Caring for a whelped German Shepherd. Caring for a German Shepherd Puppy

Having decided to get a German Shepherd, future breeders should not only be aware of the responsibility for the life and health of their four-legged friend, but also be prepared for the systematic, proper care of the dog. Caring for a German is the selection of a balanced diet, education, training, and preventive and hygienic procedures. Sheepdogs are owners of a thick, beautiful, luxurious coat, with a dense, thick undercoat, so breeders should know how to properly care for their coat. german shepherd.

Caring for German hair

Shepherd coat care must be correct, systematic and regular, even if you do not plan to show your dog. The coat of dogs is an indicator of the general physiological state, health. Faded, falling out, dull coat may indicate health problems, lack of vitamins in the dog's diet, unbalanced, poor-quality nutrition. If you do not take care of your pet's coat, the dog will look unkempt and untidy.

It should also be taken into account that the correct care depends on the type and structure of the dog's coat. Recall that German Shepherds are:


    short-haired (with thick hair of medium length).

To carry out any hygiene procedures, including the care of the coat, the German Shepherd puppy must be accustomed to early age. This is not to say that hygiene measures are a pleasure for dogs, so you will have to be patient. To care for the coat of a German, in a pet store or veterinary clinic get all the necessary attributes:

    a massage comb with metal frequent long teeth (for long-haired dogs) or with teeth of medium size;

    slicker comb - necessary for combing the dog during the seasonal molt, for unraveling mats in long-haired dogs;

    metal comb for combing tow;

    shampoos for bathing a puppy and adult dog;

    balms-conditioners for the coat of animals.

The coat of the Germans consists of coarser hairs, long guard hairs and a soft, dense undercoat. Twice a year, (beginning to mid-spring and autumn, a month before the onset of cold weather), physiological natural process. By winter, the dog is overgrown with thicker hair, by the summer, on the contrary, sheds a thick protective “fur coat”. the intensity and seasonality of molting depends on the conditions of the dog. For example, the process of molting in aviary Germans is more intense than in animals that are kept in an apartment.

In addition to seasonal, dogs also have an age molt - the period of replacement of puppy, "children's" hair with adult, harder hair. In addition, in females after childbirth or the end of lactation, hair replacement can also occur. During the molting period, the coat needs special, daily care. The dog is combed twice a day to speed up the process of dead hairs falling out and to avoid the appearance of a thick “wool carpet” on carpets or in the apartment. For combing use a slicker comb. Particular attention should be paid to the feathers, tail, sides of the dog.

Ideally, a German Shepherd with a "regular" coat length should be brushed twice a week, first with a massage wire brush, then with a comb. Long-haired Germans are combed out three times a week with a comb, comb with frequent teeth and a slicker brush. It is necessary to comb the shepherd dog carefully so that the hygienic procedure does not cause discomfort, let alone pain. discomfort. If the pet spins, breaks out and interferes with the procedure in every possible way, do not yell at the dog. Calm the animal with a gentle tone, give the command “Stand” or “Sit” in a strict tone. After the manipulations, be sure to praise the pet, treat it with a rewarding treat. The coat is combed out in the direction of hair growth, not forgetting to comb the feathers and tail well.

Systematic combing of wool has a beneficial effect on skin covering animal, stimulates the growth and renewal of the coat, and is also an excellent way to examine the pet for dangerous ticks hiding in thick wool, to identify signs of the disease (wounds, injuries, allergic manifestations).

Bathing a German Shepherd

If the German gets dirty on a walk, just wipe the coat with a damp towel or rinse the dog in the shower. AT summer period, if your pet loves to swim, after walking you can arrange water procedures for your pet in the shower.

When bathing a German, make sure that water does not get into the ears of the German Shepherd, there are no drafts in the apartment. Do not bathe sick, weakened animals. If the pet has been ill, you can wash it no earlier than ten days after recovery. After bathing, always dry the dog, check if water has got into the pet's ears. You can teach a German to dry hair with a hairdryer. After bathing, when the coat dries a little, comb your pet's coat well.

German Shepherds are large dogs that grow slowly from puppies to adults. The development process takes about 3 years and requires the owner to properly care for a German Shepherd puppy. Today we will tell you how to help the baby get used to a new place of residence, organize feeding, education and training.

Having brought the future defender to the apartment, you need to choose a place that is not located in a draft, near the door or battery. The puppy is allocated a mattress or rug, preferably with a pillowcase. There should be several of them to change and wash as they get dirty.

How to care for a German Shepherd puppy? At first, the baby will go to the toilet in the apartment. To relieve the need on the street, after feeding or sleeping, he is taught gradually. You should reward your pet with something tasty. The first days a German Shepherd puppy is able to whine, missing his mother or nursery. He needs to be calmed down with kind words, offered a toy, and not tied or closed alone in a dark place. But for the benefit of further proper education, you should not constantly stroke and squeeze the dog.

Features of feeding

The owner must properly organize the diet of his German. The following feeding methods are practiced: dry food, natural products and a combined method. There are features of feeding a puppy and an adult dog at home.


Proper care of a German Shepherd dog breed is feeding healthy food. The first 2 weeks in a new place, the baby should receive the food that he is used to. For a puppy, a nickel-plated bowl is purchased on a stand, which is adjusted to chest level.

As the baby grows, the height of the stand also changes (this way you can avoid problems with the spine). While the puppy is eating, fix its stand by adjusting its paws. Drinking in one of the bowls is changed 3 times a day. Food should be crushed, barely warm and smell good. After eating, the baby's face is wiped with a rag.

The daily diet of an adult animal at home includes lean, scalded and lightly boiled meat.

