The strongest bite in the world. Which dogs bite harder and more painfully Dogs with the strongest jaws are small breeds

The "danger" of a dog breed is influenced by many factors, and experts on this topic often disagree. Just calling a dog dangerous is dishonest. However, in the case of some breeds, it can be said for sure that a dog of this breed will do more harm to its victim - if it decides to attack. It is on this principle that these 25 breeds are selected.

It is important to note, however, that almost all breeds are bred to obey their masters. So most of the incidents are due to improper training and unreasonable behavior of the owner.

1. Tosa Inu. Tosa Inu is a massive dog. Initially bred as a fighting breed, it is considered dangerous, banned in some countries.

2. American bandog. This incredibly strong dog is a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier and the Neopolitan Mastiff. Despite its formidable appearance, it was not bred to fight. Some, however, use dogs of this breed as fighting dogs.

3. Cane Corso. Very muscular dog. Considered a descendant of ancient Roman war dogs that were used as pickling gladiator dogs.

4. Bull Terrier. The dog is famous for its large egg-shaped head and incredible strength. The breed is not particularly aggressive, but it has a highly developed hunting instinct, which is why it is dangerous for smaller animals than it.

5. Rhodesian Ridgeback. South African breed. It is believed that he knows how to drive lions away from prey while the owner is hunting. Dogs of this breed are loyal and intelligent, but not very fond of strangers. They require reasonable positive training and a lack of abuse so as not to develop the aggressive side of the breed.

6. Dogo Argentino Large white muscular dog, bred in Argentina for hunting, in particular wild boar and cougar. When breeding, aggression towards people was not the goal. However, for example, in the UK, keeping dogs of this breed is prohibited.

7. Boerboel. A large mastiff bred in South Africa to guard a home or farm. Dogs of this breed are very loyal and are considered good guards.

8. Gul-dong, or Pakistani bulldog. A very strong dog, the breed was bred as a fighting dog. Aggressive and difficult to control.

9. Basenji, or African barking dog. Hound breed from Central Africa. It ranks second in the list of breeds that are difficult to train.

10. St. Bernard. The breed comes from the Swiss and Italian Alps. Originally a rescue dog. However, like any other dog large breed They need to be socialized with strangers and other dogs from childhood to prevent possible aggressive behavior.

11. American Bulldog. Heavy muscular dog. Known for their friendly demeanor, however, they can be incredibly stubborn. Bred as a breed to guard farms.

12. Great Dane. Known for its incredible size. A dog of this breed holds a growth record - 1.1 meters. Bred in Germany for hunting wild boar and deer.

13. Brazilian Fila, also known as the Brazilian Mastiff. Aggressive and impulsive dog. Due to size, temperament and potential aggressiveness, the breed is banned in many countries.

14. Dogo Canario. Large shepherd dog. Needs good training. In some situations, dogs of this breed can be aggressive towards other dogs and suspicious of strangers.

15. Akita Inu. Large spitz bred in the mountainous regions of Japan. Strong and independent dog. Loyal to owners, but suspicious of strangers.

16. Boxer. By nature, dogs of this breed are not very aggressive, but they are on the list of the most dangerous breeds due to the number of unpleasant incidents involving them from 1982 to 2012. The breed was bred in Germany. They are considered very energetic and self-willed.

17. Volkosob, wolf hybrid. Crossing result gray wolf and dogs, which explains the unpredictable behavior.

18. Chow-chow. The breed was bred in China. Despite the seeming friendliness, dogs of this breed require very good training. They can be very aggressive when defending their owner. From 1979 to 1998 there were 238 registered deaths. They need daily physical activity.

19. Doberman. This breed is famous for its loyalty and intelligence. It is considered the best guard dog - it attacks only if it is provoked or the owner and his property are in danger. The breed was bred in Germany by Carl Friedrich Louis Dobermann. May be aggressive towards strangers and other dogs, but cases of aggression against owners are extremely rare. Aggression, coupled with size and strength, make Dobermans potentially dangerous.

