Dachshund long-haired standard. Rabbit Dachshund (photo): A faithful companion with common sense

If you are fascinated by a long-haired dachshund, and there is an opportunity to keep pet, it is desirable to acquire this dog. But the main thing is not only to choose the right puppy, but also to train and create a suitable diet for him.

History of the breed

The pedigree of elongated dogs goes back into the distant past. Even in the tablets of the ancient Egyptians there is a mention of a dachshund. The name of the breed appeared much later and translated from German means "badger dog". The first short-legged creatures were bred in Germany.

At first it was the culling of the hounds. The dogs were not suitable for running long distances and could not participate in the herding of the animal. But thanks to a surprisingly sensitive sense of smell, the breed began to be used in another form of hunting - norn.

Here, the combination of short legs with an elongated body turned out to be handy. Defective hounds easily penetrated the burrows of badgers, foxes and other animals. Catching was so successful that it became a reason for selection. So a new breed of slow-moving hounds appeared.

The first representatives of the species are short-haired individuals. After crossing with spaniels, the hairy dachshund was born, which immediately gained popularity among hunters with a meek disposition..


Since the 17th century in Germany, they have been looking at short-legged dogs for burrow hunting. Literally in one century, varieties of elongated dogs appeared, which were already bred outside the country. This was the reason for the approval of breed standards.


Since the 19th century, representatives of short-legged hounds have become pets everywhere. In selection there is a focus - breeding miniature dogs. Among the long-haired dachshunds, 3 varieties appear with a volume chest:

  • standard - more than 35 cm;
  • "dwarfs" - 30-35 cm;
  • "rabbits" - up to 30 cm.

This is the main parameter by which representatives of species are evaluated. Such dogs are further subdivided into 2 types - large dachshunds (8-12 kg) and small ones (6-8 kg). Miniature animals, respectively, have an even smaller mass.

Otherwise, the signs are identical: a well-defined keel on a deep sternum, elongated body and muzzle, short legs, excessively hairy ears and tail.

Characteristics of the Dachshund

When purchasing a dog, many want to be sure of its thoroughbredness. Each species has certain characteristics. They are also available in longhaired standard rate.

  1. The head is triangular, but without points, with a narrowed muzzle.
  2. The neck is muscular, with a pronounced withers.
  3. The transition from the forehead to the nose is fuzzy, all lines are smoothed out.
  4. Superciliary arches and cheekbones - stand out sharply.
  5. Eyes - dark, not slanted, placed on the same line. The cut is oval. The iris is more commonly brown, but some dogs are blue and amber.
  6. Nose - Usually black, in light dachshunds often combined with a shade of wool.
  7. Ears - hanging down, soft to the touch.
  8. The body is strong, with a taut abdomen, an oval chest, and an elongated lumbar region.
  9. The hind legs are shorter than the front, but well developed at the joints. Widely spaced toes always point straight ahead.
  10. The tail is a continuation of the chord line, is in a hanging position and reaches the ground.

The above description of this breed refers to the standard representatives of long-haired dachshunds. Estimate according to these signs and small sizes - "dwarfs", "rabbits". As for the weight of the dog, they do not pay attention to it.

Coat type and color

The main cover is two-layered - fluffy below, short, shiny, smooth above. Despite the name of the breed, the hairy dachshund is not everywhere. In the lower part of the body and on the throat of the dog, the hair is elongated. The ears of the breed are framed by "fringe", hind legs- feathers. Dachshund has a fluffy tail.

The breed has different colors:

  • one-color, which stands out with reddish, fawn and red hues;
  • bicolor, if lighter tan marks are distributed in places on a brown, black or chocolate background;
  • marble, with a gray, red and black tint (small blotches are allowed);
  • brindle - there are dark spots on the fawn or red coat.

Each of the described shades refers to breed standards. Dachshunds with the last two colors are less common in nature, so dogs are valued more expensively.


Even individuals trained for hunting are distinguished by their complaisance and peacefulness. This dog can be safely brought into a family with small children - affectionateness is inherent in the standard representatives of the breed.

Dachshunds have a cheerful character, pets are active, love to play and will not let you get bored. Dogs easily pick up the mood of the owner and show sympathy if he feels bad.

Attract mindfulness and intelligence in dogs. Why the process of learning a dachshund goes easily and naturally.

Education and training

By adopting short-legged, long-haired dogs for hunting or as pet, to training a puppy approach with all responsibility. The future habits of the pet depend on the owner.

The behavior of the dog is formed from the first days, as soon as she got into a new home.

  1. So that the puppy does not spoil household things, the pet is taught to use its toys.
  2. The baby is not allowed to grab food uncontrollably while the owner puts it in a bowl.
  3. Dachshunds have hunting qualities in their blood, puppies do not miss a single cat or dog on their way. Therefore, raising such a pet, they develop restraint in it.

Dachshund training starts from infancy. Already at 4 months, puppies quickly learn commands. If the goal is to raise a non-hunting dog, it is enough to limit yourself to a small set of the most common exercises. Classes are built taking into account the nature of the pet.

Breed training methods:

MechanicalThe command is reinforced by the impact (slap, light blow of the twig, pulling the leash) with an incorrect reaction. Here important point- do not "go too far"
incentiveFor each well-executed command, the dog is recommended to be rewarded with praise, affection or a tasty bonus.
CombinedIncludes features of the first two methods
ImitativeThe method is used in the joint training of adult dogs and puppies

For training to give an effective result, adhere to a number of basic rules:

  • they start training if the owner and the puppy are in a good mood;
  • during classes, at first, all surrounding stimuli are excluded;
  • commands are pronounced in a clear, calm voice so that the dachshund understands the meaning of what was said;
  • to consolidate past lessons, they are repeated in new classes, changing the sequence;
  • if the puppy has lost interest, the training is stopped.

To draw the attention of the dachshund to learning, education is carried out in a playful way. For small dogs, it is not advisable to use only the mechanical method. With rewarding treats for your puppy, you can achieve a greater effect.

Caring for a dachshund is easy.

A special overall, dressed on the dog before going outside, will save you from dirt. Immediately there is no need for unnecessary water procedures, since frequent washing of a puppy is the cause of the development of seborrhea.

They bathe the dachshund once a week, but after each walk the dog's paws are washed. Shampoos are selected according to the breed. This will make the coat healthy, silky and avoid tangles.


Short-legged dogs are big lovers of food, so adherence to the regime is important, otherwise the dog will get fat. Establish specific hours for meals. At the same time, babies eat at least four times a day, and older dogs only in the morning and evening.

When choosing a diet for a pet, they take into account what the breeder fed the puppy. If the new owner decides to rebuild the menu, then this should be done gradually. Ready-made feeds are selected according to age.

Scroll necessary products for tax:

MeatBeef, veal, lamb, rabbit are given raw, and the poultry is boiled. Pork and tubular bones not included in the diet
Fish1-2 times a week, fresh-frozen seafood, previously scalded with boiling water, is added to the menu
VegetablesIt can be raw or cooked. Mandatory - carrots and potatoes
FruitEverything except grapes is recommended
cerealsOf the cereals, the exceptions are pearl barley and semolina, the rest are boiled by adding herbs and seasoning with vegetable oil
pastaNot more than once a week, and only from durum flour
DairyMilk is given with care and not combined with other food. Introduce cottage cheese, yogurts without additives into the diet
EggsBoiled - whole. In its raw form, only the yolk is absorbed by the body.
BreadOccasionally allowed, but not freshly baked. Goodies are completely excluded

Unleavened crackers, biscuit cookies, crackers are not recommended to be introduced into the dog's regular diet. But this is a good way to encourage a puppy during training.

Feeding rules

The smaller the pet, the more often it is fed. The number of meals depends on the age of the puppy.

Standard diet for a dog:

  • up to 3 months - every 3-4 hours;
  • from 3 to 8 - 3 times a day;
  • adult - twice a day.

Portions are small so that the dog does not overeat. The dose is determined taking into account the pet's body weight - 40 g of food is relied on for each kilogram of weight. Sedentary dachshunds are given less food.

If the dog does not eat the proposed norm, then the bowl is immediately removed, and the next time the fee is reduced.

Meals for the dog are served slightly warm. When cooking, do not use spices and salt. If the dog has a mixed diet, the food is given separately from natural food, at the same time (for example, in the morning).

Meal Reception adult dog combined with walking hours, but feed the pet upon returning from the street. Active movement with a full stomach leads to torsion of the intestines in the breed.

In small puppies, the digestion mechanism is built differently - after eating, the need for defecation immediately arises. This feature is taken into account when accustoming the dog to the toilet.

Baby nutrition

Taste preferences are laid from the first months, so it is so important to form a balanced diet for a puppy. First limited to dry food for small dachshunds. Then gradually add the meat puree from baby food mixed with a small amount of viscous cereals.

Toddlers often eat more than the norm, but this is not scary. The developing muscles of the dog are harmed by malnutrition. A properly developing dachshund puppy is a well-fed butuz.

Diseases and treatment

Dachshunds are one of the few dogs prone to allergies. Itching, dandruff appear when “wrong” foods are introduced into the pet’s diet. A similar reaction, as well as a weak stool, provokes a sharp transition to a new menu.

Puppies should not jump a lot and perform vertical stances. Such movements during games or training lead to displacement of the vertebral discs and the development of a hernia in dogs, which affects the posture of dachshunds. Due to the specificity of the body structure of the breed, this is a frequent problem in the health of such dogs.

The breed is also prone to other diseases. What do dachshunds get sick with:

NameDescriptionWhat to do
Intervertebral herniaPain comes on unexpectedly. The decline in activity occurs instantly or occurs gradually. Usually the hind legs fail. Over time, the animal does not control urinationAfter examination, the veterinarian prescribes conservative treatment (medications, physical procedures, massages) or resorts to surgical intervention
OsteoporosisPuppies get sick more often, and the reason lies in the wrong menu, lack of vitamin D, rare walks. If the baby moves on his stomach, because the paws are moving apart, this is a clear sign of the disease.Balance the menu, introduce useful components into the diet, take out more often in the sun
Acanthosis blackThe skin is affected, turning into an elephant - with hanging thick folds. The foci of the disease appear on the abdomen, thighs, chest, armpits. In these places, hair completely falls out and pigmentation changes. Scientists have not yet figured out the true cause of the disease. Someone considers it genetics, and someone sins on endocrinology. But everyone agrees on one thing - the impetus is stressTherapy consists of treatment with corticosteroids, the use of special shampoos and ointments containing tar, sulfur, vitamin A. Preventive measures are important - hypoallergenic nutrition, elimination of stressful situations.
OtodectosisThe first symptom is severe itching, causing the dog to itch. In place of sores in auricles ah noticeable dark crustsThe best tool is Vectra 3D

Specific pathologies can be avoided if the pet is provided with proper care in compliance with the rules.

On average, the long-haired dachshund breed lives 14 years. But, the sensitive treatment of the owner can extend this period. If you do not pay attention to diet, health, a furry pet will barely live up to a decade.

