Why swine flu is dangerous for humans: ways of infection, treatment features, prognosis. Talking about swine flu - how bad is it? Signs of swine flu in humans

Swine flu- a dangerous disease that from time to time causes panic for entire countries. If the diagnosis is not detected in time and treatment is not started, this disease can be fatal or lead to serious complications.

How does the h1n1 flu spread? What are the signs of the disease? How is this type of flu treated? What should be done to avoid becoming a victim of another epidemic? These and other questions are covered in the article.

The virus that causes this disease was originally (more than 80 years ago) identified in pigs. But over time, he mutated and became dangerous to people.

Since it is transmitted by airborne droplets, the first victims were people who had direct contact with sick animals.

Some scientists put forward a hypothesis that the infection has changed as a result of the fact that pigs were also infected with human and avian influenza viruses.

The disease began to spread from person to person. Because swine flu is aggressive, persistent and spreading rapidly, it caused a pandemic in 2009. Entire continents of the northern hemisphere were affected, incl. and developed countries.

The virus quickly penetrates into human cells, but is unstable to environment: dies as a result of exposure to high temperature (from 75 degrees Celsius) and antiseptics.

From a sick person, the infection can be transmitted for a long time - up to several weeks.

Swine flu spreads very easily. The disease can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person even during a conversation. If the patient coughs or sneezes, the risk of infecting others increases significantly.

In addition, the virus can spread through household items that are in common use (for example, unwashed dishes or hand towels after the carrier of the virus, etc.).

Risk group

Who is most vulnerable to the disease? The swine flu virus most commonly affects:

  • small children under 5 years old;
  • elderly people over 60;
  • cancer patients;
  • people who suffer chronic diseases internal organs;
  • those who have had a severe infection;
  • diabetics;
  • pregnant women;
  • people who are overweight.

In addition, h1n1 flu affects people who, by the nature of their work, are forced to come into close contact with a large number of people every day - supermarket cashiers, teachers, bank employees, health workers, drivers in public transport, etc.

Signs of illness

How to identify in yourself and your loved ones in time dangerous disease? The first symptoms of swine flu in humans are in many ways reminiscent of the common flu. colds. The patient suffers from the following symptoms:

  • very heat body. Often the thermometer reaches the mark of 40 degrees;
  • rough, obsessive cough;
  • pain in the throat;
  • muscle aches;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • unusual causeless fatigue;
  • nasal congestion;
  • headache.

As we have already mentioned, all these signs may indicate the presence of other acute respiratory diseases or regular flu.

Therefore, as medical practice shows, at the first stages, patients are in no hurry to be examined by a specialist, because they do not even suspect how serious the disease can be.

  • severe pain in the chest area;
  • vomiting, which is repeated several times a day, even if the patient has not eaten for a long time;
  • fainting;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • breathing becomes very difficult, the patient lacks air;
  • the head is spinning, which even leads to falls;
  • the temperature does not decrease after taking the usual antipyretics, or it falls for a short time.

The condition of a sick child can be characterized as follows:

  • the baby gets tired quickly, does not show the usual activity in games or during classes;
  • it is difficult for the child to breathe, he complains of a constant lack of air;
  • high fever;
  • aggressive behavior for no apparent reason;
  • indigestion, frequent vomiting.

Please note that intoxication can begin unexpectedly. If it affects an immature children's body, you should immediately call an ambulance. The disease is extremely dangerous for children who are not yet 6 years old.

If you do not seek medical help in time, everything can end in failure, or, at best, complications that can develop into chronic diseases.

Possible Complications

What can this type of flu lead to if you do not recognize it in time and start treatment?

Complications are incurable:

  • from the side circulatory system. Blood in a severe form of the disease can thicken greatly. This is the most common cause of blood clots, which can lead to irreversible consequences for the body;
  • from the respiratory organs. Swine flu very quickly provokes inflammation in the lungs. This can lead to their swelling or severe pneumonia;
  • from the side nervous system: various pathologies, for example, meningoencephalitis;
  • from the side of the kidneys. The disease can cause inflammatory process in the kidneys (glomerulonephritis);
  • if the woman had this disease during pregnancy, she may have a child with various types congenital anomalies;
  • from the side of the heart. A dangerous viral illness can lead to the development of myocarditis or pericarditis.


Even with timely access to medical institution the initial diagnosis may be incorrect. In order to confirm it, doctors prescribe laboratory tests and other types of examinations:

  • take a swab (mucus sample) from the nasopharynx;
  • carry out general analysis blood;
  • clarify the possibility of contact of the patient with patients - specifying his location in the area where the epidemic is widespread;
  • listen to the lungs - characteristic sounds in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower lobes of the lungs with pneumonia can only be recognized by qualified doctors;
  • do a fluorographic examination of the respiratory system.

