The last day of Shrove Tuesday rituals. Ancient customs and rituals: Maslenitsa

Everyone associates Pancake week with delicious homemade pancakes, seeing off winter and fun folk festivals. The Maslenitsa holiday has a long history and traditions. Shrovetide dates back to pagan times, when the Slavs worshiped the god of the sun - Yarila. At the end of winter, the sun began to warm the earth more strongly, and in gratitude for this, the people baked unleavened cakes for their god. They also symbolized the sun. But the influence of the Orthodox Church over time somewhat changed the essence of the holiday. To date, Maslenitsa week is a preparatory week for Great Lent, which ends only with the onset.

Traditions and rituals of Maslenitsa

Of course, the main tradition of Shrovetide week is. It was believed that with every pancake eaten at this time, a person receives a piece of heat and light from the sun. Therefore, according to legend, the happiest person should have been the one who ate the most pancakes.

In addition, not a single Shrovetide is complete without folk festivals, and folk traditions assigned a specific name and specific rules of conduct to each of the seven days of the celebration:

Today, the traditions of celebrating Shrove Tuesday come down to eating pancakes throughout the week, folk festivals and visiting the cemetery on Forgiveness Sunday. On Sunday, most people also ask for forgiveness from relatives and friends, and in the evening, as in the old days, an effigy of winter is burned on the square, which means the imminent arrival of spring.

During the week before Lent, a Slavic traditional holiday, Maslenitsa, is celebrated. Rites and rituals performed at this time will help you get rich, get rid of diseases and find personal happiness.

Shrovetide is a folk holiday that has a long history. Initially, the celebration was pagan, but over time, the Orthodox Church included it in the calendar of church holidays.

The Maslenitsa celebration always starts on Monday and lasts for the rest of the week. On Sunday evening, on the eve of the holiday, the youth went out into the street to greet him cheerfully. Pancakes are the main dish of Maslenitsa. They are baked in large quantities, treating them to relatives, friends and acquaintances. During the festive week, it is customary to visit guests and eat hearty treats offered.

Rituals for Shrovetide Week

During the Maslenitsa week, our ancestors performed many rituals. At this time, they said goodbye to winter and joyfully met the coming spring, arranged fistfights, burned an effigy of Shrovetide, and its ashes were scattered over the fields so that they would bring a good harvest.

Each day of the week was celebrated in a special way and got its name:

  • Monday - "meeting";
  • Tuesday - "tricks";
  • Wednesday - "gourmet";
  • Thursday - "wide Thursday";
  • Friday - "mother-in-law evening";
  • Saturday - "hall gatherings";
  • The last day of the week is Forgiveness Sunday.

Among the rituals that our ancestors performed, the most popular are:

  • agricultural;
  • marriage and family;
  • funeral.

Marriage and family ceremonies for Maslenitsa

The most important Shrovetide rites include marriage and family customs.

For the newlyweds arranged "bride". They were put in front of the whole street and forced to kiss many times. Peasant women, who had been married for a little over a year, were harnessed to a sleigh, and they had to ride their girlfriends around the village, singing funny songs and telling jokes during this.

On Friday, young sons-in-law went to visit their mother-in-law "for pancakes." The mother-in-law treated her son-in-law, and complimented him, so to speak, “cajoled” so that he would treat his wife well.

Another Shrovetide rite practiced by our ancestors - the punishment of single guys. Unmarried young men were hung around their necks with blocks to which a log was tied. The log symbolized the "soul mate" sitting on the neck. With a log, the guy had to walk around the village all day, listening to the ridicule of his fellow villagers.

On Forgiveness Sunday, the celebration of Maslenitsa ended. The purpose of this day was to reconcile quarreling relatives and consolidate good relationships. On Forgiveness Sunday, they tried to finish all the food prepared for the holiday or distribute it to the poor. On this day, they went to the cemetery and worshiped the ashes of relatives, leaving pancakes on the graves.

Funeral ceremonies for Maslenitsa

Shrovetide funeral rites are associated with baking pancakes, burning a effigy of Maslenitsa and cooking funeral food. Traditionally, dishes were prepared from fish, which, through its dumbness in folk culture, personified the souls of the dead.

Snow was used for divination, considering it the personification of the souls of the dead. During the preparation of pancakes from buckwheat flour, melted snow water was added to the dough.

On Shrove Week it was forbidden to weave and spin. These prohibitions were observed out of fear of harming the souls of deceased relatives present nearby. The evening hours of Pancake week were considered holy.

