Make a soft house for a cat with your own hands. How to sew a house for a cat with your own hands

Cats' indifference to a variety of boxes, drawers and shelves is hard not to notice: at the first opportunity, they will rush to explore and fill the alluring space behind the door of kitchen and storage cabinets, like every cardboard in the house that comes to hand, that is, paws.

Caring owners, of course, want to please their pet and at the same time protect the cabinets from curiosity and the invasion of mustachioed-striped-tailed ones. To solve this issue, a self-made cat house from a cardboard box is perfect.

Every living organism needs a personal space, a place that belongs only to him, where he can feel comfortable and be safe. Domestic purrs are no exception, as they are known to love to “walk on their own”, and due to their freedom-loving nature, they are constantly looking for a secluded personal corner.

Cardboard boxes are especially good for this purpose:

A house for a cat, made with your own hands from a cardboard box, will definitely please your tailed friend, satisfying his urgent feline needs. In addition, it can become another wonderful place not only for the four-legged recreation, but also for exciting games with domestic inhabitants.

Materials and tools for the manufacture of structures

The elements of the future construction depend on the model of the chosen house and the design idea, but there are common components that will be useful in the construction of cat apartments anyway.

These include:

  • Cardboard or cardboard box(s)
  • Scissors and stationery knife
  • Tape measure/centimeter and pencil/pen
  • Brushes and glue. Special attention should be given to the choice of glue. With its strong, pungent smell, the cat will not want to be inside or even near the cardboard house. To prevent this, the adhesive must be environmentally friendly and have quality certificates. If it is not possible to find or purchase such glue, PVA glue is perfect.

armed necessary materials, you can proceed to the next stage of production.

How to choose the size of the cat house

In order for a cat to feel comfortable in its house, it is necessary to make it based on the dimensions of the tailed pet, taking into account its behavioral preferences and habits. For example, owners of Bengal and Siamese cats may find these breeds prone to standing on hind legs, which means that the height of the structure must be calculated so that the cat can rise on its hind legs inside the house.

good option for such a cat there will be a cardboard wigwam, which will immediately arouse interest and at the same time provide convenience.

A do-it-yourself cat house from a cardboard box must be made only with accurate measurements to be sure that the cat will fit in it.

It should be remembered that the cat must have enough space not only for sleeping, but also for sipping upon awakening, and since the cats instinctively tend to mark their territory, then for the point of the claws.

The best option size of the cat house: base 50x60 cm and height 30 cm. British cats will feel comfortable in a house with dimensions of 50x50x20 cm, representatives of the Bengal breed will suit a design starting from a size of 42x40x50 cm, and Maine Coon, as a large cat, will like a house with a play complex measuring 120x60x180 cm.

Features of building a future home for a pet

To make the cat house as comfortable as possible, you need to take into account the behavioral habits of the animal and its preferences. For example, some purring owners could notice in their pets a passion to climb to the very tops of sideboards and cabinets.

This is due to several factors:

  • The higher the cat climbs, the more confident it feels. On an instinctive level, this is a sign of superiority over other animals and their relatives.
  • Warm air with the onset of cold snaps rises up to the ceiling, and in order to warm up the cat climbs as high as possible.

In this case, the cat will like the design with a column a meter and a half high and with a diameter of at least 10-15 cm, on which the house will be attached.

Also, based on the habits of the animal, you need to choose the size of the entrance: for cats who like to relax purely in their society, a compact entrance is suitable, for those who like to watch all the household and everything that happens, you need an entrance that will provide good review. The optimal width of the entrance is 15-20 cm.

Cardboard house options

A do-it-yourself cat house from a cardboard box can be made for every taste, choosing for this an attractive degree of intricacy, complexity and design ideas. The only question is the personal preferences of the owner and the cat, and the amount of free time: some houses can be made in 5 minutes, making and decorating others can take a couple of hours.

There are the following options for cardboard houses:

  • wigwam- a domed hut, often consisting of a frame in the form of four to six sticks and "walls" made of fabric or cardboard.
  • Bed- a bed for a cat, made of a box or basket, covered with a mattress or thick soft cloth.
  • One-story and two-story cardboard houses- the simplest cardboard structures of a square shape, suggesting space for sleeping and playing.
  • cardboard castle- a complex structure, including cardboard blocks, interconnected into several floors with a variety of decorative elements, cut out windows.
  • cardboard tower- a structure consisting of many layers of cardboard cut out by rings, of different diameters, from the largest at the bottom to the smallest at the top.

A simple house made from a cardboard box. Step-by-step instruction


Complex house out of the box. Detailed master class


Cardboard tower or castle

To build a house-tower for a cat from a cardboard box with your own hands, you must follow these steps:

Two-story cardboard house

You will need: templates for doors and windows (prepare and cut out in advance), two identical strong cardboard boxes (the larger the cat, the larger the box is needed), a pencil, a ruler, a stationery knife, hot glue.


  1. First, decide on the scale, draw and cut out patterns of doors and windows. Attach them to the boxes that will make up the first and second floors, and circle the outlines of the templates. Take a clerical knife and along the drawn lines make an opening for doors with windows.
  2. Take the first box and cut off two upper doors from it, located not opposite each other, but side by side. Take the second box and cut the flaps in the same places, but from the bottom. After that, glue the sashes in each box to each other. When the roof is made, it will be necessary to connect them together and glue them.
  3. We make a roof. To do this, draw triangles on the two smaller sashes at the top, located opposite each other, so that the two remaining parts of the sash can be bent forward. Slightly draws a knife along the drawn line and bends forward. After we glue them from below to two adjacent wings, this way we get a roof. Now you can connect both boxes together.
  4. The house is ready! Call the cat to evaluate the work. For greater comfort, you can lay a rug or pillow inside the house.

How to decorate a cardboard cat house. Decor Ideas

To make the cat house more cozy and cute, you need to make a little more effort and decorate the cardboard box with your own hands. To do this, you do not have to run to the store, because most of the decor details can be found at home.

By the way, finding and making decorations for the house can be another little adventure and an interesting activity for both the owners and the curious purr.

