The most severe pressure on a person is anonymous. Psychological pressure on a person

Psychological pressure is the influence exerted by one person on other people in order to change their opinions, decisions, judgments, or personal attitudes. It is carried out by far not the most honest and correct, from the point of view of humanity, ways. But, unfortunately, anyone can face it.


Psychological pressure can manifest itself in various forms. Coercion is one of those. This is the most brazen and unprecedented attempt to influence another person. This method is, in its essence, the unlawful use of mental violence.

From the outside, its application looks like an informational impact on human consciousness. Which may be accompanied by threats of physical violence. But these are extreme cases.

Most often, the moral rapist operates with other "trump cards". This may be his power, money, influential status, compromising data. Some try to destroy their prey. They say such words that erase the dignity of a person into powder and trample his self-confidence into the dirt. Actions can also be of a similar nature.

Others follow the tactics of obsession. It consists in the intentional moral torment of a person by various methods.

How to react?

This kind of pressure is very difficult to resist. But it is possible (if desired). The most important thing is to accurately identify for yourself the goals that the oppressor is trying to pursue. You have to understand what he wants. And then do the exact opposite. Only without letting him know that the confrontation is intentional. He must perceive the confidence of the one he is trying to make a "victim" as a character trait. In the end, a failed moral abuser will leave the person alone. Because he realizes that he will not achieve the intended goal.

But if he is obsessed with her, then he will have to be patient and fortitude. Because the persecutor just will not lag behind. Before that, he will try all sorts of methods. If the situation causes too much discomfort, it is better to leave it. In the truest sense of the word - to break all contacts. But because of the persecution, which may well begin if the oppressor is fanatical, you can contact the police.


With the help of it, pressure is also often applied. Psychological humiliation is aimed at morally “crushing” a person. Every word is used that can indicate its inferiority, inferiority and insignificance. But how does one manage to influence a person in this way? After all, he, on the contrary, must accept any request or order “with hostility”, getting angry at what he heard! Yes, it's logical. But in reality it happens differently.

Insults introduce a person into a state of some kind of prostration. It is felt even physically - it begins to knock in the temples, breathing quickens, and the beat of the heart gives off somewhere in the throat. A person is consumed by resentment mixed with bewilderment, anger, and other adrenaline-inducing feelings.

This can be understood. After all, humiliation seriously affects the well-being of a person. Because self-respect is the highest moral value. Even in Maslow's pyramid, it is at the fourth level.

So, at the moment when a person is shrouded in a state of resentment, the same aggressor who provoked the incident takes advantage of the opportunity to put pressure on him: “Are you at least capable of doing this?”

Such a phrase literally brings out of a trance. Of course, being in a normal state, a person would instantly dismiss it. It is only in such a situation that the psychological defense mechanism is activated. On a subconscious level, a person wakes up with a desire to prove his worth and convince the offender that he was mistaken about him. And he grabs the errand. And that's exactly what the offender needed.


Since psychological pressure is quite successfully carried out through humiliation, it is necessary to talk about an effective way to deal with this impact.

So, you need to remember that this method only works with people who are not confident in themselves. A self-sufficient person will only laugh at the attempts of some unsuccessful aggressor to act with groundless insults. They just won't hit him.

Therefore, you need to become such a self-sufficient person. Any rude word should turn into a kind of signal, reminding a person that it is time to activate the defense and not succumb to provocations.

In the soul, of course, a storm can rage. But appearance should disarm the aggressor as much as possible. A relaxed disinterested look, an occasional yawn, a loose posture, a slight smirk - such a look will hint to him of his unsuccessful attempts to get a person to do something in such a vile way. And when he finishes crucifying, you can drop a simple indifferent phrase that will confuse him: “Did you say everything?”. Or alternative: "I heard you (a)." And you can limit yourself to just one word: “Good.” It is not necessary to completely ignore the offender. After all, he knows that a person is not deaf, which means that he hears him. And if he is silent, then, most likely, he simply does not know what to answer. So there must be at least one reaction.

suggestion and persuasion

This is a more delicate method by which psychological pressure is exerted. Not everyone owns it. After all, you need to be able to influence someone else's consciousness, provoking an uncritical perception of attitudes and beliefs.

In addition, such manipulators are masters of the word. They are empathic, observant, and know exactly what needs to be said to this or that person, so that he himself, under his influence, redesigns his attitudes. Such people skillfully play with the subconscious of the “victim”. They use intonation, imaginary friendliness and frankness, empathy and many other semi-conscious ways.

A striking example is the well-known fraudulent online schemes - one-page sites, which colorfully describe some kind of "innovative" method of earning, which becomes available to the user after he replenishes his own account (later supposedly needed by him) for a certain, "purely symbolic" amount. These resources are led by videos built on the same principle. A certain person first sincerely tells his story about how he went from rags to riches, and then switches to the user - he begins to say that he deserves a better life, and he should think about himself, family, children, parents. He loses nothing - some five thousand will pay off almost in the first 10 minutes of system activation.

