Allergy is a genetic disease. Is food allergy hereditary?

Allergy is an epidemic of our time; there are more episodes of the disease all the time, and we can meet a person suffering from sensitivity anywhere: in public transport, in a park, in a supermarket. What is the secret of rapid spread? If you are wondering if allergies are transmitted through person-to-person contact or how hereditary pathology We invite you to read the article.

What is an allergy?

This definition is understood as the presence in a person of an individual, pathologically exacerbated sensitivity to substances from environment(antigens), contact with which for healthy people usually resolves without adverse effects. It's all about reaction immune system- it is responsible for protecting the body from damaging influences (including the invasion of infectious agents). If its mechanisms work normally, there will be no allergy; at the same time, in case of failures associated with various provoking factors, or triggers, immunity is activated even when there is no real danger - for example, in case of contact with food or animal hair.

Allergy is not the only disease, but a very large group of pathologies.

The most common are the following forms:

  • hives;
  • angioedema;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • hay fever;
  • serum sickness;
  • allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis.

Depending on the type immune reactions underlying pathogenesis (mechanism of development), they manifest themselves in different ways, can have an acute or chronic course.

Are allergies hereditary?

The genetic factor certainly has great importance in the development of diseases associated with the mechanisms of individual sensitivity. Although specialists in the field of immunology do not have enough data with which to name all the genes responsible for inheritance with confidence, materials have already been presented that indicate which parts of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid, a macromolecule in the cell nucleus that stores hereditary information) affect development of atopic dermatitis and drug allergy.

Heredity plays an important role in the development of such forms of immune intolerance as:

  1. Urticaria (including family cold), Quincke's edema.
  2. Allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, conjunctivitis.
  3. Bronchial asthma.
  4. Sensitivity to drugs.
  5. Atopic eczema.

At the same time, although genetic predisposition creates the prerequisites for the formation of sensitivity, it is still not the only decisive trigger. Interaction with environmental factors (in particular, infectious agents) is important.

Aggravated allergic history

This concept is used to refer to the totality of information data obtained by interviewing a patient and directly related to the mechanism of development of some form of individual sensitivity in him. An anamnesis for allergies can be:

  • individual (includes a mention of all episodes of intolerance observed in the patient throughout his life);
  • family (in this case, it turns out which of the close relatives - father, mother, siblings - suffers from allergies).

Taking an anamnesis is one of the most significant methods for the qualitative diagnosis of allergies, since with aggravated heredity, the likelihood of developing individual sensitivity increases dramatically.


This is the body's ability to increase the production of IgE antibodies involved in the development of immune hypersensitivity reactions due to contact with provoking substances.

It is a syndrome of hereditary predisposition to allergic pathologies and can underlie such diseases as:

Genetically mediated forms of allergy most often manifest themselves already in childhood.

So, in the presence of atopic dermatitis in one of the parents, the probability of its formation in a child is about 50%. If both father and mother are sick, this figure rises to 60-80%.

The hereditary marker of atopy is a candidate gene located on chromosome 11q12-13.

It can influence the development of pathology by increasing the release of biologically active substances(allergy mediators) from mast cells, increasing the brightness of the symptoms of the inflammatory process.

Can allergies be passed from person to person?

Intolerance is rightly called individual: it can be caused by the launch of complex mechanisms characterized by such a property as specificity - that is, selectivity in relation to potential antigens. Responsible for its presence special forms immunoglobulins (antibodies) or T-lymphocyte cells sensitized (sensitive) to a certain substance.

Thus, it is impossible to get an allergy.

And if all family members almost simultaneously began to sneeze and cough, their eyes water, and their nose runs, you should think about:

At the same time, modern researchers admit that there is a new, very rare way of transmitting allergies - through blood transfusion. The reason for this was the example of a boy who, after a blood transfusion, suddenly developed reactions to food. Before the procedure, the child did not experience any symptoms of sensitivity.

However, this is a single episode, and there is no reliable data to speak of a similar mechanism for the spread of allergic diseases; To date, scientists have more questions than answers regarding the reasons for the development of intolerance in this case.

Although experts have found that in some cases allergies are inherited, the occurrence of the disease can be tried to prevent. The genes responsible for predisposition to it are active only in conditions of interaction with risk factors, among which are the following:

  • unfavorable course of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • massive drug therapy;
  • infections (including helminthiases);
  • dysbiosis of intestinal microflora;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system.

At the core preventive measures lies the minimization of contact with triggers that increase the likelihood of allergies. Not all of them can be fully influenced, but it is worth paying attention to:

  1. Timely treatment of diseases.
  2. Planning for pregnancy.
  3. Rational nutrition.

It is very important to use medicines with caution - especially antibiotics.