20. Husky. Northern breed bred for sledding. Due to their strong hunting instinct, they can be dangerous to smaller animals. Known for their destructive habits when they are bored.

21. Alaskan malamute. A breed related to the Siberian Husky. Such a dog needs daily exercise, otherwise it begins to languish, as well as show signs of aggression and disobedience. They are difficult to train at times and are poor guard dogs.

23. German Shepherd. Smart, self-confident, alert and fearless dog. The breed is used by the police. They can be overzealous in protecting their owners and their territory. With the wrong upbringing, the German Shepherd can start attacking people.

24. Pitbull. The term "pit bull" can refer to the American Pit Bull Terrier, Staffordshire Pit Bull Terrier, and American Bulldog. Initially, the breed was bred for baiting bulls and bears, but was also used in dog fighting. In America it is considered the most dangerous dog.

25. Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Bred to protect the herd. The typical Caucasian Shepherd Dog is assertive, stubborn and fearless. In the case of bad upbringing and poor training, dogs of this breed can show uncontrollability - they do not accept people who are not familiar to her.

Thanks to the work of dog breeders, there are more than four hundred dog breeds today. Some representatives, such as the Pekingese, have seen the rise and fall of ancient empires, others have appeared more recently. A separate place is occupied by guard dogs, they are out of time and fashion, people love them as true friends and reliable guards.

Choosing the breed of a dog that will play the role of a "security guard" or a watchman at home Special attention given to speed, distrust, the ability to make independent decisions. Not the last place is occupied by the moment, who has the strongest jaws. What dog breed has a powerful bite that can stop an intruder?

Not with teeth alone

Which dog bites the most? The one that really wants to bite. It looks like a joke, but only partly. The strongest jaws in dogs are not yet a guarantee that they will be used. There are breeds in which aggression is genetically absent - Labrador, Golden Retriever. Although in their strength and mass they are not inferior german shepherd, these dogs are not able to attack a person.

Among representatives of guard breeds, it is rare, but still there are good-natured specimens that do a poor job of protecting the owner or property. In this case, the problem lies in education, under the guidance of an experienced dog handler in a Rottweiler, or perhaps awakening the inherent potential.

Anatomy of a bite

In fact, a dog is a construction of bones and muscles. Considering it purely from an engineering point of view, you can determine which dog breed has the strongest jaws. There is a clear correlation of physiological features.

For "biting" the pet must have a massive head with a large mouth. To maintain balance, such a muzzle should be attached to a short neck, which reduces the load on the spine. The optimal ratio is equal in size to the cranial and maxillary regions. In this case, the grip is quite deep and strong. In breeds with an elongated muzzle, for example, Russian Borzoi, with the strength of chewing muscles equal to the Doberman, this is why the bite will lose.

The short jaws of bulldogs have great strength, but due to their special structure, they have a so-called "dead grip". Reduced grip and bite area. Breeds with a shortened nasopharynx have a weak sense of smell, and clinging to the enemy, they lose maneuverability and become vulnerable. It's hard for them to move quickly.

Golden mean

Knowing the aspects that affect the bite, one can understand that the strongest jaws in dogs of those breeds that have a fairly large head with a wide opening of the jaws. In addition, the guard must have a sufficient level of aggression and courage to use his formidable weapon in battle. It was this rule that people were guided by, deducing protective guard breeds to protect a person and his property. In addition, guard dogs must have a calm disposition, be easy to train, and be devoted to the owner's family. An overly excitable dog does not respond well to commands and can turn from a protector into a troublemaker.

Dogs have the strongest jaws. Top rocks

There are breeds that are recognized as the best guards. They have the power of bite and the desire to protect the owner, his property successfully complement each other. Some of them appeared in the course of life, the main breeder was nature itself, living conditions did not allow puppies with insufficiently strong jaws and character to survive. Others were bred by man, but are not inferior in protective qualities and the ability to prove with their teeth to the enemy of the owner that he committed stupidity by encroaching on his property.

The strongest jaws in dogs of this breed are combined with large body sizes. The height of the male at the withers is 70 cm or more.

