Temperature as a manifestation of allergy. Fever as one of the symptoms of allergy: fever treatment and possible complications

It is generally accepted that ordinary allergies are not accompanied by fever. Doctors say otherwise. This really happens, but when it comes to atypical allergies. Often the symptoms of an atypical allergy resemble a viral infection, so it is difficult to decide on your own what disease is bothering you.

When does the temperature rise?

The temperature during allergies can rise when allergens of different intensity and individual tolerance affect the body. These are food pathogens, intolerable drugs, foreign proteins, plasma, vaccines, various insect bites, pollen. This list of allergens is not yet complete, as there are many types of allergies in people who are prone to developing them.

Allergy and individual intolerance

It is necessary to distinguish between an allergic state and individual intolerance to any stimulating factors. So, an allergy occurs immediately, it is an immediate reaction of the body to the allergen. After the action, symptoms characteristic of an allergic disease immediately appear: rash, itching, redness of skin areas, sneezing, fever. If you have an individual intolerance to any product or other irritating factor, then its effect will be visible after some time, even several days. This is a "belated" reaction of the body to the pathogen.

A variety of symptoms of allergies and individual intolerances

If we talk about the symptoms of allergies and individual intolerance, they are similar, but at the same time very diverse. Some symptoms, it would seem, have no resemblance to allergies, but, nevertheless, they are common in our time. Allergic symptoms are: depression, joint pain, pallor, yellowness and dryness of the skin, swelling under the eyes, shortness of breath, dizziness and decreased clarity of thought processes, constipation or diarrhea, herpes, runny nose, rash, indigestion, dark circles and bags under the eyes, as well as urinary incontinence in children at night.

Allergies and genetic predisposition

It is often asked: “Why did the child turn out to be allergic if both parents did not have any allergic reactions in childhood and in adulthood?” The fact is that increased excitability and sensitivity to a certain allergen is genetically inherent in nature. If the mother and father of the child are not prone to allergies, but this unpleasant disease once a grandmother or grandfather suffered, then there is a high probability that the grandson will also be allergic.

Is there a high temperature with ordinary allergies?

Many people wonder: are allergic reactions accompanied by a very high temperature? Allergy has a wide variety of symptoms, often reminiscent of acute respiratory infections, but if the temperature rises, then up to 38. If the allergy is also superimposed on a viral infection (for example, a cold), then in this case the temperature will really be high. Then you need complex treatment both diseases, which is prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate and prohibited.

Dealing with food allergies

In order to prevent the above allergens from entering the child's body, they should not be included in the daily diet. Over time, after a month or two, you can carefully try to introduce a small dose of "forbidden" foods, but take into account the slightest reaction to allergens. With age in children, many allergens cease to be active, but this depends on the individual predisposition and hypersensitivity of the organism. Of course, one cannot do without consulting a pediatrician and a nutritionist (in case of allergies with adults), because health is above all.

Food allergies in children

Food allergies are the most common type, especially in children. The most common causative agents are the following products: honey and bee products (wax, perga), fish, citrus fruits, cocoa, chocolate. An increase in temperature with food allergies is not the main symptom, but is accompanied by a rash, vomiting, nausea, soreness of the abdomen and intestines, general anxiety of the child, and in subsequent stages - with swelling lymph nodes and areas of the face and neck, should alert parents. The temperature usually rises over 38, so timely medical assistance and normalization of the temperature with antipyretics are needed.

Food allergies and heredity

If the parents of a child are prone to allergy to any food, then often this is passed on to their children. Therefore, mother, knowing about her individual intolerance to a certain food pathogen, should not use it during breastfeeding. To understand whether your child is allergic or not, you can already at the stage of transition of the baby's nutrition from breastfeeding to the introduction of complementary foods. If a rash appears on the cheeks, it is clear that an allergen has entered the body.

Strong allergens that cause anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is an extremely acute, serious, and life-threatening reaction to an intolerable irritant. Such a critical condition is capable of causing peanuts. Therefore, if you are careful, the labels usually indicate the possibility of developing allergic reactions in sensitive people. Often, seafood is an allergen for some, in particular, shellfish, but you most likely will not find warning labels on the packaging. A strong allergen can be a bee or wasp sting, as well as the use of bee products.

Symptoms and first aid for anaphylactic shock

Symptoms of anaphylactic shock - fever up to 39 degrees, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, swelling of the eyelids, face, neck, convulsions, critical decrease blood pressure. If such symptoms are evident, the first thing to do is to take the victim immediately to the nearest medical station, as epinephrine injection is often required in such cases. If possible, you can make an injection yourself. If it is difficult for the patient to breathe and the edema has already developed sufficiently, for breathing the victim needs to be inserted into oral cavity straw.

Food total immunity

There are times when the body gives a response to "everything eaten." This condition is most often caused by a serious intestinal disorder - dysbacteriosis. There is an aggravated inflammatory process, as a result of which undigested food residues are thrown back into the blood. In this case, qualified medical care is needed, since serious complications can develop, up to severe intoxication of the body. Complete food intolerance also occurs when the liver cannot cope with the load placed on it: as a result of alcohol poisoning, high doses of sucrose, or medicines.

Allergy to drugs

Starting to treat a viral disease, we immediately turn to antibiotics, forgetting that in this way we can not help, but harm the body, causing an allergy to medicines. An allergic condition occurs due to an overdose of the drug, an incorrect regimen for taking the drug, and as a result of individual intolerance to the drug or its components. Often, drug allergies are accompanied by fever.

Symptoms of a drug allergy

Allergy to medicines (pills, injections) is accompanied by the following symptoms: a rash in the form of urticaria, irritation and redness like tubercles, Quincke's edema, fever. In more severe cases, there is anaphylactic shock. If the child complains of abdominal pain, nausea, weakness and dizziness, these symptoms should be given Special attention because they talk about a serious form of allergy and its danger to the body. Speaking about the timing of the appearance of an allergy to medicines, they distinguish between a fast and a slow (after a few days) reaction of the body to an irritant.

What measures to take in case of drug allergies?

