Everything you need for a happy and healthy life is provided by nature. L n surina healing herbs Are you going to publish a book dedicated to the nutrition of the Tyumen "Robinsons"

Self-improvement is better than being treated!

Most recently, we informed our readers about the recognition that the book "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" (Titul Publishing House) received in Tyumen. Its authors are A. Baranov, L. Surina and S. Levitsky-Surin. Weighty, more than 500 pages, the volume contains a subject description and principles for the use of more than 200 types of medicinal herbs used to treat the most common human diseases.
The book received a diploma of the laureate of the regional competition "Book of the Year - 2011" in the nomination "The most demanded publishing project by readers". And this is not surprising. On the pages of the “School of Survival” we have been talking for the second decade about the colossal significance of herbal medicine, about what advantages it provides for survival in our age, notorious not only for its achievements modern medicine, but also a powerful wave of counterfeit, surrogate medicines, from which the Russians managed to suffer as well ... In the book of three authors (one of whom teaches lessons in the "School of Survival"), special attention is paid to those methods of herbal medicine that can help a person avoid surgery intervention. It describes the signs and symptoms of the most common diseases necessary for self-diagnosis, gives the causes of their occurrence and (important!) Ways of prevention.
The patient himself can and should know about his health more than anyone else! Here is the main idea of ​​the book novelty, which the reader rated as “a guide to the country of knowledge about human health”, called it “a real magic wand” ...
In the meantime, another piece of news has arrived. Following the "Encyclopedia of the Siberian herbalist" another book was published - "The Encyclopedia of Healing Plants". She came out in St. Petersburg, but you can buy it in Tyumen. It would seem that the world of medicinal herbs has been thoroughly studied in our days. But the authors already familiar to us - Doctor of Biological Sciences, phytotherapy consultants Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Levitsky (we would add - a worthy student of his mother Lidia Nestorovna Surina, who is always ready to help our readers) continue to acquaint us with this unique world. Green, alive, endless - in spite of any "intrigues" of scientific and technological progress!
The encyclopedia also has a difference with the "big sister": in this book you can read about the unique methods of healing by lunar calendar. About what lunar rhythms are, how they affect the collection and use of herbs, what “sores” can and should be treated, correlated with the signs of the zodiac.
In addition to practical benefits, the book will also bring you the pleasure of reading: it is written in a simple, accessible, easy language. For example, one of its chapters is called: “Under the sign of Capricorn, dangle your feet!” ...
Will the new book be as popular with the reader? Will it win the Audience Choice Award? Will show time. And also - our readiness to seriously take up our health!
P.S. Below we publish an excerpt from the preface to the book. Its author is one of the leading Russian specialists in the field of herbal medicine…

What "orders" our body?

from the preface

Viktor Elkin
Chief Physician and Vice President of the TELOS Technologies Foundation


Food plants - suppliers of microflora to the human body and at the same time suppliers of fiber - the necessary raw material for the work of microflora. When they eat greens, they say that they eat "vitamins". But the main thing here is that fiber serves as the main food for the intestinal microflora, which provides a person with vitamins produced by the "order" of the body. This is the essence of saprophytic symbiosis intestinal bacteria with a person beneficial to both parties. A sterile organism, devoid of intestinal microflora, would be non-viable.
Any diet therapy, if it is not meat or fish, is necessarily herbal medicine. Diet therapy implements the principle "Your medicine must be food." If the medicine, being included in the body, is not food, that is, it does not increase the strength of the body, but only takes them away, then the healing process will be difficult, slowed down. "Treatment" is the opposite of "maiming" and is inevitably connected with it: "we treat one thing, and we cripple the other." So are “medicines”. And the means and methods of recovery do not cripple anything.
Recovery is much more than a cure.
Phytotherapy with food plants can be considered as an expansion, enrichment of the diet by introducing food wild plants into it and increasing the proportion of various garden plants. If this is combined with the elimination of products from other continents and other climatic zones from the diet, then a correction is obtained towards the formation of a healthy eating style, through which the correct balance between the human body and the natural environment is carried out. Phytotherapy is a way to expand the channel of such balancing. Every disease is a failure of adaptation, and wild plants improve adaptogenesis, strengthen the potential for adaptation.
In the course of herbal medicine, plant organisms are offered to the human body in the form of whole extracts, and not individual substances, although extracts are obtained from plants using extractants.
Tomsk phytotherapist Professor V.G. Pashinsky, who has experience in the field of oncology, found that not every antitumor plant contains substances that have an antitumor effect. If neither the individual substances extracted from the plant, nor the cocktail prepared from them, are characterized by an antitumor effect, but the whole plant has such an effect, what does this mean? First of all, that the effect of a plant is determined not only by its composition, but also by the form that the whole plant retains, even dried. Integrity is not in the sense of mechanical integrity. Even the mechanical grinding of a plant into a powder will not lead to a loss of form: each particle will continue to carry the form of the whole plant and therefore will be effective. Only the chemical extraction of certain substances from the plant kills the plant, leads to the loss of the plant's form, because the form and composition correspond to each other. And it is fundamentally impossible to reassemble the whole according to the shape of a plant by mechanically combining chemical substances derived from it.
Traditional methods of working with plants in herbal medicine do not have this drawback. If the extractants are water and a water-alcohol mixture, then the form of the plant is preserved not only in its own particles, but, most importantly, by being imprinted in water. It is the form of the plant with which the water has been in contact (and not information) that is imprinted.
There are many books written on herbal medicine. But far from each of them contains information gleaned by the authors from their personal experience, found and tested on their own. Of course, the use of other sources is not only permissible, but also necessary. Otherwise there will be no succession. But you need to borrow from reliable sources. And you need to check borrowings in your personal experience. That is exactly what the authors of this book do.

Making tea is a subtle science

How to brew tea correctly? It seems that everyone knows about it today. And yet, many continue to do this important thing - brewing tea - at random. By eye! Not paying attention to the quality of the dishes, or the quality of the water that we take for boiling.
While tea brewing is an ancient, subtle science.
The tea ceremony came to us from the East. In Russia, tea drinking quickly became popular in all sectors of society - tea from the royal table migrated to peasant huts. The first tea drinking took place on September 20, 1638, when the ambassadors of the Mongol Khan presented tea to Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. Muscovites gave an assessment: "Drinking is good and much tasty, it strengthens the spirit, softens the heart, removes fatigue, awakens the thought."
Until the 18th century, tea was sold only in Moscow at fairs. It was expensive, they drank on holidays. For the first time the tea bush was grown in 1814 in the Crimea, in the botanical garden. Today, tea is the most popular drink in many countries. The aroma of tea depends on the water. Best of all, of course, is spring, spring water. Alas, springs in our life hit infrequently, so - whoever can - we buy purified water in stores, we buy household filters for water purification. This means that the purity of the water in our kettle also depends on the thickness of our wallet. Tap water must be defended to remove chlorine. Water is improved by a pinch of salt, sugar and soda put per liter. Tea brewed with such water will be more aromatic.

