How to pierce an ear plug at home. How to pierce your ears at home yourself: tips Piercing your child's ears at home

Hearing is one of the most important human senses. With it, we perceive the sounds that surround us. The auditory system is responsible for this feeling in our body. sensory system in other words, ears.

Sounds enter the outer ear, and then to the middle part, where they are converted into nerve impulses with the help of the auditory ossicles. The information is then transmitted to the inner ear and to the brain. If there is a violation of one of the listed functions in the ears, congestion occurs. There can be many reasons for this problem, from congenital pathologies to sulfur deposits in the form of plugs. What to do if the ear is blocked and does not hear at home, we will find out in this material.

We will not delve into the clarification of the signs and factors of the appearance of a feeling of congestion, but we will consider the main signs of the appearance of this unpleasant sensation and what to do at home if the ear is blocked.

It is important to note that the methods discussed in this article are only suitable for non-inflammatory cases of congestion.

If inflammation is still present, you should contact your medical Center for further examination and appointment of a course of treatment.

Do not forget that self-treatment of the disease can lead to dangerous complications.

The feeling of fullness in the ears is very unpleasant feeling which is often found in medicine. It is accompanied by a change in the sound of sounds and dissonance of one's own voice. Other symptoms include:

  • feeling of hearing unnatural sounds;
  • feeling of squeak and cod;
  • severe pain in the ears and head, as well as in the temples and frontal part;
  • loss of sensitivity to sounds or complete deafness.

As we have already found out, the causes of the formation of a symptom can be many signs and factors. Most often, all this is accompanied by some kind of malaise, whether runny nose or cold.

Often, ear congestion occurs with significant changes in pressure, when blood has a strong effect on the walls of blood vessels. An increase in internal pressure occurs when atmospheric pressure changes. Most often, these situations occur during takeoff and landing of an aircraft or climbing a mountain.

And some people are particularly sensitive, and feel stuffy in their ears when descending into the subway.

What to do at home if your ears are blocked

A common cause of stuffy ears is sulfur plug.

In this case, you should immediately eliminate the plug yourself. or contact medical institution for assistance.

If the cork has a non-solid structure and a light yellow, you can carry out the cleansing of excess at home. To do this, purchase a cleanser in advance or.

  1. Lay the patient on one side, with the affected ear up.
  2. Drip 5-10 drops into the ears, depending on the consistency of the excess.
  3. Further, it is necessary to enter into the external ear canal for thirty minutes.

Repeat this operation three more times. This is necessary in order to make sure that there is no plug and that it is completely removed.

With a dark sulfuric plug that has already stagnated, and it is for this reason that the ear is blocked, what should I do at home? Hydrogen peroxide will prove to be indispensable helpers in this case.

It is necessary to drip five drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into the ear canal for 5-10 minutes. The tool will soften the cork and prepare the ear for further procedure.

After the prescribed time, rinse your ears with warm water, and then insert a syringe without a needle filled with irrigation solution into the ear canal. It could be brine or special detergent.

Remember that your movements should be smooth so as not to injure delicate skin and not aggravate the situation.

Usually, washing takes about fifteen minutes. After the procedure, the patient may experience dizziness or nausea, but these symptoms quickly disappear.

If the cause of congestion lies in other signs, it is necessary to undergo procedures. In any case, this sensation is unpleasant, and how to pierce a blocked ear and prevent this problem from occurring in the future, read on.

Consider ways to pierce your ear if it's blocked.

If congestion appeared due to a runny nose, and while blowing the patient's ears, then in such a situation you need to rinse the nose with solutions of salt or soda.

To do this, stir half a tablespoon of soda or salt in one glass of not hot water. Rinse the nose should be at least five times a day, but do not abuse it, as this can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. After a few days of this procedure, the internal swelling will pass and the congestion will stop.

In case of congestion due to a cold, then the following actions will be the most simple and appropriate way to get rid of discomfort.

Try blowing through a narrow straw or inflating a tight balloon.

If you don’t have any of these at hand, then you can just try exhale strongly through the nose, after closing the nostrils with your fingers.

