Japanese recommendations for health. Health - recommendations of the Japanese put a cell phone to the left ear Why is it better to put the phone to the left ear

According to statistics, 70% of people put the phone to one side or another, depending on which hand they have leading: for example, right-handers prefer to listen to callers on the right, and left-handers, respectively, on the left. And it would seem, what does the brain have to do with it? How convenient, and keep! But the human body is a complex mechanism, and not a single process occurring in it can be random.

According to a recent study at the Henry Ford Clinic in Detroit, people who use more left hemisphere brain, most often are right-handed and hold the phone near the right ear. Those who in their thought processes often turn to the right hemisphere of the brain, on the contrary, are left-handed, and put a mobile phone to their left ear. It is worth noting that the majority of “left-thinking” people on Earth - more than 95%.

These seemingly frivolous observations allowed scientists to draw serious conclusions. Firstly, by which side a person holds a mobile phone, it is easy to determine whether he is right-handed or left-handed, as well as which part of his brain is more developed. Secondly, this study is another proof that mobile phones are not catalysts for the development of cancerous brain tumors. Since 95% of people hold their phone to the right, it would be logical to assume that the tumor will arise in the left hemisphere of the brain, however, statistics cancer does not confirm this: the tumor is equally often formed both on the left and on the right side.

Thus, the study found that there is a definite correlation between the dominance of the cerebral hemispheres and preferences for which ear to “substitute” for phone calls. What "ear" are you?

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▫ Apply cellular telephone to the LEFT ear.
▫ Do not drink coffee more than once a day.
▫ Do not take tablets with cold water.
▫ Minimize fatty foods.
▫ Drink more water in the morning and less in the evening.

▫ Stay away from cell phone chargers.
Best time for sleep - from 10 pm to 6 am.
▫ Do not immediately lie down at bedtime if you have taken the medicine.
▫ Do not use a cell phone if the charge shows only one bar, because in this case the radiation level from the phone is 1000 times higher.

✔ Health juices:

▫ Pear and banana - regulates blood sugar levels.
▫ Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango - Increases internal body heat, resistance to toxins, reduces blood pressure and fights the overall oxidation of the body.
▫ Grapes + Watermelon + Milk - Vitamin C + Vitamin B2 which increase cellular activity and increase the body's immunity.
▫ Papaya + Pineapple + Milk-Vitamins: C, E, Iron. Improves skin color and metabolism.
▫ Banana + Pineapple + Milk - Rich in vitamins with nutrients, prevents constipation.

✔ Drink water on an empty stomach!

Today it is very popular in Japan to drink water right after waking up every morning. Moreover, scientific tests have confirmed this procedure. Instructions for this method are included below.

The technique cures with a 100% guarantee the following diseases: headache, aching joints, heart disease, arthritis, cardiopalmus, epilepsy, obesity, bronchial asthma, meningitis, kidney disease, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diabetes, constipation, eye disease, uterine disease, cancer and diseases of the ear, throat, nose.

✔ Treatment method:

1. In the morning after waking up, drink 4 glasses of water, 160 ml each (before brushing your teeth)
2. Brush your teeth, but do not eat or drink for 45 minutes.
3. After 45 minutes, you can have breakfast in the usual way.
4. After breakfast, lunch or dinner, do not drink or eat anything for 2 hours.
5. For elderly or sick people who cannot drink 4 glasses of water at a time, you can start with a lower dose and gradually increase to the recommended amount.
6. The list below gives the recommended number of days for major illnesses:

1. High blood pressure - 30 days
2. Gastritis - 10 days
3. Diabetes - 30 days
4. Constipation - 10 days
5. Cancer - 180 days
6.TB - 90 days

7. Patients with arthritis should follow this technique for 3 days in the first week, and starting from the second, every day.

This technique has no side effects, however, at the beginning of treatment, the number of urination may increase. It will be better if you continue this procedure even after the treatment and make it the norm of your life.

✔ Drink water and stay healthy and active!

An important detail. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with meals (not cold water). It's time to adopt this habit from them. We will only win. We explain for those who like to drink cold drinks with meals.

✔ Cold water reduces the absorption of food, as foods containing fats thicken.

In other words, fats in a liquefied state react with oxygen faster and are better absorbed by the intestines than if you drink cold drinks with food. Accordingly, fats are not deposited under the skin, and the likelihood of cancer is reduced tenfold. Serious note about heart attacks: You should know that not all heart attacks are accompanied by pain in the left side of the chest.

✔ Be careful with intense pain in the upper or mandible!

Nausea and profuse sweating are also symptoms of this disease. 60% of all people who have had this seizure experience it in their sleep and never wake up.

Chest pain can cause you to scream in your sleep and wake you up. This is also a symptom of an impending problem. Do not ignore such body signals.

Cardiologists say that if you give this information to your friends, you will save the life of at least one person.