The temperature at which tea is brewed is very important. The boiling process consists of three stages. The first is the appearance of bubbles on the bottom and walls of the kettle. The second stage - the rise of bubbles and clouding of the water, they said - "boils with a white key." This is the water to make tea. Boiling water (boiling water) cannot be brewed: such tea will not be fragrant. This was strictly followed in Russia. Tea infused with water at a temperature of 60-70 degrees is tastier and more aromatic, it tones better. Tea is brewed at the rate of 7 teaspoons per liter and left for 5-10 minutes, covered with a napkin.
This is how tea is brewed in Japan (stored in porcelain for 2 days). real tea good variety quickly restores human strength (surrogate - no). Lemon tea quenches thirst better and enhances the action of vitamins P, B1, B2, lowers body temperature by 1-2 degrees, causing sweating. That is why in hot countries they drink hot tea in small portions. The effect of caffeine (for whom it is not too indicated) can be mitigated by adding milk to tea. For overweight people, strong tea brewed in milk is useful, it discourages appetite. After drinking it in the morning, you will not want to eat for a long time and will certainly lose weight over time.
Prepare yourself tea from your dacha! Leaves of sea buckthorn, strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries, mint and lemon balm are suitable for him. It is better to collect them in July-August. In the forest, collect the leaves of flowering Ivan-tea (fireweed). Such Kapor tea was famous in the 18th century in Russia and was a competitor to Indian tea. It was fermented. To do this, fireweed leaves were scattered in a thin layer, left for 12 hours, then twisted. Through
6 hours the leaves turned dark. They were placed in dryers for 40 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees. This tea perfectly cleanses the body, normalizes blood pressure, gives a restful sleep, relieves depression and increases efficiency, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and immune system. It can also be combined with other herbs.
This tea can be brewed 2-3 times. Its healing properties are preserved. Compared to black tea, which we buy in bags and loose, green tea is more useful. It has more vitamins and its bactericidal action is stronger. If you drink tea several (5-6) glasses a day, it will cure dysentery in 5 days, and it is treated with medicines for more than a month.
The tea leaves that remain after brewing must be eaten. They can be put in yogurt, salad, on a sandwich. Green tea well removes radiation from the body, which we receive in everyday life: from the TV, microwave, cell phone. It cleanses the liver circulatory system removing cholesterol plaques.
Tea leaves are 25 times more caloric than bread, from which we get fat, and they make us slim. The skin retains its elasticity, toxins are removed. Drink tea should be 15-20 minutes before meals or instead of meals, but without sugar. You can put some honey in it - it makes the water structured. If you are cold in cold weather, drink hot tea. It will warm you up 50 times faster than a bath.
The Japanese believe that calm music enhances the effect of tea. It heals the soul and body. And if you add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of tea, it will help you train without fatigue, lower your blood sugar. Vinegar will relieve fat deposits in the body, from night leg cramps. If you drink tea with honey and apple or grape vinegar several times during the day, the runny nose will quickly pass. And if they gargle every hour, cure a sore throat.

Prepare yourself tea from your dacha! Leaves of sea buckthorn, strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries, mint and lemon balm are suitable for him. It is better to collect them in July-August. In the forest, collect the leaves of flowering Ivan-tea (fireweed).

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Herbalist Lidia Nesterovna Surina

Lydia Nesterovna very cheerful, lively, energetic woman. I have never taken a single pill or a single synthetic vitamin in my life. "Drink tea with Ivan-tea and you will be provided with almost all vitamins, and instead of simple salt, use sea salt, use only unrefined vegetable oils, and brown sugar with molasses" - these are her tips.

"The liver is responsible for beauty and youth." But Lidia Nesterovna wants to believe, so healthy lifestyle life is not a banal phrase, but the secret of beauty and youth that really works, and works constantly, and not on a short time. If we eat right, do what we can physically work and think about the good, then we will not need any plastic surgery or doctors.

Together with her husband, she wrote several books on herbs.

I want to draw your attention to some important points from the books.

Books by Lidia Nesterovna Surina

It is especially important to know local herbs for those who come from other climatic regions to another area, since it is local herbs that help to adapt to a new place of residence. Each plant zone has its own food and medicinal plants, as well as its own traditional medicine, which help a person to adapt to these conditions.

In her books, Lydia Surina writes that the advantage of herbal medicinal substances over chemical ones is that the former are formed in a living cell. Therefore, even the poisonous substances of plants that have entered our body do not break the entire system of biochemical reactions of the cells of the human and animal body as roughly as drugs obtained by chemical means do.

It is useful to know that a single plant, even if it has a strong effect on a number of diseases, should not be taken constantly. long time and isolated from other plants.

Lidia Nesterovna would very much like the younger generation to understand from an early age the value for life of what grows under their feet, to be grateful to the earth and help her for the sake of their own health.

Lidia Nesterovna Surina herb from God. After reading her books, I want to believe that herbs are the most harmless and effective means from most ailments.

In turn, I propose to use the information about live products from plants and herbs that will cleanse the body, feed the cell, and restore the acid-base balance. Thanks to all this, the body itself will begin to fight and correct violations in the functioning of organs, to heal. The recovery process is long, as with herbal treatment, but the first results are usually visible after 1-2 weeks of use. The product is 100% natural and has practically no contraindications.

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The book describes more than 200 species of plants growing on the territory of the Tyumen region and Russia. In addition to Russian and Latin names of plants, their names are given in the Tatar, Khanty, Mansi, Nenets languages. Recipes for use medicinal herbs and fees from them for various diseases.

about the author

8.10.2007 - 13:37 NEWSPAPER "TYUMEN REGION"

Honorary citizen of Tyumen, teacher, candidate of biological sciences, lecturer of the Knowledge society, herbal specialist, wife, mother, grandmother. It's all about Lydia Surina. Probably not all... She embroiders with satin stitch. Still writing books? - books about how to be in harmony with nature and stay healthy and happy all the time. long life. He receives patients: he prescribes decoctions, infusions, powders, thereby allowing us all to realize that it is possible and necessary to be treated not with a pill, but with natural medicines that are in abundance around us. Just bend over and take it.

Lidia Nestorovna keeps in touch with other health professionals by participating in various forums both in Russia and abroad. A few years ago, at the international congress "Women Changing the World" in St. Petersburg, she made a presentation on the topic "Health as an economic factor." Her creativity makes her move forward, generating new ideas and projects. She develops and implements a preventive program in one of the kindergartens in Tyumen, thanks to which the incidence of children's morbidity has significantly decreased.

This wise woman taught her children to love and understand nature. Know which blade of grass will help with a cold, what to apply to a wound, how to relieve pain or itching. For more than 30 years, she herself has been doing without synthetic drugs traditional for modern society. Nature helps her stay healthy, cheerful and help the people around her. She? - A healer with a capital letter, not without reason her name is included in the book "Healers of Russia".

Today, such eastern countries as China, Japan, Korea, occupy a leading position in traditional methods of treatment, - began the story of Lidia Nestorovna. - Traditional - these are the methods of treatment that are based on folk traditions, and have thousands of years of experience in use. They saved everything, unfortunately we lost everything. We considered quackery, conspiracies, slander to be nonsense, and together with the water we threw out the child. We have come to immorality, cruelty, we do not remember the Christian commandments, with the loss of religion, we have lost a lot of good things.

Why are the drugs of the modern pharmaceutical industry so bad?

Our medicine today is in 136th place out of 200. Most recently, we ranked 16th in terms of mortality from synthetic drugs, and now we are 4th. Every fourth death is from a drug ... A pill from which a person was waiting for healing leads to death! In medical schools at medical faculties, such a subject as botany was removed. Until 1936, students of medical universities collected a reference herbarium in order to know what a particular plant looks like, for what diseases, in what form, what dose is prescribed depending on age. A plant is a medicine, even one that grows in the country.

My father knew plants very well, and when we walked with him, he showed and told where, what plants and why. And my mother was a doctor, but a thinking doctor. When synthetic vitamins first appeared, she strictly, strictly forbade me from even trying them. Natural vitamins, obtained naturally, are one thing, and chemistry is another. Once my husband and I were in China, and the Chinese doctor said: “Russians, what are you doing. You drink synthetic vitamin C, and even in doses much more than necessary. It will lead to cancer, diabetes, nephritis, nephrosis, peptic ulcer stomach, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's and hemochromatosis (iron deposition). You have such open spaces, and you don’t know which plants contain vitamin C ?! They do not produce vitamins and antibiotics, using plants instead. Our doctor does not know this.

What is needed to improve modern school education?

My grandson knows botany well, he can tell what the fern grows from and much more. But he does not know at all why the Japanese eat fern, why only the inhabitants of one city of Tokyo eat 300 tons of this plant a year. He does not know what is in the fern, when it should be collected and why it is good to eat. Why such a science, if it does not help to survive. Any science is a child of need. The way botany is taught today is rubbish, useless knowledge that is not needed! Even Mendeleev put botany in first place among the sciences in terms of usefulness for life. You are walking along the road, you see a plantain, and you must know what it is used for. Therefore, I wrote a book specifically for schoolchildren.

