It turns out that antibiotics are harmful to the body and should be taken with caution. Harm from antibiotics What is the danger of long-term use of antibiotics

The harm of antibiotics is a very big problem, they affect not only physical state but also on the mental.

Antibiotics are medicines used to prevent and treat bacterial infections.

We are used to being treated with antibiotics and this has already become the norm.

But the problem is that even if you intentionally do not take antibiotics as a treatment, this does not mean that you can be 100% sure that they do not enter your body in another way, for example, along with food.

Taking unnecessary antibiotics can do more harm than good. While antibiotics have saved millions of lives over the years, the overuse and overprescription of these medications is detrimental to your health due to their effects on your gut. And also there is an addiction to antibiotics, after which, they cease to act.

How Antibiotics Work

When you take an antibiotic, it enters your bloodstream and travels through your body, killing bacteria. However, there is little difference between bad and good bacteria. Antibiotics not only kill the bad bacteria that make you sick, but also the bacteria that do you good.

Good bacteria in the gut help people in many ways, including helping to make vitamins and boosting immunity. Some researchers believe that destroying them with antibiotics may promote growth chronic diseases such as obesity, asthma and cancer.

In addition, the loss of good bacteria can allow other types of bacteria to multiply, leading to opportunistic infection.

Sometimes an opportunistic infection occurs when bacteria from environment enter your body and infect bacteria damaged by the antibiotic. In other cases, an opportunistic infection begins when antibiotics upset the balance of the microorganisms living in your home, and the normally friendly bacteria multiply too quickly and become harmful.

The harm of antibiotics to the human body

The main harm caused by antibiotics to the body is the destruction of your intestinal microflora, as a result, your overall health is disturbed.

One study showed that within 30 days of stopping antibiotic treatment, fecal microbiota reached an average similarity of 88% to baseline, with levels rising to 89% within 60 days.

However, the microbiota did not fully return to baseline over the time period studied. Thus, antibiotics cause immediate disruption of the ecosystem, followed by incomplete restoration of the gut microbiome.

Antibiotics disrupt the microflora

Your gut has its own ecosystem of 100 trillion microorganisms, including 400 different types of bacteria. These microbes in your gut play an important role in digestion, immunity, metabolism, and mental health.

Between 60 and 80% of your immune system is located in your gut, and 90% of your neurotransmitters—the chemical messengers that help regulate mood—are made in your gut.

In fact, the gut is often referred to as the second brain due to how much it can affect your mood and mental state. Maintaining the right balance of bacteria and other micro-organisms in your gut is critical not only to your digestion, but also to your general condition health and well-being.

Antibiotics either kill bacteria in the gut or prevent them from multiplying. Unfortunately, antibiotics cannot distinguish between the "bad" bacteria that can cause a bacterial infection and the "good" bacteria that reside in your gut. Instead, antibiotics destroy everything in their path.

When antibiotics kill the bacteria that are in your gut, it disrupts the sensitive ecosystem, creating a dysbiosis or bacterial imbalance.

When the number of beneficial bacteria in your gut drops, it makes you susceptible to overgrowth by other organisms such as yeast, which is often referred to as Candida because Candida albicans is the most common strain of yeast.

When do yeasts appear favorable conditions, they will grow and multiply, especially when they are fed sugar. When the yeast begins to multiply, it can damage the lining of the intestinal wall, resulting in what is known as a leaky gut.

Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Diseases

Healthy small intestine retains toxins and undigested food material, while small intestine, which has become "leaky", allows microbes, toxins, partially digested food and other particles to pass through.

When foreign substances enter your bloodstream, your the immune system marks them as invaders and starts attacking. Over time, this causes your immune system, liver and lymphatic system become overloaded.

When the immune system can no longer cope, your immunity weakens and you can develop an autoimmune disease. This is why a healthy gut is the first step towards preventing and eliminating disease.

Side effects from antibiotics

  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • stomach upset
  • fungal infections of the mouth, digestive tract, and vagina

Less common side effects:

  • formation of kidney stones when taking sulfonamides
  • bleeding disorders with certain cephalosporins
  • sensitivity to sunlight while taking tetracyclines
  • blood disorders while taking trimethoprim
  • deafness while taking erythromycin and aminoglycosides

The risk of overconsumption of antibiotics in children is higher because the intestinal microflora is more sensitive than in adults, and the use of antibiotics may have a longer lasting effect.

Side effects from antibiotic use are common cause by which children apply to the department emergency care. The drugs can cause diarrhea or vomiting, and about 5 out of 100 children are allergic to them. Some of these allergic reactions can be serious and life-threatening.

Harm of antibiotics during pregnancy

The microflora has an impact on maternal and child health, including normal immune and metabolic function later in life. The use of antibiotics during pregnancy undoubtedly affects the bacterial environment of the mother and fetus.

