How to make a house for a dog with your own hands - we explain in order. How to make a house for that terrier with your own hands Soft house for a dog with your own hands

Keeping a dog in a city apartment has long been no surprise to anyone, although relatively recently people around this phenomenon were treated with incomprehension. The apartments keep dogs of both miniature and very large breeds. Choose a dog, guided by personal preferences and the size of the apartment. Few people will buy a large dog for a small apartment. Surely all dog owners have heard about houses for them.

- this is a kind of alternative to the yard doghouse, which can be seen on the territory of a cottage or a village yard. The difference between them lies in the size and material of manufacture. When building a yard booth, wood or brick is usually used, and a house in an apartment is made from all kinds of fabrics.

Varieties of houses

In a standard apartment, the most acceptable option is a couch. Beds come in the form of booths, as well as minks and cradles. They are quite warm and soft.. For small breeds of dogs, a house equipped with a roof and walls is perfect. Such a couch will create a feeling of security and comfort for a small pet, it is necessary for him. In addition, your pet's resting place should be durable and comfortable.

Manufacturing requirements

When making a dog house with your own hands, it is important to take into account several necessary requirements for this product. First of all, in terms of size, it should fit the size of the dog and its breed. In a cramped house, the pet will not be comfortable. Also, take a look at what positions your new family member likes to relax in, and take them into account when creating a house. If the dog likes to sleep on its side or back, stretched out to its full length, then it needs a rectangular-shaped house, and a design in the form of an oval or triangle is better suited for a lover of curling up.

The necessary conditions

To ensure the most comfortable conditions dog, and so that the house can be easily moved during the cleaning of the apartment, the following is important:

It should be noted that when creating individual elements in the process of creating a house, artificial leather is perfect. It does not absorb dirt and it washes well.

Dwarf dog breeds do not tolerate low temperature and draft, so it is desirable to install the structure at some elevation . For this you can use stand or small legs provided in the manufacture of the house. The mattress should have a removable cover, and foam rubber is quite suitable as a filler. On sale there are good mattresses filled with buckwheat husks. Its advantage is that insects do not start in it.

How to make a house yourself

There is a huge selection of dog houses for sale, but many happy pet owners are pleased to invest all the love and tenderness in creating a home for their pet. The easiest way to make a house with your own hands is to use an unnecessary suitcase. To ensure good stability, it is advisable to equip it with legs from an old cabinet, or specially purchased. Then you need to make a mattress and place it at the bottom of the suitcase. It can be purchased at the store or do it yourself. Excellent mattress filler maybe a synthetic winterizer, for a cover - a strong, coarse fabric.

You can make a house with your own hands, taking the one that you saw in the store as a sample. When choosing a material for creating a house, you need to remember some subtleties. For the manufacture of the base, polyurethane foam is perfect. It follows the contours of the dog's body well and can be used for a home intended for both an adult animal and a puppy. It is necessary to sheathe the litter with a coarse, durable cloth.

When creating a house for a puppy, keep in mind that dogs grow quite quickly, so it is better to make a house for growth. Special attention should be given to the reliability and strength of the frame structure. If there are children in the apartment, they can, while playing, damage the dog house and injure the animal. It is desirable to install a house in a secluded place, away from drafts. The exit from the "dwelling" should be free and not interfere with the dog.

Manufacturing technology

For the manufacture of quality dog house you need to prepare everything you need:

  • mat;
  • pillowcases;
  • polyurethane;
  • Velcro;
  • sewing accessories.

Take your dog's measurements using a tailor's measuring tape. The height of the house should be such that the dog can stand inside at full height and turn around freely.

Frame around the perimeter the house is upholstered with foam, the dimensions of which are selected taking into account the measurements taken by you from the dog. The foam plates are covered with fabric so that your pet's teeth do not get to it. Old pillowcases or sheets will work for this, but the best option is microfiber.

It would be useful to lay an oilcloth or other waterproof film on the floor, this will save the floor from wet troubles. Velcro should be sewn to the fabric along the edge of the plates at a distance of 10–15 cm. They are necessary in order to assemble the entire structure together. By connecting the mats with Velcro, we get a finished dog house with three walls and a ceiling.

Try to keep the number of decorative elements to a minimum. Their excess will create inconvenience in the process of internal cleaning of the house. Besides, dog can bite, or even swallow some element, considering it superfluous.

The entrance to the house can be closed with a curtain made of light Velcro fabric or left open.

If you are the owner big dog, or for some reason you just don’t want to make a soft house design, then you can make it out of wood. This process is somewhat more complicated. In addition to wood or plywood, you will need fasteners and fittings.

By the way, a wooden structure can perform several functions. In addition to a comfortable home for your dog, it can be used to transport the animal, or to close it for a while. A tastefully made house can become an interesting element of the interior.

To make a house for a large breed dog, you can use, for example, an unnecessary table for the base. In this case, you just have to install wooden walls in the gaps between the legs and the home for your dog is ready.

The presence of the bottom in such a design completely optional. Instead, you can use a mattress or just an old bedspread. In case of possible use of the house as a cage, it is necessary to provide a place inside the structure for a bowl of food and water. For a puppy, it is advisable to put an oilcloth on the floor in order to facilitate the cleaning process.

The outer surface of the structure can be lined with such decorative material as your imagination tells you.

Having made a house for a dog with your own hands, you can save a lot of money, since such houses are quite expensive in the store. Before you start building, you need to take into account the preferences of your dog and his temperament. It happens that having paid a lot of money for an accessory, the owner is faced with the reluctance of the dog to use it. Of course, it will be a shame if your pet does not like the purchase.

For dogs of small and medium breeds, the most affordable option would be a house in the form of a slipper. It consists of a roof on one side and an open heel on the other. At low temperature the dog can lie under the roof, and in the heat lie on the couch.

For the manufacture of a dog house, use only materials that are not causing allergies in dogs. Otherwise, the use of the design can create a lot of problems for you and your pet.