It is better to give rabbit meat, beef, chicken, turkey, but not pork. They continue to cook porridge from millet, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. It is allowed to give pumpkin, carrots, zucchini and bell pepper. Seasonal vegetables are good, such as apples and pears. Lactic acid products are also needed, 1 tsp. vegetable oil per day, honey. Unlike a puppy, an adult pet over a year old can be given sea fish - twice a week, boneless and boiled. Do not feed dogs fatty meat, smoked meats, tubular bones, fried food. The ban also includes pasta, condiments, muffins, chocolate and other sweets, legumes and carbonated drinks.

By 6-10 months, the duration of the walk increases to 2-3 hours. The pet needs communication with other thoroughbred dogs, and it is better to protect it from stray dogs. It is better to take your pet out during the day so that he receives useful ultraviolet radiation.

Bathing and grooming

Talking about the care and maintenance of a domestic German Shepherd, it is worth mentioning hygiene. Frequent bathing breaks the natural protective layer of the skin and harms the health of the coat. It is advised to completely wash the puppy with a special shampoo from 3 months and no more than 3 times a year. After the procedure, the dog is wiped and dried. You can remove dust or dirt after a walk by rinsing the animal with warm water. Wool cleaning is carried out daily, standing to the left of the pet. How to care for a German Shepherd so that tangles do not appear on the coat? You need to brush your pet as often as possible.

Ear and teeth cleaning

Keeping a German Shepherd is also taking care of your pet's ears and teeth. Teeth cleaning is carried out every 3 months with a powder or toothpaste for dogs. Fluorine-containing artificial bones help clean fangs and develop jaws. When studying the question of how to properly care for a German shepherd, remember that the ears are cleaned with a cotton swab or a special preparation. Regular examination of the ears for inflammation or redness is required.

Education and training

Knowing how to care for a shepherd dog, you can move on to education and training. Education begins from the first days the baby appears in the house - he is not allowed to jump on the furniture, they show who is the main owner here. When training, a mechanical, imitative method or encouragement with the help of food is used. Remember the rules of training: commands are pronounced without persistence and threats, choosing the right intonation. You can not be nervous and make sudden movements. The pet is periodically allowed to rest. If possible, the place of employment and the sequence of exercises change. Training is best done in the morning or in the evening, and this should be done by a person until the results appear.

We will talk about these nuances in the article.

Very active and temperamental, and if not cared for properly, they will not make a good guard dog. When purchasing a puppy of this breed, the owner must understand what a big responsibility he takes on.

It is best to keep German Shepherds outside in a private home. This applies to both adult dogs and small puppies. The pet will need to run and play a lot, and a large aviary with a platform, a canopy and where the puppy can wait out the bad weather is perfect for this.

You can keep the animal in the apartment, then you have to equip it with its own place in a warm corner, hidden from drafts. To do this, you will need to buy or make a soft bed with removable pillowcases, which must be changed twice a week for hygienic purposes.

At first, the puppy may be sad and miss his mother. To calm the animal a little, you need to stroke it, give it goodies, play, cuddle it, soothe it with a gentle voice. German Shepherds are very smart and feel great emotions.


If the puppy lives in an apartment, then you need to walk with him a lot. A very small two-month-old is enough for 30 minutes, but a six-month-old teenager can walk up to 2-3 hours in a row. If the puppy calmed down and lay down right on the street, then he walked up and you can take him home.

There are a few things to keep in mind while walking:

  • the puppy does not need additional loads, you should not force him to run after a bicycle or throw a stick to him endlessly;
  • in the company of relatives, the puppy gets tired much faster, this good way reduce the walk time and teach the pet to contact other animals;
  • puppies love outdoor games, they will happily run after a ball or a stick, but you should not harass the animal with such activity.

The older the animal becomes, the less time it takes for a walk.

Hygiene procedures

The most important thing when caring for a shepherd puppy is to watch his eyes. If the eyes are reddened, watery, or pus is released from them, then you should contact your veterinarian and follow all the recommendations prescribed by him.

Other hygiene procedures should be done:

  • brushing your teeth every three months with a special toothpaste or powder. Special bones made of leather will help fix the teeth;
  • ear cleaning once a month cotton buds and a special product that is sold in veterinary pharmacies. If inflammation is found, you should contact your veterinarian;
  • bathing no more than 2-3 times a month only when absolutely necessary.

Caring for puppies is not at all difficult, it is important to observe elementary hygienic basics.


In the first weeks he needs the same food that his breeder fed him to avoid severe stress in the baby. At six months of age, the puppy only needs 2-3 large meals on a set schedule, the bowl of food should be given at a set time for 20 minutes and then removed.


Every week you need to check the growth table and if there are strong deviations up or down, regulate this with the help of the diet.

A puppy can be fed both natural food and specialized puppy food, but the most preferred option is a combination of natural and dry food.

Feed the puppy from the table with regular food strictly forbidden, it threatens not only addiction and further begging, but also health problems, such as obesity.

The puppy should always have a bowl of clean, fresh water within easy reach.

Basic rules for keeping an adult dog

Before you accept a new family member in the person of a German Shepherd into the family, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its care:

  • . The health and longevity of an animal depends on nutrition. The main principles: do not feed from the table, do not overfeed, give only the food that the dog can and is appropriate for age, fresh water should always be available;
  • health. Need to bring a pet preventive examination to the veterinarian once a year, if there is a suspicion of a disease, then treatment should be started as soon as possible;
  • physical activity. You need to provide your pet with enough space for physical activity (for example, an aviary in a private house) or often go for a walk with him. You need to play with the dog for at least one hour a day to splash out its physical activity;
  • and socialization. At a young age, a puppy needs to be introduced to other dogs and people, more often to be picked up so that he gets used to people. AT adolescence you can already start training, which German shepherds lend themselves very well to. You can train an animal throughout life, encouraging him for success, as this not only disciplines, but also brings the pet and owner closer.

