The cat does not let the cat in: reasons, how to create conditions for mating, what to do if it doesn’t work out. Why is my cat not in heat?

Anestrus is the 4th stage of estrus. This stage occurs if the female is not fertilized. During this period, the cat gradually calms down and returns to normal life.

How to calm a cat during estrus?

When the first signs of estrus appear in a cat, if you do not plan to have offspring from a cat, you need to take some measures in order to calm the animal and bring it back to normal.

In order to calm the cat during this period, it should be given more attention. To do this, you should take it more in your arms, stroke it. In this way, it is possible to calm the animal and relieve its psychological stress.

To reduce the psychological stress in the animal, you should play with it. For the game, it is better to choose a new toy that may interest the animal. When playing with a new toy, the cat will start jumping and running around the room in which she lives, which will allow her to free herself. a large number of internal energy.

During this period, the cat should be fed less. Very often, veterinarians recommend not to feed the cat during the day, but to give her a small amount of food at night. It should be remembered that the water in the drinking bowl of the animal must be constantly and in the required amount.

Attention! When signs of the first estrus appear in a female, she should be isolated in a separate room for several days, which will reduce her mating cries.

When isolating a cat in a separate room, one should not forget that the animal should have plenty of water, in addition, a comfortable bed should be arranged for the cat.

The use of homeopathy helps some females cope with the changes taking place at this time in their body. Before using these drugs, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian so as not to harm the health of the animal.

How to solve the problem of estrus in a female cat?

As soon as the female cat reaches puberty, the question immediately arises how to solve this problem. There are several methods for solving this problem.

These methods are as follows:

  1. An operation to sterilize an animal. The operation to sterilize the animal involves the removal of the female's uterus with ovaries. As a result of such an operative intervention, the female's desire generally disappears, and signs of estrus in the cat are not observed.
  2. The implementation of the mating of the female with the male. The purpose of this procedure is to carry out the mating of a cat with a cat during the onset of estrus. After mating, the cat necessarily calms down. However, the owner of the animal should be clearly aware that frequent pregnancies and childbirth in a female can provoke the development serious illnesses. In addition, frequent pregnancies lead to physical and emotional exhaustion in the animal.
  3. The use of hormonal drugs at the time of the onset of sexual hunting. The use of these drugs allows you to stop the onset of estrus in an animal. Such drugs can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. They are allowed to be used 1-2 times a year. As a result of the use of hormonal drugs, disturbances in the functioning of the animal's body may occur. Frequent use of drugs based on hormones can cause tumors in the ovaries and uterus in a cat.
  4. The use of sedatives medical supplies. The use of light herbal infusions during estrus in the female makes it possible to alleviate the condition of the animal. These drugs include, for example, Kot-Bayun and Bach Drops. It should be noted that this method is not always effective.

What to do if you plan to get offspring from a female?

Owners of purebred cats most often keep females in order to obtain offspring both for sale and for their own pleasure. Therefore, they need to know exactly when it is time to inseminate the female. For this purpose, you need to be able to accurately determine the time of estrus in the female.

For animal breeders who do not have enough experience to determine the signs of estrus in a cat, it can be recommended to look at specialized sites dedicated to caring for cats with photos and videos that demonstrate the behavior of the female during the estrus period.

Attention! If you want to get offspring from a female, you should remember that optimal timing insemination are the first and second days after the start of the period of sexual hunting.

A female should be mated with a male 2-3 times, while the interval between mating should be 12-14 hours. If you comply with all these requirements, then the chance of obtaining offspring increases several times.

Purebred cat owners should be aware that cats reach sexual maturity between 4 and 6 months of age, however early pregnancy for the animal is undesirable, since the animal during this period has not reached full physiological maturity, and its body is still developing. Full physiological maturity of the female occurs one year after birth.

As a rule, cats walking on the street have no problems with mating. Cats gather at the calls of the female, and the pet can choose the one she likes.

With purebred animals, the situation is different. It is necessary to select a partner in advance, and it is not a fact that he will be able to persuade the female. It also happens that the cat does not let the cat under any circumstances.

The article reveals the reasons for the behavior of the female and gives advice to the owner on what needs to be done so that the cat will let the cat in.

Physiology is arranged in such a way that the pet allows mating only during estrus. The optimal time for fertilization is the interval between the third and fifth days of estrus. It is at this time that ovulation occurs. Therefore, animals should be brought together for mating on the second day.

They will get used to each other. The first mating stimulates the movement of the egg from the ovary towards the uterus. The signal is the pain that the female experiences when the cat removes her rough genitals. In one of the next intercourse, conception occurs.

However, for the following reasons, the cat does not let the cat in, behaves aggressively and mating does not occur:

  • Owner error. The acquaintance between the couples took place too late, when ovulation had already occurred. In such a situation, a fight cannot be ruled out.
  • Mating in the territory of the female. Moving and getting into an unfamiliar environment leads to stress. The cat more easily endures the adverse effects of change, and the cat feels insecure in a foreign land, does not show perseverance. The female does not like it when the boyfriend does not pay due attention. At the first unsuccessful experience, the cat becomes depressed and stops harassment.
  • The cat did not like the male. She rolls over on her side, hisses and scratches.
  • They forgot to feed the female. She may not like the food that the cat eats. Therefore, you should take pellets from home that the pet is used to eating at home. The best option- find out from the owners of the cat what they feed him and transfer the cat to the same food.
  • Big difference in live weight and age. The biggest problem occurs when the female is larger than the male. But the reverse situation can also prevent mating.
  • Inexperienced cat: It is undesirable to bring together virgins. Unleashing the male is entrusted to the giving birth cat. A partner for a pet that is knitted for the first time must have sexual experience and be older than her, but not by much.
  • The pet got sick. A slight malaise, which is difficult to notice, may serve as a basis for refusing to knit.

The biggest problems occur during the first mating. If something goes wrong, the cat will nervous breakdown, which will be exacerbated with subsequent mating.

Before a date, you need to make sure that the pets do not catch sexual infections from each other, which are sexually transmitted. Therefore, they need to be examined.

