What does a general blood test show, what diseases can be determined. Urinalysis: collection rules, indicators and interpretation of the results What can be found in the blood

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

The simplest and most frequent method of laboratory diagnostics, which allows you to determine the violations of the healthy state of the body that have already occurred, or are still at the stage of occurrence, is a general, or clinical blood analysis.

When deciphering this analysis, pay attention to the formed elements of the blood. These include: hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes, lymphocytes, platelets, eosinophils, neutrophils.

Why do deviations from the norm occur in the general blood test?

All these elements are contained in human blood in healthy condition in a certain proportion. There are differences in the quantitative composition of men, women and children. This is a very delicate and mobile system, and therefore there can often be deviations from the so-called norm due to various reasons. These may include physical activity, being in extreme natural and climatic conditions, for example, high in the mountains, or blood clotting occurs in the desert. Therefore, when conducting an analysis, these reasons should be taken into account. If a deviation from the norm is observed under standard conditions, then this may mean that a person is sick or the disease process begins.

For an ordinary person who is not related to medicine, the records of the decoded blood test will not be able to tell anything. But any person who has medical education can help you with this. These doctor's notes carry a wealth of information about your physical condition.

Below is some information about clinical analysis data for you. If a medical worker is not nearby at the right time, you will be able to approximately know the state of your body.

Data on various deviations from the norm in the general blood test

Below, so that you can roughly determine your physical state, data on various deviations from the norm in the clinical analysis of blood are given.

1. If the decoding shows a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, then this indicates a possible anemia, bleeding or malignant diseases of various organs, as well as the bone marrow. But in order to obtain reliable data, you should conduct additional examinations.

2. If a decrease in red blood cells is observed, this may also indicate anemia, blood loss, or a possible chronic inflammatory process.

3. With an increase in the number of red blood cells in a person, dehydration is observed due to various reasons. There is a decrease in the amount of plasma - the liquid part of human blood. Also, with the wrong structure of hemoglobin and with malignant oncological diseases of the hematopoietic system.

4. If a lack of platelets is found, this indicates a violation of blood clotting, which means bleeding or blood disease - hemophilia. It may also indicate that you have an infection or cancer. When taking antibiotics and antiallergic drugs, a lack of platelets is also observed.

5. If the number of platelets is higher than normal, this indicates that the body has a long inflammatory process or possibly a malignant disease.

6. With a reduced number of leukocytes, a viral infection is present in the body. It is also possible the presence of radiation sickness, under conditions of increased radiation.

7. If the number of leukocytes is increased, this indicates inflammation, bacterial infections, allergies, blood diseases, liver. This is observed when long-term use medicines. In the normal state during physical activity, after eating and with various pains. For this reason, the analysis should be carried out in the morning, on an empty stomach.

8. Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate means inflammation in the body. Indicates the presence of acute and chronic infections as well as bleeding and various allergies.

9. Reduced speed occurs with dehydration, with diarrhea, vomiting, viral hepatitis.

In any case, the medical board of the site draws your attention to the fact that if you are not a doctor, you cannot make a diagnosis for yourself based on the results of the analysis. You should definitely contact health worker for help.

Question: "What does a general blood test show?" is very relevant and often sounds on various communication platforms of the Internet. This is not surprising, because a complete blood count (CBC) is one of the main methods clinical trial the health status of patients and therefore almost everyone knows about it. Another thing is that knowledge does not give an understanding of the essence of this type of examination. There are not so few enlightened people who can easily explain the difference between monocytes and eosinophils, tell what leukocyte formula, ESR and thrombocrit, but this is unknown to most.

What can the UAC show?

Having received a printout of a hematology analyzer with letter abbreviations, patients want to understand what the blood test shows and what it says.

A general blood test can determine which diseases and other pathological conditions threaten the patient as a result of a violation of the diet, level physical activity, allergies, degree of fatigue, physiological level of development, pregnancy. General analysis blood - a heterogeneous study, consisting of a group of specific methods aimed at studying selected indicators. In this regard, the analysis is formally divided into three types - narrow (two or four parameters), standard (up to ten parameters); extended (more than ten parameters).

