Useful tips for preventing dementia. Prevention of dementia - how to prevent the development of the disease How to prevent the development of dementia

Ideally, we associate old age with experience, wisdom, the ability to look at everyday troubles from the height of the past years.

But in real life, you often see older people completely helpless in everyday life or, even worse, behaving inappropriately.

It happens that over the years a person becomes a danger to himself, and sometimes to others. And the ailment with a beautiful name is to blame for everything.

Dementia in old age refers to brain atrophy and, as a result, progressive dementia.

In accordance with the observations of scientists involved in the study of the problem of senile dementia, there is an opinion in the medical environment that pathological changes in the work of the brain in older people do not lend themselves.

The fact is that the prerequisites for disruption of blood vessels and death of brain cells in the head arise long before old age.

When mental deviations become noticeable, it is too late to act. Best case scenario can slow down the degradation process. That is why the prevention of senile dementia after seventy years is no longer relevant.

All activities aimed at the prevention of dementia at 50 and 60 years of age should be started much earlier - already after forty years.

Dementia threatens people not only in old age, but also in their youth. See if you are at risk:

Risk factors

You should be wary of the formation of this disease in yourself or loved ones in the following cases:

If you mark one of the listed or their combination in yourself or people dear to you, then don't fall into despair.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner when alarming signs appear, adhere to the recommendations of specialists, and take prescribed medications.

And, of course, time to think about the prevention of dementia.

What to do to prevent disease in old age

It is possible to prevent the development of senile dementia. In the event that your age is already over forty years old, follow these recommendations:

How not to turn into a fool at 70? Prevention of dementia:

Treating dementia in the elderly

It remains to be added that the elderly and their loved ones should definitely pay attention to sudden attacks forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, which were not characteristic before.

Here are the studies you may need:

Psychiatrists also usually use tests specially designed to detect dementia:

  • KSHOPS(short mental status assessment scale) - this test will allow you to adequately assess the state of the patient's memory, as well as the necessary skills (concentrate, coherently express one's thoughts, navigate in time and space);
  • BPD(frontal dysfunction battery) - fluency of speech, the presence of a grasping reflex, the ability to repeat a set of movements with one hand, the ability to generalize objects (objects, phenomena) are checked.

I would like to wish everyone to live happily ever after, not fearing the decline of their years. Take a look around - you will see many examples of dignified old age of people who have retained the will and interest in life.

And if it so happened that close people took a step from common sense to madness, try to understand and forgive them to make the rest of their lives at least comfortable.

A clinical psychologist talks about the rules that will help your brain work more productively and keep your sanity for the rest of your life:

Dementia is a progressive disease in which degradation of cognitive function occurs. Speech, thinking, memory are destroyed. A person ceases to reckon, understand and reason. The disease is often accompanied by an emotional state, there is a degradation of social behavior and motivation.

Most older people become disabled due to dementia. Insufficient understanding of the disease, the lack of complete information leads to the fact that there is no diagnosis and the first health care.

At what age should you think?

During the disease, cells are destroyed, thinking is lost, memory and behavior are disturbed. The person stops performing daily activities.

Attention! Most people mistake the first signs for natural changes. And as a result, they only go to the doctor as a last resort.

Such a disease can affect people up to 50, 60 years, and even up to 40. And most importantly, it is to prevent the development of dementia.

You can think about the disease at the age of 20, when young people are faced with depression, stress and various other diseases that destroy nervous system. And after thirty, you need to undergo annual examinations and conduct tests to test your memory.

If you notice the first deviations in the body in time, which indicate this disease, that is, the ability to restore the patient's cognitive processes.

Diagnose early dementia pretty hard:

  • Symptoms such as forgetfulness and absent-mindedness are due to fatigue or chronic stress.
  • It is important to contact a specialist at the first deviations.

Reference! More than 36 million people worldwide suffer from dementia. These figures are increasing every year.

Causes of the disease

The causes of dementia are always various pathologies of brain tissues.

The most common cause lies in Alzheimer's disease.

Other ailments include:

  • alcoholism;
  • craniocerebral injuries;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • various structures in the brain.

Increase the risk of developing the disease later in life:

  1. Excess body weight;
  2. estrogen is below normal (in females);
  3. high cholesterol;
  4. passive lifestyle;
  5. heredity;
  6. weak intellectual development.

The causes of dementia are described in the video:

How to prevent dementia in old age?

