Obstructive bronchitis in a child as manifested. All causes of frequent bronchitis in a child

Bronchitis is a respiratory disease that can have dangerous complications. Parents have many questions about the treatment of this disease: in what cases are antibiotics used and whether it is possible to cure a child with the help of inhalations and warming procedures. The condition of the baby can deteriorate dramatically, it all depends on the form of the disease and age. Therefore, home treatment should always be agreed with the doctor. To speed up recovery, it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity and temperature in the room.


What is bronchitis. Types of disease

So called inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. The disease has an infectious and allergic nature. Often, the inflammatory process appears on the background of colds and flu. Most often, children get sick with infectious bronchitis in the cold season, when the body's immune defenses weaken.

The infection enters the child's body from the outside by inhaling contaminated air. It is also possible to activate one's own conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is facilitated by hypothermia of the body, a decrease in immunity.

Depending on the cause of occurrence, the following types of bronchitis are distinguished:

  1. Bacterial. Its pathogens are bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae and whooping cough, chlamydia, mycoplasma.
  2. Viral. It occurs due to the penetration of influenza viruses into the bronchi, as well as adenoviruses.
  3. Allergic. It occurs when the bronchial tubes are irritated. chemicals, dust or pollen of plants, particles of animal hair.

Infectious species are contagious. When the patient sneezes or coughs, the infection spreads up to 10 meters around.

When breastfeeding, the child has passive immunity, that is, with mother's milk, he receives protective antibodies to infections. Therefore, babies under the age of 1 year suffer from bronchitis only in cases where they have deviations in the development of the respiratory organs, they were born prematurely, or the body is weakened by other diseases.

The development of infection in the bronchi occurs when the mucus formed in them as a result of irritation and inflammation of the mucosa dries up, blocking the respiratory passages. In this case, the ventilation of these organs is disturbed.

Causes of the disease

The causes of bronchitis in children are:

If the treatment of bronchitis in children is not carried out in a timely manner or turned out to be ineffective, then the disease from an acute form becomes chronic. Moreover, it lasts for years, with periodic relapses. Most often, recurrent bronchitis occurs in children 4-7 years old. The disease recurs 3-4 times a year after a cold, for about 2 years. There are no episodes of bronchospasm.

The likelihood of a complicated disease increases if the child has inflammation of the adenoids or chronic tonsillitis. Factors contributing to the occurrence of bronchitis in an infant are early weaning, unsuitable sanitary and living conditions, the presence of smokers in the house.

Symptoms of different types of bronchitis

The device of the respiratory system in children has its own characteristics. Their respiratory passages are narrower, due to which their rapid overlap is possible in the event of mucosal edema. Congenital malformations of the lungs or bronchi are more pronounced in infants. After 1-1.5 years, deviations often disappear.

Immunity in children is under development, their susceptibility to infections is increased. Respiratory muscles are weaker, due to which ventilation respiratory organs worse than adults. In addition, the volume of the lungs in children is less, which contributes to the accelerated spread of pathogens.

In children, thermoregulation of the body is not sufficiently developed. They overheat faster, catch a cold easier.

Note: Especially quickly spasm and swelling of the bronchi (obstruction) develops in infants. The resulting lack of oxygen is life-threatening.

Types of acute bronchitis

There are the following types of acute illness:

  1. Simple bronchitis. The symptoms are the mildest. There are no symptoms of shortness of breath.
  2. Obstructive bronchitis. A serious and dangerous condition in which respiratory failure may occur.
  3. bronchiolitis. There is inflammation of the bronchioles (bronchial tubes with a diameter of 1 mm, located in the region of transition to the lungs). This leads to blockage of the pulmonary vessels, the occurrence of heart disease.

Bronchitis of any type begins with the onset of cold symptoms, which then acquire the characteristic features of the inflammatory process.

Symptoms of simple bronchitis

Against the background of a cold, the child has general weakness, headache, severe dry cough up to 7 days. Drying of the mucus leads to the appearance of hoarseness in the bronchi. If the inflammation also affected the larynx, then a barking cough appears. There is an increase in temperature to 37 ° -38 ° (depending on the severity of the disease). Gradually, a dry cough turns into a wet one. There are gurgling wheezing. If the discharge of sputum occurs normally, then the child's condition improves significantly. The disease in this form can last for 1-3 weeks. The severity of manifestations depends on the age of the baby, his physical development, general health.

If the disease is started, then the child has complications such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia. Sometimes a disease that occurs in a viral form does not proceed quite normally. After the virus dies (after about a week), the child gets better, but then his condition deteriorates sharply: the temperature rises, the cough and headache intensify. This suggests that a bacterial infection has joined the viral infection, and urgent antibiotic treatment is required.

The infection process can be either unilateral or bilateral. One of the signs of the disease is redness of the eyes due to inflammation of the mucous membrane (conjunctivitis).

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

Signs of obstruction most often appear in children under 3-4 years of age. They usually occur with a viral or allergic form of the disease. The main signs of obstructive bronchitis are noisy hoarse breathing with prolonged expiration, paroxysmal cough ending in vomiting, retraction of the intercostal muscles on inspiration, bloating chest.

With this form of the disease, the child's body temperature does not rise. Obstructive bronchitis can occur suddenly after the baby has played with a pet (for example, at a party) or inhaled paint during repairs.

Signs of obstruction sometimes appear around the 4th day of influenza or acute respiratory infections. Characteristic are bouts of dry cough, which does not bring relief. Whistling rales are heard in the lungs.

Up to 4 years, relapses of the disease are possible, then the attacks most often stop.

Note: From bronchial asthma obstructive bronchitis is characterized by the fact that the symptoms of respiratory failure develop slowly, while with asthma, the child begins to choke suddenly.

A frequently recurring obstructive process of any origin can turn into bronchial asthma.

Video: How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children

Signs of bronchiolitis

The main sign of inflammation of the bronchioles is shortness of breath. At first, it occurs in a child if he is actively moving, but over time it appears at rest. During inspiration, you can hear a characteristic hiss. When listening, the doctor hears wheezing in the lower part of the bronchi.

As a rule, with bronchiolitis, the temperature rises to 38 ° -39 °. It is more difficult for a child to exhale than to inhale. The chest and shoulders are raised. The face swells, blue appears. Persistent cough with scanty sputum gives no relief, causing chest pains. Other manifestations of this condition are dry mouth, infrequent urination, and rapid heartbeat.

The course of bronchitis in children of different ages

Bronchitis after a cold in a child is a common occurrence. Sometimes it proceeds easily, without fever and is manifested only by a cough. In complicated cases, the temperature is high, there are spasms of the bronchi and suffocation.

