Ways to protect the house from damage, the evil eye and evil people. What icon to hang above the front door and vice versa? Main icons and their meaning

If you want to protect your home from negative energy, damage, robbers, uninvited guests, from troubles and misfortunes, then you need to get amulets for your home. They will cleanse the energy of the room, get rid of negative magical influences and improve relationships between households. What amulets for the house exist?


This protective talisman will help cleanse your home of negativity, as well as attract joy and happiness to your home. It is better to make a broom-amulet with your own hands. To do this, you need to buy a new broom, cut off the stalk from it, leaving only the panicle. Tie the bottom of the panicle with red ribbon. It is best to hang the finished amulet in the kitchen or in the hallway, since it is in these places that negative energy accumulates most of all. The amulet broom must be hung up with a whisk - only in this case it will bring goodness and prosperity to your home.

Horseshoe amulet

Horseshoes were hung at home by our ancestors. It was believed that she brings good luck and abundance to the house. But in order for this amulet to be useful, you need to know how to hang it correctly. A horseshoe is hung over the front door. If it is hung upside down, it will protect against diseases, dark forces, enemies and robbers. If the horseshoe-amulet is hung upside down, it will attract good people, money and good news to the house.

Charm bell

This amulet for the home will help to improve relations between households. It also attracts goodness and cleanses the room of negative energy. If you hang a bell over the door so that it rings when someone enters the house, you can attract good luck, love and prosperity. Bell ringing, according to folk beliefs, is able to heal from diseases, improve the atmosphere in the room and attract joy and happiness.

Charm doll

Charm doll is a powerful protection against damage, the evil eye, diseases and life's turmoil. Our ancestors made such charms for the house with their own hands. To do this, it was enough just to take shreds of fabric and give them a shape human body. The amulet doll was considered the keeper of the hearth. It can be kept in the kitchen, hallway or living room.

Charm pin

The amulet pin needs to be stuck in the jamb of the front door, then it will protect the house from evil and ill-wishers. This protective talisman should be used very carefully. The tip of a pin can absorb all the negativity brought from the street and accumulate it in itself, so it must be periodically cleared of negative energy. Every month it is recommended to change the pin to a new one, and the old one must be thrown away from home. You can also use an old amulet pin, but only every month it needs to be soaked for a day in brine. In this case, she will throw off all the accumulated negativity and will again be able to protect from evil.

Amulets for the home are designed to protect the home from black magic, ill-wishers, envious people, illnesses and misfortunes. Do-it-yourself amulets work best. For example, if you want to achieve well-being with the help of a charm doll or a broom, you should make these protective talismans yourself. In this case, they will be charged with your energy and will have a special connection with you, which will help them work more efficiently.

Amulets bought in the store can also be charged with their energy. To do this, you must first keep the amulet in salt water for a day in order to wash off all other people's energy from it. After that, the amulet can be placed in any corner so that it is filled with the energy of its new home. This simple procedure will make the protective talisman completely yours. We wish you well and do not forget to press the buttons or

21.02.2014 16:15

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Slavic amulets for the home are aimed at protecting the family from various kinds of evil: diseases, damage, the evil eye, rubbish, failure, bad dreams and thoughts. They protect the house from accidents, fires, robberies, uninvited guests. Attract prosperity, health, happiness to the house. Contribute to the creation of comfort and harmony in family relationships, favor the birth of healthy children and their further development.

Why do we need amulets for the house, where to place and how to make. You will find answers to all these and other questions in this article.

Why do we need home amulets

Home protection is part of creating a cozy atmosphere where all family members feel good. If negative energy accumulates in the house. This is detrimental to everyone. Quarrels arise between spouses, children do not obey, there is a breakdown, depression, malaise, conflicts and all sorts of troubles arise at work.

A house filled with joy, warmth and comfort is eagerly visited by good luck, prosperity is attracted to the family, health accompanies everyone and good luck.

Types of home amulets

The role of a family talisman can be performed by completely different attributes that have come down to us from ancient times and have proven their effectiveness. Most common in modern world received the following amulets:

  • embroidery: paintings, pillows, tablecloths, curtains, bedspreads, carpets;
  • figurines of birds, animals, fish;
  • images of Slavic gods made of wood or stone: figurines, magnets;
  • symbols and runes;
  • dry plants (leaves, flowers, branches) or fresh flowers;
  • minerals and precious stones;
  • folk motanka doll (for different occasions).

The most common amulets: salt, horseshoe, brownie and broom.


Its strength will depend on the correct placement of the amulet. In ancient times, the protection of the house was given great importance. Even when laying the construction of housing, coins were used in the corners. At each stage of the construction of the house, certain attributes were used that had different powers. The final stage was the carving, which performed the magical protection of the family and living space from evil spirits and "bad" people.

Charms for the front door

The front door is the most dangerous place for the evil to enter. The amulet at the entrance should be placed first. Mostly, amulets are placed above the threshold to protect the house from negative energy flows. Secondly, amulets are hung on the door (or above the door) for good luck, prosperity, wealth.


It is best to use an old, real horseshoe, but in the absence of it, you can make it yourself or purchase it in a store.

a decorative horseshoe is hung only inside the house.

    By placing a horseshoe on the outside of the door with the ears (horns) down, you will protect the house from harm and damage;

    Weighing with inside horseshoe doors with ears up attract wealth;

    By turning the horseshoe to the right, you will attract health, and to the left - love.

crossed needles

To create an amulet, you will need 2 needles of the same size, the longer they were used, the better, but they must be intact (broken ones will not work). Arrange the needles crosswise so that all ends are the same length. Tie with blue natural thread. Speak and place above the front door.

window of joy

To make the amulet "", you can use dry grass, twigs of different trees, flax. Ribbons, bells, birds, ears of wheat, clusters of mountain ash, dry flowers are suitable for decoration. A talisman is made for a year, after the allotted time has elapsed, it is burned and replaced with a new one.