At first, when the puppy is still small, it is necessary to carefully monitor his health - if even a slight malaise is noticed, then you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Pedigree animals are prone to diseases inherent in their breed, and if the problem is identified earlier, it will be easier to treat it.

Proper nutrition is the second key to success. Without a properly formulated diet, a dog will not grow up happy and healthy.

Hygiene care for a German Shepherd is quite simple - combing the coat twice a week, cleaning the ears and teeth once a month (or when dirty) and bathing as needed.

private place

The best place for a dog in the house is a spacious aviary, but if it was decided to keep a pet in an apartment, then you need to equip him with a comfortable place, which must meet certain parameters:

  • The size of the bed should be large enough so that the animal can lie comfortably on it. Pillowcases or mattress should be removable so that they can be washed periodically;
  • the bed should be located away from drafts so that the dog does not get sick;
  • it is advisable to put the "bed" away from the aisles in order not to disturb the dog at home during sleep.

You can put a couch next to your own bed, if you are not embarrassed by such a close proximity to your beloved pet. The German Shepherd will carefully guard the owner's sleep.

How to feed?

The German Shepherd is a fairly large dog that requires a large number of food daily. Each owner chooses for himself how and what to feed the pet, but it is important to follow a number of certain rules to maintain the health of the pet.

Dry food

With dry food, everything is simple - it does not need to be cooked, it is stored for a long time and has the necessary set of substances for the development of the dog. You should not save on dry food and buy low-class food - it will not end in anything good, since the body of purebred dogs is more sensitive to low-quality food.

Dry food should be fed to the dog at about the same time in limited portions, while fresh food should always be available. pure water.

natural food

With natural food, everything is more complicated - it must be prepared separately for the animal (it is absolutely impossible to give the same thing that the owner eats) and only from those products that are allowed for representatives of this breed.

The correct diet for an adult dog consists of:

  • 30% meat. From meat the dog receives the necessary protein. You can give it raw, cut into small pieces or slightly boiled with boiling water. Chicken, lean pork, beef are perfect. Meat can be mixed with porridge;
  • offal. Everyone gives them raw, except for the liver, since there may be helminths there, it is pre-boiled;
  • cereals. Sheepdogs can have any cereals, including dairy, except for semolina, it is poorly excreted from the body of the animal;
  • dairy. Cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt should occupy a significant place in the diet of the animal;
  • vegetables and fruits. Sheepdogs are happy to eat zucchini, pumpkin, beets, cabbage, greens. You can give them cut into pieces or chopped on a grater. Fruits - as a treat in small portions with the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream for better absorption.

Feeding natural food outperforms dry food in terms of variety, but loses in time.

Whatever the dog's diet, the animal must have clean water around the clock. It needs to be changed daily.

Are vaccinations needed?

Vaccination is a great way to avoid many diseases and further health problems for your pet.

You need to do them according to a specific schedule:

  • against hepatitis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis, the puppy is vaccinated at the age of 1.5 months, after two weeks, as prescribed by the veterinarian, they are re-vaccinated;
  • against canine distemper, a puppy is vaccinated at three months, again - after 6 months;
  • against leptospirosis is vaccinated at 4 months;
  • at 6 months they are vaccinated against rabies and repeated every year.

The listed vaccinations must be done according to the schedule, otherwise serious health problems cannot be avoided. There are a number of vaccinations that the owners do at will (vaccinations against microsporia, trichophytosis, parainfluenza).

Hair care

Wool is one of the good health animal. If it is faded, dull and falls out, then you should take the pet to the veterinarian for examination.

You should start hygienic hair care as soon as the puppy appeared in the family, so that he gets used to the procedures. For dogs, this is not the most pleasant process, so you have to be patient.

Sheepdogs are of two types:

To care for wool, you need to purchase the following devices at the pet store:

  • massage comb with metal teeth (long - for long-haired dogs, medium - for short-haired);
  • a slicker comb for combing a dog during the molting period;
  • metal comb for combing tow;
  • specialized shampoo and conditioner for the animal.

Twice a year, the dog begins an active molt, during this period you need to comb the animal with a slicker comb, in the rest of the period 1-2 times a week you need to go through the coat with a massage brush to avoid the formation of tangles.

You need to cut only the hair in the neck and hind legs for the convenience of the dog. Grooming is required only for long-haired shepherd dogs.

How to keep in an apartment?

If it was decided to keep a German shepherd in an apartment, then for it you need to equip a cozy place in the living room (you can’t put the dog in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the hallway or on the balcony) away from drafts and heat sources.


Shepherd dogs shed a lot, so it is important to regularly clean the apartment, especially if children, pensioners or allergy sufferers live there.

What accessories and toys do you need?

Before bringing a dog into the house, you need to purchase all the necessary accessories for it, such as:

  • bowls for food and water (ceramic is preferable, they are more stable, preferably on a stand so that the pet does not have to bend over much);
  • bed of a suitable size;
  • everyday comb, slicker brush;
  • hair shampoo, conditioner;
  • hygiene products (for washing eyes, for cleaning ears, etc.);
  • collar and leash (sheepdogs need strong, thick, durable material, but not a chain);
  • toys.

Shepherds, especially at a young age, are very fond of playing, and toys will only please them. This can be rubber bones, balls, sticks, tourniquets and any other toys. The owner must be prepared for the fact that he will often have to buy new toys, since shepherd dogs have quite strong jaws and strong teeth.

