Clinic medical advisory center ngmu. Medical Consultative Center of Novosibirsk State Medical University

I turned to the cardiologist Popova Anna Aleksandrovna. In the emergency room, the girls were understanding and explained everything to me, thanks to Natalia for her courteous answers to my questions and to the point, and simply top-level service. I really enjoyed the doctor's appointment, she listened politely, asked everything in detail and gave recommendations. Sincerely, your patient Marina Leonidovna. Thanks for the treatment.

I turned to Popova Anna Alexandrovna, who turned out to be an excellent, competent specialist. Immediately noted at the reception that she was a candidate of medical sciences! Excellent reception, listened, examined, asked all the necessary questions. In the morning appointment, the necessary tests were also passed, ultrasound, though I had to wait. At the next appointment, I corrected the treatment, which helped me a lot. Thank you doctor! I would also like to acknowledge all the staff of the clinic! Responsive, attentive and friendly! Clinic of professionals!

We were created in order to make it as easy as possible for the patient to access the luminaries of Novosibirsk medicine, because all over the world the most significant discoveries, the most complex operations, the highest quality and guaranteed treatment takes place on the basis of university clinics.
The Medical Advisory Center (MCC) of the Novosibirsk State Medical Academy offers the widest range of medical services in the city of Novosibirsk. The peculiarity of the center is the high competence of our specialists. More than one hundred practicing professors and 250 candidates of medical sciences, leading specialists of the city, as well as doctors are receiving at the MCC the highest category.
Novosibirsk State medical Academy first of all, they are highly qualified, recognized in the scientific world, having behind them a great theoretical and practical experience doctors.

MCC specialists will answer all your questions. Each of the employees strives to give their patients as much attention, work, compassion as necessary to defeat the disease. That is why we successfully help our patients in solving health problems, sometimes even when no one can help.
Start with a consultation. An experienced doctor will make a diagnosis, if necessary, recommend an examination plan for you, tell you how to perform it faster, better and cheaper, and prescribe treatment.
In our center you can carry out all types of laboratory research, from general analysis blood to complex hormonal tests, as well as ultrasound abdominal cavity, kidney, gynecological ultrasound using an additional sensor.
If you need treatment, you will be offered a clear plan of treatment.

Inter-district medical driver's commission, examination room, commission for obtaining weapons. There is a Council of independent experts on the quality of medical care.

consultative and diagnostic assistance in all specialties, advanced laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, consultations of leading specialists of the Medical University

Contact details
Address: Novosibirsk

Medical Advisory Center of NSMU known to Novosibirsk for over 10 years. During all this time, there was never even a need to resort to an extensive advertising campaign, because the very name of the Medical University for people is better than any advertising: it is both a guarantee of the quality of services and a highly qualified staff of specialists.

Among the numerous army medical organizations providing paid services in Novosibirsk, the MCC compares favorably with the fact that it is based on NSMU- an institution that graduates all attending physicians, professors and doctors.

In this regard, it is clear that the main staff consists of specialists of the highest category: professors, candidates of medical sciences, many of whose developments and innovations are recognized all over the world.

“In addition to permanent full-time specialists, who cover the entire range of services provided, we sometimes attract very eminent luminaries, who are very difficult to get an appointment with, - proudly says the head of the ICC OLGA MARINKINA. “Due to the fact that we have contracts with professors, doctors of medical sciences, we can really provide the patient with a consultation of a very highly qualified specialist.” Here, of course, there are no queues, because for the convenience of patients, admission is by appointment. But even if a person comes without prior approval and the doctor has the opportunity to accept, he will never be refused.

Another important difference of the MCC is a flexible and affordable pricing policy. Since this is not the main activity of the university, but rather an additional income for teachers and professors, there is always the opportunity to play on lower prices, which is completely unacceptable in other hospitals that provide paid services. At the same time, the Center is an absolutely surplus institution, the indicators of which indicate an annual stable increase in profits. Considering that last year there were no changes in the price list and that the MCC is constantly updating equipment, investing in innovative finds, a positive progression is evident.

In the near future, the Center will expand its area to 500 sq. m due to the first floor of the building NSMU where renovations are underway. The increase in space allows the development of such areas as physiotherapy, endoscopic examinations, especially in ENT areas, homeostasis, reflexology, massage, inhalations - that is, many types of inpatient treatment services. In the conditions of our constant race for time, many will probably also be interested in special programs « Man's health and Women's Health, each of which will include a range of specific tests and consultation of specific doctors. This will allow the client not only to receive a comprehensive examination in a short time, but also to win in terms of cost. Separately, I would like to note the direction of cosmetology. Unlike the stereotypes caused by beauty salons, this is not just a facial. This is still a medical intervention, so the MCC in this area also involves doctors who provide very qualified cleaning, peeling, tattooing, body shaping and everything else.

In addition to all the above advantages, the MCC is located in the very center of the city. Convenient location, a full range of medical services, from consultations of top-level specialists to laboratory research, and at very affordable prices, allow the Center to stand out against the background of other paid clinics in Novosibirsk for many years, corresponding to a significant name NSMU.