They often cause allergies, and not only because the body begins to react to the components of the remedy. Misapplication antimicrobials leads to an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, an adverse effect on the liver and kidneys - and this, in turn, increases the risk of developing sensitivity. And if a person without a burdened history does not feel the consequences, people with a genetic predisposition may face vivid manifestations of pathology.

Often at the planning stage of pregnancy, women face the question of whether allergies are inherited. This is especially worrying for those parents who suffer from this disease.

Modern medicine does not consider allergies hereditary disease, but argues that the transfer of predisposition to this pathology is possible. Therefore, when planning to become parents, a woman and a man must comply with all medical prescriptions that prevent the development allergic reactions.

The probability of occurrence of this pathology in a child, according to statistics, is as follows:

  • 60% -80% - if parents suffer from the same type of allergy;
  • 40% -60% - both parents have allergies, but of a different type;
  • 20% -40% - only one parent is sick;
  • 10% - both parents did not have this pathology.

But it is impossible to say exactly whether or not an allergy will appear in a baby, relying only on the health of the parents. The external environment and other factors play a huge role.

Tendency to allergic reactions

Allergy does not belong to hereditary diseases, and only a predisposition to allergies is transmitted from generation to generation, and it is polyvalent. This means that if someone in the family suffered from plant pollen, this does not mean that exactly the same allergen will be found in a relative.

This comes from the fact that the genes responsible for the transmission of the ability to get diseases are influenced by 3 factors:

  • synthesis of immunoglobulin E molecules;
  • the basis of all types of allergies is cell association;
  • the mechanism of biochemical and pathophysiological reactions of a non-immune type.

As a result of allergy studies in twins, it was revealed that most of them react to the same allergen. But a third of the subjects were allergic to various irritants. This confirms that genes that can lead to allergies are transmitted from parents or from relatives of more distant generations, and not the disease itself.

The reasons why some people with a hereditary predisposition do not develop allergies, while others, on the contrary, are many factors. The most important thing is the way of life of a person and his environment. It is very important to lead healthy lifestyle life, eat right, live in environmentally friendly places. By observing all this, you can avoid illness. But modern life dictates such conditions that it is very difficult to adhere to these recommendations.

Another factor is the state of human health in general. If he has a history of chronic diseases, surgeries, they can provoke the development of allergies. Reception medicines in large quantities can also contribute to the disease.

The third factor is nutrition in childhood, maternal diet during pregnancy. mother's milk is good prophylactic, since protective cells are transferred to the child through them, and a properly functioning microflora is also created.

Back to zmistuSprat tips for future parents

Despite the fact that the tendency to allergies is inherited, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence.

To do this, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • A future pregnancy must be approached responsibly. Mom and dad should get rid of bad habits long before conception. The right way of life is necessary.
  • If one of the parents or both work in production with harmful conditions We recommend changing jobs. This must be done six months before the planned conception.
  • If living conditions are such that you have to breathe polluted air (the windows of the room overlook a busy road), then try to make sure that you are less exposed to this effect. Walk more in forest park areas, get out into nature at the first opportunity, spend more time outside the city.
  • Less use of household chemicals. Cosmetics and limit the use of perfumes.
  • You should not start repairs in the apartment either during conception, or during pregnancy, or in the first months of a child's life.
  • Eliminate the influence of tobacco smoke. Passive smoking is just as dangerous as active smoking. Do not stay in places where people smoke.
  • In nutrition, try to use a diet. Remove all allergic foods from the diet. Preservatives, dyes and similar substances in food should not be.
  • If a woman is prone to allergies, then during pregnancy and while feeding a child breast milk should try to avoid exacerbations of the disease.
  • The most important thing is to constantly strengthen the immune system, avoid negative environmental influences, and lead a healthy lifestyle. In this case, you can avoid passing on a hereditary tendency to allergies to your child.

    Each of us during his life repeatedly contact with allergens, allergy - especially its expanded forms - does not always develop and not for everyone. Meeting with an allergen is a necessary, but not the only condition for the occurrence of hyperorgia, which only creates the possibility of the formation of an allergy. For its implementation, a number of additional conditions are required. Not all of them are known. It has been established that these include, first of all, many phenotypic, i.e. acquired during life, factors. For example, nutrition plays an important role.

    Allergic attacks are often provoked by various kinds of emotional stresses that affect the proper functioning of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. There is like; inflicted, however, even the concept of neuro-reflex asthma, the trigger of which is a conditioned reflex.

    besides phenotypic, among the additional circumstances contributing to the development of allergies, hereditary, genetic factors are of great importance. In particular, this applies to those of its forms, which are known as atopy. When studying the role of genotypic factors in the occurrence of allergies, three methods are used - genealogical analysis (study of the patient's pedigree), examination of twins and family history (study of allergic incidence in the patient's blood relatives).