Cats can pass the following infections to each other:

  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • Viral leukemia;
  • Chlamydia;
  • Viral immunodeficiency;
  • Calcivirosis.

The second point is to free from fleas and worms. The third condition is to be vaccinated. The last rule is important for females so that their antibodies are transferred to kittens through colostrum. And the last thing: before mating, the pet should not be bathed. The sensitive nose of a cat will smell an unfamiliar smell and beat off desire.

Animals need time to get to know each other. Fruitful knitting is not carried out in a couple of hours. Usually animals are left for 2-3 days. They are being watched to make sure. That the mating took place. Animals will mate until they get bored. After the onset of pregnancy, estrus stops, and the cat stops letting the cat close to her.

The communication room should not be too large. The couple is left alone. All fragile items are pre-cleaned, not because of a danger to the health of cats, but to prevent material damage. They close all the bottlenecks into which a frightened animal can clog. So that the guest, if something goes wrong, can be caught without causing physical or psychological injury.

For a cat, they put a familiar tray brought from home. To ensure fruitful intercourse, they provide silence, turn down the volume of the TV or player, and do not turn on the vacuum cleaner.

Experienced breeders understand what their cats are capable of, know how they behaved in previous matings and understand how to prepare a cat for mating. If they have several cats and one of them leaks, it's hot. Following the example of a neighbor, the rest will begin to heat.

Before the upcoming mating, the cat is stroked on the stomach, which brings her into a complacent state.

Experienced felinologists always have fallback options:

  1. Use a pair that has already had a successful experience and obtained high-quality offspring.
  2. They change the cat.
  3. They leave the cat to live with the future father of her cubs for 3 weeks. If the animals get used to each other, mating will occur without problems in the next estrus.
  4. They help an inexperienced cat to mate - they hold the female if she collapses on her side, but only if the cat does not protest against intercourse.

The main thing is not to despair, if the cat is healthy, then sooner or later she will become pregnant.

The cat does not let the cat: what not to do

Some breeders force the cat to mate by force. A cat, especially an experienced one, is always ready to mate. Therefore, if the couple is a valuable material for breeding, the stubborn cat is fixed and the male is helped to commit violence.

When the reason is that the time favorable for mating is missed, pregnancy may not occur. In any case, the cat will experience stress, which in the future may cause aggressive behavior during mating. And the owner risks getting well-deserved scratches.

Puberty in cats occurs at the age of 7-10 months. A sign that animals are ready to mate and bear offspring is estrus. During this natural process, pets bleeding are not observed. Estrus in cats is accompanied by a change in behavior.

The estrous cycle: what is it?

This term is used by veterinarians to refer to the physiological changes that occur during reproductive cycle in animals. The estrous cycle is usually divided into several stages:

  • proestrus (forerunner);
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

Proestrus is the first period of estrus in a cat. Its duration is from 1 to 4 days. At this time, the behavior changes slightly. The pet becomes more affectionate, comes to the owners to be stroked, or rolls on the floor. The first discharge appears, but despite this, she does not allow cats to approach her.

Estrus is the second stage of the estrous cycle. It is impossible to say exactly how long this period lasts, because for each cat its duration is individual (from 1 to 1.5 weeks). You can determine the onset of estrus by the behavior of the animal.

A cat during estrus becomes inadequate. The sounds she makes can be described as a howl. Another sign of the onset of estrus is the posture that the animal takes at the moment when it is stroked. The cat presses the front half of the body to the floor, lifts the back, and takes the tail to the side. She has clear discharge.

When sexual arousal cats begins to subside, metestrus (post-estrus) occurs. The duration of the period is from 2 to 19 days. As a rule, cats become pregnant during metestrus. The pet begins to show aggression towards cats. In some cases, metestrus ends with the development of a false pregnancy.

The final period of the estrous cycle is called anestrus (between oestrus). The cat's behavior is back to normal. She calms down, begins to eat normally, returns to the usual rhythm of life. In the absence of pregnancy, estrus resumes after a certain period of time.

How to find out about the beginning of estrus?

It is not difficult to determine the beginning of this period in an animal. You just need to pay attention to his behavior. Some cats during this period behave aggressively and restlessly. They rush around the corners, do not find a place for themselves. Someone shits in housing, marks objects.

The following symptoms of estrus are the main ones:

  • the animal makes lingering and plaintive sounds;
  • rubs against various objects;
  • stops eating;
  • often licks the genitals due to the fact that discharge appears;
  • trying to escape from housing;
  • bends posture, lying on the floor.

During this period, it is recommended to keep the cat indoors. It is necessary to ensure that she does not get out into the street through the doors and windows of an apartment or house. The animal can get lost or injured when jumping out of a window and falling from a height.

Frequency of estrus

As a rule, estrus in an animal ends with the onset of pregnancy. The period of bearing offspring lasts about 2-2.5 months. At this time, the animal has no estrus. They begin after the birth of kittens in 3-3.5 months. If the offspring is born dead, then estrus begins earlier.

If pregnancy does not occur in a cat, then the intervals between estrus range from 1 to 3 weeks. In some animals they begin earlier, in others later. When cats go into heat and how long it lasts depends on a number of factors:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • season (sexual activity in cats increases with the onset of spring);
  • features of living conditions;
  • breeds (in Siamese and Persian individuals it happens more often than in Scottish pets or representatives of the British breed).

What can be done to stop leaks?

It is possible to prevent estrus in animals if sterilization is done. This procedure involves the removal of the reproductive organs. Sterilization not only eliminates the problems associated with this process, but also prevents the development of dangerous diseases (pyometra, cancer of the mammary glands, ovaries and uterus). Many are interested in whether it is possible to sterilize a cat during estrus. Veterinarians answer that this is not a contraindication.

Sterilization is not the only way. Another option is mating with a cat. Mating will lead to pregnancy. As a result, the signs of estrus will disappear. However, they will reappear, but after childbirth. Mating with a cat is a temporary measure.

You can also eliminate the signs thanks to hormonal drugs (for example, contrasex, pillkan). They can be bought at veterinary pharmacies. Experts do not recommend giving hormones to pets often. Preparations should be used no more than 1-2 times a year.