Pros and cons

A dog in the house is a joy and at the same time a little problem. Each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Breed advantages:

Disadvantages of the breed:

Dachshunds with long hair have few disadvantages. Even strict adherence to the diet of the pet does not become a burden.

Selection rules

It is better to acquire a dog in puppyhood, since it is easier to educate a dachshund than to retrain.

When choosing a pet, pay attention to such signs as:

  • healthy ears, clean eyes;
  • saber-shaped, without curvature of the tail;
  • even, without humps and deflections, the line of the back;
  • smooth, glossy coat.

Vending puppy should be well-fed in moderation. In behavior, the dog is active, playful. Carefree mobility is a sign that the puppy has no health problems.

The cost of a dachshund puppy

Hairy breed dachshunds are offered by Russian cynological centers operating in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Engaged in breeding short-legged dogs and private breeders. Therefore, the prices of puppies fluctuate.

  1. Babies of titled dachshunds bred for exhibitions cost 60 thousand rubles.
  2. Miniature varieties of long-haired dogs are a little cheaper - 30-40 thousand rubles.
  3. The price of purebreds with documents is 15-20 thousand rubles.

If the passport and pedigree of the dog do not matter, then you can look at the bird market. Here the price of puppies starts from 2-5 thousand rubles.

Dachshunds have been considered a symbol of Germany since ancient times. The image of a “sausage dog” is found on the family coats of arms of the burghers. Therefore, in Europe after the war, these dogs fell out of favor, they even tried to exterminate the breed.

Short-legged hounds remain the most numerous breed, second only to German Shepherds in popularity. And in the village of Gergveis, dogs are bred in every yard, which is why the area received the status of the capital of dachshunds.

The Egyptians are trying to challenge the nationality of the animal, presenting ancient papyri as evidence. The figures clearly show the silhouettes of dogs with a long body and short legs.

Dachshund is both angel eyes and the character of a little imp. Despite its compactness, the dog of this breed is energetic and fighting, which does not prevent it from getting along well in a city apartment.

A dachshund can become a child's best friend, a hunter, and a companion. The main thing is to take good care of her and welcome her excitement, playfulness and quick wits.

Briefly about the breed

The Dachshund is a short-legged, muscular and squat dog whose size indications are based on proportions. So, the length of the body of a thoroughbred animal should be related to height as 1.7 to 1, and the distance from the bottom of the chest to the support should be 1/3 of the height.

Different types of breeds, long bred for the features of hunting animals of different sizes, have their own dimensions:

The standard variety of the dog is the largest and most versatile, used for burrowing and chasing large animals. Its dimensions are characterized by a height of about 35 cm, a girth of the sternum of more than 30 cm and a weight of up to 9 kg.

Miniature or pygmy dachshunds occupy a middle position, having a height and girth of the ribs up to 35 cm, and a weight from 3 to 4 kg. Dwarfs were bred from the most squat animals of the standard species.

The shortest among dachshunds is called rabbit and is 5 cm smaller than its average counterpart in height and 1 kg inferior in weight.

To obtain a more compact and nimble hound, the dog was crossed with pinschers and toy terriers and used in hunting hares and rabbits.

The standards also spell out the features of the physique: a wedge-shaped head, a flat wide forehead and a flattened nose, oval eyes of dark brown and lightened shades, broken in lower third ears, long neck and saber low tail.

Diverse and multicolored

Dogs of the Dachshund breed are divided not only by size, but also by the type of coat:

  • smooth-haired
  • Longhair
  • wirehaired

The primary type of dachshunds are smooth-haired, which are distinguished by short, shiny hair, very dense and close to the body. Long hair on tail and feathering allowed. inside tail.

Long-haired dachshunds were bred by crossing with spaniels and are characterized by a soft, shiny coat at least 5 cm long. Thick undercoat and feathering are noticeable in the abdomen, on the paws and tail.

The wiry-haired Dachshund is the result of crossbreeding with Terrier and Schnauzer dogs.

The thick, fluffy coat on the muzzle is especially pronounced, and the hair on the ears and tail, on the contrary, is short and smooth.

There are three types of color: one-color, two-color and spotted.

In the one-color version, all shades from fawn to chocolate are acceptable, and the more intense the color, the more thoroughbred the dog.

Bicolor is a dark, black or brown coat with red or light tan.

Dachshund spotting is of two types: marbled or brindle. In the first case, medium-sized light marks stand out on black, gray or red wool.

The brindle coloring resembles the skin of a predator: clear contrasting dark brown stripes on a red-red or fawn coat.

Universal character

The Dachshund is considered a versatile breed, as it can easily be a companion, hunter, sportsman, guard or hound. What character traits will become apparent depends on the preferences of the owner and the direction of training.

Dachshunds have an average level of learning, so after 40 repetitions the dog will learn a new command and in 50% of cases performs the action the first time.

By its instincts, the animal is more active than its collared counterparts, so it must always be kept on a leash to avoid escape.

Dachshund puppies that early childhood they are smart, mobile and quick-witted, they can be taught to the tray and their place from 3 weeks.

health care

Dachshunds are genetically prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, so you need to carefully monitor the health of your pet.

An animal of this breed should have its own house or a high bed to protect the dog from drafts. The activity of the dachshund requires a long daily walk, so you need to stock up on special clothes for your pet from dirt, rain and cold.

Otherwise, caring for a dachshund does not differ from other dogs: bathe as it gets dirty, periodically clean the ears, comb out the coat during the molting period, regularly check the eyes and ears.

Optimal Diet

A balanced diet plays an important role in maintaining a healthy dachshund. When compiling the menu, it must be taken into account that dogs have a high need for trace elements from early childhood, since they are sick at the genetic level with “dwarfism”.

The optimal menu should consist of natural fresh products. Be sure to consume dairy products, meat and cereals.

If you are an active and active person, then the dachshund will perfectly complement your company.

Fast and energetic, she cannot sit in one place for a long time, but she is always ready to guard and protect her master.

Dachshund photo

For those who want to get in the face of a pet not a living toy, but a friend and companion, the long-haired dachshund is truly a godsend. This lively, inquisitive, playful and accommodating dog will be indispensable for a walk and for noisy fun games with children.


The first mention in the literature about dogs of this species occurs in 1820. This breed of dachshund was bred by crossing a spaniel with a standard smooth-haired dachshund with an admixture of several breeds of cops.

The appearance of the dachshund in our area dates back to the post-war period (we are talking about the Second World War).

Then these dogs did not differ in the quality of the breed, as they were of unknown origin.

At first, long-haired dachshunds were used as hunting dogs, then working qualities decreased, as a result, dachshunds became decorative.

Persistent breeding work has led to the appearance among the dachshunds of this type of certified producers.

Anatomy, structure, become

Length from 20 to 40 cm, weight from 3 to 9 kg.

Breed traits:

  • Elongated muzzle;
  • Elongated, rounded at the ends of the ears;
  • Strong massive skeleton;
  • Developed strong back;
  • Volumetric deep chest with a keel;
  • Short powerful paws (hind legs are smaller than the front ones);
  • Thick, especially dense tail at the root;
  • Silky soft wool.

The hairline of males is longer than that of females. The silhouette is clearly visible, despite the density of wool, which forms silky fringes on the head, stomach and paws.

On the tail, it creates a fringe effect. Matte, hard and overdried wool is an indicator of the absence of a fatty layer that does not allow moisture to pass through.

  • Curls and wavy curl tendencies are not allowed by the standard in these dogs, as the fluffy and shaggy coat is highly absorbent.

Being visually warmer and thicker, it creates problems with care, intensively collecting dirt, as a result of which the long-haired dachshund becomes like a dust collector.

Colors, colors

There are the following colors:

  1. Redheads (golden, chestnut, orange, mahogany and cherry);
  2. Coffee (brown and light beige with tan);
  3. Black and tan (pure brown and black color has not been found since the 20s of the twentieth century).
  4. The moire color, the most common among lovers of this breed, implies a golden color of the hair root and black tops. The lower abdomen and on the paws are dominated by a red color, on the head, back and sides - dark.

As a result, the dog looks as if a veil has been thrown over it. The elegant and exotic appearance of the dachshunds of this color explains the increased demand for them.

Briefly about physiology

The dog goes through several molts before the coat is finally formed. This happens around the age of two.

A thick “fur coat” protects the dachshund from cold and wind in winter, but at the same time snow freezes to it, which makes it difficult to walk normally. In the warm season, their gait is sweeping and free.

Character and temperament

An inquisitive and lively dog, the limousine is patient in seeking out, persevering in work, family friendly and wary of strangers. Due to the bright facial expressions, the expression of her muzzle is easy to read.

Bright character traits:

  • calm;
  • Perseverance and endurance;
  • Communication skills and friendliness;
  • Ability to adapt and accommodating;
  • Ability to quickly change actions;
  • Playfulness and carelessness.

Dachshunds copy the gait of the owner, adapting to his movements. They are well oriented in space, instantly switch, while remaining attentive.

Sensitivity is expressed in angry grunts at unfamiliar sounds or smells perceived as a source of danger.

Territory limitation is highly characteristic of these small creatures, which account for a large percentage of bites.

Do not forget that dachshunds are hunters. They love to dig in the ground. Therefore, in summer cottages with flower beds and lawns, they must be carefully monitored.

Species and subspecies

By size, the long-haired dachshund is divided into standard, rabbit and miniature.

The difference between this variety of dachshunds is that it is divided into subspecies according to size, taking as the main criterion not the height at the withers, but the girth of the chest.

  • Standard ones weigh over 5.5 kg, their chest girth is more than 35 cm.
  • Rabbits weigh up to 3.5 kg, chest girth - up to 30 cm.
  • Miniature dogs (despite the name) are larger - weight varies from 4 to 5.5 kg, chest girth in girth is from 30 to 35 cm.

All three subspecies are working and hunting in nature - standard dachshund, miniature dachshund, and rabbit dachshund.

It is impossible to distinguish among them a greater or lesser predisposition to a decorative lifestyle - this factor depends on individual characteristics character of each individual dog.

Before buying, be sure to decide on the intended purpose of the future pet. For hunting, one type of dachshund is needed, for lying on the couch another. Hunting and decorative dogs differ in price.

An ad on the Internet is enough to acquire a friend and companion (it is even possible to find a free distribution of puppies on the Internet). To get a hunter, you should go to a special club or nursery. The cost of a puppy, depending on the elite of the producers and the prestige of the place of purchase, ranges from 5 to 500 dollars.

How to educate

Training and education again depend on the purpose for which the puppy was purchased. Future hunters are sent to special schools where they learn to look for and catch animals. Raising a friend is also possible at home, as even a teenager can do this process.

These dogs are memory, they are easy to train all sorts of tricks. And even without regular repetition, the long-haired dachshund remembers commands and executes them with pleasure.

Note to owner

Long-haired huntresses do not overeat, unlike smooth-haired ones. But they, like the breed, are naturally inclined to be overweight, so the diet must be carefully monitored.

Caring for the thick long hair of dachshunds requires a lot of effort on the part of the owner. Brushing recommended. Coming from a walk, the paws are wiped with a special cloth or a damp cloth and rinsed in the shower.