Surprisingly, such psychological pressure works. The words of the “speaker” touch a nerve, penetrate the soul, make you believe, motivate. But, of course, only he benefits from this.

And this is just one example. This also happens very often in real life. And if on the Internet you can simply force yourself to close the page, then in reality you have to resist.


Often, psychological pressure on a person is through this particular method. Manipulation involves the use of violent, deceitful, or covert tactics. And if in the case of humiliation or coercion, a person understands that he is being attacked, then in this situation - no.

A manipulator who promotes his interests at the expense of other people knows how to hide his true face, aggressive behavior and bad intentions. He is well aware of the psychological vulnerabilities of the "victim". He is also cruel and indifferent. The manipulator does not worry that his actions may harm the one he perceives as his "pawn".

Psychological pressure on a person by manipulation is in various ways. Psychologist Harriet Breaker, for example, noted five main points of attention:

  • Positive reinforcement is imaginary sympathy, charm, praise, apology, approval, attention, flattery and flattery.
  • Negative - promises to get rid of an unpleasant, difficult and problematic situation.
  • Partial reinforcement - encouraging a person to persevere, eventually leading him to failure. A good example is the casino. The player may be allowed to win several times, but in the end he will lower everything to the penny, getting bogged down in excitement.
  • Punishment - intimidation, abuse, an attempt to impose a sense of guilt.
  • Injuries are one-time outbursts of anger, tantrums, insults, as well as other examples of frightening behavior aimed at frightening the victim and convincing her of the seriousness of the manipulator's intentions.

There are also many other ways. But, however, whatever they may be, the goal of the manipulator is always the same - to gain personal benefit and achieve the goal.

How to avoid manipulation?

This question also deserves a short answer. There are a lot of recommendations and advice on how to resist the psychological pressure carried out through manipulation. And no matter which of them a person listens to, he will always have to do the same thing - to keep the situation under his control.

He needs self-confidence, self-control, healthy distrust and attentiveness. It is very important to notice the beginning of the manipulation in time. It's easy - a person will feel how pressure is exerted on his weak points.

The habit of analyzing what is happening still does not hurt. And it's not just about studying the behavior of potential manipulators. A person, in addition, needs to look at his goals, dreams and plans. Do they really belong to him? Or were these installations once imposed on him, and now he follows them? All of this needs to be well thought out.

How to resist psychological pressure? You have to become critical. And visually impregnable. Manipulators always count on quick results. You can't give it to them. For every offer or request, you need to answer: "I'll think about it." And it really doesn't hurt to think about it. In a calm atmosphere, without any pressure, it will be possible to “probe” the request from the inside and understand whether the person really needs help, or he is just trying to benefit for himself.

And if a decision is made to refuse, it is necessary to express it in a firm form, showing character. Hearing an uncertain “Yes, no, probably ...”, the manipulator will begin to “break” the person. This cannot be allowed.

By the way, do not be shy to show your emotions to the “puppeteer”. This will expose him, and he will fall behind. You can get by with a simple phrase, like: “I don’t owe you anything, but because of your persistence, I feel ungrateful!”.

Turning to the law

It is important to note that even the Criminal Code contains information about psychological pressure on a person. It will not be superfluous to open and scroll through the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation to Article No. 40. It is called "Physical or mental coercion." And this is a direct reference to what was said at the very beginning. Only here everything is more serious.

We are talking about crimes committed by people under pressure from the aggressor. The first paragraph of the article states that harm caused to interests protected by law is not considered an offense. But only if the person could not control his actions at that moment. Let's say he was forced at gunpoint, or holding at gunpoint one of his relatives.

But if it was psychological pressure on a person? Article No. 40 in this case refers to the previous one, at number 39. The issue of criminal liability for committing a crime under mental influence is resolved taking into account its provisions.

Article number 39 is called "Urgent Necessity". It says that a crime is not such if it was committed in order to eliminate the danger that threatens a person or other people directly.

However, this is not all that is said in the Criminal Code. Psychological pressure is also mentioned in the 130th article. It notes that the humiliation of the dignity and honor of another person, expressed in extreme form, is punishable by a fine of up to 40,000 rubles, or a salary for three months. In especially severe cases, 120 hours of social work are assigned. useful work or 6 months in prison. The maximum punishment is restriction of freedom up to 1 year. Very serious consequences of psychological pressure.

An article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation also states that an insult expressed publicly (through the media, in a speech, in a video message, etc.) is punishable by a double fine. The maximum punishment is 2 years of restriction of liberty.

In the case of children

Psychological pressure on a child is an even more serious topic. Everyone knows how weak and fragile consciousness children have (the majority, anyway). It is extremely easy to influence them. And it's not about healthy pressure, which cannot even be called such (“If you don’t remove the toys, I won’t talk to you” - the impact through guilt). This refers to the real coercion to something, the attack of the child (psychological).

