How to quickly cure bronchitis in a child. How to effectively treat bronchitis in children at home: treatment with traditional and folk remedies

Obstructive bronchitis occurs in children different ages. It is considered as an inflammation that affects the mucous membranes of the bronchi. The disease got its name from the word "obstruction", which means "spasm", "narrowing". Doctors register pathology in every fourth child of 2 years old - at an early age, the child's body is most susceptible to diseases of the respiratory system.

What causes bronchospasm

Often, the inflammatory process is triggered due to infection of different parts of the respiratory tract. Its causative agents are adenoviruses, rhinoviruses and the influenza virus. Some children suffer from mycoplasmal lesions of the bronchi. AT last years babies are increasingly sick due to the influence of food and household irritants. Their impact on the body is dangerous by the transformation of allergic bronchitis into bronchial asthma or chronic form diseases.

Seasonal rhinitis and skin rashes after eating certain foods increase the sensitivity of the body to the intake of certain substances. Further hit of the smallest doses of an irritant causes unpredictable reactions. With an increase in the number of allergens, the severity of the manifestation of reactions increases. The interaction of the body with an irritating substance leads to problems with the bronchi.

Obstructive bronchitis can develop due to abnormalities such as:

How the disease manifests itself

As a rule, obstructive bronchitis develops in an infected organism. Parents notice the first symptoms on 2-3 days from the onset of the disease or hypothermia of the crumbs. In children with weakened immunity, pathologies of the kidneys, liver, digestive system bronchitis can show its symptoms within 24 hours. Traditionally, kids complain of general malaise, nausea, runny nose, discomfort in the throat. These symptoms in children 3 years old are accompanied by vomiting, defecation disorder, fever.

As the pathology progresses, manifestations of bronchospasm increase. If at first children have difficulty exhaling air, then after a few days they complain of problems with inhalation. The frequency of breathing and the duration of expiration are lengthened, and noise and whistling escape from the patient's respiratory tract, which are easy to hear at a distance.

A characteristic symptom of bronchospasm is a dry cough with a small amount of sputum. Viscous mucous contents are difficult to separate. An unproductive cough is especially annoying at night. In this case, the pathology can occur in a child without a temperature.

In infants of the 1st half year of life, the clinical picture of acute obstructive bronchitis is expressed by the following changes:

  • runny nose;
  • hoarse cry;
  • chest swelling;
  • debilitating cough to vomiting;
  • retraction of intercostal tissues on exhalation;
  • noisy breathing with whistling and hoarseness;
  • elevated temperature - with bronchitis of this type, it keeps at around 38 - 39 ° C.

At an older age, the listed signs of illness in children are supplemented by soreness in the area of ​​​​the back between the shoulder blades and the separation of yellowish sputum. The wheezing becomes so loud that it can be heard from the next room. Perhaps the accession of angina or cervical lymphadenitis.

Methods for diagnosing obstructive bronchitis

Inflammation of the bronchial mucosa is diagnosed by a pediatrician and a pulmonologist. If the disease is associated with the influence of irritants, consultation with an allergist-immunologist is required. Children are referred to an otolaryngologist to exclude sinusitis. After listening to complaints, external examination and listening to breath sounds, small patients are given referrals for a number of tests:

  1. x-ray;
  2. blood analysis;
  3. sputum culture;
  4. spirometry. The study requires the child to take strong breaths, which allows the specialist to assess the completeness of the work of the lungs. Children older than 5 years are referred for spirometry.

The danger of inflamed bronchi

Delayed therapy of the bronchial mucosa is fraught with asthma. Sometimes the pathology proceeds with the same symptoms as obstructive bronchitis, but asthma attacks predominate in its clinic. To prevent the development of complications, parents of children suffering from bronchitis for more than 3 r. per year, should consult a doctor and undergo an additional examination. Running asthma with respiratory failure is dangerous with a fatal outcome.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi can be successfully dealt with at home, if the disease does not worsen the condition of the child. But there are a number of adverse changes that require urgent hospitalization of the patient:

  • dyspnea;
  • clear signs of intoxication;
  • cyanosis of nails and nasolabial triangle.

It is also not necessary to treat infants at home. Before reaching 1 year they need to be placed in a hospital.

Caring for a sick child

If a baby is diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis, Dr. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to living conditions. The patient's room should be ventilated daily. When carrying out wet cleaning, do not use detergents and disinfectants.

Since insufficient air humidity leads to drying of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and oropharynx, it is necessary to put a moisturizing device or a container of water in the nursery. You can just periodically spray the liquid from the spray bottle.

Medical therapy for obstruction

In the early stages of the development of pathology, children should be treated with antiviral agents. Crumbs up to a year for rectal administration are prescribed suppositories Genferon. They drip their nose with Grippferon. Orally give Orvirem syrup. From the age of 3, babies are given Arbidol or Kagocel tablets.

Antibiotics are prescribed according to indications. The doctor makes a choice from Cefazolin, Macropen, Augmentin. The appointment of medications is justified in case of severe intoxication, inflammation, confirmed by a blood test, signs of pneumonia, and the release of a purulent mucous mass of a yellow-green hue.

In addition to eliminating harmful viruses and bacteria proper treatment bronchitis includes a course of taking funds to thin and accelerate sputum rejection. For this purpose, babies are usually given Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Mukosol, Fluditec, etc. For better expectoration, patients should be treated with syrups with phyto components (Gerbion, Bronchosan, Dr. Theiss, Bronchipret).

Babies older than 6 months, prone to allergies, doctors suggest treating Claritin and Zirtek. To expel liquefied sputum, Tavegil and Suprastin are prescribed.

To relieve obstruction, treatment is supplemented with inhalations. Procedures are done using a nebulizer filled with a mixture of Berodual and saline. The patient should inhale the vapors 2 - 3 r. in a day. It is also recommended to use ultrasonic inhalers that are powered by the mains.

In the absence of equipment, you can use special devices with pocket inhalers. Salbutamol, Flixotide, Ventolin are suitable as mixtures for them. The effectiveness of therapy appears immediately. In severe recurrent bronchitis and moderate obstruction, Pulmicort is prescribed by inhalation.

Home Therapy Options

Compresses and rubbing help to alleviate the child's condition at home - under the influence of heat, the muscles of the bronchi relax and obstructive bronchitis recedes. Compresses with warm vegetable oil allow you to quickly get rid of a cough. A towel is moistened in a refined product and applied to the child on the chest. From above, the compress is covered with cellophane and the baby is dressed in warm pajamas. Positive results therapies appear after 3 wraps.

If, due to frequent bronchitis, the baby does not have time to get rid of the cough completely, an oil-honey compress will help warm up the insides. The mixture is prepared from an equal amount of butter and bee products. The components are melted over low heat and cooled. The composition is applied to the chest and back of the child, the body is wrapped with a cotton towel and polyethylene. In the "wrapper" the baby should stay until the morning. A weekly course of daily compresses will bring long-awaited relief.

In some cases, the obstruction is treated with massage. Properly performed manipulation strengthens the walls of the bronchi and facilitates expectoration of sputum. At home, the baby is kneaded with a collar zone, chest area and back muscles lying along the spine. Postural massage is carried out by tapping with palms folded in a boat along the back. The patient, whose head hangs from the bed, is placed under the stomach with a pillow and a 15-minute postural session is arranged.

For children with obstruction, breathing exercises are recommended. Exercises that stimulate sputum discharge will be taught by the doctor during the consultation. The simplest options are blowing out candles and blowing up balloons with your mouth. Sound gymnastics is performed as the pronunciation of sounds and their combination in a special way. The created vibrations go to the bronchi and relieve spasms.

Our expert comments

  1. Since obstructive bronchitis occurs with a vivid manifestation of symptoms, a child who coughs excitedly and vomits up may be frightened. Try to immediately calm the patient, because emotional arousal increases respiratory failure.
  2. During a fever, provide crumbs with easily digestible fortified foods and plenty of fluids. Intoxication is reduced by fresh juices, berry fruit drinks, compotes, weak tea and alkaline mineral water.
  3. For prevention respiratory diseases annually take the child to the sea to the area with iodized air.

Discussion of the problem of obstructive bronchitis by Komarovsky

All parents worry about the health of their child. One of the unpleasant respiratory diseases is obstructive bronchitis in children. His treatment should strictly comply with the recommendations of the attending physician. During the course of the disease, narrowing of the bronchi occurs. It becomes difficult for the baby to breathe. Usually this diagnosis occurs in young children.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis in a child

The disease has a number of specific features. This helps the pediatrician quickly establish a diagnosis and begin treatment. Obstructive bronchitis is a bronchospasm that appears on the background of a viral infection or an allergy and progresses. In this case, bronchial patency is disturbed. The general condition of the little patient is deteriorating. Delay in treatment or inaction will quickly lead to serious consequences.

Parents should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  1. Sudden worsening of the child's condition at night. Especially if before that he actively played during the daytime and in the evening.
  2. The appearance of unreasonable anxiety. In infants and children under one year old, this is expressed in constant crying, in babies over 1 year old - insomnia. Children can thrash about a lot in their sleep.
  3. Breathing becomes bubbling. Parents sometimes compare a similar symptom with the sounds of an accordion.
  4. Whistling rales are observed. They are heard at a distance, attract attention. During auscultation, the doctor listens to moist fine bubbling rales.
  5. With bronchial obstruction, it is difficult for a child to exhale. There is constant shortness of breath.
  6. There is a cough and sputum begins to move away.

Important! With the progression of the disease, children develop respiratory failure, which is accompanied by tachycardia! Skin may take on a bluish tint.

The clinical picture with obstructive bronchitis is quite bright. This will help you quickly contact a specialist. The sooner the correct diagnosis is established and treatment is started, the lower the risk of complications.

Types of disease

According to ICD-10, bronchitis is divided into the following types:

  • spicy;
  • chronic.

If the disease is accompanied by a narrowing of the airways, bronchitis is called obstructive. The defeat of small branches, bronchioles is bronchiolitis. It occurs in children under one year old.

Each type differs in its course, as well as the degree of severity and causes of occurrence. Before starting to treat the disease, parents should definitely consult a doctor.

Bronchitis with obstruction can be of several degrees of severity. Among them:

  • light;
  • moderate;
  • heavy.

In addition, there are types of bronchitis along the course. These include:

  • acute obstructive;
  • chronic obstructive.

Repeated and frequent bronchitis the child also appears when food enters the respiratory tract. This form of the disease is difficult to treat.

Based on the examination data and test results, the doctor develops an optimal treatment regimen, taking into account the type of bronchitis, age and individual characteristics of the child.


With frequent obstructive bronchitis in a child, parents should know what to do. The leading cause of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms. The provoking factors are a decrease in immunity, contact with a sick person, a tendency to allergic reactions.

Important! Living conditions can also negatively affect the health of the child! If there are industrial facilities, highways or highways with a lot of cars, gas stations near the house, all this can cause the development of obstructive bronchitis. Signs of the disease also begin to appear in children whose parents smoke.

How to treat at home

Treatment according to Komarovsky is based on creating special conditions at home to reduce symptoms and help the child recover. It includes the following principles.

Compliance with the special regime

If a small patient develops a high temperature, parents should ensure that he observes bed rest. With bronchitis without fever, moderate physical activity is allowed.

Be sure to get out into the fresh air. The walk can last from 1 to 1.5 hours. The child must be dressed according to the weather. It is better to refrain from walking in severe frost or wind.

Important! Do not walk near highways or on the playground with other children. Exhaust gases and active games can provoke an aggravation!

Proper nutrition

First of all, you need to offer your child plenty of fluids. This will help reduce intoxication, and also lead to liquefaction of sputum. As a drink, it is useful to give compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions, freshly squeezed juices, mineral water and weak tea. To support a small body, food should be easily digestible, enriched with vitamins and nutrients. It can be soups or various vegetable and fruit purees.

A diet for obstructive bronchitis involves the exclusion from the children's diet of all dishes that can provoke an allergic reaction.

Creating certain conditions in the apartment

Every day, the room in which the small patient lives should be ventilated. Do not allow too dry air in the room. To moisten it, it is recommended to use a spray bottle or place a container of water near the crib. When cleaning the apartment at this time, it is better not to use household chemicals containing chlorine and other chemicals. This will exacerbate the consequences of the disease and cause a relapse.

