Women's hormonal drugs. Purpose, description and names of female hormones in tablets

To correct hormonal imbalances in women, replacement therapy and with menopause, tablets containing female sex hormones can be used. The main female sex hormones include estrogens and progestogens (progesterone), which are produced by the ovaries. Before prescribing any female sex hormone in tablets for correcting the menstrual cycle, you need to know in which phase of the cycle it works and what functions it performs. Also, pills that contain female hormones are used as contraceptives. But birth control pills with female hormones may contain either estrogen or progesterone, or both hormones (combined contraceptives). To choose the right female sex hormone for treatment, you need to know their functions in the body.

Estrogen and progesterone - functions

The main female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone, are not only produced in different phases of the cycle, but also perform different roles in the body. Functions of hormones:

  1. are produced by the ovaries in the first phase of the cycle and contribute to the destruction and subsequent proliferation of the endometrium. Additionally, estrogens affect the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, increase the deposition of subcutaneous fat, normalize the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, cholesterol metabolism, and increase bone density.
  2. Progesterone is produced by the ovaries from the beginning of the second phase and ensures ovulation and implantation of a fertilized egg, maintains pregnancy by preventing the uterus from contracting and ensuring its growth, and prepares the mammary glands for milk production.

Female hormones in tablets - names and functions

Tablets release female sex hormones: estrogens, progesterone and combined preparations containing both estrogens and gestagens. Less often, herbal medicine pills are used that increase female sex hormones in the body. Pills containing estrogen (most often estradiol) are indicated for replacement therapy after ovarian removal and for complications of menopause, for some forms of breast cancer and for contraception. Contraindicated in tumors of the uterus, a tendency to thrombosis. Most often, these drugs are taken strictly by numbering on certain days of the cycle, since they contain a different dose of hormones for each of the phases. Of the most famous, one can list such names of estrogens in tablets as Ovestin, Regulon, Premarin, Rigevidon, Minisiston.

Tablets containing female hormones gestagens (progesterone and its synthetic analogues) - Progesterone, Utrozhestan. They are indicated for the threat of abortion in the first trimester, premenstrual syndrome, fibrocystic mastopathy, endometriosis, menstrual disorders, for replacement therapy after removal of the ovaries. Progesterone tablets are contraindicated in the second half of pregnancy, renal and hepatic insufficiency, increased blood pressure, diabetes, bronchial asthma, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, epilepsy, migraine, lactation and ectopic pregnancy.

Tablets containing both estrogens and gestagens - combined hormonal preparations, are used both for contraception and for hormonal regulation of menstrual irregularities. They are divided into high, low and microdosed (50; 30-35 and 15-20 mcg EE / day), monophasic (same doses of hormones in all phases of the cycle) and triphasic (different doses of hormones in different phases).

When, over the years, fewer and fewer hormones are produced in a woman's body, female hormones in pills are often prescribed.

Such drugs eliminate many of the symptoms that accompany hormone deficiency.

Hormones are substances that are produced in almost every organ and tissue of the body, so they affect its performance and overall functioning.

The hormonal background determines the following important characteristics:

  • body weight and tendency to gain weight;
  • appetite;
  • sexual function;
  • hair color and structure;
  • skin type;
  • emotional condition;
  • behavior and thinking.

The human body produces both female and male sex hormones. Their number is determined by gender.

Most of them are produced endocrine system which includes the following glands:

  • thyroid;
  • parathyroid;
  • pancreas;
  • thymus.

This system also includes the following authorities:

  • pituitary;
  • hypothalamus;
  • ovaries;
  • adrenals.

The hormones produced by these glands are delivered to various organs through circulatory system.


Until now, up to 60 types of hormones are known, with the help of which the hormonal background is formed. Deviations from the norm of indicators of female hormones provoke serious complications.

Why Hormonal Imbalance Occurs

Preparations and products containing female hormones are prescribed mainly when in the body. It can be triggered by many negative factors, including the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • increased fatigue in chronic form;
  • sleep disorders;
  • stressful situations;
  • influence of certain medications;
  • various diseases, in particular, of a viral nature;
  • immune system failures.

This imbalance also occurs against the background bad habits, including the following:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • the use of narcotic drugs.

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer female hormones in tablets in a wide range.

They allow you to restore balance in the body, slowing down aging and having a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

Varieties and their features

Both in the female and in the male body, 2 main types of hormones are produced - androgens and estrogens. The first type is this, and the second is female.

However, besides them, female representatives also produce other species that affect the important functions of individual systems. The features of the main ones should be considered in detail.


According to recent studies, fair-haired women have the highest content of hormones that affect reproductive function.


This is the main female hormone produced in the ovaries, affecting sexual characteristics, appearance and cell regeneration.

In this regard, its optimal content in the body ensures the elasticity of the skin and healthy hair. In addition, it protects blood vessels from plaque formation.


The ability of a pregnant woman to endure and give birth to a child depends on progesterone. Decreased levels during pregnancy early dates provokes a miscarriage.


It is produced in the adrenal glands of a woman in low content. At increased rates testosterone, the following signs are noted:

  • increased irritability;
  • mood swings;
  • irascibility.

First of all, testosterone affects female sexual behavior.


It is a thyroid hormone responsible for various metabolic processes. Its deficiency is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • constant fatigue;
  • skin laxity;
  • drowsiness;
  • memory impairment.

An increase in thyroxin levels leads to the following manifestations:

  • impaired concentration;
  • sleep problems;
  • angina;
  • emergence of feelings of anxiety.

Against this background, as a rule, there is also rapid weight loss and problems with thinking processes.


It is a growth hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It provides control over muscle tissue and ligaments. Its deficiency slows down growth, and its excess leads to its abnormal performance. Also, violations of the concentration of somatotropin lead to weakness and flabbiness of the muscle mass in a woman.

For reference!

Somatotropin has positive impact on the female psyche. And its insufficient secretion is one of the main causes of aging.


Produced in the pancreas and normalizes blood sugar levels. It is involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates received by the body with food.

When the food contains a lot of sweets, insulin cannot cope with its processing, which provokes the accumulation of sugar. This is bad for blood vessels and provokes fullness and diabetes.

The action of hormones in tablets

Female sex hormones in tablets help eliminate various problems in the body and have the following effects:

  1. They are prolong youth by replenishing sex hormones.
  2. stop developmental processes of obesity.
  3. slow down the rate of wrinkle formation, providing skin elasticity.
  4. Normalize arterial pressure.
  5. Facilitate symptoms of menopause.
  6. Eliminate frequent urination.
  7. Apply in the treatment of chronic cystitis caused by atrophy of the bladder mucosa.

After 50 years, preparations of female sex hormones significantly reduce the risk of developing the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes;
  • osteoporosis.

Also, such drugs are widely used for the prevention of various cardiovascular pathologies and stroke.

Basic drugs

Sex hormone pills for women usually contain estrogen or progesterone, which are considered the most important female hormones.

Estrogen preparations

Estrogen tablets are most often prescribed to restore a normal menstrual cycle and blood pressure.

It is also taken to relieve such frequent manifestations in women over 40 as constant fatigue and headaches.

Indications for the use of this substance may be the following conditions:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • disorders after removal of the ovaries;
  • osteoporosis during menopause.

Among the hormonal pills with estrogen, the following drugs should be distinguished:

  1. Estrofem: This remedy is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of menopause. It is not intended for contraception and has a number of side effects, in connection with which, with long-term use, it is necessary to undergo an examination at least once every 6 months.
  2. Premarin: this remedy used in violation of ovarian function and bleeding in the uterus. It is also known as a drug for the normalization of hormonal levels during menopause. In the presence of diabetes the drug is prescribed with caution.
  3. Tefestrol: indicated in the absence of secondary sexual characteristics and underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system.

Due to a number of contraindications and side effects that these drugs have, only a specialist should establish their choice and dosage.

For reference!

Many women tend to believe the myth that hormonal pills lead to fullness and the appearance of hair on the body and face. In fact, if all the instructions are followed and the correct doses are observed, such phenomena are not observed.

Progesterone preparations

The most popular drugs in this group are the following:

  1. Norkolut: prescribed for menstrual irregularities and endometriosis. The drug has a high activity, sometimes included in the composition of drugs for the treatment of adenomyoma.
  2. Pregnin: a remedy for infertility and ovarian failure. It is also widely used in the absence of menstruation or too little discharge.
  3. Postinor: considered one of the most. However, its effect expires 2 days after administration.

In addition to these drugs, combined drugs are often used, which are considered universal. Among them are the following drugs:

  • Ovidon;
  • Rigevidon;
  • Demoulin.

Misuse of these drugs can cause nausea, vomiting, and more serious complications.

Health depends on the hormonal background female body generally. If hormones are synthesized in the required amount, their balance is not disturbed, then the systems and organs function normally. Female sex hormones are especially important for the fairer sex. Violation of their synthesis is fraught with serious problems that affect not only appearance, but also on psychological state women.

To stabilize the level of hormones, doctors may prescribe the intake of their analogues in tablets. It is necessary to select drugs purely individually, taking into account the nature of the existing problem, the results of tests for hormone levels and other factors.

Functions of sex hormones

The key sex hormones in women include gestagens (). Estrogens are synthesized in the ovaries, form the main sexual characteristics, thanks to which a woman differs from a man. The normal content of estrogens in the body ensures the elasticity of the skin, hair, protects blood vessels from the formation of cholesterol plaques, and helps to increase bone density.

If there is not enough estrogen, then external male features begin to appear in women (hair growth, loss of skin elasticity, an increase in muscle mass). An excess of hormones leads to an excessive accumulation of fatty tissues in the thighs and abdomen. Hyperestrogenism can also become a trigger for the development of tumor formations in the genitals and breasts.

Progesterone is synthesized by the ovaries in an enhanced mode during ovulation. It promotes the release of the egg from the follicle and ensures the possibility of its fertilization. With the help of progesterone, the embryo is not rejected by the uterus and the pregnancy proceeds normally. Low level hormone in pregnant women can cause spontaneous miscarriage.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

Violation of the synthesis of female sex hormones can occur under the influence of many factors:

  • uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs and oral contraceptives;
  • emotional turmoil;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • strong physical activity;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the body;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • bad habits.

Overview of drugs in tablets

To stabilize the level of hormones, their analogues in the form of tablets are widely used today. They should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the results of clinical tests.

There are several groups of tablets:

  • containing estrogen;
  • containing gestagens;
  • combined.

They are prescribed for the targeted treatment of certain diseases, to prevent pregnancy, as a menopause and in other cases.

Estrogen preparations

Indications for use:

  • in reproductive age;
  • prolongation of pregnancy;
  • insufficiency of gender sexual characteristics;
  • infertility;
  • after removal of the ovaries;
  • period of menopause;
  • prevention of osteoporosis.

The most common synthetic analogues of estrogens in the form of tablets are:

  • Premarin- pills based on conjugated estrogen. They should be used with caution in the presence of hypertension, epilepsy, and diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Estroferm- recommended for cupping menopausal symptoms, normalization of the menstrual cycle. In view of a large number side effects when long-term treatment it is recommended to carry out an additional examination every six months.
  • Norkolut- oral contraceptive with estrogen. The drug also stimulates the cupping of milk synthesis during lactation. It is also used for menstrual irregularities.

Other representatives of estrogen:

  • Presomemen;
  • Tefestrol;
  • Microfollin.

Warning! Long-term use of estrogen can cause uterine bleeding, proliferation of the endometrium, a factor in the development of tumor formations. Treatment with such tablets should be strictly regulated by the doctor.

Medications with progesterone

Progesterone tablets are prescribed for:

  • insufficiency;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • scanty periods;
  • endometriosis;
  • treatment of infertility (after the use of estrogens);
  • miscarriage threats.

Common progesterone pills:

  • pregnin- by properties and therapeutic effect similar to natural progesterone. But in terms of activity, it is inferior to the natural hormone. The tablet must be placed under the tongue and wait for it to dissolve. This approach will provide more effective action drug.
  • Norkolut- a progestogen drug based on norethyrsterone. The doctor selects the dosage individually, taking into account the characteristics of the clinical picture.
  • Postinor- a contraceptive, the action of which provides the desired effect within 2 days after administration. In 95% of cases, an unwanted pregnancy can be avoided if Postinor is taken immediately after sexual intercourse. The remedy is contraindicated for liver failure, children under 16 years of age, individual intolerance to the components.

In case of insufficiency corpus luteum as a program for the treatment of infertility from the beginning of ovulation to the end of the cycle, progestin preparations can be prescribed,. Tablets are also taken a few weeks after the onset of pregnancy to maintain it.

Progesterone tablets are contraindicated in the presence of tumors in the mammary glands and other organs.

Combined funds

Divided into several types:

  • Monophasic- contain estrogens and gestagens in a ratio of 1: 1 (Novinet, Logest, Zhanin, Yarina).
  • Two-phase- 2 different combinations of hormones (Klimonorm, Divina, Sequilar, Adepal).
  • Three-phase- consist of three different combinations of sex hormones (Trikvilar, Tri-merci, Tri-Regol).

Biphasic and triphasic tablets mimic the natural balance of hormones in women of reproductive age. Combined sex hormones are used as contraceptives, for the treatment of menopausal disorders, to normalize the menstrual cycle. Monophasic drugs are prescribed for women who have already given birth.

It must be remembered that hormones with prolonged use can have a number of side effects on the body: headaches, nausea, vomiting. You can take them only as prescribed by a doctor, strictly according to the scheme.

Sex hormones in pills are a way to make up for their deficiency in the female body and solve many health problems. Thanks to hormonal drugs can be normalized menstrual cycle, cure infertility, stop the unpleasant symptoms that accompany menopause. Before taking the tablets, you must remember that they should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist in an individual dosage. The use of hormonal drugs clearly according to the instructions will help to cope with the existing problem and minimize the risks of undesirable consequences.

Without exaggeration, we can say that the hormonal background of a woman is a determining factor in her health and well-being. Female hormones affect appearance, psycho-emotional and physical state(body structure, weight and height indicators, skin type, hair structure and color, reaction rate, appetite, expression of emotions). The reproductive system of women is entirely subject to the production and level of hormones in the body. Female sex hormones determine mood, thought processes and character.

How are hormones produced?

Since female sex hormones are fundamental factors that ensure good health and mood, we should talk more about the types of sex hormones. This will allow you to better understand the functional component of this aspect.

The endocrine system consists of endocrine glands, which to a greater extent are the "producers" of hormones. The glands include:

  1. pituitary;
  2. thyroid gland;
  3. ovarian follicles;
  4. thymus;
  5. adrenal glands;
  6. parathyroid gland;
  7. hypothalamus.

After the production of hormones by these glands, the blood transports these substances to all internal organs.

To date, science has identified more than 60 substances that are involved in the process of balancing hormonal levels. Moreover, these processes do not depend on age and gender.

The influence of female sex hormones on processes in the body

Women's hormones are a fragile world that easily loses its balance due to the influence of a variety of factors.

The balance of hormones in the body provides:

  • stable functioning of the nervous system;
  • the ability to conceive and carry a baby;
  • physical health;
  • proper functioning of the internal organs.

See also: How to get pregnant the first time. What are the chances and chances

The modern pharmacological industry partially solves the problems of women with a hormonal background, since today quite a lot of drugs are produced that contain female sex hormones. Of course, this makes life easier for women who need to stabilize the hormonal background. Female sex hormones in tablets make it possible to extend the reproductive period, protect against premature aging.

Hormonal imbalance and restructuring of the hormonal background in women occurs when they do not have enough rest.

The highest concentration of hormones, as scientists have determined, is observed in blondes.

The main types of hormones

Hormones are divided into two main groups: estrogenic (female) and androgenic (male).

Female hormones are inherent only in the fair half. They endow women with unique abilities to bear children. Estrogens also give women a beautiful body and an attractive appearance. At the same time, in the female body in a small concentration there are also male hormones responsible for primary and secondary sexual characteristics.

Some hormones are responsible for sensitivity, emotions, perception of everything that surrounds. The correct ratio of hormones provides a woman with the harmony of her attitude, endowing her with instincts. With a lack of hormones, a woman’s health is disturbed, diseases of varying severity appear, years of life are reduced.


One of the main female hormones is estrogen. Estrogen is a group of hormonal substances that are produced in the ovaries. This group of hormones is responsible for the structure of the figure: chest, roundness of the hips. Estrogen is involved in the dynamics of body renewal at the cellular level, maintaining youthfulness and beauty of the skin and hair, affects the state of blood vessels and fights cholesterol. The emotional outline and character also fall under the influence.

If there is not enough estrogen in the body, then a woman can recognize this by the following signs:

  • decrease in sexual desire;
  • failure of the monthly cycle;
  • brittle hair and weak nails;
  • pale and dry skin of the face;
  • premature skin aging and wrinkles;
  • vegetation according to the male type;
  • memory loss;
  • migraine;
  • hyperhidrosis.

See also: Delayed periods - 23 reasons why you do not have periods

The estrogen levels for women are as follows:

  1. follicular phase - 57-227 pg / ml;
  2. ovulatory - 127 - 476 pg / ml;
  3. luteal - 77 - 227 pg / ml.


The hormone progesterone can be called the second most important for the female body. Progesterone is a male hormone, as it is dominant in the representatives of the strong half of humanity. Progesterone is produced in the body of women only after the release of the egg from the follicle and the development of the corpus luteum. If this process does not occur, then this hormone is not produced.

The highest level of progesterone is on the day of ovulation, therefore it is not surprising that the ability to conceive and bear children depends on the indicators of the hormone in the body.

The lack of progesterone can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • emotional instability;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • soreness in the mammary glands;
  • problems in the digestive tract;
  • bloating.

Progesterone levels should be balanced. In different phases of the cycle and during pregnancy, the level of the hormone is also different. If you suspect that your body's progesterone levels are abnormal, you should see your doctor. Tests for progesterone are given 2-3 days after ovulation. The problem of deviations from the norm must be solved together with a qualified doctor, since an excess or deficiency of the hormone negatively affects the female body.

Indicators of the norm of progesterone in the female body:

  1. follicular phase - 0.32 - 2.23;
  2. ovulatory period - 0.48 - 9.41;
  3. luteal phase - 6.99 - 56.63;
  4. early pregnancy - 8.90 - 468.40;
  5. second trimester - 71, 50 - 303.10;
  6. late pregnancy - 88.70 - 771.50;
  7. after menopause -<0,64.

luteinizing hormone

LH or luteinizing hormone is a hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. For women, this hormone is important as a stimulator of estrogen synthesis, the formation of the corpus luteum, and a regulator of progesterone secretion.

You can understand that luteinizing hormone is out of order by the following signs:

  • anovulation;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • hirsutism;
  • infertility;
  • amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea;
  • uterine bleeding (dysfunctional);
  • not bearing a child;
  • delay in sexual development or premature development;
  • sexual infantilism;
  • growth retardation;
  • polycystic ovaries;
  • endometriosis.

Indicators of the LH norm in the female body:

  1. Ovulatory period - 17.0 - 77.0;
  2. Luteinizing period -<14,7;
  3. Taking oral contraceptives -<8,0;
  4. The period after menopause - 11.3 - 39.8.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

Follicle-stimulating hormone stimulates the growth and further maturation of the follicle in women, and in men - the maturation of spermatozoa. FSH is a gonadotropic hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. The action of follicle-stimulating hormone is also associated with the birth of a new life.

By about the seventh day of the follicular period, one follicle is released, begins its growth and development. After a 2-week period, an egg matures in the follicle, which is ready for subsequent fertilization by a spermatozoon.

FSH tends to enhance:

  • conversion of testosterone to estrogens;
  • follicle growth process;
  • estrogen synthesis process.

With a lack of follicle-stimulating hormone, a woman is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. poor discharge during menstruation;
  2. infertility;
  3. the process of atrophy of the breast and genital organs;
  4. lack of ovulation.

With elevated FSH levels, a woman's body reacts as follows:

  • bleeding between periods;
  • absence of menstruation.

If the ratio of FSH and LH hormones is 2.5, then these indicators indicate:

  1. polycystic ovary syndrome;
  2. depletion of the ovaries;
  3. pituitary tumors.

The rate of follicle-stimulating hormone in a woman's body also differs at different periods of the menstrual cycle:

  • follicular period - 2.8 - 11.3 mU / l;
  • ovulatory period - 5.8 - 21.0 mU / l;
  • luteal period - 1.2 - 9.0 mU / l.

Testosterone in women

The adrenal glands produce testosterone. The indicators of this hormone in the body are insignificant, since this hormone belongs to the male type. Testosterone promotes sexual desires, affects the severity of such character traits as determination and perseverance. A woman under the influence of testosterone becomes passionate and loving. Such women not only know how to take attention from the opposite sex, but also show an active interest in potential partners.

The higher the testosterone levels in a woman's body, the more she enjoys sports. In addition, testosterone helps build muscle. Women with high testosterone levels look younger than their age.

An excess of male hormones in women is manifested in such diseases:

  1. hirsulism;
  2. amenorrhea;
  3. infertility;
  4. anovulation;
  5. oligomenorrhea;
  6. acne rashes;
  7. bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  8. miscarriage;
  9. polycystic ovaries;
  10. endometriosis;
  11. myoma;
  12. the appearance of neoplasms in the breast.

The norm of testosterone in women:

  • during reproductive age, the level of the hormone is<4,1 пг/мл;
  • at menopause, the indicators are the same<1,7 пг/мл.


Refers to the female sex hormones produced by the anterior pituitary gland. Prolactin is actively involved in the growth and development of the breast, as well as lactation. During pregnancy, prolactin supports the corpus luteum and progesterone production. A woman should see a doctor if she experiences any of the following symptoms:

  1. galactorrhea;
  2. mastopathy;
  3. recurrent chest pain;
  4. anovulation;
  5. amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea;
  6. uterine bleeding between periods;
  7. sexual infantilism;
  8. inflammatory processes in the internal genital organs;
  9. problems with lactation after childbirth;
  10. obesity;
  11. menopause;
  12. hirsulism;
  13. osteoporosis;
  14. low libido.
  15. infertility

The norm of prolactin is from 109 to 557 mU / ml.


Oxytocin is produced by the adrenal glands. Oxytocin can be called the hormone of tenderness and care. With an excess of oxytocin, hysteria, scandalousness for no reason, obsession and excessive concern for loved ones appear.

The highest level of the hormone in the postpartum period, it is then that oxytocin promotes love, reverence. Oxytocin is characterized by increased sensitivity to stress: it is in a stressful state that the maximum release of oxytocin into the blood occurs. As a result, in order to get rid of anxiety, a woman begins to care for loved ones with greater intensity.

The hormone contributes to a feeling of pity, because women pick up homeless animals, are touched by small kittens and puppies.

The lack of oxytocin in the body of a woman manifests itself:

  • the oppressed state of a woman;
  • depressed mood;
  • indifference to others;
  • a decrease in energy levels.
  • gaining excess weight

It is possible to restore normal levels of oxytocin without medication. Often it is enough for a woman to change her lifestyle: pay more attention to herself, find an exciting activity.

Endocrine diseases

The endocrine system is a kind of factory for the production of hormones. One of the main roles is played by the thyroid gland. But with a high degree of significance, the level of its capriciousness and instability is quite high. Therefore, the thyroid gland in women is a vulnerable place. Thyroid diseases negatively affect the hormonal background, so the logical question arises of how to restore the balance of hormones. In such a situation, female sex hormones in tablets help perfectly. The main condition for the effectiveness of drugs is the timely access to a doctor and compliance with his recommendations. A qualified doctor will quickly determine the hormonal imbalance in the body and select the right treatment without complications.

Climax and hormones

The climacteric period consists of three phases:

  1. Premenopause.
  2. Menopause.
  3. Postmenopause.

Each of the phases has a different manifestation, but the main symptom of menopause is a significant decrease in hormonal levels.

There are two pauses in the menstrual cycle: the first is dominated by estrogen, and the second by progesterone. Menopause may have enough hormones to continue menstruation, but these substances are not always enough for a regular cycle. Female hormones during menopause at the beginning of the period gradually decrease and actively respond to indicators of the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus.

The premenopausal period is characterized by a high degree of risk of malignant neoplasms.

At the onset of menopause, hormones decrease to such levels that menstruation stops completely. In postmenopause, female hormones cease to be produced, and the ovaries and uterus become smaller in size. This is how biological aging occurs.

The endocrine system is a really complex mechanism, because immediately after a decrease in hormones, metabolism also worsens. As a result, a woman feels hot flashes, she develops nausea, pressure rises, and tinnitus occurs. Also, a drop in the level of hormones negatively affects the strength of bones; in women, disorders of the nervous system appear:

  • Depression;
  • Fear of dying;
  • Anxiety;
  • panic attacks;
  • Irritability;
  • Tearfulness.

Hormonal pills are one of the most potent medicines. To date, all biologically active substances of the endocrine glands have been synthesized.

In tablets release:

  • adrenal hormones (glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids);
  • thyroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine);
  • pituitary hormones (prolactin, growth hormone);
  • sex hormones (androgens, estrogens, gestagens).

In gynecology and obstetrics, female sex steroids are actively used. They are necessary for treatment, and for prevention, and for contraception. Therapy regimens, dosages and trade names of specific drugs are recommended by the attending physician after questioning and examining the patient.

What are female sex hormones

In the female body, sex hormones are synthesized in the ovaries, corpus luteum and adrenal glands. There are several types of sex steroids:

  • estrogens;
  • gestagens;
  • androgens.

Androgens are considered male sex hormones. In fact, these active substances are also synthesized in the fairer sex. But their concentration in the blood is much less than in men.

In an adult woman of reproductive age, the main estrogen is estradiol, and the progestogen is progesterone.

Estradiol is produced in the ovaries, and progesterone in the temporary endocrine gland (corpus luteum).

Female sex hormones:

  • contribute to the formation of the sexual phenotype;
  • participate in the formation and development of the reproductive system;
  • involved in the formation and development of the mammary gland;
  • contribute to the maturation of the oocyte;
  • promote fertilization;
  • support cyclic changes in the endometrium;
  • support pregnancy after conception;
  • increase bone mineral density;
  • improve skin elasticity and turgor;
  • increase the percentage of adipose tissue in the body;
  • reduce blood cholesterol;
  • have an angioprotective effect.

The mechanism of action of drugs for contraception

Contraceptives prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Oral contraceptives create such a hormonal background in the female body, which usually occurs during pregnancy. Thus, the tablets inhibit the maturation of oocytes in the ovaries.

The action of the tablets:

  • inhibition of ovulation;
  • reduction in the thickness of the endometrium;
  • increase in the viscosity of cervical mucus.

In addition to the contraceptive effect, the components of the tablets can:

  • improve skin condition with acne;
  • reduce swelling;
  • reduce the severity of premenstrual syndrome;
  • reduce the profusion and soreness of menstruation;
  • remove signs of hyperandrogenism, etc.

Female hormones in tablets are prescribed for endometriosis, polycystosis, menstrual irregularities, bleeding. In these cases, the patient may not even need their contraceptive effect.

Tablet components

Tablets with female sex hormones may have one or two active ingredients.

For contraception use:

  • gestagens;
  • estrogens and gestagens (combined oral contraceptives).

Of the estrogens in pharmacology, ethinyl estradiol is usually used. Of the gestagens, derivatives of progesterone, spirolactone and norsteroids are used.

In recent years, hormonal contraceptives have been created with a minimum number of side effects. This is achieved by reducing the dose of estrogens and gestagens in the tablet. In addition, the chemical industry has synthesized gestagens that are safe for the body.

Such low-dose contraceptives are well suited for young girls, nulliparous women, women with normal and low body weight. For other patients, medium doses of estrogens and gestagens may be recommended.

Types of drugs:

  • gestagens ("Charozetta", "Model Mam", "Laktinet");
  • single-phase combined preparations ("Novinet", "Lindinet", "Logest", "Zhanin", "Yarina", "Marvelon", "Rigevidon", "Regulon", "Non-ovlon");
  • biphasic combined preparations ("Anteovin", "Sequilar", "Adepal");
  • three-phase combined preparations ("Trikvilar", "Triziston", "Tri-mersi", "Trinovum", "Tri-Regol").

Combined contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable means of protection. These drugs have the highest efficacy profile. Suppression of ovulation and prevention of implantation of a fertilized egg occurs in almost 100% of cases. Single-phase contraceptives have a constant combination in all tablets of the package. They are usually given to women who have given birth. Biphasic (triphasic) preparations mimic the natural reproductive cycle. They are used in young girls and nulliparous women to preserve the stimulating potential of the pituitary gland.

Contraceptives with one component (gestagen) are less reliable. Their protective effect is sharply reduced if the regimen of taking the drug is violated (a few hours late, a pass). The advantage of such tablets is a smaller number of contraindications and the possibility of use during breastfeeding.

For emergency contraception, female sex hormones are used in tablets (gestagens with antiestrogenic activity). Such a drug is levonorgestrel (Postinor). In recent years, tablets with antiprogestogenic activity have also appeared (Mifepristone and analogues).

Pills for infertility treatment and pregnancy support

A lack of progesterone can lead to infertility. Normally, this hormone is synthesized in the corpus luteum (temporary endocrine gland). If the biologically active substance is produced little, then the endometrium cannot fully prepare for the implantation of the egg. In addition, after the introduction of the oocyte, there is no sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients. Such an unfavorable background leads to termination of pregnancy in the early stages.

Gynecologists quite often detect functional insufficiency of the corpus luteum in women with infertility.

To treat this condition, gestagens are used. For example, dydrogesterone (Dufaston) or progesterone (Utrozhestan) may be prescribed. Usually tablets are recommended from the 14th day of the cycle until the onset of menstruation. When pregnancy occurs, the drug is extended to several weeks or months.

Hormone replacement therapy after menopause

Female hormones in tablet form can be prescribed after menopause. They relieve the negative manifestations of menopause, improve the physical and emotional state.

There are tablets containing:

  • only estrogens ("Premarin");
  • a three-phase combination of estrogens and gestagens ("Trisequens");
  • a two-phase combination of estrogens and gestagens ("Klimonorm", "Divina", "Cycloproginova", "Femoston 2/10");
  • monophasic combination ("Femoston 1/5", "Kliogest", "Livial").

Treatment may be short-term or long-term. The treatment regimen is chosen by the attending physician. Some patients require continuous intake of hormones, others - cyclic.

An alternative to substitution therapy can be treatment with herbal preparations. Hormone-like substances are found in hops, sage, oregano, licorice, linden flowers, St. John's wort leaves, lemon balm, flax seeds, etc.

Plant estrogens have many positive properties of female hormones (improve blood properties, skin appearance, reduce hot flashes). But their action is much softer and safer for patients.