The disease usually begins with a dry cough. Gradually, sputum accumulates in the bronchi, which becomes mucopurulent. Wheezing appears, they can be considered signs of the transition of the disease to the stage of recovery. At this point, it is important to facilitate the removal of sputum to the outside, cleaning the bronchi from infection. This is easier for older children, as they already understand that they need to cough up and spit out sputum.

A small child is not always able to do it on his own. Parents can help him, for example, by turning him over to another barrel. In this case, sputum moves along the walls of the bronchi, causing irritation and coughing.

In infants, due to difficulties with the discharge of mucus from the bronchi and its stagnation, the main symptoms are often bouts of severe coughing with shortness of breath. At the age of 2-6 months, the disease usually occurs in the form of bronchiolitis.

Usually, recovery from uncomplicated bronchitis occurs in 7-8 days. If bronchitis is complicated by obstruction, then it can manifest itself within a few weeks, turning into pneumonia.

Diagnosis of bronchitis

By the nature of the cough and the type of sputum discharge, the doctor determines what type of bronchitis occurs in a child. Sputum white color is characteristic of viral inflammation, and a greenish-yellow tint appears in it with bacterial inflammation of the bronchi. With allergic bronchitis, lumps of clear mucus are coughed up.

During examination and listening to the chest, the presence of such symptoms of bronchitis in children as hoarse breathing, difficulty exhaling, bloating of the chest, retraction of muscles in the intercostal region is determined.

With the help of a general blood test, the number of leukocytes is determined, the presence of an inflammatory process is established.

At dangerous complications(severe attacks of coughing, accompanied by a high temperature for more than 3 days), an x-ray of the lungs is taken. In this case, equipment with a reduced dose of radioactive radiation is used. Pneumotachometry is performed. With the help of a special device, the patency of the respiratory tract is examined during inhalation and exhalation.

If there are signs of an infectious disease, a sputum test is done to determine the type of infectious agent. To diagnose bronchiolitis in infants, histological examination sputum for the presence of characteristic viruses that can live in the bronchi and lungs, the so-called respiratory syncytial infection. An important feature inflammation of the bronchi in an infant is cyanosis (cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes), which appears as a result of heart and lung failure.

For the diagnosis, the presence of characteristic wheezing and shortness of breath, as well as the frequency and strength of the heartbeat, are important.

A strong cough can also occur with other diseases, such as pneumonia, laryngitis, tuberculosis. Its cause may be congenital pathology the functioning of the respiratory system, the ingress of a foreign body into the trachea. Diagnosis allows you to confirm the presence of bronchitis, prescribe the correct treatment.

Video: Dr. E. Komarovsky about the cause and treatment of bronchitis

Bronchitis treatment

First of all, parents should remember that in no case is it unacceptable to self-medicate. As pediatrician E. Komarovsky emphasizes, little child with bronchitis can harm not only uncontrolled reception drugs, but also improper use of home procedures.

Hospitalization is carried out when acute bronchitis occurs in a complicated form (in the presence of shortness of breath, high temperature, difficulty in eating and drinking). At home, when treating simple bronchitis, the child should be in bed if he has heat. As soon as it normalizes, the child needs walks in the fresh air.

It is often necessary to drink warm tea, compote (fluid intake should be increased by 1.5 times compared to usual). This contributes to the liquefaction of sputum and its removal from the bronchi. For drinking, you can prepare herbal teas (linden, mint). It is useful to drink alkaline mineral water, which will help reduce the viscosity of sputum. infant as often as possible, apply to the chest, additionally drink water.

Thermal procedures (inhalations, mustard plasters, baths for warming the legs, rubbing the chest) can only be carried out in the absence of elevated body temperature.

Medicines prescribed for children with bronchitis

Antiviral drugs, such as arbidol, anaferon, fluferon, interferon, for acute bronchitis, the doctor prescribes, taking into account the age and weight of the child.

Antibiotics with bronchitis effective action only if the disease is bacterial in nature. They are prescribed when thick sputum is colored yellow-green, while there is a high temperature, shortness of breath, symptoms of intoxication of the body (nausea, severe headache, weakness, sleep disturbance). The presence of a bacterial process can be said if the symptoms of the disease do not subside within 10 days after the start of antiviral treatment. Antibiotics are needed if a child develops bronchiolitis and is at risk of developing pneumonia. Usually, children are prescribed azithromycin, zinnat, supraks, sumamed.

Cough remedies. The following types of drugs are used:

  • expectorants (pertussin, licorice root extract, decoctions of some herbs);
  • sputum thinners such as bromhexine, lazolvan, libexin.

Fluifort, which has proven itself in the treatment of children, is used to thin sputum for bronchitis and cough. It is produced in the form of a syrup, which is convenient to give to a child, and even babies like the pleasant taste. The main active ingredient in the composition of the syrup is carbocysteine ​​​​lysine salt, it helps to thin and remove sputum from the lungs. Fluifort restores the structure of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, facilitates breathing, significantly reduces the frequency and intensity of coughing. The effect of the drug is noticeable already in the first hour after application and lasts up to 8 hours. The neutral pH of the syrup makes it completely safe.

Warning: Babies under 2 years of age should never be given expectorants. Taking them will increase the coughing fit. The liquefied sputum can enter the respiratory tract and lungs, leading to even more serious complications.

Antipyretics. Panadol (paracetamol), nurofen (ibuprofen), ibuklin are used in the form of tablets, suspensions, suppositories - in forms convenient for children of any age.

Antihistamines(Zyrtec - for children older than 6 months, Erius - from 1 year old, Claritin - from 2 years old). They are used in the treatment of allergic bronchitis in children.

Preparations for inhalation. Used for obstructive acute bronchitis. The procedures are carried out using a special inhaler. Used such means as salbutamol, atrovent.

As additional procedures, chest massage, therapeutic breathing exercises, physiotherapy (ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis) are prescribed. Procedures are not carried out during an exacerbation of the disease.

Video: Therapeutic cough massage

The use of folk methods for bronchitis

Folk medicines based on natural ingredients help to alleviate the condition of a child with bronchitis, preventive treatment to prevent relapse, strengthen immunity. Such funds, after agreement with the doctor, are taken as an adjunct to drug treatment.

Note: The well-known Moscow doctor, the chief pulmonologist of Russia, Professor L. M. Roshal strongly recommends using the "Monastic Collection" for chronic bronchitis, composed of 16 herbs (sage, string, wormwood and others). Herbal remedies, mustard, honey and other medicinal components used in traditional medicine cause allergies in many people. Therefore, they can not be used by everyone.

As an expectorant, you can use a decoction of coltsfoot, it calms a cough well with simple bronchitis, a decoction of St. John's wort, which has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. A well-known cough medicine for bronchitis, pneumonia is considered to be baked radish with honey, oatmeal broth. Soda inhalations also help.