The pressure of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in this case is defined as "Failure to fulfill the duties of education." This is article #156. Moreover, the provisions apply not only to parents, but also to employees of educational, social, educational and medical organizations. Ill-treatment is what psychological pressure is equated with. The article also prescribes punishments. This can be a fine of 100,000 rubles, compulsory work (440 hours), the elimination of the right to hold a certain position, or imprisonment for three years.

But, of course, cases rarely reach litigation. The article of the Criminal Code characterizes psychological pressure in a specific way, but in life it occurs in a different manifestation.

Many parents simply unceremoniously interfere in the space of the child, brutally control his every step, force him to do what he does not like (go to the boxing section when the kid wants to dance, for example). Some are sure that if you point out shortcomings to him, he will correct them. But it's not. Not with all adults with a strong psyche and mind, this works. And the child will completely withdraw into himself, starting to doubt his own strengths and abilities, and constantly feeling guilty for no reason. Parents, exerting a pressure influence, thus reflect their own experiences and fears. But in the end, they become enemies of their child, not allies. Therefore, the issues of education must be approached very responsibly. The birth and personal formation of a new member of society is a huge responsibility and serious work.

Labor sphere

Finally, I would like to talk a little about psychological pressure at work. Indeed, most often it is in the labor sphere that a person encounters this phenomenon.

It is necessary to understand first of all that the organization in which a person works is just a structure. In which everyone takes his place, and performs certain tasks. And the relationship between colleagues should be appropriate, business-like. If someone suddenly tries to put pressure on a person to serve (substitute, do dirty work, go on a day off), you need to refuse with dignity - somewhat coldly, but as politely as possible. You cannot put other people's interests ahead of your own. Especially if they have enough courage to approach such demands.

The only exceptions are when a colleague really needs help. By the way, you don’t need to be afraid of gossip, rumors, gossip or attempts to “sit out”. A person must remember that he is a professional in the first place. His skills and performance will not get worse from evil tongues. And with the boss, if he is interested in the topic, you can always explain.

It is much worse if the “onslaught” comes directly from the boss. And there are leaders who are only happy to put psychological pressure on a person. The article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation here, of course, will not serve as informational help, but the provisions of the Labor Code will do.

Most often, ordinary workers are faced with persistent "requests" from the boss to apply for dismissal of their own free will. This contradicts Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, since such actions exclude the freedom of expression of the employee's will. And a person has every right to apply to the prosecutor's office to open a labor dispute, or go straight to court. But evidence obtained without violating the law will be required. They are needed, by the way, in any case, whatever the complaint.

In summary, I would like to say that the topic of psychological pressure is indeed very detailed and interesting. It contains many more nuances and important points. But with them, if there is a desire, you can familiarize yourself with them individually. Knowledge of this nature is never redundant.

Psychological pressure - everyone has experienced this. It is worth giving up a little slack, as someone who has even the most insignificant powers begins to abuse them with might and main. We almost always act as if on an automatic machine, over and over again playing out ineffective scenarios - flight or.

William Shakespeare wrote: "You can upset me, but you can't play me." Apparently, the master of English poetry and dramaturgy had reason to say so. If even the greatest geniuses are met with attempts to manipulate them, this cannot be avoided by us mere mortals.

What is psychological manipulation

Manipulation is a hidden influence on another person, with the help of which there is a change in his initial attitudes, behavior, perception. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the main goal of psychological influence is the benefits that the aggressor needs. Since with the help of this influence the manipulator satisfies his interests, this type of behavior is considered unethical. Manipulations that are aimed at satisfying the interests of the victim are extremely rare.

Psychological pressure is a common problem, especially in the post-Soviet space. Many do not disdain them - from rude saleswomen in the store, and ending with traffic police inspectors. The first thing to do if you find yourself in such a situation is to track your emotional reaction, and try to stop it (no matter how difficult it may be).

You can often hear from psychologists a recommendation to count to ten, try to regulate your breathing, and relax your muscles. However, this does not always help, as well as other similar tips. Another, more effective, way is to switch consciousness to other objects - for example, looking at the appearance of your opponent. Analyzing the behavior of the aggressor or the work environment, looking at the details of clothing, calculating logarithms in your head (if you are a mathematical genius), translating the stapler label from English into Russian - all this helps to distract, stop the storm.

The reason for our reactions

Why is it so difficult to stop in a conflict situation, to go beyond the usual behavioral pattern? The reason lies in our physiology, and is explained by the theory of the conditional division of the brain into three main sections:

  1. "Reptile Brain" - the most ancient part, activated at the time of the occurrence of a threat to life.
  2. The “mammalian brain”, which is responsible for receiving pleasure.
  3. As well as the "human brain" - a department that regulates the processes of thinking, rational analysis, reasoning.

Usually these departments work in peace and harmony. But when a person is "upset", experiencing anger or fear - excitation prevails in the "reptilian brain". It is this department that dictates the reactions of flight, expressions of aggression, fading. But in all these cases, a person cannot evaluate his actions from a logical position, understand the opponent's motivation. This scheme was a lifesaver for ancient man. Now it causes a lot of inconvenience, although it continues to function in the same mode as millions of years ago.