In addition to the protective function, it attracts prosperity, health, good luck, good news. Additional functions depend on the decoration method, i.e. on the value of the selected elements.

Charms for the red corner

The concept of "red corner" is familiar to everyone. In ancient times, it was located opposite the door. It was the most elegant place in the house, it was there that various protective dolls and talismans stood.

To create such a corner in a modern apartment, it is better to choose the room most loved by the household, the room where most often the whole family spends the evenings, communicates, and relaxes.

Various talismans are used here:

  • for wealth,
  • success,
  • good luck
  • good study,
  • wealth,
  • career,
  • mental development,
  • marriage,
  • harmony in the family
  • fulfillment of a cherished desire,
  • health,
  • birth of children.

What amulets to place everyone chooses for himself. In the red corner there can be personal talismans of each family member and common brownies.

Talismans for the kitchen

Kitchen talismans are designed to protect the family from hunger and bring prosperity to the house. Bundles of vegetables can become a talisman: onion, garlic, pepper; dried herbs: wreaths, bundles, bags, dolls with herbs. Domovyata, brooms for prosperity, pano are also widely used.

Important. Vegetables that act as a talisman should not be eaten!


An ordinary household broom is a home amulet. The best place to store a broom is in the corner of the kitchen. It is important that this attribute of the economy does not stagnate without work, but is used with might and main in cleaning.

When you sweep the floor, imagine that failure, illness, poverty are swept along with the garbage. When moving into the house from the threshold, sweep out health and good luck. well-being.

In addition to a household broom, you can also use a decorative whisk. You can decorate a broom talisman with various attributes of prosperity and well-being.

Bundles and garlands of herbs and vegetables

Onion, garlic, pepper have protective properties. These vegetables can be tied into a garland with the addition of various colors. Place in the corner of the kitchen or above the window. A vegetable amulet is created in autumn from the harvested crop and hangs up to next year. It is impossible to eat because of the accumulation of negative energy.

To decorate protective garlands, it is good to use herbs that cleanse the space of every evil: juniper, buckthorn, St. John's wort, willow, mountain ash, mint, wormwood.


Ordinary edible salt has great magical power aimed at protecting against spoilage, the evil eye and evil thoughts.

There are many options for using salt as a talisman:

salt is a powerful amulet against the evil eye, damage, conspiracy and negative thoughts.

  • draw a line around the house with salt;
  • draw a line under the rug on the threshold so that everyone entering the house steps over it;
  • make a bag of salt;
  • sprinkle in a piggy bank with days to attract wealth;
  • use in the manufacture of various talismans.

B shrimp with cereal

You can prepare a charm for the house to attract prosperity from an ordinary glass bottle. Just fill it with different cereals.

To attract wealth, you can make a charm from a glass bottle or jar. For filling it is good to use different cereals, herbs.

If an amulet is made for protection, salt, garlic grains, wormwood, rowan berries and other herbs with protective properties are poured into the bottle.

Krupenichka doll

It is better to devote an autumn evening after the harvest to making a folk doll for prosperity. Grain or any cereal is poured into the bags.Charm doll attracts wealth, increases fertility.

P hot pot

An ordinary kitchen potholder sewn or knitted with your own hands will help to keep the comfort and warmth of family relationships. To enhance the effect, hang a potholder with the image of a brownie or one of the symbols of good luck, prosperity, love.

Mortar and pestle

If you do not use these attributes on the farm, the presence in the house still does not hurt. Mortar and pestle represent a strong family union of a man and a woman.

O take care of the children's room

A child under 6 years of age is most vulnerable to negative energy. And also, most of all, he needs the help of higher powers in developing various qualities of character and skills necessary in adulthood.

Amulet for children are various toys, knockers, rattles, rustlers, bunnies, bears, horses, bells.

Also in the nursery, you can use various motanka dolls and protective embroidery.

Folk dolls for children:

  • bunny;
  • herbalist;
  • bell;
  • mother;
  • coastline;
  • solar horse.

Bedroom protection

A person during sleep is in a vulnerable state to various influences of the forces of evil. Slavic amulets for the home necessarily include the protection of a sleeping person.

The most famous amulet for the bedroom is the dream catcher. In addition, a bell doll, bells, celestial symbols: the sun, moon, stars are suitable for protection.

Charm embroidery was the most popular.

What to do with purchased or donated amulets

Purchased amulets, as well as those brought as a gift, can have negative energy. In order for the talisman for the house to start working, it must be cleaned and activated. The best way cleaning the amulet is an appeal to 4 elements: air, water, fire and earth.

Most affordable way- wash the amulet under running water or hold it in salt water.

How to place amulets in the house according to Feng Shui

According to the ancient Chinese teaching, each house, apartment is conditionally divided into sectors, where each segment affects a certain aspect of life.

If you know exactly where this or that sector is located, you can accurately influence different aspects of life with the help of suitable amulets located in the right places.

With the help of a conventional compass, you can determine the cardinal points and navigate them.

    Set amulets aimed at career and personal development in the northern part;

    the development of children and creativity is more conducive to the western part of the world. Charms for children, as well as the children's room itself, will feel best on the western side.

    The eastern part strengthens amulets aimed at harmony in the family and health.

    For increased success, pay attention to the south.

Choose amulets and their placement according to the needs of the family.