Effective home methods of treatment include warming and distracting procedures (foot baths, mustard plasters, cups, warming compresses on the right side of the chest are used).

The most important measure for the prevention of bronchitis is the timely treatment of colds, runny nose, infectious diseases throat and upper respiratory tract. The child must be tempered, accustomed to physical education, he must spend a lot of time outdoors. Vitamins must be added to the diet all year round.

It is important for parents to ensure that the apartment is always clean, cool, sufficiently humid air.

Obstruction syndrome is an obstruction of the airways caused by the accumulation of a large amount of thick mucous contents. The respiratory system of a small child is imperfect, so even a slight inflammatory process can provoke the development of complications. How to normalize the breathing of a small patient and protect him from subsequent attacks? Today we are studying obstructive bronchitis in children, having considered all the details of this difficult disease.

Causes of the disease

Most often, obstructive bronchitis does not occur at once, but develops against the background of an already existing inflammatory process. The period of spread of infection is approximately 3-4 days, after which obvious symptoms of bronchial obstruction begin to be observed. So, the main causes of obstructive bronchitis:

Children under the age of one year are most susceptible to the disease, as well as older children with low immunity and existing diseases of various organs.

Symptoms of the disease

Obstructive bronchitis in a child is a disease that has an acute and chronic course. The only difference between these two forms is the frequency of obstructive attacks.. And often the first episode of the disease is repeated many times over the next few years. The main signs of the development of the disease:

  • Unproductive obsessive cough. Attacks are observed at any time of the day, even more intensifying before bedtime and in the morning. In infants, attacks often provoke vomiting.
  • Increased body temperature and other signs of intoxication. Lethargy, drowsiness, moodiness - all these are symptoms feeling unwell caused by the onset of the inflammatory process.
  • Runny nose and redness of the throat. This symptom characteristic of the viral etiology of the disease. In allergic bronchitis, the mucous throat is usually not hyperemic or there is a slight manifestation of redness.
  • Respiratory failure, shortness of breath - leading clinical symptoms obstructive bronchitis. accumulates in the bronchi a large number of a viscous secret that cannot be removed by ordinary coughing due to spasm and swelling. Breathing becomes shallow, short and wheezing.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are most dangerous for infants.. Violation respiratory function leads to frequent bouts of vomiting and lack of oxygen. Progressive pathology can threaten to fail heart rate and changes in brain cells.

When is hospitalization needed?

Although obstructive bronchitis is quite treatable at home, sometimes urgent hospitalization may be required. Call to ambulance necessary in the following situations:

  • obstruction syndrome develops in a child under the age of one year;
  • severe intoxication of the body (the baby completely refuses to eat, the temperature reaches high readings, nausea and vomiting appear);
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle and nails, indicating a lack of oxygen.

If we are talking about a repeated episode of obstructive bronchitis, then parents probably already know how to treat the disease and how to help the child restore breathing. But this does not cancel the consultation with the pediatrician, since such clinical picture may be seen in pneumonia.

Medical treatment of obstructive bronchitis

With acute obstructive bronchitis in children, the symptoms and treatment is something that needs to be entrusted to a professional. First of all, the pediatrician must assess the condition of the child and the severity of the manifestation of the disease.. Appropriate drug therapy and a treatment regimen are prescribed based on the cause of the pathology and the clinical picture. There is no one magic pill that can cure a serious illness. Therefore, the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children at home is possible, but only after confirming the diagnosis and selecting a set of drugs. In case of low effectiveness of the prescribed treatment or a noticeable deterioration in the child's health, the diagnosis and the list of drugs are reviewed.

Antiviral and antibacterial agents

Since bronchitis is most often caused by viral infections, at the initial stage of the disease, children are prescribed antiviral drugs. With a diagnosis of "obstructive bronchitis in children under one year old", the use of drugs in the form of suppositories or drops is indicated. The most popular of them are Genferon, Grippferon or Orvirem. From one to three years, drops and syrups with antiviral action are selected. Among them are Immunoflazid and Amizonchik. For children from three years old, it is possible to prescribe funds in tablet form, for example, Anaferon or Arbidol.

Obstructive bronchitis in a child is not a direct indication for antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed in case of urgent need, if the disease was originally caused by a bacterial microflora or there is a deterioration in the condition of a small patient. The following signs may indicate the addition of a bacterial infection:

  • persistent increase in temperature for three days;
  • severe symptoms of intoxication of the body;
  • an increase in the level of leukocytes in subsequent clinical analyzes blood;
  • separation of purulent sputum, as evidenced by the characteristic yellow expectorant mucus;
  • the appearance of moist rales, indicating the possible development of pneumonia.

If it is necessary to take antibiotics, a small patient is prescribed drugs latest generation having a minimum side effects. Among them are Cefazolin or Augmentin.

Cough preparations

Obstructive bronchitis in a child is a dry cough without sputum or with a slight discharge. This does not indicate the absence of mucus in the bronchi, but only indicates the high viscosity of the mucous contents, which the child is not able to remove by himself by coughing. That's why first of all, mucolytic agents are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at diluting this sputum. The most popular drugs are Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene.

If the cough becomes wet, but problems with sputum discharge continue to be observed, mucolytics are replaced with drugs with an expectorant effect. In pediatrics, preference is given to means plant origin, including Bronchosan, Gedelix, Gerbion, Doctor Mom or Prospan.

It is forbidden to treat obstructive bronchitis in children with antitussives. By suppressing the activity of cough receptors, they provoke even more accumulation of sputum, making it difficult for the child to breathe. This applies to all types of drugs, including those based on codeine and butamirate.

Drugs for the relief of obstructive syndrome

To relieve spasm from the bronchi and restore breathing, drugs are prescribed that stop the attack
. For children over the age of 6 years, inhalations with Berodual's solution are shown up to three times a day. In total, inhalations using a nebulizer are carried out 5-6 times a day, alternating medicinal product With mineral water, such as "Essentuki" or "Borjomi".

As an alternative to nebulizers, bronchodilators such as Clenbuterol, Erespal or Ascoril can be used. Clenbuterol is prescribed to children under the age of 12 years in the form of a syrup in accordance with the age dosage. Ascoril syrup is indicated for children over the age of two years. In case of urgent need, it is possible to use the tablet form in the treatment of children over 6 years of age. Erespal with obstructive bronchitis, as well as the previous drug, is contraindicated in children under two years of age.

At the discretion of the doctor, Teopek or Eufillin may be prescribed.. Indications for their appointment can serve as frequent obstructive bronchitis, the threat of bronchial asthma.

All of these tools have serious limitations and side effects. Therefore, the treatment of children under the age of 6 years is recommended to be carried out in a hospital under the constant supervision of the attending physician.