According to our ancestors, non-observance of these prohibitions could bring a lot of misfortunes and misfortunes.

The bonfire for Maslenitsa also belongs to the funeral rite. It served as a kind of invitation on the eve of the fast of the deceased ancestors to a hearty dinner.

The purpose of the ancient Russian Maslenitsa was to appease the spirits for all subsequent days of the year.

Farming rituals for Maslenitsa

The ancient Slavs always took the first baked pancake outside as a gift to Yarila and Spring. It was laid on the ground so that the Sun would warm the fields, and Spring-red would come faster.

Skating from the ice slides was very popular during Shrove Tuesday. In ancient times, they believed that the further you slide down the hill, the greater the flax harvest.

Maslenitsa is a kind of celebration of gluttony. It was believed that the more satisfying the holiday was, the richer the year would be.

Today, many people are waiting for Maslenitsa not only for the purpose of tasty food and good fun, but also for various rituals. One of the most popular is the ritual for wealth.

If during the Maslenitsa week you manage to be outside the city, then you can perform an old rite on Maslenitsa to attract money. You need to kindle a fire and burn your old unnecessary things in it. By letting go of the old, you open the door to the new in your life.

While things are burning, read this plot:

“I burn old and unnecessary things,

I open the door to something new in my life.

Let all unnecessary go away

And Maslenitsa will bring me good luck and profit.”

There is another effective Shrovetide rite that will help you get rich. It is necessary at the end of the Maslenitsa week, i.e. on Monday, visit a place of public festivities. Walk there until you find a coin. Raising the coin with your left hand, read the plot:

“I, the servant of God (name), walked, found a coin on my way. As I came to this money, let the money come into my hands on their own. Let how many people were for the holidays, I will have so much money. Amen!".

Bring the coin home and keep it until next year. A year later, when local festivities will be held, the coin must be taken and thrown in the place where you found it.

Ritual for Shrovetide for marriage

If you are single and dream of meeting a soul mate, perform a simple ceremony during Maslenitsa that will help you find personal happiness soon.

The ritual for marriage on Maslenitsa is held on Sunday. Come to a crowded place where the holiday is celebrated, and, being among the walking people, read the conspiracy to yourself:

“Shrovetide has come, brought joy to everyone. Bring Maslenitsa happiness into my life, send me my fate. May a worthy person meet on my way, with whom I will find happiness forever. May it be so. Amen".

After that, you need to cross yourself three times.

Love spell on Maslenitsa

To make the guy you like reciprocate, cast a love spell on pancakes for Maslenitsa.

To do this, you need to replace the dough for pancakes, and add a little holy water to it. When you knead, read the love words:

“I’m baking pancakes, I want you to like it. As spring comes to us with Maslenitsa, the sun warms, and the snow melts, so the heart of the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name) will melt. He will think about me and miss me, miss me and grieve. As I say, so be it. Amen".

After that, bake pancakes and treat your loved one.

Rituals for Shrovetide for health

During the holiday, you can perform a ritual for health. Knead the dough for pancakes, and when you fry them in a pan, say the following:

“I fry pancakes, I add health to myself. As these pancakes get rosy, so do I get healthier. May health come to me, and all ailments disappear. My word is strong, but my deed is sculpted. Amen".

Eat baked pancakes yourself and treat them to your loved ones.

Video: Shrovetide rites

Maslenitsa week was able to combine two completely different religions and traditions that are peculiar only to Russian people. She was able to combine the traditions of Christianity and paganism. The roots of this tradition go deep into pagan beliefs. Previously, people celebrated the end of winter and the arrival of spring, said goodbye to the hungry season and met the fertile spring suffering. Winter was appeased with delicious offerings and a bright holiday, and then an effigy was burned, which symbolized this season.

After the holiday, spring fully came into its own. Pancakes were the main dish., which symbolized the sun, and according to Slavic beliefs, it could wake up spring and the great Yarila. He was reborn every year in the form of a young, handsome young man who gives people his light and warmth. It was possible to get the strength and patronage of Yarila only after tasting a pancake.

People happily jumped over the fire, in which Winter had just burned down, thereby gaining strength and youth. Previously, Maslenitsa was celebrated on the day of the equinox, when the day became longer than the night.

Holiday today

After Christianity firmly came into its own, the celebration of Maslenitsa changed almost completely. Even the name of the holiday has changed. It became known as Meat Week, Cheese Week and Myasopust. Even the timing of the celebration has changed. Now it was last week before Lent.