Antibiotic treatment during pregnancy is widespread in Western countries and accounts for 80% of prescribed drugs during pregnancy. However, antibiotic treatment, while sometimes saving lives, can also be detrimental.

In pregnant women, the administration of antibiotics during pregnancy leads to changes in the vaginal microbiome before birth, which has a long-term effect on early microbial colonization of the newborn and has been associated with childhood obesity.

A more recent study published in 2008 demonstrated that prescribing antibiotics to women in spontaneous preterm birth with intact membranes was associated with an increased risk of developing cerebral palsy and functional disorders their children at the age of 7 years.

The use of antibiotics during pregnancy has also been associated with an increased risk of developing asthma in early childhood, an increased risk of childhood epilepsy, and an increased risk of obesity in childhood.

Of course, it can be argued that primary maternal infection was the cause of the increased risk of these conditions, rather than the treatment itself. However, we suggest that antibiotics during pregnancy may affect the bacterial ecosystem of the mother as well as the fetus, and therefore that their use should be carefully considered based on what is known and what remains unknown regarding their effects. .

Antibiotics during pregnancy should be used only as directed, choosing those that have the narrowest range.

Antibiotics in milk

The use of antibiotics in the treatment of mastitis has created problems for the milk processor and the consumer.

Studies have shown that penicillin was the main antibiotic found in milk. Very low concentrations of penicillin found in milk can cause reactions in highly sensitive individuals.

The misuse of antibiotics to combat mastitis is the main reason for their passage into milk.

Antibiotics in milk are relatively resistant to pasteurization temperatures and above, as well as to low temperatures(-12 degrees).

Many medicines are stored in the animal's body for a longer time than indicated on the label. Therefore, milk samples remain positive for antibiotic residues.

A good example is penicillin, which supposedly disappears from milk in 72 hours. However, a penicillin residue persists in milk for up to 18 days.

After the time indicated on the label, drug residues were found in 35% of cows treated with cefapirin for mastitis and in 27% of cows treated with intramuscular injections of penicillin.

Harm to the body from antibiotics in food:

  • transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to humans
  • immunopathological effects
  • autoimmune reaction
  • carcinogenicity
  • mutagenicity - nephropathy
  • reproductive disorders
  • bone marrow toxicity

It's about antibiotics, a kind of "heavy artillery" modern medicine. Everyone knows what it is effective remedy against infectious diseases ... with a bunch of contraindications. However, widely used. A person who has become intimately familiar with medicine must have encountered these drugs and felt in his own skin all the "meanness" of their use. It is rather difficult to jump off the assembly line of problems accompanying such treatment, and further restoration of health in such a situation will require significant efforts.

This article is about understanding the principles of antibiotics, about their negative impact on our body and microflora.

Antibiotics - the history of creation

If in a few words, then antibiotics- These are substances that can inhibit the growth of microorganisms or completely destroy them.

progenitor modern antibiotics, penicillin, was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. Its first versions worked very unstable, and resembled modern medicines from cancer: no one could give a guarantee who would die faster, the patient or the bacteria, the causative agents of the disease. A little later, pure forms of the antibiotic were isolated, which of course softened the situation. It was a revolutionary discovery in medicine and very timely: during World War II, penicillin saved just a huge number of lives, and made fortunes for those who made it. Given the times and the shortage of drugs, its use was justified. This, perhaps, was the beginning of the belief of those who were ill in the "panacea" of antibiotics, and taking them into service with medicine, as the basis for the fight against, with bacterial ailments and

It was in the past. And in the future, all we have left is to rake up the consequences of this invention and its thoughtless applications. And with each new generation of work is added. And this is the “meanest” thing: negative effects accumulate and manifest themselves significantly mostly generations later. Remember the health of our fathers and grandfathers - they, eating not in the best way, nevertheless, had enough good health. Now diseases are falling literally from the cradle. And those of them that were inherent only to adults. Yes, the problem here is not only antibiotics, but it is their use that lays the foundation that attracts a huge number of problems.

Negative effects and effects of antibiotics on our body

Even the most perverted diet is not capable of “breaking” us and our microcosm as much as “treatment” with antibiotics. The last hundred years since the discovery of penicillin and the subsequent increasing use of its variations with and without cause, has produced more health problems than all previous human "pranks" over the centuries.

This is part of the harmful effects that most types of antibiotics have. Other variations of harmfulness will depend on their specific types. Fortunately, there are innumerable numbers of them today.

Antibiotics and microflora

The main effect of antibiotics, as you know, is aimed at curbing growth and destroying it.