Medicinal products of other groups

When drawing up a treatment regimen, all provoking factors and symptoms of the disease are taken into account, and, if necessary, others are added. medications. So, with the allergic nature of obstructive bronchitis, a small patient is shown taking antihistamines, such as Tsetrin, Zirtek, Zilola and others. If there is a wet cough with copious sputum, other antiallergic drugs are used, for example, Suprastin or Tavegil.

With moderate or severe obstruction, the use of hormonal corticosteroids is indicated. If the condition of a small patient is more or less satisfactory, you can get by with an inhalation solution, for example, Pulmicort. If the syndrome should be stopped quickly, the child is prescribed Dexamethasone injections. Glucocorticosteroid injections may also be needed for obvious signs of an allergic reaction (including skin rashes).


Obstructive bronchitis in a child does not tolerate experiments, and at the first symptoms of shortness of breath, you should consult a doctor. Any amateur activity can lead to the development of complications, so it is better to postpone grandmother's recipes until the doctor's visit. After making a diagnosis, you can add a couple of effective recipes traditional medicine but all of them should be discussed with the pediatrician. In addition, the doctor must monitor the dynamics, regularly monitoring the health of the child.

Since the treatment of folk remedies is based on the preparation of herbal infusions and honey mixtures, the use of these methods for allergic obstructive bronchitis is dangerous for the child's life.

The following compounds have a pronounced expectorant effect:

  • black radish juice or onion with honey;
  • decoction of sage in milk;
  • carrots infused with honey;
  • viburnum with honey;
  • infusion of tangerine peel or buckwheat flowers.

It is important to remember that folk remedies help to get rid of the symptom of the disease, but does not eliminate its cause. So, as an independent method of treatment, they are not suitable and can only be prescribed in combination with drug therapy.

Additional conditions for recovery

Obstructive bronchitis in mild children is not an indication for hospitalization. Therefore, if a child is prescribed home treatment, the task of parents is to organize comfortable conditions for a speedy recovery. Key recommendations:

  1. If the child does not have a fever, do not force him to lie in bed. But outdoor games are also contraindicated for the baby, as they can increase bronchospasm, provoking a deterioration in the condition.
  2. Be sure to ventilate the child's room and carry out wet cleaning there. without using disinfectants and other household chemicals.
  3. We monitor the level of humidity. In a dry and hot room, recovery is much slower.
  4. If the general condition of the child is satisfactory, you can go outside with the baby. Fresh air will be helpful for recovery. But, as at home, keep an eye on the activity of the child, preventing the appearance of a new attack of shortness of breath.
  5. Do not allow your child to inhale tobacco smoke.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of the young patient. Infants are fed on demand. At 4 months, many babies get acquainted with the first fruits and juices, but it is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods until complete recovery. Older children need to cook light food rich in vitamins.. These can be chicken broths, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables, fresh salads and fruits. If the child does not agree to eat your healthy culinary delights, turn on the fantasy and turn the meal into fun. To do this, it is enough to serve a portion in an original and fun way, having built a funny face or some character from ready-made products.

Also, don't forget to drink. To thin the sputum, it is necessary to provide the body with a sufficient amount of fluid. It can be fruit juice, natural juice, compotes or just mineral water.

To exclude repeated bronchospasm, it is necessary to exclude from the diet all foods with a high level of allergenicity. These include citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate. It is also better not to experiment with store-bought sweets.


A small cough in a child after obstructive bronchitis may persist for some time. Coughing may not be strong, but at the same time, remnants of sputum come out. The main thing here is to monitor breathing and not neglect the need for examination by a pediatrician even after the disappearance of all symptoms. Relapse prevention is very simple:

  • healthy sleep;
  • strong immunity (proper food, vitamins);
  • limiting contact with allergens and other provoking factors;
  • daily wet cleaning in the apartment;
  • walks in the fresh air away from highways;
  • annual trips to the sea.


Noticing that the child began to cough, you should immediately sound the alarm. Otherwise, complications cannot be avoided. The most dangerous consequences:

  • pneumonia;
  • pleurisy;
  • lung abscess;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • cardiac and respiratory failure(with the possibility of death);

The task of parents is to prevent the sad development of events. To do this, it is enough to contact a pediatrician for advice at the first symptoms of the disease and strictly follow all his recommendations.

Obstructive bronchitis is a disease of the upper respiratory tract, in which the mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchial tree are most actively affected.

It can manifest itself in an acute form, acquire character traits chronic obstructive bronchitis and go to. Mostly bacterial and viral infections provoke the development of the disease.

The bronchi are a branched network of tubes of different diameters that allow air to pass through. It enters, passing through the larynx, bronchi and enters the lungs. When an infection gets into the bronchi and they become inflamed, air circulation is disturbed and the movement of air to the lungs is difficult. Obstructive bronchitis is essentially acute bronchitis that occurs with bronchial obstruction syndrome.

So that obstructive bronchitis in children does not acquire an acute or chronic form, you need to know about its causes, methods of treatment (the advice of Dr. Komarovsky will help with this) and prevention features.

What causes contribute to the development of the disease?

Let's first look at the word "obstructive" itself. This name comes from the word obstruction, which means squeezing, narrowing or spasm. The concept of "bronchitis" comes from the word bronchi, which means the name of the pulmonary region in the human body.

To summarize: obstructive bronchitis is a narrowing of the bronchi or spasm, as a result of which the accumulated mucus cannot come out in any way and thus makes it difficult to breathe.

The causes of obstructive bronchitis in children include;

  • allergic inflammation of the bronchi - associated with an allergic reaction of the child (dust, pollen, animal hair, etc.);
  • viral infections;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • passive smoking - in addition to the fact that, in general, inhalation of tobacco smoke leads to a decrease in immunity, smoke also provokes excessive secretion of mucus, which can become bronchial obstruction;
  • polluted ecological situation;
  • frequent crying, during which the natural functions of breathing are disturbed;
  • birth trauma and health status in the first 2 years of a child's life;
  • high humidity in the room leads to the formation of a fungus in the room, which provokes bronchial obstruction;

Action must be taken immediately after diagnosis. How to treat obstructive bronchitis in children will depend on the severity of the symptoms, as well as the age of the child and his well-being.


The first signs of bronchitis are a runny nose and aggravated at night. A sick child feels weakness, pain behind the sternum, they are usually very restless, capricious, there is increased nervous excitability.

Additional signs:

  1. There are signs of trouble expiratory breathing, its frequency and duration of exhalation increases, it is noisy and is accompanied by a whistle that can be heard at a distance.
  2. Sometimes the child's chest visually increases in size.
  3. Paleness of the skin appears.
  4. Cough at first unproductive and infrequent.
  5. Body temperature is low or normal.
  6. On the later dates diseases occur moist rales.
  7. X-ray shows signs of lung swelling.