  1. Stop using the drug immediately. This action will be sufficient as a first aid for a mild allergic reaction.
  2. If within 10 minutes the person's condition worsens and the reaction does not go away, immediately call a doctor for help.
  3. When allergic reaction develops as if before our eyes, before the doctor arrives, you need to take an antihistamine drug that is at hand (alfadril, suprastin, diazolin, claritin).

How to prevent allergies to medicines in a child?

  • If you know that your child is allergic, do not self-medicate the onset of the disease, in particular, the common cold. After all, your child’s body suffers from your “care” with the help of antibiotics, the immune system.
  • Always consult with a leading pediatrician in choosing medications for a particular disease.
  • Use a special dispenser that is present in children's cold syrups. Try not to overdose, do not forget about the consequences - the occurrence of allergies.
  • You should know which antihistamines to treat a child with an allergy. Therefore, be sure to ask the pediatrician how to help the child in case of an exacerbation at home and with what means.

temperature for pollen allergy

The temperature may rise slightly in the spring-summer period (within 37-38 degrees, but it is not necessary to bring it down), when trees and flowers bloom en masse. Some people, including children, experience all the "charms" seasonal allergies on the pollen of flowering plants. Getting into the nose, eyes, bronchi, pollen causes irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyelids, nose, respiratory tract. Symptoms resemble acute respiratory infections: itching of the eyes appears, acute rhinitis, sneezing and even the temperature rises. This reaction is typical for allergy sufferers and is called allergic seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis.

How to Treat a Pollen Allergy

If the spring-summer period has come and you know that an allergic reaction will begin, take care of purchasing the antihistamines that the allergist has prescribed for you. Especially watch for children with allergies at this time. Before giving any medications, take a consultation with a pediatric allergist, because rhinoconjunctivitis can progress and turn into a more serious illness - bronchial asthma or hay fever. Do not self-medicate!

Is there a temperature when insect bites on allergic soil?

Insect bites are tolerated in different ways. A mosquito bite in allergy sufferers causes severe itching, burning, and even a rash. When bitten by bees, gadflies, wasps, characteristic symptoms: pain in the bite area, redness, swelling at and around the bite site, moderate small rash, fever, and sometimes a severe stage of allergy - anaphylactic shock.

How to help an allergy sufferer with an insect bite?

Immediately after the bite, carefully inspect the bite site. Carefully, so as not to damage the small sac of poison, pull out the stinger of the bee with tweezers, a fingernail, or another object. Treat the bite site cold water with soap. Apply a bandage with hydrocortisone, a pain-relieving ointment.

What to do if, after an insect bite, symptoms close to anaphylactic shock are observed? Or suddenly there was a temperature with allergies? How to deal with all manifestations? More precisely, only a doctor can answer these questions.

If everything is much more dangerous, there is an increase in temperature, swelling is spreading and the symptoms resemble anaphylactic shock, you need to take the appropriate antihistamines. An acute allergic reaction is treated with an injection of adrenaline. If a child with a severe allergic reaction has suffered, first aid should be given and a doctor should be consulted immediately.

temperature for allergies a rare event. Usually, an atopic reaction does not cause this symptom. Experts came to the conclusion that such a response of the body to an irritant is a consequence of some viral disease that occurs in parallel, or a pathological process caused by an allergen.

Can there be a temperature with allergies

More recently it has become stable expression"Atypical allergy" - atopic manifestations, accompanied by hyperemia. Cases when such a symptom appears are described below.

Type of allergy with fever The reasons
Hyperemia is observed only at the site of the bite. A general increase in temperature is rare and depends on individual characteristics the body of the victim (other symptoms at the site of exposure: burning and swelling).
Reaction to, protein on animal hair The temperature for allergies - 37 degrees and above rarely rises. The symptom may go unnoticed against the background of other negative reactions, reminiscent of the manifestations of a cold:


itching in the nasal cavity;


redness of the eyelids, etc.

Intolerance to components during blood transfusion An allergic reaction may be accompanied by hyperemia.
food atopy Most often, a negative reaction occurs to chemistry, which is used in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. With general malaise with symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, pain in abdominal cavity) hyperemia may occur (39-40 degrees).
Allergy to serum with foreign protein In addition to hyperemia (up to 38 degrees and above), the following symptoms are observed:

· burning sensation;

Discomfort in the area of ​​manipulation;

pain in the joints;


Infectious disease (tuberculosis intoxication) Children over 2 years old

The temperature increase is repeated for several weeks and is accompanied by other allergic manifestations(including swollen lymph nodes). In this case, an appeal to a phthisiatrician is mandatory.


Hyperemia, increased sweating and unproductive cough are signs of pulmonary tuberculosis.

drug atopy Allergy to medications with fever occurs most often to the following drugs:








A negative reaction is accompanied by all signs of intoxication.

Differences between allergies and other diseases that occur with fever:

If an allergic reaction is accompanied by a temperature, then you should immediately call ambulance(especially if the victim is a child) and take your usual antihistamine.

It is forbidden:

  • take any medication before the doctors arrive (if the reaction is caused by a medication);
  • lie in a hot bath, soar your legs, carry out inhalation;
  • eat food that is contraindicated for an allergic person.

Temperature with allergies is an alarming sign, but if you take precautions and undergo regular examinations with a doctor, serious consequences can be avoided.

  • Types of allergic reactions in which the temperature may rise
  • How to distinguish the temperature with allergies from the temperature with other diseases

What happens in the body with allergies

In most cases, allergic reactions occur against the background of a previous encounter with the same allergen, and both local and general reactions may occur. Local reactions are different kinds rashes, inflammatory reactions of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, conjunctiva of the eyes, sometimes joints.

But, in addition to local, there are also general reactions due to the formation in the blood a large number immune complexes consisting of an allergen and a class E antibody associated with it. The more such immune complexes, the stronger this reaction, the higher the likelihood of symptoms atypical for allergies.

So, is there a temperature with allergies? Yes, a high temperature with allergies can be the result of an intense general reaction to an allergen, accompanied by the release of a large amount of histamine and other biologically active substances.