Many types of preparations are made from mushrooms, due to their properties to suppress the surrounding microcosm. Fungal microbes are active and "hostile" to most bacteria and are quite resistant to their influence. Such fungi are real "barbarians" of the microworld. Although there are other types that are used in the manufacture of drugs that “spur” our immunity.

The organism and all its inhabiting microflora form a stable one. Exactly stability and balance of all processes and interaction with the microbes inhabiting us determines the quality of our life. Any antibiotic- inhibitor. It suppresses the vital chemical reactions of microbes, which leads to their death. The use of any such drug is a serious "distortion" of our homeostasis and the stability of the microworld.

Antibiotics provide a short-term "sterility" within us. Which is mistakenly interpreted by many as a “good”, due to a misunderstanding of the role of microflora in our lives. It is its development in man that is the highest "acquisition" in evolution, and it is through cohabitation with symbiotic microorganisms that we acquire the highest adaptability, immunity and flexibility of all living beings. Any serious distortion that the body has not been able to compensate for starts a series of serious disorders and pathologies according to the domino principle!

It is a widely known fact that antibiotics undermine the so-called. "fungal-bacterial balance" in the body. When bacteria were mercilessly "killed" by fungi and the latter began to prevail, doctors thought of additionally introducing the antifungal drug Nistanin in order to restrain aggression. Then it became noticeable that against the background of all this, immunity was falling - and they guessed to help him with a pill. Etc. By killing one, others multiply. We kill others - they breed in general who do not hit. So we are smoothly “on the wave” of antibiotics striving for sterility. Which for us is death.

natural antibiotics

The microcosm at every moment of time “fights” for territories. In nature, there are bacteria symbionts, but there are enemies. Most artificial antibiotics target a wide range of microbes, and they create conditions that are unfavorable for our symbiont bacteria. Natural "medicines" are more sparing to our friendly "cohabitants".

The most famous natural antibiotics are garlic, onions, hot peppers and various herbs. They perfectly suppress pathogens, although “friends” also get it. Therefore, in situations where the former clearly predominate, eating special foods is certainly justified. And the first sign that natural antibiotics are needed is the call of the body. The smell will just drive you crazy - you won't miss cravings for garlic or onions.

The natural "version" of drugs differs from the one created in the laboratory in the number of side effects. They are minimal. If medicine is secondary to the harm done to the liver and our tissues, then nature is not. But nevertheless, damage is possible, although we can easily compensate, therefore, eating these products healthy person devoid of need.

I would also like to additionally mention such a “healer” as oxygen. Abundantly entering the bloodstream, it kills anaerobic organisms, which are many pathogens, being a kind of antibiotic that is devoid of flaws. The abundance of oxygen in the tissues is the norm for a person, and its best “pumping” is aerobic exercise. This is a "prick" of vital energy for us.


Modern nutrition, chemical poisoning of the environment and of course antibiotic use led almost all people to an anaerobic existence. Most of the means of modern medicine nullify our immunity and disrupt the normal functioning of tissues and organs. The outlook is not bright. Today, even most of the composition contains antibiotics. This prevents its deterioration and prolongs the preservation of the presentation. Antibiotics are increasingly turning into a kind of snowball, which is beneficial to the manufacturer, but not to the consumer. Microbes adapt to antibiotics quite quickly, which makes pharmaceuticals develop more and more and improve drugs endlessly. At the same time, generate new pathologies that we regularly accumulate and pass on to offspring. If from diseases caused malnutrition, it is quite simple to recover, then after an enhanced “treatment” of medicine, the dose of the applied efforts grows inexpressibly.

But the main problem with the use of drugs is our laziness. Not the laziness of doctors who make a diagnosis and attribute the appropriate treatment, although she did not bypass them either - but above all our. She, in total with irresponsibility and illiteracy regarding health issues, forces us to use antibiotics at the slightest indulgence and colds. Even in the treatment of their children. Most users do not even know that antibiotics are completely useless against viral infections.

How many people do you think, when diagnosed and prescribed a course of antibiotics, “google” on the Internet the causes of disturbing symptoms, the diagnosis made, the prescribed drug? Units. And those who “dared” to do this quickly found alternative ways of more adequate and effective treatment.

Total comments: 32

    Yuri, thanks for the article, very informative. Need your advice. I drank an antibiotic for 7 days, after which suppositories were prescribed to increase immunity and suppositories to restore microflora. But on the 7th day of taking antibiotics, after talking with my brother, I decided not to take any more medicines, but to switch to a raw food diet, which I did on the same day. Now I'm on a raw food diet for only the 4th day, so far everything is fine, I was surprised that I want to eat everything separately. The question is: what do you think, should I use the prescribed suppositories or will this only make my body worse. It seems that I decided to refuse them, but now I doubt ... What do you think if you do it.

