Vitamins for large dogs. Which vitamins are suitable for large breed dogs

In the wild, predators (like the ancient ancestors of dogs) get all this from the carcass of a dead animal (eating meat, internal organs, Bone marrow, fat, cartilage and bone). Domestic dogs are more difficult. Today, the dog eats almost exclusively what the owner will give. But not all dog owners are able to confidently say what exactly and in what doses their pet should receive and actually receive with food, and even more so to explain why a particular component of the diet is needed and how it affects the behavior and health of the dog.

To help beginner (and not so) dog owners understand this issue, let's first talk about the vitamins necessary for a dog.

What are vitamins for?

Modern biomedical science has more than thirty types of vitamins, each of which is of exceptional importance for the process of metabolism (metabolism), hematopoiesis, improving digestion and many other functions, both in the human body and in the animal. Vitamins help protect the body from the adverse effects of the external environment, significantly increase resistance to infectious diseases, contribute to a speedy recovery in case of illness.

However, the abundance of vitamins does not mean at all that all of them and in “horse” quantities must be “crammed” into your pet when feeding. It must be understood that an excess of these active substances in the body is also far from useful. Moreover, part of the vitamins (as well as essential amino acids, minerals and trace elements) your animal receives from food. Naturally, if you feed him with high-quality natural food balanced in composition or super-premium or holistic class food, and not cheap concentrates with an incomprehensible composition or anything at all.

Essential vitamins for dogs

All vitamins in pharmacology are divided into groups, which are indicated by the letters of the Latin alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, etc. The lack of all this alphabet in the body of an animal often leads to beriberi or hypovitaminosis. Most importance for the body of dogs are groups: A, B, C, D, E, F, K.

Vitamin A (retinol)

This very important power component is essential for reliable operation. immune system dogs, it helps to increase the protective functions of the body during hypothermia, infections respiratory tract, digestive tract, urinary tract. Also, this vitamin is necessary for the dog for the full growth of the body (especially for a puppy during the growing up period) and reproduction. To ensure normal operation salivary glands, good condition of vision, skin and coat.

The fact that the animal’s body, for some reason, lacks retinol (vitamin A) can most easily be established by the condition of its eyes, when the eyeballs dry out, grow dull, and the dog’s eyelids become inflamed for no apparent reason. The result is night blindness, when in the evening twilight the dog almost does not see, moves, periodically bumping into objects and trees. Also, symptoms of a lack of this vitamin include weight loss, lack of appetite, and reduced energy in the dog. Woolly dogs become dull, disheveled, hard and brittle, dandruff appears.

Vitamin B group

The most extensive group of substances, numbering about 20 varieties, which is important for the growth of the animal, the metabolic processes of the body, hematopoiesis and sexual functions.

For dogs, the most important vitamins are:

  • B1 (thiamine) - is necessary to maintain water, fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism in the body (thiamine is not synthesized in the body of dogs, the animal can receive it only with food or as part of multivitamin preparations);
  • B2 (riboflavin) - as part of enzymes, it is involved in the breakdown and absorption of fats and some other food components;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) - actively involved in protein metabolism;
  • PP (nicotinamide) - involved in digestion, carbohydrate and protein metabolism;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) - essential for healthy work nervous system (anti-stress vitamin), participates in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, stimulates the production of sex hormones and antibodies (which accelerates the healing of wounds and burns), accelerates the absorption of vitamins of other groups;
  • B9 (folic acid) - actively involved in the regulation of hematopoietic functions, hemoglobin and protein biosynthesis, positively affects the functions of the brain and spinal cord;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) - participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, antibody production, body growth, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps maintain a stable acid-base balance.
A lack of B vitamins in the body of an animal leads to a noticeable decrease in activity, weight loss (the puppy grows poorly and may remain underdeveloped), increased susceptibility to infections and temperature conditions. At pet there is inadequate nervousness (previously not characteristic of him) and problems with digestion of food. In more complex cases, the development of metabolic diseases is possible.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

This is the main anti-infective vitamin. Helps to strengthen the body's resistance to a variety of infections, and also activates the work of enzymes, contributing to the full absorption of food.

Manifestations of avitaminosis (hypovitaminosis) associated with a lack of ascorbic acid in the body are probably known to everyone (at least from fiction). This is the very famous scurvy, when an animal (just like a person) begins to bleed and ulcerate the gums, swell up the joints and disrupt the redox processes in the body. All this quickly disappears and returns to normal (except for the most neglected cases) with the systematic intake of vitamin C.

Such cases with dogs are quite rare, as their body is able to synthesize the necessary vitamin C from meat food (particularly from beef liver) and other foods (with a normal thoughtful diet).

Vitamin D

Promotes the retention of calcium and phosphorus in the body of the dog, thereby participating in the formation of the bone tissue of the skeleton and teeth of the animal, prevents the development of rickets.

This vitamin is especially necessary for a dog at an early age. With a lack of vitamin D in the diet, puppies develop rickets, and adult dogs may develop bone disease - osteoporosis. The optimal source of this important component for health has been and remains fish fat as well as walks in the sun.

