Drops in the ears antifungal name. Treatment of otomycosis of the ear with antifungal drugs

Fungus in the ears of a person, meaning on medical language- otomycosis, a common disease that causes the patient discomfort. There are several types of ear fungus. Called disease different reasons. Treatment, as a rule, is complex, prescribed by a specialist. One of medical preparations are antifungal drops.

Basic information about ear fungus

To know which drops to use for a fungus in the ears, you need to have an idea about this disease. Otomycosis or fungus in the ears belongs to the category of fungal infections. The disease is characterized by the appearance of fungi different type on the wall ear canal. The fungus enters the ear through the external auditory canal. These can be saprophytic fungi:

  • mold (aspergellus, penicillium);
  • yeast-like (candida);
  • actinomycetes, dermatophytes.

Ear fungus, depending on the area of ​​​​location, is divided into: external (50% of all cases), medium (about 20%), myringitis ( eardrum) and postoperative.

Causes of ear fungus

The fungi that cause this disease are in daily contact with humans. Under certain conditions, the infection enters the ear. The most common causes include decreased immunity and the presence of diabetes, as well as long-term unsystematic use of antibiotics in getting rid of otitis media, a humid environment. An important factor is the presence of damage to the mucous membrane of the ear canal.

The following factors also influence the appearance of ear fungus:

  • getting contaminated water into the ear while swimming in a public pool or pond;
  • use of other people's headphones, earplugs, etc .;
  • excessive removal of wax from the ear canal, which deprives the ear of protection;
  • dirty ears;
  • professional activity.

Signs of fungus in the ears

Otomycosis manifestations are usually pronounced. The disease begins with itching in the ear canal, a feeling of congestion, a feeling of fullness, the appearance ear plugs. The patient's hearing deteriorates, noise may occur, thick discharge appears from the ear different color: from white, yellowish, greenish to brown and black. Pain may occur on the affected side of the head.

You should be aware that scratching the ear canal can lead to further dissemination fungal infection and the progression of the disease, so at the first symptoms of ear fungus, you should consult a doctor.

The acute course of otomycosis is characterized by the presence of inflammatory phenomena: swelling, hyperemia, abundant discharge from the ear, pain syndrome.

Starting the treatment of fungus in the ears, it is necessary to determine its causes. If the cause is excessive use of antibiotics, you should stop using them. With reduced immunity, it is required to take measures to increase it. An important role in the treatment of fungal infections of the ear is played by the intake of vitamins. Hygiene is a must auricle. For this purpose, water or special solutions are used.

Drug treatment of ear fungus depends on the type of pathogen. During treatment external otomycosis is most often prescribed drops from the fungus in the ears. The choice of the drug is carried out by the doctor, taking into account the sensitivity of a particular fungus pathogen to this drug.

Characteristics of drops from the fungus in the ears

The most popular drops against otomycosis are Candibiotic and Nitrofungin.


This remedy has an antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. Ear drops have the appearance of a clear liquid, the color is light yellow. Main active substance- beclomethasone dipropionate (glucocorticosteroid). The composition of the drug also includes:

  • clotrimazole - antifungal agent;
  • chloramphenicol is a bacteriostatic antibiotic;
  • lidocaine hydrochloride is a local anesthetic.

Drops are either instilled into the ear canal up to 4 times daily, 5 drops each, or cotton turundas soaked in the composition are put into the ear.

The course of treatment takes about 10 days. The patient feels an improvement in the condition after 3-5 days.

Candibiotic is contraindicated in case of damage to the eardrum, excessive sensitivity to its components and children under 6 years of age. The choice of drug for the treatment of pregnant women is carried out individually. From side effects Occasionally, itching and burning may occur in the area of ​​application of the product.


Antifungal agent in the form of a solution. The main active ingredient is chloronitrophenol. Depending on the concentration of the solution, it has an overwhelming effect on the growth of fungi microsporum, trichophyton, candida. In addition, the drug has a fungicidal effect.

Nitrofungin is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to its constituents. It is undesirable to use during pregnancy. If these drops are used during lactation, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

Apply drops from the fungus in the ears in this way. Nitrofungin is applied to a cotton swab and put into the ear. Apply 2 or 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is until the symptoms of the disease disappear, approximately 4 to 6 weeks.


Antifungal agent of the allylamine class. It is used externally, it is safe for humans. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Naftifin is different active action in relation to yeast and mold fungi, as well as dermatophytes. The drug shows the greatest activity at a ph value of 7 units, that is, neutral. When the cell membrane of the fungus is destroyed, the biosynthesis of ergosterol is suppressed, as a result of which the fungal cells stop growing.

