The best way for dandruff. Effective dandruff remedy: the best inexpensive medicine

Some people treat dandruff as a temporary cosmetic problem without wondering how to get rid of it. Meanwhile, scaly exfoliation on the scalp can signal disorders in the body and cause psychological distress.

The most effective remedy for dandruff

When a person is faced with the problem of dandruff, the first thing that comes to mind is to go to the pharmacy for a suitable drug to get rid of it. It is not always possible to buy an effective remedy. Falling for advertising, we often purchase an expensive drug that does not justify our hopes. You need to choose a remedy for dandruff in pharmacies after determining the cause of the appearance of white flakes, a trichologist will help to establish it.

Main active substance sulsenic paste is selenium disulfide, which has a triple action against small scales on the head:

  • cytostatic, in which the process of cell formation is normalized;
  • keratolytic, due to which there is a rapid exfoliation of the epidermis, prevents the appearance of dandruff;
  • fungicidal against yeast fungi, which selenium disulfide does not allow to multiply, reduces growth.

Anti-dandruff shampoo

Among the products that help get rid of dandruff, shampoos occupy the first place in popularity. They are divided into three types:

  1. Tar. The tar included in the composition is birch, pine, juniper and coal tar. Tar antifungal shampoo helps to slow down the formation of flaking scales.
  2. Antifungal. They contain substances that prevent the reproduction of fungi: clotrimazole, pyrithione, ketoconazole and others. Antifungal shampoo is used no more than once a week.
  3. Zinc. Zinc shampoo is recommended for oily seborrhea. The tool will help regulate the secretion of sebum, dry the scalp, stimulate metabolic processes. Zinc medicated shampoos should not be used unnecessarily.


Pharmacy ampoules - effective remedy for seborrheic dermatitis and hair loss. Treatment of dandruff is noticeable after the first application: irritation of the scalp disappears, inflammation decreases. In addition, the active substances olamine, white lupine extract and PP vitamins protect hair from excessive ultraviolet radiation, fight bacterial and fungal flora, stimulating the rapid growth of strands. Use this medicine for dandruff strictly according to the instructions.


These medications can be homemade or professional, which are sold in a pharmacy. The active substances of lotions are salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc and others. The funds are applied to the scalp, kept for 15 to 40 minutes, then washed off. The lotion not only helps with dandruff, but also contains ingredients that heal and soothe the skin.

Medicated dandruff shampoo in a pharmacy

Almost all men and women who are faced with the problem of dandruff immediately go to the pharmacy for medicated shampoos. Their popularity lies in the short-term use and rapid achievement positive result. A second course of treatment is carried out only after a certain time. These dandruff remedies are sold in pharmacies and shopping centers at an affordable price.


In the ranking of the most popular therapeutic shampoos, Nizoral is in first place. active ingredient drug is ketoconazole, which is used as antifungal agent to get rid of seborrhea, other diseases of the scalp. According to the instructions, you need to wash your hair with Nizoral for 14 to 30 days a couple of times a week. According to consumer reviews, the tool helps to remove dandruff for a long time after 2-3 applications.


It has properties that can disrupt the synthesis of triglycerides and phospholipids that form the cell walls of the fungus. With the help of shampoo, both adult and children's dermatitis is successfully treated. AT modern medicine shampoo "Keto plus" and tablets "Ketoconazole" are used for the treatment of candidiasis, dermatophytosis, pityriasis versicolor. Before using this drug, it is advisable to go to a consultation with a dermatologist.


Active dandruff remedies in the pharmacy include Sebazol shampoo. It not only washes away the exfoliated epidermis, but also removes the cause of the disease. In addition, the drug has an effect in the fight against yeast lesions, improves the condition of the scalp, and has excellent washing properties. With regular use (2-3 times a month) it improves general condition hair.


The fungicidal properties of ciclopiroxolamine are more powerful than those of ketoconazole, since ciclopirox is active against all types of pathogenic fungi. As part of medical preparations The component has an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect. Cyclopyroxolamine-based shampoos treat seborrheic dermatitis that other drugs cannot help. After the first application, you can get rid of itching, increased oiliness of the hair, and after 2-3 shampoos, dandruff disappears.