Vitamin E

It is extremely important for the functions of the reproductive sphere of the animal.

The main problem that accompanies the lack of this component in the dog's diet is problems with pregnancy and bearing puppies by the bitch.

Vitamin F

Useful for improving condition skin animal.

The lack of this vitamin in the body of the animal worsens the condition of the skin, making the skin dry and inelastic. Possible manifestations allergic rash and increased susceptibility to skin diseases.

Vitamin K

This vitamin is intensively involved in protein metabolism, promotes the absorption of calcium by the body and blood clotting.

The lack of this element in the diet provokes the development of diseases of the intestines and liver.

TOP vitamin and mineral complexes for dogs in 2016

The following multivitamin and vitamin-mineral complexes have taken the first positions in this year's consumer demand, in accordance with the price / quality principle:
  1. Category "Best multivitamin complex for dogs" - "Beaphar TOP 10". This complex drug is able to perfectly increase the overall vitality of the animal and strengthen its immunity. Recommended for both healthy and convalescent animals. And also for pregnant or lactating bitches, dogs with heavy physical exertion. Disadvantages: the drug does not have an attractive taste for the animal, requires additional treats or forced giving for especially spoiled animals.
  2. Category "Best vitamins for dog skin and coat" - "Excel Brewers Yeast 8 in 1". Fully natural preparation based on brewers yeast. Contains all the amino acids, vitamins and minerals necessary for the coat and skin of the animal. Suitable for dogs suffering from allergies, seborrhea, dermatitis and others skin diseases. Cons: none.
  3. Category "Best vitamins for bones and cartilage" - "Gelacan Baby". A complex preparation made from natural raw materials. The product is balanced for the correct growth, formation and functioning of the bones of the skeleton of puppies and young dogs. It is also intended for the prevention of destruction of the musculoskeletal system of older dogs and pregnant (lactating) bitches. Disadvantages: there have been cases of negative effects of the drug on the liver and stomach of animals.
  4. Category "Best Vitamins for Cardio vascular systems s dogs" - "Canina Herz-Vital". A unique drug that strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes arterial pressure and blood cholesterol levels. It is used for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in older dogs, as well as in dogs experiencing great physical exercise. Disadvantages: rare drug; contains a small amount of vitamins.
  5. The Best Vitamins for Dog Bones and Teeth category is Canina Calcium Citrat. Natural complex with good digestibility and fast effect. Designed for dogs of all breeds. Prevents the development of periodontal disease and osteoporosis. Disadvantages: due to the lack of phosphorus and some vitamins in the composition, it requires a combination with other additives.
  6. Category "Best vitamins for puppies" - "Canvit Junior". A well-balanced feed supplement that fully compensates for the increased need of a growing organism for vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Improves the immunity of a young animal, compensates for dietary deficiencies. Cons: none.
  7. Category "Best vitamins for small breed dogs" - "Unitabs DailyComplex". The vitamin complex is specially designed for small breed dogs aged 1 to 7 years. Completely satisfies the animal's need for useful substances, vitamins and minerals, compensating for the shortcomings of the diet. Cons: none.
  8. The Best Vitamins for Senior Dogs category is Excel Multi Vitamin Senior 8 in1.
The drug perfectly supports the body of a weakened or elderly animal, increases immunity, has beneficial effect on the heart and joints, normalizes the condition of the coat. They contain all the vitamins, macro and microelements necessary for an elderly dog. Cons: none.

Learn more useful information about vitamin and mineral supplements for dogs in this video:

In order for your dog to be healthy, active, and have a shiny coat, you must organize a complete feeding, balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.

Consider what vitamins are and what their role is in feeding dogs.

Vitamins - from the Latin word Vita - "life" and amine - a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of a relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature, are necessary for the human and animal body as an integral part of food. Vitamins are found in food in very small amounts. Vitamins perform a catolytic function in the dog's body as part of the active centers of various enzymes, and can also participate in humoral regulation as hormones.

The concentration of vitamins in tissues and the daily need for them is small, but with insufficient intake of vitamins in the body of a dog, one or another occurs. pathological changes leading to the development of one or another hypovitaminosis.

Vitamins are not synthesized in the dog's body, so they must be regularly and in sufficient quantities supplied to the body with food or in the form of vitamin-mineral complexes, food supplements and in pure form. Vitamins are very unstable substances that are sensitive to light, high temperatures and oxidation. Based on this, in the process of cooking, dog owners must follow certain rules in order to preserve as many vitamins as possible.

Based on solubility, vitamins are divided into fat-soluble - A, D, E, K and water-soluble - C and B vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins accumulate in body - liver and adipose tissue. Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body and are excreted in excess water. Fat-soluble vitamins can be toxic to dogs if consumed in excess.

Each vitamin performs several different functions in the dog's body. Here are the most significant ones.

fat soluble vitamins.

Vitamin A - vision, skin regeneration.

Vitamin D is a regulator of calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

Vitamin E - protection of cells from oxidation.

Vitamin K - blood clotting.

Water soluble vitamins.

B1 (thiamine) - nervous system.

B2 (riboflavin) - skin.

B5 (pantothenic acid) - growth, skin.