Due to the fact that the active substance of naftifine creates a stable antifungal concentration, it is enough to use a solution for the treatment of fungus in the ears once a day. The duration of treatment can be from 2 to 4 weeks.

It is not recommended to use this remedy if there are wounds in the ear, if you are allergic to the components of the drug, in particular, benzyl alcohol. Use with caution in pregnant and lactating women. Of the side effects, itching, burning, redness and dryness of the skin in the ear canal may be present.

Clotrimazole is one of the most popular antifungal drugs. This drug is available in the form of an ointment, cream, solution, powder, solution, tablets for vaginal use.

All dosage forms clotrimazole - for external use. The drug is intended to combat fungal infections of the skin, mucous membranes with mycoses, various types depriving, candidiasis, trichomoniasis, interdigital fungal erosion.

Actual use of clotrimazole in the treatment of otomycosis. It is prescribed by the attending physician in cases where the cause of pain and itching in the ears is a fungus. Fungal otitis is difficult to treat, quite often a combination of topical and internal drugs is required. Treatment of otomycosis begins with tests for the determination of bacterial and fungal pathogens, as well as ear cleansing by an ENT doctor for a better effect of the drops.

In ENT practice, clotrimazole is used as a broad antimycotic agent. It is actively prescribed for fungal dermatitis of the ear canal (external) and shell, and is also used to manage patients with postoperative cavities of the middle ear.

There are no restrictions on the use of the drug in children, since it is absorbed into the blood in minimal quantities and does not have general effects. A single application of the drug to the damaged area at night is recommended. After the elimination of the main symptoms of the disease, another 10-day treatment should be carried out to consolidate the effect of the treatment.

Reviews of patients about the drug Clotrimazole

“My husband and I went to rest at 20-21 weeks of pregnancy. A few days before the date of departure, I developed a terrible otitis media, which was later determined. Feeling of wild diffuse pain in the ear, the inability to touch even the auricle. In addition, there was severe swelling, the local ENT doctor could not even examine the ear canal. I had to drip with Otipax, as it was in the first aid kit. The use of a solution of 4 drops three times a day, to be honest, did not give any effect. I also drank Panadol for pain relief (it can be used by pregnant women), 2 tablets up to 4 times a day.

At home, she went to the doctor. The swelling never went away. The doctor prescribed "Anauran" three times a day, 4 drops. Then he replaced it with Candibiotic (it contains clotrimazole), as we received the results of an analysis for sowing discharge from the ear. I dripped 4-5 drops into the ear three times a day. It all went away in a few days."


“It all started with laryngitis, my voice disappeared completely. Then my nose was stuffy, I began to blow my nose with zeal, apparently incorrectly and too much. As a result, the ears were blocked. The therapist prescribed Theraflu, Flemoxin, Naphthyzinum. As for the ears, he said that everything will pass. A week later, she began to notice the discharge of yellowish fluid from the ear in a small amount, she did not feel pain.

Has addressed to other doctor. He said that there otitis media without perforation. He prescribed treatment with blowing, the result - perforation of the left tympanic membrane. Treatment was prescribed again, it seemed to help, only the ear began to itch and I feel a click when swallowing. The doctor prescribed clotrimazole in combination with boric alcohol.

Another doctor said that boric alcohol should not be used for perforation, he left the ointment and forbade covering the ear with a cotton swab (as it turned out, this is absolutely impossible to do). In general, it seems to help, but we'll see.”


“Treatment of otomycosis must begin with the doctor cleaning the ear canal from the fungus. For this purpose, you can use furacillin, hydrogen peroxide or oil solutions. After this procedure, the ear must be washed with clotrimazole, nitrofugin or amphotericin.

As a rule, ointment forms of antifungal agents are prescribed to eliminate the fungus, such as: clotrimazole, econazole, miramistin. However, it must be remembered that the negative effects of these ointments may appear: a violation of the functions of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, liver. Therefore, these funds can not be used to treat otitis media in children.

Drops based on clotrimazole are used to eliminate the fungus that provoked the development of otomycosis and suppress the inflammatory process inside the ear canal.