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky strongly recommends excluding passive smoking from the baby's life. Parents should not smoke in the apartment where the sick child is.

Medical treatment

Diagnosis and treatment is carried out only by qualified specialists. Apply any medications at its discretion is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to the development of serious consequences for the health of the baby. As a therapy, the doctor prescribes several types of medications.

These include:

  1. Antibiotics and antivirals. For very young children, these are Genferon candles, Orvirem syrup or Grippferon drops. At the age of over three years, you can prescribe medicines in tablets - for example, Arbidol or Kagocel.
  2. Cough medicines. They help liquefy and properly discharge sputum. Children are usually prescribed Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Bronhobos, Mukosol, Fluditec. Ambroxol is considered one of the most effective, you can do inhalation with it. The course is from 7 to 10 days. Herbal medicines are also used - Bronchosan, Bronchicum, Gedelix, Gerbion, Bronchipret, Tussin, Doctor Mom, Prospan, Doctor Theiss.
  3. Medicines to help get rid of the obstruction. Very often, such funds are prescribed in the form of inhalation through a nebulizer. For very young children, Berodual is recommended. It is diluted with saline and used 2-3 times a day in the form of inhalation. In addition, Ascoril, Salmeterol, Clenbuterol can be prescribed. For older children, aerosol inhalers are used as treatment - for example, Berodual or Salbutamol, as well as Teopek and Euphyllin drugs.
  4. Medications to help quickly cope with allergies. For babies older than six months, the use of Claritin and Zirtek is recommended.
  5. Medicines containing hormones. They are prescribed only in case of a severe course of the disease in order to relieve bronchial obstruction and reduce inflammatory processes. The most common and effective medicine in this case is Pulmicort.

Antibiotics are not always used from the first day of the disease. Usually, the following prerequisites should be present for this:

  • high temperature for more than 3 days;
  • purulent inflammation in the body;
  • intoxication;
  • sputum has acquired a yellow or yellow-green color;
  • suspicion that the disease can develop into pneumonia.

The pediatrician looks at the general dynamics of the disease and, if necessary, prescribes antibiotics Macropen, Augmentin, Cefazolin, Sumamed.

Massage and gymnastics

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis is impossible without drug therapy, massage and special breathing exercises effectively complement it. Before proceeding with the chosen procedure, you need to consult a doctor, find out about possible contraindications.

Cough after bronchitis will recede faster if you give the child a massage. It promotes mucus expulsion. To do this, tap the edge of the palm on the back of the baby. Massage should be done carefully so as not to cause pain and discomfort.

Breathing exercises will help the body get rid of sputum on its own. To do this, children are asked to inflate a balloon or blow out candles.

Treatment with folk remedies

Before starting therapy, you need to find out the differences between obstructive bronchitis and simple bronchitis. The main symptom is a noisy whistling exhalation. In this pathology, the following folk methods treatment.

Infusions and decoctions

Usually they are made on the basis of alcohol, but in children they use water. Infusion with natural ingredients will help strengthen immune system, improve the process of expectoration. Most effective means are:

  1. Sage and milk. It will take 3 tbsp. l. dried sage and 1 liter of milk. Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave to infuse for 1 hour. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey. Drink 100 ml every hour.
  2. Carrots and honey. You should take carrot juice and honey in equal proportions. To stir thoroughly. Take 1 tsp. 5-6 times a day.
  3. Kalina and honey. You will need 200 g of each ingredient. Mix thoroughly, put to cook over low heat until the liquid evaporates. Place the finished product in a glass jar, take 1 tsp. every hour.

These recipes help the rapid discharge of sputum.


They are made on the back or chest area to warm the skin and muscles, eliminate spasm. Thanks to compresses, blood circulation is normalized. The following recipes are used:

  1. Butter and honey. These components must be mixed in equal proportions until a homogeneous consistency, preheated in a saucepan. Apply a slightly cooled mixture to the back area, cover with a natural cloth and polyethylene. Put a warm sweater on top of the child. Do these compresses daily before going to bed.
  2. Lard. It should be melted together with a little honey and butter. Use the cooled mixture as in the previous recipe.

You should not stop treatment, even when the child's condition improves. The kid must complete the full course of therapy.


Babies tolerate this procedure well. It can be done with different substances, which speeds up the healing process. The effect is observed when using such solutions for inhalation:

  1. Sea salt. In 1 liter of water, add 3 tbsp. l. salt.
  2. Essential oils. They are used if the baby does not have allergies. To prepare the solution, you will need no more than 5 drops of eucalyptus, juniper, lavender oil per 1 glass of water.
  3. Onion and garlic. These products should be crushed in a small amount, added to the solution for inhalation. Inhalation is carried out with caution.

Can be used for the decoction procedure medicinal herbs- mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus, sage.

Important! Treatment folk remedies will help to cope with the disease in the initial stages! But the consultation of the attending physician is obligatory. Also, in traditional medicine recipes, you can not use ingredients to which the baby is allergic.


To prevent the development of obstructive bronchitis in a small child, parents must follow certain rules. The kid still does not understand what is good and bad for his body, adults are fully responsible for the health of the crumbs.

Prevention is as follows:

  • walk in the fresh air away from polluted streets and highways;
  • travel with a child to the sea. Sea air is very beneficial for the respiratory system;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning in the apartment;
  • remove all foods from the diet that can lead to allergies;
  • in no case should you take your child into smoky rooms;
  • ensure sound and healthy sleep.

When the first symptoms appear, it is impossible to treat the child with potent medicines in order to quickly get rid of the disease. This can lead to the development of complications. Only a doctor can prescribe medications.

Today, obstructive bronchitis is a common disease, especially in childhood. To avoid complications, you should always consult a qualified doctor. The child will recover quickly, and relapse will be prevented.

Bronchitis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bronchitis is respiratory disease which can have dangerous complications. Parents have many questions about the treatment of this disease: in what cases are antibiotics used and whether it is possible to cure a child with the help of inhalations and warming procedures.

  • Bronchitis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment
  • What is bronchitis. Types of disease
  • Causes of the disease
  • Symptoms of bronchitis of various types
  • Types of acute bronchitis
  • Symptoms of simple bronchitis
  • Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis
  • Video: How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children
  • Signs of bronchiolitis
  • The course of bronchitis in children of different ages
  • Diagnosis of bronchitis
  • Video: Dr. E. Komarovsky about the cause and treatment of bronchitis
  • Bronchitis treatment
  • Medicines prescribed for children with bronchitis
  • Video: Massotherapy when coughing
  • Application folk ways with bronchitis
  • Etiological signs
  • Classification
  • Pathophysiological aspects
  • Symptoms of simple bronchitis
  • Acute bronchiolitis
  • Acute obstructive bronchitis
  • Diagnostics
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Main criteria for treatment
  • How to treat bronchitis in children: signs and prevention
  • Symptoms of bronchitis in children
  • Types of disease
  • What is the danger of the disease
  • Bronchitis treatment
  • Medical treatment
  • Treatment without antibiotics
  • Treatment with folk remedies
  • Prevention
  • Causes of bronchitis in children 2-3 years old, symptoms and treatment at home
  • Causes of the disease
  • Bronchitis symptoms
  • Is the temperature rising?
  • What is a cough with bronchitis?
  • Does breathing change?
  • Types of bronchitis
  • How to treat children for bronchitis?
  • Medications
  • How and how to treat bronchitis in children at home: therapy with drugs, inhalations, folk remedies and other effective methods
  • Causes
  • Characteristic symptoms
  • Treatment at home
  • Useful tips for parents
  • Drug therapy
  • Home inhalations
  • Massage
  • Folk remedies and recipes
  • Disease prevention

The condition of the baby can deteriorate dramatically, it all depends on the form of the disease and age. Therefore, home treatment should always be agreed with the doctor. To speed up recovery, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the room.

What is bronchitis. Types of disease

So called inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. The disease has an infectious and allergic nature. Often, the inflammatory process appears on the background of colds and flu. Most often, children get sick with infectious bronchitis in the cold season, when the body's immune defenses weaken.

The infection enters the child's body from the outside by inhaling contaminated air. It is also possible to activate one's own conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is facilitated by hypothermia of the body, a decrease in immunity.

Depending on the cause of occurrence, the following types of bronchitis are distinguished:

  1. Bacterial. Its pathogens are bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae and whooping cough, chlamydia, mycoplasma.
  2. Viral. It occurs due to the penetration of influenza viruses into the bronchi, as well as adenoviruses.
  3. Allergic. It occurs when the bronchial tubes are irritated. chemicals, dust or pollen of plants, particles of animal hair.

Infectious species are contagious. When the patient sneezes or coughs, the infection spreads up to 10 meters around.

At breastfeeding the child has passive immunity, that is, with mother's milk, he receives protective antibodies to infections. Therefore, babies under the age of 1 year suffer from bronchitis only in cases where they have deviations in the development of the respiratory organs, they were born prematurely, or the body is weakened by other diseases.

The development of infection in the bronchi occurs when the mucus formed in them as a result of irritation and inflammation of the mucosa dries up, blocking the respiratory passages. In this case, the ventilation of these organs is disturbed.

Causes of the disease

The causes of bronchitis in children are:

If the treatment of bronchitis in children is not carried out in a timely manner or turned out to be ineffective, then the disease from an acute form becomes chronic. Moreover, it lasts for years, with periodic relapses. Most often, recurrent bronchitis occurs in children 4-7 years old. The disease recurs 3-4 times a year after a cold, for about 2 years. There are no episodes of bronchospasm.

The likelihood of a complicated disease increases if the child has inflammation of the adenoids or chronic tonsillitis. Factors contributing to the occurrence of bronchitis in an infant are early weaning, unsuitable sanitary and living conditions, the presence of smokers in the house.

Symptoms of bronchitis of various types

The device of the respiratory system in children has its own characteristics. Their respiratory passages are narrower, due to which their rapid overlap is possible in the event of mucosal edema. Congenital malformations of the lungs or bronchi are more pronounced in infants. After 1-1.5 years, deviations often disappear.

Immunity in children is under development, their susceptibility to infections is increased. Respiratory muscles are weaker, due to which ventilation respiratory organs worse than adults. In addition, the volume of the lungs in children is less, which contributes to the accelerated spread of pathogens.

In children, thermoregulation of the body is not sufficiently developed. They overheat faster, catch a cold easier.

Note: Spasm and swelling of the bronchi (obstruction) develops especially quickly in infants. The resulting lack of oxygen is life-threatening.

Types of acute bronchitis

There are the following types of acute illness:

  1. Simple bronchitis. The symptoms are the mildest. There are no symptoms of shortness of breath.
  2. Obstructive bronchitis. A serious and dangerous condition in which respiratory failure may occur.
  3. Bronchiolitis. There is inflammation of the bronchioles (bronchial tubes with a diameter of 1 mm, located in the region of transition to the lungs). This leads to blockage of the pulmonary vessels, the occurrence of heart disease.

Bronchitis of any type begins with the onset of cold symptoms, which then acquire the characteristic features of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of simple bronchitis

Against the background of a cold, the child has general weakness, headache, severe dry cough up to 7 days. Drying of the mucus leads to the appearance of hoarseness in the bronchi. If the inflammation also affected the larynx, then a barking cough appears. There is an increase in temperature to 37 ° -38 ° (depending on the severity of the disease). Gradually, a dry cough turns into a wet one. There are gurgling wheezing. If the discharge of sputum occurs normally, then the child's condition improves significantly. The disease in this form can last for 1-3 weeks. The severity of manifestations depends on the age of the baby, his physical development, general condition health.

If the disease is started, then the child has complications such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Sometimes a disease that occurs in a viral form does not proceed quite normally. After the virus dies (after about a week), the child gets better, but then his condition deteriorates sharply: the temperature rises, the cough and headache intensify. This suggests that a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection, and urgent antibiotic treatment is required.

The infection process can be either unilateral or bilateral. One of the signs of the disease is redness of the eyes due to inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis).

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

Signs of obstruction most often appear in children under 3-4 years of age. They usually occur with a viral or allergic form of the disease. The main signs of obstructive bronchitis are noisy hoarse breathing with prolonged expiration, paroxysmal cough, ending in vomiting, retraction of the intercostal muscles on inspiration, and swelling of the chest.