A typical extended complete blood count has the following parameters:

  • monocytes;
  • eosinophils;
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • hemoglobin;
  • erythrocytes;
  • hematocrit;
  • basophils;
  • neutrophils;
  • color index;
  • thrombocrit;
  • platelets;
  • lymphocytes;
  • leukocytes.

Attention! If one parameter included in the general blood test is subject to research, it is customary to call it by the name of the indicator, for example, an analysis for monocytes, an analysis for basophils, an analysis for platelets.

What diseases can be detected with the help of KLA?

When studying blood, a general analysis reveals the most different types ailments - leukemia, autoimmune diseases, poisoning of various etiologies, traumatic lesions internal organs, infectious invasions various types(viral, bacterial, protozoan, fungal, helminthic). Blood is a liquid tissue that circulates throughout the body. In total, an adult contains from 4.2 to 5 liters of blood. A full cycle of blood circulation is 55-70 heartbeats. During the day, a person is able to pump 8500-10000 liters of blood through the heart. Washing the tissues of the body, the blood changes its composition, due to which it can serve as a universal marker of the state of health.

General analysis is not an exact study. Its purpose is to give some generalized data on the physiological state of a person. For example, if the content of leukocytes in the blood has sharply increased, this will be a likely sign of an infectious lesion, but a general analysis will not answer the question: “What exactly was the infection that caused the increase in the level of white cells in the blood?” What the general blood test will tell about will be information for further research.

Before the advent of a biochemical blood test (BAC) and polymerase chain reaction(PCR), diagnosticians used a complex system of combining the results of various clinical examination methods - temperature measurement, complete blood count, visual examination, bacterial culture. This system remains relevant today. The LHC is able to easily determine which organ is affected by the disease, and PCR clearly identifies any type of infection.

Overview of CBC Indicators

Having found out what a blood test can show in general, let's move on to an overview of individual parameters and find out why they are needed.

white blood cells

White blood cells - leukocytes, international leukocyte index - WBC (English abbreviation of the phrase "white blood cell" - white blood cell). Leukocytes are divided into two types: granulocytes (they have a granular structure of the cytoplasm, the nucleus is divided into petals, have amoeboid dynamics) and agranulocytes (the cytoplasm is devoid of granularity, the nucleus is whole, the dynamics is limited).

Agranulocytes include:

  • Monocytes. The largest white blood cells of all varieties. Monocytes are macrophages, they can neutralize a large antigen.
  • Lymphocytes. This type of agranulocytes is heterogeneous and is divided into several subspecies - T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, killer lymphocytes. These white blood cells can successfully fight any biological threat, from a virus to a cancer cell. Their efficiency is several times higher than that of granulocytes. Their number is increased when a person is infected with an infection, and very much increased in cancer.

What can tell the parameter "leukocytes"? The main task of all leukocytes is the fight against antigens (agents hostile to the body). Therefore, the detected cases of an increased content of leukocytes in the blood will be evidence of the penetration of the antigen into the body.

Erythrocytes, color index, ESR, hematocrit, hemoglobin

Erythrocytes (index - RBC, reduction comes from English phrase"red blood cell" - red blood cell). What can be learned with this parameter? First of all, about the presence of hemoglobin in erythrocytes - a special protein capable of binding oxygen and its oxides (carbon monoxide) with the help of iron atoms. The following indicators will clarify the parameter "erythrocytes":

  • color indicator - is needed in cases where the study is carried out manually, using a microscope - a laboratory assistant determines the state of erythrocytes, their hemoglobin content by their color by eye;
  • ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) - with the help of this indicator, the weight, density of erythrocytes, their normal chemical composition are determined.
  • hematocrit - the volume of red blood cells in relation to the entire volume of blood, the parameter is needed for the quantitative part of the study;
  • hemoglobin - an automatic hematology analyzer shows the value of this parameter in absolute terms, bypassing the visual part of the research work.

Platelets, thrombocrit

Platelet index - PLT (from English platelets - platelets). Platelets are called cells that are formed from the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes in bone marrow. Among the various properties of a platelet, the main one is its ability to influence blood clotting. The thrombocrit parameter gives an understanding of how many platelets are in the blood in relation to its volume, which allows you to determine thrombocytopenia (an abnormally low level of platelets) or thrombocytosis ( elevated level platelets). Both conditions pose a threat to the health of the patient.