Here are some design ideas:

  • With the help of a thick needle, you can sheathe the house with a cloth: completely or only inside, or in separate areas.
  • Glue the white paper to the cardboard and decorate it with cute images.
  • By the same principle, the box can be pasted over with wallpaper, beautiful napkins or newspapers.
  • You can use a variety of stickers, if available. By and large, everything that can be glued or sewn to the box can become a decorative element, turn on your imagination and trust your creative impulse.
  • Soft toys will help to make a cardboard cat house with your own hands a concentration of tenderness and comfort: select a few pieces and place them inside the house, near it, or glue boxes to the walls.
  • Glue to the ceiling of the house inside or outside the rope that your pet likes to play with. You can also tie a rustling candy wrapper, paper or a toy that a cat plays with to a rope.
  • A scratching post near or inside the house will make this place more attractive to the cat and save the furniture from damage.

There are many options for a cat house: from the simplest, the manufacture of which will take no more than five to ten minutes, to the very intricate, with a variety of decorative elements, second floors and towers. However, regardless of the complexity of the house for each owner, the satisfied muzzle of his beloved purr is the best reward for the efforts spent.

Of course you can buy finished house, but the manufacturing process itself will be entertainment for family members and a pet who want to participate in the process. In addition, making a cat house with your own hands from a cardboard box is much cheaper than buying a ready-made one. You will be confident in its quality, and will be able to show your Creative skills.

Video: do-it-yourself cat house from a cardboard box

How to make a house for a cat with your own hands, see the video clip:

Cardboard cat house, master class:

Everyone can make a cat house out of a cardboard box! You can make a multi-tiered house with your own hands and even an insulated nest. Schemes and step by step instructions below.

As a cat owner, you have probably noticed that your pet is not indifferent to cardboard boxes. It is worth leaving the box on the floor, as the cat will certainly climb into it and begin to timidly look out, as if hiding in a new shelter.

From a large cardboard box for a pet, you can make a primitive shelter or a chic home. If you have a hairless cat, the house can be made insulated, while you only need affordable, improvised materials.

How to make a house at home with your own hands - important nuances

Before you make a house for a cat with your own hands, you need to study its needs and behavioral inclinations. Many owners are disappointed because they spend a lot of time making a shelter, and the cat completely ignores the new thing.

The problem is that a pet won't use a cover that it finds uncomfortable or unsafe. In addition, in the manufacture of the house it is strictly not recommended to use materials that have strong smell or unnatural structure.

To make a house at home you will need:

  • Good quality cardboard boxes - the walls should not bend under light pressure. The box that will become the house should be spacious, in addition, it is important to provide at least 2 entrances.
  • Glue gun.
  • Sharp scissors, ruler, compasses, soft pencil, stationery binders or clothespins.
  • Single-sided and double-sided adhesive tape, if you have big cat it is better to take a tape with reinforcement.
  • Natural fabrics for upholstery - claws should not cling to the material, it is better to use velor, plush, cotton fabric, linen, etc.
  • Natural fabric for covering the pallet (sleeping area) - think over the design in advance so that the mattress or pallet can be removed for cleaning.
  • As additional materials, you may need bamboo canes, hemp rope (thin), a wooden post (you can use a beam), toys that can be attached to a rope or springs.

Note! Many owners prefer to use woolen fabrics for mattresses, but not all cats like to sleep on them.

Schemes and examples of cardboard houses

If you live in a small apartment, compactness will be an important factor in making a cat house. Below are a few house designs that you and your pets may enjoy.

Cottage in rustic style. Small windows will serve as a game element - the cat will be able to observe what is happening in the house right from the shelter. In addition, many cats feel more secure if there is more than one hole in the box.

Scheme of a quadrangular house for adult cat medium size. All parts are fastened with PVA glue. If your pet is very active, it is better to flash the corners of the structure with nylon. For fabric covering, it is better to use PVA. To make the fabric fit better, the glue is applied with an asterisk, from the center to the edges.

If you have free time and a few cardboard boxes, try making a play set. Many holes in the walls of the corridors will make the cat feel more comfortable. Glue is used to fasten the case. Additional rigidity is attached to the corners with adhesive tape. For large and heavy cats, it is better to strengthen the structure by pasting it with several layers of newspapers.

Note! It is strictly not recommended to use staples, nails and toxic glue to connect the parts of the house. To fix fabrics, you can use special sewing glue (can be wetted, odorless, smears well).

House from a cardboard box and a t-shirt

A house made from a cardboard box and a T-shirt is the easiest and fastest option to make. All you need is:

  • Sturdy cardboard box of the right size.

The ears of the box are bent or cut off, a T-shirt is pulled over the top. The neck is located approximately in the center and serves as an entrance. The T-shirt is carefully stretched and fixed with the help of stationery gum. To make such a house more comfortable, you can put a mattress in it.

A more complex option is the manufacture of a house with a canopy roof. You'll need:

  • Sturdy cardboard or other base for the house, such as a sofa cushion.
  • Two "adult" wire trempels.
  • Joiner's glue PVA.
  • Single and double sided adhesive tape.
  • Sharp scissors, if any - an awl or a screwdriver.
  • Safety (children's) pins.
  • Pliers (pliers or wire cutters).
  • T-shirt that stretches well.

If you are using cardboard, it must be cut into equal squares. These squares are fastened together with glue, which must be applied in a thin layer. Next, with the help of pliers, you need to bite off the hooks from the wire trempels. The resulting wires must be carefully unbent.

The wires are carefully bent until they take on a domed shape. If you use cardboard as a base, make a neat hole in each corner of the square. If you are using a sofa cushion or other base, hooks must be bent at the ends of the wire.

Further, the ends of the wire are threaded into the prepared holes and bent from the back side. For aesthetics and safety, the hooks must be covered with wide pieces of adhesive tape. In the place where the wires intersect with each other, they must be secured with adhesive tape.

A T-shirt is carefully pulled over the resulting frame so that its neck serves as an entrance. The sleeves of the T-shirt are neatly folded and fixed with safety pins, and the bottom is covered with a mattress.

Tip: The "tail" of the T-shirt can be fixed with pins in the form of a bow or a neat knot.