How to calm a cat during estrus is a topical issue for pet owners. In order to alleviate the condition of the animal, you can buy the following tools:

  1. Cat Baiyun . This drug, designed to correct the behavior of pets, is available in the form of tablets. Drops can also be found on sale. The drug is absolutely safe for animals. The composition of the product includes natural ingredients (oregano, valerian, sweet clover, thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, peony roots).
  2. Phospasim. You can give injections or give drops. The medicine can alleviate the psychological and emotional state of the cat. The substances that make up fospasim do not accumulate in the body. Thus, the drug does not have a negative effect.
  3. Bach drops. This product contains no artificial additives. The drug calms the animal without oppressing nervous system. The drops have no hypnotic effect.

Any remedy and injection from the above drugs calms the cat, but does not help stop estrus.

What should cat owners beware of?

If the animal has signs of estrus, then you should not stuff it hormonal drugs. These funds are effective. However, their negative impact cannot be ignored. Due to the use of drugs, the hormonal background is often disturbed, and this, in turn, leads to the formation of tumors of the uterus and ovaries at any age.

The first estrus in cats can begin at 7 months. In some animals, this process occurs much later. In any case, do not introduce the cat to the cat too early. At a young age, the pet's body is not yet fully formed. It happens that early pregnancy leads to complications.

The disgusting behavior of a cat during this period can annoy any person. But it is impossible to beat a pet and yell at him because he meows loudly or marks housing. He cannot control himself during this period, but he still feels guilty. If the owner constantly screams, the animal will receive irreparable psychological trauma.

Estrus violations

In some animals, estrus symptoms are not observed. Veterinarians refer to this condition as "anaphrodisia". The disease is treated with hormones (folliculin, estrone and hCG). The injection is administered intramuscularly. Approximately 1-2 weeks after the first injection, the pets are in heat.

Protracted estrus is another disorder that can be detected in a cat at any age. It is characterized by an increase in the duration of estrus (over 21 days). To determine the cause, specialists conduct diagnostics in order to exclude ovarian pathology. Treatment to alleviate the condition of the pet is that an injection is given, and gestagens and estrogens are injected subcutaneously.

Thus, estrus in a cat is a natural process that requires special attention. If you have a non-purebred pet, then sterilization is the right solution. Thanks to this procedure, you will ensure peace of mind for yourself, and for him - healthy life. If sterilization of the pet is not planned, then you should understand that frequent pregnancies and childbirth do not benefit the animal. The cat is physically and emotionally exhausted, she develops various diseases.

How long does oestrus (estrus) last in cats? How often does this happen? How to prevent complications and when should you contact a specialist?

These questions plague many cat owners around the world.

Knowing about the features of cat menstruation is important, first of all, for those who met with estrus for the first time.

After all, proper care of an animal in many cases presupposes its health.

Any cat lover, before buying his future pet, is faced with a choice: to take a cat or a cat -?

Of course, the choice of a person depends on many factors and characteristics of the animal, one of which is estrus in cats.

The physiological processes in the body of an animal, as a result of which, in fact, menstruation occurs, are in many respects identical to the processes in the body of a woman.

But unlike humans, in animals, puberty occurs faster, and as a result, many owners find themselves unprepared.

On average, the female is ready to mate as early as 10 months, when estrus begins.

When does a cat's first heat start?

Cats usually go into heat at 10 months of age.

Of course, it all depends both on the breed of the animal and on its individual features, such as:

  • Temperament;
  • Hormonal background;
  • General health.

Puberty in the average cat body occurs quite quickly.

For example, a cat can give birth as early as one year old.

During this period, the body of the animal is already fully formed and ready for litter bearing, immediate and subsequent feeding of kittens.

But the first estrus does not indicate that the cat must be immediately brought together with the cat.

If you mate animals prematurely, this can lead to difficult births and death of kittens before they are born.

This is especially true for cats of smaller size and under one year old.

Despite this, a large number of owners believe that the violent temper of cats must be pacified with the help of various drugs.

In fact, some medicines, such as drops for cats, significantly reduce the discomfort and anxiety of the animal, but such medicines should be used very carefully and moderately so as not to harm the pet's body, intruding into the normal physiological process - you cannot radically change the hormonal background cats.

This is usually advised to the owners by a veterinarian, who also determines the need for sterilization and the period in which it can be carried out.

The biggest problem that cat owners face is the discharge from the cat's vulva, which leaves stains.

Usually, compared to dogs, cats lick themselves much more often and, as a result, “soil” clothes, carpets and sofas with which they come into contact less.

But in some cases, this problem can be especially acute.

But often, this device interferes with the animal, as it prevents licking, especially if the cat is not accustomed to it in advance.

Since estrus for a cat, especially if it happens for the first time, is stressful, owners are strongly advised to be patient with the behavior of the animal, in no case punish him so as not to injure his body - because the pet does not understand what is happening to him happening.

How long does estrus last in cats: First signs and timing

How long does a cat's heat last? Typically, menstruation in these animals begins at 10 months of age. Of course, it all depends on the breed of the animal, as well as on temperament, hormonal levels and general health.

Intending to have a female kitten, you should prepare in advance for the fact that at a certain age the animal will begin estrus. There is nothing to worry about, this is a natural process for all living beings. However, the future owner should get an idea in advance of what to expect and how to help the pet during this not very easy period for her.

We understand what is estrus

Estrus is the scientific name for the word "estrus" familiar to us. At this time, the females undergo a psychophysiological restructuring of the body that precedes mating. At the stage of estrus, follicles in the ovaries of the cat mature, ovulation occurs and conception becomes available.

Signs of a leak:

  • changes in pet behavior. The appearance of two extremes is possible: either excessive aggression, or exorbitant complaisance;
  • invocative, uterine meow. Often a cat can call a cat for almost a day;
  • slight swelling of the genital organs (often recognized only by a specialist);
  • increased urination;
  • decrease and even lack of appetite. It can manifest itself both on the first day and throughout the entire estrus phase;
  • changes in gait: hind legs half bent, tail up and laid aside;
  • clear, non-bloody discharge appears on the genitals. The animal is more likely to take care of its intimate area.

