Pink and ringworm external differences. The difference between pink lichen and ringworm

Lichen usually occurs in people the immune system which are weakened. But this is not always the case. On the question of how lichen differs from ringworm, you can’t answer in a nutshell.

Speaking unequivocally, almost everything: from the causes of the disease to the time of its course.

disease differences

Pink lichen and ringworm differ in:

  • Causes of the disease.
  • Manifestations of the disease.
  • The nature of the course of the disease.
  • Difficulties in treatment.
  • Treatment time.
  • The age category of persons who are ill.
  • How does the disease begin?

    Pink lichen has an infectious-allergic nature. The reasons for its appearance are still unknown to science. These are almost non-contagious diseases. They usually get sick in the off-season. People who have had a viral cold are especially susceptible. But you can still pick up lichen. Provided that healthy man uses the same towels, combs, washcloths as the patient.

    Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal skin disease. Its causative agent is fungi of the trichophytoid group. It is transmitted during close contact with an infected person. First, the infection begins after a person has touched a homeless sick animal. Further, the disease spreads through shaking hands, general use household items.

    The risk group for contracting pink lichen is young people. Unlike pink lichen, ringworm mainly affects children, with its chronic form - women.

    how it manifests itself

    How to distinguish pink lichen from ringworm? First of all, by appearance. Pink lichen has a neat round or ovoid shape. It has a scaly yellowish surface with a red border around the edges. Ringworm is large, has an irregular shape. The mature formation is bumpy, burgundy in color with vesicular or scaly edges. It constantly oozes pus.

    Both species can be distinguished by the distribution centers. Pink deprive is a multifocal rash that retains its structure, does not merge. Mostly, lichen is located in the inguinal region, on inside hips, on the fold of the forearms.

    Ringworms, unlike ringworms, tend to coalesce. They form significant areas of damage to the surface of the patient's body. They are localized on their own surface of the head or face, nails, hands. Sometimes - cover the nearest lymph nodes.

    Features of the course of the disease

    The incubation period for pink lichen is 5 to 10 days. The disease progresses over the next ten days, after which it begins to disappear. Some people in one season manage to get ill with lichen several times.

    The incubation period for ringworm can vary in length. Usually the disease manifests itself after a few days, but sometimes - only after half a month.

    Grayish or silvery scales appear on the skin. If the scalp is affected, the hair, at the site of lichen formation, breaks. A short bristle is formed. The disease progresses rapidly, acquiring a burgundy color.

    The disease has forms: superficial, chronic, trichophytosis of nails, infiltrative-suppurative. The surface form is the lightest. In case of illness, it affects the hairy areas of the head and face, the surface of the skin of the hands. In cases where lichen has formed on the scalp, we should talk about a deep lesion of the epidermis of the skin. The disease proceeds especially rapidly and brightly. The color of ringworm is especially intense. But after three months, the disease suddenly disappears spontaneously. At the same time, the hair thins noticeably, scars remain.

    Chronic ringworm, as a rule, affects the fair sex, who have problems with thyroid gland, sexual disorders, reduced immunity, peripheral circulatory disorders. At the same time, trichophytoid fungi affect the hairy areas of the head (temples, back of the head), skin, and nails.

    Trichophytosis of the nails has features that differ from the usual development of the disease. Affected nails are cloudy, with a gray coating, uneven at the edges. They crack and peel. The nail plate is either too thin and plastic, or thickened. Lichen does not go away on its own. Targeted rigorous treatment is needed.

    How to treat

    With ringworm, you must definitely contact a dermatologist. He will prescribe effective ointments and tablet oral preparations.

    At home, along with drug treatment, shown:

    • wipe lichen with chamomile infusion half an hour before washing your hair;
    • rub freshly prepared juice of plantain leaves into the lesions;
    • lubricate twice a day with homemade ointment from yellow sulfur and wood oil;
    • a mixture of wood willow ash with vinegar - twice a day;
    • rub lichen twice a day with raisins cut in half.

    If ringworm is left untreated, it usually doesn't go away until after puberty in children.

    Official medicine does not treat pink lichen, as it disappears on its own after a while.

    Dermatologists recommend wearing loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics during illness. Do not take a bath, but wash yourself in the shower using soft detergents. Prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated. Sometimes general strengthening immunomodulating vitamin complexes, sedatives, and drugs that regulate metabolism are prescribed. Mild itching is relieved by periodic rubbing with an acetic solution.