Vyacheslav, ENT doctor

“My ear itched a lot. I turned to an ENT doctor, he sent me to take an analysis to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibacterial drugs to appoint the most effective treatment. Then he prescribed clotrimazole. On the second day, there was no itching in the ear canal, no redness, and the discharge was also practically absent. In general, an excellent remedy, quickly and effectively eliminates unwanted symptoms. ”


“I used clotrimazole ointment as an antifungal agent in the fight against thrush. Satisfied with the result. True, I used it together with clotrimazole tablets. Both drugs together cost me 100 rubles, which is undoubtedly pleasant. After application, the ointment tingles a little, but after a minute it passes.

I had to treat my son's ear with the same ointment. There was crazy itching, redness, scanty discharge. I could not sleep and constantly scratched my ear. Literally three days later, the symptoms practically disappeared. I recommend to everyone."


“Clotrimazole is a universal remedy. I had to deal with him several times. For the first time, I had to resort to treatment with this drug for thrush. We were treated at the same time as my husband, we noticed the effect quite quickly (more, of course, on me, nothing bothered him at all).

After the birth of my daughter, clotrimazole came in handy again. At the age of two months, the baby had some kind of rash on her lips. The doctor prescribed clotrimazole ointment and fluconazole capsules. I did not give capsules to the child. Ointment, fortunately, coped with the problem on its own. However, this is not my last close encounter with this drug.

Soon my husband's ear ached, itching, discharge appeared. And here clotrimazole ointment came in handy. By the end of the second day, the husband forgot that he was in pain.

In general, now this ointment is our lifesaver, because it can be used for any fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, and it costs a penny.


“A friend advised me to try clotrimazole ointment for ear treatment. After a cold, the ear somehow laid down, began to feel an obsessive severe itching. I bought the drug, it really costs a penny, and began to smear diligently. Even after three days, when, as they say, everything goes away for many, nothing went away for me. It even got worse, I thought. I had to go to the doctor and get tested.”


“This drug did not help me. He also got allergies. It is better to buy medicine more expensive, but more effective!”


Summing up

As a conclusion, we can say that clotrimazole is used for various diseases of fungal etiology. At correct use and the absence of individual intolerance to the drug, clotrimazole is effective in most cases.

This drug fully justifies its popularity and price. This penny drug can help out many times the whole family from a fungal infection.

However, do not forget that clotrimazole still remains a medicine and its use should not be uncontrolled and thoughtless, because improper treatment of the disease can lead to serious complications.


A fungus is a disease that everyone has heard of, and some have encountered personally.

Widely known are the fungus on the skin and nails, but the fungus in the ear - otomycosis is not common, not all people know about it.

Its development in such a sensitive place is dangerous, so if you have symptoms, you should immediately start treatment. If left this disease without treatment, development cannot be avoided chronic form. It is practically impossible to cure it completely.

Otomycosis is one of the most dangerous types of fungus, because it has a negative effect on the internal ENT organs, and, as a result, the disease can spread to the larynx, pharynx and oral cavity.

Fungal infection does not depend on the age or sex of the patient. Often the fungus develops in people with weakened body resistance.

Although the disease is insidious, unpleasant and difficult to treat, it is still possible to get rid of it if you consult a doctor in a timely manner, having found symptoms in yourself.

There are factors for the development of a fungus in the ear, such infections develop in the auditory organs if there are reasons:

  • weakening of the body's immune system;
  • diseases of the auditory organs;
  • ear injuries;
  • use hormonal drugs or antibiotics;
  • liquid ingress;
  • use of hygiene products or headphones of another person;
  • excessive cleaning of the ear.

The weakness of the immune system is associated with recent diseases suffered by the patient. Stress, nervous strain can affect the level of body resistance. Prolonged use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs affect the immune system. They deplete it, increasing the risk of reproduction of the fungus.

Cases are often recorded when the fungus develops against the background of damage to the ear canals. If the fungus is treated slowly, it affects part of the middle ear.

Purulent diseases are another reason for the development of a fungus of the auditory organs. The lack of earwax, which has arisen with constant cleaning of the ears, does not prevent the penetration of spores of the fungus into the ear.

Damage to the passage during cleaning, through which the fungus passes deep into the skin, is a common case.

Ear fungus symptoms

The symptoms of otomycosis are varied and include:

  • Unpleasant itching in the ears, when scratching, the fungus spreads through the auditory canal.
  • Unnatural discharge. The color of the discharge is yellow, white, but there are green and even black discharge.
  • Peeling skin auditory canal.
  • Reduced sensitivity.
  • Permanent formation of plugs inside the auditory canal, covered with crusts of earwax.
  • Hearing loss, vague noises and ear congestion.
  • Pain in the ear and inside the head, from the side of the affected ear. Sometimes occurs when swallowing.
  • In some cases, dizziness and fever are possible.