Hexagonal house and mattress - step by step instructions

A hexagonal house is easiest to make from a large gift box of the desired shape. The finished design resembles a cradle and serves as a comfortable refuge for shy cats. To draw attention to the house, an additional arc is required on which you can tie a toy.

Tip: the arc can be pasted over with a hemp rope, then the cat will be able to sharpen its claws on it.

The hexagonal shape is not very practical as it takes up a lot of space. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to find a good mattress in the store. If you have a sewing machine and a padding polyester, making a mattress is not a problem. Step-by-step instructions for making a hexagonal bed in the video below:

Tip: when making a mattress for a cat, it is better to use not fluff, but synthetic winterizer.

Tiered house

The multi-tiered house is made of two strong, cardboard boxes. The walls of each box must be reinforced with additional sheets of cardboard. To fasten cardboard sheets, it is best to use a glue gun or PVA. To keep the parts firmly attached to each other during the curing of the glue, you can use clothespins or binders.

The lower house, which will serve as the basis for the entire structure, must be strengthened on each side. Depending on how many entrances there will be in the house, each slot must be additionally glued with cardboard. To create the rigidity of the entire structure, it can be pasted over with newsprint or any thin paper. In the manufacture of a cardboard frame for gluing, you can use high-quality PVA carpentry glue.

Each wall of the box must be covered with a cloth so that the cat is comfortable. The fabric is stretched over the glue, smoothed and fixed with clothespins or binders. If you use PVA, after covering with fabric, you must wait 12-20 hours to allow the glue to dry completely.

The upper and lower tiers are fastened together with a glue gun. By connecting the tiers, make sure that the structure is stable on the floor. If the house staggers, it is wiser to fix it on a solid board or slab, which is located under the house. In this case, short self-tapping screws can be used for fixing.

In order for the cat to climb onto the upper tier, a ladder or a column covered with a rope is made. It is convenient to make a ladder from bamboo rods, which are fixed with wire or glue. For the basis of the column, you can take a board or a bar. The hemp rope is attached with a glue gun. The rope must be wound tightly, securing each loop with 3-4 drops of glue.

Be sure to secure the ladder or post so it doesn't wobble or fall. Even if the cat is frightened once by falling down the stairs, she may ignore the house despite your best efforts.

To attract attention, the house can be additionally equipped with toys. To make the cat more comfortable, a soft mattress is placed in the main section of the house.

insulated house

It is unreasonable to make an insulated house that you are going to place on the street from cardboard. Cardboard strongly absorbs moisture, so it cannot even be used to make a frame. If the house will stand in the dwelling, but you want to take care of the additional comfort of the pet, you can use as a heater:

  • Thin sheet foam.
  • Foamed polyethylene.
  • Eco-friendly thin mineral wool(for residential premises).
  • Dense foam rubber or other industrial insulation - decomposes and crumbles over time.

When making an insulated house, it is important to take care that the cat cannot come into contact with the insulation. The only way to insulate the insulation is to lay it in double walls. It is not recommended to glue the insulation with a cloth, since ordinary glue is most likely to be taken on it.

If the house will be used only in a dwelling, it is most convenient to use foam foil polyethylene as a heater. The insulation is a thin shiny fabric. Some types of insulation reinforced with foil. Foamed polyethylene can be placed in double walls or pasted over the house with it from the outside. If you have attached insulation on the outside, it will protect the cat from the cold in winter and from the heat in summer.

How to accustom a cat to a new house?

Once new house the ik will be ready, and you show it to your pet, most likely, you will be disappointed. A cat may completely ignore a hiding place without even sniffing it. Don't be discouraged, adult cats are very sensitive to change. The pet needs time to get used to.

As a means to attract attention, only within reasonable limits, you can use catnip. In order for the cat to perceive the house as a safe place, you need to put a mattress in it, on which the pet has already slept. The cat will perceive the new thing more friendly if it is equipped with toys.

Important! Never force your cat into a new home. With such perseverance, you will achieve only one thing - the pet will never go into the house of its own free will.

The pet may ignore the accessory if glue was used in its manufacture. This problem is solvable - in order for the smell to disappear, the house must be held on the street or on the balcony for several days.

To replace a new smell with a familiar cat, comb out some of her hair and rub it on the inside of the house. If the pet continues to ignore the house, you can purchase a special spray at the pet store to accustom cats to sunbeds and play areas.

In specialized stores, a huge assortment of everything necessary for cats is presented. These are bowls, and trays with fillers, and toys. But at the same time, it is important to provide the pet with its own home, where it can feel safe and comfortable. The price of such products can "bite", but you can always make it yourself.

Requirements for a cat house

  • safe;
  • fenced;
  • durable, reliable, the house should not fall when the cat jumps;
  • able to withstand the weight of an animal (if you have a kitten, then you need to study what is the maximum weight of an adult representative of this breed) or several pets at once;
  • maximally closed;
  • suitable in size (if there are several cats, then the house should be such that several sun loungers fit in it);
  • easily accessible to the animal, while taking into account individual characteristics, some of them like heights, while others feel more comfortable closer to the floor;
  • cleanable, the material should not easily absorb odors, because they can scare away the cat.

The cat in his house should feel comfortable

Scratching posts, hanging toys, hammocks will be useful on the cat's house. This will save space in the room. It is advisable to make as many different holes and lying surfaces as possible to give your pet a choice.

Step-by-step instructions for making a house with your own hands

A homemade house is ideal for your cat, because when creating it, all individual characteristics, character and preferences will be taken into account. It must be made in such a way that, if necessary, it can always be upgraded (for example, if a kitten likes to eat deliciously, but to physical activity indifferent, which means that its mass may be excessive).

Cardboard box house

This design is the simplest and most win-win, because everyone knows the love of cats for boxes of any size. Such a house has other advantages, for example, good thermal insulation, availability of material.

The first stage in the manufacture of a product is the development of a design. It is recommended to allocate a place for sleeping and playing, while the shape should be free of small details and sharp corners.

The size of the box for the house should be sufficient for a small and adult animal. For a medium-sized representative, you can take a cubic-shaped box about 40 cm wide.

