Candide solution has no effect on stomatitis. Contraindications for the use of the drug Candide

Latin name: candida
ATX code: A01A B18, D01AC01, G01A F02
Active substance: clotrimazole
Manufacturer: Glenmark Pharmaceuticals
Ltd. (India)
Pharmacy leave condition: Without recipe

Candide is a series of antifungal medications for external use.

Indications for use

Cream (1%) is indicated for:

  • Dematophytosis (diseases caused by molds)
  • Candidiasis lesions of the skin, genitals, anorectal zone
  • Vulvitis and balanitis of candidal etiology
  • Mycosis of nails
  • Pityriasis versicolor
  • erythrasme
  • Diaper dermatitis.

Ointment Candide is prescribed for:

  • With mycoses of the dermis (including forms with eczema-like complications)
  • With dermatomycosis in any part of the body
  • Fungal infections of the feet and nails (epidermophytosis)
  • Dermatoses complicated by an associated infection.

Solution and powder Candide are prescribed for:

  • Skin diseases caused by fungal pathogens
  • Interdigital erosions
  • Mycoses with concomitant secondary infection
  • Multicolored (pityriasis) versicolor
  • Erythrasma.

A solution for the oral cavity is prescribed to eliminate thrush in children and adults.

The composition of the drug

Solutions (for oral and external use) contain the same amount of clotrimazole: 10 mg per 1 ml of liquid. Other components that make up drugs are propylene glycol and glycerol (or glycerin).

Powder Candide: 1 mg of the drug accounts for 10 mg of the active ingredient. Other components of drugs: talc, corn starch, aerosil, flavor.

The action of Candida B cream is determined by two main components: clotrimazole and beclomethasone in the form of dipropionate. Their content in 1 g of the drug is 10 mg and 250 mcg, respectively. Other components of drugs: benzyl alcohol, petroleum jelly, paraffin, cetomacrogol, E218, PET, sodium derivatives E-214, water and other components.

Medicinal properties

The therapeutic effect of Candide is due to clotrimazole, the main component of all types of this antifungal drug. The substance belongs to an imidazole derivative. It has powerful antimicrobial, antiprotozoal, trichomonacid actions. The mechanism of action of the substance lies in its ability to block the formation of nucleic acids, proteins, erosterol in pathogen cells. As a result of this, irreversible changes occur in the structure of the shell, which causes the death of the pathogenic microorganism. These properties determined the actions of Candide and what it helps from. Its purpose is the treatment of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by mycotic infection. The drug acts on fungi of various types: dermatophytes, yeast, yeast-like, mold, dimorphic, Trichomonas vaginalis, etc.

Clotrimazole is poorly absorbed: only 0.5% is absorbed after application. The substance has the ability to accumulate in the upper layer of the epidermis, easily penetrates into the keratin that forms the nail plates. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys and intestines within 3-5 hours.

Release form

Cost - 343 rubles.

Solution for skin treatment: a clear, uncolored liquid of a viscous consistency. Packed in bottles of dense polyethylene of 20 ml. In the package - one bottle, instructions for use.

The average price of the drug is 298 rubles.

Candide oral solution is also produced in the form of a viscous liquid without color and impurities. It is poured into bottles equipped with a dropper, 15 ml each. In a cardboard package - one remedy, annotation.

Price: 359 rubles.

Powder - loose white or pale yellow mixture with a specific aroma. It is packaged by 30 g in tight polyethylene bottles, closed with a lid with holes. The package contains one product, a leaflet-description.

The average price is 483 rubles.

Candide B is a homogeneous white substance. The ointment comes to pharmacies packaged in tubes of 15 g. In a pack - one remedy, annotation.

Mode of application

The problem areas are treated with a solution for the oral cavity 3-4 times a day. The dosage of the agent for one procedure is from 10 to 20 drops (or ½-1 ml). Relief of the condition usually occurs 3-6 days after the first use of drugs. Treatment is carried out until the symptoms disappear completely.