There is a correlation between the dominant hemispheres of the brain and which ear people hold a mobile phone
There is a correlation between the dominant hemispheres of the brain and which ear people hold a mobile phone

Research shows a strong correlation between hemispheric dominance and the use of either the right or left ear to listen to a cell phone. More than 70% of study participants put their cell phone to their ear on the side of their dominant hand.

In people with a dominant left hemisphere of the brain (about 95% of the population), the centers of speech and language are located in the left hemisphere and they use more right hand for writing and other daily tasks. In addition, the study showed that people with a dominant left brain, while listening to a cell phone, hold the phone to the right ear, although there is no difference in the perception of sounds in the left and right ears. Right-brain dominant people are more likely to put their left hand on their phone to their ear on the left side of their head.

The researchers say these findings have a number of implications, especially when it comes to finding the location of the brain's speech center. By establishing a correlation between dominance of the cerebral hemispheres and the versatility of cell phone use, a non-invasive and cheaper option for determining the location of the speech and language centers in the brain can be developed. In this case, the search for the speech center in the brain can be carried out faster than with the Wada test. During the Wada test, to determine the location of speech centers, in carotid artery an anesthetic is injected, which reaches the hemisphere of the brain from the side of the injection of the drug. This study may also offer further evidence that cell phone use and brain, head, and neck tumors may not be related. Scientists say that since almost 80% of people use a mobile phone to put it on their right ear, if there was such a link, there would be many more people diagnosed with cancer in the right side of the brain, head and neck. It is likely that the development of tumors is more dependent on the dose of cell phone use.

The study began with a simple observation that most people use their right hand and hold a cell phone to their right ear. This practice, the researchers say, is counterintuitive, as it's hard enough to listen to the phone with your right ear and take written notes. To determine if there is an association between cell phone unilateralism and hemisphere dominance, the researchers conducted an online survey of 5,000 people using a modified protocol that has been used for more than 40 years to assess and predict cerebral dominance. Survey participants answered which hand they use to perform tasks such as writing, talking on a mobile phone, holding a mobile phone to their right or left ear while talking, whether they have ever been diagnosed with tumors of the brain, head or neck. Overall, the study showed that there is a correlation between dominance of the brain hemispheres and a high probability of using a cell phone from the side of the dominant hemisphere.

Currently, researchers continue to study head, neck and brain cancer registries to assess the harm caused by mobile phone use. Controversy still exists around a possible link between mobile phone use and tumors. Until this is fully understood, scientists recommend using the speakerphone rather than holding the phone to your ear.

During a conversation on a mobile phone, a person's head absorbs up to 50% of the radiated energy of the electromagnetic field. On the ear, the eardrum turns thermal effect, sound pressure.

The radiation from the phone is absorbed by the cells of the brain, visual, vestibular, auditory analyzers.

The influence of electromagnetic fields at one time explained the increase in the number of brain tumors. The theory, however, did not receive confirmation. Otherwise, the prevalence of right-handed people (90%) in society, and the fact that they hold the phone to the right ear, should lead to a percentage increase in the number of brain tumors on the right side of the head.

The effect of loud sound on the ear and hearing

After talking on the phone, tingle, itch from the inside. When listening to music exceeding 8o dB, the eardrum is exposed to a traumatic effect, sensitive hair cells die inner ear, irreversible changes occur in the auditory nerve.

Auditory nerve changes

The constant use of a mobile phone is named among the risks of development acoustic neuromabenign tumor auditory nerve leading to deafness.

The disease is accompanied by headache, dizziness, hearing loss, noise from the affected ear.

The harsh sound of an incoming call near the ear can cause acute neuritis of the auditory nerve. After an acoustic injury, ringing persists in the ear for a long time, and hearing loss is noted.

Acoustic neuritis can occur as a result of loudness abuse, frequent phone calls. At the same time, the user notes discomfort when talking on the phone, a burning sensation, pain in the auditory canal.

We suggest you read the article.

A cell phone can hurt the ear, as if it had been lightly hit. Contacting a doctor at this stage of the disease leads to a complete restoration of auditory function.

Impact on the eardrum

Under the action of a strong sound, the membrane bends inward, loses elasticity, a person at a young age may not hear the phone with his ear at close range.

With frequent use of the phone, headphones (more than 1 hour a day), hearing is reduced regardless of the sound volume.

Signs of abuse are headache, increased blood pressure, irritability.

In the ear while talking on the phone, a feeling of warmth appears, the ear hurts, tingles. The feeling remains long time. The user may have a headache from the phone.

How to use your cell phone safely

A conversation on a mobile phone should not last more than 3-5 minutes. The total duration of telephone conversations per day should not exceed 30 minutes. The period between two conversations should not be less than 15 minutes.

You should not use your mobile phone in places with poor reception, while searching for an operator. At this point, the radiation power is amplified.

When talking, the phone should not be brought too close to the ear, it is better to keep it at a distance. Texting is safer for the ear than talking on the phone.