For this week, all restrictions were lifted and allowed. Many foods are banned during Lent, so you should have eaten up in advance. Pancakes and round cakes, which until recently were a symbol of the sun, have now become the main symbol of Maslenitsa. After all, they were on milk and butter. Now they ate pancakes with various fillings, and all week the table was full of treats and dishes.

The church did not approve of folk festivals with seeing off Winter and burning an effigy, but it did not forbid it either, paying a kind of tribute to traditions. According to church traditions, this week all those who are in a quarrel were supposed to make peace and taste food for festive table. The celebration ends with Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, people should ask for forgiveness for everything and forgive everyone themselves.

Traditions and customs

In 2018, this holiday begins on February 12 and continues until the 18th. Everyone is waiting for Maslenitsa, because it is a great holiday, and also very cheerful. They greet him with grandeur, stanzas and chants.

The most popular entertainments were and remain:

Previously, bear fights were popular, but this tribute to tradition has not taken root in the modern world.

The main treat then and now are pancakes, which are baked with a variety of fillings every day. Ancestors believed that those who have fun on this day will live a year in joy and comfort.

Basic Rules

There are many traditions, which should be followed on Shrove Tuesday, but there are also things that should not be done. So, the basic rules are as follows:

  • You can’t eat meat this week, but you can eat fish in any quantity. In addition, there should be pancakes on the table all days.
  • There should be a lot and often on Maslenitsa. It is customary to visit and invite guests to your place - the more hospitable the house, the better.

You can’t be sad on Shrovetide week and stay at home alone. You should always be with close and familiar people.


As in Ancient Russia, so today there is a certain rite of passage. So, the first three days were actively preparing for the celebration:

  • firewood was brought in;
  • mountains were built;
  • houses were decorated.

The whole celebration took place from Thursday to Sunday. At this time, each person had to go to visit relatives and treat themselves to pancakes with tea and butter. So to speak, oil the relationship.

Now you know what Maslenitsa is, summary which cannot convey all the beauty and solemnity. In the villages, it was customary to go to the houses of young people with carols, songs and tambourines. And the children had fun riding slides and sledding.

No less fun ritual was capture of the ice fortress. The guys built a fortress of snow with a gate and planted guards there. After, they had to take this fortress. The guards had to defend themselves as best they could - with snowballs, pushes and brooms. Often the game was that the guys played against the girls.

Fisticuffs enjoyed special honor among the Slavs. Guys from different villages prepared for them very seriously. They ate well, took a steam bath and even went to the sorcerers for advice and a conspiracy to win.

Feature of burning effigy

Wide Maslenitsa lasts a whole week and on the last day the effigy of Winter is solemnly burned. Before burning it, people danced, danced and sang.

The scarecrow was made from straw. It was a big doll, funny and scary at the same time. This was done in order to make it clear that the terrible Winter had passed, and a cheerful and joyful Spring had come. Festive women's clothes were put on the doll and left in the center of the widest street for the entire duration of the celebration. On Sunday, she was carried outside the village and solemnly burned, drowned in an ice hole or torn to pieces. At the same time, the remains of straw were scattered over the fields in order to get a rich harvest.

Description of each day

The significance of Maslenitsa is very great for the people of Russia, because it is one of the threads that connect the Orthodox world and the pagan one. The holiday should be celebrated strictly according to a certain principle. Each day has its own special name and meaning:

Not all of these days are observed today. The only thing left is the tradition of baking a lot of pancakes and inviting guests.

Modern Maslenitsa

The date of Maslenitsa changes every year. If in 2013 it was celebrated from March 10, then in 2018 from February 12. Information about the celebration of Pancake week can be found in the history books for grade 5. It also briefly tells about the main sacraments of this holiday.

Today, the celebration has been preserved in large cities. They organize festivities, dress up buffoons, ride horses. They organize a big celebration with many dishes and the obligatory baking of pancakes.

Butter feast especially honors children and teenagers. A colorful scarecrow is installed in schools and kindergartens. Schools write various messages on the theme of Maslenitsa and reports that participate in competitions and for them children can receive a variety of gifts.

Women conduct numerous master classes in baking pancakes and cooking all kinds of dishes. So children are accustomed to folk traditions and adopt the necessary experience.

Holiday in other countries

Pancake week - this is a holiday tradition not only of the Slavs. It is also celebrated in other countries. In Europe, it is customary to arrange lush and colorful carnivals on Shrovetide week. Quarrels and strife for the duration of the celebration are completely stopped and a truce is concluded.

Knowing what the Maslenitsa holiday is, the description of which has been preserved in many sources, Europeans bake round cakes for a week, they are analogues of Russian pancakes. They are eaten with marmalade, jam and preserves.