What items should not be in the house

P In addition to talismans for the house, there is a list of things that are simply not acceptable to keep in the house. Spoiled, old things not only litter the space, but are also able to accumulate (accumulate) negativity in your home, which affects the state of health or well-being.

Broken dishes accumulate negative energy.

List of things that "poison" the energy of your home:

  • Damaged dishes. Everything has its expiration date, dishes with chips, broken handles, broken edges, cracks or knocked down enamel will bring more loss during storage than when parting with it.
  • It is better not to store spoiled, worn-out shoes, it attracts poverty.
  • Climbing plants take away the health of all family members, while children and the elderly suffer the most. Dry reed is also not compatible with good health, its energy attracts serious ailments.
  • Palm and coniferous branches, when stored for a long time or at home, are closed from good luck and happiness.

Amulets that have lost their appearance, stopped watches, broken jewelry are also better to be evicted from your home.

What charms for the house can be made with your own hands

Everyone can make a charm on their own. The most common materials available to everyone: wood, fabric, salt dough, herbs, flowers, branches and fruits of trees, clay. From what to make your amulet to the house depends on preferences and talents. The amulet can be drawn, embroidered, carved from wood, molded from plaster or clay, knitted. A handmade doll will also be a great protector of your home.


Ensures the safety of borders, protects against accidents and theft, protects against uninvited guests. Can be made from wood. It is best to carve an image from wood and install it in front of the entrance to the house. You can also use a symbol.


The broom is strongly associated with the image of home comfort. The amulet can be both a household broom and a decorative one.

To make a broom for good luck, you can take a ready-made blank or weave it yourself from straw, dry grass, feather grass.

A protective broom is hung in the kitchen at the wine place. For manufacturing, you can use various elements that personify wealth, health, warmth of the hearth.

When decorating a broom, please note: there should be 12 elements.

An ordinary broom is a strong amulet for the home.

How to decorate a broom:

    sunflower - a symbol of joy and happiness, creates an atmosphere of warmth;

    poppy - for the fulfillment of desire;

    bay leaf, pepper, garlic - protection from negative energy;

    figurines or dolls symbolizing a husband and wife - harmony and fidelity in the family;

    pot, bag, coins, cornucopia - wealth, prosperity, good luck;

    nuts, corn, grain - prosperity, fertility, health.

Just take a ready-made broom and stick various elements on it with a glue gun or instant glue.

Charm from a kitchen spatula

A talisman for the house from a kitchen spatula is prepared by analogy with a happy broom. On an ordinary wooden spatula, which, if you have the skills, you can make yourself, stick various decor items that personify prosperity, health, good luck and the warmth of family relationships.


The image of the owner of the house can be sewn from burlap, carved from wood, molded from clay or salt dough, knitted or embroidered.

It is good to complement the image of a brownie with a broom, a bag of money or other attribute of prosperity.

Bast shoes, booties, boots

A common amulet for the home to preserve family relationships, protecting from rubbish, omissions - bast shoes, booties, decorative felt boots. It is important that the listed attributes are paired and must be connected with a single thread or ribbon, preferably red.

Bast shoes tied together are a talisman for the home aimed at maintaining good relations between husband and wife.

For a talisman, you can tie ordinary booties for a newborn, you can use your baby's socks. Hang such a charm either on the window or in the room above the bed of the spouses.

In addition to preserving family happiness, the energy of this amulet can be used to fulfill a wish. In order for wishes to come true, it is important to decorate the chosen item and put a scroll with a wish inside. Write your desire on paper in the present tense, as if it has already come true, fold it and put it in bast shoes.

Old bashmak

A well-worn shoe can be a strong protective talisman at home. Pour glass, needles, stones into the old shoe. Add earth on top and plant grass or flowers. You can place such a charm on a flower bed, hang it on a fence or attic.

Salt dough horseshoe master class

The dough is easy to knead. Water, salt and flour.

We take a sheet of paper, draw a horseshoe.

We roll out a plate of the required thickness from the dough, put a horseshoe cut out of paper on top, circle it with a sharp knife.

From the remaining dough you can mold different flowers, leaves, berries, coins and decorate a horseshoe.

Poke holes with a cocktail tube so that you can hang the resulting product later.

Leave to dry.

After the amulet dries, take paints and a brush and paint the talisman. Thread the ribbon and hang the amulet.

For a longer service after painting, let dry and varnish.

From time immemorial, people have sought to protect the house from various misfortunes. To do this, they resorted to the help of mysticism, magic, called on higher powers and connected the energy of nature. Over time, many superstitions have lost their relevance. But some survived the test of time, and have survived to this day. A striking example is a horseshoe. Of course, faith in her, as in a mystical amulet, faded a little. But even today it is found in many apartments. So, how to hang a horseshoe over the front door?

If you believe in signs, then you will definitely have a question about the location of the horseshoe. Where to hang it? Which one to choose? And if you are indifferent to superstitions, and you see in a horseshoe not a charm, but an original design element, then again you will think about where it will look most harmoniously?

Origins of tradition: 3 versions

The persistence of this superstition has aroused the interest of scientists. Experts tried to figure out where this tradition came from, and why great magical power is attributed to the horse attribute. There are three theories about the origins of the tradition.

  1. Egyptian. During the reign of the pharaohs, horses belonging to the nobility were shod with golden horseshoes. For a poor man who could barely make ends meet, it was indeed a great success to find such a horseshoe. After all, she promised a comfortable life.
  2. Pagan. In beliefs, the blacksmith was revered as a deity. And what else to call someone who was able to subdue the power of fire and the power of metal? Another strong symbol is the horse. He was associated with a worker, a breadwinner and a guide to other worlds. That is why the horseshoe, hardened in fire and incorporating the protective energy of the horse, was revered by the pagan Slavs as a talisman that protects from all troubles.
  3. Religious. Saint Dunstan was a blacksmith. There is a legend that one day the devil appeared to him. Despite the human appearance, the archbishop recognized the unclean one and began torturing him with red-hot metal. The devil begged for mercy. Then Dunstan drove him away. And over the doors he hung a horseshoe, reminding the unclean that he was forbidden to enter this house. But such details are not described in the official life of the saint.