When contacting a doctor with complaints of well-being, first of all, the patient is prescribed blood and urine tests. According to their results and manifestations of the disease, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. If the signs are similar to the manifestation of oncological processes, the patient will be prescribed biochemical analysis blood, which will reveal or refute cancer. In addition, a number of additional procedures will be required: ultrasound diagnosis of the affected organ, magnetic resonance imaging, computer diagnostics, colonoscopy, biopsy, etc. Blood biochemistry can also be taken as a screening (preventive) study to monitor your own health.

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Oncology or malignant formation occurs both in healthy tissues of the human body and in damaged ones. The reasons why healthy cells begin to mutate, regenerate and begin to “kill” their own kind are still completely unknown. There are a number of factors that provoke such changes in the body. It's smoking, alcohol abuse, malnutrition, harmful conditions production, environment, chronic diseases. People with at least one risk factor are more likely to develop cancerous tumors. But even absolutely healthy and attentive to their lifestyle patients often face such a problem. Therefore, no one is immune from malignant tumors.

The number of victims of oncology has especially increased in last years. The only way to defeat and stop the disease is its early diagnosis. Only in the first, initial stages of cancer, it can be treated, and quite successfully. To protect yourself, you need to pass annually preventive examination, conduct general and biochemical blood and urine tests.

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It is they who will be able to show whether malignant tumors are present in the patient's body, tell which organs are affected and at what stage the disease is.

A blood test for oncology is divided into two types: general or clinical and biochemical. You can get a referral for their delivery from a local therapist or from a narrow specialist, to whom the patient will contact with specific complaints about well-being. If the decoding of the research results shows deviations from healthy norms, the doctor will issue directions for additional examinations. In addition to the specialist involved in the treatment of the affected organ, you will need to consult a doctor - an oncologist.

It must be remembered that the results of the obtained studies are not yet a reason for making a difficult diagnosis. They must be supported by ultrasound or MRI images, the conclusions of many doctors, and symptoms of an existing disease. If the transcript shows a deviation from healthy indicators, and other examinations have not revealed anything, and there are no signs of illness, such an analysis is considered to be false positive.

The very first blood test in oncology is clinical.

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It can be taken at a city clinic or a private laboratory. The duration of its implementation is minimal - a few hours. Deciphering his data will not tell if the patient has cancer, but will indicate the presence of inflammatory processes in the body or a lack of red blood cells. First of all, you need to pay attention to the level of leukocytes and ESR, which increase during destructive processes in the body or the appearance of foreign bodies which include cancer cells.

Also, with oncology, the level of hemoglobin in the blood can fall. If protein is present in urine tests, this also shows an inflammatory process, most often in the genitourinary system. To understand whether these inflammations are symptoms of malignant tumors, additional procedures need to be carried out.

Deciphering biochemical analysis can be more informative and effective in the diagnosis of cancer. When it is performed, specific markers of malignant tumors are taken into account - oncomarkers. These are certain protein compounds produced only by cancer cells. It is easy to determine which organ is affected by a cancerous tumor - each organ has its own types of proteins and antigens that are dissimilar to each other.

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Thanks to this difference, it becomes clear to the doctor in which organ system to look for the disease: it can be damage to the intestines, breast, genitourinary system, liver, kidneys, stomach, etc. The analysis shows not only the presence of antigens, but also their increase in dynamics when re-conducting the study.

Having carried out a general blood test for oncology in a patient for prevention, it is possible to determine the presence of the disease at least six months earlier than it passes into the terminal, incurable stage.

What to look for when deciphering a general analysis

When receiving clinical analysis data, the doctor pays attention to changes in indicators such as white and red blood cells and hemoglobin. Their deviation from the norm is a sign of the development of an inflammatory process, which can be a symptom of a cancerous tumor. In oncological processes, there are sharp changes in the indicators of the last parameter. If healthy person hemoglobin can be in the range from 110 to 140 g / l, deviating from these norms by ten units, which is explained by age norms, then with cancerous tumors it can fall to the level of 60–80 g / l.