Characteristic features of the disease caused by dangerous virus, from the common cold or SARS, are as follows:

  • Body temperature. With a cold, it does not rise immediately and, as a rule, to subfebrile (37-38 degrees). If there is a fatal dangerous infection this figure is not lower than 38, but most often - 39-40 degrees.
  • A person with swine flu suffers from a severe headache, while with a cold this phenomenon is short-lived and quickly eliminated by mild analgesics.
  • Pain in the body with ARVI is insignificant, while with a viral disease it is strong and constant.
  • The lethargic state during a cold does not last long - less than a week, during swine flu - about 3 weeks.
  • One of the signs of ARVI is congestion of the nasal passages; with h1n1 influenza, this symptom is not always observed.
  • With a cold, the patient does not feel pain or discomfort in chest, while swine flu is a characteristic phenomenon.

Patient behavior with swine flu

If swine flu has been diagnosed, the patient is first of all recommended to take some measures in order not to aggravate the condition, alleviate the course of unpleasant symptoms and not infect others:

  • do not visit crowded places;
  • wear a mask so as not to infect relatives. It should be changed regularly - at least once every 4 hours;
  • call a local doctor or an ambulance. When examining, tell the specialist about visiting countries or areas where you could have contracted the flu;
  • constantly ventilate the room;
  • eat a sufficient amount of protein-rich and vitamin-rich foods;
    try to eat fractionally;
  • drink plenty of water and other liquids, such as tea with lemon, rose hips, currants, etc.;
  • body temperature elevated to 38 degrees should not be brought down too aggressively. The body tries to overcome the disease on its own;
  • give up bad habits.

These measures make it easier general state and promote recovery. But when the body is affected by swine flu without drug treatment can't get by.

Medical treatment

The doctor after the examination prescribes antiviral drugs active action. Which drug should be taken by the patient is decided, taking into account the age of the patient, the symptoms of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

For example, some drugs are contraindicated in children and pregnant women, others may not be effective in fighting certain types of the virus, which can mutate.

Depending on the symptoms present, symptomatic treatment is prescribed: antipyretic, antihistamine, expectorant and other drugs.

In a serious condition of the patient, detoxification therapy is carried out.

If bacterial (secondary) pneumonia develops, antibiotics are used.

Preventive measures

No matter how effective the treatment is, swine flu is a disease that should be avoided in every possible way:

  • during the epidemic, do not visit or limit the time of your stay in places where a large number of of people. If possible, do not take children with you.
  • Going to the cinema or to a concert can be postponed. But you still have to go to the supermarket, to lectures at the university or to work. And not everyone has a private car. In this case, use a medical mask, which slows down the process of dangerous microorganisms entering the respiratory tract. But do not forget to change the mask at least once every 4 hours.
  • In order to protect the nasal mucosa from viruses, buy at the pharmacy Oxolinic ointment and lubricate the entrances to the nostrils.
  • If possible, avoid contact with anyone who has any infectious disease. If you get sick, your immunity will weaken, and the risk of h1n1 virus entering the body will increase significantly.
  • Do a wet cleaning of your home every day. The same applies to the rooms where you spend your working time.
  • Do not forget about the full ventilation of the apartment or office. Ideally, cross-ventilation should be carried out several times a day.
  • Whenever possible, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap or at least treat them with a special antiseptic.
  • Do not touch the mucous surfaces of the body - nose, mouth, eyes. Especially if you are not at home and your hands are not washed.
  • Get a flu shot if possible.

So that you are not struck by swine flu, the symptoms of which can turn into serious complications, be attentive to your body and to the events around you.

Heed the advice of doctors that you can hear through the media and be on the lookout for the next outbreak of the epidemic.

Swine flu (California flu, Mexican flu, North American flu, "Mexican") is an acute viral respiratory illness caused by certain strains of the influenza virus.

The swine flu virus was isolated in 1930 from domestic pigs in Mexico and North America. For many years, the virus circulated in limited areas and only caused disease in animals. Starting from the 90s of the XX century, isolated cases of swine flu among pig breeders and veterinarians began to be recorded.

Over time, mutations have led to the emergence of a new strain of the swine flu virus, which has acquired the ability to overcome the interspecies barrier and be transmitted from person to person. In the spring of 2009, this virus began to spread widely among people, causing a pandemic, which was called "California / 2009". According to WHO, it covered 74 countries. The new virus was easily transmitted from person to person and caused illness in more than half a million people. Therefore, WHO assigned this swine flu virus the highest hazard class (class IV).

The results of numerous scientific studies have proven the high efficiency of the swine flu vaccine and its safety.

In 2016, infectious disease specialists predicted a new outbreak of swine flu and put the strain of the virus that caused it into the vaccine. This made it possible to create a fairly wide immune layer among the population of a number of countries where this vaccine was used. But despite this, the virus has spread significantly, in particular in Israel, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine.

Source: arpeflu.ru

Causes and risk factors

Swine flu is caused by strains of serotype A influenza viruses (A / H1N1, A / H1N2, A / H3N1, A / H3N2 and A / H2N3) and serotype C. All of them received common name swine flu virus.

The greatest danger in epidemiological terms is the serotype A/H1N1. Its occurrence is the result of recombination (mixing) of several subtypes of the virus. It was this strain that caused the swine flu pandemic in 2009. The properties of the A/H1N1 virus are:

  • the ability to infect birds, animals, humans;
  • the ability to be transmitted from person to person;
  • ability to rapid changes at the gene level (mutations);
  • resistance to the action of traditional antiviral drugs (rimantadine, amantadine).