There is a provocation of negative circumstances:

  1. suppuration.
  2. development of sepsis.
  3. The development of the disease in depth.
  4. Hearing impairment or loss.

Timely identified symptoms are the key to a speedy recovery, so if you find such signs, do not be lazy and take care of your health by visiting a doctor.

Types of fungus in the ears

Before you begin to get rid of the fungus in the ears, you should determine the type of infection. For fungi, damage to the mucous cavities and skin is characteristic. Each of the many species looks different.

  • Yeast fungi of the genus Candida occur in 25% of cases of the disease, affect the inner surface of the auditory canal and the middle ear. Possible manifestations on the area behind the ears, and outwardly similar to eczema. The difference is curdled discharge, itching is felt all the time.
  • The fungus Aspergillosis. More than half of all cases are due to him. It affects the skin behind the ears and the auricle. Possible penetration into the auditory canal. Outwardly similar to plaque, it looks like dandruff located around the ear shell.
  • Pathogenic fungi of a special type. appear in all other cases. Contribute to the occurrence of blastomycosis, coccidiosis and damage to the skin of the ear. Symptoms are pronounced.

fungus treatment

To the treatment fungus in the ears gave the result, the cause of its development should be established. Treatment begins with the abolition of a course of antibiotics, if the patient uses them. Increases immunity and body resistance. To stimulate the immune system, vitamins and antiallergic drugs are prescribed.

It is necessary to constantly rinse the ear with a solution of glycerin in order to achieve a powerful treatment result. This promotes the penetration of drugs deeper.

Treatment of a fungal infection in the ears occurs at the local level, and in case of aggravation, therapy is applied at the general level.

Well as a local treatment, preparations in the form of ointments have proven themselves. You can buy them at every pharmacy.

Before applying the ointment to the affected area, you need to clean its inner surface, and it is better to do this not with water, since a humid environment is ideal for the reproduction of the fungus, but with the help of oil solutions such as petroleum jelly or glycerin.

Ointment for ears in the treatment of fungus can be selected from this list:

    • mucospores;
    • travogen;
    • itraconazole;
    • nitrofungin;
    • naftifine;
    • amphotericin;
    • pevaril;
    • terbinafine;
    • decamine ointment;
    • chloracetophos ointment.

With the defeat of yeast fungi, complex treatment consists in the use of drugs:

  • clotrimazole;
  • fluconazole;
  • pimafucin;
  • natamycin;
  • econazole.

These funds are applied with the help of a flagellum, which is typical when the drug is not released in the form of ear drops.

Among the drops, you can use the following:

  1. Resorcinol.
  2. Sodium usnitat.
  3. Burov's liquid.
  4. Boric acid.
  5. Dioxidine Quinosol.
  6. Juglone alcohol.

The fungus formed outside is treated with the drug "candibiotic". In addition to eliminating inflammatory processes the drug negatively affects the fungus, destroying its spores.

With the development of the fungus inside, the treatment is established by the otolaryngologist. He prescribes creams and ointments such as Lamisil, Exoderil, Candide B. In severe cases where there is a risk of developing chronic stage diseases prescribed by ingestion systemic drugs in the form of tablets.

For example, a doctor will prescribe flucostat or pimafucin. Take them only according to the doctor's prescription, without deviating from the course of treatment. Additionally, the use of probiotics is prescribed. This is due to a violation of the microflora in the intestines by serious antifungal drugs. Patients are generally prescribed:

  • acipol;
  • linex;
  • Hilak Forte;
  • lactobacterin;
  • bifiform.

After a successful course of treatment, it is important to consolidate the results and prevent the occurrence of fungus with the help of tavegil, cetrin or suprastin. This will help prevent the patient from relapse.

In addition, the patient should visit a doctor to monitor the condition of the ear canal. Ear cleaning plays an important role after therapy. It is necessary to remove the crusts in which the fungus develops.

Folk methods of treatment

When treating ear fungus with non-traditional methods, you should be careful not to make yourself worse. Here traditional recipes to eliminate the fungus:

  1. Squeeze a small amount of onion juice (or mix in equal proportions with garlic juice), and drip a couple of drops into each ear three times a day.
  2. You can treat the affected passage with hydrogen peroxide, but then drip a few drops of walnut oil into your ears.
  3. In the treatment, a decoction of celandine (5 drops) or its pure juice (2 drops) will help. Enter into the affected ear.
  4. Lubrication of the inner surface of the ear with apple cider vinegar also brings results in the treatment.