How to treat this attribute - everyone decides for himself. But if you hang a horseshoe, then do it right. After all, as Thomas Edison, the greatest American inventor, claimed, it still works, even if you do not believe in it.

Why do we need a talisman and the subtleties of his choice

According to ancient superstitions, a horseshoe was hung in the house to protect the household from the evil eye, ill-wishers and envious people. In addition, she protected property from thieves and robbers. Great importance assigned to the location of the amulet. Depending on in which zone it was hung, it was possible to attract wealth, restore health and "catch" good luck.

It seems that there is nothing easier. I went to a souvenir shop and bought a horseshoe I liked. And beautiful, and modern, and, if necessary, will protect from troubles. But psychics say that such a talisman is not very strong. Therefore, deciding to hang a horseshoe for happiness in an apartment, listen to two tips from experts.

  1. Right stuff. Choose an iron horseshoe. The amulet is only a metal product. Plastic, wooden and even a golden horseshoe will remain only an element of decor. And you should not choose an aluminum amulet at all. He can bring problems to the house.
  2. Lifetime. The new horseshoe is able to harmoniously fit into the interior. But if you want to bring happiness into the house, then you will need an old, used one. And most strong amulet a horseshoe found on the road will become. In today's world, this is almost impossible. But you can buy a charm that is "charged" with the energy of a horse by visiting a hippodrome, a riding school or a stud farm.

To get a metal amulet, you can go to the village. In some settlements, as the reviews show, there are still blacksmiths, masters of their craft. They can easily forge a horseshoe to order.

How to hang a horseshoe

When the amulet is chosen, many questions arise. How to hang a horseshoe in the house? Where is her place? And who should hang the amulet? To answer everything, you need to turn to ancient traditions.

Choose a place

Most often, a horseshoe can be seen above the front door. It was here that people hung it, trying to protect their home from troubles. But where should it hang: inside the apartment or outside? Esotericists advise two options for the location of the horseshoe, depending on the goals pursued.

  1. Inside the house . So they hang a horseshoe if they want to create internal protection. In other words, this attribute will protect all household members from the evil eye, damage, and trouble. It will protect housing and all things inside the premises.
  2. Outside the house. The amulet is hung from outside doors, if they seek to divert ill-wishers from their homes. Such an object affects events from the outside. It protects housing from intruders, robbers.

The area above the door is not the only place where a horseshoe can be placed. Depending on the desires and aspirations of the owners, the subject can be assigned different places. For example, if you want to hang a horseshoe for good luck, then attach it to the door. And every day, leaving the house, be sure to touch it, as if being charged with positive energy. Other locations of the horseshoe, depending on the wishes, can be found in the table.

Table - The most successful places to place a horseshoe

Expected effectWhere to place a horseshoe
To the money- Near the place of storage of money;
- in the safe;
- in the wallet
To heal the sick- Over the bed of a sick person;
- necessarily in the headboard
Against quarrels- On the refrigerator (a horseshoe will “freeze” squabbles)
To get married- Above the hearth (fireplace, stove);
- be sure to hang a pair of identical horseshoes
To give birth to a child- Above the bed of the young;
- necessarily in the headboard
To receive an award- On the full moon, the amulet is placed on the windowsill;
- positioned so that the ends "look" into the room
For friends to be true- In the living room

There is an opinion that it is necessary to hang a horseshoe high at the top so as not to accidentally touch the amulet and thereby not disturb the positive energy. Esotericists have a different opinion on this matter. They recommend hanging it within human height and, leaving the house, do not forget to touch it "for good luck." by the most the best option, according to the pagan Slavs, there was a horseshoe mount above the front door.

Determine the side

Some believe that the amulet should only be hung upside down (as in the photo). And all other provisions are wrong and can bring trouble. But esotericists say that only you can determine which side to hang a horseshoe by analyzing your desires and aspirations.

  • Ends up. This position symbolizes the "full cup." Esotericists believe that with such an arrangement, positive energy will accumulate in the house, providing prosperity, good relations, love, and health in the family. The amulet should hang only inside the apartment.
  • Ends down. Such a talisman has the most protective properties. According to superstition, all negative thoughts get inside the "dome" and, without stopping, "flow" down. It is best to hang such an item above the door from the outside in order to protect your home from negative energy, thieves.

To whom to entrust

Since this item is considered protection for the whole family, it means that household members must be involved in the process of fastening. There are four recommendations for this.

  1. Who hangs. The owner and the hostess must hang the horseshoe. The wife is allowed to keep the amulet, and the husband attaches it to the chosen place.
  2. Acquaintance with residents. Before hanging the amulet, it is recommended to "acquaint" him with all household members. To do this, the artifact in turn must be held in the hands of all those living in the house.
  3. Filling of energies. To fill the object with the energy of nature and enhance its abilities, it is recommended to hold the horseshoe under the rays of the sun. If the amulet is intended to protect against robbers and enemies, then it is better to charge under the moon.
  4. positive attitude. When hanging a charm, it is necessary to keep positive emotions, love and joy in the soul. This will allow the item to “charge” with the positive energy of the owners, and “work” with a vengeance.