Senile dementia occurs in most older people. First of all, the nervous system suffers. All deviations begin in the brain, and therefore mental capacity is reduced. In another way, this disease is called dementia, which is most often observed in the elderly.

Dementia is manifested due to pathologies that destroy brain cells, these are:

  • Pick's disease;
  • Alzheimer's;
  • Parkinson;
  • Vascular diseases.


Any treatment is to prevent further destruction of brain cells, restore lost functions, normalize blood circulation and metabolism.

This helps not only medications, but also proper diet.It is very important to monitor what the patient eats.

Very often, dementia develops against the background of atherosclerosis. And it comes from high cholesterol. Vessels begin to clog, and plaques appear. The brain begins to experience starvation, destruction of neurons occurs. For this reason, you need to lower your cholesterol levels.

Products that contribute to this:

  • various nuts (almonds, etc.);
  • berries;
  • red wine, but only dry;
  • vegetable oils, etc.

Important! During illness, you need to drink more water, and include in the diet the following dishes that contain various nuts (for example, walnuts or hazelnuts). Be sure to season the food with spices and seeds. Use fish and dietary meat. Eat more fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

It is very important to find something for the patient to his liking. You can consider the most interesting and popular options that affect brain function.

For example, listening to radio programs or communicating with pets. You can also begin to remember past events in your life. Old photo albums, picture books or forgotten songs of yesteryear will do the trick.

Attention! The key is to avoid questions that involve specific details. A person should not be at an impasse, because this is not an interrogation.

Various board games also affect the maintenance of all body functions:

  • lotto,
  • dominoes,
  • chess,
  • collective games.

This is all that makes a person think, make a decision. With the patient, you can begin to solve crossword puzzles, conduct puzzles, develop critical thinking. All these activities prevent the development of dementia.

Physical exercises

Any physical exercise is good for health. In the life of an elderly person, they should be regular. After all, exercise slows down the aging of the brain, prevents the decline in cognitive functions.

Daily exercise has a positive effect on the functioning of the body in old age.

Musical accompaniment can be used in exercises. If the patient likes the song, he will sing along or want to dance.

Any movement is already physical activity. A person is resting, but at the same time he is engaged in exercises. Muscles gradually become stronger. Exercise gives more concentration, which means that the brain is also exercised.

What physical exercises will help prevent the development of dementia is described in the video:

Special preparations

For dementia, doctors may prescribe certain medications. medical preparations, which improve blood circulation in the brain, increase vascular tone, stimulate metabolism, etc. But such treatment helps only at an early stage of the disease.

Medicines are prescribed such as:

  1. memantine;
  2. dopamine receptors;
  3. antidepressants and tranquilizers.

Doctor's observation

If you notice a change in behavior in a relative or friend, his speech gradually slows down, the person stops thinking logically, memory problems appear, then immediately consult a doctor.

If you notice the disease in time, you can slow down its development. The patient should see a doctor every six months, monitor the stage of the disease and take the prescribed treatment.

Pharmacotherapy with physical therapy

One of the popular methods conservative treatment. This includes:

  • speech therapy,
  • sports and medical physical education,
  • occupational therapy,
  • medicinal baths.


This type of treatment is supportive. Consultations are carried out only by an experienced psychiatrist with a completed higher education. Psychotherapy is underestimated to the full extent, and most do not understand its purpose.

Attention! On the early stages this process helps the patient absorb new information, think and maintain a conversation.

Is it possible to prevent the development of dementia is described in the video:

Can dementia be cured?

There is no cure for dementia, you can only slow the progression of the disease. To date, it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease. But due to the fact that medicine improves every day, there is hope that in the future this disease will be curable.

Dementia is a terrible and unpleasant disease.

It is possible to prevent its occurrence only at a young age, but if the disease is observed in an elderly person, then it is only possible to slow down the development of the disease.

Be sure to visit a doctor, conduct various memory tests, and engage in an active lifestyle. If you notice the first signs of dementia, then immediately seek help from a specialist.

Those who had to care for the elderly parents or relatives, know well what constitutes a disease called dementia or senile dementia. According to unofficial data medical statistics This disease affects 80% of people who have crossed the age of 75 years.

Who would be lucky enough to avoid this disease, it is difficult to predict in advance: y - your preferences. Of course, those who have a hereditary predisposition to this disease or lead a reclusive lifestyle are primarily at risk. It has been proven that the wider a person's social circle, the lower his risk of developing dementia in old age.