How to use Candide from thrush in the mouth in children should be determined by the pediatrician, since the manufacturer did not indicate the age category for babies. In the case of prescribing medication, the procedure should be carried out after feeding. On a cotton swab or a finger wrapped in gauze, drip the right amount of drugs and carefully lubricate the affected areas in oral cavity child. It is recommended to carry out 2-3 manipulations per day. To achieve a guaranteed success of treatment, it is recommended to treat the mammary glands of the mother with the solution.

Candida in solution, according to the instructions for use, treat the damaged areas of the dermis twice a day. After improving the condition, continue to apply the medicine for prophylactic purposes for several more days.

Candide powder should be applied twice a day to pre-cleansed and dried skin. In addition, they are treated with shoes and clothes if they are adjacent to the affected areas. It is also used in combination with a skin cream or solution. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually for each patient - depending on the severity of the condition. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to use powder to consolidate the result of treatment and prevent the return of the infection. On average, the duration of application of the powder is from 3 to 4 weeks.

Cream Candide B instructions for use recommends applying twice a day (preferably in the morning and before bedtime). problem areas (including hairy part head) must first be washed and dried, then spread with a thin layer, gently rubbing the preparation. After the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease, use Candide cream, according to the instructions, it takes a few more days to consolidate the effect of the treatment and prevent the symptoms from returning.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Clinical studies of the properties of the drug and experiments have not shown the negative impact of Candida components on the development of the fetus. However, it is not recommended to use any pharmaceutical form of drugs in the first trimester. The possibility and necessity of prescribing an antifungal agent in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters is determined individually. The course of therapy in this case should be monitored by physicians.

It is advisable for lactating women to refrain from using Candida. If it is not possible to replace it with another drug, then it is recommended to suspend breastfeeding for the duration of therapy.


All types of Candida cannot be used for treatment if the patient has an increased susceptibility to the components during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Candide ointment, solution and powder, according to the instructions for use, are contraindicated in:

  • Skin tuberculosis
  • chickenpox
  • Herpes simplex
  • syphilis
  • Dermal reactions after vaccination.

Precautionary measures

Candide preparations are intended only for external and local treatment. During the procedures, do not allow drugs to get into the eyes. If this happens, it is necessary to rinse them with water, and in case of development of painful symptoms, contact an ophthalmologist.

Only a pediatrician can prescribe Candide for newborns and children under 2 years of age.

When using Candida B, it must be borne in mind that it contains glucocorticoids. If you use the cream on large areas of the body or in occlusive dressings, the risk of systemic absorption increases. After applying tight bandages that do not allow air to pass through, skin reactions occur in the form of a rash, folliculitis, or pyoderma.

Cross-drug interactions

When combining drugs with drugs containing natamycin or nystatin, the effectiveness of clotrimazole may decrease. In turn, it weakens the effect of the antifungal drug Amphotericin B and other polyene antibiotics.

Side effects

Medication in the form of a solution for the oral cavity is perceived by the body, as a rule, normally. In people with hypersensitivity to the constituent components, side effects- redness of the mucous membrane, burning or tingling at the treatment site, urticaria. In these cases, drugs should be canceled and a doctor should be consulted about further therapy.

The use of a solution for external use can cause swelling of the mucous membranes of the vagina, discharge, frequent urination, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, pain during sexual contact, burning in the vagina or penis.

Candide B is well accepted by the body. In rare cases, in addition to burning and tingling at the site of application, acne, stretch marks, decreased dermal tone, hypopigmentation, and hypertrichosis may develop.


All Candide preparations have low absorption, so the possibility of overdose is extremely small. It is assumed that it can be in the form of enhanced side effects.

If swallowed a large number solution:

  • Nausea, bouts of vomiting
  • Gastralgia
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Lethargy, drowsiness
  • skin allergy
  • hallucinations.

When these signs appear, it is necessary to wash the stomach, in severe cases, specific treatment is prescribed.

Terms and conditions of storage

Drugs should be kept in places protected from light and sources of moisture. Storage temperature - from 2 to 25 °C. Shelf life of the powder is 4 years from the date of issue, creams and solutions - 3 years.



Italfarmaco (Italy)

Price: solution - 146 rubles.