    Analysis of pedigrees indicates an increased incidence in the "clans" of patients with such forms of allergies as Quincke's edema, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma and urticaria. A case is known when bronchial asthma caused by the epidermis of rabbits manifested itself in 17 people belonging to five generations. However, this is still not enough to draw a conclusion about the large contribution of genetic factors to the development of allergies, because this approach does not allow us to exclude the influence of some environmental factors common to descendants and ancestors, including social factors (for example, the presence of asthma in several generations, provoked by ursol, may not be due to a genetic predisposition at all, but to the fact that these people were employed in the leather industry).

    Similar data were obtained with the help of seed analysis. It turned out, in particular, that if parents suffer from Quincke's edema, up to 50% of children fall ill with it.

    and allergic rhinitis, the familial incidence rate ranges from 35 to 80%. With bronchial asthma, the incidence rate in relatives of patients (grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters of parents) exceeds the corresponding figures in the control group by more than 6 times, and with allergic rhinitis - more than 4 times, cases are also described. familial urticaria. Using correlation analysis, it was possible to establish the relationship between various forms allergies and to find out that asthma in a high percentage of cases is associated with allergic rhinitis, to a lesser extent - with migraine and urticaria.

    It is assumed that the hereditary predisposition to allergies is transmitted using a dominant gene, which can manifest itself differently in different individuals. Of great interest is the degree of risk in the family form of allergies. If both parents suffer from allergies, then the incidence rate in children is from 30 to 75%, if one of them is from 20 to 50% compared to 10-20% if both parents are clinically healthy.

    To clarify the role of genetic factors, the most objective is twin analysis, i.e., the study of the incidence in identical (originated from one egg) and dizygotic (resulting from the simultaneous fertilization of two eggs in a woman) twins. These studies made it possible to determine the size of the contribution of genetic factors to the occurrence of various kinds of allergies, which turned out to be very high. So, when examining 34 beds of identical twins, 20 of them were found to have the same (within each pair) manifestations of allergies, the rest also had allergies, although in different forms. If atopy occurs in both parents, then the children fall ill already in early age, and in the absence of a disease in the family - after 30-40 years.

    So, the role of heredity in allergies is beyond doubt. It is real and, apparently, very large. The question arises about the mechanism of inheritance of allergies. In this regard, the mechanism of inheritance of atopic conditions has been studied in more detail, although it is too early to judge the final results here. Some researchers believe that the signs of atopy are controlled by dominant genes, others are most likely recessive. However, both options may exist. As a result, persons who are homozygotes fall ill already in childhood, and heterozygotes - much later and less often.

    The influence of genetic factors can be realized through at least three channels:

    1. through control over the synthesis of reagins related to IgE;
    2. through the control of the processes of cellular cooperation, which underlies any immune response, including the immune response leading to allergic restructuring;
    3. through non-immunological mechanisms, which are included, as is known, during the development of the pathobiochemical and pathophysiological phase of allergy.

    The first channel has been studied in some detail. It turned out that both in adults and in children, the concentration of IgE in the blood is largely determined by genetic factors; specific genes have been identified that are responsible for both high and low level this immunoglobulin.

    The second channel is also well studied. In particular, when analyzing cases of seminal hay fever caused by ragweed, it was found that the formation of allergies is associated with the inheritance of certain groups of antigens. The decisive role is played by the so-called "immune response genes" located in humans on the 6th chromosome. Genetic control of non-immunological mechanisms involved in allergic reactions is to control the synthesis of biologically active substances, including the pathophysiological phase of the process. The foregoing applies primarily to atopy - allergic reactions of HNT type 1, implemented with the participation of IgE-reagins. As for other forms of allergies, the information related to this is much scarcer, and it is clearly premature to draw any conclusions about this.

    Allergy >> Heredity

    Scientists have found that allergic diseases do not belong to hereditary, in which the gene that causes a disease state is transmitted directly from parents to offspring. However, the possibility of hereditary predisposition to allergy development exists, and doctors and patients have to reckon with this.

    Of course, we are not able to influence the conditions of existence years before a person was born, but we not only can, but we are obliged to take them into account; in addition, it is possible to trace the possibility of an allergenic effect of certain living conditions of a sick person in the past. Suppose our patient Vera's father suffers from some kind of allergic disease (or mother, or even both parents). Therefore, the Faith cannot be considered protected from allergies in the future, although this is not required. It is also necessary to take into account the age at which Vera's parents developed allergic diseases (in old age allergies are less common).

    Sometimes it happens that the parents of the patient did not suffer from allergies, but in a number of previous generations, both on the father's side and on the mother's side, there were allergic reactions. This can explain the appearance of allergic diseases in grandchildren (the so-called genetic predisposition to the disease). Does this mean that with such heredity a person must get allergic? Of course not. It also depends on living conditions, the nature of nutrition and many other factors. But at the same time, such a person is more likely to develop a disease, and therefore he needs to carry out preventive measures more persistently than other people.