Cats love for boxes can be used when choosing a material for a house

To make a house out of a cardboard box, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. On the box, mark the places where in the future there will be holes about 15–20 cm in size. Both a kitten and an adult cat can enter such a house. You can make them with scissors or a clerical knife. If you want to make a tunnel out of boxes, do this work with each of them.

    The box should be large enough for a kitten and an adult cat.

  2. Sheathe the workpiece with felt. Do it both outside and inside. This material increases the strength of the structure, and hence the service life.
  3. Put a piece of carpet on the floor of the house. This must be done in such a way that, if necessary, the carpet can be removed from the house and cleaned. Therefore, glue is not suitable for this purpose. It is better to use metal staples.
  4. Make a roof out of pieces of thick cardboard.

    In the house you can make doors and windows

  5. The house can be decorated, for example, painted.

    The roof of the house can be flat or pitched.

Siamese and Bengal cats love to sit on their hind legs. Therefore, they are advised to make a high house, at least 60–70 cm, for example, in the form of a wigwam.

Video: a real cardboard house for a cat

Plywood house

Plywood requires certain skills, working with this material is a little more difficult than with cardboard, but a house made of it will be more durable and reliable. For the manufacture of the structure you will need:

  • plywood;
  • furniture corners;
  • carpet, felt or any other similar upholstery material;
  • foam rubber;
  • glue;
  • fine-grained sandpaper.

The manufacturing process itself is as follows:

  1. From plywood cut 6 identical squares. Their dimensions are about 40*40 cm or 50*50 cm.

    Most often, a cat house has the shape of a cube.

  2. Make holes in two parts so that the cat can enter its house. Sand them down with sandpaper.

    The entrance hole is usually made round

  3. Connect 5 squares together in the form of a cube without a top bar. For fastening, you can use furniture corners and screws of suitable length.

    Furniture corners can be used to fix the walls of the house

  4. Sheathe the house from the inside. To do this, first lay foam rubber on the bottom, which is fixed with a stapler, and then lay out carpet or felt. Also fix it with a stapler. Do the same with the side walls.
  5. Cover the house with the remaining square piece, which is also attached to the furniture corner.

Exterior decor can be done according to the design of the room. The same carpet, self-adhesive wallpaper or paint is suitable for finishing.

Additionally, you can install a scratching post with an observation deck. To make this item you need:

  1. Take a tube for a scratching post. It can be plastic or wood. It needs to be covered with glue and tied with a rope. Make sure that each turn fits snugly against the previous one.
  2. Make an observation deck out of a square of plywood. It must first be sheathed with foam rubber, and then sewn up with a cloth on both sides.
  3. Attach the observation deck to the scratching post with furniture corners, and then the pipe to the house in the same way.

From the bottom of the observation deck, you can attach a hanging toy.

Foam and fabric house

It is not difficult to sew a fabric house, for this it is not necessary to be a professional in handling a sewing machine. The following materials must be prepared in advance:

  • foam rubber (material 1.5 cm thick is suitable for walls, 2.5 cm for the bottom);
  • dense matter for external and internal (you can use not a single piece, but segments) finishes.

The process of creating a classic cat house is as follows:

  1. Pattern of details from fabric. First you need to make a template, for which newspapers or old wallpapers are suitable. It must be transferred to the fabric, given an allowance of 2 cm. Such blanks will need 8 pieces for walls (base - 40 cm, height - 30 cm, distance from the edge of the wall to the edge of the roof - 25 cm). The edges of these parts are recommended to be processed with a zigzag stitch.

    Each item needs two copies.

  2. Pattern of foam parts. Their dimensions correspond to the details of the fabric, but there should not be any allowances. Their number is less: 4 parts for walls (40*30*25 cm) and 1 part for the floor (40*40 cm).
  3. Assembly of parts. To do this, lay foam rubber between two fabric blanks. Make a basting around the perimeter, and then sew along the marks. After that, turn the blanks out.
  4. Entrance arrangement. On one of the wall parts, mark a round hole, then cut it out, and process the edges with machine stitching.

    The hole must be big enough for the cat

  5. House assembly. Sew all the details together from the wrong side, and you need to start from the entrance, and end with the back wall. At the end, the bottom is sewn to the house.

    Sew all the details from the wrong side

  6. Now the house needs to be turned out through the inlet.

    House made of foam rubber and fabric perfectly retains heat

Video: how to sew housing for a pet

House-scratching post

Sharpening claws is a necessity that needs to be provided to the cat. If this is not done, then damage to furniture or walls cannot be avoided. There is different variants manufacturing such a structure. The simplest is a house made according to the following instructions:

  1. From two pieces of chipboard, cut truncated circles with a radius of 27 cm.

    Back and front walls do not have to be completely round

  2. Leave one circle solid, and make holes on the second: one for the entrance (diameter 22 cm) and several decorative ones (diameter 5.5 cm). You can cut out the details with a jigsaw, and for small holes, a drill with special crowns is suitable.

    On the front wall, you can make not only an entrance hole, but also several decorative

  3. Mark places for fastening. On two parts they must match. Drill holes for fasteners according to the marks.

    To hide the hats of the screws, you first need to make a recess in the blanks

  4. Prepare wooden blocks measuring 37 * 3 * 4 cm. Treat them with sandpaper. Screw them to the walls using self-tapping screws.

    The frame for the house may not be solid

  5. In accordance with the dimensions of the walls, cut out pieces of fabric, not forgetting the allowances. Paste the walls with them. In this case, it is better to choose a glue gun, because it does not have a strong smell. Particular attention should be paid to the edges of the walls and holes.

    For pasting the house with a cloth, it is better to use a thermal gun

  6. On a piece of chipboard, mark the location of the house and the scratching posts. On the site where the house will be, place the foam rubber to be glued. Glue the fabric with allowances on top. Additionally, you can fix it with a stapler. Paste over the sides of the lower rails with it. Close the bottom of the base with a sheet of fiberboard.
  7. Cut off a piece of fiberboard measuring 40 * 122 cm. This material will serve as a roof. Before fastening, it must be pasted over with a cloth.
  8. Attach the house to the prepared base. Self-tapping screws are ideal for this. After that, the open parts of the slats and the remaining side walls can be covered with a suitable fabric.