In order to prevent after the elimination of the disease, you can use the following methods:

  1. Maintain hygiene and use only your own things.
  2. take care of immune system and prevent diseases.
  3. Clean your ears gently, without using objects that are not intended for this.

For a solid remission, you need to be attentive to the health of your ears. By contacting a doctor in time when the first symptoms are detected, you can prevent possible complications and hearing loss.

Ear fungus (otomycosis) - belongs to one of the most insidious categories of fungal diseases that affect internal organs: inner ear, larynx, mouth and pharynx. Most often, the fungus affects people with poor health and reduced immunity, it is equally common in adults and children.

A harmless visit to the pool, trying on a headgear, using other people's headphones in the presence of an inconspicuous wound or microcracks in the ear can result in fungus spores getting inside the middle ear and resulting in serious complications. That is why it is extremely important to recognize the disease in time and begin adequate treatment.

Long-term use of hormonal drugs or antibiotics can cause otomycosis. The risk group includes too clean people who intensively clean their ears from sulfur. It is sulfur that prevents the spread of fungus.

Typical symptoms of otomycosis

  • Starts small, itchy irritation in the ear. A person, trying to relieve itching, begins to comb it and spreads it over the surface of the skin. At first, itching is paroxysmal, but with the development of the disease it becomes permanent, then a burning sensation is added, the pain intensifies.
  • Another sign of fungal infection - unnatural discharge from the ear cavity, which can be white, yellow, green, and even black. Also, the patient suffers from ear congestion, noise, decreased sensitivity of the skin and hearing.
  • Also, ear fungus can be diagnosed by intensive education sulfur plugs , which are covered with a hard crust. Read about removing sulfur plugs from the ears.

Basic Treatments

The symptoms of ear fungus are specific and make it possible to diagnose otomycosis even at home. But, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because only after the examination he will be able to determine the root cause of the disease.

Let's figure out what medicines for fungus in the ears are prescribed by doctors.

  • Treatment of ear fungus in adults and children must begin with the neutralization of the conditions that caused the development of the fungus. If the cause is a weakened immune system, vitamins are prescribed if the fungus is caused by taking medicines– change in the course of treatment.
  • Also, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen and, based on this, determine how to treat the fungus in the ear.

  • Yeast fungus responds well to treatment with a 0.2% alcohol solution Sanguinarine. Also, doctors can offer alcohol and water chinosol solutions, aqueous solution sodium salt Levorina, Kanesten, Multifungin and Castellani's solution. These drugs (if these are drops from the fungus) are either instilled into the ear or applied to a cotton swab that is inserted into the ear. An excellent result is shown by ointments from the fungus in the ear Nystatin and Levorinova.
  • Mold requires a different approach. Most often, for its treatment of such a fungus in the ears, drugs such as Naftifine, Terbinafine, Nitrofungin, Itraconazole.
  • An important component of treatment is the removal of mycotic masses. If even a small part of these masses remains in the ear, the treatment will be ineffective. Doctors strongly recommend not using aqueous solutions when cleaning the ears, or at least wiping the auricle dry after the procedure. Humid environment stimulates the development of fungi. For cleaning from mycotic masses, use hydrogen peroxide, vaseline oil, or other oily solutions.
  • Doctors distinguish another type of pathogen - especially pathogenic. Win the fight against this type of fungus local preparations impossible. In this case, experts recommend antifungal tablets. Of these, only a doctor can prescribe, since each of these drugs has a number of contraindications and can be taken after a serious examination. Also, most antifungal tablets have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora. In parallel, you need to take drugs to restore it.
  • Important during recovery proper nutrition . Try to increase the amount of vitamins and natural products. Exclude from the diet or at least minimize the use of starchy foods and sweets. Also, allergenic foods should be avoided.

How to cure ear fungus folk remedies, is it possible?

Treatment of ear fungus with traditional folk remedies

Traditional medicine also has a solid arsenal of fighting ear fungi. Use these tools instead traditional treatment not worth it, but speed up the healing process and reduce the suffering of the patient ethnoscience maybe.

