans: Nitrofurantoin, Furazidin;
  • cephalosporins: cefazolin, cefuroxime, cephalexin;
  • ampicillin;
  • biseptol.
Do not take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription! An incorrectly selected antibacterial drug can cause irreparable harm to the body!


With inflammation in the bladder, anti-inflammatory drugs will help to cope, among them the most effective are:

  • Ibuprofen. Relieves pain and fever;
  • Faspec. The same ibuprofen, only more concentrated;
  • Ibuklin. Contains paracetamol, is antipyretic and relieves pain;
  • Nurofen. More expensive analogue of ibuprofen.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs corrode the lining of the stomach and intestines. Take them only when necessary and in strictly indicated dosages.


At severe pain in the acute phase of cystitis, painkillers can be recommended:

  • No-shpa or its analogue - Drotaverine;
  • Spazgan, Spazmolgon;
  • Analgin;
  • Aspirin;
  • Baralgin.

Relieve spasm of smooth muscles and thereby alleviate pain dry heat will help. You can use a heating pad for this purpose or just plastic bottle filled with water. You can not bask at elevated temperatures and some gynecological diseases.

  • Uro-wax.
  • The latter drug does not have a diuretic effect, but is an immunostimulant. It is necessary to take it for those who wish to develop immunity against pathogens of urinary infections.

    In addition to tablets, you can take medicinal herbal preparations. It makes no sense to list them: in any pharmacy, a pharmacist will advise one or another diuretic herb that will help in the fight against cystitis.

    Curing cystitis is not easy. The disappearance of symptoms does not mean that the disease has receded. Most likely, she hid and is waiting for the right moment to prove herself again.

    Such a moment can be hypothermia when swimming or standing at a bus stop, weakening the body's defenses with a cold or other disease, infection.

    To avoid becoming a victim of cystitis, follow these simple recommendations:

    • observe strict hygiene. Most often, E. coli or another causative agent of cystitis enters the body of a woman due to a violation of hygiene rules. The rectum is in dangerous proximity to the urethra, so infection can occur during a normal visit to the toilet;
    • eat more fruits and vegetables so that the body can resist infections;
    • strengthen immunity. This advice is relevant not only in the cold, but also in the warm season, since modern man is weakened by poor ecology and the use of not quite natural food.
    • do not self-medicate.
    Most diuretics remove useful substances from the body, along with harmful ones: potassium, vitamins, and so on. Do not take them more than indicated in the instructions: problems with the heart and other organs may occur.

    What is cystitis? This is one of serious illnesses urinary system, requiring special attention and careful treatment. It is expressed in painful urination, pain and burning in the genitals, frequent urges. If the pathology is not cured in time, it can become chronic.

    There are several reasons for the occurrence of the disease. It can be caused by a fungal infection, inflammatory processes in the body associated with hypothermia, infection. In this regard, self-medication is unacceptable. correct and effective therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor, after receiving the results of the tests and identifying the true cause of the disease.

    There are a huge number of drugs, including mutual analogues, that can help overcome cystitis. They may differ in form (injections, suspensions, tablets, powders, capsules), cost and manufacturer. However, all means are designed to eliminate spasms of the smooth muscles of the bladder, reduce the frequency of urges, relieve pain and destroy the cause of the disease.

    Since there are many reasons for the onset of the disease, and therapy is prescribed exclusively by a urologist, we cannot draw up uniform criteria for choosing the best drug for cystitis. However, based on the recommendations of experts and patient reviews, we have compiled a rating of the most effective remedies. Medicines are divided into categories according to the nature of the disease and treatment options.

    There are contraindications. Check with your doctor.

    The best antispasmodic drugs for cystitis


    Most affordable
    Country Russia
    Average price: 83 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    For the treatment of cystitis in women, papaverine is often prescribed. The drug is produced in various forms: tablets, suppositories, in the form of injections. This allows you to choose the most suitable option for yourself. The drug has good analgesic and vasodilating effects. The advantage of Papaverine is the possibility of its use for pregnant women.

    Reviews of doctors about the remedy are positive. The only thing is that you must strictly adhere to the dosage indicated by the specialist. This will help to avoid adverse reactions and improve treatment success. The drug should not be taken with hemorrhagic cystitis, it can increase bleeding. Before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor.

    4 Baralgin

    Blocks pain impulses and relaxes muscles
    Country: India
    Average price: 204 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    One of the best antispasmodics for urinary tract diseases. A complex effect on the body due to the presence of analgin and papaverine in the composition. The first component eliminates pain, the second - relieves spasm. The drug copes well with inflammation of the genitourinary system. They begin to apply at the first manifestations of the disease and until a complete cure. Safely cures spasm of the bladder with concomitant prostatitis in men.

