Proven runic staves. Eyvaz is the most powerful rune of protection and problem solving, removing obstacles and preventing trouble! Runes to quickly solve the problem

A special runic becoming, consisting of the runes of Soulu - Dagaz - Vunyo, will provide a solution to any problem that arises in life.

Staves or runograms are called formulas consisting of three or more runes. The location of the runes depends on the task to be solved. Runic magic is one of the most powerful, as it uses directed and focused energy. Using the runes correctly, you can successfully overcome the most difficult situations and influence others ...

Here is how Bast describes the runes “Runes are a powerful magical tool. They themselves have power, great power. And this power does not have any color, it is neither black nor white, it is neither gray nor crimson. Strength is strength. Power is the current in the socket, it is completely indifferent to the current where to flow and what to set in motion - an electric chair or a kettle. Therefore, the runes themselves do not belong to either white or black magic. Runes are runes, but the operator (a person weaving a formula or a ligature) can give them the color he wants. Runes can attract wealth, or you can take away luck, you can heal, or you can send death.

You can draw runes yourself, then only after certain stages of training have been completed, or you can use proven and well-proven formulas. This will avoid the error and give the expected result.

The Problem Solving Amulet is programmed to help in any situation. For one person, this is a difficult relationship in the team, for another, the issue of housing is not resolved, for the third, there are problems in court or with officials. ... There is no person who would not need a faithful and reliable assistant. The amulet SOLVING THE PROBLEM and a safe way out of the situation gives us just that.

The energy of each declared rune was embodied in it.

Soulu is a very effective and powerful rune that allows you to accumulate psychic energy. It makes the situation clear, suggests the right decision, synthesizes a favorable outcome. Any serious task is within the power of this solar rune, which is aimed at overcoming human inertia and laziness.

The rune DAGAZ, symbolizing the dawn, as well as the strength of our desire or intention, is the detonator for solving the problem. It will make the situation move according to a given trajectory.

VUNIO will return strength, strengthen your position in society and "advance" the problem to its resolution. ITS meaning is light, joy, fulfillment of the plan. The event happened, the best, and the desired has already happened.

The Problem Solving amulet gives you the opportunity to radically change what seems inevitable.

Review your life. Surely there are many unresolved, small and large, issues in it. Our life is a series of problems of varying complexity. And our success is the ability to solve all life tasks as quickly as possible and with the best result.

Ancient runic symbols have been brought into our lives for a reason, they are our reliable and faithful helpers, defenders and friends!!!

Amulet SOULU - DAGAZ - VUNIO will solve all your problems!!!

If you urgently need finance for some business, to receive large sum money will help bring the appropriate opportunity to life. This method helps to get out of the black stripe and end poverty.

By the way!
We have it on our website - use it to your health!

What runes attract wealth and good luck?

Ancient runes are certain symbols, each of which has its own individual meaning. Therefore, it is important to choose the right signs and combine them to get the desired result.

The fastest and most effective becoming may include the following runes:

  1. - the undisputed leader among the money runes. This symbol helps to radically change life, accumulate energy and attract opportunities to achieve financial success, get rich. You can use it as a solo rune, or combine it with other symbols to enhance the effect. activates cash flows and attracts all sorts of benefits into your life, and also saves the existing savings.
  2. - a symbol of fertility. It works if in the past and present you have already made enough efforts, were hardworking. It enhances the effectiveness of your actions and helps you choose the right direction for achieving financial success.
  3. Otal is a symbol of everything material that can be measured in money. Helps to enlist the support of higher powers, attract patrons, patrons, investors and just useful people which will bring the achievement of the set financial goals closer.
  4. - a symbol of prosperity, development, well-being and growth. It endows a person with colossal vital energy, thanks to which any obstacles become on his shoulder, and any goals are achieved easily. A sign of victory and successful personalities.

By combining these runes with each other, you can make a very strong rune for money, which as a result will help you achieve your cherished financial goals.

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Examples of runic money formulas

It can be difficult for beginners to make effective runic combinations on their own. In order not to get confused and use the magic of runes correctly, you can use ready-made and proven staves.