Walking rules

If a shepherd dog lives in an apartment, then you need to walk with it at least 1.5-2 hours a day. You need to walk your pet in a spacious, open area, where he can run freely, frolic, and play with a stick.

Ideal options would be:

  • forest or forest belt;
  • field;
  • wasteland;
  • big park.

If there are a lot of people around, and especially children, then you need to walk the dog on a leash, even if it is very well-mannered. During the game, a massive dog may not notice the child and knock him down, which in the future may threaten the owner of the animal with problems.

As for walking in winter, in most cases, shepherd dogs do not need clothes - these dogs feel quite good at temperatures down to -10 degrees. But if the weather is too cold, then you can buy a jumpsuit for your pet.

How to trim your nails and clean your ears?

From infancy, you need to accustom the dog to the fact that she will periodically brush her teeth. If everything is done correctly, then in adulthood the pet will endure this procedure calmly.

For cleaning you need to purchase:

  • a special brush for dogs;
  • special toothpaste.

You need to brush your teeth once a month and at a time when the dog is calm. Best time- after an active walk, when the animal is tired and does not resist. You need to brush your teeth every 1-2 months.

Trimming the nails of an inexperienced dog breeder can cause a lot of trouble, since in shepherd dogs the claws are black and not translucent, it is not clear where the void ends and the living tissue begins. The best option will take the dog to a professional for nail trimming.

How to bathe?

You need to bathe a shepherd dog as it gets dirty, preferably no more than 1-2 times a month, otherwise the shampoo will wash protective substances from its hair, which threatens with diseases. If the dog is slightly dirty after a walk, then it can be rinsed with warm water, it is not necessary to use detergents.

It is best to bathe in the bathroom with a shower. First you need to wet the coat, then apply shampoo, lather and rinse thoroughly, and then treat the dog with conditioner.


If you do not completely wash off the detergents from the animal's coat, then severe irritation may appear on its skin.

How to train?

The German Shepherd is highly trainable, but it is important to start teaching him commands from infancy. If you miss this period, then in the future the dog will perceive the owner's commands much worse.

In no case should you beat and severely punish a dog for failures, but it is possible and even necessary to punish for disobedience. If the puppy resists something and is dirty, then you need to lightly press him by the scruff of the neck to the floor and strictly say “Fu!”. So, without violence, the pet will very quickly understand what this signal means and will obey it.

The German Shepherd is an ideal guard dog and a good friend, loyal, loving and very courageous. Representatives of this breed are ready to protect their master and members of their family to the last breath. They are very smart and quick-witted, and that is why they can easily become full-fledged members of the family.

Useful video

Video about training and keeping a German Shepherd:

In contact with

The German Shepherd is a breed that perfectly combines wolf texture and human qualities, is distinguished by devotion, but is not so simple. When buying a German Shepherd puppy, a person must anticipate the difficulties that await him in further way. Meals, treatment, vaccinations, annual registration and membership fees are taken into account in advance before purchase.

General description of the breed

The German Shepherd is considered the most intelligent and loyal, people position the dog as the best companion in life. German Shepherd is the best service dog in the world. It helps the police in hard work, military people. It is known that shepherd dogs on equal terms with the fighters took part in hostilities.

According to cynologists, the roots of the origin of the German Shepherd dog go far beyond Germany, although the dog is considered German. It is difficult to say unequivocally where the breed originates. There are a number of theories about this. Perhaps the ancestors of the Germans were Indian wolves. Interesting fact: the shepherd was brought out of the lines.

However, in Germany, the breed has found a "face". The pedantic Germans were engaged in the dog, who, through selection, wanted to bring out an intelligent and strong breed capable of selflessly fighting. It is worth recognizing that the scientists succeeded. The current German Shepherd is not much different from relatives from past centuries. It just got a little taller and sleeker. The first dog of the breed is considered to be a gray dog. white color named Greif. In 1899, the Germans Stephanitz and Mayer launched the first breed standard.

When forming the German Shepherd, Stephanitz, recognized as the father of the breed, paid great attention to the development of the intellect and working qualities of the dog. He believed that the German Shepherd could be any herding dog from Germany, whose characteristics made it possible to successfully fulfill the mission of protecting livestock.

Careful attention in the creation of the breed has led to the uniqueness of the dog, poise, vigilance, ease in training and teaching teams. The main thing in the breed is amazing intelligence. In the future, it became clear that the German Shepherd is a breed of dog that copes well with the work of a shepherd and with other activities.

The German Shepherd dog is considered an extremely trainable and intelligent breed of today. Dogs are distinguished by an amazing mind, which allows them to carry out various commands and soberly assess the situation around them. Historically, representatives of the breed were seen a number of centuries ago, but the German Shepherd breed gained particular popularity after the Second World War.

German soldiers moved around accompanied by nosy and inquisitive animals. It was on the dogs that the difficult tasks of finding explosives were assigned. The training of the German Shepherd, carried out competently, made it possible to make a warrior out of the German Shepherd, ready to give his life for the people. What a pity that the wonderful dog did not know that he was fighting on the side of the Nazis. Shortly after the war, the world learned about the existence of the smartest breed.

Commissioner Rex, the popular hero of the television series, has been leading his own history for a long time. Since the Bronze Age, if you're willing to believe the date. Now this type of dog comes out on top in popularity among large four-legged.

The first remains, presumably belonging to shepherd dogs or ancestors, were found by the Austrian archaeologist Jaiteles. Often similar burials came across in other parts of the European continent, and zoologists noted that the similarity of the skeleton of shepherd dogs with direct ancestors - wolves, gives the right to assert how ancient this breed is.