No priest will consecrate the horseshoe. This subject belongs to pagan symbols. It is worth remembering this and not hanging a horseshoe next to an icon or a cross. In addition, Orthodox Christians, in principle, do not accept pagan attributes and try to avoid their appearance in their homes.

Is it possible to nail

Where is the inverted horseshoe hung and fastened? There are several methods for attaching a horseshoe. According to esotericists, they are all correct, and depend only on what you believe. Most often, an artifact is attached using the following three methods.

  1. Seven nails. An ancient superstition says that a horseshoe is hung on nails. And in each hole there should be a nail. People believed that in this way they "bind" the spirits of the talisman, who would help the owners and guard the house.
  2. One nail. In some areas, a different tradition was spread. The owner had to nail the amulet with only one nail. Thus, he proved his strength to the talisman.
  3. Twine. According to the Old Believers, a horseshoe should not be nailed to the wall. They argue that the lost horseshoe does not want to be nailed again. Therefore, it is necessary to hang on a rope, which is fixed with a hook.

How to increase the impact

What does a real horseshoe mean and how does it work. In order for the horseshoe to be able to protect the house from adversity for a long time, it is necessary to periodically carry out appropriate folk rituals. There are two ways to restore the energy of the amulet.

  1. Periodic make-up. From time to time, the owners should take the horseshoe in their hands, recharging it with their energy. It must be wiped from dust and do not forget to thank for the help.
  2. Mandatory cleansing. To eliminate the negative energy that accumulates on the amulet, it must be cleansed. To do this, during the waning moon, the object is removed from its place. It is brought under running cool water and washed for three to five minutes. And a nailed horseshoe is cleansed with fire. To do this, a lit candle is driven along the contour of the amulet for several minutes.

Modern esotericists give some more advice on how a horseshoe should hang. To increase wealth, hang it upside down, and attach a coin inside it so that your "cup" is not empty. If you want peace and goodness in the house, attach the keys to the amulet. Wishing to save health, tie a green ribbon on it, and trying to meet or keep love - red.

Reviews: "Any object will help if you believe in it"

And somehow I was walking with a friend across the field (we walked in the fall) and FOUND A HORSESHOE. I still don’t understand how I saw her, she was all in clods of earth and clay and didn’t look like a horseshoe at all. I cleaned it, rzhaaaaavaya eerily, through and through simply. Now I have moved into my first personal apartment and I will hang it above the door, just rusty.

Jil, https://www.u-mama.ru/forum/gossip/everything/16466/index.html

Protecting your home with talismans and amulets is a tradition left to us by our ancestors. One can argue for a long time on the subject of the expediency of these beliefs. However, it makes no sense to go into controversy if a person trusts what he is doing. Any item will help the owners of the house, if endowed with the most powerful magic - faith in its miraculous power. The horseshoe is a talisman that has earned national recognition. But here's the question: how to properly hoist it in the house - up in an arc or vice versa? It depends on where you are going to find the place for the horseshoe. And here there can be no two opinions. If this talisman is assigned to be inside the house, then install it with an arc down, and “horns” up. Our ancestors were adamant: it is in this position that the horseshoe-talisman will “collect” happiness and goodness. If the place of the horseshoe, at your discretion, is reserved from the side of the street, then the arc should look up. As you might guess, only in this position all the negativity will “pour” out of it over the threshold, but will not enter the house. There is one more condition positive impact talisman: a horseshoe should be brought to your house and presented with good intentions good man. Buying amulets on your own is pointless. There is, however, another option: a horseshoe should be picked up on the road. And although in our time it is extremely difficult, still look carefully under your feet - and in our life there is a place for miracles.

Grozny, https://rus-horse.ru/showthread. php?t=363

I have a horseshoe hanging over the door with horns down, spikes from the wall. I remember it was still decorative. That one had horns down ... And you need to hang it in the way that is convenient or how you like it.

Jack , https://club.foto.ru/forum/view_topic.php?topic_id=276298&page=1


Our ancestors were convinced that in order for a person to feel comfortable, be healthy, and his family to be happy and prosperous, the home must be well protected from the invasion of dark forces and various ill-wishers, who, having come to visit, can bring with them a stream of negative energy . That is why the ancient Slavs developed many secret methods of protection.

In ancient times, long before Prince Vladimir of Kyiv baptized Russia, not only witches, healers, magicians, but also ordinary people knew that human life is very fragile. Sometimes, under the influence of only one unkind glance, both family relationships and health can be destroyed. And instead of prosperity, poverty will reign: evil spirits will come - evil spirits, small creatures that, having settled behind the stove, remain invisible and bring misfortune.

To avoid such troubles, you need to perform certain rituals and protect your home with reliable amulets.

The Slavs believed that every house has vulnerabilities - openings through which dark forces and all evil spirits can penetrate. We are talking about windows, doors and even small cracks, which certainly should have been covered, “sealed”. This is how the architraves, well-known to us, were invented long ago. They closed the gaps that appeared between the wall of the house and the window frame or doors, and, of course, at first they performed not so much a decorative function as a protective one.

In the old days, wooden architraves were decorated with carvings - symbols of the Sun were applied (most often a cross in a circle), giving strength and power.

Particular attention was paid to the threshold - a kind of border between the house and the outside world. Our ancestors believed that the threshold is not just a part of the door leading to the dwelling: it has its own energy, and not always friendly. Remember how many signs there are associated with the threshold of the house: you can’t stand on it (otherwise there will be no money), you can’t talk (you can get sick), you can’t pass any objects through the threshold (to a quarrel).

True, if appropriate measures are taken, the threshold can also protect against the evil eye, envy and damage. So what to do?