In a situation of infection with insects (ticks, fleas), means are used in the form of a spray, soap, emulsion or collars.

The use of these drugs requires that you first check if the animal has allergies. It is important to consider the dimensions (height and weight).

Compatibility and livability

Long-haired dachshunds are strongly attached to the owner and follow him everywhere. They are inquisitive and strive to join the business of a companion, or at least observe him.

Choosing one owner, with other family members, the dog is polite and friendly, but obeys only one.

But to other people's animals, like cats, these little hunters are aggressive. It is worth paying attention to the intolerance of this breed of dogs to familiarity, rudeness and familiarity towards oneself, if there are small children in the house.

The long-haired dachshund easily finds contact with other animals living in the family, accommodating and not prone to conflict.


The history of the breed Standard Dachshund

The standard dachshund is a dog from Germany. It is believed that it was here that the ancestors of the breed appeared. The purpose of animal breeding is hunting, especially for badgers. Therefore, the second name of this breed is "badger dog".

In the course of selection and selection, a certain type was established - a strongly knocked down, squat dog with a narrow body, a long muzzle and a sonorous voice. If the animal cannot get the badger out of the hole, its strong barking should tell the hunter where and how deep to dig.

Due to their hunting qualities, watchdog instinct and other advantages, representatives of this breed have become very popular. And already in the 17th century, their external image was formed, similar to modern ones - see photo.

Today, there are three types of dachshunds:

  • standard;
  • rabbit;
  • dwarf.

There are also smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired dachshunds. Total - nine varieties, depending on the size and type of woolen cover.

The standard dachshund was used in hunting rabbits, hares, big game, for burrowing fox or badger. Despite its small weight, it can attack an animal that is several times larger.

Breed features

Active, energetic, inquisitive and friendly - this is how its owners characterize the dachshund. At the same time, the animal has natural intuition, excitement and cunning are not alien to it.

Dachshund is reputed to be stubborn. But this is only due to her independence and high intelligence, laid down by nature itself. These qualities help her make decisions during burrow hunting, when a person cannot help her in any way.

The animal is not prone to rash acts. It even pre-evaluates the owner's team.

Dachshund has a sharp mind, there is no need to repeat anything to her many times - she is quite understanding.

She does not require special conditions of detention, caring for her is quite simple due to her cleanliness and ability to take care of herself on her own.

When hunting, the breed is very aggressive towards prey. Despite its small size, light weight and interesting appearance(in the photo you can see what a standard dachshund is: small legs, hanging ears and an elongated body), this pet is an active and brave hunter. It can get into a fight with a wild boar, ideal for hunting badgers and foxes. Excitement and emotions do not prevent the dog from making informed and correct decisions - it always soberly and carefully assesses the situation and its own capabilities.

A distinctive feature when hunting is its "dead grip". The dog can hold the prey by the head or neck for quite a long time - until the owner pulls them out of the hole.

The dog is very active and loves to be on the move. He quickly converges with the owner if he feels love and attention from him. If the owner ignores the pet and does not communicate with him, he grows up aggressive and vengeful.

Breed standard standard dachshund

The dog has short legs and an elongated body, but at the same time it does not seem clumsy. Its proud posture is noticeable in any photo. The movements of the animal are free, the head is always held high. The head is elongated, tapering towards the nose. The transition from the muzzle to the forehead is almost imperceptible. The muzzle is narrow, the nose is black or brown. Developed jaws. The eyes are oval, medium in size, color - dark brown. The ears are set high, hanging, rounded at the ends.

The animal has a long, squat body with muscles and a powerful sternum. The tail is thick, slightly saber.

As for the hairline, there is a dachshund long-haired standard, short-haired, wire-haired and smooth-haired.

The short-haired type has a smooth and short coat that lies close to the body. The rough-haired dachshund has a thick coat with an undercoat that lies close to the body. Dogs have eyebrows, mustaches and beards. The long-haired dachshund has a soft and wavy coat, which is longer in some places: on the ears, hind limbs, trunk, neck.

Colors are varied, you can see it in the photo. Short-haired pets are of the same color - red, sable, deer; two-tone: black, gray, chocolate with white spots on the limbs; tan; marble (light brown, dark brown with spots of red or black). The same color has a long-haired dachshund. Dachshund wire-haired standard can be any color.

The dimensions of the standard dachshund are as follows: height reaches 22-27 cm and 20-25 cm (males and females); weight - up to 9 kg, ideal weight is about 7 kg. The size and weight of other types of dachshunds differ significantly downwards, these differences are noticeable even in the photo.

The nature and temperament of the pet

Cheerfulness, energy, tenderness - this is how their owners characterize dachshunds. They are somewhat self-willed, proud and bold, but all these qualities are leveled by their cheerfulness and devotion.

Dogs get along well with children, are active participants in their games. They love and are devoted to all family members. Dachshunds are ideal for both young and active, and the elderly.
They will make good travel companions. Dachshunds get along with other animals, although they can be jealous of the owner. As long-haired and wire-haired, the standard smooth-haired dachshund is difficult to train. They need a demanding, but at the same time attentive trainer. The main thing in training dachshunds is patience, as these animals are often quite difficult to handle.

The owners claim that the wire-haired dachshund is more socialized, while the long-haired dachshund is more calm.

Pets of this breed are distinguished by a sharp mind and devotion to the owner, whom they are always ready to protect.

Life expectancy of a standard dachshund

How long does a dachshund live - many future breeders ask this question. On average, life expectancy is 12 to 15 years. The duration depends on the health of the dog, proper nutrition, pet care.

Many dachshunds are prone to certain diseases. Among them are problems intervertebral discs- almost all pets of this breed are sick with this disease. This disease can lead to paralysis and shorten your pet's lifespan. In addition, they are prone to heart disease, epilepsy, diabetes, cataracts and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Also, dogs are prone to overweight, so they should not be overfed. Following all the tips for the care and maintenance of the dachshund, paying enough attention to the health of the pet and disease prevention, you can significantly increase the life expectancy of your pet.

Features of maintenance and care

Unlike the wire-haired and long-haired dachshunds, the smooth-haired variety of the breed does not require special care for the coat. It can only be combed occasionally to keep it in good condition. Other species require grooming twice a week.

Like its counterparts in other varieties, the smooth-haired dachshund requires regular cleaning of the ears in order to avoid the occurrence of inflammation and infection.

In general, the animal does not require special care. It can live in an apartment or in a private house. The pet needs daily walks so that it has something to do with energy. The animal is miniature and very compact (see photo), which means that it can be easily taken with you anywhere.

The main thing in caring for a standard dachshund is to prevent the development of a genetic disease of the spine. The development of the spinal muscles and their strengthening will help to do this. And for this you need to take your pet for walks and let him swim.

A standard dachshund from puppyhood should get used to walking on a leash. At the same time, the leash should be kept taut - this will help the animal with the correct posture.

The animal should not be walked in rain, sleet or bad weather - this is just an unjustified risk to his health.

The dog requires care during the molting period. Regardless of the type of breed (smooth-haired or long-haired), the dachshund sheds twice a year: in spring - more actively, in autumn - calmer. During this period, the animal must be combed daily using a non-rough brush or special mittens.

You need to bathe your pet twice a year. The dachshund is quite clean, she takes care of her own hygiene.

Features of feeding

It is better to feed a dachshund with natural food, paying attention to portions - the animal should not be overfed. You can feed a mixture of natural food and dry food. A dog can be given kefir, cottage cheese, meat (low-fat), vegetable protein. Dachshunds should not be given salty, sweet, fatty, smoked or fried foods.

Puppies need to be fed 4 times a day. Starting from 4 months, you can transfer to three meals a day. Puppies aged six months and older dogs are fed twice a day.

Purchasing a puppy

Before you buy a pet, you should allocate a place for him in the house (for games and for recreation), purchase toys. It is necessary to decide whom to acquire - a male or a female. It should be taken into account that males are more angry and aggressive. At the same time, they are more resilient and patient. Bitches are smarter, more cautious and more affectionate.

You should also decide what class your pet should be. Will he participate in exhibitions, continue the race. If yes, it is necessary to purchase a puppy from a litter of parents with a good pedigree.

When choosing a puppy, be guided by your own sympathies. Also pay attention to the fact that the puppy is moderately playful, not lethargic and not aggressive. It is good to observe the future pet, how he behaves, how he plays, whether he has a good appetite.

The standard dachshund is an excellent companion, hunter and protector. This little dog can become a real and devoted friend to you and your family.


Overview of standards

In Russia, one of the largest cynological associations is called RKF. It works under the auspices of an international organization.

Their standards differ little, but in Russia the boar color is allowed for smooth-haired dachshunds. Size, appearance and pedigree behavior are the same. Dachshunds were brought into a separate group according to the classification of the RKF.

Behavior and temperament

The nature of the dachshund must correspond to the purpose. Today there are two of them, but the standard relies more on hunting qualities. It describes a fearless, energetic and passionate dachshund. These dogs must be hardy and have excellent instincts.

Important: Aggression in dachshunds is unacceptable, as is cowardice. For these qualities, the dog will be disqualified from the show and closed for breeding. The combination of these qualities is considered the most difficult for the dachshund and its owner. This type of psyche can be inherited.

General form

This is a strong dog, with an attentive expression of the eyes. She necessarily has a proud look, and the transition from the withers is pronounced. The body, especially the back and limbs, are muscular. The movements are light and confident.

Important: The skeleton and physique of males is more powerful and slightly coarser than that of females.


Normal size in relation to breeds with normal proportions of limbs and body. The superciliary ridges are pronounced, the muzzle tapers towards the nose, but without exaggeration. The jaws are strong, the dental formula is desirable complete - 42 pcs. Scissor bite.

Oval shaped eyes. There is a slight transition from the forehead to the muzzle, smoothed. Nose bridge without hump, smooth and long. The eyes are oval in shape with an attentive and intelligent expression.


Dachshunds have a very important topline. It should be harmonious, without sagging. The croup is slightly sloping and the back is tilted down.

Long loin with prominent and strong muscles. The chest is of sufficient depth, but not too wide on the sides. The shoulder blades and shoulder do not interfere with free movements.


Dachshunds have strong paws. Anterior slightly curved. The rear set is parallel. They should provide a good push. The shoulder is close to the ribs. The toes on the front paws are collected, the dewclaw on them is not removed.

Tail and ears

The ears hang, of medium length and touch the cheekbones with the middle part. The tail is also long and straight. A slight curvature in the last third is allowed.

Wool types

Three types of wool are allowed in the RKF standard. Smooth-haired dogs with short guard hairs, long-haired individuals and coarse-haired. The latter have a thick undercoat, on the head there are eyebrows, mustaches and a beard.

Their coat is coarse, does not bulge, but fits snugly to the body. In long-haired individuals, the integumentary hair forms a skirt, and rich fringes on the ears.

Important: Dachshunds are not sheared. This is not allowed for exhibitions.