Tar shampoo

Tar has multiple medicinal properties: drying, antiparasitic, antiseptic. Tar shampoo has been known for a long time to combat fungal manifestations, which has an antimicrobial effect. The composition of the domestic medicinal product includes Birch tar, organic acids, burdock extract, allantoin. All these components enhance the effect of tar, and also promote skin renewal and relieve itching.

Dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis that occurs in mild form. , often, is a consequence of a violation of sebum formation, as a result of which the production of fat increases (oily seborrhea) or decreases (dry seborrhea), and its chemical composition also changes.

To dysfunction sebaceous glands can lead to: improper metabolism, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, fungal infections, as well as heredity.

The appearance of scales, severe itching, increased hair loss, untidy appearance push a person to use a variety of anti-dandruff products. Often the appearance

Anti-dandruff preparations, which are found in abundance on the shelves of pharmacies and stores, can only be beneficial if they are properly prescribed. Only a trichologist or dermatologist can identify the cause of the disease, as well as prescribe an effective treatment for seborrhea of ​​the head. In addition, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet: exclude fried, fatty, spicy foods, canned food, and alcoholic beverages from the diet.

Remedies for dandruff and itching of the head can be divided into the following types.


In most cases, remedies for seborrhea of ​​the scalp have a local effect, and not medication. Sometimes it helps to use one shampoo, which:

  • eliminates fungal skin lesions;
  • slows down the cellular renewal of the epidermis;
  • promotes the removal of keratinized particles;
  • improves skin circulation.

Medicated shampoos can be:

  • antifungal, the basis of which is ketoconazole;
  • exfoliating, contain salicylic acid and sulfur;
  • antibacterial, based on octopirox or zinc pyrithione;
  • containing plant extracts (burdock, birch, chamomile, licorice, gasturtium, clover) or tar.

A dandruff remedy can have several effects.

When buying a shampoo, you must adhere to some principles:

  1. All shampoos are designed for a specific type of hair. Buying the wrong product can only make things worse.
  2. Careful study of the composition. It is the components of the shampoo that fight the cause of dandruff, and their discrepancy will not give any positive effect on the skin;
  3. Often there are dandruff remedies for men and, separately, for women. As a rule, there is no fundamental difference between them, but it is better to follow the manufacturer's rules.
  4. Medicated shampoos are purchased at pharmacies only.
  5. Carefully study the instructions for use. It tells you how to properly wash your hair.
  6. It is better to choose a shampoo that does not include fragrances;
  7. It is recommended to purchase an expensive and good shampoo, which will quickly and efficiently lead to the desired results than long time wash your hair with cheap and low-quality products.

Some cosmetics are especially popular.

Anti-dandruff shampoo and lotion Hair Vital

The use of Hair Vital shampoo leads to an improvement in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, normalization of hydrolipid metabolism skin. It reduces flaking, itching and the amount of dandruff. detergent Hair Vital also has a pronounced cosmetic effect: it makes hair thick and shiny.

Hair Vital anti-dandruff lotion eliminates fungus and makes hair strong and healthy.

The components of Hair Vital lotion actively fight against itching and restore damaged scalp.

For effective treatment, these Hair Vital preparations must be used in a complex manner.


Shampoos Friderm are included in the series professional tools to eliminate dandruff and its causes. It heals both oily hair (Friederm Tar) and dry (Friederm Zinc). Friederm pH balance shampoo is used as a prophylactic. The course of treatment with Friderm shampoos is 1-4 months.


Complex includes the use of lotions.

The long period of the product being on the scalp (from half an hour to 12 hours) and the composition lead to the following results:

  • pronounced sebum-regulating action;
  • normalization of the balance of the skin;
  • antiseptic effect.

The use of products in this category not only prevents the increase in scales on the hair roots, but also completely eliminates seborrhea. They are highly efficient and easy to use.

The most commonly used dandruff lotions are:

  • Faberlic;
  • Biphon (has a pronounced fungicidal effect);
  • Belosalik (available as a spray);
  • Ducray;
  • Fitoval.