Early in the development of the disease symptoms of dementia weakly expressed, so they are often attributed to age. These are forgetfulness, difficulties in solving everyday problems, suspicion, a tendency to blame others, stubbornness and stinginess. Over the years, all these signs acquire more hypertrophied forms.

development of vascular dementia due to the cessation of blood flow to certain areas of the brain, which may be a consequence of a stroke, hypertensive crisis and violations cerebral circulation. To keep the brain healthy and prevent disruption of its functions, it is necessary while you are of sound mind to change your lifestyle and adhere to the following rules:

1. Eat right. Brain tissues are 60% polyunsaturated fatty acids. Scientists have proven that there is a direct link between the fats that make up our brain and the fats that we eat. The ideal ratio of fats supplied with food to our body is the intake of polyunsaturated fats Omega 6 and Omega 3 in equal amounts.

Unfortunately, in the diet of modern of people this ratio is not met. We consume a lot of sunflower oil rich in Omega 6 and rarely eat sea fish, seafood, eggs, whole grains, nuts and linseed oil, rich in omega-3. That's why best option A diet that helps prevent the development of senile dementia would be as follows:
- more fish (preferably trout, salmon, sardines or tuna) and walnuts;
- low share of meat and meat products;
- the predominance of vegetables, fruits and berries.
- pickles, canned food, sausages in a minimum amount, never add salt to food. It has been proven that salt is the main enemy of the brain. The intake of salt in the body with food should not exceed 4.5 grams per day.

At adherents This diet is almost non-existent. advanced level cholesterol in the blood, at which the risk of developing dementia increases by 70%.

2. Refuse bad habits . Smoking and alcohol significantly increase the likelihood of developing vascular dementia. It has long been believed that drinking alcohol is good for clearing blood vessels. But the recent results of a 20-year observation of 2.5 thousand Finnish scientists proved the opposite: even those who drink alcohol only on holidays and in large quantities receive severe brain damage are 2 times more likely than people who do not drink at all.

For brain constant libations are harmful, alcohol consumption should be moderate - no more than one glass of red wine with meals. Healthy drink coffee is also recognized for brain health. As an antioxidant, caffeine prevents the development of degenerative processes in the brain and reduces the risk of dementia.

3. Take daily walks. According to Canadian scientists, in people who walk 1.5 km daily, the risk of developing senile dementia is reduced by 2 times. Moreover, studies by scientists have shown that if at the age of over 60 walking 45 minutes every day at a fast pace, you can not only prevent the development of dementia, but also improve memory and intellectual abilities.

4. Live in harmony with yourself. Harmony with oneself is the main guarantee of brain health. If a person suffers from loneliness, lack of communication and understanding associated with a sedentary lifestyle or old age, then he has inevitable brain disorders. Psychological tension and chronic stress lead to irreversible changes in the brain cells, therefore, to prevent the development of senile dementia, it is very important to clear the mind of sad thoughts and learn to relax. Effective for relieving psychological stress - prayer, yoga, meditation, physical education and dancing.

5. Train your brain. The brain, like muscles, needs to be exercised. If he is not loaded with work for a long time, he becomes lazy and decrepit. The technique of training the convolutions of the brain has long been invented by the Americans and outlined it in the book "Fitness for the Mind". The essence of the technique is that you need to choose the exercises that are suitable for yourself from the available 83 and perform them every day on the way to work, to the store or while sitting in front of the TV.

The authors of the methodology claim that by doing the same routine work, concentration and memory weaken, and if you do the usual things in an unexpected way, the brain has to work harder and it becomes more active. The brain is well trained and such intellectual exercises as reading, solving crossword puzzles, computer games, studying foreign language, culinary recipes, needlework, etc.

Life- a complicated thing and no one can give us guarantees that in old age we will not repeat the fate of our parents who suffered from dementia. Nevertheless, following these simple rules, without a doubt, you can greatly increase the chance to save your brain and not go crazy in old age.

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The United States is very concerned about the coming "epidemic" of dementia: in the near future, millions of people born during the baby boom of the 50s and 60s will enter old age, and their health and lifestyle make the development of dementia very likely. Many of our 50-60-year-old compatriots, seeing how dementia develops in elderly relatives, also wonder if it is possible to prevent Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. The authors of the book "Light Yourself Up" know what to do.

Despite the fact that my generation is well acquainted with fast food and cable TV, we are well aware that it is a healthy heart and lungs that repel disease from us and it was we who paved the way to the gym.