    Antibiotics plant the liver and harm the microflora, now they are the only ones being treated, so I have to take additional hepatoprotectors, otherwise it will be very bad in old age, when I was prescribed a course of ursosan, I was only upset - to drink pills again, now I only think about how good it was for me , without it, I would have to severely limit myself so as not to harm the liver, and even examinations show that now it is in very good condition.

    Yes, antibiotics destroy the microflora in the bud. You have to take an additional bunch of drugs along with antibiotics to protect the body. Recently, I also added Ursosan to this list. Because the liver began to suffer from the consequences of taking antibiotics. We need to protect and restore it somehow.

    My girlfriend was prescribed Hilak Forte along with antibiotics, so that there would be no dysbacteriosis. It seemed to help. In any case, there were no consequences. I'm thinking - maybe I should try it too? Judging by the reviews, it really affects the microflora after antibiotics very well.

    It is clear that the body must be protected. If you have already been prescribed antibiotics, then you need to play it safe. I was also prescribed probiotics and ursosan. And what if my microflora and liver are the most vulnerable places. Liver especially. Therefore, I drink a heparoprotector.

    If you do not take antibiotics spontaneously, but according to a doctor's prescription, then there will be no great harm, and the inflammation will disappear. Well, if it’s completely scary, then you can really, as already mentioned above, ask the doctor to prescribe medicines for the liver and intestinal microflora. My intestines do not suffer from taking antibiotics, but I'm afraid for the liver, so they always give me ursosan.
    Everything seems to be fine with the body.
    And, even when the inflammation of the appendages was treated, something else was prescribed for that microflora. Also not every case.

    I study aromatherapy and apply it and folk ways in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, I was convinced that all diseases of this kind are associated with malnutrition, and therefore pollution of the intestines, liver and physical inactivity. I really liked the article, people are really lazy and want the instant effect of a magic pill - here antibiotics are just what is “needed” ... but at what cost ... up to the destruction of cell DNA. The body after seven to ten days of their application is a scorched desert .... Of course, there are cases when the question is about life and death, but very often in everyday life, without trying anything natural, they immediately drink antibiotics and give them to children (which is the worst, I think) without taking into account the dosage and any preliminary tests. Thanks for the article, sensible and useful.

    Well, it has long been known about microflora that it is necessary to take drugs to maintain and restore it along with antibiotics (I don’t mean garlic, of course, but strong “chemical” broad-spectrum antibiotics). But about the fact that it is also necessary to support the liver, I learned quite recently. The doctor prescribed me to drink also rezalut in the complex. I began to read about him on the Internet, articles about hepatoprotectors in principle, and decided to drink it all the same. Everything is fine after, there are no complaints from the liver, thank God.

    I now began to take hepatoprotectors to restore the liver after antibiotics. Previously, it was limited only to pro- and prebiotics. But the last time, after drinking a course of antibiotics, there was heartburn and bitterness. I read it, it turns out that it is necessary to drink something restorative for the liver. I stopped at the cut, there is a lot about him positive feedback in the Internet. Yes, and it was not made here, but in Germany, which, it seems to me, is more reliable. After drinking the course, the discomfort went away. Now I will always drink a hepatoprotector too.

    Thanks to antibiotics, the mortality of mankind has decreased significantly. Was it better when more people died in the plague epidemic than now in wars? From a natural selection point of view, yes. When, for example, your child gets sick with bronchitis, and you do not give antibiotics, it can be very serious complications up to and including death.
    Antibiotics are a great invention, and of course they need to be approached wisely and used only as directed by a competent specialist, and sold in pharmacies only by prescription.
    Good luck!

    after antibiotics, a really complete ahtung in the body occurs from all sides. I try to take them as little as possible, but sometimes of course I have to (((well, in such cases, I immediately start the alphabet classic vitamin course in order to help the body with at least something. In any case, now the consequences after antibiotics with the help of vitamins are not so extensive.

    Good day! Tell me how you can help or where everything will lead ... My father ended up in the hospital with a stroke, as a result, for a month now he has been being stuffed with antibiotics in monstrous quantities without stopping ... Stroke prevention, treatment of pneumonia due to a lying state, even when problems with urine output and diarrhea began , additional antibiotics were prescribed for each of these points ... The treatment is changed every week, but there are only more drugs ...

Although antibiotic treatment is often accompanied by a number of complications, after which it is not so easy to restore the body, these drugs continue to be actively used and prescribed to patients, including children and pregnant women.

What are antibiotics

Antibiotics are special substances of biological origin that can inhibit the growth of viruses, microbes and microorganisms or completely destroy them. Specificity of action is the main feature of antibiotics. That is, each specific type of pathogenic microorganisms is not susceptible to each type of antibiotics. It is this feature that formed the basis for the classification of modern antibiotics into drugs with a narrow spectrum of action (suppress the vital activity of microbes of one species) and a wide spectrum of action (destroy different kinds microorganisms).