For example, the Fehu-Fehu-Fehu combination triples the power of the most powerful money rune, and also helps to move to a new stage of financial development. Attracts the luck necessary for enrichment, multiplies the number of favorable opportunities.

The meaning of the characters in this combination:

  • - a symbol of profit and material wealth that can be measured in money.
  • Otal - helps to attract the amount necessary for the acquisition of large property.
  • - protects acquired property from thieves and swindlers.
  • - helps to achieve victory and achieve goals.

Depending on your goals, choose the most suitable combination.

There are certain rules that you need to follow if you want the becoming to work correctly and completely. The tips and tricks are as follows:

  • Be sure to make a request in the process of working with runes to the ancient pagan deity Odin. You can also call on Freyr or Njord to help.
  • Make a sacrifice to the ancient deities. It can be fruits, wine, fish. Prepare an impromptu altar for the sacrifice. Put the necessary runes in the center, place candles around, light incense, put a container with clean water and salt.

During the sacrifice, it is important to say a magic spell that activates the power of the runes:

Above each rune, which you will alternately install at the altar, say these words:

After all the magical manipulations, relax and concentrate your mind on the thought of what you want to receive. Visualize - draw in your imagination images of how you got the right amount of money, plan what you will spend on.

At the end of the magical ritual, thank the deity that was addressed for help and assistance. Wait for the candles to burn out, and leave the altar untouched for several days.

Important: you can draw runic staves on a blank sheet of paper or banknotes. Do not use dark colors, especially black. Shades of red or green are best suited.

Watch a video about the use of money runes:

To enhance the effect of runic magic, you can add your own sacrifice - put a few drops of blood on paper with the image of runes. But this is optional.

The running time of the runes depends on your energy. The more powerful it is, the sooner you will get the result. Be patient if there is not enough vitality - it will take time for the right amount of money to come into your life.

You can repeat this ritual an infinite number of times. But start the next one only after you get the results from the previous one. The magic of the ancient runes is very powerful - if you follow all the nuances and subtleties of the process, it will definitely work, although the result will not be instantaneous.

Do not forget to thank the higher powers after you get what you want. Gratitude also attracts good luck and financial opportunities into a person's life, this tool is no less powerful.


If you initially turn to such a beautiful animal as foxes, then it is necessary to highlight several of its main qualities, which are pursued by becoming.
The cunning Fox knows how to hide very well, while she, as it were, flows into the area where she is hiding.
Thus, the main traits of the fox are adaptability, cunning, observation, integration, and quickness of thought. These traits may also include fast decision, and confident running in the physical world. Exactly what the operator needs.

The fox can use silly tactics as a brilliant application of camouflage.
No one can guess the trick behind such ingenious maneuvers.

So in the composition:

Anzus, as already noted, the rune is responsible for wisdom and the power of thought, but in addition, she, together with Kano, gives the operator the power of the word. Thus, it will make the operator's speech convincing and attractive, which will help him achieve and strengthen his success and achieve his goal.

Eyvaz - the flexibility of the mind and again mental strength. In addition, it will strengthen the psychological endurance of the operator, which will allow him to avoid confusion. Rune of communication. Allows you to trace the situation as a whole, to establish a complete picture of the world

Laguz - Stabilizes an emotionally or mentally unfavorable situation in favor of the operator. Increases psychic abilities, sharpens and enhances the intuitive perception of the world, exactly what the operator is looking for. At the same time, it will allow you to get rid of complexes and fears.

At the expense of Laguz, a secret, hidden control of the situation, control of chances, luck is provided. Allows you to create an event stream or manage a similar stream. In addition, it will competently disguise all the actions of the operator both for the "seeing" and for those on whom its influence is directed.
Teyvaz is the protection of the operator, and the amplifier in the stav as a whole. In addition, it will work as a guide to the main goal.

Naut - again introduced into becoming, as a protective rune, and helps to develop the necessary endurance for the operator, and gives the operator self-sufficiency, which also characterizes the main goal.

Turs - neutralizes psychological pressure on the operator, or directly neutralizes the one who dares to encroach on the honor and dignity of the operator.