Lotions prepared at home based on apple juice, nettle and lemon juice have a good effect. These funds will cost inexpensively and will lead to complete disposal of dandruff.

All folk remedies from dandruff we have collected in one article.


One of the most effective remedies for dandruff is ointment. The choice of drug should be approached with all seriousness. Before use, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

This remedy for seborrhea may have the following effects:

  • therapeutic (contribute to the elimination of dandruff and the causes of its appearance);
  • preventive (help to get rid of dandruff, give hair strength and health);
  • healing (cell regeneration occurs faster);
  • emollient.

Ointments have the following disadvantages:

  • the difficulty of removing from the hair after application;
  • in most cases are not used in cases of oily seborrhea;
  • an unpleasant odor that is difficult to get rid of.

With the right choice of ointment, you can regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, reduce itching and improve appearance hair.

Before using ointments, it is necessary to study the instructions. Some of them have contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, pregnancy, lactation or childhood. Also possible side effects: the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Methods of application of ointments may differ from each other, doses are determined in each case individually.

The most common remedy for dandruff

Sulsena for dandruff is a remedy that has proven itself in the fight against seborrhea, oiliness and flaking. They contribute to a faster renewal of the hairline and prevent hair loss. The product line includes:

  1. Shampoo Sulsena against dandruff. Strengthens hair follicles, prevents hair loss. The content of selenium disulfide in the product (represents antifungal drugs) contributes to the destruction of the fungus. Also, with the help of shampoo are restored sebaceous glands, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and microbes occurs.
  2. Sulsen's dandruff paste promotes hair growth and gets rid of skin scales. With the help of sulsenic paste, the production of sebaceous glands is normalized, toxins are removed, and the tone of the skin is increased. Sulsena paste is suitable for oily, weakened hair.
  3. Sulsen's ointment is effective in the fight against seborrhea, hair loss, and disorders in the sebaceous glands. Selenium disulfide destroys fungus, excess fat and has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
  4. Sulsena Stimulin Hair Cream is the final step in the application of the products in this series. The cream strengthens and nourishes the hair. It has a pearly white color, light and pleasant aroma.

Have a good effect:

  • salicylic ointment, which is based on salicylic acid;
  • zinc ointment containing zinc;
  • Sulfuric ointment.

Tar anti-dandruff hair balm is distinguished by its excellent properties. Created on the basis of birch tar, it is a natural remedy and contains a large amount of organic acids, their esters and phenols.

Medicinal products for dandruff are also represented by a variety of gels that have the same features as shampoos and ointments:

  • dandruff gel Hydrolat 10 promotes the destruction of the fungus and eliminates dandruff;
  • SeboPro anti-dandruff cream-gel, in addition to destroying the fungus and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, contains vitamins that nourish the hair and skin.

Dandruff tablets

Dandruff tablets are intended for complex treatment and are intended for:

  • fight against pathogenic fungus;
  • normalization of sebaceous secretions and strengthening of skin immunity.

Each medicine for seborrhea has its own principles of action:

  • prevent the growth of the fungus that caused dandruff. The anti-dandruff medicine often contains the antimycotic agent selenium disulfide, birch tar, ketoconazole, sulfur, climazol, which damage the structure of the fungus, which leads to its destruction;
  • zinc, which has antiseptic and fungicidal effects, slows down the reproduction of the fungus, and therefore, skin exfoliation and hair loss stop;
  • enhances the exfoliating effect. Each effective dandruff remedy reduces the number of scales on the head;
  • restores nutrition and health of the skin and hair. Medicines relieve irritation, narrow pores, reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. The fungus is left without the nutrients it needs, dies and the head stops itching.

Treat seborrhea medical means how can by oral route, and by adding to the shampoo.

In this case the best remedy- nystatin for dandruff. This cheap drug effectively treats seborrhea or is used for preventive purposes.

Also commonly used:

  • Aspirin;
  • Miconazole;
  • Nizoral.

AT complex treatment vitamins should be included. After all, it is the lack of vitamins A, B (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12), C, H, E, F and selenium that can lead to dandruff and brittle hair. Vitamins can be found on the shelves of pharmacies.