Antibiotics are designed to help a person overcome infection, but it is extremely important not to cause additional harm to health. In order not to have to face serious complications, it is unacceptable uncontrolled reception such drugs - any drugs should be prescribed by a doctor and taken strictly under his supervision.

The negative effect of antibiotics on the body

Before listing the possible negative consequences of taking antibiotics, it should be noted that in a number of diseases, treatment with antibacterial drugs is an absolute necessity. We are talking about pathologies such as pneumonia, sepsis, purulent tonsillitis etc. And if a short use of antibiotics can give a very good effect, then too long their use can lead to severe side effects:

  • There is a suppression of not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microflora in the body. This leads to the fact that a kind of “lifeless environment” is created in your body, in which only microorganisms with developed resistance can exist.
  • There is a violation of cellular respiration, which means that the access of oxygen to the tissues is significantly limited, that is, your body, as it were, goes into an anaerobic state.
  • Antibiotics also have a negative effect on the liver, clogging the bile ducts of this organ. Moreover, the negative impact is much stronger than from the regular use of alcohol.
  • The buffer systems of the liver, the main purpose of which is to compensate for toxic effects, are also rapidly depleted. Gradually, the liver radically changes its functions and instead of cleansing, it pollutes our body. In order to avoid this negative consequences, in some cases, our doctors prescribe drugs in addition to antibiotics to support the normal functioning of the liver.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics literally "turns off" our immune system.

This is only a small part of the harmful effects that antibiotics can have on human body. Depending on the specific type of drug, this list may be updated. It is precisely because of such an extensive list of severe side effects that the specialists of our clinic try to resort to antibiotic treatment only in the most extreme cases, when other means are ineffective.

Antibiotics and microflora

You already know that the basis of the effects of antibiotics is the suppression and destruction of microflora. Our body, together with the microflora inhabiting it, form a stable homeostasis. Thus, the quality of our life activity is regulated precisely by the balance of all ongoing processes. Any antibiotic is an inhibitor that suppresses chemical reactions, including beneficial microbes, which negatively affects homeostasis.

In simple words, antibiotics within us provide a kind of temporary sterility. In such an environment, no microorganism except the pathogenic microbes themselves can exist, and this is fraught with the development of a variety of pathologies. It is completely wrong to believe that the microflora is able to quickly recover after such exposure. That is why our doctors, prescribing antibiotics to patients, also prescribe drugs that support the intestinal microflora.

Antibiotics during pregnancy

The use of antibiotics during pregnancy is a rather complex and controversial topic. Of course, you know that during this period it is undesirable to take any medications at all, but what if the body had to face a serious infection that threatens the fetus? The specialists of our clinic never prescribe antibiotic treatment pregnant women without serious indications. They may be sexual infections, pyelonephritis, pneumonia, etc.

When prescribing drugs, the gestational age must be taken into account. It is highly undesirable to use antibiotics in the first trimester, when the vital organs of the fetus are being formed. In this case antibacterial drugs can damage the functions and organs of the child, causing congenital pathologies. If the treatment of the mother is still necessary, our doctors ensure the strictest control over the process of therapy, so that even the slightest complications occur, the drug can be discontinued.

If you had to undergo antibiotic treatment before pregnancy, but you are planning to conceive, then it is better to postpone it for two to three months. However, if the pregnancy came unplanned, do not worry: antibiotics, which were taken before the delay in menstruation, are unlikely to adversely affect the health of your child.

How to take antibiotics without harm to health

The main condition, the observance of which is necessary for effective antibiotic treatment with minimal harm to the body, is taking drugs strictly according to the doctor's prescription, observing the dosage, the time of taking the drugs and the duration of the course of treatment. If you are taking any other medications, be sure to tell your doctor, as some medications may not be compatible with antibiotics. Also, during the course of treatment, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.

It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor if, while taking antibiotics, you have allergic reactions, as well as if you do not feel better, but to the existing clinical manifestations new pathological symptoms have been added.

So, as you can see, antibiotics are rather “insidious” medicines, which, on the one hand, cannot be dispensed with, but on the other hand, it can be quite difficult to recover after treatment with them. If there is an emergency, and our doctor has prescribed one or another antibiotic for you, strictly follow all prescriptions and do not stop the course of treatment, even if improvements occur quickly.

The invention of antibiotics has helped people cope with many previously incurable diseases and their consequences. But taking medications without the supervision of a doctor can adversely affect the body and harm it, so you need to be aware of the consequences of improperly selected treatment.