Jera - A small yummy is hidden in it, because it will open the way for the operator, that is, it clears the way for events. And in connection with the Tours, He will remove the obstacles that hinder the achievement of the result. Well, it will strengthen and consolidate the result (as the final one in the runescript)

Gebo gives balance and harmony to the stav as a whole, since due to the peculiarity of its construction, there is a risk of instability. And it ensures the correct and even distribution of energies and forces both in the staff and the operator.

Dagaz is used in the stave to influence a change in your position or the position of someone else. In addition, it gives strength to the operator, both vital and personal.

- the continuity of life.

Poems are everything.

Deity - Ulr. The stepson of Thor, the solar god, armed with arrows (solar rays) is a wonderful archer. All his arrows hit the target, no matter how far and small it is. Ulr is also the fastest skier. People learned this art from him.

Eyvaz is the rune of the world order, symbolizes the Yggdrasil tree, the world order, the divine perception of the world, the collection of laws, traditions and rules.


Know the runes of thought
if you want to become the wisest!
Hroft figured them out
and drew them
he invented them ... (Elder Edda, Speeches of Sigrdriva, 13)

In modern occultism, it is a symbol of the subconscious, the realm of becoming, where the future is formed from mental images of the present.

Eyvaz is protection and patronage. Helps to bring the matter to the end, protects against making the wrong decision. The power of continuity, the symbol of longevity, the connection of the Subconscious to the eternal realm of the Spirit. Light and Darkness, Life and Death merge into a single Force, mutually complementing each other.

Eyvaz is a force that supports various layers and levels of Being. The force of nature that conquers death.

Eyvaz is associated with the deep layers of magic - the rune of protection and defense. Protects and banishes troubles. This is protection from Subtle Worlds, protects from difficult life circumstances, needs, conflicts at home and at work. It will help in overcoming physical and magical obstacles in any area of ​​life.

The Eyvaz rune, both in its design and in the meanings associated with it, corresponds to Yggdrasil - the world tree, connecting heaven and earth, penetrating with its branches into all areas of space and time. It is the linking everything and everyone. Removal of obstacles, supreme protection, organic increase in strength. Prevention of troubles. Most often, the obstacles in the way of a person are connected with the fact that he rests his forehead in one place, not seeing another way out. Thanks to Eyvaz, we have the opportunity to move away from the obstacle and see a workaround. Eyvaz says that there is a way out in any situation. But it needs to be felt. You need to take a closer look at it, try to find it, but not by trial and error, but simply by considering the situation more holistically.

This is the most powerful rune of protection and problem solving. Its main feature is the harmony of heaven and earth, or rather, all nine worlds. Yggdrasil is what does not allow the world to collapse, when it dies, the end of the world comes, and at the same time the Last Battle will end, and the new world. In practice, Eyvaz combines good and evil, life and death, because the roots of Ash are in Hel, and his crown is in Asgard.

It can be used:

1. For protection.

2. For strength growth.

3. To overcome obstacles and troubles.

A rune of defense, or rather a rune of defense. Important in connection with witchcraft and sorcery. Rune of averse forces and overcoming obstacles. Supportive energy, endurance, longevity. We are fundamentally changing a threat to something into something useful for something. The minus sign is converted to a plus sign. In the same way, an obstacle can become something that helps further progress.

Eyvaz is a powerful means of protection, as well as a way to approach a target. Moreover, the rune acts for others as a blocker of their actions, thereby providing freedom of action to the owner of the rune. Used to create any bonds between people. Rune of communication. To obtain true wisdom, knowledge about the world. Allows you to trace the situation as a whole, to establish a complete picture of the world. Rune of the vegetable kingdom. The symbol of the great ash tree is used to establish subtle connections between the worlds, to bind someone to something. Rune of communication. This connection is expressed in erasing the boundaries between the worlds.

EIVAS or Searches

In the morning, when Orsana and Wulf again looked at the valley, it seemed to them even more beautiful than yesterday evening, the rays of the rising sun gilded the grass and trees, and the water in the river sparkled, inviting them to swim.

They gladly accepted this invitation, and plunged into the clear sparkling water with an enthusiastic splash.

As they lay drying on the golden sands of the shore, Orsana said:

If we figure out that on the other side, the valleys are as safe as they are here, then maybe we can take a day off before heading back.horny?

