What does lichen look like on a child's body. Deprive a child

Very often in children, a formation in the form of a rough red spot can be found on the skin. In medical practice, such a skin lesion is defined as lichen. It may consist of viral or fungal dermatoses. Therefore, there are several types of lichen, characterized by distinctive symptoms and treatment.

In order to determine effective treatment first you need to diagnose the type of lichen. Doing it yourself is not so difficult, since each species is distinctive in visual terms.


The risk group mainly includes preschool children and sometimes children of elementary grades. Therefore, parents should be on both sides and each time listen to the child's complaints, examine his body for red spots.

Pathogen and route of infection

Infection with this type of lichen occurs through direct contact with the carrier (animal or human). The disease is caused by zooanthropophilic fungi. Often, infection occurs through contact with the patient's personal belongings. Depending on the type of fungal spore, trichophytosis and microsporia are distinguished. At the same time, a specialist can accurately determine the type of ringworm with further confirmation of the diagnosis based on the results of a cultural study.

Where is it localized?

Basically, the main affected area in children is the head. Sometimes it can spread to the face. Rarely, other parts of the body are affected.

Characteristics of the disease

Initially, swelling of the skin begins at the site of the lesion. After that, a spot is formed, which eventually acquires a red tint. The edges of the lesion are clearly defined. The hairline at the site of the lichen falls out, and white scales appear on the surface. The affected area can vary from one to ten centimeters.

Is there an itch?

The first stages after infection practically do not differ in alarming symptoms, therefore, a lesion can be detected when the hair is combed. Then the child begins to disturb the constant itching. What is characteristic - lichen on the hairline practically does not itch, on the contrary, open areas are accompanied by severe itching.

Provoking factors

  1. Weakened protective functions immune system.
  2. Constant nerve strain.
  3. The presence of injuries on the skin.
  4. Frequent contact with water, which leads to softening skin.

The diagnosis can be accurately confirmed by bacteriological culture. Depending on the mode of infection, the duration incubation period can be from seven days to six weeks.

Video - Ringworm in children

Forms of ringworm

The formSymptomsPlace of defeat
SurfaceThe lesion occurs without accompaniment by the inflammatory process. In the absence of effective treatment, spots can quickly increase.Mostly localized on the head, but less often can affect the face and neck area
ChronicSpots up to one centimeter in diameter are formed and are characterized by the appearance of black dots inside. The hue of the lesion site can change throughout the course of the disease from pink to bluish. The skin becomes unaesthetic. Severe itching appearsIn children, this subspecies of lichen affects the temporal zone, sometimes the back of the head. From parts of the body - buttocks, palms. In medical practice, there are frequent cases of damage to the nails
DeepInfection occurs exclusively through contact with a sick animal. The disease begins to manifest itself with an increase in body temperature, then the child develops skin rashes. On palpation, enlarged lymph nodes can be felt. The lesion occurs in the form of large red spots with purulent inflammation. Wound healing can take several monthsMainly the head (especially in the hairline)

Effective treatment

Therapy for a child should be prescribed by a dermatologist after a detailed examination. Treatment will consist of antifungal medicines.

  1. Ointments. Antifungal agents such as Tolnaftat, Mikoseptin.
  2. Antiseptic solution. Alternatively, you can use salicylic acid with 5% iodine solution.
  3. Tablet medicines. This type of treatment is prescribed for a chronic form of the disease or an extensive lesion. Tablets are considered the most effective Griseofulvin. The treatment regimen is determined strictly by the doctor.
  4. Immunomodulators. It is very important to take during the course chronic form as well as acute injury (Likopid, Radiola Extract, Imunofan).
  5. Folk remedies. Can be used as local therapy as adjuvant treatment. Must be agreed with a dermatologist.


This type of lesion is defined by experts as a skin disease. Scientists have not yet come to an exact opinion about the pathogen, but in general it is believed that pink lichen provokes a virus. There is an ailment due to frequent stress or hypothermia.

Where is it localized?

For pink lichen, the manifestation on the head is not typical. It is localized only on the back, in the chest area, on the bend of the elbow and knees.

Characteristics of the lesion

Initially, lichen begins to appear as light brown spots. The spot has a clear oval shape, peels off and spreads further. In the absence of therapy, the spots increase markedly in size. If we talk about color deprivation, then the affected areas can become discolored under the influence of sunlight, which does not happen with pink deprive. Itching may worsen after taking a warm shower.