    The cat house must be pasted over with a cloth outside and inside

  9. Now attach the pipe for the scratching post to the base. First, insert the bars into it from its two sides. On one side it is attached to the base (with self-tapping screws), on the other hand they make a stove bench.

    To fasten the pipe, you can use bars that need to be placed in the cavity of the part

  10. For this, parts are cut out from a sheet of fiberboard (in the middle of the part you need to make a hole with a diameter the same as that of the pipe) and chipboard (this part must be solid). The first part is put on the pipe, and the second is screwed to the bar in the pipe. Now you need to put a piece of foam rubber on the couch, and then paste it over with a cloth.

    It is better to make the bed semicircular

  11. Paste the lower part of the claw point with the fabric that was used to decorate the house from the inside, and the rest with a rope.
  12. Additionally, you can make an inclined scratching post from a board measuring 18 * 41 cm. Cut off its lower edge at an angle of 45 °, then paste over it on both sides with a cloth, and fill the middle with a rope.

    The scratching post can be in the form of a pipe or inclined

Video: how to make a do-it-yourself cat complex with a scratching post

Newspaper tube house

If it is not possible to purchase material specifically for the manufacture of a cat house, then a newspaper is quite suitable for this purpose. From it you can make tubes, which can later be used to weave a house. You need to prepare in advance:

  • pencil (any object of a similar shape, for example, a brush, a knitting needle);
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

After preparing the necessary materials and tools, you can proceed directly to weaving:

  1. Cut the newspaper into strips 10 cm wide. Now attach a knitting needle to the strip at an angle of 45 ° relative to the narrow part of the part. Pressing the knitting needle against the newspaper, wind the latter around the tool. After that, remove the knitting needle, and glue the tip of the tube. The number of tubes cannot be specified in advance, it all depends on the size of the house.

    Getting materials for the house from newspaper tubes is easy

  2. Cut out the bottom of the house from cardboard (two parts). Make holes in it at a distance of 1.5–3 cm from the edge, into which insert the tubes, after lubricating them with glue. Now glue the second part of the bottom so that the ends of the tubes are between them.
  3. Now you can weave the walls, for which the tubes need to be passed between the tubes of the wall, alternately changing their direction (either outside or inside).

    Weaving a house from tubules is a monotonous process

  4. At a height of 4–6 cm from the bottom, you need to start making a hole for the cat to enter the house. Its dimensions depend on the size of the cat (if you have a kitten, then the hole still needs to be made for an adult animal). Strengthen the hole by braiding around the edges.
  5. To weave the roof at a height of 30 cm, you need to start narrowing.
  6. It is better to decorate the house with food coloring, so you can be sure of the environmental friendliness of the product.

    House made of newspaper tubes is eco-friendly

Video: original house with a lid for a kitten

House-toilet for a cat

Although the cat tray is a special device that helps to avoid unpleasant situations with the cat going to the toilet, its contents do not always look aesthetically pleasing. But it can always be hidden in a specially prepared house. Make it easy. You need to prepare in advance:

  • plywood (material with a thickness of 12–15 mm is suitable for walls);
  • boards 4 cm wide;
  • a hammer;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • glue;
  • jigsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • furniture hinges;
  • sandpaper;
  • tracing paper;
  • masking tape;
  • dye.

The instructions for making such a house are as follows:

  1. Sizing. You need to take into account only the dimensions of the tray, because the cat will not rest there, and the height of the cat sitting.

    The edges of the hole must be smooth so as not to injure the cat.

  2. House assembly. All parts must be combined, after lubricating the ends with glue. Leave the house until the glue dries. To prevent the structure from falling apart, it can be fixed with tape. After the glue dries, it can be removed.

    The roof may not be solid

  3. House painting. Only after that, the details of the roof can be connected with furniture hinges. Moreover, one of them must be attached to the house, and the second must remain free so that you can remove the tray through the roof.

    The tray house has an opening lid

Where is the best place to place the finished house

After the house is made, you need to figure out where to put it. Not the best place would be the area near the battery. There are several reasons for this:

  • the battery is under the window, which means that there is a risk of a draft, which can cause the cat to get sick;
  • due to exposure to heat, the house will quickly become unusable;
  • A cat's shedding can be exacerbated by warm air.

An ideal place for a house is considered a corner. There, the structure will not interfere with anyone, there is no draft in this part of the room, and the heat lingers there, which means that the cat will definitely not freeze.

The best place for a cat house is the corner of the room

A cat can be a full-fledged member of the family, which means that it also needs a separate room. You can make it yourself with a little effort and showing imagination.

A home for a four-legged friend should meet his needs. The design cannot be universal, since each cat has its own character and habits. Examine the cat's habits and determine which group it fits best. This is not difficult to do, because such a classification was not invented by cats, but by people, comparing animals with themselves.

Type of cat and comparison with humans Behavioral features

Cats with this character are very shy, shy, jealous and very touchy. They are strongly attached to only one person and may not even make contact with other cats. Can't stand competitors. We need an individual house in which such a cat can retire.

These cats are very active and easily excited if they see something new or hear an unfamiliar sound. The mood changes almost instantly, moreover, dramatically. Very mobile. To keep an animal in an apartment, you will need a scratching post house.

Sanguine cats are much calmer and slower than the rest. They do not rush around the apartment, so it is not necessary to install a Swedish wall for cats (and cats) with such a character or make a too sophisticated multi-tiered house.

Phlegmatic people feel great in a small apartment and get along well with all the people living in it, including children. Most of the time, such cats lie down, watching what is happening around them. Given this feature of the animal, you need to make for him an “observation post” above the house, otherwise he will find another place for himself.

When choosing the type of house, it is often necessary to take into account the gender of the animal. If we talk about males, then they are more playful and for them it is necessary to build a house with a large view. A two-level design is suitable for cats: the first level will be used as a house and as a refuge for future offspring, and the second - as a sentinel post, and the cat needs to rest somewhere after feeding the kittens.

What else to consider when choosing a house design

  • If the cat is playful, then for her it is necessary to provide a place where she can throw out her energy. If the dimensions of the room allow, then a more complex structure can be installed - with ladders connecting numerous levels, each of which can have a house or a bed for a pet.
  • An emergency exit should be provided in a multi-tiered house - this is how they equip their home in nature. If it is not provided for, then the cat can choose another place for lambing, in her opinion, it is safer.