    Let's go back to Vera. Suppose that her father suffers from bronchial asthma, and her mother has a food allergy.

    Does this mean that Vera will inherit both asthma and food allergies from them? Far from it. Specific allergic diseases are not inherited at all, only the body's ability in principle to respond to contact with allergens is inherited. These allergens can be any other substances, completely different from those that caused allergies both dad and mom. And the disease may be different, say, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, eczema.

    To illustrate this situation, let us follow the development of the disease in each member of the family. Mom, for example, is allergic to milk and dairy products, dad has bronchial asthma, which manifests itself during the flowering period of trees (for example, birch or alder), their son develops skin allergic rash when he puts on a wool sweater and his daughter is healthy. All these various manifestations of allergies indicate that it is not the disease that is inherited, but the body's ability to react with the allergen.

    Allergy in inheritance

    In the conditions of modern society, large-scale environmental problems and the fast pace of life, allergies have won one of the first places among the most common diseases around the world. About 40% of the world's population suffers from some type of allergic reaction.

    What causes an allergy?

    It is generally accepted that for the development of an allergic reaction, simply contact with the allergen is necessary. But not in all cases, the disease will make itself felt. There are many factors that lead to the development of allergies. So far, it has not been possible to establish the whole range of conditions affecting its development, but here are some of them:

    1. Environmental factor. The widespread pollution of water and air, the addition of dangerous chemical additives and dyes to food, bad habits- this is only a small part of the iceberg that man managed to form during his existence. All this negatively affects the human body and causes side reaction immunity, namely the protection of the body, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction.

    2. Phenotypic factors. This section includes conditions that affect during life. Emotional stress is the most popular factor. As a result of severe stress in the human body, a malfunction of the immune and endocrine systems, often there are violations in the work of the nervous system.

    3. Genotypic (hereditary) factor. Are allergies hereditary? To explain this factor, it is necessary to introduce the term - atopy. This is the name of the inherited predisposition of the body to the production of special antibodies - immunoglobulins that react with allergens. Given that allergies are inherited, the question arises: how big is the role of the genotypic factor in its development?

    Influence of heredity on the development of allergies

    As you know, an allergic reaction occurs due to the strengthening of the penetrating ability of histohematic barriers, the allergen easily enters the tissues and blood of a person, which leads to a response of the immune system - the numerous production of protective antibodies. It is not an allergy that is inherited, but rather, the body's tendency to respond to an allergen.

    According to medical statistics, if both parents are allergic, the probability of having an allergic child is almost 70%. If only one of them suffers from this disease, then the probability of inheriting an allergy is about 30%. In the case when both parents, as well as grandparents do not suffer from allergic reactions, the probability is reduced to 10%.

    How to Reduce the Chances of Your Child Inheriting Allergies

    It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of transmission of allergies by inheritance. But even with a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions, parents can try to exclude the possibility of developing an allergy in a baby. Here are some tips on how to prevent this:

    1. During pregnancy planning, both parents should lead the right lifestyle. Smoking must be excluded for both the expectant mother and father, at least six months before conception.
    2. Taking into account air pollution in modern cities, it is necessary to try to spend more time in parks, in the country or in the countryside.
    3. It is necessary to exclude repairs throughout the pregnancy, if this is not possible, then at least for the period of the first trimester.
    4. During pregnancy itself, as well as during breastfeeding, it is necessary to use household chemicals as little as possible, as well as perfumes.
    5. Include hypoallergenic foods in the diet, it is worth reducing the amount of consumption of foods saturated with dyes and food additives.
    6. During pregnancy and while breastfeeding, the mother should try to avoid acute form allergic reaction.

    Although it is impossible to exclude a hereditary factor in the development of allergies in a child, a lot depends on the parents. Even before pregnancy, there is an opportunity to start taking care of the health of your unborn baby. Don't waste this time!

    • For products
    • On plants
    • For insect bites
    • For animal fur
    • In pregnant women
    • In children
    • Animals
    • At home

    Are allergies hereditary?

    Is there a hereditary allergy? How much does the appearance of allergic pathologies depend on the presence of such in parents and even distant relatives? Due to the increase in the incidence, scientists have come to grips with these issues. Of course, allergies cannot be attributed to hereditary ailments, but the role of continuity in the development of the disease is extremely high.

    According to studies, if neither parent suffers from allergies, then the incidence of the disease in children is about 10-20%, if one parent suffers, the risk increases to 40-50%, if both - up to 80%. This pattern is most clearly observed in diseases such as atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and hay fever.

    What genes are responsible for the development of allergies?