Turning off the "reptilian brain" is possible only with the help of logical analysis, awareness of the current situation - that is, connecting the frontal lobes. The situation looks much simpler when we got out of the conflict, cooled down, got distracted. Physiologically, in the process of analyzing the situation, the following happens - the focus of nervous excitation in the brain moves from more ancient layers to cortical structures.

Types of manipulation in communication

Exist different types psychological pressure:

  • Compulsion. The most common type of manipulation. In this case, the aggressor affects the victim in the most direct way, using power, money, information, or brute physical force;
  • Humiliation. The manipulator seeks to humiliate the victim as much as possible in order to realize his future plans. For example, at first you may hear a stream of all kinds of information about yourself about how stupid, incompetent, ugly, etc. you are. Insults can refer to mental abilities: “idiot”, “fool”. This type of manipulation always causes resentment and a desire to defend oneself. As a result, a person quickly loses the ability to critically assess the situation, and it becomes much easier for the aggressor to control him. After all, by a certain moment the victim is already in a state of “combat readiness”, in which he will zealously defend his personal boundaries. At this point, the aggressor asks the question, "Can you at least do that?" - and the victim does everything to prove to himself and to the whole world his significance;
  • Flattery. One of the most dangerous types of manipulation of the interlocutor's consciousness. This species poses a particular threat to those who depend on the opinions of others and have low self-esteem. Such a person can quickly succumb to the manipulator. It is quite easy to resist flattery - you just need to voice the real value of your achievements, reflecting the manipulation. For example: “You belong to such a long-suffering people, you have a rich history” - “What are you, every country has pages in history when its inhabitants had to fight for justice”;
  • Avoiding a direct answer. One of the most common types of hidden manipulations. Its meaning is that the victim is taken by "starvation". When she tries to clarify the situation, she hears in response something like this: “Are you really? It's all right. What nonsense are you talking about?" Or the aggressor may constantly ask why you say unpleasant things about him.

Psychological pressure and methods of neutralization

Resisting manipulation is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

How can psychological pressure be neutralized?

  • The first thing to do is to realize that the actions of the aggressor have a specific purpose. You should be alerted by his stubborn attempts to draw your attention to some aspects of the issue and completely ignore others. Fluctuating emotions, a feeling of sympathy, or, conversely, indignation towards the manipulator, should also not go unnoticed. There are other signals that you should pay attention to: for example, feelings of guilt, a feeling of lack of time. Analyze the situation ahead of time. The aggressor knows that once he gets his opponent off balance, he will be very easy to control. However, as soon as you manage to soberly assess the situation, the need for an “urgent” solution to the issue, or an inappropriate sense of guilt, disappear by itself;
  • Ask questions. They should be open-ended—that is, they are not questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” For example: “What makes you think that I am afraid? Can you suggest that I have other grounds for refusal? This technique is especially effective in situations where the interlocutor makes accusations against you in an attempt to pressure you emotionally. Use clarifying questions as if you are asking for his opinion. Refrain from excuses, attempts to explain;
  • If you do not like the style of negotiation, feel free to interrupt the communication. You are the same participant in the process as the interlocutor. This is the most reliable way to avoid making the wrong decisions, especially when you are being rushed;
  • Another great technique for resisting manipulation is the opposite behavior. For example, the aggressor expects you to be afraid, but you demonstrate courage and determination; expects impudence from you - you show surprise; if you are forced to act in a hurry, you become even slower;
  • Play for time - this will allow you to remember the tricks with which you can repel manipulation. For example, you can sharply “remember” that you need to take medicine, call your child, or go out of need. You can just drop a pencil on the floor and look for it for a long time. It is desirable that you always have the techniques of resisting manipulation at the ready, and you can use them “on the machine”. But if you don’t have such an opportunity yet, a pause will allow you to get together and adjust your behavior strategy.

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

For them to become accommodating. Many of us know how to manipulate people's behavior with positive emotions, but the "dark side" is just as intriguing.

Even if a person is not going to use these techniques, he is unlikely to pass by the article "How to psychologically crush a person." The desire for destruction is as natural as the good ways of mankind.

Many rulers built their policy precisely on the fact that they made the population complaisant, instilling fear. Society becomes weak and depressed, which means it can be controlled.

Today you will learn what methods of pressure exist, several tactics used by the KGB and other special services, I will offer you several books if you want to deepen your knowledge, and I will also give you a couple useful tips for those who are going to use all these tricks. All in all, .


There are many directions in the field of psychological pressure on the enemy, and I would like to talk about the main directions.

Physical-psychological influence

The first strategy involves the physical impact, and only then the mental one. This is one of the most unfavorable ways, in some manifestations its use is illegal, but nevertheless it is used in practice, which means that I cannot but mention it.