It is worth noting that if these methods have helped you, you should not forget about the treatment of the cold itself, since in the future these symptoms may resume.

If you began to hear worse, and a sulfur plug, then, most likely, you should contact the medical staff. This problem is eliminated by washing the ear canal with specialized medicines and tools.

To prevent the re-formation of sulfur deposits in the ears, it is necessary to instill 3% hydrogen peroxide immediately after cleaning the external passage. Two to three drops per procedure will be enough to prevent further cork formation.

For frequent flyers, it will not be a secret that during the flight, due to a change in altitude, lays the ears. To avoid this unpleasant feeling, at the time of takeoff or landing, try opening your mouth. If this does not help, swallow your saliva or yawn deeply and continuously.

The use of chewing gum or lollipops also helps without fail.

Any of these methods will help prevent pressure changes inside the Eustachian tube and restore hearing acuity.

Often the cause of congestion lies in liquid getting into the ears.

This usually happens in the summer, when the swimming season opens.

It causes the development of microbes and viruses, which are quickly localized throughout the body.

Getting rid of this discomfort is quite simple. You just need to tilt your head and gently shake it. The water will flow out by itself. If necessary, repeat the procedure until the unpleasant feeling completely stops.

If a this method turned out to be ineffective, insert a gauze flagellum into the ear canal dipped in olive oil for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the outer part of the ear with warm water and gently wipe with a cotton swab.

If congestion in the ears is not uncommon for you, and you do not experience pain, you should perform a set of special exercises that will help eliminate these inconveniences.

To begin with, open your mouth slightly and, pushing lower jaw, make rotational movements. Movements should be smooth and accurate, as in the case of strong and abrupt movements there is a risk of jaw dislocation. After that, pinching your nose with your fingers, take a strong breath. A muffled pop inside the ear will symbolize that the pressure has returned to normal.

If ear congestion is still accompanied by pain, and going to the doctor for some reason is not possible at the moment, the following procedures will suit you.

If a pain took you by surprise, for emergency pain relief you need make an instillation of an alcohol solution consisting of boric acid into the ear canal.

After instillation, close the ear with a turunda. It also helps with pain alcohol tincture calendula and propolis.

Put a cotton swab moistened with tincture into the ear canal, and wrap your head with a woolen scarf or a non-synthetic warm scarf. This will help reduce inflammation and eliminate infection.


Even if the above procedures will help eliminate ear pain, in no case should you put off going to the doctor.

As you know, self-medication can lead to very deplorable consequences. A reception medicines without the advice of a qualified professional, may cause serious damage to your health.

Launched inflammation in ear canal, may lead to severe forms diseases, such as, which, in turn, will lead to a rupture eardrum or total loss hearing.

At the first symptoms of congestion, without delay, try to eliminate them yourself, using one of the methods listed above, but it is better to immediately contact medical workers. Do not forget that the ears are a vital organ that definitely requires careful care and prevention of all kinds of diseases.

When is it better to pierce the ears of a daughter and is it possible at all pierce baby's ears at home without harm to her health? Many mothers want to pierce their beloved daughter's ears, because gold or silver earrings look very aesthetically pleasing in the ears of even the smallest ladies. But at what age is it better to carry out this procedure so that there is no negative consequences not only for physical health, but also for the psyche of the child. And is the game worth the candle? Let us consider this issue in more detail, trying to look at it from different angles. And below you will find detailed information on how to properly pierce your ears at home and treat the wound after the procedure.

According to psychologists, it is better to pierce ears in early age. Children under 18 months do not experience a sense of fear of possible pain (they do not realize the likelihood of its occurrence), do not remember the pain for a long time. Older girls understand that it hurts to pierce their ears and the mother will have to wait until the desire to wear earrings outweighs the fear of pain. In addition, the daughter can do it herself, without notifying her parents, using an ordinary sewing needle (not sterilized).