    Pink lichen passes faster if you lubricate it with sea buckthorn or peach oil, as well as homemade oils from St. John's wort or rose hips.

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    Ringworm is a skin infection caused by a fungus called dermatophytes. These fungal microorganisms grow on dead skin layers, nails and hair. They are called ringworm because they leave characteristic rounded blisters and scaly skin on the affected areas. Anyone can get this skin infection. Ringworm is easily treated, especially if it has been seen on early stages diseases. Go to the first paragraph of the article to find out the symptoms of ringworm. If you are looking for treatments for lichen, click here.


    We determine lichen on the head

    Watch out for small red sores on the scalp. As ringworm progresses, small sores with pus may appear on the head. The skin will also be crusted, which will look like a very dry patch of skin that will flake off.

  • Watch closely for other signs of infection. Along with itching on the skin, you may experience high temperature and swollen lymph nodes. When the body becomes aware of an infection, it tries to burn it out with heat. The lymph nodes swollen as they try to pump the infection out of the blood.

    We determine lichen on the body or feet

    Define risk factors

    Anyone can get ringworm, but there are factors that increase the risk of contracting ringworm.

    • If you participate in contact sports, take a shower after the game and learn how to disinfect your sports equipment (clothing, socks and shoes) using bleach or rinsing with warm water.
    • It is also good practice to disinfect bed linen. To do this, you can use chlorine or another disinfectant from the store.


    • If you suspect your pet has become infected, contact your veterinarian immediately and treat the animal immediately.
    • If you have these symptoms, see your doctor immediately.
  • Ringworm is one of the most contagious fungal infections. It is easily transmitted by contact not only from people, but also from pets, its superficial forms without proper treatment can become chronic and even in some cases take an infiltrative-suppurative form, causing a lot of suffering to patients. Provoking factors for the development of ringworm are often stress, some endocrine diseases.

    Methods of transmission of ringworm and provoking factors of spread

    The main provoking factor contributing to infection with ringworm is stress and depression, which reduce the body's defenses.

    • impaired immunity due to stress,
    • skin diseases,
    • injuries, burns, scratches,
    • softening of the skin with prolonged contact with water.

    The patient should be reminded that if the skin is healthy and its integrity is not broken, then even the causative agent of ringworm that has got on the body will be easily washed off with water during hygiene procedures.

    How not to be mistaken in the diagnosis of ringworm

    If a fungal nature of the skin lesion is suspected, a bacteriological examination of a scraping from the focus of inflammation should be prescribed. If fungal spores are found, we can talk about ringworm.

    When localizing foci on the scalp, one should keep in mind the likelihood of a favus (another type of fungus); on the body, ringworm must be differentiated from psoriasis and eczema. On smooth skin, it is sometimes confused with pink lichen, but the treatment of these diseases is completely different. It should be remembered that pink lichen, unlike ringworm, does not occur on the face, hands and feet, it spontaneously resolves after 2 months, while ringworm without treatment can give periodic relapses for years.

    The deep form of ringworm can be confused with phlegmon and ostiofolliculitis. This form is very painful, the patient experiences severe malaise, so it is important to diagnose the disease on time and correctly.

    Treatment of ringworm: how to properly combine local and systemic drugs

    Treatment for ringworm is aimed at combating the fungus that caused the disease. A combination of systemic and local treatment is usually recommended. For example, griseofulvin orally at a dose that is calculated for the patient individually, can be combined with local antifungal agents containing clotrimazole, terbinafine, ketoconazole. Creams, ointment spray, shampoo are applied locally, depending on the location of the focus of ringworm.

    A systemic antifungal drug is taken for 15-25 days with weekly bacterioscopic control. If the fungus is not found in the scraping, the drug is taken orally for another 14 days at the same dosage every other day.

    Analysis at the end of treatment is done three times: immediately after the end of the drug, after a week, after 3 months. Only all three negative results indicate successful treatment.

    If one of the tests gave a positive result, the treatment regimen should be reviewed. It is advisable to prescribe additional drugs to strengthen blood vessels and improve microcirculation.

    Skin diseases affect the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person: in addition to the fact that they cause unpleasant, painful sensations, such phenomena are a serious cosmetic defect. Deprive a person- widespread infection, damaging the skin. It is unpredictable and may appear suddenly, then disappear and reappear with greater intensity.