What are the dangers of antibiotics for the body - the effect on organs and systems

It is worth taking antibacterial drugs only if the benefit outweighs the possibility of complications from taking them. They not only stop the reproduction of microbes, but also cause some disruptions in the human body.

First of all, antibiotics affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but often harm other systems as well. Therefore, despite the successful treatment of the underlying disease, the patient may feel unwell and unpleasant symptoms.

Liver and kidneys

The liver is the main "filter" that protects the body from poisons and toxins. Antibiotics are dangerous for her because they can cause the destruction of her cells and disrupt the production of bile, glucose, vitamins and other vital substances and enzymes produced by her. Prolonged use of drugs can cause inflammation of the organ, and destroyed cells are restored with great difficulty.

The kidneys also perform a cleansing function. Antibacterial drugs have a detrimental effect on their inner epithelium, causing the death of the cells lining it. This disrupts the normal functioning of the kidneys, and they need some time to recover. If their work is disturbed, swelling of the extremities occurs, urination is disturbed.

Stomach and pancreas

After taking the tablets, stomach pain and nausea are sometimes felt, which are caused by damage to the gastric mucosa. Its long-term damage and irritation can lead to the formation of erosion (ulcers) on it. It is possible that when unpleasant symptoms appear, you will have to choose another medicine or inject the drug intravenously so that it immediately enters the bloodstream.

It is not recommended to take antibiotics on an empty stomach, as this contributes to even more irritation of its walls. During therapy, it is better to refrain from salty, sour, fried and other irritating foods. In addition, when exposed to the pancreas, acute pancreatitis may develop.

Intestinal microflora

The gut contains many bacteria that aid digestion. When taking antibacterial drugs, all microorganisms, both harmful and beneficial, die.

If the normal balance of microflora is not restored after medication, a person may suffer from dysbacteriosis, irregular stools, diarrhea or constipation. Immunity is reduced - it has been proven that it is 70% dependent on the state of the microflora and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cardiovascular and nervous systems

The effect of antibiotics on the heart and nervous system is not as pronounced as on the gastrointestinal tract. But, according to recent research scientists, a long course of treatment slows down the formation of new brain cells and provokes memory problems. This is due to metabolic disorders, including as a result of the destruction of intestinal microflora.

Macrolides (clarithromycin, roxithromycin) are a group of drugs that have long been considered fairly harmless, but it turned out that they can be harmful to the heart. They increase its electrical activity and cause arrhythmia, which can lead to its sudden stop.


A certain group (aminoglycosides) is capable of causing damage inner ear. Substances penetrate there with the blood stream, contributing to hearing impairment or loss, tinnitus, headaches. Similar symptoms are observed with otitis media.


Tetracyclines are known to have negative effects on teeth. They form compounds with calcium, as a result of which the enamel becomes thinner and darker, and tooth hypersensitivity occurs.

A particularly strong negative effect is manifested in children (for this reason, it is now forbidden for younger patients to prescribe tetracycline drugs), however, drugs in this group, with prolonged use, can also harm an adult.

genitourinary system

In men, antibiotics can negatively affect potency and sperm quality by disrupting sperm production and thereby reducing the chances of conception. Therefore, after the end of therapy, it is desirable to make a spermogram to make sure that normal spermatogenesis is restored.

Planning a pregnancy is also undesirable when treating a woman with antibiotics. Influences on menstrual cycle they do not render, but violate natural process the formation of an egg and can cause miscarriage or pathology in the fetus. It is better to wait with conception until the end of the course of treatment and a few more weeks after it.

Harm during pregnancy

It is known that antibacterial drugs are prescribed for pregnant women only in exceptional cases, since there is always a risk of a negative impact on the fetus and problems in its development. The harm of antibiotics for a child is explained by the fact that they disrupt normal cell division.

Many medicines are also prohibited for women during breastfeeding, as they can be toxic to the fragile body of the baby.

Effects on joints in children and adolescents

The negative impact on the joints in children leads to the development of arthritis, a disease that usually affects older people. Therefore, drugs in childhood are prescribed with extreme caution and, if possible, no more than once a year.