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What types of allergies are most commonly associated with fever?

According to medical observations, temperature most often occurs with the following types of allergic reactions.

  1. drug allergy - hypersensitivity to diverse medicines, manifested by high, up to 39 degrees or more, temperature and other symptoms: skin rash, itching, signs of general self-poisoning of the body.
  2. Serum allergy is an allergy to vaccines and therapeutic sera, which can manifest itself not only with fever, but also with other severe symptoms.
  3. Allergy to bites of poisonous hymenoptera insects (bees, wasps, hornets, etc.).

Less often, the temperature with allergies occurs when hypersensitivity to allergenic foods, to pollen and dust, to pet hair.

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From what to distinguish the temperature with allergies

Often, the temperature in case of allergies in a child is not a symptom of the allergy itself, but of a concomitant infectious-allergic process - acute or chronic. Even if there are no manifestations of infection at the time of the temperature, this may indicate that the child's body is in the prodromal period - the period preceding the disease.

Therefore, when a temperature appears in a child with allergies, one should not make hasty conclusions. It is required to carefully examine the baby and exclude all other causes of temperature. If other diseases are found, then it is necessary to prescribe appropriate treatment.

When can one think that a rise in temperature in a child or an adult is due to an allergy?

  1. If there is accurate information that the patient has had contact with a substance to which he had previously shown hypersensitivity.
  2. If the appearance of temperature coincides with or is associated in time with the patient's contact with the allergen.
  3. If, in addition to fever, there are other symptoms of an allergic response to a substance: skin rash, Quincke's edema, signs of anaphylaxis, etc. Moreover, the more pronounced other signs of allergy, the higher the likelihood that the temperature is due precisely to an allergic reaction.

It is important to remember that temperature cannot be the only manifestation of an allergic reaction, so it is important to evaluate all the complaints and symptoms that bother the patient as a whole.

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Temperature treatment for allergies

A low temperature, up to 37.5-38.0 degrees, does not require taking medications that reduce it. The patient is given the usual treatment: antihistamines, limiting the intake of the allergen, cleansing the body.

A higher and rapidly rising temperature, especially after contact with some kind of allergen, drug or hymenoptera venom, requires urgent treatment medical care. In these cases, an increase in temperature may indicate life threatening an allergic reaction that can develop into such severe manifestations as angioedema (Quincke's edema) or anaphylactic shock.


Is it possible to increase the temperature with allergies

An allergic reaction, as you know, is a specific work of the immune system that occurs in response to the introduction of a foreign protein.

As a result of such a reaction, certain complexes are formed in the body, which lead to the development of all kinds of manifestations of allergies.

Such a sign as a temperature with allergies is quite rare, but it is quite possible in certain situations.

If the temperature rises with allergies, then this most often indicates an atypical reaction of the immune system to the allergen that has entered the body.

The jump in temperature is explained with an allergic disease not by a reaction to an allergen, but by the changes that occur during this.

That is, a pronounced inflammatory reaction on the skin, disturbances in the work internal organs can cause febrile syndrome.

Usually, the temperature with allergies rises slightly, that is, up to 37 degrees and much less often up to 38.

In the process of monitoring their patients, allergists have identified a number of allergens, in which the temperature reaction of the body most often develops.

belong to this group.

drug allergy.

Taking some groups of medications can cause skin rashes, itching on the skin, nausea, symptoms of choking and fever, while also not uncommon.

Read more here, Drug Allergies.

Serum intolerance.

Temperature with allergies in many cases occurs with serum sickness, that is, with intolerance to certain proteins that make up sera and vaccines.

In this case, the febrile syndrome can be very pronounced.

Bites of various insects.

Often people in the warm seasons of the year suffer from allergies to insect bites: mosquitoes, bees, small gnats.

With such injuries, due to the introduction of biological fluids toxic to humans, an inflammatory reaction on the skin is strongly pronounced, swelling, hyperemia, itching develop, and temperature is a consequence of all these ongoing changes.

At the same time, it can be not only local, but also general, which is especially typical for young children.

Much less often, the temperature during allergies occurs on foods intolerable to the body, household dust, grass and tree pollen during flowering, animal protein.

The temperature reaction of the body against the background of an allergy can be provoked not only by contact with the allergen, but also by other provoking factors.

To eliminate the manifestations of the disease and improve well-being, it is necessary to choose the right treatment for everything, so it is always important to find out what caused the febrile syndrome.

How to tell if a fever is caused by an allergy

Temperature with allergies manifests itself in almost the same way as fever with viral and other inflammatory diseases.

But the treatment in these cases will be different and the use of an incorrectly selected therapy regimen can adversely affect well-being.

Therefore, it is always important to accurately determine the cause of the temperature jump.

The fact that the temperature during allergies is caused precisely by the introduction and action of the allergen in the body can be independently assumed by the fixation of other signs of an intolerance reaction.

They include:

  • Allergen contact. If a person knows that he has an allergic reaction to a certain irritant, then he usually excludes contact with this allergen. And certain signs of deterioration in well-being indicate that the irritant has entered the skin, mucous membranes or the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Allergy is also manifested by skin itching, sneezing, expiration of an abundant and transparent secret from the nasal passages.
  • Temperature with allergies may be accompanied by itching of the conjunctiva of the eyes, lacrimation, rashes on the body.

With viral and bacterial infections, respiratory symptoms can also be expressed by sore throat, symptoms of intoxication, lethargy, weakness.

An allergy attack upon contact with an irritant usually develops in a few minutes.

Cold manifestations of infection increase gradually and are characterized by certain stages of inflammation.

A high and rapidly rising temperature with allergies indicates a violent reaction of the body to the allergen.

With such intolerance, anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema very often occur.

Therefore, if you notice increasing shortness of breath, suffocation, increasing swelling of the face, eye area, then you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible or seek help from a doctor yourself.