    Tablets are washed down with plenty of water. The maximum dosage per day should not exceed 6 pieces. A single dose should not exceed 1 g. It is forbidden during pregnancy, as the composition includes components that can stretch the birth process over time. When absolutely necessary, small doses of medication are prescribed that can relieve spasm, but not harm the mother and child. The anti-inflammatory effect is achieved only at high doses. In such cases, drugs are prescribed in parallel that protect the gastric mucosa and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

    3 Pentalgin

    most popular drug
    Country Russia
    Average price: 195 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    The structure of the drug consists of paracetamol, naproxen, caffeine, drotaverine and pheniramine maleate. This combination of substances has an effective effect to reduce temperature, eliminate spasm, and reduce the inflammatory process. The analgesic effect occurs within a few minutes after ingestion. The drug is of non-narcotic origin, but during pregnancy and lactation it is better to refrain from taking it. With a severe pain syndrome, a woman can coordinate the intake and dosage with a gynecologist.

    The multiplicity of taking the medicine up to 3 times a day, 1 piece at a time. The permissible daily dosage should not exceed 4 tablets. At elevated temperatures, it is allowed to take up to 5 days, in other cases no more than 3 days. The indicated doses must not be changed independently. The result of treatment is the absence of pain in the lower abdomen, burning sensation, heaviness and a constant desire to urinate.

    2 Spazmalgon

    Rapid pain relief
    Country: Bulgaria
    Average price: 129 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    The composition of the product includes metamizole sodium, which is considered a strong non-narcotic component. Antispasmodic action is provided by pitofenone, which relaxes smooth muscles internal organs. Fenpiverinium enhances this effect. This triple influence helps to get rid of sharp pains, relieve spasm and reduce moderately elevated temperature. Use is shown for pain from muscle spasm, from inflammation of the joints, muscles. Appointed in postoperative period to relax muscles. Can be used with moderate high temperature associated with viral diseases.

    With cystitis, it is recommended as one of the most powerful painkillers.
    It is prescribed by a doctor for adults over 15 years of age. You need to take the medicine after meals, 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day. The maximum daily allowance is not more than 6 pieces. The duration of the course is 5 days. The term can only be changed by a doctor. For children 6-8 years old, the dose is reduced to 0.5 tablets, 9-12 years old - up to ¾ tab. Non-standard medication regimens are discussed with the attending physician.

    1 No-Shpa

    Best Action
    Country Russia
    Average price: 122 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    The most common antispasmodic. Powerful action is achieved due to the increase in the lumen of the vessels. Due to this, spasm of smooth muscles is eliminated. Suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Excellent relieves pain in cystitis, eliminates spasms. The drug is able to reduce inflammation.

    Based on the reviews of doctors, we can say that no-shpa is the most prescribed medication for pain. Women suffering from cystitis have noticed that the remedy does an excellent job of reducing spasms. Although the tablets do not give an instant effect, they have a long-term effect. By relaxing the muscles, they allow the blood to circulate freely, thereby ensuring the excellent functioning of the organs.

    The best herbal remedies for cystitis

    They differ in plant composition. They have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity. They are weak diuretics, quickly eliminate spasms of the bladder.

    5 Lingonberry leaves

    Effective when available Staphylococcus aureus
    Country Russia
    Average price: 105 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    The herbal preparation contains an increased amount of phenoglycosides. Thanks to this, it has established itself as an effective anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic agent. The intake of lingonberry leaves enhances the work of etiotropic drugs, which is why the drug began to be used in traditional medicine. Lingonberries are rightfully considered a natural antibiotic, but that is why it is advised to be wary of an overdose. Allowed during pregnancy and lactation on the advice of a doctor.

    Available in filter bags. Brew 1-2 bags like tea and consume a quarter of an hour before meals 3 times a day. Fasting is not advised, as nausea may occur due to the pronounced taste. The duration of use is not more than a week or until the symptoms of inflammation stop. The maximum treatment period is 14 days.

    4 Phytonephrol

    Increases the body's defenses
    Country Russia
    Average price: 61 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    Ready-made herbal preparation, which contains only dry crushed herbs. The bearberry, eleutherococcus, mint, dill, calendula included in it have an antispasmodic, diuretic, antibacterial effect. All components help to increase immunity in the body. Phytonephrol works well in combination therapy with other drugs. But, according to doctors, it can also be used independently for the treatment of cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis. Approved for prophylactic use.