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With a drop in hemoglobin levels, an increase in leukocytes, the cells responsible for fighting viruses and infections, is also observed. Considering these two parameters in combination, we can say with confidence about the existing health problems, expressed in the destruction of healthy organ cells.

In addition to leukocytes, there are also changes in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The ESR parameter increases, because leukocytes, having fulfilled their purpose, “stick” to red blood cells, and, according to the laws of gravity, pull them down. A deviation from the norm should be considered an excess of several units of the mark of 8–15 mm / h for the fairer sex, and an indicator of 6–12 mm / h for the strong half of humanity. If all three indicators are abnormal, and protein is found in the urine, the presence of cancers can be assumed. Next, the patient will need to pass a biochemical analysis for the presence of antigens and protein compounds of cancerous tumors.

Sometimes a doctor may direct a patient not to retake urine and blood tests, especially if the person does not have any symptoms of the disease. It is possible that due to the human factor, the study may give false results.

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Repeated donation of blood from a finger and urine will help to refute previously obtained results or track their changes in dynamics.

Serum testing for the presence of antigens

Fasting biochemistry shows the presence of antigens in the patient's blood. Thanks to these substances, the doctor will be able to establish not only the presence malignancy, but also the place of tumor development, its size, stage, as well as to predict further complications and lesions of nearby organs.

Tracking such indications in dynamics, it is possible to determine how quickly the neoplasm grows and develops, which organs still suffer from cancer, and whether there is an effect from the ongoing medical therapy.

The most common types of antigens are PSA, CA 125, CA 15-3, CA 19-9, CEA.

PSA is a prostate specific antigen. This tumor marker is a manifestation of ailments in men. In small amounts, PSA is secreted by the prostate gland, and its parameters change with age. But an excessive excess of the prostate tumor marker becomes a symptom of the development of a prostate tumor in a man.

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The next type of antigens is the oncomarker CA 125. This is a parameter associated with the health of the female reproductive system. Most often, CA 125 exceeds the permissible limits for malignant processes in the ovaries. Indicates high rate CA 125 and endometrial cancer of the uterine cavity. In addition to diseases of the genital organs, CA 125 can also increase in cancerous tumors of other organs, but it is not the leading oncomarker in such cases. Even if the CA 125 is exceeded, it is too early to say that the woman has cancer. A number of additional studies and procedures will be required to confirm the preliminary conclusions.

The CA 19-9 tumor marker will help identify cancerous tumors of the intestine and pancreas. Also, for the diagnosis of intestinal diseases, it is worth paying attention to the CA 242 marker, which more specifically indicates the location of the formation. In which part of the intestine are present pathological changes, will also indicate the cancer-embryonic antigen (CEA). However, one should not rely only on CEA, because it can increase not only with neoplasms of the pancreas, mammary glands, intestines and genitourinary organs, but also with cirrhosis of the liver.

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To confirm or refute diseases of the intestine or pancreas, all tumor markers should be considered in combination, as well as additional examinations should be carried out.

For the diagnosis of cancerous tumors in the mammary glands, women use not only tumor markers, but also immunohistochemical studies (IHC). It uses reagents containing special stained antibodies that come into contact with leukocytes. They combine, which provokes a chemical reaction, which fixes the IHC. It will take not only the patient's blood, but also the cells of the neoplasm found in the chest. With its help, you can choose a more accurate and effective tactic of treatment therapy, which will help you optimally cope with the disease.

Among many studies great importance have urine tests. There are many types of data analyses. Let us consider in more detail when they are prescribed and what a urinalysis shows. To this end, we will understand what are the frequently prescribed types of such studies.

Urinalysis is the most informative and accessible study. In its composition, urine is a blood serum with missing formed elements and basic proteins. In turn, it is enriched with metabolic substances. If enzymes, salts, proteins are found in the urine, the functioning of the patient's organs, in particular, the kidneys, can be assessed.

What does a general urine test show? According to experts, a general analysis of urine shows its physical, chemical and microbiological composition. Therefore, it is possible to detect various pathological deviations in the state and operation of systems, as well as organs of the human body.

You can understand what a urine test reveals by considering the decoding of its main characteristics.