Wireless communication amplifies the level of exposure. You should use less wireless technology. Children should not be allowed to constantly use a mobile phone.

Persons suffering mental disorders, epilepsy, sleep disorder, low mental performance is not recommended to use a cell phone.

In case of ear pain, it is recommended to use headphones for the phone, speakerphone. It is preferable to choose overhead headphones that completely cover the auricle.

Microscopic headphones in the ear, a headset for the phone, can themselves become a source of problems. If the earpiece is incorrectly installed, it becomes difficult to remove it from the ear.

Self-extraction of the device is accompanied by trauma to the auditory canal, which may be quite sufficient to penetrate into skin covering fungus, its active reproduction.

Medical statistics show that in almost 30% of patients with a fungal infection of the outer and middle ear, the cause of the infection was the use of headphones for the phone.

Watch the video: Harm from a mobile phone

Health - Very Very Important Tips

Hold the cell phone to the LEFT ear.

Don't drink coffee more than once a day.

Do not take the tablets with cold water.

Do not eat after 5 pm.

Minimize fatty foods.

Drink more water in the morning and less in the evening.

Stay away from cell phone chargers.

The best time to sleep is from 10 pm to 6 am.

Do not immediately lie down at bedtime if you have taken the medicine.

Do not use a cell phone if the charging only shows one bar, because

that in this case, the level of radiation from the phone is 1000 times higher.

Send this message to those who you ROAD .

Health juices

Carrot + Ginger + Apple - Supports and cleanses your immune system.

Apple + Cucumber + Celery - Prevents cancer, reduces cholesterol levels, relieves indigestion and headaches.

Tomato + Carrot + Apple
Improves skin color and eliminates bad breath.

Hot pepper + Apple + Milk
- prevents bad breath and reduces fever.

Orange + Ginger + Cucumber - Improves the color and moisture of the skin and reduces the temperature.

Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon
Removes excess salts, nourishes bladder and kidneys.

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi
- Improves skin color and moisture.

pear and banana
- regulates blood sugar levels.

Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango
- Increases internal body heat, resistance to toxins, lowers blood pressure and fights overall body oxidation.

Grapes + Watermelon + Milk
Vitamin C + Vitamin B2 which increase cellular activity and enhance the body's immunity.

Papaya + Pineapple + Milk
- Vitamins C, E, Iron. Improves skin color and metabolism.

Banana + Pineapple + Milk
Rich in vitamins with nutrients, prevents constipation.

Below are drawings of the human foot and palm with the most sensitive points for each organ. That is, if problems arise with a particular organ, you can do acupressure.

...Drink water on an empty stomach

Today it is very popular in Japan to drink water right after waking up every morning. Moreover, scientific tests have confirmed this procedure. Instructions for this method are included below. The technique cures the following diseases with a 100% guarantee:

headache, joint pain, heart disease, arthritis, palpitations, epilepsy, obesity, asthma, meningitis, kidney disease, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, diabetes, constipation, eye disease, uterine disease, cancer and ear disease, throat, nose.

Treatment method

1. In the morning after waking up, drink 4 glasses of water, 160 ml each (before brushing your teeth)

2. Brush your teeth, but do not eat or drink for 45 minutes.

3. After 45 minutes, you can have breakfast in the usual way.

4. After breakfast, lunch or dinner, do not drink or eat anything for 2 hours.

5. For elderly or sick people who cannot drink 4 glasses of water at a time, you can start with a lower dose and gradually increase to the recommended amount.

1. High blood pressure - 30 days

2. Gastritis - 10 days

3. Diabetes - 30 days

4. Constipation - 10 days

5. Cancer - 180 days

6.TB - 90 days

7. Patients with arthritis should follow this technique for 3 days in the first week, and starting from the second, every day.

This technique has no side effects, however, at the beginning of treatment, the number of urination may increase.

It will be better if you continue this procedure even after the treatment and make it the norm of your life.

Drink water and stay healthy and active.

Important detail . The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with meals (rather than cold water). It's time to adopt this habit from them. We will only win.

We explain for those who like to drink cold drinks with meals.

Cold water reduces the absorption of food, as foods containing fats thicken.

In other words, fats in a liquefied state react with oxygen faster and are better absorbed by the intestines than if you drink cold drinks with food. Accordingly, fats are not deposited under the skin, and the likelihood of cancer is reduced tenfold.

A serious note about heart attacks: You should know that not all heart attacks are accompanied by pain in the left side of the chest.

Be careful with intense pain in the upper or lower jaw.

Nausea and profuse sweating are also symptoms of this disease.

60% of all people who have had this seizure experience it in their sleep and never wake up.

Chest pain can cause you to scream in your sleep and wake you up. This is also a symptom of an impending problem. Do not ignore such body signals.

Cardiologists say that if you send this letter to your friends, you will save the life of at least one person.