This is the case when there is no one recipe for everyone. Parents themselves decide when to pierce the baby's ears, or give the grown daughter the opportunity to solve this issue on her own. Although one recommendation will be useful for all mothers, without exception: doctors are against carrying out such a procedure for children whose age has not reached 9 months. Too high a chance of inflammatory processes and suppuration! But healthy ears (even without earrings) look much more beautiful, and the hassle of treating infected lobes can be avoided.

It is better to go to the salon than to pierce the ears at home - there, with the help of a special gun, the ears of children are pierced. However, mom can do this procedure herself at home. First you need to find out if this or that metal causes an allergic reaction in your daughter. Even in precious jewelry made of gold or silver, there are always particles of other elements, such as nickel. This also applies to surgical steel. Impurities in the metal can provoke inflammation and unpleasant itching, which will have to be fought for years. This factor cannot be ignored.

For a child, choose thin and light earrings., a good lock plays an important role (at first, the girl will often touch her ears). Consult with the master on the account of a suitable form of jewelry.

In salons, the so-called "gun" is used, it will pierce the earlobe in a split second and insert a stud earring into it. To minimize pain, ask the master to take an earring with the thinnest needle. Silent gun will not give the child a reason to be afraid.

Now we will tell you in detail how to properly pierce your ears at home without using a special "gun" - a special needle (catheter). We understand that not every mother can afford to pay for the procedure for piercing her daughter's ears in a beauty salon, and not every locality has these salons. However, if possible, be sure to entrust this procedure to a certified professional so as not to harm the girl's health!

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious!


Before the first ear piercing with a gun or a special needle, both adults and every child are equally nervous, regardless of their age. Children are afraid of pain, and their parents are afraid of getting an infection and the process itself, during which they are injured. soft tissues and tender cartilage. But most of the fears turn out to be unjustified, and miniature gold earrings have been and remain the best decoration for a woman, girl or girl. The main thing is to carry out the procedure under sterile conditions and follow all recommendations for caring for pierced earlobes.

What is ear piercing

The classic piercing is a jewelry hole made by a skilled craftsman with a disposable needle or gun that can pierce the cartilage in seconds. Women wear earrings made of precious and simple metals, order universal rings and elegant silk tassels on earmuffs in catalogs. Even archaeologists regularly find evidence of interest in such jewelry in ancient times. For example, the age of the Ötzi mummy with pierced ears is over 5,000 years old. This testifies to one thing - earrings will never go out of style.

Is it safe to pierce your ears?

Pierced ears are beautiful and comfortable, because earrings harmoniously complete the image, attract attention to the female neck and visually make it more slender. But how harmful or even dangerous is this procedure? Many are confused by the fact that 11 active points are concentrated on the lobe, which are responsible for language, vision, and teeth. In Japan, there is even a terrible urban legend about new earrings and a white thread sticking out of the ear and being a bare nerve. It is easy to protect yourself from any consequences - you need to make punctures in a professional salon and not neglect the rules for treating the wound.

When is the best time to pierce a child's ears?

Modern mothers try to introduce girls to the beauty industry at a very early age, so earrings become as much an integral part of future fashionistas as pacifiers and a favorite rattle. In order not to harm the health of the child, it is advisable not to go to extremes. Psychologists recommend piercing the earlobe of a baby up to 1-1.5 years old so that memories of stress remain in deep childhood. Pediatricians call other numbers and offer to make punctures up to 8-11 years. The best option- autumn and spring (in winter, a hat interferes with healing, in summer the risk of infection increases).

Types of ear piercing

Before you pierce the cartilage in your ear, you should decide on the type of piercing. The most common is the earlobe puncture, which is done to children literally from birth at the request of their parents. In addition, with the help of special medical equipment, helix or curl piercings, a rarer and more technically complex day for a circular or septum clicker, industrial for direct jewelry (2 holes are required for each ear), tragus (tragus) or antitragus (antitragus) piercing are performed ), tunnels that may take several years to stretch.