If people knew herbalism, they would never consider wood lice as a weed, but would use them to treat the thyroid gland, enterocolitis and other diseases. It protects the earth from drying out and contains four times more vitamin C than a lemon. You can make juice from it, put it in soups, salads. Why do cats and dogs eat wheatgrass? They strengthen their bones and cleanse blood vessels. Wheatgrass is an invaluable source of silicon, it protects against arthrosis, arthritis, and treats gastritis. The Germans brew beer from wheatgrass, the Cossacks bake bread from its rhizomes. It has been known since ancient times that parsley dissolves kidney stones, and coltsfoot calms coughs.

I also believe that every local history museum should have stands of medicinal plants, where the visitor could get acquainted not only with the flora and fauna, but also find out what medicinal plants grow there. The school gives the child a lot of unnecessary knowledge, they are not applied and will not be useful in life. But the use of plants in his life: so that he knows which plant is poisonous, which one can be used for food, and which one can be treated, is very necessary. Such knowledge should be given from kindergarten when the child is already actively learning about the world around him. People should be introduced through all the media seasonally, during the period of the appearance of plants with their usefulness, ways of using them in life.

You are an opponent of other people's food, fruits, why?

All living things feed on what grows under their feet in nature. In order to adapt to this climate where I live, I must eat what grows here, and not far beyond the sea. Pineapples, oranges, tangerines carry someone else's information. Of course, sometimes they can be eaten, but imported food should not exceed 10% of the total human diet. Today, 65% of the meat we eat is not local. Foreign cow eat different grass, drink different water.

I was amazed that there is not a single exhibit of local flora in the Salekhard Museum! Pines, spruces - they can be almost entirely used both for healing and for food. For example, the Khanty used to grind and add bark to flour. She cleans blood vessels, bronchi. From young cones, young pine needles, you can cook jam, or cover larch with sugar, and use the resulting juice. I specifically compared Tyumen Ivan-tea with lemon, it turned out that it contains 6 times more vitamin C, and Salekhard tea contains 20 times more than lemon. Our northern plants are gold, not just oil and gas. Even Ivan the Terrible, one of the most enlightened Russian tsars, said in 1580: “If you want to conquer a country, bring other people's products there. There will be an outflow of energy, people will get sick, sick slaves will be easier to control.”

Which of the local politicians do you like?

Those people who run the region, their ideas and deeds. I have great respect for Vladimir Fedorovich Kramskoy. I trust him very much, because I see concrete cases. He does a lot for culture, to improve the spirituality of people, education, he pays for all his employees to receive education. He transfers his deputy's salary to an orphanage. Vladimir Fedorovich is a benevolent, generous person, and he understands where to invest in order to make our life better. Leonid Ivanovich Ksenzov, whom I have known for many years and respect very much. These people are sympathetic to me in their life credo. So I am with them.

Today in Russia, 9 out of 10 people have some kind of chronic disease. Therefore, Lidia Nestorovna has a big dream and an important idea. She believes that the time has come when it is necessary to create health schools at universities, secondary schools and other institutions and educate people how to stay healthy and harmonious personalities. And you have to start from childhood.

Healing lands of Tyumen grass Ed. 3rd, revised. ISBN 5-93030-042-9 5-93030-061-5

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Books Surina Lydia Nesterovna Download

Lidia Nesterovna is a very cheerful, lively, energetic woman. I have never taken a single pill or a single synthetic vitamin in my life. “Drink tea with Ivan tea and you will be provided with almost all vitamins, and instead of simple salt, use sea salt, use only unrefined vegetable oils, and brown sugar with molasses,” these are her tips. "The liver is responsible for beauty and youth." But Lidia Nesterovna wants to believe, so a healthy lifestyle is not a banal phrase, but a secret of beauty and youth that really works, and it works constantly, and not for a short time. If we eat right, do what we can physically work and think about the good, then we will not need any plastic surgery or doctors. Together with her husband, she wrote several books on herbs. Books by Lidia Nesterovna Surina It is especially important to know local herbs for those who come from other climatic regions to another region, since it is local herbs that help to adapt to a new place of residence. Each plant zone has its own food and medicinal plants, as well as its own traditional medicine, which help a person adapt to these conditions. In her books, Lidia Surina writes that the advantage of herbal medicinal substances over chemical ones is that the former are formed in a living cell. Therefore, even the poisonous substances of plants that have entered our body do not break the entire system of biochemical reactions of the cells of the human and animal body as roughly as drugs obtained by chemical means do. It is useful to know that a single plant, even if it has a strong effect on a number of diseases, should not be taken continuously for a long time and in isolation from other plants. Lidia Nesterovna would very much like the younger generation to understand the value for life of what grows under their feet from an early age, to be grateful to the earth and help it for the sake of their own health. Lydia Nesterovna Surina is an herbalist from God. After reading her books, I want to believe that herbs are the most harmless and effective remedies for most ailments.

Surina Lidia Nesterovna is a well-known herbalist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Author of books about human health in Russia. Lives in the city of Tyumen. He gives lectures on the medicinal properties of plants growing in our area. Participates in the congress of physicians for herbal medicine in Prague. Surina Lidia Nesterovna recognizes only traditional medicine methods of treatment. Lydia Surina's advice 1. Start herbal treatment with the belief that it will help you. 2. Herbs should be taken in the acute course of the disease, and, if necessary, in combination with chemotherapy drugs to protect the body from side effects. negative action chemotherapy. chronic diseases preferably treated with herbs. 3. Remember that herbs do not act suddenly. Therefore, be patient, attentive, consistent in their application. Do not be afraid of a short-term exacerbation - it indicates the revival of the body's defenses. 4. Meat food and heat treatment of food should be kept to a minimum. And it is better to switch to a vegetarian diet. Try not to use imported products (they bring us someone else's information), eat wholemeal bread, replace sugar with jam or honey, take unrefined vegetable oil. 5. Think less about the disease, this will speed up recovery; do not give in to fear, doubt, avoid quarrels and rudeness - this damages your own biofield and contributes to the leakage of vital energy, which is the basis of your immunity. Try to find peace of mind. The quote is from the book "Advice from Lydia Surina". Tips of the herbalist Lydia Surina download for free. In the book you will find the use and treatment of herbs for various diseases of the heart, thyroid gland, diabetes, liver, skin and others. For women, it will be useful to read an article about plants against aging. It turns out that in the Far North, in the polar tundra, we can find more than 70 plant species that are beneficial to human health. For men, the herbalist wrote an article "Male power - in the seeds of plants" Impotence is a disease. It can appear as a result of diabetes, obesity, malnutrition, and various brain diseases. If eliminate main reason, then sexual impotence disappears. The main treatment is to strengthen nervous system and general comfort. Some knowledge of herbs will be required and the treatment will even be enjoyable. I also advise you to purchase the book “Healing Lands of the Tyumen Grass”, L.N. Surina, A.A. Baranov, S.V. Surin-Levitsky, 2001. This book describes more than 200 plant species growing in the Tyumen region. Recipes for the use of medicinal herbs and preparations from them for various diseases are given. Read more about what traditional medicine treats.

Advice from herbalist Lydia Surina. Description of the book, download the book.

Lidia Nesterovna is a very cheerful, lively, energetic woman. Books by Lidia Nesterovna Surina Lidia Nesterovna Surina is an herbalist from God.

You can also purchase books by Surina L.N. Lidia Nesterovna and her family collect all the herbs themselves and make the collection accordingly.

The book of the Land of Tyumen grass is healing In the book of Surina L.N. The healing lands of the Tyumen grass are described by more than 200 plants of the Tyumen region and.

Yesterday I watched a video recording of a lecture by a well-known herbalist, candidate of biological sciences, Lidia Nesterovna Surina. She is very.

Download it from Adobe. Tips from the Tyumen herbalist, Lidia Nesterovna Surina. Alexander Lesnikov. On this site you can buy books by Surina L.N. http://biocelitel.ru/knigi-surinoy-lidii-nesterovni.html.