Signs of estrus can be observed both in a complex and alternately. Keep in mind one more important fact: not only cats mark the territory, cats can also do this during oestrus.

There is such a thing as "erased estrus", in which the female's sexual hunting practically does not manifest itself in any way. A similar phenomenon, as a rule, is observed in debilitated cats with obesity or other diseases. The appearance of "erased estrus" is also possible in healthy, little temperamental females. And yet, before you rejoice at the opportunity to get enough sleep at night, you should take your pet to the veterinarian.

When do cats hit puberty?

Many owners of young cats are interested in the question of how soon their pets will begin estrus. However, there is no clear answer. Numerous factors can influence when a cat has its first estrus: the breed and size of the pet, the season, the presence of a cat nearby, and even the color of the domestic predator.

The average first ovulation in females of the "feline" family occurs at the age of 6-8 months. However, in some cases, it can begin only by 1 year. If after a year the cat has not started estrus, this is a reason to sound the alarm. Such a phenomenon may indicate the presence of hormonal disorders or diseases in the animal. It is necessary to take the pet to the doctor to determine the exact causes and receive guidance on how to eliminate them.

Duration and regularity of estrus

Both are individual for each individual cat. However, if we talk about generalized data, then the first estrus is often short-lived. Subsequently, its duration increases, and can be from 5 to 10 days; rarely - up to 20 days. Intervals between estrus can vary from 15 days to 6 months; less often - up to 1 year.

Factors on which breaks between estrus depend:

  1. Season. Most often, estrus is regular until the winter season, then it temporarily subsides. This is due to the fact that the maturation of the follicle depends on the length of daylight hours.
  2. The specifics of the living conditions of the animal.
  3. Environment.
  4. Breed.
  5. Presence/absence of contacts with their own kind
  6. Features of the physiology of the cat.

In general, if you know the duration of your pet's estrus, you can easily calculate the intervals between her occurrences. If you are worried about how often your pet is in heat, contact your veterinarian. The doctor will take into account all the features of your cat and will assist in the selection of means and methods to normalize or eliminate this process (drugs, sterilization).

The beginning of the first heat: what to do, when to sterilize

If breeding is not in your plans, then everything is quite simple: there is no need for any actions, estrus will pass by itself. At the end of it, it will be possible to sterilize the pet. Consider the fact that an operation of this kind should not be carried out in the midst of estrus, it is necessary to wait for its completion.

On the other hand, when there is an extreme need for this (medical indications), sterilization of a cat during this period is still permissible. In the process of release of eggs from the follicle, cats produce much less spotting than in dogs. A competent doctor will be able to perform a high-quality operation even in such difficult conditions. After sterilization, estrus in a cat stops completely.

In some cases, cats are in heat even after sterilization. However, this is not normal. The continuation of sexual hunting in the animal will indicate a poor-quality operation: either inaccurate manipulations, or only one ovary is cut out. To avoid such negligence, only reputable veterinary clinics should seek this kind of assistance.

In order not to disrupt the stability of the cat's body, it is recommended to allow the animal to survive 1-2 estrus on its own before sterilization. So that during this period you do not experience discomfort, you should inquire in advance about how to appease your pet. For such purposes, many hormonal preparations are sold in pharmacies for animals. However, before buying them, you should consult a doctor.

The veterinarian must be told:

  • the number of heats prior to visiting a doctor;
  • describe the behavior of a pet during estrus;
  • his further intention regarding the sexual hunting of the pet: sterilization or breeding.
  • at the consultation, taking into account the information received, the doctor will advise the medicine suitable for your pet and help her survive this difficult period.

Many veterinarians do not recommend long-term use of contraceptives. There is a high risk that the cat will subsequently have complications during pregnancy or childbirth. In addition, kittens that are born will most likely have various congenital pathologies.

When is the best time to have offspring?

Owners who decide to have offspring should wait for the first 2–3 estrus before mating their pet. During this period, it is impossible to suppress sexual desire with contraceptives, the invocative cries of the pet will have to be stoically waited out.

Due to the fact that for each cat the intervals between estrus are individual, make sure that sexual intercourse with subsequent fertilization does not occur too early. During the restructuring of the cat's body during estrus, the general psychophysical plan of the animal is debugged. By the time of fertilization, the pet must be ready for conception, not only physically, but also psychologically. Otherwise, you risk harming her health.

The choice of a boyfriend for a pet should be taken care of in advance. When the cat is ready and her estrus begins, you can carry the pet to the cat. The fact that conception has occurred, you will know in 1-2 days by the cessation of sexual hunting.

At the time of gestation, childbirth and feeding of kittens, the cat will not be in heat. Again, it will appear 3–3.5 months after lambing. If the kittens are taken away from the mother cat, estrus may begin on the 2nd day of lactation.

Avoiding Mistakes

The two most common mistakes are:

  1. Contraception. Just because you know the symptoms of estrus and you can easily identify it, that's no reason to run to the pharmacy for drugs that suppress sexual desire. It is not enough to have this kind of knowledge, it is also very important to have a clear idea of ​​the likely consequences. Only a specialist can choose essential medicine, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of the animal.
  2. Violence. It is not only physical, but also psychological. A cat screaming and climbing towards you, at the moment of estrus, does not control itself. She is not able to correct her behavior even with the help of your blow or shouting at her. But you can easily cripple her psyche with such influences, because she perfectly feels guilt at the moment when you scold her.

If you are unable to endure the cat's behavior during estrus and are unable to help her in this difficult time, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bintroducing a small predator.

Video: how to calm a cat during estrus with a bandage

If you intend to get a cat, and not a cat, you should prepare from the very first days for the fact that at a certain age she will start estrus. This is a natural process in the animal's body, but you need to prepare for its beginning in advance, because the owner of the animal must not only know how the cat behaves during estrus, but also be able to help his pet prepare for "adult" life. And don't think that caring for a cat in heat will be simpler and easier than caring for a cat in a similar situation!

What is estrus in a cat?