The swine flu virus has little resistance in the external environment. Ultraviolet rays, disinfectants quickly inactivate it. However, when low temperatures it retains its virulence for a long time.

The source of infection in swine flu are sick or infected people and pigs. In the human population, the infection is mainly transmitted by airborne droplets. The contact-household route of transmission is much less common. Cases of infection associated with eating the meat of infected pigs are not described in the medical literature.

The patient becomes contagious to others with last days incubation period and secretes viruses for another 10–14 days from the onset of the disease, even with specific therapy.

In most patients, swine flu occurs in mild form and ends with complete recovery within 10-14 days.

Susceptibility to swine flu caused by A/H1N1 virus is high. Most often the disease occurs in patients with a reduced immune status:

  • young children;
  • pregnant women;
  • elderly people;
  • suffering from somatic diseases;

Replication and reproduction of the swine flu virus occurs in epithelial cells mucous membrane respiratory tract accompanied by their degeneration and necrosis. Viruses and their toxic waste products enter the bloodstream and are carried throughout the body. Viremia persists for 10–14 days and is manifested by toxic lesions of internal organs and, above all, of the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.

Defeat of cardio-vascular system accompanied by microcirculation disorders, increased fragility and permeability of blood vessels. These changes, in turn, lead to the appearance of hemorrhagic rashes on the skin, nosebleeds (rhinorrhagia), hemorrhages in the internal organs. Microcirculation disorders contribute to the formation of pathological processes in the lung tissue (edema, hemorrhages in the alveoli).

Against the background of viremia, a decrease in vascular tone occurs. Clinically, this process is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • venous hyperemia of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • stagnant plethora of internal organs;
  • diapedetic bleeding;
  • thrombosis of capillaries and veins.

All the described changes in the blood vessels cause hypersecretion of cerebrospinal fluid and disruption of its circulation, which leads to and can cause cerebral edema.

Source: simptomer.ru

swine flu symptoms

The incubation period for swine flu lasts from 1 to 7 days. The clinical manifestations of infection are varied. In people with weakened immune systems, the disease is very severe and often ends in death. In some patients, on the contrary, it is asymptomatic and can only be detected if antibodies to the virus are detected in the blood serum (asymptomatic virus carriers).

Cases of infection associated with eating the meat of infected pigs are not described in the medical literature.

In most cases, the symptoms of swine flu are similar to those of seasonal flu or SARS:

  • intense headache;
  • photophobia;
  • increase in body temperature up to 39-40 ° C;
  • aches in muscles and joints;
  • weakness, lethargy, feeling of weakness;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • sore throat and sore throat;

In 40-45% of cases, swine flu is accompanied by the development of abdominal syndrome (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cramping abdominal pain).


Preliminary diagnosis of the disease presents many difficulties, since the symptoms of swine flu and ordinary seasonal flu are similar. The final diagnosis is based on the results laboratory research, allowing to identify the pathogen:

  • examination of a smear from the nasopharynx by PCR;
  • virological examination of nasal discharge;
  • serological tests (ELISA, RTGA, RSK).

Serological studies for suspected swine flu are carried out twice with an interval of 10-14 days (paired sera method). The diagnosis is considered confirmed in the case of an increase in specific antibodies by 4 times or more.

Swine flu treatment

Treatment of swine flu includes symptomatic and etiotropic agents.

Etiotropic therapy is aimed at suppressing further replication of the virus. It is carried out with interferons (alpha-2b interferon, alpha interferon), kagocel, zanamivir, oseltamivir.

In people with weakened immune systems, the disease is very severe and often ends in death.

Symptomatic treatment of swine flu is carried out with antihistamines, antipyretics and vasoconstrictors. If indicated, detoxification therapy is performed (intravenous infusion of glucose and electrolyte solutions).

Antibiotics are indicated only when a secondary bacterial infection is attached. In this case, macrolides, cephalosporins or penicillins are used.

When a person is sick with a common cold, it is not scary. It usually goes away within 3-5 days. But viral diseases types of influenza pose a serious threat to both health and life. Very often they cause various complications, and sometimes they can lead to Swine, which we will describe in this article, is a life-threatening disease. There is no universal cure for it. The reader will be able to learn about what swine flu is. Symptoms in humans, treatment and prevention are also described in our article.

Description of the disease

(swine flu) is infection affecting the respiratory tract. Usually a person becomes infected with it by airborne droplets. A child can get swine flu after interacting with a sick person. Average duration the incubation period is 3-4 days. How does swine flu manifest itself? Symptoms: severe fever, chills, weakness, and cough.

To date, it is customary in medicine to distinguish several forms of this virus, but their 3 subtypes, conditionally called A, B and C, are considered the most common. The most dangerous subtype for humans is A.

Who can get infected

Both humans and animals can get sick. For example, it is the pigs, after which it is named, that are most susceptible to this flu. Half a century ago, this virus was transmitted extremely rarely from animals to humans, but, mutating, H1N1 gradually became unsafe for humans. Such changes first occurred in 2009.