In older children, acute obstructive bronchitis is sometimes accompanied by angina or cervical lymphadenitis, it has a protracted course.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis in children

Most often, the first episode of obstructive bronchitis develops in a child in the 2-3rd year of life. In the initial period, the clinical picture is determined by - elevated temperature body, sore throat, runny nose, general malaise. In children early age dyspeptic symptoms often develop.

Bronchial obstruction can join already on the first day of the disease or after 2-3 days. At the same time, there is an increase in the frequency of breathing (up to 50-60 per minute) and the duration of expiration, which becomes noisy, whistling, audible at a distance.

In addition to tachypnea, expiratory or mixed dyspnea in children with obstructive bronchitis, there is an involvement in the act of breathing of auxiliary muscles, an increase in the anteroposterior size of the chest, retraction of its compliant places during breathing, swelling of the wings of the nose.

Cough in children with obstructive bronchitis is unproductive, with scanty sputum, sometimes painful, paroxysmal, not bringing relief. Even with wet cough sputum comes off with difficulty.

Pallor is noted skin or perioral cyanosis. Manifestations of obstructive bronchitis in children may be accompanied by cervical lymphadenitis. Broncho-obstruction lasts 3-7 days, disappears gradually as inflammatory changes in the bronchi subside.


First of all, the prevention of obstructive bronchitis in children is to strengthen the immune system: maintaining breastfeeding at least up to a year, more walks in the fresh air, varied and healthy eating, taking vitamins, hardening.

In addition, it is very important to treat colds in a timely and correct manner, preventing the development of complications. Self-medication is the first enemy of health. Although the consequences may not appear immediately. Which misleads parents about the harm of their actions.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children: Komarovsky

A well-known specialist, Dr. Komarovsky, will tell you in detail about the symptoms, as well as how to treat obstructive bronchitis in children. Recommended to all parents.

Stages of treatment

Acute obstructive bronchitis in children is a serious pathology that does not go away without treatment for a long time or is complicated by pneumonia, the development of respiratory failure and metabolic disorders in body tissues.

There are several situations when the presence of obstructive bronchitis in children requires urgent treatment in a hospital:

  1. The presence of obstruction in the chest.
  2. If, against the background of the disease, symptoms such as a very high temperature, general drowsiness and lethargy, nausea and loss of appetite develop.
  3. The appearance of signs of insufficiency in breathing, such as acrocyanosis and severe shortness of breath.

Hospitalization and treatment of obstructive bronchitis in a child with the above symptoms in a hospital cannot be refused, because. under the guise of ordinary bronchitis, a dangerous acute can be hidden.

The goal of therapy for this disease is to eliminate the causes that caused it, relieve bronchial obstruction, improve the functioning of the respiratory system, symptomatic treatment depending on the manifestations. First of all, measures are taken to clear the bronchi of mucus, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory measures are prescribed.


Shown in the first days of illness. In young children, suppositories (Genferon), nose drops (Grippferon), syrups (Orvirem) are used, from the age of 3, tablet forms (Arbidol, Kagocel, etc.) can be used.

Antibacterial therapy is not a mandatory component of the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, and the appointment and choice of the drug should be made only by a doctor. Indications for the connection of antibiotics are:

  1. High fever for more than 3 days;
  2. Severe intoxication;
  3. Inflammatory changes in blood tests;
  4. Purulent (yellow, yellow-green) sputum is a sign of bacterial damage to the bronchi;
  5. Moist rales heard by the pediatrician or other signs of possible pneumonia.


In order to reduce swelling and facilitate the passage of sputum, inhalation is used with a nebulizer inhaler using special solutions, which creates a cold vapor from the smallest particles that are delivered to the lungs. This procedure is easy to apply.

Dry painful cough and difficult sputum are treated with mucolytic drugs, such drugs stimulate sputum discharge in a child and have an anti-inflammatory effect. For children, a solution or syrup is used, such drugs are administered through the mouth. Mucolytic drugs should be discontinued if a child has a productive cough with sputum.

After such treatment, the cough goes from paroxysmal, painful to wet. The sputum is already less viscous, but badly departs. At this stage, mucoregulators are replaced by expectorants.

Preference is given to herbal medicines:

  1. "Bronchosan";
  2. "Bronchicum";
  3. "Gedelix";
  4. "Bronchipret";
  5. "Tussin";
  6. "Doctor Theiss".

Codeine-containing antitussive drugs are not indicated and can be recommended (only by a doctor) for an obsessive paroxysmal dry cough with mandatory monitoring of the child's condition and correction of treatment.

Massage and breathing exercises

Massage is very useful for sputum discharge. The baby needs to lightly tap the edge of the palm on the back. The older guys are told to take a breath and a slow smooth exhalation, on which they tap.

The human respiratory system consists of many interconnected structures. Through them, air enters the body, warms up, is distributed and converted by the lungs into oxygen, which enriches the blood. The bronchi are a transport system for air that has entered them from the trachea. It consists of numerous tubes of different diameters through which the air flow is cleaned, warmed and distributed through the alveoli.

If the bronchial tubes become inflamed, then their lumen is filled with sputum. The volume of penetrating air decreases, lung function is impaired, and the body begins to experience oxygen starvation. This disease is called obstructive bronchitis (not to be confused with the word "obstructive").

Causes of obstructive bronchitis in children

Children are especially susceptible to this disease, because their airways are not yet fully formed. Obstructive bronchitis in babies can appear for many reasons. All the factors disease-causing, divided into three groups:

  • infections that provoke inflammation of the bronchi;
  • allergic reactions;
  • organic pathologies of development.

The infectious factor of the onset of the disease is the most common. Pathogens that cause obstructive bronchitis in children:

  • viruses - influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus;
  • bacteria - streptococci, pneumococci, chlamydia, mycoplasmas;
  • helminths that have penetrated the bronchi during migration in the body (roundworms);
  • molds, candidiasis.

The leader among the pathogens that cause bronchitis are a variety of viral infections. Among children under 3 years old, the abstract frequency of the viral nature of bronchitis reaches 90%. After 3 years, this reason recedes, but still remains dominant. AT last years cases of bacterial infection of the bronchi, especially mycoplasma and chlamydia, have become more frequent. These pathogens not only cause acute bronchitis in children, but also contribute to its transition to a chronic form.

Young children are more likely to develop obstructive bronchitis than adolescents and adults. This is due to the anatomical features of their respiratory system:

  • children's bronchi are not yet fully formed and have a narrow lumen;
  • the immune system in the formation stage is not able to provide full protection;
  • respiratory muscles are weaker than in adolescents;
  • the skeleton of the bronchi is underdeveloped;
  • high viscosity of sputum;
  • prolonged stay on the back during sleep.