Solid, tan and spotted colors are allowed. The latter include marble and tiger options. Solid colors are red (yellow to red), black hairs are possible, reminiscent of ticking in cats).

White spots in solid colors are also allowed, but small and only on the chest and legs.

Tan dogs have reddish markings on a black or brown background. Undesirable, but possible white spots on the paws and in the chest area. A bright tan of a clear outline is preferred. Large markings are not allowed.

Marbled and brindle dachshunds must have an even distribution of colors. The stripes are on a red or yellow background, they are always darker.

In marbled dogs, lightening of the eyes is allowed. The main color of these dogs is red, black and gray. Marble spots are beige or gray.

Wirehaired dachshunds have additional colors. It is called boar, from a distance it looks like gray. The undercoat is lighter, and the pigment of the outer coat is of varying intensity.

Important: Smooth-haired boar-colored dogs can take part in exhibitions of the RKF system, but such males are not allowed to breed.

Nose leather, nails may be black or tan. The first option is preferable. Eye color - dark brown, except for bleached colors.

The size

Standard dachshunds have a chest circumference of over 35 cm, and a weight limit of about 9 kg. Measurements of dwarfs will show a girth of 30 to 35 cm, and for rabbits - up to 30 cm.

Important: Weight is not as important as a harmonious build and correct exterior. Also, much attention in the examination is paid to the psyche, movements and behavior of the dog.

Three coat types are allowed on all dachshunds, regardless of size.

Disqualifying signs

These include:

  1. Cowardice;
  2. Aggression;
  3. Not a scissor bite;
  4. Absence of fangs, several incisors or incorrect position of the lower ones;
  5. Irregular shape of the chest;
  6. Deformation of the vertebrae of the tail;
  7. Non-standard colors;
  8. Very loose shoulder blades;
  9. Kozinets (a disease that distorts the limbs);
  10. Cryptorchidism in males.

Any dog ​​with a vicious psyche, non-pedigree behavior is disqualified.

Differences between American and English standards

Dachshunds are very popular in England. The British have their own breed standard. In it, dachshunds are larger, bony, and their legs are higher. They also do not allow breeding of certain colors among themselves.

Cynological associations allow more types of colors. They allow and successfully show Isabella, blue and spotted dachshunds. In many ways, they are guided by the English standard of this breed.

Cost of dachshund puppies

Dachshund puppies with a pedigree cost an average of 15,000 - 30,000 rubles. In some cases, eminent nurseries sell small dachshunds with a show perspective for 60,000 rubles or more.


Origin story

The dachshund breed has a very ancient history origin. The first images of dachshunds can be seen even on papyri from ancient Egypt, which are over two thousand years old. Egypt is considered to be the historical homeland of the dachshund, and undersized hounds became the ancestors of the modern thoroughbred dog.

Initially, the breeding of dachshunds was based solely on the personal preferences and taste preferences of breeders, but already in 1870 this approach to the breed was replaced by breeding dogs according to certain breed standards. The breed came to the territory of our country only in the mid-thirties of the XVIII century.

Dachshund Exterior

The modern breed can be represented by nine varieties that differ in exterior. Only three main types of dachshunds received the greatest popularity and demand from breeders and amateur dog breeders in our country.

The classic version of the hunting breed, characterized by a sense of high self-esteem and characterized by the following breed standards:

  • girth in the chest area - no more than 35 cm;
  • the maximum weight of an adult animal is no more than nine kilograms.

It is interesting! This is the most common variety, successfully combining excellent external data and unpretentiousness in content.

The average size of a dwarf or miniature dachshund almost half the standard of the classic variety. rabbit dachshund distinguished by high mental abilities, good nature, curiosity and playfulness. In accordance with the established FCI standards, the breed of this species has the following weight and height parameters:

  • the maximum weight of an adult animal is within 4.0-6.0 kg.

It is interesting! The dwarf or miniature variety is most suitable for keeping in small living quarters and communal apartments.

This type is not too common among domestic breeders and dog breeders. The rabbit dachshund is characterized as a dog with incredible courage and courage. The pet of this breed is very smart and friendly, but can be very jealous of other pets and even small children. The breed standards of the variety are represented by the following parameters:

  • girth in the chest area - no more than 30-35 cm;
  • the maximum weight of an adult animal is within 3.5-4.0 kg.

It is interesting! The rabbit dachshund will become a devoted and loyal friend, but in order to get a well-mannered dog of this breed, you need to deal with a puppy almost constantly.

Dachshund coat type and color

In accordance with the classification scale of the FCI standards, the features of the appearance of the coat make it possible to distinguish several types of the Dachshund dog breed.

The animal has a fairly short and thick coat with a pronounced sheen, which fits well to the body. Wool is thick and hard. Bald patches are completely absent. Smooth-haired dachshunds can be represented by one-color or two-color, as well as marble or brindle.

An animal of this type has a hard and fairly thick coat on all parts of the body, except for the muzzle, as well as the superciliary arches and the ear area. The coat lies close to the body and is characterized by the presence of a pronounced undercoat.. On the muzzle of the wire-haired dachshund there is a kind of "beard". The eyebrows are bushy and the ears have relatively short and almost smooth hair. The color can be one-color, marble, brindle, murug or wolf.

A dog of this type has a smooth coat with a pronounced sheen, which fits snugly enough to the body. Longer hair is present in the throat region and on the lower part of the body.. In the parotid space, the hair noticeably extends beyond the lower edges and forms a fringe. A feature is the presence of feathers on the back of the limbs and on the lower part of the tail. The color of the long-haired dachshund can be one-color, marble and brindle.

The nature of the breed

Dachshund is a very intelligent and loyal breed, distinguished by playfulness, spontaneity and mobility, so the dog needs to be provided with daily, fairly long walks and systematic normalized loads. The breed is very fond of water and loves to swim. A special training complex for dachshunds should be carried out at training grounds and stations. If there is no need to develop hunting skills in a dog, then you can get by with a general training course.

The dachshund has a medium-sized size, which makes it possible to keep such a breed even in small apartments and limited living quarters. The short-haired dachshund needs less care. Such a dog should be washed only if necessary, and regular grooming consists of wiping with a damp terry towel, followed by combing with a special brush.

The long-haired dachshund requires more careful care. Such a pet should be brushed daily with a natural bristle brush. Combing is recommended during the walk. You need to bathe such a dachshund a little more often than a smooth-haired variety. Be sure to use special shampoo-conditioners that reduce the risk of tangles and tangling of wool. The Wirehaired Dachshund needs trimming twice a year, which consists in the careful removal of all old and already dead hair.

Walks should be regular and sufficient in duration.. If the weather is too cold, then the walking time should be shortened. The short-haired dachshund does not tolerate low temperatures well, therefore, during winter walks, warm overalls and special shoes should be worn on the animal.

Dachshund diet

In the diet mode, the dachshund does not require a special approach. The main condition for proper feeding of a dog of this breed is a balanced diet, which helps prevent diseases such as overweight, overload of the vertebral section, hormonal disorders and problems with the cardiovascular system.

Important! remember that it is better to underfeed a dachshund than to overfeed. It is strictly forbidden to feed a dog, regardless of age, with raw pork, chocolate, sugar, pastries, and tubular boiled bones. It is forbidden to supplement food with sausages, sausages, ham, butter and sour cream, smoked meats and any spices.

Feeding an adult dog

A domestic dog at the age of one year should be fed twice a day. When calculating the daily norm, you need to focus on the fact that for every kilogram of the animal's weight there should be approximately 35-45 g of feed. The third part of the daily diet should be represented by meat. It is best to use boiled turkey and minced lean beef.

  • rice, buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • boiled and raw vegetables, including carrots, pumpkin and zucchini;
  • fruits and chopped greens.

When feeding with natural products, the diet should be supplemented weekly with boiled chicken or raw quail eggs. Ready-to-use food can be both dry and wet. You need to select such food, focusing on the age and activity indicators of your pet.

Feeding a Dachshund Puppy

A dog under the age of three months should be fed every four hours, approximately four to five times a day. Dachshunds between three and eight months old can be fed three times a day. Food is given to the puppy immediately before the walk, which is due to the physiological characteristics of the dog.

The basis of the diet of puppies under the age of four months should be fresh goat's or cow's milk. From six months, the diet is enriched with buckwheat and oatmeal with the addition of chopped meat, as well as fresh and boiled vegetables. Small dachshund puppies are given dry food pre-soaked in water. From the age of five months, you can gradually accustom the animal to unsoaked food. In conditions of completely natural feeding, it is advisable to use the Gellacan-baby supplement, using half the rate indicated on the package. High-quality dry food of the super-premium class "Hills" and "Ekanuba" is very suitable. From the year the dog is transferred to an adult diet.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

Along with any other breeds, the dachshund has not only a large number of advantages, but is also not without some pronounced shortcomings.

The main advantages of the Dachshund breed include:

  • quite small in size;
  • physical activity and playfulness;
  • the presence of security and hunting qualities;
  • lack of hydrophobia.

The disadvantages of taxes are susceptibility to diseases associated with the vertebral region and insufficient cold resistance. An improperly educated dog, as a rule, has a wayward and naughty character, and is also often jealous of its owner for other household inhabitants and pets.

Short-legged, with a squat build and an elongated, but rather compact body, the dachshund is well known to many amateur dog breeders under the name "badger dog". The breed is very popular in our country due to its fairly quick learning ability, and with proper upbringing it is characterized by the absence of unmotivated aggression.

When buying a dachshund puppy, you need to pay attention to the following criteria right choice pet:

  • if the dog shows at the exhibition are unplanned, then it is recommended to give preference to "pet-class" puppies. Such an animal may have some minor flaws that prohibit the use in breeding. The cost of such a puppy is an order of magnitude lower, and averages 9-12 thousand rubles;
  • “show class” rabbit or miniature dachshund puppies are intended for breeding for the purpose of presentation at exhibitions. Such an animal is distinguished not only by an excellent exterior, but also must have a certain temperament. Excessively mobile and excitable dogs are difficult to control, so pre-show preparation can take a lot of time, money and effort. An overly calm and phlegmatic dog looks too lethargic in the ring. That is why it is best to purchase an animal of this class with the help of an experienced dog handler, and the price of a puppy in this case often exceeds 20-30 thousand rubles.

It is important to remember that even from a very promising puppy, it is possible to get a titled dog or a champion pet only with full observance of the maintenance regime and competent timely upbringing.



In the history of the dachshund, several dates and periods significant for the breed can be distinguished:

  • XVI-XVII centuries - formation of the breed in Germany; the first mention in the literature under the name "badger warrior". At this time, the Germans begin to specially breed a short-legged, low dog for hunting burrowing animals. On the German the dachshund is called Dachshund, "badger dog": dachs - badger, hund - dog.
  • XVIII Art. - the breed is finally formed, acquiring a modern appearance and characteristics.
  • 1870 - the first breed standard is adopted.
  • 1914-1918, 1939-1945 - due to German origin during the war years, the popularity of the dog drops sharply, since everything related to Germany is frowned upon at that time. It is only through the efforts of dedicated breeders that dachshunds once again win the love of society.