With this form of the disease, the child's body temperature does not rise. Obstructive bronchitis can occur suddenly after the baby has played with a pet (for example, at a party) or inhaled paint during repairs.

Signs of obstruction sometimes appear around the 4th day of influenza or acute respiratory infections. Characteristic are bouts of dry cough, which does not bring relief. Whistling rales are heard in the lungs.

Up to 4 years, relapses of the disease are possible, then the attacks most often stop.

Note: From bronchial asthma obstructive bronchitis is characterized by the fact that the symptoms of respiratory failure develop slowly, while with asthma, the child begins to choke suddenly.

A frequently recurring obstructive process of any origin can turn into bronchial asthma.

Video: How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children

Signs of bronchiolitis

The main sign of inflammation of the bronchioles is shortness of breath. At first, it occurs in a child if he is actively moving, but over time it appears at rest. During inspiration, you can hear a characteristic hiss. When listening, the doctor hears wheezing in the lower part of the bronchi.

As a rule, with bronchiolitis, the temperature rises to 38 ° -39 °. It is more difficult for a child to exhale than to inhale. The chest and shoulders are raised. The face swells, blue appears. Persistent cough with scanty sputum gives no relief, causing chest pains. Other manifestations of this condition are dry mouth, infrequent urination, and rapid heartbeat.

The course of bronchitis in children of different ages

Bronchitis after a cold in a child is a common occurrence. Sometimes it proceeds easily, without fever and is manifested only by a cough. In complicated cases, the temperature is high, there are spasms of the bronchi and suffocation.

The disease usually begins with a dry cough. Gradually, sputum accumulates in the bronchi, which becomes mucopurulent. Wheezing appears, they can be considered signs of the transition of the disease to the stage of recovery. At this point, it is important to facilitate the removal of sputum to the outside, cleaning the bronchi from infection. This is easier for older children, as they already understand that they need to cough up and spit out sputum.

A small child is not always able to do it on his own. Parents can help him, for example, by turning him over to another barrel. In this case, sputum moves along the walls of the bronchi, causing irritation and coughing.

In infants, due to difficulties with the discharge of mucus from the bronchi and its stagnation, the main symptoms are often bouts of severe coughing with shortness of breath. At the age of 2-6 months, the disease usually occurs in the form of bronchiolitis.

Usually, recovery from uncomplicated bronchitis occurs in 7-8 days. If bronchitis is complicated by obstruction, then it can manifest itself within a few weeks, turning into pneumonia.

Diagnosis of bronchitis

By the nature of the cough and the type of sputum discharge, the doctor determines what type of bronchitis occurs in a child. Sputum white color is characteristic of viral inflammation, and a greenish-yellow tint appears in it with bacterial inflammation of the bronchi. With allergic bronchitis, lumps of clear mucus are coughed up.

During examination and listening to the chest, the presence of such symptoms of bronchitis in children as hoarse breathing, difficulty exhaling, bloating of the chest, retraction of muscles in the intercostal region is determined.

By using general analysis blood, the number of leukocytes is determined, the presence of an inflammatory process is established.

In case of dangerous complications (severe coughing attacks accompanied by a high temperature for more than 3 days), an x-ray of the lungs is taken. In this case, equipment with a reduced dose of radioactive radiation is used. Pneumotachometry is performed. With the help of a special device, the patency of the respiratory tract is examined during inhalation and exhalation.

If there are signs of an infectious disease, a sputum test is done to determine the type of infectious agent. To diagnose bronchiolitis in infants, histological examination sputum for the presence of characteristic viruses that can live in the bronchi and lungs, the so-called respiratory syncytial infection. An important sign inflammation of the bronchi in an infant is cyanosis (cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes), which appears as a result of heart and lung failure.

For the diagnosis, the presence of characteristic wheezing and shortness of breath, as well as the frequency and strength of the heartbeat, are important.

A strong cough can also occur with other diseases, such as pneumonia, laryngitis, tuberculosis. Its cause may be congenital pathology functioning of the respiratory system, foreign body into the trachea. Diagnosis allows you to confirm the presence of bronchitis, prescribe the correct treatment.

Video: Dr. E. Komarovsky about the cause and treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis treatment

First of all, parents should remember that in no case is it unacceptable to self-medicate. As pediatrician E. Komarovsky emphasizes, little child with bronchitis can harm not only uncontrolled reception drugs, but also improper use of home procedures.

Hospitalization is carried out when acute bronchitis occurs in a complicated form (in the presence of shortness of breath, high temperature difficulty in eating and drinking). At home, when treating simple bronchitis, the child should be in bed if he has a high fever. As soon as it normalizes, the child needs walks in the fresh air.

It is often necessary to drink warm tea, compote (fluid intake should be increased by 1.5 times compared to usual). This contributes to the liquefaction of sputum and its removal from the bronchi. For drinking, you can prepare herbal teas (linden, mint). It is useful to drink alkaline mineral water, which will help reduce the viscosity of sputum. infant as often as possible, apply to the chest, additionally drink water.

Thermal procedures (inhalations, mustard plasters, baths for warming the legs, rubbing the chest) can only be carried out in the absence of elevated body temperature.

Medicines prescribed for children with bronchitis

Antiviral drugs, such as arbidol, anaferon, fluferon, interferon, for acute bronchitis, the doctor prescribes, taking into account the age and weight of the child.

Antibiotics for bronchitis have effective action only if the disease is bacterial in nature. They are prescribed when thick sputum is colored yellow-green, while there is a high temperature, shortness of breath, symptoms of intoxication of the body (nausea, severe headache, weakness, sleep disturbance). The presence of a bacterial process can be said if the symptoms of the disease do not subside within 10 days after the start of antiviral treatment. Antibiotics are needed if a child develops bronchiolitis and is at risk of developing pneumonia. Usually, children are prescribed azithromycin, zinnat, supraks, sumamed.

Cough remedies. The following types of drugs are used:

  • expectorants (pertussin, licorice root extract, decoctions of some herbs);
  • sputum thinners such as bromhexine, lazolvan, libexin.

Warning: Babies under 2 years of age should never be given expectorants. Taking them will increase the coughing fit. The liquefied sputum can enter the respiratory tract and lungs, leading to even more serious complications.

Antipyretics. Panadol (paracetamol), nurofen (ibuprofen), ibuklin are used in the form of tablets, suspensions, suppositories - in forms convenient for children of any age.

Antihistamines (Zyrtec - for children older than 6 months, Erius - from 1 year old, Claritin - from 2 years old). They are used in the treatment of allergic bronchitis in children.

Preparations for inhalation. Used for obstructive acute bronchitis. The procedures are carried out using a special inhaler. Used such means as salbutamol, atrovent.

As additional procedures, chest massage, therapeutic breathing exercises, physiotherapy (ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis) are prescribed. Procedures are not carried out during an exacerbation of the disease.

Video: Therapeutic cough massage

The use of folk methods for bronchitis

Folk medicines based on natural ingredients help to alleviate the condition of a child with bronchitis, preventive treatment to prevent relapse, strengthen immunity. Such funds, after agreement with the doctor, are taken as an adjunct to drug treatment.

Note: The well-known Moscow doctor, the chief pulmonologist of Russia, Professor L. M. Roshal strongly recommends using the “Monastic Collection” for chronic bronchitis, composed of 16 herbs (sage, string, wormwood and others). Herbal remedies, mustard, honey and other medicinal ingredients used in traditional medicine, in many people cause allergies. Therefore, they can not be used by everyone.

As an expectorant, you can use a decoction of coltsfoot, it calms a cough well with simple bronchitis, a decoction of St. John's wort, which has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. A well-known cough medicine for bronchitis, pneumonia is considered to be baked radish with honey, oatmeal broth. Soda inhalations also help.

Effective home methods of treatment include warming and distracting procedures (foot baths, mustard plasters, cups, warming compresses on the right side of the chest are used).

The most important measure for the prevention of bronchitis is timely treatment colds, runny nose, infectious diseases throat and upper respiratory tract. The child must be tempered, accustomed to physical education, he must spend a lot of time outdoors. Vitamins must be added to the diet all year round.

It is important for parents to ensure that the apartment is always clean, cool, sufficiently humid air.

Source: The number of visits to pediatricians is associated with symptoms of acute bronchitis in children. According to statistics, among those hospitalized for treatment with a diagnosis of "acute bronchitis in children" is 3/4 of all patients. Quite often, complications arise due to the fact that parents do not diagnose and incorrectly use folk remedies in treatment. Let's see what we're dealing with. This information will help parents understand among acute bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis is the most common disease in children in the first years of life.

Etiological signs

Age limits of viral etiology of acute bronchitis in children:

  • In children of the first year - are determined: cytomegaloviruses, enteroviruses, herpes, respiratory syncytial viruses, rhinoviruses;
  • A child of 2 years of age has influenza viruses A, B, C, parainfluenza (types 1 and 3), respiratory syncytial viruses;
  • Children 3 years of age are more likely to: parainfluenza, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses;
  • In children 5-8 years old - adenoviruses, influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial;

Viruses as an independent cause of the disease are found in children older than 3 years of age, and in infants under three years of age, as a rule, along with bacteria.


  1. Acute (simple) bronchitis.
  2. Acute obstructive bronchitis.
  3. Acute bronchiolitis.

Pathophysiological aspects

The following criteria predispose the child's body to acute bronchitis in babies from birth to 6 years of age:

  1. Narrow width airways.
  2. Imperfect structure of cartilaginous structures.
  3. Slow rate of excretion of mucus from the bronchi and trachea.
  4. Immaturity of the cough reflex.

This is not all, but the main signs that lead to illness, especially in infants. It is necessary to understand why pathogens invade a fragile organism.

The onset of the disease is preceded by the interaction of viruses, bacteria on the air tubes of an early child, as well as the concomitance of predisposing factors. Pathogens, if local immunity is reduced, destroy the respiratory epithelium, contribute to increased secretion of exudate and the development of edema, and mucociliary clearance is disturbed.

Symptoms of simple bronchitis

  1. A child of 1 year of age is characterized by a strong cough, hyperthermia up to 40 ° C, which appears suddenly. Wheezing on breathing.
  2. The general temperature reaction increases, and the duration of hyperthermia depends on the type of infection. For example, when affected by a respiratory syncytial virus, it lasts up to 3-4 days.
  3. Excruciating, dry cough, which later becomes wet. There is a discharge of sputum.
  4. When examining a child, symptoms of conjunctivitis are determined (hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes, injection of vessels of the sclera and conjunctiva, lacrimation).
  5. Due to a violation of the ventilation of the air tubes, coarse dry and moist rales appear in medium and large air tubes.

Acute bronchiolitis

The disease is observed mainly in children in the first year of life. In particular, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Hyperthermia.
  2. The serious condition and well-being of the child, because if left untreated, signs of respiratory failure increase rapidly: rapid breathing, it is difficult for the baby to breathe.
  3. Most often, rales are heard from small-caliber bronchi. emphysema develops.

Acute obstructive bronchitis

This is acute bronchitis, in which the symptoms of bronchial obstruction predominate. It often develops in children at 2-3 years of age.

  1. Symptoms develop in the first days after infection.
  2. The child has noisy wheezing with prolonged exhalation.
  3. Anxiety, fear in children.
  4. Appetite decreases.
  5. Expiratory dyspnea, the child breathes quickly.


The x-ray picture includes an increase in the pulmonary pattern in the lungs. Diagnosis is carried out to exclude pneumonia.

In the hematological analysis, minor inflammatory changes with the addition of bacterial flora. Viral infection is characterized by leukopenia.

Function external respiration decreases by 15-20% of the vital capacity.

  1. Changes in the hemogram are characteristic of viral damage: a decrease in the number of leukocyte cells and an increase in lymphocytic ones;
  2. X-ray - increased vascular pattern, atelectasis.

Diagnosis of acute obstructive bronchitis:

X-ray: horizontal course of the ribs, expansion of the fields of the lungs, increased blood supply and pulmonary pattern in the area of ​​the roots of the lungs, increased transparency.

Changes in the blood test correspond to a viral infection, with an allergic background - eosinophilia.

Differential Diagnosis

It is necessary to differentiate acute bronchitis with such diseases:

  1. Pneumonia - crepitus, moist rales, increased voice trembling are detected.
  2. Whooping cough - persistent cough for more than 2 weeks, paroxysms of coughing with inspiratory dyspnea and possible vomiting.
  3. Chronic sinusitis is discomfort in the sinuses.
  4. Bronchial asthma - is determined in the process of diagnostic search.
  5. GERD - cough that occurs after taking a large number food, decreases with a change in body position.