    The transmission of predisposition to allergies and atopy has been proven. Genes that affect three groups of factors are responsible for this:

    1. synthesis of immunoglobulin E;
    2. cellular cooperation underlying all types of allergic reactions;
    3. non-immunological mechanisms that play a role in the biochemical and pathophysiological stage of reactions.

    This explains the appearance of allergies in close relatives to various factors - food, pollen, etc. In studies conducted on identical twins, it turned out that most have a reaction to the same allergens, but about 30% suffered different forms diseases.

    Thus, from parents (as well as previous generations) genes are able to be transmitted, when activated, the risk of allergies increases many times over. With a good combination of circumstances, genes can “sleep” all their lives, and with less favorable conditions- start to make themselves felt already from childhood.

    Provoking factors

    So why do some people with "bad" heredity do not develop allergies, while others take a severe course? The first is the environment and lifestyle. Proper nutrition, a good ecological situation, a healthy lifestyle - a guarantee that the allergy will not "wake up". Unfortunately, modern living conditions do not allow eliminating all harmful factors.

    The second point is health in general. chronic diseases, operations are triggers for allergies. A large number of medicines also worsens the prognosis.

    The third reason is nutrition in infancy, as well as the mother's diet during pregnancy. Proved that breast-feeding is effective prevention allergies due to transmission with milk immune cells and creating the correct microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

    How to prevent the development of allergies

    So, is allergy hereditary? No, the predisposition is transmitted. This means that in most cases the development of such unpleasant diseases, like urticaria, asthma, hay fever, you can prevent or at least prevent the occurrence of severe forms.

    Pregnancy and infancy

    Prevention should begin with pregnancy. While carrying a child, the mother will have to give up highly allergenic foods - red vegetables, seafood, fatty pork, exotic fruits, citrus fruits, mushrooms, chocolate, cocoa, etc. If the mother has allergic diseases, you should try to avoid exacerbation during pregnancy.

    The baby must be breastfed, but if this is not possible, then the menu includes mixtures based on partially hydrolyzed protein, since cow's milk protein is the strongest allergen. If you still managed to establish breastfeeding, then you need to continue the hypoallergenic diet until the end of breastfeeding.

    In a room with a child, daily wet cleaning and ventilation are required.


    Complementary foods are required after consultation with a pediatrician or an allergist (if one or both parents are allergic), carefully monitoring the reaction and not trying to speed up the process of getting to know new dishes.

    When the child grows up to the common table, you need to start instilling the habit of healthy food. A kid with a predisposition to allergies should not “get acquainted” with sweets, sausages and other hazards.

    You should also engage in hardening and gradually accustom to physical culture (in order to strengthen immunity, normalize metabolism).

    For adults

    It's never too late to start a healthy lifestyle! If there are allergies in the family, then this attack can overtake at any age. Balanced diet without food colorings, preservatives and additives, outdoor recreation, minimizing stress, activities physical education will serve as a good protection against allergic diseases.

    One of the factors predisposing to a particular type of allergy is genetic inheritance. Hypersensitivity to the same allergens among blood relatives is called atopic (hereditary) allergy.
    If both parents are allergic, the risk of the child's disease reaches 75-85%. If only one of the parents suffers from allergic diseases, the probability of their occurrence in a child is 30-40% (the tendency to allergies is more often transmitted from the mother, not from the father).
    Genetic predisposition, as you pointed out, is far from the only one. significant reason disease development. Allergies can be based not only on congenital, but also on acquired defects in the functioning of the immune system. Their reasons are often the following.

    Unfavorable ecological situation and living conditions (frequent use of household chemicals), harmful production, stress, poor quality of water and food.
    Lifestyle. Exacerbation and manifestation of symptoms of allergic diseases contributes to fatigue, frequent lack of sleep, bad habits. Even passive smoking can exacerbate allergies; if the person himself smokes, the likelihood of developing an allergy respiratory tract increases by about 30%.

    General health. Any infectious diseases, burns, injuries and surgical operations(even as minor as tooth extraction) make the body defenseless against foreign substances; some of which are potential allergens.


    According to medical research, if the baby's parents are not allergic, the likelihood of developing an allergy is only fifteen percent. And if one of the parents has this pathology, then allergic reactions pass from person to person in forty-five percent of cases.

    The most commonly transmitted diseases in this case are:

    • bronchial asthma;
    • hereditary atopic dermatitis;
    • allergic rhinitis.

    But at the same time, some people believe that the hereditary form is precisely the reaction of the body to the same allergens as the parents. In fact, an allergic reaction can be triggered by completely different foods or substances.

    But an interesting fact is that some children may not have allergies, even if the parents have an allergic reaction. That is, the transfer function simply will not be implemented, but not everything is so simple here. In this case, the decisive factors are lifestyle and environment.