These pets can be of different sizes. For a medium-sized cat, a house will be normal, the sides of which are at least 40 cm (if we consider a square structure), and the entrance is 16–20 cm in diameter. If the pet is large, then the dimensions of the structure are adjusted to its dimensions.

  • For Siamese or Bengal cats, the house can be 60 cm high, as they often stand on their hind legs.
  • If the scratching post is part of the house, then there should be free access to it for the pet, otherwise it will find more comfortable spot to sharpen your claws there.

Use of boxes

If you try, then the house assembled from the boxes will turn out to be decent. If there is a box of the right size, then you can simply cut a hole in it, ennoble it a little and then arrange a housewarming for the cat. Even large-sized cardboard packaging can be easily reshaped to the desired size, and then wrapped with tape.

How to work with a big box?

First you need to find a cardboard box. At home, packaging from a microwave, printer, or other large household appliances can be stored. Usually, the packaging material is kept until the end of the warranty period of the device, but it is often forgotten about and remembered only during general cleaning.

The cardboard of the box used must be dense, otherwise the design will not last long.

To make a house from a large cardboard box, we need tools and supplies:

  • Carpet or similar material. It will be used for outdoor decoration. If the box is sheathed with a softer material, then after contact with the cat's claws, it will have a very unattractive appearance.
  • For interior decoration you will need a water-repellent material. If the cat is heat-loving or the apartment is cold, then foil penofol can be used.
  • To fix the interior trim, it is better to use hot glue - it does not smell like anything. If there is no hot glue, then you can use glue with a mild smell, otherwise it will be unpleasant to be near it, not only in the house, but also near it.
  • Construction knife, pencil and ruler. You can work with an ordinary knife, only it must be well sharpened.
  • A roll of wide tape.

House dimensions

To begin with, let's decide on the size, because a house that is too cramped and narrow (or low) will not only be unattractive, but also uncomfortable. A cat can sleep curled up, but what does she do when she wakes up? Stretches, clutching the floor with claws. If the house is small, then the cat will stretch and tear the carpet lying on the floor of the apartment, leaving its lair, since there is not enough space for it to do these exercises.

We make a pattern

For a clear example, let's take a box in which we are not satisfied only with its height, since it is 45 cm.

  • Let's measure the 30 cm we need, use a ruler and a pencil to mark on all sides.
  • With a construction knife (you can use scissors, but this is less convenient), following the drawn line, cut the box.
  • We got 2 boxes, 30 and 15 cm high.
  • Now we will connect the existing parts by inserting one into the other until it stops, and fix it with tape.
  • Now you need to cut an opening through which it will be convenient for the cat to enter his home. The shape of the opening doesn't matter.

  • The material prepared for the inner lining must be cut in accordance with the dimensions of the assembled house.
  • It is better to start fixing the skin from the bottom, and gradually, applying glue to the material, stick it to the walls and ceiling of the box.
  • We recommend to sheathe the edge of the mat-bedding with material, otherwise the protruding threads will not leave your pet indifferent, and he will start playing with them. What will happen to the bedding after that, even a child will guess.

Exterior finish

  • Having sheathed the house from the outside, we will not only make it more beautiful, but also protect it from the claws of the pet, if it decides to use them.
  • In order to sheathe the bottom, sides and top, we will use a whole piece of sheathing material, wrapping it around the box. The excess is simply cut off, a small margin is left on the front and back - 2 cm each.
  • We glue the material with a thermal gun. It is better not to use staples, as they will not hold in cardboard.
  • Now it's the turn to use the left stock of fabric - it is folded and glued to the walls.
  • We left the back and front of the house unsewn. 2 identical blanks are cut out of the carpet according to the size of these parts of the box. If there is not enough material, then you can use the leftovers to trim the back.
  • In the pattern for the front part, markings are made at the corners of the opening. Then you need to draw 2 intersecting lines from one point to another and make cuts along them.
  • The pattern is glued at the front, and the edges are folded and glued to the box from the inside.

Putting a pillow inside, you can set the house in the place where it will always be, and invite your pet to a housewarming party by putting some treat inside.

Cardboard house

What can be unusual to make from a sheet of cardboard? Make a rectangular house with windows? It’s also possible. In order for such a house to turn out beautiful, you need to try hard. You will need to make a drawing, transfer the sketches to cardboard, cut it out, and then assemble everything, securely fastening it.

Let us dwell on the manufacture of a simpler design. To assemble such a house, you will need 6 mm thick packaging cardboard. You can also use thinner cardboard, you just need to find or purchase more sheets, and you will have to recalculate the diameter of the rings for it.

And now let's start manufacturing. For work we need the following accessories:

  • Stationery knife or scissors.
  • Construction compasses (you can make a device for delineating a circle yourself).
  • Simple pencil.
  • PVA glue in a tube.

Our house will be assembled from 40 rings, which can be cut out of 1.5 m 2 of cardboard.

To make the house proportional, it is necessary to cut rings of a certain size - the diameter of each will be 1 cm less than the previous one. Here's what it will look like:

  • The diameter of the base will be 45 cm. To make the bottom strong, you will need to make at least 2 circles. They can be cut out immediately and set aside.
  • Now let's make rings. The diameter of the first can be the same as the base - 45 cm.
  • If there is no such a large compass at home, then you can draw a circle using a simple device - a nail is inserted in the center, on which a thread with loops at the ends is put on. The distance between the loops should correspond to half the diameter of the outlined circle. For example, if you want to get a circle with a diameter of 40 cm, the length of the thread should be 20 cm.
  • We draw a circle of 45 cm on the cardboard, then 4 cm less (4 cm is the thickness of the walls of the house). As a result, we get the details: 45; 41; 37; 33; 29; 25; 21; 17; 13; 9; 5 cm
  • We will make the base of the next circle 1 cm smaller - 44 cm. Then again we draw circles every 4 cm. The following details will be obtained: 44; 40; 36; 32; 28; 24; twenty; 16; 12; 8 cm. By the same principle, we mark out 2 more circles - 43 and 42 cm.
  • So we got the right number of blanks, the radius of which is proportionally reduced by 1 cm.