The reasons

Temperature with allergies in adults and children can be triggered by the factors shown in the table:

Factors Associated symptoms
food allergens It is possible that with food allergies, body temperature can rise to 39 degrees. Acute manifestation food intolerance can cause increased sweating, skin irritation, rash, fever.
Medications It proceeds with irritation of the mucous membranes, itching, signs of intoxication and fever up to 39 degrees.
Vaccination A routine vaccination can cause a rash, swelling and hyperemia at the injection site, as well as a fever of 38 degrees and above. This condition is a medical emergency.
Animal fur
The temperature for allergies in a child and an adult in this situation varies around 37 degrees. Taking antiallergic drugs eliminates the signs of allergies, including subfebrile temperature.
Pollen, ambrosia If a person suffers from intolerance to pollination and flowering of plants, sometimes his temperature may rise against the background of other manifestations of allergies: rhinorrhea, conjunctivitis, etc.
Insect bites The temperature usually rises exactly at the site of the bite, which at the same time hurts and swells.

How to determine that the cause of the temperature increase was an allergy?

The temperature with allergies in children and adults is practically no different from a feverish state with colds. But the treatment of these conditions cannot be the same, moreover, if it is wrong, it will certainly affect the person's well-being. That's why true reason temperature rise must be determined accurately.

Disease Characteristic features
Allergy If we are really talking about an allergic condition, then, in addition to the fact that allergies can cause fever, there are other accompanying symptoms. given state. Interaction with an allergen ends with a clinical picture known to every allergy sufferer: skin itching, sneezing, red rashes on the skin, allergic rhinitis and much more.
SARS and FLU With infections of the respiratory tract of viral or bacterial origin, the temperature is always accompanied by sore throat, signs of intoxication of the body, headache, that is, symptoms that have nothing to do with allergies.

It should be noted that an allergic reaction is formed quite quickly - its signs can appear already a couple of minutes after contact with the allergen. In turn, a cold begins gradually, it is characterized by a staged development, and, on average, lasts at least 7 days.

Features of temperature for allergies in children

The immune system of a child is not as perfect as that of an adult. Therefore, it is much more difficult for her to be able to resist external pathogenic factors, in particular, allergic irritants. For this reason, allergic reactions occur more often and more acutely.

An allergy with a temperature is more dangerous for a child, as it can lead to serious complications. Therefore, if you suddenly develop a fever after a vaccination, insect bite, or medication, you should not hesitate to seek medical help.

What should be the first aid?

Whether an allergy can give a temperature is an extraordinary question only until the moment when the allergic person himself encounters this condition. If appropriate measures are not taken, the temperature may continue to rise, which will adversely affect well-being. To correct the situation, you should use the following tips to reduce the heat.

  1. Eliminate or minimize contact with an irritating factor.
  2. Take an antihistamine that was previously prescribed by your doctor. If not done before drug treatment, you can take Suprastin, Zyrtec or Loratadine at the dosage recommended for age. Most often, the effect of an antihistamine completely eliminates not only clinical manifestations pathology, but also the temperature that accompanies it.
  3. If an insect bite was recorded and an allergic reaction developed almost immediately, it is necessary to rinse the bite site with plenty of running water as soon as possible and treat it with any anti-allergic ointment. This will help relieve the local inflammatory process.

  1. To improve overall well-being, you can take enterosorbents ( Activated carbon, Enterosgel, etc.), which help to eliminate toxins from the body. Also, for this purpose, it is advisable to drink clean non-carbonated water in sufficient quantities.
  2. If there is a suspicion that the allergy is caused by a drug, it is necessary to stop using it for at least the next period of time. It is recommended to consult your doctor, who will select an analogue of this drug and exclude additional causes that can cause an increase in temperature in the future.


The answer to the question - can there be a temperature with allergies and what should be the treatment, all allergy sufferers should know. If an adult or a child has a fever and all the signs of an allergy are present, first of all, you need to contact a specialist. The main thing is to consult with him in a timely manner, since a further increase in temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bis not excluded, and then complications cannot be avoided.

If the temperature remains within subfebrile condition or slightly exceeds 37 degrees, there is no need to take an antipyretic drug. If its values ​​\u200b\u200bexceeded the mark of 38 degrees and continue to grow, you can give a drug to relieve heat before the doctor arrives. It can be Paracetamol, Nurofen, etc.

To combat the allergy itself, experts prescribe antihistamines. Their action is to inhibit biologically active substance, which provokes the symptoms of pathology. Allergy medications come in three generations. This case requires the use of first generation drugs, as they are stronger and give a quick effect. Their list includes Fenkarol, Suprastin and others.

If a skin onset of rash, preferred for rash in adults hormonal ointments(for example, Hydrocortisone, etc.). AT childhood it is desirable to use non-hormonal agents, for example, Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.


What happens in the body with allergies

Allergic reactions can occur immediately after the body encounters the allergen or appear after a certain time, when an excess of allergenic substances occurs. In any case, both local and general allergic reactions are manifested.

Local symptoms include:

  • Rashes of various localization;
  • Inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes;
  • Inflammatory reactions of the joints.

General symptoms:

  • The formation of a large amount of histamine in the blood;
  • Increase in the limit of the norm of immunoglobulin class E;
  • The appearance of symptoms atypical for allergies.

So, is there a temperature with allergies? The answer will be unequivocal. Yes, with allergies there is a temperature, such a process is due to the fact that the body is oversaturated with allergenic substances. As a result, an intense reaction of the immune system and the release of a large amount of histamine. In addition to the antigen, other active substances are also released.

Allergy sufferers are also interested in: “Is there a temperature with allergies?”. Yes, it happens, and what is the reason for its appearance will be discussed further.

Very often, when a person develops an allergy, the signs and symptoms of the disease at the initial stage of its development are confused with a common infection or cold. But allergens cannot cause inflammatory pathologies, this must be known and remembered.

Why is there a temperature in allergic reactions in children?

Temperature with allergies in a child can be caused by:

  • food allergies;
  • Intolerance to a certain number of drugs;
  • Allergy to dust, pollen, etc.;
  • Conducting vaccinations;
  • Allergy to hymenoptera and other insect bites.