The book of Surina Lydia Nesterovna download

In her video lecture, Lidia Nesterovna Surina will talk about simple ones. At first they were only on the forehead. Herzen 88, 3rd floor. Since 1516 I have been worried about one ailment, it is acne and pimples. viewer programs. Surina L. N.

Baranov S. V. Surin Levitsky S. V. Download, 5.05 Read. Downloaded by users. Tyumen herbalist phytotherapist Lidia Nestorovna Surina. And now this herbalist Surina is alive. Tips from the Tyumen herbalist Lydia Surina. The best models. Lidia Nesterovna, a well-known herbalist Candidate.

local herbs. Surina Lidia Nesterovna, a well-known herbalist, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Download the book Herbalist Lidia Nestorovna Surina gives advice to Fr. They progress and develop despite enhanced treatment antibiotics and other chemicals.

I. Tyumen herbalist Lydia Surina published several books about healing. Surina Lidiya Nestorovna - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Consultant Ivan tea fireweed.3:55 Pepsi Cola. Nesterovna. Published by: Lesnaya from 14. Description of the book, download the book. Surin. It's especially important to know.

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Free book Lydia Surina Herbalist's advice. Wise. Book BOOK ADVICE OF THE HERBALIST LIDIA SURINA. Advice from herbalist Lydia Nesterovna Suriname notes of a Slav. Since 1516 I have been worried about one thing. Surina gives valuable advice about a healthy life.

Medical Sciences Author. And you don’t have a book to download the land of Tyumen healing herbs Lydia Nesterovna Surina of the Internet and girls with cardboard. Tips from the herbalist Lydia Surina. Surina Lidia Nesterovna, a well-known herbalist, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Download.

Surina Lidia Nesterovna official website.

Herbalist Lidia Nesterovna Surina Books

The Siberian herbalist gives very valuable advice about a healthy lifestyle and the role of herbs in human life. Surina Lidia Nesterovna is a candidate of biological sciences, a phytotherapist, a participant in three European congresses and the II World Congress of Physicians on Herbal Medicine in Prague, a herbalist with 40 years of experience. In 1993 she was awarded a diploma for her presentation at the international symposium on homeopathy in Tyumen. Lydia Surina has published several books on the medicinal properties of local plants.

Together with her husband, she wrote several books on herbs. Books by Lydia Nesterovna Surina. Especially Lydia Nesterovna Surina is an herbalist from God.

Surina Lidia Nesterovna is a well-known herbalist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Author of books about human health in Russia. Lives in the city of Tyumen. Is reading.

Lidia Nestorovna Surina - Candidate of Biological Sciences, homeopathy in Tyumen. Lydia Surina has published several books about.

Tips from the Siberian herbalist Lidia Nesterovna Surina

Lidia Nesterovna is a very cheerful, lively, energetic woman. I have never taken a single pill or a single synthetic vitamin in my life. “Drink tea with Ivan tea and you will be provided with almost all vitamins, and instead of simple salt, use sea salt, use only unrefined vegetable oils, and brown sugar with molasses,” these are her tips. "The liver is responsible for beauty and youth."

Lydia Nesterovna Surina. She will be 84 in 2015. her book Land of the Tyumen grass healing Surina L.N. Baranov S.V.

Download the book Herbalist (Lydia Nestorovna Surina) gives advice on a healthy life and herbal treatment, the information is relevant and not boring. After.

Lidia Surina wrote several books about the medicinal properties of plants. In 1996, Lidia Nesterovna received the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Tyumen" for the well-known herbalist presented her "School of Survival".

Surina Lidia Nesterovna is a candidate of biological sciences in homeopathy in Tyumen. Lydia Surina has published several books about.

Sun, 12/09/2010 — 03:46 - Companion

Release year: 2006

Country Russia

Genre: Monologue with elements of dialogue

Duration: 56 min 40 sec

Translation: Not required

Russian subtitles: no

Cast: Siberian herbalist Surina L.N.

Description: The herbalist gives advice about a healthy life and herbal treatment, the information is relevant and not boring. After watching, you will have a different view of "traditional" medicine, you will begin to trust not pills, but yourself and your knowledge, and of course nature.

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This book will acquaint you with plants that are useful for health and life, growing on the territory of the vast Tyumen region, and will also help you use these plants in case of illness or to improve immunity.

You will learn what medicinal food plants grow in the tundra, forest-tundra, deciduous forest zone and forest-steppe zone.

It is especially important to know local herbs for those who came to the Tyumen region from other climatic regions - Belarus, Ukraine, the Caucasus, since it is local herbs that will help them adapt to a new place of residence.

The book describes more than 200 plant species growing in the Tyumen region. In addition to Russian and Latin names, their pronunciations are given in the Tatar, Khanty, Mansi, Nenets languages. Recipes for the use of medicinal herbs and preparations from them for various diseases are given.

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A new book from the Tyumen herbalist Lidia Surina

The book “Sources of Health. Herbal Medicine” by Lydia Surina and Svetlana Kuncheva-Surina. A popular collection of medicinal and food plants was published at the expense of the Tobolsk Revival public fund, the Tobolsk online newspaper reports.

Lidia Nestorovna Surina- candidate of biological sciences. She made a great personal contribution to the popularization of the medicinal properties of the plant world. Her books and articles are not just advice from the famous Siberian herbalist, they are a whole philosophy of relations with nature, based on the traditions of high morality. In 2008, Lidia Nestorovna was awarded the title of "Healer of Russia". In 2009, she received the title of Honorary Ecologist of the Tyumen Region.

At the invitation of the Tobolsk Revival Public Foundation, Lidia Surina visited Tobolsk. Her speeches aroused unprecedented interest among the Tobolsk people. The previous numerous editions of Lidia Surina's publications about medicinal herbs ah dispersed instantly and became a bibliographic rarity. And Arkady Elfimov, the permanent head of the charitable organization, decided to help publish another book by a wise herbalist known far beyond the borders of Siberia. It gives a description of the most commonly used wild medicinal plants in the Tyumen region, as well as folk methods treatment.

Lidia Nestorovna Surina is a candidate of biological sciences, herbalist, herbalist with forty years of experience, author of several books on the medicinal properties of plants, lives in Tyumen. For readers, we have prepared the most interesting excerpts from her books and interviews with various publications. We think they will help a lot of people...

Law of Ecological Compatibility

If we take someone else's food, then we violate the law of ecological compatibility - the basic law of nature, - says Lidia Nestorovna. - If you feed northerners with pineapples, they will not be able to adapt to the harsh weather conditions in which they live, because the pineapple carries the information of a foreign climate. For example, Ivan-tea in Tyumen contains 6 times more vitamin C than lemon, and in Salekhard this figure is already 20 times more. That is, the plants themselves, the further north they are, the more vitamins they store, ten times more than in the south.

That's why northerners shouldn't eat a lot of southern fruits and vegetables. We impoverish ourselves, create ill health, because we violate the law of ecological compatibility. Just as it is impossible to feed a deer with camel thorn, so a person should eat what grows in the region of his residence. Our distant ancestors were well aware of this. Even Ivan the Terrible said: “If you want to conquer a country, import someone else's product there. There will be an outflow of forces, people will get sick, and sick slaves will be easier to manage.

This is what we are doing today, in our stores - an abundance of foreign fruits. To prevent such a disaster of weakening of forces from happening to the people, you can eat no more than 10% of someone else's products. And you need to teach a person to be healthy from childhood. Not many people know that meat burdens the stomach, takes a long time to digest and gives fatigue. Look at examples of wildlife: the endurance of herbivores is not comparable with the endurance of predators.

Eliminate food waste

In addition, there is a lot of food waste in the diet of a modern person: Pepsi-Cola, chewing gum, chips, etc. They usually contain a special sweetener - aspartame. It was invented by the Americans to cause addiction to products. The more you drink, the more you want. But it gives a lot of complications. If a mother consumes these foods during pregnancy, then the child's intelligence will be reduced by 15%. In addition, aspartame causes headache, nausea, depression, stomach pain, blurred vision, speech impairment, and joint pain. When added to food, the brain stops producing serotonin, and the person does not feel full, and the fight against excess weight does not give any result.