The house is ready. The main thing left is acceptance by the customer. Put something tasty in the house or your favorite toy and call the puppy. He must like his new home.

If you are going to have or have already got a four-legged friend, then you should definitely think about creating a cozy corner for your pet. The dog needs its own place where it will sleep and which it can consider as its refuge. The kennel should be functional, comfortable for living and, if possible, beautiful. Find out which options for a dog booth are the most successful, study the drawings and photos of finished houses, select the right materials and feel free to start decorating your home.

Types of booths for dogs

The design of the dog house can be very diverse. It all depends on where the pet lives. So, the kennel for the yard dog must be durable and resistant to weather conditions. And the house for indoor dogs is designed not only to serve as a refuge, but also to fit into the overall interior.

street kennel

Outdoor booth for the yard or cottage

A kennel for a dog living on the street should combine the following qualities:

  • strength, because she will have to serve in the open air for more than one year;
  • windproof and waterproof to protect your four-legged friend from piercing wind and rain in bad weather;
  • heat-insulating properties - warm booth for a dog it is simply necessary if the animal spends all year round on the street;
  • compliance with the size - the pet should be comfortable in the interior space.

Particular attention is paid to the insulation of the dog house. Styrofoam, polystyrene foam are used as thermal insulation, mineral wool, ordinary cardboard. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that most dogs are not averse to trying the walls of their home on the tooth. The insulation layer is insulated with sheathing from boards, OSB or plywood. Properly insulated walls have the following structure:

  1. The first layer is an outer skin that is weather resistant.
  2. The second layer is insulation, laid in a dense layer without gaps and cracks. Styrofoam and expanded polystyrene are laid directly on the skin, a vapor barrier material (izolon, isospan, polyethylene film) is laid under the mineral wool.
  3. The third layer is the inner lining of plywood, wood. The material must be environmentally friendly and breathable.

Kennel scheme

The most common and simple dog house is a wooden house with a shed or gable roof. In order to finally decide what the building will be, it is useful to study the photo of the finished dog booths on the plot.

Rules for the location of the kennel on the street:

  1. The house is set in the shade of trees or buildings. In a fully open sunny place, the pet has nowhere to hide from the heat.
  2. If the dog is a guard dog, then the kennel is positioned in such a way that a view of the yard is opened from it.
  3. Dog housing should not be flooded during heavy rain. It is unacceptable for water to flow onto it from the roofs of other buildings, downpipes.

The house must be placed in the shade

Home booth as a personal space for a dog

The dog house at home in the room rather plays a decorative role and serves as a resting place. It is advisable for animals of large breeds to equip flat beds, since a full-fledged house with a roof will take up a very large space.

For small decorative dogs weighing up to 15-20 kg, cute indoor booths are often made of foam rubber, cardboard or thin plywood. A removable mattress is placed inside the kennel, which is easy to pull out and wash as needed. A dog house in an apartment is usually sheathed with upholstery or decorative fabric that matches the interior.

The place of a pet is located in a secluded corner, away from drafts. You should not put a house on the aisle, because it is inconvenient for both the household and the dog itself. It is best to arrange a home kennel somewhere in the room, away from the hustle and bustle, but the kitchen or corridor is clearly not the best place.

Sometimes the owners equip the dog house on the balcony. This design justifies itself in the warm season, the pet can stay in the fresh air for a long time. Almost the same requirements apply to it as to a street building, that is, it must be durable, waterproof and windproof.

In winter, a balcony kennel is usually not used. The exception is insulated loggias, where the kennel can stand both in winter and in summer.

Original room house

dog kennel designs

A large selection of options allows you to choose the design of the kennel, depending on the specific situation.

Gable roof kennel

The traditional gable roof is perhaps the most common option found everywhere. The walls are made of wood, brick, frame. The roof is covered with wooden boards and slate. In cold regions, the structure must be supplemented with an attic floor made of boards or plywood to minimize heat loss.

Under a gable roof, it is convenient to equip a small closet, which will serve as a place to store ammunition, toys, and training equipment. One of the slopes is attached to the door hinges so that it can be lifted if necessary. The angle of inclination of a gable roof can vary from 5 to 60 degrees, but the roof with an angle between the slopes of about 40 degrees looks the most beautiful.

gable roof

Shed roof building

A shed roof in its properties is practically no different from a gable roof, and making it a little easier. The material used is the same as in the first version - tightly knocked together wooden shields, slate sheets. It is worth avoiding roofs made of profiled sheet or metal tiles, because iron heats up in summer and does not keep heat in winter.

The slope of the shed kennel should be directed away from the entrance so that water does not flow directly into the room during rain. The angle of inclination is made at least 5-10 degrees. The wooden roof is additionally protected with roofing felt, slate, thick plastic wrap.

shed roof

Dog apartment with vestibule

A two-room dog house is a very comfortable accommodation option. Thanks to the vestibule, the four-legged watchman can sit under the roof during bad weather, and sleep and rest in the second closed room. Such a kennel is much warmer than a one-room one, because the vestibule prevents the wind from blowing into the sleeping compartment. In northern regions with cold long winters, a two-room insulated kennel is the best solution for keeping animals outdoors.

The frame of the booth is installed in such a way that the roof over the closed compartment can be raised to change the bedding, as well as periodic disinfection. The hole in the second compartment is placed at an angle to the entrance to create an additional obstacle to the wind.

Project of a booth with a vestibule for large dog

House with a canopy

A booth with a veranda is not as comfortable as a two-room one. Such a shelter well protects the four-legged pet from rain, but not from the wind, therefore, if possible, it is installed in a windproof section of the courtyard.

The roof and bottom of the dog house with a terrace are made protruding from the side of the manhole. The size of the porch depends on the breed, it is designed so that the dog can freely fit there lying down. As a rule, the veranda is half or slightly less than the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure.