Much later, in the Middle Ages, the standard of German Shepherds began to develop with pure blood: 700 years ago, authentically similar types of dogs appeared. They were used to guard herds and sheep, hence the name of the dog. Approximately in the 7th century AD. in the Alemannic (now Germanic) laws, mention was made of the severe punishment that befell the criminal who killed the sheepdog.

Breeding dogs of the breed accounted for the district of Württemberg. By the 18th century, such a large number of shepherd dogs had bred here that the dogs began to be crossed with other breeds and sold to merchants. In a word, the purification of the breed continued. Until in 1882, two individuals, males Kiras and Greif, were presented at an exhibition in Hamburg, from which, according to the stud books, purebred lines were descended. Today it is difficult to explain the popularity of German Shepherds. Most likely, the love for dogs is explained by the exceptional combination of external beauty, unpretentiousness in keeping and intelligence of the dog.

Standard, types

Summary table of characteristics:

Lifespan9–13 years old
Weightmale: 30–40 kg, female: 22–32 kg
Growthmale: 60–65 cm, female: 55–60 cm
Woolshort or medium
Colorblack, black and tan, sable, black and red, grey, black and silver
Characterintelligent, loyal, obedient, curious, alert, confident, courageous
Usageuniversal, shepherd, service, security, cynological, family, companion

Adopted in 1991, the FCI standard classifies the breed according to the classification to the first group, hounds and guard dogs. They are used as shepherds. Appearance shepherds:

  • Large muscular body shape, with a proportional head;
  • Height 60-65 cm at the cable, at the bitch - 55-60 cm;
  • The body weight of an adult female is about 22-32 kg, for a male 30-40 kg;
  • The German Shepherd has high protruding ears, giving an attentive and serious expression to the muzzle. The ears have pointed tips, they are slightly bent back;
  • The skull is elongated. The muzzle is broad with large eyes and nose;
  • The head is 40% of the height at the withers. The forceps and the part of the skull that makes up the rest of the muzzle are proportionally related - 50 to 50;
  • Nose, regardless of color, black;
  • The dog's eyes are set slightly at an angle, showing a dark brown color;
  • Cheekbones and jaws are strong, wide;
  • Jaws well developed, showing a regular scissor bite;
  • The chest is wide, the skeleton is heavy, massive. The depth of the chest reaches 45-48% of the height of the withers;
  • The limbs are powerful. Hind legs They have amazing pushing power, but the dog prefers to smoothly pick up running speed. Paws are even and parallel, the shoulder blades of the front paws converge on the back. The shoulders, when viewed from above, are perfectly parallel to each other. The paws are gathered into a ball, contain strong claws, the hind limbs are parallel, when viewed from the side, the dog is slightly protruding back .;
  • The neck is muscular and strong, has no folds;
  • The body flows in a smooth line into the withers, slightly falling to the croup;
  • The tail hangs smoothly down to the length of the hock;
  • The skin on the body is loose, without suspensions, adjoins;
  • The coat has a hard structure and a thick undercoat;
  • Color black with reddish-yellow tan or black solid, let's say gray smoke;
  • For the color with tan, a black mask is required. If, with a solid color, there is a small white mark on the chest, this sign is not considered a defect.

The first four months of a German Shepherd puppy's life

  • German Shepherd puppy: 1 month old. Puppies of this age differ little from their counterparts. You should choose a pet at a later age, when puppies have their own strengths and weaknesses.
  • German Shepherd puppy: 2 months old. The puppies are already quite large, because of the large, relative to the body, limbs seem awkward and disproportionate.
  • German Shepherd puppy: 3 months old. The puppy is full of energy, active and mobile. At the “post-vaccination” age, he spends a lot of time at home, leprosy and pranks in the apartment cannot be avoided.
  • German Shepherd puppy: 4 months old. The puppy begins to change teeth, the first molt occurs.

Photo and price of puppies

The cost of German Shepherd puppies reaches an average of 25-40 thousand rubles.

How to take a puppy

A German Shepherd puppy must not be picked up by the skin or taken by the front paws. The puppy is supposed to be taken skillfully: skip the middle and index fingers of the left hand between the aprons and paws. In this case, the breast will lie on the palm of your hand. With the remaining fingers of the hand, the front paws are pressed against the breast. The puppy seems to sit on the palm right hand. Until all four paws touch the surface when descending to the floor, you can not remove your hands from under the baby.

Children should not be allowed to pick up a puppy. It is recommended to show less affection towards the puppy, so as not to provoke the appearance of unwanted traits. You should not wag the neck, a dewlap of the neck can form.

What to look out for

When closing and opening a door, moving furniture or transferring hot water, do not forget that there is a puppy in the house. In the room, avoid dangling wires, otherwise the puppy can bite its teeth. Caring for a German Shepherd puppy involves constant attention and the provision of normal living conditions.

When playing with a puppy, do not pull a stick or leash out of your teeth, risking breaking your teeth or ruining your bite. Do not abuse the puppy's jumps, provoking a sprain in the dog's ligaments.

Puppies do not like loneliness, they yearn without an owner. Do not leave alone for a long time to avoid trouble in the house.

During the change of teeth, puppies often gnaw on all sorts of things, it is recommended to hide shoes away, raise the ends of the tablecloth up, block beds and sofas. It is better to leave the baby more toys for a fun pastime: rubber balls, squeaker toys or a sugar bone.

If the puppy takes a prohibited item, the owner must calmly and confidently say: “Fu!” and pick up the item. It is impossible to beat, so as not to develop cowardice incompatible with character.