In another way, this phenomenon is called estrus and involves a change not only physical condition animal, but also the occurrence of certain changes in his psyche. Estrus begins when the cat's ovaries mature follicles, and it is this sign that is the first evidence that the animal is ready for bearing offspring and for subsequent births.

As a rule, estrus in cats lasts several days, and you can determine its onset by the following signs:

  1. a change in the behavior of the animal - it can become either very aggressive, or, on the contrary, very affectionate,

  2. the appearance of uterine and invocative screams (sometimes a cat can scream all day and night),

  3. swelling of the genital organs (almost insignificantly, so only a specialist can often determine its presence),

  4. frequent urination,

  5. decline or even complete absence appetite (there are observed either the entire period of estrus in cats, or only in the first days),

  6. change in the cat's gait - she begins to walk half-bent hind legs, tail up,

  7. appearance clear secretions from the genitals - in order to remove them, the cat begins to wash much more often (at the same time, unlike dogs, cats do not have spotting!).

These signs of estrus in a cat may alternate, or may be observed in a complex. However, in any case, the owners of the animal need to be prepared for the fact that sometimes a cat marks its territory during estrus!

However, there are also cases when there is an "erased" estrus in cats, the symptoms of which are completely invisible or significantly muffled. This is very pleasing to those who do not want to listen to loud screams at night, and during the day to fight with a cat running around on their heels. If you need to increase the signs of estrus, just hold the cat for a while next to the cat.

Estrus in cats: age of puberty

Many pet owners are interested in when cats go into estrus, but it is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously, because the onset of estrus often depends on many factors, including the breed of the cat, the time of year, the size of the animal, the presence of cats next to it, and sometimes even the color of your cat. favorites!

In general, a cat's first heat can start at 6-8 months of age, but some animals can live up to 12 months without it. And if estrus does not begin later than this period, you should show your pet to the doctor: most likely, she has started hormonal disorders, and only a veterinarian can examine the animal and recommend what to do.

If you are wondering how long estrus lasts in cats, then you can be calm: the first time it is very short, but later this period can last up to 6, and sometimes up to 10 days (in some cases, estrus lasts up to 20 days!) .

If you intend to regularly receive kittens from a cat and engage in breeding, you should definitely know how often cats are in heat. In some cases, the intervals can be very short and only 15-25 days! However, as a rule, the intervals between estrus in different animals are different, so you will have to study your pet individually, but remember that the frequency of estrus may depend on:

  1. season (usually estrus is quite regular until winter, and then subsides for a while, since the formation of follicles in the ovaries depends, among other things, on the length of daylight hours),

  2. features of the living conditions of the cat and the environment,

  3. animal breed,

  4. the frequency of his communication with relatives,

  5. physiological characteristics of the cat.

In general, if you know how many days a cat is in heat, then you can easily calculate the frequency of its occurrence. And if for some reason you are concerned about the frequency of estrus, contact your veterinarian and tell us how often cats are in heat. He will take into account all the features of the animal and help you choose the best means of temporary suppression of sexual activity for him or offer to sterilize your pet.

The cat is in heat! What to do?

If you do not plan to have offspring, then everything is very simple: you do not need to do anything, and estrus will end on its own, after which you can sterilize the animal. At the same time, remember that spaying a cat during estrus is undesirable, so you should still wait until this period is over. However, if you really need it, you can still sterilize a cat during estrus: the genitals of these animals are filled with blood much less than, for example, the genitals of dogs, so a good surgeon will be able to perform the operation even in such dangerous period. After you do this operation, you can be calm: the heat of a sterilized cat will not bother you. In some cases, however, estrus can be noted in cats after sterilization, but this will only mean that the animal either did not remove one of the two ovaries, or the operation was performed inaccurately. To avoid this, you should definitely contact only a trusted clinic and trust your animal only to the doctor you trust!

However, even if you have planned an operation (namely, it is considered the best "sedative" remedy), you will still have to survive at least 1-2 estrus, so it is better to know in advance how to calm a cat during estrus. For these purposes, you can use various drugs that are offered in abundance in veterinary pharmacies. True, before buying them, you should contact your veterinarian, who needs to be told:

  1. how many times the cat was in heat before the moment of treatment,

  2. what is the behavior of a cat during estrus,

  3. whether you plan to neuter or have offspring in the future.

After that, the doctor will recommend you a drug (usually tablets or drops) that is best for your pet and will help her during a difficult period in her life. True, as many veterinarians say, after prolonged use such tablets should not be allowed to give birth to a cat - this can lead to complications and the appearance of various pathologies in kittens.

How to help a cat in estrus if childbirth is planned?

If you are planning to have kittens, then just wait until your pet has passed the first 2-3 estrus (most likely, they will just have to be endured without giving the cat any drugs and without trying to suppress the manifestations of estrus). Then you can start thinking about mating her with a cat. At the same time, remember that early fertilization is not recommended, because this can subsequently provoke various complications during pregnancy, as well as cause serious harm to the health of your cat, so it’s better to wait a bit.

When the time is right, find a partner for your pet in advance. As soon as you notice the beginning of estrus in cats, you can make an appointment for the animal with a cat, and if during this meeting fertilization of the animal occurs, the signs of estrus will end in 1-2 days.

After that, there will be a long break in estrus for pregnancy and childbirth, because estrus is impossible for a pregnant cat, and the next estrus will begin approximately 3-3.5 months after the cat gives birth to kittens. In some cases, estrus begins on the second day of lactation. True, if animals lose all their kittens during childbirth, then estrus in cats after childbirth begins earlier.

What Not to Do

If you know how estrus manifests itself in cats, and notice its first signs, do not rush to immediately stuff your pet with suppressive drugs. It is not enough to know how to determine estrus in cats, you also need to clearly understand the consequences of suppressing this phenomenon and take into account individual physiological features your pet. Therefore, it is best to solve the issue of estrus relief with a veterinarian.