    In case of inflammation of the bladder, it is advised to brew 2 tablespoons of the collection with a glass of boiling water in an enamel or glass bowl. Then cover and soak for 30 minutes. To receive, the product is cooled and diluted with another glass of warm water. Always shake well before use. The daily dose is divided into three doses, drink 30 minutes before meals. The duration of the course of treatment is 2 weeks. There are restrictions for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers, so they consult a doctor before taking them.

    3 Cystone

    Actively removes sand from the urinary tract
    Country: India
    Average price: 425 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Tableted preparation with an expanded composition of plant components. The color is brown with small light and dark grains. Contains extracts of bicarp, saxifrage, heart-leaved madder, membranous satu, straw flower. The composition includes peeled mummy, seeds of mimosa, teak tree. The tool has a strong diuretic, anti-inflammatory effect. Cystone activates diuresis, relieves muscle spasm. This leads to the removal of small stones and sand from the urinary system.

    According to doctors, there is an antibacterial effect of the drug in relation to certain types of microbes. At urolithiasis the patient is prescribed a daily double dose of the drug, 2 pieces each. The course of treatment lasts up to six months or until the release of stones. With cystitis, the dosage is the same, but the duration of administration is limited to the elimination of the symptoms of the disease.

    2 Uroprofit

    Excellent herbal remedy
    Country Russia
    Average price: 419 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    Highly effective remedy to fight cystitis. Uroprofit normalizes urination, reduces the likelihood of relapses in chronic disease, contributes to more active functioning of the kidneys. It has diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Prevents the appearance of urolithiasis and perfectly eliminates pain.

    Acts as a biological active additive. Contains a high concentration of cranberry fruit extract, silicon and vitamin C, as well as organic acids: citric, malic and benzoic. The dietary supplement has passed clinical trials and is recommended by the European Association of Urology. Patients noticed an improvement in their condition after just a few applications. The intensity and frequency of pain and cramps decreased. I am glad that Uroprofit (remedy plant origin and not allergic) can be purchased at a reasonable price.

    1 Kanefron

    Better Efficiency
    Country: Germany
    Average price: 468 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    Canephron has established itself as a quality remedy against any stage of cystitis. The drug helps with an acute attack and reduces the intensity of pain syndromes in chronic cystitis. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is in the form of tablets or solution. Due to the herbal composition, it is absolutely safe for female body. Contains centaury, rosemary and lovage root.

    Experts have proven that Canephron is one of the the best means against cystitis, well combined with antibiotics. Well tolerated by patients, does not cause adverse reactions. After prolonged use, the condition of patients improves markedly, the likelihood of exacerbations decreases. Women note that after using the medicine, pain and pain are reduced.

    The best antibiotics for cystitis

    AT last years scientists have developed new antibacterial drugs(antibiotics), which have more resistant properties of microorganisms, and also do not addictive. Such a medicine can be taken without waiting for the results of the tests, of course, on the recommendation of a doctor.


    The best ratio of price and quality
    Country: Latvia
    Average price: 118 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    The drug is used to treat all stages of cystitis caused by harmful microorganisms. Destroys gram-negative and gram-positive pathogenic bacteria. Furadonin not only qualitatively eliminates the infection, but also prevents the development of inflammation. The main advantage is the possibility of its use for the treatment of children from 1 month.

    Women noticed an improvement on the second day of using the medicine. The disadvantages include side effects manifested in the form of nausea and dizziness, as well as allergic reactions and individual intolerance. Other than that, the tool works great. Quickly eliminates spasms and cramps, prevents cystitis from progressing. All this, combined with low cost, makes Furadonin one of the best antibiotics.

    4 PALIN

    Excellent uroantiseptic
    Country: Slovenia
    Average price: 281 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    Palin is an excellent uroantiseptic with antimicrobial properties. Its action is aimed at the destruction of the harmful flora of the bladder. Quickly relieves inflammation and eliminates harmful bacteria. Indicated for the treatment of infectious cystitis. It can be used as a medicine for any other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ureters.

    Palin has a wide range of gastrointestinal side effects, nervous system and hematopoiesis. Prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. This is its disadvantage for patients. However, the reviews of doctors about the drug are positive. It consists of pipemidic acid, due to which it easily kills almost any kind of pathogenic microbes.

    3 Furamag

    Not addictive
    Country: Latvia
    Average price: 690 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Produced in the form of dense gelled capsules of bright yellow color, containing powder inside. Refers to antimicrobial agents of extended action. Does not cause persistent addiction. The antibiotic effectively kills pathogenic microorganisms that cannot be destroyed by other drugs, increases human immunity. Furamag is actively used in the treatment of urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. It is considered effective in gynecological practice.