Pet character

The German Shepherd has a lot of talents, the breed has established itself as a guide dog, due to a balanced psyche, amazing intuition and ease of learning. The dog is simply not able to be a bad companion, good-natured and gentle to his beloved owner and family.

The German Shepherd is vital for long walks in the fresh air and physical activity. The owner, who took the breed into the house, is obliged to prepare for a change in the routine of life.

The dog cannot be called miniature, it is really active and mobile. The characteristics of the breed indicate the purpose of creation. A powerful skeleton allows the dog to fight with the enemy with complete confidence in victory. The muscles are extremely developed. Colossal physical potential is created by prolonged training.

The German Shepherd is an excellent watchdog and guard dog. Able to serve a person faithfully, without asking for anything in return. Raising a German Shepherd is a difficult and painstaking task.

Speaking about the nature and temperament of animals, it is worth designating high intelligence. Dogs are well trained thanks to an inquisitive mind. The breed cannot be called a family dog, although the pet is able to get along well with all members. Animals were created for other purposes, there is desire in the blood physical activity, wrestling, etc.

German Shepherd puppies are adorable. They try to get to everything that attracts attention. The desire to taste objects leads to the deterioration of most things. Do not beat the dog for a fault. Clever creatures will understand without physical pain. Toddlers are able to misbehave around the clock. An important aspect is the upbringing that began from the first day the puppy was in the house. Keeping a large animal in an apartment can be expensive if there is no proper care for a German Shepherd.

German Shepherd Care

How to care for a German Shepherd is easy to find out from a puppy seller. There are many nurseries in the country and the world.

The owner of a German Shepherd puppy is obliged to monitor the development of the pet. The dog will need a balanced diet, good care and age-appropriate exercise.

Like any service dog, the German Shepherd requires constant attention and will have to deal with the dog for life. Not everyone manages to cope with growing and educating so large dog. By purchasing a puppy, the owner is fully responsible for everything that can happen through the fault of the animal.
When choosing a puppy's nickname, the owner takes into account the first letter named in the nursery. The name of the dog must be sonorous, short and distinctly pronounced.

A prerequisite for keeping dogs is year-round registration of the animal in a kennel or kennel club, veterinary and medical supervision is mandatory. When keeping a dog, the owner is obliged to observe the rules of hygiene and sanitation, to prevent pollution of public areas. The owner takes care of timely vaccinations, tracking vaccinations for German Shepherd puppies.

When choosing a nickname for a dog, rely on a sonorous and short one; it is not recommended to mix it with affectionate nicknames when giving commands. You will need to examine the puppy at the veterinarian and check with the breeder for the required vaccinations and deworming. It is worth repeating a visit to the doctor every six months for prevention purposes.

German Shepherds are best kept outdoors. If you have to keep a dog in the house, before purchasing a puppy, it is recommended to prepare a place for keeping, items for feeding, care and education. You can not take a place for a puppy in a draft, near heating appliances, in the kitchen or in the bathroom. For sleep and rest, it is better for a puppy to put a mattress or rug. To prevent the puppy from whining on the first day, you can’t lock the baby in a separate room, it’s forbidden to tie him.

The dog's place in the house

Puppies sleep a lot, make sure that the baby sleeps in his own place. Otherwise, command: "Place!"

From a German shepherd, a watchman or a service dog will subsequently grow; the dog needs special maintenance. It does not mean that from the first days of the puppy's appearance in the baby's house, it is supposed to be kept in tight rein. On the contrary, at first let the dog get used to the place.

If you're purchasing a dog seat that you want next to your bed or workspace, that's fine. But you can not put a dog bed in a draft or passageway. You can’t tie a puppy, it’s easy to spoil the dog’s exterior. Do not allow the baby to jump from sofas, armchairs and high heights, leading to a curvature in the exterior.

Walks in the open air

To prevent the puppy from getting sick, the baby is taken out for a walk a couple of days after revaccination. The duration of the walk depends on weather conditions, it is recommended to gradually increase the time spent in the open air. The puppy needs to move more.

Puppies are taught to walk on a leash from the age of 2 months. No violence or coercion is applied to the dog. It is recommended to carefully, without sudden movements, take the dog out of unwanted places.

At the age of 3-4 months, it is permissible to walk with a puppy for distances of up to 4 kilometers. During walks, the dog is taught to be indifferent to passers-by, transport, noise and cats. The situation is achievable if you gradually move to more noisy and crowded streets. The puppy is entitled to free walking without a leash, playing with peers.

Walking is best done in the daytime so that the puppy receives a sufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation, the lack of sun leads to rickets. Do not allow a puppy to strangers, stray dogs, so as not to snag a variety of . A puppy is able to be bitten by an adult dog, the kid, remembering the case, runs the risk of becoming cowardly-aggressive in the future.

A puppy can be frightened by a new object. If this happens, calm the dog by going to the object, touching it. The dog will be tempted to approach and sniff the suspicious object, then calm down.

When and how to bathe a German Shepherd puppy

It is permissible to bathe a puppy in the river every day, starting from 3-4 one month old. The game will help develop and strengthen the muscles of the dog, the development of the chest. Forcibly dragging a puppy into the water is not worth it, moreover, throwing it there. It is better to attract to play in the water with a toy. It is better for the owner to go into the water and call the dog after him.

Comb the puppy with a comb, then with a brush. After the procedure, the wool is carefully smoothed with a cloth. Wipe the ears with damp gauze with gentle movements.


Proper feeding of German Shepherd puppies is the basis of health, longevity and preservation of proper physical form. There are two feeding systems: traditional, when the owner prepares food for the pet, and feeding with dry and canned food. Each puppy has its own characteristics and preferences. Watch your pet, making up a regular diet.