Main criteria for treatment

Treatment of the child begins with the appointment of strict bed rest during the period of hyperthermia for better and faster recovery. Food intake changes: the daily volume of food should be 2/3 - 1/2 of the norm, the number of feedings in children of the first year of life is increased by one or two. Nutrition should be hypoallergenic, high-calorie, balanced in vitamins and trace elements. The volume of liquid must be increased by 1.5 times the daily requirement. Compliance with the correct regimen helps to heal the baby faster, no matter how old he is. With a viral etiology of bronchitis, sick children begin to be treated with antiviral therapy for which it is recommended to use leukocyte interferon(the dosage depends on how old the child is and what body weight). Folk remedies often do not have the expected result and are not suitable for treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time, especially if the child is in the first year of life. He will prescribe a treatment that will soon be able to put your child on his feet.

Criteria for prescribing antibiotic therapy for acute bronchitis in children:

  • the presence of symptoms of intoxication and prolonged pyrrexia (more than 3 days), especially in children 1-2 years old;
  • lack of improvement after 10 days from the start of therapy;
  • established bronchiolitis;
  • in order to treat broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • risk of developing pneumonia.

Symptomatic treatment of catarrhal bronchitis, all doses depend on how old the children are:

  1. Antipyrrhetic drugs (panadol, nurofen, analgin).
  2. Antihistamines (allergic origin).
  3. Preparations that facilitate sputum discharge: (mukaltin, prospan, herbion, ambroxol).
  4. Against cough, only with obsessive, exhausting dry cough (glaucine).
  5. UHF, EVT on the chest area, vibration massage, exercise therapy.
  6. Folk remedies are represented by recipes that help relieve a child's cough: pine or coniferous infusions, they have antipyretic and expectorant effects. Herbs are very popular in the home first aid kit, they have an antiseptic and sedative effect on the air tubes. For example, fees that include: mint, chamomile, oregano, coltsfoot, linden, marshmallow, sage and plantain. Essential oils of garlic, which evaporate into the air, have a powerful disinfecting effect. Inhalation over potatoes is an old recipe used by our grandmothers. Instillation of aloe juice into the nasal passages (1-2 drops each) has proven itself. Practiced treatment with folk remedies in children of the first year of life is not recommended, a high risk of developing allergies. It is necessary to use cooking recipes with extreme caution, do not be zealous, because the effect obtained can be negative. For example, a burn of the breathing tubes may develop. It is important to help children, especially with a tormenting cough, which causes a lot of trouble and inconvenience to the baby. Also, you should not independently purchase medications, they may not be suitable, you need to take into account the history of the child.

Treatment of acute obstructive brochitis:

  1. Inhalations with salbutamol, atrovent.
  2. If the expected does not come therapeutic effect, then you need to use methylxanthines (eufillin), glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone).
  3. Folk remedies for the treatment of obstruction of the respiratory tubes include bee products: dead bees, propolis. But do not forget that this type of bronchitis can develop into bronchial asthma, so you need to monitor a sick child constantly.

Sick children with acute bronchiolitis should be hospitalized and treated in a hospital under the supervision of pediatric pulmonologists, since complications can later develop into disability.

Acute bronchitis can resolve with varying degrees severity from mild, which is treated on an outpatient basis, to severe with complications. It all depends on the individual structure of the child's body. In any case, an examination and a doctor's opinion is necessary.

Source: Treat Bronchitis in Children: Signs and Prevention

Bronchitis is a common pathology of the respiratory system. It occurs more frequently in children and is more difficult than in adults. Parents should be aware of the first symptoms of the disease in order to immediately recognize and begin treatment. Most common cause acute bronchitis - infections, but there are cases noncommunicable disease. What is bronchitis, its symptoms and treatment in children, we will consider in more detail.

Symptoms of bronchitis in children

The broncho-pulmonary system in children has its own characteristics. The respiratory passages are narrow, so they quickly overlap with swelling of the mucosa. Congenital pathologies usually appear in the first year of life. The immune system is just developing, the body is unstable to the action of viruses and bacteria, children easily get sick. The lung capacity in childhood is smaller, so the infection spreads faster, and complications often occur.

Important! In infants, bronchospasm and swelling of the airways during a viral infection are especially dangerous! These conditions lead to suffocation!

How does bronchitis manifest itself? It starts with symptoms of a cold followed by a cough.

A simple form of bronchitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • weakness in the body;
  • headache;
  • irritating cough;
  • wheezing heard when breathing;
  • temperature rise.

What is cough with bronchitis? Initially dry, then becomes wet. The child sometimes hears wheezing in the chest. The severity of the disease depends on age, general well-being and physical development.

With obstructive bronchitis in children, the lumen of the bronchi narrows due to spasm. This form often occurs at a younger age. The main provoking factors are viral infection and allergies. The main signs of the disease are difficult exhalation, wheezing in the chest, wheezing, paroxysmal coughing to vomiting.

How long does the temperature last? Until the inflammation subsides. The disease is not always accompanied by fever. Signs of bronchitis without fever (bronchospasm) appear suddenly due to an allergic reaction - after contact with an animal, inhalation of paint, plant pollen. Obstruction can be observed on the fourth day after the onset of acute respiratory infections.

Important! Obstructive bronchitis is similar in symptoms to asthma. But it ends with recovery, and asthma is characterized by a relapsing course!

Types of disease

Doctors distinguish several forms of the disease. By origin, bronchitis is primary or secondary (complication of SARS, other conditions).

According to the nature of the flow, options are distinguished:

In children under one year old, the process affects the small bronchi - bronchioles. This form is called bronchiolitis. Treatment should be started immediately to prevent complications - pneumonia.

Important! The diagnosis of chronic bronchitis is established if the child gets sick 2-3 times a year for two years in a row! Even after recovery, the child may have a cough.

According to the prevalence of bronchitis is divided into the following types:

  • limited - inflammation affects the local area of ​​the bronchial tree;
  • diffuse - the disease affects all the bronchi.

By the nature of inflammation, bronchitis is:

  • catarrhal - only the mucous membrane is involved in the process;
  • hemorrhagic - hemorrhages appear;
  • purulent - there is pus in the sputum;
  • necrotic - characterized by areas of dead tissue;
  • ulcerative - ulcers affect the mucous membrane;
  • fibrous - fibrin covers the bronchi;
  • mixed.

Children are more often diagnosed with catarrhal and catarrhal-purulent variant.

What is the danger of the disease

With bronchitis, airway patency decreases and ventilation of the lungs worsens. If the lungs do not receive oxygen, then circulatory system, which nourishes all organs, it is not enough.

In addition, acute bronchitis provokes the development of pneumonia. Microorganisms penetrate the lung tissue and multiply rapidly. Pneumonia in children common complication after bronchitis, especially with inadequate treatment or non-compliance with doctor's recommendations.

Bronchitis is a disease that must be treated. In children, sputum accumulates deep in the bronchi, it is difficult to pass through the narrowed bronchi. Removal requires increased work of the respiratory muscles; in young children, the muscles are poorly developed. Coughing is often ineffective, so bronchitis in a child is more difficult and longer. Is this disease contagious? No, you can only get infected by the virus that caused it.

Bronchitis treatment

This disease does not provide for inpatient treatment, but therapy should be carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. Hospitalization is recommended for infants under one year of age due to the risk of developing pneumonia.

Therapy takes days, with complications - 3 weeks or more. It includes:

  1. Bed rest at the onset of the disease. It is necessary to limit physical activity until the temperature returns to normal, the general condition does not improve.
  2. Diet food. The child should be offered easily digestible food, favorite dishes. Recommended vegetables, fruits, cereals, soups and dairy products. You also need to drink plenty of water.
  3. With inflammation, the throat should be gargled with medicinal decoctions to reduce pain and perspiration.
  4. Expectorants are prescribed to thin and remove sputum.
  5. Inhalations using a nebulizer have proven effective in the treatment of bronchitis.
  6. Warm compresses and ointments on the chest are distraction therapy. It does not have a therapeutic effect, but improves the well-being of the child. Ointments with essential oils and trauma extracts can cause allergies and provoke bronchospasm.
  7. The use of vibration massage and postural drainage helps to clear the bronchi.
  8. Antipyretics are prescribed at a high temperature - from 38.5 degrees.
  9. Needed for nasal congestion vasoconstrictor drugs and solutions for washing passages.

Important! Infants are not prescribed expectorants on their own! Their cough may be due to the flow of nasal mucus! If necessary, the doctor selects the medicine.

Medical treatment

The attending physician prescribes medicines for a child with bronchitis. The symptoms and features of the course of the disease are taken into account. Use such drugs:

  1. Bronchodilators - Vetolin, Salbutamol, Berodual, Pulmicort. They are used in the form of inhalations using a nebulizer only for bronchial obstruction.
  2. Antibiotics as indicated.
  3. Hormonal agents (Prednisolone or Dexamethasone) are recommended only for severe illness, when you need to quickly relieve inflammation and eliminate bronchospasm.
  4. Expectorants. These include Ambroxol, Bromhexine, Lazolvan, Flavamed or thermopsis tincture.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also effective. Erespal syrup copes well with the symptoms of bronchitis.

Acute bronchitis can be treated with antibiotics. In children, this disease is almost always viral, antibiotics are prescribed only for bacterial complications. In a simple form, the body must cope with the disease on its own.

If antibiotics cannot be dispensed with, Flemoxin Solutab, Amoxicillin or Amoxiclav are recommended for treatment. From modern means doctors prefer the drugs Suprax, Augmentin, Sumamed, which are available in capsules or suspensions.

Doctors prescribe antibiotics as soon as a bacterial infection is confirmed. More often it is caused by pneumococci, streptococci and Haemophilus influenzae.

Important! They take antibacterial drugs according to the doctor's recommendations, it is impossible to break the course, because this can cause serious health problems.

Treatment without antibiotics

Treatment of acute bronchitis, not complicated by obstruction, is to moisten the airways and relieve symptoms - cough or shortness of breath, shortness of breath. At high temperatures, warming rubbing, hot inhalations should be excluded.

If the baby's health is satisfactory, he does not have a fever, then massage will help get rid of the accumulated sputum. It is necessary to lay the baby on the stomach so that the buttocks are higher than the head and lightly tap on the back to massage. Then put the child down and let him clear his throat.

For colds, SARS and bronchitis, Dr. Komarovsky advises drinking plenty of water - compotes with a moderate sugar content and herbal teas, water. In the child's room, wet cleaning should be carried out and ventilated 4-5 times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies

Used for bronchitis and alternative methods of treatment. Here are some recipes that help in the treatment of bronchitis:

  1. The leaves of the coltsfoot help to cough up phlegm. You can prepare a decoction like this: 1 tbsp. l. crushed leaves are poured with 200 ml of water, placed for 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool, remove the cake and take 1 tbsp. l. 4-6 times a day.
  2. Get rid of wet cough cabbage juice will help. To improve the taste, you can add honey, take 1 tsp. up to 6 times a day.
  3. Well helps with bronchitis decoction of figs in milk.
  4. Black radish juice with honey helps to get rid of symptoms, drink 1 tbsp. l. 15 minutes before a meal.
  5. Potato cough cake is another great home remedy. You just need to boil the potatoes, ceiling, wrap in cheesecloth and put warm on your chest.

Treatment with folk remedies gives a good result if it complements traditional therapy. Herbs alone are not enough. You can also add acupressure and percussion massages.


Preventive measures - hardening, sea bathing in the summer, proper nutrition, observance of the daily routine. With often recurrent bronchitis, vitamins, adaptogens, vaccination against hemophilic infection are recommended for the child.

When is the cause of bronchitis chronic diseases nasopharynx, it is necessary to sanitize the foci of infection. Also, children with a weakened immune system are recommended breathing exercises.

When bronchitis for diagnosis, prevention and treatment should consult a doctor. Self-medication often leads to complications and lingering current illness.

Source: occurrence of bronchitis in children 2-3 years old, symptoms and treatment at home

Bronchitis in children is a respiratory disease characterized by a nonspecific inflammatory process in the lower respiratory tract. Diseases are most often exposed to young children, since their immunity is not yet fully formed.