Possible consequences of taking antibiotics

Therapy with antibacterial drugs, especially long-term, may lead to the occurrence of some undesirable consequences, including:

  • Chair disorder. Diarrhea is caused by irritation of the intestinal wall. Dysbacteriosis can also occur, the symptoms of which include both diarrhea and constipation.
  • Nausea and vomiting. They signal irritation of the gastric mucosa, which may be accompanied by bloating and abdominal pain. In addition, they, along with the appearance of edema and impaired urination, can be signs of kidney damage.
  • fungal infection. Due to an imbalance in the microflora in the body, fungi can begin to multiply, the activity of which is normally suppressed by beneficial bacteria. The infection most often appears on the oral mucosa (stomatitis) or in the vagina in women. Symptoms are burning, itching, white coating in the mouth and tongue, with vaginal candidiasis in women - cheesy white or translucent discharge, while with vaginal dysbacteriosis they are brown.
  • Weakening of immunity, which is caused primarily by the death of intestinal microflora. May be accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue and development side infections. In addition, antibiotics disrupt the acid-base balance (contribute to acidification of the body), and if the immune system is reduced, the risk of cancer increases.
  • Superinfection. This is the reproduction of any microorganisms that are resistant to the antibiotic being taken. Its development is led by the fact that growth harmful bacteria or fungi ceases to be restrained by beneficial microflora, and resistance to the drug appears with prolonged use. Infections often develop in the urethra, bladder.
  • An allergic reaction to a particular antibiotic or group of antibiotics. It manifests itself in skin rashes, redness of the skin, runny nose. A red tongue is also a symptom. Allergies can lead to more serious consequences, up to anaphylactic shock, if the medication is not stopped in time.
  • Dizziness. May be a sign of the effect of the drug on the central nervous system or on the ears (in this case, there are also tinnitus and hearing impairment).
  • Decreased effectiveness of contraceptives. To prevent unwanted pregnancy during therapy with certain antibiotics, it is better to use a barrier method of contraception.

How to Minimize Side Effects

The main rule to follow is that it is important to coordinate the intake of antibiotics with your doctor and inform him of all unpleasant symptoms. The duration of the course and dosage are also determined by the specialist. Under no circumstances should you take expired medicines.

The physician must consider the compatibility of prescribed antibiotics with other drugs that long time the patient takes. There is such a thing as antagonism - some medicines reduce the impact of each other on the body, as a result of which their intake becomes useless and even harmful.

Before, during and after the course of treatment, it is desirable to conduct a blood test for hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, for ESR, etc., in order to monitor the main blood parameters. This will help to notice deviations in the work of the body in time.

Nutrition during antibiotic therapy should be regular. Avoid spicy, too salty, fried foods, eat more fermented milk products and drink more water. Drugs must be taken after meals, and not on an empty stomach.

Support normal microflora probiotics will help in the intestines while taking medications. These include as special means containing beneficial bacteria in in large numbers and dairy products. Sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, kombucha have a good effect, as they are rich in enzymes. Yogurt, kefir, cereals with milk, bread, vegetables and fruits (not sour), soups, steamed fish soften the stomach and eliminate unpleasant consequences.

Tips on how to support the body during antibiotic therapy:

  1. To restore the liver after treatment, use hepatoprotective agents containing phospholipids. These substances revive the cell membrane and bring liver cells back to normal. In order not to aggravate the harmful effects, alcohol and spicy foods should be completely excluded during and after the course of treatment. Milk thistle seeds and preparations based on them are very useful for the liver.
  2. To prevent a decrease in immunity, together with antibiotics, take immunomodulating agents, a complex of vitamins and minerals, prescribed by a specialist.
  3. If an allergic reaction occurs, immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor who will select another remedy, taking into account the characteristics of the body.
  4. If a fungal infection occurs, take antifungal drugs and probiotics to restore normal microflora.
  5. To restore the kidneys drink more fluids. Decoctions can also be used medicinal plants- staminate orthosiphon, wild rose. Warming should not be done, as it will only increase the load on the kidneys and can lead to the multiplication of microbes.

During pregnancy, the number of allowed antibiotics is very limited, so when the first signs of a bacterial infection appear, you should use "natural" help: use garlic, onions, ginger, honey, St. John's wort, horseradish, mustard.

Thus, after taking antibiotics, the body needs to be restored. Therefore, you should not take them without a good reason, “to strengthen immunity”, self-medicate. The use must be justified and, if possible, safe for health.

Antibiotics are drugs that are prescribed in severe cases of diseases caused by bacterial microorganisms. They can help avoid complications in angina, otitis media, pneumonia, purulent infectious processes. They are used when the human immune system can not cope with the causative agent of the disease. But the consequences of taking antibiotics sometimes themselves become the reason for taking medications.

Adverse reactions of antibiotics

Adverse reactions are disturbances in the functioning of the body caused by taking medicinal product. Antibiotics are often the cause of failures in the functioning of various organ systems. As a rule, their negative impact disappears after the end of the intake, but sometimes the body needs help in recovery. There are low-toxic groups of antibiotics, for example, penicillins, and potent drugs. But the degree of their influence also depends on the human body.

The negative impact of the antibiotic will be minimal if you follow the doctor's recommendations and follow the instructions for the drug. The doctor will determine the optimal dose, time and method of taking the medicine. You can help the body avoid side effects by observing the following rules for the use of antibiotics:

  • take the drug regularly, at the allotted time;
  • take a tablet with boiled or mineral water;
  • do not eat fatty and fried foods, alcoholic beverages, stick to a light diet.