Medical history

As mentioned above, not only people are infected with this flu, but also pigs, as well as birds. AT last years quite often there are large epidemics in large livestock companies. For this reason, every year English farmers lose at least 60 million pounds.

At the end of the last century, the swine flu virus began interacting with avian and human flu, which is why it mutated into a completely new subtype - H1N1.

The first cases of infection

For the first time, signs of swine flu in humans were registered on the North American continent. Then in February 2009, a Mexican baby who was six months old contracted the virus. Further, a chain of infections stretched across the continent. By the way, the vast majority of the sick worked on farms. Today, this subtype is freely transmitted from one person to another. The human body does not have immunity to this strain, and this greatly increases the risk of the virus spreading around the world.

Severity of the disease

As of May 2009, 500 people have been infected with swine flu, 13 of whom have died. Until today, cases of infection have been registered only in 13 states around the world. The most dangerous countries are considered to be North America, where the first epidemic of swine flu swept through. Statistics show that about 5% of those infected die from this disease. However, we take into account that in the United States, medicine is well developed. If signs of swine flu begin to appear in Africa, the disease will bring much more negative consequences. On this continent, most people live in unhygienic conditions and their income does not allow access to quality health care.

How do children get swine flu?

Symptoms are almost no different from the picture of the usual flu, which children get sick seasonally. The first signs begin to appear in a child just a few days after contact with an infected person.

The main symptoms of swine flu in children:

  • elevated temperature;
  • chills, severe weakness;
  • redness of the throat;
  • aches.

Often there are cases of damage to the gastrointestinal tract. They lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Naturally, diarrhea entails serious loss of moisture in the body. Therefore, you should give your baby plenty of water. Doctors recommend non-carbonated mineral water, juice and tea.

Symptoms of swine flu in children sometimes show up as difficulty breathing. With age, the course of the disease is more easily tolerated. That is why children under 5 years of age are the hardest, as they the immune system not yet fully formed. If you notice similar symptoms in your child, you should immediately contact your doctor.

How does swine flu affect adults?

Symptoms in adults are similar to those of seasonal flu. A few days after infection, muscle pain, severe fatigue and chills, high fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea and vomiting appear. Another feature of swine flu is the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

First steps when symptoms appear

If the sick person lives on the street where the facts of infection have already been registered or, at least, he has: sore throat, cough, runny nose, combined with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and fever, then he needs to urgently contact a therapist. If the doctor does not find anything dangerous, then good. However, if this is still swine flu, then delay can cost a lot. In it is important to reduce the number of contacts with people so as not to become a direct source of the disease.

Signs of swine flu in adults, in which you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • bluish skin;
  • frequent breathing, its violations;
  • unwillingness to drink liquid;
  • alternating improvement and deterioration of well-being;
  • cough;
  • temperature rise;
  • rash;
  • fever.

This also applies to children. What other signs of swine flu can be:

  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the abdomen and chest area.

Swine flu treatment

The treatment of this disease is extremely difficult, since even today no vaccine has been developed that reduces the risks of infection. Standard medicines also do not guarantee a 100% effect. First of all, this can be explained by the constant mutations of the virus. So how do you beat swine flu than treat it? We offer you to get acquainted with the detailed list of funds that are used.

What interventions are applied after a person is diagnosed with swine flu? Treatment usually includes the following items:

Arbidol is a Russian drug that has passed a large number of tests and studies. As a result, its strong antioxidant, antiviral effect has been proven. At the same time, Arbidol suppresses both human viruses and its animal varieties.

You cannot self-medicate. All these medical devices should only be administered by qualified medical worker. It is equally important that the infected person has his own dishes and personal hygiene products. To prevent the spread of the virus, it is necessary to carry out regular ventilation and wet cleaning in the room. This will help to avoid infection of people living with the patient, and will also prevent you from getting sick again.


How can you protect yourself from getting swine flu? Firstly, you need to adhere to the daily routine, sleep for 6-8 hours, try to eat right, if possible, avoid overload and stress that weaken the body's immunity. Secondly, the prevention of swine flu includes the use of vitamins and immune boosters. As well as obligatory observance of personal hygiene. We must not forget about the proper processing of food. So, pork must be thoroughly fried (the use of meat with blood is unacceptable).

Over the past decade, the swine flu virus has been actively studied in order to develop the most effective vaccine against H1N1. However, there are currently no significant changes in this direction. This is why swine flu prevention is so important.

How to protect children from swine flu

The child's body is practically not familiar with such an infection. This seriously increases the child's risk of contracting swine flu. In order to prevent the disease, parents should take some preventive measures.

  1. Wash your hands often, always with soap, especially before eating.
  2. Do not let the child go to school or preschool until the respiratory infection has fully recovered.
  3. If possible, avoid public places where there is a possibility of infection with the virus.
  4. Vaccinate your baby, as vaccination is considered the most effective way prevention.