  • You can make an entrance for the cat in advance, but due to inexperience you can make mistakes, so it will be more convenient to cut it out in an already glued structure. We will go this way.
  • Before assembly, you can assemble the future house to make sure that all the details are cut out correctly.
  • When disassembling this pyramid, for convenience, you can number each part with a pencil - this will help to avoid wrong actions when the rings stick to each other.


  • We need to make the base reliable, so the cut out circles should be positioned so that the stiffening ribs in them are laid in different directions - so you can be sure that the bottom does not bend under the weight of the animal. After gluing the bottom and gluing the first ring on it, put this blank aside.
  • Let's start the assembly with the penultimate ring. Pour the glue in such a way that it does not spread to the edges when laying the next part.
  • After gluing 20 blanks, you need to press down the assembled structure with a not very heavy book and let the glue dry thoroughly.
  • Use a clerical knife to cut an opening - the entrance to the house.
  • Now you can glue the bottom and the remaining upper parts of our pyramid, lay the load on top and leave to dry.

It turned out an original and very inexpensive house, but the main thing is that pet it will be cozy and comfortable in it, especially if there is a soft pillow or rug.

By the same principle, similar structures are made of cardboard, only in each case it is necessary to calculate the diameter of the rings.

Video: cardboard cat house

Plywood house

Using only three parts, you can make a house out of plywood. We will look at making a structure from 40x40 cm blanks, but if you have narrower plywood, you can saw it as you wish. It is important here that the 2 side parts are the same height, and the bottom (bottom) can be made smaller. After cutting out the details, sand all the ends.

The assembly technology will differ depending on the thickness of the plywood used. To connect thin sheets, you will need an aluminum (or plastic) perforated corner and short wood screws.

When using thick plywood, it is enough to dock the blanks and fasten them to each other with self-tapping screws.

To ennoble the house and make it cozy, we need a stapler and carpet. We will not upholster from all sides, but only the bottom from the inside and the walls from the outside. The outer walls can serve as a scratching post.

It is better to fasten the sheathing material with a thermal gun, and the point is not only that the staples will pierce the sheet through and through. In thin plywood, the staples do not hold well - they can pop out.

And one more subtlety of the location of the carpet - it is better to cut it at an angle of 45˚. This is necessary so that the edges do not crumble, and even if the cat begins to sharpen its claws, it will not be able to dissolve the material by thread.

rectangular house

For the construction of a rectangular house, six-layer plywood is used. This is a rectangular box in which 2 exits are cut.

Why do you need a multi-tiered house? Firstly, so that the animal can waste energy in it, and secondly, so that it can accommodate a “family couple” - a cat and a cat.

For the manufacture of such houses, drawings will be required. Consider the drawing of this design.

It is necessary to cut out all the details and mark as in the drawing. In the conditions of an apartment, you can cut a sheet using an electric jigsaw with a fine-toothed file.

For work, we need a screwdriver and consumables:

  • Furniture corner - 40 pcs.
  • Small wood screws - 88 pcs.
  • Wheels furniture linear - 2 pcs.
  • Furniture swivel wheels - 2 pcs. (If the house does not need to be rolled from place to place, then 4 wheels can be replaced with legs).
  • Jute rope.
  • Glue Moment Installation.
  • Sewer pipe Ø50 mm - 1 m.
  • Carpet.


Let's start by assembling the bottom part ( BUT), fastening the parts with the help of corners.

The rest of the shelves are assembled in a similar way, only the compartment " B» will be closed at the back and front, and the compartments « BUT" and " AT»only at the back.

Then they need to be fixed on the base.

The sewer pipe is cut into 4 parts - 2 x 22 cm and another 2 x 27 cm. The shorter sections will be used as supports under part "B", and the longer ones will be used as a support under part "C". They are attached to the base with corners.

It is more convenient to make holes before assembling the structure.

If the screws have gone through the plywood, then the protruding parts can be cut off with a grinder with a cutting wheel installed on it.

Now you can do the "furnishing" of the cat's apartment by gluing the carpet from the inside.

We cover the whole house with carpet. So that the pipes do not spoil the appearance of the structure, and serve as a good service as scratching posts, they are coated with glue and tightly wrapped with jute rope.

It remains to fix the wheels-legs, and the mobile house is ready to receive guests.

newspaper house

Such a house is not made from the newspaper itself, but from newspaper tubes. For work you will need:

  • newspapers or magazines (in large quantities);
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard (if the bottom is not made of tubes);
  • a long needle used for knitting (for twisting tubules);
  • PVA glue;
  • wood varnish;
  • stain.

It may take a month to weave a house.

If the desire is not lost, then you can start.

  • First of all, you need to cut the existing paper into long strips, about 2-5 cm wide (the higher the density of the paper, the smaller the width of the strip).
  • Now let's make tubes. To do this, the cut off strip of paper must be wound around the knitting needle at an angle. Only the edge of the last turn is glued. That does not allow the tube to unwind.
  • Then the bottom is woven, and tubes should extend from it, which will be the base of the walls. If the bottom is cardboard, then the tubes are simply glued to it every 2 cm.
  • Then the walls are made.

You can learn more about the technology by watching a selection of videos.

Video: how to weave a cat house from newspaper tubes

Photo: newspaper tube houses

Consider how to do soft house using foam rubber as a base. In addition to the foam rubber sheet, we need faux fur and strong fabric for the outer skin.

Foam rubber has a different density, which is expressed in numerical terms, showing the mass of 1 m³. The higher this indicator, the higher the density of foam rubber and its service life.

In order not to spoil a sheet of expensive foam rubber, it is better to make patterns from newspapers, and then transfer the outlines to the material. This is how the pattern turns out.

Now we will assemble by connecting the parts with clothespins.

Everything turned out proportionally, now all parts can be sewn with strong threads. From the inside, the house is sheathed with faux fur, and outside - with a fairly strong fabric. If there is an old blanket at home, then you can use it.

From the remnants of foam rubber, you can make a pillow according to the internal size of the structure, and sheathe it with a cloth.

House from improvised materials

To make a home for a cat, you can use an old T-shirt.