    Take orally after eating with a good glass of water. For children, the dose per day is calculated based on body weight - 5 mg per 1 kg. Divided into 3 doses. The duration of treatment is at least 7 days. More than 10 days, the reception is agreed with the doctor. Adults take 3 times a day for 50-100 mg of Furamag. The duration of admission is the same. It is also prescribed for prophylactic purposes before surgical interventions, cystoscopy or catheterization. If you miss a dose, do not increase the next dosage.

    2 Levofloxacin

    Broad spectrum antibiotic
    Country Russia
    Average price: 556 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    One of the most effective broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. Behaves actively against different types bacteria. It is popular in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory, urinary systems, and is also used in ophthalmology. Due to the high concentration of active ingredients, the drug is allowed from the age of 18. Elderly age and a history of serious functional disorders urinary system, the remedy is recommended only after consultation with your doctor.

    It is allowed to start with injections, and after a while switch to the tablet form. Traditional treatment cystitis consists of a single daily dose of 250 mg Levofloxacin for 1.5-2 weeks. In case of violation of the kidneys, it is necessary to adjust the dose and frequency of use. During treatment, monitor creatinine. The drug is washed down with plenty of water and try to use between meals.

    1 Monural

    Best quality. Fast action
    Country: Switzerland
    Average price: 525 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    According to patients, Monural is the best antibiotic against cystitis. Such conclusions allow them to draw a high efficiency of the drug: one tablet is enough to get a visible result. Only some patients need to take a second dose. The medicine, accumulating in the urinary organs, creates a large concentration. It ensures maximum performance. Available in the form of suspension, powder and granules.

    Like other similar potent drugs, Monural has contraindications and side effects. Before buying, you need to consult a doctor. The drug is not suitable for the treatment of chronic cystitis. However, it quickly helps with acute attacks. The therapeutic effect occurs literally after 3 hours.

    The best antifungal drugs for cystitis

    Often the cause of cystitis is the defeat of the mucous organs of the fungus. In this case, the doctor does a culture, and based on the results obtained, prescribes antifungal medications.


    Best price
    Country Russia
    Average price: 33 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.6

    The drug of domestic production is quite popular among women suffering from fungal cystitis. Its action is aimed at stopping the process of destruction of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Accumulating in the blood, organs and epidermis during treatment, the drug creates the optimal concentration necessary for effective fight with microorganisms. The active substance contained in the composition has a detrimental effect on the cells of the fungus, bringing them to complete destruction. The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder and injections.

    Buyers are satisfied with the effect of the drug. Apart from active ingredient, the composition includes auxiliary elements that support the health of a woman. Reviews of doctors indicate that Fluconazole is a worthy antifungal drug that can cure cystitis for different stages. As advantages, there is also a wide age range of use and excellent clinical indications.

    4 Natamycin

    Well tolerated by patients
    Country Russia
    Average price: 556 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.7

    Issued in different forms which expands the range of its application. It is used externally and internally. The main substance in the composition is natamycin. Refers to antifungal drugs included in the group of antibacterial agents. Comprehensively acts on the fungus. The mechanism is based on the destruction of the cell membrane, which is the provocateur of the disease. Effectively behaves against yeast fungi, especially the Candida genus. Patients do not develop permanent addiction. It is widely used in pediatrics, as there is no negative effect on the tissues of internal organs.

    With candidal cystitis, women need to undergo therapy together with their sexual partner. The form of the drug is selected by the doctor. Schemes of reception vary depending on the direction of action. For urological problems, candles can be used. They are inserted lying down into the vagina, the patient remains in the supine state for 10 minutes. You can also use the tablet form of the remedy for cystitis. For adults, the standard dose is 100 mg 4 times a day at regular intervals. For children, the dose is prescribed less - 2 times a day, 100 mg. Tuberculosis is a contraindication skin manifestations, pregnancy and lactation.


    Sustainable result
    Country: Hungary
    Average price: 527 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.8

    Most reviews of the capsules are positive. Of the merits are noted fast elimination symptoms, stable result (no recurrences), convenient dosage. Negative ratings are associated primarily with overdose. If you do not follow the instructions for use clearly, problems may arise from the central nervous system. Some talk about the high cost of the drug, but the result that comes after treatment with the drug is worth it.

    2 Lamisil

    Safe Action
    Country: Switzerland
    Average price: 2,197 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 4.9

    For the treatment of fungal cystitis, Lamisil is often prescribed. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effect. Effectively fights harmful microorganisms that cause pathology. The manufacturer claims that the drug is safe. However, in some cases, it can cause nausea and pain in the gastrointestinal tract. This is due to individual intolerance to the components.

    The medicine is very popular among buyers. Its effectiveness has been proven by numerous positive feedback patients and doctors. After application, there is a decrease in spasms and frequent urges. The price of Lamisil is quite high, not everyone can afford to buy it. Perhaps this is where the cons end. In general, the drug acts on the disease with high efficiency.