If you approach the matter with imagination, a dog house with a porch can turn into a real fairy-tale house and become a decoration of the site. The building with a painted or carved porch looks very nice.

House with a porch

Comfortable house with a door

Typically a door for dog house serves as an ordinary curtain. It is made according to the size of the manhole with a slight overlap. Fasten the curtain by pressing it to the upper edge of the manhole with a thin wooden plank and screwing it with self-tapping screws. The following materials are most suitable for curtains:

  • tarpaulin;
  • burlap folded in several layers;
  • old flannelette blankets;
  • outdated carpets and rugs;
  • dense fabric, for example, a piece of an old drape coat;
  • special silicone sheets that can be bought at pet stores.

original curtain

However, such an impromptu door to the dog house is not always a good defense. Young playful animals often simply tear the curtain to shreds. In this case, you will have to think about how to equip a more thorough protection.

It should be noted that the capital doors for the booth justify themselves only in areas with a harsh climate. In regions with mild winters, it is enough to simply install the kennel in a place protected from the wind.

A wooden door for the dog's booth may also be needed if the four-legged watchman reacts too violently to guests. If it is planned to close an aggressive animal from time to time, then the door is hung on strong hinges, and a deadbolt or locking hook is also attached to it.

This kennel with a door looks like a hobbit house

Designer two-story booth

Two-story booths for dogs are rather an unusual decoration of a farmstead than a necessity for an animal. On the first floor, as a rule, they have a sleeping room, and on the second they equip an open couch. Both tiers are interconnected with a ladder.

However, a bunk house for a dog can be of any configuration. If you make a sleeping compartment on the second floor, then on the first floor you get a comfortable covered terrace. If you have two dogs, a two-story kennel with two bedrooms will save space and building materials.

Fancy dog ​​kennels are not sold in stores. Exclusive can only be made to order or built with your own hands. The construction of a two-story structure is not much different from the usual one. First, a detailed layout is drawn indicating all sizes of the dog house. After that, the frame of the first floor is made, and instead of the roof, the second floor is equipped.

two-storey house

Double booth for comfort

The booth for two dogs provides two sleeping compartments isolated from each other, located under one roof. Dog kennels for two are most often made one-story, with manholes located next to each other.

The double dog house is an elongated structure with separate entrances. The interior space is divided by a solid wooden partition. To such a kennel, you can attach a common terrace or vestibule. In general, the booth for two is the same as for one dog.

Before you build a doghouse with a partition, you need to draw a design diagram, taking into account the size of the animals. Usually they make a double kennel with compartments of the same area. If the dimensions of four-legged pets are very different, you can make sleeping places of different sizes.

double kennel

How to calculate booth dimensions

The first thing to think about when designing a kennel is its size. It directly depends on the size of the dog. In too small a room, the pet will be cramped and hot, and in too spacious it will be cold in winter. If the dog is still a puppy, the house is built for growth, taking into account the size of an adult animal.

For optimal sizing, several measurements are taken from the animal:

  • the distance from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail - this will be the depth of the kennel;
  • height at the withers - 5 cm is added to the resulting figure, this is the optimal height of the room. The manhole is made 5 cm less high, the dog should pass freely into it, slightly bending its head;
  • chest width in front - adding 5 cm to this value, get the width of the manhole.

How to take measurements to determine the size of the kennel

In regions with severe winters, it is recommended to strictly adhere to optimal sizes. The interior space is designed so that the dog can freely enter and lie down, curled up or bending its paws. In the southern regions, the house can be made more spacious.

Features of calculations for large breed dogs

Booths for dogs of large breeds, such as the Moscow Watchdog, Alabai, St. Bernard, Labrador, German Shepherd, Irish Wolfhound are impressive in size. In order for the building to serve for more than one year, it is initially made with a margin of safety.

Approximate dimensions of a doghouse for Alabai:

  • house height - 90 cm;
  • bed depth - 130 cm;
  • kennel width - 100 cm;
  • manhole dimensions - 60 by 40 cm.

Kennel drawing for large breeds

A booth for a Caucasian cannot be smaller than the indicated dimensions, because dogs of this breed are one of the largest. For german shepherd or Labrador make the room somewhat smaller.

Sizes for medium breed dogs

Medium breeds include Rottweiler, Boxer, Shar Pei, as well as most hunting dogs, such as huskies, hounds, and cops.

Approximate dimensions of a doghouse for medium-sized breeds:

  • height - 80 cm;
  • bed depth - 110 cm;
  • kennel width - 75 cm;
  • manhole dimensions - 50 by 35 cm.

House for medium breeds

Such a booth is perfect for a husky or any other hunting dog. If the room is intended for a short-haired dog, for example, a boxer or sharpei, it must be well insulated.

For small breed dogs

For the smallest dogs, as a rule, small indoor booths are built. Small breeds include Dachshunds, Yorkshire Terriers, Pugs, Miniature Poodles, Chinese Crested Dogs, and Pekingese.

Dimensions of the booth for a small dog:

  • bed depth - 70 cm;
  • width - 55 cm;
  • booth height - 60 cm;
  • manhole dimensions - 40 by 30 cm.

miniature kennel

When designing a house, be sure to consider individual characteristics breeds. For example, it is obvious that the kennel for the dachshund and the kennel for the Chinese Crested Dog will be different, although both breeds are small.

Decorative short-haired dogs such as toy terriers, chihuahuas often freeze even in an apartment, so the home must be insulated or put inside a thick mattress.

We make a booth with our own hands from improvised materials

A beautiful and functional booth for a dog can be made with your own hands from any materials at hand. Wooden beams and boards, plywood, slate, brick will be used. There are craftsmen who fit even old car tires, refrigerators and washing machines under the kennel.