This holiday is widely celebrated in England.. Description in historical sources allows you to accurately determine how long their celebration lasts. There is an interesting and funny tradition of "running with pancakes" here. Only women participate in it. At the signal of the bell, they start running with hot pans on which pancakes lie. All women must wear an apron and headscarf. The most difficult thing in this competition is to throw a pancake up three times. Whoever comes to the finish line first gets an honorary prize - the bell ringer's kiss.

In Russia, the most honored guests at Maslenitsa were the newlyweds. It was believed that if you get married in this particular week, the family will live a long and happy life without troubles and sorrows. In Poland, it was during these days that girls were looking for a mate. They invited single guys to visit and treated them to pancakes. But gratitude was peculiar - this is not the word "Thank you", the girl could simply pull the guy by the hair.

What date does Maslenitsa begin in the Czech Republic? There, this holiday begins on January 6th. And it continues until Great Lent. In the villages, young people smeared their faces with soot and walked singing through the streets. They took with them a colorful bar, which they put on all the girls they met around the neck or on the arm. To pay off the harassment, the lady had to pay the young people with a kiss or a treat.

In France, a beautiful legend is associated with Maslenitsa about how the guy Gabriel saved the beautiful maiden Rose from the hands of the devil. It is in their honor that the second day of Maslenitsa is celebrated, which is called Mardi Gras. The celebration lasts until midnight, when the carnival ends.

Probably each of us with lust awaits the beautiful national holiday called Maslenitsa. Every self-respecting housewife strives to bake as many pancakes as possible, stuff them with cheese, honey, cottage cheese, sour cream, cabbage, mushrooms, etc. Here the flight of fancy is unlimited. In addition, women fuss around the stove to cook a lot of amazing dishes and decorate the table with stewed vegetables, fish, sweets, pies, pie, baked pike, caviar, pickles. Moreover, with the onset last days In winter, the mood of the majority rises, there is a desire to have fun, get out of the "shackles" of the cold and take walks, chat with friends face to face.

Modern people with great pleasure continue to observe the rituals and traditions of Maslenitsa, perform incredible deeds - climb a wooden pole, jump over a fire, arrange loud festivities. Why this happens, what joyful days and fuss in the kitchen are dedicated to. Let's find out about everything in order, and in addition we will save a couple of other excellent pancake recipes that have been preserved from our ancestors.

History of Maslenitsa

Great artists and writers dedicated their creations to this holiday, the best directors made films about it. Let us recall at least the amazing picture of Kustodiev “Pancake week”. How beautiful she is. You just want to be in the world that the artist has reflected and enjoy the true Russian winter, incredible dishes made exactly according to Russian traditions. But before delving into our fantasies, let's study the history of the many-sided and ours, only the Russian holiday of Maslenitsa.

It should be noted right away that the celebrations we describe have nothing to do with the Orthodox religion. This holiday was bestowed by us by our ancestors, who worshiped pagan gods. Perhaps this is one of the few manifestations of paganism that survived with the transition to Orthodoxy. In order to avoid any disagreements, our Church included the holiday in its list, but called the period of celebrations Cheese Week (Meat Week). This period of time passes just before the start of the next Great Lent.

When did Maslenitsa arise?

There are several versions of the occurrence of special celebrations. Judging by one of the interpretations, this week it was no longer possible to eat meat dishes, but it was still allowed to consume dairy products. Among the people, the celebrations that lasted for seven days were called differently: Kasatochka, Tselovalnitsa, Obyedukha, Merry, Perebukha, Honest Maslenitsa, Sugar Lips, etc.

During the celebrations, incredible traditions were performed - they rode horses, which they tried to decorate with the most expensive and beautiful harness. Sleighs rushed through the streets, and in front of them was the very “Troika Bird”, which great artists immediately undertook to personify on their canvases. The youth reveled, sang songs, merry-go-rounds were launched. Fairs, amazing in terms of the richness of the assortment, were held on the squares, where it was possible to purchase goods at a bargain price. On the slides that still retained snow and ice, people descended on large sledges decorated with beautiful ornaments. "Snow" battles were arranged, fortresses and cities were built from snow and ice.

How was Maslenitsa

In the 17th-19th centuries, a crowd of not only adults, but also children gathered in the center of the square. These seven days were supposed to be the most generous of the year. The children were handed out sweets, pies, toys. And in the center of the squares, stages were set up on which performances took place. The main characters were mummers - Maslenitsa and her companion Voevoda. Of course, the plot for the comedy was the days of Maslenitsa, its treats. She said goodbye and promised to return to next year. Other performances could also take place on the stage, which reflected the works of great creators, stories based on real events.