  • Urine color. The shade of urine in healthy people ranges from light yellow to amber. Dark color urine is observed in case of liver diseases, blockage bile ducts(Greenish tint added). In addition, urine changes color depending on the food and medicines taken.
  • Smell. Normally, the smell of urine is specific, it should not be sharp. A number of pathological conditions can change its smell. For example, when diabetes it smells like rotten apples.
  • Transparency. In a healthy person, urine is clear. It can become cloudy when various impurities are added - fats, bacteria, mucus, cells, proteins and mineral components.
  • Specific gravity (relative density). Normally, this characteristic ranges from 1.008–1.024. A decrease in its relative density to 1,000 indicates chronic kidney disease.
  • Urine pH reaction. Basically, the reaction of urine is slightly acidic. Acidity may decrease with infectious diseases bladder and urethra. Acidity is increased in diabetic patients.
  • Protein. In a healthy person, there is no protein in the urine. Its content indicates diseases of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra.
  • Glucose. Normally, the presence of glucose in the urine is not allowed. It can be observed with a decrease in hormone production. thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, kidney pathologies.
  • Bilirubin. May be present in urine in very small amounts. An increase in its level occurs in diseases of the biliary tract and liver.
  • Ketone (acetone) bodies. These components are formed in case of improper glucose metabolism in the body. Their high content occurs with advanced diabetes mellitus.
  • Leukocytes. Their increase occurs in the case of inflammatory diseases.
  • Erythrocytes. An increase in their concentration indicates kidney disease (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis), as well as bladder disease.

Biochemical study of urine

This study is also called "urinalysis for trace elements." Many patients ask questions, what does this analysis give? It allows you to detect rheumatic and inflammatory processes, determine violations of water-salt metabolism, assess the quality of the kidneys and liver, and establish an imbalance of microelements in the body.

It is also important to understand what a urine test for trace elements reveals? It makes it possible to quantify the content of human body substances such as proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, pigments, low molecular weight nitrogenous substances, inorganic substances (calcium, iron, potassium, chlorine, sodium, phosphorus, selenium, cobalt, magnesium).

What does a urine test according to Nechiporenko mean?

Consider what the Nechiporenko urinalysis gives, and why is it prescribed?

This study of the composition of urine is often used in the diagnosis of various inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys of acute and chronic course. Its implementation determines the exact concentration of leukocytes, erythrocytes and cylinders.

Leukocytes are called blood cells that perform immune control. What does a urinalysis show during their study? An excess of white blood cells indicates an inflammatory process in the kidneys or urinary tract (ureters, renal pelvis, bladder, urethra in men).

Erythrocytes are red blood cells whose function is to transport oxygen. Normally, their concentration should not exceed 3. What does their appearance mean in the urine test? An increase in their level may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys ( acute glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, renal infarction).

Cylinders are protein bodies that form in the kidneys with severe pathologies. What does their high content show in the analysis of urine? An overestimated concentration of cylinders occurs in the case of viral infections, renal pathology, as well as hypertension.

What does the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky show?

The Zimnitsky test is a urine test that allows you to evaluate kidney function. During this analysis, characteristics such as the total volume of daily urine, its distribution within 24 hours, as well as the density of urine are determined.

What does the volume of daily urine show in the analysis of urine according to Zimnitsky? High scores in this study may indicate kidney failure and diabetes. A decrease in urine volume is observed in heart failure, as well as in case of impaired renal function.

In addition, an important characteristic is the density of urine. What does high density mean in urine analysis? It is possible with diseases such as glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus, hemolysis, sickle cell anemia.

Among the many methods of examination of a person, urinalysis occupies a considerable place. There is a fairly large number of types of research data. Let's see when it is prescribed and what a urine test shows.

What does a general urinalysis show

Urinalysis is one of the most accessible and informative studies. Urine in its composition is blood serum, in which there are no formed elements and basic proteins. But it is enriched with metabolic products. In the case of the appearance of salts, enzymes, proteins in the urine, it becomes possible to evaluate the work of human organs, primarily the kidneys.

So what does a urinalysis show? General or clinical analysis urine determines its chemical, physical and microbiological composition. Thanks to this study, it is possible to identify pathological abnormalities in the functioning of organs and systems of the human body.