The main manifestation of this inflammatory disease is a prolonged cough, the intensity of which increases every day. Such a symptom should be the first wake-up call for parents and encourage them to visit a pediatric specialist.

The first symptom that suggests the presence of bronchitis in a child is a prolonged dry cough.

Causes of the disease

The causes of bronchitis in children are varied. This ailment in infants develops when pathogens and irritants such as:

  • Viruses. First, they are activated in the nasopharynx. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, viruses enter the bronchial mucosa. Viral bronchitis can be the result of an untreated SARS or flu.
  • Bacteria that infect the bronchi. The causative agents of inflammation are streptococci, pneumococci, chlamydia, staphylococci, which cannot be removed from the body without antibiotics.
  • Allergens that enter the respiratory tract through the nasopharynx.
  • Fungi. Bronchitis of this etymology occurs in debilitated children, for example, premature babies or those who have previously been subjected to frequent antibiotic therapy.
  • Toxins that enter the body through inhalation of polluted air. The body of babies reacts very sharply to tobacco smoke, so passive smoking should be banned.
  • In addition, the disease can quickly manifest itself after prolonged hypothermia or exposure to a draft.

Bronchitis symptoms

The signs of bronchitis in children are so obvious that attentive mothers can recognize them when the disease has just begun to develop. It manifests itself in infants with the main symptoms:

  • A wet cough that replaces a dry one. Severe seizures disturb the child during and after sleep.
  • Heavy breathing accompanied by wheezing.
  • Pain in chest when coughing.
  • In some cases - temperature.

Sometimes babies have shortness of breath with a strong heartbeat. The secondary signs of this disease may differ, since they directly depend on its stage and form.

Is the temperature rising?

In children, prolonged bronchitis usually rarely causes high fever. This disease is characterized by temperature instability. Infants with bronchitis often have a temperature in the range of 37.5-38 degrees, after which there is a sharp rise or fall without taking antipyretics.

In rare cases, children experience a temperature increase to febrile (38-39 ºС) or pyretic (39-40 ºС) marks. Parents in this situation do not need to panic. They should understand that the temperature in bronchitis in children is a symptom that the body is trying to fight the disease by localizing inflammation.

In addition to coughing with bronchitis, the temperature rises (most often up to 38 degrees)

To the question of what temperature indicator is the norm in this inflammatory disease, there is still no clear answer. The numbers are purely conditional and depend on the stability of the baby's immune system, as well as on the cause of the disease.

What is a cough with bronchitis?

At the initial stage, a small patient has a dry cough, which after a while turns into a wet one. Dry cough is painful for the baby, because with it the child cannot completely cough up sputum.

With a wet cough, the baby leaves a huge amount of mucus that accumulates in the bronchi. At one year old baby it complicates breathing, since the airways at this age are much narrower than those of older children. The main coughing spells occur during sleep or upon awakening.

The worst coughing spells occur at night.

If the treatment that was prescribed to the child turned out to be ineffective, the cough turns into a recurrent form. Protracted cough in children is very difficult to treat on an outpatient basis. Most often, hospitalization of the baby is required.

Does breathing change?

With bronchitis, parents themselves may notice changes in the breathing of the little one. For any mother, wheezing and whistling on exhalation and inhalation will not go unnoticed. Very rarely, against the background of the disease, shortness of breath occurs, accompanied by a rapid heartbeat.

At the initial stage, the pediatrician listens to dry rales, which become wet when the cough changes. At the same time, the percussion sound remains within the normal range if the disease proceeds in an unopened form.

Types of bronchitis

Depending on the duration of the course of the disease in the baby, doctors distinguish:

  • Acute bronchitis. It begins on the background of hypothermia. Another reason is that bacteria or viruses have entered the bronchi. This form of the disease affects children after 1 year. The baby has a headache, he becomes apathetic and lethargic, interest in food disappears, the child begins to cough. The cough is dry in the first days, after which it turns into a wet one. At the same time, the intensity of the cough increases every day. Coughing up sputum is the key to a child's recovery, so parents need to monitor how much sputum their child is coughing up. As for the temperature, it can remain normal, but most often it rises to 37.5-38 degrees.
  • Chronic form. untimely and not effective treatment acute form of bronchitis leads to chronic stage disease, that is, to relapse several times a year. In this case, the child has an acute cough in 1-2 months.

Depending on the severity, we can talk about three types of the disease:

  1. Uncomplicated bronchitis. It is characterized by profuse sputum production and a deep, wet cough.
  2. Obstructive bronchitis. The child is clearly audible wheezing. A distinctive feature of this form is bronchial obstruction, expressed as shortness of breath. At the initial stage, the child may be disturbed by rhinitis and dry cough. Soon, parents may hear wheezing in the child, which prevents him from sleeping peacefully. At the same time, the temperature of the baby begins to change, sometimes it reaches high rates.
  3. Obliterating. This is chronic bronchitis. It is characterized by overgrowth of the channels that are in the bronchi, which greatly complicates the baby's breathing.

Depending on the stage of development and severity of the disease, the doctor makes a certain treatment.

Localization is another criterion for the distribution of types of bronchitis into categories such as:

  • Tracheobronchitis. The inflammatory process is localized in the bronchi and trachea. The child is tormented by coughing fits, but sputum is very problematic at the same time.
  • Bronchiolitis affecting the bronchi and bronchioles. This disease mainly affects children under one year old, since their immune system is not yet able to defend itself against viruses that penetrate deep into the respiratory system. The main manifestations are fine bubbling rales, shortness of breath, and palpitations. Another sign of bronchiolitis is an increase in temperature to febrile levels.

How to treat children for bronchitis?

Most often, it is allowed to treat an infant for bronchitis at home. However, sometimes doctors want to play it safe and insist on hospitalization. This happens when the disease is severe or if the patient is less than 3 months old.

If close relatives and the doctor have agreed on a common decision on treatment at home, parents must impeccably follow all the doctor's instructions. Only effective treatment will allow the child to be thoroughly cured and not to start the disease.


The main treatment of bronchitis is based on taking medications, the most effective of which are such pills and syrups.

How to treat bronchitis in children at home is an urgent issue, since this disease is one of the most common pathologies of the human respiratory system, which occurs in all age groups.

If bronchitis is suspected in a child, treatment may require, in addition to physical diagnosis, laboratory research blood, sputum, X-ray diagnostics, bronchoscopy .

How to treat bronchitis in children at home

Treatment of bronchitis is usually carried out at home, and only if the disease is severe and / or with complications - in a hospital. Medicines should be given to a child only after consulting a doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to take any antitussives on your own - in some cases they can cause serious harm.

Prescribing certain medications to children depends on the cause of the disease and the available clinical signs. Antibacterial drugs are used only if the causative agent of bronchitis is bacteria (or when a secondary bacterial infection is attached).

To facilitate the discharge of sputum, the child may be prescribed expectorant, mucolytic drugs. It is strictly forbidden to take any antitussives on your own - in some cases they can cause serious harm.

With prolonged bronchitis, children can undergo drainage, vibration, acupressure, cupping massage, as well as therapeutic massage with honey. Massage is recommended to be done in the morning before breakfast.

The therapeutic effect of mustard plasters in bronchitis is disputed by experts, in any case, they should not be used in children under 5 years of age.

It is recommended to adhere to the bed and abundant drinking regimen, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room in which the patient is located, and carry out wet cleaning in it daily.

Of the physiotherapeutic procedures for bronchitis in children, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation can be used. Physiotherapy is indicated at the stage of recovery, only after the acute process subsides.

How to treat bronchitis and cough in children at home with folk remedies

The main treatment of bronchitis can be supplemented with folk remedies with the permission of the doctor.

Mixtures for ingestion based on honey are widely used. So, you can prepare products from honey and freshly squeezed juice from vegetables (beets, carrots), viburnum, radish juice, freshly prepared applesauce mixed with honey has immunostimulating properties. Often with bronchitis, children are given boiled milk with the addition of sage and honey.

It is believed that black radish juice with honey will help to quickly cure bronchitis in a child. Prepare it as follows: wash the black radish thoroughly with a brush, but do not peel. Cut off the top, gently make a recess with a knife, put a teaspoon of honey in it, close the top. After some time, honey will mix with the secreted radish juice, it is taken 2 tablespoons before meals and at bedtime.

Decoctions of sage, peppermint, linden, ginger, elderberry, violet, as well as breast collection are popular. Children with bronchitis are advised to drink tea with raspberries (dried, mashed with sugar or raspberry jam), after which they should put on woolen socks and a warm sweater. It is useful to use figs boiled in milk, as well as warm whey. Cabbage juice and lingonberries have an expectorant effect.

You can prepare a remedy from peppermint (3 teaspoons) and wheatgrass (5 teaspoons), which are poured into 600 ml of water, brought to a boil and allowed to cool. The finished product is filtered and drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

The therapeutic effect of mustard plasters in bronchitis is disputed by experts, in any case, they should not be used in children under 5 years of age.

For bronchitis and coughs in children, you can use a remedy from onion and garlic. To do this, chop 1 small onion and 3 cloves of garlic, add 1 glass of milk to the mixture, bring to a boil and cook until the garlic and onions soften. After that, the product is removed from the fire, allowed to cool and filtered. Honey can be added to the mixture. Means take 0.5 tablespoon every hour throughout the day.

Effective remedy based on propolis. To prepare it, 50 g of pre-frozen propolis is grated, 300 g of melted butter is added, the mixture is kept in a water bath for 20 minutes, allowed to cool, filtered through 2 layers of gauze and consumed in a teaspoon with warmed milk 30 minutes before meals .

According to patients' parents childhood you can get rid of a prolonged cough with bronchitis with a remedy of 1 part of crushed aloe leaves, melted pork and badger fat (1 part each), 2 parts of honey and 1 part of chocolate. All ingredients are put in a saucepan, heated to a temperature of 35-40 ° C, mixing thoroughly. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. In chronic bronchitis, the remedy is used for prevention in spring and autumn.

You can treat bronchitis and cough with an infusion of licorice root and pine buds. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, after which a tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a glass of water, brought to a boil and left to cool. Take an infusion of 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.

With bronchitis, compresses from grated horseradish or boiled potatoes help, in which you can add a few drops of iodine, olive, linseed or sunflower oil.

You can use a compress on the chest of honey, dry mustard and flour, mixed in equal parts.

Treatment of bronchitis is usually carried out at home, and only if the disease is severe and / or with complications - in a hospital.

In addition, you can lubricate the child's chest with honey, lay a cloth soaked in vodka on top (vodka should be diluted with water in a ratio of 3: 1). It is convenient to put the compress at night, firmly fixing it on the body.

Causes and risk factors for developing bronchitis in children

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa.

There are primary and secondary bronchitis. In primary bronchitis, the pathological process begins to develop directly in the bronchi. With secondary bronchitis, the disease occurs against the background of another pathology (flu, heart disease, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, etc.). Usually, inflammation begins in the nasopharynx, and then goes to the bronchi, i.e. often bronchitis is a complication of an acute respiratory infection.

In addition, bronchitis is divided into acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis usually has an infectious (viral, rarely bacterial) etiology. Bronchitis caused by microscopic fungi is rare, it develops in children with significantly weakened immunity - in premature babies, as well as in weakened babies who have been treated with antibiotics for a long time.

The chronic form of bronchitis develops with improper therapy (or lack of treatment) of the acute form as a result of a long stay of the infectious agent in respiratory tract.

Risk factors for developing bronchitis in children include exposure to the body of adverse environmental factors, frequent stress, hypothermia, prolonged exposure to damp and / or dusty rooms, inhalation of tobacco smoke, dust, allergens, chemicals, lack of oxygen in the inhaled air, surgical operations.

Hot steam inhalations are not recommended for children; aerosol inhalers can be used, as well as inhalations with a nebulizer.

Signs of bronchitis in children

In acute bronchitis, children experience sore throat, discharge from the nasal cavity, headache, cough (dry at the beginning of the disease and then wet), fever (usually up to 37.5-38 ° C), lethargy, loss of appetite. In the absence of complications and with the right treatment, recovery usually occurs in 1.5-2 weeks.