If, in addition to allergic manifestations and fever, the child has other symptoms, these may be symptoms of another disease.

Temperature with allergies in adults, as in children, is provoked by almost identical allergic processes:

  • food allergy. Manifestations: rashes, redness of the affected areas of the skin, drops blood pressure, sharp pains in the abdomen, high fever and much more;
  • Allergy to drugs. Manifestations: severe itching and peeling of the skin, swelling of the mucous membranes and their inflammation, a sharp increase in temperature ...;
  • Allergy to protein. Manifestations: Symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways. With a severe course of the disease, anaphylaxis develops;
  • Allergy to wool, pollen. Manifestations: inflammation of the mucous membranes, annoying cough, a slight increase in body temperature.
  • Allergy to insect bites. Manifestations: swelling and redness of the affected areas, local or general fever.

Often, at a doctor's appointment, patients are also interested in the following question: “Does the temperature rise with allergies regularly or does it depend on the type of disease?”. As noted above, this process is individual and does not depend on the type of allergic reactions. Most likely, this is an exception to the rules that cause an ambiguous reaction among doctors, but, unfortunately, such a phenomenon occurs.

It is also very difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what temperature with allergies can be. The limit of her jumps is not limited.

The highest rate is observed in people with a predisposition to protein and in childhood after undergoing vaccinations according to an individual schedule.

Facts of raising the temperature with allergies

To refute or make sure that it was allergies that caused the increase in body temperature, we recommend that you find out the following:

  1. In rare cases, the temperature can be caused by contact with an allergen to which an allergic reaction has previously manifested.
  2. If the temperature appears immediately after the ingestion of the allergenic substance or direct contact with it.
  3. If, in addition to temperature, the disease proceeds with a rash on the skin, Quincke's edema, signs of anaphylaxis and other allergic symptoms.

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Causes of temperature rise with allergies

The above is relevant for the "norm", in the general case. But then why does the temperature rise with allergies? If the reaction "grows", expands, acquires a systemic character. The organism loses the remnants of control over the situation, a “global” process develops.

There are other special situations that cause a non-standard course of the disease, for example:

Thus, the answer to the question of whether an allergy can give a temperature is positive.

Temperature increase in various allergic diseases

Consider some allergic diseases in details.

For the nasal mucosa, histamine is the “worst enemy”. It causes swelling, local redness, the appearance of sparse mucous secretions in large quantities, itching.

In the event that lacrimation, a feeling of sand in the eyes and other phenomena of allergic conjunctivitis join the runny nose, an increase in temperature becomes more likely.

Most often, rhinitis develops with seasonal exacerbations, for example, hay fever - allergies to pollen. However, the type or “period of activity” of the allergen cannot be associated with the risk of fever, they are not related to each other.

Therefore, it does not matter in what season of the year an allergic pathology developed - whether in spring, at the time of flowering of plants, in autumn, when dust mites and mold fungi feel great, or in winter, during the "reign" of cold allergies. And it is impossible to say that hyperthermia develops more often in summer or, for example, in autumn.

Allergic cough and bronchitis

First, it is worth differentiating these concepts. By allergic cough, we will mean reflex attempts to clear the larynx during tickling, “tickling”, hoarseness. But bronchitis is a deeper process that affects the actual bronchi.

In the first case, an allergy develops extremely rarely, there are literally a few such cases. Perspiration and the cough it causes are inherently close to allergic rhinitis and develop as a result of mucosal edema.

But allergic bronchitis with temperature is a slightly more frequent phenomenon. Despite the fact that the presence of hyperthermia accompanying a dry barking cough is a sign of a process of a bacterial or viral nature, there are exceptions.

In favor of allergic bronchitis with hyperthermia, shortness of breath and a productive cough from the first day of illness will testify (returning to the effects of histamine - constriction of the bronchi and increased secretion of mucus). It is worth adding that, among other things, this mediator dilates the vessels of the lungs, increases their permeability, which leads to even more severe edema and narrowing of the bronchi. And, of course, a prerequisite is the presence of contact with the allergen.

This disease is a good illustration of the question of whether there can be subfebrile temperature with allergies. Typically, 38° is the limit, if it reaches it at all. By the way, this is another distinguishing feature: with bacterial or viral bronchitis, the thermometer can “crawl” up to 39.5 ° C.

food allergy

Food allergens are among the least aggressive. In this regard, the development of temperature changes in food allergies is unlikely. However, it is possible. Hyperthermia will develop when there is a very strong reaction with the presence of:

  • indomitable repeated vomiting;
  • profuse diarrhea;
  • intense pain in the abdomen;
  • headaches, dizziness.

Usually the mercury column does not rise to high numbers. The maximum is 37.5°.

Allergic dermatitis

Photo: Allergic reaction to cosmetics

Allergic dermatitis and temperature are rarely combined. For the development of such a complication, the surface of the lesion must be very extensive.

Most often, a “cosmetic” allergy has such serious consequences, in the case when a person did not conduct a preliminary test, but immediately applied the product to a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. The risk is especially high when combined sunburn allergic to sunscreen or emollients.

Often the thermometer shows between 37° and 38° when skin manifestations combined with some other - respiratory, ophthalmic, etc. Heat- an even bigger "curiosity". If dermatitis is accompanied by it, you should immediately call a doctor, as a severe generalized reaction may develop.


Allergy to the sun itself is difficult to distinguish from a sunburn. But if one is superimposed on the other, or overheating and sunstroke join, life becomes very difficult. Both of these pathologies carry unpleasant symptoms, but when they are combined, the human condition worsens significantly. Painting sunstroke is:

  • high body temperature, sometimes patients complain that the temperature jumps, then up to 39 °, then down to 35 °;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • disorientation;

But the symptoms of sun allergy are different:

  • red blister-like rash on exposed skin;
  • itching, peeling of the skin;
  • local redness.

Allergy to insect stings

Bites and stings, to which the body reacts with an excessive immune response, are often accompanied by fever. But it must be said that, as in the previous paragraph, here the temperature accompanies not so much the immune processes themselves, but their combination with the main factor (in this case, the effect of insect venom on the body).