Digestive disorders and their consequences

Taking antibiotics may be accompanied by negative reactions from the organs of the gastrointestinal tract: flatulence, constipation, diarrhea, nausea. These side effects are common to many broad-spectrum drugs. They are caused by the irritating effect of the drug on the mucous surface of the digestive organs. Such disorders appear after taking antibiotics in the form of tablets or capsules. They can be avoided by taking the medicine after meals or by injection.

After completing a course of antibiotic treatment, work digestive system usually normalize. If this did not happen, then the intestinal microflora was disturbed. This condition is called dysbiosis. It arises due to the fact that many antibiotics have a depressing effect not only on pathogenic microorganisms, but also on the natural inhabitants of the intestine, which are necessary for its normal functioning. Over time, dysbacteriosis goes away on its own. Special preparations - probiotics - will help to quickly restore the normal microflora of the body. Sometimes the doctor prescribes them immediately together with an antibiotic.

In addition to discomfort from the digestive system, dysbacteriosis can have more serious consequences for the body. It is in the intestines that, during the normal functioning of microorganisms, some vital substances are synthesized. essential vitamins and parahormones: folic acid, biotin, B and K vitamins, serotonin. Therefore, with dysbacteriosis, vitamin deficiency often develops, which negatively affects the work of various organs and systems. So, vitamin K deficiency causes nosebleeds, periodontitis, subcutaneous hemorrhages. To avoid this, multivitamin complexes are taken during antibiotic therapy.


Before prescribing an antibiotic, the doctor must check with the patient about the presence of allergic reactions to drugs. But it happens that the patient was not aware of the immunity of a particular drug. Any antibiotic can cause allergies, but cephalosporins and penicillins are the most common. Allergy symptoms appear between 2 days and 2 weeks after the start of antibiotic therapy. The main ones are:

  • skin hyperemia;
  • rash;
  • itching and burning;
  • eczema;
  • acne.

The greatest danger to the patient is presented by such manifestations of allergies as anaphylactic shock(causes suffocation) hemolytic anemia(destruction of red blood cells - blood elements involved in oxygen metabolism), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (skin and mucous membranes are covered with blisters). These conditions can lead to death. Therefore, for any allergic reactions the prescribed drug is replaced by an agent from another group of antibiotics.


Taking antibiotics can disrupt the microflora not only in the intestines. Fungi of the genus Candida are natural inhabitants of the mucous surface of the vagina and mouth. In small quantities, they do not cause discomfort. The growth of their population is restrained by beneficial bacteria that also inhabit these mucous membranes. But if the bacteria die, the number of fungal organisms increases and the disease develops candidiasis, or thrush.

Symptoms of candidiasis are itching in the genital area, white cheesy discharge, unpleasant odor, pain during urination and sexual intercourse. If thrush occurs in the mouth, it manifests itself in the form white plaque on the tongue, cheeks and gums. Candidiasis develops both during and after antibiotics. For treatment, local antifungal drugs, as well as immunostimulating agents, are used.

Intoxication of internal organs

Antibiotics adversely affect the functioning of many organs. This happens both because of the toxic properties of the drug itself, and because of the poisoning of the body by particles of destroyed bacterial cells. Most of all, after a course of antibiotic therapy, the liver and kidneys suffer. Disruption of their work is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • thirst;
  • change in the amount of urine up or down;
  • a blood test shows elevated levels of urea and creatinine;
  • fever;
  • jaundice;
  • weakness and loss of appetite;
  • dark urine, colorless feces.

Some antibacterial drugs have a particularly negative impact on work nervous system. After taking them, you may feel sick and dizzy, sleep disturbances occur. The most serious consequences are nerve damage: auditory, visual, vestibular apparatus.

What should be done after taking antibiotics?

After completing the course of antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. This will not only eliminate discomfort, but also normalize vitamin metabolism and the state of immunity. To do this, you should take probiotics - biological supplements containing beneficial microorganisms (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli). Examples of such drugs are linex, bifiform, acipol, hilak-forte.

In order for beneficial bacteria from probiotics to populate the intestines, it is necessary to adjust the diet. Every day you should eat foods rich in fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products. Probiotics can be taken for a long time, they will not harm the body. It is more effective to use them after completing a course of antibiotic therapy for several weeks. Some drugs contain beneficial bacteria that are not affected by antibiotics. They can be taken during the main treatment, for example, when it is long-term or there are already disorders of the digestive system.

Taking antibiotics, the consequences of which are very unpleasant for the body, should be under the supervision of a specialist. Then the harm of this category of drugs will be minimal.