In addition, the blood of the herding and fighting breeds flows in the representatives of the CAO, which makes them vigilant, but balanced guards. Nature carried out selection in harsh conditions, and people polished the result. As a result, the dogs turned out to be ideal family members, kind to children and other animals, they are merciless to large predators and uninvited guests. On distant teeth, the bite force is at least 300 kg.

Cane Corso

Speaking about which dog has the strongest jaws, it is impossible not to mention this breed. True guards clearly divide the world into “us” and “them”.

They can safely be trusted with a child, a cana will lay down his life to protect the master's offspring. Defeating a dog consisting of 50 kg of iron muscles, possessing agility, fearlessness and incredibly sharp fangs is not an easy task. In the family circle, the animal is calm and good-natured.

Able to scare away with one look. Huge, lion-like dogs are able to make independent decisions and act according to the situation.

They must not be allowed to dominate, in which case the "Caucasians" are obedient and manageable. They do not have excessive aggression, but no one is allowed to offend the owner or encroach on his property. In terms of bite strength, it is not inferior to the two previous breeds - 13.5 atmospheres.


More like a bodyguard than a watchman. He is focused on people, needs their society. Order is strictly observed in the controlled territory.

Sustained, calm, adequate, independent in decision-making. This breed needs a strict but friendly environment and thorough training. Great companion for adults and older children. The Rottweiler is friendly to kids, but may not distinguish between play with rudeness and react too violently. Compression force - 146 kg.

Excellent scent, lightning-fast reaction, sensitive ears and strong jaws - features breeds. It is worth adding here a remarkable mind, love for work and learning - and we get the perfect dog.

Sheepdog does not choose one owner, she perfectly obeys all family members. She must have a job - to guard the house, look after the children, accompany the owner. Without this, she misses, the character of the dog deteriorates. Force of pressure of teeth - from 120 to 315 kg.

Do not forget about pit bulls, bull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers. The strength of the jaws of these dogs is 120 kg or more. They have a strong grip, quick reaction, extremely maneuverable. Escaping them will not be easy. However, dogs of these breeds, with adequate education, are absolutely not hostile to humans and will not attack without a serious reason.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which breed has the strongest jaw in a dog. There are dozens of breeds in the world suitable for protection. And a representative of any of them in a dangerous situation can set a record that no one will know about.

This dog breed originated in Spain. Dogs of this breed have a very strong and powerful bite. The Dogo Canario looks intimidating and very menacing, however, despite this, the dogs of this breed are very kind and friendly. The Great Dane very quickly gets used to his owner, he easily remembers new commands and learns any information. Animals of this breed become excellent and true friends.

Ninth place - Doberman

As you know, the Doberman is a service dog. The dog of this breed is very fast and strong. Doberman has an amazing appearance and amazing grace. Animals of this breed will become excellent guards, and thanks to their service past, they will also be amazing bodyguards. Dobermans are very smart and reasonable, in case of danger, they are transformed in an instant, and from a cute pet, turn into an aggressive angry beast. In order to never have problems with dogs of this breed, they must be brought up from puppyhood.

Eighth place - Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are very beautiful and strong, they have an amazing mind, but they have difficulty remembering commands. It is very easy to keep such a dog in the house. Husky will become an excellent bodyguard and a true friend. Animals of this breed have a very strong and powerful body, so they need to exercise regularly.

Seventh place - Great Dane

This breed of dog was bred for service. That is why Great Danes are very strong and hardy. However, despite this, the Great Dane is absolutely not aggressive. Therefore, if you choose such a dog as a guard, then you need to educate it properly. The Great Dane is a great friend and reliable comrade, he loves children very much and gets along well with other animals.

6th place - Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is an excellent guard and reliable bodyguard. Dogs of this breed are very strong, hardy and have a powerful bite. Rottweilers are fearless and courageous animals, they will always be able to protect their family. Pets of this breed are good-natured and affectionate, they quickly get used to a new family and all household members.