    Thus, if a child has a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle since childhood, then an allergy that is inherited may never wake up.

    It must be borne in mind that it is not the allergy itself that can be transmitted, but only a predisposition to it.

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    Allergy in last years more and more confidently takes a leading position in the structure of morbidity. According to various sources, now in the world from 25 to 40% of the population suffers from one form or another of allergies, and more and more often allergic reactions occur in severe form.

    The causes of allergies are still not fully understood by doctors, but it is clear that environmental factors play a huge role in the development of the disease: water and air pollution, poor nutrition, especially the use of foods with a huge number of various chemical additives, bad habits, primarily smoking . Speaking about the causes of this formidable disease, it is also important to understand whether allergies are inherited?

    The role of hereditary factors in the development of allergies

    At present, it has been reliably established that it is not the allergy itself that is inherited, but the predisposition to its occurrence. According to medical statistics, the likelihood of an allergy in a child is about 30% if one of the parents suffers from allergies, and about 60-70% if both. If none of the parents, as well as grandparents, had allergies, then in children this disease occurs in about 10% of cases.

    At the same time, the tendency to a certain form of allergy and sensitivity to specific allergens is not inherited. That is, if, for example, a mother suffers from allergic rhinitis caused by the pollen of a particular plant, then the child's allergy does not necessarily manifest itself in the same form. It is possible that he will calmly tolerate the pollen of this plant, but have a strong skin reaction to some kind of food allergen.

    To understand why this happens, we must remember the mechanism of development of allergies. Allergic reactions occur due to an increase in the permeability of histohematological barriers, which makes it much easier for allergens to penetrate the blood and tissues of the patient, a high reactivity of the immune system, which leads to inadequate production of antibodies. It is these factors that determine the predisposition to allergies that can be inherited, and what exactly, which allergen, will serve as the trigger for the process, and in what form the allergy will proceed, and whether it will appear at all, depends on the combination, one might say random, many factors. Which, however, in most cases, we can quite manage.

    What can be done to prevent allergies from being passed on to a child?

    As you can see, we practically cannot influence the fact that the tendency to allergies is not transmitted to the child. But to dramatically increase the likelihood that even if there is a hereditary predisposition to the development of allergies, the child would not suffer from the manifestations of this disease, dad and mom are quite capable. What needs to be done for this?

    First, carefully prepare for pregnancy and conception.

    • Parents should lead a healthy lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, if any. It is very important for both parents to quit smoking at least six months before the intended conception.
    • If possible, avoid exposure to industrial and household hazards, again, to both parents:
      • If you work at some chemical plant or other hazardous industry, try if not to change jobs (it is clear that this advice is much easier to give than to do), then at least move to some less dangerous area. And, again, at least six months before the planned moment of conception.
      • If your apartment windows face a busy highway or factory chimneys, do your best to breathe in as little polluted air as possible. If it is not possible to change an apartment, then try to spend as much time as possible in the country, in the village with your grandmother, or at least walk more often in parks and squares.
      • Use household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumes as little as possible. Although all these funds have all sorts of certificates and other complete sets of documents proclaiming their absolute safety, in reality, not everything is so rosy...
      • In no case do not start repairs in the apartment during pregnancy, preparation for it and in the first months of a child's life.

    The period of pregnancy and lactation is very important. It has been proven that it is during pregnancy that the child's allergization very often occurs. To avoid this, you need to:

    • even more carefully avoid industrial and household hazards and bad habits (for specific tips, see a little higher);
    • avoid exposure to tobacco smoke. Not only active, but also passive smoking is extremely harmful, and not only when dad smokes right in the apartment, but also when smoke enters the apartment, for example, from neighbors smoking in the stairwell or on the balcony;
    • eat right, adhering to a hypoallergenic diet or at least excluding from the diet the most allergenic foods and, especially, foods stuffed with all sorts of chemicals and food additives (dyes, preservatives, flavors ...);
    • if the mother suffers from allergies, by all means avoid exacerbation of the disease, the appearance of allergic reactions during pregnancy and lactation.

    Strengthen your immunity, lead a healthy lifestyle, stay away from harmful industries, highways and smokers, and you will dramatically increase the chances that your child will be born healthy and will not suffer from allergies and many other diseases all his life!

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    One of the factors predisposing to a particular type of allergy is genetic inheritance. Hypersensitivity to the same allergens among blood relatives is called atopic (hereditary) allergy.

    If both parents are allergic, the risk of the child's disease reaches 75-85%. If only one of the parents suffers from allergic diseases, the probability of their occurrence in a child is 30-40% (the tendency to allergies is more often transmitted from the mother, not from the father).

    Genetic predisposition, as you pointed out, is far from the only significant reason for the development of the disease. Allergies can be based not only on congenital, but also on acquired defects in the functioning of the immune system. Their reasons are often the following.