    General characteristics of the disease

    Ringworm on the skin- a group of dermatological diseases of an infectious nature that affect the upper layer of the epidermis. They are characterized by the appearance of a skin rash in the form of small itchy nodules or spots with signs of inflammation. Lichen is localized in the face, back, shoulders, arms and legs, as well as the scalp.

    Each type of such pathology has its own characteristic signs and specifics of the course. Despite this, there are a number of general signs that are inherent in all types of lichen.

    We deprive become infected through the contact-household way. The causative agents are:

    • zooanthropophilic fungi, the place of development of which is the skin and hair of cats and dogs;
    • geophilic fungi, the habitat of which is the soil;
    • anthropophilic fungi that develop on human skin;
    • internal viruses that do not manifest themselves under normal conditions and are activated, provoking the disease, when the immune system is weakened.

    Physicians who research deprive a person, have not determined the reason why in some cases a person, even being in direct contact with infected subjects or objects, is not exposed to infection, while in others even a few minutes spent in close proximity to the source of the disease are enough for this. However, dermatologists have identified a group of individuals who are at particular risk. These include:

    • immunocompromised people, especially children;
    • those who are predisposed to skin diseases;
    • persons suffering from chronic diseases;
    • people who are constantly under stress;
    • people who take medications from allergies or products containing hormones;
    • persons whose body is often exposed to hypothermia and those who often suffer from colds.

    Advice. Another common reason for lichen in adults and children, - non-observance of personal hygiene and rules for the care of pets. That is why it is important to observe the rules of cleanliness.

    With some forms of depriving the body is able to fight on its own. In other cases, long-term treatment is required.

    Common manifestations characteristic of all forms of the disease

    Symptoms of depriving a person and their severity depend on the nature of the disease, as well as on the reaction that causes the introduction of a fungal organism or virus. However, there are a number of general features that are characteristic of each of the forms. It:

    • changes skin expressed in lightening or darkening, the appearance of a specific shade and formations different kind and localization;
    • secondary symptoms that occur on the affected areas: peeling and dryness of the skin, the appearance of small bubbles with liquid;
    • itching. Combing the affected areas increases the scale of the damaged areas creates conditions for the penetration of infectious and bacterial microorganisms.

    Deprive in the initial stage characterized by a feeling of discomfort in certain areas of the skin, even if there are no visible changes yet. In some cases, an increase in temperature may be observed. If the disease has affected the scalp, a pronounced symptom is active hair loss up to baldness.

    Such a pathology is often confused with allergies. There are some recommendations for how to distinguish lichen from allergies:

    • spots caused by lichen always have clear edges and correct forms, while they are located at some distance from each other. Unlike them, allergic rashes have blurry and fuzzy edges, and merge over time;
    • lichen is not in all cases characterized by severe itching, while allergies always cause severe scabies;
    • manifestations of uncomplicated allergies disappear fairly quickly - usually after the patient starts taking antihistamines. Lichen in humans is treated for a long time, while the disease can recur.

    The incubation period for lichen in humans- from a week to several months, depending on the species.

    Many are interested in the question is lichen dangerous and what it can lead to. The disease not only affects the skin, but also affects the hair follicles and destroys the nail plates. Pus accumulates in the lesions, which creates conditions for infection and the development of pathogenic organisms. This causes disruption of the lymph nodes, which swell and increase in size.

    Advice. It is important to consult a doctor in time if alarming symptoms occur: when lichen goes into chronic form there is damage to the deeper layers of the skin, and in some cases - and internal organs. In advanced form, this disease can provoke the destruction of bone tissue.

    Varieties of pathology

    A specialist dermatologist can competently answer the question of what kind of lichen a person has. In medicine, there are 6 varieties of this pathology, which manifests itself on human skin. These are the types of lichen:

    • pink, which is also called Gibert's disease;
    • ringworm, or trichophytosis;
    • scaly, the more common name of which is psoriasis;
    • weeping, or eczema.

    A specific type of pathology is caused by certain pathogens, so the treatment is individual for individual forms.

    pink lichen

    It - sharp look dermatosis, the causative agent of which was not identified by specialists. It is believed that this form is the result of colds, especially if they were transferred “on their feet”, against the background of a weakened immune system. Allergy is also a provoking factor in this case. Pink lichen occurs in spring and autumn, which allows us to talk about its seasonal nature.

    The specified form is prone to self-disappearance, even if no treatment measures have been taken. Lichen symptoms of this type completely disappear 2 months after the appearance of the first plaque on the skin.