Dachshunds are considered one of the most ancient breeds, which gave rise to other types of burrowing dogs. The exact time of the origin of the long-haired dachshund is controversial among scientists, but excavations indicate that the dog lived in the area. ancient egypt, Greece and the Ancient Roman Empire. It is believed that the long-haired breed originated from the crossing of a smooth-haired dachshund with a spaniel and some pointing dogs.

breed standard

The following specifications apply to the standard longhaired dachshund.

  • Country of origin: southern regions of Germany.
  • Growth: up to 35 cm at the withers.
  • The weight: 9 kg.
  • Lifespan: 12-16 years old.
  • Shedding: moderate, seasonal.
  • Color: one-color, two-color, with a spotted color.
  • Wool type: long, falling, dense, with dense undercoat.
  • Head: oblong, without points, evenly tapering towards the tip of the nose, the skull is flat.
  • Ears: long, soft, set high, highly mobile.
  • Frame: smooth, muscular, strongly built, the chest is carried forward, the stomach is tucked up, the croup is wide.
  • limbs: muscular and bony, parallel, harmoniously built.
  • Tail: located along the upper line of the body, slightly curved at the tip.
  • The complexity of care and upbringing: low.


The dachshund is characterized by a moderately long, squat, compact body with excellently developed muscles. Despite the short stature, the animal does not experience any difficulties in moving and running, but on the contrary, it demonstrates endurance, plasticity, complete control over its body and movements.

According to the breed standard, the height at the withers should be half the length of the body, from the sternum to the back of the thigh. The animal has a strong hunting and guard instinct. Thanks to strong paws and strong claws, the dachshund does an excellent job of digging the ground - in a minute, the animal is able to make a recess up to 45 cm.

Dachshunds were bred as hunters and have long been used exclusively for this purpose. But now these pets are much more likely to become exhibitors and simply devoted pets.


Dachshunds come in three sizes; a distinctive feature is not so much weight and height as the volume of the sternum. If we take into account that in addition to the long-haired dachshund there are also smooth-haired and wire-haired varieties, we can count 9 various types in these animals.

Parameters of the standard (normal) rate:

  • sternum circumference 35 cm or more;
  • height at the withers 20 cm for females, 25 cm for males;
  • weight from 9 kg.

Parameters of a miniature dachshund (the second name is a long-haired mini-dachshund):

  • the chest is 30-35 cm in girth;
  • height at the withers 14 cm in females, 21 cm in males;
  • the weight of the dog is 3-5.5 kg.

Parameters of a rabbit dachshund (the second name is a dwarf long-haired dachshund):

  • chest in girth of 30 cm or less;
  • height at the withers 15 cm;
  • weight ranges from 2 to 3 kg.

Character, habits and temperament

The long-haired species differs from the smooth-haired counterparts in a softer and more gentle character. In general, these are smart, energetic, flexible and very gambling masters of hunting. They have a strong sense of smell, can show perseverance and stubbornness, a desire for dominance, healthy selfishness. For dachshunds, including long-haired ones, curiosity and activity are typical.

Dachshunds are extremely attached to all family members, but they show restraint with strangers. They prefer to spend their rest time on the owner’s lap or neck, at night they will definitely try to get under the covers to the owner.

It is very important to socialize a pet from the early months, especially for other pets, dogs and children. Otherwise, the hunting instincts of the dachshund may take over. Like most small dogs, dachshunds can show a brash and careless attitude towards members of larger species. Dachshunds will feel best in a large and friendly family with an active lifestyle. But children must understand that a dog is not a toy, and a disrespectful attitude towards a dachshund can provoke aggression.

Some owners claim that this dog has the ability of a psychotherapist, is very attentive and sensitive to the owner, feels any changes in mood and tries to cheer up the person. But at the same time, the dachshund belongs to very biting breeds.

Coat type and color

This species is the owner of a very beautiful, soft and silky coat, flowing along the body. The hair is longer on the inside of the ears, underside of the body, at the bottom of the paws and tail. Under the outer hair there is a dense, thick undercoat.

The color of the long-haired dachshund corresponds to that of other varieties of the breed:

Features of grooming

If you have become a happy owner of a long-haired beauty, you will certainly need to learn the secrets of grooming or contact a professional master. What does this process include:

  • Bathing. Water procedures should be carried out as needed, but not more than 3-4 times a year, otherwise there is a possibility of overdrying the dog's skin. For bathing, you need to purchase a special shampoo and conditioner that will facilitate combing. The first acquaintance with water should occur no earlier than 5-6 months, until this time you should not bathe the baby.
  • Combing. In pets with long hair, this procedure should be carried out several times a week, during the molting period - every day. To do this, use a massage brush, a comb with rare teeth, a furminator.
  • Haircut. If your pet competes, it's best to have a haircut done by a professional, as the hairstyle must meet certain breed standards. If you cut the hair solely to keep the pet clean and tidy, you can do it yourself, because it will be just as comfortable for the animal. The long hair of the dachshund is both an advantage and a disadvantage. So, in addition to beauty, it protects the pet in bad weather. And at the same time, snow is often knocked off in long wool, it gets more dirty in rainy weather. Maintaining the beauty of the coat will require patience and regular care.
  • The compact size and good disposition make it easy to care for and maintain a dachshund at home (whether it be a large house or an apartment). In general, the dog requires standard care, which is not much different from providing for the needs of other breeds.


    The diet for a growing puppy and an adult dachshund is slightly different, because at different stages of development, dogs will have different activity, need for nutrients, and even food frequency.


    Initially, the baby receives all the necessary substances with mother's milk. At the age of 1.5 months, his diet is gradually supplemented with solid food. What rules should be followed:

    • feed up to 6 times a day, by the year the frequency of feeding is reduced to two;
    • provide access to water;
    • at first, grind the food, chop it into small pieces;
    • up to 3 months you can give milk;
    • You need to feed the baby before a walk, since immediately after eating, puppies often have an urge to go to the toilet.


    When choosing food for a dachshund, the choice has to be made between natural food and ready-made dry food. Of course, the second option is much easier at home, as it saves cooking time. In addition, if you choose an expensive super-premium food, you can not worry about its quality and balance. But natural food is also quite acceptable if you are ready to think carefully about the diet.

    Power basis:

    1. Meat and sea fish. These products take up to 40% of the diet. Before feeding, you need to boil or pour boiling water over. Avoid chicken and fatty varieties.
    2. Cereals. This category of products takes 20-40% in the diet. Preferred species: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. But semolina, beans or millet can cause digestive problems (gas, diarrhea, indigestion or weight gain).
    3. Fresh vegetables and fruits. Occupy 40-50% of food. It is worth avoiding potatoes in any form, cabbage, exotic fruits, herbs with a pronounced aroma.

    Health and characteristic diseases

    In general, dachshunds are considered healthy and strong dogs. At the same time, they are no more susceptible to standard canine diseases than representatives of other breeds. However, there are a couple of ailments that affect these four-legged more often than other breeds:

    • swimmer syndrome. The disease is associated with calcium deficiency and bone fragility. It manifests itself in the first month of life: puppies cannot lean on their paws, crawl, sprawled on the floor, which is why the name of the disease came about. In this case, treatment is not always required, sometimes the symptoms can go away by themselves.
    • Spinal disc disorders. It can have very serious consequences, up to paralysis.

    Like other representatives of the canine world, dachshunds can suffer from:

    • eye pathologies;
    • digestive disorders;
    • infections;
    • hyperpigmentation;
    • epilepsy;
    • allergies;
    • excess weight.

    With good maintenance and care, dachshunds can live up to 20 years, average duration life span ranges from 12 to 16 years. However, already at the age of 8-10, the owners notice the first signs of the onset of old age. It is known that small-bred dogs live longer than large relatives, therefore, given good health in this breed, longevity is quite a common thing for them.

    Training and education

    The educational process begins literally from birth, but first the mother does it.- puppies will try to copy her behavior in everything, so it is highly desirable that the mother of the brood herself receive a proper upbringing. At the age of 1-1.5 months, the baby is weaned and from that time his training begins in a new home. Before you start training, you need to teach your baby the basic things:

    • Nickname.
    • "Place". It is very important to immediately allocate a place for the puppy in the apartment or house, otherwise the dachshund will choose it for himself and, most likely, it will be your bed. In this case, you need to take the puppy to the sunbed or bedding and clearly pronounce "Place".
    • "Can't/Ugh." A dog from a young age should feel what is allowed and what is not.
    • Feeding rules. This includes meals on a schedule, a ban on begging, and even more so, stealing food from a human table.
    • Collar introduction. From the first days, the baby should walk around the house in a collar to get used to it. Then you can add a leash, it should be light and comfortable, not complicating the movement of the dog. Any attempt to play with the leash must be stopped.

    Provide your pet with a variety of toys, he will be happy to play with them instead of furniture, shoes and personal items. But since the baby is only able to focus on a small number of objects, it makes no sense to give him all the toys at once. On the contrary, giving them out gradually, you can give your pet new sensations and warm up curiosity.

    After a couple of weeks, you can begin to master the basic commands and interesting tricks. At the same time, it is important to introduce and accustom the animal to the noise of the street, otherwise, once in such an environment, it will be confused and there will be no question of carrying out commands.

    What should be taught to the animal:

    1. "Sit/lie down"
    2. "Beside".
    3. "Stand".
    4. "Walk".
    5. "To me".

    Dachshunds can boast of a lively mind and intelligence, so if you have the desire, time and imagination, you can teach your pet a variety of tricks using rewards (verbal praise, stroking, healthy goodies).

    Now you know why dog ​​breeders love and appreciate the long-haired dachshund, you have an idea about the features of these cute dogs. This is a great breed for a gift to a child from 6-8 years old. With proper care and upbringing, the pet will delight you with its company for many years.


    Long-haired dachshund - a small aristocrat

    A decorative dog that loves to play with children and adults, and which is able to set off in pursuit of a fox or a hare, win in a narrow tunnel and throw a carcass at the owner's feet if it happens on a hunt. This versatility and cute appearance has made the Dachshund one of the most popular dogs for a long time. And of the varieties of dachshunds, of which there are only nine, it was the long-haired dachshund that won the great love of the public. In particular, the long-haired mini dachshund remains a popular breed among toy dogs to this day. The standard long-haired dachshund is slightly less common.

    How are they different different types dachshunds? For example, the miniature long-haired dachshund and the long-haired marbled dachshund? Sounds very similar, with a few exceptions. The fact is that initially there was one breed of dachshunds - standard. She was only smooth-haired, and it was exclusively the prerogative of hunters to keep her. The color of the dog then, as now, could be different - marble, red and tan (thus, there were 3 subspecies of the standard dachshund). Later, other subspecies appeared, distinguished by the type of wool color. They were wire-haired and long-haired dachshunds. By color, the most common are red and black long-haired dachshunds.