And, of course, you should clearly remember: you should never scream at a cat screaming and caressing you, which has begun estrus, and even more so, you should not beat your pet, even if she angered you with her harassment. First, you can cause irreparable injury to the cat. Secondly, the animal in such a situation simply does not control what happens to it and cannot obey. However, a constantly scolded cat still feels guilty, and to a purely physiological problems in this regard, psychological ones are also mixed in, which can make your pet suffer. Given this, it is better to think in advance how to ease the cat into heat and how to endure this period, and if you cannot do this, it is better not to get a cat.

The characteristic signs of estrus in a cat indicate that the animal is ready to conceive and bear offspring.

Felines are polycyclic animals, which suggests that the period of readiness of a cat for fertilization occurs several times throughout the year. During 1 season, the female has several sexual cycles. Most often, the sexual hunting season for females begins at the beginning of the year, in January, and ends by the end of summer or the beginning of autumn. In some cases, there are females that are capable of fertilization periodically throughout the calendar year. The only period when estrus does not occur in such animals is the period of feeding kittens with milk. The return to normal behavior occurs 1 week after weaning the kittens from the cat.

The first estrus in the female comes, like in all other mammals, after she reaches sexual maturity and is ready to breed.

Attention! Usually sexual maturity in females occurs in the period from 7 to 10 months after birth, however, the physiological maturation of the female occurs in the period from 12 to 14 months.

The time of the first estrus, as well as the regularity of the subsequent ones, depends on a large number of factors. The breed of the animal affects the time of the onset of sexual hunting. In breeds bred in the East, the estrus period occurs more often than in cats bred in other regions.

Factors affecting the first oestrus in the female, and signs of the onset of the estrus period

The main factors affecting the onset of the hunting period in females are:

  1. Breed.
  2. Season.
  3. The presence of a male in close proximity.
  4. Cat sizes.

Most often, a cat hunt occurs three times a year. Duration in different breeds is a different number of days, in most animals it lasts about 2 weeks. Violations of the schedule and process in females are observed in the event of a hormonal imbalance.

The main signs of the first estrus in a female are as follows:

  1. The females are excited.
  2. There is restless behavior.
  3. Contact with a cat has an exciting effect on it.

In addition, when determining the first estrus in a cat, special attention should be paid to the following signs:

  1. The genitals before the start of the hunting period in the animal increase, and transparent, non-abundant secretions appear from them, which the animal can inherit indoors.
  2. The process of urination becomes more frequent than during normal periods of life.
  3. Females become tender, begin to rub against everything. Cats can roll on the floor and wriggle their bodies. In some cases, females may increase aggressiveness.
  4. In rare cases, females have a violation of appetite, they eat less and less often during this period.
  5. The cat strives to run away from home, using every opportunity.
  6. The female emits a plaintive meow and calls the cat.

The cat can arch its back, lie down on the floor, and take the tail to the side.

How is estrus in cats?

The period of sexual hunting in a cat is divided into 4 stages:

  • proestrus;
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

Each of these stages differs in the behavior of the cat and the state of its body.

Proestrus is the initial stage of the sexual desire period in the female. The duration of this stage can vary from 1 to 4 days. This period is characterized by more or less calm behavior of the pet and some increase in affection. The appetite of the animal is preserved, and in some cases may even increase. Sometimes the cat makes quiet throat sounds. During this period, there is a gradual increase in the external genital organs, and the formation and release of transparent mucus from the genital organs begins. At this stage, the cat does not allow a single cat to approach her.

Estrus is the second stage of the sexual desire period. Duration can vary from 1 to 1.5 weeks. This period is directly in heat itself. It is during this period that the female becomes affectionate and wriggles, begins to meow loudly, calling the cat to her. If a cat is stroked in the region of the sacrum, then it, bending, assumes a pose characteristic of the mating process. Optimal time for mating - from 3 to 5 days of estrus.

Metestrus is a stage in the estrus period, in which the female's sexual desire decreases. The duration of this stage is from 3 to 12 days. If fertilization is carried out at the stage of estrus, then at the stage of metestrus, the cat begins to show aggression towards cats. There are cases when cats develop false pregnancy. This condition is accompanied by all the signs of a true pregnancy, except that such a pregnancy cannot end in delivery. Most often, with a false pregnancy, all signs disappear, 1.5 months after the cat's estrus ends. In the event that the female was fertilized at the previous stage, after 60-70 days the cat gives birth.

Anestrus is the 4th stage of estrus. This stage occurs if the female is not fertilized. During this period, the cat gradually calms down and returns to normal life.

How to calm a cat during estrus?

When the first signs of estrus appear in a cat, if you do not plan to have offspring from a cat, you need to take some measures in order to calm the animal and bring it back to normal.

In order to calm the cat during this period, it should be given more attention. To do this, you should take it more in your arms, stroke it. In this way, it is possible to calm the animal and relieve its psychological stress.

To reduce the psychological stress in the animal, you should play with it. For the game, it is better to choose a new toy that may interest the animal. Playing with a new toy, the cat will start jumping and running around the room in which she lives, which will allow her to release a large amount of internal energy.

During this period, the cat should be fed less. Very often, veterinarians recommend not to feed the cat during the day, but to give her a small amount of food at night. It should be remembered that the water in the drinking bowl of the animal must be constantly and in the required amount.

Attention! When signs of the first estrus appear in a female, she should be isolated in a separate room for several days, which will reduce her mating cries.

When isolating a cat in a separate room, one should not forget that the animal should have plenty of water, in addition, a comfortable bed should be arranged for the cat.

The use of homeopathy helps some females cope with the changes taking place at this time in their body. Before using these drugs, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian so as not to harm the health of the animal.

How to solve the problem of estrus in a female cat?

As soon as the female cat reaches puberty, the question immediately arises how to solve this problem. There are several methods for solving this problem.

