Who cured a dog of ataxia a bit. Types and causes of ataxia in adult dogs and puppies

Ataxia in dogs is considered one of the most terrible diseases based on the genetic principle of distribution. It always appears as a result of damage associated with the cerebellum, and this disease is characterized by problems that make the movements of the dog unusual, or rather, sharp and disproportionate.

Dogs affected by this disease often begin to fall, and they also lose their balance. It is worth noting that the strength in the limbs of a dog with such a disease does not go anywhere, but the effect of this cannot be achieved, because it completely loses the skill associated with movement in space. Yes, such dogs can still eat and continue to live, but only with the constant care and attention of a person.

Who is more at risk of ataxia?

This disease has spread throughout the world, and in some countries experts are even taking measures to ensure that patients with ataxia in no case enter into mating. But it is worth noting that not all dogs are equally often affected by this disease. Most often, pets of the following breeds are affected by the disease:

  • scotch terriers;
  • staffordshire terriers;
  • gordon setter;
  • old english sheepdogs;
  • cocker spaniel.

Agree that in the CIS countries it is rare to find a dog of one of these breeds, so many people are not even aware of such an ailment as cerebellar ataxia. In some breeds, there are also more terrible varieties of the disease, which develop incredibly rapidly, as a result of which the dog may suddenly die, since in such cases most of the motor systems often suffer. Thus, the dog is completely lost in space.

What Causes Vestibular Ataxia in Dogs?

As mentioned earlier, the main cause of the development of the disease is heredity, that is, the disease develops when a dog suffering from this disease participated in their mating. When we figured out what it is, it is worth discussing other reasons that can provoke the appearance of an ailment in a dog. Here are the main ones:

  • tumors;
  • serious infectious diseases;
  • otitis;
  • neuritis;
  • serious injuries as a result of which the brain of the animal was damaged.

Symptoms of the disease

When the symptoms of a disease in dogs are mentioned, this is exactly what should be discussed first of all, because they can identify the disease on early stages. Let's look at the symptoms that occur most often, here is a list of them:

  • constant trembling, as well as noticeable nervousness;
  • lack of coordination of movements, which may give the impression that the dog is drunk;
  • strange walking, the essence of which is steps of different lengths and constant stops;
  • constant falls that occurred, it would seem, on a straight road;
  • severe panic in a dog, which is most often expressed precisely in panic attacks;
  • the desire of the animal to quickly hide somewhere and not move;
  • weakness, which becomes more pronounced over time;
  • random rotation of the head or, for example, eyeballs;
  • lethargy;
  • loss of appetite (the amount of food eaten decreases);
  • hearing loss;
  • changes in behavior, decreased activity;
  • constant tilt of the head, which was not previously characteristic of a particular dog.

It is not necessary that all the symptoms of this list appear immediately, since the disease manifests itself in different ways. But if there are at least a few signs, it is worth showing the animal to a specialist, because even if your fears are not confirmed, the dog will still have some violations. You can ask your veterinarian about them.

Treatment of ataxia in an animal

It is worth mentioning right away that most people, having heard that their pet has suffered such a terrible diagnosis, are interested in the possibility of treatment. The fact is that the treatment of the disease is of great interest to the owners of pets, it is considered an incurable disease. We are talking about the ataxia that appeared due to a hereditary factor or some kind of defect. The fact is that no special preparations have been invented that would have a qualitative effect on the cerebellum of an animal.

But if a tumor or, for example, some infectious disease was found in a dog (in cases where this caused the development of an ailment), then you can try to cure it. Luckily, modern antibiotics, designed specifically for dogs, help fight many terrible diseases that in the recent past caused the death of pets. May also help surgical intervention(with tumors), but the cerebellum cannot be affected in any way. You ask: “What can be done if ataxia was caused precisely by a hereditary factor?” In fact, it remains to come to terms with the problem and purchase drugs that will help make the dog's future life more calm and enjoyable.

Most often, special sedatives are prescribed for this, which help relieve panic. There are, of course, special medicines for movement disorders, but often they can only make the dog worse. Check with your veterinarian, because with the wrong choice medicines the animal may die.

Further life of dogs: basic rules

Your task is to improve the future life of the dog. In no case should she live on the street, even if there is a beautiful kennel. The fact is that a dog whose coordination is impaired, without proper supervision, can harm itself. In the room for the dog there should not be objects that have sharp corners, because, despite all the prescribed drugs, the pet's condition will endure changes, and for the worse. If the dog just sometimes stopped or stumbled when contacting the veterinarian, then in a few years he will most likely constantly bump into pieces of furniture or even crash into walls. The dog will get injured, and you should at least reduce their number to a minimum.

It is worth noting that some animals may eventually begin to adapt to life with congenital pathology, but this process is not typical for all breeds. In some cases, the dog will even move more or less independently, bypassing small obstacles. But there are not so good situations, sometimes you have to euthanize the dog so that it simply stops suffering. This happens only at the initiative of the owner (when the dog loses interest in life and the ability to move independently, when she just sleeps and eats). No need to think that euthanasia is an immoral process and that people who do not like a pet resort to it.

