Why does a person yawn when another yawns. Why does a person yawn and what does it mean when you yawn? Positive effects of yawning

Many people think that yawning only occurs when you are tired and not getting enough sleep. Although in fact this symptom may indicate certain health problems, so you should not ignore it. If you sleep 7-8 hours a day and continue to yawn every day, we advise you to pay attention to the symptom and figure out what is causing it.

Why do you often yawn: the main reasons

All people yawn, and not only people. This is what most vertebrates do. Doctors believe that it is good for health. But is it? When you start to yawn, blood circulation improves in the neck, face and head. When you do this, you take a deep breath, which increases blood circulation in the brain. Together, these processes help to eliminate too hot blood from the brain by introducing colder blood from the lungs and extremities.

Some scientists believe that changes in indoor temperature can cause yawning. Also, pharynx can be provoked by boredom, lack of vivid emotions. Thus, the doctors were divided into 2 camps. Representatives of one camp believe that the pharynx has a physiological cause, representatives of the second - a psychological one.

Why do people often yawn? There is nothing wrong with yawning when you haven't had enough sleep or are tired. But if you keep doing it constantly and for a long time, do not ignore this symptom. After all, it is quite possible that you have health problems.

What can cause frequent yawning:

You didn't get enough sleep . Are you getting enough sleep? Perhaps you sleep too little and your body does not have time to recover. Try to sleep 7-8 hours a day, go to bed as early as possible.

Fatigue. If you are tired at work or school, in training, your body needs more time to recover. You need to rest, the only way you will get rid of yawning.

temperature fluctuations in the room, fever air.

Stress. Try to be as nervous as possible, take sedatives if necessary.

You may be interested in our publication How to fall asleep quickly if you don’t feel like sleeping at all: ways

The body needs oxygen. Weakness, yawning and feeling unwell can signal a lack of oxygen in the blood. Every day, take a walk for 30-40 minutes in the fresh air, ventilate the room where you work or live more often.

Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.

Mirroring. What it is? Surely you have noticed that you start to yawn as soon as you see a yawning person, right? This is a normal reaction of the human body.

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals. Another common reason is that your body is not getting enough nutrients. We advise you to take a vitamin complex, it would also not hurt to pass the necessary tests.

Taking medications. Some medications can cause drowsiness, such as allergy medications, hormonal agents, antidepressants, some painkillers.

Vasovagal reaction - occurs due to internal bleeding in the heart or aorta. Frequent yawning and deterioration general condition may indicate a non-heart attack or damaged aorta. Thus, excessive yawning for no reason can indicate heart problems.

Liver damage. Some doctors believe that excessive yawning may be a symptom of liver failure. If you have had liver problems, be sure to check.

Epilepsy - in some cases, yawning can be a signal of the development of this disease, but this is not common.

Stroke - in this case, the brain begins to send uncharacteristic signals, as a result, you often yawn. Stroke provokes lesions in the brain, which leads to yawning.

Multiple sclerosis. Studies have shown that patients suffering from multiple sclerosis often yawn. This is due to the fact that their body is prone to thermoregulatory dysfunction, which provokes yawning.

In some cases, frequent yawning for days or even weeks can indicate problems with functioning. thyroid gland, of cardio-vascular system. Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor.

Why do eyes water?

Some people shed tears when they yawn. Why is this happening? Your eyes begin to close, which puts pressure on your tear sacs, causing them to shed tears.

Frequent yawning: when to sound the alarm?

If you begin to notice that you often yawn, try to get enough sleep and be outdoors more often, take a vitamin and mineral complex. If the situation has not improved and you continue to yawn daily for a long time, be sure to consult a specialist.

» What does yawning mean

Why does a person yawn and what does it mean when you yawn?

According to Dutch psychologist Wolter Seuntjens, who spent eighteen years studying data from a wide variety of sciences, yawning is mainly erotic. Consciously or not, it represents an invitation to sex. The sensations that accompany yawning are often even described as "mini-orgasms."

In support of his thesis, the scientist mentions that yawning in macaques is a sign of sexual alpha dominance, and therefore superiority (this, it turns out, is the reason for the annoyance of your bosses when you yawn in meetings). So don't yawn in the office. Your colleagues will have every reason to look at you with suspicion.