For the first two weeks of life in the house, the puppy receives the usual food. A sharp change in nutrition leads to gastric upset in a pet and a complete refusal to eat.

Dog nutrition is the basis of full development. The processes are different from human ones, the German Shepherd's diet is different from the owner's:

  • Remember that the taste of food is not as important to the dog as the smell. The scent motivates little puppies;
  • German Shepherds are not accustomed to chew, swallow immediately, avoid eating too large pieces;
  • It is impossible to give raw meat in its pure form, it must be treated with boiling water;
  • Do not oversalt food, add an excess of spices;
  • The abundance of plant foods is not welcome, dogs are predators, small intestine dogs are short, they absorb proteins better.
  • Pets do not digest lactose and starch at all, milk and potatoes are poorly absorbed by the dog's body.
  • Giving carbohydrates is good. You will need cereals such as buckwheat and rice, oatmeal, offer bran and flax seeds as an additional source of vegetable fats and fiber.

When choosing what to feed, a balanced natural diet or dry food, think about what you can manage financially. Dry food is more convenient and faster, but more expensive. It is permissible to teach a shepherd dog to consume meat and food "from the table", human products will do. For example, yolk and protein, cottage cheese and fish, vegetables and fruits, cereals. Bread is given, but extremely rarely, mainly replacing porridge with it, croutons are a delicacy. It is acceptable to use combined feeding, adding canned food or dry food to the porridge.

There are no special restrictions for puppies. They stop drinking mother's milk at the age of one and a half months, then complementary foods are introduced. Puppies love porridge, with the addition of beef. Excluded from the diet - chicken meat is considered harmful to all breeds of dogs. From cereals it is better to give preference to barley and oatmeal. Dishes will appeal to your pet, enrich the body with vitamins and magnesium.

Toilet training

From about 3-4 months of age, puppies begin to get dirty in the apartment. You can’t punish, beat, poke your nose into a puddle or scream - it’s useless.

When accustoming to cleanliness, the owner must know that the desire to recover occurs in the dog after sleeping or eating. It is better to take the puppy outside for 5-10 minutes at the indicated moment, so that the puppy recovers, and preferably to the appointed place. Then praise the dog.

It's important to know!

  1. You will need to stop the ears at the age of 7-8 months. The procedure is not considered complicated, it will relieve many diseases and difficulties with the auricles.
  2. Walking the dog is recommended to be done on time. These animals love discipline in everything.
  3. Vaccination will protect the animal, the aspect cannot be neglected.
  4. You will have to purchase two brushes with different hardness, brush the dog's hair twice a week. Pay special attention to the chest and tail, where tangles are most often formed.
  5. No need to experiment with nutrition. The stomach of the German Shepherd cannot be called strong, leave the food right.

Do not wag the baby by the withers or neck, risking forming an ugly dewlap. If you are playing with the toy together, do not pull too hard and do not pull, so as not to distort the dog's bite. Before reaching the age of 4 months, you should not allow the dog to go down the stairs on his own, so as not to damage the spine. On the first walks, try to introduce the dog to a large number of people, dogs, various situations.

Education and training

The upbringing of a German Shepherd puppy begins from the first days of its appearance in the house. It is not allowed to do what will later be prohibited. For example, jump on a bed, sofa or chair. During jumping, the pet is able to damage the ligaments.

The training of a German Shepherd puppy is carried out at any age - it depends on the skill and ability of the trainer, but the foundation of education is laid with early childhood. How to train a German Shepherd puppy, the owner decides on his own. Constant training for a German Shepherd is appropriate when serious training in training begins.

  • It is permissible to use the mechanical method of training - to reinforce the command or to influence the painful hold. Similar methods will work, but the techniques are suitable only for balanced animals.
  • The second method of training is known, it is based on the use of feed. The dog completes the task to get his favorite treat. With the described training method, the pet will quickly develop a reflex, but the method does not guarantee a 100% result. German Shepherd will be interesting and informative for further life together.
  • The imitative method is used, for example, when training a shepherd dog. Puppies, observing the behavior of an adult dog, quickly grasp the technology of action and learn to apply the skills to the situation. For service German Shepherds, a similar training method is quite applicable.

When training dogs, remember the basic rules of training:

  • Pronounce the correct intonation of the voice for each selected command.
  • You should not pronounce commands in a threatening or insistent tone.
  • The dressing person behaves calmly and balanced.
  • Avoid sudden movements.
  • Give your pet time to rest, then you will quickly achieve the desired result.
  • It is better to train a dog in the morning or in the evening, before eating.
  • If there is an opportunity to change the place of classes and the sequence of exercises, do it.
  • Until the results are achieved, only one person trains the dog.

The German Shepherd, thanks to the mind and complaisant disposition, lends itself perfectly to training. The dog will learn the standard commands in a couple of months. At the age of one year, the animal must be already fully educated and knowing certain commands.

Training deserves careful attention. Provided regularly, the body of a powerful dog needs good physical activity. For jogging and full-fledged training, it is better to choose specialized sites. They will help the dog reach its potential. The German Shepherd gets along well with other animals, but a muzzle is recommended.

Animals get up early, they will not refuse a morning run for half an hour: a warm-up for the dog and a cheerful start to the morning for the owner. The dog needs a clear planning of the day, appreciates discipline. It is recommended to develop a routine with the start of training, at 5-6 months.

The dog is serious, a fit of rage is possible, proper upbringing will be the key to safe coexistence with a difficult animal. A competent approach to training will save the owner from numerous troubles later. If a person is not ready to devote a lot of time to the German Shepherd every day, it is better not to get a puppy of the breed.