The most effective remedy for dandruff can only be determined by a trichologist or dermatologist in each case individually, and also prescribe the current treatment regimen.

The problem of dandruff on the head is familiar a large number of people. "White flakes" can ruin any hairstyle, cause discomfort and itching. Thanks to active advertising, people start fighting dandruff on their own and go to a pharmacy or store. In the pharmacy, dandruff remedies are dispensed without a prescription. But it is worth considering that the effectiveness of each remedy depends on the cause of dandruff formation.

The formation of dandruff is a sign of the disease. Therefore, before you go to the nearest pharmacy for a remedy, you need to figure out what the disease may be associated with. The appearance of dandruff signals a violation in the body.

Factors affecting the appearance of dandruff:

  • yeast-like fungus Malassezia furfur. Under certain conditions (lowered immunity, weight loss, lack of vitamins, etc.), the fungus is activated and the skin on the head flakes off. The fungus is the cause of seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic psoriasis and eczema;
  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of vitamins A and B;
  • unbalanced diet, gastrointestinal disorders;
  • stressful conditions;
  • metabolic failure;
  • incorrectly selected hygiene products;
  • abuse in the use of styling products.

Drugs for the treatment of dandruff sold in a pharmacy

All dandruff medicines differ in composition and active ingredients. Active ingredients include:

  1. Salicylic acid.
  2. Tar.
  3. Ichthyol ointment.
  4. clotrimazole and ketoconazole.
  5. Zinc pyrithione.
  6. selenium disulfide.

In the pharmacy, dandruff remedies are sold in the form of ointments, shampoos, creams, lotions, rinses and tablets.


The most popular remedy for dandruff in the pharmacy is shampoo. Effective treatment shampoo is associated with the content in it of components with exfoliating, antifungal and antibacterial action.

NameActive substanceOperating principleA course of treatmentNote
Nizoral. Therapeutic drugKetoconazoleHas an antifungal effect, reduces itching, burning, peelingMonth. Shampoo used every 3 daysThe disappearance of dandruff occurs within a month. For preventive purposes, therapeutic shampoo should be used once a week.
Sebozol. More cheap analogue NizoralKetoconazoleUsed to fight fungus, restore hair structure2 times in 7 days within a monthSymptoms disappear after 4 applications. Prevention - once a week
Sulsenaselenium disulfideComplex remedy - antibacterial action, cell restoration, improvement of the activity of the sebaceous glandsApplied as neededAfter a week, sebum becomes less, and flaky particles disappear for a long time
Tervapuun TuoksuTarRelieves unpleasant symptoms, moisturizes hair. Ineffective during disease progression
Friederm zincPyrithione zincIt has an antimicrobial effect, eliminates the symptoms of seborrhea and peeling2 months. Wash your hair 2 times a weekTherapeutic effect achieved in 14 days
stopproblemSalicylic acidDisinfects the scalp, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves itching and flakingSuitable for daily use

When choosing a shampoo, it is necessary to take into account the type of skin, the type of seborrheic dermatitis. The best remedy doesn't have to be expensive. Inexpensive pharmacy shampoos: Algolix(combination with salicylic acid and tar), elfa(antifungal dandruff medicine with ketoconazole and zinc), Sulsena, Sebozol.


Medicinal lotions are also used as a cure for dandruff. The preparations are applied to clean hair and do not wash off.

The most popular of these is lotion. Fitoval. The main component of dandruff lotion is ichthyol. Pharmacy preparations based on ichthyol relieve inflammation, itching and have an antiseptic effect. The remedy is applied to the head for a month. Best used with shampoo of the same brand. A dandruff remedy is sold in a pharmacy and is considered inexpensive in cost.

Another popular anti-dandruff lotion is Subrina. The healing lotion is based on tea tree oil and octopirox. The tool is quite effective and helps prevent the formation of dandruff. The treatment lotion is applied daily to washed hair.

To eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea, it is best to use the drug Ducray. The lotion has an antipruritic effect, relieves discomfort, reduces redness and restores skin pH. The main active ingredients are zinc sulfate and Keluamide. The course of therapy is not more than 5 days. The healing lotion of all presented is the most expensive in terms of cost.


Name of the ointmentActive substanceOperating principleA course of treatmentNote
Sulsenaselenium disulfideOintment fights skin diseases and oily scalpMonth.

1% ointment is applied every 3 days, 2% - 1 time in 7 days

With seborrhea, the ointment is used for a month

The result is noticeable immediately. Repeat the treatment once every six months
Zinc ointmentzinc oxideFights inflammation, has antibacterial propertiesMonth. Ointment is applied every 3 daysThe result is achieved after three times of use
Salicylic ointmentSalicylic acidThis ointment is good to use for the treatment of seborrhea, pityriasis versicolor and the fight against the inflammatory process.3 weeks. The ointment is applied every few days for half an hour
Home Doctor (cream-paste)TarSuitable for the treatment of mixed seborrhea, reduces itching, flaking, and fights oily skin3 months. The cream is applied once a week
Mycozoral, Nizoral, Ketoconazole, Sebozol, MiconazoleKetoconazoleCream based on ketoconazole treats diseases caused by a fungus, has antifungal propertiesThe cream is applied to the affected areas for 2 to 4 weeks.The result should be noticeable within a month, if this did not happen, then the diagnosis should be clarified.
Ichthyol ointmentIchthyolThe drug eliminates the infection from the skin, has an antiseptic and disinfectant property.Ointment is applied 1 - 2 times in 7 days

Cream, paste or ointment is applied to clean hair and left on the head for a while. Dosage, frequency of use depend on the degree of localization of the affected areas and on the effect achieved (preventive or therapeutic).


Along with local agents, the disease is recommended to be treated medically. Dandruff tablets fight against the occurrence of fungus and prevent its reproduction in skin cells. These drugs include Nystatin, Metroginil, Ketoconazole, Mycozoral. for sale drugs only in pharmacies.

It is important to know that treatment with tablets should not be started without the recommendation of a specialist. Self-medication can aggravate the course of the disease.

Nystatin. The active ingredient is nystatin, which has antifungal properties. This drug is taken as a concomitant treatment and is not taken orally, but in addition to the shampoo. 2 tablets are dissolved in hot water and rubbed into the skin.

Miconazole. it antifungal drug with the active ingredient - miconazole. Effectively fights yeast-like fungi. The therapeutic effect is achieved by taking 1 tablet 4 times a day.

Ketoconazole, Mycozoral. These funds contain active substance ketoconazole. The medicine is taken 1 - 2 tablets 1 time per day. Continue treatment for two months.

Perceived hostilely, regardless of gender and age of the person. Needless to say, there is little enviable: the hair is covered with small white particles, which, at the slightest movement, crumble onto clothes. What kind of misfortune, where does it come from, and how to determine for yourself the most effective remedy for dandruff, let's try to find out.

It is not difficult to defeat dandruff, the main thing after treatment is to take good care of the hair and scalp

Causes of dandruff

The ratio of men and women suffering from seborrhea is approximately the same, but there are age differences. appears only with the onset of puberty, which is associated with the restructuring of the body. After 50 – and the signs of dandruff decrease (plus old age!). The main reasons for this unpleasant disease divided into internal and external.

Dermatologists draw attention to the fact that the main culprits of seborrhea are malfunctions of organs in general, and, first of all, you need to treat hidden symptoms, and use anti-dandruff drugs as a health measure.

Pathogenic microscopic fungus, which is main reason the appearance of this trouble, lives and is inactive on the body of almost all people. It is activated when favorable factors arise:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Constant stress.
  • Inadequate nutrition.
  • Overwork.
  • Metabolic disease.

Tip: before choosing an effective one, it is advisable to consult a doctor and improve your body as much as possible.

It is important to pay attention and external reasons occurrence of dandruff:

  • Improper hair and scalp care.
  • Frequent exposure to hot air or hypothermia.
  • Using someone else's combs or hats.
  • Wrong shampoos.