About the benefits of rye bread

Another important point: we began to consume too much white bread, although we know that it contains less useful substances than rye. If we constantly give a child buns and white bread, then we are laying down ill health in advance. Remember when our ancestors ate white bread? On holidays and Sundays! The rest of the time there was wholemeal bread on the table. The shell of the grain is preserved there, it is in such bread that our strength and stamina lies. It is known that white bread increases blood viscosity, hence hypertension increases, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed. The world is dying from white bread more people than from tuberculosis, but these are invisible numbers, and few people even know about it.

Iodine deficiency

The medicine for the intellect is iodine. It is known that NAPOLEON gave his army iodine, because if the thyroid gland does not work well, dementia develops. Most of all, modern children suffer from iodine deficiency: it is difficult for them to study at school, to master new knowledge. In Russia, 35% of the population suffer from iodine deficiency without even knowing it.

The manifestations of iodine deficiency are diverse: irritability, depressed mood, drowsiness, bouts of inexplicable melancholy, forgetfulness, memory and attention impairment, frequent headaches, frequent colds, infectious diseases, and a decrease in hemoglobin levels. What is there to advise? Eat more beetroot, even its leaves contain a lot of iodine. Who knows the grass woodlice, can also eat it, it also has a lot of iodine.

How many different herbs we have! Here, for example, wheatgrass is the strongest medicinal plant, it is not for nothing that cats and dogs eat it in the spring. It contains silicon, which retains calcium, and this is the body's natural defense against arthrosis and arthritis. Wheatgrass sharpens hearing, vision, cleanses the stomach, treats gastritis. Wheatgrass roots can be used to make flour. Peel, dry, grind the roots and simply add them to cereals and soups, bake bread with them.

“Do not bring vitamins into your house”

And artificial vitamins are not a leaf and a berry for you, but synthetics, from which we have absolutely no protection. Let's say 1 gram of vitamin C prescribed by a doctor exceeds the natural dose by 25 times (!), and for each tablet of vitamin C you need to drink 1 liter of water, but no one drinks, and no one talks about it. But artificial vitamin C is one of the most terrible vitamins. Doctors are aware of many serious complications after its use, and if you also consider how many counterfeit medicines we have, then this is just a disaster.

Now doctors are already openly saying that the frequent use of artificial vitamins contributes to the development of cancer cells. In general, an overdose of vitamins prescribed by a doctor is very detrimental to health. My mother was a doctor, and I remember her words well: “Do not bring vitamins to your house and never give them from your own hands to anyone.” Because there are plants, there are living herbs.

In television and radio broadcasts, they often say that we have little selenium in our body, 80% of Russians have its deficiency. Yes, there is a sea of ​​selenium around! You just need to know where to get it. It contains hawthorn, garlic, calendula, chamomile and other plants. Carrot tops can treat hemorrhoids and blood vessels, beet tops - myoma. Turnip is a bronchodilator, helps the liver and everything. After all, how much before the Slavs ate turnips, even in folk tales it is often mentioned, but now we don’t plant or eat it at all.

Sea buckthorn leaves contain a lot of vitamins. You don’t need to get carried away with its berries, they are contraindicated, for example, with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, myoma. The most valuable thing is sea buckthorn leaves, they are 10 times more "vitaminous" than lemon and inhibit the growth of any tumor. They should be harvested for winter tea, as well as currant and raspberry leaves, which contain a natural form of aspirin.

Pine bark

Here is another example. We now buy pine bark in America, from which the drug Pycnogenol is made. In a pharmacy, it costs 1200 rubles per pack. And in Russia, we throw mountains of pine bark on the plots! Although what is easier? Go to any pine, remove some bark, grind and brew - you will have the same pycnogenol. Resin is a very valuable substance, it contains many vitamins and is considered 5-6 times more "vitamin" than lemon. Moreover, in summer there are fewer vitamins in it, and more by winter. You can take others conifers: spruce, fir, larch. For example, spruce is a protection against arthrosis, it perfectly heals the bronchi, cleans the blood vessels, and contains a lot of silicon.

It is important to know such a moment. To extract the resin, you need a samovar, because you can’t extract the resin just by brewing it in a teapot. Spruce should be cut into small pieces and put in a samovar, where tea is boiled, and changed after a couple of days. Poplar, aspen, willow also contain a natural form of aspirin. You should always have their ground bark in the house, and you can grind it on a coffee grinder. For a mild cold, take 1/4 teaspoon of aspen bark and drink water, the temperature will drop. Aspen has a persistent antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal effect, is widely used for prostatitis, prostate adenoma, inflammation of the kidneys.

Table salt: the grayer the better

Contemporaries eat a lot of table salt, but even in ancient times the famous doctor AVICENNA said that only sea salt should be used in food. It contains more than 60 important trace elements: iodine, gold, potassium, calcium, cadmium, etc. Sea salt is used in France, Sweden, Norway, Holland, Germany, Bulgaria ... Where can I buy it? Go to any pharmacy, take the grayest, cheapest bath salt, but without dyes and additives, so that there is no calendula, lavender, neither yellow nor Green colour. Take regular salt. The grayer the better, it has more silicon. It is useful to cook soups, cereals, and pickles with this sea salt. And iodized salt is nonsense. It must be eaten in one day, i.e. opened the package, eat a kilogram today, because tomorrow there will be no iodine, it will evaporate. Why they put it there, I don't know...

“Our education is no good”

What can I say about modern education? Our training is no good! For example, they talk at school about ferns: how spores are formed, how they fall, how a thicket is formed. But they do not study what microelements the fern contains, from what it protects. Why, for example, does Russia annually supply Japan with 700 tons of ferns? Why do the Japanese eat ferns? What does it contain? Why do the Japanese live 30 years longer than us without any natural resources?

Children, leaving school, should have useful knowledge about life, about the use of certain plants. When to collect them, why do you need to eat, what do they treat? Otherwise, why would they need information about taxonomy, about plant species, how many pistils and stamens are there? It is necessary to teach children how to use trees and herbs, what can be used from an ordinary garden, how to use the same wood lice, carrot tops, wheatgrass - that's what you need to teach! In every local history museum, in addition to mammoth bones and household utensils, there should be a stand with medicinal, food and poisonous plants - this is the benefit of local history, knowledge of one's region, how they maintain health here, due to which, how people are connected with their nature.

Once, when my grandson Lyovushka had just started school, I took a group of children from his first grade into the woods. And she began to talk about different plants. You know what the reaction was, what a lively interest! We talked about wormwood, that out of 30 species, only one is bitter. They began to consider the Chernobyl, what kind of stem it has, that the leaves can be eaten and then the dream will be calm and good. One boy immediately collected a whole bunch of this plant. I was surprised: why do you need so many? And he says: “My grandmother is sick, she sleeps badly, so I want to treat her.” See? He is still a baby, but he immediately realized how to take care of a loved one.

“We need to raise traditional medicine”

Traditional medicine is traditional medicine, i.e. it contains the best traditions of the people. But medicine, which today is called "traditional", is not our medicine, but the official one. Everything has been turned upside down today. Hirudotherapy, massage, manual therapy - here traditional medicine people, so it must be raised first of all, because it has been tested for centuries on a person. This experience needs to be studied, but since the 90s we have decided that we will live on pills ... But no, we have not lived! Modern drugs give many complications, and with each generation the health of the people is getting worse.

Traditional medicine is clinical, i.e. therapeutic experiment on oneself, not on mice and rabbits, but on oneself, stored in folk tradition. in Russia until 1933. botany was still taught at the institutes, and each doctor collected a reference herbarium. Under each plant, I wrote down: at what age it is, for what diseases it is used, in what quantity. Why was this essential removed? After all, our natural medicine was very highly developed.