Despite the past centuries, the celebrations on Maslenitsa week did not stop. And the main message remained - the desire to drive away Winter. In order for warm days to come faster, they sang Magnificent songs, turned to the god Yarila and asked him to manifest himself as a solar disk and its rays. The symbol of the festive celebrations was a large straw effigy, on which a woman's sundress was put on. On the last day of the festivities, they burned him or “buried” him by putting a large pancake in his hand.

Why damn it

Many are interested in the question - why exactly pancake is a symbol of Maslenitsa. After all, they are baked during this week by all the housewives, and in incredible quantities. We have already mentioned the fillings, because there are also a huge number of them. Fortunately, the Russian land is rich in gifts, and people have always been distinguished by high diligence and had everything necessary for excellent nutrition in their farmstead. But back to pancakes and the history of their rise.

The tradition of baking them has appeared since ancient times, namely from the era of paganism. Worshiping those gods, people turned to the main of the pantheon - Yarila. And he was nothing more than the Sun, which warms the earth with its rays and gives life to all living things. With its bright arrival, winter gave way to spring and arable land started, bread was sown, people took off their heavy sheepskin coats and rejoiced in the warm air. And what is so similar in shape to our warm sun? And what can you taste while enjoying its taste? Damn of course. Thin bread, in which there is nothing but flour, eggs and milk, was prepared both in rich houses and in poor huts. Thus, the hostesses tried to embody the image of Yaril with their own hands and treated their creation to children, friends, relatives. In addition to wheat, buckwheat, corn, oatmeal were used for manufacturing.

Representatives of the poor class, having no stocks of meat and milk, and derivative products, invested semolina, pumpkin, pea porridge, etc. as a filling.

Customs for Maslenitsa

For a long time there were customs that were mandatory performed in every home. For example, the first loaf made had to be given to a poor person so that he would commemorate the deceased from this house. If there was no beggar nearby, asking for alms, they threw the product through the window. And while Maslenitsa week lasted, soft bread was eaten throughout the day and week, changing fillings and dressings. Each new day solemn week had a certain meaning, and rituals were performed that were intended specifically for this day.

Before the onset of Maslenitsa on Sunday, it was necessary to go on a visit to relatives, dear friends and close neighbors. It was also necessary to invite guests to your place and lay a rich table. This was the last “free” day before the strictest fast, when natural meat was consumed. It was called "Meat Sunday". There was even a funny belief - the father-in-law goes to the son-in-law to finish the meat.

Monday - Meeting

The day of the meeting of the holiday is called "Meeting". In the daytime, all people gathered for festivities. Large snow hills, fortresses, cities of ice and snow were built. People rode on carousels, huge tables were laid on the market squares, samovars were boiled, herbal teas were poured, honey, cream, etc. were poured. The kids together made a straw doll and put on a sundress, a kokoshnik. From the very morning, the children walked around the yards and sang songs, and they, in turn, were treated to pancakes and sweets. This went on until the middle of the day, then everyone ran to the snowy mounds and rode on makeshift sledges. Adults were an exception, they had the right to such pleasures only from the middle of Shrovetide week.

Tuesday - Play

This day was for the couple. It was on Tuesday that weddings were held in the villages, and after a rich feast, all the newlyweds and those who had just joined went for a ride from the hills. Naturally, they continued to bake bread and feast on the people. Also on the day of the game, young people looked at the opposite half and picked up a mate for themselves.

Wednesday - Lakomka

This day can truly be considered the moment of the “Great” truce, the mother-in-law specially “invited” her son-in-law to a pancake meal. No wonder there is a saying "To the mother-in-law for pancakes." Young people must dress in outfits that they wore on their own wedding day, and unmarried girls rode down the hills. And over the single guys, who could not find a couple last year, everyone made fun of and made fun of. They came up with all sorts of punishments, and the guys had to pay off.

Thursday - Walk around

It was also called Fracture, Rampant, Chetvertok, Wide. This is the central event. All honest people gathered in the squares, staged performances, fistfights, all the swings and roundabouts were spinning, snowy fortresses and cities were taken under siege. Remember the masterpiece of art "The Capture of the Snowy Mountain" by Surikov. From clothes they put on whatever came to mind. And a scarecrow made of straw - Maslenitsa was raised to the highest hill.