First, a physical effect is manifested in relation to a person. For example, in a fight. After he felt the superiority of the opponent, they begin to “break” him psychologically. It is no longer so important what exactly a person says, he suppresses the interlocutor more and more deeply, calls out in him panic fear and makes it accommodating.

This is one of the most unfavorable methods, since the "victim" is only interested in one thing - by any means available for this. He may, in order not to contact the aggressor, try to influence him with the help of law enforcement agencies or in some other way involve third parties.


If you want to learn a little more about psychological pressure methods to avoid becoming a victim or to use some technology yourself, before I move on to useful advice I will offer you several books on this subject.

The first one belongs to the Legendary Bestsellers series. It's about the book The Psychology of Influence by Robert Cialdini: what means exist, commitment and consistency, reciprocity, . This guide contains softer tricks than I described in this article. The reader will get much more benefit from them, and why - I will tell a little later.

Another book that can help you solve all your problems without calling the other person names or making them emotional with silence is How to Outsmart Anyone: A Practical Guide by William Poundstone. Both of these books can be downloaded from LitRes.

We do not always succeed in the manipulative techniques that he uses. However, each person has an innate identification of such situations. A long stay in stress, acts destructively and a person seeks to get rid of this pressure.

We must not forget that in such cases it is almost impossible to predict the behavior of a particular person. No matter how you plan, he can do something completely different. It depends on many properties of the psyche that cannot be predicted. Behavior may not be rational or logical.

Strive to use positive methods of influence and communication to avoid unexpected situations. Don't forget to also subscribe to my blog. See you again.

How often do you think you are faced with a situation where you are being manipulated? Manipulate means they make psychological pressure, for example,. This may be much more common than you think. There are many ways to lead people to the right decisions, and they will be convinced that they themselves made these decisions. It is useful to know these methods, apply them from time to time and not fall for these tricks yourself. Here are some of the most widely available methods of psychological pressure on people.

1. Smile

To win over a person, you need to smile at him. And smile not automatically, only with your mouth, but smile with your eyes as well. Sales agents of network companies specifically in order to increase the level of their sales. The fact is that a sincere smile causes an involuntary smile in response from the opponent, after which it will be quite difficult for him to change his line of behavior.

2. Fork

A person needs to be asked questions that cannot be answered with “no”. For example, “Is it convenient for you to meet me at ten or twelve?” or “what price suits you better: 570 rubles or 230?”.

3. Copy

Entering into a dialogue with a person, after a few minutes of conversation, we begin to copy his facial expressions and gestures. He involuntarily begins to think that you are on his wave, and also begins to copy. As a result, it will be easier to get the solution you need.

4. Consent

Never argue, this will only anger the opponent and strengthen him in his positions. Ideally, you need to listen to the interlocutor, nodding your head and agreeing with him during the conversation, he loses his vigilance, subconsciously perceiving you as a like-minded person, and you unobtrusively offer your solution to the problem.

5. Identification of needs

Here it is important not to be mistaken in what a person really needs. If his need is clear, then you need to present the situation to him in a favorable light: what exactly will he benefit from the proposed solution (the purchased product) in solving his problem.

6. The pioneer factor

A person is afraid to do something first, so if we are talking about buying a product, then you need to convince him (on emotions) that today this product is being torn with his hands and that he may not get it. Here, the herd instinct and the fear of being left deprived work (how is it: everyone took it, but I didn’t have time?). Of course, this paragraph can be modified for other situations. You can’t persuade here, otherwise the factor of fear of loss will not work.

7. Present yourself in a favorable light

This item is best done first if you are meeting a person for the first time or have not seen him for about six months. In life, the saying "Meet by clothes ..." works well, so people in the first thirty seconds evaluate your appearance and style of clothing, then fifteen seconds your demeanor and gestures are evaluated, another fifteen seconds remain for your manner and literacy of speech. The impression that you made on a person in the first minute of communication is the most persistent, and it is very important not to ignore this moment.

9. Emotionality of speech

Your position must be stated enthusiastically. Moreover, women are more inclined to show emotions than men, respectively, in communicating with women it is necessary, with men - on the contrary. The greatest effect is obtained if a man communicates with a woman in the language of facial expressions and gestures, she gets the impression that he is a sensitive and understanding person. And vice versa, if a woman communicates with a man with restraint, then involuntarily he has such an opinion that you can rely on her and you can trust her.

10 Favor

The law of "favors - sense of duty" works among people by default. If you need a person in the future, find a way to be useful to him at least once. Let it be a trifle, but he will still understand that he is in debt.

11. Be close to the person, not in front of him.

If the person with whom, for example, you are having important negotiations, is on the verge of boiling, take a position next to him, and trouble will bypass you. A person will calm down faster in this way, and you will achieve your goal without problems.

12. Ask for help

If you want to get what you want, address the person like this: “I need your help” or “I have no one to help except you.” So the person you are contacting realizes his significance and, I would even say, uniqueness, so he will immediately begin to solve your problem.

13. Address a person by name

Every person is insanely pleased to hear his name. So, if you want to get what you want, start your appeal with the name and patronymic of the person.