For comparison, here are the numbers. Now our medicine is in 130th place in the world, and in tsarist times it was in 8th place. But Japan occupies one of the leading places in the world, and they have a very interesting medicine! Half of the working doctors prescribe only herbs to patients, and the other half prescribe both herbs and modern medicines. And with this approach, the Japanese eat 160 types of plants and live 30 years longer than us.

Wheatgrass - silicon

Wheatgrass is the strongest medicinal plant, it is not for nothing that cats and dogs eat it in the spring. Wheatgrass contains silicon, silicon retains calcium - this is protection against arthrosis, arthritis. Wheatgrass sharpens hearing, vision, cleanses the stomach, treats gastritis.

Using wheatgrass is very simple: take a bunch of wheatgrass, put as much as you like into the pan, boil for 10 minutes and discard. Cook cereals, soups, anything on wheatgrass broth, you will get silicon, which will keep calcium normal. No matter how much you feed with cottage cheese or calcium preparations, this is useless, especially with age, calcium intake will do more harm than good. Silicon is needed to keep normal calcium. Wheatgrass roots can be used to make flour - peel, dry, grind and bake bread.

Breaker northern - protection against pregnancy

Prolomnik northern is a plant that protects a woman from pregnancy. Interestingly, the Latin name of this plant Androsace was given by Dioscorides in the 1st century AD, and literally means "protection from a husband" (andr - "husband" and sace - "shield"). Those. people have long known which plants are contraceptives and how to use them, and in our time they do abortions, i.e. murder. In Russia, 13,000 abortions are done in 1 day.

How to use: before menstruation, a woman drinks this plant as tea for 4-5 days before menstruation, and that's it, she lives without any protection and does not become pregnant.

“It is better to collect the grass yourself”

Except chemical composition, plants have energy, which also has a certain effect, and if it is removed, then the effect of the treatment will be much weaker. It is necessary to take into account the main thing: you need to collect the grass yourself, because people have different energy, and some sellers, without knowing it, take their energy from plants, that is, you will buy, as it were, empty grass. Therefore, it is better to collect the plants yourself, and what you have sown in the country, it will definitely work for you. In the spring, when you have sown your beds, walk barefoot between them, this is very useful. Each person, by and large, should rely on God and on himself. We need doctors emergency assistance, and so - you yourself can lead a healthy lifestyle, wisely take care of yourself, about others, acquire useful knowledge and help other people.

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A bit of history

Man is a part of nature and his life is closely connected with the flora and fauna. Throughout life, a person is increasingly convinced that in nature itself there is a solution to many issues related not only to the occurrence of individual diseases, but also to getting rid of them. Plants and animals widely used by mankind medications, convincing proof that in nature it is necessary to look for ways to get rid of ailments. Observing the animal world, primitive people learned to select not only the most delicious and nutritious plants, but also noted among them those that helped get rid of this or that ailment.

Animals only draw healing powers from nature. It is known that cats and dogs in case of certain diseases eat grass - mainly leaves of cereals, which, according to humans, do not have medicinal properties.

Quite a popular medicinal plant - maral root (or leuzea) owes its name to the observations of local residents. Buryat hunters noticed that deer, eating this root, restore their strength. And wounded deer eat red cloves, which are known to the local population as a hemostatic agent.

There is an Arabic legend about the discovery of the healing properties of coffee tree grains by a shepherd who noticed that his goats, eating the fruit-bearing branches of this tree, came into a good mood and were not up to sleep.

The data of ethnography and archeology indicate that people have used medicinal plants since time immemorial. The tribes of the Australians, some tribes of Central and South Africa, the tribes of the Indians of the Amazon knew medicinal plants and were treated by them. Archaeologists have found special dishes for rubbing and boiling healing potions.

Even more information is given to us by the first written sources. Ancient clay tablets found in Assyria contain information about medicinal plants, indicating against which diseases and in what form this plant should be used. The Assyrians borrowed their information about medicinal plants from the Sumerians and Babylonians; on the plates compiled by Assyrian scribes, the names of medicinal plants in Assyrian, Babylonian and Sumerian are indicated. It is known that in the capital of Assyria - Nineveh - there was a garden where exclusively medicinal plants were grown.

The Egyptians as early as four thousand years BC compiled a consistent description of the medicinal plants used in Egypt. Mention of these pharmacopoeias is found in papyrus inscriptions, and their images are quite common on the walls of Egyptian temples and pyramids.

Many of the plants used by the Egyptians are still sold in our pharmacies, such as castor oil.

The Greeks in their myths associated their acquaintance with medicinal plants with the Caucasus, where, allegedly under the auspices of the goddess Artemis, there was a magical garden with poisonous and medicinal plants. And in fact, some plants were exported from the Caucasus (from Colchis) to Greece. No wonder the ancient Greek word "pharmakon" meant at that time not only "medicine", but also poison.

Among the outstanding representatives of the Arab medical school, first of all, it is necessary to name Abu-Ali Ibn-Sina, a Tajik by origin, known in Europe under the Latinized name Avicenna. His work "The Canon of Medicine" for centuries was a reference book not only for Arab, but also for European doctors. Ibn Sina described in his book about 900 medicines and how to use them.

Ibn Baitar, a Spanish Arab, described about 1,400 medicinal plants, thus adding to the lists of Avicenna. The Arabic pharmacopoeia made extensive use of complex recipes that included many different herbs in varying proportions. Such recipes have become popular in medicine in Western Europe. This complicated recipe led to the emergence of a special profession of pharmacists. To prepare a complex recipe from a dozen herbs, you need to have a special skill.

The European pharmacy was created according to the Arab model and at first mainly used imported Arabic raw materials.

Medieval European herbal books, as a rule, were compilations from the works of Dioscorides, Galen, Ibn Sina, Ibn Baitar and other Greek, Latin and Arabic authors.

Thus, almost all medicinal plants of Western and Southern Europe, North Africa and Western Asia, and India were included in European medical practice.

The system of Tibetan medicine is also connected with Indian medicine. In the pharmacopoeia of Indian medicine, local plants were introduced, in addition, Chinese traditions were assimilated.

Tibetan medicine has spread to a fairly large area of ​​northeast Asia.

The first Chinese herbal book (Ben Cao) is dated 2600 BC. The book lists about 900 types of medicinal plants with a detailed description of their use. Such books have been reprinted for many centuries and in one of the last, dated from the 16th century, 1892 medicinal plants are already listed.

The first doctor in Russia was the Greek John Smer, invited to Kyiv by Vladimir Monomakh. Medicines - dried herbs - were brought from Constantinople and from the Genoese colonies in the Crimea. However, very soon, in numerous monasteries, Russian learned monks also began to collect and dry local medicinal herbs - mainly those that were described in Greek herbalists or were similar to them - and treat patients with them. Information about the existence of local herbalists can be found in some written sources, but the herbalists themselves, unfortunately, have been lost. Mentions of ancient Russian medicine can be found in handwritten monuments of ancient Russian literature. Evidence of this is the "Tale of Peter and Fevronia." This story tells about how Prince Peter of Murom, fighting with a snake, became covered with scabs and could not recover for a long time. A simple Ryazan girl Fevronia helped him. In the form of payment for treatment, Fevronia demanded that Prince Peter marry her. Giving the medicine, she advised me to smear all the scabs with it, except for one. The prince recovered, but refused to marry. But the scab left unanointed gave new scabs and Prince Peter had to take Fevronia as his wife. They lived long and in love. Fevronia healed Prince Peter with wild honey infused with herbs.

Based on the practice of folk medicine, the Russian pharmacopoeia gradually gained strength. This is evidenced by references in later herbalists to local medicinal plants that are not found in ancient pharmacopoeias. Such, for example, are the original methods of treating horseradish and onions, the treatment of purulent ulcers with “bath mold”. Russian healers, seven centuries before the discovery of penicillin by Fleming, independently established the antibacterial activity of this fungus.

Translated handwritten herbal books, the so-called "veterograds", began to appear.

The use of medicinal herbs in Russia took on a particularly wide scope under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, when a special “Aptekarsky Prikaz” was created, which was in charge of supplying medicinal herbs not only to the royal court, but also to the army.