A series of preparations based on econazole nitrate. Available in the form vaginal suppositories, creams for the treatment of the oral cavity and skin, powder, solution. Used in the treatment of fungal infections.


  • Multiple Forms
  • Strong action.


  • Not always available in pharmacies.


If a fungal infection has been diagnosed, then Candide can be used for treatment - instructions for use for children indicate a certain dose of the drug, which relieves the symptoms of thrush on the skin or mucous membrane. In infants, this pathology is considered very common. common cause fungal disease favors attack various types fungi. Candida from thrush is represented by several convenient forms, several of which are allowed for use in children.

Candide for children

This is the name of one of the effective antifungal agents, which is often used to treat diseases caused by fungi of the genus Candida or Malassezia. The advantage of this drug over other similar drugs is practically complete absence side effects. For this reason, the medication is allowed even for pregnant women and newborn babies. In addition, the drug, due to its high absorption, is characterized by a very fast effect. The effect of the drug can be seen already on the 3rd day after the start of use.

Composition and form of release

There are several forms of release of Candida, but not all of them are intended for children. The main substance is clotrimazole in different concentrations. The list of excipients is determined by the form of release of the drug. The table describes the composition of the drug in more detail:

Release form

Concentration active component


Short description

Cream, gel

white vaseline;

liquid paraffin;

emulsion cetomacrogol wax;

propylene glycol;

sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate;

purified water;

benzyl alcohol;

methyl parahydroxybenzoate;

sodium hydrogen phosphate

Represents a homogeneous substance white color, which is sold in tubes of 20 g

propylene glycol;


It looks like a colorless, transparent liquid with a viscous consistency. Sold in bottles of 15 g

Powder for external use (powder)

corn starch;

colloidal dioxide;

purified talc;

cosmetic fragrance

White powder, produced in bottles of 30 g

vaginal tablets

purified talc;


sodium carboxymethyl starch;

magnesium stearate;


Available in packs of 6

The mechanism of action of the drug

The medicine has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Additionally, it has a trichomonacid and antiprotozoal effect. Clotrimazole is an imidazole derivative. The antimycotic effect is due to a violation of the synthesis of ergosterol in the membrane of fungal cells. The result - its permeability is disturbed, and the causative agent of candidiasis dies.

In low concentration active substance has a fungicidal effect. It consists in interaction with peroxidase and mitochondrial enzymes. This leads to an increase in the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, due to which the bacterial cells die. The drug exhibits a fungistatic effect against the following microorganisms:

  • dermatomycetes, including trichophytons and microsporums;
  • yeast-like and mold fungi, including Candida fungus;
  • causative agents of multi-colored lichen;
  • gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Indications for use

Each form of release of the drug has its own indications for use. Candide solution for newborns is used to treat thrush and stomatitis of candidal origin. Vaginal tablets help treat infections and superinfections of the genital organs, which are caused by microorganisms sensitive to clotrimazole. In general, Candide is used for:

  • superficial candidiasis;
  • mycoses;
  • candidal paronychia;
  • candidal vulvitis;
  • erythrasma;
  • nail fungus;
  • mycosis of the feet and skin folds;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • candidiasis anus and external genitalia;
  • fungal diaper dermatitis;
  • skin candidiasis.

Method of application and dosage

Many moms start using Candide without a doctor's recommendation. This is very dangerous, because the child may react to the drug with an allergy, which in the worst case will lead to Quincke's edema. If during treatment the baby has irritation, then therapy should be stopped. For candidal stomatitis, it is recommended to use additional drugs to help you achieve maximum effect. For the treatment of children, Candide powder and solution are indicated for use.

All forms of the drug can not be applied to the skin around the eyes. During treatment, it is important to constantly monitor the condition of a small patient. This is especially true for those who suffer from liver failure. Other application features:

  • if hypersensitivity reactions develop during treatment, then candidiasis therapy should be stopped;
  • if there is no effect within 4 weeks, you need to see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis;
  • the medicine does not affect driving and working with precise mechanisms.

oral candida

With candidiasis, this drug is used to treat the oral cavity in the form of a solution. About 10-20 drops, which equals 0.5-1 ml, are applied to the affected areas of the mucosa with a cotton swab. The effect of treatment appears 3-5 days after the start of treatment, but therapy should be continued until the signs of candidiasis completely disappear. In newborns, 5-10 drops are used on a surface of 5-6 cm. The multiplicity of application of the solution - 2 times a day. For prevention, the use of the drug is continued for another 2 weeks after the symptoms disappear.