In addition to the T-shirt, we will need:

  • Thick cardboard measuring 40-40 cm.
  • Wide tape.
  • 2 wire hangers, but if there are none on the farm, then 2 meter pieces of hard wire.
  • Pliers.
  • Pins, thread and needle.


Wire hangers need to be disassembled and straightened.

For the manufacture of the bottom, not very thick cardboard was used, and even from an old box, so there was a bend in the middle that did not fit into the plans at all. To make the base strong, we attached 2 strips of cardboard to it - a kind of stiffening ribs.

Then the cardboard frame was wrapped around with adhesive tape, ennobling it and reinforcing the edges.

In the corners, stepping back from the edges of about 1 cm, you need to pierce holes for the wire with a nail.

We will make 2 arches from the wire and connect them in the middle with tape or electrical tape.

After inserting the arch into the holes, you need to make sure that it is not skewed.

After that, the edges of the wire are bent with pliers and fixed with adhesive tape on reverse side cardboard bottom.

The frame is ready, you can create a tent.

The T-shirt must be put on the frame in such a way that its neck serves as an entrance.

From the side of the bottom, the free ends of the T-shirt are fastened with pins or sewn with threads.

The house is ready.

If the house will be installed on a cold floor, then put a rug or pillow inside.

Try, improvise, put into the created design your feelings that you have for the cat. Even the simplest design will please your pet and bring joy to you.

Any domestic cat regardless of her age and breed, she needs a separate living space where she can feel secure and calm.

When thinking about how to make a cat house with your own hands, you should start with planning and drawings.

When building such a house with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account some features and nuances.

Dimensions and shapes of the dwelling

The variety of designs for cat houses is amazing. However, the most optimal are designs in the form of beds and houses equipped with a scratching post. It's better if everything is connected together.

Two factors influence the size of the cat's future apartments:

  • animal size,
  • free space for the installation of the structure.

If the family has several fluffy ones, then the game complex is a must. Photos of the cat house show that a variety of modern finishing materials allow you to create designs that can harmoniously fit into interior compositions of any style.

Construction materials

The most commonly used materials for building a cat's home are:

  • for the manufacture of the frame, chipboard, MDF and plywood, boards made of natural wood are suitable;
  • it is possible to sew a soft house for your beloved cat in the form of a comfortable bed made of fabric and foam rubber filler;
  • just create cat houses from ordinary boxes;

  • to arrange a scratching post for fluffy, you should stock up on a rope made of jute or sisal. You just don’t need to fasten them with staples or nails, as the animal can damage the limbs;
  • for the base of the scratching post, PVC pipes or metal and wood products are suitable;
  • in the form of a filler for pillows and mattresses, a synthetic winterizer, foam rubber pieces are chosen;
  • the interior is decorated with fur, plush or fleece;
  • material is selected to cover the external facade, based on the habit of the animal to tear its claws: carpet will be a good option;
  • adhesive compositions for work should be purchased without a pungent odor that can scare away a cat.

Installing a cat house

The main condition for placing cat apartments is the stability of the structure.

The level of installation is also important, because cats like to follow what is happening from above. Therefore, the optimal height of the house will be 1-1.2 meters from the ceiling.

But the beds and platforms should be distributed at different levels of the structure.

Preparing to build a house

Before starting construction, you should acquire the following materials:

  • Fiberboard board 40 by 120 cm (base) and 44 by 55 cm (walls), chipboard 44 by 60 cm (roof);
  • Seven rails (spacers) about 40 cm long, 3 by 4 - section;
  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 11 cm and a length of 60 cm and a jute rope (scratching post) and a board 40 by 20 cm (inclined scratching post);
  • Fiberboard and chipboard with foam rubber 44 by 30 cm (bed);
  • Upholstery fabric.

Construction process

Instructions on how to make a house for a cat with your own hands are quite simple.

First of all, rectangular parts are cut out of chipboard and chipboard panels according to size. Circles with a diameter of 27 cm are drawn on two parts.

The rear wall plane remains blank, and several holes are drawn on the front: one with a diameter of 22 cm is the entrance, and several small ones in the form of windows. Next, with a jigsaw or drill, cut holes according to the indicated marks.

After that, the two received elements are combined in order to mark the places where the vertical slats will be installed. It is better to take 7 pieces. The marks will be through drilled holes on both walls.

Reiki for a cat's dwelling must be pre-processed: planed, leveled and sanded. The front and the same rear elements of the house are connected by rails to self-tapping screws.


On the basis of the chipboard canvas in the place where the house will be attached, foam rubber should be placed, and a circle should be drawn where the scratching post will be installed. The entire surface of the base is covered with decorative material, which is conveniently attached to the stapler.

The roof of the house

To do this, the upper part is glued, and the slats that are located in the lower part inside the structure are closed. After the finished house is attached to the base, picking up the screws of the right size.

In order for the pipe placed inside to be stable, it is fixed on both sides with wooden blocks. They are attached with screws or glue.

To equip the couch, semicircular parts are cut out of chipboard, which are strung on a pipe. After the place for placing the scratching post is determined in a vertical position, the pipe can be connected to the base of the house.

At the end of construction, a cord with a favorite cat toy is attached under the bed.


The bed itself is sheathed with foam rubber elements and the selected fabric. The pipe is wrapped with jute or sisal rope, which are attached to the glue.

The cat scratching post is upholstered with fabric from the edges, and it is better to wrap the middle with a rope. Next, the board is attached at the top to the rail of the house, and at the bottom to the base of the building.

Playground for cats

At the beginning of construction, a box of suitable sizes is made. The entrance to the inside can have any shape and shape. The assembled box is attached to the base of the complex. Pipes are attached to the house with the help of corners and screws.

The next level of the gaming complex is represented by a bench. To make it interesting for the animal to move around its home, you can install a ladder on the side or inside the building, securing it with corners.

The upper level is made in the form of a gable roof mounted on 4 pipes.


After collecting the entire complex, you can start decorating.

All pipes should be wrapped with suitable ropes, beds and other ceilings can be covered with carpet sheets. All saw cuts and walls of openings must be covered with furniture strips to ensure safe movement of the animal within the complex.

DIY cat house photo