I would love to do that, Orsana, but you knowthat our relatives are anxiously awaiting our return.We will enjoy the valley when we settle here.BUT now yesLet's check out what this place hides in itself.

Okay, but maybe we should ask the runes first?

Wulf took out a bag and handed it to the girl. She pulled out one rune.

What do you have there?” he asked.

Rune Eyvas.

Well, yes, that was to be expected.


This is a search rune. It protects those who have chosen a goal for themselves and stubbornly strive for it, looking for the best. Don't you think it suits our situation?

This is true. After all, we are looking for what will be best for us and ourtribe. Tell me more about this rune.

Rune Eivas belongs to the element of Air and is dedicated to God bynamed Ull, protector of warriors, athletes and all persevering, brave people.

And us too? the girl asked.

Of course, Orsana! Therefore, we must as soon as possiblecheck out what surprises this valley hides.

They quickly packed their things, destroyed the traces of the fire and swam across to the other side of the river.

Wulf! Will the old people of our tribe be able to swim across this river? Will it become an insurmountable obstacle for them?

It's great that you care about old people! They are our wisdom. They keep knowledge and traditions. I've already thought about how to ship them. You see, there are many trees here, men will doof which boats, and in this way we will transport those who cannot swim, and all the property too, so that it will not be damaged by water

For example, poultry?

Of course. And plant seeds to be plantedyat, and provisions, and many other things. Now let's see what's on this side of the valley.

A few tens of meters from the river was a small earthen rampart. Wolfe was overcome with fears that people had piled him up. But the concern turned out to be in vain. When they climbed the mountain, a vast hilly expanse covered with lush vegetation opened up to their eyes. FROM on two sides it was bounded by high impregnable rocks, and on the other side by a forest that seemed to have no end.

“It’s even more beautiful and safer than on the other side of the river,” Orsana whispered in amazement. - Do you want to go there?

- I should.

“But what if there is a wide road just beyond the forest, along which anyone can get here!” Let's get closer, but we won't go into the thicket. I will climb the rocks and see where this forest ends.

So they did. Wulf climbed a rock, injuring and skinning his hands with sharp stones. It took a long time, and by the time he came down to earth, it was long past noon. Dinner prepared by Orsana was waiting for him downstairs. She collected ripe juicy berries to diversify her food a bit. Before dinner, the girl carefully examined Wulf's wounded palms.

You know, this forest seems to have no end,” said Wulf.It stretches almost to the horizon, and behind it only rocks, snow and ice are visible.

What do we do?

We are returning. We probably won't find a better place for a village. This valley seems to have been created for us. And on whichwe will settle on the side, let the elders decide.


eyvas, eyvaz, ivaz, ehvaz, eokh, ir


yew wood from which bows are made


Supports metabolic processes, strengthens and heals the liver, eliminates ailments associated with gallbladder and processes of bile secretion.

Rune potential:

Processes of transformation and development, searches, inheritance, continuity.

Basic properties:

Supportive energy, endurance, durability, perseverance in pursuit of a goal.

Rune Message:

If you want to achieve something, then do not look back at others, do not hesitate, but carry out what is planned. This rune will help you get the stars from the sky!

Predictive value:

The circle of life and death, overcoming obstacles, the happy ending of problems. Initiation, the gate between the visible world and the invisible world. Self-discipline, good contact with emotions, self-control, finding what you were looking for, victory, gain. The rune facilitates the embodiment of ideas in real life. The increase in strength and energy, constancy.

Magic use:

Supports on the path to spiritual development, avoids deception and illusions, helps to make the right decision. Protects from negative influences, chaos and disorder, helps to win and persistently strive for the intended goal. Enhances paranormal abilities. It makes it possible to bring the given case to a successful conclusion, ensures victory in any sense of the word, gives hope regardless of the situation.

Runa Eyvas can help you:

- get rid of the fear of death;

- strengthen perseverance;

- make contact with other worlds;

- avoid disorder and chaos;

- release your inner reserves.

Runa Eivas should be meditated, when you would like answers to the following questions:

- what am I looking for?

Am I in control of my emotions?

What does the expression "spiritual development" mean to me?

— am I aware of my inner reserves?

- in what situations do I “lose my head”?

Can I teach myself self-discipline?