Friday - Mother-in-law Vecherki

On this day, the opposite happens. It is the son-in-law's turn to treat his beloved mother-in-law with pancakes. He invites a relative to the house and at the same time lays a rich table. But the mother-in-law gave food and equipment for making pancakes: a frying pan, a tub, flour - a whole bag, butter. Thus, due respect was given to relatives by the wife. And the festivities continue, people triumph in the markets, drink tea and ride on carousels.

Saturday - Seeing off (Zolovkin gatherings)

This is one of the most beautiful traditions - a young daughter-in-law invited to her new house relatives and treated not only pancakes, but also other dishes. And people picked up a Scarecrow made of straw - Maslenitsa and carried it through the streets of the village and “buried it: they collected a lot of logs, set the Scarecrow upstairs and set it on fire. Round dances were arranged around a large fire, songs were sung. Despite the playfulness of the performance, many people cried - after all, another year was leaving, the holidays were ending, and it was necessary to start worries.

Sunday - Forgiveness

On the eve of Lent, everyone wanted to be cleansed of sins. People asked each other for forgiveness and said the following words: "Forgive me, please, if I am guilty of something before you." In response, the usual for all of us, “God will forgive,” sounded. The ritual did not have a formal meaning, indeed people forgave each other insults, insults, forgot about troubles and shook hands. Also on this day, it was necessary to visit the cemetery and “treat” the dead with pancakes, leaving them on the graves.

Divination was very popular these days. And, as a rule, the fair half is more interested in this activity. So, the girls performed the following rituals:

  1. Picking up the first pancake, the girl went to the street and treated the first guy who met on her way. His name meant that that would be the name of her betrothed.
  2. Before going to bed, the girl had to hang a towel outside the window and whisper the words: “Betrothed, come, wipe yourself with a towel!” The next morning she checked - if the towel turned out to be wet - then this year a marriage was coming. Dry - on the contrary, you should not expect a betrothed.
  3. For the third rite, you need to collect branches coniferous trees(pine, cedar, spruce, fir). It is better to collect in the forest and spread out at home on the floor. Invite a friend, tie scarves over each other's eyes and choose branches at random:
  • if a girl picks up a thick branch with dense foliage (needles), she is waiting for a marriage with a strong and respectable man.
  • a flat and smooth surface portends an attractive spouse.
  • if there is a thick and strong bark on the branch, the husband will be a wealthy person.
  • if the whole bark is peeled off, then a simple guy will become a spouse, perhaps a small employee, a locksmith, a carpenter.

Whether it is worth believing fortune-telling - decide for yourself. But it is unlikely that a towel or a spruce branch can predict your future. In any case, the rituals were invented by people and they are needed only as entertainment. And you need to believe only in the positive, no prediction should leave a residue of uncertainty in the soul.

On Forgiveness Sunday, it was possible to drink alcoholic beverages for the last time before Lent.

The best pancake recipes

So, before we start baking pancakes, let's find out one more story about Maslenitsa. The legend originates from the northern regions of Russia, where winters have always been rich in snow and blizzards. So, according to this story, Her Majesty Maslenitsa appeared in the North, where Santa Claus ruled. One peasant was looking for needles and saw a little girl, Shrovetide, behind the trees and asked to return warm days and joy to people. And she agreed and appeared before people not in the form of a little girl, but a strong, beautiful and ruddy beauty. With her infectious laughter, she drew the people into festivities, arranged round dances and sang songs.

To make it pleasant for you to spend these days before Lent, we offer several best recipes pancakes. Believe me, if you follow the recipe, then not a single pancake will turn out to be lumpy.

On milk

This is the most popular type of pancakes, which will not take much time from the hostess. For cooking we need:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 200 grams of flour;
  • 2 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 table. a spoonful of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt

The ingredients must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they reach room temperature. In a bowl, beat eggs, add sugar, salt, pour in milk and mix thoroughly.

Mix the flour with a small portion of milk until the state of sour cream, mix until the lumps disappear.

Pour into the main composition and beat briefly. Pour vegetable oil, mix and set aside for half an hour at room temperature.

On kefir

The option is economical for zealous housewives. You can also use curdled milk. For cooking we need:

  • half a liter of sour milk or kefir;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 200 grams of flour (wheat);
  • drinking soda (half a teaspoon), the same amount of salt and sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons (tablespoons) vegetable oil.

Beat eggs, pour in kefir and mix thoroughly. The mixture must be heated to 60 degrees, so that after adding the salt and sugar are completely dissolved. Gently fold the sifted flour into the composition and mix so that there are no lumps. Dissolve soda in a tablespoon of boiling water and pour into a bowl of dough, then pour in the oil, mix and set aside for one hour.