Ear piercing

High-quality piercing earrings have made life much easier for craftsmen and lovers of spectacular ear jewelry. For the manufacture of earrings of any diameter, hypoallergenic titanium or surgical steel is used, for decoration - pearls, artificial or natural stones. The secret of their popularity lies in the fact that the accessory performs the function of a needle and does not require additional manipulations or subsequent insertion of earrings, which causes discomfort. The puncture is carried out instantly, painlessly, and elegant "carnations" can be worn as much as you like.

How is the procedure

The cost of the service largely depends on which method of puncture the master or client prefers. It may include the price of earrings if the piercing is done with a pistol. Regardless of the reputation of the salon, the sincerity of the reviews on the site, and how much it costs to pierce the ears of a particular specialist, the process itself consists of the following steps:

  1. Training. The ear is wiped with a disinfectant solution, the puncture site is marked with an aseptic marker.
  2. Puncture. The procedure is carried out with a disposable instrument - a needle or a gun. In the first case, a hollow needle can be used, for example, to pierce the curl auricle, tragus, dais. Then the earring is inserted. The gun is initially “loaded” with jewelry, pierced and removed from the earlobe when the accessory is at the right point.
  3. Disinfection. For this purpose, solutions, tinctures, hydrogen peroxide are used.

Ear piercing with a gun

The advantages of this method are obvious. The earring instantly appears in the ear, and the assortment of “studs” is very wide, and the puncture itself takes place without pain or noise. A gun may scare a child, perhaps, with its name, but in fact the procedure is not stressful, unlike the type of medical needle alone. The main condition is that it must be sterile. The master is obliged to disinfect the tool and work exclusively with gloves so as not to infect.


In some cases, the needle is the only tool a client can use to get the piercing of their dreams. For example, when a hole needs to be made not in the lobe, but in other places. Needles are ordinary and hollow (empty inside), more often used to make a puncture at home. They must be sterile and disposable, reuse is not allowed.

How to pierce ear cartilage at home

Regardless of the place and method of piercing, it is recommended to entrust the procedure to specially trained masters who understand both the techniques and the aesthetic side of the issue. Finding out how much it costs to pierce your ears in the center of Moscow or another big city, some decide to do it on their own. So that dubious savings do not turn into a number of adverse consequences, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Pay attention to the state of health and refuse the procedure if you suffer skin diseases, allergies.
  2. Prepare your equipment in advance: a catheter (it is not recommended to pierce fabrics with a sewing needle due to the expansion of the eye), disinfectant, cotton wool, painkiller (you can refuse it or replace it with an ice cube wrapped in fabric) and earrings, preferably not made of metal. For especially impressionable ammonia will be required.
  3. Wash your hands, wipe the earlobe with a disinfectant.
  4. Mark the desired area with a dot. The exit point, that is, the reverse side, can be fixed with a piece of an apple so that the needle does not prick the finger and passes freely through the ear. If you don’t know where to pierce a child’s ears so as not to harm, it’s better to entrust this to a specialist.
  5. Make a puncture with a sterile needle, carefully insert the jewelry.
  6. Wipe the earring and hole with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

How to pierce ears correctly

Acupuncture is a technique that can be used to provide positive impact on biologically active zones to improve health. Neurologists are of the opinion that damage to one of these points will not cause serious harm to the body, but they recommend making punctures according to detailed diagrams - they can be easily found on the Internet. The exact location of acupuncture points is known to cosmetologists and acupuncturists, so it is advisable to entrust a responsible event to trusted specialists in the clinic.


Improper care is fraught with symptoms such as cartilage inflammation, swelling, dizziness, pain, suppuration around the hole. In order to prevent infection from entering the wound, as well as to prevent other unpleasant consequences, it is important to adhere to certain recommendations:

  1. Within 3 days after the procedure, do not visit the bath, sauna, swimming pool. Refuse to travel to the river, swimming in any open water.
  2. In the first weeks, you need to wipe the punctures with an antiseptic solution or a healing tincture of calendula twice a day, scrolling through the earrings. Hands must be clean.
  3. Additionally, treat punctures after sports activities, taking a bath, walking in the fresh air, contact with animals.
  4. Wait for complete healing. On average, in adults, the puncture site heals for about 2 weeks. As for the child's body, do not rush to please the child with the long-awaited new clothes. Earrings should not be changed earlier than six months later - let the girl's ears get used to the size and severity of the accessory.