  • The most powerful antifungal effect has a natural remedy for fungus in the ears - onion, the juice of which can be instilled into the patient's ears. Garlic can be added to onion juice. But, this remedy should be used for 3-4 days, 2-3 drops per day, preferably at bedtime. With prolonged and more intense use, onion juice can cause burns to the ear canal.
  • You can relieve itching with apple cider vinegar. Attention! Vinegar is not buried in the ear. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the skin.
  • You can also bury your ears freshly squeezed celandine juice. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day, 3-4 drops. Remember, celandine is poisonous. Do not let the medicine get into your mouth, eyes, or nose. Wash your hands thoroughly after the procedure. Also, you can not use this recipe for the treatment of children.
  • pharmacy chamomile- a well-known plant that has a wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Infusion of chamomile can be washed with a sore ear several times a day. To prepare the medicine, pour a tablespoon of chamomile with a glass of boiling water and wait 20 minutes. After the procedure, do not forget to dry your ears with a cotton swab.
  • Has a powerful effect in treating ear fungus in humans and relieving itching decoction of bay leaf and cherry leaves. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions, pour a tablespoon of the leaves with a glass of water and let the medicine boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. A decoction can be used to bury the ears and wash itchy surfaces.

How quickly can the disease be cured?

It all depends on at what stage of the development of the disease you went to the doctor, and whether the treatment was carried out correctly. Read for what other reasons it happens that.

If the patient went to the hospital on time, and the therapy is effective, it will pass until the patient is completely cured. about 4 weeks. In parallel with the treatment, regular examinations and crops are submitted to the laboratory. Depending on the culture results, the doctor may change therapy to more effective drugs.

Unfortunately, many patients come to the hospital late. In this case, the therapy will be both more intensive and longer.

Elena Malysheva will tell about otomycosis in the next video.

Measures to prevent infection with otomycosis

  • The main cause of infection with a fungus is a weak immune system. The best prevention of this and most other diseases will be body strengthening. Natural food, the consumption of a variety of vitamins, walking in the fresh air, playing sports - all this will help protect your body from attacks of infections and fungal pathogens.
  • Very important personal hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and vigorously, don't let strangers use your toiletries, and don't use someone else's. Keep an eye on the integrity of the cover of the auricle. Treat wounds with antiseptics.
  • Also, you should not show overzealousness in removing earwax- it protects the inner ear from bacteria and other pathogens.

clotrimazole has a wide range of antimycotic action. Used for mycotic dermatitis of the external auditory canal and auricle, in the management of postoperative cavities of the middle ear. Children have no contraindications. Penetrates into the blood in minimal quantities, without causing general action, applied as a solution and cream once a day, usually at bedtime. After the disappearance clinical manifestations it is recommended to continue treatment for another 10 days.

Attention should be paid to the impermissibility use with otomycosis of saphrodex drops, which, as a rule, worsen the course of the fungal inflammatory process.

M. M. Magomedov recommends that in case of external fungal infections, locally prescribe the drug dimethyl sulfoxide, which has the ability to penetrate the skin, biological barriers, transport medicines, also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, fibrinolytic and other properties. The drug is used in the form of a 50.40 or 30% solution prepared before injection into the ear. The effect of the drug is enhanced with the simultaneous use of a helium-neon laser.

As drugs for local treatment, we used ointments, alcohol solutions, and MAG films with dioxidine.

For local treatment alcohol solutions are convenient, since ointment forms are distributed unevenly along the walls of the ear canal. However, children very often have intolerance to alcohol solutions and lotions: burning, painful sensation. Therefore, in the treatment of otomycosis in children, we used the cream. As for alcohol solutions, we treated with 1% clotrimazole solution and 1% nitrofungin solution on cotton turundas for 4 weeks.

If a detachable from the ear canal moist, frothy, good effect during treatment gave phytex containing borotanin complex, salicylic acid and methyl salicylate. The drug has a fungicidal and fungistatic effect and is especially effective against Candida albicans. Fitex promotes the formation of an acidic environment, preventing the development of a fungal infection. We used this drug for 4 weeks; 16 people were treated.

9 (56.2%) of them (causative agent Candida albicans) there was a complete clinical and mycological cure. In 6 children (5 children - Candida crusei; 1 child - Candida stelatoidea) there was a decrease in clinical manifestations. In 1 child (causative agent Aspergillus niger), this local treatment was ineffective.

The best for external use are drugs with a wide spectrum antifungal action, which are well absorbed and give a minimal irritating effect. In the local treatment with ointment-based drugs, we used azole derivatives (triazole and imidazole): ketoconazole (nizoral) - in 9 children, clotrimazole - in 18, isoconazole (travogen) - in 23, econazole (pevaril) - in 6, and also used exoderil and mycospor, dactarin and batrofen cream.
The drugs isoconazole (Travogen) and econazole (Pevaril) for the treatment of otomycosis in pediatric practice were used for the first time.

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