How to treat dandruff for men, women, children and adolescents

The best ones caused by malfunction problems in the body are healthy sleep, active lifestyle, full and healthy eating, dealing with stressful situations. with the addition of drugs that reduce the amount of fatty flakes, medicated dandruff shampoos and folk remedies, no less effective.

Cosmetics for itching on the head

Ordinary shampoos, balms, "contain in their composition medicinal components, herbal extracts, designed to reduce discomfort. The main function of these funds is still care, not treatment. If the problem has not gone far, a properly selected, even inexpensive dandruff shampoo and shine, and peace of mind on the scalp. Choose such shampoos in accordance with the type of hair and the degree of oiliness or dryness.

Special medicated shampoos from the pharmacy - quick relief from seborrhea

Pharmaceutical anti-dandruff products belong to the category medicines. They must be used in accordance with the attached instructions. Pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs, but do not think that the most expensive and most advertised will help everyone. Before buying, it is important to determine exactly your hair type and type of dandruff, and do not be too lazy to read the instructions and annotation directly at the pharmacy. What you need to know when choosing a drug for the treatment of dandruff?

  1. Dandruff is the result of a disruption in the cycle necessary for the renewal of skin cells on the scalp. Such components as ichthyol and tar are capable of restoring this cycle.
  2. The same tar paired with salicylic acid help exfoliate dead cells.
  3. Fight microbes: climbazole, ketoconazole, selenium disulfate,.
  4. For dry and oily hair You need completely different medicines.
  5. Permanent use of special equipment is not recommended. They, like others medical preparations, are designed to treat, so they are consumed for a certain time, until the symptoms are eliminated.

Folk recipes: cooking at home

Specialists of domestic and foreign pharmacology have created many drugs for healthy hair based on chemical components, without neglecting the gifts of nature. Many pharmaceutical remedies for dandruff include extracts and plant extracts, natural ingredients. The folk experience in the treatment of skin fungal diseases, including dandruff, is based on the use of the most familiar elements that are at hand.

Medicated oils

Oil extracts of various plants can be bought at a pharmacy, in specialized cosmetic stores or departments. The most common way to use is a mask, but 5-6 drops added to a portion of your usual shampoo will have no less effect.

  • Essential oils with particles of cedar, mint, eucalyptus, rosemary, ylang-ylang speed up the metabolism, produce a refreshing and soothing effect.
  • Burdock and castor oils are indispensable in the treatment of dandruff, as they contain insulin, which relieves plaques.
  • Nourishes and moisturizes peach kernel, wheat germ and olive oils.

Based on olive oil, it is easy to prepare a therapeutic composition for masks at home. This is a very simple action: 2-3 tablespoons of your chosen herbs, pour a glass of oil, put in a dark place for several days. All! The oil mask is ready. Home Recipe!

Mix one tablespoon of peach oil and calendula tincture, add 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 5 drops of rosemary. Place this mixture in a jar, preferably dark glass, and store in the refrigerator. Every morning, massage a few drops of this composition into the scalp with massaging movements.

Herbs for oily seborrhea and itching on the head

Wise nature rewarded us effective medicines that grow right under your feet. Herbal decoctions and infusions compete with industrial shampoos. Yes, and many shampoos contain extracts from herbs and flowers.

  • Nettle is an unsurpassed healer of many skin diseases, including dandruff.
  • Chamomile, calendula, lavender, mint - soothe irritated skin, reduce itching.
  • Burdock, birch buds and leaves, rosemary, sage - fight fat, so they are especially effective for oily seborrhea.
  • Mother and stepmother - contributes to the strengthening and growth of hair.

Herbal shampoo for dandruff of our own production. For its manufacture 8 tbsp. chamomile, 1 tbsp. mint, 2 tbsp rosemary pour 600 ml of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain, add 5 tablespoons to the decoction. grated baby soap, stir until completely dissolved. It remains to add 2 tbsp. vodka and 3 drops of eucalyptus oil. Pour into any bottle with a dispenser, store in a dark place, use as a regular shampoo.