If the ear hurts or fester

Hearing health is just as important as hearing health. internal organs. If the healing of wounds is accompanied by pain or pus, it is necessary to wash them with hydrogen peroxide. Do not treat the child's ears with alcohol, so as not to cause a burn. fans traditional medicine suggest using a solution of sea salt, aloe juice, melted resin coniferous trees and even with their own saliva, but the effectiveness of these funds is subject to justified skepticism. If the ears look bad, you should immediately consult a doctor.


An ear cartilage piercing is a quick, relatively inexpensive, and virtually painless procedure that is safe even for young children. Stylish earrings are worn with pleasure not only by women, but also by men - this is a tribute to modern fashion. However, there are a number of contraindications and individual characteristics organisms in which it is undesirable to pierce the ears. These include.

Do you want to pierce your ears? We have no doubt that everyone will simply gasp with delight when they see the final result. But keep in mind that piercing your ears is not so easy, and sometimes risky. However, if you're like those twins in The Parent Trap and really want to get your ears pierced so you can fill in for your sister (or because you just like the look of earrings in your ears), then read the tips below. In them, we will tell you how to safely pierce your ears.

Note: If you are under the age of majority, please discuss this with your parents or guardians before doing anything.


Part 1

Preparing for a piercing

    Use cotton pads soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol. You will need them to wipe the puncture site so that an infection does not get there. Let the alcohol evaporate before piercing your ear.

    • You can also use hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to wipe.
  1. Mark the place you want to pierce. It is important to think over the puncture site in advance. Otherwise, your earring may hang crooked, too high or too low in your ear. If you are piercing both ears, look in the mirror and make sure the marks are at the same level.

    • If you already have ear piercings and decide to add jewelry, then leave enough space between the piercings so that the studs do not cover each other. But don't make the punctures too far apart, otherwise it will look weird.
  2. Buy a sterile piercing needle. It is hollow inside, so when you pierce your ear with it, you can then easily put an earring into it. These needles can be bought online or at piercing parlors. Do not share needles with other people to prevent the spread of infections and diseases.

    • The needle should be larger in diameter than the stem of the earring you plan to wear.
    • You can also buy an ear piercing kit. It includes two sterile needle earrings, which are already pre-loaded in a special spring-loaded hole punch. You can purchase such a set online or in specialty beauty supply stores. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully.
  3. Choose your earrings. When you just pierce your ears (lobes or cartilage), it is better to wear special stud earrings for a while. Suitable earrings weighing 3-5 grams and about 10 millimeters long. This length will allow you to wear them even if your ear is swollen.

    • Some jewelry stores sell piercing earrings with pointed tips. They are easier to insert into a punctured hole.
    • If you have the opportunity, then buy earrings made from high quality metals such as silver or titanium. These earrings virtually eliminate the possibility of inflammation. Also, this way you avoid allergic reaction, which occurs in some people on low-quality metal products, such as gold-plated earrings.
  4. Sterilize the needle on fire. Do not use other people's needles, use a new one from a sterile package. Hold the needle over the flame until its tip turns red. Be sure to wear sterile latex gloves to keep the needle from getting bacteria from your hands. Wipe off soot and soot from the needle. Wipe the needle with a solution of 10% rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Be aware that this is a measure of partial sterilization, and germs can remain on the needle. The only way to completely sterilize the needle is to use an autoclave.

    Wash your hands with soap and water. This will reduce any possibility of bacteria spreading. Put on sterile latex gloves after washing your hands.

    Keep your hair away from where you plan to pierce your ear. Your hair may get caught between your ear and the earring, or it may even get caught in the hole you make with the needle. If possible, tie your hair into a bun and keep it away from your ear.

    Insert an earring. After you pierce your ear, do not remove the needle, but insert the leg of the earring into it. Pass the earring through the lobe.