What kind of kennel to build from wood

The classic option is a wooden dog house. The tree protects well from heat and cold, it breathes and does not emit harmful substances, contributing to a favorable microclimate inside. The service life of a dog house made of boards is approximately 6-7 years, after which the material begins to dry out and needs to be replaced.

It is very easy to build a kennel from pallets or pallets. They are used as a finished frame, which is sheathed with plywood. The kennel can be put together from ordinary pine boards with a thickness of at least 2 cm, as well as from pieces of thick plywood or OSB. A wooden structure should not be treated with any antiseptics and impregnations from bark beetles, because dogs have a very developed sense of smell and it will be uncomfortable for the animal to be in a strongly smelling room.

If your house is built of wood, then it is quite logical to make a doghouse from the same log or timber. Chopped kennel in this case will fit into the overall style of the site as well as possible.

To save expensive building material, you can build a dog house from simple boards, and then finish it from a blockhouse or slab, imitating a solid timber. Blockhouse is a finishing material made of natural wood that imitates solid timber. Slab - convex remains of logs after sawing into boards.

wooden kennel

DIY wooden booth

Stages of building a doghouse made of plywood with a pitched roof:

  1. From the bars of 100x100 mm, the base of the floor is knocked together. The frame is laid on a flat surface and a plywood sheet is stuffed on one side according to its size. The structure is turned over, foam plastic, polystyrene foam or mineral wool are tightly laid in the space between the bars. Plywood is also stuffed from this side. Paul is ready.
  2. Two vertical bars are installed on the base along the height of the facade and two bars on the opposite side are slightly shorter to ensure the slope of the future roof. During operation, check the verticality of the racks using the building level. The bars are fixed with wood screws and metal corners.
  3. Separately, three bars are connected into a U-shaped structure according to the size of the manhole using self-tapping screws and metal corners. Screwed to the base in the required place.
  4. Sheathe the structure from the outside with plywood or OSB. From the inside, a layer of insulation is laid, as on the floor, after which the inner lining is made.
  5. The roof is made in the same way as the floor, but slightly larger so that it protrudes slightly beyond the structure. The finished roof is mounted on a kennel and upholstered with roofing material or covered with slate.
  6. Install the kennel on thick bars or bricks.

House building process

How to build a brick kennel

A capital brick kennel is suitable for a large dog. Such a building is very durable and will last for more than a dozen years. Building a brick booth for a dog with your own hands is not much different from the construction of other capital buildings. The material for the booth is not only brick, it can be built, for example, from foam blocks or cinder blocks.

How to build a dog house:

  1. The building site is cleared and leveled. The contours are marked, after which they dig a trench about 25x25 cm around the perimeter for the foundation. It is poured with concrete and left to harden for several days.
  2. Start laying out the walls. In the process of work, be sure to check the verticality of the structure, as well as compliance with 90-degree angles. In place of the manhole, the required number of bricks is passed along its width. When the masonry reaches the height of the manhole, a wooden block is laid across it and the masonry is continued all the way.
  3. The finished brick booth must be insulated from the inside with wooden lining, and a wooden floor is also laid.
  4. On the roof, a ceiling is made of boards or plywood, after which the roof itself is installed, for example, from slate.

real brick house

Quick solution from cardboard

If the owners were faced with the question: how to quickly make a booth for a small dog living in an apartment, then one of the possible options is a cardboard house. Probably, everyone will find unnecessary boxes from under household appliances and appliances. It is from such thick cardboard that a good booth will turn out in haste.

Materials and tools that will be needed in the work:

  • thick cardboard, the denser the better;
  • tape measure, scissors, pencil;
  • wide tape or a large stapler;
  • leftover wallpaper or pieces of fabric to decorate the outside of the house.

How to make a dog house out of a cardboard box:

  1. First of all, you need to draw a template. First, a reduced copy is drawn with an exact indication of the actual dimensions. After that, the pattern is transferred to cardboard already in full size. For convenience, you can cut a pattern out of paper, and then draw cardboard blanks on it.
  2. Cut out the details with strong scissors or a construction knife. It is better to make the bottom and walls one-piece with folds - this way the house will gain additional strength.
  3. The next step is to assemble the booth. The cut parts are connected into a single structure using a wide construction adhesive tape. First, only the corners are fixed with pieces of adhesive tape in several places so that the house does not fall apart. After that, adhesive tape is glued along all seams in several layers. Decorate with tape and the edges of the manhole.
  4. The finished house has a rather unsightly appearance. For beauty, its outer surface is covered with wallpaper or covered with upholstery fabric. A mattress with a removable cover is placed inside.

Cardboard kennel

DIY cardboard booth for domestic dog unlikely to last long. But on the other hand, it is easy to make it in just an hour. Instead of adhesive tape, you can fasten parts with thin wire or even a simple stapler.

Tire bed

It is easy to make a bed for a medium-sized dog from a car tire. To do this, the inner edges of the tire are carefully and evenly cut off, after which they are painted in the color you like. A round mattress is laid at the bottom. The resulting couch is quite capable of replacing a full-fledged kennel pet.

From an old wheel, you can make a booth for a yard dog. Several tires are stacked on top of each other and interconnected with a strong wire. The resulting design is placed on its side. On one side, the hole is closed with a piece of plywood, and the opposite is left as a hole. Inside such a home-made booth, a shield of boards is placed so that the dog can lie comfortably.

Tire bed

Foam kennel

For a small room dog, it is best to sew a soft foam booth. For animals weighing more than 20 kg, it is advisable to equip a flat bed without a roof.

Before you sew a booth for a dog, you need to decide on the material. Sheet foam rubber 2-3 cm thick is suitable as a base. The outer upholstery is chosen according to your taste so that you get a beautiful and original dog house that fits into the interior of the house.