Powder Candide

The powder is indicated for external use. It is applied to the affected areas of the skin up to 3-4 times daily. It must first be washed with soap and dried. According to the instructions, the regularity of treatment is very important. The severity of the disease and the localization of lesions determines the duration of therapy. In general, treatment lasts until complete relief of symptoms. The average duration is about 4 weeks. When pityriasis versicolor the course of treatment is 1-3 weeks, and with erythrasma - 2-4 weeks. The powder can be used instead of the solution as follows:

  • take a glass of water, dissolve 5 mg of powder in it;
  • shake or mix well
  • apply to lesions cotton swab;
  • repeat 3-4 times daily.

Candide for newborns

Indications for the use of Candida in newborns are candidal stomatitis and thrush. A positive effect is noted after the first application. Pediatricians recommend this medication from the first days of life, because the drug does not have a negative effect on babies. The instructions for the solution indicate that Candide is not used for thrush in newborns. Restriction in use is the age of less than 2 years. For this reason, in newborns, the medicine is used only under medical supervision.

drug interaction

Against the background of taking Amphotericin, Nystatin and Natamycin, the effect of clotrimazole decreases. For this reason, it is not recommended to use it with the listed funds. Due to the low absorption capacity of clotrimazole, the effects of other drugs that are used together with this component remain unknown. For this reason, there are no restrictions on treatment with other medicines.

Side effects

Judging by the reviews of patients, the drug is well tolerated, but in some cases side effects are possible. They manifest as the following symptoms:

  • erythema;
  • edema;
  • blisters;
  • irritation of the skin;
  • itching;
  • the appearance of burning and tingling at the site of use;
  • peeling.

According to the instructions for use, vaginal tablets are not used to treat children. Side effects from this form are rare. If this happens, then local irritations of the vaginal mucosa are noted, disappearing after self-treatment. With intravaginal use, the following reactions are possible:

  • headache;
  • burning and itching;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • vaginal discharge, swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • burning in the genitals of a man;
  • frequent urination;
  • intercurrent cystitis.


An absolute contraindication to all forms of release is hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the active component of the drug clotrimazole. The same applies to excipients in the composition of the drug. Other contraindications:

  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • with caution during lactation.

Do not apply powder or solution to those places where there is a violation of the integrity of the skin. This applies to the following types of wounds:

  • scratches;
  • abrasions;
  • bleeding;
  • sores.

Terms of sale and storage

You can buy medicine at any pharmacy without taking a prescription from a doctor. It is important to keep the medicine out of the reach of children. It must be stored at a temperature of 2 to 25 degrees. The shelf life of Candide cream is 4 years, and the solution is 3 years.


Today, pharmaceuticals offer many drugs with a similar composition or effect. The price of analogues is determined by the manufacturer, the form of release and the place of purchase. Among the drugs similar to Candide, the following stand out:

  • Candibene;
  • Imidil cream;
  • Antifungol;
  • Candizol;
  • Solution 1%

    Pharmacy IFK

    Solution 1%

    Candide-B6, tablets

    Powder 1%

Candide is a broad-spectrum antimycotic drug manufactured by the Indian company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. ‘

For the treatment of the oral cavity, Candide is used in the form of a 1% solution for topical application, which is a colorless, transparent, viscous liquid.

The solution is produced in polyethylene dropper bottles with a plastic screw cap with a volume of 15 ml. The active substance is clotrimazole, an imidazole derivative. Glycerin and propylene glycol are used as auxiliary components.

Pharma-cology, -codynamics and -cokinetics

The drug has a local antimicrobial, antimycotic, and antiprotozoal effect.

