Your character is based on a pet: brave people love dogs, smart ones love cats. Your character according to your pet: brave people love dogs, smart cats - An animal that no one likes

Your favorite animal is not only your energy donor and helper, it is a reflection of your essence. There is a belief that when you look into the eyes of your living talisman, you will see yourself in them.

Love for animals is rooted in the distant past. In Egypt, cats were worshiped, putting them on the same level with deities. In India, cows are allowed to be treated the same as their mother. Sheep have long been sacrificed to God. Animals are countless, and each person feels a special connection with our smaller brothers. Someone likes unbridled and wild predators, someone admires the grace of a cat. Everything in this world is interconnected, and our mental connection with animals is no exception. Your favorite animal will say everything for you.

Wise Owl

In some countries, owls act as sinister thieves of luck and messengers of death. In other parts of the world, they are worshiped and endowed with the ability to attract prosperity and enrichment. Today, the owl symbolizes wisdom. If this is your favorite animal, you are very lucky. A mental connection with an owl indicates enhanced mental abilities, developed intuition and insight. You are able to expose the traitor, break through the thorns of lies, find the truth. You are not afraid of change because you know what to expect from it.

Sly Fox

The fox is cunning, grace, speed and showiness in one bottle. There is no animal more amazing than a fox. We have heard about her resourcefulness and dexterity since childhood. Everyone read fairy tales about how one fox deceived everyone around. The fox is ruled by purposefulness and confidence, she achieves the goal by any means. If this is your spirit animal and you admire it, be sure that the fox can also admire your agility and dexterity. You know how to avoid problems, overcome your fears and complexes. You know how to be brave when the time is right, and how to be cunning when stressed. It is in your power to subordinate people to your will, to manipulate and control.

stately horse

Horses are sacred creatures, and love for them is understandable. Even standing next to a horse, you feel the enormous strength and power of this gigantic animal, and at the same time you are amazed at its grace and softness. Minutes spent next to a horse remain forever in the soul. Love for this animal shows that you are a freedom-loving, personable and successful person. You are responsive, clean, fair. You rush towards your dream, overcoming difficulties one after another.

freedom bird

Each bird is a symbol of freedom and spiritual life. AT Ancient Egypt the souls of the dead were depicted as birds with human heads, symbolizing the transition to the spiritual, sublime world. The love of birds defines you as a person who is conscious, spiritual, intelligent and incomprehensible. You are patient, wise, but at the same time restless and strive to know the truth.

wild bear

The bear is a very controversial animal. In Russian traditions, it personifies the king of beasts, sometimes a good-natured, but more often a furious predator. Any hero will envy his strength and power. The image of a bear attracts good luck and success. Spiritual connection with a predator suggests that you are a strong personality. You are self-confident, brave, good-natured and sympathetic, not afraid of loneliness, adversity and difficulties.

Brave lion

The lion represents royalty, courage, strength and power. No wonder he is considered the king of animals. Leo is not afraid of anything, fear and defeat are unknown to him. Therefore, if you have respect and admiration for this graceful predator, he will point out your strengths. You are self-confident, sometimes selfish. You know how to choose your life partners and completely control the environment. You always have a leading position at your disposal, and the ability to change the world is given as a bonus.

tender butterfly

Butterfly symbolizes the immortality of the soul, resurrection, the ability to transform and rebirth. This celestial being begins the cycle of life as a caterpillar, reborn as a butterfly. Love for butterflies indicates faith, love and hope. You are not afraid of change, you know how to enjoy it. And the abundant Universe appreciates it very much and constantly makes itself felt. Amazing changes are constantly happening in your life, which you sometimes don’t even know about.

lone wolf

The wolf is a symbol of freedom, fearlessness, purity. A spiritual connection with a wolf speaks of you as a man of honor. You are independent, self-confident, purposeful. In any fight, you fight to win like your spirit animal. The wolf will never choose defeat, even when in mortal danger. It speaks of great courage. To your advantage, you use all sorts of options, never letting go of luck.