14. Use in your monologue the words: “My father once told me…”

For all of us, parents are the most sacred thing on earth; we treat their life instructions with special trepidation. If you want to continue to successfully bend your line, tell a story on the topic "My father always said ..." - and this will become the final trump card in your favor.

15. An angry tirade

This technique is usually used by bosses. They unleash an angry tirade on a subordinate, although in reality this is not at all the emotion that they experience. A subordinate in a state of stress begins to actively do his job, which was to be achieved. True, this technique does not work for weak-spirited employees. Anger can finally break them.

16. Call for Guilt

You can put pressure on a person with the help of comments about his selfishness, the fact that he forgot about you, does not care enough, and the like. The “accused” automatically feels guilty or ashamed and rushes to fill in the gaps.

These are the main points that you need to consider when communicating with other people, which can significantly ease your life and save you from the possibility of falling under someone else's influence.

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Have you ever quarreled with your loved one? Have you ever had to do something after such a quarrel that you later regretted? Do you know the situation when you thought about some idea for a long time, in order to then voice it, for example, to your boss at work, but after a conversation with him, you left the office squeezed like a lemon, and even with the need to lead a completely different project? Have you ever had to make unnecessary promises or make ridiculous commitments while communicating with someone?

If you answered yes to at least one of the proposed questions, then you have experienced from your own experience that this is psychological pressure. Unfortunately, communication with people around us, including even those closest to us, is not always free from manipulation and attempts to influence us. Knowing how to resist psychological pressure is not at all a whim and not pumping your skills, but a real life necessity.

Types of psychological pressure

Before we talk about what are the ways to protect against psychological attacks, it makes sense to briefly recall the most common forms of such attacks. Let's present them in ascending order of negative potential.

Rhetorical questions

One of the most common forms of psychological pressure is asking rhetorical questions. For example, you may be asked: “Well, why are you so worthless?”, “Do you even understand what you are doing?” or "Do you understand what you just did?" etc. Trying to answer such questions does not make much sense, as well as ignoring them, because by doing so you either admit that you are wrong (it is quite likely that this is not the case at all), or show disrespect to the interlocutor.

To fend off such a psychological attack, you can continue the question and give some kind of positive answer, for example: “Yes, I understand what I did, and I did it because ...” Thus, in a number of situations, you can solve the problem, even with the help of a lively , but quite a constructive argument. Despite this, if you do not know how to resist psychological pressure, most likely, you will only aggravate the situation.


In any communicative situation, it is important to understand that everyone has their own truth, and the line between truth and lies can be fuzzy. The same events are often perceived differently by different people. And on this "trick" many manipulators build their psychological attacks, putting pressure on the interlocutor. This is a very clever trick and with people who do not have tricks psychological protection, it works flawlessly.

To counter this technique, it is helpful to start by playing along with the manipulator so that its pressure does not increase. Further, you should not take on any unnecessary obligations or promise something that you are not going to keep. There are also more radical method- just say no to the person. Although these methods do not always work. Manipulators know this, and using guilt is one of the most powerful techniques in their arsenal.

Massive attack

This technique is typical for people who put psychological pressure on a person who has all the powers not to do what they want from him. Often found in business and at work. The reception consists in the fact that the addressee of the manipulation begins to attack from all sides different methods people interested in resolving the situation in their favor.

For example, if a representative of the “weak” side does not want to sign a contract during the negotiations, the “strong” side begins to put pressure on him. This can be expressed in endless calls, constant visits of representatives to the office of the victim of attacks, huge amounts of emails, etc. The bottom line is that a person cannot withstand such psychological pressure and simply gives up under the onslaught of an opponent.

And here are a few more methods of psychological pressure of this kind:

  • a massive attack on the client is carried out;
  • in organizations, a massive attack is made on managers (for example, to increase salaries) or ordinary employees (for example, to dismiss);
  • in the activities of collection agencies, a massive attack on debtors is carried out, etc.

A skillful psychological attack can unsettle even a persistent and strong person, not to mention those who are not ready for such aggression against themselves. There are two best ways to protect yourself from it:

  • the victim talks separately with each member of the "campaign" against himself and explains his position;
  • the victim enters into negotiations with the main opponent and resolves all issues with him.

The adoption of such measures is quite effective, but still does not give an absolute guarantee of victory over the manipulator.

direct threat

This method of psychological pressure is not distinguished by the need for a special intelligence in the aggressor, but is very effective. When someone openly threatens the interests of a person, especially what is very important and valuable for him, it is extremely difficult for him to refuse. But even here there is one BUT: far from always a threatening person is able to realize his threats. However, the point is not even whether this will happen or not, but in the very impact on the psyche.

Often, direct threats should be considered as an indicator that they want to negotiate with you, and for a manipulator you are a fairly serious opponent. But even here it must be remembered that if a person were capable of some kind of decisive action, he would not threaten, but immediately began to act. So that good way behavior in the presence of a direct threat is following the initially chosen plan. (Here we recall that we are talking about communication situations that do not concern such things as a threat to health or life. In these cases, you need to use other methods, including methods).