    Unfavorable ecological situation and living conditions (frequent use of household chemicals), harmful production, stress, poor quality of water and food.

    Lifestyle. Exacerbation and manifestation of symptoms of allergic diseases contributes to fatigue, frequent lack of sleep, bad habits. Even passive smoking can exacerbate allergies; if the person himself smokes, the likelihood of developing respiratory allergies increases by about 30%.

    Liver diseases. After suffering hepatitis, cholecystitis or giardiasis, the liver cannot fully provide the cleansing function of the body.

    Is there a hereditary allergy? How much does the appearance of allergic pathologies depend on the presence of such in parents and even distant relatives? Due to the increase in the incidence, scientists have come to grips with these issues. Of course, allergies cannot be attributed to hereditary ailments, but the role of continuity in the development of the disease is extremely high.

    According to studies, if neither parent suffers from allergies, then the incidence of the disease in children is about 10-20%, if one parent suffers, the risk increases to 40-50%, if both - up to 80%. This pattern is most clearly observed in diseases such as atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and hay fever.

    What genes are responsible for the development of allergies?

    The transmission of predisposition to allergies and atopy has been proven. Genes that affect three groups of factors are responsible for this:

    1. synthesis of immunoglobulin E;
    2. cellular cooperation underlying all types of allergic reactions;
    3. non-immunological mechanisms that play a role in the biochemical and pathophysiological stage of reactions.

    This explains the appearance of allergies in close relatives to various factors - food, pollen, etc. In studies conducted on identical twins, it turned out that most have a reaction to the same allergens, but about 30% suffered from different forms of the disease.

    Thus, from parents (as well as previous generations) genes are able to be transmitted, when activated, the risk of allergies increases many times over. With a successful combination of circumstances, genes can “sleep” all their lives, and under less favorable conditions, they can begin to make themselves felt from childhood.

    Provoking factors

    So why do some people with “bad” heredity do not develop allergies, while others take a severe course? The first is the environment and lifestyle. Proper nutrition, good environmental conditions, a healthy lifestyle are a guarantee that allergies will not “wake up”. Unfortunately, modern living conditions do not allow eliminating all harmful factors.

    The second point is health in general. Chronic diseases, operations are triggers for allergies. A large number of drugs also worsens the prognosis.

    The third reason is nutrition in infancy, as well as the mother's diet during pregnancy. It has been proven that breastfeeding is an effective prevention of allergies due to the transfer of immune cells with milk and the creation of the correct microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

    How to prevent the development of allergies

    So, is allergy hereditary? No, the predisposition is transmitted. So, in most cases, the development of such unpleasant diseases as urticaria, asthma, pollinosis can be prevented or at least prevent the occurrence of severe forms.

    Pregnancy and infancy

    Prevention should begin with pregnancy. While carrying a child, the mother will have to give up highly allergenic foods - red vegetables, seafood, fatty pork, exotic fruits, citrus fruits, mushrooms, chocolate, cocoa, etc. If the mother has allergic diseases, you should try to avoid exacerbation during pregnancy.

    The baby must be breastfed, but if this is not possible, then the menu includes mixtures based on partially hydrolyzed protein, since cow's milk protein is the strongest allergen. If you still managed to establish breastfeeding, then you need to continue the hypoallergenic diet until the end of breastfeeding.

    In a room with a child, daily wet cleaning and ventilation are required.

    Complementary foods are required after consultation with a pediatrician or an allergist (if one or both parents are allergic), carefully monitoring the reaction and not trying to speed up the process of getting to know new dishes.

    When the child grows up to the common table, you need to start instilling the habit of healthy food. A kid with a predisposition to allergies should not “get acquainted” with sweets, sausages and other hazards.

    You should also engage in hardening and gradually accustom to physical culture (in order to strengthen immunity, normalize metabolism).

    For adults

    It's never too late to start a healthy lifestyle! If there are allergies in the family, then this attack can overtake at any age. A balanced diet without food dyes, preservatives and additives, outdoor recreation, minimizing stress, physical education will serve as a good protection against allergic diseases.

    • Allergy 325
      • Allergic stomatitis 1
      • Anaphylactic shock 5
      • Urticaria 24
      • Quincke's edema 2
      • Pollinosis 13
    • Asthma 39
    • Dermatitis 245
      • Atopic dermatitis 25
      • Neurodermatitis 20
      • Psoriasis 63
      • Seborrheic dermatitis 15
      • Lyell's syndrome 1
      • Toxidermia 2
      • Eczema 68
    • General symptoms 33
      • Runny nose 33

    Full or partial reproduction of site materials is possible only if there is an active indexed link to the source. All materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate, recommendations should be given by the attending physician during an internal consultation.

    Are allergies hereditary?