Attention! With the defeat of pink lichen, signs of SARS can be observed, so it is very important to examine the skin for spots.

How is the treatment going?

This type of lichen is special and requires a specific distinctive treatment. Therefore, there are a number of restrictive actions that are strictly prohibited from being used.

  1. To include in medical therapy antifungal drugs. In the worst case, an allergic rash and aggravation of the course of the disease can occur.
  2. Apply antiseptics. As a result, severe irritation may occur at the site of the lesion.
  3. It is also forbidden to take hot baths, be in the open sun and wear daily clothes made of synthetic materials.
    1. Apply oils to soften affected areas ( sea ​​buckthorn and peach).
    2. You can wipe the skin with antiseptics of natural origin (Romazulan).
    3. To eliminate unpleasant itching, you need to take antihistamines (Zodak, Tavegil, Suprastin).

Commentary of a specialist about the treatment of pink lichen.

Video - Pink lichen in children


Herpetic infection leads to the activation of shingles in children. Children over the age of ten are at risk. In general, it occurs through constant overwork, frequent acute respiratory viral infections, as well as a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system.

Where is it localized?

Lichen rashes appear in the area of ​​​​large nerve trunks. The name of the disease comes from the fact that the lesion begins to crawl from place to place, as if encircling the body. There were cases when shingles appeared before the eyes.

Characteristics of the lesion

The disease begins with the appearance of red spots, which soon become covered with blisters. These symptoms are very similar to smallpox. The duration of the course of the disease is several weeks. Two weeks later, the site of the lesion is covered with a crust. As a consequence, pigmentation can occur.

Distinctively from other types of lichen - a pronounced pain syndrome and severe itching. The herpes virus penetrates even into nerve fibers. Shingles can occur in several manifestations. Light form characterized by the appearance of a small number of bubbles and neuralgic pain. A more severe form of the disease is expressed in purulent formations, sometimes with blood content.

How is the treatment going?

A mild form of lichen, not complicated by rashes, can go away on its own after two weeks. For medium degree severity, the following course of treatment is recommended:

  1. Taking antivirals. Medicines must be based on active substanceglycyrrhizic acid. The duration of admission is ten days. The dosage is determined only by the doctor. Most Popular Tools (Aciclovir, Valaciclovir, Famciclovir).
  2. You may need pain medication to relieve pain. You can take drugs based on ibuprofen. Recommended Analgin, Indomethacin, Butadion.
  3. In case of purulent inflammatory process antibiotics are taken (Gentamicin, Erythromycin, Rifampicin).
  4. As an additional therapy, vitamin therapy and immunomodulators are used (Interferon alpha, Interferon gamma, Inosine pranobex).

Attention! Can not use hormonal preparations for local treatment to eliminate shingles - this exacerbates clinical picture defeat.


The second name of the lesion is pityriasis versicolor. The occurrence of depriving yeast fungi is provoked. Most often worries teenagers due to hormonal changes and misuse cosmetics. Chest, back, arms - the main places of localization of skin lesions.

How is it manifested?

Pink or brown spots appear on the skin. The formations do not have a clear outline and in winter they begin to darken significantly. But, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, they become discolored. The skin becomes unaesthetic with characteristic peeling.

Experts have not yet determined whether this species depriving a contagious disease or occurs under the influence of some factors. It has been determined that a weakened immune system and disturbed microflora can provoke the disease, but infection with yeast fungi from the carrier is not excluded.

How is the treatment?

Treatment is very similar to ringworm therapy and consists of the following manipulations:

  1. Treatment of affected areas with an antiseptic solution (solution of birch tar, Romazulan, celandine tincture).
  2. Reception of antimycotics (Clotrimazole, Bifonazole, Terbinafine).
  3. Severe forms are cured with antifungal tablets (Fluconazole, Nystatin, Pinafucin).

Recommended! To accelerate the healing of colored lichen, prolonged exposure to the sun is necessary. Fungal spores die under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.On tanned skin, pink patches may remain, which will fade over time.