In order to make a decorative kennel for a room dog, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a pattern of a dog house, drawn on sheets of paper in full size;
  • a sheet of foam rubber 2 cm thick, the size of the sheet depends on the size of the animal, for example, a piece of 2x1 meter is enough for a dachshund or a Jack Russell Terrier;
  • a cut of upholstery fabric, slightly larger in size than a sheet of foam rubber;
  • natural fabric for the interior of the house;
  • thick threads, needle, scissors, construction knife;
  • sewing machine.

Pattern of a soft kennel

Manufacturing steps:

  1. Transfer the pattern to foam rubber. Marking is done without seam allowance. Cut out all the details with a construction knife, as the scissors will quickly become dull from such work.
  2. The same pattern is marked first on the upholstery and then on the lining fabric, but already with at least 3 cm seam allowances. Cut out all the details.
  3. Separate fabric covers are sewn on a typewriter for each foam rubber part. To do this, blanks from two types of fabric are folded with the wrong sides inward and stitched from three sides. Please note that the cover does not need to be turned inside out, the seams should remain outside.
  4. An appropriate foam blank is inserted inside each cover, after which the last edge is built up. They try to make sure that the upholstery tightly fits the pieces of foam rubber, otherwise finished house it will turn out to be ugly.
  5. The finished parts are sewn together from the inside, forming a house. In this case, all protruding seam allowances are wrapped inward and sewn.
  6. To make the soft kennel even more decorative, a thick cord is laid along all the seams and carefully sewn by hand.

Finished foam house

A caring owner will always find a way to make a booth for his beloved dog himself. Among the mass of options, there is sure to be one that is right for your pet.

A comfortable kennel for dogs is the quality of life of a pet and its devoted attitude towards a loving owner. It is really possible to build a house for a dog and equip it inside with your own hands.

A comfortable kennel for dogs is the quality of life of a pet and its devoted attitude towards a loving owner

Before you start work, you should understand what size you need, it is important to know exactly how the dog house will look like. To do this, you need to look at the animal in order to clarify its dimensions. Dogs can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Small.
  2. Medium size.
  3. Large.

It is clear that Spitz and similar individuals can be attributed to small dogs, spaniels to medium sizes, mastiffs to large ones. According to this classification, booths can be of this size:

  1. 70x55x60 cm.
  2. 120x75x80 cm.
  3. 140x100x95 cm.

Of course, the size figures may be different, and the dog house must be built according to the dimensions of your own pet. The method for determining the size range of the future house looks like this:

  1. For the correct size of the doorway to the house, it is necessary to measure the width of the chest of the animal and add about 8 cm to the resulting figure.
  2. The correct height of the manhole is considered to be 5 cm less than the withers of the dog.
  3. The height of the dog housing should be 8 cm above the withers of the pet.
  4. The depth of the structure is the same as the height, but there are exceptions.

As noted above, the size range of a do-it-yourself dog booth can be slightly adjusted, but not in a smaller direction, moreover, if the house is built for a puppy. During the construction period, you should be aware of the following details:

  1. The booth for dogs should be of high quality, the pet should lie comfortably in it, nothing should hold him down.
  2. The entrance should be wide, the pet should be free to enter and leave his house.
  3. Inside the booth, be sure to insulate, so the dog will not freeze in the winter.
  4. Walls, roofs should not have gaps, housing cannot be blown through.
  5. It is right to create a dog house from wood. Wooden house environmentally friendly and will not harm health.
  6. It is required to correctly position the booth, the territory must be completely visible to the pet.
  7. A dog house can have both a single-pitched and a double-pitched roof.
  8. On a house made of wood, it is possible to arrange a small extension where toys, bowls and other pet items will be stored.
  9. The manhole must be built in the direction of the long wall.

For a large dog, the kennel should be correctly positioned in the aviary. As soon as the numbers are clarified, calculated, it is necessary to make a drawing of the future structure. After the drawing is completed, you can start building.

Winter booth for a dog (video)

Tools and materials for building a booth

In order to create a booth for a dog with your own hands, to use non-toxic building materials, it is best to take lumber (spruce, pine) for construction. For construction, lining is used, the thickness of which is 12.5 mm, as well as:

  1. Plywood sheets.
  2. Boards for the floor.

You also need to buy bars 100 × 100, 40 × 40 and 100 × 50 cm. To create corners from the outside and decorate the building, use a charcoal corner. To make the apartment for a beloved animal warm, it is insulated with glassine, foam boards or mineral wool.

For the roof of the booth, it is better to take metal sheets or slate sheets. Bitumen tiles should not be used for these purposes, because. dogs love to chew on something, and these building materials are not safe for the health of the animal.

Required tools:

  1. Shovel.
  2. A hammer.
  3. Saw.
  4. Pencil.
  5. Construction level.
  6. Roulette.
  7. Hacksaw.
  8. Nails.
  9. Dye.
  10. Drying oil.
  11. Wood preservative.

Be sure to choose a good wood building material without knots and defects, because a dog house is built for more than one year.

Gallery: booths for dogs (25 photos)

Stages of self-manufacturing of a booth for a dog

At the initial stage, it is necessary to cut the board. In the event that the roof of the house is shed, the back wall should be short so that the water runs over the kennel. Next, you need to prepare wood blocks for the body of the future home. Correctly take the length of the bars a little more.

Next, you need to put together the frame of the house, referring to the previously drawn drawing. Then the booth is sheathed from the inside with boards, the roof must be made immediately. In order for the pet not to get injured, the building material must be sanded. In the near wall it is necessary to make a hole, the ends of which also need to be sanded.

Then you need to start warming the floor, walls and roof. Be sure to arrange foam sheets or mineral wool, on top of which a wood wall is mounted. Next, you need to perform exterior decoration using selected building materials.

If there is no limit in money, then it is better to buy wood siding.

After this, it is necessary to close up the cracks and seams so that the windy masses and rain and snow do not hamper the occupant of the booth.

As a sealant, all kinds of rails, boards made of wood are perfect.