Fly in the ointment against dandruff and hair loss

- an antibacterial and antifungal agent known since antiquity. With its help, folk healers healed the most severe forms eczema, boils and abscesses. Modern tar soap has many useful properties. In the treatment of dandruff, both tar and household soaps are used in cases of oily skin.

  • Soap perfectly degreases and dries the hair and scalp.
  • Washes away dirt effectively.
  • laundry soap- a strong antimicrobial agent.
  • Useful substances of birch tar strengthen hair and promote rapid growth. This is important in cases where seborrhea is accompanied by hair loss.

The effect of the use of soap will not come immediately. The procedure must be repeated for a month or two. An obstacle to the use of soap for many is its unpleasant pungent smell. The second negative characteristic is that the hair loses its shine and volume. To avoid this, apply a few simple rules:

  1. Pre-soak the soap in a small amount of water and lather. Wash your hair with this foam, not a whole piece.
  2. The water should only be slightly warm.
  3. Use a conditioner or water with vinegar to rinse.

Sea salt is an effective remedy

Iodine, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, potassium - these and other trace elements, so necessary for the good condition of the hair, are completely contained in sea salt. Salt is part of many cosmetics. To combat dandruff, it can be used in its pure form and as part of a mask, after familiarizing yourself with some precautions:

  • You can not use a salt mask if there is even the slightest scratch on the head.
  • Salt is applied to washed, damp hair.
  • Abuse of this useful tool will lead to a sharply opposite effect. Use a salt mask no more than once a week for dry skin and twice for oily skin. Stop the procedure after a month.

Soak two small pieces rye bread, mix with 1 tsp. sea ​​salt and two yolks. This mask should be rubbed into the scalp and left for 40 minutes. Wrap your head for this time. After the time has elapsed, wash off the mask with shampoo.

Onions for dandruff

Onions are in every home. It is hard to imagine a kitchen without this useful vegetable in all respects. The antimicrobial effect of its phytoncides is also used in the fight against dandruff. Simultaneously onion masks help to strengthen hair, give it softness and silkiness.

The easiest way to use is to rinse your hair with a decoction onion peel. This remedy is not suitable for blondes! The husk can give the hair a reddish tint.

Another option: rub the squeezed juice from the onion grated on a fine grater into the scalp half an hour before washing.

Lemon is the best traditional medicine

A very useful and affordable fruit has an effect on the scalp similar to special dandruff shampoos. Lemon juice eliminates itching, normalizes pH balance, removes fat. For rinsing, one teaspoon of squeezed juice, diluted with a glass of water, is enough. The effect of lemon as part of the mask is also effective.

Mix lemon juice with a beaten egg or medicinal oil (olive, castor, coconut, burdock will do). The mask is applied for 15 minutes before washing.


To get rid of dandruff, the drug acetylsalicylic acid does not need to be taken orally. AT cosmetic purposes aspirin is used only externally. The principle of action of aspirin in our case is based on the ability to stop the reproduction of the fungus Pityrosporum ovale - the main causative agent of seborrhea.

For treatment, it is enough to add two aspirin tablets to a single serving of shampoo, or to herbal decoction for rinsing.

An obstacle to the use of this method of treatment may be:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • very dry hair.

Apple vinegar

A well-known culinary product is at the same time no less famous medicine. Apple cider vinegar is used to treat dandruff under the guise of a rinse, and as a component of therapeutic homemade masks. For rinsing, it is enough to add 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar to a glass of boiled water.

A vinegar-based mask looks like this: dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in 0.5 cups of warm boiled water. Add any medicinal oil or decoction of herbs. Apply this composition on the head, put on a plastic cap and wrap it with a towel. Keep the mask on for 30 to 60 minutes, warming up several times with a hair dryer.

Aloe masks: 2 simple options

Mask 1. For dry hair. Mix one tablespoon of aloe juice, castor oil and kefir. Add one capsule oil solution vitamin E and one beaten egg yolk. Apply to hair before washing for 30 minutes.

Mask 2. For oily hair. Mix equal parts of aloe juice, honey, castor oil, lemon juice and apply on the scalp. Hold for 30 to 60 minutes.


Take care of your hair and scalp!