Universal treatment with folk remedies for all types of lichen

  1. Beets with honey. Pre-fresh beets are grated (about one hundred grams) and mixed with one false honey (in the absence of allergic reactions to it). ready mix applied to the site of the lesion and secured with a film. The compress should work for several hours. Compresses are applied until complete healing.
  2. Sea buckthorn oil. Several times a day, the place where the lichen has formed is treated with pure sea buckthorn oil. In order to enhance the effect, it is recommended to take it orally one spoon at a time.
  3. Lemon compress. A fresh lemon is taken, cut into thin slices and applied to the sore spot. Keep it for no more than a minute, and repeat the manipulation after three hours. The method is especially effective if the patient was infected from an animal.
  4. Garlic. A few cloves of garlic are taken and crushed, and then mixed with a spoonful of honey. The prepared slurry is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Applies this method for three weeks.
  5. Lemon with garlic. If you grind one lemon and one head of garlic, mix and apply such a compress three times a day, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms after three days.

Video - Folk remedies for lichen

Preventive actions

Most types of lichen are an infectious disease that can be acquired from a pet, so taking care of a pet should be one of the first points of prevention. Each time, examining all kinds of lesions on the body of a pet, it is necessary to exclude the appearance of lichen. To do this, it is recommended to make it a habit to have a mandatory examination by a veterinarian every six months (especially if the pet regularly walks on the street).

There are certain rules of conduct in public transport:

  1. When you get home, be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap.
  2. Do not rest your head on the headrests.
  3. Use antibacterial hand sanitizer gels.

If a patient with lichen appears among the household, then allocate individual items (linen, dishes, towels, washcloths) to him. As often as possible, carry out disinfectant cleaning in the house using products that contain chlorine.

Do not forget that prevention should be not only external, but also internal. That is, the activation of the disease occurs at the time of weakened immunity, therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as immunomodulators or immunostimulants. By adhering to these recommendations, you can save yourself from such an unpleasant skin disease.

You can also learn about the treatment of lichen in children from the video.

Video - Treatment of lichen, prevention, folk remedies

We deprive the category of diseases of viral or fungal origin. Children are most susceptible to its development, since it is transmitted by contact and household. To find out how to treat lichen in children, you should identify its variety.

Causes of appearance in children

The prevalence of lichen in children is due to the presence of a huge number of factors that provoke the disease. It is easy to get a fungal infection through contact with peers in kindergarten, school or playground.

Sometimes the disease occurs for other reasons:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • long-term treatment with antibacterial agents;
  • excessive sweating;
  • intolerance to hygiene products in contact with the skin;
  • damage to the skin surface;
  • nervous disorders;
  • hypothermia;
  • a sharp decrease in immunity.

Some types of lichen are transmitted through animals. Therefore, families with pets should conduct regular inspection of the animal's coat.

Classification and symptoms of the disease

Depending on the type of disease, the symptoms and duration of the incubation period differ.

Only a doctor is able to classify the disease, after examining and collecting the necessary tests. There are the following forms:

  • shingles;
  • pink;
  • red flat;
  • ringworm;
  • multicolored.


The appearance of shingles provokes the herpes virus. The disease occurs only in those who have been ill. The likelihood of contracting an infection increases with reduced immunity. At the initial stage of development, the symptoms are similar to those of a cold.

If there is no proper treatment, they spread throughout the body. The most dangerous is the location of the rash on the eyes. Its appearance is fraught with a deterioration in visual function.

Gibert's disease

Pink lichen in medicine is called. It is extremely rare in children under 2 years of age. The provoking factor is the transferred ARVI or tonsillitis.

In rare cases, the infection develops against the background allergic reaction and skin lesions. Symptoms include. There are no symptoms on the hairy surface.

red flat view

Spots can affect not only the skin, but also nails or mucous surfaces. Rashes are. Their appearance is accompanied by severe itching.

Gradually begin to peel off. After their disappearance, pigmentation remains on the skin.


One of the most common forms of the disease. A specific feature of this type of ailment is the concentration of rashes on the head, hands, shoulders, face and neck. At the initial stage, the skin surface becomes puffy. Then round spots with smooth edges form in these places.

As the disease progresses, they become covered with scales. Itching does not appear immediately, so diagnosing the disease on early stage impossible. The disease is transmitted not only through personal contact, but also through personal objects.


It develops against the background of an increase in the number of yeast-like fungi. The second name of the pathology is. Symptoms include multiple brown spots.