    Standard longhaired dachshund. A photo:

    Miniature long-haired dachshund. A photo:

    Long haired dachshund puppies. A photo:

    Long haired dachshund character

    If you visit the owners of a long-haired dachshund, the reviews about it will surely be only good, as a faithful and cheerful friend. The long-haired dachshund is a dog, although it is a hunting dog, but the hunter's instinct is less manifested in it than in its relative, the wire-haired dachshund. Due to its long coat, it is less adapted to climbing burrows and tunnels. But it is pleasant to play with her and stroke her silky fur. Some owners tie beautiful ribbons and bows to their pets, and also arrange photo shoots for long-haired dachshunds. Thanks to the good-natured character and indefatigable activity, the long-haired dachshund invariably becomes the center of attention, giving people joy. She herself also sincerely enjoys communicating with a person and may be offended by a lack of attention. You should never punish a dachshund physically, it is better to just leave it alone.

    The long-haired dachshund shows an amazing interest in the world around him and will gladly accompany a person on the street. As a result, the usual 20-minute walk can turn into a long walk. You need to take the dachshund outside in the morning, afternoon and evening. During walks, especially when the puppy is small, it is recommended to use a leash, because the dachshund's addictive nature can make her headlong in pursuit of some cat. Another feature of this breed is the tendency to dig tunnels, which should be taken into account by owners living in private homes.

    What you need to know about long-haired dachshunds in order to properly feed them? It is important to know that increased mobility requires a large number energy. It is preferable to feed with products of natural origin, but the option of using dry food is also possible. Of course, it is up to the owners to decide what to feed the long-haired dachshund, the main thing is that the food provides the dog's body with the necessary trace elements. Dachshunds should eat before walking, not after. If you decide to buy a puppy of a long-haired dachshund, you need to remember that you can’t pamper and overfeed him, extra meals bypassing the regime are especially harmful. As a result of this, the dachshund can quickly gain excess weight and become less mobile.

    Requirements for the care of a long-haired dachshund

    Every pet needs care. Long-haired dachshunds are no exception. Caring for them includes several mandatory items:

    • While a smooth-haired dachshund needs a little brushing every day and occasional brushing, the long-haired dachshund is much more demanding. In addition to the usual brushing and frequent bathing, they need regular grooming, such as the grooming of long-haired dachshunds, which is carried out by specialists in dog beauty salons.
    • Regular nail clipping - 2 times a month.
    • Ear cleaning should be thorough, using special hygiene products.
    • Once a week you need to brush your teeth.

    Buying a Longhaired Dachshund

    If you decide to get a dog and the choice fell on a long-haired dachshund, you should decide on this: will it be a standard long-haired dachshund, miniature or rabbit. Prices for long-haired dachshund puppies differ depending on the specific breed. So, the prices for puppies of a miniature long-haired dachshund will be higher than the standard one.

    It is better to make a purchase in specialized nurseries. For example, if you need to buy a long-haired dachshund puppy in Moscow, you can recommend contacting Irison, a nursery for miniature and rabbit long-haired dachshunds.

    The long-haired dachshund will be happy to join the family, becoming a member of it. These dogs live for about 15 years, so if you get one with a small child, they will grow and play together. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the long-haired dachshund is a friendly and sociable breed, so when starting this dog, you need to provide it with comfortable conditions, care and lots and lots of attention.


    Origin of the breed

    Dachshund is considered the oldest hunting breed, and researchers still do not know exactly when it appeared. As for the official recognition of this breed, its formation began in the 16th century in the South German lands. Primary data on these burrow hunters date back to the end of the 16th century.

    The ancestors of these dogs were marriages - hardy, squat hounds, from which the dachshunds received, among other things, the ability to chase game and give voice signals. short paws they didn’t help the hounds much in hunting, but they turned out to be the most suitable for penetrating minks.

    Subsequently, thanks to breeding activities, several breed species were bred. The long-haired dachshund was obtained by crossing smooth-haired representatives of the breed and spaniels.

    The nature of the representatives of the breed

    The character of long-haired dogs and their short-haired close relatives does not differ too much. Such a pet is very curious - not a single event will pass by his long nose. The dog is happy to be near his owner 24 hours a day and is very upset if he is left alone at home.

    Dachshund puppy quickly finds a common language with all family members, but he will consider only one of them as the owner and faithfully obey him. With other pets - dogs or cats, a long-haired dachshund almost always establishes friendly relations, but this does not apply to other people's animals - their dog can be considered as a subject of hunting. If you keep such a hunter in a private house, then small pests will forget the way here.

    It is not recommended to start a dachshund, including those with long hair, in a family with small children. These animals are not distinguished by patience and, even if they accidentally hurt them, they can not only snap, but also bite. But still, long-haired dachshunds have a lower craving for hunting, they are more calm and balanced, so they are recommended to be kept as pets.

    Dachshunds are small dogs, but very brave, they are able to get into fights with their relatives, regardless of the size of the enemy. This should be taken into account when walking. Dachshunds are territorial animals, they will defend their territory with all the ferocity they have. No wonder these cute-looking creatures top the list of the most biting dogs. But for his pet will become a faithful and devoted companion and even a member of the family.

    Description of the breed long-haired dachshund

    There are three types of long-haired dachshunds - standard, dwarf and rabbit. All of them differ in size, and they are measured not by weight, but by the girth of the sternum. Standard dogs are larger than the rest, and rabbits are the smallest. In addition to differences in size, the standard describes the breed as follows:

    Dachshund color with long hair

    Representatives of this species of dachshunds have a two-layer coat - smooth and shiny on top, and short, fluffy below. Almost on the entire body, the coat fits snugly to the body, in the throat and lower part of the body it is elongated. On the edges of the auricles there is a fringe, on the back of the limbs - feathers. Due to the long hair, the dachshund's tail resembles a flag.

    There are several colors of dachshunds with long hair, the most common are the following:

    Caring for long haired dachshunds

    Naturally, the long coat of these dogs needs more care than the short-haired counterparts. Owners need to comb it regularly, and they will also need periodic haircuts, including hygienic ones - cutting out areas between the fingers, inside the auricles, and in the groin.

    If the pet is not a working dog, then if necessary, trim his claws. These little hunters are prone to gaining excess weight, so they need regular active walking. With them you need to constantly play, run, do not let them get bored.

    Education and training of dachshunds

    Before you start training, you need to accustom your pet to a nickname and earn his trust. Dachshunds tend to be stubborn, so the owner must become a real leader for them. For the training process to be fruitful, you need to be persistent, consistent and not stop in the middle of the path.

    As soon as the baby is in a new home, you need to show him his place. You can’t let him sleep with you, even if he makes sad eyes and whines plaintively. Dachshunds are excellent actors and are able to “put pressure on pity”, if at least once such a number passes, subsequently the dog will manipulate its owners.

    It is best to teach the baby to the toilet immediately on the street, and if this is not possible, then you can lay a diaper. But in this case, weaning from the diaper can be quite a difficult process. During training, it is worth remembering that dachshunds are prone to obesity, therefore, encouraging the dog, you should use treats less frequently - 1 treat for 2-3 teams.

    In other cases, you can be content with praise, affection, joint games. Dachshunds are very sensitive to intonation, so even one word of praise can improve the pet's mood and increase its performance.

    Dachshunds, including long-haired ones, are the most compact hunting dogs. Compared to other similar dogs, they are not inclined to destroy everything that surrounds them. Therefore, you can keep such a pet in a small living area. But the dog will feel best in a country house, however, his love of digging can seriously harm the lawn.

    Another caveat - dachshunds are hunters of burrowing animals, so it will not be difficult for them to dig under the fence if something outside arouses their interest. It is not worth taking a dachshund to a house where there is already a pet - a cat or other small animal, especially if the dog does not participate in hunting and training. Otherwise, the dog will direct its hunting instinct to animals living nearby.

    When equipping a place for a future pet, it should be borne in mind that dachshunds love to wrap themselves in blankets and bedspreads. Therefore, in addition to the bed, he needs to allocate his own bedspread, but such that the fabric has a dense structure and there is no fringe, otherwise the dog will cling to claws. Dachshunds have a weakness for the master's bed, therefore, if the owner is categorically against such a neighborhood, it is necessary to immediately stop all encroachments.

    Feeding the longhaired dachshund

    Dachshunds have a good appetite, but the owner should take into account their peculiarity - the pet should receive food in small portions. You can independently calculate the serving size based on the dog's body weight - 45 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.

    Often, dogs of this breed have digestive problems, so it is better to take care of the feeding regimen from the first days. Dachshunds are, in fact, hunters, so most of the diet should consist of protein foods, with the obligatory presence of fats.

    Owners need to follow a number of rules, especially if they choose natural feeding:

    Dachshund owners have a choice - to feed their pet with natural food or industrial feed. But it should be borne in mind that you need to choose a high-quality product - premium, super-premium or holistic class. The latter is preferable if the dog suffers from digestive disorders or food allergies.

    Diseases of the breed

    Dachshunds have an original body structure that gives them advantages during hunting, but can cause a number of diseases. In addition, there are a number of ailments that can be inherited. Future owners should be more attentive to their pet, identifying diseases as early as possible:

    Dachshunds without timely vaccination can get sick with serious diseases - distemper, rabies, piroplasmosis, etc. But if you carefully monitor your pet and take care of it properly, you can avoid a number of pathologies.

    Video about the long-haired dachshund

    Where is the best place to buy a long-haired dachshund puppy and how much does it cost

    Despite the fact that long-haired representatives of the breed are much less common than smooth-haired ones, interest in them has only increased recently. You can buy such a baby both in the bird market, and in a nursery or from a private breeder, of course, in the first case, the guarantees of getting a purebred baby are much lower.

    In addition, not all cities have nurseries that breed these original dachshunds, so you may have to go for your pet. The price of a puppy without a pedigree starts from 5000 rubles. But a pet with documents costs much more - from 20,000 rubles.

    The most expensive are long-haired rabbit dachshunds - they are considered a rarer species, and the litter of these babies usually consists of 2-3 babies. Here you will have to pay, on average, 50,000 rubles.

    The most famous long-haired dachshund kennels with an excellent reputation:

    1. Moscow "From the Cherry Grove" http://svr-dachshunds.ucoz.ru/ .
    2. Kyiv "STRANA LIMONIA" https://stranalimonia.jimdo.com/.

    The long-haired dachshund is a small dog with hunting habits, which also perfectly fulfills the role of a family pet. This is an active, cheerful pet, requiring attention and affection, not devoid of dignity, which means that the dog should be treated with respect.

    Many owners have fallen in love with the long-haired dachshund breed for its pretty appearance, sociability and balanced character. Meanwhile, the animal has a sharp mind and excellent hunting qualities. The popularity of this breed has always been high; the dachshund fell in love not only with avid hunters, but also with ordinary four-legged lovers. Let's find out more about her.