“Apothecary gardens” were created - gardens where medicinal plants were bred. There is an interest in collecting data from traditional medicine. They began to organize the production of medicines from plants in special "cooks".

Treatment with the gifts of nature today

My ancestors all their lives collected medicinal herbs, were treated with them and taught us.

My grandmother also taught me, and now I teach my grandchildren - do not get carried away with pills, there are so many medicinal plants around us. Study them, observe their action on human body and you will be in good health.

Russian people have been treated with herbs since time immemorial, as they are now. If we have a headache or a sore throat, a coughing fit, a fever, an intestinal problem, we first of all resort to the gifts of nature. We drink tea with lemon at a temperature, tea with raspberries for colds, chew black tea leaves, brew pomegranate bark for diarrhea. All these easy remedies sometimes help temporarily, as they are often signs of a serious illness. But in the coming relief, we can safely go to the doctor. Where the body's defenses are able to cope with the onset of the disease on their own, plants that have diaphoretic, antipyretic, tonic, expectorant, diuretic, juice or antitoxic effects can be useful. For example, before going to bed you had to eat heavy food (raw smoked sausage, fried meat, etc.). And in the morning - a feeling of heaviness or pain in the stomach, lack of appetite. In such cases, it is enough to drink tea brewed with dill seeds or green tea with dill before breakfast. To remove the state of weakness and general malaise (fatigue, indigestion, sore throat, fever), sometimes herbal tea or strongly brewed black tea with fruit juice, syrup, jam from garden and wild fruits and berries helps. At feeling unwell when the cause is unclear, lemon with honey helps.

Ancient traditional medicine was based on the main principle - closer to nature! Ancient healers widely used the medicinal properties of fruits, berries, fruits, vegetables, and plants as medicines. In excess, everything is harmful. Any fruits, vegetables, greens in large quantities can have a negative effect on the human body. It must be remembered that not only the dose of the product matters, but also the time of administration. For example, eating a large number of pears, apples, apricots, grapes, cucumbers before meals causes indigestion in many people. Pear and melon are considered heavy foods and should not be mixed with other foods. It is better to eat them separately and not on an empty stomach. And it is useful to eat an apple on an empty stomach and at night. Even healthy person can torture severe intestinal colic after taking a large amount of fruits and vegetables. Excessive consumption of pomegranate, persimmon, blueberries can lead to constipation. If taken before bed a large number of strong brewed tea or coffee, as well as onions and garlic, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

Everyone should know what fruits, vegetables, berries and in what quantity his body absorbs well, what products his body does not tolerate. Compliance with these simple rules will keep you healthy and give you longevity. You must thoroughly study your health, know your diseases and remember them when eating plant and animal food. There are diseases in which some drugs are indicated and are absolutely contraindicated in others. For example, patients with hyperacid gastritis are contraindicated in lemons, oregano, pepper, cumin, that is, what is useful for hypacid gastritis. Patients with hemorrhoids, as well as in acute and chronic hepatitis, black and red pepper, bitter onion, garlic and mustard are contraindicated. Hypotension patients should not take coriander, dill (especially its seeds), the highest grades of green tea. Rayhon (common basil), coriander (cilantro), angelica, chokeberry are contraindicated for people who have had a heart attack, as well as for thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, as they increase blood clotting.

The experience of using plants as healing agents has accumulated over the centuries and led to the birth of traditional medicine. In folk medicine, there are many useful and rational methods of treatment not only with plants. Beekeepers are treated with bee products - honey, bee bread, royal jelly, wax, propolis, bee venom.

Folk healers treat many diseases with formic alcohol, leeches, mummy, which is collected in the foothills, bile and fat of various animals, children's urine (the urine of sick people cannot be used), spotted deer antlers.

Mankind has been treating itself with hunger for five thousand years. Observing his body, a person came to the conclusion that a large amount of energy is spent on digesting food, which is necessary to fight the disease - it’s better to spend it on recovery.

It is known that during the period of fasting due to the cult of various religions, many patients got rid of their ailments. During hunger, poisons, toxins and excess salts leave the body with water. Not only the liver, kidneys, but also the joints are cleansed. Temporary abstinence from food causes an increase in vitality, improvement in general well-being, sharpening of memory, attention and vision, normalization blood pressure, slowing the pulse, relieving pain, hypoxia and arrhythmias, improving sexual activity.

Fortifying, vitamin preparations

My family lives by the principle - look for help from nature, like your mother.

There are many ways to strengthen the body. For example, if I drink tea, then by all means with milk, and I will not forget to put a spoonful of honey. This tea adds strength.

I drink carrot juice, I also will not forget to put a spoonful of honey. Digestion improves and breathing becomes easier.

I’ll go to the garden, I won’t pass by dandelion and nettle, especially young ones - narva and I’ll make a salad. The leaves of young dandelions should be immersed for half an hour in salt water, so as not to be bitter, then rinse with boiled water, finely chop. Rinse nettle leaves, finely chop. I do it with gloves, and I cut it with scissors - the nettle bites. I add salt, table vinegar or a few drops of lemon and vegetable oil. An excellent remedy for avitaminosis. Nettle will cleanse the body of toxins, improve the activity of the endocrine glands.

Such a salad can be made from young leaves of spring primrose. Useful for lack of vitamins and loss of strength.

Ripe gooseberries increase the body's resistance to infectious diseases, provide a third of the daily requirement in ascorbic acid, if you eat 100 g of these wonderful berries per day.

In folk medicine, fresh and sour cabbage is very popular. I eat raw cabbage to increase my appetite and improve digestion, I make all kinds of salads out of it. Sauerkraut is a source of vitamin C.

From the fruits of viburnum, I taught the household to cook kissels, compotes. It is indispensable for a lack of vitamins in the body. It is also an excellent remedy for regulating blood pressure. To do this, it is better to scroll it with sugar through a meat grinder and eat 3 times a day for a teaspoon.

My grandchildren love cranberries. With beriberi, it is useful to eat a glass of lingonberries. Can you fill it cold water, insist and drink water from under it.

Every day, the whole family eats 100 g of blackcurrant mashed with sugar, or drink the juice of 1 - 2 lemons, or 2 glasses tomato juice. By doing this, we provide our body with vitamin C and increase resistance to disease.

Want to have a healthy heart? In the morning on an empty stomach, and in the evening at night, eat an apple. During the day, eat 5 pieces of dried apricots and 2 walnuts.

Take 100-150 ml of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice 3 times a day.

Every day you should drink half a glass of carrot juice; it is recommended to add a little honey to the juice.

Take freshly squeezed juice from the leaves of lemon balm 50 drops 5 times a day; take this juice with honey in milk.

Drink freshly squeezed juice of the herb initial drug for 1 tsp. 3 times a day (with honey); juice from the aerial part of the grass is squeezed out during the flowering period.

I don't forget stimulants - alcohol tincture rhizomes of lure high 30 drops 3 times a day before meals; alcohol tincture of Rhodiola rosea root 20 drops, or tincture of Eleutherococcus prickly - 20 drops each, or tincture of Manchurian Aralia roots 30 drops each, or tincture of roots or leaves of common ginseng 20 drops each, or maral root tincture 20 drops each.

Perfectly tones the body in winter and after an illness, a simple remedy: before going to bed, a glass of warm milk with the addition of 9 - 12 drops of garlic juice.

I collect blueberries in the forest and dry them in the shade, and in winter I make an infusion. Dried blueberries need to be slightly crushed with a pusher pestle, then take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist under the lid, well wrapped in a towel for at least half an hour, strain through gauze or a strainer. I sing this infusion in several doses during the day before eating my household. An excellent vitamin supplement.

It is useful to take an infusion of common hop cones. 1 st. l. dry raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted in a sealed container for 1.5 - 2 hours, strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals.

If possible, we drink a decoction of oats with honey. Such a decoction is especially useful in the spring, when the body is weakened. First you need to thoroughly rinse the unpeeled oats in running water, take 1 cup of washed oats, pour 5 cups of water and cook at a low boil until half of the broth has evaporated, strain through two to three layers of gauze, add 4 tsp. honey, bring to a boil once, let cool. Drink this remedy 1 cup 3 times a day between meals.