The antifungal effect of the active substance is associated with a violation of the production of ergosterol, which is part of the cell membrane of fungi, as a result of which its permeability changes and, as a result, cell death occurs.

In small concentrations, clotrimazole has a fungistatic effect, and with an increase in dosage, it has a fungicidal effect. It mainly affects dividing and growing cells.

In high doses, the active substance acts on mitochondrial and peroxidase enzymes, which leads to the release of a large amount of hydrogen peroxide, which also contributes to cell lysis.

Clotrimazole is effective against:

  • dermatomycetes, including red trichophyton, flaky spidermophilus, pathogens ringworm and microsporia;
  • mold and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida;
  • causative agent of pityriasis or multi-colored lichen;
  • gram-positive bacteria, including streptococcus, staphylococcus and the causative agent of erythrasma;
  • gram-negative bacteria such as bacteroids, gardnerella vaginalis;
  • causative agent of trichomoniasis - vaginal Trichomonas.

Fungal strains with primary resistance to the action of clotrimazole are rare, it is not active only initially against Candida guillermondii.

When applied topically, clotrimazole is slightly absorbed through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and has practically no referential effect.

Beware Candida mushrooms!

Candide in the form of a 1% topical solution is used to treat or. The disease is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, which are part of the normal human flora.

They are found on skin, on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, in the vagina, in the intestines in 80% of the human population. However, many do not have any symptoms of the disease.

A short and unpleasant acquaintance

Most often, oral candidiasis suffers. According to statistics, 20% of babies under one year old have had thrush, and some more than once. It is believed that children endure candidal stomatitis more easily.

Thrush also occurs in adults. Especially often it develops in patients who are forced to wear: under them are created favorable conditions for reproduction and growth of microorganisms.

Quite often it appears as a result of concomitant diseases that lead to a decrease in immunity, including HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands.

Thrush can occur as side effect from taking a number medicines: oral contraceptives, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids, on the background radiotherapy in cancer patients. Another cause of candidiasis can be hypovitaminosis and bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking.

At the initial stage, the thrush looks like small white grains localized on the reddened inner surface of the cheeks.

After a while they grow and become appearance similar to cottage cheese. With the progression of the disease, plaque appears on the gums, tongue, palate, tonsils, the skin of the lips may also be affected, itching and pain appear, which intensify during meals.

Successfully copes with this problem 1% solution of Candida for topical use, which needs to be treated with affected areas.

Treatment regimen

10-20 drops (0.5-1 ml) of Candida are applied to a cotton swab or cotton swab and used to treat the oral cavity 3-4 times a day. day.

But some doctors recommend treating the affected areas more often. Improvement in well-being, as a rule, is already observed on the 3-5th day from the start of therapy, but treatment should be continued until the symptoms are completely gone. Usually the course is 7 days.

Candida 1% topical solution is for oral use only.

In a severe form of the disease and the absence of the effect of treatment, therapy in a hospital setting is recommended. Avoid getting the solution in your eyes.

Restrictions and contraindications

An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

The drug is approved for use in women during childbearing and breastfeeding, if the benefit to the mother outweighs the harm to the fetus or newborn.

There is no reliable data on whether clotrimazole is excreted in breast milk.

The drug is approved for use in pediatrics, in which case the scheme is prescribed by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Side effects and overdose

The drug is well tolerated by most patients. With individual intolerance, urticaria, redness of the mucous membrane, burning, tingling and blistering in the area where the drug was applied are possible.

There is also Candide ointment

In this case, you need to stop using the drug and consult a doctor to change the treatment regimen.

At local application overdose is unlikely. In case of accidental ingestion, anorexia, dyspeptic disorders, stomach pains, liver dysfunction, hallucinations, drowsiness, skin allergies, tamuria are possible.

With simultaneous use with other antifungal agents (Natamycin, Nystatin, Amphotericin B), the antimycotic activity of clotrimazole is reduced.

Clotrimazole does not cause mental retardation and does not affect the ability to drive a car.

Word to patients

How effective is the Candide solution for rinsing the mouth with thrush can be found by examining the reviews of ordinary people.