What a urine test reveals can be understood by understanding the decoding of its main indicators.

  1. urine color. In a healthy person, the shade of urine can range from light yellow to amber. The dark color of urine occurs with liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis), blockage of the bile ducts (in this case, a greenish tint appears). Urine changes color depending on medications and food taken. For example, aspirin or beetroot can turn it pink-red.
  2. Transparency. Normally, urine should be clear. It becomes cloudy when fats, mucus, bacteria, cells appear in it. a large number protein and minerals. All these inclusions indicate the development of certain diseases.
  3. Smell. The usual smell of urine is not sharp, specific. Some pathological conditions change its smell. So, with diabetes, the smell of urine resembles the smell of rotten apples. Strong smell rot or ammonia can occur with infectious diseases.
  4. Urine pH reaction. Usually the reaction of urine is slightly acidic. But what does a change in pH reveal in a urine test? Decreased acidity can be a sign of infectious diseases of the urethra and bladder. An increase in acidity is observed in patients with diabetes mellitus.
  5. Relative density or specific gravity. In a healthy person, this indicator is in the range of 1.008–1.024. At chronic diseases kidney relative density decreases to 1,000.
  6. Protein. Normally, protein should be absent. The content of protein in the urine indicates diseases of the kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra.
  7. Glucose. The presence of glucose is not allowed in the urine. It can appear with diabetes mellitus, a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, some kidney diseases (amyloidosis, nephritis).
  8. Acetone (ketone) bodies. These substances are formed during improper glucose metabolism in the body. Normally, they cannot be detected in a urine test. An increase in the content of acetone bodies occurs in the case of advanced diabetes mellitus.
  9. Bilirubin. Present in the urine in very small quantities. An increase in its concentration occurs in diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
  10. red blood cells. The rate of erythrocytes in the urine sediment is 0-1 in the field of view for men, 0-3 in the field of view for women. With an increase in the number of red blood cells, they speak of the appearance of blood in the urine (hematuria). What does hematuria show in a urine test? This state may indicate kidney disease (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), diseases of the urethra and bladder, trauma to the ureters when a stone passes through them.
  11. Leukocytes. The norm of leukocytes for men is 0-3 per field of view, for women - 0-6 per field of view. An increase in the number of leukocytes occurs with inflammatory diseases.

Biochemical study of urine

This study is also called a urine test for trace elements. Many are interested in what gives a urine test for trace elements? By using this study it is possible to diagnose inflammatory and rheumatic processes, to determine the quality of the liver and kidneys, violations of water-salt metabolism, to establish an imbalance of microelements in the body. An imbalance of trace elements can provoke the development of many pathologies. Therefore, it is very important to identify early stage and eliminate in a timely manner.

biochemical analysis of urine allows you to determine the quantitative content in the human body of proteins, enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, pigments, low molecular weight nitrogenous substances, inorganic substances(iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, cobalt, selenium, magnesium).

What does urinalysis mean according to Nechiporenko

This method of studying the composition of urine is prescribed in the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract of chronic and acute course. During its implementation, the exact concentration of erythrocytes, leukocytes, cylinders is determined.

  • erythrocytes are called red blood cells of small size that carry oxygen. Normally, they should not be in the urine or may be no more than 3 in the field of view. So what does the appearance of red blood cells mean in a urine test? An increase in their number may indicate pathologies of the kidneys and the genitourinary system (nephrotic syndrome, acute glomerulonephritis, kidney infarction).
  • Leukocytes- blood cells that exercise immune control. If their number in the urine exceeds the norm, this is a sign inflammatory disease in the kidneys or urinary tract (bladder, ureters, renal pelvis, urethra in men).
  • cylinders are protein bodies that are formed in the renal tubules in case of severe pathology. They may have a different composition and include desquamated cells of the renal tubules, erythrocytes, and protein. What does an increase in the number of cylinders show in the analysis of urine? The level of the cylinders increases with renal pathology, viral infections, hypertension.

Zimnitsky test

The Zimnitsky test is a urine test, which makes it possible to evaluate the work of the kidneys. When conducting this study, the following indicators are determined - the total volume of daily urine, its density, the distribution of urine volume during the day.

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