    1 Diflucan

    The best complex treatment cystitis and thrush
    Country: France
    Average price: 1,343 rubles.
    Rating (2019): 5.0

    The structure of the female body implies a combination of symptoms of gynecological and urological diseases. Diflucan in such cases is considered universal antifungal agent. Available in the form of powdered capsules light color. The drug is started to be taken at the first signs of cystitis, but the doctor must take a swab from the urethra to detect candida. After receiving the results, a dose adjustment is made.

    The drug can be taken according to one of the schemes - at the beginning of the disease, injections are used and later transferred to tablets, or vice versa. The daily amount of the drug is calculated individually and depends on the neglect of the disease. The duration of treatment depends on the reaction of the fungus to Diflucan. AT childhood prescribe 1 dose per day. Treatment is not stopped, even if the symptoms have disappeared. The scheme selected by the doctor is strictly observed.

    Cystitis in women is usually a chronic disease. A frivolous attitude to this disease, self-medication without consulting the attending physician and conducting tests for cystitis can lead to the development of more serious diseases of the female genitourinary system.

    Unfortunately, in reality this happens in most cases. Suddenly, the woman begins to feel a burning sharp pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, discomfort and burning sensation when urinating. With cystitis, painful urges to the toilet become frequent, because of which you have to limit yourself in movement.
    However, the woman is in no hurry to see a doctor. After all, getting to a urologist, and even urgently, is not so easy. And when there are many other more important things besides this - family, career, constant chores - making a day for going to the doctor becomes simply an impossible task.

    Therefore, a woman needs a reliable answer - what medicines are better to take with cystitis, and how easy it is to cope with cystitis? Pharmacies have several medicines intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system.

    Of course, you need to understand that self-administration of tablets for cystitis is an unsafe exercise. Without consulting a doctor, it is impossible to establish what is the cause of cystitis and what specific form of the disease we are dealing with. Cystitis can be a separate, uncomplicated disease with concomitant causes. It can also manifest itself as a complex pathology of the organs of the female reproductive system, associated with an inflammatory process in the kidneys or various infections of the genital and urinary tract.

    In chronic cystitis, the subsequent transformation of bladder epithelial cells is very likely. This process can lead to the formation of benign cysts that are at risk of subsequent malignancy, up to the development of bladder cancer.

    • coli is considered main reason infectious cystitis. Non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules, the use of linen from non-natural fabrics such as thongs and tangas can provoke infection of the urinary canal with the bacterium Escherichia coli.
    • Quite often, cystitis occurs due to some genital infections.
    • Cystitis can also manifest itself as a reaction to opportunistic microorganisms of the partner's flora and be caused by tissue damage during sexual intercourse (defloration variant).

    Medications for cystitis

    Even in the not very distant past, cystitis was not considered a pathology of bacterial origin. Therefore, the composition of treatment for cystitis did not include drugs with antibacterial action. Women treated inflammation of the bladder with herbal preparations and diet. Subject to the hygiene regime, getting rid of the disease often occurred quickly and without any problems.

    Unfortunately, in modern world, cystitis in the acute phase is rarely cured to the end, allowing the disease to become chronic with infectious complications. In this case, the treatment of cystitis without antibiotic therapy is no longer possible.


    It is worth knowing that antibiotics are drugs that always have contraindications and a range of possible side effects. Before you start taking antibiotics for cystitis, it is advisable to conduct an infectious agent to establish, as well as to conduct a study of the resistance of this bacterial strain to various types of antibiotics, as well as sensitivity to them. With granulation of the bladder tissues and with complicated cystitis, the doctor may prescribe a bladder instillation procedure with active silver preparations, such as, for example, collargol.

    After antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to pass urine again for bacteriological culture to control the absence of pathogens.
    The following drugs may be recommended for use in infectious cystitis:

    • Monural is an antibiotic whose active ingredient is fosfomycin. The drug has an effective antibacterial effect against most infectious agents of the urinary system, so it can be prescribed without a urine test. As a rule, monural is produced in the form of granules, but it can also be purchased in the form of a powder or suspension. The medicine is taken once and is not used for chronic cystitis, since in this case the patient needs prolonged therapy. The price of monural in retail pharmacies ranges from 350 to 500 rubles per 1 pack.
    • Nolicin - antimicrobial drug wide spectrum of activity. This antibiotic is a second-generation fluoroquinolone. To date, drugs based on norfloxacin are considered one of the most effective antibiotics, they are prescribed, as a rule, in cases where the pathogen is resistant to other antibiotics. The drug has many analogues. It is available in the form of tablets, the price per pack varies from 130 to 300 rubles.
    • Nitroxoline is a derivative of oxyquinoline. An antibiotic effective against most types of bacteria, as well as fungi such as Candida. It is prescribed for various diseases of the urinary system. Release form - tablets, the cost in pharmacies is 80-120 rubles.
    • Palin belongs to the group of quinolones, active substance is a derivative of pimidic acid. These cystitis tablets can be used to treat both acute and chronic diseases of the urinary tract of infectious origin. The price per pack in retail pharmacies is 250-300 rubles.
    • Furagin - active ingredient this antibiotic is a derivative of nitrofuran. Distinctive feature The drug is slowly developing resistance to furagin in microorganisms. The price is 130-400 rubles, the course of treatment lasts 7-10 days, depending on the severity of the disease.
    • Nevigramone is a uroantiseptic drug based on nalidixic acid. The substance has a pronounced bactericidal effect, it is used both for infectious and inflammatory lesions of the kidneys, ureter and bladder. The cost of the drug is from 3000 to 4900 rubles for 56 capsules per pack.
    • Rulid belongs to macrolides. The drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, but can also be used in the treatment of cystitis. The price per package varies from 1200 to 1500 rubles.
    • Furadonin is a drug with an antimicrobial effect. It is used exclusively in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections of the urinary system. To achieve a sustainable effect, you must take the drug for at least 7 days. The cost of furadonin is 70-170 rubles.


    Herbal preparations are often used to treat cystitis. In uncomplicated cases, with cystitis, not of infectious origin, not burdened by diseases of the female reproductive system, treatment with herbal remedies has a pronounced positive effect. However, most often herbal medicines are used in combination with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The most common herbal remedies are presented in this article.

    • Urolesan is often recommended for the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis. Contains oils and extracts of six medicinal plants. It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial effects. Studies have shown that in acute cystitis, the addition of Urolesan to antibiotic therapy significantly accelerates recovery and allows you to quickly get rid of symptoms such as pain and frequent urination. Urolesan is available in the form of drops and capsules for oral administration. The cost of the drug in a pharmacy is about 400 rubles.
    • Cystone combines the action aqueous extracts many medicinal plants. The drug is a diuretic and nephrolytic, helps to gradually reduce the size of stones and reduce inflammation in the urinary tract. Cyston has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, inhibits the reproduction of microorganisms in the urinary canal, enhances the effect of taking antibiotics. Long-term use is required to achieve a pronounced effect. The cost of the drug in pharmacies is about 400 rubles.
    • Lingonberry leaves contain many useful substances. The positive effect of lingonberry shoots and leaves on the urinary system is due to the high content of phenol glycosides. Taking a decoction of lingonberry leaves helps reduce inflammation in the body, has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Due to the high content of phytoncides, the phytopreparation is active against Staphylococcus aureus. The decoction can be used during pregnancy (after consulting a doctor). The cost is 40-50 rubles, it is believed that crushed dry raw materials are more effective than packaged in filter bags.
    • Monurel (cranberry extract). Perhaps the most famous natural remedy for cystitis is cranberry juice. For a pronounced antimicrobial effect, cranberries were popularly nicknamed natural antibiotic. Cranberries in the form of fruit drink or extract are widely used to prevent the recurrence and exacerbation of chronic cystitis. Tannins, contained in high concentrations in this berry, prevent the attachment of microorganisms to the walls of the bladder. Monurel is a highly concentrated cranberry extract, the drug is available in the form of tablets, a long course of administration is recommended. The price is about 500 rubles. Attention! Monurel and Monural are not the same thing. Monurel is a herbal remedy based on cranberries, Monural is a broad-spectrum antibiotic
    • Kanefron is a drug based on extracts of 4 plants: rosehip, centaury, rosemary and lovage. It is an active diuretic. Kanefron actively promotes relaxation of smooth muscles, thereby relieving acute pain in diseases of the urinary system. It also has an antimicrobial effect, multiplies the effectiveness of the use of antibiotics. The medicine can be purchased in the form of a dragee or in solution, the cost will be from 390 to 470 rubles.
    • Phytolysin paste is a diuretic, it is based on extracts of various medicinal plants. The rich composition provides the drug with an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Phytolysin activates the dissolution process mineral salts in the bladder and prevents the formation of stones. The paste is dissolved in a small amount of water. This solution is taken orally. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks. A tube of ointment weighing 100 grams will cost about 450-500 rubles in pharmacies.

    Concomitant Therapy

    An important condition effective treatment diseases of the genitourinary system is the complexity of therapy. It is necessary to combine antibiotic therapy with maintenance and restorative therapy with phytopreparations. In addition to the two main components in the treatment of cystitis, concomitant drugs are also used to relieve the symptomatic condition of the patient.