My son (21 days) had thrush in his mouth, the child became capricious, began to refuse to breastfeed. On the advice of a doctor, she began to lubricate the child's oral cavity with Candida solution.

She wrapped her finger with cotton wool soaked in the solution and treated the affected areas. Already after the second time, all the symptoms of the disease disappeared, but the doctor ordered to use the drug further so that the thrush would not appear again.

Natalia, Kazan

At the age of 11 months, a child began to have severe thrush, the pediatrician prescribed a Candida solution. But every day the symptoms of the disease only intensified, and we had to go to the hospital, where the child was given injections. antifungal drugs intravenously. In our case, the drug was useless.

Albina, Moscow

I wear dentures, so I often suffer from thrush. When it appears, I treat the oral mucosa with a solution of Candida, improvement, as a rule, is observed on the 2-3rd day from the start of treatment.

Rosa, Volzhsk

Purchase and storage

Store the pharmaceutical product in a dark place inaccessible to children at a temperature of maximum 25 degrees. Shelf life 36 months.

The average price of Candida in pharmacies is about 250 rubles, it is sold without a doctor's prescription, the pharmaceutical industry produces a number of analogues of the drug, for example, Clotrimazole, Candibene, Canison and others.

The cause of candidal stomatitis or thrush in childhood the opportunistic fungus Candida is actively growing. With a decrease in the immune defense of the child, active reproduction of the fungus begins. As a result of the vital activity of a colony of fungi, a dense white coating is formed on the surface of the oral mucosa, hiding painful erosions. Quite often, in the treatment of childhood candidal stomatitis, the child is prescribed the drug "Candide".

The form of the drug and composition

"Candide" antifungal agent, which is part of the group of imidazole derivatives. In a pharmacy, you can buy a remedy in the form of a gel, tablets and solution. It is the solution of the drug that is used for stomatitis.

The aqueous solution is offered in dropper bottles with a volume of 15 ml. The consistency of the composition is quite viscous and completely transparent. The active substance of the drug is clotrimazole.

  • One milliliter of the drug contains ten milliliters of clotrimazole.

Auxiliary components are glycerol and propylene glycol.

Indication for the use of the drug "Candide"

The drug is used to treat lesions of the oral mucosa with candidal (fungal) stomatitis, provoked by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

The drug in the shortest possible time copes with colonies of the fungus, suppressing its development. It is noteworthy that "Candide" gives an excellent effect even with a significant weakening of the child's immune defenses. That is why the medicine is prescribed for diabetes and immunodeficiency states.

Contraindications to the use of Candide

When used topically, the drug is practically not absorbed by mucous membranes. That is why the tool can be safely used in children of all ages and babies are no exception.

The use of the drug should be abandoned if the child has an individual intolerance to the Candide component composition.

With caution, this medicine for stomatitis should be used in infancy. Since clotrimazole is a fairly active substance, it is highly recommended not to exceed the doses recommended by the pediatrician.

"Candide" for the oral cavity for children

The instruction contains the following instructions:

  • processing should be carried out two to three times during the day;
  • the duration of treatment is two weeks.

The dosage for adult patients is ten to twenty drops. For the treatment of thrush in children, the dosage is reduced by two to three times. But the pediatrician should select the exact rate of the drug for one treatment, taking into account the age of the child.

Improvements in the condition of the oral cavity in babies are fixed approximately on the third - fifth day from the start of treatment. It is not necessary to stop the course of treatment at this point. To consolidate the effect, therapy with Candide should be continued for up to ten full days.

The drug treatment scheme is as follows:

  • Before applying the product, the oral cavity must be cleaned of white plaque. Here you can use soda solution. To prepare it, a spoonful of soda is dissolved in a glass of boiled water. Then the index finger should be wrapped with a sterile bandage and moistened in the prepared composition. After that, you need to carefully treat the inflamed mucosa.
  • After that, the affected areas can be treated with Candide.

With thrush in infants, sanitation of the oral cavity with a soda solution is recommended up to five times a day, regardless of the use of Candide. Treatment with the drug can be performed only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Dr. E. O. Komarovsky believes that any medication should be prescribed by a qualified specialist. Independent application medicines, especially infancy can lead to various complications.