In addition, the immune system, as it were, is “busy” with allergies and literally does not have time to respond to the poison.

Photo: Allergy to a mosquito bite

The temperature in this case can rise to 38 °, deterioration is observed general condition, weakness, often headache. All this is combined with local symptoms:

  • hyperemia (redness) of the bite site is much more intense than in the absence of an allergic reaction;
  • intense itching;
  • the appearance of a rash around the bite;
  • the occurrence of allergy symptoms from other organs and systems.

drug allergy

Allergy is like hives with fever, and rash, and swelling - in its “pure form” is a reaction to drugs. The temperature in this case rises to 38-39 °.

Generally speaking, drug allergy is one of the most dangerous and severe diseases of an allergic nature. Drugs are introduced into the body in fairly large (compared to the same dust or pollen) doses.

The logical question is why then does not arise severe symptoms with gastrointestinal allergies? But not all substances are not completely absorbed in the intestines, they are partially excreted. In addition, the allergen needs to overcome many more barriers to get into the blood.

A life-threatening development of events in drug allergy is anaphylactic shock. Therefore, an increase in temperature can even be called a rather favorable symptom.

Photo: Allergy to drugs

In addition to it, there may be:

  • itching, rash at the injection site;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • sneezing, rhinorrhea, lacrimation;
  • swelling of soft tissues.

But this pathology confidently answers “yes” to the question of whether there can be a temperature with allergies, because. hyperthermia is one of its main symptoms.

Before describing the disease, it is worth saying that there are 4 types of allergic reactions. Three of them are immediate and one, the fourth, is delayed. What we used to understand as an allergy (including "popular" symptoms and anaphylaxis) is type 1. Type 2 (which, by the way, includes drug allergies) are cytotoxic reactions that damage cells. The fourth type is delayed reactions, these include the tuberculous process and bronchial asthma.

Symptoms for all reactions of this type are the same: a week and a half after the allergen enters, first a sharp hypothermia is detected, and then, on the contrary, hyperthermia.

Other symptoms include:

Photo: Urticaria as one of the manifestations of serum sickness
  • pain, swelling and redness at the injection site;
  • enlargement and soreness of nearby lymph nodes;
  • the appearance of a rash on the body, accompanied by intense itching;
  • pain, swelling of the joints;
  • sometimes swelling of the larynx develops;
  • the heart muscle is affected;
  • suffering nervous system(possible neuritis, sciatica)
  • etc.

The only good news is that in most cases, after a few days, all manifestations pass by themselves.

Temperature and allergies in people at risk

Let us consider in more detail the features of the course of allergic reactions with temperature in people from risk groups.

Temperature for allergies in the elderly

Allergy in the elderly, like any other disease, occurs with a much less intense severity of symptoms. To illustrate this thesis, it is worth saying that people over 65-70 do not experience significant pain even with appendicitis.

So with allergic reactions - the symptoms are smoothed out, the diagnosis is difficult, there are practically no subjective sensations. In order for an elderly person to have a fever with allergies, a “giant” reaction is needed, expressed extremely intensely. Such a problem can develop with the introduction of the drug and in the case of serum sickness. The temperature will rise to 37-38°.

Temperature for allergies in pregnant women

However, it should be noted that hyperthermia develops in expecting a child much less frequently than in ordinary women. This is due to the fact that immunity during pregnancy noticeably weakens, allergic reactions are frequent, but they are mostly minor.

The most common of these is allergic rhinitis of pregnancy. Diseases do not tend to generalize the process.

Temperature for allergies in children

The body of a child is much more sensitive to various stimuli than an adult. Therefore, in children, allergies are more likely to cause a rise in temperature.

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky believes that the most important thing is to understand whether allergies are the “culprit”. For example, when figuring out whether an allergic cough bothers a child or an infectious one, it is worth taking as a basis the fact that there should be no temperature reactions with hypersensitivity.

But if the temperature stays up to 38 ° for no particular reason, this may be an allergy. However, other manifestations (allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, skin symptoms etc). Children are more likely to have a heightened immune response with fever to vaccinations and medications.

Another option is the appearance of only temperature as the main manifestation of an allergic reaction. This option can only be considered in children. This indicates a low activity of the immune system and, paradoxically, a very serious allergic reaction.

It is possible to understand that we are talking about a symptom of an allergy only by “anamnesis data” - whether there was contact with an allergen or, perhaps, the child is in the prodromal (preparatory, preclinical, asymptomatic) period of an infectious disease. In this case, it is urgent to show the baby to the pediatrician.

However, you still need to focus on the fact that with allergies, children should not have a temperature.

Differential Diagnosis

This section is extremely important. Temperature, even a slight one, is quite dangerous symptom. Keeping it for no apparent reason may indicate serious and dangerous diseases(tuberculosis, heart disease, oncology).

As for the temperature during allergies, this phenomenon is non-standard. And that is why it is so important to make sure that hyperthermia is precisely of an allergic nature.

First of all, of course, you need to focus on the accompanying symptoms and build on them.

Briefly, we can say the following:

  • With acute respiratory infections, a runny nose is characterized by a viscous, greenish discharge, a tendency to nasal congestion without rhinorrhea. With allergies, on the contrary, the mucus is liquid, transparent, easily and abundantly excreted;
  • ARI is characterized by headaches, heaviness in the head, weakness, a desire to close your eyes, hide warmly and sleep. AT clinical picture allergies the main symptom is itching.

When observed gastrointestinal symptoms, it is incredibly important to distinguish an allergy from a poisoning or an acute intestinal infection!

During the infectious process, the temperature rises to much higher numbers (39 ° or more), there are:

  • blanching of the skin,
  • weakness,
  • dizziness.
  • In severe cases, even loss of consciousness.
  • There is always profuse vomiting, constant nausea, there is a danger of dehydration.

It is vital to distinguish severe photodermatosis from heat stroke.

Treatment and prevention of fever

It is worth saying that if the temperature does not rise above 38 ° and does not cause much concern to the patient, it is not necessary to bring it down - it will pass on its own.