Seuntjents believes that there is still no satisfactory explanation for yawning. He says the traditional explanation for hypoxia - that yawning is a way for the body to get more oxygen - has yet to be proven. In fact, the phenomenon of yawning is still a mystery. “In fact, we really have no idea what causes yawning and what purpose yawning serves, what mechanisms are responsible for it, and even what basic anatomical components are involved. In an era when the human genome has already been deciphered and space travel is becoming commonplace, this verdict may sound like an insult,” he writes.

The psychologist also claims that when taking certain antidepressants, yawning can cause spontaneous orgasms. He adds: "When discussing pathology, I found that yawning and spontaneous ejaculation were mentioned at the same time." He presented the results of his research in On Yawning or the Hidden sexuality of the Human Yawn, published by the University of Amsterdam in 2004.

Why do you want to yawn?

We yawn when we are tired or when our stomach is screaming. However, there is also yawning, which expresses aggression or boredom.

If we exclude savory yawning, when your eyes just stick together, then the interlocutor's repeated yawning does not necessarily mean that he needs rest.

Inappropriate yawning may be a subconscious reaction to repressed aggression. He yawns not because he is bored, but because his counterpart (i.e. you) bothers or annoys him. Therefore, if your interlocutor continuously yawns, try to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He should apologize for not getting enough sleep if your conversation puts him to sleep or your arguments get on his nerves.

Why do you often yawn while covering your mouth with your hand

Is the reason why people who yawn cover their mouths with their hands is just a matter of politeness, elegance, or hygiene? True reason in another: there was a time when it was believed that the soul could slip out with the exhalation if the mouth was opened too wide. Therefore, it was necessary to cover the mouth, which was opening from fatigue, with the hand - in order to prevent the premature departure of the soul. This same hand simultaneously served as an obstacle that prevented evil spirits from seizing the opportunity and penetrating into the body.

What does yawn mean?

Your counterpart is yawning with his mouth closed.

This yawning is most often a reflex. Quite often it betrays the active skepticism of the yawner. Your interlocutor doubts integrity in general and yours in particular.

Your interlocutor yawns, mouth wide open.

Yawning without covering your mouth is a sign of contempt or bad upbringing. It is better to know in advance how to relate to this, especially when it comes to work. “It's just a brilliant idea,” someone says, stifling a yawn. Even a compliment is not able to hide the disdain shown in the gesture; absolutely nothing changes if the conversation takes place on the phone.

Why do people often yawn?

Frequent yawning is a sign of boredom combined with active rejection.

If the interlocutor yawns several times, covering his mouth with the back of his hand, it means that everything you said is not at all interesting to your counterpart. Drop the curtain! This is a rejection signal.

Your interlocutor continuously yawns, covering his mouth with his fingertips and tapping his lips with them.

It is very likely that the fingers called the mouth to order, suggesting that it be silent instead of engaging in unnecessary debate.

Your interlocutor yawns, covering his mouth with a half-closed fist.

The gesture being performed is a symbol of clear rejection! A closed hand is always a sign of aggression.

Adapted from: Messinger J. C. Ces gestes qui vous trahissent - Paris: France, 2013

We yawn, waking up in the morning and falling asleep in the evening. We yawn in boring meetings and long pauses. We yawn when someone nearby yawns.
It would seem that such a familiar reflex, or ritual. But surprisingly, researchers are still confused about the reasons for its appearance.

What is a yawn?

Yawning is a breathing process that occurs involuntarily with deep, prolonged inhalation and relatively rapid exhalation. The mouth, as a rule, is wide open and a peculiar sound accompanies such a respiratory action, and in some, tears also come out reflexively.

The process of yawning is in most cases a normal physiological phenomenon that occurs with a lack of oxygen, stressful situations, overwork, but it can be a sign of some diseases in the body.

The reasons

The most common version says that yawning is such a protective mechanism that allows the brain to relieve fatigue by cheering up with a fresh dose of oxygen, and at the same time getting rid of excess carbon dioxide. Statistics and studies support this hypothesis: people most often yawn when their gray matter is tired and clearly needs rest - for example, in the evening after a hard day at work, during a boring meeting, or a prolonged overly difficult lecture

A yawn is essentially similar to inhaling when the lungs and blood are saturated with oxygen. However, as it turned out, people yawn even if they are given pure oxygen for breathing - that is, the reflex opening of the mouth has nothing to do with hypoxia (lack of oxygen). With what then?

Yawning is needed to cool the brain - tells us one of the most recent and gaining popularity of theories. A computer or laptop, for example, cannot function without a built-in fan: under heavy load, the processor overheats and, if it is not cooled down in time, may fail. Our gray matter is arranged according to a similar principle: with prolonged or intense work, its temperature rises, which worsens the connections between neurons and ultimately has a destructive effect on thinking. Therefore, the brain needs cooling - an open window or a walk in the park, a glass of cool water, or (since neither the walk nor the glass shines) a sweet yawn can help.

In principle, experiments confirm the cooling theory. For example, volunteers who had an ice compress applied to their foreheads while watching boring movies yawned twice as rarely as a group of volunteers without an ice compress. So, if you feel that you are yawning, be sure to note: Your brain is overheated, and it would be nice to walk it in the fresh air.

Why yawning is contagious

To make sure that yawning cannot have simple explanations, it is enough to recall a well-known fact: this reflex is contagious. One has only to yawn for someone - and an epidemic of yawning covers most of those around them.

Neither oxygen starvation, it is impossible to explain this by overheating of the brain, because the physiological processes of each proceed individually, which means that they cannot be simultaneous. So the reflex has some other meaning. And he was indeed discovered by stumbling upon another fact.

Yawning in people does not only start with visual contact with a yawner nearby: often, to start the process, you just have to think about yawning, read about it, or hear a specific sound of yawning. From this it follows that the reflex is not always a physiological process, but also a mental one.

After conducting research, scientists came to the conclusion that yawning is contagious due to mirror neurons. They are in the layer gray matter The brains of not only people, but also some animals, birds and are endowed with the property of empathy - begin to get excited when we see the actions of others. These neurons are responsible for the ability to imitate (for example, when mastering foreign languages) and empathize. They make you consciously experience the emotions of other people, which is actually called empathy.

Roughly speaking: You yawn - it means that you have empathy and are able to act in social groups. It is assumed that our ancient ancestors thus defined "their" - those with whom you can play in a team. By the way, as experiments show, children under 4 years old and those who suffer from autism are not subject to mirror yawning: they have not yet learned to act according to social laws. However, interesting facts about yawning are not limited to this.

Yawning can be "infected" as a person from a person, and from a person to a dog. Studies by Swedish scientists prove that dogs can yawn when yawning people come into their field of vision, and the older the dog, the more prone to reflex imitation, and there are fewer puppies 7 one month old yawning is not transmitted.

If we talk about spontaneous, non-imitative yawning, then different animals have their own reasons for it. The same dogs often “reflex” when they are excited - for example, when they find themselves in an unusual environment. While waiting for dinner at the zoo, the lions begin to yawn intensely. Hyenas - when preparing to attack the victim. Many monkeys, opening their mouths wide, show their superiority in a pack of relatives. Birds, turtles, crocodiles, snakes yawn from time to time...

But herbivores yawn much less often than cold-blooded and predatory ones. For example, it is extremely rare to find a yawning horse, cow, camel or hare. This, by the way, leads scientists to the idea that yawning may be somehow related to the level of intellectual development: those creatures whose IQ is higher yawn more often than "stupid ones".

What is frequent yawning a sign of?

By itself, frequent yawning cannot be a sign of some kind of illness. Its appearance can provoke lack of sleep, fatigue, stress, nervousness, overeating, boredom. In this case, this is a normal reaction of the body to such factors. It is worth removing them and yawning will return to normal. By the way, during the day a person yawns at least 10 times.

The presence of other symptoms with frequent yawning may be a sign of illness. For example, when constant drowsiness and frequent yawning, a diagnosis is possible - vegetative-vascular dystonia or cardiac arrhythmia.

Dizziness with blurred vision, increased body temperature along with frequent yawning may be a precursor to an epileptic seizure.

How to overcome yawning?

There are times when yawning is inappropriate. There are several ways to deal with it:

  • When approaching the next yawn, you need to take a deep breath through your mouth and exhale through your nose.
  • A sip of water or wetting the lips with it helps many.
  • Adequate sleep acts as a prevention of frequent yawning.
  • Exercising will keep your body energized by oxygenating it. You can do squats, push-ups or other physical exercises, which will increase the tone of the body.
  • Proper nutrition and drinking the required amount of water throughout the day prevents the occurrence of frequent yawning.
  • Don't slouch. Straight posture contributes to the full filling of the lungs with oxygen. When the back is bent, the diaphragm is not completely saturated with air, which can provoke rapid yawning.
  • Walking in the fresh air, airing the room, quitting smoking will help get rid of causeless yawning.

Video: why do people yawn?

It is important to understand that yawning is a natural positive respiratory action that activates the body and is not in itself a sign of illness. So the attitude to the phrase "Don't yawn!" worth revisiting a bit. Yawn and be healthy.

The process of yawning plays an important role in human life. We “yawn from boredom”, we can “miss” the bus, we call “onlookers” kids who love to stare around, and not under their feet. But what actually is yawning and is it somehow connected with those processes, which are devoted to numerous memes about yawning?

What is a yawn?

Yawning in medical and anatomical reference books is explained as a reflex, that is, involuntary, respiratory act. Simply put, when a person yawns, he takes a long, deep breath, receiving a huge portion of oxygen at a time. When inhaling, the mouth, pharynx, and glottis open wide. Exhalation is relatively short and fast. Often, when exhaling, a person makes a short voice sound.

Yawning is inherent not only to a born person - even the fetus in the womb yawns. Many vertebrates also yawn, with some of them yawning when they see a prey or a rival—the wide opening of the mouth allows their teeth to show.

Why and why do people yawn?

Unfortunately, the causes that provoke yawning have not yet been fully studied and unequivocally established. Of course, scientists know a lot about yawning, but many of them have their own versions of why people yawn. Perhaps only some of these versions are true, or maybe all at once.

So, why does a person yawn and why does he need it:

  1. Balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide accumulates in the human blood. The body reacts to this by causing yawning. A person, yawning, immediately receives a large portion of oxygen, and the balance is maintained.
  2. Yawning as an energy drink. Yawning in the morning is necessary for the body to activate. For this, a person yawns when he feels signs of fatigue. By the way, there is a connection between two reflexes: yawning and stretching. These two processes, done simultaneously, not only saturate the blood with oxygen, but also improve blood circulation. Vivacity appears, attention increases.
  3. Yawning as a sedative. People yawn before an exciting event, as yawning activates and invigorates. Yawning has been noted to attack athletes before competitions, students before exams, patients before entering a doctor's office, circus performers before complex stunts, performers before performances, and so on. Through yawning, people cheer themselves up, bring the body into tone, which helps them cope with excitement.
  4. Yawning is good for the ears and nose. Yawning opens and spreads the channels leading to maxillary sinuses and the Eustachian tubes (those tubes that go from the ear to the throat), which allows you to get rid of the so-called "congestion" in the ears. Yawning regulates air pressure in the middle ear.
  5. Yawning for relaxation and relaxation. Paradoxically, yawning can not only cheer up, but also relax. Arbitrary yawning is used as a technique in some relaxation techniques. Try to lie down, relax and open your mouth wide - sooner or later the process of yawning will occur. At this point, the body will relax. Yawning prepares the body for sleep by creating a sense of calm. This is why people yawn before going to bed.
  6. Why do people yawn when they are bored? With prolonged muscle passivity, blood stasis occurs. Yawning and sipping at the same time keeps you active. For this reason, people yawn when they sit, for example, at a boring lecture: you can’t move, it’s not interesting to listen, a person begins to fall asleep. And here the process of yawning involuntarily takes place, allowing you to sit through the end of the lecture and, most importantly, to listen to it. Some scientists in the course of research have found that yawning in itself allows you to relieve mental stress. Probably, this is also why we yawn when we are forced to listen or watch something that we are not at all interested in.
  7. Yawning to nourish the brain. Some scientists argue that during the period of passivity, when we do not move and get bored, our performance decreases. nerve cells and breathing slows down. When yawning, firstly, the lack of oxygen is replenished (we breathe more slowly during the period of passivity, so the body begins to lack oxygen), and secondly, the blood flow in the vessels of the brain improves. The brain receives the necessary nutrition, and we are a little perked up - both physically and mentally. The blood supply to the brain cells improves because at the time of yawning, a person strains his muscles a lot. oral cavity, face, neck. There is a kind of mini-gymnastics, as a result of which the activity of the brain is activated.
  8. Yawn as a regulator of brain temperature. According to some scientists, yawning regulates the temperature of the brain, which is why we yawn more often when we are hot. Having received a large portion of cool air, the body “cools the brain”, and it starts working normally again.

So, let's summarize the questions "Why do people yawn and why do they need it?". When a person is tired, cold or, conversely, overheated, he needs to cheer up. The body itself regulates this process, causing yawning.

At the same time, the body receives a portion of cool air, due to which the temperature of the brain is regulated. The blood is instantly saturated with oxygen, the blood flow of the cerebral vessels improves. Yawning is often accompanied by sipping – these two processes, carried out simultaneously, double the effect of yawning.

In a word, yawning is a reflex that a person needs to be in good shape. However, if the body is preparing for sleep, yawning, on the contrary, helps to relax - this function of yawning has been inherited by us, apparently, from distant ancestors.

And finally, a few interesting facts about yawning:

  • A yawn lasts an average of 6 seconds.
  • After a second yawn, a person usually yawns not earlier than after one to one and a half minutes.
  • Women and men yawn with the same frequency.
  • Men are less likely to cover their mouths while yawning.
  • People who yawn too often or, conversely, too rarely, are advised to consult a doctor - healthy man yawns constantly, but not too often.
  • Yawning is known to be contagious. Autistic children don't usually yawn back.
  • According to the results of research by scientists, in response to the yawn of another person, those people who have a well-developed and especially active area of ​​​​the brain responsible for the need for empathy yawn.
  • By reading this article “Why do people yawn?”, you probably yawned at least 2-3 times, and even much more.

A person yawns in the womb and after birth, this process accompanies the rest of his life. At this time, the chin lower jaw lowered, head tilted back, eyes closed. In addition, the actions are accompanied by muscle stretching. The mechanism and significance of these movements, scientists still cannot explain in detail. It is difficult to say why, when a person nearby yawns, it is so difficult to resist not to miss in return.

Physiological causes

Not always yawning signals that the body wants to sleep. Among scientists there is an opinion that it indicates a lack of oxygen in the body, but yawning is not associated with breathing. It has already been proven that an attack of yawning can overtake people both at the moment of boredom and during energetic activities.

Scientists are trying to explain this process by various reasons, including psychological and physiological. From the point of view of physiology, yawning is provoked by the following factors:

  • Yawning is necessary to maintain a normal ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen. As a result of this act, a strong inhalation occurs through an open mouth and a sharp exhalation, which enriches the tissues and organs with oxygen necessary for normal life.
  • Yawning is a sedative nervous system, helping to overcome stress, which is why she can overcome exciting communication.
  • Acts as a stimulus to trigger the energy reserve that occurs as a result of oxygen enrichment after yawning. The activity of the brain is activated, albeit for a short time.

During the study, scientists noticed that during a boring lesson, students or schoolchildren can yawn more than 20 times within an hour in order to somehow invigorate the body and set it up for work.

  • The reason for yawning before bed is to help the body relax and prepare for sleep.
  • This process is triggered if there is a feeling of fullness in the ear as a result of pressure imbalance.
  • It is believed that, in this way, the regulation of brain temperature occurs. That is why the desire to yawn occurs during stuffiness and heat in the room. During this movement, a deep breath is taken, which means that more oxygen enters the body.
  • There is a version that myocardial infarction or existing tumors can irritate nervus vagus, passing from the head to the stomach, which provokes many reactions, including frequent yawning.
  • Causes may be hidden behind neurological conditions, for example, patients diagnosed with epilepsy have been noted to yawn frequently, which is again associated with a lack of oxygen to the brain.
  • Yawning is a consequence of the onset of a period of inhibition for excitation. Some functions are inhibited at this time, the amount of metabolic products in the blood increases, which provokes this process.
  • An empty stomach can also cause yawning.
  • If you could not sleep, then there will definitely be a desire to yawn.

The listed versions of yawning once again confirm that constant yawning can be not only a symptom of lethargy, boredom, drowsiness, but also some diseases in the body.

If during yawning an adult has a feeling of incomplete inspiration, lack of air, then you should see a doctor and check your lungs. In the fair sex, such sensations can be a symptom of breast cancer.

From the point of view of psychology

Psychologists explain the reasons for this process from their point of view. The cause of constant yawning may be prolonged stress or nervous overload. Such an act can provoke an attack of fear or anxiety, because at this moment the body's need for oxygen increases.

The depressive state is also often characterized by the appearance of a strong desire to yawn. During such situations, the human body is in dire need of hyperventilation of the lungs, which provokes yawning.

Features of the child's body

If a child often yawns, this does not mean that he mirrors the movements of his parents. Young children do not yet have such feelings as empathy, so the “mirror” act is not characteristic of them.

If parents notice that their child is constantly yawning, then the following problems can be suspected:

  • disorders in the work of the nervous system;
  • stress;
  • fear;
  • anxiety;
  • nervous tension.

If you suspect psychological and neurological problems, you should visit a specialist. But most often the reason is rather banal - lack of oxygen. In such situations, there can be only one recommendation - to walk more with the baby in the fresh air.


Even scientists are not yet ready to give an exact answer to this question. There are many opinions and versions, and among them the following can be considered the most reliable:

  1. Yawning serves to improve the supply of oxygen to tissues.
  2. This act helps to restore the working capacity of the brain, so it can attack during monotonous or boring work. As a result, blood circulation is activated, the mind is enlightened and efficiency increases.
  3. Psychologists claim that yawning is designed to relieve stress, tension and psychological fatigue.
  4. Yawning is intended to relax the stiff and tired muscles of the neck and the whole body, because it is not without reason that during this process we try to stretch.

Yawning is an important and, as it turns out, necessary reflex for the body.

Why is yawning contagious?

Each of us noticed, as soon as a person nearby yawns, such a desire is immediately transmitted to the interlocutor. What is the phenomenon of contagion - scientists are trying to explain this by two reasons:

  1. "Non-verbal reflex".

According to this theory, the act of yawning is transmitted from one person to another due to "primitive memory". Ancient people could not speak, they communicated with each other using facial expressions and gestures. When it was time for bedtime, the yawning of the leader of the tribe meant that it was time for bed. All the rest had to support in response. This is a clear demonstration of group behavior, the actions of one person trigger chain reaction. Yawning is contagious, as is laughter.

  1. The tendency to empathy explains the contagiousness of yawning.

Numerous studies by foreign experts confirm that not everyone begins to yawn in response, but only those who have the most developed part of the brain responsible for the ability to empathize.

Surprisingly, it is almost impossible to control the process, if someone yawns nearby, there is always a desire to miss too.

Some scientists believe that yawning is more contagious than laughter because it is beyond our control. One act of yawning lasts about 6 seconds and in half an hour you can yawn up to 75 times. Here is some more interesting information about it:

  • The frequency of yawning in men and women is the same, but the fair sex prefers to cover their mouth with their hands at this moment.
  • If, during the appearance of a desire to yawn, look at a person, then he is unlikely to succeed in this process.
  • It is impossible to control yawning with consciousness, if it starts, it can be repeated once every 60 seconds.

But not only humans have the ability to yawn.

In the animal world

Those who have pets can confirm that they are also not averse to yawning. There are plenty of such people in the animal world:

  • Baboons, sitting on a branch, yawn to show relatives and enemies frightening fangs.
  • Only when they are born, little hedgehogs already know how to yawn.
  • Looking at pelicans, it is sometimes difficult to recognize whether the bird is yawning or simply opened its mouth to dry the mouth pockets.
  • Hippos open their mouths the widest. If he tries to breathe in this way, then the child will be able to fit in his mouth.
  • Baby dogs and cats are simply adorable when they yawn.
  • Koalas in eucalyptus trees are notorious for being slow and lazy, so it's no wonder they yawn all the time.
  • The ostrich, after waking up, opens its beak quite wide.
  • It can be assumed that the turtle opens its mouth to frighten off the enemy, but the closed eyelids confirm that the animal is still yawning.
  • While yawning, squirrels even delicately cover their mouths with their paws.
  • Even fish are capable of performing the act of yawning, but in them it most often serves as a demonstration of readiness to attack the victim.

These are our smaller brothers, they do not even want to yield to us in this.

What Causes Yawning During Prayer

Many wonder why it is difficult to overcome yawning during prayer. If you talk with the priest, then, as a rule, he will assure you of the presence of damage or the evil eye. But scientists, as always, have logical explanations for this phenomenon:

  • It has been noted that most often the act of yawning is observed in the morning or evening hours, namely at this time there is a service in the church. The body either has not yet fully woken up or is in a tired state. In both cases, there is a lack of oxygen for brain function, which provokes yawning.
  • While reading a prayer aloud, the usual excitement in front of a large number of people can be observed.

Believers also claim that if a person begins to yawn during prayer, then the body is cleansed of all negativity.

Interesting information from esotericists: if yawning constantly starts while reading affirmations, then this means that a person has some barriers to the implementation of his plan. It is necessary to undergo purification and remove negativity from oneself.

Protruding tears during a yawn are easily explained purely physiological reasons. During yawning, the eyes are closed, which leads to pressure on the lacrimal sacs. As a result, tear fluid is released, but does not always have time to drain into the nasopharynx.

Control measures

If yawning appears sometimes, for reasons known to you, then you should not specifically get rid of it. This is a natural physiological reaction of the body. But, if frequent yawning is observed, regardless of the condition and time of day, then treatment may be required. To get rid of this act, there are several methods.


The technique is called Deep Breathing. The bottom line is to regularly take a few deep and slow breaths every 60 minutes. If you feel that an inappropriate yawn is approaching, then you need to inhale deeply through your mouth, and exhale through your nose.

You can do without sighs, and use the usual cold water, which to moisten upper lip and then the bottom one.

Healthy sleep

Given that often the cause of constant daytime yawning is lack of sleep, it can be advised to give enough time for a night's rest. In this case, you need to know how much sleep the body needs to recover.

You can lie down for 20-30 minutes in the daytime. This time is enough to rest and recuperate, but not enough to fully immerse yourself in sound sleep.

Watch your back and lead a healthy lifestyle

Even the ancients said: "A person is as healthy as his spine is healthy." This truth is true even now, maybe even more than before. Constantly sitting at a computer monitor does not have the best effect on posture. In addition, sitting in a bent position compresses the diaphragm, which can lead to the desire to yawn.

If we take into account the lack of oxygen as the cause of yawning, then sports and an active lifestyle will help. After physical activity blood circulation is accelerated, the brain is supplied with sufficient oxygen and there is no desire to yawn.

Walks in the fresh air in any weather, and if you still give up smoking and other bad habits Your body will only thank you.

Rethinking nutrition

Food from our table affects the functioning of the body and its condition. The following tips can help prevent and combat yawning:

  • The diet should be varied and complete.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits should be on the table all year round.
  • Provide healthy food.
  • Avoid sweets and fast foods.
  • Try to drink about 1.5-2 liters of water a day, but reduce the amount of coffee before bedtime.

Food should supply the body with the necessary substances for normal functioning and health, and not clog it with toxins, carcinogens and useless carbohydrates.

Medicines for pathologies

If it turned out that the provocateur of frequent yawning is a disease, then you can get rid of it only after the treatment of the underlying pathology.

Yawning against the background of violations of night rest is eliminated by the normalization of sleep. To do this, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a course of therapy. medicines fixing the problem. Sometimes involuntary yawning movements are observed during therapy with certain drugs, for example, SSRIs, then you can discuss with your doctor the issue of reducing the dosage.

Yawning comes from different reasons including physiological, psychological and emotional. During a conversation with a friend who suddenly yawned, it is not surprising if the interlocutor repeats the action. But we must remember that if yawning accompanies constantly for no apparent reason, then it is advisable to see a doctor so as not to miss the onset of the development of a serious pathology.