Side effects

Usually, adverse reactions when using the drug in children occur quite rarely. Reviews of mothers who practiced treatment with Candide confirm this.

The reaction to the drug can manifest itself in the form of:

  • irritation of the mucous membranes after application of the agent;
  • burning sensation;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • the product has a rather unpleasant taste and, if it enters the throat, can provoke slight nausea.

If the child has the listed symptoms, then the treatment should be canceled.


The tool may be part of complex therapy, but you need to remember that "Candide" cannot be combined with the drug "Nystatin", as well as medicines from the group of polyene drugs.


I want to tell you about my experience of treating candidiasis in a one-year-old child.

Like all little kids, my son constantly puts everything in his mouth. My daughter was exactly the same, but, fortunately, we did not encounter candidiasis. But my son was unlucky...

One fine morning, I found a white pimple on the child’s tongue, I didn’t attach any importance, but by the evening pimples appeared on the lips and inside cheeks On the same day, I managed to get to the pediatrician, who said that it was candidiasis, and I needed to go to the dentist for treatment. On this day and the next, there was no dentist in the clinic, I again went to the pediatrician, who at first sent me back to the dentist for a long time, as a result, reluctantly suggested that I could buy Candide.

In general, what is a thrush?

This is a disease caused by the yeast fungus Candida. These substances are found in the body of all people, in the mouth, intestines, genital mucosa and on the skin.

What does it look like?

At the initial stage, the thrush looks like small white grains localized on the reddened inner surface of the cheeks. After some time, they grow and become similar in appearance to cottage cheese. With the progression of the disease, plaque appears on the gums, tongue, palate, tonsils, the skin of the lips may also be affected, itching and pain appear, which intensify during meals.

My son already had a white coating all over his throat, as if he ate cottage cheese and did not swallow it completely. The voice became hoarse.

**************************************** COST OF CANDID******** ****************************************************

I want to draw attention to this! In a pharmacy near the clinic, I bought Candide for 220 rubles. I opened it, used it and... couldn't find it anymore. I suspect that the child threw it in the trash can, but I did not notice.

I went to a pharmacy near the house, and there Candide was only 381 rubles. Exactly the same as the first one, just a different pharmacy.

A box in a pimple, I'm so excited that it's for the visually impaired.

*********************** Indicated composition, method of application, shelf life:******************** ***************

Ingredients: clotrimazole, Excipients: propylene glycol, glycerol.

To clotrimazole sensitive dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi (genus Candida, Torulopsis glabrata, Rhodotorula), mold fungi, as well as the causative agent of multi-colored lichen Pityriasis versicolor and the causative agent of erythrasma.

**************** INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF CANDID (I will remove the quote) ************************* *******

Inside the box was a standard bottle, in which drops for the nose and eyes are often found. This bottle has a bright red cap.

Before use, the tip of the vial must be pierced.

The solution is liquid and transparent, almost like water.

**************************************** How to use Candida:********** ****************************************

10-20 drops (0.5-1 ml) of the drug are applied to the affected areas of the oral cavity 3-4 times / day, preferably with a cotton swab.

I can’t imagine how someone manages to apply Candide with a cotton swab. The child kicked and writhed, the only option was to wrap a bandage around his finger, moisten with a solution and wipe everything in his mouth.

The child really does not like it, the taste of the solution is bitter.

Well, now I'll show you what happened BEFORE. The photo does not show the entire volume of the disaster, the most unpleasant was in the neck:

Plaque on the tongue and spots on the inner surface of the lips and cheeks are clearly visible.

Already on the second day, almost all the spots disappeared, I smeared 4 times a day. And on the third day, my son and I ended up in the hospital with bronchitis. We left with bronchospasm in an ambulance, and I forgot to take Candide with me. At the hospital, the illness returned. I had to treat the thrush again.

Now smeared for 6 days in a row 3-4 times a day. The candidiasis has not yet returned.

The tool is effective, it really helps quickly, but you need to be treated for at least 5 days to consolidate the result.

Luckily, I didn't notice any side effects.