    Pull out the needle. Slowly withdraw the needle from the lobe. Try to keep the earring in place. It may hurt a little, but try not to rush, otherwise the earring will fall out of your ear.

    • Be aware that the hole you made with the needle can close up within minutes if you don't insert an earring into it. If the earring falls out of your ear, then sterilize it as soon as possible and try to put it back. If the earring will not pass through the ear, then you may need to pierce the ear again.

Part 3

Care of the puncture site
  1. Do not remove the earring for six weeks. After six weeks have passed, you can insert another earring, but do it right away. It can take from six months to a whole year for the hole to fully form and not grow over if you leave it without an earring for a while.

  2. Wash the puncture site daily. Rinse your ear with warm saline solution. Use sea or Epsom salt rather than plain table salt. Salt will clean the puncture site and prevent any infections. Do this until the puncture is completely healed (about six weeks). Do not rub your ear with rubbing alcohol.

    • An easy way to rinse your ear is to take a cup or bowl a little larger than your ear and pour the saline solution into it. Place a towel under the cup to absorb water if it spills. Lie down on the couch and slowly dip your ear into the cup. Soak it in water for five minutes.
    • You can also dip a cotton pad in a warm saline solution and rub it over your ear.
    • Or you can wipe your ear with an antiseptic solution that you can buy at a pharmacy.
  3. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever about half an hour before your ear piercing to help reduce pain during the piercing. However, there is an opinion that taking painkillers prevents the puncture from healing faster. So take such funds at your own peril and risk.
  4. There is debate about whether it is worth regularly scrolling the earring at the puncture site. If you do not do this, the hole may tighten so much that it will be difficult to remove the earring. At the same time, during scrolling, microbes can enter the puncture site, which can cause infections and slow healing. If you do decide to scroll, do it carefully and only during brushing.
  5. Try not to think about the puncture, otherwise the pain will seem even worse.
  6. Before piercing your ear, put an ice cube on it for five minutes. This will make it less painful.
  7. To clean the ear, use an ear stick - it is easier to clean places that are difficult to access.
  8. Before the puncture, do not take acetylsalicylic acid - it thins the blood, due to which the blood at the puncture site may simply not clot.
  9. Don't rub in the saline solution when you clean your ear, dab it in.
  10. It is best to use a saline solution. Preparations based on witch hazel, rubbing alcohol and other products relieve not only bad bacteria, but also good bacteria. Or you can use a mild soap meant for sensitive skin.
  11. Warnings

  • Having your ear pierced by a professional is much less tiring than if you do it yourself.
  • Watch for signs of infection. If the puncture site still becomes inflamed, do not remove the earring! Otherwise, the wound will quickly heal with an infection inside, and this can cause many problems. Rinse your ear regularly with warm saline solution. If the infection persists, see a doctor.
  • Don't pierce your ear with a gun, safety pin, or old stud. The pins are not made of material suitable for piercing. Pistols cannot be sterilized, and the earrings used for them can damage ear tissue.
  • Pierce your ear only if you really know what you are doing. Otherwise go to a professional!

Thinking about getting your ears pierced at home? Looking for a way to pierce your ears without pain? How to care for pierced ears? Consider all relevant questions about ear piercing.

How can you pierce your ears

There are the following ways to pierce the ears at home:
  • a needle or pin treated with an alcohol solution. In every home there is such a simple tool. Until recently, this was the only way to pierce the ears. Now this method is obsolete, although most piercing masters consider this method to be optimal.
  • ear piercing gun. In any pharmacy, you can purchase a sterile kit that includes this tool. In addition, the set includes three different sizes of nozzles, a marker for marking a hole, one or two earrings and a healing gel. Package may vary

How old are you allowed to have your ears pierced?