Royal tiger

The Chinese consider the tiger to be the king of animals. He is bold, furious, elusive. In mythology, the tiger is often portrayed as an equal rival to the dragon. This predator symbolizes beauty, grace, exclusivity and strength. Love for tigers gives you determination, perseverance, tolerance. You are wise enough, responsible and have the ability to make all dreams come true. You know that the price of success is hard work on yourself in training your strength of mind and will.

smart snake

Many treat snakes with disdain, although they symbolize wisdom, vitality, immortality, healing powers, fertility, and the hearth. In addition, snakes are skilled predators. Serpents are found in many sacred apocrypha, they have been written about since ancient times, assigning them not the last place in the spiritual world. The snake is energy, creation, mindfulness. Your love for snakes shows that you can adapt to any environment. You do not hold sadness and let go of resentment. You are resourceful and always get your way, sometimes cunning and the easy way. You have enhanced intuition and the ability to distinguish enemies from friends.

Noble deer

Deer - Sun, sunrise of life, light, spirituality, creation, purity. These are amazing animals, whose horns in mythology personify the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. Deer admiration shows that you have kindness, love, calmness and selflessness. You know how to control your emotions and have the ability to hear. You are not afraid of anything, because you understand well how this world works. You create and help other people to come to this.

Totem animals come to the rescue when it seems that there is no more hope. Your spiritual connection with your beloved animal awakens your strength in times of need. You chose them not in vain. So, in moments of defeat, turn to the strength of your animal. We wish you a great mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and


I love pets very much. And finally, my parents gave me a kitten for my birthday. It was small, fluffy, black with a white dot on the forehead. The dot was shaped like an asterisk, so everyone began to call the kitten Asterisk. My kitten had a round muzzle with a black nose, shiny eyes and small erect ears.

How funny it was! Fat man, on short legs. Every time it saw me, they ran up, rubbing against my legs, as if inviting me to play with it. The kitten has a little cheerful disposition, and therefore very quickly became a family favorite.

More Zvezdochka liked to play with a paper butterfly. The kitten jumped merrily, stood on its hind legs, twisted its head.

I love my Zvezdochka very much and I am happy that I have it.


My grandmother has a dog. This is a large Central Asian Shepherd Dog, which has the nickname Rex.

He has long thick hair white color, on the back slightly swirls. The head is large, the muzzle is elongated, narrowed towards the nose. Rex's eyes are dark and intelligent. He looks at everyone with a watchful, attentive look. Slender long legs overgrown with smooth hair. The tail is short, and wool comes out of it in waves. Rex is big and strong, and the character is kind and calm. And although he is already an adult, he likes to play with the ball, run a race with me.

I like Rex and enjoy playing with him.


One day I saw a squirrel in a tree in the park. Golden brown, only the tip of the tail is white, as if watered with sour cream. The tail is much larger than the squirrel itself. He is fluffy and fluffy. Her paws are short with well-developed fingers, strong and tough. Thanks to sharp claws, the animal quickly moves along tree trunks, easily clings to branches. The teeth of the squirrel are strong and sharp. They easily crack hard nuts. Of all the forest inhabitants, squirrels are the most lively, most sedentary and beautiful animals.

I like squirrels, and I enjoy watching them.


I love sparrows. They nest near human dwellings. The merry chirping of these brave and clever robbers comes from under the roof above my window.

Sparrows have a strong conical beak, short wings, and a long tail. The small quick eyes of a gray perky bird look around warily. They cheerfully jump on their little legs, nervously fly from branch to branch, then whisper among themselves, start noisy fights.

Sparrows feed on seeds, berries, insects, destroy the enemies of the garden.

I love watching these little funny birds.

Essay-description based on the painting by J. Paladiy “Horses in the Pasture”

The painting depicts a horse and a small foal. The foal was painted with love by the artist. Vigilant eyes look at the viewer, small ears catch every sound, a small hoof right leg scratch fragile with a white spot It is calm, playful, does not pay any attention to the excitement of adults. The foal feels confident and comfortable with its mother, a white beauty. It is impossible not to admire her slender legs with small hooves, a gracefully arched neck, and a magnificent tail. She nibbles on the juicy grass, as if inviting her foal to join her.

Three other horses, painted in dark colors, stand out clearly against a light background. They surround the mother with the Child from three sides. By their appearance they emphasize that they are ready to stand up for them. Alarmed glances, restless movements, scattered manes and tails, tense muscles. It seems that another moment and the horses will rush, break out of the frame of the picture.

I like this picture. She is full of love for the good and eternal companions of man - horses.

Composition-description based on the painting by S. Vasilkovsky “Cossack levada”

For his painting, S. Vasilkovsky chose the most typical view for Ukraine. Endless expanses of fields, meadows covered with dense grass, forests and copses saturated with bright colors.