These methods are as follows:

  1. An operation to sterilize an animal. The operation to sterilize the animal involves the removal of the female's uterus with ovaries. As a result of such an operative intervention, the female's desire generally disappears, and signs of estrus in the cat are not observed.
  2. The implementation of the mating of the female with the male. The purpose of this procedure is to carry out the mating of a cat with a cat during the onset of estrus. After mating, the cat necessarily calms down. However, the owner of the animal should be clearly aware that frequent pregnancies and childbirth in a female can provoke the development of serious diseases. In addition, frequent pregnancies lead to physical and emotional exhaustion in the animal.
  3. The use of hormonal drugs at the time of the onset of sexual hunting. The use of these drugs allows you to stop the onset of estrus in an animal. Such drugs can be bought at a veterinary pharmacy. They are allowed to be used 1-2 times a year. As a result of the use of hormonal drugs, disturbances in the functioning of the animal's body may occur. Frequent use of drugs based on hormones can cause tumors in the ovaries and uterus in a cat.
  4. The use of sedatives. The use of light herbal infusions during estrus in the female makes it possible to alleviate the condition of the animal. These drugs include, for example, Kot-Bayun and Bach Drops. It should be noted that this method is not always effective.

What to do if you plan to get offspring from a female?

Owners of purebred cats most often keep females in order to obtain offspring both for sale and for their own pleasure. Therefore, they need to know exactly when it is time to inseminate the female. For this purpose, you need to be able to accurately determine the time of estrus in the female.

For animal breeders who do not have enough experience to determine the signs of estrus in a cat, it can be recommended to look at specialized sites dedicated to caring for cats with photos and videos that demonstrate the behavior of the female during the estrus period.

Attention! If you want to get offspring from a female, you should remember that the optimal timing of insemination is the first and second days after the start of the estrus period.

A female should be mated with a male 2-3 times, while the interval between mating should be 12-14 hours. If you comply with all these requirements, then the chance of obtaining offspring increases several times.

Owners of purebred cats should remember that sexual maturity in cats occurs at the age of 4 to 6 months, however, early pregnancy is undesirable for the animal, since the animal has not reached full physiological maturity during this period, and its body is still developing. Full physiological maturity of the female occurs one year after birth.

Signs of estrus in a cat and what should the owner do during this period? was last modified: September 2nd, 2016 by Ekaterina Efimova

Estrus in cats is a period of sexual arousal. As with other mammals, these periods occur when they become sexually mature and ready to breed.

In this article, you will learn all about this condition and understand the best way to deal with your animal.

When do cats go into heat?

Puberty usually occurs at 7-10 months of age..

But the complete physiological formation of the body for procreation ends at about 12-14 months.

It should be noted that the time of the first estrus, as well as its regularity, depend on many factors, including the breed of the cat.

For example, in such oriental breeds as Siamese, Persian and Oriental, estrus can be observed much more often than in cats of other breeds (for example, in,).

How long does a cat's heat last?

So, the first heat in a cat occurs at the age of 7-10 months.

One sexual cycle (estrus) approximately lasts from 5 days to 2 weeks.

How often does it happen

Estrus continues all year round and may recur every three weeks until the cat is or is not.

Usually domestic cats ask for a cat at any time of the year, but a particular increase in sexual desire is noted at the end of winter - mid-spring, from about February to March.

Signs and symptoms

Determining estrus in cats is quite simple. You need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • The genitals of the animal increase, there is no bloody discharge, but there are transparent, in principle, not abundant discharge, which the cat can inherit.
  • The pet licks itself more often, and urination may become more frequent than usual.
  • Sometimes there are violations of appetite - the cat eats less often and less.
  • Cats become more affectionate, rub against everything that is possible - furniture, owners. And also roll on the floor and squirm. There are, of course, individuals who, on the contrary, become too aggressive during estrus.
  • The animal tries to escape from the house, using all possible entrances and exits - windows, doors, etc.
  • The animal makes plaintive, lingering and sometimes very loud sounds, thus calling cats.
  • It bends its posture, lies on the floor while actively trampling with its hind legs and takes the tail to the side.

How is estrus in cats

It is divided into 4 consecutive stages:

Proestrus- This is the first stage of estrus in a cat, which lasts 1-4 days. During this period, the cat is even more or less calm. There may be an increased, but not so much pronounced affection for the owner. Appetite remains, sometimes even higher than usual. The cat may make soft throat sounds. The genitals gradually increase in size, the discharge begins, but despite all this, the cat will not let a single cat close to her yet.

estrus- the second stage, lasting a week and a half. This is directly in heat itself, when a cat wants a cat, it becomes especially affectionate, wriggles, meows loudly, rolls on the floor. If you stroke your pet in the area of ​​the sacrum, then she will take a characteristic mating position and take her tail to the side. This is a normal and natural phenomenon, laid down by nature. It should be noted that during the period of estrus, 3-5 days are considered optimal for.

Metestrus- a period of decrease in sexual arousal of the animal. Lasts 3-12 days. If fertilization occurred at the previous stage, then during metestrus, the cat will react aggressively to cats. Sometimes it happens that if fertilization does not occur, then it is at the third stage that cats develop a false pregnancy.

A false pregnancy in all respects resembles a true one, except that this pregnancy will not end in childbirth. Usually a false pregnancy passes within a month and a half. If fertilization occurred at the previous stage, then after 60-70 days the cat gives birth to kittens.

Anestrus- the fourth final stage of estrus, if fertilization does not occur. The cat gradually calms down and returns to normal life.

How to help a cat in heat

Statements that it is better not to touch cats during sexual activity are not entirely correct.

On the contrary, show more tenderness and care, pick up, talk, stroke and comb the cat more often. These simple manipulations will relieve tension and calm the animal a little.

Keep in mind that active games with your pet will also help to distract her a little from the irresistible desire for procreation. During estrus, drive your kitty properly so that she can throw out the accumulated energy.

Preparations for estrus

Yes there is hormonal remedy in injections ( Kovinan), the introduction of which can stop estrus and prevent its occurrence for an average of six months.

Please note that such a drug is very undesirable to use without consulting a veterinarian.

Firstly, these injections must be done strictly according to the scheme, not once, but for several months.

Secondly, the drug can be used only before the onset of estrus.

The use of hormonal injections during estrus is strictly contraindicated.

Consider the fact that the first injection of this drug should be made ONLY by a veterinarian, telling the further scheme of application.

Do not forget about the high risk of diseases of the uterus, appendages and mammary glands of your pet. This drug is contraindicated for use in cats older than 5 years, especially if it has never been used on your cat before.