Provoking factors

The occurrence of frequent respiratory diseases, turning into bronchitis, contribute to factors unfavorable for children:

  • pathological course of pregnancy in the mother;
  • hereditary predisposition to allergies;
  • congenital pathologies of the bronchi;
  • prematurity or underweight;
  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • acute respiratory infections in the first year of life;
  • artificial feeding;
  • non-compliance of living conditions with sanitary standards;
  • polluted air, smoking parents.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

Obstructive bronchitis develops in children according to the following scheme:

The main symptoms of the disease

Initially, the disease proceeds according to the general picture of SARS or influenza. Signs of acute bronchial obstruction may appear already on the first day, more often after 2-3 days.

Symptoms that indicate that a child develops obstructive bronchitis:

  • changes in breathing (leading symptom) - noise, whistling when inhaling, increased frequency (up to 50-60 breaths per minute), shortness of breath;
  • cough dry, sometimes paroxysmal, more often at night, sputum, if it departs, then with difficulty and in meager amounts;
  • heat;
  • headache;
  • babies may vomit;
  • pain is felt between the shoulder blades;
  • stuffy nose, red throat;
  • in newborns, the tips of the nose, ears, lips and nails turn blue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sometimes loss of consciousness.

Traditional treatment regimen

Obstructive bronchitis is treated both in the hospital and at home on an outpatient basis. General rule is the medical control over the patient's condition and the obligatory visit to the doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Otherwise, when trying to self-medicate, the disease quickly turns into pneumonia and severe consequences develop, sometimes with a threat to the life of the child.

Parents need to remember that obstructive bronchitis is inextricably linked with a violation of the function of breathing and providing the whole body with oxygen, so the disease is a threat to all the vital organs of the child. The doctor decides whether to place the baby in a clinic or outpatient treatment, based on the history.

Hospitalization is mandatory for suspected obstructive bronchitis in such clinical cases:

  • Children under 1.5 years old. If the child is 2 years old, then the issue of hospitalization is at the discretion of the doctor. As a rule, therapists for babies 2-3 years old insist on placing patients in the clinic.
  • The rapid development of the disease, the lack of progress in treatment for 4-6 hours.
  • Severe course of the disease.
  • Insufficient breathing, the child suffocates.
  • Increasing hypoxia.

If the doctor has decided to treat at home, then the parents should provide such care for the sick child that will create favorable conditions for a quick recovery.

Half bed rest

At the beginning of the disease, when the body temperature is high, strict bed rest and rest are necessary to mobilize the patient's immune forces. After normalization of the temperature, the child should not stay in bed all the time, since a long stay in the supine position has a bad effect on the respiratory function. The child can sit in bed, walk around the apartment. Active games are excluded. In the future, walks in the fresh air are recommended.


You should carefully consider the diet of the baby. It is necessary, on the one hand, not to overload the stomach of a weakened organism, and on the other hand, to ensure sufficient caloric intake. Reduce the amount of solid food taken by a third. Increase the amount of liquid by 1.5 times. Provide plenty of warm fluids. The liquid must be alkaline ( mineral water Essentuki, Borjomi). Eliminate all foods that can cause allergies. Food should be light, but high-calorie, high in vitamins and minerals. A lactic acid diet, soups, cereals would be ideal.

Ensuring indoor air quality

Children with bronchitis are extremely sensitive to air humidity and oxygen saturation. Parents need to ventilate the room daily to ensure the flow of oxygen. In case of insufficient humidity, a special device should be installed to generate moist air, wet cleaning should be carried out daily, the floor and objects can be sprayed with water. To disinfect the room, you should use special hypoallergenic products.

Inhalations for bronchial cleansing and physiotherapy

Inhalations should be done at intervals established by the attending pediatrician. For inhalation, it is better to use a steam inhaler or nebulizer. Physical solution is mixed with mineral alkaline water, herbal decoctions, medicated bronchodilators.

Physiotherapy, massage and gymnastics restore the balance of inhaled and exhaled air, increase blood flow to the respiratory tract.

Medical therapy

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis is complex. The doctor prescribes several drugs of different effects. You should not stop taking any of the prescribed medications, especially antibiotics, on your own, even if it seems that the child is already healthy. Untreated obstructive bronchitis becomes chronic. After recovery, prophylaxis should be observed to avoid symptoms of recurrent bronchitis.

Medical treatment

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis is complex. It aims to achieve several goals:

  • removal of obstruction and restoration of bronchial patency;
  • normalization of secretomotor function, sputum thinning and expectoration;
  • suppression of pathogenic infection and elimination of the inflammatory process;
  • restoration of respiratory function in full;
  • elimination of the consequences of the disease for the body as a whole.

Antitussive drugs in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis are not used, since their combination with bronchospasm negatively affects general condition sick. Medical therapy includes the use of drugs of the following groups:

  • antipyretic - only with hytherthermia;
  • decongestants - for the relief of a runny nose;
  • bronchodilators - to expand the lumen of the bronchi;
  • mucolytics - to thin sputum;
  • secretory means - for effective expectoration;
  • glucocorticosteroid hormones - in case of a severe course of the disease;
  • antibiotics - antimicrobials.

Antibiotics are not always prescribed. Indications for their use are:

  • age up to a year;
  • bacterial rather than viral nature of the infection;
  • the temperature lasts more than 3 days;
  • bronchospasm is stable;
  • signs of general intoxication;
  • inflammatory signs in general analysis blood.

Treatment with folk remedies


Traditional medicine, just like professional medicine, offers effective method getting rid of bronchial obstruction - inhalation. All familiar steam inhalations (under the covers over the kettle) are not effective for obstructive bronchitis. Inhalations using medicines and alkaline solutions should be done with an inhaler or nebulizer. Well relieve spasm such folk remedies for inhalation:

  • sea ​​salt - 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water;
  • adding a small amount of crushed onion or garlic to the solution;
  • essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, juniper;
  • decoctions of mint, sage, eucalyptus.

Infusions and decoctions

Infusions and decoctions according to folk recipes are used as an expectorant. If the child is not allergic to honey, then adding honey to medicinal decoctions will increase the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • Milk with sage. Boil 3 tablespoons of dry sage herb in 1 liter of milk for 15 minutes, and then let the decoction infuse for an hour. Dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in the resulting infusion. Drink every hour for 100 g.
  • Carrot juice with honey. Mix freshly squeezed juice with honey in equal parts and drink a teaspoon 5-6 times a day.
  • Infusions of various compositions are prepared as follows. 1 tablespoon of vegetable raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water, allowed to brew for 15-30 minutes, honey is added and the child is offered to drink the decoction.