    In the history of the dachshund, several dates and periods significant for the breed can be distinguished:

    • XVI-XVII centuries - formation of the breed in Germany; the first mention in the literature under the name "badger warrior". At this time, the Germans begin to specially breed a short-legged, low dog for hunting burrowing animals. In German, the dachshund is called Dachshund, "badger dog": dachs - badger, hund - dog.
    • XVIII Art. - the breed is finally formed, acquiring a modern appearance and characteristics.
    • 1870 - the first breed standard is adopted.
    • 1914-1918, 1939-1945 - due to German origin during the war years, the popularity of the dog drops sharply, since everything related to Germany is frowned upon at that time. It is only through the efforts of dedicated breeders that dachshunds once again win the love of society.
    Dachshunds are considered one of the most ancient breeds, which gave rise to other types of burrowing dogs. The exact time of the origin of the long-haired dachshund is controversial among scientists, but excavations indicate that the dog lived in the territory of Ancient Egypt, Greece and the Ancient Roman Empire. It is believed that the long-haired breed originated from the crossing of a smooth-haired dachshund with a spaniel and some pointing dogs.

    Did you know? Dachshund is the first and only domestic animal that has become a symbol of the Olympic Games. So, in 1972 at the XX Summer Olympic Gamesthe dachshund Waldi became the mascot of the competition. Its popularity was so great that the image of a dog in a striped T-shirt quickly became a print for posters, clothes, dishes.

    breed standard

    The following specifications apply to the standard longhaired dachshund.

    • Country of origin: southern regions of Germany.
    • Growth: up to 35 cm at the withers.
    • The weight: 9 kg.
    • Lifespan: 12-16 years old.
    • Shedding: moderate, seasonal.
    • Color: one-color, two-color, with a spotted color.
    • Wool type: long, falling, dense, with dense undercoat.
    • Head: oblong, without points, evenly tapering towards the tip of the nose, the skull is flat.
    • Ears: long, soft, set high, highly mobile.
    • Frame: smooth, muscular, strongly built, the chest is carried forward, the stomach is tucked up, the croup is wide.
    • limbs: muscular and bony, parallel, harmoniously built.
    • Tail: located along the upper line of the body, slightly curved at the tip.
    • The complexity of care and upbringing: low.


    The dachshund is characterized by a moderately long, squat, compact body with excellently developed muscles. Despite the short stature, the animal does not experience any difficulties in moving and running, but on the contrary, it demonstrates endurance, plasticity, complete control over its body and movements.

    According to the breed standard, the height at the withers should be half the length of the body, from the sternum to the back of the thigh. The animal has a strong hunting and guard instinct. Thanks to strong paws and strong claws, the dachshund does an excellent job of digging the ground - in a minute, the animal is able to make a recess up to 45 cm.

    Dachshunds were bred as hunters and have long been used exclusively for this purpose. But now these pets are much more likely to become exhibitors and simply devoted pets.


    Dachshunds come in three sizes; a distinctive feature is not so much weight and height as the volume of the sternum. If we take into account that in addition to the long-haired dachshund there are also smooth-haired and wire-haired varieties, we can count 9 different species in these animals.

    Parameters of the standard (normal) rate:

    • sternum circumference 35 cm or more;
    • height at the withers 20 cm for females, 25 cm for males;
    • weight from 9 kg.
    Parameters of a miniature dachshund (the second name is a long-haired mini-dachshund):

    • the chest is 30-35 cm in girth;
    • height at the withers 14 cm in females, 21 cm in males;
    • the weight of the dog is 3-5.5 kg.
    Parameters of a rabbit dachshund (the second name is a dwarf long-haired dachshund):

    • chest in girth of 30 cm or less;
    • height at the withers 15 cm;
    • weight ranges from 2 to 3 kg.

    Did you know?Despite the short limbs and the general squatness of the body, dachshunds with great pleasure take part in speed competitions, competing with other dogs. Of course, due to anatomical structure they rarely win prizes, but such competitions are a great opportunity for dachshunds to show their innate competitive spirit. For the first time such competitions began to be held in 1970 in Australia, but later America became the venue.

    Character, habits and temperament

    The long-haired species differs from the smooth-haired counterparts in a softer and more gentle character. In general, these are smart, energetic, flexible and very gambling masters of hunting. They have a strong sense of smell, can show perseverance and stubbornness, a desire for dominance, healthy selfishness. For dachshunds, including long-haired ones, curiosity and activity are typical.

    Dachshunds are extremely attached to all family members, but they show restraint with strangers. They prefer to spend their rest time on the owner’s lap or neck, at night they will definitely try to get under the covers to the owner.

    It is very important to socialize a pet from the early months, especially for other pets, dogs and children. Otherwise, the hunting instincts of the dachshund may take over. Like most small dogs, dachshunds can show a brash and careless attitude towards members of larger species. Dachshunds will feel best in a large and friendly family with an active lifestyle. But children must understand that a dog is not a toy, and a disrespectful attitude towards a dachshund can provoke aggression.

    Some owners claim that this dog has the ability of a psychotherapist, is very attentive and sensitive to the owner, feels any changes in mood and tries to cheer up the person. But at the same time, the dachshund belongs to very biting breeds.

    Important!If you live in a country or private home, be prepared for constant excavations, which dachshunds simply love to arrange, satisfying their natural instinct to burrow. Therefore, if there are flowers, seedlings, other plants on the territory, they need to be fenced off!

    Coat type and color

    This species is the owner of a very beautiful, soft and silky coat, flowing along the body. The hair is longer on the inside of the ears, underside of the body, at the bottom of the paws and tail. Under the outer hair there is a dense, thick undercoat.

    The color of the long-haired dachshund corresponds to that of other varieties of the breed:

    Features of grooming

    If you have become the proud owner of a long-haired beauty, you will certainly need to learn the secrets or turn to a professional master. What does this process include:

    • Bathing. Water procedures should be carried out as needed, but not more than 3-4 times a year, otherwise there is a possibility of overdrying the dog's skin. For bathing, you need to purchase a special shampoo and conditioner that will facilitate combing. The first acquaintance with water should occur no earlier than 5-6 months, until this time you should not bathe the baby.
    • Combing. In pets with long hair, this procedure should be carried out several times a week, during the molting period - every day. To do this, use a massage brush, a comb with rare teeth, a furminator.
  • Haircut. If your pet competes, it's best to have a haircut done by a professional, as the hairstyle must meet certain breed standards. If you cut the hair solely to keep the pet clean and tidy, you can do it yourself, because it will be just as comfortable for the animal. The long hair of the dachshund is both an advantage and a disadvantage. So, in addition to beauty, it protects the pet in bad weather. And at the same time, snow is often knocked off in long wool, it gets more dirty in rainy weather. Maintaining the beauty of the coat will require patience and regular care.

  • The compact size and good disposition make it easy to care for and maintain a dachshund at home (whether it be a large house or an apartment). In general, the dog requires standard care, which is not much different from providing for the needs of other breeds.

    What you need to buy

    Bedding or bed. . Bathing and hair care products; and a leash. Toothpaste, brush.

    Dental care

    Cleaning oral cavity once a week. Removal of tartar.

    Nail care

    Regular filing of claws in babies; in adults, the claws grind off during walks, so the procedure can be performed if necessary.
    Eye care Daily need to remove mucus and protein deposits soft cloth or cotton swab.
    Ear care Every day you need to inspect the pet's ears, if necessary, remove dirt with a soft cloth dipped in vegetable oil or peroxide.
    paddock Daily walks in the morning and evening (at least 1.5-2 hours) with a sufficient amount of physical activity. After a walk, it is important to wipe or wash the paws.

    Important! Many lovers of buying clothes for a pet choose overalls for the cold season. However, this is not the best choice of clothing, as it spoils the coat, adversely affects gait, and prevents natural process hardening. Working animals are allowed to wear overalls, but show pets should avoid this item of clothing if they want to successfully compete in competitions.


    The diet for a growing puppy and an adult dachshund is slightly different, because at different stages of development, dogs will have different activity, need for nutrients, and even food frequency.


    Initially, the baby receives all the necessary substances with mother's milk. At the age of 1.5 months, his diet is gradually supplemented with solid food. What rules should be followed:

    • feed up to 6 times a day, by the year the frequency of feeding is reduced to two;
    • provide access to water;
    • at first, grind the food, chop it into small pieces;
    • up to 3 months you can give milk;
    • You need to feed the baby before a walk, since immediately after eating, puppies often have an urge to go to the toilet.
    Further, the diet of the crumbs will not differ much from that of an adult.


    When choosing food for a dachshund, the choice has to be made between natural food and ready-made dry food. Of course, the second option is much easier at home, as it saves cooking time. In addition, if you choose an expensive super-premium food, you can not worry about its quality and balance. But natural food is also quite acceptable if you are ready to think carefully about the diet.

    Power basis:

    1. Meat and sea fish. These products take up to 40% of the diet. Before feeding, you need to boil or pour boiling water over. Avoid chicken and fatty varieties.
    2. Cereals. This category of products takes 20-40% in the diet. Preferred species: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. But semolina, beans or millet can cause digestive problems (gas, diarrhea, indigestion or weight gain).
    3. Fresh vegetables and fruits. Occupy 40-50% of food. It is worth avoiding potatoes in any form, cabbage, exotic fruits, herbs with a pronounced aroma.
    If the animal eats dry food, it is recommended not to save and choose the highest category feed, preferably marked "holistic". But in this case, the dog must certainly have constant access to clean water.

    Health and characteristic diseases

    In general, dachshunds are considered healthy and strong dogs. At the same time, they are no more susceptible to standard canine diseases than representatives of other breeds. However, there are a couple of ailments that affect these four-legged more often than other breeds:

    • swimmer syndrome. The disease is associated with calcium deficiency and bone fragility. It manifests itself in the first month of life: puppies cannot lean on their paws, crawl, sprawled on the floor, which is why the name of the disease came about. In this case, treatment is not always required, sometimes the symptoms can go away by themselves.
    • Spinal disc disorders. It can have very serious consequences, up to paralysis.

    Important!Most diseases can be avoided by following simple rules: proper nutrition, keeping the dog and home clean, adequate exercise, timely vaccination and anthelmintic therapy.

    Like other representatives of the canine world, dachshunds can suffer from:

    • eye pathologies;
    • digestive disorders;
    • infections;
    • hyperpigmentation;
    • excess weight.

    With good maintenance and care, dachshunds can live up to 20 years, the average life expectancy ranges from 12-16 years. However, already at the age of 8-10, the owners notice the first signs of the onset of old age. Small breed dogs are known to live longer than large breeds, so given the good health of this breed, longevity is quite common for them.

    Training and education

    The educational process begins literally from birth, but first the mother does it.- puppies will try to copy her behavior in everything, so it is highly desirable that the mother of the brood herself receive a proper upbringing. At the age of 1-1.5 months, the baby is weaned and from that time his training begins in a new home. Before you start training, you need to teach your baby the basic things:

    • Nickname.
    • "Place". It is very important to immediately allocate a place for the puppy in the apartment or house, otherwise the dachshund will choose it for himself and, most likely, it will be your bed. In this case, you need to take the puppy to the sunbed or bedding and clearly pronounce "Place".
    • "Can't/Ugh." A dog from a young age should feel what is allowed and what is not.
    • Feeding rules. This includes meals on a schedule, a ban on begging, and even more so, stealing food from a human table.
    • Collar introduction. From the first days, the baby should walk around the house in a collar to get used to it. Then you can add a leash, it should be light and comfortable, not complicating the movement of the dog. Any attempt to play with the leash must be stopped.
    Provide your pet with a variety of toys, he will be happy to play with them instead of furniture, shoes and personal items. But since the baby is only able to focus on a small number of objects, it makes no sense to give him all the toys at once. On the contrary, giving them out gradually, you can give your pet new sensations and warm up curiosity.