The boundaries between medication and folk treatment in this situation are somewhat blurred. The fact is that the first recommendation that any doctor will give is to drink plenty of water. You can drink:

  • water;
  • decoctions of herbs (for example, chamomile) - be careful! May cause re-allergy, increasing symptoms!;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • fruit drink;
  • compote.

It is permissible to add lemon, honey (in the absence of allergies to them), mint to drinks.

If the temperature does not drop, apply:

  • antipyretics (Paracetamol, for children - Nurofen);
  • antihistamines (Claritin, Zyrtec, Suprastin, etc.);
  • with food allergies - enterosorbents (Smecta, Polysorb).

Don't rush to use hormonal preparations even with local allergies. There is a possibility of an error in the diagnosis, and then with the use of glucocorticoids, the risk of spreading the infection increases significantly.

It is better not to engage in self-treatment of children. If within a few hours on their own, with plenty of fluids and taking 1 dose of Nurofen and an antihistamine, the temperature does not subside, seek medical help.

Prevention of fever with allergies

The most important thing is to prevent the allergy itself, its exacerbations. You can prevent the rise in temperature by:

  • the fastest relief (stop, stop) of an allergy attack;
  • rejection uncontrolled intake antihistamines;
  • timely visit to the doctor.


Allergy has many manifestations. Often it is accompanied by lacrimation, runny nose, redness of the skin, rash, dermatitis, bronchial asthma. Sometimes a high temperature can join these symptoms. What to do if this happened? And can temperature accompany such a disease as an allergy?

Does fever occur with allergies?

There is a fairly widespread opinion, including among doctors, that temperature and allergies are things that are not related to each other in any way. While this is true in most cases, there are actually a number of exceptions to this rule.

An increase in body temperature is usually due to various factors. It can be caused by both endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) causes. In some cases, an increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body, stimulating all its resources to fight infection, and in others, the presence in the blood of special substances that cause an increase in temperature - pyrogens. As pyrogens can be, for example, toxins produced by bacteria. Thus, an increase in temperature is a process for which many biological mechanisms must be involved. With allergies, this situation is usually not observed, this process affects only part of the body's immune system.

However, the mechanism of allergy occurrence does not completely exclude such a scenario. After all, the development of an allergic reaction involves the release into the blood of a large number of inflammatory mediators - histamines. They perform many functions in the body, and one of them is to expand the peripheral vessels and increase their permeability. And this, in turn, entails hyperthermia of the tissues in which the concentration of histamine occurs.

However, an increase in temperature is a systemic reaction of the body. And in order for histamines to contribute to an increase in the temperature of the whole organism, and not of its individual tissues, for example, skin, a lot of histamine must be released. And this already poses a threat to the whole organism. Therefore, fever with allergies is a dangerous symptom that can be accompanied by other severe manifestations, such as anaphylactic shock.

However, most often with allergies, there may be a temperature due to reasons that are not related to the allergy itself. For example, the temperature may be caused by a parallel fungal, bacterial, or viral infection. It is no secret that many manifestations of allergies, such as edema, dermatitis, rhinitis, can be accompanied by infectious diseases of a viral or bacterial nature. And in such a case, fever is a completely natural symptom - a sign of the body's fight against infection.

In addition, an increase in temperature can be caused by another reason, namely, intoxication of the body. After all, many toxins are also strong allergens. Thus, in such cases, fever and allergies can go hand in hand, although they are not directly related.

Thus, allergies can sometimes be accompanied by fever, although this is a rare symptom. Such cases are called atypical allergies. However, the temperature values ​​​​for atypical allergies usually remain low - no more than + 37.5 ° C, except, of course, in those cases when a bacterial or viral infection joins the allergy.

Allergies most commonly associated with fever

However, allergies can give fever in some varieties of this disease, and in these cases, fever is the norm rather than the exception. These types of allergies include:

  • allergy to stings of insects and animals,
  • drug allergy,
  • allergy to vaccines (serum sickness).

Allergy to bites

The poison that is injected when bitten by insects (bees, wasps, ants, etc.), not to mention snake bites, has a toxic effect on the body. If it enters the systemic circulation, then the victim, along with an allergic reaction, may experience a sharp increase in temperature. This is a kind of protective reaction of the body, which thus reacts to the penetration of poisons into it. At the same time, temperatures can be quite high and reach +39°C. This reaction is especially characteristic of children. In addition to this symptom, bite allergies are often accompanied by swelling and a rash. This type of allergy is usually severe and requires immediate medical attention.

drug allergy

Many drugs can cause, in addition to an allergic reaction, also an increase in temperature. It does not matter whether they are administered by injection or enter the gastrointestinal tract. Allergies are especially common with the introduction or ingestion of antibiotics. penicillin series. The temperature rises somewhat less frequently when using tetracyclines, sulfonamides, metronidazole. This reaction is most typical for children.

Vaccine administration (serum allergy)

In fact, severe allergies with vaccines are rare. However, if signs of an allergy are nevertheless observed, then they are usually accompanied by such a symptom as fever. In some cases, this phenomenon is not a pathology, as it indicates that the immune system has recognized the antigen of the pathogen and is learning to deal with it. Most often, a symptom such as fever with the introduction of vaccines goes away by itself. However, in severe cases, fever with serum sickness may be accompanied by pain in the joints and muscles, urticaria, damage to internal organs.

Temperature in children with allergies

In children, fever with allergies is more common than in adults. However, it is far from always that it can be the result of an allergic reaction, and not an infectious disease concomitant with allergies. Of course, a cold in a child is usually accompanied by respiratory symptoms - cough, runny nose, sore throat. However, in some cases, the symptoms may be erased, for example, when enterovirus infection or not appear immediately. In addition, allergies and infectious diseases can have similar symptoms, such as a runny nose (rhinitis).

Of course, there are cases when there are serious reasons to believe that the child is suffering from an allergic reaction. For example, if he was vaccinated shortly before, or he was bitten by an insect. Also, children are often characterized by an allergic reaction to pollen, in which there is an increase in temperature. This is a rather serious condition that, if left untreated, can lead to complications such as bronchial asthma. Food allergies in a child can also lead to an increase in body temperature.