    Allergy >> Heredity

    Scientists have found that allergic diseases are not hereditary, in which the gene that causes a painful condition is transmitted directly from parents to offspring. However, the possibility of hereditary predisposition to allergy development exists, and doctors and patients have to reckon with this.

    Of course, we are not able to influence the conditions of existence years before a person was born, but we not only can, but we are obliged to take them into account; in addition, it is possible to trace the possibility of an allergenic effect of certain living conditions of a sick person in the past. Suppose our patient Vera's father suffers from some kind of allergic disease (or mother, or even both parents). Therefore, the Faith cannot be considered protected from allergies in the future, although this is not required. It is also necessary to take into account the age at which Vera's parents developed allergic diseases (allergies are less common in old age).

    Sometimes it happens that the parents of the patient did not suffer from allergies, but in a number of previous generations, both on the father's side and on the mother's side, there were allergic reactions. This can explain the appearance of allergic diseases in grandchildren (the so-called genetic predisposition to the disease). Does this mean that with such heredity a person must get allergic? Of course not. It also depends on living conditions, the nature of nutrition and many other factors. But at the same time, such a person is more likely to develop a disease, and therefore he needs to carry out preventive measures more persistently than other people.

    Let's go back to Vera. Suppose that her father suffers from bronchial asthma, and her mother has a food allergy. Does this mean that Vera will inherit from them both bronchial asthma and food allergies? Far from it. Specific allergic diseases are not inherited at all, only the body's ability in principle to respond to contact with allergens is inherited. These allergens can be any other substances, completely different from those that caused allergies both dad and mom. And the disease can be different, say, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, eczema.

    To illustrate this situation, let us follow the development of the disease in each member of the family. Mom, for example, is allergic to milk and dairy products, dad has bronchial asthma, which manifests itself during the flowering period of trees (for example, birch or alder), their son has an allergic skin rash when he puts on a wool sweater, and the daughter is healthy . All these various manifestations of allergies indicate that it is not the disease that is inherited, but the body's ability to react with the allergen.

    Is everyone at risk of allergies?

    Scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that the disease is the result of a whole complex of factors affecting the body, but the state of the body's immune system is often decisive. And allergic diseases are no exception in this respect.

    “Every disease has its own organ. And each organ has its own disease, ”said the famous pathologist Rudolf Virchow. If we adhere to this formulation, although in general it is difficult to agree with it, then we can say that a person has a similar organ, which “turns on” the allergic process, giving rise to an allergic disease and allergies in general. Such an organ, or rather a system of organs, is primarily thymus(thymus), spleen, lungs, lymphoid apparatus.

    And so it turns out that the thymus controls, first of all, protection (“immunity” in Latin means protection). The term "immunity" came to medicine from the legal sciences. AT Ancient Rome they said "immunitas" when it was necessary to designate a person exempt from taxes (taxes).

    In medicine, since the time of I. I. Mechnikov, immunity has been called the state of the human body, as it were, “indifferent”, “insensitive”, not exposed to one or another contagious disease. Allergy is a state that is diametrically opposed to the state of immunity. With allergies, a person has a sharply increased sensitivity. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR Rem Viktorovich Petrov even suggests talking about hypersensitivity to certain agents, including infectious ones. That is why it is legitimate to talk about an infectious form of bronchial asthma.

    Allergy in humans may occur to one or to many groups of allergens (pollen, food, dust).

    The multiplicity of allergic reactions is also explained by the hereditary-constitutional predisposition of some people to allergies, that is, the presence of the so-called allergic constitution or allergic diathesis.

    Allergic diathesis is caused, firstly, sharp increase permeability of histohematic barriers, blood capillaries, in connection with which allergens easily penetrate through the mucous membranes of the respiratory, digestive, skin and other ways into the blood and tissues of the patient.

    Secondly, at allergic diathesis there is a high reactivity of the apparatus that produces antibodies, that is, the "immunologically competent" cells of the patient are capable of in large numbers produce specific antibodies against various allergens. Antibodies, or immunoglobulins, are currently studied in detail. Depending on their biological, physicochemical properties, there are five classes of immunoglobulins: A, G, M, E, D.

    Thirdly, allergic diathesis is characterized by the fact that the proteins of the blood and tissues of the patient easily attach various chemical substances(drugs, antibiotics) with the formation in the body of complex compounds with antigenic properties.

    All these features, taken together, create in a patient with allergic diathesis a predisposition to a variety of allergies and reactions (urticaria, allergic rhinitis), often combined in the same patient.

    The doctor who found individual characteristics constitutions, which are primarily detected in childhood, it is easier to prescribe an appropriate regimen for him, and, if necessary, prescribe an appropriate course of treatment.

    Each human body unique. This was clearly proved by doctors, in particular, immunologists, allergists, etc.

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