    Important!Learning the basic rules of behavior should begin as soon as the puppy crosses the threshold of your house, because the animal will immediately begin to form patterns of behavior, changewhich will be practically impossible. Any inappropriate behavior should be stopped, not touched and encouraged while the puppy is small.

    After a couple of weeks, you can begin to master the basic commands and interesting tricks. At the same time, it is important to introduce and accustom the animal to the noise of the street, otherwise, once in such an environment, it will be confused and there will be no question of carrying out commands.

    What should be taught to the animal:

    1. "Sit/lie down"
    2. "Beside".
    3. "Stand".
    4. "Walk".
    5. "To me".
    Dachshunds can boast of a lively mind and intelligence, so if you have the desire, time and imagination, you can teach your pet a variety of tricks using rewards (verbal praise, stroking, healthy goodies).

    Now you know why dog ​​breeders love and appreciate the long-haired dachshund, you have an idea about the features of these cute dogs. This is a great breed for a gift to a child from 6-8 years old. With proper care and upbringing, the pet will delight you with its company for many years.

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    All short dogs with a long body, as a rule, have one ancestor - the ancient hounds. And the dachshund is no exception.

    But in relation to the hounds, the long body was recognized as a disadvantage rather than an advantage - only the long-legged hound was recognized until this type was found to be used in the field of burrow hunting. For the first time, the disproportionate ratio of the body to the legs was appreciated by German hunters, and only after that by breeders, from whom the purposeful breeding of squat dogs began.


    A greater number of remains of dogs of a dachshund physique were found on the territory of Germany. However, during the excavations, the skeletons of early dachshunds were also found in Greece, Ancient Rome and Egypt.

    With the official recognition of the breed (1988), the number of breeders increased, which led to the active spread of the breed around the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that active export led to the formation of subspecies of the breed.

    So, for example, the standard long-haired dachshund appeared by crossing spaniels with.

    - by mating small, pinchers and toy terriers.

    The long-haired dwarf was bred by mating small representatives of the standard long-haired dachshund.

    Compared to males, females are graceful both in terms of head and torso. The physique of females is more toned. With regard to height and length of the body, gender does not play a role, so the proportions remain the same: 1.7-1.8: 1.

    Character features

    The character of the long-haired dachshund does not differ much from other representatives of the breed. Along with other relatives, this variety is not devoid of hunting traits and is ready to play the role of a guard along with other dogs.

    Well orientated in space. This can be understood by the speed with which the dog takes all the warm and cozy places in the house.

    She also lacks a sense of ownership. Therefore, if the owner, for no good reason, pulls his hands to the object chosen by the dachshund, be prepared for a warning roar. The sense of ownership is also manifested in relation to the territory. Most dachshunds show sincere alertness when meeting new guests in the house.

    First of all, character is thrown. If other fellow dachshunds are stubborn, then the long-haired dachshund is characterized by a delicate approach. But, despite the gentleness, the dachshund remains true to its nature and can sacrifice principles if circumstances favor it. For example, danger. Still, the dachshund is a territorial animal.

    Wool and its device

    The dachshund's coat is smooth, even, giving off shine in the light. Closely attached to the body, in the region of the throat and lower part of the body the hair is longer, while on the muzzle it is shorter and dense.

    If on the line of the abdomen and chest the hair is wavy, then on the ears it is observed in the form of a fringe. But the hair reaches its greatest length on the underside of the tail, where it looks like a real flag.

    Accepted standard

    The table below shows the standard characteristics of the long-haired dachshund:

    Index Description
    Head Triangular, but not narrow. The forehead is wide, with a marked transition to the muzzle. Developed and strong jaws.
    Eyes Small, set straight. The brown palette prevails, pearl and blue are also found.
    Nose The lobe is oval in shape, painted brown or black.
    Ears Broad, drooping and with rounded tips
    Teeth Complete dentition. The teeth are white, even, with large fangs.
    Body Muscular, strong, with a deep or pear-shaped chest.
    limbs Well developed joints. The front paws are set closer together than the hind legs.
    Tail Continues the line of the spine, not constrained in movements.

    Dimensions and weight

    Common sizes:

    Standard dachshunds weighing more than 9 kg are not subject to rejection, but they do not receive an “excellent” rating either. As for dachshunds with obesity, they are immediately recognized for marriage.

    What is the difference from a smooth-haired dachshund

    • one-color (, beige, etc.);
    • two-color;
    • and tiger.

    When, as in a long-haired, only the first and third options are considered.

    Photos of the main colors

    Among the monochromatic colors of the long-haired dachshund, red (the most valuable), red, fawn and brown are common, which are also not without dark hairs. In a relationship white color the situation is not unambiguous, on the one hand this color is not desirable, but rare white spots are still acceptable.

    Among others, marble and brindle colors are often observed. The marble is dominated by a dark shade (gray, red, black) and beige and gray small spots are welcome. In the brindle color, the base is red or fawn.


    The value of a color is determined by its saturation.

    Pros and cons

    Positive aspects of the breed:

    • intelligence;
    • loyalty to others;
    • endurance;
    • attachment;
    • courage and good makings of a guard;
    • innate hunting qualities;
    • compactness.


    • jealousy and resentment;
    • propensity to dominate;
    • tendency to obesity;
    • difficulties with training;
    • predisposition to disease.

    Types by size

    Below are the differences in size between varieties of dachshunds:

    Lifespan and health

    On average, long-haired dachshunds live 10-15 years. The basis is the conditions of detention and genetic heredity.

    Dachshunds from those dogs that are prone to a number of diseases:

    • diseases of the spine ();
    • (urolithiasis disease);
    • heart and kidney disease;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • diabetes;
    • dysplasia;
    • eye diseases (cataract and glaucoma);
    • obesity;
    • osteochondrosis;
    • colds and hypothermia;
    • "swimmer" or "turtle" chest syndrome.
    prone to ailments that all miniature dogs suffer from:
    • skin diseases;
    • atlanto-axial instability (displacement of the second cervical vertebra relative to the first);
    • hypoglycemia (lack of blood sugar);
    • problems with the muscular corset;
    • Difficulties in changing milk teeth to molars.

    Basic rules of care

    The dog's coat is soft and not devoid of the ability to wear out, therefore, in the care of the hairline, stable combing is required at least several times a week, followed by combing out the undercoat. A bristle brush and a comb with rare teeth help with this.

    The eyes are regularly checked for accumulated dirt and secretions, which are promptly removed with a damp cloth.

    Dirt and wax are also removed from the ears, but with a cotton swab so as not to damage the ear canals.

    In dental care, it is advised to buy special pastes and gels, which, along with cleaning, carry out prevention from various diseases.

    Nails every 2 weeks or as they grow back. Make sure that there is no damage to the tissue of the claw.

    Most owners tend to buy overalls, but this type of clothing is bad for both the pet's hairline and gait. Not recommended for show dogs.

    How to feed?

    The serving size is based on the pet's body weight at a ratio of 45 g per 1 kg of body weight. Due to physiological characteristics, it should be rich in fats and proteins. Therefore, it is equally critical to approach both the choice of dry food and natural food.

    In terms of natural feeding, it is advised to adhere to:

    • cereals, vegetable and meat broths (40%);
    • in terms of cereals - rice and buckwheat (20-40%);
    • kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, etc. are isolated from fermented milk products;
    • vegetables and fruits (40%).

    Prohibited Products:

    • raw meat;
    • boiled bones;
    • potato;
    • spices;
    • spices;
    • smoked meats;
    • flour and confectionery products.

    Education and training

    comes from the moment adjust to and get used to the owner. In the process of training, you should be assertive and adhere to a clear sequence of actions. In order not to move from one lesson to another without consolidating the result, but to refine the skill until complete memorization.

    It is worth clarifying that dachshunds know how to put pressure on pity, and if this number is not stopped in the bud, then later the dog will explore the whole range of possibilities for manipulating the owner.

    Even dogs have a tendency to obesity, so treats for pets should not become part of the diet, but be used solely as a means of encouragement. Dogs react subtly to the intonation and emotional coloring of sentences, so it is not a problem for them to distinguish between praise and reprimand.

    What do puppies look like?

    The weight of a dachshund puppy at 2 months is reduced to 2-3 kg, at 3 months it is already exactly 3 kg. If at the age of two months the puppy weighs less or more than 3-4 kg, then according to the standard this is recognized as a defect.

    However, the appearance of the pet is formed over 16-24 months, and according to dog handlers, changes in the cover of the animal are even longer - up to 4 years. For the first few weeks, puppies are covered with down, so it is difficult to guess the color and type of coat. This will be possible only by 5-8 months, when the puppy begins to grow hair.

    Grooming at home

    Before you begin, it is advised to take care of the grooming venue - whether it is a special table or a floor covered with a towel.

    The fur is moistened with an even layer of a mixture of water and conditioner in a ratio of 3/4 to 1/4 and carefully combed out with a comb-brush. Then with the participation of a flat comb, slicker and bristle brush.

    In the period of molting, it is advised to use a furminator.

    Bathing is carried out with the participation of shampoo and conditioner (in turn), which, as a result, are thoroughly washed off so as not to damage the dog's skin.

    After bathing, grooming scissors are used to cut off the tips of the tail. The use of ordinary scissors can lead to thinning of the hair, so be careful.

    Price range and nurseries

    The problem is that, despite the popularity of long-haired dachshunds, not every city has nurseries that are ready to provide breeder services. Therefore, be prepared to purposefully go after your future four-legged friend.

    The cost of a puppy without documents starts from 5 thousand rubles, while as with a pedigree - from 20 thousand rubles. Among all subspecies of dachshunds, rabbit is the most expensive and reaches an average of 50 thousand rubles. This is due to the popularity of small dogs, which also bring fewer puppies (2-3 in one litter).

    Below are the popular kennels breeding long-haired dachshunds:

    • "From the Cherry Grove";
    • "Country Limonia".

    How to choose a future pet?

    When choosing, it is advised to pay attention to the following details:

    • Pet grooming. The condition of the nose, ears, hair (without bald patches).
    • Activity. Dachshund puppies from a young age demonstrate mobility and willingness to explore the world around them. Healthy puppies sparkle with energy and don't shy away from strangers.
    • body proportions. The back is not hanging, straight.
    • The tail is slightly lowered, without bends.
    • The eyes are small and shiny. With a clear and friendly look.

    Among long-haired dachshunds, the presence of a parting on the back and the absence of feathering on the tail (suspension) and ears (fringe) are also undesirable. Be prepared to pay attention to defects in the pet's anatomy - long legs, incorrect limbs, undermining the groin. Among breeders, such shortcomings are severely punished.