On the water

This is perhaps the most popular pancake recipe. It does not contain milk, which is not suitable for everyone in terms of physical indicators, kefir, which can cause bloating. In such a test, there are fewer calories, which means that there are chances to keep the figure during the Maslenitsa period. So, we need:

  • half a liter of water;
  • 320 grams of flour (wheat);
  • 2 testicles;
  • 2 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Beat eggs, salt and sugar in a bowl, pour in water (warm) and gradually introduce the sifted flour. Beat until smooth.

We recognize the character by fillings

Of course, eating just pancakes is also a pleasure. But how much more nutritious and satisfying are pancakes with mushroom, cottage cheese, cabbage, sour cream filling. There is a belief among the people - the filling should correspond to the male character. Let's find out how true this is.

  1. Just pancakes smeared with butter. Such a product is preferred by restrained and calm individuals. They strive to be and communicate only with decent people. Men with such taste, as a rule, good fathers and loving husbands, guarding the reputation and welfare of the family.
  2. Caviar is preferred by creative, smart people. They are pragmatic, caring, the affairs of the family and its well-being come first. They are not capable of romantic deeds, if they decide to do something pleasant, they will rather take practical steps.
  3. With sour cream, tender and sensitive types regale themselves. Such men are very vulnerable, touchy. Even a carelessly thrown word can lead to hysteria and mood damage. So be careful and decide whether it is worth linking your fate with him.
  4. Emotional and romantic men love with honey. This type will be able to create a holiday even from a banal meeting and will delight his soul mate with pleasant surprises with or without reason. These men are monogamous and can give their last penny for a bouquet, if only their beloved is happy.
  5. With salmon people prefer pancakes with an extreme orientation. These are travelers, skydiving enthusiasts, etc. So life with such a friend is hectic, every now and then he will present another surprise in the form of hiking on the highest mountain, or hang-gliding.
  6. Cottage cheese stuffing is loved by men who will remain children until the end of their days. They love everything sweet, and the wife will be a mommy. Get ready - making decisions, paying bills, sorting out relationships will fall on your fragile shoulders.

How to bake pancakes

And now let's move on to the process, which some housewives are concerned about. It is because of the moment of baking that women are ready to refuse to cook such a tasty and light dish as pancakes. And it all consists in only one thing - they stick to the pan, become a lump. To get around all this, we suggest acting according to a proven plan.

  1. The pan must be put on fire and heated well.
  2. Lubricate with vegetable oil (thin layer, 1-2 drops and a brush are enough).
  3. Reduce fire intensity by half.
  4. Mix the settled dough, as sediment always forms at the bottom.
  5. Take a small portion with a ladle (it is better to use a special one for pancakes).
  6. In a frying pan, which must be held in an inclined position, pour the dough and twist so that it completely covers the surface.
  7. Bake for a maximum of 2-3 minutes, turn over with a spatula. After a couple of minutes, transfer to prepared dishes.
  8. Lubricate the pancake with butter or cover with a large lid so that the edges become soft and do not break.

The Maslenitsa holiday, beautiful in its course, is not only festivities and celebrations. People thus wanted to get closer to the secrets of the universe, to open the curtains of death. According to another version, the shape of the pancake does not reflect the Sun, but life, that is, existence without beginning or end. These days, people understood that the earth should increase its wealth and in their songs they sang the melting of snow, which nourishes the soil with fertility.

Another sacred basis of the holiday is the remembrance of the dead. The funeral feast included three components - lamentation for the departed, the offering of a sacrifice and a rich feast. It was believed that the dead came to each of the celebrations of people and invisibly took part in them.

Be that as it may, Maslenitsa is a beloved and unlike anything in the world holiday of the Slavs. Let it be the remnants of pagan times or Cheese Week according to the Orthodox religion. The main thing is that it is tasty, fun and very useful, of course, if you know the measure!

The history of Maslenitsa is rooted far in the past, and the holiday itself symbolizes the farewell (funeral) of winter and the expectation of the arrival of spring.

The ancient Slavic holiday is also called Kolodiy, Cheese Week, Pancake. Every year it comes at a different time, depending on what date Easter falls on. In the same year Maslenitsa lasts 7 days (February 12 to 18). Where does this holiday originate? What are the customs and traditions of Maslenitsa? Let's find out.

The history of the origin of the holiday goes back to those distant times, when the Slavs were still pagans.