What to do if the child shows the first symptoms

The baby can take a non-hot bath with the addition of mustard powder, after which the legs are rubbed with warming ointments and warm woolen socks are put on. Scientists have proven that the H1N1 virus completely ceases to manifest itself and actively multiply at a temperature of more than 50 degrees. Often doctors prescribe crumbs inhalation at a temperature of about 70 degrees with the addition of mint, lemon and others. essential oils that have a beneficial effect on respiratory system. For example, to prepare eucalyptus inhalation, add 50 drops of tincture to boiled water. Procedures are carried out throughout the week. It is forbidden for crumbs under 3 years old to breathe steam due to the possible development of bronchospasms.

In Russia, this disease is not common. However, prevention should still not be neglected. If you notice similar symptoms in yourself or your child, contact your doctor immediately. Perhaps this is a simple seasonal flu, which will pass without a trace within a week. But there may be more serious disease. In this case, the sooner the virus is detected and started proper treatment, the faster the person will become healthy and will not receive any complications. It is not worth delaying to see a doctor.

Swine flu is the popular name for influenza caused by a relatively new strain of the influenza A virus. This virus is responsible for the 2009-2010 influenza pandemic.

Influenza viruses are small RNA viruses that infect many animals, including humans, birds, and pigs. Prior to 2009, swine flu primarily affected pigs and was not commonly or easily transmitted to humans.

Even in isolated cases in which swine flu has infected humans, it has had a very limited ability to spread from person to person. Most were directly related to contact with pigs from farmers. Since 2009, understanding of the role of swine and influenza viruses in human infections has changed markedly.

The first influenza-like illness in pigs was reported in 1918 during a human influenza pandemic.

The term "pandemic" means that the infection has spread to many countries around the world.

Swine flu in 1918 did not cause a pandemic. It seems likely that the pigs contracted the disease from humans or unknown source. For decades, the swine flu virus has remained relatively unchanged.

In the 1990s, swine flu viruses became more diverse and new strains emerged. The reasons for these changes are unclear, but they may be due to overcrowding on large pig farms.

Before 2009, there was only one human outbreak of swine flu that caused public health concern. This outbreak originated in 1979 among soldiers at Fort Dix. One recruit died and approximately 12 were hospitalized with the flu.

Further testing revealed that more than 200 recruits had contracted the virus, although most had no or mild symptoms. The infecting strain has been strongly associated with the swine flu virus, raising concerns that a new pandemic may be emerging.

In response to this situation, a massive vaccination program was launched. Unfortunately, the 1979 vaccine was associated with little increased development of Guillain-Barré syndrome- a serious neurological disease.

It is important to note that the 1979 strain did not spread easily from person to person, so an epidemic did not start.

No cases have been observed among people outside of Fort Dix. In addition, the 1979 vaccine was made using an outdated method that is no longer used.

Lessons learned from the 1979 swine flu outbreak have been applied to address pandemic threats, including the 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome outbreak and the 2009 influenza outbreak.

The main lessons include ensuring adequate communication with the public, developing a quick and measured response to potential threats.

Swine flu outbreaks in 2009 and 2011

In March and April 2009, hundreds of cases of human respiratory illness were reported in Mexico, which were caused by a new type of swine flu virus. By April, such cases had been reported in the United States.

Reports quickly followed from other countries, and the disease spread across the globe. The World Health Organization officially announced that swine flu in 2009 caused a pandemic. By June 2009, 1 million Americans had been infected with swine flu, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

By August 2009, more than 170 countries had reported cases of the disease. By the end of October, the virus had caused more than 1,000 deaths in the US, of which nearly 100 patients were children.

Approximately 6% of the dead were pregnant women, although they make up approximately 1% of the population. On October 25, 2009, US President Barack Obama declared a national emergency in response to the outbreak.

A new vaccine against the H1N1 virus has been urgently developed. Although it was in severe short supply in the first few months of the pandemic, it has since become available around the world.

How did the H1N1 pandemic end?

Statistics have shown that this infection resembles a powerful seasonal flu outbreak. However, the H1N1 virus strain has been included in all seasonal vaccines since 2011-2012.

In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a new combination of genetic material from influenza A H1N1 and H3N2 viruses that resulted in a new strain of influenza A (H3N2)v (also called H3N2v) that was similar to the viruses that infect pigs in 1990s. However, this strain possessed a gene that allowed it to infect humans more easily.

In late 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 12 confirmed cases in young adults that were often associated with pigs. In July 2012, it was reported rapid growth H3N2v infections. In addition, the flu was caused by another strain of the virus - H3N2. This outbreak has affected many people around the world but has not reached the level of a pandemic.

The WHO estimates that the swine flu outbreak in 2009 claimed the lives of more than 18,000 people. But there are scientific opinions that the number of deaths from this disease was from 150,000 to 575,000. Most of these deaths occurred in Africa and Asia, where access to medical care is limited.

Causes of swine flu

Influenza viruses are named according to the types of proteins on their outer surface. The two main proteins are hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). The swine flu virus in the 2009 outbreak was the H1N1 strain. In fact, while the term "swine flu" is often used to describe the outbreak, the official term for the 2009 virus is H1N1 flu.