In the center of the picture are wills grazing in a green meadow near the lake. To the right is a tall, vast tree under which people lie. For them, the ox is an indicator of the family's prosperity, a kind of symbol of agriculture. The man in the picture faded into the background, pushing his faithful assistants to the fore. After all, this affectionate, beautiful and strong animal accompanied the peasant from the cradle to the grave.

The landscape "Cossack Levada" is a sincere confession of the artist to his homeland in filial love.

I have a cat. Her name is Susanna. She is already adult cat she is about two years old. She has a dark gray back, a pink tummy, a dark pink neck, a black nose, a long mustache, and a smoky tail. Our Susie is an extraordinary cat, she has a slightly flattened nose and very long hair. Mom says she's Persian. The cat loves to lie on the TV and look out the window. Sometimes Susie lies on the windowsill with her paw on the curtain and sleeps. Sometimes she likes to play with a paper ball or my feet. Most of all she loves her mother.

Last year our cat had kittens: two boys and three girls, they were all multi-colored. When they were born, they were blind and could not even walk. A month later, the kittens grew up, opened their eyes and began to run around the apartment. Susanna couldn't bring them all together. She meowed and called them to her. But they approached their mother only when they wanted to eat. I love my cat very much.

My favorite animal is a cat. I wanted to have a cat since childhood. And, finally, my dream came true - I got home Siamese cat Kuzya. Kuzi has a light brown muzzle, dark ears, paws and a long striped tail; a flexible elongated body, a large round head, a bristly mustache on the muzzle, a goatee and bright blue eyes. the eye changes when he is angry or threatening, the pupils become either red or green. The cat's ears are always alert; they catch the slightest rustle.

Kuzya is a capricious animal. If he is in a good mood, he plays, allows himself to be stroked, allows another animal to eat from his bowl, but if he is in a bad mood, he warns about this with a kind of meow, then it is better not to touch him. Kuzya is a serious, fighting cat. When we were in the village, he fought with all the cats. He doesn't go into a fight first. At first, he seemed to warn: howling in a nasty voice. Turns neck nearly one hundred and eighty degrees; his hair stands on end, and his tail "turns" into a fluffy bristly brush. He has no pity for his opponent. He fights until the enemy takes flight. Kuzya is a very smart cat. He learned how to open the refrigerator with his paws; cabinet doors; if Entrance door not locked, it will hang on the handle until the door is opened. Kuzya likes to watch TV, hunt lizards, frogs, birds. And yet he is a very kind cat and loves his owners. I really like our cat.

I came home from school, ate and started doing my homework. My mom and dad came later. When they entered, I heard a faint meow and thought it came from the street. Running up to my mother, I saw a handkerchief in her hands, and in it ... a kitten! Mom explained that she took it from a friend. I was delighted. When this charmer was brought into the room, he immediately jumped onto the sofa. I took the toy and started playing with the kitten. The kitten immediately took the toy in its teeth and dragged it somewhere.

The color of the kitten is unusual, some kind of magical. We thought long and hard about what to call it. Dad said the cat looked like Bagheera. Mom compared her to a princess and said that she should be called Diana. I would rather call her Juliet. Then everyone agreed and named her Juliet.

Now I play with my kitty, feed and care for her. It has become my favorite pastime.

toads. (below) Some people are terribly afraid of toads, they cannot overcome their aversion to them. Are they terrible? They have amazingly expressive, "intelligent" eyes. The eyes have movable eyelids, the pupil is round, black, and the iris is golden or silver. The skin on the body of the toads is not covered with mucus and does not emit any bad smell. In their movements, toads are somewhat slow, as if clumsy, they do not jump as dexterously and quickly as a frog, but on the whole their body is not at all ugly. When the toad clings to a stump, a stone or hides among the greenery, its appearance is simply attractive. Why do people raise a hand with a stone or a stick on toads? This can only be explained by complete illiteracy in relation to wildlife, the lack of necessary respect for all living things.

Many people are afraid of mosquitoes and other multi-legged insects. But are they so dangerous and scary? We seek to kill them, even though they have done nothing to us. These insects do not pull off the products and do not harm them, they do not touch them in any way. They do not harm beams, walls, other structures that someone can chew on. So why are we killing them? If you ask this question, then in fact these insects do nothing harmful - they are simply disgusting to humans. This is how the life of an insect is easily crossed out. The usual squeamishness of a person. Maybe you should think before taking someone's life aimlessly?