    First of all, this is the use of antispasmodics. In the moment acute pain it is necessary to use vasodilating drugs that have a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. All antispasmodics effectively cope with sharp pain spasms, bringing quick relief and getting rid of pain.

    The list of antispasmodics is extremely wide, for symptomatic relief, you can use any drug designed to relieve spasms and pain.
    The most popular antispasmodics include:

    • Drotaverine (No-Shpa)
    • Buscopan
    • Pentalgin
    • Papaverine
    • Spazmomen
    • Trigan

    Often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) based on ibuprofen are used for cystitis. This group medicines in combination with therapy, it helps to remove signs of inflammation, which significantly speeds up the healing process. The undoubted advantage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is the fact that they do not affect the consciousness and performance of a person in any way. The use of these drugs gives quick relief physical condition the patient and allows you to quickly get in shape.

    After antibiotic therapy, restorative procedures are needed. In particular, after the treatment of cystitis, it is necessary to restore the microflora of the female genital organs and the gastrointestinal tract. To solve this problem, various probiotic preparations are used. The spectrum of probiotics on the pharmaceutical market is extremely wide. The most popular drugs for restoring microflora are Hilak Forte, Acipol, Bifiform, and others.

    It is important to remember that after therapy, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the urinary system in order to avoid relapses. It is also recommended to consult a gynecologist and a gastroenterologist, since, often, disturbances in these body systems can provoke inflammatory or infectious cystitis.

    Cystitis is familiar to many women. The disease often becomes chronic. Inflammation of the bladder is exacerbated at different intervals.

    The appearance of symptoms makes you think about starting medication. Diet and drinking regimen plays an important role in alleviating the condition, accelerating recovery.

    Why does cystitis occur in women

    They call it cystitis inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the bladder. There are acute and chronic forms of the pathology. Causal factor development of the disease are microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses). More often, the culprit is Escherichia coli, due to the anatomical proximity of the urethra to the anus. Non-compliance with the rules of hygiene favors the emergence of the pathological process. The location of the outlet of the urethra in women near the vagina contributes to the penetration of infection from the genital tract into the bladder.

    Gynecological, venereal pathology is often the cause of cystitis in women. Trichomonas, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma herpes virus enter the perineal area with secretions, enter the urinary system. The pathogen can be transmitted from a sexual partner. Candidiasis (thrush) can also provoke a disease. The choice of drug for the treatment of bladder infection is based on the causative factor.

    Factors predisposing to the development of cystitis in women

    The entry of microbes into the cavity of the bladder does not mean the onset of the disease. There are natural defense mechanisms against infection. The production of immunoglobulins provides local immunity. The mucus secreted by the glands of the bladder prevents microbes from attaching to the wall. There is a cleansing of the body from infection with the flow of urine with each urination. Violation of protective mechanisms occurs for various reasons:

    • Weakened immunity;
    • hypothermia;
    • Systematic use of corticosteroid drugs;
    • Long-term antibiotic treatment;
    • Frequent constipation;
    • Insufficient hygienic care of the perineal area;
    • Wearing tight clothing, underwear made of synthetic materials;
    • Long breaks between urination;
    • Systematic consumption of spicy, smoked, spicy foods, alcohol;
    • Surgical interventions, catheterization;
    • Urethral injury urinary stones, sand, foreign bodies;
    • Availability chronic diseases sexual sphere;
    • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids.
    • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
    • Pathology endocrine system(diabetes).

    Effective pills for cystitis are the hope of many patients who are faced with this pathology. Most people prefer fast treatment cystitis tablets, since the disease significantly impairs the quality of life of patients.

    Inexpensive and effective pills for cystitis

    The most effective and inexpensive pills for cystitis today it is quite possible to purchase in the pharmacy network. Do not think that it is expensive to treat cystitis - there are drugs at an affordable price and with an excellent effect against the pathogenic microflora of the bladder mucosa.

    cheap pills for the treatment of cystitis, these are primarily antibacterial drugs that have come into use for a long time and have been put into systematic production. The drugs, although not new, they are excellent against bacteria.

    Nolicin for cystitis will be a lifesaver for many patients. This fluoroquinolone representative - orange tablets from cystitis - is a broad spectrum of action. It is necessary to take tablets for cystitis before meals, about an hour, or two hours after meals. The effect is expected for 4-5 days of admission.

    There is also an effective remedy with pipemidic acid - Palin. The drug has a pronounced effect against pathogenic microflora, it is active against both gram-negative and gram-positive representatives. With the help of Palina, it is well treated chronic inflammation organ. Small yellow tablets for cystitis are called Nitroxoline - they will also help get rid of the symptoms of pathology, no worse than Palin.