These are the most common methods of psychological pressure. As you noticed, when describing them, we also indicated the most simple ways fight them. But not always and not all people can always be calm, control the course of communication and analyze what is happening. Often emotions take over, and then you have to forget about composure. It is precisely at such moments that it is necessary to apply methods of protection against psychological aggression.

Below we will introduce you to several such methods, so after reading the article, your defensive arsenal will be replenished with new types of “weapons”. However, before moving on to these methods, watch a short video.

5 Simple Tricks to Protect Against Psychological Pressure

The described techniques are very simple to use, and anyone can master them. By and large, many of us unconsciously already use them, but the maximum effect can still be obtained if two conditions are met: understand that you are using a specific technique, and understand what you are using it for. At first glance, these are small things, but in reality they are of great importance.

So, here are these five simple tricks:

  1. To reduce psychological pressure in the process of communication, place objects between you and the interlocutor. These can be chairs, a table, some interior elements. Even small things, such as putting an ashtray on the table or holding a cup of coffee to your mouth, can reduce your susceptibility to the psychological onslaught of the interlocutor.
  2. If you notice that someone is exerting psychological pressure, take it. Crossing your legs, crossing your arms, lowering your head and looking down from under your brows, you protect your vital organs and energy points. Such poses are not just called closed, because they really close a person for the perception of other people's signals.
  3. In addition to real barriers between yourself and the interlocutor, you can create mental barriers. Choose what seems to you the most strong defense: a wall of water, ice or fire, a glass jar or a cloud of gray smoke, a force field or even a space suit. Remember how in childhood, when playing, we said: "I'm in the house"? This is also not without reason, because thoughts have the ability to influence our perception.
  4. When someone is pushing you at home or at work, divert their attention. To do this, you can choose anything that will not allow the interlocutor to concentrate. Take a glass of water in your hands and start watering the flowers, turn on the water, open a magazine on a page with a girl in a swimsuit ... You can do something that knocks down the interlocutor: if you are a man, cough, or hit your palm with your fist; if you are a woman, effectively cross your legs or bend down beautifully behind an allegedly fallen hairpin, etc. To reduce the strength of the psychological impact of a partner, any distraction is effective. The main thing is that it looks natural, and also does not repeat too often.
  5. If you have, defense against psychological attack can be turned into a fun game. To do this, mentally remove the interlocutor from the image in which he currently appears. Introduce an important and pompous interlocutor as a court jester; a scarecrow stuffed with hay; a naked baby doll that jumped out of the bath; clumsy penguin, etc. The most important thing is to choose an absolutely ridiculous image, thanks to which any psychological pressure will be minimized.

Agree that it will not be difficult to become skilled in these techniques? We think that you will cope with this task successfully. But do not rush to close the page and run towards the manipulators. Next, we will reveal a few more useful tricks.

Effective fight against psychological pressure: algorithm of actions

Anyone who has had to deal with psychological pressure at work, in the company of friends, relatives or not very familiar people, knows that as soon as you relax and get confused, you suddenly begin to behave like an unreasonable child. Someone immediately begins to defend himself, someone hides his head in the sand, and someone succumbs to the influence of the manipulator and does what he is told. What response to such stress will be adequate and optimal?

The very first thing you need to do (and learn how to do) is to calmly perceive the incoming flow of information, stop emotional perception and begin to study the situation. Ideally, this should be done in one step and take a meager amount of time. And things like:

  • start breathing deeply and focus on breathing;
  • start slowly counting to ten (can be done together with breathing);
  • begin to carefully consider the interlocutor (here you need to pay attention to his appearance and behavior in order to find something that characterizes him as a person).

But psychologists advise a more interesting way: start to notice how the state of your partner changes in the process of communication. For example, catch where he is looking and how his eyes run; correlate his facial expressions and gestures with the content of the words. Some people look away when you start watching them closely, others become nervous, start fingering, fiddling with the tip of their jacket or clicking a pen, etc. By such manifestations, one can more or less accurately determine the true intentions and motives of the interlocutor, as well as understand what state he is in.

So: at the moment when you manage to become a "researcher", i.e. start to study the situation, you can begin to find out exactly what kind of influence the psychological aggressor is trying to have on you. And if you make sure that a person is exerting psychological pressure, do not hesitate and start defending yourself competently and professionally using the algorithm presented below.

Step 1 - ask questions

The purpose of asking questions is to gain time to think about the situation in general and your behavior in particular. You can directly ask your interlocutor if you can disagree with him in what he says to you. If he answers you yes, you can simply point it out and give him a negative answer to his request. If you feel that there is some kind of dependence in your relationship, find out what the consequences may be if you refuse.

The main condition is to clearly see the relationship between the words and actions of the interlocutor and your reactions. It often happens that the manipulator hides his manipulations, as a result of which he does not want to be exposed, so direct questions can make him retreat. This is especially true in situations where other people are present.