    Pink lichen is not transmitted from the patient to another person.

    At the beginning of the development of the disease, a primary pink spot appears on the skin, with a diameter of 2-4 cm. It has clear boundaries and is characterized rapid growth, in its center there is a slight peeling.

    As the disease progresses, the spot changes color, acquiring a yellow-brown hue. Its shape is increasingly reminiscent of a medallion. It is this characteristic feature that makes it possible to diagnose pink lichen. After 1-2 weeks, a few more spots appear, which are smaller in comparison with the primary one. The places of their localization are the limbs and other parts of the body, sometimes the face and neck.

    Itching as characteristic sign of lichen in this case, it is not always present - only half of the patients feel it.

    The peculiarity of this form of lichen is that it does not require specific treatment. If the disease is accompanied by severe itching, antipruritic drugs are prescribed for local use. In the event that combing the affected areas has led to the addition of a bacterial infection, the specialist selects antibiotics.

    Advice. Even though this type of lichen goes away on its own, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to exclude the possibility of other diseases, the symptoms of which are similar to lichen.


    Trichophytosis is the result of the development of such microscopic fungi as microspores, epidermophytes, trichophytes. These microorganisms are resistant to environmental conditions. Infection with this type of deprive occurs through contact with an infected person and the use of his personal items, as well as when spores of fungi get in from animal hair.

    Trichophytosis occurs more often in children, especially in places of their mass congestion (in kindergartens, schools, camps). It can take different forms:

    • superficial lichen of the scalp;
    • surface lichen smooth skin;
    • chronic trichophytosis;
    • infiltrative suppurative.

    The first form is characterized by the appearance spots on the skin heads in the hairy area. Their diameter is about 1-2 cm, but over time they can increase up to 10 cm. Symptoms lichen on the head consist in the fact that the skin in the affected area is swollen, flaky, the hair becomes dull, brittle, lifeless, which causes bald patches.

    Manifestations are localized on the upper and lower extremities, as well as the trunk, representing round, pink-red spots. The skin in the affected area is edematous, flaky, in the center of the spot there are vesicles that burst and crust over time.

    The chronic form of ringworm is characterized by poor symptoms. The spots characteristic of the disease do not peel off, the skin in this area does not swell. The only sign that allows you to suspect this form of pathology is broken hair in the scalp, which looks like black dots.

    The infiltrative-suppurative form of ringworm has a rapid development and affects both smooth areas of the body and hairy ones - the head, mustache, beard. Spots form on smooth skin, gradually turning into tubercles. The latter, in turn, eventually become pustules. In the hairy areas, the pathology manifests itself in the form of nodules, which, as they develop, also turn into abscesses. Purulent process affects the hair follicles, which provokes their loss. Pus-filled follicles look like honeycombs, which is hallmark this form of the disease.

    To eliminate signs of ringworm in humans, recommend using antifungal shampoos for hairy areas, and ointments with an antiseptic effect for smooth areas.


    This variety is characterized by bright and painful clinical picture. The development of this form provokes the herpes virus of the seventh type. Experts believe that only those who have previously suffered chicken pox. This is due to the fact that after such a disease, the virus remains in the body in a frozen form, which worsens under favorable conditions.

    The first signs of depriving a person- general malaise, headache, feeling constant fatigue, sometimes - intestinal disorders. A manifestation characteristic of this form is tingling and itching in areas in which rashes will appear in the future.

    The disease develops sluggishly, and then is replaced by an acute period. The rash takes the form pink spots small in size, located at some distance from each other. In the future, the disease can proceed in different ways:

    • the initial rash disappears on its own;
    • at the site of the rash, bubbles form with transparent contents, which gradually become cloudy. Traces of blood and pus may be mixed with it;
    • the rash extends not only to the skin, but also to the mucous membranes.

    Advice. Define, how does lichen appear this form is quite simple: it has a specific localization. Groups of bubbles are located in the intercostal space, on the face, along nerve trunks upper or lower extremities, in the genital area.

    During therapy appoint:

    • taking an antiviral drug;
    • the use of antiallergic drugs to eliminate itching;
    • treatment of problem areas with special ointments and brilliant green;
    • taking diuretics to eliminate the manifestations of intoxication;
    • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in order to reduce pain.

    Pityriasis versicolor

    Such a disease occurs as a result of the activity of an opportunistic yeast-like fungus, which under normal conditions is present in the body of 90% of people. It passes into a pathogenic form under specific conditions, among which are excessive sweating, malnutrition, and the presence of concomitant diseases.