I believe that when people are fully aware of the role that their lifestyle can play, not only for its longer duration, but also for its higher quality, they will at least feel the urge to stay active longer. The most proven way to prevent or delay the development of dementia is exercise. Here is the benefit they provide.

1. Physical exercises strengthen the cardiovascular system. Strong heart and lungs reduce arterial pressure. The result is less tension in the blood vessels of the body and brain. During physical activity, the body consumes more nitric oxide, that is, the gas that dilates blood vessels, providing better blood flow. In addition, the increased blood flow during moderate to moderate exercise prevents the arteries in the brain from hardening.

Stroke survivors with a history of Alzheimer's who receive moderate physical activity, demonstrate improvement in performance on thinking tests. It is best, of course, to start training at a young age, but it is never too late to do this.

2. Physical exercises regulate the supply of cells with energy. As we age, our insulin levels drop, making it harder for glucose to get into cells to fuel them. Then the sugar level rises sharply, and by-products are created in the cells - for example, free radicals that damage the walls of blood vessels. As a result, there is a risk or Alzheimer's disease. When everything is balanced in the body, insulin fights against the formation of amyloid plaques.

3. Exercise helps fight obesity. In addition to the fact that the fat deposited in the body causes serious damage cardiovascular system and metabolic processes, it also has an extremely negative effect on the brain. Being overweight doubles the likelihood of developing dementia, and if high blood pressure and cholesterol are added to this, often accompanying it, the risk of developing senile dementia increases 6 times.

When people retire, they begin to think that they deserve a rest after the labors of life, and turn all their attention to food. But they don't understand that eating dessert after every meal is suicide. Physical exercise fights obesity on two fronts at once: it burns calories and reduces appetite.

4. Physical exercise increases the threshold of resistance to stress. Exercise softens the damaging effects of excess cortisol, the "chronic stress hormone" that also contributes to depression and dementia.

5. Exercise improves mood. Numerous scientific studies have shown that high spirits reduce the risk of dementia. Mobility allows you to keep up with life, stay in touch with people and make friends. Social connections are very important for a good mood.

6. Exercise strengthens the immune system. Stress and age dull the reaction immune system to external stimuli. And exercise strengthens it. Even moderately intense exercise increases blood levels of antibodies and lymphocytes, which are known as T cells. Antibodies fight bacteria and viral infections, and a greater presence in the body of T-cells allows it to more actively prevent cancer and resist the development of this terrible disease.

Mass surveys of the population confirm this conclusion: the most stable risk of cancer occurs with constant physical inactivity. Physically active people, for example, have a 50% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

7. Physical exercise strengthens the skeletal system. Osteoporosis is not directly related to the brain, but it should always be kept in mind, because in order to exercise in older and older age, you need a strong body. And osteoporosis is preventable.

In the United States, every year from complications associated with a hip fracture - the main severe consequence of osteoporosis - dies more women than from breast cancer. Bone mass in women reaches a peak at age 30. Then they lose about 1% of this weight per year until menopause, when the rate of the process doubles. As a result, by the age of 60, most people have lost up to 30% of their bone mass.

This is the case if you do not take calcium and vitamin D (for example, being 10 minutes a day in the morning sun) and do not engage in physical exercises, including strength exercises, which give a moderate stress load to the skeleton. In early adulthood, exercise with weights and any sport that involves running and jumping can greatly help counteract bone loss. It has been experimentally established that a woman is able to double the strength of her legs as a result of just a few months of work with weights.

8. Exercise increases motivation. One of the problems of aging is to reduce the number of challenges facing a person, but with the help of physical exercise, you will be able to constantly improve and overcome yourself. When a person moves, he naturally increases his motivation by strengthening the connections between dopamine neurons, and at the same time protects himself from Parkinson's disease.

If you are not busy living, the body will be busy dying. It is always important for a person to have plans, goals and a constant regimen. That is why, for example, golf and tennis are so good: they require constant self-control and an incentive to improve.

9. Physical exercise develops the neuroplasticity of our brain. The best way to protect against neurodegenerative diseases - to create a strong brain. Aerobic exercise helps with this by strengthening connections between nerve cells, creating more synapses to expand the neural network and encouraging stem cells to divide more actively, turning into full-fledged functional neurons. The stronger neural connections, the better the brain will prepare for any negative impacts that it may encounter.