Some parents, in an effort to give their child everything at once, carry an unsuspecting baby to the first salon they come across. The motive is simple - "it's more beautiful, and you can immediately see that we have a girl." The consequences of such "beauty" can be fatal. What do experts say about this? They do not recommend piercing the ears of babies under three years old. Firstly, it is up to this age that cartilage is formed, which are closely related to the muscles of the face, tongue and teeth. Secondly, after three years, the child can no longer unconsciously injure himself by sharply pulling the earring or catching it. If you still decide to pierce the baby's ears, it is better to entrust this to an experienced cosmetologist who knows how to work with children. The puncture is best done with a disposable sterile gun.

Have you decided? Piercing your ears at home

Piercing your own ears is not easy, but possible. If some objective reasons make you do this, you should prepare for this procedure.
Purchase a piercing needle, also called a catheter. It is sterile, hollow inside, its diameter should be larger than the diameter of your earring rod. You can buy such a needle in a piercing salon or order it online. It is much easier to buy a ready-made ear piercing kit, which includes a gun and a pair of sterile earrings.
If you decide to do it with a needle, it is better to purchase earrings made of silver or titanium in advance, with them the likelihood of allergies is minimal. It is recommended to sterilize the needle in a flame of fire until it is hot, even if the needle was in a sterile bag.
Important! Perform all manipulations in sterile medical gloves if you do not want to earn sepsis. Moisten a cotton pad with alcohol or Chlorhexidine and wipe the needle thoroughly. But even this method does not guarantee complete sterility. You can boil the needle for 5-10 minutes and then pull it out with tongs or tweezers. Sterile gloves and disinfectant liquid are also appropriate here.
  • If you have long hair, collect them in the "tail".
  • Wipe your earlobe with a disinfectant wipe or cotton pad soaked in the disinfectant solution.
  • With a felt-tip pen or marker, mark the place you plan to pierce. Use a mirror for this. If you are going to pierce both ears, make sure that the points are in sync. If the ears are already pierced and you want to make a second or third piercing in the lobe, make sure that there is a small distance between them, about 0.5 cm.
  • The next step is to point the needle or gun perpendicular to the earlobe.
  • Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, make a puncture in the marked place.
If you pierced with a gun, put the clip on the earring. If with a piercing needle, insert the earring shaft into its cavity and drag it through the puncture. Secure with a clip. Repeat all manipulations with the other ear. Don't forget about disinfection!

How to treat pierced ears and how to care for the puncture site

  • After a piercing with a gun, the ears heal much faster, the wound rarely becomes inflamed
  • Pierced ears will need to be taken care of for two months. Every day, several times a day, wipe the puncture site with a disinfectant (Chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide solution, Miramistin). After that, a thin layer is recommended to apply anti-inflammatory ointment ("Levomekol", "Solcoseryl"). Manipulate with clean and sanitized hands
  • After processing the earlobe and earring, gently rotate its rod. Do this with every treatment
  • For a month you will have to forget about swimming in the sea, river, pool and other public places
  • Change your clothes carefully so as not to catch on the earring and damage your ear
  • Earrings should not be removed for two months after the piercing procedure. When you make sure that the wounds have healed, there is no inflammation, put on other earrings. Don't forget to sanitize them!
Advice: preference at first should be given to earrings made of neutral metals - gold, surgical steel, titanium. But silver earrings cannot be installed in fresh punctures, silver often causes allergies. And do not abuse heavy earrings until the puncture is properly formed.

What to do if a pierced ear won't heal

If, despite daily hygiene, you notice that the lobe is swollen, inflamed, pus has appeared from the wound, this is a serious reason to consult a surgeon. But if this is not possible, in addition to the usual manipulations with the lobes, feel free to use an antibiotic ointment (Levomycetin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin). Continue until the symptoms are gone and the sores are healed.
Important! What should you do if you accidentally tear your earlobe? call immediately ambulance and to the surgeon, to suture!

Is it possible to pierce ears in winter

Surgeons advise against piercing ears in winter. Firstly, it is easy to catch and injure the ear with a hat or sweater. Secondly, the wound is easy to chill, and it will become inflamed. In the summer, there is a high risk of getting inflammation of a fresh wound - sweat, dust, heat will easily do their dirty work.

How to pierce an ear at home: video