German Shepherds are large and active dogs. They are intelligent and loyal to their owner. German Shepherds require proper care and constant training - the only way they can live long and feel good. These dogs need to be fed and maintained in a special way, as well as taken to the veterinarian on time. German Shepherds also require regular physical activity. With due effort, your pet will live long life and will be faithful companion for many years.


How to feed a German Shepherd

    Provide your dog with proper nutrition. Because German Shepherds are large and active dogs that can develop joint problems, it is important to feed your dog properly throughout its life. Buy healthy food that does not contain "empty" ingredients. Give your pet a quality food containing animal protein, not a protein substitute in the form of corn.

    Feed your shepherd dog food appropriate for its age. With age, the need for nutrients changes. Give your dog food intended for dogs of his age: puppies - puppy food, adult dogs - adult food, seniors - seniors.

    Feed your dog the amount of food appropriate for its weight and age. Read the package recommendations for serving sizes. The portion depends on the weight and age of the animal. You should also ask your veterinarian how much food to give your dog.

    Divide all food over several feedings over the course of a day. It is best to feed your dog twice a day or more often in small portions. If the portions are small, the dog will not bloat (this problem can be life threatening).

    • If you feed your dog several times a day, he will need to be taken outside after each meal.
    • Don't make your dog move a lot after eating. This will increase the risk of bloating.
  1. Give your dog healthy treats. The health of a dog depends not only on the quality of the food, but also on the treats. Choose from hearty, low-calorie treats like crunchy vegetables or regular food in a special feeding toy that keeps your dog from swallowing everything at once.

    Leave water for the dog. Dogs can drink a lot during the day and need water - lack of it can lead to dehydration. Fill the dog's bowl with clean water every day and leave it in a convenient place for the dog. During the day, check to see if there is water left in the bowl.

    German Shepherd Health

    1. Take your dog to the vet once a year. It is important to prevent the development of diseases. If you show your dog to the doctor every year, you can avoid the development of various diseases or cure them quickly. During the examination, the veterinarian may do the following:

      • Estimate general state dog health. The doctor will examine the dog for the most common diseases, including ear infections.
      • Trim nails. If the nails are too long, it can be painful for the dog to move. The doctor will be able to shorten long nails.
      • Treat for worms. Dogs should be given deworming medication once a month. The doctor can do an analysis for helminths and prescribe medications. If the dog has worms, the doctor will prescribe medicine.
      • Get vaccinated. Ask your doctor what vaccinations your dog will need and what diseases they will protect against.
    2. Spay or neuter your dog. This will avoid the appearance of unwanted offspring. If you are not planning to breed shepherd dogs, ask your veterinarian when is the best time to neuter or neuter your dog. As a rule, the operation is done at the age of 6 months to one and a half years. Some doctors advise to do the operation no earlier than a year, so that the dog has stronger joints.

      • The operation will reduce the level of aggression of the dog in the future.
    3. Get your dog treated as soon as possible. If you notice your dog is limping or not eating well, take him to the vet. German Shepherds may experience joint problems with age, so it is important to monitor the condition of the dog and start treatment on time.

      Wash and brush your dog. Grooming a German Shepherd is fairly easy. Brush out the coat once or twice a week. Bathe your dog as often as needed, but no more than a few times a month as shampoo can dry out the skin and coat.

      • You can wash the dog yourself or take it to the groomer.
      • If the dog moves a lot, wash it more often. This will protect the dog's skin from rashes and diaper rash, especially in summer.

    Physical activity

    1. Give your dog enough space. Remember that the German Shepherd is large breed. These dogs need a lot of space in the house or yard. German Shepherds are more suited to a home than a small apartment.

      • Shepherds love to run. If you live in a house, clear the yard and make it safe for the dog.
    2. Let the dog move. Without physical activity, the dog's energy will not find an outlet, and the muscles will not work. You should play with the dog 1-2 hours a day, go for long walks or runs, or even chase the dog around the yard. Dogs that exercise little are more likely to develop joint diseases (hip dysplasia and elbow joint), as well as depression and destructive behavior.

      • But do not force the dog to move a lot at a young age. Don't take your dog for a run until he is a year or a year and a half old. Until this age, the dog's joints and bones are still developing.
      • If you plan to let your dog out in the yard, make sure there are no holes in the fence.
      • If you don't have a big yard, take your dog to the park. Walk your dog in any open spaces.
    3. Don't make your dog move a lot after eating. Because shepherd dogs can bloat, they need rest after eating so they can digest their food. Do not invite your dog to run before meals and for several hours after meals.

      • Running after eating is not worth it, but it will be useful to take a walk.
    4. Avoid overheating. German Shepherds, especially long-haired ones, do not tolerate hot weather well. If you have a shepherd and live in a hot climate, give your dog plenty of water and shade. Don't let your dog move around a lot on particularly hot days.

    How to train and socialize a sheepdog

      Socialize your puppy. German Shepherds should be introduced to a wide variety of people, places and dogs at a young age. This will teach the dog to calm interaction with all people and animals. If a dog is not socialized as a child, it can become aggressive as an adult.

      • If you plan to make a guard dog out of a shepherd dog, you will still need to socialize it. Socialization is the basis of raising a dog, and you will deal with training later.
      • To get your dog accustomed to people and animals, you need to pick him up more often while he is still a puppy. If you regularly touch the puppy and take him in your arms, when the dog grows up, he will allow you to trim the claws or inspect the mouth.
    1. get busy training . Shepherds are very smart and loyal, which means that they remember commands well and are amenable to training. However, it is important to train the dog using positive motivation: praise the dog, stroke it, reward it for following commands. This will allow you to make the relationship with the dog trusting and strong.