In the case when the relationship between your actions and the actions of your opponent is clearly visible from the very beginning, questions will help you get some time to think about your future behavior. Clarifying questions, such as:

  • Why did you decide that I don't want to take responsibility?
  • Why do you think I'm responsible for this?
  • What exactly should I be responsible for?
  • What makes you think I'm scared?
  • What do you think I should be afraid of?
  • Do you think that I have no right to refuse? Why?
  • Are you sure what you're saying? Why?
  • Why do you think so?

The main task when asking questions will be to find out the reasons why the interlocutor is in a winning position. Once you have time, move on to the next step.

Step 2 - Determine Your Opponent's Advantage

At the second stage, you need to understand how the aggressor exerts psychological pressure, how he plans to influence you. By understanding this, you will get a chance to organize a more powerful defense. Perhaps the opponent thinks he can influence you by raising his voice or shouting. In this case, you do not need to succumb to pressure. You just have to wait until the fuse of the aggressor weakens, and after that express your point of view.

It is possible that the manipulator will try to put pressure on you with the help of third parties present nearby. If so, then there is no need to lower your head. Pay attention to other people's reactions. You can even feel free to start looking at them. The mere fact that you are non-verbally addressing those present will cause them to give you some kind of feedback. The unanimity of third parties is very rare, so one of them may take your point of view. Yes, and the banal silence of others can be used to your advantage.

Remember that you cannot be psychologically broken, so you need to object slowly and calmly. Any tricks of the aggressor can be questioned or weakened if you are careful. When, for example, the interlocutor refers to some kind of authority, you can indicate that this technique is not suitable for the current situation. And if, for example, the aggressor points to his experience or age, you need to find arguments based on your experience and age.

If you want to keep the prospect of cooperation, you do not need to discount the opponent's arguments. It is better to somehow limit their applicability, using objective considerations for this. Here a person says that you have been communicating for a long time and helped him before, and that now he is again waiting for help. Relationships should not be underestimated. It is much more effective to point out the real reasons why you cannot help at the moment.

When the aggressor uses rush communication against you (at an increased pace), you need to come up with a way to stop him. You can say that you need to urgently call, go to the bathroom, send an email, etc. Any adequate pretext will help you reduce the pressure of your opponent, take a break and, knowing what the interlocutor is counting on, putting pressure on you, find your own method of pressure.

Step 3 - Determine Your Benefits

What can you use to help yourself? There are many options: support from third parties, reference to past positive experience, own merits, functions performed, authority, etc. But it’s better not to use reciprocal pressure, especially if the relationship with the manipulator is important to you for some reason.

It is best to build your arguments so that both you and the aggressor clearly understand the connection between your judgments. And if you offer your own solution to the problem, it is more competent to make it so that it is a compromise, i.e. suited both you and your communication partner.

Remember that your responses should not be too assertive, and even if you manage to successfully parry attacks, you should not show your superiority. Your task is to balance the balance, and not aggravate the situation and provoke conflict. And after the psychological pressure on you weakens, you can show your business qualities by offering cooperation.

Step 4 - Propose a Collaboration

Negotiating with a psychological aggressor is the best option resolving a negative situation, because in this way you, firstly, make sure that you have managed to successfully apply psychological defense techniques, and secondly, let your interlocutor understand that in the future attempts to put pressure on you will not lead to anything good.

Of course, you can “cut off the ends” and permanently end the relationship with the aggressor, but in cases with loved ones or those with whom you will be forced to communicate, this option will not work. Therefore, the benchmark for promising cooperation is the best choice. The same applies to situations where, for some reason, you still have to make some concessions.

Achieving a compromise is also beneficial because you will have the opportunity to explain to your partner the incorrectness of his behavior. That is why it is recommended to refrain from accusations and even more so from threats. Having come to a mutually beneficial agreement, you will prevent psychological attacks in the future, because your partner will remember how the past situation ended. This allows you to set up psychological manipulators to build constructive relationships.

Thus, we have a clear algorithm of actions when someone exerts psychological pressure:

  1. Use questions to get extra time to think about the situation and determine the advantages of the aggressor.
  2. Determine the advantages of the aggressor, i.e. those methods of pressure that he uses or intends to use.
  3. Determine your advantages, i.e. those methods of counteraction that will be appropriate and effective in a given situation.
  4. Align the balance of power and offer cooperation, for example, to come to a solution that is beneficial for everyone.

We advise you to always adhere to the techniques proposed in the article and the algorithm for protecting against psychological pressure, because at home, at work or in the company of friends, in most cases it is necessary to maintain good relationships. At the same time, we are well aware that these methods are not suitable for every situation, so you need to master other techniques to resist manipulators.

You can get acquainted with some of them in our article "", and Igor Vagin, a candidate of medical sciences, an experienced psychotherapist, business coach and specialist in sales, negotiations and personnel management, will tell you about some in this short video.