After the walls and floor are sealed, the same must be done with the roof. To do this, it is best to use layers of slate. At the final stage, it remains to treat the built dog house with an antiseptic and arrange housing on a brick base or pallet so that the floor surface does not rot and freeze in winter.

Everything is quite simple, and the dog house has been created. It remains to carefully paint it and mount it on the selected area. The dog will definitely rejoice and settle down in his cottage.

Assembling a booth for a dog with your own hands (video)

How to make your pet's home more comfortable

Making an individual zone for a dog is a manifestation of care and affection for a human friend. Even for a dog that lives in a common house, a dwelling on the street or a private house located in a corridor or hall will be a chic present, an element of obedience and education.

It is important to create comfortable conditions for the pet, the dog should rest and feel comfortable.

It is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions in the region. If the temperament of the dog is not noisy and loves to lie down in a shady place, the terrace becomes a good building element and a favorite place for relaxation.

If the dog lives in the house in winter, then it can build a summer residence, equipping it with a rug, bedding. It's good to make a canopy. A booth can be built in a residential building, giving part of the pantry or hallway for it. Aesthetic design inside the booth and doors that can be closed so as not to stumble will help to create the best conditions.

The booth can become part of the interior, and then both the owner and the animal will be satisfied. The booth can be made under the curbstone, coffee or coffee table. But there is always a real chance to upgrade the booth with your own hands so that the house harmoniously fits into the decor or decoration of the backyard.

If there are several dogs in the house, then you can create entire separate apartments or build a booth combined with two rooms. It is important to understand that the dog does not need anything extra, the main thing is that there is enough space and a favorite soft bedding.

How to care for a dog house - warming

It must be remembered that it is not enough just to build a reliable building, it is also necessary to take care of it in order to maximize the service life and postpone the repair work. This is especially true for the dog house.

Cleaning should be done at least once every 30 days, preferably more often. It is very important to remove all the leftovers, parts of the bones, clean out the hair and everything that the dog brought inside. You need to disinfect regularly. In winter, cleaning is enough 1 time for the whole winter, from spring to autumn, but in summer - monthly. The same applies to pest control.

It will be useful to process dog housing with the help of such means as:

  1. Creolin.
  2. Lysol.
  3. Formalin.

While the walls treated with the solution dry, it is better for the dog not to be in his house until it is completely dry. To make it easier to take care of the kennel, professionals recommend making the structure as collapsible as possible, since it is very inconvenient to clean through the hole, it is good if the roof is removed or the walls are extended. This will make it possible not only to clean up quickly and cleanly, but also to replace the components of the booth.

No less important thing than cleaning is proper insulation of the dog house. But if the animal wears a thick fur coat, then you can do without a warm booth.

  • First, it is important to remember that it is impossible to build a house directly on the ground. A good idea is to install a lag - thick boards, logs or brickwork. Because of this, housing will rise, will be isolated.
  • Next, you need to put the house upside down. It is good to impregnate it from the outside with an antiseptic agent, close it with roofing material, stuff 100 × 50 cm bars on top, also treated with an antiseptic agent. Having put the house in place, it is necessary to cover the bottom with parchment sheets, arrange mineral wool, lay the parchment again and lay the floor.

The walls are insulated and finished with clapboard from the inside. This will create the effect of a thermos, which will keep the heat inside. If it is not possible to arrange a building on a hill, or the place is characterized by high humidity, it is necessary to provide the dog house with additional waterproofing. It is necessary to lay a plastic film between the surface of the boards and the insulation when they mount the floor, ceiling surface and walls.

The insulated booth will last for a year, and the dog will feel pleasant and warm there. It is important to think over every little thing, because a person's friend must be in human conditions, this will be rewarded with kindness, love, devotion.

Unusual booths for dogs have been a real trend for more than one season. Chopped timber can be used to build a house. If you try, you can put a real miniature log house. The dog in such housing will feel comfortable and at ease.

If the owner with a pet is in the country only in summer period, then it is not necessary to insulate the house, it is possible to perform an easy option by finishing the booth with an imitation of a bar. Like people, an animal is much more comfortable in a spacious apartment. Therefore than more dog, the more spacious the size of the cottage should be. However, apartments with an attached terrace and a canopy can not be called a kennel. On a spacious platform, you can put a bowl, and lie under a canopy in the shade on a hot day.

Great idea - a booth with a porch. Finishing also matters. Dog housing, decorated in the same style as the house, always looks stylish and exclusive, becomes not just a traditional boring building, but a real work of art, an element of decor.

An interesting idea for a summer booth is to arrange it right in a wooden barrel. And for the winter period, you can build a house out of snow, for example, a husky will feel more than comfortable there. The main thing is to make such a building inside cozy and spacious.

In general, the decor of the booth decides a lot. For example, in a wooden booth of the simplest design, it is possible with the help of brushes, dyes and fiction to create decor options that are different in style and mood. These can be Russian folk patterns, Khokhloma, or maybe even hippie or ethnic drawings.

Or maybe there are children in the house and they will work as decorators, create a booth in the style of "101 Dalmatians". It is very important that in terms of style and design the house does not discord with the surrounding natural design. For example, to a restrained, elegant composition, it’s great to arrange a booth that resembles the dwelling of gnomes.

Successful architecture and a well-chosen range of colors make the traditional booth an expressive element of country decor. The booth can be built in country style, reminiscent of a cowboy ranch. With a little imagination and effort, you can create a real masterpiece that your beloved pet will like.

Attention, only TODAY!

Pets need their own corner where they feel safe. For small pets, there is no need to build an aviary or booth of considerable size. It is enough to build them a cozy house. You can buy ready-made housing for a dog in a specialized store. But this is an expensive pleasure, and not everyone can afford it.

You can make a house for your pet with your own hands - sew it from scraps of fabric, make it from plywood, wood, and other improvised materials. It is important to provide for all the nuances so that the animal is comfortable in its shelter.