It is important to understand that the influenza virus is constantly changing (mutating), so there are many strains of H1N1 that differ slightly from each other. Swine flu is caused by one strain of H1N1, but there are many other strains. Some strains of H1N1 only infect pigs. Others infect humans, pigs and birds. These minor differences are importance, because the human body produces antibodies that act only against one strain of the virus.

If a person recovers from H1N1 swine flu, they are likely protected from infection by the same strain of swine flu, but not protected from infection by variations of that strain or other strains of influenza.

The new 2009 H1N1 swine flu virus was the result of a genetic shift, which means that it contains pieces of viruses from different sources.

The 2009 virus includes genes from avian, swine, and human influenza viruses. This strain has not previously caused infections in humans or pigs. Therefore, it is unlikely that a large number of people would be immune to this new strain.

Transmission of swine flu

Swine flu (H1N1 and H3N2v) is spread from person to person, by inhaling the virus, or by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus and then touching the nose or mouth. Infected droplets are released into the air when coughing or sneezing.

H3N2v does not spread as easily from person to person as H1N1. Poor transmission speed is most likely the reason why so few people get infected with H3N2v.

Studies have shown that H1N1 swine flu is just as contagious as regular human flu. If one person in a family gets swine flu, approximately 8-19% of other family members may become infected. Reports from the southern hemisphere have shown that swine flu has caused slightly more infections than is typically seen with seasonal flu.

However, the newest H3H2v swine flu virus does not spread very easily from person to person. Most infections to date have resulted from direct transmission swine virus H3N2v from pigs to humans, as most of the patients were associated with pig farms or fairs. However, this situation could easily change if the H3N2v virus acquires genes that allow it to be easily transmitted between people.

swine flu symptoms

Swine flu (H1N1 and H3N2v) causes respiratory infection. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends paying attention to people with fever and respiratory symptoms, especially cough or sore throat.

Affected people may also suffer from fatigue, chills, headaches, or pain throughout the body. People with swine flu also have nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Very young children may not have a fever or cough and are more likely to have lethargy or shortness of breath as their main symptoms.

Children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 0 to 24) have higher rates of infection with the 2009 H1N1 flu. Older people (over 65 years of age) are less likely to develop infection, leading some to believe they have "cross-immunity".

Cross-immunity develops when the human body produces antibodies against one virus that have specific effects on other viruses. Thus, older people who have been exposed to such a virus may have partial protection against swine flu. The key words here are "may" and "partial".

There is no guarantee that older people are protected, and when they become infected, they have an increased risk of complications requiring hospitalization.

One recent study found that 33% of people over the age of 59 have antibodies that can help protect against the H1N1 virus. However, if older people become infected, the illness may be more severe, which is true for most influenza infections.

Although the illness is usually not severe, some people with swine flu have serious respiratory problems, including pneumonia or respiratory failure which can lead to death. Pregnant women have an increased risk of developing severe illness.

It is of concern that the majority of deaths early in the pandemic occurred in people under 65 years of age, including people under the age of 25. This is the opposite of what happens with regular seasonal flu, where most deaths have been in the elderly.

People with chronic illnesses always have an increased risk of developing flu complications, and this is true for swine flu. These diseases include asthma, chronic lung disease, heart disease, diabetes, depressed immune system (including chemotherapy) and kidney failure.

People with swine flu are considered contagious from the first day they get sick until 24 hours after symptoms disappear. Children and immunocompromised people may be contagious for longer (for example, within 10 days).

Currently, the new H3N2v swine flu is characterized by the same symptoms as the H1N1 strains.

When to Seek Medical Care

People with elevated temperature and non-severe respiratory symptoms should contact your physician for advice.

If you live in an area where no cases of swine flu have been reported, your doctor may refer you to a hospital for evaluation.

If you live in an area where swine flu is already circulating, your doctor may decide to treat you over the phone. This approach minimizes the number of sick people who go to the community or to the hospital.

People with serious illness should immediately seek medical attention. This should be done by people with shortness of breath, confusion, dizziness, or changes in consciousness. Young children are unable to describe their symptoms, so their parents should watch for signs of rapid breathing, blue skin, or reduced levels of reactions that require immediate medical attention.

Diagnosis of swine flu

Swine flu can be confirmed by culturing the virus from respiratory secretions (eg, sputum or nasal or nasopharyngeal secretions). But this method is very expensive and rarely used.

There are rapid tests that can give a general idea of ​​the presence of the influenza virus, but they are far from perfect and may miss swine flu or regular seasonal flu. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not recommend the use of rapid tests because their results are often inaccurate.

It is possible to carry out polymerase chain reaction(PCR) - specific testing for genetic material. H1N1 and H3N2v strains are being detected using similar methods, and new tests are being developed for their rapid and inexpensive detection in the hospital setting.

Testing every symptomatic patient for the swine flu virus is neither feasible nor economically viable if there are many cases in the community. If there are a large number of swine flu cases, labs will usually stop testing for swine flu. It is recommended that symptomatic patients be considered to have the disease.

Swine flu treatment

Laboratory testing has shown that the 2009 swine flu strain is susceptible to two antiviral drugs that have been used to treat human flu.

These drugs are oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).

Oseltamivir is given in tablet form.