    The initial stage of depriving a person characterized by the appearance a large number small spots irregular shape that can occur anywhere on the body. They are of any color or are transparent. The skin in the affected area is flaky, in some cases slightly itchy. If left untreated, the spots merge into one large formation.

    It's important to know, how to recognize lichen of this type, because it can develop over several months and even years.

    For the treatment of this form, drugs are prescribed local action- antifungal ointments, soaps and shampoos containing salicylic acid. In severe cases, the reception is indicated antifungal drugs inside.

    Scale versicolor (psoriasis)

    This type of pathology is classified as non-infectious skin diseases chronic course. Places of localization are areas of large joints - knees, elbows. It occurs when the immune system is weakened and the presence of chronic diseases, hormonal disorders, after severe stress. Heredity plays an important role in the development of this form of the disease. This type lichen is incurable: drugs and medicines can only stop the development of the disease.

    To find out how to identify lichen you need to consult with a specialist. With psoriasis characteristic features are:

    • redness of certain areas of the skin;
    • the formation of bubbles with liquid;
    • peeling of the skin, itching and bleeding.

    Depending on the type of psoriasis, the appearance of red blisters with liquid, purple spots is observed.

    Damage to the joints of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities, destruction of the nail plates, damage to the spine and pelvic area - this is what how dangerous is lichen in this form.

    Early lichen diagnosis will prevent an unfavorable outcome. Treatment is aimed at eliminating external signs disease, exacerbation prevention.

    Therapy implies an integrated approach - drugs are used both locally and general action. In addition, patients are recommended such physiotherapy as blood purification, exposure to cold and light rays.

    weeping lichen

    Aquatic lichen is different chronic course. Answering the question about where does lichen come from of this kind, doctors associate its development with disorders nervous system or weakening of the immune system.

    The characteristic of the disease is how does lichen start. This form is characterized by the appearance of symmetrical skin lesions, which are localized in the region of the upper and lower extremities, on the neck, as well as in places where the joints are bent.

    Affected skin is characterized by swelling and redness, at the same time they remain dry. As the disease progresses, the skin becomes wet, bubbles form on it, which often turn into abscesses. The disease is characterized by a change in acute periods and recovery.

    If left untreated, weeping lichen increases the risk of developing infectious diseases.

    Eczema is treated with vitamin, sedative and antiallergic agents. In severe cases, corticosteroids are used - both for internal and for local application. In the non-acute phase of the disease, the affected areas are exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and therapeutic baths and mud procedures are also recommended.

    In any form this disease important to follow the rules proper nutrition. Diet for lichen involves eating a large amount of foods containing vitamin E (walnuts, sorrel, hazelnuts, peanuts, squid), as well as sources of antioxidants (raspberries, apricots, Brussels sprouts, onions).

    The problem of lichen on human skin is so widespread that they are increasingly talking about vaccination against such a phenomenon. Lichen vaccination for humans is not produced, since many types of this disease have an unknown cause.

    Advice. The best way to protect yourself from this skin disease is to strengthen the immune system and follow the rules of hygiene. It is much easier to take preventive measures than to try to get rid of the manifestations of lichen for a long time.

    Lichen- a term that combines a number of skin diseases. The characteristic features of these diseases are papules, spots and nodular elements.

    Primary manifestations of ringworm:

    • Its primary manifestations are presented in the form of a pink-red spot with pronounced peeling. First of all, the fungus penetrates the hair follicle. A white mouth appears around it.
    • After a week, it grows into the hair tissue, which causes it to break 0.5 cm above the skin. Hence the name ringworm.

    Microsporia can affect any part of the skin:

    • torso;
    • upper limbs;
    • lower limbs;
    • face;
    • neck, etc.

    The diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. Microsporia can be similar to allergies, so it is important to contact a specialist in time.

    Infection occurs through contact with animals or objects on which pieces of the hair of sick animals remain. The incubation period lasts from 5 to 21 days. From sick animals, pathogenic spores can also enter the soil. And now it becomes a source of infection. Spores can survive in the soil for several months.

    But if the infection came from a person, then incubation period lasts up to 4 months.

    Human infection occurs through close contact:

    • embrace;
    • kisses;
    • handshake.

    And also when using things of the patient:

    • comb;
    • scissors;
    • headwear, etc.