Chronic bronchitis is accompanied by violations of the secretory, protective and cleansing functions of the bronchi, has a long course. In this case, the body temperature, as a rule, does not rise, or rises slightly during exacerbations. Exacerbations of chronic bronchitis usually develop in winter and in the off-season.

According to the type of inflammatory process and the nature of sputum, bronchitis is divided into the following forms:

  • catarrhal - with increased production of mucus in the bronchi;
  • mucopurulent - with the release of mucopurulent sputum;
  • purulent - the production of purulent sputum is characteristic;
  • fibrinous - very thick sputum due to increased release of fibrin;
  • hemorrhagic - there is an admixture of blood in the sputum due to hemorrhage in the bronchial mucosa.

When obstruction of the bronchi of small caliber, patients complain of shortness of breath.

On a functional basis, bronchitis is classified into non-obstructive and obstructive. With non-obstructive (simple) bronchitis, increased secretion of mucus in the bronchi of medium and large caliber is observed. The main symptom of non-obstructive bronchitis is chest cough with a large amount of sputum. With obstructive bronchitis, the child has shortness of breath, hoarse wheezing, and increasing weakness. At the initial stage of the disease, the changes are reversible, with the progression of the pathological process, qualitative changes in the bronchi can occur, which, in the absence of treatment, become irreversible.

The chronic form of bronchitis develops with improper therapy of the acute form as a result of a long stay of an infectious agent in the respiratory tract.

Against the background of bronchitis in children, especially in the case of improper treatment of the disease, pneumonia, emphysema, bronchial asthma, heart pathologies, etc. can develop.


In order to prevent the development of bronchitis in children, it is recommended to vaccinate against influenza, a balanced diet, strengthen immunity, regular physical exercises, observance of the rules of personal hygiene, teaching children to breathe only through the nose, avoiding physical and mental overload, timely treatment of acute respiratory diseases.


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Bronchitis is a respiratory disease that can have dangerous complications. Parents have many questions about the treatment of this disease: in what cases are antibiotics used and whether it is possible to cure a child with the help of inhalations and warming procedures. The condition of the baby can deteriorate dramatically, it all depends on the form of the disease and age. Therefore, home treatment should always be agreed with the doctor. To speed up recovery, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the room.


What is bronchitis. Types of disease

So called inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. The disease has an infectious and allergic nature. Often, the inflammatory process appears on the background of colds and flu. Most often, children get sick with infectious bronchitis in the cold season, when the body's immune defenses weaken.

The infection enters the child's body from the outside by inhaling contaminated air. It is also possible to activate one's own conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is facilitated by hypothermia of the body, a decrease in immunity.

Depending on the cause of occurrence, the following types of bronchitis are distinguished:

  1. Bacterial. Its pathogens are bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae and whooping cough, chlamydia, mycoplasma.
  2. Viral. It occurs due to the penetration of influenza viruses into the bronchi, as well as adenoviruses.
  3. Allergic. It occurs when the bronchi are irritated by chemicals, dust or pollen of plants, particles of animal hair.

Infectious species are contagious. When the patient sneezes or coughs, the infection spreads up to 10 meters around.

When breastfeeding, the child has passive immunity, that is, with mother's milk, he receives protective antibodies to infections. Therefore, babies under the age of 1 year suffer from bronchitis only in cases where they have deviations in the development of the respiratory organs, they were born prematurely, or the body is weakened by other diseases.

The development of infection in the bronchi occurs when the mucus formed in them as a result of irritation and inflammation of the mucosa dries up, blocking the respiratory passages. In this case, the ventilation of these organs is disturbed.

Causes of the disease

The causes of bronchitis in children are:

If the treatment of bronchitis in children is not carried out in a timely manner or turned out to be ineffective, then the disease from an acute form becomes chronic. Moreover, it lasts for years, with periodic relapses. Most often, recurrent bronchitis occurs in children 4-7 years old. The disease recurs 3-4 times a year after a cold, for about 2 years. There are no episodes of bronchospasm.

The likelihood of a complicated disease increases if the child has inflammation of the adenoids or chronic tonsillitis. Factors contributing to the occurrence of bronchitis in an infant are early weaning, unsuitable sanitary and living conditions, the presence of smokers in the house.

Symptoms of bronchitis of various types

The device of the respiratory system in children has its own characteristics. Their respiratory passages are narrower, due to which their rapid overlap is possible in the event of mucosal edema. Congenital malformations of the lungs or bronchi are more pronounced in infants. After 1-1.5 years, deviations often disappear.

Immunity in children is under development, their susceptibility to infections is increased. The respiratory muscles are weaker, due to which the ventilation of the respiratory organs is worse than in adults. In addition, the volume of the lungs in children is less, which contributes to the accelerated spread of pathogens.

In children, thermoregulation of the body is not sufficiently developed. They overheat faster, catch a cold easier.

Note: Especially quickly spasm and swelling of the bronchi (obstruction) develops in infants. The resulting lack of oxygen is life-threatening.

Types of acute bronchitis

There are the following types of acute illness:

  1. Simple bronchitis. The symptoms are the mildest. There are no symptoms of shortness of breath.
  2. Obstructive bronchitis. A serious and dangerous condition in which respiratory failure may occur.
  3. Bronchiolitis. There is inflammation of the bronchioles (bronchial tubes with a diameter of 1 mm, located in the region of transition to the lungs). This leads to blockage of the pulmonary vessels, the occurrence of heart disease.

Bronchitis of any type begins with the onset of cold symptoms, which then acquire the characteristic features of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of simple bronchitis

Against the background of a cold, the child has general weakness, headache, severe dry cough up to 7 days. Drying of the mucus leads to the appearance of hoarseness in the bronchi. If the inflammation also affected the larynx, then a barking cough appears. There is an increase in temperature to 37 ° -38 ° (depending on the severity of the disease). Gradually, a dry cough turns into a wet one. There are gurgling wheezing. If the discharge of sputum occurs normally, then the child's condition improves significantly. The disease in this form can last for 1-3 weeks. The severity of manifestations depends on the age of the baby, his physical development, general health.

If the disease is started, then the child has complications such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Sometimes a disease that occurs in a viral form does not proceed quite normally. After the virus dies (after about a week), the child gets better, but then his condition deteriorates sharply: the temperature rises, the cough and headache intensify. This suggests that a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection, and urgent antibiotic treatment is required.

The infection process can be either unilateral or bilateral. One of the signs of the disease is redness of the eyes due to inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis).

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

Signs of obstruction most often appear in children under 3-4 years of age. They usually occur with a viral or allergic form of the disease. The main signs of obstructive bronchitis are noisy hoarse breathing with prolonged expiration, paroxysmal cough, ending in vomiting, retraction of the intercostal muscles on inspiration, and swelling of the chest.

With this form of the disease, the child's body temperature does not rise. Obstructive bronchitis can occur suddenly after the baby has played with a pet (for example, at a party) or inhaled paint during repairs.

Signs of obstruction sometimes appear around the 4th day of influenza or acute respiratory infections. Characteristic are bouts of dry cough, which does not bring relief. Whistling rales are heard in the lungs.

Up to 4 years, relapses of the disease are possible, then the attacks most often stop.

Note: Obstructive bronchitis differs from bronchial asthma in that the symptoms of respiratory failure develop slowly, while with asthma, the child begins to choke suddenly.

A frequently recurring obstructive process of any origin can turn into bronchial asthma.

Video: How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children

Signs of bronchiolitis

The main sign of inflammation of the bronchioles is shortness of breath. At first, it occurs in a child if he is actively moving, but over time it appears at rest. During inspiration, you can hear a characteristic hiss. When listening, the doctor hears wheezing in the lower part of the bronchi.

As a rule, with bronchiolitis, the temperature rises to 38 ° -39 °. It is more difficult for a child to exhale than to inhale. The chest and shoulders are raised. The face swells, blue appears. Persistent cough with scanty sputum gives no relief, causing chest pains. Other manifestations of this condition are dry mouth, infrequent urination, and rapid heartbeat.

The course of bronchitis in children of different ages

Bronchitis after a cold in a child is a common occurrence. Sometimes it proceeds easily, without fever and is manifested only by a cough. In complicated cases, the temperature is high, there are spasms of the bronchi and suffocation.

The disease usually begins with a dry cough. Gradually, sputum accumulates in the bronchi, which becomes mucopurulent. Wheezing appears, they can be considered signs of the transition of the disease to the stage of recovery. At this point, it is important to facilitate the removal of sputum to the outside, cleaning the bronchi from infection. This is easier for older children, as they already understand that they need to cough up and spit out sputum.

A small child is not always able to do it on his own. Parents can help him, for example, by turning him over to another barrel. In this case, sputum moves along the walls of the bronchi, causing irritation and coughing.

In infants, due to difficulties with the discharge of mucus from the bronchi and its stagnation, the main symptoms are often bouts of severe coughing with shortness of breath. At the age of 2-6 months, the disease usually occurs in the form of bronchiolitis.

Usually, recovery from uncomplicated bronchitis occurs in 7-8 days. If bronchitis is complicated by obstruction, then it can manifest itself within a few weeks, turning into pneumonia.

Diagnosis of bronchitis

By the nature of the cough and the type of sputum discharge, the doctor determines what type of bronchitis occurs in a child. White sputum is characteristic of viral inflammation, and a greenish-yellow tint appears with bacterial inflammation of the bronchi. With allergic bronchitis, lumps of clear mucus are coughed up.

During examination and listening to the chest, the presence of such symptoms of bronchitis in children as hoarse breathing, difficulty exhaling, bloating of the chest, retraction of muscles in the intercostal region is determined.

With the help of a general blood test, the number of leukocytes is determined, the presence of an inflammatory process is established.

In case of dangerous complications (severe coughing attacks accompanied by a high temperature for more than 3 days), an x-ray of the lungs is taken. In this case, equipment with a reduced dose of radioactive radiation is used. Pneumotachometry is performed. With the help of a special device, the patency of the respiratory tract is examined during inhalation and exhalation.

If there are signs of an infectious disease, a sputum test is done to determine the type of infectious agent. To diagnose bronchiolitis in infants, a histological examination of sputum is performed for the presence of characteristic viruses that can live in the bronchi and lungs, the so-called respiratory syncytial infection. An important sign of inflammation of the bronchi in an infant is cyanosis (cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes), which appears as a result of heart and lung failure.

For the diagnosis, the presence of characteristic wheezing and shortness of breath, as well as the frequency and strength of the heartbeat, are important.

A strong cough can also occur with other diseases, such as pneumonia, laryngitis, tuberculosis. Its cause may be a congenital pathology of the functioning of the respiratory system, the ingress of a foreign body into the trachea. Diagnosis allows you to confirm the presence of bronchitis, prescribe the correct treatment.

Video: Dr. E. Komarovsky about the cause and treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis treatment

First of all, parents should remember that in no case is it unacceptable to self-medicate. As pediatrician E. Komarovsky emphasizes, a small child with bronchitis can be harmed not only by uncontrolled intake of medications, but also by improper use of home procedures.

Hospitalization is carried out in cases where acute bronchitis occurs in a complicated form (in the presence of shortness of breath, high temperature, difficulty in eating and drinking). At home, when treating simple bronchitis, the child should be in bed if he has a high fever. As soon as it normalizes, the child needs walks in the fresh air.

It is often necessary to drink warm tea, compote (fluid intake should be increased by 1.5 times compared to usual). This contributes to the liquefaction of sputum and its removal from the bronchi. For drinking, you can prepare herbal teas (linden, mint). It is useful to drink alkaline mineral water, which will help reduce the viscosity of sputum. An infant is applied to the chest as often as possible, additionally watered with water.

Thermal procedures (inhalations, mustard plasters, baths for warming the legs, rubbing the chest) can only be carried out in the absence of elevated body temperature.

Medicines prescribed for children with bronchitis

Antiviral drugs, such as arbidol, anaferon, fluferon, interferon, for acute bronchitis, the doctor prescribes, taking into account the age and weight of the child.

Antibiotics with bronchitis, they have an effective effect only when the disease is of a bacterial nature. They are prescribed when thick sputum is colored yellow-green, while there is a high temperature, shortness of breath, symptoms of intoxication of the body (nausea, severe headache, weakness, sleep disturbance). The presence of a bacterial process can be said if the symptoms of the disease do not subside within 10 days after the start of antiviral treatment. Antibiotics are needed if a child develops bronchiolitis and is at risk of developing pneumonia. Usually, children are prescribed azithromycin, zinnat, supraks, sumamed.

Cough remedies. The following types of drugs are used:

  • expectorants (pertussin, licorice root extract, decoctions of some herbs);
  • sputum thinners such as bromhexine, lazolvan, libexin.

Fluifort, which has proven itself in the treatment of children, is used to thin sputum for bronchitis and cough. It is produced in the form of a syrup, which is convenient to give to a child, and even babies like the pleasant taste. The main active ingredient in the composition of the syrup is carbocysteine ​​​​lysine salt, it helps to thin and remove sputum from the lungs. Fluifort restores the structure of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, facilitates breathing, significantly reduces the frequency and intensity of coughing. The effect of the drug is noticeable already in the first hour after application and lasts up to 8 hours. The neutral pH of the syrup makes it completely safe. one

Warning: Babies under 2 years of age should never be given expectorants. Taking them will increase the coughing fit. The liquefied sputum can enter the respiratory tract and lungs, leading to even more serious complications.

Antipyretics. Panadol (paracetamol), nurofen (ibuprofen), ibuklin are used in the form of tablets, suspensions, suppositories - in forms convenient for children of any age.

Antihistamines(Zyrtec - for children older than 6 months, Erius - from 1 year old, Claritin - from 2 years old). They are used in the treatment of allergic bronchitis in children.

Preparations for inhalation. Used for obstructive acute bronchitis. The procedures are carried out using a special inhaler. Used such means as salbutamol, atrovent.

As additional procedures, chest massage, therapeutic breathing exercises, physiotherapy (ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis) are prescribed. Procedures are not carried out during an exacerbation of the disease.

Video: Therapeutic cough massage

The use of folk methods for bronchitis

Folk medicines based on natural ingredients help to alleviate the condition of a child with bronchitis, carry out preventive treatment to prevent relapses, and strengthen immunity. Such funds, after agreement with the doctor, are taken as an adjunct to drug treatment.

Note: The well-known Moscow doctor, chief pulmonologist of Russia, Professor L. M. Roshal strongly recommends using the "Monastic Collection" for chronic bronchitis, composed of 16 herbs (sage, string, wormwood and others). Herbal remedies, mustard, honey and other medicinal components used in traditional medicine cause allergies in many people. Therefore, they can not be used by everyone.

As an expectorant, you can use a decoction of coltsfoot, it calms a cough well with simple bronchitis, a decoction of St. John's wort, which has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. A well-known cough medicine for bronchitis, pneumonia is considered to be baked radish with honey, oatmeal broth. Soda inhalations also help.

Effective home methods of treatment include warming and distracting procedures (foot baths, mustard plasters, cups, warming compresses on the right side of the chest are used).

The most important measure for the prevention of bronchitis is the timely treatment of colds, runny nose, infectious diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract. The child must be tempered, accustomed to physical education, he must spend a lot of time outdoors. Vitamins must be added to the diet all year round.

It is important for parents to ensure that the apartment is always clean, cool, sufficiently humid air.

1. There are contraindications. Before use, you must read the instructions / information for use and / or consult with a specialist.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, accompanied by damage to the bronchial tree and characterized by the appearance of symptoms of intoxication and damage to the bronchi.

Bronchitis can be viral or bacterial. Determination of the etiology of the disease is very important, since it directly affects the treatment tactics. Viral bronchitis responds well to therapy with interferon preparations, and bacterial bronchitis, in turn, responds well to antibiotics.

Viral bronchitis is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of severe intoxication of the body along with minor symptoms of damage to the bronchial tree:

  • high body temperature (39.0 0 C and above), which for 3-5 days may be the only
  • a symptom of a disease;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • apathy, increased fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea, vomiting of intestinal contents;
  • unproductive cough, which at the end of the inflammatory process, is replaced by a productive one, with
  • separation of an average amount of whitish or clear liquid sputum.

With a viral infection, the child is sick for 5-7 days. It is necessary to treat the disease only with the use of antiviral agents.

Bacterial bronchitis is characterized by moderate symptoms of intoxication, when the symptoms of damage to the bronchopulmonary system gradually increase and come to the fore in clinical picture diseases:

  • body temperature up to 38.0 0 C and usually rises after 2-3 days from the onset of the disease;
  • sweating;
  • slight weakness;
  • appetite is preserved, the child behaves actively, there is no drowsiness;
  • memory and attention are not impaired;
  • intense dry cough, which is replaced by wet, with the appearance of a large amount of viscous,
  • yellowish or greenish sputum;
  • shortness of breath, feeling of suffocation;
  • wheezing in the lungs.

With a bacterial infection, the child is sick for 10 days, and if antibiotics are not prescribed, bronchitis can last up to 20 days.

Therapy of bronchitis

Treatment of bronchitis in children includes several areas and should be carried out comprehensively. After treatment, a period of rehabilitation is necessary, which includes physiotherapy (electrophoresis, heating of the chest, inhalations, massages and hardening of the body).

Medical therapy

To eliminate the cause of the disease from the first days of the inflammatory process, etiotropic treatment is prescribed. If a given treatment is not carried out and medical care is not provided in full, then this significantly increases the period of recovery of the child and can lead to chronic consequences in the future.

Viral bronchitis can be quickly cured by the appointment of antiviral agents, among which the most reliable are interferons, as well as inosine pranobex, but only for children of the older age group, since the drug is available in tablets.

  • Laferobion - interferon alpha-2b human recombinant, has an immunomodulatory effect (stimulates the production of macrophages, phagocytes, T- and B-lymphocytes in lymph nodes, and also provokes their regular release from the depot into the bloodstream and interstitial fluid) and antiviral (causes adhesion (clumping) of cells that have been affected by the virus, which disrupts their normal vital processes and eventually leads to death) action.
    The drug is rapidly absorbed in the child's body due to its release form ( rectal suppositories) and provides assistance from the first seconds of introduction.

Candles with a minimum dosage of immunoglobulin - 150,000 IU can be given to newborn children 1-2 times a day at night, depending on the severity of the process. Laferobion is well tolerated by newborns and infants, does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, does not cause discomfort or bloating, does not disturb the appetite and sleep of the baby.

Rectal suppositories with a higher concentration - 500,000 IU are more suitable for children of older age groups. Suppositories can be placed after complete emptying of the intestine, in the morning and evening for 5 to 7 days.

Laferobion can also be used as a prevention of the occurrence viral infections further. The procedure must be done once a week.

  • Alfaron - interferon alpha-2b human recombinant, has a pronounced immunomodulatory (organizes an increase in cells of the immune system in the body due to their hyperproduction in the lymph nodes and thymus (thymus gland)), antimicrobial and antiviral (blocks the entry of the virus into a healthy cell) action.

The drug is available in powder for the preparation of a solution for intranasal administration (introduction through the nose).

The vial contains 50,000 IU of interferon, it must be dissolved in 5 ml of pure boiled or distilled water. It is imperative to comply with the storage conditions, otherwise the active substance will be inactive. It is necessary to store diluted Alfaron in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 100C, it is forbidden to freeze.

For children, the drug is prescribed depending on age:

  • Children under one year - 1 drop 5 times a day in each nasal passage (one drop contains 1,000 IU of interferon).
  • From a year to 3 years - 2 drops 3-4 times a day (daily dose should not exceed 6,000-8,000 IU).
  • From 3 to 14 years - 2 drops 5 times a day (daily dose not more than 8,000 - 10,000 IU).
  • Over 12 years old - 3 drops 5 times a day (maximum daily dose of the drug is 15,000 IU).

If doctors have made the correct diagnosis, then viral bronchitis can be completely cured very quickly, within 5 days.

The trade names of the drugs - Groprinosin, Isoprinosine will allow you to quickly and effectively cure viral bronchitis in children over 3 years of age, as they have only a tablet form of release of 500 mg of active ingredient per tablet.

The drugs are prescribed on an empty stomach, for children from 3 to 12 years old, 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day, divided into 3-4 doses, an average of 3 tablets per day. Children over 14 years old - 1 tablet 6-8 times a day.

You can completely cure the disease and get rid of all symptoms within 5 days if you take the drug, as indicated in the instructions.

This drug can also be used for prevention purposes, 1 tablet 1 time in 2 to 3 days, if there are no contraindications.

Bronchitis caused by bacterial flora can be quickly and effectively cured using antibacterial drugs. Drug assistance in the appointment of antibiotics occurs after 3 days and is characterized by a decrease in body temperature and improvement in general condition. If such an improvement was not registered, this means that the antibiotic was chosen incorrectly and turned out to be insensitive to this microflora.

This drug is often the drug of choice for bronchitis in children, as it has an adapted form of release, the treatment is only 3 days and the drug is well tolerated, without leaving any consequences for the growing organism.

Azitrox, Azithromycin Sandoz, Zetamax retard, Sumamed, Hemomycin, Ecomed are available in 100 and 200 mg vials active substance in 5 ml of already prepared suspension.

How to dilute the suspension, how much water to add for each dosage of the drug is written in detail in the instructions. Also, for ease of use, a measuring spoon and a syringe dispenser are attached to the drug, with which you can easily collect the amount of the medicinal substance that the child needs and give it completely without spilling even infants.

A suspension is prescribed for children from the neonatal period, the amount of suspension depends on the weight of the child and, on average, is 2 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day. The drug is taken once a day, regardless of food intake.

Azivok, Azitral are available in the form of tablets of 250 mg and 500 mg. Assigned to children over 10 years old, 1 tablet 1 time per day. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 500 mg.

After doctors have diagnosed bacterial bronchitis, it is necessary to provide medical care from the first hours of the disease, this will help prevent complications and chronic inflammation.

  • Cefpodoxime - antibacterial drug from the group of 3rd generation cephalosporins. It has a bactericidal (active against anaerobic, gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms) and bacteriostatic (stops the further development of a bacterial cell) action.

If the child is sick for one day, then the appointment this antibiotic already after 2 days can lead to an improvement in well-being.

Cefodox and Doccef are available in powder for suspension and are indicated for children from the neonatal period.

How to properly dilute the suspension, how much and what kind of liquid you need to add is detailed in the instructions for the drug.

For children under 1 year of age, the drug is prescribed at 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day, divided into 2 doses.

For children older than 1 year and up to 11 years, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

Treat with this antibacterial agent should be - 5 - 7 days.

Cedoxime, Cefpotek are sold in tablets of 200 mg and are prescribed to children over 12 years old, 1 tablet 2 times a day. It is necessary to treat bronchitis for 5-10 days.

In order to treat cough, antitussive, mucolytic and expectorant drugs are prescribed. They contribute to the rapid cleansing of the bronchial tree from sputum, waste products of pathological organisms and dust.

  • Acetylcysteine ​​helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum and significantly increases its amount, which makes it possible to better expectorate.

It is prescribed for children from 1 year in the form of inhalation through a nebulizer. 3.0 ml of the drug is diluted with 20.0 ml of saline. Inhalations are done for 10 - 15 minutes 3 times a day.

There are also forms of release in powder for oral administration, which is prescribed after 1 year due to ease of use. The drug is available with a dosage of 200 mg, which must be taken 3-4 times a day, 400 mg - 2 times a day and 800 mg - 1 time per day. How to dilute the powder, how much water is required is described in the instructions.

Bronchitis is treated on average - 10 - 15 days.

  • Bromhexine stimulates the movement of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi, which help to remove sputum, and also thin the secret. It is available as a sweet syrup for younger children and as 4mg and 8mg tablets for older children.

Bromhexine Grindeks, Bronchostop, Flegamine - syrup with a dosage of 2 mg / 5 ml 120 ml in a vial. It is prescribed for newborns and children up to a year, 2.5 ml 2 times a day, children aged 1-2 years, 5 ml 2 times a day, children aged 3-5 years - 10 ml 2 times a day, children over 6 years old – 10 – 15 ml 3 times a day.

Bromhexine MS, Solvin - tablets of 4 and 8 mg. Assigned from 7 to 10 years, 1 tablet 3 times a day.

It is necessary to treat bronchitis in children with this group of drugs for 10 days.

For the treatment of symptoms of intoxication, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, the drug of choice in children with bronchitis is Ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Nurofen, Ibufen). The drugs are available in the form of syrup, tablets and capsules. If younger children are prescribed a dose based on body weight, then children of the older age group are prescribed 1 tablet 1-2 times a day, but only if there is fever, body aches, headache, weakness, etc. Without pronounced symptoms of intoxication, take the drug impractical.