Zanamivir is a powder for inhalation (inhalation through the nose). Both of these drugs can be taken only on prescription. They are only used in people who seem to have swine flu, if they have chronic conditions that put them at risk of developing complications, or if they are very sick.

These drugs can be given to patients with H1N1 or H3N2v infection. There have been reports of several drug-resistant strains of H1N1, but most strains of the swine flu virus remain susceptible to these drugs.

Older drugs such as amantadine are ineffective.

Home care

People who are suspected of or have H1N1 or H3N2v swine flu should stay at home and avoid social activities, including school or work.

Ibuprofen or acetaminophen may be used to reduce fever or relieve pain.

Children under 18 should not be given aspirin because of the risk of liver damage (Reye's syndrome). You should always follow the recommendations in the instructions for the cold or flu drug.

Sick people should drink plenty of fluids (to prevent dehydration) and rest.

Swine flu prevention and vaccination

Simple activities can reduce the risk of contracting the flu. These include washing hands frequently with soap and water or disinfecting them with alcohol. People should not touch their face or mucous membranes.

The influenza virus can live for approximately 2 hours on an infected surface. When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth with a handkerchief or sleeve.

In regions with a high number of cases, it is best to minimize unnecessary exposure to crowds. Sick people should stay at home if possible.

To reduce the risk of spreading the flu virus to other family members, each family member should wash their hands frequently. Alcohol gels are sold in pharmacies and can be used in place of soap and water when there is no visible dirt on the hands.

In rare cases, if a person has been in contact with someone with confirmed swine flu, a doctor may prescribe medication to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Such drug prophylaxis is generally used in people who are at very high risk of developing complications, such as pregnant women.

For the first time during the 2013-2014 flu season, one vaccine contained four different antigens, instead of the usual three. However, a trivalent (three viral strains) vaccine was also available. It is assumed that the quadrivalent (four viral strains) vaccine will replace the trivalent one.

It is important to note that the 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine is not related to the 1976 vaccine. It is made using a more modern process, and the 2009 virus itself is very different from the 197 virus.

Some people die from bacterial infections that attack lungs already damaged by the flu. For this reason, pneumococcal vaccine (against pneumococcal bacteria that can cause pneumonia) is recommended for all people with chronic diseases and people over 5 years of age. In addition, people who have had H1N1 swine flu are still at risk of contracting regular seasonal flu. Therefore, vaccination against seasonal influenza is still recommended.

There is currently no vaccine for the H3N2v strain on the market.

Do I need to wear medical masks?

The virus is spread by touching contaminated objects if someone sneezes or coughs at a very close distance. If a person is standing close to someone with the virus, wearing a mask will not help.

In addition, there are some concerns about misuse masks.

They need to be replaced regularly as they become less effective when moistened with exhaled air. People can infect themselves if they touch the outside of the mask, or they can infect others if they do not properly dispose of old masks.

And, in the end, wearing a mask can lull vigilance. People should focus on good hand hygiene, staying at home when feeling unwell and covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing.

Prognosis for swine flu

The influenza pandemic in 2009 caused significant economic, social and health problems. Although the number of deaths was not too high, as for an influenza pandemic, the death rates among pregnant women and generally healthy young people are believed to have been disproportionately high.

Simple preventive measures (covering your cough, washing your hands often) can help reduce your risk of developing any flu infections.

Vaccination is the most effective method control of H1N1 and H3N2 influenza, it should be given when indicated. Most patients have a good prognosis, but a few patients with more severe disease have a good to poor prognosis.

Prevention of infection with the H3N2v strain

The following measures are believed to reduce the risk of transmission of the H3N2v virus from pigs to humans, as there is no vaccine available for this strain.

  • Food or drink should not be consumed in areas where there are pigs.
  • Do not take toys, pacifiers, cups, baby bottles, strollers and similar items to areas where there are pigs.
  • After visiting areas where there are pigs, wash your hands frequently with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Close contact with sick pigs or animals that appear sick should be avoided.
  • Take action if contact with sick pigs is necessary. This includes minimizing contact time, wearing personal protective equipment such as protective clothing, gloves and masks that cover the mouth and nose.
  • Contact between pigs should be minimized.
  • The pig should be observed and a veterinarian should be called if it is suspected that it is ill.
  • Avoid contact with pigs if you have flu symptoms. Wait 7 days from the onset of the disease or until the temperature returns to normal within 24 hours without the use of antipyretic drugs. If everyone needs to come into contact with pigs at this time, use the protective measures listed above.

Swine flu in 2015 and 2016

In 2015, an outbreak of swine flu was reported by India. The disease was observed in more than 30,000 people, more than 2,000 patients died.

Currently, an outbreak of swine flu is observed in the post-Soviet countries - Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia. From these countries, the virus spread to Poland and Romania.

Dear visitors of the site Farmamir. This article is not medical advice and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with a physician.


Since 2009, the possibility of transmission of this infection from person to person by airborne droplets has been recorded, which leads to the widespread spread of swine flu around the world. Currently, the statistics on this infection is such that about half a million people around the world have already had this type of flu. Mortality in this case ranged from 1 to 7%.