    Fast treatment of cystitis with pills

    Rapid treatment with cystitis tablets Today it is possible with Monural. The active substance of the drug is the antibacterial agent fosfomycin. it strong pills against cystitis, allowing you to quickly remove the unpleasant symptoms of pathology and save the patient from the signs of the disease. Monural fast-acting tablets are available in sachets of 2 and 3 g. The sachet contains a white, odorless crystalline powder. The drug is produced by the Indian company Zambon. Remembering, you can buy the drug at any pharmacy and undergo a course of treatment.

    Must be accepted single pills for cystitis Monural, so that the disease recedes. It is best to use a fast-acting drug for cystitis at the very beginning of the disease, in acute form, since in chronic pathology Monural becomes far from being so effective. If we treat cystitis with one tablet, we need to understand that the action of Monural is based on the accumulation in the bladder (for about three days) of a significant concentration of fosfomycin, which kills pathogenic microflora.

    One tablet of the remedy for cystitis in a 2 g package will help to get rid of the disease forever, but for complicated cystitis, doctors recommend purchasing a 3 g package and drinking it twice. Most best pills from cystitis, according to many patients who treated this disease, this is Monural. Other antibacterial drugs quickly help with cystitis, but still Monural remains the leader in this segment.

    Cheap pills for cystitis

    It's no secret that the price of cystitis tablets consists mainly of the cost of raw materials that are used in the manufacture of the drug. If the patient wants to buy the cheapest, you should pay attention to preparations with herbal ingredients. Herbal pills for men from cystitis and for women will not differ - you can take herbal preparations regardless of gender. Reviews of herbal cystitis tablets confirm their effectiveness, however, only on early stage when the process is just beginning, or at a late stage of therapy, when antibacterial drugs, due to their load, are replaced by supporting herbal drugs.

    The composition of herbal medicines includes the following components - strawberry leaf, cranberry, parsley, yarrow, St. John's wort, bearberry, half a floor, horsetail, mountaineer, chamomile, centaury.

    Monurel is released with cranberries from cystitis. The name of 1 herbal tablet for cystitis Monurel should not be confused with Monural. Monurel contains an extract of cranberry berries, which quickly removes the symptoms of pathology and promotes the removal of pathogenic microorganisms from the bladder. The list of plant-based cystitis pills can be continued with no less effective drugs Trinefron, Kaneferon, Cyston. All of them are sold without prescriptions for cystitis. Some herbs are completely allowed - they do not cause significant harm to health and have virtually no negative effect in case of an overdose.

    Tablets from cystitis for men

    Treat cystitis pills in men just as easy as women. In the initial stage, you can take a cranberry-based drug for cystitis - Monurel is indicated for both women and men, it gives high efficiency and removes pathogenic microflora quite quickly in men.

    In the acute phase, if the symptoms of cystitis are very strong, then you need a quick Monural tablet - the drug is drunk one or 2 packets, if necessary, the treatment is repeated on the second day. A tablet from cystitis is one-time - usually 2 or 3 g of the drug is enough for patients.

    In addition to Monural, doctors recommend longer courses. In a chronic process, Nolicin, prescribed for 7-10 days, will be effective. it most effective pills with cystitis from the group of fluoroquinolones with a pronounced antibacterial effect. From the group of macrolides, milder in their action, without a doctor's prescription for cystitis, Rulid can be used, and Nitrokosolin is also recommended for fungal infections.

    Doctors actively prescribe the drug Urolesan - this remedy has been used for almost forty years and has proven its effectiveness. Urolesan contains hops, wild carrot seeds, essential oils. The tool has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, as well as antispasmodic, diuretic and antiseptic. If necessary, you can drink painkillers for the lower abdomen with cystitis, if the effect of Urolesan is not enough. In men, the problem of pain is relieved by drugs such as No-Shpa, Bendazol, Papaverine.

    What pills to drink with cystitis

    When sick, patients need take pills for cystitis the following groups of medicines:

    • antibacterial drugs;
    • antispasmodics;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • phytotherapeutic agents.

    The doctor prescribes a medication regimen individually, but usually there are representatives of each named group in it. For example, anti-inflammatory pills actively remove the swelling of the walls of the organ, which improves the result of antibiotic treatment and pain goes away. An ambulance with tablets for cystitis is Monural. Even if the disease caught the patient at the most inopportune moment, Monuralom will allow you to get rid of severe symptoms cystitis the very next day, and after three days the disease will pass. Phytotherapeutic agents are tablets for the prevention of cystitis, they are usually prescribed at the very last stage of treatment in order to enhance the effect and consolidate the result.

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