Fifth place - Dogo Argentino

Dogs of this breed have a very powerful body and intimidating appearance. They are very strong, hardy and persistent. Despite the ominous appearance, Dogo Argentino has a calm and balanced character. With the right upbringing, such a dog will become an amazing guard for the whole family.

Fourth place - Boerboel

This is a South African dog, it was bred specifically to guard plantations and escort slaves. Boerboel is very aggressive, and in some countries, dogs of this breed are prohibited from breeding. These pets are incredibly strong, and have a very powerful bite. It is not recommended to keep such a dog in the house.

Third place - Boxer

This breed of dog was bred in Germany, it is one of the strongest in the world. The Boxer has a strong grip, a powerful bite and a wayward character. Such a dog must be well educated, and then it will become a faithful and devoted friend, both for adults and for children. Animals of this breed are very playful and fervent, they are happy to run on the lawn and play with the ball.

Second place - Staffordshire Terrier

Stafford is a devoted dog, for the sake of his master, she is ready for anything. Dogs of this breed practically do not feel pain and absolutely do not know fear. This is one of the strongest and strong-willed dogs in the world. Many consider Staffordshire Terriers to be very aggressive, but this is absolutely not the case. The dog will grow up the way the owner raises it.

1st place - Bull Terrier

In the first place, an amazing bull terrier dog. This breed of dog was bred for dog fighting. The Bull Terrier has an incredible grip and a very strong bite. However, despite this, the pet has a friendly character and a calm disposition. The Bull Terrier is the most powerful dog in the world, which will become an excellent friend and reliable bodyguard for its owner.

A person who keeps a strong dog must be able to properly educate it. Otherwise, pet can turn into an aggressive and uncontrollable beast.

Are you curious to know what the top most powerful dogs in the world look like? It is always curious what living beings are capable of: it is almost always much more than we can imagine.

And this is curious, because it makes us understand: We ourselves can do much more than we think. Especially if we are watching animals as close to us as a dog.

First, it is logical to turn to the facts. The Guinness book has set records for the strength of dogs. In 1978, a four-year-old St. Bernard named Raittes Brandy Bear(Raytes Brandy Bear) dragged five meters of a load of 2,905 kg placed on a wagon. This is a record for the weight moved by a four-legged pet.

In 1979 same year Newfoundland (or diver) named Barbara Allens Dark Hans(Barbara Allens Dark Hans) mastered the load of 2289 kilograms. This is less than the previous record, you ask? Which is the strongest dog in the world out of these two strongmen?

St. Bernard weighed 80 kg, and Newfoundland - only 44. In terms of body weight and weight moved, the second record holder is considered the strongest, namely, Newfoundland Barbara Allens Dark Hans.

Top 10 strongest breeds

What breeds are stronger than others? In addition to outstanding, famous individuals, there is also an unofficial ranking of the top 10 most powerful dogs in the world. It consists of the average indicators of the power and strength of its representatives.

To get to the top there are general physical criteria: height from 60 centimeters, weight from 50 kg. So, we present the rating of dog strength and power.

Let's take a closer look at these giants.

1. Saint Bernard Without exaggeration, this is the most powerful dog breed in the world. This breed was from under the avalanches on the Great St. Bernard Pass.

To dig out the victims from under a thick layer of snow, and often to help in moving, the St. Bernards needed a lot of strength.

st bernard

2. Newfoundland. It is too She even has webbing between her fingers!

Naturally, in order to pull an adult, often chaotically moving person out of the water in difficult conditions,

The breed is also used to transport firewood and other heavy loads. Adults weigh 70-80 kg. Included in


3. Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)., used as a shepherd, service, security. Descended from the most ancient Asian and fighting breeds of Mesopotamia. For many centuries, the Alabai (it would be more correct to say “Central Asian Shepherd Dogs”) guarded the flocks from wolves and jackals, which naturally made the breed strong. At the withers 70 cm, weight - from 50 kg.

The record holder named Bulldozer weighs as much as 125 kilograms.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

German dog

9. Dogue de Bordeaux - In the past, a fighting (participated in fights with bulls!) And a hunting dog. Often guarded butcher shops. The height of males is up to 68 cm, weight - from 50 kg.