Horseshoe for good luck

A horseshoe, located above the front door, attracts success, helps to attract positive energy flows, and also scares away evil spirits and negative thoughts, and can bring good luck. That's just at the same time with all the listed tasks, she can not cope. Therefore, you need to place a horseshoe depending on what exactly it should do.

For protection - horns down. The Slavs believed that an evil spirit, entering a house, immediately falls into a horseshoe. Well, he can no longer get out of it, since he is striving upwards - and there the concave iron side does not let him in.

To attract fortune and well-being - horns up. In this case, the horseshoe will serve as a bowl of wealth.

One thorn, two thorns

In order to prevent evil spirits from entering the dwelling, and with it various troubles and diseases, sprigs of thorny plants, such as thistles, were hung over the door from the inside of the house. It was believed that this weed grows next to "bad" places, but, brought into the house, it has great power - it scares away witches and devils.

Bouquets of thistles were hung over the doors of the hallway and bedroom. They believed: an unsightly prickly weed lets good energy into the home, leaving black malice behind the door. Often the gates, doors, windows of the house and barn were tied with branches of thorny plants (they were called Perun's lightning), which are able to disperse evil spirits, and thorns were stuck into the keyhole - for example, hawthorn (glod) or blackthorn.

The mystical power of protection was also attributed to the juniper. The Slavs, by the way, have long considered it an immortal tree: after all, if you rub a dried juniper twig in your hands, it will again give its aroma. By placing these fragrant twigs in every corner of a house or apartment, we thereby separate ourselves from other people's influences (who knows what kind of life our neighbors have - prosperous or not?), And we can also avoid draining our energy.

It is very useful to fumigate a dwelling with a juniper branch - in this way we can get rid of evil spirits, those same evil spirits that could become our uninvited guests. If you live in a private house or have a dacha, plant this beautiful decorative tree at the gate or under the windows.

Inanimate thorns were also used for protection - needles, a knife, a sickle. They were simply stuck into door and window casings in order to strengthen the protective effect many times over. Ancient swords can also be nailed over the doors so that they cut through the evil directed at you.

Nails have long been used to "nail" protection to the house. The nail, which was driven into the western wall of the house, blocked any witchcraft and did not allow the evil spirit to enter. To create an amulet, you need to drive in three nails on both sides of windows and doors. Moreover, in such a way that a triangle is obtained, one of the vertices of which points upward. Before driving in each nail, say the words:

home protected,
once I drive a nail into the wall,
this action
I will drive away all the dashing!
May it be so!

Even under the rug at the front door, you can place two needles connected in the form of an equilateral cross, and say:

Let no one be evil
won't cross!
May it be so!

The power of trees

If thorns were considered powerful weapon against the dark forces, then the trees played not only the role of defenders, but also amulets that could give the house and its owners their good energy. To stock up on the necessary talisman, you should go to the forest. By the way, in order not to get into trouble, ask in advance how this or that tree looks like. Before cutting a branch, mentally ask the tree for permission, hug the trunk and stand in silence for a couple of minutes (this is exactly what the ancient Slavs did). What trees are needed? Decide for yourself!

ASPEN is used primarily to protect against evil spirits, gives confidence that you can cope with any problems. A fresh branch is hung over the front door. Didn't find an aspen? Exactly the same power has BLACK POPLAR.

But the symbol of joy, carelessness and happiness in Kievan Rus has always been BIRCH. It was believed that she brings good luck to the house and gives a good mood to all family members. By the way, both wood and leaves of a modest white-trunked beauty have medicinal properties, so that the effect of such a talisman will increase. You can cut a few birch branches and make a small broom out of them. The branches must be tied with a linen rope and dried in a shady place. With a cooked broom they go around the whole house, fanning every corner, and then they hide it in some secluded place. Our ancestors performed such a ritual every month.

Elder has excellent protective power. How to use: light a dry branch so that it barely smolders, and fumigate every room. When the branch burns down to half, put it out and throw it on the floor. While saying:

I lock my house from evil forces
and hostile creatures
with your strength!

Then the branch must be hidden under the threshold or behind the jamb of the front door.

As a child, you probably collected ACORNS. It turns out that our Slavic ancestors did the same.

During the search for acorns, it was imperative to pay attention to the hat: it must be intact, without damage. Arriving home, the found treasures were scattered under the beds - those who will sleep on these beds will be provided with good health. And in the old days, beads made of acorns and nuts were hung in the house. Such forest beads at the same time protected the dwelling from evil and attracted prosperity. By the way, acorns in combination with calamus are especially good for protecting windows.

Rowan has long been considered a talisman against dashing people and bad news. Beautiful twigs with red fruits also served to protect the house from evil spirits, so they were attached above the front door.

When you are about to hang any amulet, do not forget to speak it to work. You can activate the protective power with the following words:

Protect this home!
Let it be protected
this place, this house!
May they be protected
those who live in this house!
Protection, work every minute
every hour, every day,
every night!
May it be so! May it be so!
May it be so!


The magical properties of herbs have long been known to both adults and children. Magic herbs were also collected on holidays (for example, those dedicated to Perun or later: on Ivan Kupala, on Trinity), and on weekdays.

Wormwood occupied a special place in the mystical beliefs of the ancient Russians. People believed that she protects from 99 evils, saves from vampires and mermaids, protects from human envy and the evil eye. A bouquet of wormwood can be hung over the front door, spread out along the window frames, or simply placed in a vase.

It is good to keep a bouquet of dried VALERIAN in the bedroom. Our ancestors believed that the spirits of the health resort live in these fragrant branches. They are released in houses and, invisible (as it should be for spirits), remain close to people. Health resorts exorcise feverish people (spirits of disease), which means that all family members will be healthy.