About the author: Anna Aleksandrovna Maksimenkova

Practicing veterinarian in private clinic. Directions: therapy, oncology, surgery. Read more about me in the "About Us" section.

Specializes in the treatment of small domestic and some types of exotic animals and birds. In our practice, we use the most modern veterinary drugs from well-known manufacturers.

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Ataxia in dogs is a complex, fatal disease. It is characterized by a violation of the functionality of a special part of the brain, the cerebellum. The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance. Therefore, any deviation from the norm leads to terrible consequences.

The cerebellum, due to its structure, is a kind of nerve center between the desire to move, the possibility of movement. Actually, nerve cells this part of the brain transmit information about the need to make any movement.

Possible causes of the development of the disease are as follows:

  • hereditary problems.
  • existing tumors.
  • Brain damage.
  • Complication of infectious diseases.

Ataxia has a long history, doctors even managed to determine which breeds are most susceptible to the disease: Scotch Terriers, Staffies, Cocker Spaniels, some breeds of shepherd dogs, Chinese Crested. Depending on the localization of ataxia, the following types of the disease are distinguished:

  • Cerebellar.
  • Sensitive: damage to the posterior nerve canals, visual, parietal zones.
  • Vestibular.
  • Frontal ataxia.
  • Mental: an atypical lesion of the nervous system.

Regardless of the location, the symptoms of ataxia are not very diverse. Coordination suffers first. It is difficult for the dog to move around, especially to make complex movements: turn, tilt, jump. Movement in a straight line is usually easy, sharp turns cause loss of coordination, the animal crouches, unable to move on.

The second common symptom is eye tremor, eyelid twitching. This happens due to dizziness, the dog loses contact with the surrounding space, falls. Nervous, convulsive twitches resemble epileptic seizures.

Trembling becomes a specific sign, especially at moments of strong tension, when the dog tries to focus attention on a certain point, to eat something. Diagnosis is usually made using magnetic resonance imaging. The picture will show abnormal development of the cerebellum, abnormal functioning.

Types of ataxia


Cerebellar ataxia occurs more often as an independent disease transmitted through generations. An unpleasant feature lies in the late triggering of the disease mechanism: mature, five to six year old animals abruptly begin to show signs. Often such animals have already been allowed for breeding, therefore, ataxia will inevitably manifest itself in future generations. Recent genetic engineering studies have identified the gene responsible for the development of ataxia. Therefore, it became possible to conduct a specialized DNA test to establish a predisposition. Competent, responsible breeders are required to do such tests.

It is important not to miss the symptoms at the beginning of the disease, because earlier seeking help can prevent a rapid deterioration in the condition. First, there is a state defined by the owner of the dog as awkwardness. A gradual swaying of the body begins, the inability of the animal to maintain balance. The dog begins to starve, because it has difficulty eating, loses weight. Muscle tone weakens, atrophy occurs.

There are two varieties of this type of ataxia: static, dynamic. The first is characterized by a weakening of the specific muscles of the animal's body. It is difficult for the dog to maintain a certain position. The second is more often manifested during movements

Early diagnosis of the dog's condition will help to overcome tumor, traumatic factors in time. If the genetic cause is established, then it remains only to maintain the condition of the dog, to protect the pet as much as possible, to try to keep it from causing damage. Severe damage to the cerebellum cannot be cured. It is more humane to euthanize the animal.


Sensitive ataxia occurs with lesions spinal cord. Then the dog cannot properly bend, unbend the joints. The possibility of determining the correct movement is lost. Severe injuries lead to the impossibility of movement. Occasionally, such a condition can be cured, especially if partial brain damage has occurred, the disease was caught at the very beginning.


Vestibular ataxia is manifested by a pronounced tilt of the animal's body in a certain direction. All movements of the affected animal are cautious, slow. Constant dizziness causes vomiting, movement in a circle.

Other varieties of canine ataxia appear due to exposure to infectious diseases, various injuries. Therefore, any inflammatory processes in the head area it is so important to heal in time. Close proximity of the brain to the organs of vision, hearing, oral cavity contributes to the rapid crawling of pathogens.

Treatment of ataxia

If the owner's desire to save the dog by any means overpowers the humane way out, then veterinarians will recommend using painkillers that relieve nervous tension. Of course, treatment is especially effective in the case of establishing a non-genetic cause of the development of the disease. Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic drugs, vitamins of group B are prescribed. It is important to try to provide the dog with comfortable conditions that take into account lifelong features. Brain damage is rarely completely cured. A disabled dog from the moment of diagnosis, the manifestation of the first symptoms, becomes completely dependent on people. A sensitive attentive attitude will prolong the life of your beloved pet for many years.