Some countries report higher mortality rates. In India, in 2015 there was a surge in the incidence of swine flu. Within a few months, 33,000 cases were registered, of which more than 2,000 were fatal.

According to many scientists, the severe course of the disease was due to the mutation of the virus.

The structure of the swine flu virus has changed, so cases of extremely severe course have been reported in India.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and other states in this situation urged its citizens to refrain from traveling to this country, or to be vaccinated against the H1N1 influenza virus 3-4 weeks before the intended trip. As for the swine flu epidemic in Russia, the lessons of 2009, when the virus was actively spreading throughout the country, were taken into account. In 2015, in anticipation of a new epidemic, vaccination of the population was actively carried out in all regions, in many cases from the state budget. played an important role in preventing the development of infection preventive measures. They consist in the need to comply with the following rules:

Clinical manifestations

The most characteristic of swine flu is mild. All cases of death were recorded among the risk group, which includes

  • children under the age of 5;
  • pregnant women;
  • older people over the age of 60;
  • immunosuppressed patients.

In addition, a severe course in patients became possible with untimely and incorrect treatment. There is statistics that complications developed in patients who neglected bed rest in the first days of illness. As a result, the development of viral pneumonia and other complications became possible.

Flow this disease in many ways resembles the onset of the disease of ordinary seasonal influenza caused by other strains of the virus.

The incubation period lasts about three days, during which malaise may be noted. But more often the disease begins acutely with an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees, and over the next two hours other symptoms develop. The symptoms of swine flu are:

Children under two years of age are not only more likely to suffer from this disease, but it is more severe for them.

Among the symptoms of swine flu in children, abdominal signs such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are often noted.

A large number of patients may develop viral pneumonia and other complications. The situation with young children is complicated by the fact that they cannot complain of muscle pain, photophobia, and body aches. This can complicate diagnosis and delay proper treatment.


To prevent the development of viral pneumonia, hemorrhagic syndrome, bacterial complications, the treatment of swine flu should include etiological therapy, that is, the appointment of antiviral drugs. In this case, the most effective drugs for the treatment of swine flu are oseltamivir and zanamivir. Their action is aimed at blocking the enzyme responsible for the reproduction of viruses. Therefore, interacting with the virus, drugs lead to its neutralization. The concentration of the pathogenic agent decreases, and the patient notes a decrease clinical manifestations.

Both drugs have passed a large number of various tests conducted by different states, including not only in vitro, but also in humans. Positive reviews about their effectiveness found a place in reports and scientific conclusions. It is considered a recognized fact that the use of these agents helps to reduce clinical manifestations by 30-40%. The risk of developing complications caused by exposure to the virus is reduced by 1.5 times.

The greatest efficiency from taking these drugs develops when using them in the first two days after the development of symptoms. However, if time is lost, then you should not refuse to use them. The swine flu drugs oseltamivir and zanamivir may continue to be effective.

Both drugs have side effects, which forces them to be used with caution in patients with allergies, neurological and renal disorders. Given the form of release of zanamivir in the form of a nasal spray, the development of bronchospasm cannot be ruled out, especially in patients with chronic pathology of the respiratory system.

Availability side effects when taking these funds, as well as the serious condition of patients, it implies their treatment in a hospital. When taking an aerosol of zanamivir, its side effect can be so pronounced that breathing problems, sore throat can occur even among medical staff of the department where the patient is hospitalized. Oseltamivir is already the third generation of antiviral agents with this mechanism of action. Side effect it is less pronounced, and the existing tablet form of release makes it possible to exclude the development of bronchospasm.

The use of antiviral drugs for swine flu treatment of this disease is not limited.

First of all, in order for the treatment to be effective and complications not develop, bed rest must be observed. This is also important in relation to the danger of this patient to others. Isolation will help prevent the spread of infection, and therefore reduce the likelihood of mutations that can cause the development of a new, more pathogenic strain.

Since the influenza virus lives in the body for about 7 days, then for correct treatment it is necessary to carry out all measures aimed at removing it from the body as quickly as possible, and creating conditions for the impossibility of developing complications. For these purposes, as well as for the treatment of influenza caused by other strains, it is necessary to conduct detoxification therapy, including drinking plenty of water, in severe cases - drip solutions.

Symptomatic treatment is used if the symptoms are so pronounced that their presence noticeably worsens the patient's well-being. Since an increase in body temperature is also a protective mechanism that ensures the fight against the virus, the appointment of antipyretics can be justified when it rises above 38.5 degrees.

In severe influenza, rises to higher numbers can be noted, so the use of antipyretics is most likely to take place. The drug of choice is paracetamol or its analogues. With any strain of the influenza virus, the use of aspirin is contraindicated, since the drug can aggravate the development of hemorrhagic syndrome.

In the world, work is constantly underway to create new, more modern antiviral agents, since the effectiveness existing drugs has not yet reached its maximum.

No less important is the work on the creation of an antiviral vaccine that could prevent the development of any influenza virus.

At present, it is very important to carry out preventive measures that are aimed at preventing the body from encountering a pathogenic agent.