I read a lot of literature and collect recipes for healing from ailments, not only with medicinal herbs. I started an apiary in the garden, and I sow a plot free from vegetable crops with flowering herbs. In spring, when everything is in bloom (both herbs and gardens), my bees are at work.

I was convinced that royal jelly strengthens the body and restores strength after illness. Pure bee milk on the tip of a table knife, put under the tongue an hour before meals and hold until completely dissolved 3-5 times a day.

Or mix 1 part royal jelly with 20 parts vodka. Take 15 drops of tincture per tablespoon of warm boiled water, tea, milk 3-5 times a day an hour before meals with exhaustion and premature aging organism.

Your Bogdan Vlasov


You should know everything about medicinal plants well, and only then collect them. It is necessary to know when to collect herbs, when buds, when bark, etc.

Buds from trees and shrubs should be collected in early spring, when they swell and are about to open, but have not yet begun to grow. At this time, increased sap flow begins, the plant wakes up after winter and its active life begins. It usually happens in March - April. Birch and pine buds can be harvested early - in February.

In early spring, you can also collect the bark of trees. It is easy to tear it off the trees by making several longitudinal cuts up to half a meter long on a branch or thin stem and connecting them with longitudinal cuts. Lifting the incised bark from the upper end, you can easily remove the entire piece in the form of tubes. The bark must first be cleaned of lichen growths. Usually the removed bark rolls up into a tube. Do not try to put the straws one into the other, as they are still damp and can mold, and this will ruin your collections.

Leaves and green shoots should be collected during the flowering period, before fruiting. During this period, the green parts of plants are gaining strength for growth, at this time they are the most juicy and therefore the most useful. Collect leaves, grass and flowers only in dry weather, preferably in the morning, after the dew has dried. If the plants are harvested after rain or covered with dew, they will turn black and deteriorate very quickly. In the baskets where the plants were collected, they should be laid loosely - laid tightly quickly heat up and turn black. According to popular beliefs, some plants should be collected at night, exactly at midnight, some - always on the full moon, others - in the absence of the moon. At different times of the day, one or another organ is active in a person. Apparently, plants also produce one or another useful substance at a certain time of the day. Yes, lighting plays an important role. Some plants like weak moonlight. Leaves from plants are best cut off by hand. A fully developed leaf is collected, and always fresh. Leaves faded, withering, eaten by insects are not collected - they will not give a full-fledged medicine. But in some plants - wormwood, motherwort, St. John's wort - you can cut off the flowering tops with a sickle, up to 20 cm long, or manually break off the side flowering branches.

Flowers should be picked at the beginning of flowering, when the flower is in "full glory" and shows no signs of wilting. During this period, flowers contain a maximum of useful substances, crumble less during storage, withstand drying better and retain their color. Flowers are best picked by hand, plucking them.

The fruits are harvested during the period of full ripening, not later. During this period, the fruits are the strongest in their usefulness. The fruits, like the leaves, are harvested in dry weather. Harvested by hand without stems. In mountain ash, cumin, where the fruits are located in umbrellas, they are cut off all together, and after drying, they are carefully separated from the stalks. Rose hips are harvested along with the remnants of the calyx, which remains on top of the fruit. This cup is removed after drying, rubbing the fruits with your hands. Wormy and rotten fruits are not collected. It is especially difficult to collect juicy fruits - blueberries, raspberries, strawberries. They are placed in a basket lined with fabric inside, and each layer is laid with branches so that the fruits do not cake and do not press on each other.

The book by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky "Encyclopedia of the Siberian herbalist" is a revised and supplemented edition of the book of the same group of authors - Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky - "Healing lands of Tyumen grass ".
The new printed version of the "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" by the wonderful author's tandem of Lidia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky provides descriptions and methods of using more than 200 types of medicinal herbs in Russia for the treatment of the most common human diseases. Special attention turns to herbal medicine to avoid surgical intervention with various types of tumors and neoplasms.
The book by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky "Encyclopedia of the Siberian herbalist" describes the signs and symptoms of the most common diseases necessary for self-diagnosis, the causes of their occurrence and methods of prevention.
Claiming the principle of Hippocrates that it is not the doctor who heals, but Nature, in the book by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky "Encyclopedia of the Siberian herbalist" the idea is developed that the patient himself can and should know much more about his health than anyone else. or.
Depending on the nature of the disease, Lidia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky in the Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist give methods for cleaning human systems and organs that should be carried out before starting treatment.
From the book of Lidia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky "Encyclopedia of the Siberian herbalist" you will learn what healing food plants grow around us, what medicinal properties they possess. Particular attention in the book of Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky "Encyclopedia of the Siberian herbalist" is drawn to the need to use local plants, in particular, growing in the garden and in the garden, they help to adapt to local conditions, increase immunity.
The nature of our Motherland is very rich in its plant diversity. Food and medicinal plants, as well as traditional medicine, allow a person to adapt to these conditions. The local natural pharmacy, according to the authors of the Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist Lidia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky, is more valuable for health and easier on your wallet.
“We often think that we need not plant food, but animal food. We even stop noticing that plants heal us better than any chemical means, ”we read in the Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist Lidia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky.
And further: “For a home pharmacy, each family can decide which plants are useful to prepare for daily use in the form of tea leaves (infusion) and which plants should be kept in case of the most frequently recurring diseases.”
From the "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky, you will learn that a single plant, even if it has a strong effect on a number of diseases, should not be taken constantly for a long time and in isolation from other plants. In each case of a disease, we are not dealing with a single sore, but with a living system called the body. Our body, like the body of plants, is not a mechanical device, but a complex self-reproducing system. The system should be corrected by systemic methods, trying to find the cause of the “malfunction”.
In a number of cases, in the "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky, the authors give the name of the disease and include it in the system that needs to be healed, and in other cases, the disease stands apart, and the authors describe the scheme of phytotherapeutic treatment. At the same time, a whole gamut of methods and plants used is given, since the same plants and methods used for a particular diagnosis help one patient quickly, while another has to select a different composition of plants and methods.
The authors of the "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" Lidia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky believe that the help of plants is good for us because biological system plants and humans have much in common in the metabolism of substances.
“There is nothing uniquely harmful in nature,” Lidia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky say in the Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist. - Even the worst enemies of cultivated plants, weeds are the first helpers for recultivators who bring waste lands back to life. ... There are no useless plants, there are unknown ones or those that have not received an objective assessment. In the light of modern ecology, each animal and plant is useful and necessary in its own way.
From the "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky, you will learn that:
98% of all food and energy needs of mankind are provided through plant photosynthesis;
people have been using medicinal herbs for over 5,000 years;
plants are able to feel;
with the use of medicinal herbs in one of the kindergartens, the incidence in it decreased by half;
The Russian system of medical education for physicians does not provide for a course in botanical knowledge.
An entire chapter of the Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky is devoted to the causes of diseases. Recommendations are also given here to eliminate these causes, healthy eating, lifestyle and tips for every day. For example, it is recommended to lubricate the feet with cream or vegetable oil before going to bed - so that “age” does not make itself felt with painful sensations when walking.
How can art help you stay healthy? And this question is answered by Lidia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky in the Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist. Initiation to the magical energy of art has a huge impact on the soul of people, increasing the energy of their biofield.
A very important part of the book "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky is the chapter on how to be treated with herbs and what not to do. How to collect herbs so that their action is as effective as possible, how to make collections, how to prepare medicinal infusions and decoctions from herbs, tips on how to use medicinal herbs, detailed characteristics of plants - all this you will find in this book.
After reading it, you will understand that this book should become a desktop in your home. That the "Encyclopedia of the Siberian Herbalist" by Lydia Surina, Alexander Baranov and Stanislav Surin-Levitsky is the best gift that you could give to your family and friends, whose health and well-being are not indifferent to you.