Oddly enough, NETTLE also has magical powers - it protects from the evil eye. And it is recommended to collect a stinging beauty during flowering. Leaves are torn off and laid out in all rooms. After three days, they are collected and packed in small linen bags - there should be seven of them. They put the bags in the kitchen - yes, so that no one could notice them. Why only in the kitchen? Dishes are prepared here, and food, products instantly absorb negative energy, and during a meal a person, without knowing it, can get a portion of trouble.

St. John's wort also has enormous protective power. The branches of the plant are hung over the door, near the windows, placed under the threshold as a security amulet, or carried with you from the evil eye. The house is fumigated with the smoke of a lit twig to expel evil spirits. St. John's wort is supposed to be collected on Friday of any odd number.

Ancestors believed in magic power MACA, its bright red flowers adorned girls' wreaths, and boxes full of small seeds were amulets. They are especially needed in those houses where girls grow up. Poppy is considered a symbol of fertility and childbearing, but how can there be female happiness without children? Therefore, a bouquet of poppy heads is hung on the wall to create an obstacle to bad forces that can affect the continuation of the family. And the corners in the house are sprinkled with seeds - from evil spirits.

A houseplant also performs a protective function. Moreover, if it grows in a clay pot, the protective power will double! Because, it turns out, our ancestors considered a clay pot to be one of the amulets of the dwelling.

As for the plant itself, the FERN is a reliable protector of the house. It perfectly protects from all sorts of negative influences. At the same time, the fern is able to enhance the energy of the family members themselves, it cleans and harmonizes the space around it, teaches people to come to terms with what cannot be changed, and helps the household to improve relations with each other.

For especially strong protection plant ferns, marigolds, lilies, and junipers in a pot (or pots) and place them near your front doors. When everything is ready, say, looking at the plants, these words:

Welcome to the house,
the power of light and good
fill us up.
But all evil and bad
drive away!
May it be so!

Bread and salt

The ancient Slavs loved their home and gave it gifts. It's not about new furniture or pretty curtains. In order to bring happiness into the house, it was necessary to periodically enter each room with fresh fragrant bread and a filled salt shaker. This ritual was repeated 2-3 times. It was believed that the smell of a hot palanica activates the energy of happiness and love. In the house that receives such gifts, the husband and wife will live in perfect harmony. What did they do with the bread? Enjoyed its taste, having gathered the whole family for dinner.

As you know, quarrels in the family often happen immediately after the full moon, because full moon not in the best way affects the psyche of people. To avoid a surge of negativity, periodically on the full moon, our great-great-great-grandmothers left a pinch of salt in each room, and then swept it with a broom. Salt absorbed irritation, anxiety, relieving people of them.

There is also a salt spell - to protect the house from thieves. It is customary to sprinkle salt under the threshold, although some practitioners of the magical craft argue that for truly stable protection, this should be done around the entire perimeter of the dwelling. In the process of sprinkling, it is necessary to pronounce the following words of the spell:

Salt won't miss
and will not let evil in!
May danger and aggression
do not enter this dwelling!
An intruder is an ill-wisher.
get out of here!
May this house be protected<
by the power of the sacred law!
May it be so!

To drive away ill-wishers from the house, you should hang a small bag of salt and a bell on the doorknob, and put a knife under the threshold. When all the magical components are in place, you need to say:

Do no harm to the good
drive away evil!
May it be so!

Witches believe that in this way it is possible to drive away not only evil people, but also demons.

In general, a lot of real magical defenders “live” in our kitchen. Let's give examples.


To charge garlic for protection, you should pick it up and say the text:

Garlic, our protector,
guard my house
protect my home!
Let no one
won't be able to
destroy our integrity!
May it be so!

Then place garlic cloves on windowsills and near doors.


Not only protects the home, but also cleanses from negativity. The rite of activation must certainly be performed on a waning moon. Take a ripe lemon and cut it in half (it is possible that you will need more than one fruit, but several). Next, squeeze the juice from half a lemon into all the sewerage drains that are only in the room. Each time you do this, you need to repeat these words:

Sunny fruit I exorcise
all negativity and all evil.
Let all the bad things go from this
home to where it came from!
Let this house
will be protected from evil!
All the evil that is gone
will not return again!
May it be so!

At the end of the ceremony, you can moisten your index finger in the pulp of citrus and put a dot near each window or doorway, saying in the process:

This house is protected from evil!
May it be so!


If you suspect that your home is being harmed, white saucers and a bottle of vinegar will be needed to eliminate the negative effects. Pour a little vinegar into saucers and arrange in each room. The following words should be said on the protective saucer:

Take all the negativity
don't let me in the house!
Protect us from harm!
May it be so!

If you have small children or pets, it is better not to use this method in order to avoid trouble.


If your house has an attic, you can craft another magical protective attribute.

You need to take an old shoe and put pins, needles, cloves, a pinch of salt inside. To these "ingredients" you need to add some protective herbs: basil, fern, rosemary, mistletoe and laurel. Then you should nail the resulting amulet to the wall in the attic with a nail and pronounce incantation words:

From now on you
protective object,
keep my house
and tech who's in it!
May it be so!

When you have done all that is required, imagine how a radiant protective ring is formed around the dwelling. Feel that no evil can enter the room.

Protect your home so that you feel pleasant and comfortable in it!

The mirror will reflect the negative

Surely a mirror is present in every home. This piece of furniture can easily reflect any danger, if it is correctly asked about it in advance. Wash the round mirror with salt water using a rag or sponge, then wipe it with a green or blue cloth and place it in front of the front door. Light a blue candle and approach him with a request:

Cleanse evil inside and outside!
Protect our house from evil!
Turn troubles away from home!
Hold good and joy!
May it be so!