Dogue de Bordeaux

10. Cane Corso also called the Italian Mastiff. Representatives of this breed participated in gladiator fights. Protected herds from predators. In Italy there is a saying "brave as a Corso". Height up to 72 cm, weight up to 50 kg.

Cane Corso

Fighting dogs: strong in a different way

It's not so big dogs, as above, but, of course, one of the strongest: and there were bred for dogfighting after dogfighting with bulls was banned in England.

These dogs are distinguished by the most powerful jaws (), as well as good reaction, strength and endurance.

bull terrier

Stafford, or from breeds of pickling dogs.

Brave dog with good reaction. Good as a guard, has powerful jaws.

The height and weight parameters (up to 48 cm, up to 40 kg, respectively) look rather weak, but the strength records demonstrated by the amstaffs in competitions are impressive.

The result of the Stafford dragging a load weighing 135 kilograms was officially recorded.

Take a closer look - Stafford is the embodiment of strength and power!

staffordshire terrier

So, we learned a lot of surprising (and also a little scary!) About the dog - a friend of man, about what is the most powerful breed of dog in the world. A strong friend is good!

Check out the visual description of the St. Bernards, including the record holder named Raittes Brandy Bear, in the video below:

Those who get a pet for protection must have thought about what is the most powerful dog in the world. And not without reason, because strong dogs will always be not only good friends, but also reliable bodyguards. Top 10 most powerful dogs, photos, videos and a lot of other useful information you will find here.

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bull terrier

The Bull Terrier is considered one of the strongest dogs and in our top 10 ranking it takes first place. Initially, this breed with strong jaws was used to participate in dog fights. The Bull Terrier has the strongest bite and grip among other dogs. In principle, this dog is very friendly with his owner, but if you bring him to aggression, he will become literally uncontrollable. However, the Bull Terrier is easy to train, so its character can be brought up.

This breed has been recognized as the strongest dog in the world. Bull Terriers have a strong muscular body, which is built quite proportionally. In general, the dogs are kind, but if the owner is in danger, then such a dog will easily gnaw the throat of the offender.

staffordshire terrier

The dog was bred in the USA and, like the Bull Terrier, was used for a long time in underground dog fights. Stafford is a mixture of terrier and bulldog, he has a beautiful muscular and strong body with developed limbs. In addition to having a strong grip and a strong bite among other breeds, the Stafford Terrier has a great ability to distinguish smells.

This breed is very devoted to the owner. Moreover, they practically do not feel pain. If the dog is properly trained, then there will never be problems with it, but in the absence of education, the pet can bring a lot of trouble to the owners, as well as any breed in the absence of education - a problem for the owner and others.


The breed was bred in Germany and is the result of crossing a bulldog and a bullenbeiser. The Boxer is considered to be one of the strongest dogs ever involved in dog fighting, which is why he found a place in our ranking of the top 10 most powerful breeds. Incredibly strong grip is due to the powerful jaw of the dog.

Whatever the boxer, as you can see from the video, he is a fairly balanced representative of the strongest varieties. In addition, boxers are very playful and love kids, however, if the dog is mishandled, the possibility that he will show his strength is not ruled out. A boxer must be well educated to understand that the main thing in the house is a person, and a dog is reliable assistant and friend.


A South African breed bred to guard plantations and escort slaves. The breed is quite large and strong. Among all the representatives of the rating, the top 10 has the strongest jaws and a strong bite. In principle, this breed is characterized by aggression, so it needs to be controlled from childhood. If a pet is not brought up, then outbursts of anger can be transferred to a person. In some European countries, for example, in Denmark, breeding of this breed is completely prohibited.

dogo argentino

Breeders had to work hard to bring out this breed. Dogo Argentino is the result of crosses between ten different varieties. Dogo Argentino have an excellent muscular body and a strong bite, as well as a formidable appearance that inspires fear not only in the enemy, but also in humans. Therefore, this breed is not in vain in the ranking of the top 10 most powerful.