Puberty in cats occurs at the age of 7-10 months. A sign that animals are ready to mate and bear offspring is estrus. During this natural process, pets do not experience bleeding. Estrus in cats is accompanied by a change in behavior.

The estrous cycle: what is it?

This term is used by veterinarians to refer to the physiological changes that occur during the reproductive cycle in animals. The estrous cycle is usually divided into several stages:

  • proestrus (forerunner);
  • estrus;
  • metestrus;
  • anestrus.

Proestrus is the first period of estrus in a cat. Its duration is from 1 to 4 days. At this time, the behavior changes slightly. The pet becomes more affectionate, comes to the owners to be stroked, or rolls on the floor. The first discharge appears, but despite this, she does not allow cats to approach her.

Estrus is the second stage of the estrous cycle. It is impossible to say exactly how long this period lasts, because for each cat its duration is individual (from 1 to 1.5 weeks). You can determine the onset of estrus by the behavior of the animal.

A cat during estrus becomes inadequate. The sounds she makes can be described as a howl. Another sign of the onset of estrus is the posture that the animal takes at the moment when it is stroked. The cat presses the front half of the body to the floor, lifts the back, and takes the tail to the side. She has clear discharge.

When the cat's sexual arousal begins to subside, metestrus (post-estrus) occurs. The duration of the period is from 2 to 19 days. As a rule, cats become pregnant during metestrus. The pet begins to show aggression towards cats. In some cases, metestrus ends with the development of a false pregnancy.

The final period of the estrous cycle is called anestrus (between oestrus). The cat's behavior is back to normal. She calms down, begins to eat normally, returns to the usual rhythm of life. In the absence of pregnancy, estrus resumes after a certain period of time.

How to find out about the beginning of estrus?

It is not difficult to determine the beginning of this period in an animal. You just need to pay attention to his behavior. Some cats during this period behave aggressively and restlessly. They rush around the corners, do not find a place for themselves. Someone shits in housing, marks objects.

The following symptoms of estrus are the main ones:

  • the animal makes lingering and plaintive sounds;
  • rubs against various objects;
  • stops eating;
  • often licks the genitals due to the fact that discharge appears;
  • trying to escape from housing;
  • bends posture, lying on the floor.

During this period, it is recommended to keep the cat indoors. It is necessary to ensure that she does not get out into the street through the doors and windows of an apartment or house. The animal can get lost or injured when jumping out of a window and falling from a height.

Frequency of estrus

As a rule, estrus in an animal ends with the onset of pregnancy. The period of bearing offspring lasts about 2-2.5 months. At this time, the animal has no estrus. They begin after the birth of kittens in 3-3.5 months. If the offspring is born dead, then estrus begins earlier.

If pregnancy does not occur in a cat, then the intervals between estrus range from 1 to 3 weeks. In some animals they begin earlier, in others later. When cats go into heat and how long it lasts depends on a number of factors:

  • physiological characteristics;
  • season (sexual activity in cats increases with the onset of spring);
  • features of living conditions;
  • breeds (in Siamese and Persian individuals it happens more often than in Scottish pets or representatives of the British breed).

What can be done to stop leaks?

It is possible to prevent estrus in animals if sterilization is done. This procedure involves the removal of the reproductive organs. Sterilization not only eliminates the problems associated with this process, but also prevents the development of dangerous diseases (pyometra, cancer of the mammary glands, ovaries and uterus). Many are interested in whether it is possible to sterilize a cat during estrus. Veterinarians answer that this is not a contraindication.

Sterilization is not the only way. Another option is mating with a cat. Mating will lead to pregnancy. As a result, the signs of estrus will disappear. However, they will reappear, but after childbirth. Mating with a cat is a temporary measure.

You can also eliminate the signs thanks to hormonal drugs (for example, contrasex, pillkan). They can be bought at veterinary pharmacies. Experts do not recommend giving hormones to pets often. Preparations should be used no more than 1-2 times a year.

How to calm a cat during estrus is a topical issue for pet owners. In order to alleviate the condition of the animal, you can buy the following tools:

  1. Cat Baiyun. This drug, designed to correct the behavior of pets, is available in the form of tablets. Drops can also be found on sale. The drug is absolutely safe for animals. The composition of the product includes natural ingredients (oregano, valerian, sweet clover, thyme, St. John's wort, lemon balm, peony roots).
  2. Phospasim. You can give injections or give drops. The medicine can alleviate the psychological and emotional state of the cat. The substances that make up fospasim do not accumulate in the body. Thus, the drug does not have a negative effect.
  3. Bach drops. This product contains no artificial additives. The drug calms the animal without depressing the nervous system. The drops have no hypnotic effect.

Any remedy and injection from the above drugs calms the cat, but does not help stop estrus.

What should cat owners beware of?

If the animal has signs of estrus, then you should not stuff it with hormonal drugs. These funds are effective. However, their negative impact cannot be ignored. Due to the use of drugs, the hormonal background is often disturbed, and this, in turn, leads to the formation of tumors of the uterus and ovaries at any age.

The first estrus in cats can begin at 7 months. In some animals, this process occurs much later. In any case, do not introduce the cat to the cat too early. At a young age, the pet's body is not yet fully formed. It happens that early pregnancy leads to complications.

The disgusting behavior of a cat during this period can annoy any person. But it is impossible to beat a pet and yell at him because he meows loudly or marks housing. He cannot control himself during this period, but he still feels guilty. If the owner constantly screams, the animal will receive irreparable psychological trauma.

Estrus violations

In some animals, estrus symptoms are not observed. Veterinarians refer to this condition as "anaphrodisia". The disease is treated with hormones (folliculin, estrone and hCG). The injection is administered intramuscularly. Approximately 1-2 weeks after the first injection, the pets are in heat.

Protracted estrus is another disorder that can be detected in a cat at any age. It is characterized by an increase in the duration of estrus (over 21 days). To determine the cause, specialists conduct diagnostics in order to exclude ovarian pathology. Treatment to alleviate the condition of the pet is that an injection is given, and gestagens and estrogens are injected subcutaneously.