The area affected by the fungus flakes off and is not affected by ultraviolet rays. Symptoms are localized in the area of ​​the chest and back.

Treatment of the child is carried out in a hospital. This will eliminate the possibility of infecting other people and increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Medical treatment

Having found suspicious rashes in their child, parents think about how to treat the disease. The decision must be made quickly, because the disease is prone to intensive spread throughout the body. For treatment, you should consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe specialized ointments or creams.

For each type, certain drugs are selected:

  • Ringworm is eliminated with iodine and antifungal agents. Iodine is applied to the spots in the morning, and an ointment is applied in the evening. Effective against the fungus: Bifonazole, Isoconazole, Cyclopirox and Clotrimazole. Also use sulfuric or sulfuric tar ointment.
  • Multi-colored spots are treated with Exoderil, Nizoral, tar ointment or Clotrimazole. In advanced cases, additional antibiotics are prescribed.
  • The encircling variety of pathology is eliminated by an integrated approach. To combat the virus, Acyclovir, Metisazon, Wobenzym and Interferon are prescribed. Additionally, physiotherapy and vitamin support are used.
  • Pink lichen is the only type of disease that does not require treatment. Rashes and itching go away on their own. Exceptions are cases of accession of secondary infections. In these situations, antibiotic therapy is used.
  • Red flat spots are treated with corticosteroid drugs. These include Prednisolone, Lokoid, Advantan and Mometasone.

Therapeutic manipulations against the disease in children under one year old differ from the treatment regimen for older children. Initially, the rashes are cauterized with iodine or brilliant green.

Particular attention is paid to strengthening the immune system. The doctor prescribes vitamin complexes. Tar or tar is applied directly to the affected area. Sulfuric ointment. When choosing antifungal drugs the possibility of use by children under 1 year old is taken into account.

A variety of the disease can be determined independently by looking at the photo above.

folk therapy

Not everyone has the opportunity to visit a dermatologist. In this case, the actual question is how to treat lichen in children at home. For selection the best option you can look at a specialized forum. But it should be remembered that the treatment folk remedies is not always effective enough.

To effective ways include:

  • A mixture of butter and birch tar. The components are taken in equal proportions. The resulting ointment is applied to the rash 1 time per day.
  • Rubbing stains with the juice of calendula flowers.
  • Lotions from propolis tincture are applied to the affected area.
  • Rubbing lichen stains with apple cider vinegar.
  • Lotions alcohol tincture from celandine.

During therapeutic actions, it is important to correctly carry out hygiene procedures. Bathing is strictly prohibited. It is not recommended to expose stains to sunlight.

- a group of infectious dermatoses of a fungal or viral nature, occurring with rashes, itching, peeling, skin pigmentation disorders, hair loss. Children meet different kinds depriving (ringworm, multi-colored, red flat, pityriasis, shingles), which have specific manifestations. To identify lichen in children, dermatological diagnostics is carried out: examination of the skin under a Wood's lamp, microscopy of scrapings, virological and cultural examination. Treatment of lichen in children includes quarantine measures, treatment of affected areas of the skin with antifungal, antiviral, corticosteroid drugs, and physiotherapy.

General information

Lichen in children is a collective term for viral and fungal skin diseases in children, different in etiology, external manifestations and course. According to statistics, up to 90% of children attending various children's institutions are affected by one or another type of lichen. In pediatric dermatology, lichen is more often diagnosed in children under the age of 14 years. Due to the fact that some types of lichen are highly contagious and pose a danger to surrounding children and adults, with any skin changes it is necessary to show the child to a pediatrician, pediatric dermatologist or infectious disease specialist.

Lichen planus in children

This type of lichen in children is extremely rare. When the disease affects the skin, mucous membranes, rarely nails. Dermatosis is characterized by a monomorphic rash in the form of flat nodules of bright red or cyanotic color with a shiny surface, 2-3 mm in diameter. Red lichen planus accompanied by intense itching, depriving children of sleep. Merging, the nodules form small plaques with small scales on their surface.

The characteristic localization of rashes in lichen planus in children is the flexor surfaces of the forearms, wrist joints, inner thighs, inguinal and axillary regions, and mucous membranes of the mouth.