However, in any case, when the child's temperature rises, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to accurately establish the diagnosis - whether it is an atypical allergy or an acute respiratory disease. Also, the doctor should differentiate allergies from some viral diseases accompanied by itching, rash and high fever - chickenpox or rubella. An important role is played by the analysis of the anamnesis - so, if a child has already experienced allergic reactions, then the likelihood that he has an attack of an atypical allergy, and not a simple ARVI, increases.

Fever in adults

Atypical allergies are less common in adults than in children. However, in some cases, such as allergies to drugs or insect bites, the temperature may rise in adults. At the same time, atypical allergies are usually accompanied by the usual allergy symptoms - the appearance of a rash, swelling, etc.

Treatment of fever with allergies

Elevated temperature- this is just a symptom indicating a pathological process, although rather unpleasant, and not the disease itself. Therefore, there is no special need to bring down the temperature with allergies, unless it exceeds high values, for example, at + 38 ° C. The focus should be on treating the causes of allergies - neutralizing allergens and preventing their further entry into the body. For example, if the allergy was caused by drugs, then it is necessary to stop taking them, and if the nature of the allergy is food, then enterosorbent preparations should be taken to help neutralize the allergens in the gastrointestinal tract. Also, to reduce the level of exposure to the body of inflammatory mediators - histamines, antihistamines should be taken. It must be remembered that conventional antipyretic drugs, such as paracetamol and aspirin, are not able to prevent the onset of severe allergy complications, such as anaphylactic shock and.

An elevated body temperature always indicates that an inflammatory process is taking place in the body, even if it is rather insignificant. A high temperature indicates an active process of the body's fight against infection. Can fever be caused by allergies? On this issue, doctors do not have a unanimous opinion. Usually, an allergy is not accompanied by such a symptom, but a common cold or the onset of a viral disease causes a fever.

If a person has a fever, then he usually does not associate such a symptom directly with an allergy. According to scientists, it develops when there is clash of the immune system with the allergen. The most common causes of an allergic reaction are:

  • certain food;
  • animal hair;
  • medications;
  • seasonal flowering plants;
  • mold.

They cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane on the face. When a person comes into contact with a substance, allergic, then he immediately has itching, runny nose, nasal congestion. Then he starts sneezing and lacrimation appears. Due to the release of histamine, there is an increase in tissue edema, the airways become inflamed, causing coughing.

This state leads to a headache as the head pressure rises. The nose can become inflamed, it becomes filled with mucus, creating a comfortable environment for the reproduction of viruses and bacteria, resulting in an infection caused by allergies. When the condition begins to worsen, subfebrile temperature occurs (37-37.5 degrees), and thick mucus is released from the nose.

Thus, fever with allergies in adults and children happens, but it is not caused by an allergic reaction, but by a secondary disease that provoked the allergy. For example, with allergies in the nose begins to develop chronic sinusitis , which can cause an increase in temperature to fight the virus.

In what cases does fever occur with allergies?

Since lately allergic reactions have become very common, which are accompanied by fever, doctors call such a reaction an atypical allergy.

Can allergies cause fever? With an allergy of the respiratory tract, it does not rise, and if this happens, it means that inflammation develops in parallel in the body, the cause of which must be determined as quickly as possible. In this case, you need to contact a general practitioner or pediatrician, an infectious disease specialist, an allergist.

If an allergic reaction was caused medicines usually accompanied by symptoms such as itching of mucous membranes and skin, rash, severe intoxication, fever.

If subfebrile temperature persists for a long time, which is accompanied by allergic manifestations, then you need to contact an infectious disease specialist or a phthisiatrician. This condition may indicate tuberculosis intoxication or other infectious diseases which can only be determined by a specialist.

Sometimes an allergic reaction to plant pollen, animal hair may be accompanied by lacrimation and subfebrile temperature. If the temperature returns to normal when taking antihistamines, this means an atypical course of an allergic reaction.

In what other cases can an allergic reaction in adults cause a fever? This state occurs with the bites of various insects. In this case, a very violent reaction can develop:

Food allergies can also give temperature. In addition, it is accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal colic, abdominal pain, itching, urticaria, headache, chills, followed by profuse sweating. In this case, you need to urgently call a doctor.

Temperature for allergies in a child

Allergic reactions in a child are more pronounced and stronger than in adults. This is due to the fact that he the immune system is not yet strong. This is also due to heredity and the fact that the mother did not breastfeed the child, ate junk food during pregnancy. In addition, a strong increase in temperature for a baby is much more dangerous than for an adult.

The temperature with allergies in a child may rise after serious signs of an allergic reaction. For example, he had a rash on his skin for a long time, after which weeping foci of inflammation appeared. If there are a lot of them, then the temperature rises, but this is the result of inflammation, not allergies. It requires fast elimination allergic symptoms in a child. In this case, no medication for fever or infection should be given.

Doctors do not advise to bring down the temperature if it is below 38 degrees. But this is true only for colds. If an adult or child develops allergy symptoms and develops a fever, urgently visit a doctor.

Allergy should be treated if the cause of its development has been clarified. First, the allergen that caused this condition is determined. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to clear up a bacterial infection or virus, and antihistamines to help relieve the symptoms of an allergic reaction. It is also recommended to take decongestants to clear the airways, helping to reduce inflammation in the sinus cavity and swelling in the nose.

If the temperature lasts for a very long time and is accompanied by weakness throughout the body, then you need to take antipyretics based on ibuprofen, paracetamol and analgin. Thanks to painkillers, muscle and headache are relieved in case of heat.

If an allergic reaction in an adult and a child was provoked by drugs, then it is quite dangerous to bring down the temperature with medications. You should not take hot baths and do rubbing, it is effective only for colds.

Thus, if such a question arises, whether an allergy can give a temperature or not, then it can be unequivocally answered that it appears as a reaction of the body to an infection caused by an allergic reaction. Treatment in this case should be special.

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