For the treatment of bronchitis with decoctions and infusions, people use mixtures of medicinal plants:

  • raspberry, linden, black elderberry;
  • medicinal chamomile, linden, black elderberry, mint;
  • licorice root, plantain herb and coltsfoot;
  • elecampane.


Traditional medicine suggests the use of compresses and rubbing.

It is important to know that the well-known mustard plasters for obstructive bronchitis are categorically contraindicated. Mustard vapors can cause severe bronchospasm in the patient.

Compresses from vegetable and butter oils will have a positive warming effect. Oil compresses are applied all night before bed. To do this, you can use vegetable oil or a mixture of butter and honey. Warmed oil is applied to the chest and back of the baby, wrapped in a terry towel, wrapped with plastic wrap on top. In this form, the patient is put to sleep.

Massage and gymnastics

To effectively remove sputum, a special postural massage is used. The child should be laid on the stomach so that the head is slightly lower than the level of the legs. This will ensure blood flow to the massage area. The edge of the palm makes light taps on the back of the baby. Such bronchial drainage helps to separate sputum well.

Special breathing exercises restore lung function. It is usually carried out in the office physiotherapy exercises. At home, simply inflating a balloon is effective. This procedure improves ventilation of the lungs.


Modern medicine copes well with childhood obstructive bronchitis. In all cases, doctors manage to cure the disease. When applying for medical care on time, fulfilling all doctor's orders and timely treatment the prognosis is positive. A complication such as bronchial asthma occurs in no more than 2% of patients.

It should be noted that for preschool children it is important recovery period. This is due to the fact that anatomical features children of this age and insufficient immunity predispose to a recurrence of the disease within a year. Preventive measures to prevent relapse are very important for a cured child.

Preventive measures

To prevent the acute form of the disease from recurring, it is necessary to prevent obstructive bronchitis in children:

  • avoid viral infections, contact with patients, crowded places;
  • get vaccinated against influenza and other viruses on time;
  • consult an allergist and provide the child with a hypoallergenic environment and nutrition;
  • constantly monitor the cleanliness and humidity of the air in the child's room, often ventilate the room;
  • healthy sleep, long walks in the air, a balanced diet and hardening will ensure a quick restoration of immunity;
  • spa treatment is useful for rehabilitation after illness;
  • don't ignore dispensary observation pediatrician;
  • at frequent relapses obstructive bronchitis, you need to be examined and consult a pulmonologist;
  • according to the doctor's prescription, immunomodulators can be used.

Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system are more often diagnosed in children in the age group from 8 months to 6 years. An important role in the development of this pathology is played by the hereditary factor, the child's susceptibility to helminthic invasions, bacterial and viral infections. At disappointing diagnosis chronic obstructive bronchitis in children remains a chance to avoid serious consequences. Effective treatment consists in eliminating the inflammatory reaction in the bronchi, restoring their normal patency, using bronchodilators and expectorants.

Infants are characterized by poor development of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs. The glandular tissue of the inner walls of the bronchial tree is delicate, prone to irritation and damage. Often, in diseases, the viscosity of the mucus increases, the cilia cannot evacuate thick sputum. All this should be considered before treating obstructive bronchitis in a child with medicines and home remedies. It must be remembered that the severity of the disease in babies is influenced by the intrauterine infections they have suffered, ARVI in infancy, underweight, the presence of allergies.

The most important causes of obstructive bronchitis in children are:

  • viruses - respiratory syncytial, adenoviruses, parainfluenza, cytomegalovirus;
  • ascariasis and other helminthiases, migration of helminths in the body;
  • anomalies in the structure of the nasal cavity, pharynx and esophagus, reflux esophagitis;
  • microorganisms - chlamydia, mycoplasmas;
  • weak local immunity;
  • aspiration.

The inflammatory process in obstructive bronchitis causes swelling of the mucosa, resulting in the accumulation of thick sputum. Against this background, the lumen of the bronchi narrows, spasm develops.

Viral infection has the greatest influence on the occurrence of obstructive bronchitis in children of all ages. Factors also play a role environment, climatic anomalies. The development of obstructive bronchitis in infants may occur against the background of early withdrawal from breast milk, transition to mixed or artificial feeding. There are spasms of the bronchi in infants, even with frequent ingestion of drops and pieces of food into the respiratory tract. Helminth migrations can cause bronchial obstruction in children older than 1 year.

Among the reasons for the deterioration of the bronchial mucosa, doctors call the poor environmental situation in the places of residence of children, smoking of parents. Smoke inhalation disrupts natural process cleansing the bronchi from mucus and foreign particles. Resins, hydrocarbons and other components of smoke increase the viscosity of sputum, destroy epithelial cells respiratory tract. Problems with the functioning of the bronchial mucosa are also observed in children whose parents suffer from alcohol dependence.

Obstructive bronchitis - symptoms in children

bronchial tree healthy person from the inside it is covered with mucus, which is removed along with foreign particles under the influence of miniature outgrowths of epithelial cells (cilia). Typical obstructive bronchitis begins with attacks of dry cough, the acute form is characterized by the formation of thick, difficult to separate sputum. Then shortness of breath joins due to the fact that the inflamed mucosa thickens in the inflamed bronchi. As a result, the lumen of the bronchial tubes narrows, obstruction occurs.

Manifestations of bronchial obstruction syndrome in children:

  • first, catarrhal processes develop - the throat becomes red, painful, rhinitis occurs;
  • the intercostal spaces, the area under the sternum are drawn in during breathing;
  • breathing becomes difficult, shortness of breath, noisy, rapid, wheezing breathing occurs;
  • suffers from a dry cough that does not turn into a productive (wet);
  • holding on subfebrile temperature(up to 38°С);
  • attacks of suffocation periodically develop.

Wheezing and wheezing in the lungs of a child with obstructive bronchitis can be heard even at a distance. The frequency of breaths is up to 80 breaths per minute (for comparison, the average rate at 6-12 months is 60-50, from 1 year to 5 years - 40 breaths / minute). Differences in the course of this type of bronchitis are explained by the age of small patients, the characteristics of metabolism, the presence of hypo- and beriberi. A serious condition in weakened babies can last up to 10 days.

With a recurrent course of the disease, a repeated exacerbation of symptoms is possible. Against the background of ARVI, irritation of the mucous layer occurs, cilia are damaged, bronchial patency is impaired. If we are talking about an adult, then doctors talk about chronic bronchitis with obstruction. When young children and preschoolers get sick again, experts are cautious about the recurrent nature of the disease.