Extinguish the candle. It can be lit when you feel that the mirror is “dirty” for some reason, and you can drive a candle near its surface.

In this article, we will share with you a way to protect the house from the evil eye, damage, from bad people, from evil. Each of us can suffer from envious people who come with unkind thoughts. The source of corruption and the evil eye can also be an object presented to us or an accidentally thrown envious look. Any negative energy can negatively affect the health of the inhabitants of the house, their well-being and the prosperity of the family.

The following signs indicate the presence of negativity in the house:

  1. You have a need to spend as much time as possible outside the home.
  2. When you are indoors, there is an inexplicable anxiety, restlessness. The inhabitants of the house begin to feel unwell, suffer from insomnia.
  3. Quarrels and disagreements often occur in the family.
  4. Animals living in the house show anxiety and aggression. Indoor flowers grow poorly or wither.
  5. You noticed a thing that inexplicably got into your home.

Ways to detect the evil eye, damage and evil in the house

How to detect negative energy effects with the help of the consecrated. To do this, you will need to prepare 100 grams of table salt. Then follow these steps:

  • Heat up a frying pan on the stove;
  • When it warms up well, pour out the salt;
  • Let the salt warm up on the fire for about half an hour.

If everything is safe in the house, the salt will turn yellow. If it crackles strongly on fire and becomes dark or black, there is damage in the house.

How to use a candle to determine the presence of negative energy influences

This method is considered the most informative in determining damage, evil eye and other influences. Allows you to establish where the negative interference was made in the house.

To perform this ceremony, you need to light a candle and go around every corner of the house in which you live. Then pay attention to the behavior of the candle:

  • A candle burning quietly, smoothly and calmly indicates the predominance of clean energy in the room. Your home is under reliable protection.
  • If the candle flame is dim and dim, the energy in the house is weak. Possible violation of the integrity of the aura of the room. Magic rituals made on the front door or vestibule could lead to this.
  • If the candle smokes a lot, the color of the flame is dark, and the wax drips too quickly, this indicates the presence of damage. Most likely, a strong magical effect was deliberately exerted.
  • Sometimes it happens that a negative influence is present in the house, but so far it has not given itself away. In this case, the candle flame is dazzlingly bright, blazing.

The color of the flame also plays an important role in determining negativity. A bright red color indicates that the home is in urgent need of cleaning. And yellow speaks of powerful energy protection of the room.

Tips on how to protect the house from the evil eye, damage and other evil

  • Fumigate every corner of the house with smoke from incense, dry leaves of celandine, St. John's wort, wormwood, lavender. Chaga birch fungus also has a powerful protective effect.
  • Do not forget to keep order in the house: remove dust and dirt, carefully wipe the mirror surfaces, washbasins, radiators. Any dirt serves as a gate for the entry of negative subtle energy.
  • Do not store old unnecessary things: read the press, worn out clothes, broken dishes. Dirty laundry should be put in a special basket with a lid. All these items accumulate negativity and poison the room in which you live.
  • When cleaning the room, add a little bit of holy water, wipe the mirror surfaces with it. When moving to another housing, you can not leave your old things and any rubbish. They are often used in rituals to induce damage.
  • Hang an aspen branch at the entrance to the house. It will reliably protect you from evil people, energy vampires and envious people.
  • To protect your home from negative influences, hang bags of dry herbs at the doorstep. You can use such plants: celandine, thistle, tansy, oak bark. From time to time, the used herb is replaced with a new one.
  • Place two needles under the rug by the door. Arrange them so that they are crossed with each other, and their ears are directed towards the front door.
  • Illuminated salt is able to protect the house from any negativity. She has a magical gift to absorb all negative energies. It is recommended to shower the entire living space once a month. After a month, collect the used salt and bury it in a deserted place in the evening after sunset.

Also, in order to protect your home from negative energy influences, you can perform special rituals.

Rituals that help protect the house from the evil eye, damage and evil people

Ritual with a broom

This simple ritual will help remove not only simple dirt from the home, but also all energy debris.

To hold it, take a green ribbon and a natural wax candle. You need to light a candle and say:

Venichek, my protector. Sweep out of my house all evil spirits, envy, malice. Do not let enemies, spirits, demons and envious people on the threshold. Protect and save everyone from evil. Amen.

Now tie the broom handle with a ribbon and leave the charmed amulet at the door. From now on, a person who wishes you harm will not enter this house and will not harm you.

Ritual with knife blade

Since ancient times, this ritual has helped people protect themselves and their homes from such negative influences as the evil eye, damage or envy.

At the same time, an invisible edge will appear at the knife, which will cut off all ill-wishers who come to your house with evil thoughts. The knife will provide powerful energy that can harm you.

You can also read any other prayers and conspiracies over it. The main thing is to address him as a living being, a friend and protector. Then you will create a powerful one that will save you and your home from all negative influences.

Ritual that cleanses the house with a bow

Since ancient times, it helps to protect the home from various types of damage and the evil eye, envious people. The ceremony is carried out in this way:

  • First you need to sprinkle all the rooms in the house with holy water, including hard-to-reach places.
  • Sprinkle also all furniture and other interior items.
  • Prepare as many bulbs as there are rooms in your house, peel them from the husk.
  • Take a needle and pierce all the bulbs, stretching a strong red thread through each of them.
  • Now you need to tie knots at both ends of the bulb and leave one amulet in all rooms of the house. They must be there for seven days.
  • Next, the bulbs must be removed, wrapping each in a clean sheet of white paper. Burn them to the ground at the stake. Now your home is securely protected from any evil.

Watch also an interesting video taken from the Internet:

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: