Hematology. Who is a hematologist and what diseases does he treat? When to contact him What is the name of the doctor who works with blood

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of blood in human life, because there is no blood - there is no life. It would be foolish to assume that medicine will bypass such an important component of our body. An entire science, hematology, is devoted to the intimate study of the fluid that flows through our arteries and veins, the fluid that our heart pumps so methodically and diligently throughout our lives.

Alas, our blood is no less vulnerable to disease than any other organ. Establish the causes of blood diseases, notice changes in its composition in time, find proper treatment and competently conduct it - all this can and can be done by a hematologist. Let's take a look at his blood laboratory and take a closer look at blood affairs.

Specialization - hematologist

If we have a fairly clear idea of ​​what a therapist or ophthalmologist does, then we can only assume about the main tasks that a hematologist solves. But they are so important and deep in meaning that the successful treatment of many diseases depends on them.

What is the doctor studying, peering intently into a drop of our blood on a laboratory glass? It:

  • etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of our hematopoietic system
  • development and direct implementation of the latest methods for diagnosing diseases of both the hematopoietic system and the bone marrow
  • the study clinical signs indicating pathology of the blood
  • treatment and prevention of blood pathologies

Obviously, for the effectiveness of all these actions, a hematologist needs extensive knowledge of blood and everything connected with it. A good hematologist must know:

  • physiology, morphology and embryogenesis of the hematopoietic system and blood cells
  • characteristics and properties of blood serum and plasma
  • properties exhibited by the hematopoietic system in pathological blood diseases and in diseases not directly related to hematology
  • fundamentals of immunohematology
  • basics of hemostasiology
  • fundamentals of hematology
  • medical examination system
  • everything about the methods of diagnosing pathologies of blood and bone marrow
  • method of chemotherapy
  • deontology (basics of medical ethics in particular and human morality in general)

From this list, the connection of hematology with such medical specializations as oncology, gynecology, and surgery is clearly traced. Together with specialists in these and other areas of medicine, hematologists treat various diseases.

What diseases does a hematologist treat?

It is unlikely that, having felt a certain malaise in the form of general weakness, we will run to a hematologist. Most likely, we will limit ourselves to calling a doctor at home or turn to a therapist in a clinic. As long-term practice shows, we do not choose a direct path to a blood specialist due to the fact that we hardly associate the disease with disorders in our blood. What does a hematologist treat?

If we turn to the statistics, they will show that up to 9% of all human diseases are due to blood diseases. Among the diagnoses made by the hematologist, anemia and leukemia prevail.

Anemia is divided into:

  • aplastic
  • hemolytic
  • iron deficiency
  • thalassemia (Mediterranean anemia)
  • folic acid deficiency
  • posthemorrhagic
  • anemia due to chronic pathologies
  • B12-deficient

Leukemias include:

In addition, the list should include:

  • hemoblastosis
  • Guglielmo disease
  • Hodgkin's disease
  • lymphosarcoma
  • increased bleeding
  • hemophilia
  • thrombocytopenia

As you can see, among these diseases there are those that we have heard about, and completely unfamiliar to us. We will not describe in detail the causes and symptoms of diseases, but we will try to find out when an appointment with a hematologist is shown.

When should you see a hematologist?

It is difficult to assume problems with the hematopoietic system on your own, but there are significant signs that suggest the presence of serious hematological disorders. If you are showing:

  • unreasonable rise in temperature
  • weakness
  • weight loss
  • loss of appetite
  • excessive pallor of the skin
  • redness of the skin of the face
  • excessive sweating
  • numbness or tingling of the fingertips
  • decrease in hemoglobin
  • the appearance on the neck, in the groin or armpits of neoplasms and their growth
  • bruising without visible reasons
  • skin itching after water procedures
  • long healing of bleeding wounds, scratches
  • violation menstrual cycle in chronic form
  • headache with no apparent etiology

Consult a hematologist. In addition, a consultation with a hematologist is simply necessary for those who live in areas with a registered increase in background radiation. This is especially true in connection with the well-known Chernobyl accident. It will not be superfluous to contact a hematologist when you are planning to conceive a child and during pregnancy. All these are measures aimed at preventing unpleasant surprises associated with disruption of the hematopoietic system.

Preparation for the reception

Features of the blood test require a certain preparation from the patient. Please note that the appointment of a hematologist will be useful and effective for you only if the following conditions are taken into account:

  • did not eat within 12 hours prior to the visit to the hematologist
  • did not drink alcohol and did not smoke
  • did not accept medicines(if it is impossible to do without a medicine, inform the doctor about which drug you were taking)
  • reduce fluid intake the day before the hour of admission

With the strict implementation of these rules, the results of analyzes, punctures and other manipulations of the doctor will be the most accurate.

What awaits you at the appointment with a hematologist?

Of course, the beginning of the examination by a hematologist is the collection of comprehensive information on the patient's complaints. An initial examination and, of course, a blood test (for HIV, hepatitis, RW, biochemistry), lead to the planned development of diagnostic and treatment methods. They may include:

  • Ultrasound of the lymph nodes and abdominal cavity
  • biopsy of lymph nodes with mandatory histological examination
  • x-ray of blood of one or another specificity
  • coagulogram (checks blood clotting)
  • morphological examination of the bone marrow with simultaneous sternal puncture
  • computed tomogram
  • scintigraphy (to scan bones)

About 80% of all visits to a hematologist reveal diseases that do not require hospitalization, and treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. But his competence also includes oncohematology, which deals with malignant pathologies of the hematopoietic system (leukemia, myeloid leukemia).

Responsibility and morality

Hematological diseases and various disorders in the composition of the blood are among the most dangerous in the medical environment. That is why, on the shoulders of a hematologist doctor falls a huge responsibility for the correct diagnosis, and for a competent treatment process, and for the patient's morale.

Faced with human fear and pain every day, he must be a good psychologist, possess moral purity, subtly feel the state of the person who turned to him and be able to empathize. We can say that the appointment of a hematologist is a heart-to-heart conversation, backed up the latest methods research aimed at speedy recovery or maintaining the well-being of the patient.

Hematology is considered a relatively rare specialization in medicine, so many people are not aware of who a hematologist is, what diseases he treats, and in what cases consultation of this doctor is necessary. We will talk about all this further.

Hematologist - who is it and what does it treat?

Hematology is a branch of medicine, the name of which has ancient Greek roots and literally translates as “teaching and blood”. The main task of this science is to study the structure and functioning of the blood system. The blood system is understood as the totality of hematopoietic organs (bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus), blood-destroying organs (spleen, blood vessels) and the blood itself (its components). Based on this, a hematologist is engaged in the identification and treatment of pathologies of the blood system.

Since the blood washes all the organs and tissues of the body, having an inseparable connection with them, hematologists are required to possess comprehensive knowledge of medical science. The qualification of a specialist in this field is obtained by general practitioners after completing a two-year course in hematology. In the future, the field of activity of a hematologist can be associated with one of two areas:

  1. Research activities- work in laboratories where various analyzes of blood samples, bone marrow are carried out and their results are interpreted, experiments are carried out, new methods of diagnosis and treatment are developed.
  2. Therapeutic and preventive activitiespractical work directly with patients, providing for the reception of patients, the appointment of diagnostic measures, the selection of a treatment regimen, and so on.

Hematologist - who is it?

As already noted, the specialization of a practicing hematologist focuses on the diagnosis of pathologies of the blood system and their treatment. In addition, these doctors are engaged in studying the causes of the onset of diseases, they know how to prevent their development. They work closely with doctors of other specialties: surgeons, oncologists, gynecologists, geneticists, and so on. There are also such areas as a pediatric hematologist (deals with blood diseases in children), a hematologist-oncologist (deals with the recognition and treatment of malignant diseases of the blood system).

What does a hematologist treat?

Considering who the hematologist is, it is worth noting that the field of activity of this specialist includes pathologies that can lead to disruption in the production and utilization of blood components. At the same time, damage to the organs of hematopoiesis or blood destruction that does not cause a failure in the synthesis and utilization of blood components (for example, trauma to the spleen, inflammation of the lymph nodes, and others) is not included in its competence.

To better understand what a hematologist does, we list the main pathologies that he treats:

  • different origin;
  • myeloma;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • radiation sickness;
  • leukocytosis;
  • leukopenia and so on.

When should you see a hematologist?

There are certain manifestations to which attention should be paid, as they can be symptoms of hematological problems. Let's highlight these signs that indicate when to contact a hematologist:

  • an increase in body temperature, noted from time to time for no apparent reason;
  • constant weakness, fatigue;
  • severe sweating;
  • persistent redness of the skin of the face;
  • cyanosis of the skin, not associated with disease internal organs;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • frequent headaches of unknown origin;
  • weight loss without objective reasons;
  • bruising with minor impacts;
  • prolonged bleeding after minor cuts;
  • regular tingling sensation in the fingertips;
  • prolonged violation of the menstrual cycle.

In addition, a consultation with a hematologist is required in such cases:

  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • planning for the conception of a child;
  • increased radioactive background in the territory of residence.

How is an appointment with a hematologist?

Often, the appointment of a hematologist occurs in the direction of the local therapist or other attending physician. These specialists see patients in major medical centers, oncology clinics, private clinics, and in ordinary district clinics you will not find hematologists. If you are going to an appointment with a hematologist, you should be prepared for the fact that some diagnostic measures may be prescribed on the same day. With this in mind, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  1. Do not eat within 12 hours before visiting a hematologist.
  2. Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  3. Avoid taking medications.
  4. Limit fluid intake the day before your consultation.

What and how does a hematologist check?

Many patients who are to visit this specialist are worried that the hematologist checks how the appointment will be carried out. In most cases, the appointment begins with the fact that the doctor listens to complaints, interviews the patient, and studies the medical history. This is followed by a physical examination, including the following:

  • palpation of the lymph nodes;
  • examination of the tonsils;
  • palpation of the spleen;
  • inspection skin, mucous membranes.

What tests can a hematologist prescribe?

Data obtained after the collection of anamnesis and physical examination rarely allow to accurately identify a deviation from the norm, do not give a complete picture of the pathology. In view of this, specific laboratory and instrumental research. It is important to know what tests the hematologist prescribes, and to conduct all the necessary studies. Be sure to first assign a general and biochemical analysis blood. For those who have already done this, the hematologist may recommend the following procedures:

  • blood test for syphilis (Wasserman reaction);
  • blood test for HIV;
  • blood test for hepatitis;
  • coagulogram;
  • general urine analysis;
  • examination of stool for occult blood.

Hematologist- a specialist in the field of hematology, examining the organs of hematopoiesis, the blood itself and its components, as well as diseases circulatory system.

Hematological diseases are considered systemic. In practice, this means that they are very difficult to diagnose, and it happens that the patient is referred from one specialist to another until the true cause of poor health is clarified.

To understand what diseases a hematologist treats, it is important to understand the functions of the circulatory system and the factors that contribute to the development of pathologies in this area. So, the blood is mainly responsible for:

  • transportation of oxygen and other important substances to organs and tissues;
  • removal of carbon dioxide and some waste products from organs and tissues;

Thus, the normal functioning of the circulatory system depends harmonious work the whole organism.

Factors that provoke blood diseases

  • bleeding;
  • deficiency of iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12;
  • bone marrow diseases;
  • intestinal pathology;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • trauma;
  • surgical intervention;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Diseases treated by a hematologist

According to statistics, about 8% of all human diseases are associated precisely with pathologies of the circulatory system and hematopoietic organs. Hematology as a science can be divided into sections, depending on the nature of the disease. Here is some of them:

General hematology

  • anemia (including in pregnant women) - a condition in which the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells is reduced;
  • hemophilia - hereditary disease, characterized by poor clotting, bleeding begins even from a small cut;
  • coagulopathy;
  • increased bleeding;
  • idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.


  • lymphomas;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • myeloid leukemia;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia.

When to go for an appointment?

You should make an appointment with your doctor if you have been experiencing the following symptoms for some time:

  • weakness, constant or intermittent;
  • persistent and prolonged fever, subfebrile or up to 38 o C for unknown reasons;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • abdominal pain of unknown etiology;
  • causeless pain in the joints, spine, bones;
  • poor appetite;
  • night sweats;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • bruises on the skin that did not appear as a result of injury or bruising;
  • prolonged bleeding from cuts, frequent nosebleeds;
  • regular violation of the menstrual cycle, accompanied by heavy bleeding;
  • enlarged spleen;
  • if in general analysis blood, atypical changes were detected in one of the blood components.

Pregnancy and hematology

It is worth mentioning that it is important to be examined by a hematologist for a woman planning a pregnancy, or for those who are already expecting a baby. Most often in a pregnant woman, the doctor treats anemia. It is dangerous because it leads to fetal hypoxia. Therefore, if the analyzes showed low level hemoglobin, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

During pregnancy, blood cells undergo qualitative and quantitative changes, which must be monitored periodically. Childbirth itself is a process accompanied by blood loss, therefore, in future mothers, the blood must be checked for clotting ability.

Children and hematology

Unfortunately, diseases of the circulatory system are found not only in adults, but also in children. They are able to be diagnosed in a child in infancy. Pathologies of intrauterine development, non-compliance with the rules of artificial feeding, genetic predisposition, and some diseases of an infectious nature can affect their course.

The earlier the disease is recognized, the more effective the treatment will be. Children are treated by a pediatric hematologist, although the range of diseases is almost the same as in adult patients.

At the doctor

Reception of a hematologist is as follows. First, the doctor conducts an external examination, in particular, of the lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, inguinal zone, and collects an anamnesis. That is, he asks the patient about disturbing symptoms, when and under what circumstances they appeared, what diseases had already been ruled out before coming to the hematologist's office. Based on the data collected, the specialist at the reception will decide which of the tests or instrumental studies will need to be done.

The following procedures may be prescribed:

  • abdominal organs and the area of ​​peripheral lymph nodes;
  • general blood analysis;
  • detailed blood test (determines leukocyte formula, platelets, reticulocytes, etc.);
  • coagulogram, which is a study on coagulability;
  • myelogram - puncture and morphological examination of the bone marrow;
  • biopsy of lymph nodes in conjunction with the study of histology;
  • immunophenotyping;
  • computed tomography for examination of internal organs;
  • scintigraphy (bone scan);
  • genetic research;
  • x-ray examination of blood.

Some tests can be taken on the day of the visit to the doctor, so it is recommended not to eat 10-12 hours before the visit (tests are taken on an empty stomach), alcohol and tobacco products. If the patient is taking medication, be sure to tell the doctor about it. If possible, they do not drink on the day of the study. Also, fluid intake is limited per day.

There is a special branch of medicine that studies the structural features of blood and bone marrow, called hematology. This science also considers all diseases associated with essential process in the human body - hematopoiesis. Accordingly, a hematologist, as a doctor, is engaged in therapy for diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, as well as research activities in this area.

Competence of a hematologist: duties and specifics of activity

The competence of this specialist includes studying the structure and functions of the blood system, finding out the causes and mechanisms that cause diseases in this part in children and adults, as well as improving methods for their recognition, diagnosis and treatment. All processes related to blood are not complete without the advice of this doctor. This includes:

  1. Accompanying medical history circulatory system.
  2. Study possible pathologies , in particular, their nature - hereditary or acquired, ecological or oncological.
  3. Introduction of drugs into the treatment process.
  4. Prevention and post-rehabilitation period.
  5. Collecting blood from the population. At the points of delivery of donor material, a hematologist is required to be present, who is directly involved in the process, monitoring the quality of incoming blood and the absence of dangerous diseases from donors according to the results of the conducted research analyses.

Hematologists are in close contact with other specialist colleagues. First of all, these are gynecologists, oncologists and surgeons, and, of course, pediatricians. Each person at least once in his life donated blood for analysis, but about a special medical profession hardly heard.

What will heal?

Scientists say that in our time, blood diseases account for 8% of all confirmed diagnoses of a modern person. Answering the question, the hematologist, what treats, should be listed:

  • oncological indications - leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia, bone marrow diseases, sarcomas;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • myeloid leukemia; lymphomas;
  • hemophilia, diseases of the liver and spleen, in particular hepatitis;
  • macroglobulinemia Valdestrom;
  • iron deficiency anemia - a decrease in red blood, hemoglobin and red blood cells due to a lack of iron. Most often they are observed in children of the first two years of life due to intensive growth, as well as in girls during puberty.
  • hemolytic anemia, in which the bone marrow produces a normal number of red blood cells, but they break down too quickly and have a shortened lifespan. Almost all cases of such anemia are hereditary, congenital.
  • aplastic anemia - diseases associated with the concomitant damage to the ancestral stem cell in the bone marrow, which is responsible for hematopoiesis
  • autoimmune thrombocytopenia.

When to see a specialist, or symptoms of a hematologist

When certain symptoms are detected, consultation with a specialist is of particular importance. What is it? First of all:

  • an increase in body temperature for no apparent reason, a feverish state;
  • rapid loss of body weight with a normal daily routine and nutrition;
  • hard work sebaceous glands and, as a result, increased sweating;
  • pale skin, hyperemia of the skin, which are not associated with disruption of the internal organs or chronic diseases;
  • persistent change in the level of erythrocytes, platelets, leukocytes, changes in the leukocyte formula;
  • tingling and numbness of the fingers of the upper extremities;
  • fragility, fragility of blood vessels, capillaries;
  • the formation of hematomas in the absence of injuries and external damage;
  • lack of appetite, feeling of constant weakness and fatigue;
  • atypical hemoglobin level - a drop or vice versa its increase, which goes beyond the norm;
  • skin itching after water procedures;
  • bleeding of blood vessels, gums during dental procedures, slow healing of wounds and even scratches;
  • chronic headaches, the sources of which have not been clarified;
  • chronic menstrual disorders in women, prolonged bleeding, recurrent spontaneous miscarriages;
  • frequent viral diseases, persistent colds;
  • formations on the neck, in the armpits, in the groin, a significant increase in the size of the lymph nodes;
  • enlarged liver, spleens of any etiology;
  • thrombosis, PE - pulmonary embolism;
  • a history of myocardial infarction.

Without fail, a consultation of such a doctor as a hematologist is necessary in case of an already onset pregnancy, when planning a conception, as well as residents of areas with a high radioactive background, which is especially important in connection with man-made disasters. An examination by a medical specialist as a preventive measure is a necessary measure aimed at preventing unpleasant health surprises.

When does a child need counseling?

A pediatrician deals with specific symptoms in children in the following cases:

  • pale skin, very often with an icteric tint;
  • nose and other bleeding;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • irritability of the child, frequent inattention;
  • loss of appetite and unmotivated rises in body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • bruising for no apparent reason;
  • complaints of pain in the bones, spine and joints; belly and head.

When a disease is detected in children, the doctor must strictly monitor the condition, regularly take the necessary tests, based on the results of which the treatment should be compiled and adjusted. In case of pathologies of the hematopoietic system, the child should be under the supervision of a specialist once a week.

How to prepare for the reception and how does it go?

Given the fact that the hematologist treats blood diseases, which will be carefully examined in the future, the patient must undergo certain training - only in this case the doctor can be useful. Moreover, these requirements apply not only to adults, but also to children.

  1. Before visiting the doctor, try not to eat for at least 12 hours.
  2. Refrain from alcohol and smoking, and if possible - drugs. If you can not limit their intake, be sure to inform the specialist.
  3. Reduce your fluid intake the day before your scheduled appointment with the doctor.

What are the benefits of strict adherence to the above rules? First of all, these are the most accurate results of analyzes, punctures and other medical manipulations. In most cases, treatment to a specialist reveals only diseases that do not require mandatory hospitalization. In such cases, the doctor treats on an outpatient basis. However, it is also closely associated with oncohematology, which deals with malignant pathologies of the circulatory system - leukemia and leukemia.

Directly, a medical appointment is a collection of relevant information in accordance with the patient's complaints, if children have problems, the hematologist can draw conclusions from a detailed description of the parents. An initial examination is carried out and a standard blood test is given, including parameters such as hepatitis, HIV, RW, biochemistry. Scheduled diagnostics may include:

  • Ultrasound of the lymph nodes and abdominal cavity;
  • biopsy of lymph nodes with mandatory histology;
  • x-ray of blood of various specifics;
  • coagulogram aimed at studying blood clotting;
  • morphological examination of the bone marrow with simultaneous taking of a sternal puncture;
  • CT - computed tomography;
  • scintigraphy or bone scan.

These modern studies make it possible to accurately determine the size and structure of organs, to identify a variety of bone disorders, as well as tumor formations of various localization.

When is a bone marrow puncture required?

A bone marrow examination may be needed only when there is a significant suspicion of blood cancer. This analysis is carried out with a special thin needle, piercing the bone in the sternum or ilium. The selected droplet is subjected to thorough medical research in many ways, which allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and carry out the correct treatment.

To do this, the doctor examines the puncture under a microscope, by analogy with the study of a peripheral blood smear. But in the bone marrow, all types of cells are represented - both very young and mature. If the bone marrow has a normal composition, no additional procedures will be required, and if there are many young cells there, the likelihood of leukemia is high. Or the bone marrow is simply empty - this happens when hematopoiesis is suppressed, and then certain studies will still be needed.

In some cases, a small piece of bone is taken for analysis and, in specially prepared preparations, the structure and ratio of individual elements are studied directly in the bone tissue.

What does a hematologist treat in pregnant women?

For expectant mothers and just women of childbearing age, a logical question may arise: is it necessary to observe a specialist in this profile during pregnancy? It is quite relevant and implies an affirmative answer: a hematologist in an “interesting position” is needed. First of all, because in pregnant women the number of red blood cells increases many times, which, with the development of the child, increase even more under the influence of the hormone progesterone. An experienced specialist will help keep these processes under control. Among other things, a decrease in hemoglobin can be observed, and this is already a pathological change in pregnancy, leading to an anemic state of the blood, which is very dangerous for the health of the fetus due to lack of oxygen.

Even if a woman feels great, the level of leukocytes in the blood may increase. At first, that is, the most early dates pregnancy, the ability of blood to coagulate significantly increases, the level of fibrinogen increases. And just before the baby is born, around the third trimester, the highest jump in protein in the blood occurs.

Around the sixth month of pregnancy, the plasma becomes less active and less “friendly” to heparin, and clots and retractions form more quickly. The fibrinolytic process becomes less active immediately before childbirth in order to prepare the body for possible blood loss during the birth process.

Given the above, any blood disorders that can be detected in laboratory tests are a reason to visit a doctor such as a hematologist. And those cases when the consultation is recommended by your attending gynecologist are not even discussed.

A good doctor, or what should a good specialist be like?

Nowadays hematology is the most important aspect of public health in the world community. A doctor who goes to such a specialization in a medical school enters there not just to treat human diseases, but following a special vocation, because the right of another person to a full life depends on his correct actions.

Given the fact that a hematologist treats, diseases and all kinds of disorders associated with blood are among the most dangerous in the medical environment, a good hematologist must also be an experienced psychologist. Every day he has to face fear and pain that cannot be described. That is why a high degree of responsibility and morality are those ideal qualities inherent in a specialist in his field. A true professional should not only be an “ace” in the field of medicine, who knows the latest innovative methods of research and treatment, but also must be able to subtly feel the state of the person who has addressed him, empathize with him and be able to find the right words in especially difficult cases.

An integral part of the human body is a liquid mobile tissue - blood, which performs many functions: transporting oxygen and nutrients to the internal organs, regulates body temperature and connects different parts of the body. The composition of the blood is quite complex and the amount of all elements must be within the acceptable norm in order to human body worked normally, and the internal organs properly performed their functions. If deviations are observed, this indicates the course of pathological processes and requires immediate consultation and specialist assistance.

Profession doctor hematologist

A hematologist is a narrow-profile specialist whose qualifications extend to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the blood, the blood-forming system. Sometimes a doctor's consultation is necessary for other diseases in order to prevent possible complications.

Diseases that a hematologist specializes in

The competence of a hematologist includes diseases of the blood, blood-forming organs, spleen, as well as pathological changes bone tissue. The specialization of the doctor affects the following diseases:

  • Anemia (anemia) - can be congenital or hereditary and is characterized by a low content of red blood cells.
  • Coagulopathy is a disease in which there is a violation of blood clotting.
  • Myelodysplasia.
  • Leukemia.
  • Myeloma.
  • Lymphomas.
  • Hemophilia (blood clotting disorder, the disease is inherited).
  • Changes in the quality and quantity of blood in the body, changes in its biochemical composition.
  • Thrombophlebitis (formation of blood clots in blood vessels).
  • Thrombocytopenia is a significant decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, which makes it difficult to stop bleeding.
  • Hemoglobinuria is the presence of hemoglobin cells in the urine.
  • Lymphocytic leukemia ( malignant neoplasms in blood).

When should you contact a hematologist?

The diseases that a hematologist specializes in do not have special symptoms and are often perceived by other doctors as other diseases. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a narrowly specialized specialist who, based on the symptoms and test results, will be able to identify blood diseases and differentiate it from others.
Consultation with a hematologist is necessary if the following signs are detected:

  • The appearance of bruises on the skin with any injuries or slight pressure.
  • Frequent nosebleedsthat do not go away for a long time.
  • Prolonged bleeding with small cuts, minor injuries.
  • Fever, chills, fever in the absence of symptoms of a cold or other infectious disease.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, their increase.
  • Severe itching, no rash or skin irritation to cause it.
  • Lack of appetite, fatigue.
  • Pain in bones, joints.

Diagnostic methods used by a hematologist

A hematologist's appointment begins with an examination of the patient, a thorough questioning about the symptoms, pathological processes that occur in the body. The specialist cannot determine the exact type of the disease without a blood test and other laboratory tests, diagnostic procedures. To make a diagnosis, a hematologist may prescribe the following examinations:

  • Delivery of a general blood test to determine the level of leukocytes, platelets, hemoglobin.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Study of bone marrow.
  • Differential diagnosis of blood pathologies.
  • Ultrasound examination of internal organs and lymph nodes.
  • Coagulogram (analysis for the rate of blood clotting).
  • Computed tomography of the brain and internal organs.

It is extremely difficult to prevent the development of diseases, since it is sometimes impossible to establish the exact causes of their development. A hematologist advises periodically to take a blood test to control the level of leukocytes, erythrocytes and hemoglobin; people with a high likelihood of developing a hereditary blood disease should visit the doctor's office regularly and undergo necessary examinations. Lifestyle plays a big role in maintaining health, so you should give up bad habits, which often provoke the development of blood clots, you should often walk in the fresh air and perform simple physical exercises.