Bronchial obstruction occurs not only with bronchitis

The main symptoms and treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children differ from those of other respiratory diseases. Outwardly, the symptoms resemble bronchial asthma, bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis. With ARVI, children sometimes develop stenosing laryngotracheitis, when a sick baby speaks with difficulty, coughs hoarsely, and breathes heavily. It is especially difficult for him to take a breath, even at rest there is shortness of breath, the skin triangle around the lips turns pale.

When ascaris larvae migrate into the lungs, a child develops a condition resembling the symptoms of bronchial obstruction.

Attacks of suffocation in a perfectly healthy child can provoke reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, aspiration of a foreign body. The former is associated with reflux, while the latter is associated with hard food, small parts of toys, and other foreign bodies that have entered the respiratory tract. With aspiration, changing the position of the baby's body helps him reduce asthma attacks. The main thing in such cases is to remove the foreign object from the respiratory tract as soon as possible.

The causes of bronchiolitis and obstructive bronchitis are similar in many ways. Bronchiolitis in children is more severe, the epithelium of the bronchi grows and produces a large amount of sputum. Obliterating bronchiolitis often takes a chronic course, accompanied by bacterial complications, pneumonia, emphysema. The bronchopulmonary form of cystic fibrosis is manifested by the formation of viscous sputum, whooping cough, and suffocation.

Bronchial asthma occurs when inflammatory processes in the bronchi develop under the influence of allergic components.

The main difference between bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis with obstruction is that attacks occur under the influence of non-infectious factors. These include various allergens, stress, strong emotions. In asthma, bronchial obstruction persists day and night. It is also true that over time, chronic bronchitis can turn into bronchial asthma.

Unfortunately, the chronic form of the disease in children is often detected only at an advanced stage. Airways by this point, they are so narrow that it is almost impossible to completely cure bronchial obstruction. It remains only to contain inflammation, to alleviate the discomfort that occurs in small patients. Antimicrobials, glucocorticosteroids, expectorants and mucolytics are used for this purpose.

Massage and feasible gymnastics increase the vital capacity of the lungs, help slow down the development of the disease, and improve the general well-being of a sick child.

  1. Do inhalations with saline, alkaline mineral water, bronchodilators through a steam inhaler or use a nebulizer.
  2. Choose expectorant drugs with the help of a doctor and pharmacist.
  3. Give more often herbal tea and other warm drinks.
  4. Provide your child with a hypoallergenic diet.

When treating acute obstructive bronchitis in children, it must be taken into account that therapy is not always carried out only on an outpatient basis. In the absence of effectiveness, babies with bronchospasm are hospitalized. Often in young children, acute obstructive bronchitis is accompanied by vomiting, weakness, poor appetite or lack of it. Also indications for hospitalization are age up to 2 years and an increased risk of complications. It is better for parents not to refuse inpatient treatment if the child's respiratory failure progresses despite treatment at home.

Features of drug therapy

The relief of seizures in sick children is carried out using several types of bronchodilator drugs. Use drugs "Salbutamol", "Ventolin", "Salbuvent" based on the same active substance(salbutamol). Preparations "Berodual" and "Berotek" also belong to bronchodilators. Different from salbutamol combined composition and duration of exposure.

Bronchodilator drugs can be found in pharmacies in the form of syrups and tablets for oral administration, powders for the preparation of an inhalation solution, aerosols in cans.

To decide on the choice of medicines, decide what to do with them during the period of outpatient treatment, consultations with a doctor and pharmacist will help. With bronchial obstruction that has arisen against the background of SARS, anticholinergic drugs are effective. Most positive feedback specialists and parents collected the drug "Atrovent" from this group. The agent is used for inhalation through a nebulizer up to 4 times a day. The age-appropriate dose for a child should be discussed with the pediatrician. The bronchodilatory effect of the drug appears after 20 minutes.

Features of the drug "Atrovent":

  • exhibits pronounced bronchodilator properties;
  • acts effectively on large bronchi;
  • causes a minimum of adverse reactions;
  • remains effective in long-term treatment.

Antihistamines for obstructive bronchitis are prescribed only for children with atopic dermatitis, other concomitant allergic manifestations. Use in infants drops "Zirtek" and its analogues, "Claritin" is used to treat children after 2 years. severe forms bronchial obstruction is removed with an inhalation drug "Pulmicort" related to glucocorticoids. If the fever persists for more than three days, and the inflammation does not subside, then systemic antibiotics are used - cephalosporins, macrolides and penicillins (amoxicillin).

Means and methods for improving sputum discharge

A variety of cough medicines for childhood bronchitis also find use. From the rich arsenal of expectorants and mucolytics, preparations with ambroxol deserve attention - "Lazolvan", "Flavamed", "Ambrobene". Doses for single and course intake are determined depending on the age or body weight of the child. Also select the most appropriate dosage form- inhalation, syrup, tablets. Active ingredient It has an anti-inflammatory, expectorant and mucolytic effect faster when inhaled.

It is forbidden to take antitussive syrups and drops (cough reflex blockers) with obstructive bronchitis.

With obstructive bronchitis, various combinations of drugs are used, for example, 2-3 expectorants. First, drugs are given that thin the mucus, in particular, with acetylcysteine ​​or carbocysteine. Then inhalations with solutions that stimulate expectoration - sodium bicarbonate and its mixtures with other substances. The improvement in the child's condition becomes more noticeable after a week, and the full duration of the therapeutic course can be up to 3 months.

Apply to facilitate the discharge of sputum breathing exercises, a special massage. For the same purpose, they perform a procedure that promotes the outflow of sputum: they lay the child on his stomach so that his legs are slightly higher than his head. Then the adult folds his palms in a "boat" and taps them on the baby's back. The main thing in this drainage procedure is that the movements of the hands are not strong, but rhythmic.

Do you know that…

  1. The genetic background of lung diseases has been proven as a result of scientific research.
  2. Among the risk factors for broncho-pulmonary diseases, in addition to genetics, are anomalies in the development of the respiratory system, heart failure.
  3. In the mechanism of development of respiratory diseases, the sensitivity of the mucous membrane to certain substances plays an important role.
  4. Children prone to allergic reactions or already suffering from allergies are more susceptible to recurrent forms chronic diseases respiratory organs.
  5. Experts from the US have discovered the effect on the lungs of microbes that cause dental caries.
  6. Radiography is used to detect lung disease. computed tomography, biopsies.
  7. To modern alternative methods The treatment of respiratory diseases includes oxygen therapy - treatment with oxygen and ozone.
  8. Of the patients who have undergone lung transplantation, 5% are minors.
  9. Reduced body weight often accompanies the progression of lung diseases, so care must be taken to increase the caloric content of the diet of frequently ill children.
  10. Frequent obstructive bronchitis - up to 3 times a year - increases the risk of bronchospasm without exposure to infection, which indicates initial signs bronchial asthma.