Then the meaning of Maslenitsa was to commemorate those who are no longer with us. And the burning of Shrovetide is her funeral. The crown dish of the holiday - pancakes - is a memorial treat.

But over time, the sad notes of the holiday went away, because the Russian people are famous for their broad soul, and love for fun and relaxation, so the History of Maslenitsa in Russia is amazing, because the holiday becomes cheerful and joyful.

But the tradition of baking lush pancakes with different fillings has remained, this is the main dish of the holiday, and with their round shape they symbolize the sun. It is surprising that the pancakes that are baked during the holiday week are incredibly tasty.

In Russia, this delicacy, beloved by many, appeared more than a thousand years ago. Each hostess has her own recipe for making pancakes. Used to make pancakes different kinds flour (corn, wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal), and the fillings could be very diverse: caviar, vegetables, sour cream, fish, butter, honey, jam.

The first baked pancake, according to Maslenitsa customs in Russia, was placed on the windowsill for repose or given to the beggar, thus commemorating all the dead.

In addition to pancakes, the recipes of which have changed significantly over the years, fist fights, sleigh rides and horse-drawn sleigh rides and other entertainment events have been added to this custom.

The peculiarity of the rites and traditions of Shrovetide is that they complete the time of the winter holidays and open the spring holidays.

Maslenitsa will last a whole week, and it ends with the beginning of Great Lent, which will last until Easter. It is also surprising that each day of this week is dedicated to certain rituals. Throughout the week, the life of "Kolodka" passed, from birth to mourning after her death. The culmination of Maslenitsa, a real holiday, was Sunday. On this day, it has long been customary to ask for forgiveness from everyone for offenses, as well as to see off this bright and cheerful holiday.

Maslenitsa traditions and customs

At a time when there was no Christianity in Russia, the people walked merrily for two whole weeks. Now the celebration has been reduced to one.

Preparations for the festivities began in advance, from Saturday of the previous week. And on the Sunday before Maslenitsa week in Russia, according to tradition, they visited relatives or invited them to visit.

In the old days, in addition to pancakes, pies and pancakes were put on the table, the fillings for which were made in a variety of ways.

The traditions of Maslenitsa in Russia gathered a lot of people for the festivities. It was real fun with songs, dances, horse-drawn sleigh rides. The festivities were held with the participation of mummers.

The rituals for Shrovetide have survived to this day. As before, the main one was the burning of an effigy. This is how the winter ended and the spring came.

When Christianity was adopted in Russia, the church did not forbid the holiday and the traditions of its celebration.

What is the meaning of each day of the holiday?

As already mentioned, Maslenitsa lasts a whole week and each day has its own meaning. Of course, not all the rites of the holiday are observed today, but it will be interesting to learn the traditions of Maslenitsa by the days of the week.

Festivities begin on Monday, and their main symbol is a block (wooden log) and, of course, pancakes.

Each day of the week has a specific tradition:

  • Monday (meeting) . On this day, it is customary to go to visit, arrange festivities. On this day, they start baking delicious and fragrant pancakes. The first pancake had to be given to the beggar so that he would remember the souls of the deceased relatives.
  • Tuesday . The traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa on this day are fun endless fun. On Tuesday, the young men were expecting brides, and the girls were expecting their betrothed. The mummers walked around the yards, allowing them to tie a ribbon to a broom, and they accepted payment for this in the form of pancakes. By tying a ribbon, people “give away” illnesses and failures.
  • Wednesday . According to tradition, on this day, sons-in-law went to visit their mothers-in-law, where all relatives and friends gathered, a table with pancakes was laid.
  • Thursday. Families gathered for competitions. Also on this day you can not spin and sew.
  • Friday . This day is the “answer” to the environment. Now it was time for the sons-in-law to treat their mother-in-laws, after which they had to be driven through the streets. Here the son-in-law could show his attitude towards his mother-in-law. If she is kind, she drove along a flat and straight road, grumpy and angry - along a winding one, with pits.
  • Saturday . The meaning of this day is that the daughter-in-law invited her husband's sisters to visit. “Sister-in-law” gatherings are pancakes, entertainment, and at the end of the sister-in-law they received a gift.
  • Sunday . This day has always been celebrated most brightly. Various fun, games, mass celebrations. So they said goodbye to Shrovetide, and also asked for forgiveness from loved ones for insults.

Visiting guests is an obligatory tradition of Maslenitsa. This is a week that cannot be spent at home, ignoring the festivities and fun. The traditions of Maslenitsa, like any other holiday, forbid getting angry and swearing, preparations are underway for Great Lent.