Pet housing - how it should be

Every dog ​​needs a place where he feels like a full-fledged owner. With yard dogs it is easier, they have a booth and the area around which he guards. With pets it is a little more difficult, they will not be able to live in the street. Therefore, it is important for the owner to take care of his comfort.

Dog kennels differ in size and material of manufacture: wood, fabrics, tarpaulin, etc. In small apartments, various types of beds are popular: in the form of a kennel, mink, cradle. For small dogs, it is advisable to make housing with walls and a roof.

Models can be equipped with windows, doors. There are various accessories for dogs on the market. A house with a large area can be equipped with air conditioning, pieces of furniture - an ottoman, bowls with food and water can be installed.

Before making a house for a dog, you should find out what requirements are placed on it:

  • There should be enough space in it so that the pet can not only lie freely, but also stand to its full height. For a puppy, a dwelling is made for growth, taking into account the expected size of an adult dog.
  • For the bottom it is better to use polyurethane foam. It remembers the contours of the animal's body, so it is convenient for a dog of any age to sleep on it.
  • The lining is made thick. It should be covered with thick fabric. Keep in mind that puppies love to chew on everything. If polyurethane foam is not sheathed, it will become easy prey for a small pet.
  • For a shaggy dog, it is advisable to make a removable roof in order to open the house for ventilation in hot weather. Finishing inside should be without the use of fleecy fabrics, as wool is clogged in them. Pile can become a hotbed of harmful microflora, it is problematic to care for it.
  • In an apartment with small children, the frame is made of durable material so that the child, accidentally climbing onto the house, does not injure the dog inside.
  • Dog housing is located away from drafts and direct sunlight. It is advisable to raise it above the floor level.
  • Login must be available. It is necessary to make sure that there are no obstacles nearby, do not put the booth with the entrance to the wall.

Variants of beds from improvised materials

It is not necessary to build a special house for the dog. There are several options to adapt unnecessary things, boxes for the couch, arrange them so that the pet can rest comfortably. For the manufacture of such a dwelling, you will need a minimum of tools and materials.

Houses for pets are usually made soft. To do this, use foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, cotton wool fluff as a filler. For sheathing, you can choose a material of any density, color, accessories.

For interior decoration, you need to use natural fabrics that do not contain synthetics. When in contact with wool, an electric charge accumulates, which will shock the dog.

It is more practical to use a tarp, it makes cleaning easier. It can be sheathed for the summer version with chintz, cotton fabric, linen, for the winter it is better to give preference to wool. It is advisable to make a house with removable covers so that it is convenient to wash them.

old suitcase

This is the easiest option for arranging a bed for pet with your own hands. Either a finished pillow of the required dimensions is placed at the bottom, or sewn. A synthetic winterizer is taken as a filler, sheathed with a dense fabric. To make the suitcase house stable, you can attach legs around the edges, which you buy in the accessories department of a furniture store or use from old furniture.

Styrofoam house

It is necessary to prepare mats from a hard sponge or foam plastic of appropriate sizes, which are determined after taking measurements from the dog. The walls, floor and ceiling of the future house are made from them. To work, you need a measuring tape, a pencil, threads, needles, scissors, material for covers, zippers.

Mats are either sheathed with natural fabric and no longer removed, or they sew covers with a zipper so that they can be washed. A waterproof material is sewn over the foam that will serve as the floor to prevent leakage in unpleasant situations.

Velcro is sewn along the edges of the covers, where the mats are in contact with each other, at a distance of 15 cm. With their help, the details in the form of a house are connected to the floor, ceiling and three walls. At the entrance, you can hang a piece of fabric in a color that is harmonious with the main material. Velcro is sewn on top so that if necessary, raise the curtain, leaving the entrance open.

Housing from a carrier

From an ordinary cage, which is designed to transport animals, you can make a cozy house for dogs. It is enough just to sew a cover. To do this, you need a dense fabric of suitable colors, buttons, braid, Velcro.

First, separate pieces are cut out for the outer skin with a size equal to the back, front, side walls and top. For seams, an allowance of 1 cm is left. Similar details are cut out for interior decoration from plain fabric. Then they are sewn along the bottom and side edges. Then they are turned right side out through the open area and sewn up.

A fabric is sewn along the perimeter of the ceiling, and three sides are attached to it with the help of sewn Velcro or braid. The front wall serves as an entrance, so it remains open. Loops and buttons are sewn on its sides so that it can be fixed. A dense pillow or foam rubber sheathed with material is placed on the floor.

Bed of two hangers

To make this design, you will need two wire hangers, an unnecessary T-shirt, wire, cardboard and an old pillow. The litter can be made independently: sewing a cover and taking foam rubber or synthetic winterizer as a filler.

First straighten the hangers and cross them diagonally with wire. Two arcs are made of them, giving the structure a convex shape. The height should match the height of the dog. The base is cardboard. A frame is attached to it with a wire at the corners. Then pull the T-shirt so that its neck is the entrance. Place a pad on the bottom. It turns out a bed in the form of a tent.

How to make a dog house tent

The house in the form of a foam rubber tent is suitable for small dogs: dachshunds, Yorkies, lapdogs and others small breeds. To make it, you need to purchase foam sheets, choose a fabric for sheathing, prepare threads, a thimble, a needle, zippers, scissors.

For outer skin, preference is given to dense material: tapestry or microfiber. Inside the booth, natural fabrics should be used - chintz, linen, cotton, tarpaulin. The walls and roof are made of foam rubber. For the floor, it is better to take polyurethane foam.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows:

  1. 1. First, measurements are taken from the animal to calculate the length, height and width of the dwelling.
  2. 2. The pattern pattern is applied to graph paper. Cut out details for interior and exterior decoration. They must be mirror-symmetrical.
  3. 3. 1-2 cm are left on each side, after which grooves are sewn. Seams are made at a distance of 1 cm from the edge.
  4. 4. Sew in zippers.
  5. 5. When the cover is ready, put foam rubber into it, carefully straightening it.
  6. 6. All elements must be sewn, placing the seams on outside roofs. Foam rubber parts are connected to fabric elements so that there are no distortions. You can sew Velcro and assemble the house with their help. This makes the design collapsible and easy to transport.
  7. 7. Put an oilcloth or other waterproof material on the bottom to avoid unpleasant surprises. Polyurethane foam is sheathed with fabric and laid as a floor. It should not be sewn on to facilitate putting things in order inside.