One of the most successful methods of treatment is electrophoresis, if the disease is not accompanied by intense symptoms of intoxication.

  • Electrophoresis is the movement of medicinal substances into the human body using an electric current. Electrophoresis is used in medicine quite long time due to a number of its benefits.

With the help of electrophoresis, it is possible to move very small doses of a medicinal substance, which is very beneficial to use in newborns. Electrophoresis allows you to create a depot under the skin - that is, to accumulate a medicinal substance, and then spend it for a long time without introducing additional doses of the drug. Also, electrophoresis involves the introduction of the active substance directly to the site of inflammation, bypassing the blood and the gastrointestinal tract. Another advantage of electrophoresis is the effect on the immune system. Stimulation of the skin with electric current can increase its resistance to viruses and bacteria, and also improves blood circulation and innervation.

With bronchitis, electrophoresis is prescribed for the skin of the chest and back. Between the electrophoresis plates and the skin, a tissue moistened with a medicinal substance is placed.

For electrophoresis, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiviral and antibacterial drugs are used.

Children are shown 5 sessions every other day and only after a decrease in body temperature. This procedure is recommended to do not often, 1 - 2 times a year.

You can put mustard plasters both at home and in a physiotherapy department.
Mustard plasters warm the skin of the chest and back, improve blood flow in the bronchi and lungs, and have a bactericidal effect.

It is allowed to put mustard plasters on children who have reached the age of 6 years.

Mode of application:
Mustard plasters are used only externally. Before use, mustard plasters are dipped in warm water for 10 - 20 seconds, after which the remaining water is removed and placed on the skin of the chest and back. Mustard plasters, in which mustard powder closed on both sides with porous paper none additional measures before putting on the skin does not require.

If the mustard plasters are not covered and the mustard powder will be in direct contact with the child's skin, a piece of gauze must be placed. This is done in order to avoid excessive burning and irritation of the skin.

Mustard plasters are placed once every two days. On the skin of the chest, the product is left for 15 minutes, and not the back is set until it cools completely. At a temperature, treatment with mustard plasters should be abandoned.

  • Inhalation is an effective remedy in the treatment of bronchitis. How many courses are needed, the duration and the drugs administered are decided after consulting your pediatrician.
  • Hardening of the body:
  1. Swimming;
  2. Dousing with cold water;
  3. Breathing exercises;
  4. Sports.

Prevention of bronchitis in children is a mandatory and important measure, since frequent inflammatory processes in the bronchopulmonary system can lead to a chronic pathological process and disability of the child.

Cure common bronchitis and lead healthy lifestyle life is much easier than getting rid of chronic disease lungs.

Prevention methods include:

  • balanced diet;
  • elimination of passive smoking;
  • living in areas with clean air;
  • early treatment of acute inflammatory diseases upper and lower respiratory tract.

The material in this article is described for informational purposes, what medications to take, how many times a day, the duration of the course of treatment and other questions will be prompted by the attending pediatrician.

Video: Obstructive bronchitis - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Bronchitis occurs when inflammation of the lining of the bronchi caused by viruses or bacteria. In infants - as a complication of SARS or diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It manifests itself primarily as a cough - first dry, then wet.

A pediatrician should make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. What does it consist of, and how else can parents help the child?

Features of the treatment of bronchitis in infants

In children early age(up to a year) bronchitis is dangerous because it can quickly become chronic from acute and even be complicated by pneumonia.

The most dangerous form of bronchitis in infants is bronchiolitis - spread of inflammation to small bronchi due to viral infection . The condition of the crumbs deteriorates sharply, his shortness of breath increases and cyanosis occurs.

In no case should you hesitate to call a doctor if the baby is less than a year old or has a fever (above 38 degrees), shortness of breath, cyanotic lips and nails, and a strong unproductive cough. In such a situation, immediate hospitalization is necessary.

Until the ambulance arrives, the parents' help will consist of relieving the symptoms of a cold

  1. It is necessary to create the optimal temperature and humidity using heaters and humidifiers, ventilate the room by going out with the child to another room.
  2. At a low temperature and the absence of allergic reactions to facilitate breathing crumbs can be lubricated legs with warming creams and ointments.
  3. You can hold your baby in your arms over the steam to alleviate a cough. from a container with a hot weak solution of salt (but this is if the child does not have a fever!).
  4. Give your baby plenty to drink to avoid dehydration . If you refuse to breast or bottle, drink clean water from a teaspoon - little by little, but often.

In the hospital, the child will be prescribed a number of medications and procedures.

  • Inhalation and oxygen breathing to get rid of signs of respiratory failure.
  • Preparations with interferon.
  • Antihistamines to relieve swelling and avoid allergic reactions to drugs.
  • Rehydrants for dehydration.
  • Antibiotics — only if there is a need for them. Augmentin, Sumamed, Amoxiclav, Macropen, Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone are usually prescribed.

How to treat acute bronchitis in children after a year?

In severe cases, the disease will also require hospitalization. It is possible to treat children older than a year on an outpatient basis with mild forms of the disease in compliance with the regimen and recommendations of the doctor.

To successfully overcome the disease, you will need to take a number of necessary measures.

  • Neutralize the cause of the infection - viruses, bacteria or allergens.
  • Remove puffiness respiratory tract.
  • Reduce the viscosity of sputum for her best escape.
  • Relieve dry cough .

Parents should know what can and should be done at home

  1. The basis of the treatment of bronchitis is the observance of bed rest, and plenty of warm drink every 30-40 minutes (teas, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions, boiled milk with honey and butter, Borjomi, rosehip infusion).
  2. The room where the baby is located should be warm (20-220 C), but well ventilated. To maintain the required humidity of 70%, it is necessary to carry out frequent wet cleaning without products containing chlorine, use a humidifier or wet towels with batteries. Avoid passive smoking. Continue walking only after the heat has subsided; you can also “walk” at home, wrapping the baby in a blanket, sitting at an open window or window for 10-15 minutes.
  3. All medicines assigned solely on an individual basis.
  4. Additional events (distracting and soothing) can be used only if there are no contraindications and discomfort in the baby. A good help in the treatment will be a tapping massage and baths with decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs (in the absence of fever). Again, all this is done only in the absence of a high temperature and on the recommendation of a doctor!
  5. During the illness, it is recommended adhere to a strict dairy and vegetable fortified hypoallergenic diet. The food is fractional, the food should be enough high-calorie.

What will the doctor prescribe

  1. Medications to relieve a wet cough (may be given but not required)
  • Mucolytics to loosen mucus- Ambroxol (Fervex, Lazolvan), Acetylcysteine, Bromhexine; required when antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Expectorants for the removal of sputum from the bronchi- Pertussin, Mukaltin, herbal products (they use marshmallow, anise, elecampane, thermopsis, licorice, plantain). Infants are not prescribed because of the possibility of a gag reflex and increased cough.

2. Medications to relieve dry non-productive cough : Stoptussin, Sinekod.

3. Broad-spectrum antibiotics if needed . They are prescribed with caution, if a bacterial origin of the infection is suspected and for babies up to six months old - to prevent pneumonia. In other cases, according to the well-known pediatrician E. Komarovsky, they do not reduce, but increase the risk of various complications - allergies, dysbacteriosis and the formation of microorganism resistance to the drug.

4. Paracetamol Syrups to Reduce Inflammation and Fever - at elevated temperature.

5. Preparations to increase immunity and fight viruses - vitamin C, echinacea, Bronchomunal, Aflubin, Umckalor, Anaferon, products with interferon.

Pharmaceutical preparations should be given according to the schedule at the same time of day. You should not mix several drugs - start a diary and mark the intake of all medications.

  • Inhalation using specially designed devices - steam, oil inhaler or nebulizer. For procedures, saline solution, mineral water, soda solution, essential oils are used.
  • Steaming the legs and rubbing them with warming ointments - if there is no temperature and allergies.
  • Warm compresses with sunflower oil on the back and right side of the chest. Put in the evening in the absence of temperature.
  • Vibrating chest massage . It is prescribed when a wet cough appears, it is not used in the acute period of the disease and with fever. The child is laid on the tummy so that the head is lower than the legs. The skin is stroked, and then beaten from the bottom up towards the spine for 8-10 minutes. After the procedure, the child must clear his throat, so very young children cannot be massaged.
  • Turning babies more often from one side to the other - this will cause the movement of sputum and a reflex cough.
  • Breathing exercises : "Blow up the balloons" and "Blow out the candles".

Obstructive bronchitis in young children, what to do?

If, with bronchitis, a significant accumulation of mucus caused blockage of the bronchi, the cough became hoarse, and the breath “whistles”, then the child’s condition is already quite serious and requires urgent treatment.

The primary task is to restore the patency of the bronchi

1. Try to calm yourself and calm the baby , because with excitation, respiratory failure increases. Age-appropriate sedatives can be used.

2. Do not refuse hospitalization, the hospital will help the child!

  • Make an inhalation using a nebulizer or ultrasonic inhaler Effectively and quickly stop obstruction with a mixture of salbutamol and glucocorticoid hormones. Application possible mineral water, alkaline soda solution, essential oils and medicinal herbs (if there is no allergy), drugs for sputum thinning. Up to 2 years, inhalations are used only in cases where the child is not afraid of the device, does not cry and does not break out of his hands.
  • They will give you a “breathe” with humidified oxygen.
  • With severe dehydration and intoxication prescribe infusion therapy with intravenous administration bronchodilators.
  • Will hold medical therapy according to the basic scheme with the use of antibiotics, expectorants, antihistamines, antipyretics, immunostimulating and antiviral drugs, physiotherapy and vibration massage.

Important! Antibiotics are prescribed only for bacterial origin of the infection. Antibiotics are contraindicated for obstruction due to allergies or a virus.

Mode, hygiene, diet, drinking plenty of water and additional actions of parents - breathing exercises, vibration massage to facilitate mucus discharge, compresses - are the same as in acute bronchitis.

An additional postural massage will be useful - tapping on the back of the child in the morning. The baby is laid on the tummy (the head should be lower than the legs) and tapped with the ribs of the palms folded in a boat for about 10 minutes. Then the child needs to clear his throat.

Besides, allowed to walk for an hour a day, dressing for the weather , away from roads (so as not to breathe dust and exhaust gases) and places where many children play (so as not to provoke excessive excitement).

Folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis in children

Rubbing can be applied with baked onion and bear's or badger fat , cabbage-honey cakes, steam legs with mustard or infusions of sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, mint in water with a temperature not exceeding 40⁰С.

Prohibited methods of treatment for bronchitis in children under 2 years of age

Bronchitis in children under 2 years of age requires a balanced and responsible approach to treatment from parents. It should be remembered that some actions can lead to a sharp deterioration in the child's condition.

What can't be done?

  1. Unauthorized change in drug dosages and to carry out treatment longer than the appointed time.
  2. Use untested "folk remedies" especially for infants and children with a tendency to allergic manifestations. External agents are tested by applying cotton swab or a disk on the skin behind the ear or in the elbow, internal - on the tip of a teaspoon. In case of any negative reactions in a child during the day, it is forbidden to use the remedy.
  3. Bathe the baby in the bath . The respiratory muscles in children are immature, the process of coughing is difficult. When steaming, sputum clots in the bronchi “swell” even more and it becomes much harder to cough them up - the baby wheezes and chokes, choking on liquid.
  4. At elevated body temperature is contraindicated wrapping, rubbing with ointments with a warming effect and baths. Such procedures increase the fever and can be harmful.
  5. Perform physiotherapy procedures during the acute period of the disease.
  6. Use rubbing any warming ointment or balm, inhalation with essential oil and other products with pungent odors, put mustard plasters. In children under 2 years of age, they can lead to allergic reactions and bronchospasm.
  7. Giving a child up to a year of expectorants . These funds dilute sputum, but act only in the upper respiratory tract, not reaching the bronchi. The baby's larynx and nose are additionally clogged, it becomes even more difficult for him to breathe.
  8. Give babies codeine-containing drugs.
  9. enjoy medicines in the form of aerosols - this can lead to a spasm of the glottis, the baby will begin to choke.

Timely treatment will surely give a quick result, and the baby will delight you good health and cute pranks.