It is good to use a heart rate monitor. Such devices are indispensable in terms of tracking progress, and this will both motivate and support. You are not alone with yourself, wondering if you have done enough movements and with the necessary intensity.

In principle, your exercises should be divided into four types: aerobic, strength, balance and flexibility. Before starting training, consult with your doctor, who knows your body and history, and I will outline some basic principles.

Aerobic exercise. Do them four times a week for 30-60 minutes at an intensity of 60-65% of your maximum heart rate. At this level, you will successfully burn body fat and actively develop chemical substances and the hormones required for the beneficial brain changes we've been talking about.

Walking is good for aerobic exercise, but if possible, do it outdoors and with friends. Whatever type of exercise you choose, try to enjoy it for as long as possible.

Twice a week, try to increase the intensity - up to 70-75% of the maximum heart rate for 20-30 minutes. If at first you are not in a very good physical form, it may take some time to reach this intensity. Dont be upset. Basically, consistency in exercise is more important than anything else.

Strength. Work with weights or resistance devices twice a week. Each time, do three series with such weights that allow you to repeat the exercise 10-15 times. This is very important for preventing and combating osteoporosis: even if you do all known aerobic exercise, muscles and bones atrophy with age.

If you haven't had any previous strength training experience, find a personal trainer for the first month of training or use another method of instruction to avoid possible injuries.

Activities that include balance training or jumping also strengthen bones. These are tennis, dancing, aerobics, jump rope, basketball and, of course, running.

Exercises for balance and flexibility. Do them also twice a week for 30 minutes. Yoga, Pilates, tai chi (taijiquan), martial arts and dance - they develop the skills to maintain balance and flexibility, which is important for mobility and speed. Without these skills, you won't be able to fully benefit from aerobics or strength training. For self-training, use a large rubber ball, various kinds of balancing boards (discs) or a Bosu hemisphere with a flat base: it is convenient to maintain balance on it, straining the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks.

Exercises for the mind against the development of dementia

Constantly challenge your brain. Exercise prepares your neurons for more active compounds, and stimulation of mental activity allows the brain to maximize this readiness of neurons to work. It is no coincidence that research after study shows that the more you learn, the more likely it is that your cognitive life will be long and you will not succumb to dementia.

In the mid-1990s, a nun, Sister Bernadette, died of a heart attack at the age of 85. She donated her brain to the scientific research program of David Snowdon.

The nuns are constantly exercising their brains with crossword puzzles, thinking tasks, discussions on important social topics, and so on. And many of them live to be 100 or more years old. Sister Bernadette usually performed at least 90% of all cognitive tasks, but when her brain was examined after death, it turned out that it was severely affected by Alzheimer's disease. In other words, she should have been suffering from the most severe form of dementia for a long time. However, despite extensive brain damage, her mind remained sharp.

Snowdon points to the cognitive reserves of our brains as a possible explanation for this phenomenon. This is his ability to adapt and compensate for the destruction of some areas by mobilizing others.

One of " side effects» longevity is dementia. And also in the risk group associated with a decrease in cognitive functions, there are people of young and middle age. Therefore, physicians around the world have been fighting for a long time not only for the extension of human life, but also for its quality.

What it is?

The euphonious diagnosis of dementia (lat. dementia - insanity) hides the depressing signs of dementia. Among mental disorders senile (senile) dementia is the most common in the elderly. Brain aging is directly related to genetic predisposition, somatic diseases and lifestyle in general.

Who is at risk?

Unfortunately, the loss of mental activity is not only the prerogative of old age. Dementia is a symptom that accompanies a number of pathological conditions:

  • Suffering from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, violation endocrine system, obese.
  • Elderly people leading an inactive physical and social lifestyle.
  • Smokers, alcoholics and drug addicts "with experience" for more than 15 years.
  • The cause of senile dementia can be both traumatic brain injuries and infectious diseases affecting the nervous system (encephalitis, HIV, syphilis, etc.).
  • Uncontrolled use of painkillers medicines, sleeping pills and antidepressants on the background of chronic neurosis suppresses the nervous system.

Dementia is not a sign of old age. Not congenital, but acquired pathology. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to exclude or minimize the causes that provoke the disease.

Timely preventive measures taken can prevent and even stop the fading of reason.

Prevention of dementia in the elderly

Despite the fact that dementia is incurable, it is the prevention of senile dementia that helps to avoid the fatal consequences associated with organic brain disorders. And according to experts, you should take care of your mental health from the age of 35-40.