Booth in an apartment from old furniture

For a four-legged friend of a large breed, it is better to build a more reliable house, for example, from wood. The manufacture of such a dwelling is more complicated and requires additional fittings and fasteners. For small dogs, it is enough to make a cabinet, for large dogs, a serious design is needed.

A wooden booth can perform several functions. Become a reliable house and carrier in which the pet is closed and transported to any place. If it is made taking into account the environment, it can complement the interior in an original way. Especially if made from old furniture.

It is difficult to buy a house for a large dog, so you will have to make it yourself. First, determine the location. To do this, you need to select a corner in a separate room. You can take an old table as a basis. The tabletop will be the ceiling, it remains to sheathe the walls and arrange a stove bench.

Floor for this design is not required. As a bedding, you can use a mattress, an old bedspread, a cape. You need to think about where the bowl of food and water will stand. This is necessary if the booth is used as an aviary in which the dog is closed during the absence of the owners. If a puppy lives in a cage, then a maple or diaper should be placed on the floor to facilitate care.

Having made the frame, the walls are finished with the material to your taste. It can be plywood, on top of which wallpaper is glued, sheathed with fabric or decorated with elements from the general interior of the room so that the booth fits harmoniously. But first of all, you should take care of the comfort of your four-legged pet. It is important that he perceives it as a personal space and wants to be in it.

Do-it-yourself dog house. Master class

Do-it-yourself dog house

Animals, although they live in the same house with us, need a secluded
corner where you can hide from prying eyes.


    Tapestry fabric, 2 m (300 rubles/m);

  • monochromatic dense rep to match the tapestry, 1.1 m (180 rubles/m);
  • foam rubber 3.5 cm thick, 1 sheet measuring 1 x 2 m (250 rubles);
  • clothesline, 2 m (95 rubles / 10 m).

The total approximate cost of the product is 1068 rubles.


    Long needle;

  • mock knife;
  • preferably - a sewing machine (but you can sew by hand).

Difficulty: medium


1. Transfer the patterns to graph paper. Pin the appropriate
roof detail on foam rubber and cut it out with a breadboard knife. Second detail
make it mirror symmetrical. Also open the foam bottom
55 cm in diameter.

2. Sew the darts over by hand. Do the same for the back seam.
align the sides with the number 1.

3. Insert the bottom into the foam "roof" and connect the parts in front, sewing
sides marked 2.

4. Cut out from the tapestry and plain fabric two pieces each of the outer and
interior decoration of the house (see diagram). Mirror them
symmetrical. Open the lower round bottom with a diameter of 66 cm from
tapestry fabric. Bottom for internal processing with a diameter of 55 cm - made of
monophonic finishing fabric. Cut out all the details with an allowance of 1.2 cm.
Sew darts on the details of the external and internal processing of the house (they
marked with crosses). Sew back seams 1 cm from the edge.

5. Connect the sides with the numbers of 4 parts of a plain facing (upper
the seam). Stitch this part on the sides with the numbers 5 with the workpiece
interior decoration of the house. Sweep the workpieces of the inner and outer
trim on the sides with the numbers 6, aligning the same icons (see.
scheme). Make sure the pieces converge on the long sides of the front
parts of the house, and stitch together slices with numbers 2 with a seam 1 cm from
the edges. Connect the sides with the number 3 in the same way.
1 cm from the edge).

6. Sew a decorative edging to finish the bottom of the house. To do this, open
from a single-color fabric, a 3 cm wide oblique inlay. Insert the cord into the fold of the inlay and
lay the line as close as possible to the resulting roller.
To do this, use the special foot for sewing in zippers, shifting
needle to the leftmost position. Sew the piping to the bottom edge of the outer
finishing the house (along the sections with the numbers 7). To the bottom edge of the inner
finishes (along the sections with the numbers 8) sew the bottom of a plain fabric
(diameter 55 cm), having previously taken it. Stitches 1 cm from
the edges.

7. Put the cover on the foam frame and straighten the facing part from
finishing monophonic fabric. The seam must run along the outer
foam roof corner. Align all the details of the fabric with the details of
foam rubber, eliminating distortions. Fasten the interior trim with tacks.
stitches, piercing the needle through the foam rubber out and back.

8. Lay a round piece of tapestry (66 cm in diameter) on the foam
bottom. Tuck the allowance inward and pin the edge to the piping. Connect
details by hand seam over the edge with threads to match the tapestry.

Pattern of a house for a dog


  • The end of the tuck forms a bulge - iron it in the mode
  • do not sew the inner bottom to the foam base, but simply
    tuck the fabric between the bottom and roof parts (in a circle) - then you can
    take it out if necessary and shake off the accumulated hair and debris;
  • if you did not find foam rubber 3.5 cm thick, adjust the pattern.
    If the fabric is thicker, add the difference to the seam allowance on the side with the number 5.
    (or reduce the allowance if it is thinner). Wherein
    the radius of the bottom parts made of foam rubber and finishing will change accordingly.
    fabrics. Be sure to pre-sweep the details and try on

By the way:

Warm pocket lined with faux fur will love it
dachshunds and small hairless dogs. Under the lining you need to invest
padding layer. It should be immediately sewn to the edges of the parts from the finishing
fabric so that it does not move when sewn with the lining. Fur
the rim is made to a depth of 15 cm from the "entrance". For especially cold
It is better to make a pocket entirely on faux fur.