Shingles in children

Shingles (herpes) develops in children older than 10 years and adults who have had chicken pox. appearance skin rashes with shingles in children, a flu-like condition precedes - malaise, chilling, fever, burning sensation, numbness or tingling along the sensory nerves, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfuture rashes.

After 1-2 days, on an erythematous-edematous background, groups of vesicles 0.3-0.5 cm in size appear, filled with transparent contents. The rash is located linearly, along the large nerve trunks and nerve branches. During the period of active rashes, there is a high fever, radiating pain along the intercostal and trigeminal nerve, lymphadenitis. After a few days, the contents of the bubbles become cloudy and dry; crusts form in their place, which then fall off, leaving behind light pigmentation. Recovery usually occurs within 15 days to 1 month.

With shingles, children may develop stomatitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, optic neuritis and oculomotor nerves, neuralgia. In debilitated children, shingles can be complicated by serous meningitis, encephalitis, and myelitis.

Diagnosis of lichen in children

Diagnosis of lichen in children, as well as the determination of its form, is carried out by a pediatric dermatologist, mycologist or infectious disease specialist. To confirm the alleged diagnosis, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the skin, special tests, and luminescent diagnostics. Each form of lichen in children has its own characteristics of the morphology of the elements, as well as the characteristic fluorescence of the affected areas with), vitiligo, alopecia areata in children (with ringworm).

Treatment for lichen in children

The treatment regimen for lichen in children depends on the type of infection and the severity of the manifestations. In all cases, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. Infectious forms of lichen require the isolation of a sick child and the temporary cessation of contact with him by other children.

Treatment of lichen in children caused by fungal pathogens involves shaving off hair in the affected area, taking systemic antimycotics (griseofulvin), treating the skin with antifungal ointments, conducting general strengthening vitamin therapy, and immunomodulating therapy. With severe itching of the skin, antihistamines, corticosteroid ointments are prescribed. In case of damage to the flexible scalp, medicated fungicidal shampoos are used. The criterion for cure for fungal lichen in children is a three-time negative analysis for fungi.

Therapy for shingles in children is carried out with antiviral drugs of local and general action(interferon, acyclovir), analgesics, NSAIDs. The foci of rashes are lubricated with brilliant green and other disinfectant solutions to prevent suppurative complications. Physiotherapeutic procedures are very effective for shingles in children - sollux, UVI, ultrasound therapy, electrophoresis, diathermy, magnetic field. With severe pain syndrome, novocaine blockades, reflexotherapy are carried out.

An important point is strict adherence to hygiene rules (regular change of linen and clothes of the child, their washing and ironing; prevention of combing elements; disinfection of personal hygiene items), temporary exclusion of general water procedures, hypoallergenic nutrition.

Prevention of lichen in children

The factors that make it possible to prevent infection with lichen are: complete isolation of a sick child from healthy children; limiting contact of children with homeless animals; regular check-ups of pets by a veterinarian. It is extremely important to pay attention to strengthening the immunity of children, to instill hygiene skills in children.

Treating lichen in children is a long and patient process. Often, the disappearance of visible manifestations does not at all mean a complete recovery, therefore, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the terms of therapy and quarantine indicated by the doctor.

Deprive is commonly called dermatological diseases that have several stages of severity, as well as various reasons origin. Almost 90% at least once suffered from this disease. As a rule, lichen has several types, which depend on the causative agent of this disease.

Types of lichen in children

Before proceeding with the treatment of depriving a child, it is necessary to determine the type of this disease.

The main types of lichen:

  • ringworm;
  • pink;
  • red flat;
  • shingles.

The last type of lichen is the most dangerous of all. Lichen planus is the least common in children. Each type of lichen is caused by certain reasons. Luminescent diagnostics should be carried out before treatment of lichen. In addition, it is also necessary to take a scraping of the child's skin for certain studies. Only after these procedures, the type of lichen is determined.


How to treat lichen in children?

When treating lichen, several important rules must be observed:

  • First of all, it is necessary to limit the communication of the child with healthy children.
  • During illness, the baby's bed linen should be changed as often as possible. This also applies to the child's clothing and underwear. Clothes and linens should be washed separately from other family members. In addition, clothes should be thoroughly steamed and ironed.
  • All toys and other personal items of the child must be disinfected several times a day.
  • Every day in the baby's room it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning. During cleaning, disinfectants must also be added to the water.
  • When a child is sick, it is best to wear cotton clothes and underwear.
  • If the child is small, then it is necessary to constantly monitor the movement of his hands in order to avoid scratching the spots. This will help prevent the rash from spreading to uninfected areas of the body.
  • Swimming should be avoided.
  • The child's body during illness can be wiped with a damp sponge.
  • In addition to all this, it is necessary to resort to hypoallergenic life and nutrition.

Ointments against lichen

Modern pharmacology can offer many medicines that can cure various types of lichen in children. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that some types of this skin disease do not require treatment with ointments and tablets at all, as they pass on their own.

Ointments should be treated only with those varieties of lichen, which are characterized by a viral or fungal origin. For the treatment of lichen, you can use both broad-spectrum ointments and ointments that are designed specifically for a particular type of lichen.

The main ointments of a wide spectrum:

  • sulfur-tar
  • Olethetrin
  • sulfur-salicylic

It is also worth considering several types of other ointments, which are very popular and have good reviews regarding the treatment of lichen.

Systemic drugs

It is also worth considering a few systemic drugs, which are aimed at combating lichen in children:

  • Antivirals. These medicines must be prescribed by a specialist. The most popular of them are: Acyclovir, Kagocel, Viferon and others. These drugs can suppress the vital activity of the virus, as well as increase the body's immune system. Usually the treatment course with antibiotics is about one week. The dose for a child should be prescribed strictly individually.
  • Interferons. Interferons are called proteins that are able to stimulate the immune system of the human body. This action helps to stop the reproduction of the virus. Such drugs also help to produce their own interferons: Anaferon and Ribomunil.

It is worth noting once again that any drug aimed at combating lichen should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the age and characteristics of the child's body. Otherwise, self-medication can harm the baby.

Care for children

In addition to curative actions during skin diseases, Parents also need to properly care for their baby. First of all, this applies to clothes and underwear that the child wears. As mentioned earlier, synthetics should be avoided. During the period of illness, it is necessary to abandon bath procedures. It is also important to ensure that the child does not comb the lichen formations on the body.


In order to avoid a possible skin disease, it is necessary to carry out some preventive actions:

  • Maintaining the baby's immunity.
  • From an early age, a child must be taught personal hygiene and instilled self-care skills.
  • It is necessary to avoid contact of the child with stray animals.
  • Pets need to be taken to the veterinarian regularly.
  • Things for a child are best bought from natural fabrics.
  • Compliance with HSE rules.
  • Gradual accustoming to hardening of the body.


A skin disease such as "lichen" combines several varieties that have their own specific characteristics and development. Do not try to determine the type of lichen on your own, as well as resort to self-medication. The formation of lichen on the skin is a reason to consult a specialist or pediatrician.

Lichen in a child is a whole group of infectious diseases provoked by the occurrence of a fungal or viral infection. These pathologies occur with the formation of rashes, the appearance of a feeling of itching, peeling of the skin, loss of hairline and changes in skin pigmentation at the sites of damage by the infectious process.

To determine the pathology in children, a dermatological examination is carried out using a Wood's lamp, a microscopic examination of biomaterials obtained in the area of ​​pathology development. Additionally, if necessary, a virological study and analysis is carried out to identify the species of pathogenic microflora.

Treatment of lichen in children involves the use of quarantine measures. In the process of therapy, the affected cover is treated with the help of antifungal, antiviral and corticosteroid medications, to achieve the maximum possible positive effect in the treatment process, physiotherapeutic effects on the patient are used.

Children are registered different types lichen, the most common varieties are:

  • ringworm;
  • multi-colored;
  • red flat;
  • pityriasis.

Each of these types of disease has its own characteristics in the progression and treatment.

What is this article about?

Causes of lichen in a child

If we take into account the pathogens leading to the development of pathology, then the lichen found in children can be divided into two large groups - provoked by a fungal and viral infection.

Most often, infection of a child is observed in kindergartens, educational and summer camps, in public places, in contact with various animals, as well as in violation of generally accepted standards of personal hygiene.

Most often in childhood the presence of a ringworm, pink and pityriasis versicolor, in rare cases, a red flat type of pathology is detected.

Pityriasis versicolor and pityriasis versicolor is a mycosis of the skin, which is provoked by yeast fungi belonging to three types:

  1. Pityrosporumorbiculare.
  2. P. Oval.
  3. Malasseziafurfur.

The impetus for the rapid reproduction of these pathogens is the occurrence in the body of diseases that contribute to a decrease in the protective functions of the immune system, hormonal disruptions and genetic predisposition due to genetics.

versicolor is found in adolescence. The most likely area for the appearance of a pathogenic infection is the surface of the skin with a large number of sweat glands.

The appearance of a pink form of lichen is detected after the baby has suffered a cold or intestinal infection, after the vaccination procedure or the transfer of acute conditions accompanied by fever.

Children become infected with a fungal infection during the warm season. The following negative factors lead to the appearance of the disease:

  • weakening of the protective functions of the immune system;
  • lack of vitamins in the body;
  • the occurrence of overwork;
  • development of acute respiratory disease;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased sweating;
  • an abundance of damage and cracks on the skin.

If suspicions arise or symptoms characteristic of the pathology are identified, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist for advice, an examination and the appointment of an adequate course of therapeutic exposure.

The main symptomatology characteristic of pathology

Ringworm is the most common pathology provoked by the rapid development of fungal pathogenic flora. The disease can affect the skin, hairline and nails of the child. The incub period for the development of the disease ranges from five days to 1.5 months.

In the case of the development of lesions on the skin, the formation of rounded spots with a reddish color occurs. The skin is covered with crusts and scales, the process of its peeling begins. Patients complain of mild itching and burning sensation.

In the pathological process, a large focus of baldness is fixed on the hairy area. Near the central focus of infection, the formation of additional areas of damage is observed.

In the presence of weakened health, the course of the disease is accompanied by:

  1. Lymphadenitis.
  2. An increase in body temperature.
  3. Decreased appetite.
  4. The appearance of headaches.
  5. The development of pyoderma, folliculitis and perifolliculitis.

With the progression of lichen and the absence of treatment, a bacterial one joins the main infection of a fungal nature, which greatly complicates the cure and makes it longer.

An experienced mycologist or infectious disease specialist can easily recognize the appearance of ringworm in a child from a photo, and confirm his assumption with a visual examination and identification of characteristic symptoms, revealing the presence of an infectious process, he prescribes adequate treatment.

Symptoms characteristic of the development of a multi-colored form of lichen

The area of ​​formation of pityriasis versicolor in children is hairy part head and upper body. In the initial period of progression in the area of ​​​​hair follicles, the formation of yellow dots is observed, which eventually merge and form a spot. The affected area acquires a pink-yellow color and is covered with bran-like scales.

With further progression of the infectious process, the association of individual spots into large foci is observed. The color of the foci can vary from light cream to dark brown.

The area where lichen spreads does not change its color under the influence sunlight. This property of the skin damaged by pathogenic flora leads to the formation of hypopigmented areas on the skin.

Symptoms characteristic of the pink variety of lichen in childhood

With a typical variety of pink lichen, the child reveals the formation of an initial focus, which is called the maternal plaque. This formation acquires a bright pink color. 7-10 days after the discovery of the first characteristic symptoms there is the formation of secondary foci of rash, having about 1-2 cm in diameter.

As the disease progresses, the rash begins to peel off. Most often, the formation of spots occurs in the natural folds of the skin. The development of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of a weak feeling of itching. The duration of the formation of rashes is 4-6 weeks, after which they gradually disappear on their own.

In the presence of an irritant effect on the area of ​​​​infection, a secondary infection occurs with bacteriosis, which provokes the appearance of complications in the form of purulent follicles.

The main signs characteristic of lichen red

This pathology is rare in children. With the progression of the pathology, damage to the skin, mucous membranes, and in rare cases even nails is observed.

The disease is characterized by the formation of a rash in the form of flat nodular formations that have a bright red or cyanotic color and a glossy surface. The size of the nodules of the rash is from 2 to 3 mm. Progress is accompanied by intense itching, depriving the child of normal sleep.

After confluence, the nodules may form small plaques covered with small scaly formations. Most often, this type of lichen is localized in the flexor region of the forearm, on the hips, on the wrist joints, in the groin and armpits, as well as on the oral mucosa.

Methods for conducting diagnostic examinations

Diagnostic studies for the presence of infection in a child are carried out by a pediatric dermatologist, mycologist or infectious disease doctor. To confirm the diagnostic assumption, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the child, conducts special tests. To clarify the diagnosis using fluorescent diagnostics.

Each type of disease has its own specific morphological features. To determine the type of pathogen, a skin scraping is performed in the area of ​​​​infection. The resulting material is examined under a microscope. The mycologist carries out bakposev on microflora.

In some cases, to confirm the presence of red lichen in a child, it is necessary to do a biopsy of the skin and a morphological study of skin cells.

Differential diagnosis of infectious pathology is carried out in a child:

  • with psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • local manifestations of an allergic reaction;
  • childhood infections such as measles, rubella and some others;
  • nested alopecia.

After carrying out the whole complex of studies and confirming the primary diagnosis, the doctor who conducted the study prescribes a timely and adequate course of therapeutic measures.

Treatment in children of different types of lichen

The scheme of therapeutic measures carried out in the treatment of lichen in a child depends entirely on the type of pathogen that provoked the infectious process, the severity of manifestations and individual features body development.

In any case, the entire treatment process should be supervised by a dermatologist. If infectious forms of the disease are detected, isolation of the patient and a temporary cessation of contact with other children are required.

Carrying out therapeutic measures when a disease provoked by fungal infections is detected, it is supposed to shave off the hair in the affected area and take systemic antimycotics.

The temperature in the room where the baby is located should not exceed 20 degrees, and the humidity should be in the range of 50-70%. It is recommended to carry out daily wet cleaning with the use of disinfectants.

Toys used by the child, as well as his personal belongings, should also be treated with disinfectants. Walks in the fresh air should be done only at dusk to prevent the negative impact on the affected areas of sunlight.

Ringworm treatment

During the treatment period, the affected areas of the skin should be treated with a 5% iodine solution. As an alternative compound, a 3% salicylic acid solution can be used.

After drying the treated surface, an antifungal cream or ointment is applied to it. The skin of the baby is allowed to be lubricated with Travogen cream. This drug has pronounced antimycotic and anti-inflammatory properties.

When treating children older than two years, you can use drugs in the form of ointments such as Clotrimazole, Lamisil and Mikoseptin. In addition, it is recommended to use sulfur-tar and sulfur-salicylic ointments, as well as Lassar paste, with an integrated approach to cure.

With the development of the chronic form of the disease, with the defeat of a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, medication is prescribed in tablet form. The dosage and type of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician, while the dose of the drug is calculated taking into account the age characteristics and weight of the child.

The duration of the procedures, as a rule, is about one month. After completion of the course, a scraping is examined for the presence of a fungus. In case of its absence, the procedure should be carried out for another 14 days to prevent the occurrence of a relapse of the pathology.

To speed up recovery, medications are prescribed to improve the functioning of the immune system. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. Vitamin complexes.
  2. Means to improve the functioning of the circulatory system in the affected areas.

The person caring for the child, after the procedures, must disinfect their hands by washing them using tar soap.

Means to combat pink and colored lichen

In the fight against this disease, the use of antifungal and antiseptic drugs is prohibited, which is associated with a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin in the affected areas during their use.

To eliminate the feeling of itching, the child is prescribed a reception antihistamines suitable for his age group. Such drugs may be Zyrtec or Ketotifen.

If a large area is affected, the doctor prescribes the use hormonal ointments such as, for example, Cortomycetin. It should be remembered that the appointment of any ointment, and even more so hormonal, should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician.

To wipe the infection zone, you can use vegetable oils obtained from:

  • hypericum;
  • wild rose;
  • sea ​​buckthorn.

These products have softening and disinfecting properties. For antiseptic purposes, it is recommended to prepare a celandine tincture or Romazulan solution based on chamomile.

When colored lichen is detected, it is recommended to apply an ointment to the skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bmycotic infection. The skin at the site of the lesion should be treated with antiseptic compounds. In especially severe cases, the doctor may prescribe medication in tablet form.

The healing process can take two weeks or more.

The use of traditional medicine

The most common folk remedy for fighting lichen in childhood is Birch tar. This component is present in pharmaceutical products such as, .

A substance such as propolis has pronounced antiseptic properties. Tinctures are prepared from it, used to wipe the places affected by a fungal infection. In addition, drugs prepared according to folk recipes from birch buds, burdock root, garlic and celandine. Apple cider vinegar has excellent disinfecting properties.