However, despite their formidable appearance, Dogo Argentino are quite smart dogs, as well as calm, endowed with a complaisant character. They do not belong to fighting breeds, because their main purpose is protection and hunting.,


Formed breed of cattle and security direction in the area near the city of Rottweil. Butcher dog. By nature, the dog is quite large and strong, as seen in the photo and video, and is also characterized by quick wit and intelligence. Pets of this breed were in the top 10 rating, despite the fact that they are quite friendly, but this breed can experience outbreaks of unmotivated aggression towards children.

The Rottweiler is an excellent watchdog and protector as these dogs are fearless by nature. They are also very curious, but require a good upbringing.

German dog

Like the Rottweiler, the Great Dane was bred by German breeders and is a service variety. No matter how big the dog is, it has a surprisingly kind character, which allows it to contact the owner and other family members without any problems. But she also got into the top 10 for a reason - the dog is one of the strongest with a powerful bite, although at the same time he is quite lazy. This breed is not characterized by aggression. In the case of proper upbringing, which is quite possible with a Great Dane, the dog will delight with his obedience.

Siberian Husky

Now many tend to argue that huskies are harmless dogs. This is true, but only if we are not talking about the Siberian variety. No wonder these dogs are in the top 10 most powerful breeds. Siberian Huskies are very similar in appearance to wolves. Eyes are characteristic of this breed. different color. It should also be noted that despite the fact that these dogs are very smart, they are absolutely unwilling to learn - the peculiarities of the psyche of this breed require a special approach and great physical exercise. It is almost impossible to train a pet, it will really only be done during the game.


Doberman is not only strong, but also a very fast variety. Such dogs from the top 10 were bred by German specialists for use in the service. As can be seen from the photo and video, this pet is quite elegant and strong in appearance, as well as very fast. It should also be noted that Dobermans are endowed with an incredible reaction. They are one of the most fearless dogs.

Despite their aggression, pets are very easy to train. Give the Doberman enough time and you will be able to fully appreciate all the advantages of this variety.

Dogo Canario

Closes the top 10 of our rating Dogo Canario. This variety was bred in Spain and has a powerful bite. Despite the intimidating appearance, this species is not at all aggressive. Great Danes are quite smart and endowed with intelligence. They are loyal to humans and are easy to train. But if necessary, they will become good defenders.

Pros and cons of keeping pets

As in any other category, strong dogs have certain advantages and disadvantages of their content.

Let's start with the benefits of content:

  1. As a rule, the dogs of the above varieties are very obedient and kind. They are endowed with a wonderful character, but, of course, this is true only in the case of proper upbringing.
  2. Dogs of the most robust breeds are excellent protectors, especially for children. Usually such animals treat babies with kindness, but there are also individuals who are characterized by aggression towards everyone around them.
  3. As a rule, pets of such varieties easily learn loads and any training. Please note that large serious breeds are required to undergo an OKD or UGS training course.
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As for the disadvantages:

  1. A large number of financial costs for maintenance. Basically, the money will go to food and pet care. Therefore, if you decide to have such an animal, be prepared for the costs.
  2. Large dogs die earlier than smaller ones. This is a fact that cannot be disputed.
  3. Such pets can be very aggressive, so the first thing you need to pay attention to is education.

Features of choosing a really strong dog

In principle, there are no special nuances in choosing the strongest pet. You just need to decide on the variety that interests you, and everything else is trifles. In addition to variety, you can also consider:

  1. Dog growth. It is desirable that in an adult it be at least 60 cm, better - more. It will always be better if the dog is not only strong, but also massive. Although 60 cm is not an indicator that the dog will be massive.
  2. Dog weight. Ideally, if a strong pet weighs 50 kilograms or more. The more weight, the more powerful the pet will be.
  3. Character. After reviewing the description of the varieties, you yourself must decide on the character that you need. If you want a well-trained dog and do not want to spend a lot of effort, then a Rottweiler or Doberman is perfect for you. If you prefer a husky, then keep in mind that raising her will not be so easy.

Video "All about Dobermans"

Basic information about Dobermans is presented in the video.