B6 (pyrodoxine) - cellular energy.

Choline is the synthesis of phospholipids.

B12 (cyanocobalamin) and folic acid - the formation of blood cells.

PP (niocin) - skin, cellular energy.

H (biotin) - skin, wool.

C (ascorbic acid) is an antioxidant.

Consider the most common diseases in dogs caused by a lack of vitamins in the diet.

Hypovitaminosis A.

Hypovitaminosis A - this disease occurs in dogs with a lack of vitamin A (retinol, axerophthol) in the body and is manifested by symptoms of growth retardation, development, a decrease in natural resistance and local immune defense, peeling of the epidermis and dermatitis, metaplasia and keratinization of the epithelium of the mucous membranes and glands, a violation vision and reproductive function ().

Most often, puppies suffer from hypovitaminosis A.

Hypovitaminosis A is often the cause gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases, infertility, congenital anomalies, stunted growth and development of puppies.

Etiology. The cause of hypovitaminosis A in puppies of the colostrum-milk period may be insufficient intake of vitamin A with colostrum, milk or milk substitutes. This situation occurs when there are no vegetables in the diet of pregnant bitches, especially carrots and vitamin supplements. With an excess of nitrates, unsaturated fatty acids in the feed, a lack or excess of phosphorus, a lack of vitamins C, E or essential amino acids. Vitamin A in the body of bitches and puppies is poorly absorbed even with sufficient amounts in the diet brought to dogs.

Hypovitaminosis A may be due to chronic diseases intestines and liver, in which there is no absorption and conversion of carotene into vitamin A in the epithelium of the intestinal mucosa.

Vitamin A in dogs is rapidly destroyed by infectious and parasitic diseases, stress, during a course of antibiotic treatment, and the use of other medicines.

Symptoms. For a lack of vitamin A in the diet in dogs, low milk production in lactating bitches is characteristic, their fertilizing ability decreases after mating with a male, abortions, retention of the placenta (), the birth of puppies with reduced viability and various anomalies (abnormal development eyeball, abnormal development of the limbs, absence of the anus, blindness, deformities, etc.). After birth, puppies often get sick with dyspepsia or gastroenteritis, and later bacterial and viral diseases( , and etc.).

A sick puppy does not grow and develop well. During a clinical examination, the veterinary specialist notes lacrimation, the skin is dry, there is a strong peeling of the epidermis, an eczematous rash is noted, the hair is dull and falls out. Puppies early age hypovitaminosis A is complicated by inflammation of the stomach and intestines, older rhinitis (), bronchitis () and bronchopneumonia (). The first sign of hypovitaminosis A, the owners note that their dog has a weakening of vision at the onset of the evening time of the day, conjunctivitis, clouding of the cornea (). The veterinarian of the clinic by ophthalmoscopy determines the swelling of the nipple in the dog optic nerve. Subsequently, the affected dog develops softening and ulceration of the cornea, followed by inflammation of all the membranes of the eye.

In a hypovitaminous dog, owners often note a violation of coordination of movement, convulsions, paresis and paralysis.

When examining blood in sick puppies, reserve alkalinity, the content of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, lymphocytes and immunoglobulins decrease. In the event of bronchopneumonia and gastroenteritis - neutrophilic leukocytosis.

The course of hypovitaminosis A is chronic.

The prognosis is cautious.

Diagnosis for hypovitaminosis A put in a complex - taking into account the content of carotene and retinol in the dog's diet, as well as the level of vitamin A in the blood and characteristic symptoms diseases.

differential diagnosis. When conducting differential diagnosis the veterinarian excludes B1 hypovitaminosis, hypomagnesemia, lead poisoning () and nickel, table salt (), infectious and invasive keratoconjunctivitis, dermatitis (), as well as diseases occurring with symptoms of damage to the digestive, respiratory and nervous systems.

Treatment. Feeds rich in carotene and vitamin A are included in the diet of sick dogs. With a lack of carotene, aquital, fish oil, vitamin A concentrate, citral, cichol are added to the feed. When the gastrointestinal tract is affected, vitamin A is administered parenterally (subcutaneously and intramuscularly). For this purpose, an oil solution of retinol palmitate and retinol acetate is used, as well as complex preparations of vitamins A and E (aevit), vitamins A, D, E (trivitamin, tetravit).

Veterinary specialists get a good therapeutic effect from the use of vitamin A oil solutions in the form of injections in combination with its external application to the affected skin areas.

Depending on the degree of hypovitaminosis, therapeutic doses of vitamin A and the route of administration for dogs are 440-880 IU / kg of dog body weight (which is 10-20 times higher than the daily requirement of healthy dogs). Pet owners should be aware that it is forbidden to administer trivitamin and fish oil parenterally, which is intended for internal use. Keep in mind that activity complex preparations due to some incompatibility vitamins A, D and E during storage is significantly reduced. If there is a lesion of the skin, the mucous membrane of the eye is indicated topical application vitamin A preparations oil solution, retinol, carotene, citral, fish oil, etc. In the case when a sick dog develops certain complications, sick dogs have to be prescribed etiopathogenetic and symptomatic therapy.

Prevention. In order to prevent hypovitaminosis A in young animals and increase their resistance to gastrointestinal diseases with a lack of carotene and vitamin A in the diet, owners need to parenterally administer vitamin A to mothers 2 weeks or a month before birth, and to newborn young animals throughout the entire milk period.

In the event that you use commercially produced food for your pet, taking into account its age and physiological state, then with proper feeding, the risk of hypovitaminosis A in your dog is minimal. If you use a mixed diet and include home-made food in the diet, then you need to additionally introduce appropriate vitamin-mineral complexes into the diet. One of these complexes is Edalt Multi Vitamin, which contains a high concentration of B vitamins and an optimal ratio of phosphorus and calcium. This drug is intended for daily replenishment of nutrients in the dog's body. The fat-soluble vitamins (A, D and E) contained in the complex increase the absorption and assimilation of micro- and macroelements. This complex will be especially useful for your dog in the cold season for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

Hypovitaminosis E in dogs.

Hypovitaminosis E is a lack of vitamin E (tocopherol) in the body, in adult dogs it is accompanied by a violation of the function of reproduction, and in puppies it manifests itself as a delay in development, growth, muscular dystrophy, toxic hepatodystrophy, encephalopathy with softening of the brain, anemia () and hemorrhagic diathesis.

Etiology. Hypovitaminosis E in dogs develops with prolonged feeding of rancid fats, vegetable oils, lard, butter and margarine, spoiled meat and meat and bone meal, expired imported and domestic dry food and additives, as well as a lack of amino acids and selenium in the diet, with hepatosis, liver cirrhosis () and chronic pancreatitis ().

Pathogenesis. With hypovitaminosis E in dogs, the antitoxic function of the liver decreases, and peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic) occurs. As a result of the accumulation of peroxidase in the body of a dog, profound structural changes occur in the lipoprotein membranes of the most actively functioning muscle fibers, cells of the nervous system, hepatocytes, erythrocytes and lymphocytes. On the same basis, alternative changes occur in the cells of the reproductive, hematopoietic and vascular systems. As a result of the release during peroxidant degeneration of lysosomal enzymes, cell cytolysis is enhanced.

Depending on the age and weight of the dog, hypovitaminosis E causes growth, puberty and reproduction retardation, muscle and liver dystrophy, stomach ulcers, lymphopenia and anemia. In severe cases of hypovitaminosis E, lipohydridic dystrophy of the brain occurs. As a result of damage to the vascular membranes, especially in puppies, hemorrhages appear in the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, subcutaneous and intermuscular tissue. As a result of a decrease in lymphocytes - helkers, the antibody-dependent immune response mediated by them is inhibited.

clinical picture. A lack of vitamin E in adult dogs leads to a violation of the reproductive function: impotence occurs in males, abortions occur in females, embryos die or dissolve, the offspring is born weak and unviable.

In young dogs, the main symptoms of hypovitaminosis E are retardation in growth and development, in puberty, impaired mobility, fixed flexion of the joints when walking, wide stance, weakness of the hind limbs and lying down. In some dogs, owners note nervous phenomena (ear movements, gnashing of teeth, muscle tremors, tetanic convulsions, paresis and paralysis). In severe hypovitaminosis E, specialists register tachycardia (increased heart rate), shortness of breath and edema.

When examining blood, we establish an increase in the activity of aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, succin dehydrogenase and aldolase, and a decrease in the content of vitamin E (below 2 μmol / l), erythrocytes and lymphocytes. Significant amounts of myoglobin appear in the urine.

Hypovitaminosis E in dogs can be acute, subacute, and more often chronic. Sick dogs often die from complications - inflammation of the lungs () and intestines.

Diagnosis for hypovitaminosis E is put in a complex, taking into account the analysis of the diet for feeding on the content of tocopherol, the symptoms of the disease characteristic of hypovitaminosis E, pathomorphological changes and results biochemical determination vitamin E in the blood and liver.

With hypovitaminosis E, the content of tocopherol in the blood of a sick dog falls below 2 μmol / l.

Differential Diagnosis. When conducting a differential diagnosis, a veterinarian distinguishes hypovitaminosis from hypomagnesemia by the content of magnesium in the blood, from cerebrocortical necrosis caused by vitamin B hypovitaminosis in dogs.

Additionally, experts in veterinary clinic exclude toxic hepatodystrophy (), which occurs in dogs due to feed intoxication.

Leading importance in the differential diagnosis is the biochemical study of blood and feed.

Treatment. Treatment of a sick dog begins with its provision with food rich in vitamin E - milk, cottage cheese, meat, fresh fatty fish (cod, mackerel, horse mackerel, haddock, etc.), sprouted grains of wheat, barley, oats, peas. Trivitamin (A, D, E) is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously to a dog at a dose of 0.5-1 ml, tocopherol acetate is administered orally in an oil solution, dragee, capsules according to the instructions for their use. A sick dog is administered 5-10 mg of vitamin E daily orally or intramuscularly. From other drugs, aevit is prescribed (1 ml contains 100,000 IU of vitamin A and 100 mg of vitamin E).

good healing effect has tetravit and fish oil, the course and dose of these drugs will be determined by the veterinary specialist of the clinic. Intramuscularly 1 time in 10 days, methionine is injected subcutaneously with 10-20 ml of a 0.5% solution of novocaine - 1-2 g or tablets orally 0.5-1 hour before feeding, 0.2-0.5 g 3 times a day in within 10-30 days. The effectiveness of the treatment of hypovitaminosis E also depends on the provision of the sick dog with vitamins A and C, selenium and sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine and cystine).

Prevention. Prevention of dogs from hypovitaminosis E is based on providing pregnant females and puppies with food containing a sufficient amount of vitamin E (vegetables, fruits, herbs, wheat porridge, sprouted grains). The consumption of vitamin E decreases with the introduction of selenium, sulfur-containing amino acids, carotene and vitamin C into the diet. When feeding dogs food rich in unsaturated fatty acids, butyric acid and nitrates, the consumption of vitamin E increases dramatically and the need for it increases.

With a lack of vitamin E in the feed, it is recommended for bitches and young animals intramuscular injection 2 times per week combination drug aevit, tetravit or an oil solution of tocopherol acetate in the doses indicated in the instructions for their use.

A good preventive way of hypovitaminosis E is to give fish oil with food at a dose of 10-30 ml per course.

Hypovitaminosis in dogs.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) is responsible for blood clotting in the dog's body, as it is necessary for the formation of prothrombin. Having enough vitamin K in the diet prevents your dog from bleeding. Vitamin K deficiency in dogs is observed when they have diseases of the intestines and liver.

Symptoms. Hypovitaminosis in dogs is manifested by symptoms hemorrhagic diathesis, anemia (). At clinical trial we find numerous hemorrhages in the neck, back, sternum and hind limbs. Dog owners report bleeding from the nose and gums, poorly healing wounds, and the dog's appetite decreases.

Treatment. Treatment begins with the appointment of a diet with food that contains a large number of vitamin K (raw liver, meat, eggs, cabbage, spinach, nettle, lettuce). Of the drugs inside or intramuscularly, vikasol, gamavit are prescribed.

Breeders who give their young pets into the hands of permanent owners always emphasize the importance of their proper nutrition during the period of active growth. We are talking about the presence of vitamins in the daily menu of tailed pupils. In specialized pharmacies for animals today there is a huge selection of such supplements. But which of them should be preferred, and what should be taken into account?

About vitamins for young animals

These substances have a positive effect on the formation of young pets when food (dry and natural) enters their body. For young animals, it is important to receive them daily. So, retinol (vitamin A) ensures the healthy functioning of the kidneys, salivary glands, promotes the health of the skin and visual apparatus of the dog. B vitamins are excellent helpers in shaping the work of the digestive organs, help in the development of muscles, and prevent beriberi. Ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, is the main builder of immunity. It is important during the period when the puppy is taken away from the mother and transferred to independent nutrition. Ascorbic acid protects young animals from infections, colds, and allergies. Ergocalciferol, or vitamin D, is essential for the healthy growth of the musculoskeletal system of young pets, the proper formation of joints and bones. Tocopherol, or vitamin E, ensures the proper development of organs reproductive system doggies.

Targeting large dogs

Representatives different breeds have their own characteristics of growing up and the need for multivitamins. This is taken into account by their manufacturers. In small breeds, body weight increases 20 times during growth, and in large breeds, 70 times. Manufacturers of additives are guided by this feature. For example, large breed babies are more likely to experience bone dysplasia or delayed skeletal development in general. That is why it is so important to provide young animals with protein and calcium. Breeders and veterinarians strongly recommend systematically giving puppies large breeds such multivitamins:

  1. ZooVIP BIORHYTHM. This is a tablet remedy that consists of morning and evening pills. The first in their composition have trace elements that affect the functioning of the stomach, the absorption of energy, and the strengthening of the nervous system. Evening pills enrich the blood with oxygen, accompany the healthy assimilation of food. Collagen hydrolyzate as a component of multivitamins in combination with calcium strengthens cartilage tissue. These multivitamins are designed for young pets 10-12 months old. Their course is designed for 24 days.
  2. VITA-BON Large Dog. The supplement provides the body of active young dogs with the necessary trace elements. The pills contain 23 of these substances, and they themselves are divided into 2 types in a jar: fitness pills and Conditions. The latter are intended to strengthen the immune system, activate the metabolism of carbohydrates, strengthen joints, hair, ligaments. Fitness pills help young pets build up energy. They normalize the work of the heart during its high activity, that is, during training, training, jogging. The recommended course of taking VITA-BON Large Dog is 30 days.
  3. 8 in 1 Excel BREWER'S YEAST for Large. This vitamin supplement contains yeast and garlic, fish oil, vitamins of group B. The instruction recommends that dogs weighing up to 25 kilograms give ½ tablets per day, more than 25 kg - a whole tablet for 14-30 days.
  4. Focus on small dogs

    Small breeds take on an adult appearance as early as 8-9 months. Dogs have a good metabolism, so they need to be provided with enough energy every day. Here are the supplement options for them recommended by veterinarians:

    1. "Welpenkalk powder". A complex with an optimal content of calcium and phosphorus, B vitamins, with manganese, copper, cobalt. Multivitamins are recommended for babies from the age of six weeks.
    2. Vitacraft. Vitamins are designed to support the immune system, the rapid absorption of food, the accumulation of energy reserves, the normalization of the heart.
    3. "V25 Vitamintabletten" - a complex that strengthens the skeletal system and teeth, ensuring the health of the nervous system. Consists of 12 components. The course of taking the supplement is not limited.
    4. 8in1 Excel MULTI VITAMIN Small. Multivitamin complex based on natural ingredients, enriched with Omega3 fatty acids, B vitamins. The course of using the supplement is 14-30 days.

caring for beauty and healthy condition pet hair is a desire to protect the animal from the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms in the future.

But when outwardly the dog seems to be absolutely healthy, and its coat remains tangled, sparse and dull, it may be necessary to urgently introduce special supplements into the diet. What vitamins for dog hair to choose?

When is hair loss normal?

One of the signs of excellent well-being and health of the animal is considered to be a shiny, smooth, silky coat without bald patches and tangles. A healthy animal is also distinguished by a cold wet nose, excellent appetite, playfulness and activity.

As a rule, hair loss is not distinguished as an independent symptom, the process acts as a harbinger or a consequence of rare mobility, low weight, redness and lethargy of the skin, which undoubtedly indicates that the pet is unhealthy. Hair loss in a dog is a good reason for an urgent visit to the veterinarian.

With satisfactory condition and proper care, the pet's coat can fall out exclusively during the molting season (usually this occurs in autumn and spring). At other times, hair loss is considered a sign of a dog's health problems.

Hair loss can also be caused by an overabundance of drugs and vitamins in the pet's body. It is undesirable to use stimulating additives and wool in dogs, if not necessary. Such manipulations can lead to a deterioration in the health of the animal and divert the attention of the owner from more important health problems of the pet.

Why does a dog's hair fall out?

Seasonal, or planned, change of coat in a pet should not disturb and cause concern among owners, as it is natural process. In this case, hair loss will not be needed. But if such phases of hair loss become prolonged or they are accompanied by lethargy and weakness of the animal, then it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the complications as quickly as possible.

Paying attention to how the coat looks, it must be remembered that only the health of the skin is the key to the health and beauty of the pet's hair. And this can be achieved only if the animal is absolutely healthy. Problems with the coat and skin of dogs, as a rule, occur against the background of internal diseases associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the animal's body, caused by problems with immunity and lack of vitamins.

The process of caring for a dog's hairline involves not only the presence of various cosmetic procedures but also providing a pet proper nutrition, walking in the fresh air, sufficient in time. It is also important that the pet consumes the right dog vitamins for coat and skin.

Such drugs enhance the color, restore the structure after childbirth, reduce the periods of seasonal molting and loss during the treatment of the animal from all kinds of skin diseases:

  • Vitamin A is especially necessary for young animals, as it affects the condition of the eyes, kidneys, visual acuity, liver, skin and coat condition. With an abundance of this vitamin in the pet's body, immunity to diseases and infections increases. Vitamin A is found in milk, liver, egg yolks, corn.
  • B vitamins. This is the most commonly used group. If anemia occurs, B12 is recommended. With neuroses or beriberi, the one contained in brewer's yeast is effective. B2 has a beneficial effect on the pet's skin, mucous membranes and muscles. Sources - liver, whey, lamb,
  • Vitamin C is especially helpful for pet infections.
  • Vitamin D provides support for the proportional growth of the dog, prevents rickets. The main source is cod liver.
  • Vitamin E is needed to support the functions of fertility and reproduction, has a positive effect on skin health. Source - wheat germ.
  • Vitamins F and H also affect the health of the skin and coat of dogs. The source of vitamin F is linseed oil, and vitamin H - molasses (fodder molasses) and liver.

Complexes of general action

Food supplements that have a general effect and vitamins for dogs against hair loss are available for both adult animals and puppies. Their composition, in addition to meat, fish additives, as well as milk and offal, includes such vitamins and minerals as A, D, E, C, PP, group B, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium.

Dried algae are also used as supplements. They normalize metabolic processes and help to fully digest food.

A well-chosen vitamin complex brings such benefits to the pet:

  • favorably affects all organs and systems of the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • significantly improves the pet's quality of life.

Well-known brands that make coat-enhancing vitamins also make young puppy vitamins and supplements. These complexes include essential vitamins, mineral salts, micro and macro elements, amino acids.

Corrective vitamin preparations for dogs

Such drugs are of several types:

  • Vitamins for dogs from hair loss.
  • For the musculoskeletal system.
  • For aging animals.
  • Designed for large and small breeds.

Food concentrates and vitamins for dogs for hair strengthen and heal the body of the animal and prevent possible problems with health. To this end, corrective preparations contain an increased amount of certain components or special additional ingredients that effectively act on problem areas.

Preparations for the health of coat and skin of dogs are available in tablet form or in the form of bulk nutritional supplements. Complexes acting on musculoskeletal system, are produced using a traditional set of trace elements and vitamins with the addition of components such as chondroitin, glucosamine and other active ingredients that restore bone and cartilage tissue, joint mobility and flexibility, and relieve pain.

Preparations for aging animals take into account age-related changes and features, namely the tendency to diseases of the whole organism, difficulties in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and others. Accordingly, the qualitative and quantitative composition of food supplements for older dogs suggests an effective and at the same time extremely soft action on the body.

Strengthened drugs

Such vitamins for dogs for wool are intended for actively engaged in training, participating in fights or working animals. They are recommended for those pets that are weakened, exhausted or recovering in postoperative period, and are also shown as traumatized or infectious diseases dogs. The selected proportion of active ingredients helps to strengthen the immune system, build up the necessary muscle mass, and increase the pet's endurance.

The standard vitamin composition can be supplemented with an energy cocktail. It consists of corn oil, malt syrup, fish oil, food collagen, di- and monoglycerides of fatty acids.

However, the simplicity and obviousness of the choice of the drug should not replace the advice of a specialist. Only a practicing doctor can choose the right vitamins for dog hair growth and skin health. After all, they can harm the pet. For example, cause hypervitaminosis and a number of side effects.

Vitamins Excel

Vitamins for dog hair "8 in 1" is produced by Excel. The preparations of this brand contain the necessary elements for the health of pets. They normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, improve the digestive tract, strengthen the motor apparatus, and also preserve the pet's eyesight.

Excel "8 in 1" is a German vitamin complex that satisfies the daily needs of animals, especially those with increased physical activity, or pets after operations and illnesses.

On sale are such supplements of this brand:

  • Glucosamine - vitamins designed to prevent joint diseases. As a rule, they are recommended as a remedy for growing puppies or dogs after suffering injuries of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Brewers Yeast with garlic - vitamins used to prevent beriberi and metabolic disorders.
  • 8 in 1 Nutricoat Skin&Coat is a supplement to ensure the health of your dog's coat and skin. It is used to enhance hair growth and is recommended for dry skin, dandruff problems with hair loss.
  • Enervite is a food supplement that is used as an appetite stimulant, weight gain and skin and coat care. It is recommended mainly for fighting breeds and the Molossian group during periods of preparation for exhibitions and competitions.

Vitamins Canina

Vitamins for dog hair "Canina" are widely used by breeders around the world. Such complexes are designed in accordance with the physiological and age characteristics of animals.

The company provides products ranging from breast milk substitutes to specialized nutritional supplements.

  • Canina Dog Fell Gel is a gel for small finicky pets that need to restore their coat, eliminate problems of brittleness, loss or dandruff.
  • Canina PETVITAL Biotin-tabs - tablets to enhance the growth of animal hair, as well as its pigmentation.
  • Canina Biotin forte is a product to maintain an excellent coat in long-haired dogs, helps in the treatment of extreme problems.
  • Canina Fell O.K. - food supplement for dogs. It is used to replenish the daily need of the animal for biotin.
  • Canina Petvital Derm Caps is a drug in the form of capsules. It is used to strengthen immunity, eliminate skin and six problems, as well as improve metabolic processes in the animal's body.

The company "Kanina" develops and improves nutritional supplements and vitamins for dog hair. Reviews about the drugs are only positive.

Other drugs

Vitamins for dogs for wool are produced by many companies. The following manufacturers are also popular on the market:

  • POLIDEX - vitamins are represented by varieties: Geladon plus (prevention of diseases of bones, joints and ligaments), Immunity Up (complex of vitamins to strengthen immunity), Super Wool plus (complex for hair restoration), Recovit (to restore the animal's body after diseases) and others.
  • Wolmar Winsome - multifunctional complexes, which are represented by varieties: Winsome Pro Bio Pro Hair (for skin and coat health), Winsome Pro Bio Ex-Basis (complexes for older dogs), Winsome Pro Bio Booster Ca (multi-complex to prevent metabolic processes in bones ), Winsome Pro Bio Booster Ca Mini (vitamins for toy breeds).
  • Beaphar - vitamins for dogs, taking into account age characteristics and taste preferences.
  • SEVA - multivitamin with algae, biotin and proteins.

Hypervitaminosis - what is it?

There are cases of an overabundance of vitamins in dogs. This disorder is called hypervitaminosis. It may occur in acute form either persist long time. Often there is an overabundance of vitamins A and D.

Trying to prevent the puppy from getting rickets, the owners begin to intensively feed him with vitamin D. As a result, processes occur in the animal, often irreversible, in organs and tissues, an increase in the calcium level in the blood occurs, and this causes deposition mineral salts in cardiac tissues, as well as in the lungs, kidneys, and in the walls of the stomach. The nervous system is also subject to stress.

The behavior of puppies becomes lethargic, they sleep a lot and move little, do not play, are indifferent to food. Gastrointestinal disorders are also observed: vomiting, diarrhea, fever. The skin becomes dry and flaky.

With an excess of vitamin A in the body, emaciation occurs, drying of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, appetite is lost, rashes appear on the skin, cracks and redness appear on the mucous membrane, and the hair thins.

Excess vitamin B in dogs leads to various allergic reactions.

It is important to remember that it is better not to give your pet vitamins for dog hair on your own. The best drugs, which are suitable individually for each animal, should be selected by a specialist.

Vitamins for dogs and minerals that are necessary for the animal's body are contained only in or holistic. When feeding an animal with other feeds, including natural food, an additional complex is required.

This is especially true for certain periods in a dog's life: feeding puppies, recovering from an illness, the autumn-winter period and with a tendency to certain diseases (joints, skin, etc.).

Among the wide variety of vitamins for dogs and supplements, several categories can be distinguished: for growing organisms puppies; for pregnant and lactating women; for aging dogs; for joints; for wool; to strengthen bones; for the prevention and maintenance of immunity.

Often people think that only their body needs vitamins.

Not properly!!!

To strengthen and develop the body, prevent diseases, vitamins and animals are needed. Although dogs and cats love to eat each other's food, their nutritional needs are very different. Of course, each of them will be able to survive after the exchange of food, but health problems will soon begin. The nutritional needs of a dog are more similar to those of humans as they are omnivorous and not carnivorous like cats. Dogs get their nutrients from animal and plant foods. The task of the owner is to provide the pet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin A

The vitamin is needed for good vision and a strong immune system. Because it is a fat-soluble vitamin and is stored in your dog's body fat, you must be careful not to overdose.

Vitamin D

Important for strengthening the bones and muscles of the dog. It is fat soluble, so be careful not to give your dog too much vitamin D.

Vitamin B1

The B vitamins are water soluble, so excess will be excreted in the dog's urine. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is needed for high energy and carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B6

The dog also needs vitamin B6 for healthy blood, nervous and immune systems. Deficiency can lead to weight loss, and anemia.

Vitamin B12

Along with other B vitamins such as niacin and riboflavin, vitamin B12 affects enzyme function. Loss of appetite, low white blood cells and anemia can be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.

In addition to vitamins, puppies and adult dogs also need minerals:


All dogs need calcium. It is needed for strong bones and teeth, for blood clotting, plus a healthy nervous system. Lack of this mineral in your dog's diet can cause serious skeletal abnormalities.


Unusual mineral. Copper is essential for proper bone, tissue and cell formation. The pigmentation may mean that your puppy is not getting enough copper in his diet.


Thanks to iron, the normal functioning of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the body, occurs. If your pet is lethargic and weak, then he is not getting enough iron.

Your dog needs a mineral to function properly. thyroid gland and proper metabolism. Thyroid enlargement, dry, sparse hair, and weight gain are a sign of iodine deficiency.


This mineral is important for maintaining a healthy coat and skin. Due to the lack of zinc in the diet, weight loss, vomiting and skin damage can occur.

Manufacturers of vitamins for dogs, which is better to buy?

Canina pharma GmbH (Germany) uses exclusively natural ingredients: plant extracts, seafood extracts, dried algae, yeast, high-value vegetable oils - cocoa butter and evening primrose. Specially designed monocomponent additives that can be independently combined with each other.

Nutri-Vet (USA), in addition to traditional multivitamins, has many specialized complexes, such as a combination of calming ingredients that help the animal avoid stress, Ligaments and Joints, including an enhanced complex for recovery from injuries. There are also such complexes as “Wool Protection”, “Fresh Breath”, “Control Bladder”, “From eating excrement”, “Elimination of tear stains”.

8in1 complexes (USA) provide separate vitamins for dogs of different ages and breeds.

Also known are manufacturers of vitamin complexes such as Beaphar, Biofaktory (Czech Republic), ORLING.

How to choose vitamins for a dog?

What vitamins to give dogs and which ones are the best? If the animal is sick or has recovery period, then the vitamins will be advised by the veterinarian. If the dog is healthy, and you want to support its body, then the choice of vitamins should be determined by its age, as well as the breed (essentially, size). For example, chihuahua crumbs and other small breeds living in apartments and they should not be given vitamin complexes that include fish oil. But their delicate bones need calcium.

Large breed dogs need special support for their joints, which are always overloaded with a lot of weight.

Special vitamins for dog hair are especially needed for long-haired breeds.

Most people love dogs, they are faithful companions people. Make sure that your dog gets the right and complete nutrition. Make sure your friend has everything the right vitamins and minerals to live a long, healthy, happy life.

However, if you think that your dog needs vitamins, you should consult a veterinarian, since their overabundance (hypervitaminosis) is more dangerous than their deficiency and its neglected forms can lead to the death of the animal.


Currently, the following prices for the most popular brands have developed:

  • Vitamins excel (excel), in the package of 155 tablets. Sold at a price of 250 to 300 rubles
  • Vitamins for dogs and puppies Brevers (Brewers). Usually come in jars of 150-300 tablets. Their cost varies from 200 to 300 rubles.
  • Polydex (Polidex). They come in jars of 150 and 500 pieces. The price, depending on the packaging, is from 400 to 700 rubles.
  • Volmar (Wolmar), banks of 180 and 360 tablets. The cost is from 500 to 1100 rubles.