Can I set realistic goals for myself?

EIVAZ - the continuity of life.

Poems are everything.

Deity - Ulr. The stepson of Thor, the solar god, armed with arrows (solar rays) is a wonderful archer. All his arrows hit the target, no matter how far and small it is. Ulr is also the fastest skier. People learned this art from him.

Eyvaz is the rune of the world order, symbolizes the Yggdrasil tree, the world order, the divine perception of the world, the collection of laws, traditions and rules.

In modern occultism, it is a symbol of the subconscious, the realm of becoming, where the future is formed from mental images of the present.

Eyvaz is protection and patronage. Helps to bring the matter to the end, protects against making the wrong decision. The power of continuity, the symbol of longevity, the connection of the Subconscious to the eternal realm of the Spirit. Light and Darkness, Life and Death merge into a single Force, mutually complementing each other.

Eyvaz is a force that supports various layers and levels of Being. The force of nature that conquers death.

Eyvaz is associated with the deep layers of magic - the rune of protection and defense. Protects and banishes troubles. This is protection from the Subtle Worlds, protects from difficult life circumstances, needs, conflicts at home and at work. It will help in overcoming physical and magical obstacles in any area of ​​life.

The Eyvaz rune, both in its design and in the meanings associated with it, corresponds to Yggdrasil - the world tree, connecting heaven and earth, penetrating with its branches into all areas of space and time. It is the linking everything and everyone. Removal of obstacles, supreme protection, organic increase in strength. Prevention of troubles. Most often, the obstacles in the way of a person are connected with the fact that he rests his forehead in one place, not seeing another way out. Thanks to Eyvaz, we have the opportunity to move away from the obstacle and see a workaround. Eyvaz says that there is a way out in any situation. But it needs to be felt. You need to take a closer look at it, try to find it, but not by trial and error, but simply by considering the situation more holistically.

This is the most powerful rune of protection and problem solving. Its main feature is the harmony of heaven and earth, or rather, all nine worlds. Yggdrasil is what does not allow the world to collapse when it dies, the end of the world comes, and at the same time the Last Battle will end, and a new world will come. In practice, Eyvaz combines good and evil, life and death, because the roots of Ash are in Hel, and his crown is in Asgard.

It can be used:

1. For protection.

2. For strength growth.

3. To overcome obstacles and troubles.

A rune of defense, or rather a rune of defense. Important in connection with witchcraft and sorcery. Rune of averse forces and overcoming obstacles. Supportive energy, endurance, longevity. We are fundamentally changing a threat to something into something useful for something. The minus sign is converted to a plus sign. In the same way, an obstacle can become something that helps further progress.

Eyvaz is a powerful means of protection, as well as a way to approach a target. Moreover, the rune acts for others as a blocker of their actions, thereby providing freedom of action to the owner of the rune. Used to create any bonds between people. Rune of communication. To obtain true wisdom, knowledge about the world. Allows you to trace the situation as a whole, to establish a complete picture of the world. Rune of the vegetable kingdom. The symbol of the great ash tree is used to establish subtle connections between the worlds, to bind someone to something. Rune of communication. This connection is expressed in erasing the boundaries between the worlds.

EIVAS or Searches

In the morning, when Orsana and Wulf again looked at the valley, it seemed to them even more beautiful than yesterday evening, the rays of the rising sun gilded the grass and trees, and the water in the river sparkled, inviting them to swim.

They gladly accepted this invitation, and plunged into the clear sparkling water with an enthusiastic splash.

As they lay drying on the golden sands of the shore, Orsana said:

- If we figure out that on the other side, the valleys are as safe as they are here, then maybe we can take a day off before heading back.horny?

- I would love to do that, Orsana, but you knowthat our relatives are anxiously awaiting our return.We will enjoy the valley when we settle here.BUT now yesLet's check out what this place hides in itself.

- Okay, but maybe we should ask the runes first?

Wulf took out a bag and handed it to the girl. She pulled out one rune.

- What do you have there?” he asked.

- Rune Eyvas.

- Well, yes, that was to be expected.

- Why?

- This is a search rune. It protects those who have chosen a goal for themselves and stubbornly strive for it, looking for the best. Don't you think…..